#On the contrary
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evellynssocbrainrot · 6 months ago
*Gets on top of the pedestal and clears throat*
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ghost-bxrd · 1 year ago
Jason never made his debut as a Crime Lord and instead only comes back to Gotham when Damian insists on training with the Batman, insistent on guarding him from the shadows.
Bruce’s headache reaches epic proportions when neither Talia nor Damian elaborate on the man’s presence other than that he’s “Damian’s older brother”.
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ilk-insolence · 1 year ago
Raph and Leo Analysis: Hot Potato BrainCell
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Thinking about it, Bug Busters and Jupiter Jim Ahoy! were parallel situations for Leo and Raph. They were the only brother that voiced concerns about following a charming but suspicious stranger into their headquarters, were both ignored, and ultimately proven correct for their wariness and had to go rescue their family. What’s even more ironic was that their concerns were blown off specifically by each other in those episodes.
Obviously, this was a result of Raph and Leo being well-written complex characters with amazing contradictions (and the differing variables), but I wanted to understand the specific mechanics and rules behind their game of hot potato with the brain cell.
(long post!)
A pattern that I’ve come to see looking at different moments of “common sense” for Leo is that they’re all instances of him being worried for the safety of his loved ones. The most well known examples, found in this post that the majority of the fandom has seen (therefore I can avoid rehashing them all), are all Leo just trying to keep his family safe. Some additional moments are when Leo asks if sticking Splinter in a plastic ball is cruel or not in Down With the Sickness [15:51], him being the only one worried about the by Albeartos in Al Be Back [16:11], and when Leo remarked that it’s kind of messed up to use Donnie’s game addiction against him in The Purple Game [18:00]. Occasionally, Leo’s concerns even spread to people he didn’t know, like with Bullhop in Bug Busters, and when he asked April if she still had the orb holding the people of New York in Finale Part 3: Anatawa Hitorijinai [6:35]. Outside of that, Leo has the exact same batshit, reckless decision making skills as the rest of his brothers. (Should I even list examples--?) Air Turtle (bought the obviously demonic bridge), Clothes Don’t Make The Turtle (he pushed all his brothers into a pit without a plan because he was so excited), Bad Hair Day (agreed to grow hair to get into a discriminatory retreat instead of, I don’t know--getting a wig), The Evil League of Mutants (willingly went to New Jersey), Flushed But Never Forgotten (tried to replace his brothers with googly eyed rocks), and so forth. Leo being reasonable is Leo being worried, displaying a level of understanding and tact that the rest of his brothers kinda skip over. His common sense is from his protectiveness and care.
However, there are times where Leo’s common sense/worry gets pushed to the side when Leo pursues an agenda. Pizza Puffs, Minotaur Maze, and The Gumbus are some examples. It’s also what happened in Jupiter Jim Ahoy!, where Leo dismissed Raph’s desire to leave Moncrief’s house because he wanted to hang out with one of his favorite movie star heroes (and avoid Splinter). Even though Leo is shown to have a healthy sense of stranger danger, his worry was overridden by the allure of a real life Jupiter Jim.
Raph’s general good sense is similarly powered by his love and worry for his family. However it’s also powered by responsibility; not only as the oldest brother, but as a hero to New York City. Out of the rest of his brothers, it’s clear Raph is the most dedicated to the duty of protecting people. It’s why situations like Pizza Puffs (the mission chart), and The Longest Fight occur. It’s also why he’s the one that repeatedly gets his brothers to focus on the fight, like in the hypnosis in Clothes Don’t Make a Turtle [15:32]. However, being responsible and worried isn’t exactly the same thing as making reasonable decisions. Raph’s dedication to hero work can sometimes turn on him, make him too excitable to make sensible choices. It’s why he was chill with going after the spine-breaking/mangling bad guys for the Mad Dogs’ first mission, or create the whole FAB situation in Stuck On You, or immediately begin fighting the Foot Clan in Mystic Library [6:32], or why his solution to The Mutant Menace problem was to go outside and “‘smack people in the face with good deeds!’” [12:22]. Raph’s eagerness to being a hero can occasionally push him to behave rashly. (Kind of like his anger.) This is what happened in Bug Busters, where Raph got so swept up with the concept of catching the oozequitoes, of Big Mama’s help assisting him to do better hero work, that he completely dismissed Leo’s concerns surrounding Big Mama’s motives [7:45]. Admittedly, Leo’s suspicions is also due to him just being better at reading people, but Raph’s complete dismissal of his concerns shows that he was being stubborn around the subject too. Conversely, in Jupiter Jim Ahoy! Raph’s protectiveness over his brothers was greater than his love for Jupiter Jim, which fell in line with his responsible nature as the big brother, making him be the reasonable brother for that episode.
And that’s how A-team played hot potato with the brain cell.
oh god I didn't even touch on the movie at all wow.
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mollyjames · 6 months ago
I had a brainwave this morning and wound up completely rewriting what I had initially planned as the climax for Wires Crossed, and this is... much much better. I am very excited.
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dearlymrme · 2 years ago
On The Contrary (Copia x Reader) Part 2
Summary:   Newly converted and when your secret gets out you’re asked by not only your Papa, but also your best friend, to take part in one of the grandest ceremonies there is with him.
