#Off-limits series
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Rule #1 of being a Bad Boy: Be Bad
Grian - Me!
Jimmy - @basil-the-bulbasaur
Joel - @nyxengale
Photo creds - @ambermoonbeanie
Rule #11 of being a Bad Boy: Never Stand In Height Order...
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thatstoomanysausages · 4 months ago
The people who said that Grian and Scar have teamed too much in the Life Series are delusional I think.
Let’s look at the number of times that the two have actually teamed together:
1. Third Life
2. Double Life (out of their control)
…that’s literally it. The two didn’t team in Last Life, didn’t team in Limited Life, and didn’t team in Secret Life.
I know they also teamed in Real Life but that was essentially a gag episode so, it doesn’t really count in this as I’m talking about full 6+ episode series.
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celestial-clownz · 8 months ago
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magma is a gift i have to cherish
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briseise · 2 years ago
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you’re gonna carry that weight
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linktoo-doodles · 2 years ago
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7 dead 24 injured
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kattmeithmath · 2 years ago
The text capture is KILLING me jajdjejjwjfhej
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mossfeathers · 4 months ago
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mean gills scott request :D
no coral version bc i liked it + closeup
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lemonycranberries · 7 months ago
the scene in the morning after lwj got drunk where wwx is teasing him about how he "just talked a lot" and wangji's expression IMMEDIATELY tenses up and he repeatedly asks what did he say and then wuxian jokes that he said "i like..." and then pauses and wangji literally panics and looks at wuxian like he's about to have a nervous breakdown until wwx says the full phrase was "i like rabbits" and he immediately calms down again?? bro. censorship or not wangxian is still literally canon in cql. WHAT WOULD THE HETEROSEXUAL EXPLANATION FOR THIS BE
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scribbling-dragon · 2 years ago
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merman scott. i started drawing this, blacked out, and had this when i came back to
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lemonfreshlysqueezed · 1 year ago
Biting is a love language!
The sweet sweet way of showing affection by biting has been happening more recently in bl, and I’m here for it.
This is my collection, for now. I most definetly will be adding to it 😇
The Eighth Sense
Jae Won x Ji Hyun (Episode 6)
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Gifs by @dingyuxi
A Shoulder To Cry On
Tae Hyun x Da Yeol (Episode 5)
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Gif by @forcebook
La Pluie
Saengtai x Phat (Epsiode 3)
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Gif by @singto-prachaya
Laws of Attraction - Both couples!
Tinn x Charn (Episode 6)
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Gif by @spicyvampire
Thee x Thaenthai (Episode 8)
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Gif by @pharawee
Secret Crush on You
Sky x Jao (Episode ?)
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Gif by @stormyoceans
Between us Special
Team x Win (Episode Week 2)
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Gif by @hoshinisuzu
Love Syndrome III
Day x Itt (Episode 3)
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Gif by @crispywizardtale
Link to part 2 and 3
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secretswiftymarvelfan · 3 months ago
Boston Bears: Off-Limits - Rugby Player!Chris x Reader (Part 10)
Summary: After the eventful weekend that was the championship final, you and Chris talk about your relationship and attend the end-of-season party together as a couple. But will everything be okay with your dad?
Word Count: 6.7k
Warnings: Fluff! Angst! Mention of Panic Attacks! Language! SMUT! 18+ ONLY! MINORS DNI!
Rugby Explained
Dividers by Me!
Series Masterlist / Masterlist
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Chapter 10
It was late at night that the hospital discharged Chris, he was still so drowsy from the painkillers that he slept the entire car journey back to his house. You sat in the back with Chris as Lisa drove the both of you. You and Lisa had tried to get Chris to sit in the front, but despite being pretty out of it, he was adamant that he wanted to be next to you. So you sat in the back, right next to him holding his hand as he rested his head against yours. 
Scott was waiting for the three of you when you got to the house “Thought you two might struggle to get a 6ft rugby player into the bed” he reasoned as he helped get the semi awake Chris out of the car. 
You watched nervously as Scott draped Chris’ uninjured arm over his shoulder and patted him on the cheek to wake him up a bit more before helping him to the door which Lisa had already opened.
Thankfully between the three of you, you managed to get Chris into bed without hurting him any more than he already was. He was snoring before his head hit the pillow, you didn’t blame him, it had been a long day and he didn’t even know the half of it.
“I can look after him, you guys get some rest it’s pretty late” you sighed glancing at the clock to see it was past midnight.
“Are you sure? He can be a pretty awful patient” Lisa warned with a small smirk.
You gave her a small chuckle “I don’t doubt that, but I’m good I wouldn’t be a good medic or…” you started before realising that you still didn’t know exactly what you were to Chris “Um if I didn’t stick around” you finished.
“Okay but I’ll leave my number in case you need to call for backup” she smiled softly, putting her hand on your shoulder.
“Thank you” you smiled.
Once Lisa and Scott left you set about getting yourself ready for bed because you were exhausted, mentally and physically. You found the spare toothbrush you always used on the occasion you stayed here and one of Chris’ tops to sleep in. You then grabbed a glass of water and the meds the doctor prescribed for Chris ready for when he needed them before carefully climbing into bed next to him.
You let out a long sigh as you rested your cheek into your hand against the pillow and just watched Chris as he slept. Today had felt so long, it didn’t seem right that the call you had with Tommi had only been that morning. So much had changed and happened since then. You now knew you loved Chris and that he loved you too. Your dad knew about you and Chris. Chris now had 1 less working shoulder thanks to Bryce. 
Yet there were still so many unanswered questions. Would you and your Dad be okay? What would he say when he’s finally ready to talk? What’s next for you and Chris? Would you be in a committed relationship? Were you already in one since you admitted how you both felt?
