#We live in different towns idk the name of my mayor or any of his kids
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rooolt · 1 year ago
most unrealistic part about npmd is that 1) all of these teenagers know the name of the mayor of their town and 2) him being the mayor brings his daughter any amount of notoriety or popularity
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vxvxan · 4 years ago
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𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚒'𝚖 𝚗𝚘 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍  /  welcome aboard, vivian yu, student #34. we are excited to set sail with you !  has anyone told you that you look like park sooyoung? according to our records, you hail from las vegas nevada, usa, prefer she/they, are demigirl, and are here to study communications. we also see you received a spot on the ss university because of your money — we won’t tell anyone. during your first few weeks here, other students said you were  + bright, + cunning, but also - manipulative. it sounds like you spend most of your time at the high sea grill. upon checking your luggage, we noticed you packed your grandfather’s military pocketknife. hopefully your roommates don’t steal it!
hi it’s nia <3 this is my second muse vivian and i apologize soooo much in advance. lmao. their bio and info is below the cut. please like and im me to plot i am so so excited to bring u this angst bitch
vivian grew up in las vegas. they were born to not one, but two politicians. their mother was a state representative and their father was mayor of their town. ever since she was a kid, vivi was forced to spend her free time at donor events, fundraisers, and shuffled around at various events for causes around the city. everyone in town knew vivian by name and face. people sucked up to her: neighbors, teachers, law enforcement, anyone hoping to get ahead by way of her parents’ favor. it gave her a heightened sense of importance that quickly got to her head. 
by the time she was a preteen, vivian believed herself to be above the law and above those around her. by age 14, her father was running for governor and her mother held ambitions of working on a national level in washington dc. an only child with her parents both busy and in the public eye, vivi had absolutely no one to turn to. in her mind, no one would understand her, anyway. once she was 15-16, she was hanging out with an older crowd, skipping school, sneaking out and getting drunk to see if anyone at home would notice  ( they didn’t. )  her folks didn’t take notice of vivi’s bad behavior until her actions began affecting them politically. you couldn’t run a campaign on ‘safe cities’ when your daughter was being brought home by police at night and found lingering around sketchy clubs on the vegas strip. 
trigger warnings in next paragraph: drugs, drug overdose, death
vivian’s mind began to be wired in a really terrible way: the more trouble she got into, the more her parents seemed to notice she existed. maybe they were screaming at her, but they were communicating with her. and that was more than she’d had before. one night at a fundraiser, vivi met a boy who was a fellow politician’s kid. he invited her to a back room with a few other teens where she was introduced to cocaine. unfortunately, vivi became hooked right away. over time, she found comfort with drugs and with this group of teens; the only people who seemed to understand her and care about her. a few months later, she was at a party with this boy and their friends when he overdosed in front of her. his death profoundly affected vivi. she became even more withdrawn, talked to almost no one, and was cruel and cold whenever she did. after nearly being disowned by her parents for the overdose incident, vivi agreed to go to rehab. once she was out, they were sent away to live with their uncle in boston, massachusetts, so vivi couldn’t mess up their politics anymore. she stopped looking for attention from her family and instead wanted nothing to do with them.
( triggers over ) 
in boston, vivi attended public school. quickly she fell into her old ways, getting caught up with a bad crowd, ignoring school and rules, and partying constantly. at school, she met a kind student named harper and was very drawn to her. the girl was so good and everything vivian wasn’t. vivi knew she had absolutely no business getting involved with someone so pure and kindhearted, but she couldn’t help herself. harper was ... different somehow. for the first time, vivian fell in love and felt love. the two dated and vivi really thought she could be a good person with her girlfriend’s influence. however, the school year ended, vivi was shipped off to boarding school by her parents, and she regressed all over again. knowing the path she was on and knowing her girlfriend deserved much better, vivian cheated on her right away and broke things off. ever since then, vivi has cheated on every single person she’s ever dated and maintained fierce independence and selfishness. 
other info:  vivian may look poised and sweet from time to time, but don’t let it fool you. it’s her political upbringing that allows her to put on a faux aura of compassion and authority. vivi is still the same mess they have always been. they will be a bitch form time to time. they take kindness as an insult and as a method for someone to get something from her. it’s not her fault, really. it’s how she was taught. they’re impulsive, stubborn, ruthless, and self-destructive. they are very very intelligent and could do something with their life, if they ever learned to channel her good qualities. vivian just doesn’t know they exist. vivian is bisexual with a strong leaning towards women, but who knows ?  putting her into a box would be impossible. she’s an entp, virgo, chaotic neutral if any of that means anything to you. <3 
if you like this i will im you to plot !!  i’m soooo excited to bring vivi to yall and excited to see if she grows up or changes at all here lol
wanted connections ?? i am so open to anything don’t feel limited by these, but here are so ideas to help us: 
a former best friend who vivi fucked over
someone vivi started getting feelings for and then abandoned
friends with benefits
even better, enemies with benefits
someone vivi cheats on for exams, homework, etc.
someone vivian has a soft spot for but won’t admit 
someone vivi is super protective of  &  will fight over
partners in crime  ( warning u have to be ready to commit real crimes lol ) 
??? idk literally whatever ?? ?
angsty drama
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oveliagirlhaditright · 4 years ago
What are your favorite KH headcanons? Just in general, nothing specific :)
It’s funny... I can think of headcanons when I’m writing or whatever--or just at the spur of the moment--but when asked for them, they all disappear from my mind. Uhh... let’s see what I can come up with.
Because Kairi has had a different hairstyle that every year that we see her, I headcanon that she changes her hair every year.
I also headcanon her birthday is September 17th (the day KH1 was released in the U.S. This is also SoKai Day), since Sora’s birthday is the day of the Japanese release and because it makes Kairi a Virgo. She somewhat reminds me of a Virgo. And apparently an Virgos and Aries (which Sora is) can be good together, so...
I imagine that Riku is rich, just because he has a balcony in the KH manga. So is Kairi, for being the adopted daughter of the mayor in my mind (I get into that just below). Sora, however, is probably middle class. For this reason, hangouts with the three usually happen at Kairi or Riku’s house. But sometimes Sora’s still... And these three totally snuck into each other’s houses after dark--through bedroom windows--all the time, and no one can tell me any differently.
And, like most of the fandom does, I headcanon that Destiny Islands’ mayor is Kairi’s adopted father... even though that’s never exactly said. It’s said that the girl who arrived during the meteor shower was at the mayor’s house, but that could have just been for the time and she eventually got relocated somewhere else. But nah. I also headcanon that the mayor adopted her.
I like my headcanon of Xion liking doilies for some reason.
And my one about Roxas being able to cook, too.
For some reason, I adore the idea that Riku can’t cook to save his life.
I also don’t think that Sora is dumb, and I’ll fight people on this. And at this point, I’m kind of stealing another’s headcanon... but I like the idea that Donald and Goofy teach Sora school things he’s missing on their travels together.
I can also get into the headcanon that Sora’s dad passed when he was young (sadly). Since we hear him mentioned in BbS, but don’t hear him calling Sora to dinner alongside Sora’s mother in KH1 or anything like that. 
I definitely headcanon that there are a few islands on Destiny Islands--since it’s Destiny Islands plural--but that they’re probably small, so that the kids still feel “trapped there”.
I imagine that Sora and Riku’s parents put up some of the Play Island stuff absent in Dark Road.
Until proven otherwise, because of the character files, I’m headcanoning that Roxas, Lea, Xion, Isa, and Naminé are all living together now (with Lea and Isa acting as their parents). Probably in the Old Mansion that they fixed up. But on the flip-side of that, I think that Sora and Kairi’s parents accepted their kids’ Nobodies and Replicas as their own, and they sometimes stay there.
I also want to pretend that Isa made a bigger effort to make things up to Roxas and Xion.
I actually don’t think Naminé would jump on the drawing train as most fans seem to think she would. Rather... since drawing is actually tied to traumatic memories for her, I think she’d want to get as far away from it as she could at first. And it would take her friends showing her that she could make good memories with it too, that would finally make her an artist.
Terra and Aqua came from other worlds than the Land of Departure (and how I wish we’d get information on that!). Right now--even though it’ll never happen in a million years, since this series isn’t even Disney--I’m writing that Aqua is originally from “Antar” from the Roswell series, but that’s more fanfiction territory. More likely than not, I want to believe that Terra and Aqua are from worlds that fit their names.
Strelitzia is bisexual. I don’t care that Player canonically is a guy at this point, thus probably making her het. Shh.
Speaking of bisexuality... I think that Sora is. I could maybe even headcanon Riku as that now.
Naminé would totally wear baby blue, if Nomura ever lets her get another outfit.
Xion probably eventually picks up some artsy thing that she can do too, to better fit in with Kairi, Naminé, and Aqua. In the novels, she wanted to make a lucky charm but didn’t know how to. So I can see it.