Part One Here
Copia x Reader || Papa Emeritus IV x Reader || Established Relationship || Virgin Sacrifice || Intercourse || Exhibitionism ||  Orgy || WC: 6968
"Brothers and Sisters of Sin. From this altar bed, we are gathered at mass today to perform a momentous ritual to invoke our master and procreate the unholy bastard." Copia says with tenor, addressing the congregation that had gathered at the chapel, all looking with glee and excitement. At this moment. He is Papa Emeritus IV. He is confident. He is a powerful man who lets nothing scare or threaten him. He is a figure to be gasped at in awe, with his paints immaculate and back straight. He is an unholy voice and vessel for their Lord.
Dressed in black papal robes, tailored specifically for this ritual, golden grucifix decorate the collar and shoulders with swirling designs trailing down his clothes. He is ceremonious, and when he gestures to you beside him, all eyes that were locked onto his presence switch to you.
You nearly shrink under the weight of their gaze, but then he sees you stand straighter, square your shoulders, and look out over the crowd with sure fire in your eyes. He smiles at the sight as you seem to channel your own inner Papa and grow strong before them, and you are a sight to behold as well.
Copia looks your body up and down with barely concealed desire. The ceremonial dress you were wearing accentuates your curves, and the white brings out the color of your features. Even though it was more lingerie than it was a dress, a cute babydoll gives the provocative idea that just because you were innocent didn’t mean you were ‘innocent’. Your hair looks radiant, and your eyes shine in the candlelight. It sends fire to his groin. He's never seen you so exposed like this before, and as you subtly shift in place, rubbing your thighs together, he smiles, knowing you are just excited as he is.
Copia was going to wreck you. Of course, gently at first, but the end goal was to make this night as memorable as possible. As he was, he was already having to hold back from ravaging you, barely concealed desire that formed in his tightly curled fists, with his knuckles bleached white.
Sitting in the pews, some of the siblings looked happy for you, happy to be a part of what was to come, and another looks as though to say 'fucking finally'. You see a few sisters you had gone to ask about the ghouls that had given you those secretive smiles, those who bit their lips and girlish giggled at your mild expense, now they look almost proud of you with some red in the face and others just grinning outright.
Speaking of ghouls, they were in the rafters. You glanced up at them, nervous, because you see tails flicking like an angry cat. Even though they wore their masks and the chapel was well lit, you could see their eyes practically glowing. You worry that a fight could break out, but they seemed calm enough despite what happened a few days ago. Copia noticed them too, knowing that they wouldn't dare to make a move against him now. Not after loudly announcing the past few days that he had outright claimed you for himself.
The weak followed the strong, and Copia was the strongest man in the church.
You bite your lip and turn your gaze down to grip the fabric of your 'dress'. There was nothing else underneath it, and shuffling your legs, your inner thighs were slick and wet from growing, mounting excitement. You didn't think you would be very into this, but looking out at the crowd and knowing just what was to come, to be seen by everyone and getting the chance they didn't. It did something for you you weren't expecting.
It made you feel a little embarrassed.
It made you feel very powerful.
You smirk to yourself at the thought of what your parents would say if they could see you now. Your mother would probably faint.
Copia addressed the crowd again and offered his hand to you. One you quickly took and squeezed, but he now knew it to be out of excitement rather than anxiety.
"A virgin sacrifice to be corrupted in the name of our evil Lord." He practically growled, rolling the words on his tongue and his lips pulling up in excitement. You shuddered as a hot flash of arousal scales down to your lower belly. He was doing that again.
Copia was just your friend. Yes, you had very good chemistry. It was fun to avoid your duties to whisper to him between the shelves of the library. When you brought up Latin to try and break the ice, it was like you took a hammer to his shell. He lit up like a child at Christmas. His words went from awkward mumbles to clear accentuated and confident. His eyes shined, and color came to his cheeks as his smile grew wide. He was passionate. He was happy.
You realized how deep your feelings had gotten when you desired to see it again. When you asked him for more and more about his hobbies just to listen to him talk about what he loved. His energy was contagious, and when he smiled at you, it sent warmth through you.
When he’s passionate, it makes you giddy. Like he’s being right now.
"I am sure all of you are excited. Tonight is a night we all are encouraged to give in to the sin of lust." He licks his lips and gives a smile. "...More than usual."
There is a small bit of laughter before a ghoul, Dew, starts to sweep through the pews with a platter. Many people reach for the silver dish and withdraw with foil pinched in their fingers.
You realize they are condoms and flush.
Copia and you had already discussed over the past few days what you wanted to do in terms of protection. You had surprised him when you told him you wanted to go without.
"The unholy bastard bit is just for show. You're not Mama, and if you don't feel like you -" He brings that up, and you quickly cut him off, having been reminded of who you weren't but dreamed of being.
"It feels different without it, doesn't it?" You had asked him, and he nodded. "I’m on birth control. We can do it without." As soon as you joined the Church, you had put yourself on it, the just in case for when you actually had the nerve to ask.
That had been the plan. After all, it was as he said, you weren't his partner or Mama. This was just a one-time thing you told yourself and didn't dare to hope.
Copia reaches forward to cup you by the back of the neck. It's a hard thing not to lift your shoulders and tense, but the touch feels grounding.
"Before we begin, there is something our little ghuleh here has to say."
You lick your lips and look out amongst the suspecting crowd and clear your throat.
"My body and spirit are willing." You state, voice ingrained in steel, reciting another thing that you and Copia had gone over days prior. This was important to say. It was part of the ritual and also to let everyone know that everything to come was fully consensual. This was planned with no surprises.
Copia gives a happy smile and a single clap of his hands, nearly jerking you out of your skin at the suddenness of it.
“Then let’s begin!” Copia cheers, and the crowd starts to applaud before he turns to you and takes you by the hand.