It was enough to make your head hurt. 
You rolled onto your back and stared up at the ceiling, your mind too wired to fall asleep. A blue glow then lit up the room as your phone buzzed on the bedside table. You instantly grabbed it hoping it was your dad texting to say everything was okay. After your mom's passing, he never liked going to bed still mad. 
You sighed in disappointment when you saw Tommi’s name instead.
Tommi: I understand you’re probably busy following what happened to Chris but please check in to say you’re alive and okay
Tommi had texted you during the match after she found out what happened to Chris, but you hadn’t found the time to get back to her.
You: sorry, alive but not sure about okay
Tommi: is Chris okay?
You: he’ll be okay, got a broken collarbone and dislocated shoulder but he’s fast asleep and high on painkillers next to me so all good
Tommi: that’s good, it looked really nasty 
Your eyebrows rose in surprise.
You: you watched?
Tommi: no, saw a clip online, you looked really shaken.
You: it was horrific, but that’s just the start of it…
Tommi: Okay, what else happened
You spent the next half an hour or so texting with Tommi telling her everything that had gone down. Feeling much better for getting it off your chest.
Tommi: I’m sorry that shit with your dad must really suck, but focus on the positives. You love Chris and he loves you, I’m sure as soon as he’s awake and not high he’ll ask you to be his girlfriend, he probably already considers you his girlfriend
You: I hope so
Tommi: and don’t worry about your dad, you guys are so close you’ll work it out, it’s probably just a big shock that he needs to get his head around first
You: yeah, I just hate being in an argument with him
Tommi: I know but it’ll be fine I promise, now get some rest I know it’s really late on the East Coast
You: I will thank you for being here for me
Tommi: I’ll always be here
Tommi: before you go 
Tommi: what happened to Ari? I saw he got into a brawl following the tackle
You let out a small huff of laughter, shaking your head, Tommi clearly didn’t dislike Ari as much as she said.
You: he’s fine, a split lip and knuckles but Bryce saw the worst of it
Tommi: glad to hear it
You smiled softly, wondering if she was glad to hear about Ari or Bryce as you put your phone away. You rolled back over to face Chris and watched him again, smiling to yourself as you looked at the man you loved. Falling asleep soon after.
To your relief, you didn’t wake in the night with one of your panic attacks like you expected you would. Instead, you woke up to the sound of Chris groaning and shifting beside you.
You woke with a start as soon as you heard him, a quick glance at the time told you it was 10 am so at least he managed to sleep through the night too. You looked over at him to see he was definitely in some discomfort as he woke.
“Hey, you alright? Do you want some painkillers?” You asked sitting up.
Chris blinked a couple of times before rubbing his eyes with one hand “Oh hey” he muttered before glancing around and frowning “I don’t remember coming home”
You chuckled softly “I’m not surprised, you were half asleep and pretty out of it thanks to the painkillers they gave you at the hospital” you explained as you helped him sit up, as you grabbed the painkillers and water for him you started to worry that maybe he didn’t remember anything from the hospital “do you remember much?” You asked as you passed him the painkillers.
Chris swallowed back the painkillers and down half of the glass before speaking “Um not too much” he admitted “I remember waking up on the pitch in agony but then it was a blur, then I remember being in the hospital with Ma” he recalled before a lopsided grin grew on his face “I remember you telling me you love me if that’s what you’re asking”
You bit your lip to hold back a smile before ultimately failing “Maybe”
“Um I also remember a nurse hitting on me but I told her to back off because I love you instead” he recalled looking proud of himself.
You laughed dropping your head “Chris…” you started.
“That nurse was me,” you told him.
He blinked a couple of times before laughing himself “Oh shit I really was out of it, I don’t remember anything else, did anyone else visit besides you and Ma?”
“Ah” you muttered nibbling your lower lip “my dad was there with me too”
“Oh” Chris hummed in surprise, his face falling with realisation a second later “Oh”
“Yeah….” You said slowly knowing what conclusion Chris has reached.
He ran his hand down his face “shit Y/N I’m so sorry I had no clue…. Did he take it well?”
You shifted slightly recalling exactly what went down “It’s okay you don’t have to apologise he worked it out before you admitted it,” you told him, Chris furrowed his brows in confusion “The mic to my radio pack was on so the entire coaching and medical team heard me call you sweetheart and you call me babe, after the match he pulled me into his office to get some answers” 
Chris reached out to take your hand, this thumb running back and forth soothingly “I’m guessing that didn’t go well” 
You took a deep breath “No he said I was stupid for dating another rugby player after Bryce especially after he told you guys I was off limits, I told him that you were different, that I’d told you stuff about Bryce that I hadn’t even told him and that I loved you” you told him “he told me it was still a mistake and that I should end things before you hurt me and I agreed”
Chris blinked a couple of times “Wait hold up are you-“ he started, panic clear in his voice.
“No, no, no I’m not I promise, I’m not gonna end things, not now, not ever” you promised him making Chris breathe out a deep sigh of relief “I actually want us to be more… serious… a real committed relationship,” you said hesitantly.
Chris smiled “Good, because I want that too, I have for a while” he admitted “What changed? Why didn’t you end it like you promised?”
You smiled softly “You told me you loved me, he said he couldn’t expect me to end things now, but I think he’s still mad at me,” you said your smile dropping, “he told me to leave him alone until he was ready to talk” you sighed.
Chris sighed sympathetically “I’m so sorry sweetheart, I wished this all came out differently”
“It’s okay… I just hope me and my dad will be okay, I hate fighting with him” you sighed.
“I know, but we’ll work it out, I bet by the end-of-season dinner in a couple of weeks you’ll be back to normal” Chris promised.
“You think so?” You asked, uncertain.