I don’t think this is a headcanon, so much as it is canon that we haven’t seen yet (since Nomura has slightly talked about this in interviews, even if he’s never going to do anything with it now). Rinoa exists in the KH universe. And it’s because something happened to her during the fall of Radiant Garden--that Leon really is beating himself up about--that he changed his name. And it’ll only seeing her alive and well again, that will get him to change his name back. And he eventually will (or maybe even has in my headcanon). And, yes: the letter he got in the KHII credits was totally from her, telling him that she was alright. Rinoa is also why he has wings on the back of his jacket.
Yuna, Rikku, and Paine aren’t actually tiny fairies, but Maleficent turned them into that... And this is so I can ship KH Tidus and Yuna, yeah. But I swear if you listen to one of Rikku’s lines, it sounds like she might be implying this.
While I think originally, it was Aerith that Cloud was trying to save in KH1 (...for some reason. Since she’s fine in the KH verse), fans have now convinced me that it was actually Zack, so I hope we eventually get the FFVII characters in KH’s story eventually resolved.
Some people argue that all of Traverse Town with the TWEWY characters was a dream--or maybe it’s that they argue Joshua saving his friends through Sora and Riku’s help was the dream--but in my book, it totally happened.
Naminé is an honorary member of the Destiny Trio and Sea Salt Trio.
Kairi and Naminé see each other as sisters, and Sora, Roxas, and Ventus (and Vanitas, if he ever comes back and is redeemed) see each other as brothers. But Sora and Roxas miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight slightly see themselves as more closely linked brothers, and same thing with Ventus and Vanitas.
I also see Xion as a third sister for Kairi and Naminé. Most of the fandom disagrees with this. And I understand why. Most of the fandom sees her as Sora’s sister (and maybe even then sistered to the other boys. And sometimes I now do this--sort of because of peer pressure--but I’ll also have her be a shared sister between the boys and Kairi and Naminé, even though Sora and Kairi themselves aren’t “related”. But I hate that when I do this, it ruins my RokuShi dreams. So it’s probably part of the reason that I usually don’t). But I still see Xion as closer to Kairi than Sora. I know she was supposed to be a Sora clone (but it didn’t really work and she was a failed clone of him), but she mostly defined by his memories of Kairi. And that’s who she chooses to be and how she sees herself. But people then argue that it’s Sora’s memories of Kairi, though, not Kairi herself. And I get that.... But I still think she’s closer to Kairi. Why? Because Sora was actively trying to make her Kairi. And I’m sure some of himself slipped into there, as parts of a writer--so to speak--shows up in all their work, whether they intended it or not. But for example... let’s say that Sora hates chocolate and Kairi loves it. Since he was trying to make Xion like Kairi, he would therefore have her like chocolate, even though he hated it. So that’s one more point for Xion moreso being like Kairi in my book. I also... when I first played Days, she reminded me a lot of Kairi, partly because of some of her snarky lines. It’s only recently that I’ve looked at Days and seen some Sora in her--and realized that also could have partly come from him--but I still stand by what I said.
And while we’re on the subject... after everyone got their own hearts and bodies at the end of KHIII, I don’t think pairings like RokuShi or RokuNami, or whatever else would be insert of self-cest at all. Really, I don’t ever think it was. Because KH rules state that it’s your heart and how you see yourself that governs everything around you... but especially not after KHIII resolved this. So it kind of ticks me off when people still bring up this argument.
Because this plot hole bothers me... Kairi totally remembered Merlin when she trained with him in KHIII.
Most the rest of these will probably be about Kairi. Since you all know she’s my girl, and I think about her a lot.
I pretend that Kairi did somewhat have an edgy stage, and still somewhat is. Maybe because I somehow combine that with tomboy in my head. IDK. Speaking of--though not that this is really “edgy”--I’ve written that Kairi likes Queen at least twice. Just pretend that Destiny Islands has Queen. Haha.
I also believe that even after Kairi became more girly in KHII, she still has some tomboy to her: like how even though she wears a dress in KHII, she still has sneakers on, and how her school bag isn’t decorated at all when Selphie’s is. She’s also a fighter, of course (not that that necessarily makes a girl a tomboy -looks at Buffy-). I imagine out of the three, Naminé is the girliest, Kairi is a mix of tomboy and girly-girl, and Xion is a tomboy. 
I think Kairi, Naminé, and Xion would all have great relationships with each other. Naminé and Xion, because they both know what it’s like to be “Nobodies” , told they shouldn’t exist, and forgotten (Kairi knows this, too), and have suffered (though Kairi has too, of course). They’re also both slightly shier. Kairi and Xion because they both can be snarky (though Xion not as much), are more outgoing and both fight, and are maybe pretty evenly matched right now (they’d probably spar a lot). And Kairi and Naminé, because they’re like the extroverted and introverted version of each other. And I imagine Kairi could convince Kairi to try things more, while Naminé would get her to chill the F out about things.
Kairi and Xion are probably both protective of Naminé, since she’s been so abused and they can fight and she can’t.
Sora, Roxas, and Ventus might be protective of Xion. But for me, Roxas is because of shipping reasons.
Back to the girly-girl Kairi thing... While pink probably is for sure her favorite color now, she still likes purple and other colors. And will use them.
I also just... don’t see her wearing makeup. I know other fans do, and that’s fine. But I don’t. Mainly because it doesn't look like she ever is in the game. I think that’s part of her tomboy coming through still. She cares about her hair, her clothes, perfume and whatever else, but she doesn’t care about makeup.
I used to headcanon that Aqua and Xion would become best friends--and they still could--but Melody of Memory maybe hinted at something else.
...I think this is everything right now.
Edit: And pretty much every headcanon that bluerosesburnblue comes up with for the KHUX world is right up my alley.
Edit 2: Destiny Islands maybe isn’t as technologically un-advanced as I and some had originally thought, but it’s still not modern day Shibuya or anything like that.
Edit 3: A lot of Destiny Islands’ culture is based on Japan.
Edit 4: This isn’t a “headcanon” at all. But I love to joke with the fandom, that Naminé and Xion might as well be Sora and Kairi’s daughters. LOL
Edit 5: And because of that one scene in KHII, where Kairi, arguably, hits Riku in the arm, if you look close enough--and that one translation of the KHII manga, where Kairi tells Riku not to be such sourpuss--I headcanon that these two somewhat play off just how much they mean to each other. But really, they love each other of course. I mean that platonically.
Edit 6: And I want to believe Minnie and Daisy could eventually go on an adventure with Kairi or something. I like the headcanon that Daisy’s a magician, too--since Minnie is strong with light magic--even though it’s not true. Haha.
Edit 7: Sora says Kairi’s name over and over again at the end of KHI and tells her “I love you” at the end of KHIII.
Edit 8: Riku is Sora’s best man at Sora and Kairi’s wedding. He’s also the “uncle” and godfather of their kids. 
Edit 9: Speaking of, Sora and Kairi have a daughter named “Sakura”. But it’s pronounced like how you would say “Sum” (but drop the “M”, of course) and then “Cora”. “Sumcora” (but without the “M”).
Edit 10: Kairi’s a Disney princess.
Edit 11: Max Goof exists in the KH universe, as do the Three Caballeros, who Donald is friends with.
Edit 12: Terra and Naminé are friends.
Edit 13: This is completely unoriginal--and just “Riku” backwards--but in fics, I often call Riku Replica “Ukir” (I pronounce it “You-Kai-Err”, because I’m too lazy to come up with anything else and don’t want to steal other people’s ideas. And Repliku probably did want to be the opposite of Riku, so... -shrugs-
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ivycrossing0101010 · 5 years ago
100 Days to Animal Crossing Challenge!
In the spirit of the countdown to New Leaf (remember when? :’) ), and to help  wile away the days, here’s 100 questions for every day until New Horizons is here! Enjoy!
1. Do you prefer making up a new name for your villager, or using your own name? I always name my villager after myself. I go for the immersion!
2. Do you use the first map you’re given, or do you reset for layouts? I used to reset for layouts, until I started hacking. In New Horizons, I'll just be resetting for fruit!
3. Do you use the face you’re given, or do you wait for guides and choose your favourite? I would look for guides. Even with hacking, it's easier to just start with the face you want.
4. Favourite town/island name?/Have you a name picked out for your town/island? My favorite town name that I've seen so far is Lunaire. I don't want to share my town name just yet. It's nothing revolutionary or anything but its personal I guess?
5. Will you be sharing with friends/family, or is your island going to be all your own? I will be having my own island! My husband will have his own island as well. He says we'll spend most of our time in my island though lol
6. What’s a new feature you’re excited about? T E R R A F O R M
7. Favourite fruit? Peaches!
8. Least favourite fruit? Pears!
9. Favourite area? (Beach, campground, shopping district etc, from any entry in the series.) My favorite place was the wishing well in ACPG. So cute and sweet. As much as I loved the plaza in ACNL, it's got nothing on the original!