“We do this at your speed, cara mia.” You bite your lip at his name for you and nod. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as Copia folded his hand towards the altar in front of you. The wood was covered with a cushion for comfort, and you turned to sit at the edge of the table.
“How do we start?” You ask him, ignoring the burning stares at your back and Copia gestures to all of himself.
“How do you want to start?” You lick your lips and tentatively reach out to brush your hand across his covered chest, surprised by how soft the fabric of his robe was.
“Do we just bunch it up or-?” He snickers and reaches between his legs to show a part in the fabric that starts at his hip. You then flush when you catch sight of his cock standing at half mast, surprised. He sees your shocked face and smiles. Of course he’s hard already. How could he not be with the sight of you? Anybody with eyes would be turned on at your appearance.
You quickly find your mouth watering at the sight and swallow before you reach down to run your thumbs down the side of his cock and explore it. With a cock like this, you're sure it's not hard for him to get laid. You've never really seen one in person before that's not from watching porn and even you know that he's well endowed. He’s thick, more girth over length, and your insides clench tightly in anxiety, because no amount of preparation is going to make this altogether painless.
At the featherlight skim of your fingers, Copia’s stomach clenched as he gave a small hiss. Your hands are soft and warm. He impressively manages to keep still as you damn him with curious touches. You peak at him from under your lashes and then squeeze him by his shaft, earning a low moan from his throat. Your small hesitation quickly evaporates at his pleased sounds.
You slide your hand up and play at the head of his cock, surprised that he is circumcised. His dick quickly becomes harder in your hand, and his girth now is even more impressive. You swallow thickly at the sight. It was easy to see how having this kind of effect on a man could make sex one of the most addicting things in the world. But that could be because this man was Copia. You couldn't see yourself doing this with anyone else besides him.
Your eyes widen at this realization and you gulp, quickly distracting yourself by thumbing at the small bead of liquid forming at the tip of his cock. You catch it on your skin and bring your thumb up to your mouth for a taste and it's sour, salty, strong. It didn't taste bad and you know diet is what makes up most of the taste. It wasn't altogether unpleasant but it wasn't a flavor you wouldn't really go for in the market.
Copia watches you as you contemplate the taste and soothes his hands down your shoulders, skimming them over your stomach before resting on your thighs.
“May I?” He asked you casually. You give a firm nod of your head, and he presses his palm to your lower stomach with firmness. “Lay back, mia angelo. Let me take care of you.”
His soft spoken order sends heat igniting in your stomach, and you nod, taking a deep breath before doing as he commands and lay back against the altar. He smirked as once your head was just shy over the other side of the altar. He saw you flush, knowing full well that from that vantage, you still had a view of the congregation.
Sisters look at you with excitement, and already, they are dividing in pairs between themselves. Odd couples that’s heated kisses are quickly turning into needy touching and palming. Clothes are beginning to come off, and small moans start to sound through the chapel. Not everyone was taking part in the dance. A few people simply sat on the pews and watched, hands exploring themselves as they got to witness you experience what nearly every sister and brother of sin dreamed of.
You take a deep breath and look down your chin at Copia. You hand tightening to fists at the cushion, and you bite your lip to stop from grinning like an excited groupie.
He smirks, looking absolutely wicked, between your legs, with his palms sliding up. You heard yourself swallow when his thumbs rubbed circles over your inner thighs. Your voice cracked as soon as he pulled them apart to spread around his head, and his lips latched onto the tangy bundle of flesh he’d been lying to himself that he didn’t want to taste. His tongue slid up under the nerves, flattened out before he started swirling firm, then soft and then a suckle before circling you again and again. One of his hands held back your thigh as his other fingers came down to spread your lips in a ‘v’ and hold them back for him to feast.
A strangled sound leaked out of your throat as he went to work. In contact with his tongue against your slick divide, you tense and moan at the unique and foreign feeling. His tongue feels like warm wet velvet and soothes over your folds with purpose before Copia dives into your wet cunt.
“...Oh Lord.” You whimpered and prayed, churning your hips back and forth, shoving yourself into his hungry mouth. He could feel your thigh muscles under his palm quivering.
“Please.” You moaned for more.
He mouthed your plea into your slippery folds before giving them a rough suck. More of your sweetness and moans flowed, tasting sweet and sounding like music to his ears. He wanted more of you. He’s never tasted anything as good as the desire you leaked into his hungry mouth. He’s been denying himself this for too long.
The two of you could have been doing this ages ago. If he would have asked…if you would have asked.
“P-Papa.” You stuttered, your hand reaching down to smooth your fingers through his hair. No, that name didn’t sound right. You know that’s who he is at the moment, but it felt wrong to call him that during this. You swallow, take a breath, and moan again as you dig your nails into his scalp.
He shudders, the moan of his name on your lips is delicious, and sent heat shooting down into his loins. To hear you say it so intoxicatingly sweet, he wants to hear you say it again just like that if not louder.
He nipped at you in appreciation. The way your thigh muscles jumped in his hand and how the back of your knee draped over his shoulder was going damp with sweat. You were getting wetter, hotter, you were getting close. So, as your back arched, he latched onto your clit and sucked then slid one finger into your searing heat and curled it.
Your moans cut off at the first stroke. His fingers dug into your thigh as the damn broke, and you bucked and tensed, coming. Copia moaned as he could feel your contractions fluttering around his finger as you pulled him in and roughly ground against him, chasing the euphoric feeling before finally it all drained out of you. His tongue continues to lavish you through the convulsions until suddenly it’s too much. You grab him by his hair and give him a small tug to get him to come off as your moans of pleasure turn into a wail of overstimulation.