Chris smiled softly “I know so, now c’mere I wanna hold the woman I love” he said holding out his arm.
You chuckled as you shifted closer into his embrace careful not to accidentally hurt him. Chris pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head as he held you close.
A few minutes of peaceful silence passed when Chris suddenly asked “Where’s Dodger?” 
“Oh he’s at your sister’s, your mom thought it would be better so he didn’t jump up and hurt you while you were still out of it” you explained.
He nodded “Probably for the best, can we pick him up later though?”
“I can probably ask your mom or Scott to bring him around now if you want?” You offered.
“That would be nice, but I want to celebrate the win with you, my gorgeous girlfriend, first” he smirked.
You instantly caught on to what he meant, tilting your head “I’m not sure that's a good idea with your shoulder” you point out.
Chris smirked as he climbed out of bed and turned to face you “As the playmaker I know how to get inventive” You watched as he knelt down on his knees beside the bed “Now lose your underwear, and sit here” he smirked patting the edge of the bed in front of him.
You bit your lower lip, part of you knew it was a bad idea but a much larger part really wanted it too. Chris was a drug and even if you knew better, you were hooked.
You quickly did as you were told and moved to where Chris wanted you, spreading your legs wide so he had enough space and wouldn’t risk bumping his shoulder against you. You watched as his tongue poked out to wet his lips as he looked up at you with hooded eyes. The look of Chris between your thighs was one of your favourite sights, and from this vantage point, it looked spectacular.
Chris leant in and started pressing wet kisses up your thighs, switching back and forth, making the journey painfully slow. You were arching for him already and couldn’t wait for him to get to the end destination. 
When his lips finally ghosted over your core you let out a breathy gasp, leaning back on your hands as your back arched. Chris groaned in response before diving in like a man starved, using the arm he could use to pull you closer.
“Fuck Chris” you moaned, a hand moving to his head, fingers running through his hair as this beard scratched your inner thighs.
“God I love you” he moaned against you.
“I love-“ you started but you cut yourself off with a loud moan as your orgasm rolled through your body.
Chris worked you through it, not letting up until you had collapsed onto your back. Your chest heaved as you caught your breath, you looked over when the mattress dipped beside you. Chris smiled back at you lazily as he lay beside you.
You rolled over to face him, pushing up onto your elbow “I love you too” you finished as you leant down to kiss him.
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As much as you wanted Chris to be right and for your dad to get in contact with you before the end-of-season party, he didn’t. Chris tried to reassure you and encouraged you to make contact first but you refused. Your dad barely asked you for anything, the least you could do was give him the time he asked for. Even if it did hurt you.
You were standing doing Chris’ tie for him but you were struggling to focus only able to snap into the present when Chris put his hand over yours “What’s wrong sweetheart?” He asked softly.
I sighed looking down at the floor “I’m not sure I should go tonight” you admitted.
Chris cupped your cheek and tilted your head back so you were looking up at him “It’s gonna be okay” he reassured you.
“No it’s going to be awkward and awful, I’m supposed to be sitting next to him” you pointed out with a sigh.
When the end-of-season party was planned you and Chris were still a secret so he said no to a plus one and you were placed next to your dad on the seating plan.
“Maybe he’s waiting to talk to you then, he might think you’re upset with him too” Chris suggested, shrugging his uninjured shoulder.
“He won’t want to talk about this sort of thing in public” you said with a shake of your head, your dad was a private man who hated being the centre of attention.
“Maybe we can do a little bit of seat swapping” he suggested.
“I dunno it’s a lot of hassle for my sake” you sighed “I should just-“
Chris leant down and shut you up with a kiss “Nothing is a hassle when it comes to you” he said “Look we might be overthinking the whole thing so let’s put this gorgeous dress to use” he said nodding down at the blue dress you wore “we’ll go, we’ll sit where we’re told to sit and if you need to move, you come straight to me and we’ll sort it out, you can sit on my lap if you really want” he suggested wiggling his eyebrows.
You sighed and nibbled your lip in thought before glancing up at him. He gave you a pleading look with puppy dog eyes that could rival Dodger’s and before you knew it your resolve was melting away.
“Okay, hopefully it won’t be as bad as we think” you relented.
Chris grinned as he dipped down to kiss you “Perfect, I can’t wait to show you off as mine”
You chucked “Well let’s get this tie sorted first” you said returning your attention back to his tie “There we go, perfectly handsome” you grinned smoothing it down.
“Thank you sweetheart, you’re definitely the best and sexiest nurse I’ve had” he smirked making you roll your eyes.
The car soon arrived to take you to the hotel where the end-of-season party was being held. Chris wasn’t going to be drinking because of his painkillers but he couldn’t drive either. You had offered to drive but Chris said you should celebrate too.
You couldn’t help but smile when the two of you walked in hand in hand, you didn’t realise how refreshing it would be to not have to hide anymore. You could show the world just how much you loved Chris.
Chris guided you through the room towards the table he was supposed to be sitting at, as you went you glanced around to see if your dad was here yet but you hadn’t spotted him. You did spot Sam and the other ticket office mean girls who were all glaring daggers at you, something that made you smirk to yourself.
When you got to the table Chris was given a warm greeting by Jensen, Johnny, and Ari. Even Curtis gave him a gentle pat on his uninjured shoulder.
“Good to see you cap” Ari smiled “Can I get you a drink?”
Chris shook his head “Can’t, painkillers, Y/N will have a beer though” 
“On it” Ari winked before moving off towards the bar. 
Johnny walked over to you with a smile “Looking hot Y/N I’m almost regretting not getting to you before Evans did” he smirked.
“Back off Storm” Chris warned pulling you closer into his side. 
You rolled your eyes at Chris’ possessiveness, even if you did secretly love it.
