#Olive Oil for Hair Loss
theambitiouswoman · 2 months
Get beautiful hair with natural oils 🎀
Amla oil: Rich in antioxidants. Reverses damage in cells.
Lavender oil: improves micro circulation.
Rosemary oil: stimulates roots, improves circulation, darkens hair.
Coconut oil: contains lactic acid which reduces protein loss from hair and makes it stronger.
Olive oil: prevents hair damage and adds volume.
Castor oil: contains ricinoleic that boosts hair growth.
Aloe Vera oil: contains in vitamins A, C and E that promote hair growth and shine.
Argan oil: detanges, strengthens and adds shine to hair.
Macademia oil: reverses damage, moisturizes and heals split ends.
Avocado oil: anti dandruff and makes hair smooth and silky.
Jojoba oil: treat itchiness in scalp and prevents hair loss.
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luveline · 2 years
hihihi! request for zombie steve au! maybe someone at the college bullies reader into thinking she’s not good enough for steve?
just gotta say that I LOVE LOVE LOVE all your works & esp this au 😩 it just does something to me
hi thank you so much for your request! I didn't make it so severe as bullying I don't think, but tw for bullying just to be safe, and suggestive! tw mentioned weight loss <3 zombie!au steve 9k words
The dinner line is long and winding. You and Steve stand elbow to elbow, the smell of refried beans and homemade tortillas near hypnotising.
"I know the tortillas are gonna taste a little weird, I just don't care," you say, the hand you’ve curled around your boyfriend's forearm squeezing enthusiastically. 
"Imagine if they had cheese," he taunts. 
"Don't be evil, Steve." 
His laugh dissappears into the swelling sounds of a hundred conversations. It feels like high school, bodies packed into the same room like a bingo wheel, people bouncing off of one another frenetically as the night turns forward. There's a lot of happy energy in here tonight. You're contributing at least half. Not even Steve's unfortunate truths can get you down. Yeah, you miss cheese a lot, but after a full day in the pantry shift and close quarters to such gorgeous smells, you're ravenous. 
Your stomach gives a rumbling groan, and Steve's pressed so close to you that he can feel it. He wraps his arm around your shoulder to kiss the top of your head. 
His easy affection sates you for a while. You turn to watch the people already sitting with their meals, jealous but not too much, and find your happiness isn't grudging. You're happy to be here. You won't take this stroke of luck for granted, not again. 
You and Steve get your plates, refried beans, roasted greens seasoned with a vibrant red that smells spicy and decadent. There's definitely olive oil mixed in. You thrum with pleasure but wait patiently for steve to collect his own helpings, your cutlery, and finally, your drinks.
Robin sees you coming and waves you down unnecessarily. She's sitting with a dark-haired girl called Vanessa, and another girl you're unsure of. Vanessa had been part of your rescue squad, the team of people who'd fought to bring you back to The College. You'd show her some gratitude if she deigned to look at you. 
No matter how snooty you find her, Robin likes her. You try to like her too. 
"Hey," you say, putting your place setting down in front of Robin to encourage Steve to her side. 
He might downplay it but you know how much he loves her, and how much he'd missed her when they were separated. She's an extremely important part of his life. You wish he'd spend more time with her outside of scavenging and supply runs, but Steve is stuck to you like glue. It's awful and amazing. 
"Hi, killer," Robin says. 
You scrunch up your nose. "We're still using that?" 
"You were impressive!" she emphasises. 
Steve puts his drink down before his plate. She's quick to grab it, taking a generous swig as he grumbles and grouches. 
"Do you mind?" he asks. 
"I don't. Tell your girlfriend you think she was impressive!" 
"She knows exactly how I feel about her."
You smile at him. You know more than enough. He's a sweetheart through and through, and though the incident Robin's referencing hadn't been one he loved, he agrees; you'd managed to cut down six zombies all by yourself when they'd split off from a herd that managed to infiltrate community defences, and Steve had thought you were a rockstar. He'd grabbed you, covered in blood and sweat, and asked you why you couldn't just stay inside, and then he'd hugged you for too long, and said later, "My girl's a fucking weapon." Like a nerd. 
It's not complicated. Steve had been in danger. You'd wanted to save him, and you'd tried. Turns out he'd be the one to save you… for the hundredth time. But your efforts impressed him. 
Impressed everyone, according to Robin. 
"Hey, Vanessa," you say warmly. 
Vanessa gives you a strange smile in return. Despite mutual friends, Vanessa hasn't warmed to you. She'd been one of the only people who'd volunteered for your rescue squad but you're starting to think that hadn't been because she liked you, exactly. She just couldn't really say no. 
"Hey," she says. "How are you?" 
Civil you can do easily. You and Steve had been civil for weeks. 
"I'm good! Yeah, we heard there were gonna be real tortillas tonight and thought we'd get here early, but everybody had the same idea, I guess." 
She laughs politely. "We did." 
You wouldn't villainise Vanessa for disliking you. You barely like yourself. And, in your opinion, you'd gotten pretty damn lucky that Steve likes you as much as he does, though a small voice whispers that it'd been a grudging sort of love, like a flower squeezing its way through two panels of sidewalk. A weed that isn't supposed to be there. You worry often and in droves that Steve will come to his senses. He's gonna wake up one day, look at your sleeping face, and realise it isn't enough. 
When you'd first joined The College community, you'd thought for sure that was it. Steve was gonna trample your heart once and for all. He never did, of course. The opposite — he'd doubled down. Told you he loved you for the first time, and a second time, too. 
And now, miles trekked to get you back, his calf a blistering star of heat where it kisses your own beneath the table, your doubts fade away. 
Vanessa doesn't have to like you. That's not the way the world works. With Steve at your side, the rejection barely stings. 
You rub your shoe gently against his ankle. He looks up at you, a crazy amount of tortilla in his mouth, and he looks so silly you laugh hard and suddenly. 
He covers his mouth. 
"I thought you were looking somewhere else," he defends. 
"Pig," Robin says, still sipping at his cup of water. 
You rub his ankle again. A joke waits at the tip of your tongue, You're lucky I love you. It would feel good to say, but it's not your thing. You've never been outwardly romantic. 
His cheeks pink a little under the fluorescents. 
For Steve, you can be romantic. 
"You're lucky I love you," you say. 
There's too much emphasis on 'love', not enough on 'lucky', and the joke refuses to land. Your voice is softer than silk. It's all too sweet. 
"More than lucky," Steve says, grinning at you.
You try to put your glass of water on his tray. He puts its straight back on your own. 
"Robin's gonna go get me another one," he says. 
"I need one for myself," she says, unhappy. 
"You have two hands." 
"Will you get me a refill?" Vanessa asks. 
Christopher, another of Steve's fast friends, slams his tray down next to yours happily. Jonathan is right after him, and then the table's filling up with people: Jonathan's younger brother sits beside him, and the younger brother's friends follow. They're all glued together, you swear. You recognise Dustin in the throng, his chestnut brown curls crushed under a blue hat bragging the Claypole Farmer's Market, wherever that is. 
"Steve's getting drinks?" Chris asks.
"For me too, please," Jonathan adds. "And Will, if you don't mind." 
"I actually do," Steve says. 
"And us!" Dustin says, smirking. "Thank you, oh gracious one."
Steve looks at you for a second, slack-jawed. Can you believe this shit? He stands up, grumbling, and forces his hand between Robin's upper arm and chest to drag her with him. 
"Come on, Rob, I can't carry them by myself." 
"Steve, please, I'm tired," she moans, her words all lifted and croaky. 
"How'm I supposed to carry them by myself? Am I a fucking squid?" 
"I'll help," you say, happy to do it, anything for him and at any time. 
He puts his hand out to you, a universal gesture for Sit the fuck down. "Buckley will be more than capable." His smile softens. "Thank you." 
You pout at him very gently in a kissy face to watch him light up. It's cheesy and rom-com, and it works like a charm. By the time he gets Robin on her feet the tips of his ears are completely blushed, a stark red against the mousy browns and blondes of his hair. 
"Hey, Y/N," Chris says, mouth full of tortilla. Boys are all the same. 
"Hey," Jonathan echoes, and at least his hand is in front of his mouth, "how are you feeling? They let you back in the kitchen yet?" 
"They did. Hopper really didn't like that I broke the lock down rules, but at the same time, I think he understands that I'm a grown up." 
Lock down rules being, once a door is shut, it stays shut. Do not give a herd the opportunity to worm its way inside. 
But you'd made sure the coast was completely clear, and after Maybelle and Pauline, your fellow kitchen staff, had vouched for that, he'd let you off the hook, and back to work. You hadn't realised how punishing not working could be, especially when Steve had stayed on shift, his time split between scrounging outside of the community and fence duty. There's nothing to stop you from spending the day thinking about what-ifs, which is veritable torture. 
"You missed the kitchen? Did you make these?" Chris asks. 
You turn to your food and tear off some of the warm tortilla, sighing with pleasure. "No, I'm just kitchen pantry, you know? I'm sorta like an accountant. Like Dora in the armoury, or–" You nod at Vanessa with a smile. "Vanessa. You're in charge of the toiletries and stuff, right, with Cooper and Dean, and those guys?" 
She clears her throat. "It's more than 'toiletries and stuff,'" she corrects with a stilted laugh. "It's everything that isn't food. Medicine for the medic, the nursery supplies, the batteries. It's important." 
"No, of course! I didn't mean to imply anything else. I can't imagine." 
You're sure her smile this time is genuine. You and Vanessa can't seem to mesh because she's a little more serious than you are and your easygoing tone rubs her the wrong way, but you think your explanation makes it up. 
She opens her mouth to speak when Dustin leans over the table, projecting his voice down the line. "Y/N! Are you coming to cards club tonight?" 
"I don't know, babe," you say, startled at his question. "I thought so. If Steve isn't too tired then yeah, absolutely." 
"You can come without Steve," Jonathan says. 
"I know," you say, softly so you know he's grateful for the reassurance. 
"You're the only one who can beat Will at Yahtzee. You have wicked luck," says Mike, their pale, dark-haired friend, who usually rivals Dustin for hostility. You're glad he seems to like you. 
"Yahtzee isn't luck based," says Will. 
The entire group groans at the ignition of a familiar argument. 
"Robin, if you fucking nudge me again I'm gonna make sure this goes all over you," comes Steve's voice. 
You turn in your seat to watch their procession of glasses, at least six between them with not a tray in sight. Robin looks confident, Steve terrified. You jump to your seat to rescue him, taking his third glass from the nestling group so he can pick up his pace. 
"Thank you," he says, dipping his head down for a kiss. 
You're surprised but never not wanting to be kissed by him, your chin lifting on automatic to reciprocate. You chase him when he pulls away, turning one kiss into two, his lips the tiniest bit chapped against yours. It's a comforting pressure. 
You ease away. "Are we going to card club tonight?" 
"If you want to, of course we are." 
"You aren't tired?" 
"You're saying I look ugly." 
He glares at you, faux-offended.Your laugh is peeling, infectious to your own ears. 
"No!" you deny. 
"Right." He tries to be deadpan, sighing in defeat when he can't keep up the illusion. "Shit, I almost had it. S'too bad I'm a sucker for you when you smile like that." 
Later that night, you and Steve are sitting around the very same tables that have been wiped down with a watery lysol, and you have an amazing three game Yahtzee streak going where nobody can beat you.
Steve's ears are ringing with the clattering sound of dice in the shaker, and he's freezing. It's a great night. He shrugged out of his jacket to lay it over your shoulders, and has to periodically readjust it to stop it from falling to the floor, your arms moving enthusiastically with each new shake. 
Steve winces as Dustin makes a fatal mistake. He’s used his two sixes to mark a 12 in the sixes column, holding out for a yacht.
"Dude, the chances of getting Yahtzee are like, one in a thousand," Steve says.
"One in thirteen hundred," you correct, already scooping up Dustin's die to take your turn. 
"One in seven thousand and seven hundred for each number," Mike says. 
"Ew," Steve says, face slumped into his palm, elbow aching where it's pushed into the table. "You fucking nerds infected my girl." 
"It's in the rule book," you say, shaking the circular dice container with your hand on top. You throw them out on the table and assess your given numbers with a frown. 
You have three threes and two ones. You keep the threes and shake the other two dice again. Yahtzee had felt complicated when Steve first learned how to play, and now it feels maddening. It's definitely luck based, in his humble opinion, and that has nothing to do with his never winning a game, he swears. 
"Does the chance of rolling a Yacht get higher if you keep the dice?" he asks, gesturing to your three threes.
"Yeah," you mumble, throwing your second shuffle out onto the table. "Yeah, but it's pretty negligible, handsome. Goes from point one to point two."
"It isn't negligible," Will denies. "It's probability, not luck, and it isn't point one, it's zero point zero eight, and it can be as high as zero point five. That's one in two hundred."
"That math isn't right," Dustin says. 
"Yes, it is."
"No, it isn't." 
You throw out your last shuffle and everyone leans in to see what you rolled. Your three threes are kept to one side, and your new rolls clatter to a halt in front of Steve. 
"Holy shit," he says. 
You rolled two threes. 
"Yahtzee!" you cheer, pumping your little fist adorably. Little in that it's smaller than his, and not very little in reality. "Alright, who's next?" 
"The game isn't over," Dustin says, peeved. 
You peer down his scorecard. He could win, theoretically, if he were to score multiple yachts, or if he'd been careful with his aces, ones, etc. 
"Nah, it is," Steve says. "Take it like a champ, Henderson." 
Dustin refuses to give up, playing until the end. You score a solid 319 to his less impressive 178. 
Steve robs your hand before you can agree to a rematch, forcing you to unfurl your tensed fist. He loves doing this — he presses the tips of his thumbs into the sides of one of your fingers and pushes down. It must hurt a teeny tiny bit but you never say a word, only giggle at his touch and lean toward him like you might tell him a secret. He would lament how much time he wasted being an asshole to you if he had the wherewithal. As it is, he's enchanted with you, and he isn't casual about it, pushing all of your anxiety down to your fingertips. He brings them to his mouth and kisses them each in turn. 
You pull your hand away. He thinks you're standing up to leave the table, but you're moving closer to him and straightening your back. He can picture the ache between your shoulder blades as it is between his own, the weird raw feeling, a tightness. 
"Want a neck massage?" he asks as you place your hand against his cheek. 
You brush your thumb over his stubble. "Do you want a neck massage?" you ask, unperturbed by his sudden question. His jacket threatens to slide onto the floor. 
"Are you offering?" 
"Not in cards club." You look over his shoulder. "We could play poker."
"The buy-in's too expensive." 
"What?" You frame his face with your hand. He's not sure you know you're doing it. "We can spare it, isn't that why we brought it?" 
Buy-in tonight is a bar of soap. Half the time everybody goes home with what they brought anyways, so you're obviously not worried. 
You squeeze his cheek and laugh. "You'd be cute if you were chubby." 
He grabs your hand, face warped by an irreplaceable joy, a delight to have you and be with you, a sparkling kind of lightness to know you're safe and happy here. He kisses your cheek, and says, smushed up against your skin, "You're cute." 
"Thank you." 
He hums. "So. Poker?" 
You have a small sink in your room with a hot and cold faucet, though no matter which one you choose, the water comes out cold. It chills your face as you scrub. When your face is reasonably wet, you lather the bar of honey soap Steve insists on keeping at the side of the sink between your fingers before dropping it imprecisely into your boyfriend's waiting palm. He laughs under his breath at the clumsy manoeuvre. 
You listen to him do the same as you had as you soap your face. You give special attention to your nose, your eyebrows, and your ears. Steve laughs again as you work a small towel behind them. 
"What's funny?" 