But he keeps going, adding a second finger and pistoning at a rapid pace and curling in a come hither motion forcing you to nearly rock off the altar.
“Haa! Aahaaa!” You moan and toss your head back and forth as he assaults the bumpy and hard gland inside of you causing your lower stomach to tingle with heat, rapidly growing again the size of a balloon before it pops and you arch your back as you crash into your second orgasm with a sob. Your thighs tremble around his head. You fist his hair as your lower stomach jumps and sob leaves your mouth. You shiver as though struck with a chill and try to catch your breath as he laps up your release like it’s a fine liquor.
Copia gave one finally lick before releasing you and pulling out his soaked finger. The pads of his digit were spongy, and a thin string of moisture connected between you and the tip. He lifted himself off of your folds and gave you a shiny grin, the entirety of the lower half of his face was wet with your release and his paints were smeared from the roughness of eating you out. His hair, normally stylishly swept back, was tousled and hung down in his face.
He devilishly stuck his finger into his mouth to suck off the remains of your climax. He then sighed, tracing his hands over your thighs as he gave you both a moment to catch your breath.
“I’m going to start stretching you now, cara.”
“Okay.” You dazedly replied, still shaking through the aftermath of two of the best orgasms you’ve ever had so far.
“You’ve been practicing, like we discussed, yes?” You’ve not been guilty enough not to chase after your own pleasure by yourself before. You’ve used your fingers, however it’s all you’ve ever used and only ever two. Copia had told you to stretch, get used to the feeling, and try more than one.
“Work up to three.” He had advised and given the size of his cock you understand now why such a specific number.
“Yeah.” You admitted.
Before he brushes his fingers back to your cunt you hold out your hand and make a grabbing motion for him.
“Wait, come here.” You demand more than ask, and he bows over you before you once again brush your fingers through his hair and bring him into a deep kiss.
He groans as he dips his tongue into your mouth, allowing you to taste your own flavor. You're not turned off by it. In fact, it makes your core feel even hotter. You broke the kiss with a deep sigh and brushed your nose against his. His breath was hot on your already burning face, and sweat had already begun to bead on the both of you. The room had been steadily heating up with time, the body heat of much more than just a handful of people was turning the cathedral into an oven.
Copia lets you hold him for a moment, reaching up to cup your cheek. He gives you a warm smile and a sweet kiss on your lips.
“Okie dokie?” He asks, and you choke at the question, moving your arm up to cover your eyes as you start to laugh.
“You…” You snort, shaking your head in disbelief at the ridiculousness of this man, but that’s one of the reasons why you loved him. You cleared your throat from the giggles and nodded. “Yeah, I’m okay. I’m ready.”
“Okie dokie!” He repeats with pep, and the giggles start up once again.
Coupled with the still pleasant after effects of your orgasm, the laughter helps to keep you relaxed as he reinserts his fingers at your cunt and slowly begins to scissor them. Two is fine, it's nothing too strenuous and you clench on his preparatory digits as he curls them against the firm spongy part of your walls again that has a pleased sigh leave you lips. He works them carefully and begins to prod you with his third. That’s when the sting starts but you're plenty wet there is no problem with him slipping it. He then rubs his thumb against your clit and your leg jerks from the oversensitivity.
His cock throbs when your walls clench around his fingers. He tries not to think with his dick, this is more about you than it is him, but he can’t wait to feel you around his cock. He can’t wait to have you gasping and moaning as he spears your innocence. He’s looking forward to how you feel when you strangle him in your velvet heat.
He stretches you for a good few minutes before he starts to thrust them again, curling them and attacking your spongy walls with gentle thrusts. You start to moan again, your body starting to tense once more. He could likely rangle another orgasm out of you from his hand alone, but he himself is getting antsy. He leans down and presses a kiss to one of your knees.
“Do you think you’re ready?” He asks, and you shuffle on his fingers. You groan and start to rock your hips against his hand again. The squelch wet sounds of your juices slicked with his penetrating digits are easily lost in the background noise of those behind you. Lewd moans and wet slaps of balls meet skin and hips colliding. Your ears and face were already red, but the cacophony of sex only serves to make you wetter.
“Y-Yeeeah.” You moan like a whore and try not to be too disappointed when he removes his fingers. Copia smiles then bows his head to give your clit a small kiss before standing straight.
Your stomach does a somersault as you watch him grab his cock and give it a firm stroke. It looks angry, a bright red and swollen thick. You begin to get nervous again as he glides his dick up and down your folds. You try to remind yourself to stay relaxed when he finally begins to slip in his cock. It's uncomfortable. It's a smooth glide given how wet you are but your brows pinch as you feel your walls stretching hot to accommodate him.
His hand on your stomach lowers down to the hood of your clit again before rubbing circles at it with his thumb. Your thighs tense and you give a whimper at the small volt of contradictory pleasure against the intrusive penetration. The fingers were one thing, this is a completely different monster.
It would be a good distraction if it didn't overwhelm you in a way that all together felt too much at once. You can practically feel your heartbeat through the heat of your walls as they mold to this new shape. It's borderline painful, but not enough you want to stop.
Certainly enough that you reach for Copia's hand to draw him away from your clit to hold onto instead. This was better.
He looks at your discomforted face and gives your hand a sympathetic squeeze before he notices something you don’t and his eyes go wide.
"Dolcezza. It would be easier if you breathed." He encourages, and at his advice, you realize at some point you had started holding your breath. You exhale, a lot of your tension going out with it, your muscles relaxing from the action, and with it comes some small relief, yet you can't help the small whimper that follows.