“Careful storm we’ve already seen what he did to Langley” Ari said as he returned and passed you your drink. 
“He had it coming” Chris grumbled “Still does, he better look out the next time we play the Lions”
“I think we’ve all decided to hit him hard next time, nobody gets away with illegally tackling our captain” Jensen promised, Curtis grunted in agreement. 
“Just keep it legal, you guys cause the medical team enough headaches as is” you chuckled.
As the guys kept chatting you glanced around and finally spotted your dad. He was stood talking to Andy, hands deep in his trouser pockets as he nodded along to whatever Andy was saying. You hoped that he would look over but he didn’t. Your fists clenched by your side, you bet he knew you were looking over, your dad always had a good sense for that sort of thing, and yet he was still clearly angry enough to completely ignore you.
“Looks like they want us all to sit down” Jensen said nodding over to the hotel staff who were getting ready to bring the food out. 
You swallowed nervously “I better get to my seat then” you muttered.
“It’ll be fine” Chris promised, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head.
“Where you going? Your seat is right here” Johnny said as you went to step away.
“No I’m supposed to sit with my dad” you sighed gesturing over your shoulder with your thumb.
“No look,” Johnny said lifting up one of the name tags “You’re here between Chris and Ari”
“Oh” you muttered unsure what to think. 
“That’s a good sign,” Chris said as the two of you sat down “Maybe he’s okay with me and you” 
“Or a really bad one, what if the idea of just sitting next to me was too much to bear” you pointed out with a heavy sigh. 
You glanced over your shoulder again towards your dad who now had Andy sat next to him instead of you. He finally looked over at you, his expression unreadable as he looked away again. You let out a heavy sigh as you turned back around. 
“Don’t let this spoil your evening” Chris murmured as he leant in and whispered in your ear “This whole evening is supposed to be a celebration”
You nodded your head “I’ll try” you sighed. 
“That’s all I can ask for” Chris smiled softly as he kissed the side of your head. 
The dinner was soon served which gave you a good distraction from everything, especially since you couldn’t help but chuckle at how quickly the boys all devoured their meals. You wouldn’t blame anyone for thinking they had been starved but you knew this was just how they were. Chris was the only one who was a bit slower since he only had one arm to work with.
In between courses, you noticed Ari looking down at his lap with a deep frown on his face. More specifically he was frowning at his phone which he was keeping mostly out of sight underneath the table. 
“Everything okay?” You asked quietly.
He quickly pocketed his phone and looked over at you “All good” he said with a lopsided grin that didn’t meet his eyes.
“Ari-“ you started, knowing something wasn’t right.
“I have to say I’m glad you guys are finally out in the open, we were all wondering when the secret would get out” he interrupted making your jaw drop.
“You knew?” You gasped quickly looking over at Chris who looked just as shocked. At least that meant he wasn’t the one who squealed “Johnny!” You complained.
Johnny held his hands up “I didn’t say anything I swear!” He defended.
“We all worked it out, you guys were pretty subtle but we weren’t oblivious” Jensen explained.
“Yeah I saw you whispering sweet nothing during our lunch” Ari smirked.
“Thought you were too busy getting shot down to notice” Chris shot back, making Ari’s brows flatten.
“I was not shot down” he grumbled. 
“Wait did all of you guys seriously know this entire time?” You asked pointing around at all of them “Even you Curtis?” You asked when you realised he hadn’t said anything.
Curtis let out an offended grunt “You really thought I fell for your excuse in LA?”
Chris groaned pinching the bridge of his nose and shook his head, while you pursed your lips together remembering the rambling mess Chris had become when Curtis caught him leaving your room.
“Even Andy knew” Johnny chucked.
Your eyes bulged, you assumed he found out at the same time as your dad. Not that he already knew “what?” You squeaked.
“He grilled us on it when your dad wasn’t around one gym session, he wasn’t initially pleased considering the warning your dad gave us but he said he’d keep it quiet since Chris was playing better than ever and he wasn’t gonna screw with that” Jensen explained.
“Really?” Chris asked surprised.
“We’re superstitious guys, we weren’t gonna mess with your new good luck charm,” Ari said shrugging his shoulders.
“Well thanks, I thought we were hiding it pretty well” Chris chuckled shaking his head.
“You guys were so obvious! I mean you couldn’t take your eyes off her!” Johnny laughed.
“Don’t forget that water bottle stunt” Ari pointed out. 
“And ditching us at the bar” Jensen added.
You sat back in your chair shaking your head in disbelief as the three of them continued to rattle off times you had been less than discrete. Even Curtis chimed in occasionally. Had you really been that obvious? You were surprised that you hadn’t been caught earlier if that was the case.
You looked over at Chris who looked just as shocked and dumbfounded as you. Your eyes met and before you knew it you were laughing and you couldn’t stop. The absurdity of it all sinking in. Maybe you should have been straight up and honest with your dad from the beginning, it was a miracle it took him so long to notice.
Eventually, the guys all calmed down and the conversation moved away from you and Chris. Just in time for the meal to end and the ceremony part of the dinner to start. Which began with your dad giving a speech to everyone, you watched as he got up from his seat and walked over to the small stage and lectern. The championship trophy on a pedestal next to him, along with the other awards that would go out tonight.
Your dad let out a long almost dramatic like sigh as he rested his hands on the edge of the lectern and shook his head “Well that match was one hell of a way to end the season, took me back to the good old days” he started earning a low chuckle from everyone “this season didn’t start well, we were on the back foot a lot of the time, after Christmas break we came back fighting but the scoreboard was still a lot closer than I would have liked but then something changed in the spring” he said his gaze shifting to you for a split second “and all of sudden we weren’t just winning, we were blazing ahead” 
He chuckled to himself when Johnny called out “hell yeah! Never count the bears out” he hooted.