"Nothing." He holds his hand out for the towel, patting down his face with less ardency. He isn't less clean for it. "You have suds under your nose. Tiny moustache." 
He reaches for it with the towel, lifting your face with the back of his hand under your chin. His eyes are their forever warm brown, fixed on your top lip with a dedication that makes your baseline fondness for him surge. 
"I was pretty bad at poker, huh?" you ask. 
"No?" He dries a lingering stretch of dampness painting your cheek before dropping the towel behind the faucets. "You didn't win. Doesn't mean you were bad." 
"Vanessa said I should stick to Yahtzee," you tell him. You pause, wanting his input, and worried you're feeling offended by something that isn't inherently offensive. 
"Vanessa should stick to lawn darts," he says, chucking you under the chin. 
He starts to pull his pants down like it's no big deal. It isn't, not after so many months together, you've seen him do worse in worse states than this, but it feels forbidden anyhow to watch him climb into bed. 
"Could you pass me my sweatpants?" he asks, face turned into the pillow, his shoulders deflating.
"You're decompressing without me." 
"Am not." He pushes his hand under the pillow, shoulder blade shifting under his shirt noticeably. "Hurry and decompress with me."
You throw his sweatpants at his calves and he does a sort of vertical dance to put them on, one leg then the other, lifting his hips and dropping heavily back into the sheets when he's done. He looks at home. His relaxation catches you off guard, a pleasure to see even if it isn't strictly new. He feels safe here with you. 
"She's good at those darts," you say. 
"And shit at poker," Steve says agreeably. He lifts his head off of the pillow. "Are you coming in or are you gonna sleep standing up tonight?"  
You shimmy out of your stiff jeans and try not to feel the huge weight of his eyes on your skin. It's an impossible task, and you fail immediately. 
"Stop looking at me." 
You glare at him, find him absolutely looking at you. Your glare fades when you realise how loving his gaze is, how it doesn't waver for a second. He pushes the sheets down on your side of the bed and waves his arm for you to get in. 
You pull on your pyjama pants and take off your bra, climbing into bed beside him. He wraps his arm around you quickly, or rather under you, his bicep crushed by your shoulders. Chills prickle against your skin as he cups the flesh just shy of your breast. If Steve wanted to touch you like that, he could. You want him just as much as you don't, content to cuddle with him, content to kiss like teenagers with nowhere to go tomorrow, content to do worse. He spreads his fingers over your torso, pinky nudging the underside. You'd let Steve touch wherever he liked, and he'd enjoy doing it, you think. That's a gift in itself such casual intimacy. 
"Vanessa, is she…" Steve's minty fresh breath pushes over your face like a small gale. "She's not picking on you, is she?" 
You like to be honest with Steve, and you want to be honest now — I don't know. But you hate thinking he'd have to look after you more than he does already. 
"No," you say, "we just aren't a good fit."
"Like a puzzle?" Steve asks sceptically.
"Guess my pieces are a little warped after spending so much time with you." 
He laughs like you're the funniest girl he's ever met, a big breathy sound with the punch of his voice behind it. "Guess they are," he says, hand climbing higher over your chest. "Is that a bad thing?" 
"Never," you say lightly. 
He smiles at you. You forget Vanessa's out of place comments, her weak smiles, her for-show friendliness in front of Steve. She doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, and letting her dictate your thoughts in gorgeous, glowing moments like this would be a waste. 
"Love you," you whisper. 
Steve nestles into the space under your jaw. He doesn't fit but he does, of course he does, he's your everything. If that's where he wants to sleep tonight, so be it. You turn into his grasp to take the pressure off of his arm and return his gentle hugging, forcing his face closer so you can breathe in the smell of his hair. 
"Love you," Steve says. He kisses your neck chastely. "Turn the light off?" 
You reach back blindly and switch off the lamp. Everything will be okay as long as you have your boy. Right? 
Vanessa gets worse. She makes neutral comments with enough friendliness to make you wonder if she's truly being cruel? Am I just looking for a fight? What do I want? 
Maybe it's Vanessa's clear preference for Steve. You could be jealous. You aren't sure what jealousy feels like in relationships until she's touching him when she doesn't need to be and smiling at him like he hung the moon. She doesn't go overboard, though. She keeps her hands mostly to herself. She goes as far as to tell Steve that she thinks you're beautiful. 
You don't know how to explain your reservations to him if he can't already see it. If she'd really thought you were beautiful, surely that's something she could say face to face, rather than the unhappy little nod she gives you whenever you cross paths? Despite evidence suggesting it, you don't think Vanessa's trying to make a move on Steve. 
She's a bit of a bitch, but that's not a crime. Unfortunate? Yes. Illegal? No. Immoral? You aren't sure. 
It's her most obvious dig yet that manages to grab Steve's attention a second time since the poker incident.
"I couldn't let my eyebrows grow out like yours," she says, voice bubbly with a faked awe, "I think it's super cool of you."
"Vanessa," Robin says, eyes on her plate, an inquisitive twist to her voice that you've come to know as her sarcasm, "we're in the apocalypse." 
Steve, who'd seemed torn between speaking up and genuinely confused about the comment Vanessa'd made, chokes on his food beside you, soup dribbling down both corners of his mouth as he laughs. You wipe the corners of his mouth with your long sleeves.
"Jeez, you're like my baby," you say. Your voice is occluded by Jonathan's silvery giggles. 
Steve swallows roughly, "I resent that."
He still lifts his chin so you'll rub the bead that's escaped down his throat. 
Vanessa ends up laughing too, says, "I think I'm just crazy tired," punctuated with a high-pitched laugh. 
"Honestly, me too," you say, because maybe she is, and maybe she needs just a little smidge more benefit of the doubt. 
"I've been keeping her up," Steve says smugly. 
"He still making you read that King book? The Gunslinger?" Jonathan asks. "Will wants it whenever you're done." 
"Every night," you say. 
You're pretending it's a chore because that's what you and Steve always used to do. These days room for sincerity is much larger, but it's fun to give him a hard time when, at the end of the day, you'll crawl into bed together and tuck his face into your neck, flipping to the dog-eared page of your worn paperback to read in dulcet tones until he's a dozing weight warming your skin.
Steve looks for your hand under the table and lets your small group of friends laugh at him. Chris makes a whipping sound through the corner of his mouth. It's surprisingly accurate, and it makes you laugh worse, leaning your weight into Steve's arm for support in an action so familiar it's entirely thoughtless. 
"It's not that funny," he murmurs, breath tickling your forehead. 
"M'not laughing," you say. 
You are most definitely laughing. It's a good moment, even if Vanessa's comment sticks around underneath to nibble at your heart. 
He doesn't let your hand go for a really long time. Not when you're taking the plates up to the dirty dishes trolley, or on the walk back to Little Hawkins' with everybody in high spirits. He struggles to unlock your door one handed and he's still insisting when you try to tug away from him. 
"Let me make the bed." 
"We're getting back in 'n like, ten minutes." 
"You're tired?" you ask. 
"No. I just wanna lay down with you." 
He says it simply. Concise, with neither affection nor anything less. It's damn near factual. Steve just wants to lay down with you, out of everything in the world he could do. He could be haunting Robin's room, stealing snacks from under her bed and claiming them as bribes for not tattling on her to Hopper. He could be with Dustin in the new rec room —aptly labelled Nerd Club, when put to a vote— arguing on how to spend the valuable alloted half hour of TV time. 
He could stay with you and insist on other things. Reading. Self-defence. A walk around the community. Sex. An early night. A cold shower. 
But he's content to lay with you, to share one another's space without asking for anything else. 
Though you won't rule everything out. His kisses lately are a lot more than you're used to. 
"Let my hand go, you fiend!" you declare, overcome with a rush of affection for him. "I'm gonna make the bed and we're gonna lay down and then after that we're gonna go bother Robin." 
"You know, I'm not sure I like this you and Robin thing." 
You tug your fingers from his. It's like trying to escape a sticky fly trap. 
"You mean us being friends?" you ask.
You throw all of your throws and pillows onto the ground and grab your thick quilt, shaking it out over your mattress as Steve groans. 
"I thought you wanted me to have friends?" 
"Of course I do, you word-twisting douche." 
"Nice, nice. Dustin or Mike?" 
"I stole that one from Will, thank you very much." 
"See! You have upwards of four friends, Steve, and I'm not allowed to have any?" 
He grabs you from behind. You drop the quilt with a sigh, going limp as a fish in his arms. He staggers backward under your dead weight but manages to keep you up, breath tickling the inside of your ear as he says, "No, you're not. Just me." He kisses your ear.
"I tried that and everyone got mad at me." 
"No, they didn't." 
They really didn't. You cover his arm with your fingers, rub your fingertips over the hill of his arm. His arm hair is soft. 
"What?" he asks, his hands crawling down to cover your stomach.
"Don't squeeze me." 
"You're very squeezable." 
"I was way more squeezable before, remember." 
You'd lost some weight from the start of the apocalypse to now. Steve hates it. You're perfect, he'd said once, no matter what. But still, he laments your lost weight for what it represents — times where you and he had struggled to survive. 
"I'm working on that," he promises. 
You turn your face, shifting in the circle of his arms to meet his eyes. He has gorgeous eyes. You'd admitted that to yourself a long time ago but each time you really stare into them it takes a moment for it to settle. He is a pretty, pretty boy.
He's looking at you with a soft smile. Then, for a split second, you swear his eyes rove up to your brows. It's more than likely your imagination.  
"Let me finish making this bed," you say, turning back to the discarded pile of pillows and blankets. 
"You want your jammies?" 
You snort happily. "Yeah, sweetheart. Lay 'em out for me, please." 
For the last week or two, Steve has noticed a change in you. You've changed a lot since you met him (for the second time). You've gone from prickly and distant and somewhat distracted to determined, vigilant. You may not come on scrounging missions outside but you're brave, and you've survived more than he ever wanted you to have to go through. 
This change is distinctive. It's like you've reverted to how you acted when you were more friend than girlfriend; you're self conscious. 
He really hates it. 
He can't work out what he did, or what happened, but it sucks. He sucks. 
"There has be be something you want," he says. 
You're standing with him by the south fence. He and his team are about to head out for the shopping mall for as many blankets as they can carry. 
"I just want you to be careful," you say. 
You look tired. It's early in the morning, and you'd woken up earlier still. Your hair is freshly washed from a cold shower. 
You're still not comfortable showering without him, but of course the other girls aren't comfortable with him sitting in there when they're naked. You've had to schedule your showers for the dawn hour. 
"I'm gonna be careful for free," he says, pulling at a wet strand of your hair. He scratches lightly around your ear before hooking his fingers underneath it, his thumb drawing from your cheek to your lips. "Pick something you want and I'll find it. You know, Robs said we might be able to pass by a real small cherry garden on the way home. Do you–" He should know this. Why doesn't he know this? "Do you like cherries?" 
Thankfully, you laugh at his question and let your face fall into his hand. He thumbs your ear lobe gently. 
"I don't want anything at all. 'Cept for you to be extremely careful," you say. 
He pulls you in for a hug, smashes a messy kiss to your head, and tries to pull away because he's cool and the guys are watching. 
You're less quick. You rub your cheek against his chest. 
"Please, Steve," you whisper. 
He frowns. There's something you're not telling him. He wishes you would, but clearly you don't think you can. He's gonna try to do whatever it is he needs to do to get you there.
Steve takes your face into both hands. 
"I will be super careful, dummy. That's my middle name, I'm Steve Careful Harrington," he says. 
"I thought your middle name was Danger?" 
He kisses you. "No? Who told you that?" 
Your laugh is pretty enough to keep him smiling for most of the hike to the mall, until Robin says, mid sentence, "–Jeez, you're pathetic." 
Pathetic for you is something he doesn't necessarily mind being, but pathetic in general he cannot abide. He spends the rest of the hike stepping on the sides of Robin's shoes as she retells the plot of Murder on the Orient Express. Steve had seen the movie once but he's never read the original novel. Lucky him, Robin had an Agatha Christie phase when she was twelve, and she knows all the best parts. 
Hike is a strange word considering all of their walking is through steep roads. They move past rundown cars, streets and streets of abandoned houses scraped clean. There's an elementary school with a rusted playground in front. Vegetation has already started to spread through the packed wood chip flooring, and one of the swings has a broken chain. Steve hadn't realised how quickly human things fell into disrepair when attacked by the elements and left maintenance. 
The mall is a better example. Smashed glass lays around the entrance in tiny pieces like a huge back of upturned sugar, and bluegrass eats its way between paving stones. The team consists of eight people, including Steve, Robin, Christopher, and one of the College's co-leaders, a mister Jeremy Livingstone. They make their way carefully through the glass and grass in a wave of crunching footsteps to the front of the mall, where Steve wedges the flat blade of his knife between the automatic doors and works them open. When there's enough room for a second hand, Chris slides in beside him, and they work the doors open. Steve's biceps are burning by the time they're inside the mall. 
"Alright, guys," Jeremy says. "There's a bedding store toward the back of the mall. We'll go there first, and then we'll try to work through the list of requests. Blankets and sheets are our second priority. Staying safe and alive is first. Only grab what you know you can carry, you can bring back whatever you want, just… don't be greedy. Alright?"
They head out for the bedding store at the back.
"How much stuff can we carry?" Robin asks him. "I have weak arms. I'm a weakling." 
"Isn't there uh, a fancy storage place? We could drag a suitcase back." 
"For two hours?" 
"Is it two hours? Livingstone! You want me and Robin to grab some suitcases?" 
Everybody fills a suitcase with sheets and blankets in plastic wrap. The brand new stuff feels like a luxury, and Steve dibs a double mattress bedspread made of Egyptian cotton, knowing that'll make you smile. Now he's got your mattress up on those crates from behind the cafeteria, your room has really come together. Blankets and trinkets and sweet glassware. You have a small shelf of books, your clothes, your pens and pencils. 
Steve'll bring you anything you want, only you don't seem to want anything at all. 
He'll just… have to bring you some of everything. 
Your tears taste salty. You feel gross for licking a tear off of your top lip but nobody's around to see you do it; Steve might not be home until dark. You have time to get this upset out of your system. 
You'd been asked by Maybelle to swing by Armoury and Amenities, an unofficial name for the building where the community keeps the bulk of its collective resources, for a new propane tank. You'd gone inside, said hi to Cooper, said hi to Vanessa, explained why you needed the propane, and left. 
Or, you'd tried to leave. The propane tank was heavy, and the front door had been difficult to open one handed. You'd swung it open, quickly put your hand back on the tank to stop yourself from dropping it, and watched in frustration as the door slammed closed before you could worm your way out.
"She's the one who got, like, taken?" came Cooper's voice, pretty much as soon as the door stopped bouncing. His voice echoed from the next room.
"Sure, taken." 
You'd stilled instantly. 
"What, you think she wanted to go?" 
Vanessa sighed. "No, I don't think so. She didn't try very hard to come back, s'all I'm saying." 
"Chris says Harrington's infatuated with her. Like he's under a spell," Cooper said, chuckling.
"It's gotta be some kind of magic, she's… Well, God knows he'd have his pick if he came back to reality. You have the catalogue? I wanna note the propane before I forget." 
And that had been that. 
You don't understand why Steve loves you, sometimes. You know he does. It isn't up for questioning. Love with Steve is a lot of things — long talks in the mornings about anything and everything, his fingers tucking your shirt into your jeans. It's him pulling your hood over your eyes whenever he's behind you and laughing when you grumble. It's hiding in places you shouldn't be, hand in hand. It's miles of Indiana highway. It's heart-racing anxiety that one of you might not make it to the end. Love with Steve is a devotion: he takes care of you. He's taken care of you ever since you met. 
You haven't stopped to wonder if you deserve it in a long time. 