10. Where do you like to like to put your house? Do you like that level of customization, or do you prefer to have some things decided, like in older entries? I like to put my house near waterfalls, its relaxing and good for fishing! I could never get my house near the water in older games, so it was a nice change in ACNL.
11. Favourite grass pattern? Personally, I never really notice the grass patterns!
12. Least favourite grass pattern? See #11 :v
13. Favourite villager/s? My fav villagers are Skye and Punchy 💕
14. Least favourite villager/s? I hate Elise the Monkey
15. Did you like doing Tom Nook’s chores, or did you find those to be a pain? I used to find them a pain as a kid but I miss them now. It was so much more engaging!
16. Favourite NPC/s? My fav would have to be KK. He's such a cool dude, he's just full of nostalgia for me.
17. Least favourite NPC/s? I don't really have a least favorite? I guess Katie's mom, her lipstick is tacky imo
18. Do you use paths? Are you excited about the new path tool? With hacking, I use clover paths so they're easier to see on the editor. I can't wait to have real paths, though!
19. Favourite feature from an older entry? The festivities! The neighbors were so much more engaged in ACPG, ACNL is sorta boring in comparison.
20. What was your first Animal Crossing game? My first was ACPG, the gamecube one!
21. Favourite activity (fishing, bug catching, fossil hunting, other)? Fishing was always exciting AND relaxing for me
22. Least favourite activity? Fossil hunting, but only because I don't get immediately results and I'm impatient lol
23. Favourite bug? Even though I don't like these irl, snails hehe
24. Least favourite bug? Scorpions and tarantulas, only because I've almost never encountered them in ANY game
25. A quarter of the way there! How’s the wait? Agonizing
26. Favourite fish? It's not actually a fish, but I like the softshell turtle!
27. Least favourite fish? The napoleon fish, that big blue one -.-
28. Favourite fossil? The ammonite!
29. Least favourite fossil? Don't really have one lol
30. Favourite furniture series? I've always liked the flower set you get from Leif and the mush set, so cute!
31. Least favourite furniture series? The holiday specific ones, they're so tacky and boring!
32. Favourite soundtrack? (Gamecube, DS/Wii, etc) Gamecube for sure
33. Least favourite soundtrack? Honestly, ACNL. Don't dig the steel drum
34. Favourite wallpaper? The ivy wall hehe
35. Do you have a nice memory of the games/community etc you’d like to share? I didn't really have too much interaction with the community until recently! I just gained a bunch of followers and it's super flattering lol I want to become more involved!
36. Least favourite wallpaper? Cheese...
37. Favourite carpet? I personally love the old board flooring, so simple and rustic!
38. Least favourite carpet? CHEESE
39. Favourite furniture item? The fairy bottle from the Welcome Amiibo update!
40. Will you be buying a Switch for Animal Crossing, or do you already have one? I'm trading in my old switch for the slick new Animal Crossing Switch!
41. Least favourite furniture item? The ultra things that you can get from Redd, so useless!
42. Favourite flower? Carnations!
43. Least favourite flower? Cosmos!
44. Favourite hybrid? Blue roses for sure
45. Least favourite hybrid? Any cosmos
46. Favourite shirt? The denim shirt, long sleeve
47. Favourite dress? I like the raincoat
48. Favourite accessory? Silver frames!
49. Favourite hat/helmet? The keroppi pins
50. Halfway there! How’s the wait going? Pretty numb!
51. Favourite shop? Dream Suite! So much fun visiting towns!
52. Do you collect amiibo cards/figures? Would you like to see them used in the new game? I have all the amiibo cards are all my fav neighbors, and about have of the total amiibo cards that exist. Idk if I'll use them right away and get all my favs or if I'll let my town naturally fill up and then switch folks out yet
53. Fishing Tourney or Bug-Off? Fishing Tourney, I like fishing more
54. Do you like making your own clothing patterns? I used to, but ACPC made me appreciate the already made in game clothes
55. Did you streetpass with many other ACNL players, or is it a feature you didn’t get much use of? I don't get much use out of it nowadays but I would always come back from conventions with a full showcase when I was younger
56. Favourite villager species? Cats!
57. Least favourite villager species? Monkeys
58. Favourite nickname from a villager? I don't really remember the nicknames I got
59. Least favourite nickname from a villager? I also always hated them!
60. Do you try to collect everything in the game, or just try to get your favourite bits and pieces? Bits and pieces for sure
61. Favourite villager personality? Normal and lazy
62. Least favourite villager personality? Jock
63. Do you “plot reset” for villager house placement, or do you let them move in wherever they want? During my first playthrough of ACNL, I didn't. Then I started doing it when I learned about it. Then I started hacking!
64. Are you excited to wear any of the new accessories (like the bags etc shown in the E3 trailer)? ACPC sorta spoiled that stuff for me, they're still very much appreciated though
65. What season are you most looking forward to seeing in New Horizons? Spring!! 🌸🌸🌸
66. What’s your favourite season? Spring again hehe
67. Least favourite season? Summer, kinda boring
68. Which game’s events/holidays do you like the most? Ones that are actually engaging with you and the neighbors
69. Which game’s events/holidays do you like least? Days like solstices, which just served as "Isabelle is unavailable" Days
70. Do you have another nice AC related memory you’d like to share (in-game, of the community, etc)? When ACPG came out, I was about 6. I had a DVD with those lame live action commercials and I was ENAMORED with them! Obsessed! I begged my parents for the game and they would hem and haw "well there's a lot of reading... you'll have to get better at reading... we won't always be able to help you read it..." and I swore up and down that I'd learn and practice reading. Obviously, nearly 20 years later, I'm still completely obsessed
71. Do you prefer the “live” versions of K.K. Slider’s Songs, or the airchecks? I like both but for different reasons. The live versions are nice and nostalgic and the air checks are closer to the aesthetic that they're actually trying to portray
72. An NPC you’d like to see more of? Farley and Serena!
73. An NPC you’d like to see less of? None in particular, everyone is pretty well designed imo
74. If you could have any piece of AC merchandise, which would it be? I once saw a cute bento box with pics from the movie, my soul died knowing I may never find it to buy anywhere
75. Only 25 days left to go! How’s the wait? Still numb!
76. Will you be downloading the game, or getting a physical copy? I'm getting a physical copy and my husband is getting a digital, so he can't be tempted to sell it!
77. Do you like coming up with your own town tune/flag, or using what the game gives you/something from a book/tv show/other game, etc? I like doing a sort of japanese "end of school" bell for my town tune, only for the town clock. Idk how I'm gonna do it in this game though...
78. Do you play every day, or every other day/when you feel like it/other? I used to play ACNL everyday, then it got a bit boring. I'm gonna play ACNH literally everyday forever lol
79. Are you the kind of person who starts over after leaving their town for a really long time, or do you try to get right back to it? I tend to restart a lot, but I recently decided to leave my ACNL town with no regrets so I hacked the crap out of it without feeling tacky or cringy
80. Do you remember how you got into the Animal Crossing series? It immediately caught my eye as a 6 year old and its had its grasp on me since
81. Do you like to make up a story for the town/character when you play, or do you just play as yourself? I play as myself but I sorta make a bunch of headcanons for myself and my neighbors and stuff to make it more interesting for me. Sometimes its embarrassing and sometimes I need to tell the people!
82. Favourite dream address / “theme” for a town (pastel, fairytale, forest, horror, etc)? My favorite town has always been Pastelia, although the mayor's name is escaping me atm >m<"
83. Do you like to have your house fully upgraded/paid off, or do you like keeping it smaller/having fewer rooms? I used to fully upgrade my house all the time but my current ACNL house only have 4 rooms and that's IT
84. Favourite hairstyle? The one with the middle split and it goes behind the ears
85. Least favourite hairstyle? The three ponytails, rip ACWW me
86. Favourite hair colour? I go either pink or my natural brown
87. Least favourite hair colour? That bright green...
88. Do you prefer wearing in-game clothes, or custom designs? In game clothes!
89. Favourite hourly track? 2 pm from ACPG
90. Just ten more days! How’re you feeling? Half paid off my new switch, so ready!
91. Least favourite hourly track? I don't think I have one!
92. Do you prefer to know all about the game before designing your town/island/house, or do you like to wing it? Bro, I've been glued to my phone since the direct came out
93.  Another nice Animal Crossing memory? ACNL came out around the time my husband and I started dating, almost exactly at the same time. Now its 8 years later, we're married, and we're gonna play another animal crossing game together finally!
94. Are you excited about same-system multiplayer? Its gonna be great for a lot of people, kinda useless for me though
95. Five more days! Are you going to trade/use amiibo to get your favourite villager, or wait for them to move in themselves/make a new favourite? I think I'll put in my 2 top favs, and then see what comes. Maybe after a few months I'll put everyone in
96.  Favourite emotion/Shrunk joke? I don't really like his jokes, but my fav emotions to use are the bashful ones
97.  Least favourite emotion/Shrunk joke? Not a fan of his dopey dance
98.  Is there a feature you’d like to add to Animal Crossing? I wanna be able to decorate for my neighbors so badly!
99.  Is there a feature you’d take away? It kinda seems like a lot of issues were solved in ACNH, I guess we'll see what's leftover as an annoying feature
100. Final day! Any more thoughts? Midnight release at my local gamestop! Gonna be there with a bunch of DOOM fans too! Can't wait!!