Your dad looked over at the trophy next to him before speaking again “I want to thank everyone here in this room for getting us this, you all played a part no matter how small of a part it was, its was game changing, I know if it wasn’t for you guys the boys would just be a bunch of guys running around and not a team” he continued earning another laugh “And boys” he said directly to the team “I think of you lot like family, like my sons, even if you do cause me enough stress to go grey” he chuckled running his hand through his hair which had yet to go grey just yet “but I am extremely proud of you all, you deserved this win more than anyone else in the league” he smiled pausing as everyone applauded the team “it’s a testiment to how well you work as a team that even when you lose your leader in the first 15 minutes of a match, you powered on” he continued nodding to Chris “and since he spent the rest of the day high on painkillers I would like to invite our captain up to finally lift the trophy” 
Chris’ eyes widen slightly as you exchanged a glance. You gave him an encouraging nod, despite everything with your dad you weren’t gonna stop him from having this moment.
Chris cleared his throat as he stood up from his seat and made his way towards the stage. When he got there he shook your dad’s hand but you could see the nervousness and tension in his shoulders.
“Chris you are a player and man that I admire, this win was a testament to your leadership,” your dad said making Chris’ head dip bashfully “When I watch you play it makes me wish I wasn’t retired and playing alongside you because what you do with that ball is magical” he continued shaking his head with a warm smile on his face “I’ve coached you since we were a kid just out of the academy, I’ve watched you grow from a party animal that could rival Storm to a well-rounded gentleman who I would trust with my most precious possession”
“Should I be offended?” Johnny muttered but you weren’t paying any attention to him.
You were too busy listening intently to your dad, biting your lower lip to stop it from wobbling. 
“Speaking of which, should we lift this bad boy together?” He asked Chris nodding to the trophy. 
Chris smiled, glancing out at you before nodding his head. Both you and him knew that your dad didn’t mean the trophy. He meant you. Despite not hearing from him in two weeks, this was him giving his blessing. Everything was going to be okay.
“It would be my honour sir” Chris smiled before moving to stand one side of the trophy. 
Your dad stood on the other side “Drum roll please” he said.
The entire room filled with the sound of people drumming their hands against their legs and the tables. The silverware and glasses clattering. All culminating in a large cheer when Chris and your dad lifted the trophy above their heads. The room exploded, the rest of the team jumping up from their seats and cheering loudly like they would on the pitch, you joining them. 
You were laughing and clapping as loud as you could, letting out a few cheers too. Your voice not completely cooperating since you were trying and failing to stop yourself from crying happy tears. Chris’ eyes met yours from across the room, he smiled brightly back at you before mouthing ‘I love you’ to you. 
You were wiping away your tears as they put the trophy back down and before you knew it he was rushing over to you. He wrapped his arm around you and tilted you back as best as he could before kissing you deeply. You smiled into the kiss, one arm wrapped around his shoulders to keep you steady while your other hand cupped his cheek. 
“You’re the best trophy” he murmured against your lips.
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The next thing on the agenda was the awards ceremony. Chris walked away with the player’s player award something that wasn’t that surprising following your conversation earlier and the fact that he often gave away his man of the match medal. It was once that was done and the party really started that your dad made his way over to you and asked if you could talk. 
You squeezed Chris' hand reassuringly before following your dad. He led you out of the main function room and to a balcony that gave you a gorgeous view of Boston Harbour. 
The two of you stood there for a moment in silence, just admiring the view. All you could hear was the waves crashing against the harbour walls and the clinking of metal. It reminded you of all the times your dad would bring you here as a kid, watching all the boats go in and out. Munching away at a pretzel or an ice cream. 
“I need to apologise” your dad started as he turned to face you. 
“No I do” you said shaking your head “I should have told you much sooner that I was dating Chris I-“ you continued. 
“I should never have said you were off-limits” your dad interrupted “and I shouldn’t have said all the things I said after the match or at the hospital”
“It’s okay you were angry, we all say things we don’t mean when we’re angry” you reassured him with a gentle shake of your head.
“I wasn’t angry, shocked but not angry” he said making your lips part in surprise.
“I thought you were angry, you said to leave you alone” you muttered shaking your head in confusion.
Your dad looked back at you apologetically “I’m sorry, I… I had a lot to process and a lot of emotions to deal with and I’m sorry it took so long I did swing by your apartment before coming here but you weren’t in” he sighed.
You nodded your head unable to think of anything to say.
“Look” your dad sighed “when you called me about Bryce I- it broke my heart hearing you in so much pain, I wanted to jump straight on a plane and beat that punk up myself, it killed me that I couldn’t protect you from that,” he said his fist clenching in anger “I swore I wouldn’t let you get hurt like that again”
“So you told the team I was off limits” You nodded.
“Yes, so when I found out you’d both gone behind my back I was shocked and angry at myself for not protecting you, I knew deep down Chris wasn’t the boy I first met anymore but I couldn’t take the risk” he explained “but then when he turned down that ‘nurse’ because he loves you I realised I was wrong… I saw you two and you reminded me of your mom and me, you already look so much like her” his voice broke.
You bit your lower lip trying to stop yourself from crying. You hated seeing your dad in pain. 