I don't, you think, half tears and all heartbreak. You don't deserve it. You don't deserve Steve. He's too good, the kind of good that starts life in the marrow of bones. He's sweet and soft-handed with a softer heart. He looks like a dream, and it shouldn't matter but it does. His voice is the only one you like waking up to, his lips hovering by the shell of your ear. 
Time to get up, dummy. Rise and shine, angel. Baby, come on. We slept in, loser, and you need to get dressed. Hey, are you listening to me? I miss you, wake up. 
"Y/N?" Steve asks, trying the handle. 
You flinch hard, and your heart jumps with you. A flip flop somersault feeling in your chest that plummets to your stomach. You scratch madly at your cheeks with two woollen sleeves and stand up as he opens the door. 
"Hey," Steve says, and he's safe, he's alive and well and home again. 
He stands in the doorway with a bulging rucksack on his back, windbreaker zipped tight to his neck, hair a windblown mess. His nose is red from the cold and his cheeks are ice-bitten, though the colour is coming back to his skin slowly. 
You don't feel as though you deserve him but you can't help yourself from springing into his chest, arms around his waist before he can blink. Before he can see the wet mess of your face, and your tear swollen eyes. 
"Hey," he says again, leaning a great deal of his weight over your shoulders. He sniffs your hair. "Hey  dummy. Told you I'd get home fine, huh?" 
You try not to breathe too loudly against his chest. The fabric of his coat is stiff and cold, a contrast to your heated skin. 
"Hey," he says, for a third time. This time it's all powdered sugar soft. Concern and exhaustion wrapped together. "I know, I'm sorry it took longer than usual. It's my fault, I wanted to get you something 'n' I made us all late coming home, I know you worry."
You don't answer again. You don't know how to explain it to him. You can barely understand it yourself. You cling to him and his solid mass until he gives in, his mouth pressed to your temple, his arms tightening behind your head. He shields you from the world for a handful of long, stolen minutes. There's nothing but his hugs, no sound to battle the plastic sounds of his windbreaker or the blood rushing between your ears. 
"I didn't mean to worry you," he murmurs.
You don't trust your voice to come out whole. 
He freezes under your touch. A slow hardening. His hands pause where they'd been rubbing short, featherlight lines. 
"I'm sorry," you say, enthusing your tone with some self-deprecating cheer.  "You're tired, I'm sorry. You wanna sit down." 
"I really do." He laughs. 
You peel away from him, the two of you sheepish and awkward and it's so unlike you, unlike him. You think you've made a fool of yourself as he takes off his rucksack, laying it carefully on the floor by the bed as you turn to your shared dresser and rummage through the top drawer for some clean clothes for him to take when he showers. 
You've freaked him out, and he thinks you're a weirdo, and he's gonna realise you don't deserve him and you never could. You're bad at nearly everything, and you're a total slob, and you should've tried harder to get back to him, and it's all your fault. Misery grips you and drags you down hard. It spirals, surface level comments from a shallow, jealous girl, they twist and twist until you feel wrung out and useless. And now Steve's home, and you're–
"Are you mad at me?" Steve asks. 
You wince and face him, his sweatpants pressed to your chest. "What?" 
"You're not talking to me, and you only ever used to do that when you were mad." 
You pass him his sweatpants, clear your throat. "Stevie, I'm not mad at you." 
"Then what's up?" He unzips his windbreaker, keeping his eyes on you. "I know it's something." 
You force yourself to keep a mild smile. You can't think of a lie — you don't want to lie. 
Steve frowns as your face crumples, a large palm leaping to the curve of your neck. 
"What's wrong?" he asks. 
You can't align this Steve with the one you knew in Hawkins. He's so different. Or maybe he isn't different at all, and you're lucky to see the depth of his feelings, the expanse of his goodness and his heart and his secret smile, corners pulled up and eyebrows pushed down just so. It says, You're okay, because we're gonna do this together. The world will keep spinning for us as long as we want it to.
"I had a bad day," you say. 
"Are you sure? I've seen you on some bad days, baby. This doesn't feel like that, you know? And I get that I don't always know what to say, but I promise I wanna know. Whatever it is that's been making you all grumpy." 
His smile glows, his eyebrows rising. His teasing tone toward the end of his reassurance is a lightness you cling to. 
Lately, everything has felt so heavy. 
"I'm worried I don't…" Even attempting to say it has your throat aching. You cover his hand with yours. "Steve, I– I feel bad lately. I feel like I'm bad." 
He shakes his head, strands of his brown hair unsticking to dance in front of his eyes. "You're not bad." 
"I don't deserve you." 
He stares. 
"Being with you now, having you look after me, I didn't deserve you when I met you." A tear gathers in the line of your lashes. "I don't deserve you now. I'm just me, I'm useless, and you don't have to be with me and I've," —you take in a shuddering breath, and step away from Steve's hand— "been trying to work out why you're still with me and it doesn't make sense. Why do you stay with me?" 
"That's a stupid question," he says. 
You try to swallow a lump. It stays right there in your throat. 
"I got a policy against stupid questions, remember?" 
He cuts you off, tangling his fingers with yours, and easing you close until his breath is warming your lips and you can see the honey-browns that circle his pupils. They feel bigger the longer you look at them. 
"How can you ask me that?" he says gently. "You know how much I love you… Right?" 
You nod and knuckle a tear off of your cheek. "I know," you say, and you're crying now, little bubbling sobs that wobble your shoulders. 
"Listen, if I haven't been showing it I'm sorry, and I'll prove it to you. I don't want you to question it."
"It's not you," you say, pressing your forehead to his collar, craving his comfort so much that you don't care if you don't deserve it. 
"Everybody knows that line is a lie," he says.
"I'm not lying. Everybody knows I'm the part that doesn't fit." 
"Who's everybody?" 
You try to backtrack and pull away, but Steve won't let you this time. "I'm just having a bad day," you say, "and you've had a long one–" 
"Stop it." Steve looks at you seriously. He takes your face into both hands, like he always does when he's worried. "I don't care if I crawled home with two broken arms, loser. I gotta know what's wrong. All of it. And you need to tell me." 
He thumbs at your damp cheeks. 
"Okay," you mumble, embarrassed and relieved at once. "I'll tell you."
You insist that he take his shoes off and stretch out in bed even though he's got dirty jeans on, and he doesn't wanna get your nest of throw blankets dirty, so he peels out of them and sits in his boxers at the top of the bed. You slide in next to him, and he works his arm over your shoulder, and you cry like a baby when he calls you honey under his breath. 
"And these are for you, too," Steve says, pulling a slightly smushed box of cherries from the bottom of his rucksack. 
You look beautiful. Afternoon sunlight drips in from a crack in the curtains, kissing up and down your smiling cheeks. Your eyes are still puffy, but your smile hasn't moved all morning. 
"You didn't get anything for yourself?" you ask, though any outrage for him you harbour is hidden by your awe. "I don't remember the last time we got fresh fruit, and you didn't even put them at the top of the bag." 
"You're such a whiner. Just try one." 
Your fingers play delicately over the punnet of cherries. The cherry garden had had a lot of supplies left to 'borrow', and after a sickly half an hour of him and Robin staining their teeth, he'd managed to grab a perfect box's worth for you. Perfect before they got squished, that is. 
"You should have the first one," you say.
"No," he says, and shoves the box at your calf. "They're for you. If you like them, I want you to eat all of them and throw up like a godzilla." 
"Not sure you're remembering that movie right," you murmur, plucking one of the cherries out of the box. 
You bite into the cherry and your eyes screw up. "Oh wow, that's sour. I don't…" You finish chewing, and Steve is rocketed to cloud nine when you go in for a second cherry, and then a third. 
Last night had been tough. Steve spent a long time talking you down from what'd been sewn into your head, and he'd pulled the truth from you in strings. Vanessa had been cruel to you on more than one occasion now, which Steve had known but not to the full extent, and her last comment had been too much. Steve, unapologetically, hates her. 
But Vanessa isn't the sole problem. 
You're having a really hard time. All of this has been so much for you. It is, in Robin's words, the fucking apocalypse, and between nearly starving to death and all the shitty things that have happened to you, he isn't surprised to find you're fragile. And he doesn't say fragile, meaning weak. He doesn't know a lot about the world but he knows the human brain and body isn't built for this. You're his girl, and you're hurting, and while he knows objectively this isn't his fault, he vows to do a better job at protecting you. 
He won't fail you again. He can't. 
He watches cherry juice escape out of the corner of your mouth. 
"You're cute," he says. "Where's the disposable? Pass it over." 
"You are not taking a photo of me right now, baby." 
"You look beautiful." 
"When will we ever get the photos developed, anyway?" you say, laughing, kissing juice off of your fingertips. 
He leaps for the camera and tussles you when you fight back. You laugh and lose, weak with giggles as he holds you away, his fingers pressing into the soft plush of your waist. 
"Jonathan does all of that stuff," Steve says knowingly. 
He gives you a little shove. You cover your face with your hands, words muffled, "Thought the camera was for me?" 
"We're sharers. We share things. Look, if you don't smile for me I'm gonna take a picture of you in your underwear." 
You throw your hands over your lap and he snaps a photo of your shy face. 
"Shithead fucking pervert," you say. 
Steve knows he's off the hook when you laugh. 
He's gonna give Vanessa the coldest shoulder anyone has ever given, and if she were a guy Steve would defend your honour in a more physical manner. He'd suggested a verbal defence last night but you'd begged him to never, ever bring any of it up to Vanessa or your friends. It startled him —you have nothing to be ashamed of— but he'd agreed. Whatever's gonna make you happy is, perhaps cornily, what he wants to do.
Right now, making you happy is gifts on the floor of your tiny shared bedroom, pantsless but, fascinatingly, with socks. He points the camera at your ankles.
You grab the new blanket he'd given you and drape it over your legs. "Pervert," you reiterate. 
He puts down the camera. 
"Not my fault they made you perfect." 
"Who's they?" 
Steve shrugs, and can't keep the smirk off of his face as he says, "They made every damn inch of you perfect, especially but not limited to your pretty eyebrows." 
Your smile settles into something more timid. You push your hill of gifts aside, careful not to spill your cherries, and walk the short distance on knees to wrap your arms around his neck. Your face fits into the curve of his neck exactly the way it always will. His hand cups your lower back. 
"Love you, Harrington," you say. 
"How much? 'Nough to let me have some of the cherries?" 
You shake your head gently, the tip of your nose bumping his Adam's apple. "No…" you say apprehensively. 
"No? You don't wanna share with me?" 
"No." Your mumbling is adorable. Steve wants to eat you alive, or at the very least kiss you until you turn to jelly in his arms. 
If he starts now, he can be done by dinner. 
"Five seconds to change your mind. After that I'm taking all of them by force. Five, four, three…" 
You shriek, and even your shrieking  is a sound he wants to hear. You drop away from him and grab the cherries, cornering yourself too fast as you stagger to your feet and hide by the desk. Shoulders against the cabinet, you grab up one of your rare books like a shield, and you glare at him over the cover. 
"You said they were for me!" you say, real panic in your voice. You know from experience Steve will tickle you until you can't breathe.
"They are for you! I love you," he says, words dripping with a false sincerity (though he loves you, undeniably). "I'm just trying to help you, sweetheart. You don't want my help?" 
"You keep your help away from me, beast." 
It doesn't take him nearly as long as he'd thought to melt you. He tickles you, and he steals a handful of your precious cherries, and when he kisses you dizzy it leaves red-pink splotches over the column of your neck, his smile temporarily printed into your skin. 
ty for reading <3 I hope you enjoyed, and if you did pls consider reblogging <3<3
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nightbunnysong · 1 month
Italian It Girl: Beauty with Biochemical Backing
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Facial Creams with Yogurt and Honey
Yogurt and honey masks are used for their hydrating and antibacterial properties. Yogurt contains lactic acid, an alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA), which helps exfoliate dead skin cells and enhance hydration. The lactic acid promotes a smoother and more hydrated complexion. Honey has antimicrobial properties due to its phenolic compounds and natural sugars, which help reduce bacterial growth and inflammation while retaining moisture, leading to healthier skin.
Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair
Apple cider vinegar is used as a final rinse for hair because of its acetic acid content. Acetic acid helps balance the pH of the scalp, close hair cuticles, and remove product residues. This can lead to shinier and less brittle hair by smoothing the cuticle layer and reducing scalp inflammation. It also helps in reducing dandruff and improving overall hair health.
Olive Oil Masks
Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids like oleic acid and antioxidants such as vitamin E. Oleic acid helps deeply hydrate the skin and improve elasticity by integrating into the skin barrier. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, protecting the skin from oxidative stress caused by free radicals, thus reducing signs of aging and enhancing skin repair processes.
Coffee Scrub
Coffee grounds are used as an exfoliant due to their coarse texture and bioactive compounds. Caffeine enhances blood circulation, promotes fat metabolism, and stimulates lymphatic drainage, which can reduce the appearance of cellulite. The physical exfoliation removes dead skin cells and improves texture, while antioxidants in coffee, such as chlorogenic acids, protect the skin from environmental damage.
Sweet Almond Oil for Hydration
Sweet almond oil contains essential fatty acids like oleic acid and linoleic acid, which are vital for maintaining the skin’s lipid barrier and preventing moisture loss. It is also rich in vitamins A and E. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, preventing oxidative damage and maintaining skin hydration and elasticity.
Baths with Aromatic Herbs
Aromatic herbs such as rosemary, lavender, and thyme contain essential oils with therapeutic properties. Rosemary has rosmarinic acid and cineole, which have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Lavender oil contains linalool and linalyl acetate, which promote relaxation and stress relief. Thyme essential oil includes thymol and carvacrol, known for their antimicrobial properties. Adding these herbs to baths can help relieve muscle tension and improve mood through their volatile compounds.
Chamomile Infusions for Tired Eyes
Chamomile infusions are used as compresses due to their anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Chamomile contains flavonoids like apigenin and essential oils that reduce inflammation and irritation. Apigenin helps inhibit inflammatory pathways, which can reduce puffiness and calm the sensitive skin around the eyes.
Chamomile for Lightening Hair
Chamomile is used to lighten hair naturally through its flavonoids and essential oils. When applied to the hair and exposed to sunlight, these compounds interact with melanin, gradually lightening the hair color. This natural bleaching effect enhances hair brightness and creates subtle highlights over time.
Rosemary Remedies
Rosemary contains compounds such as rosmarinic acid and ursolic acid, which stimulate blood circulation and support hair growth. Rosmarinic acid has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which help improve scalp health and reduce oxidative stress. Enhanced circulation promotes hair follicle health and contributes to stronger hair growth.
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she-is-ovarit · 1 year
You need to consume unsaturated fats or you'll feel slow, fatigued, and never want to do anything.
You have to learn the healthy fats and eat the healthy fats if you're committed to being vegetarian or vegan. Or you will be tired forever, and not the type of tired where you can push through it, but the type of tired where you feel like you have to stay in bed all day and your heart feels like it's being sucked through a straw.
Fatty acids are what lipids in our bodies are made mostly up of. Fatty acids are responsible for energy storage, brain development, blood clotting, and controlling inflammation. They are necessary for your body to be able to absorb vitamins such as vitamin A, D, E, and K. They are necessary for your body to produce sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen. Not having enough of these fats can cause muscle pain, night blindness, infertility, easy bruising, dry hair, hair loss, loose teeth, depression and anxiety, and dermatitis (presenting as dry and scaly rashes).
You need unsaturated fats such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These are good fats. Saturated fats and trans fats are bad, these are what raise your risk of heart attacks and strokes. Diets high in saturated fats might also lead to chronic pain.