"Just the head. I promise it gets easier after that." He groaned. The tightness of you was almost enough to hurt and more than enough to take his breath away and leave him panting. He's so happy you decided to do this without the condom. He gets to feel every bit of your hot and slick wet walls clentch at him. It shook him to the core. You bite your lip as he lifts your joined hands to pepper kisses to your knuckles in an effort to distract both you and himself.
You shuffle as he painstakingly slowly presses forward, and then you frustratingly cross your legs behind his back before kicking your heels against his ass to drag him further forward. Him going slow only seems to draw out the discomfort.
"Do it quickly, like a bandaid." You repeat his peppy words from days before. He frowns in concern .
"You sure?" You nod and tap him again on the rear. You can adjust when he's fully seated. He nods and then starts to rock. You hiss between your teeth as he's able to feed more and more of himself into your cunt. He's right, the head is the hard part but it feels like once you're adjusted to it the rest of his length is easy sailing. The next thing you know his hips are flushed against yours and you're both shaking.
There is sweat starting to bead at your skin and pool down between your breasts only to disappear into the fabric of white. Copia wanted to dip his tongue down there and never get back up, but you needed patience, and he would be that for you. That didn’t stop him from letting go of your hand to run over your sides, trying to distract you.
You snicker at the featherlight touches, and he traces over your skin before he's leaning down to kiss you. You meet him halfway. Your lips knock into his sweetly, and you quickly get lost in the lashes of his tongue as he plays with your mouth. One of his hands rests on your cheek, and his thumb brushes away the loose tear of discomfort.
He tries to break the kiss but a quiet whine snuck into his mouth from your throat just as your hands flatten out over his chest, quickly sliding up around to the back of his neck, dragging him back further into your kisses, then you suck on his tongue for more. He can't refuse you. You taste like fine wine, and he groans into your kiss. His tongue clashes with yours, allowing you just a moment to lead before he quickly overtakes you and reaches up to thread his fingers through your hair and angles your head for better access to your mouth. He breaks the kiss with a loud wet sound before growling, and he bites on your lip, sucking it swollen.
The sound gets your insides clenching, making him suck in a sharp breath. Then you break the kiss with a moan as his dick twitches inside you; nearly feeling it behind your navel.
He chuckles against your lips, followed by your own giggles as your dancing tongues turn to soft loving pecks. He kisses you on your forehead where you sweat had started to gather at the crown of your hair. He kisses you on your cheeks, and then finally he’s able to dip his head down between your breasts to deliver a small lick up your chest before he comes back to rest your forehead together.
You thought this would be a bit more awkward. But it's Copia, it's a sweet awkward moment with a man who's made you the happiest in the past few months, then you have your entire life with your family. There's no judgment here with him, and truly, what is a little thing like virginity between two good friends? It's almost a tender hearted moment if not for the lustful moans of those you had forgotten were watching and sinning in the behind you.
"Okay?" He asked breathlessly, both wondering how you are and if he can keep going. You didn't know, but instinctively, it was hard for him to keep still. There’s a primal need to just take and keep taking you until there is nothing left for you to give. Perhaps after this you’ll come back for more. No, he will make this as mind-blowing as it takes for you to come back for more.
He doesn’t want to settle for just this once.
For you, the stretch is still there, but the burning has become a lot more bearable. For Copia, it was his biggest test of restraint.
“Not yet.” You shudder, and he nods, face pinching.
Patiently waiting, he pulls at the shoulder strings of your babydoll and lowers the silk fabric to get at your nipples before toying with them, watching them tighten into a hard bud and gives another low groan as your insides clench again. He wants more of that. He wants to explore so much of you. It’s your first time, and you're so sensitive, like a livewire. He just wanted to watch you snap. You sigh as he toyed with your nipples. You're chest heaving. Your cheeks flushed. Your impossibly tight flesh wrapped around his cock, it was driving him mad to have to stay still.
Finally, you shuffle a little in place as the burn settles somewhere between light discomfort and the weird feeling of just having something foreign inside you.
"Go slow?" You tentatively asked him and groaned as with no hesitation his hips gave a gentle rock forwards, rolling back and forth like lazy ocean waves on a shore.
Finally, delicious pleasure bloomed in your lower stomach, twisting and curling like your toes did behind his back. You tight hot walls dragging against his cock sending sweet hellfire into his groin. Each forward motion stretches your body to its limits. As he pulls his hips back he drives forward and the pleasant, tingling heat builds quickly, and soon the churning of his hips clapping against yours sounded wet through the room, joining the chorus of those behind you.
“Fuck!” You hissed as he twisted his hips in such a way that sent a powerful stab of pleasure through your core. You lock your legs around him and reach to snatch him by the wrist. “Do that again!” You ordered.
Copia chuckled in his throat before grinding down low and striking up, brushing against that bumpy rough gland inside you that has you seeing stars. From there, the adrenaline starts to kick in, the pleasure starts to amplify, and you link your legs behind him as he steadily drives into you. Your breathing was already labored before, but now you're breathless and lay back to enjoy the ride.
The pews may not have been the most comfortable surface to fuck on but that wasn't stopping most of the Siblings. Some bent over the wooden benches while others rested in each other's laps. You see some ghouls amidst your brethren and notice one in particular and it makes your stomach flip.
Aether is sitting up front in the pews with his eyes locked on you. His dick in his clawed hand and stroking along to Copia’s thrusts. His mouth opens in breathless pants as his dick throbs and you watch him with wide eyes as he reaches down and sinches his fingers around the base of his dick, likely forcing himself to stave off his orgasm.