“I also realised how upset she would be with me for what I said and tried to make you do, I would have been sleeping on the couch” he muttered “I promised that I would look after you, I thought I’d done a good job, I felt so proud that you felt comfortable enough to tell my what Langley had done so when you admitted that you hadn’t told me everything, that you had been having panic attacks and that I’d been so goddamn oblivious to all of this I started to spiral and wonder what else I missed, failed”
“Dad” you muttered taking a step forward “you didn’t fail at anything, you have been the best dad I could ask for, the fact I was able to tell you anything about what happened with Bryce is a testament to that” you reassured him “the only reason I didn’t tell you everything was because I didn’t think you’d be comfortable knowing the intimate details of my sex life” your dad’s face scrunched up just at the thought of it “exactly,” you said with a watery chuckle “and like I said I didn’t realise I was having panic attacks until the trip to LA, but I’m sorry I didn’t say anything sooner, mom would be so proud of you, you’ve been my mom and my dad and I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done for me,” you said unable to hold back your tears any longer.
“C’mere” he sighed softly, opening up his arms.
You immediately accepted his hug. It had only been two weeks but you missed your dad and his hugs so much. His hugs were the best, you always felt safe when he hugged you like he was shielding you from the world.
“I’m so sorry” he muttered, his voice thick with his own tears.
“It’s okay, I forgive you” you promised “and thank you for what you said during your speech, it really meant a lot to me and Chris,” you said as you stepped out of the hug.
“It’s okay, I didn’t know if you’d be willing to speak to me after everything so thought it would be a good way to say that I gave you my blessing and that I was sorry” he said with a small smile.
“It was a great speech” you smiled.
“Thanks” he smiled bashfully as he looked down at the floor running his hand through his blond hair. He then chuckled shaking his head “I still can’t believe I didn’t notice it, I can’t believe I was so oblivious”
You laughed, knowing thanks to the guys that he had been very oblivious “Yeah you were a bit”
“Oh I know, Barber and some of the guys came to me after I left the hospital” he told you.
“They did? Why?” You asked, surprised.
“They were worried about what would happen to Chris, they told me that you were Chris’ good luck charm” he explained.
“And can’t mess with a player's good luck charm” you finished with a knowing smile.
“Exactly, and as long as you’re happy, I'm happy” he smiled “But just a word of warning, Rugby weddings are crazy and hectic”
“Dad I think you might be getting ahead of yourself there” you chuckled.
Your dad gives you a gentle smile and he shakes his head “No I'm not, I see the way Chris looks at you and it was the same way I looked at your mom” 
You couldn’t help but smile warmly at that because you had never felt this sort of love for someone, even though it was just the beginning you knew Chris was it “So you’re not gonna give him a hazing at training?” You asked.
“Oh no as soon as he’s back to full fitness he’s gonna get the most intense training regime out of all of them” your dad smirked before glancing over your shoulder “Speak of the devil, I’ll leave you two lovebirds to it” he smiled nodding to someone behind you before stepping away.
You turned around to see Chris stood by the door. Your dad said something to him as he passed that Chris nodded in response to. You couldn’t hear what Chris said but it looked like he said ‘With my life sir’
“Hey,” you smiled as Chris walked over to you.
“Hey, it had been a while so I thought I’d better check if you were okay” he said as he came to a stop in front of you. 
“We’re good, very good” you smiled up at him.
“Glad to hear it” he smiled as he cupped your cheek and kissed you softly “So I’m not completely screwed when it comes to next season then?”
You laughed “Not completely, but we better get you fighting fit because he’s not gonna go easy on ya” you grinned.
“It’s a good thing I have the best medic in the league as my girlfriend then” he smirked kissing you again.
“How’s the party?” You asked nodding back to the party inside.
“Nice but it would be better if you were there with me” he grinned. 
You laughed “Well take me back inside captain” you smirked, holding out your hand.
“Certainly” Chris took your hand with a grin and led you back into the part and straight to the dance floor where the rest of the team was. 
You laughed as he spun you around, his hand moving to your hip using it to pull your back against his chest. You grinned over your shoulder at him as you grinded your hips against his, smirking when he quietly groaned. 
He leant in to whisper in your ear “If you keep this up I’m gonna have to find us a closet” he warned. 
“What if that’s what I want” you smirked. 
Chris groaned as he pressed a kiss to your shoulder “You are trouble”
The two of you continued dancing together, ignoring the whistles and cheers from the boys whenever it got a bit hot. Eventually, the music slowed down and only the couples remained on the dance floor. You turned around to face Chris, draping one arm over his shoulder, your other hand resting on his chest as he wrapped one arm around you. You swayed back and first slowly, smiling warmly up at him.
“You know, from the moment I met you I knew you were someone special” Chris hummed.
“Really?” you asked, surprised even if you did think the same about him. 
“Yeah, from the moment you walked over in your white tee and blue jeans and offered to buy me a drink I was a goner, I’m surprised I stayed away as long as I did” Chris smiled softly. 
“You remembered what I wore” you muttered in disbelief. 
“I remember everything when it comes to you” 
“Except when you’re high on painkillers in the hospital” you smirked. 
Chris threw his head back and laughed loudly “You got me there, but every other time I remember” he smiled. 
“You’re very sweet Evans, I don’t know what I did to deserve you” You smiled up at him. 
“You did nothing except be yourself, this incredible, brave, amazing woman that I love,” Chris said softly, shaking his head.
“I love you too” you smiled reaching up onto your tip toes to kiss him. 
His hand moved to cup your cheek, keeping your lips against his for as long as possible. So much so that I felt like the entire universe had melted away and there was nothing and no one who could get in the way of you and him. 
When you eventually pulled away you caught sight of your dad watching, beer in hand, with a soft smile on his face. He raised his beer and nodded his head in a toast to you and Chris and it meant the absolute world to you. 
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A/N: I almost didn't want to put this out because I didn't want to say goodbye to these two but its not a goodbye its a see you later and I hope you enjoyed this first installment to the Boston Bears series!
Sharing is caring so please reblog and leave a comment to really make my day!