35% of your caloric intake should be fats. This can be added to the list on why the diet industry is so cruel. Manufacturers and organizations paired with the pornography and cosmetic industry pushing dieting and beauty norms on women and girls for decades impressed the seriously dangerous and false idea that consuming fats was bad. Denying healthy fats means denying healthy brain development, energy and motivation, better ability to heal from injuries, and preventing depression and anxiety.
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Balsamic and olive oil together (and you can add some minced garlic if you like) tastes fantastic with warm bread and can be made in 12 minutes.
Cooking with the oils above instead of butter can also introduce fatty acids in your diet (might not be enough though, you need 1-2 tablespoons a day).
Sometimes if I'm in a hurry I just eat a plain avocado a day.
You can sprinkle chia seeds on yogurt. Add flax seed to smoothies.
Just eat 1/4th of pumpkin seeds too (which are also super high in magnesium). That's basically a handful a day, make it part of your morning routine.
Almonds, walnuts, and pecans are also high in good fats.
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drogba-prospect · 1 year
Spirit Unity Syncretism Oversoul with Technology, Education, Art, Books, Medicine, Fitness, and Food (TEABMFF) "Issä Spirit Unity Book Real Estate Dictionary Oversoul"
Expansive Mood (Disinhibition, Sensory Overload, XYY)
Posttraumatic Growth Ecstasy Spiritual Healing
Ecstasy Spiritual Healing Water Recovery
Is̈sa Patroness Oversoul (XYY and Schizoaffective Morning Star-Sun-Neptune Ruling Planets Spirit ESTJ Androgynous Type) (Art Financing/Sports Biologist)
Piërre Patroness Oversoul (XYY, MSTN, ACTN3, Mercury-Mars-Sun Ruling Planets Spirit ISTP Type) (Sensory Play)
Yves̈ Patroness Oversoul (XYY, Expansive Mood-Sensory Overload Morning Star-Mars-Sun ESTP Androgynous Spirit Type) (Virtuoso)
Chaärms Patroness (Oblong Face, Novelty-Seeking, Financial Worshipping Disorders, Poker Brain, Chess Decision Template, Insulin Sensitivity, Low Agreeableness with High Conscientious, Asperger's with Savant Skills, Disinhibited Bipolar 2, Grey Matter Brain, Borderline Personality Disorder; Morning Star-Neptune-Mars-Sun-Moon ISFP MBTI Leo Female Lucifer's Wife Ballerina)
Type III (scores 14–20) sometimes mild burn, tans uniformly (golden honey or olive), Wavy Abbreviation: Surfer Black Hair, Grey Eyes (Green or Blue depending on Mood)
Principalities: Euphonic Arabic Script Art History Language; Association with Marriage, Sensory Play, Finance, Science, Auditory Aesthetics, Sassafras & Resveratrol, Impure Aesthetic Poetry, Romance Studies, Blue Zone Gastronomy, and Graffiti-Gambling Vulgar Euphonic Slang (Art Financing-Grassroots Language)
Keystone Habits
Intrapreneurship Joint Venture Sales Pitch
Opportunity Cost with Intrapreneurship for Joint Venture Contract Meetings. The Eisenhower Matrix is best for addressing problems within companies; with these problems, use the Blue Ocean Strategy to create new markets.
International Events
Rugby World Cup, Davis Cup, Bocuse D’or, Laureus World Sports Awards
Capture the Flag, Coup de Pied, Yoruba Jiu-jitsu, Volleyball, Artistic Cycling, Artistic Gymnastics, Rugby
Athletic Platform
Lacoste All-Court: Collagen Athlete (Elastic Force), Baseliner + Serve and Volley, Tennisology (Sports Biology), Stylistic Biomechanics, Tennis Anatomy, Toussaint Cosmetic Surgery (Lipodissolve-Full Body Etching with Hyaluronic Acid Fillers), et Grassroots for Paris Fashion Week
Toussaint Bass: Shakespeare Impure Aesthetics Lyrics and Ballards Vocals-Mozart Effect Composition Melodic EDM; (Layered 808 Progression with Saw Pedal and Syncopated Percussion)
Central African Bathing
3 Shower Sebum Loss Prevention: Soap Moisturizer Bar with First Shower and Second & Third No Soap with Coco Butter-Musk Aftershave Balm Dry Off
Ibiza Tourism Grey-collar Game Theory Network
Ginseng Travel-health Parametric Insurance and Construction Trust Fund
Biogeometry Cosmetic Surgery
Full Body Etching-Lipodissolve and Hyaluronic Acid Fillers.
Hydrolyzed Collagen-safrole Oil, Dextromethorphan, Cycloparaphenylene
Biogeometry, Biomechanics
marked by excessive self-indulgence and moral decay
“a decadent life of excessive money and no sense of responsibility”
Based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions
Precarious Balance
Precariously: If something is happening or positioned precariously, it's in danger. A glass could be precariously balanced on the edge of a table. If something is on the verge of danger, then the word precariously fits.
Semblance is generally used to suggest a contrast between outward appearance and inner reality.
Having a fantastic or deceptive appearance
adjective. having a fantastic or deceptive appearance, as something in a dream or created by the imagination. having the appearance of an optical illusion, especially one produced by a magic lantern.
Law of Polarity in Relationships
In any successful relationship that has an intimate connection and sexual attraction, there is polarity. What does this mean exactly? Polarity in relationships is the spark that occurs between two opposing energies: masculine and feminine. Gender does not affect whether you have masculine or feminine energy.
Second Reflection
Burden Aesthetics with Intentions
The Second Reflection lays hold of the Technical Procedures
The civilization of ancient Egypt was indebted to the Nile River and its dependable seasonal flooding. The river's predictability and fertile soil allowed the Egyptians to build an empire on the basis of great agricultural wealth; Egyptian Cotton Canvas and Poplin Shirt.
(Competitive Sensory Play) Armed robbery is typically motivated by the desire to obtain money, which is then often used to purchase drugs; however, some armed robbers engage in the crime with the intention of boosting their status within their peer group. Whatever the motivation, the act is classified as a violent crime, because armed robberies can result in injury and sometimes death to victims.
(Agreggator Model) Some common kinds of robbers include first offenders, persistent thieves and hustlers, drug addicts, habitual robbers, and skillful planners.
(Graffiti Art Galleries) Raiding is a military tactic or operational warfare mission which has a specific purpose. Raiders do not capture and hold a location, but quickly retreat to a previously defended position before enemy forces can respond in a coordinated manner or formulate a counter-attack. A raiding group may consist of combatants specially trained in this tactic, such as commandos, or as a special mission assigned to any regular troops. Raids are often a standard tactic in irregular warfare, employed by warriors, guerrilla fighters, or other irregular military forces. Some raids are large, for example, the Sullivan Expedition.
The purposes of a raid may include: to capture specific key persons; to gather intelligence.
(First Masterpiece) Principalities English: Euphonic Art History Language; Association with Sensory Play, Finance, Science, Auditory Aesthetics, Impure Aesthetic Poetry, Ecstasy & Wine, Romance Studies, Blue Zone Gastronomy, and Graffiti-Gambling Vulgar Euphonic Slang (Art Financing).
Preparation: The first step in creating such a good repertoire is to understand that memorization comes in a distant second to an appreciation of the ideas behind your opening moves
Prophylaxis*: In the game of chess, prophylaxis or a prophylactic move is a move that stops the opponent from taking action in a certain area for fear of some type of reprisal. Prophylactic moves are aimed at not just improving one's position but preventing the opponent from improving their own. 
Pre-Move: This is when you make your move *before* the opponent has taken their turn; Helps with Time, Creates psychological pressure
Tactical Vision: Tactics are maneuvers that take advantage of short-term opportunities. They can support your strategy and/or destroy your opponent's plan and ideas; Tactical and combinational themes must be mastered
Opening Game: A chess opening is the group of initial moves of a chess game. In addition to referring to specific move sequences, the opening is the first phase of a chess game, 
Middle Game: The middlegame in chess is the portion of the game in between the opening and the endgame, though there is no clear line between the opening and middlegame or between the middlegame and endgame. The theory on the middlegame is less developed than the opening or endgame.
Development: It is important to develop your whole Army. Note the word whole. Some players get a few pieces out and launch an attack. The necessity for quick development depends on the type of Center that exists. For example, if the center is closed, development is not necessarily a priority because the enemy pieces won't be able to break into your position. However, if the center is open, development takes on a great significance
Initiative**: The side that forces its ideas on a reacting opponent; Is making believable threats or responding to threats
Dynamic Advantage: A dynamic Advantage centers around temporary items like development, initiative, and more active pieces. Make sure you make use of this Dynamic Plus before the opponent catches up in development, the initiative runs dry, or you're active pieces are exchanged
Compensation: If you give up something (space, structural weakness, squares, material) and get nothing in return you are in trouble. However, if you give up the same imbalances (space, structural weakness, squares, material) in exchange for different types of imbalance you are said to have compensation for whatever it is you gave up
Material Advantage: A material advantage goes to the player who has more and/or stronger pieces.
End Game: In chess and chess-like games, the endgame is the stage of the game when a few pieces are left on the board. The line between middlegame and endgame is often not clear and may occur gradually or with the quick exchange of a few pairs of pieces. 
A pharmacopoeia, pharmacopeia, or pharmacopoea (from the obsolete typography pharmacopœia, meaning "drug-making"), in its modern technical sense, is a book containing directions for the identification of compound medicines, and published by the authority of a government or a medical or pharmaceutical society. Descriptions of preparations are called monographs. In a broader sense it is a reference work for pharmaceutical drug specifications. Although older writings exist which deal with herbal medicine, the major initial work in the field is considered to be the Edwin Smith Papyrus in Egypt, Pliny's pharmacopoeia. Pharmacoeconomics refers to the scientific discipline that compares the value of one pharmaceutical drug or drug therapy to another. It is a sub-discipline of health economics. A pharmacoeconomic study evaluates the cost (expressed in monetary terms) and effects (expressed in terms of monetary value, efficacy or enhanced quality of life) of a pharmaceutical product. Pharmacoeconomic studies serve to guide optimal healthcare resource allocation, in a standardized and scientifically grounded manner.
Cost-of-illness analysis (COI)
Cost-benefit analysis (CBA)
Budget-impact analysis (BIA)
Cost-utility analysis (CUA)
Cost-consequence analysis (CCA)
Cost-comparison analysis
Cost-minimization analysis (CMA)
Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA)
Activated Charcoal, Colloidal Oatmeal, and Superoxide Dismutase (SOD)
The Manifesto of Futurism (Italian: Manifesto del Futurismo) is a manifesto written by the Italian poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and published in 1909.[1] Marinetti expresses an artistic philosophy called Futurism that was a rejection of the past and a celebration of speed, machinery, violence, youth and industry. It also advocated the modernization and cultural rejuvenation of Italy. 
Institut Paul Bocuse Gastronomique: The Definitive Step-by-Step Guide to Culinary Excellence; Founded in 1990 by the great French chef for whom it is named, Institut Paul Bocuse is one of the world's leading culinary schools. Located just outside Lyon, the French gastronomic capital, it operates with advisory boards that include leading chefs from around the world (e.g., Daniel Boulud, Yannick Alleno, Juan Mari Arzak, Normand Laprise, Thomas Keller). With more than 1,800 photographs illustrating 250 essential kitchen techniques, this 720-page, slipcased volume addresses both motivated self-instructors and trained chefs who may occasionally want to refresh their knowledge of classic technique.
Négritude: Naissance et expansion du concept a documentary by Nathalie Fave and Jean-Baptiste Fave, first minutes online, with the interventions of Amadou Lamine Sall, Racine Senghor, Lylian Kesteloot, Jean-Louis Roy, Jacqueline Lemoine, Gérard Chenêt, Victor Emmanuel Cabrita, Nafissatou Dia Diouf, Amadou Ly, Youssoufa Bâ, Raphaël Ndiaye, Alioune Badara Bèye, Hamidou Dia, Georges Courrèges, Baba Diop; Maison Africaine de la Poésie Internationale. Shot in Sénégal in 2005, 56' (DVD)
Coffee and Cigarette Documentary This 11-vignette film focuses on the human interactions that happen while partaking in the everyday indulgence of coffee and cigarettes. Featuring well-known actors and other artists as themselves or some version thereof, the film highlights the nuances and subtle hostilities that can be a part of seemingly normal conversations. Bill Murray waits on the Wu-Tang Clan, Iggy Pop and Tom Waits get on each others' nerves and Jack and Meg White of the White Stripes discuss Nikola Tesla.
A creed, also known as a confession of faith, a symbol, or a statement of faith, is a statement of the shared beliefs of a community (often a religious community) in a form which is structured by subjects which summarize its core tenets. 
Rejection of Past Africa for Romance Studies and Greco-Grigori Science 
Principalities Settlement on Mercury through Space Chakra
A Lion's, Kangaroo's, & Cheetah's Hearts and a pair of Eagle Eyes are added to Spirits
Virgo Births and Planet Realignment
Mutable Leo, Aries, Sagittarius Sensing Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Patronesses and Planet Realignment; 3 Per Zodiac Sign (Sensory Play Male ISTP, ESTP Androgynous Virtuoso Intrapreneur, ESTJ Androgynous Insurance Agent)
Chinos and Dufflebag Dress Code
Digimon: The Movie is the influence for TK and Kari Digiworld Shamanism (Technology Aesthetic for Patronesses)
Dark Arts-Martial Arts Army Civilian
Principalities-Erotes Aesthetic Theory
Construction Trust Fund Insurance Business Model
Real Estate Identification 
Cash is a Liability in Capitalism
Distorted Sensory Play for Wings Development
Spirit Unity Syncretism Oversoul with Technology, Education, Art, Books, Medicine, Fitness, and Food (TEABMFF)
Sociobiology (Socioeconomic Status Theory of Development; Sociocultural Theory of Development; Sociopolitical Theory of Development)
Gymnastic Rings
Olfactory Arts
Grey-collar Working Class Game Theory Network
GABA Hegemonic Masculinity Settlement Colonization
Age 16 Group Home Passage of Living Like Your Father Is Dead To Become A Man (Exposure Therapy)
Gambling and Bankroll Magement
Collagen Sports Science
Vice Script
Yoruban Jiu-jitsu
Military Equipment
Why Principalities English has a Vulgar Euphonic Accent And Is Classified As An Art History Language (Written by Poets, and is Spoken by Kinaesthetic Learners)
Wine Casual Dress Code (Chino and Duffle Bag)
Keystone Habits
Authors Of Scientific Theory
Heritage Assets
Mastering Dynamic Plank, Reverse Plank, and Hollow Hold
Bioeconomy (BioTechnology Central Hedge Fund-Game Theory Offshore Master’s Exchange Program)
Offshore Aquaculture Predators
Guerilla Fitness Routine
Orthtropics (Jaw Contouring, Mewing, and Masseter Silicone Chewing)
Bengal Cat Owners
Collagen-sassafras Oil BioGeometry Cosmetics Diploma
Nutritional Biochemistry Rations and Take-out
Media Studies
3 Sleep Cycle Naps Twice a Day
Aftershave Balm as a Body Lotion Replacement
30's is the most Important Decade in a Man's Life
Mineral Water Hair Cosmetics
Pearl Mouth Jewellery
Impure Aesthetics Poetry Theory
Sexual Healing Guide
Our Version of Shango's Heavens Belongs to Angels of War (Eros, Gadreel, and Issä)
Toussaint's Physique: Force-Velocity Systematic Calisthenics Contrast Superset Lower Half Influenced V-taper (Plyometrics for Cardio)
Pan-fried & Grilled Crab Cooking Competition Show for Shango
Shakespeare Adaptation Thrillers Screenplay
Vulgar Poetry and Graffiti Graphic Design
Having a Favourite Element on the Periodic Table.