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glorybcrn · 6 years ago
hihi everybody !! i’m kelly ( eighteen , she/her , mst ) and uh h ... i haven’t been in the roleplaying game for a hot minute but i’m really excited to be here n get back into it ! this is my garbage son gabriel who is technically an old muse ?? ngl i’ve dragged this poor binch to hell n back so if this intro kinda funky ... that why ....... also i may or may not be running on 3 hrs of sleep jfifjnck
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◟ * ◊ ─ jason bateman + cismale + he/him » * believe it or not gabriel dombrova is working for the lothario family. they are forty seven years of age and are known to usually spend their time around city hall. the mayor, who has been a part of the alliance for sixteen years, has been living in victoria for forty seven years. the people closest to them describe the bisexual + capricorn to be driven and astute as well as reserved and unforgiving » 
— born and raised in victoria, despite not being a founding family, gabriel’s family still had relatively deep roots within the city; it was said that his great grandfather had moved here from massachusetts looking for the american dream. the patriarchal dombrova came from humble beginnings, building the family business ( a local inn ) from the ground up and over the decades it only got bigger and bigger until it had turned into the respectable hotel that it is known as today and now has multiple locations across the state of florida. naturally, his father inherited this business and his mother, on the other hand, is your typical southern belle, moved here from a small town in texas. she was a corporate lawyer ( it’s how she met gabriel’s father ) but since becoming a mother she really has had no interests in any other occupation other than trophy wife and socialite.
— to say that gabriel’s parents were old school would be putting it lightly. basically, both of his parents were deeply religious republicans and were very aware of their image as a family. they were harsh parents, extremely controlling when it came to their children’s lives but at the same time were also really emotionally absent. to this day they still believe that it was all in the name of tough love but obviously it was just emotional abuse. his father was especially hard on gabriel, he was a strong believer in physical discipline and thought gabriel to be too “soft”. he was always berating him, punishing him for petty offences, and pretty much just fostering your typical environment of toxic masculinity. though he never laid a hand on gabriel’s sister as she was what he called, “a lady” and his “pride and joy.”
— but gabriel was a good kid, he was obedient aside from stupid mistakes that kids are bound to make. he was your typical golden boy, a jack of all trades of sorts. not exceptionally good at one thing, but averagely good at a multitude of things. he was a quick learner and dedicated, anything he took a crack at, he eventually excelled in. throughout high school, he mostly kept to himself, choosing to focus on his education and after graduating valedictorian, he went to harvard where he earned his business degree. the plan was to come back to victoria, work for his father, and make his way up until he was ready to inherit the business himself.
— but while away at university, he met abigail. it was your typical whirlwind of a first love where it felt like it was just the two of you against the world. with her, gabriel experienced a sense of normalcy and sincere, unconditional love. for someone who severely lacked both up until then, maybe it wasn’t so crazy that the two decided to marry as soon as they graduated. together, they moved back to victoria to start their lives. to an outsider, gabriel’s life had seemingly always been perfect, envy-worthy. with a renowned and respected family, a successful business, the perfect wife, and now, a baby on the way too, it’s no wonder he’d been chosen by the lothario’s to be their candidate as mayor.
— his connection with the alliance started out small; the hotel business had been in a rough spot for a couple of years and out of nowhere, they seemed to have just come in at the right time, saving the day. he could be on their payroll all for the price of a few, teensy favours. favours such as his hotel being used as refuge for some of their men, a place of business when needed, and gabriel refusing to be a failure, especially in his father’s eyes, easily succumbed to their offer. 
— of course, gabriel’s family has no idea about the real root of his sudden interest in politics, much less how the family business has managed to be so successful still despite his now even busier schedule. and as a result, his relationship with his wife and children have deteriorated over the years. it began as a defense mechanism, intentionally distancing himself from his loved ones as a way to protect them. and while his children maybe the one last soft spot gabriel has left, his sudden absence as a father has definitely put a strain on his relationship with them. however his relationship with his wife seemed to suffer even more, things between the two of them are definitely not how they once used to be. they’re cold to one another and see each other more so as strangers rather than husband and wife. unfortunately, a divorce doesn’t exactly fit into the white picket-fence image gabriel had so carefully curated over the years. 
— after decades of playing different facades, gabriel’s definitely lost a sense of his true self, or maybe it’s just fully gone. he used to be this really compassionate and benevolent person who always prioritized family over anything. it’s why ( at least this is what he tells himself ) he initially risked getting into business with the alliance in the first place, but now, he really only pretends to be those things to get the people to like him. he can be incredibly charming when he wants to be but it’s all just so .. hollow ? if that makes sense. like, nowadays there’s rarely an ounce of honesty or sincerity in him. he’s just so consumed with being a part of the alliance, it’s all he really knows at this point.
— extremely driven and cunning, if there’s something gabriel wants, he’ll get it. even as a child, he was an over achiever and so he’s known to always come through when it’s requested of him. he’s not exactly evil .. ? but he is loyal to the lotharios. i think there’s a small part of him that hates them, hates himself, and hates what he’s doing but idk he kinda just tells that it to shut up lmao. having had to learn it as a child, he’s very good at compartmentalizing which is probably why he can play all these different roles so well without going insane dnkjds
— really reserved, tries ( and succeeds ) to put out this strait-laced and conservative image. has the ability to remain calm in any sort of situation and twist things to his advantage. like honestly ?? gabriel is probably a pr manager’s wet dream .. he just comes across as this very charming and kind man, he’s the type of politician that’ll say hi to your baby and sign its head idk
but ugh idk it’s hard to explain gabriel’s personality since he’s such an emotional mess, i would just end up rambling about the same thing over and over again if i tried to keep going so i’m gonna .. stop right now.
— personal assistant ?? someone incredibly organized and competent. this plot can range from really basic like .. yeah book my doctor’s appointment thnx to someone he’s actually pretty close to ? maybe he doesn’t even realize it, idk. like we can literally do wtvr w this, so !
— other members of the alliance, could be just someone he’s acquainted with or knows well and works pretty close with.
— if you have any muses involved with politics or managing ? his campaign manager or just anyone who worked on his campaign. like w the personal assistant we can .. go basic or brazy w this.
— love interests ? doesn’t have to be ~romantic~ per se .. but idk like affairs ig ?? cause .. gabe’s not perfect, rip. but he is careful so it wldn’t be like .. smth messy or if it was he’d prob make certain measurements after. idk what that means exactly dnjsnsdjk just tryna not get caught uk … or even something as small as flirtationships !
ok these all suck bc gabe is….. emotionally dead inside cnjdsnksnjd but ! obv tht can change per circumstance n whatever so pls .. feel free to mssg me whenever if u have any ideas !!
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majorxsportyxboy · 6 years ago
Lazytown Season 1 Episode 2, Defeeted: The Rewatch
aleardy had his table down and ready to go
there was actually a little creaky sound when him stretched
is that a ball or an egg he just produced from nowhere and kickflipped into the wall
he sticks a dry toothbrush in his mouth with no toothpaste on it. not just in this episode either like it’s routine with him. ( i mean obviously it would look even weirder otherwise tbh but STILL )
once again, he did not put his seatbelt on. a headcanon waits hesitantly in the wings.
i’m so stupid because it took me til like midway season two...when the themesong goes “with Pixel, Stingy, and Trixie, too” Trixie's holding a marker and standing in front of a poster of the mayor. The poster has a mustache and beard on it and for a long time i was just like ‘‘does he have facial hair in the show??? No??? why does the poster???” and then i finally Realized and yeah jsyk i’m an absolute dumbass there we have it
“I know someone who can help” you can say his name mayor. Stephanie know him too mayor. why you being this way mayor.
i love how none of the proposed backstories actually fit with what’s presented in the show, not even the entire pilot episode. amazing.
mail tube is different
“I can allways count onn SporTaCus” always. always implies recurrence. the mayor has counted on him before and apparently last year Sporp taught the kids to play baseball but that can’t have been pre-series because Sporp had only ‘heard of Lazytown before’ and the mayor had never met him but if it’s post-pilot that means there’s been an entire year of Sporp coming to Lazytown that we don’t actually get to see and Stephanie is actually on her second year in Lazytown as of this episode. The lack of any of the kids thinking Sporpy Thoughts would be suspect if it wasn’t common practice for them to completely forget everything he’s taught them the second he leaves. It’s an uncomfy fit but i GUESS
 Eefrow decal!