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thetomorrowshow · 19 days ago
febuwhump 12 - used as practice
title: burying my whole life
fandom: traffic smp
part of my bad boys gang au!!
cw: blood, violence
Scott swallows, shifts his weight.
He lets himself, for a moment, wonder about Martyn. Is he in the same situation? Blindfolded, tied to an uncomfortable chair? A dirty gag pulled taut between his teeth?
Or is it worse?
Then he shakes himself. He’s not thinking about that. He’s not going to sit here and run himself ragged, panicking about what they might be doing to his friend. He’s fine, so he has to assume that Martyn’s the same way.
This was supposed to be an easy job. They only take easy jobs, after all—one of the perks of being independent contractors is that they get to pick and choose whatever jobs they want to work. But hiding bodies hasn’t been enough to cover rent as of late, and they really can’t afford to lose the junkyard.
They’ve worked for every respectable gang in the city, so Scott would have thought that there would be a bit more respect on the Mean Gills Hunk o’ Junk services. His and Martyn’s matching t-shirt uniforms are practically a Red Cross symbol around here. They aren’t to be touched.
The job had sounded pretty easy. Implicate this new gang, the Neighbors, in a murder that belonged to the Clockers. Scott didn’t feel too bad about it, seeing as the Neighbors hadn’t been so kind as to utilize their services yet. They seemed like a pretty small start-up, and the Clockers were probably trying to squash them out of the game before they really got their feet under themselves.
Well, they have their feet under them, that’s for sure.
The Neighbors aren’t actually a gang, that much is clear. They’re some sort of—private elite force, Scott thinks, with training that he’s never seen from the usual thugs. He and Martyn can hold their own in hand-to-hand combat, but a single man in a button-up shirt had taken them both down with a couple of lightning-fast sweeps of his legs. It had been almost like an art form, a fluid dance that only he knew the steps to.
Scott had woken up . . . wherever this is. Alone. Unable to move his arms more than to flex his wrists, his legs bound in three different places, the only movement allowed him the ability to twist his head around. Nothing to look at, not with his eyes covered.
How long was he out? How long has he been here, in this unknowable prison, waiting for whatever judgment is sure to come?
In all likelihood, Scott’s dead. There are very few scenarios here where he ends up alive. They’ll probably interrogate him about his past work, the many bodies that he’s thrown into the incinerator or buried beneath all the junk. Then they’ll kill him, his knowledge of whatever they’re doing too threatening to their work.
Why did he ever have to get involved in this business in the first place? He’d always dreamed of living an average-length life.
What had seemed like an easy way to get a lot of cash has backfired in an unfortunately foreseeable manner.
Scott sits in silence for far too long. Hours, if he had to guess—which is unpleasant, frankly, waiting for his own death for so long with restricted blood circulation. If they were polite about it, his captors would have come in right after he’d woken, done their quick little interrogation, and shot him in the head.
When someone finally joins him, they don’t ask the demanded questions he expects. They don’t take off the blindfold or the gag, but they release him from his other binds (which he can now tell aren’t ropes, but something like mini bungee cords, easier to loosen quickly) and pull him to his feet and into a brisk walk, all without a word.
Scott stumbles along with them, a person on either side, his wrists clicked into handcuffs before he can so much as lift his hands. That’s frustrating, and not because it restricts his chances of escape, but because he’s already struggling with walking as pins and needles fill his legs and he’d like to be capable of catching himself if he falls, thank you very much.
Somehow he keeps his feet, though he hasn’t got any sort of presence of mind to pay attention to where they’re going, especially when he can’t see. Probably to some other room to be interrogated.
But they stop suddenly after what he assumes is a bit of a hallway, and they don’t have him sit down or remove the blindfold or anything. They just stand there, fingernails digging into Scott’s arms, and wait.
Scott lets out a slow huff of breath through his nose, flexes his fingers. Is this some sort of intimidation thing? What are they waiting for?
This is going to be it. He’ll be standing here for ages, then some big scary man will come in and tear off his blindfold and gag. He’ll demand to know his purpose and press him for every bit of information he knows, then he’ll nod to one of his goons and they’ll shoot him in the head and his body will be dragged away (probably to be buried in his own junkyard).
He knows so many things, though—what if he keeps giving information that the big scary man doesn’t even want? He’s so overflowing with things that he knows he doesn’t even know what he knows! Great, now he’s going to get a bad grade in hostage, something that is normal to—
Shuffling footsteps.
Scott swallows as best he can behind the gag. It sounds like multiple people, kind of far away. Maybe two more men with Martyn in between them?
“Here,” a lilting, woman’s voice says. She sounds far away—like she’s at the other end of a long room. “There’s your target.”
A beat passes.
“What?” a man (from that same distance) says incredulously, echoing Scott’s thought.
“You’re a marksman, aren’t you? Show us your skills.”
Is Scott in a shooting range? Why would they bring him here?
“What did he do?” the man asks.
“Doesn’t matter, does it? He’s an enemy to us.”
“But—but he’s helpless.”
“What does that matter?”
Oh, no.
Scott can see it, in his mind’s eye. Him, bound and gagged, a faceless perpetrator, stood at the end of the shooting range. This anonymous man, perhaps facing a test of loyalty, placed at the other end with a gun in hand.
There’s still men on either side of him. A test of accuracy, too.
They aren’t even going to interrogate him?
Scott feels kind of offended, honestly, that they’re using him as nothing more than a prop in someone else’s test. He has knowledge of worth! He has dirt on every gang in the city, and despite what he always claims, it can absolutely be tortured out of him.
Maybe Martyn already gave up everything useful. Maybe Martyn traded his life for Scott’s. Sounds like something he would do—there’s never really been love lost between the two of them; circumstance brought them together and convenience kept them together and now convenience dictates their separation.