How Eros gave us Dionysus as a Wine and Ecstasy Deity through Pothos for an Energy Drink Microeconomy
Tennis Streetwear during Youth and Wine Country Casual at the age of 18
Economic & Finance Exploratory Schools (5-18)
Mediterranean Games Economy International Event Insurance Business Model
Using Dark Arts for Venus and Mars as Ruling Planets
Andrology Research Video Essays and Online Articles
Toussaint-Nike-Jennifer Psychology Parenthood
Stacked Leucine Bedtime Drink for Hormone Release Recovery and Fertility Nude Sleep
Sensing Myers Briggs Type Indicator Sensory Play Art Schools for Information Processing
Replace Packaged Food with Smoothie Frequency and Nut Bottom Yogurts
Random Acts of Long Distance Food Poetry
The Davis Cup is French Settlement
2 Am Bedtime for After Hours Sensory Play
Coffee Pastry Sheets for Breakfast Pastries
Winter Point Break Gastronomy
Cigarillos-Ecstasy Expansive Mood Oversoul
Travel-health Insurance Sales Agent (Policy, Service, Premium Bought Farmland and Interest Gathering Assets)
Graffiti Cinematography Art Galleries
Acid Garden Streetwear Trade Shows
Sports Performance Center
Coup de Pied Courts (Grassroots)
Video Game Design
Graffiti Graphic Design Sister Company
Collagen Supplement Store with Research Insitute
Economic Forecasting Pool-Live Betting Board Game
Rental Property Farmland and Penthouse Artist Residency Grocery Store
Ibiza Primate Structure
Audio Engineer Red Bull Academy
Ecstasy Concentrate Pedology BioTech Research Institute
Fougere Skincare Manufacturing
Beach Festivals
Bape Corporate Education Art Schools
Gastronomy Tours
Create an Ecstasy Expansive Mood Oversoul for Art through Spirit-Type Syncretism
Opportunity Costs Theory: Opportunity costs represent the potential benefits that an individual, investor, or business misses out on when choosing one alternative over another. Because opportunity costs are unseen by definition, they can be easily overlooked.
The Star of David
Virgin Mary Pendant
De Coelesti Hierarchia (Greek: Περὶ τῆς Οὐρανίας Ἱεραρχίας, "On the Celestial Hierarchy") is a Pseudo-Dionysian work on angelology, written in Greek and dated to ca. AD the 5th century; it exerted great influence on scholasticism and treats at great length the hierarchies of angels.
LMVH Distribution 
Model off of an Amusement Park
Horticulture is the art of cultivating plants in gardens to produce food and medicinal ingredients, or for comfort and ornamental purposes. Horticulturists are agriculturists who grow flowers, fruits and nuts, vegetables and herbs, as well as ornamental trees and lawns 
Sports Performance Facility 
Indoor Garden 
Wedding Host 
Photography Garden 
Food Court 
Restaurants: Upscale 
Farmer's Market 
Coffee Shops 
Cannabis Fields 
Rum Production Centre 
Corporate Meeting: Christmas and New Year's Parties 
Investor meeting spot
Diplomatic Events 
Shopping Centre 
Outdoor Concert Venue 
Theatre Arts 
Business School 
Member Banks Headquarters 
ISSF Olympic skeet: Qualifiers, Membership 
Running Trails: Street Art Stairs 
Ballet Academy
Diamond Bourse
Foreign Relations 
Fund Foreign Expos to Increase Diplomatic Relationship: Increase Tourism, Off-shore Companies, and Bank Accounts.
Cabana Club 
Water System: Experiment with Activated Charcoal, Colloidal Oatmeal, Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) 
Debswana Diamond Company Limited, or simply Debswana, is a mining company located in Botswana, and is the world's leading producer of diamonds by value. Debswana operates four diamond mines in the eastern and central parts of Botswana, as well as a coal mine. Debswana is a joint venture between the government of Botswana and the South African diamond company De Beers; each party owns 50 percent of the company.
World Federation of Diamond Bourses Executive & Promotion Committee
The World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) is an association of the world’s major diamond bourses and promotes the interests of the member bourses and their members. As the official organization of the international diamond trading sector, the WFDB creates a common set of trading practices in rough and polished diamonds.
Founded in 1947, the WFDB currently has 29 affiliated bourse members located in major diamond centers throughout the world. The WFDB encourages the establishment of new diamond bourses, and aids and supports bourses in their early stages. The organization also invites members of related diamond sectors – such as finance, retail, shipping and more – to join as associate members.
The WFDB Executive Committee: The Executive Committee directs and enforces the policies of the WFDB according to resolutions passed by Congresses and Presidents’ Meetings and has the authority to give them proper effect.
The WFDB Promotion Committee: The Promotion Committee makes recommendations to the Executive Committee in order to enhance the promotion of the WFDB on various levels, such as via social media, the website and more.
The WFDB Judicial Committee: The Judicial Committee is responsible for all legal matters relating to the WFDB, such as international arbitration issues. The Committee makes recommendations to the Executive Committee and the affiliated bourses to amend the WFDB Laws and Inner Rules.
The WFDB Trade And Business Committee: The Trade and Business committee makes recommendations to the Executive Committee concerning industry relations with financial institutions worldwide, lab-grown diamonds, Know Your Customer and the System of Warranties.
The WFDB Trade And Business Committee
The Trade and Business committee makes recommendations to the Executive Committee concerning industry relations with financial institutions worldwide, lab-grown diamonds, Know Your Customer and the System of Warranties.
Ideas: Luxury Goods Encrusted Items Investment Service and Auction; Example, Hermès Bag Investment System, Masterworks Underwriting Auction System Information Catwalks with models then bidding in a separate room with Video Replay for YouTube 
Industries to attach to: Offshore Banking, Insurance, Collateral
ABC Exchange (Alumina, Beryllium, Carbon): There are four types of precious stones: diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds. Each type has its own specific chemical and physical properties. Diamonds are made from carbon, rubies, and sapphires from alumina, and emeralds from beryllium.
Interest Rate Pegging, Environmental alternative to gold, Surplus item during Quantitative Easing, Low Interest Rates lead to spending and loans for investment which means buying and trading diamonds will balloon 
Mine Pairs: What Is a Currency Pair? A currency pair is the quotation of two different currencies, with the value of one currency being quoted against the other. The first listed currency of a currency pair is called the base currency, and the second currency is called the quote currency.
Diamond Mine Investment Group: Mines can create private Investment Groups. Items within Group, Diamond Retail, Panic Buttons, Time Opening Buzzer Entrance, Shatterproof Display Cases, Time Opening Safes, 2 Floor Stores System 
Diamond Trading: Industrial diamond manufacturing sectors, Capital Gains Taxing, Create Offshore revenue through trading. Blockchain is a volatile market for good liquidity, Vehicle Currency Low-Interest Rates mean the currency will be traded against other currencies, Shorting own currency to get foreign currency and exchanging returns for domestic currency stabilize the exchange rate and Currency Basket 
Purpose: Permanent Residence Card or Citizenship By Investment
$200k Deposit
$125k: 60/40 portfolio, 60% Fixed Income & REITs and 40% Blue Chip Stocks 
$50k: Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) and Term Deposits are secured investments. This means that you get back the amount you invest at the end of your term. The key difference between a GIC and a term deposit is the length of the term. Term deposits generally have shorter terms than GICs.
$25k: Spending Cash 
Tax Deductible Charity: Ecological Preservation Real Estate & Natural Resources Development (Coffee and Tobacco)
Art Gallery/Diamonds Accessoires OTC Underwriting-Auction and Graffiti Cinematography
Pyramid Sets with Systematic Calisthenics
Isometric Hold, Dynamic Effort Method Lifting, Plyometric, 60 Meter Sprint or Vertical Jump, Intra-Set Stretching 
Isometric Hold-Isotonic Contraction-Cobra Pose (10 Seconds Hollow Hold/15 Bicycle/Cobra Pose, 15 Seconds Hollow Hold/7 Bicycle-Cobra Pose)
Ido Portal's Isometric-Mobility Squat Routine
Contrast Dynamic Hollow Hold
Wall Sit-Weighted Jump Rope
Pull-up Bands
Gymnastic Rings
Weighted Jump Rope
Weighted Vest (Rucking Specialization)
Resveratrol/Soy Isoflavones (Hormones)
Leucine/L-Carnitine/Creatine (Stacked Muscle Growth)
Keto BHB (Fat Loss)
Bleached, Level 2 Temple Drop Fade, ≠ Head and Eyebrow Part, Pencil Mustache
Waves Products: Pomade, Wave Butter, Wave Shampoo, Sea Salt Spray
Shower Brush Method: Detangle Hair with Comb, Soak Hair for a Couple Minutes, Scramble Wash, Create Thick Lather and Shower Brush #1 Training Pattern, Create Thick Lather and Shower Brush #2 Training Pattern, Lather and Lay Down Pattern, Put on Durag and Rinse
When hair is dry use Wave Butter, Pomade and Sea Salt Spray
Lifeguard-Butcher-Pastry Chef Job Trio (Dōrifutoshīn Gran Turismo Trafficking, Streaming, and Sports Book)
Fougère Cultivateur
Law and Parenting Students
Cold Brew
Java Tobacco
Coffee Flavoured Chocolate
Coffee Pastry Frosting
Coffee Breakfast Whipped Cream
Coffee Liqueur (Candles)
Doubled Up Meal Replacement Smoothies (Oatmeal, Spinach, Chia Seeds, Flaxseeds)
4 Hour Window (Pork, Seafood, Duck, and Polysaccharides)
7 Pm Workout for Sleep and Morning Recovery
Hotel Vertical Integration Ghost Kitchen Clientele Grocery Stores
French Socioeconomic Status Development Immigration Multilingual Sensory Play Cooking Channel
Bape Art Corporate Education Curriculum (No Audition Course)
The pioneer was Société Générale de Belgique, the ancestor of BNP Paribas Fortis, which was founded in Brussels in 1822. It invented the hybrid bank, combining deposit management and corporate sponsorship, with Crédit Mobilier (founded by the Pereire brothers) soon following suit.
SONY DISTRIBUTION: Gran Turismo, Cyberpunk 2077, Ghost of Tsushima, Gundam Wing, Zoids, Sonic The Hedgehog, FIFA Trafficking and Re-sale Market
Jupiler Rugby Pro Union and Pro League
Barber Salons
As of 2023, the global chocolate industry is worth $127.9 billion USD.
Madagascar Vanille: The global vanilla extract market size was valued at USD 5.26 billion in 2021. The market is projected to grow from USD 4.94 billion in 2022 to USD 6.29 billion by 2029, exhibiting a CAGR of 3.52% during the forecast period.
According to the report, the global cheese market was valued at over 83.4 billion U.S. dollars in 2022, and is forecast to reach at over 120.2 billion by 2028.
The global rabbit meat market revenue amounted to $6.4 billion in 2017, picking up by 12% against the previous year. This is according to market research firm IndexBox, which also stated that the market value increased an average annual rate of +4.0% from 2007 to 2017.
However you serve them, duck eggs are an excellent source of nutrition. Their dark yellow yolk indicates that they hold more antioxidants, more omega-3 fatty acids, and 50% more vitamin A than chicken eggs.
Sephora is a leader in global prestige retail, teaching and inspiring clients to play in a world of beauty. Owned by LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton, the world's leading luxury goods group, Sephora has earned its reputation as a beauty trailblazer with its expertise, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit. At Sephora, beauty is in our DNA. Our revolutionary beauty-retail concept, founded in France by Dominique Mandonnaud in 1970, is defined by its unique, open-sell environment with an ever-increasing assortment of products from carefully curated brands, featuring indie darlings, emerging favorites, trusted classics, and Sephora’s own, SEPHORA COLLECTION. Today, Sephora is not only the leading retailer of perfume and cosmetics stores in France, but also a powerful beauty presence in countries around the world thanks to its unparalleled assortment of prestige products in every category, unbiased service from experts, interactive shopping environment, and innovation.
Bassline Genre
Energy Drink
Samuel de Champlain/Jean-Jacques Dessalines/Marcus Garvey (Samuel de Champlain Spirit Type Oversoul)
Alexander the Great
Sephora Girls
Art Curators
Primate State European Architecture Metropolitan Capitals
The Belgian banking system has long been known to be a sophisticated and liberal banking system. Standardized customer account numbers for all financial intermediaries are widely used, and internet and phone banking are well developed. There are no restrictions on the free movement of capital and regulatory requirements are minimal. There is a particularly wide and flexible range of loan products offered to companies, with no discrimination as to the nationality of the investor. There are also many options available when it comes to raising risk capital. Thanks to an efficient branch network, there is a large number of Belgian and foreign banks servicing the country. Due to the sheer volume of international business carried out in Belgium, more than half of all banking transactions are international financial transactions. The majority of Belgian banks also have an extensive international network based on strategically located branches in the main financial markets around the world. A number of the 106 banks located in Belgium feature prominently in the top 100 international banks. The combined assets of the three main banks (Fortis, ING and KB Group) amount to $370 billion. All credit institutions (banks and savings banks) operate under the same legal framework and are monitored by the same supervisory authorities. The Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission (BFAC) supervises the activities of financial institutions, including banks, investment funds, stock brokers, finance companies and holding companies. As a result of the deregulation of the banking sector in 1993, credit institutions have been able to offer all financial services, as defined by European legislation. The BFAC supervises the financial sector in close coordination with the National Bank of Belgium (Belgium’s central bank). The main bankcard used in Belgium is the Mister Cash-Bancontact debit card, issued along with a PIN number upon opening a bank account in Belgium. In order to open an account, proof of identity, such as a passport, is required. The Bancontact card can be used to withdraw cash at ATMs, and to pay for almost anything in Belgium, from a newspaper, parking meter, gasoline, or a loaf of bread from the bakery. Credit options are also available on application. All bank ATMs in Belgium accept the Bancontact card; some accept MasterCard, Visa and other credit and debit cards. The major credit cards are generally accepted in stores, restaurants, and hotels.
AgBank and Options Exchange: Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, ABC has been formed and abolished several times. On July 10, 1951, two banks of the Republic of China, Farmers Bank of China and Cooperation Bank, merged to form the Agricultural Cooperation Bank, which ABC regards as its ancestor. However, the bank was merged into People's Bank of China, the central bank in 1952. The first bank bearing the name Agricultural Bank of China was founded in 1955, but it was merged into the central bank in 1957. In 1963 the Chinese government formed another agricultural bank which was also merged into the central bank two years later. Today's Agricultural Bank of China was founded in February 1979. As the People's Bank of China began spinning off its commercial banking functions after 1978, ABC's focus on providing farmers with financial services increased.[10]: 225  ABC was restructured to form a holding company called Agricultural Bank of China Limited.[11] It was listed on the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock exchanges in July 2010.[12] Founded in 1973, the CBOE Options Exchange is the world's largest options exchange with contracts focusing on individual equities, indexes, and interest rates.
Bishop's College School or BCS is an English-language non-profit independent boarding prep school in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada for students in Grades 7 to 12.[2][3][4][5] Founded in 1836, BCS is the fifth oldest private school in Canada.[6][2][7] BCS has the highest endowment per student of any independent school in Canada.[8][9] Seven BCS people have been named Rhodes Scholars.[10][11] A royal charter was granted in 1853 from Queen Victoria for Bishop's College when BCS was the constituent junior division. The school was recognized as the "Eton of Canada" initially by the first Governor General of Canada, Lord Monck on a visit in 1864.[12][13][5] It locates at the heart the historic Eastern Townships and near New England. The school is recognized as a Quebec cultural heritage site in the Répertoire du patrimoine culturel du Québec.[14][15]
Grey collar – Workforce that is not classified in blue collar nor white collar. It is occasionally used to describe elderly individuals working beyond the age of retirement, as well as those occupations incorporating elements of both blue- and white-collar.