Sporp managed not to say “I’ve got mail”
He looks so concerned
I got so used to the cartoony eyebrows on him that it’s weird to see him without them
also it looks like his whiskers change over the course of the series too
“I need your help. - The Mayor” first of all i love that this is what correspondence between these two looks like there’s just something hilarious about it idk
“This Must Be Important” ohh Sporty Sporty Sporty
the little noise when he :}D and shrugs at his own self omg he’s tinkerbell
still didn’t put the seatbelt on
apparently he calmly parks the airship and then just materializes outside of it like he’s been shot from a canon
“Mister Mayor” aw
No but in this episode sport just looks like he has the mother of all fevers tho Sporp are you okay? all of your blood is in your face. 
him asking about floods and fires could get a pass bc okay maybe he thinks one of the houses had a pipe bust and they called him instead of a plumber, or maybe there was a little kitchen fire and they called him instead of a fireman, but earthquake...that’s...that’s real solid guess sporky
does he just really want to do some major superhero stuff is that it
that “WHAT” on “no one wants to go outside and play” his whole face. he’s so offended.
this poor put-upon elf
wait he says “I’m declaring Sportacular Spectacle Day...Today” does that mean this is a new holiday he just invented? still doesn’t take care of the ‘last year’ comment but hmmmmm
Sporp sounds so freaked out when he’s saying he better go practice like i think the mayor straight up scared him XD
Good-For-Nothing, Warm-Hearted, Generous, Healthy Quack Meter: 1
Sportakook meter: 3
“This was my favorite day before Sportakook came to town” I feel like this could be a highly multipurpose meme like “This was my favorite _____ before ______”??
“The Town Hero will be the Town Zero” HERO TO ZERO IN NO TIME FLAT
why is every machine in this show the thus-and-such xthousand like
“Hippety Hop Hippety Hop Sportacus (HE SAID HIS NAME RIGHT) is going to Flop!” is this the origin of Sportaflop
“Too Loony, Too Moony...Puny...”
Stephanie: “So every year, Sportacus does a special stunt” Pixel: “Exactly, on the Sportacular Spectacle Day” Mr. Scheving I just want to talk. None of these kids had heard of Sportacus? Before Pilot? Stephanie was the first to find out about him? And now she? is having to ask the other kids? About Sportacus? MR SCHEVING ARE YOU SURE
i  counted and there are like around 40+ houses on the Lazytown map so unless they’re all abandoned there’s like a bunch of people in Lazytown who i guess were just like “Elf? In this town? Not  for me thanks” and they just hide during the episodes
Sporp, after one success: “I’m ready” yeah u only need to do something right one time before performing it in front of spectators u don’t have to make sure u can do it right every time or anything
Robbie: “My name is Rob U. Blind” Sporp, thinking: “I trust him”
ngl when Robbie poured that stuff on Sporp’s shoes Sporp actually did look in that moment like he could kill a man. the entire time the shoes were being cleaned i swear he was really fighting the urge to snap. he looked so tried X’D
Sporty those fake shoes don’t even really look like your real shoes baby come on
He’s so mad he doesn’t even say bye he just hops in the shoes and leaves
Robbo just called him Sportacus again what
“Are ya nervous?” “Ummmm....just a little bit” i love him. so much.
Where’s Mr. Scheving’s Oscar for acting like he can’t control his leggies the  floppy sporp acting is a sportacular spectacle in itself amazing standing ovation robbie this is cruel
“My feet are going cuckoo” is that how you would describe it sportacus
Boy has to be exhausted after this im surprised he didn’t start hollering for an apple at some point
Between this and the scrapped Lazydance i can only assume that they were determined to get rid of any suppositions the audience might have had about Sporp’s invincibility as quickly as humanly possible. like “okay, Pilot’s done. Now let’s immediately let Robbie Wreck Him”
“In front of the kids”
love how they all sit there and stare at him the whole time while he’s looking like “hjálp!"
i mean to their credit they did all offer suggestions while staring at him
bless him he just looked at his foot and went “STAY”
*after watching him suffer for a couple minutes* “was that part of his act?” “no, something’s really wrong” “.......okay let’s go help him!” these kids are my reason for living
he’s still yelling at his feet to stay
so much of this song consists of the kids just climbing sporp like he’s a cat-tree. it’s adorable.
i still don’t know how walking on hands overrides the uncontrollable feets but ALRIGHT SPORTY YOU DO YOU
what is Robbie even saying right here?
Whatever He called him just then meter: 1
Robbie keeps saying Sport’s name right in this episode and i’m uncomfortable with this
this man backbends sm when he handstand that ain’t right dude how have you not hurt yo self at this point
“Wonderful. Now go join the circus” I can’t believe Robbie just murdered him onstage in front of everyone
Robbie dude youre enjoying this just a liiiiiiiitle bit Too Much
“I can stand still!” the only time in Sporp’s life he’s excited to say that
“But where are my shoos” BOY
this Bing Bang. oh muy gud. oh muy gud  it’s PURE
sporp keeps looking at stephanie like he hasn’t actually learned this dance yet is this partial remnants of lazydance or
this one didn’t end in Robbie’s lair like usual
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lovelylovelyartist · 8 years ago
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isaacathom · 7 years ago
like, if i were to basically redo it to just be a fun fantasy romp - id take it back to its original sort of time setting rather than having it be urban fantasy. Finley died in an expedition about 10 years earlier, making Crystal and Akian into orphans. theyve basically been living with the D’Lore’s since then, so Akian and Chase being really fucking close makes complete sense (and was likely why they started living wit the d’lores in the first place). in that last decade, like 5 yearsago or so, SKye joins the family after the whole uhhhhh Sorix/Naten situation. my poor boys. so crystal and skye already know each other. they arent super close, mostly because skye’s a moody lil bitch sometimes, but they know each other and are passing friends. crystal works with the d’lore’s apothecary, since the d’lores are like, biiiiiiiig boys. mayors or some shit. big boys. not a king, tho. well, actually, maybe? that could be interesting. or perhaps like a pricipality sorta deal. ill think about it.
since the d’lores are royalty here, kidnapping Akian and Chase (the crown prince boy and his gf) makes complete sense. theyre a perfect ransom and way tohold the entire city/region hostage. its a crisis. skye and crystal, who are really pissed about it, decide to take proactive action. which brings them into contact with Violet, who runs a small library with her “aunt”, Dawn. Violet helps them find some information about some of the weird shit the two reported seeing before their sibs were kidnapped, and gives them a shit ton of advice on what they could do. because violet is the best.
smth smth happens, they come into contact with Will, who is an expedition man just like Finley, and also the guy with th complex relationship with Skye. the three manage to convince Will to take them along into his second trip into a portal he’s discovered north of the town, because violet thinks it’ll have useful info and then begs to come along to see it. sothe 4 go in. suhbitch, its the heaven realm, and here they meet Skye’s mother, Alexa, who has still been dead for 200 years because, lets be clear, Skye’s dad fucked a ghost. fucking crazy. fantasy is wild. and she helps give them some pointers. maybe suggests they head to Quartai, which is the Big Boy Kingdom. a probably more overtly magical/religious place, more info on Ryaris and shit, stuff like that.
the 4 go there. then im not sure how stuff resolves from there. they probably still end up heading to the southern isles, which is an even more Big Magic place that has all these portals. in between then, violet seems to disappear, following an(other) encounter with Princess Alara, angry wind mage of the hour. which isnt great? but thats because Violet realised something was off about Alara (in a way specific to Violet) and she went out alone after the others went to sleep to find her and demand answers, and then, well, shit escalates.
they finally get to the fire realm and find the castle. before they can sneak inside, Alara catches them and promptly kidnaps Crystal, under the rationale that, well, Crystal is actually quartaian royalty, she’ll be a good ransom as well! :) skye and will (and i guess ash if hes just floating around, i dont Know)get tossed in the jail cell with chase and akian. Violet, who has now assumed the position of Princess fucking uhhhhh she has a name. fuck. T- Tacha??? yea ok whatever. Princess Violet’s out here, trying desperately to avoid the consequences of abandoning the group and trying not to get seen by any of them. but after overhearing her mum and sister interrogating Crystal about shit (and probably revealing Crystal’s heritage at that time, tho idk how id tie that shit in proper) Violet decides to stop being a coward. easily talks her way into the jail, frees everyone, get them all their stuff back, and make arrangements with some sympathetic guards that escort the exhausted Chase and Akian to a portal that will plop them out near-ish to the capital city, where they will be quickly found. bonus points if one of the guards, being a local to the area, offers to then personally escort them to the palace and hand them over. if yes, then violet likely gives him something that is proof of divine intervention (like, a symbol that cannot be manufactured by a human? and that is proof that Ryaris was involved and has returned them, smth like that, idk)
then the three of them work together to free crystal from Alara, who is acting as the primary antagonist. Ryaris is getting cold feet like noones fucking business, which is why she hasnt made a single appearance apart from kidnapping the two at the start. Alara’s filled in the rest, in part because Alara can pass for human (shes more a demigod than a minor goddess, in contrast to Violet), and because Alara was a LOT more into the plan from the start. probably using some info they gathered in Quartai or in theheaven world (it definitely has a name, i dont remember it) to convince Alara that, well, no, Dalace is absolutely fucking lying to you, stop it. which is easier than you would think, because Dalace’s lies were revealed the instant Violet returned home.