Instead of looking away from him, you bare your teeth at him in a grin and push yourself against Copia's thrusts, relishing in both his and Aether's crippling groans of pleasure. Your core tightens, and you moan as you grind back against Copia’s thrusts.
"I'm close." You whisper, a strangled moan following as you try to catch your breath. Your hips jerk, thighs tighten around him, and you grab for the back of his robe like a lifeline. "...do you wanna go faster?"
"Please." He begged, his voice wavering and broken. It makes you realize just how much the man has been holding back so far. You reach up again and cup him behind his ear and drag him back down for another kiss, which he greedily inhales.
He then sets a rhythm that you can not hope to predict or match. All you can do is nothing more than let him. He secures his hands onto your hips and rails you without hesitation.
You have to reach up and brace at the edge of the altar as his thrusts start to scoot you up. He starts bringing your hips down with each upward thrust, striking against that place inside you that nearly has you biting your tongue.
“Holy fuck! Fuuuuck!” You whisper raggedly, choking on the scream that can’t quite work its way out your throat unable to do much but hold on as he savagely assaults your pussy in well aimed strikes that has you seeing stars behind you closed eyes.
He says your name, gasping on it like a man deprived of air, gulps of breath that only heighten the sensation of your cunt sucking on his cock. He readjusts your legs in his hands and spreads them further apart, anchoring himself to them and trusting that the altar won’t fall over as he seems a man on a mission to get your pelvic bone bruised by the end of the night.
Your so far blissed out of you mind that you don’t care for the dull ache centering between your thighs, the wet slick of your previous orgasms and rapidly approaching finale is more than enough to keep things smooth and quick.
You finish without warning, a high pitch scream louder than the rest of the sex goers in the background that cuts out as the tsnuami waves of pleasure surge higher than you anticipated, crashing over your nerves from the tips of your toes to the crown of your head. It was overpowering and heady and nearly made your eyes roll into the back of your head.
Copia felt you flutter around his cock as your nails dug into his arm. You went tighter and hotter…at that moment he saw Mother Lilith in your expression.
You were going to be sore, he realized. Somewhere in between matching some impossible speed and reaching dangerous depths. But that was okay. He would take care of you. He'd apologize and kiss you and do it all over again. He'd show you all the ways sex could be enjoyed.
Copia only seemed vaguely aware of you releasing him to reach a hand down between your thighs and rub at that wonderful bundle of nerves he had been molesting before. While he fucked and gasped and pressed into you like a man on a mission. Normally you can manage three orgasms in a row and that’s only with the help of a pillow and determination but this is the hottest thing you’ve ever done and witnessed. Sweat glistening on Copia’s brow and streaking down his makeup and the cords of his neck flexing as he grits his teeth and his muscles coiling with each thrust.
With your other hand, you reached up and grabbed him by his messy hair before bringing him down to kiss you again. He furiously obliged, sliding his hot tongue over yours and growling into your mouth like a fierce and angry animal.
The smallest nip of your teeth to his teasing tongue is what does him in. His balls tighten, and a bullet of heat shoots through his gut before planting his heels firmly on the floor and giving the hardest of his thrusts. Each spurt of his release is pulsating. You can feel him throbbing inside you and warm, fill your lower stomach, and stimulate you further.
What normally lasts a few seconds for Copia nearly brought him to his knees. He pants breathlessly, eyes closed as he lets his release shudder through him. He tried to ask if you were okay or if he had been too rough, but he was still coming. His thighs shook while his cock twitched and throbbed inside you.
The noises from the congregation flooded back slowly and fuzzy. Then your soft moan filtered in. You were still watching him, finger firm and demanding on your clit, swirling in just a way that made you bite your lips.
His cock gave another twitch and one last drop of cum at the sight.
You were young, as awkward at talking as he was, but when you had approached him in the library, there had been a shimmer in your eyes that drew him like a moth to a flame. And now here with you underneath him, body glistening with a glow of sweat, as you used him to get off, he can't help but notice the heavy thuds of his heart as it beats widely in his chest.
At this moment, he knew this went deeper than just two friends helping each other out, and he leaned down to seal his lips over the side of your neck and teeth, nip, suck. His dick jumps again at your groan of pain that borderlines pleasure as he lathes his tongue over the fresh mark.
Your soft cunt is clenching but he can tell you need that final push. He rasps in your ear, still out of breath.
"Are you going to come again, mia angela? Going to strangle every last drop out of me?"
You gasped, going as flush as a fever and he groaned as even with his softening cock the reaction was visceral. He gave another shaky thrust of his hips and gyrated gently.
"If I knew you were going to be this greedy with it I'd’ve made you Mama long ago." And he paused as the thought snuck up on him like a wild cat.
He gave another steadfast thrust, hissing at the oversensitivity as he ran his hands across your thighs before resting one high on your stomach before streaking his nails down to rest it low.
"There's an idea. What do you say, cara? Want to do this more often? Get fucked every night until your fat with my cum?"
You swallow audibly, your face pinching.
And you were coming again. A swap of heat and pleasure that bordered on pain. It hits you in one fell swoop, like a wave, and leaves you boneless and exhausted from pushing yourself further than your limits. Your insides milking Copia’s softened cock as if there was anything more to be pulled out of him. Perhaps in another few hours or so.
He breathlessly laughs. Smoothing his hands over your hips as your legs fall open. He idly notes the marks he's left that will most certainly be bruises by tomorrow morning.