Gold collar – Refers to children of wealthy parents working jobs they normally would not be qualified for. Alternatively refers to highly-skilled professionals in high-demand fields such as doctors, lawyers, engineers, and scientists.
JAVA ANGELINA FRANC (Central African Franc CFA): Petrodollars are crude oil export revenues denominated in U.S. dollars. The term gained currency in the mid-1970s when soaring oil prices generated large trade and current account surpluses for oil exporting countries. A currency peg is a policy in which a national government or central bank sets a fixed exchange rate for its currency with a foreign currency or a basket of currencies and stabilizes the exchange rate between countries. The global coffee industry is worth $495.50 billion as of 2023. The United States contributes $95.58 billion to this total, which is more than any other country in the world.
Athletics Training: The force-velocity curve is a physical representation of the inverse relationship between force and velocity. Understanding the interaction between force and velocity and their influences on exercise selection is vital for any strength and conditioning professional. For example, it is essential that a strength and conditioning coach understands the physiological and biomechanical differences between prescribing a one-repetition maximum (1RM) deadlift and five-repetition maximum (5RM) jump squats – as one will produce higher forces and lower velocities than the other. Failure to understand the relationship and its importance will likely lead to less than optimal training prescription.
Opportunity Costs represent the potential benefits that an individual, investor, or business misses out on when choosing one alternative over another. Because opportunity costs are unseen by definition, they can be easily overlooked.
Game Theory has a wide range of applications, including psychology, evolutionary biology, war, politics, economics, and business. Despite its many advances, game theory is still a young and developing science.
Meat Source: Wild game is surprisingly leaner, relatively higher in Omega-3 fatty acids, lower in cholesterol (due to the low saturated fat content), as well as devoid of steroids, antibiotics and other additives because of their natural origin and active ways of life. When compared to domestic animals such as cows and chickens, game meats have an average of 4.3% fat while their domesticated competitors typically have a fat content of 25-30%. Not just any fat either. We’re talking a lot less saturated fat (aka the bad fat) and a much higher proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (aka the good fat). Additionally, the protein, vitamin, and mineral composition of wild game stands to compete with its domesticated competitors, especially when it comes to zinc and iron. This is due to their natural diet of wild vegetation as opposed to grain and corn. (Wild Turkey, Deer, Duck, and Jackrabbit)
Alkaline D-Aspartic Acid Gastronomy: D-Aspartic Acid is an amino acid that is used to make proteins in the body and is a part of several metabolic reactions. One systematic review found that there was evidence of D-Aspartic Acid boosting testosterone levels in male animals. Some foods that are high in D-Aspartic Acid include: Poultry, Meat, Eggs, Dairy, Rice, Oats & Barley Donut Flour, Peaches, Dried Apricots, Nectarines, Cherries, Plums, and Bananas. The alkaline diet is based on the idea that replacing acid-forming foods with alkaline foods can improve your health.
Spinach: Specifically, researchers led by Maria Parr — a professor of pharmaceutical chemistry at the Freie Universität in Berlin, Germany — examined the effect of ecdysterone on athletic performance and muscle strength. EcdysteroneTrusted Source is the main compound in spinach extract. It is a phytosteroid — that is, a steroid that occurs naturally in plants and belongs to a class called phytosterols, which are “structurally similar to cholesterol.” Previous studiesTrusted Source in mammals have shown that ecdysteroids have a wide range of beneficial effects. In the 1980s, researchers dubbed ecdysterone the “Russian secret,” following suspicions that Russian Olympic athletes were using it as a performance boosting supplement.
Salmon as Unsaturated Fat Protein: The fatty-acid-binding proteins (FABPs) are a family of transport proteins for fatty acids and other lipophilic substances such as eicosanoids and retinoids.[1][2] These proteins are thought to facilitate the transfer of fatty acids between extra- and intracellular membranes.[3] Some family members are also believed to transport lipophilic molecules from outer cell membrane to certain intracellular receptors such as PPAR.[4] The FABPs are intracellular carriers that “solubilize” the endocannabinoid anandamide (AEA), transporting AEA to the breakdown by FAAH, and compounds that bind to FABPs block AEA breakdown, raising its level. The cannabinoids (THC and CBD) are also discovered to bind human FABPs (1, 3, 5, and 7) that function as intracellular carriers, as THC and CBD inhibit the cellular uptake and catabolism of AEA by targeting FABPs.[5] Competition for FABPs may in part or wholly explain the increased circulating levels of endocannabinoids reported after consumption of cannabinoids.[6] Levels of fatty-acid-binding protein have been shown to decline with ageing in the mouse brain, possibly contributing to age-associated decline in synaptic activity.
Cathedral Basilica Tax Deductible Charity
BNP Paribas Fortis Offshore Mariculture Division (Cote d'Ivoire, Seychelles, and Madagascar)
Sports Performance Centers (Sports Biomathematics and Intrapreneurship Joint Ventures)
Aether is an award-winning climate tech startup based in New York City's fabled Diamond District. Aether transforms air pollution into valuable goods and materials. From pollution to solution, nothing to something. By pushing the boundaries of product design, manufacturing technologies, and craftsmanship, the company is paving the way for a more beautiful and enduring future for both people and planet. Founded in 2018, Aether has raised over $21M in funding to date and is growing quickly.
Drug Slang: “Chocolate” is used as a euphemism for cannabis in the song: “And my car smells like chocolate”, as well as the line: “Now you’re never gunna quit it / If you don’t stop smoking it / That’s what she said” — 1975
Extinction is the learned inhibition of retrieval of previously acquired responses. Fear extinction is a significant component of exposure therapy in the treatment of fear memories such as those of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It can be used for experience.
Money Lessons
Money Jars: Give $100 for every 5 book reports, then divide among jars. $10 Tithe (opened at the end of the month), $10 Giving and Offering (opened on Sundays), $10 Saving (opened on special occasions), $20 Investing (only opened when full), $50 Spending.
This teaches multiple personal finance skills, Motivates independent reading, Teaches oral and presentation skills, Build the habit of gathering information when they are young, and Builds a Corporate Executive mindset; Instead of having this system with chores which creates an employee mindset this teaches kids to be in control of the information they use to get money
After the first trial runs this should be viewed as passive income for your Children.
While balancing school and at-home book reports; this simulates and exposes them to the similarities of having a job and starting their own company
Grey with White Logo Tires
Gold Chrome Rims
Crème Fraîche Tomato-Peanut Soup (Sautée Veggies-Broth Layering) with Challah Bread & Pan Fried Salmon
Skin On Pomme Puree & Pan Fried Salmon
Haitian Macaroni au Gratin (Sunday Meal)
Congolese French Toast Roll Up (Turkey and Cheese with Jam)
Mason Jar Overnight Oatmeal
French Vanille Blueberry Meal Replacement Smoothies 
Eggs, Sausage, and Hash Browns Breakfast
French Vanille Extract-Cinnimon Crème Fraîche Chocolat Chaud Angelina
Gâteau au rhum
Chocolate Chip Banana Bread
Cinnamon Rolls
Chocolat Oatmeal Cookies
Tomato Soup
Yukon Potatoes
Challah Bread
3 Block Cheese
4 Boxes of Conchiglie
French Vanille Creamer
Heavy Cream
Roasted Garlic Chicken Broth
Olive Oil
Sweet Onion
Roasted Herb and Garlic
Equipment: Mason Jar, Saucepan, Toaster Oven, Panini Griddles, Slow Cooker, Pot, Fruit Ninja Blender, Cup Cake Pan, Frying Pan, Baking Pan, Cutting Board, Colander Bowl, Whisk, Tongs, and Spatula
De Coelesti Hierarchia Raves, Planetary Intelligence, Parking Ticket Free Brabus Dealerships (Angel Status), Pool Access Lifeguard Summer Competitions, Ecstasy, Synth Drum and Bass, Graffiti Cinematography, Undergarments Shopping, Oral Sex, Masturbation, Dirty Dancing, Sexting
Gastronomy Course (Crème Fraîche Chocolat Chaud Angelina; Panini Challah Turkey and Cheese French Toast; Crème Fraîche Tomato-Peanut Soup)
Lifeguard Training
Barber Landlords Course
J'Cartier, Je cours après les vœux de champagne
Based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions
Bleu et Gris Sprezzatura Gastronomie 
Precarious Balance
Precariously: If something is happening or positioned precariously, it's in danger. A glass could be precariously balanced on the edge of a table. If something is on the verge of danger, then the word precariously fits.
Grey & Decentralized Markets
Semblance is generally used to suggest a contrast between outward appearance and inner reality.
High Socioeconomic Status & Tattoos
Having a fantastic or deceptive appearance; adjective. having a fantastic or deceptive appearance, as something in a dream or created by the imagination. having the appearance of an optical illusion, especially one produced by a magic lantern.
Socioeconomic Status Development Immigration Multilingual Sensory Play 
Law of Polarity in Relationships
In any successful relationship that has an intimate connection and sexual attraction, there is polarity. What does this mean exactly? Polarity in relationships is the spark that occurs between two opposing energies: masculine and feminine. Gender does not affect whether you have masculine or feminine energy.
Second Reflection
Burden Aesthetics with Intentions; The Second Reflection lays hold of the Technical Procedures
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Boosting Testosterone: Natural Ways for Men
Testosterone plays a crucial role in men's health. It's responsible for muscle mass, bone density, body hair, and, most importantly, mood and overall well-being. As men age, testosterone levels naturally decline, which can lead to a range of issues, including decreased libido, reduced muscle mass, fatigue, and even depression. While many turn to hormone replacement therapies, there are natural ways to boost testosterone that are both effective and sustainable. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to naturally enhance your testosterone levels and improve your overall quality of life.
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1. Exercise Regularly, Especially Strength Training
Exercise is one of the most effective ways to prevent many lifestyle-related diseases, and it can also boost testosterone levels. Strength training, in particular, has been shown to have a significant impact. Exercises like weightlifting and resistance training help increase testosterone by promoting muscle growth and fat loss. The more muscle mass you build, the more testosterone your body will produce. Compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses are particularly effective because they engage multiple muscle groups and stimulate testosterone production.
However, it’s essential to balance strength training with other forms of exercise. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has also been proven to boost testosterone levels. HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by periods of rest or low-intensity activity. This type of workout not only improves cardiovascular health but also triggers a significant release of testosterone. On the other hand, avoid overtraining, as it can lead to increased levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that negatively impacts testosterone production.
2. Maintain a Balanced Diet Rich in Healthy Fats
Your diet plays a critical role in maintaining healthy testosterone levels. Consuming a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrients is crucial. Focus on whole foods, lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables to provide the essential vitamins and minerals needed for hormone production. However, the type of fat you consume can significantly affect testosterone levels.
Healthy fats, such as those found in avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil, can help boost testosterone. Saturated fats and monounsaturated fats have been shown to support testosterone production, while diets low in these fats can lead to decreased levels. Conversely, avoid excessive intake of trans fats, often found in processed foods, as they can negatively impact testosterone and overall health.
3. Get Sufficient Sleep and Manage Stress
Sleep is vital for maintaining optimal testosterone levels. Most of the body’s testosterone is released during sleep, particularly during REM (rapid eye movement) stages. Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to a significant decrease in testosterone levels. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to ensure your body has adequate time to recover and produce the necessary hormones.
Stress management is equally important in maintaining testosterone levels. Chronic stress elevates cortisol, which can block the effects of testosterone. To manage stress effectively, consider incorporating mindfulness practices such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga into your daily routine. These activities not only help reduce stress but also improve overall mental health, which can positively influence hormone balance.
4. Maintain a Healthy Weight
Carrying excess body fat can negatively impact testosterone levels. Adipose tissue (body fat) contains an enzyme called aromatase, which converts testosterone into estrogen, a hormone more prevalent in women. This conversion can lead to lower testosterone levels and an increase in body fat, creating a vicious cycle. By maintaining a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise, you can help ensure your testosterone levels remain at an optimal level.
5. Optimize Your Vitamin D and Zinc Intake
Vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in testosterone production. Vitamin D, often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin," is particularly important. Vitamin D is not only essential for bone health but also acts as a natural testosterone booster. Spending time in the sun or taking a vitamin D supplement can help maintain optimal levels.
Zinc is another critical mineral that supports testosterone production. Foods rich in zinc, such as meat, shellfish, legumes, nuts, and seeds, should be a regular part of your diet. If you have a zinc deficiency, consider taking a supplement to boost your levels.
6. Limit Alcohol and Avoid Substance Abuse
Excessive alcohol consumption and substance abuse can have a detrimental impact on testosterone levels. Alcohol, particularly in large quantities, can disrupt the endocrine system, leading to reduced testosterone production. Additionally, substances such as opioids and anabolic steroids can suppress natural testosterone production, leading to long-term hormonal imbalances. Moderation is key—enjoy alcohol in moderation and avoid substances that could impair your hormonal health.
7. Consider Natural Supplements
Certain supplements have been shown to boost testosterone levels naturally. Herbal supplements like fenugreek, ashwagandha, and ginger have been studied for their potential testosterone-boosting effects. For instance, ashwagandha has been found to reduce cortisol levels and increase testosterone in stressed individuals. Ginger, a common kitchen spice, has been shown in some studies to enhance testosterone production and overall sexual function. However, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen to ensure it’s safe and effective for you.
8. Stay Hydrated and Limit Sugar Intake
Hydration plays an essential role in overall health, including hormone production. Dehydration can lead to increased cortisol levels, which may negatively affect testosterone. Ensure you drink enough water throughout the day to stay hydrated.
Additionally, limit your sugar intake. High levels of sugar can lead to insulin resistance, which is linked to lower testosterone levels. Reducing processed sugars and focusing on a diet rich in whole foods can help maintain stable insulin levels and support healthy testosterone production.
9. Have Regular Check-Ups
Regular medical check-ups are essential for monitoring your overall health and hormone levels. If you suspect you have low testosterone, a simple blood test can measure your levels. Regular screenings will help you track your health and make necessary adjustments to your lifestyle to maintain optimal testosterone levels.
Boosting testosterone naturally involves a holistic approach that includes exercise, diet, sleep, stress management, and lifestyle changes. By making conscious, health-focused decisions, you can maintain healthy testosterone levels and improve your overall quality of life. Remember that results may vary, and it's important to consult with a healthcare professional to tailor these strategies to your specific needs. Stay proactive about your health, and you’ll be well on your way to enhancing your testosterone levels naturally.
Ready to take control of your health? Start implementing these natural strategies today and experience the benefits of optimized testosterone levels. Contact us: https://wa.link/j213dj
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haayaa17 · 2 months
Aloe Vera Hair Masks: Recipes for Every Hair Type
Aloe Vera hair masks are a fantastic way to give your hair the nourishment it needs. Whether you have dry, oily, or damaged hair, there’s an Aloe Vera hair mask recipe just for you. Let’s explore some easy and effective recipes for every hair type.
For Dry Hair: Aloe Vera and Yogurt Mask
Dry hair needs extra moisture. Aloe Vera combined with yogurt provides deep hydration.
2 tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel
2 tablespoons of plain yogurt
Mix Aloe Vera gel and yogurt in a bowl.
Apply the mixture to your scalp and hair.
Leave it on for 30 minutes.
Rinse thoroughly with a mild shampoo.
For Oily Hair: Aloe Vera and Lemon Juice Mask
Lemon juice helps balance the scalp’s oil production, while Aloe Vera soothes and conditions.
2 tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
Mix Aloe Vera gel and lemon juice in a bowl.
Apply the mixture to your scalp and hair.