Part of Dalace’s plan to escape from her imprisonment is to have Ryaris (and her daughter, tho that was a later addition) force a whole bunch of humans into constructing and using portals, which would weaken the seal and also give Dalace more power. then she can break out and wreak havoc. her end of the deal is that, once restored to full power and free, she would bring back Evelyn and Violet. Evelyn being Ryaris’ human wife, who died like 5-6 years prior to the start of the story, and which was actually caused by Dalace in order to force Ryaris’ hand. but that conceit was that Violet and Ryaris were both dead. But Violet is here, perfectly fine, and with 0 trace of any magical interference. Violet was been alive the entire time, just out of Ryaris’ sight and in a different place than where Alara ended up going undercover. essentially a stroke of bad luck.
so, yknow. Violet has overheard Ryaris talking to Dalace, and has already found out about the fact that her revival had been promised. so its like, ‘what proof do you have???’ ‘well, im here, arent i?’ ‘:|||||’ if its then additional that, after violet left the party, the other three found out that Dalace doesn’t have the ability to revive, and that revival as a skill would require the death of Losa (light goddess and just general death lady), they can use that too. combine forces. violet uses her knowledge of the agreement, and the others use their acquired knowledge of the limits of magic. bam. maybe even some prior history, like ‘the stories say that Dalace went mad because everything died in her care. if she could revive the dead, surely this wouldnt have been an issue?’ ‘..... fuck youre right’. i mean they almost definitely have to fight her too because Alara’s a bit of a pain in the ass. people probably almost die. hardcore.
everyone chills out, they go convince ryaris to maybe chill. thats very easy because ryaris literally just wanted to settle down with her wife and two children before shit got messy (and i mean, Same). very easy to convince her off the mess train. but, of course, she’s already done a lot of the damage. the ransom for Akian and Chase has been active for like, at LEAST a week, possibly even more, she’s already reaped a solid chunk and started making good on her promise to Dalace. so the damage has been done. Dalace will get out soon. so they decide like, ok, lets fix it. time to go like, punch her in the face.
and then they beat dalace or reseal her or something. im not sure? dalace’s issues with the world are so deeply seated, her anger so much a part of her, that you cant really turn her good again. and to kill her would be nigh impossible and extremely disastrous. so really its like. do we trap her again but More this time, do we force the gods to actually intervene this time instead of acting through Champions? its rough. a godly intervention would only work if the group had been to each of the realms, because then they’d have met or affected each god in some way. but theyve only been to light and fire worlds. any more than that and it just gets like..... convoluted...... it was the original idea but idk. smaller main cast, makes even less sense. going to the worlds of each of their patrons makes SOME sense??? which then means id need to add a trip to the earth world (perhaps this is where they go from the southern isles. since they dont have a fire portal. and then they lose violet in earht world?). which then only leaves out the water and wind worlds. but the wind goddess is explicitly on Ryaris’ side, having freed Ryaris from her own constraints after a Whole Bunch of Shenanigans. so they dont actually need to convince the wind goddess, Xen i think, to support ryaris. Caliyo, the water goddess, is a little harder to finagle. she doesnt really agree with Ryaris for what i hope are Obvious reasons. in theory keeping Ash as a member of the party would potentially fix that, since he’s an active and practicing water magician prior to meeting the cast, and it’d be fair to guess that she might have a hand in that?in the community he’s from. sort of a mini water realm? Caliyo could also possibly be convincedby like, Losa and....Elra? earth lady. to just maybe think about just fucking talking to Dalace, for fucking once. its been fucking millenia,just talk to her and maybe youll convince her to stop being a shit. idk. Dalace is complicated? and a pain in the butt.
like, if Ash remains part of the squad (which does skew the cast 2:3 male, and 1:3 male when Violet leaves, which Pisses me Off) he can act as throughline to Caliyo. i dont see why not. his community is very much magical. buuuttt you could also potentially get around having him be in the party by having the same connection be present in the Southern Isles, which is a separate magical community that hides away from the continent. and if you think about it, how would you hide an island? other than straight up illusions.mist! caliyo is a perfect patron for the southern isles, thus removing Ash from the story as well in a clean 1 2. which also removes the dragons, which is.... a shame, definitely. big fan of them. but it also makes some sense to remove super overt magic stuff, if people are supposed to believe is superstition or extremely rare. a northern tribe that rely on dragons doesnt gel with that. they can still exist, i guess, but as a completely separate entity. though that does then raise the question of how the party of 4 get from Quartai to the southern isles. in SB, they flew there on the backs of some of Ash’ dragons, which also allowed them to cross the fucking sea between the isles and the coast. unless theres a secret way? like, hey, a secret bridge. use the portals to return back to the capital city, tie up some loose ends (employment and ‘WHERE THE /FUCK/ HAVE YOU BEEN?’ sorts of ends) before heading south to the coast and then trying to find the path across. Skye or will would be good for that, though Violet is also a stellar candidate due to the sheer magnitude of her magic. she’s basically a minor deity. its crazy. it depends on like, narrative usefulness? i guess? like, violet was the one who put them on the path to realise the kidnapper was Divine in some way, and put them in contact with Will. Will got them into fucking Heaven Light World, which got them to quartai, where they were able to get more info (or maybe even skip quartai altogether, tho thats smth else to deal with). so at this stage, crystal and skye’s sole contributions have been to kick the whole thing off. at best, skye mightve suggested they go to a smaller library than the Royal one, since, well, theyre already known to the royal one and the librarian likely tells them to stop bothering everyone and go back home (stay safe from kidnappers, etc). so Skye finding the path to the island, with all that light boy goodness, might work? crystals skillset can then come in handy when they travel to earth world, since she’s an earth mage. she can learn magic and possibly even learn about her heritage there. smth smth. depends how long theyre there.
idk. you can probably remove quartai from the mix altogether??? and have them go straight from Light World to heading south of the capital. does sorta remove the quartai buildup though? with the whole ‘youre the descendant of a runaway prince’ thing. since it justified crystal being removed from the group and likely the first person to find out about violet being a god, which can then feed to like. Shit. theres no other reason to separate out crystal and not, say, Skye. crystal and skye hold identical levels of relevance to thespecific kingdom theyre from. theyre commoners. crystal is in slightly higher regard because akian is practically a princess and even before that her family were good friends with the royals (because, yknow, Finley is a runaway prince who sought refuge in a neighbouring kingdom, lol). skye is just like, some guy, even though he lives in the palace too. theyre just commoners in high esteem of the king. so like, if you were going to separate Crystal out from the group for that, you should also take out Skye, which means in practice youre just chucking Will in a dungeon on his own. which just seems rude. the boy has suffered enough.
the idea was that bringing Crystal into Quartai, a place she has never been but that her father had once promised to take her to (which i can set up). and that by placing her in that environment, maybe even engineering a scenario where she is taken to the royal library (which i guess is like, a public library run by the royals? i dont know) and is spotted by Alara, who has been living in Quartai for the last year or so to gather intel. and, by the nature of how it is, theres royal paintings on the wall showing the late queen, Crystal’s grandmother, and theres an immediate visual connection. Crystal looks just like her dad. someone else (or alara, if it works) might even comment on her being new to quartai with a sort of ‘are you sure youve never been to quartai before? you look like you’d fit right in’ and it couldbe assumed as a personality thing. especially if in terms of personality, crystal doesnt appear to mesh with quartaian society at all. and if the line is by a character with no humour. which means Alara would actually be a perfect fit. it would be a genuine question and observation - Crystal looks Quartaian, whatever that means. while in quartai, they find out its connected to the earth goddess Elra, which helps convince them that they should maybe ask Elra for advice, since she seems like a goddess who has a lot of input and would know about goings on. crystal is then revealed to be an earth mage later (either southern isles or in the earth realm itself) which is like an Ooh boy. you could possibly hammer it further home by, if they DO meet Elra, her confusing Crystal for quartaian royalty. either by assuming she’s a specific Queen (her grandmother) or just a general ‘oh, youre a princess of quartai, then?’ ‘w- no?’ ‘oh? my apologies’. though if elra is going to notice any lineage she’s going to recognize the tall white haired youngster with piercing eyes and an overwhelming magical aura is the daughter of the goddess of fire. so. might distract her?i think it would be too on the nose for Elra to straight up call her out. 