"Fuck is right." He rasps, savoring the aftermath of the best fuck of his life and your first. It didn't last that long yet for you it felt like it had gone for hours, just sinking into each other and soaking up one another's solid presence.
After a while he finally stood up and you groaned quietly as his soft cock slipped out of you, covered in trace bits of your blood from channels unused to action. Warm cum leaked from your hole. Copia watched, transfixed, gathering the little trailing out on his finger before stuffing it back in.
Yes. This is a sight he wanted to see more than just once. He would never get sick of this view, he decided. Then as he removes his fingers he sees more blood makes a regretful face. Perhaps he was too rough. You didn't seem to mind though, instead looking at him with half lidded and sleepy eyes.
"I wasn't just dirty talking, you know. I was serious." He offered, and you chuckled breathlessly before holding up a hand, which he took to help pull you to sit up. You wince at the ache between your legs and run your hands down to wipe and rub at your inner thighs. Then you noticed the blood, you don't panic. It's normal, you know that, but the site still gets your heart to skip in anxiety. You will most definitely be sore tomorrow, but you wouldn’t regret it for the world. Besides, you glace up at Copia...
He watches you with soft eyes, smiling in return for your concerned and gauging look. He nodded, yes, he would most certainly take care of you. You would retire to his room after this, and then he can show you the proper aftercare. A nice warm and clean towel. A hot water bottle, perhaps even a massage if you would let him.
Life as Papa was short. He could die tomorrow and needed to get as much of you as possible before then. If you were willing, of course. Your chuckles paused when you stared into his eyes and tipped your head cutely to the side, eyes going wide in disbelief.
“You mean it?” You ask him tentatively.
He nodded.
“I’ll be honest with you, cara. I can’t see it being anyone else. I don’t want it to be anyone else.” He had you. He wanted to keep you. He takes your hand and brushes his thumb over your knuckles.
“We are friends, yes? Or do you want to just stay as friends?” You opened your mouth and closed it like a fish before you gave a shake of your head.
“No, I do. Wanna be with you, I just…” You give a disbelieving chuckle. “I didn’t think this would happen.” It’s your biggest dream come true, getting to be and stay closer with your best friend. He wanted to be more than that. You wanted him to be more than that.
Copia smiles, beams like a schoolboy at Christmas, and lifts your hand to place tender kisses upon your fingers before reaching for your face and your mouths fit together perfectly in a slow and languid kiss. He breaks the kiss to let his lips butterfly across your face, your eyes and cheeks before smiling at you.
People were coming down behind you and you glance to see Aether still sitting in the front pews with his head tipped over the back of the bench and his arms reaching out across in a relaxed and very much sated position. His flaccid member is still out in the air and you smirk when you see lines of cum crawling up his chest. You had hoped that perhaps he got this obsession out of his system.
The rest of the clergy were winding down as they all finally seemed to reach the climax of the night. A few ghouls are sweeping around and doing a check up, one stops and gives both of you a look. Copia gestures with his hand that everything is alright before taking both of yours in his and giving you a raised brow.
"What say we retire to the room and get your cleaned up?" He asked and you sigh in contentment and follow behind him, hissing at the ache that flares between your legs.
"And maybe the day after...Can we do it again?" You ask, idly playing with your robe and squeeze his palm. Copia chuckles and nods eagerly.
"From the darkness. Rise a succubus."
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sparklingchim · 8 months ago
saw a cockroach for the first time in my life today and i don't think i'll ever recover from that 🧍🏻‍♀️
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nanasknifeprty · 5 months ago
orson krennic would definitely be a cat person. this isn't up for debate. not even a headcanon, it's literally canon in my head idc
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hotteststar · 1 month ago
hey so today i saw a post about a ship i don't personally like, so i decided to insult the person who posted it over and over again and impose my opinion on them :3
see? it doesn't sound very nice, does it?
if you don't see the problem in what you just read, you're part of the problem, i'm just saying.
yk there's no need to hate on something just bcs you can uh?
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kaktusaufbalkon · 9 months ago
Buck effortlessly taking control at the bridge collapse is pretty cool. He might be dumb of ass [affectionately] , but he's most certainly not dumb of brain <3
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tiredmagicalwarrior · 1 year ago
Sydney and Tina
Am I crazy for shipping them?
I'm so serious. I think Syd and Carmy are great, I do! I really do! But can we admit Syd and Tina also have so much chemistry?
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Tina and Sydney had a rocky start. Tina won't just trust anyone. Respect is earned, not given. Tina's won over by Sydney's organization, patience and brilliance. Even when Tina sabotages Syd, Sydney still rises to the occasion.
Tina comes to do a lot more than just respect her. Tina admires Sydney, adores her with all her heart. Tina comes to seek her approval, uses Syd as the measurement of good enough. If Syd thinks it's good, then it's good.
Sydney is the first person Tina ever refers to as "chef" instead of "Jeff".
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Sydney also comes to respect and admire Tina.
Sydney arrives at the restaurant being disrespected left and right. She has to claw her way to the top to garner minimal respect and recognition. And even when she does, Carmy still has outburts.
Tina's tenacity, raw skill and comfort is a high necessity from Sydney. There's a big reason why Sydney appoints Tina as her Sous chef. After going toe to toe with Tina, Sydney sees clearly how skilled Tina actually is.
She's stubborn and will only respect people worth her admiration. When garnered, Tina works to her 120% best, and nothing less. She's resourceful, a quick learner, critical, agile and takes no one's shit.
Once Tina realizes how much a badass Syd actually is, she becomes a Sydney's greatest aid.
As such, Sydney grants Tina the respect she deserves.