Leave it on for 20 minutes.
Rinse with lukewarm water.
For Damaged Hair: Aloe Vera and Olive Oil Mask
Olive oil is known for its repairing properties. Combined with Aloe Vera, it helps restore damaged hair.
2 tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel
2 tablespoons of olive oil
Mix Aloe Vera gel and olive oil in a bowl.
Apply the mixture to your scalp and hair, focusing on the ends.
Leave it on for 30-40 minutes.
Wash it off with a gentle shampoo.
For Normal Hair: Aloe Vera and Honey Mask
Honey adds shine and softness to normal hair types.
2 tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel
1 tablespoon of honey
Mix Aloe Vera gel and honey in a bowl.
Apply the mixture to your scalp and hair.
Leave it on for 20-30 minutes.
Rinse thoroughly with water.
Why Use Aloe Vera Hair Masks?
Hydrates and Conditions
Aloe Vera is a natural conditioner that hydrates your hair deeply, making it soft and smooth.
Promotes Healthy Scalp
Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that keep the scalp healthy and free from infections.
Reduces Hair Loss
Regular use of Aloe Vera can strengthen hair follicles, reducing hair loss and promoting growth.
Tips for Using Aloe Vera Hair Masks
Consistency: Use these masks once a week for best results.
Fresh Aloe Vera: If possible, use fresh Aloe Vera gel for more effectiveness.
Patch Test: Always do a patch test to ensure you’re not allergic to any ingredient.
Aloe Vera hair masks are a simple and natural way to keep your hair healthy and beautiful. With these recipes tailored to different hair types, you can easily incorporate Aloe Vera into your hair care routine. Try these masks and enjoy the benefits of Aloe Vera for your hair!
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daniela--anna · 7 months
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The benefits of Aleppo soap
The beneficial properties of this particular type of Syrian soap are different: first of all it has an antibacterial power, and is therefore suitable for those suffering from dermatological problems such as eczema, acne and psoriasis.
Also effective for simple blackheads on the face.
It is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and disinfectant, so it prevents and fights infections.
All this is due to the action of laurel oil, an emollient.
It helps wound healing, thanks to its regenerative abilities that restore shine to the skin with vitamin C. It also stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin proteins.
Prevents premature skin aging and keeps you young thanks to its antioxidant properties.
This is possible thanks to the action of vitamins A and E.
Aleppo soap has no fragrances, it does not smell like rose, lavender or other flower soaps smell.
Laurel and olive are particularly odorless and thanks also to the treatment with sodium hydroxide, even when the soap is made as liquid Aleppo soap, it is suitable for those suffering from skin allergies.
Furthermore, it also has antioxidant properties.
It does not contain aggressive surfactants and its particular natural scent has a truly relaxing effect on our senses.
Aleppo soap on the skin
Lightly moisten the Aleppo soap in solid format and use its soft foam to massage the wet skin.
To obtain greater benefits, leave the foam to rest for 5 - 10 minutes and then rinse: a sufficiently long time that will give great satisfaction!
Aleppo soap for men's beards
Lightly moisten the Aleppo soap and rub it on your skin when you shave: it will make an excellent shaving foam!
And that's not all: you can also use it once you've shaved, before drying, leaving it to rest for 5 minutes.
You'll see how soft and perfectly hydrated your skin is!
Aleppo soap for hair
In addition to cleansing the scalp well, Aleppo soap helps prevent hair loss and reduce dandruff.
Also in this case the secret is to distribute the foam, massage the head well working on the roots of the hair and leave to rest for 5 minutes.
For an even brighter result, when you move on to the final rinse, dilute two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water, and let it rest for another couple of minutes.
I benefici del sapone di Aleppo
Le proprietà benefiche di questo particolare tipo di sapone siriano sono diverse: anzitutto ha un potere antibatterico, e pertanto è adatto a chi soffre di problemi dermatologici come eczemi, acne e psoriasi. Efficace anche per i semplici punti neri sul viso. È antinfiammatorio, antisettico e disinfettante, quindi previene e combatte le infezioni. Tutto questo è dovuto all'azione dell'olio di alloro, emolliente. Aiuta la guarigione delle ferite, grazie alle sue capacità rigenerative che ridanno splendore alla pelle con la vitamina C. Inoltre stimola la sintesi delle proteine di collagene ed elastina. Previene l'invecchiamento precoce della pelle e mantiene giovani grazie alle sue proprietà antiossidanti. Questo è possibile grazie all'azione delle vitamine A ed E.
Il sapone di Aleppo non ha fragranze, non profuma come invece odorano saponette alla rosa, alla lavanda o altri fiori. L'alloro e l'oliva sono particolarmente inodori e grazie anche al trattamento con l'idrossido di sodio, anche quando il sapone viene realizzato come sapone d'Aleppo liquido, è adatto a chi soffre di allergie alla pelle. Inoltre, ha anche proprietà antiossidanti. Non contiene tensioattivi aggressivi ed il suo particolare profumo naturale ha un vero e proprio effetto distensivo sui nostri sensi.
Sapone di Aleppo sulla pelle
Inumidire leggermente il sapone di Aleppo in formato solido e usare la sua morbida schiuma per massaggiare la pelle bagnata. Per ottenere maggiori benefici, lasciare a riposo la schiuma per 5 - 10 minuti e poi risciacquare: un tempo sufficientemente lungo che regalerà grandi soddisfazioni!
Sapone di Aleppo per la barba maschile
Inumidire leggermente il sapone di Aleppo e strofinarlo sulla pelle quando ti radi: diventerà un’ottima schiuma da barba! E non è finita: lo puoi usare anche una volta sbarbato, prima dell’asciugatura, lasciandolo riposare per 5 minuti. Vedrai che pelle morbida e perfettamente idratata!
Sapone di Aleppo per i capelli
Oltre che pulire bene il cuoio capelluto, il sapone di Aleppo aiuta a prevenire la caduta dei capelli e a ridurre la forfora. Anche in questo caso il segreto consiste nel distribuire la schiuma, massaggiare bene la testa lavorando sulla radice dei capelli e lasciare a riposo per 5 minuti. Per un risultato ancora più brillante, quando passi al risciacquo finale diluisci due cucchiai di aceto di mele in una tazza d’acqua, e fai riposare per un altro paio di minuti.
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oziva · 1 year
Creating a Comprehensive PCOS Diet Plan for Optimal Health
Introduction to a PCOS diet plan
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects many women of reproductive age. One of the most effective ways to manage PCOS and its symptoms is through a well-balanced PCOS diet plan. A PCOS diet plan can help regulate hormones, improve insulin sensitivity, and support overall health. In this article, we will delve into the essential components of a PCOS diet plan, highlighting the importance of balanced nutrition and lifestyle modifications.
Understanding PCOS
PCOS is characterized by a range of symptoms, including irregular periods, excessive hair growth (hirsutism), acne, and ovarian cysts. It is also often associated with insulin resistance and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and infertility. While PCOS is a complex condition with no cure, its symptoms can be managed effectively through dietary and lifestyle changes.
Key Components of a PCOS Diet Plan
Balanced Macronutrients:
A PCOS diet plan should include a balanced distribution of macronutrients: carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. Aim for a well-rounded intake that includes whole grains, lean protein sources (such as tofu), and monounsaturated fats (found in olive oil, avocados, and nuts).
Complex Carbohydrates:
Choose complex carbohydrates for your PCOS diet plan like whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, oats) over simple sugars and refined grains. These complex carbs are digested more slowly, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance, a common issue in PCOS.
Fiber-Rich Foods:
Incorporate plenty of high-fiber foods into your PCOS diet plan, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Fiber helps regulate blood sugar and improve digestion, which can be especially beneficial for those with PCOS.
Adequate Protein:
Protein is crucial for muscle maintenance and hormone regulation. Include lean protein sources like beans in your meals to help maintain steady blood sugar levels, as part of your PCOS diet plan. 
Healthy Fats:
Opt for healthy fats like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil in your PCOS diet plan. These fats can help reduce inflammation and support hormone balance in the body.
Watch Your Portions in the PCOS diet plan:
Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid overeating and promote weight management. A registered dietitian can help you determine appropriate portion sizes for your specific needs. A PCOS diet plan needs it! 
Take Low-Glycemic Index (GI) Foods in your PCOS diet plan:
Foods with a low GI are digested more slowly, leading to more stable blood sugar levels. Examples of low-GI foods include whole grains, legumes, non-starchy vegetables, and most fruits. These will form a part of your PCOS diet plan. 
Limit Sugary Foods and Beverages:
Reduce or eliminate sugary snacks, desserts, and sweetened beverages from your PCOS diet plan. High sugar intake can exacerbate insulin resistance and lead to weight gain.
Manage Carbohydrate Intake in your PCOS diet plan:
Some individuals with PCOS may benefit from a moderate reduction in carbohydrate intake. A low-carb or ketogenic diet can be effective for weight loss and blood sugar control but should be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional.
Adequate Hydration:
Staying well-hydrated is important for overall health and can help with weight management in your PCOS diet plan. Choose water as your primary beverage and limit sugary drinks and excessive caffeine.
Lifestyle Modifications
In addition to a PCOS diet plan, lifestyle modifications can significantly impact the management of PCOS symptoms:
Regular Exercise:
Engage in regular physical activity to improve insulin sensitivity, manage weight, and reduce stress. Aim for a mix of cardiovascular exercises and strength training along with your PCOS diet plan. 
Stress Reduction:
High-stress levels can exacerbate PCOS symptoms. Incorporate stress-reduction techniques like yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or hobbies that bring you joy.
Adequate Sleep:
Prioritize quality sleep as it plays a crucial role in hormone regulation and overall well-being, specially with a PCOS diet plan. 
Weight Management:
If overweight or obese, achieving and maintaining a healthy weight can have a positive impact on PCOS symptoms. Even a modest weight loss of 5-10% of your body weight can lead to improvements.
Medication and Supplements:
Some individuals with PCOS may require medications like birth control pills, anti-androgens, or insulin-sensitizing medications. Consult with a healthcare provider to determine if these options are appropriate for you. Additionally, certain supplements, such as inositol and chromium, may support insulin sensitivity.
A well-structured PCOS diet plan, combined with lifestyle modifications, can be a powerful tool in managing the symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. It's essential to work closely with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian who can tailor a PCOS diet plan to your specific needs and monitor your progress. By focusing on balanced nutrition, regular exercise, stress reduction, and maintaining a healthy weight, you can take significant steps toward improving your overall health and well-being while managing the challenges posed by PCOS. Remember that managing PCOS is a journey, and with dedication and the right support, you can achieve positive outcomes and lead a healthier life.
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beautytipslipika · 1 year
Home Remedies for Dry Damaged Hair
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You might not know this, but dry hair isn't usually a sign of damaged hair. When the scalp does not produce enough natural oils to lubricate the scalp and hair shaft, dry, dull hair can result (and is commonly accompanied by white, flaky skin), as opposed to damage, which is typically brought on by external forces. Weather, improper or excessively frequent coloring, and excessive use of heated styling products and techniques like relaxers and perms are the most common of these. All of these factors have the ability to reduce the quality of the cuticles and even the cortex itself, which will cause a loss of shine and complete fiber breakdown.
Take one ripe banana and use a fork to mask it into a paste.
After mashing well use strainer to get a smooth paste.
Add a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of Olive oil.
Mix everything well. Apply it to your scalp and hair.
Wear shower cap, Wait for an hour.
Rinse out with lukewarm water. Then use a mild shampoo.
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beloved-darkness · 1 year
✨If people would remember..✨
... that you can brush your teeth with coconut oil and cream your skin with a banana or honey and a few drops of olive oil.
... that there is no better shampoo than baking soda, no better detangler than vinegar, no better disinfectant than homemade soap.
... that ivy water makes hair soft and shiny, that nettle broth eliminates dandruff and scalp problems, rosemary water strengthens hair and prevents hair loss, and there is no better cream bath as with egg yolk.
... that you can lighten your hair with chamomile tea, darken it with walnut shells, cover gray hair with potato peel water, tint brown tones a little with a mixture of cinnamon, lemon and honey.
... that you can clean dishes, floors and windows with lemon peel water.
... that it is very easy not to consume plastic waste.
... that there is always a place to bury organic waste.
... that a mixture of alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and vinegar is a powerful antifungal, just like oregano oil, baking soda, garlic or coconut oil.
... that you can make an antibiotic from garlic, vinegar and honey.
... that you really need little to live healthy!
To get out of the system does not mean to fight against someone, but to remember who we are and where we come from.
It is possible to make the world with less by simply realizing that WE decide how.
Remembering our roots, we rediscover our knowledge....
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ronniefein · 2 years
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Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Pumpkin Seed Oil
I’ve done some reading about the health benefits (or potential health benefits) of pumpkin seed oil. It can (maybe) slow down hair loss. It is good (maybe) for your skin, for eye health and heart health.
But really, I got a bottle of the stuff in a fancy condiment store, so I was more interested in how and what I could cook with it.
It has an unmistakable roasted-pumpkin seed-nutty flavor. It’s expensive too.
On the other hand, a small amount can make all the difference to salad dressing, on top of roasted vegetables, into vegetable or hearty meat soup and so on.
One of the best recipes I’ve tried: roasted Brussels Sprouts with a dressing that includes a bit of pumpkin seed oil. Think this dish for Sukkot or Thanksgiving.
2 dozen medium-large Brussels sprouts (about one pound)
3 tablespoons olive oil
2 thick scallions, chopped
1 large clove garlic, finely chopped
1/4 teaspoon Aleppo pepper (or crushed red pepper; or use a sprinkle of ground cayenne pepper)
1-1/2 tablespoons pumpkin seed oil
Preheat the oven to 400 degreesF. Wash the Brussels sprouts, then cut them in half (if very large, cut into quarters). Place them on a baking sheet. Pour the olive oil over the sprouts and toss the vegetable to coat all surfaces. Scatter the scallion and garlic over the sprouts. Sprinkle with Aleppo pepper and salt to taste. Roast for about 20 minutes, turning the sprouts once or twice, or until the vegetable is browned and there are some crispy leaves. Remove from the oven, spoon into a serving dish and drizzle the pumpkin seed oil over the sprouts.
Makes 4 servings
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Tested And Trusted Options For Hair Regrowth
All of that meansnomore damage in relation to bleaching. Lighter weight hair dyes usually include hydrogen peroxide, leading to really free of moisture hair. It’ll right away change dried out, shattered hair in to a sparkling wholesome mane that could shield alone against environment stresses after a whilst. And also however, if that weren’t adequate, the mask need to be remaining in the hair for any the least only 3 minutes, rendering it outstanding for people who usually do not have a variety of time.
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You should propose what do i need to mainly because of cease baldness furthermore to increase in addition to thicken my hair. This may trigger excessive hair slipping out, far beyond what is healthful. The most beneficial way to keep the hair healthy is by using hardly any temperature about the hair. Hello there, I found me personally just wanting to know if there are any other ways to correctly develop your hair. 5/5 - This shines as the most fruitful method to broaden your hair. In case you realize Lindsey Stirling you'll observe that her best hair is extremely brief from her bottom hair. Industry professionals advise that the impact of staying away from heating on your personal hair is seen around 1 month right after preventing it.
And nonetheless, it aids you to lessen stress levels, which is almost definitely the major enemies inside the follicles. Also, try and steer clear of blowout hairdos to be certain your own locks remains wholesome as well as will grow back with the regular rate. Limited hairdos can stress your hair that's affected, points out Mr D'Souza. This helpful write-up is generally a very high stage support guideline developing organic and natural hair. Hello there precious, I support to apply coconut oils mixture with castrol oil. Tend not to hurt locks with spectacular remedies or tough excellent hair proper care items.