though i could definitely make Crystal not looking local a thing? because she’s not. culturally she is, but both of her parents are full blooded quartaians who fled across the border because Keiran (correctly) anticipated that him marrying a commoner wouldnt go down well. Akian and Crystal both look quartaian. but they also look nothing like Will, who is from another demographic also not native to the kingdom. but his demographic is more prevalent, like there are far larger communities of them. Akian and Crystal just look out of place. Skye technically has a sort of otherworldly quality, but thats partly because his dad fucked a ghost. i cant get over that. but he still looks local enough, because he looks like his mum! and aside from being a ghost of sorts, she was from that kingdom, just 200 years in the past. so theres been drift, and he does look slightly off relative to everyone else, but to an extent you can assume thats just an individual thing. especially since his family is unknown. Akian and Crystal’s parents are known. their apperance is familiar. and that appearance is distinctly foreign. theres no real PROBLEM with that, because theyre good friends with the royal family and have been living in or near them for their whole lives, but its notably. their specific complexion, hair colour, and eye colour? not common ‘round these parts. that sorta thing? could work??? especially if relations with quartai are sorta weird. like..... we’re cool....... but also dont move here? with the exception of Kieran, because the implication is that he’d been a lot friendlier than his mother (and his cousin) and when he comes knocking on the door going ‘listen man i just fled the country can i crash on your couch with my girlfriend for a few days’ the kings like ‘yea dude go ahead. you can explain tomorrow at breakfast. just us’ ‘thanks dude i really appreciate it’. maybe its a quartaian thing. not big fans on these guys. so they just stay in their place and dont leave much. people from this kingdom can come to quartai, sure....... you cant STAY for that long, but you can come visit.......... sure.
which, if quartai is kinda.... i guess just straight up racist??? xenophobic? one or both. if quartai is straight up racist, than crystal’s appearance as a fullblooded quartaian would be quite notable! because its like, oh, youre a local! wait, y- youre NOT a local????? what the fuck do you mean youre not a local????? from - from sp- ok. sure. alright whatever you say lady. move the fuck along then. people see this ragtag group with this one quartaian lady and assume, oh, a local with some friends from out of town. well, if thats the company they want to keep, sure. cause it looks almost correct. it almost makes sense. but then you hear her speak, in a distinctly non-quartaian accent, and its like ‘hold on a sec’ but then she’ll say some words with a quartaian twang, relating to adventure, and you have No idea how to process that. what. its wild. doesnt come across in raw text but, you know.
im sure i can roughly justify going o quartai. theyre a generally more spiritual kingdom, with prominent reverence in a specific goddess who is tied in with the geography and economy (Elra), and the royal family are supposedly her descendants on some level. theyd have more specific information about the gods, the history of their involvement in the world, some shit about Dalace (not in depth, tho, just that she took over at one point and it was a Bad time). it depends how much info they can get from light realm? i mean, they arent REALLY supposed to say much. they arent even really supposed to interact with the living. which does make you go 0>0 at Alexa. hot damn. willing to break big rules for some living dick. legendary.
i mean i feel like its better if they DO go to quartai, because it allows them to encounter Alara, who has basically bribed and conned her way into a position of power through some whack shit and has integrated into the community to get some of the Juicy Information. they can meet her in a safe environment and find that she’s weird, they can learn a bit about shit, crystal being quartaian can be emphasised in a sort of coy way (im a shit writer sooo it probably wouldnt read very coy lol) and there can even be some foreshadowing for Violet’s position as minor fire deity. since thats almost definitely what catches alara’s attention. a tall, light haired individual with burning green eyes and an implaceable aura? fascinating. but when Violet doesn’t catch any of Alara’s references (to like, the gods and shit), Alara assumes she’s mistaken and perhaps she’s just sensing a strange combined aura. its not till later in the earth realm, when they meet as protagonist vs antagonist, that she realizes no, she was right on the money the first time. because at this point in the story, the main cast have actually started using magic, and theyve already found that Violet’s use of magic is effortless. and with their magic unlocked, so to speak, violet’s aura is fucking incredible. none of the others can see it, with the possibly exception of either Will or Skye, depending which way dark/light fall re: seeing shit. but Alara is an incredibly well practiced mage and demigoddess, and she knows how to see it, and violet’s is intense. its unmistakeable. alara isnt 100% sure what if she recognizes the aura, for the simply fact that violet disappeared when they were 9 and alara hadnt learnt to see/feel aura at the time. but she thinks she knows what it means. shes confident that violet is some demigod. which god? unclear. until Violet throws a fireball at her and tells her to fuck off.
the only other possible ways for violet to be a fire demigod and NOT being the daughter of Ryaris, are for her to be the daughter of Xen (goddess of wind) OR be a distant descendant of Ryaris via her mortal parent, who is also her mother, and which might overrule the godly disciple of the godly parent. the latter is nigh impossible because Ryaris has only had two children to her knowledge, unless she blacked out during 200 years exile and accidentally boned down. she’s pretty sure she didnt, though. not that thats a topic that comes up, exactly. but ryaris only has two kids. Alara has no children, and Violet is not the right age to be the daughter of Alara’s sister. she is, however, the approximate age to BE Alara’s sister. so is sheactually, or is it cosmic coincidence that two demigods (the fire/wind twins and someone else) were born around the same time? who knows! alara has no idea. violet doesnt have a damn clue either. ita rough.
uhhh this got very lost VERY fast. uhhh tl;dr return the story to its original full fantasy setting (not urban/modern fantasy). akian is the girlfriend to the prince of a kingdom, with crystal being her sister. skye being in a weird state of being commoner but living with royalty, just like crystal. akian and the prince are kidnapped by Ryaris in order to force the kingdom into an awful ransom agreement whereby they will do a bunch of suspicious shit. crystal and skye believe they saw part of the kidnapping take place, and attempt to get information. after a bunch of the royal staff tell them to stop worrying and go home, they go find a non-royal library run by Dawn and her ‘niece’ Violet, who help them find some info. Violet, being very much in the know, hooks them up with Will, an adventurer and cartographer who is planning a visit to a portal he located north of the city. after a lot of negotiating/arguing, Will agrees to let the three of them come along, and off they go. a whole bunch of shit happens, involving a trip to neighbouring kingdom Quartai, where Crystal is treated strangely in relation to the party and they first meet Alara, posing as a foreign noble who takes an immediate interest in Violet.
more shit, they end up in some hidden magic isles south of the continent, which then leads them to the earth realm, where they seek an audience with the goddess of earth Elra, on how they can get an audience with Ryaris, goddess of fire, and most likely the kidnapper. more shit. alara appears again and they have a brief confrontation. that night, violet disappears. after failing to find her, they resolve to press onwards (leaving fucking missing persons signs all over this foreign land and even informing Elra about it). go to fire realm, get captured by Alara, who separates out Crystal in order to interrogate her about her lineage to confirm a suspicion she has that Crystal is long lost quartaian royalty (si). violet is brought in to help, much to their mutual distress, and then alara kicks violet out for just doing an awful job of forcing crystal to talk.violet then breaks everyone else out of jail, sends Akian and the prince home with some guards she trusts to take them back safely, and then they go rescue Crystal. final showdown with Alara. convince alara that Dalace, goddess of darkness, has been lying out her fucking ass the entire time and cant do anything she promised. alara reluctantly agrees to confront Ryaris about it. Ryaris admits thats all true and that she knew from the start Dalace was a lying piece of shit, but, i mean...... yknow....... your wife dies and you havent seen your daughter in over a decade........ white lies are nice. also alara was the one who got sucked in. its complicated.
then they go ‘aight time to fuck with dalace’ and then i have no idea. probably all the goddesses (who theyve met throughout the story) come and tell dalace to stop being a cunt? roll credits.