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There's no one in the restaurant that respects and recognizes Tina more than Sydney does.
And how does she react?
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Sydney makes Tina so happy.
It's Sydney's natural faith in Tina that helps bring out the best in her. And the more Sydney demonstrates this, the more confident Tina gets, the more she strives to be better. And the people around her recognize it too!
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Can we also talk about how Sydney reignited the fire of Tina's dreams?
Going to culinary school, getting the opportunity to choose more and lead, relearning, all of this from Sydney's faith on her and push for betterment.
In the end of the day, it's Tina who makes all this happen. But it might not have ever happened had Syd not put her trust in Tina and tell her through her actions "you're capable. I trust you."
They become precious to each other.
It begins as protectiveness. Specifically, Tina being protective over Sydney. Syd isn't much of a back-talker, unless she's being pushed so far the edge she might as well explode.
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And whenever Sydney is disrespected in front of Tina, she rises to defend her.
Sydney may be above telling people when they're full of shit, sometimes, but Tina can do it, any day, every day, all day. She's seen everything and is unafraid to tell folks how easy it is to spot their bullshit.
Especially when it comes to Carmy or Richie. Listen, I love Carmy, I get Richie, but there are a lot of moment where they treat baby girl like shit. Sydney suffers quite a bit on their hands
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Consequentially, Tina is always watching Carmy and Syd when they get together. Calling out or to Carmy, keeping him on his toes and relatively good behavior.
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Checking in on Syd, making sure she's okay, after their discussions with Carmen and Richie. Or just taking care of her in general, looking out for her.
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Tina is also someone Sydney trusts to let her know when it's too much. She'll call Syd out on her shit, but so much more softly than she does with others. Tina knows how much it means to Sydney to do not just good, but fantastic work. Words go a long way for Syd. There's a developed carefulness Tina learned to take with her when it comes to Sydney.
In turn, Sydney listens to her. Every word.
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Sydney doesn't take anything lightly. If she hears it, it goes to her heart. And Tina knows this, perhaps more than anyone.
This doesn't go unnoticed by Syd. She appreciates getting the criticism she needs to continuously grow, but in a softer, kinder manner to be constructive instead of destructive.
It lets Sydney know she can be vulnerable with Tina. That's she's trustworthy enough to see beyond the serious, capable chef and get to know the cute, dorky girl who jokes around and makes mistakes and doesn't have the answers.
In turn, Tina, who had begun trusting to be vulnerable Syd waaaay before, gets to be reciprocated in her playfulness, received an environment of comfort, creativity and love where they just get to be and create the work they adore.
Their bond ultimately evolves into open affection (now also from Sydney), silly moments and creation beyond work, as something of love to be shared.
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HELL, Tina says it herself that she's BEEN alone. Past tense. Now that Sydney is here, she's no longer lonely.
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They make each other so, so happy. Light in the other's life. The fire that reignites the spark, the gentle breeze that heals the wounds, the laughter that reminds why we are here in the first place.
They're so together to me. Please, I need to see some fanfic, I beg. Some soft girlfriends. Something, anything at all about them.
Anyways. I'm so normal about them. Love me some Sydney x Tina a normal ammount.
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momojedi · 1 year ago
i know you‘d never believe it based on my reaction to most clones but i‘m actually very sex-repulsed. not asexual but just pretty repulsed.
however, i‘m just … really really gay for clones.
that’s by the way also why I don’t write any nsfw content, aside from a joke here and there … so that’s cleared up.
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helladventurers · 1 month ago
just as a Heads up, don't be surprised if I start showing up less often here than usual lol all the shit going on the world lately is making my mental state way worse and I don't wanna be exposed to it every day
if any mutual who aren't Friends with me in there yet want to, you can hmu for my discord Contact! I can't Guarantee I'll have the energy to reply often or swiftly, but I'll do my best to stay in touch
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weird-bookworm · 1 year ago
That was so weird i am so sorry 😭😭 for suddenly intruding
SHUSH IT WASNT WEIRD u hv no idea the amount of shit i spew in my asks okay? 😭
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xitty · 1 year ago
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Back to Sanctuary for a bit, I love that Eichi admitted he needs Wataru (this is also extra good version because they used the word "essential"). Yes, he's been like "my Wataru" plenty of times in the past and he's said a lot of things to Wataru (aaaa EP:Link) but plainly saying it like this to someone else, hohohoo. He may been trying to imply that Tomoya and Wataru's friendship is lesser but at the same time he was revealing things about himself.
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beauty-and-passion · 1 year ago
Maybe you have already answered something like this but when did you get into Sander Sides?
Someone definitely asked me in the past, but since I don't remember, I wil gladly reply to your ask!
I got into this series right after Can Lying Be Good came out. And I got into this series just because pictures of Janus kept appearing in the Bill Cipher tag.
At the time, I was still deep into Gravity Falls, so when I saw this man dressed in yellow and black, at first I though it was a weird cosplay of Bill, but then the guy kept appearing and wait, that doesn't seem a cosplay, where does this guy come from?
And so, I found CLBG. And I watched it and wow, it's funny and good. Are there more videos like this? Oh, wait, there's a full series! Let's watch it!
I watched it and enjoyed it a lot. And so, I kept lurking. And I lurked when DWIT came out. And kept lurking, until Janus' playlist came out and POF came out and I got the physical need to talk to some people about my ideas.
And so here I am today, writing the season 3 of a series I've discovered just by chance and learned to love <3
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28-destiel-505 · 2 years ago
I will never get how people can hate on Alex.
He’s just a weird little dude, living his life, not hurting anyone.
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