Hair thins out inside of the front and work surface of hair scalp together with the part seems to get wider. Silica is really a trace mineral important for hair strength and hair regrowth. Hormone difficulties may have some crucial repercussions like hair loss. Serious substantial or low levels of such human hormones cause thinning of hair within each males and also females. These are typically women gender human hormones that come to pass in becoming on the inside numerous levels in menstruating women. Reports confirm that minoxidil performs, specially through 3 to 6 months. Also using bio identical progesterone considering it can be low because of this of reduced thyroid. Basically the most productive level is to make certain that the intervals take another look at with standard oestrogen and in addition progesterone supply.
In today’s review, we’ll deal with everything you can wish to recognize regarding www.dailyuw.com/ask_the_experts/divine-locks-reviews-should-you-use-it-our-no-b-s-take/article_e40fd118-11c2-11ed-976e-131d28a7414e.html web pages and also its positive aspects. Divine Locks’ producers assert their algae oil is seen to replenish your own hair by unpinching your dermal papillae cells.
The Divine Locks hairloss tablets is not really gonna be suitable for expectant, lactating, and in addition young children below 18 yrs. The Divine Locks locks slip formula work by quitting shower dropping, introducing volume for the hair, along with eradicating the frizziness of one's particular hair.
Add more the coconut milk and also natural and organic organic olive oil just for this mixture. Then think about your current hair-attention regimen. Trimming can stop break up comes to an end from traveling up and in addition resulting in far more hurt. Heating system equipment which includes hair dryers and in addition straighteners might result in irreparable hair harm. Chlorine bleach, naturally, may harm hair, with increased harm the far more it may be employed. Teas can work as an all-all-natural booster of hair coloration whilst endorsing excessive shine.
Despite the fact that Almond, Coconut as well as Argan Oil create your hair stronger and a lot a lot more manageable, Jojoba, Olive and in addition Camelina Oils create the hair shinier, softer along with smoother. When you may be finished with each other together with your hair shampoo, massage the L'Oreal Paris 6 Oil Feed Conditioner for your hair as well as let it sleep on for 5-7 minutes. Kerry Yates, head wellness expert and also founding father of splendor consultancy Colour Group, constantly advocates a select band of contra --inflammatory botanicals. For starters, castor oil has contra --fungal as well as anti-bacterial properties to assist battle scalp infections that stop your hair from developing.
The hairloss could come to pass slowly or pretty rapidly. To recap, a major difference or variation in bodily hormone ranges could induce severe hairloss. It is actually not even close to advised to use bodily hormone-alternative treatment method to take care of only hairloss. Yoga exercise, especially Sirsasana , is noted to be awesome for hair regrowth. The concept is definitely the growth factors in platelets can spur new hair regrowth. The head of hair shafts have distinct cells which produce the enhance of brand new hair and changing of the lost types.
The Divine Locks Complex Interior Elegance along with you is definitely the discovery method which consists of strategies for refresh thicker, healthy as well as wonderful hair. According to the state solution site, Divine Locks Complex carries on to become supported by study, which occurs to become guaranteed to comfort and ease consumers to a considerable level.
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How to Use Kalonji Oil for Health Benefits?
Kalonji oil, derived from the seeds of Nigella sativa, has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. In recent years, its popularity has surged due to its versatile health benefits, ranging from boosting immunity to improving skin and hair health. If you're seeking authentic and high-quality Kalonji oil, it's essential to choose reliable suppliers and manufacturers. In this article, we will explore the various health benefits of Kalonji oil and guide you on how to find the best Kalonji oil manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters in the market.
What is Kalonji Oil?
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Kalonji oil, also known as black seed oil, is extracted from the seeds of Nigella sativa, a flowering plant native to Southwest Asia. It is rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants that contribute to its therapeutic properties. Kalonji oil has been widely used in traditional medicine, especially in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, for treating a variety of ailments such as digestive issues, skin problems, respiratory conditions, and boosting overall health.
Health Benefits of Kalonji Oil
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Boosts Immune System Kalonji oil contains powerful antioxidants like thymoquinone, which help neutralize harmful free radicals and boost the immune system. Regular consumption of  Kalonji oil can enhance the body's defence against infections and diseases.
Improves Digestive Health Kalonji oil has carminative properties that help in relieving gas, bloating, and indigestion. It also promotes healthy digestion and supports the gut by balancing the intestinal flora.
Promotes Healthy Skin and Hair Kalonji oil is often used topically to improve skin and hair health. Its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties help in treating acne, eczema, and other skin disorders. When applied to the scalp, it nourishes hair follicles, reduces hair fall, and promotes hair growth.
Supports Weight Loss Studies have shown that Kalonji oil can aid in weight loss by regulating glucose levels, improving metabolism, and reducing appetite. Adding a few drops of Kalonji oil to your daily diet can help you manage your weight effectively.
Regulates Blood Sugar Levels For people with diabetes, Kalonji oil can be a natural remedy to regulate blood sugar levels. Regular intake of Kalonji oil has been found to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of complications associated with high blood sugar.
Improves Respiratory Health Kalonji oil has anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator properties that help in relieving respiratory issues like asthma, bronchitis, and sinusitis. Inhaling steam infused with Kalonji oil or consuming it with honey can provide relief from respiratory discomfort.
Reduces Joint Pain and Inflammation The anti-inflammatory properties of Kalonji oil make it an excellent natural remedy for joint pain and inflammation caused by arthritis. Massaging Kalonji oil on the affected areas can reduce swelling and provide relief from pain.
How to Use Kalonji Oil for Maximum Health Benefits
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Oral Consumption Kalonji oil can be consumed orally by mixing it with warm water, honey, or herbal teas. It is recommended to start with a small dose (1/2 to 1 teaspoon) and gradually increase it as needed. For digestive health, mix a teaspoon of Kalonji oil with a spoonful of honey and consume it on an empty stomach.
Topical Application For skin and hair care, Kalonji oil can be applied directly to the skin or scalp. Mix it with carrier oils like coconut or olive oil for better absorption. Regular application can improve the texture of the skin, reduce scars, and promote hair growth.
Inhalation Inhalation of  Kalonji oil vapor can help clear nasal passages and improve respiratory health. Add a few drops of Kalonji oil to hot water and inhale the steam to relieve symptoms of asthma or sinusitis.
Massage Therapy Kalonji oil can be used as a massage oil for relieving muscle and joint pain. Warm the oil slightly before massaging it onto the affected areas to soothe inflammation and reduce pain.
Finding the Best Kalonji Oil Manufacturer and Supplier
When purchasing Kalonji oil, it's important to choose a reliable supplier or manufacturer to ensure you get high-quality, pure, and organic oil. Here are some tips for finding the best Kalonji oil manufacturer or supplier:
Reputation and Certification Look for Kalonji oil manufacturers and suppliers who have a solid reputation in the market. Ensure they have the necessary certifications, such as organic certification, ISO certification, or GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) compliance, which guarantees the quality and purity of the oil.
Bulk Manufacturer of Kalonji Oil If you're looking to buy Kalonji oil in large quantities, it's important to choose a trusted bulk manufacturer of Kalonji oil. Bulk manufacturers often offer better pricing and can meet large-scale requirements for businesses or individual buyers.
Kalonji Oil Wholesale Supplier For businesses, working with a wholesale supplier of Kalonji oil can provide significant cost savings. Wholesale suppliers offer Kalonji oil in larger quantities at discounted prices, making it a viable option for retailers, spa owners, and health practitioners.
Kalonji Oil Bulk Supplier A bulk supplier of Kalonji oil is ideal for those who need the oil in large volumes, whether for personal use, production, or resale. Bulk suppliers offer flexibility in packaging and can cater to both small and large orders.
Kalonji Oil Exporter If you are outside the region where Kalonji oil is produced, finding a reliable Kalonji oil exporter is crucial. A good exporter will ensure the product reaches your country in its purest form, without losing its potency.
Kalonji Oil Bulk Exporter For businesses looking to import Kalonji oil in large volumes, working with a bulk exporter is essential. Bulk exporters specialize in handling large international orders and can help ensure smooth shipping and compliance with import regulations.
Kalonji Oil Wholesale Exporter Wholesale exporters provide large quantities of Kalonji oil at competitive rates for international buyers. Look for wholesale exporters with a strong track record and positive reviews from international customers.
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Kalonji oil is a powerhouse of health benefits that can improve various aspects of your well-being, from boosting immunity to enhancing skin and hair health. Whether you are looking for a personal supply or want to buy in bulk, choosing the right Kalonji oil manufacturer, supplier, or exporter is crucial to ensuring that you receive the best quality oil. By opting for a reputable Kalonji oil bulk supplier or exporter, you can harness the full potential of this ancient remedy for a healthier and more vibrant life.
For more information Contact Us:
Mob. +91 8929 440 683
Website: https://www.pureoilsindia.com/product/Kalonji-oil
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Permanent Psoriasis Treatment: Is Long-Term Relief Possible?
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Psoriasis can be described as an autoimmune skin disorder that is characterised by the rapid growth of skin cells and the formation of a scaly on the skin's surface. The majority of treatments available aim to relieve symptoms of the disorder. Many patients are searching for alternative treatments that are natural and do not have adverse side effects for long-lasting treatment. Homeopathy, in conjunction with other natural remedies, provides potential for people seeking a holistic method of treating psoriasis. It can be achieved by using natural remedies, homeopathic natural treatment for psoriasis, or even efficient natural remedy for scalp psoriasis. We will explore the various options, with particular attention to scalp psoriasis, as well as solutions available at Bharat Homeopathy.
Understanding Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a genetic immune-mediated, and environmental-caused disease that is triggered by environmental influences. It is identified by red scaly plaques, skin irritation, and inflammation. The most common forms of psoriasis comprise plaque guttate, inverse, and pustular. One of the most popular forms which is frequently in combination with other forms is scalp psoriasis that can cause flaking, itching, and loss of hair.
Natural and Side-Effect-Free Psoriasis Treatments
The most effective natural scalp psoriasis treatments are those that address the root of the disease and not just treat symptoms. Natural treatment for psoriasis are less harsh on the body and generally have fewer adverse negative side effects.
Diet and nutrition: A balanced, healthy and balanced diet that is rich in numerous anti-inflammatory foods can significantly influence the psoriasis. Omega-3 fatty acids commonly found in flaxseeds, fish oil and walnuts reduce inflammation. Vitamin C-rich vegetables and fruits like the leafy greens and berries, aid in maintaining good skin health. Avoiding trigger food items such as dairy, gluten, and processed sugars can help ease flare-ups.
Herbal remedies: There are a few herbs that help reduce inflammation and ease the skin. Aloe vera, for instance, is gaining popularity due to its ability to soothe inflammation and helping redness diminish. Turmeric is a different potent anti-inflammatory ingredient. The primary ingredient, curcumin that can be consumed orally as well as applied topically in a concentrated form.
Moisturization: This is a second essential aspect to maintain the health of Psoriasis. Herbal oils or natural such as coconut oil and jojoba oils and olive oil, are efficient in calming the skin through increasing hydration and decreasing the scaling that occurs on skin. This can help to maintain the health of your skin by applying the oil on an ongoing basis.
Sunlight is an excellent asset in providing natural scalp psoriasis treatment because it aids in slowing down abnormal growth of skin cells. It is important to ensure that exposure to sunlight be restricted in order to avoid to burn and cause harm to the skin. A couple of minutes of sun exposure every day can be beneficial but one must be cautious and apply sunscreen to areas that aren't affected.
Homeopathic Permanent Solutions for Psoriasis
The homeopathic method is a different method of medicine based on the fundamental premise of "like cures like." The treatment involves the use of extremely diluted substances to boost the body's natural processes of healing. The remedies for psoriasis that are homeopathic are particular to each person, taking into account the general health of a person, their the symptoms, as well as an individual's mental state and intends to offer a permanent solution for psoriasis.
These are typically recommended in cases of itchy, dry skin, which is more aggravated by the heat of the mattress. They can help alleviate symptoms of inflammation and scaling. Some are suggested for patients who exhibit symptoms of severe burning, itching, and dryness. These remedies ease inflammation and enhance the overall health on the skin. Certain types of treatments are recommended for those who suffer from thickening of skin, cracked and rough skin. It helps reduce the appearance of scaling and promotes the healing process of the skin.
Scalp Psoriasis Homeopathy Treatment
In all of the regions that scalp is the most difficult area to treat Psoriasis. The goal of homeopathic treatment for scalp psoriasis consists of the reduction of inflammation, relief of itching, and the renewal of the health of the skin while providing a permanent solution for psoriasis.
Bharat Homeopathy is known for its unique treatment of chronic ailments such as psoriasis using homeopathic medicines. The programs for treatment within Bharat Homeopathy are designed to ensure that the treatment does not only cover only physical manifestations that are related to the disease but also the root cause of psoriasis.
Diagnostics: We at Bharat Homeopathy assess each case according to our unique way of doing things and then try to determine the best homeopathic treatment to for each individual case. This customized and customized natural scalp psoriasis treatment approach assists in the treatment of each patient according to his specific health and symptoms assessment.
Integrative treatment plans: Bharat Homeopathy integrates homeopathic treatments with lifestyle suggestions as well as dietary guidance and techniques for managing stress. This aids in a holistic approach, and also in achieving lasting and complete outcomes.
Bharat Homeopathy allows for the possibility of follow-up and treatment modifications constantly. This will ensure the ongoing efficacy of the treatment program and allows for the modification of the course of treatment according to the changes that occur, if they occur that occur in the patient's health.
The successful treatment of psoriasis is often multicausal and includes traditional treatments as well as alternative treatments. Homeopathic natural remedy for scalp psoriasis and efficient remedies at home also provide several options to those who want to use a holistic method that is free of adverse effects when it comes to managing the symptoms of psoriasis. The condition of psoriasis on the scalp, especially, requires very specific homeopathic treatments and regular medical attention. Bharat Homeopathy has a specific treatment for psoriasis and offers customised solutions and ongoing support for its patients.
By incorporating these natural and homeopathic treatments, people suffering from psoriasis are able to effectively treat the disease and improve their quality of life.
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drshardamundel · 12 days
Which treatment is best for hair treatment?
The best treatment for hair depends on your specific needs and concerns. Here are some popular options:
For General Hair Health:
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Regular Trims: Helps to prevent split ends and keep your hair looking healthy.
Conditioning Treatments: Deep conditioners and leave-in treatments can help moisturize and repair Hair Treatment in Jaipur.
For Dry or Damaged Hair:
Hydrating Masks: Treatments with ingredients like argan oil, keratin, and shea butter can restore moisture.
Oils: Natural oils like coconut oil, olive oil, or jojoba oil can help nourish and repair.
For Hair Loss:
Minoxidil (Rogaine): An over-the-counter treatment that can help stimulate hair growth.
Finasteride (Propecia): A prescription medication that can reduce hair loss in men by blocking the hormone DHT.
Hair Transplant Surgery: A more permanent solution involving the relocation of hair follicles from one part of the scalp to another.
For Dandruff or Scalp Issues:
Medicated Shampoos: Look for ingredients like ketoconazole, selenium sulfide, or zinc pyrithione to treat dandruff.
For Curly or Textured Hair:
Curl-Enhancing Products: Creams and gels designed to define and control curls.
Protein Treatments: Helps strengthen the hair structure.Hair Treatment in Jaipur
For Color-Treated Hair:
Color-Safe Shampoos and Conditioners: Formulated to protect and prolong color.
Glosses and Toners: Can help maintain and enhance color vibrancy.
It’s often a good idea to consult with a dermatologist or a trichologist (a specialist in hair and scalp health) to determine the best treatment for your specific condition.
Hair Care
Hair Salon
Hair Loss
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