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sapphirescript · 8 years ago
Found this meme things originally from This Lovely person Thought’s it’d be fun :3
1: Do you sleep on a blanket over your mattress with another blanket on top, or with just one blanket on top of you? When I freshly make a bed I will sleep ontop of a set of covers but generally I end up finding myself under all of them because pressure + warmmm. 2: Personally, what do you believe happens when a person dies? I haven’t decided 100% but I partially believe in reincarnation into similar entities ( human to human) but also maybe some kind of paradise? If not an eternal dream. 3: If faced with the opportunity, would you ever kill a criminal whom you don't know if it meant you could get anything you want in return? (Keep in mind you do not/can not know what said criminal has done to become a criminal until after you've made your decision) Nah, there’s not much I want where I am willing to take a life. And knowing my luck the “criminal” could be some guy with a parking ticket or some other stupid crime. 5: What type of art could you always appreciate but never see yourself actually doing? This is a hard one but I know there’s a few things out there I like but never really want to do... Probably those people who sculpt perfect old cars. 6: You've been given the option to choose how the human race reproduces. How would we reproduce, which sex would bare children, and how would we bare them? (Eggs, litters, etc) I would probably keep sex but both sexes have equal sets of downstairs genitals but keeping the boobs on girls thing. But instead of weird squishy eggs, people would actually have leathery snake eggs and there’d be tons of commercial products for calcium deficiency and egg candelling would be huge as well as egg painting like Easter for baby pics. And if the egg was unwanted there’d be less protest because it’s just an egg. Children would be born smaller but more independent and milk isn’t hugely necessary but can be used to feed it.  And like egg cutting is a hugely debated topic. 7: What's the weirdest thing you've ever experienced, may it be just reading about it or experiencing it in the flesh? This is really hard for me because I honestly can’t think of anything that’s struck me as weird? 8: You can choose any world to go to from any book, movie, video, fanficion, etc, and the option to become the main character. Where would you go, and would you be involved in the main story, or just watching on the sidelines? THIS ONE IS SO HARD Because like partially there’s Naruto but also there’s X-men but like also I’d want to be some kind of animal hybrid so probably something like that (furry trash). But I’m also writing a story right now that is very magical so of course I’d want to be in that world. And probably be a side character involved in the main story but like... not enough to die a tragic death xD. 9: What is one thing in this world you would get rid of if you knew it'd be erased from the entire history of the human race? Idk the crusades? Racism? Some kind of plague? Apart from terrible things that cause misery not much else. 11: You're in hell! One song is playing on repeat for eternity. What song it it? Anything by Pink Floyd probably, or Madonna.... 12: You get to create a entirely new species. Describe the name of them and what they look like. I’ve done tons of new species and none of them are particularly awe-inspiring because I just like to morph existing species around. Like giant rideable fennec foxes, or human/were-animal hybrid stuff. I don’t have anything aprticularily creative ^^;. 13: You're now allergic to EVERY animal except for one. Which animal is it? Jokes on you, I’m already allergic to most animals. But probably dogs because I own a dog. I’m not sure how I’d be allergic to snakes or fish so I’m not worried about those and cats... well that just sucks. 14: What's on your mind right now? Quitting my job, is my period leaking through right now? How much longer till life gets better, I really miss my characters that died with my old laptop and it’s art programs. I miss being creative. 15: Try and describe your closest friend in the silliest way possible. They are a precious giant jelly bean that somehow manages to out-awkward even me. (#SCRUBLORD) 16: You can stop doing one of the following-- Eating, Using the restroom, Sleeping-- without any consequences. What do you choose? Aaaah I wish I could choose all of them but probably sleeping, assuming that I can never feel tired from sleeping problems and I’m always at that “had a refreshing sleep” Health wise. 17: You have to live on a world famous landmark for the rest of your life. Which landmark would you live on/in? I don’t know many so my answers probably really boring but having a room in the Eifle Tower would be pretty cool I think. Unless you mean like have to live with what you got then probably a garden somewhere warm.... hanging gardens of Babylon.... 18: You can babysit 6 extremely poilte and kind kids for not very much money or one extremely rude and disrespectful child for a high amount of money for a week. Which do you choose? Six easy going kids for not much money, I really don’t mind watching kids if I have stuff to entertain them with, and it’s not worth it to deal with hellians. 19: You have to use one word in every sentence for the rest of your life. What word is it? But, I don’t feel like it would affect my speech too much. I use but a lot especially because one of my catch phrases is “Yea but no I-” 20: Go on a vacation forever or never leave your home town? Vacation forever, my home town sucks and I don’t have any reason to stay at all. 21: What would your character be described as in an upcoming anime? I don’t really understand this question, but like... probably depressed and or childish. 22: You get to redesign the whitehouse. Describe how your fabulous revisions would make it look? I can’t really think of anything I’d do to it. Probably make it a little more office like because they’re just politicians they don’t need offices that nice. 23: You're now inhabiting the body of the last person you talked to. Who is it, how how weirder out are you? It’s my husbands and I am not weirded out at all in fact it’s a god damn dream and my only hope would be he’s in my body and dear god it’d be fun. 24: Add a letter to the alphabet! What's its name and what does it look like? It looks like a cross between a cursive capital L and a infinity symbol and it would be called Lew and it would go right before M in the alphabet. 25: Weirdest fetish you've ever found out about and how? Inflation and as a horny teenager stumbling upon old ass Furaffinty and just being confused by everything but especially that. 26: Every mosquito drops dead and they are never found again or every wasp? As far as I’m aware mosqituoes are actually part of a food chain so probably wasps. Unless I’m wrong on both ends then probably still wasps cause they terrify me. 27: Fear you had when you were little that you grew out of? People in mascot costumes.... 28: The ability to make everyone listen to you when you want to say something or have no one notice you when you don't want them to? Make people listen to me probably, there’s not too often when I want people to not notice me at all. 29: What's your favorite meme? Puppers/Snoodles, or for some real meme quality probably the “your daughter calls me daddy too” one cause those always make me laugh no matter what. 30: Best surprise you've ever gotten? Probably my parents buying me the neruwear cat ears because I was legit shocked and surprised by it. I’m normally pretty good at guessing surprises otherwise. 31: Do you no longer listen to a song because it reminds you of someone you don't talk to anymore? Not really, I refuse to listen to gospel music because it reminds me of church and church people I guess. 32: Write a full paragraph about yourself without being negative (or just a sentence if you don't want to write a full paragraph!) I am really good at planning surprises and gifts for people and if I had money I know I would be very generous with it. I am learning to be compassionate and I’m so proud of how capable I am at some things. I also really like my eyes and I am so cute with snap chat filters. 33: Describe the most attractive person you've ever seen without mentioning their name. Ooh that’s hard because everybody is so pretty... Seriously there’s so many girls I can think of and my husband  is so attractive and looks like Ryan Reynolds and there’s so many different kinds of pretty like a guy in drive through was older but he had such a twinkle in eye and there was a girl I met on a dating website that her hair framed her face so perfectly and her eyes were so pretty  and my friend has the cutest little button nose that’s covered in freckles. This is way too hard! 35: You wake up tomorrow and end up having NO responsibilities to do, including work, school, cleaning, projects-- Nothing!-- As well as full access to an endless supply of money for an entire week. How do you spend it? Defiantely buy a sHIT ton of crafting supplies, buy some super nice presents for all my people that I love, pay off my debt and take a road trip! I would probably also buy some furniture for my bedroom as well so I could use my desk ads a desk and not a table. Maybe a lolita dress and some dread locks too. 36: Write a plot for a TV show that you would most definitely watch. Werewolf clan trying to get along with “pure bred” weredogs with lots of smart things happening where you have to re-watch the episodes to catch everything you missed. The main character would be “racist” until he met the love of his life and he turns from aggressive wild to a spokesperson and great help to a community of creatures acting as a detective/police/lawyer/mayor to them in the town mixed with humans. 37: If you had to choose between only wearing shorts and long sleeves or pants and a tank top for all of winter, what would you choose? (No coats allowed or other garments under or over the shorts or pants!) Pants and a tank top because that’s generally what I wear in winter. 38: One thing you'd love to wake up to? Being stuck cuddling in between my husband and my (future) wife and the only reason we woke up on this soft sunny morning was because the dogs jumped on the bed to cuddle and we can all just have breakfast and be all gentle kissy and playful romantic pancakes and waffles. 39: You can choose to learn one talent to master or choose many talents that you're somewhat okay at. Which do you choose? Definitely many talents I’m okay at, my friends used to call me a jack of all trades all the time and I adore the name. 40: Favorite quote/saying? ”If you can’t explain it to a two year old you don’t understand it” or something like that. I also like a lot of mushy love each other and encourage others to grow stuff. 41: You say one sentence to go down in history and be remembered years after you pass, even centuries into the future. What's the sentence? ”Love each other and mind your own fucking business.” 42: Favorite video you've ever watched? I can’t really think of a favorite video but probably that one where it’s a golden retriever puppy that’s learning to howl with it’s owner and it’s like as old as youtube itself. 43: Type/act like you did when you were 13 and describe your plans for tonight. ”Lol guys I totaly didn’t froget but my brothers frinds are here so we’re watching a mvoie XDXD!! TTYL” I don’t know if I was actually like that but I made tons of spelling mistakes and was very excited about everything! 44: You're a baby with a very deep voice. What would you say to startle everyone in the room with your very deep baby voice? ”I know what you’ve done...” 45: Funniest joke you've ever heard? I hate how absolute this list is because it’s so hard to pick the best of something. The only thing I can think of at all is that stupid humble honda Jesus “For I do not speak of my own Accord” joke. 46: Ever pulled a prank, and if you did-- What was it? Not really...I told my husband we were going to church for his birthday and he believed me right until I parked at the Toronto zoo’s parking lot. 47: You can be a human with fur or a dog with hair. Which do you choose? Human with fur because then I could make people brush me =w=. 48: In your own opinion, the weirdest advertisement you've seen? So many japanese ads come into mind... 49: Did you answer honestly to these questions? Yea I had a really hard time with most of them though. 50: Your hair can be any color you want, but its permanently there. For an example, you can dye your hair another color after, but the color you originally choose will always grow back in eventually. What color do you choose? A soft Lilac with bluer high lights/lowlights. Unless it as to be real then blond because I like being blond and it’s easier to dye.
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