To be fair, Scott would have sold him out, too.
Ah, well. He lived a decent life—for the first sixteen years, or so. He was kind of a terrible person after that. To be frank, he probably deserves to die.
As someone else’s loyalty test, though? Really?
His ideal death is absolutely to sacrifice himself to save someone else for reasons that he’s not going to personally examine, but this is just embarrassing.
“I won’t.”
If Scott didn’t have a gag in his mouth, he would have groaned. Is he seriously going to drag this out? He’s seen movies, he knows what’s going to happen.
Sure enough, there’s a long pause, then a meaty thud followed by a pained grunt. After a moment, the woman speaks again.
“Shoot him.”
When the man speaks, his voice is notably strained. “No.”
Another thud. Then another, and a bit of a crack, and the man makes another sound of pain. After a moment of relative silence, he hears a sliding sound, as if something heavy is being dragged along the floor.
A door opens, then shuts.
Scott still has a gag in his mouth, but he makes his best attempt at a groan anyways.
That pattern repeats itself four times.
Scott is pulled from his chair and into what he has to assume is a target range. The anonymous man being tested is brought in, he refuses to shoot Scott, he gets beaten into submission, and then both of them are dragged away again.
The sixth time, as Scott stands in the target range with guards on either side, he wishes they would loosen the gag. Then he could at least try to make this interesting. It sounds fun to beg for help. Or maybe he could try to anger the man. Or he could stay silent by choice. That would be enigmatic.
The man sounds exhausted today, and Scott briefly wonders what he’s been going through when they’re not in the room together. Do they hurt him? Interrogate him? Train him? At least with Scott they give him food and water at fairly regular intervals. The man seems to get weaker and weaker by the day.
“Really?” the man says, his voice carrying thinly across the room. “Again? Same guy? Don’t you get tired of this?”
“Don’t you?”
There’s a long silence that follows that.
Scott waits with bated breath.
Is this going to be it, at last?
Even though he’s been prepared five times now, his unpreparedness strikes him like a staff to his knees. Did he ever thank his neighbors for the housewarming cookies they brought him? How long has his cat been alone at home? Why didn’t he ever reach out to his mom? Just a call would have sufficed. He could have even visited her.
The silence continues.
Then—a cry of pain—and relief drops through Scott’s chest.
It’s immediately chased by exhaustion, and a little bit of shame (it’s not like this putting-off of his death sentence will change anything that he has or hasn’t done, and all it’s doing is causing pain to this other man), but he only swallows and allows himself to be led away.
“Give me the gun.”
There it is again—that jump in his stomach, the weakness in his legs, because this is it, this time. No more trials. 
Seven is a meaningful number, Scott heard once. He doesn’t know what it means. He has to assume it means the end.
“Good. Shoot—”
Scott can’t help it—he flinches (he curses himself in the moment for flinching)—
He . . . isn’t hit.
There’s sounds—sounds of a struggle, shouts and deafening gunshots and the men on either side of him split apart, leaving him standing alone—and Scott hasn’t properly walked or stood on his own in what feels like days, so he sways in place, but he can’t balance himself with bound hands—
Running footsteps come toward him, and someone (who smells like sweat and blood, gross) wraps an arm around him before he can fall.
“Run, run, run!” the man’s voice says, too loud in his ear.
And what’s Scott supposed to do but run?
He lets the man guide him, stays as close as he can without tripping over his legs. He runs blindly, desperately trying not to fall—which is harder than it looks, blindfolded and handcuffed and weak. He manages to follow the twists and turns fairly well until the man drags him on a sharp turn and he stumbles over his own feet, falling flat on his face.
“Oh, geez—sorry, one second—”
A door squeaks; hands grab at his face, and the gag is pulled and pulled (and with it, painfully, the corners of his lips) and then torn loose. Scott gratefully lets his mouth fall shut, then winces as the blindfold is forcefully ripped from his eyes.
He opens his eyes (which hurts, the light hurts, how long has he been here?) and looks up.
In the dim lighting, Scott blinks past watery eyes and sees the man who has held his death in his hands seven separate times.
He’s actually kind of hot.
Like, yeah, there’s blood trickling down the stubbly side of his face, and he has a massive black eye, and his blond hair is clumpy and tangled and gross-looking, but . . . he’s got potential. He definitely isn’t the worst last thing to see.
Scott swallows, his mouth bone-dry and tongue swollen, and manages, “Hey, hot stuff. What’s a guy like—like you doing in a place like this?”
Adorably, the man blushes. “I—um—can you shoot?” he blusters.
Scott hopes he manages a devilish smirk with his numb lips. “Only if you buy me dinner first.”
“Holy moly.” The man actually gets up and walks away, though he returns after only a few seconds. “Look, I can get us out of here if I can get a phone. You wouldn’t happen to have one, would you?”
“I haven’t checked,” Scott grouses. “I think it was confiscated in the onboarding training.”
“Yeah, same,” the man says absently.
Scott would check his pockets, but his hands happened to be bound with actual handcuffs, rather than the bungee cords that had bound him to the chair. He hasn’t noticed anything in his pockets as of yet—and who would leave a prisoner with their cell phone? It’s likely long been destroyed.
“Okay, well—I have these guns,” the man says, holding out two handguns. “Genuinely, can you shoot?”
“Not like this,” Scott says drily, jangling his handcuffs. The man hasn’t even offered to help him up. He’s just lying on the dusty carpet of this—it looks like a small meeting room, with a table in the center and a handful of chairs scattered about.
Come to think of it, it probably wouldn’t be too hard to hold a gun while handcuffed, but Scott isn’t exactly a marksman. He can hold his own in a fistfight, and he’s actually pretty decent with knives, but guns aren’t his specialty. Sure, they keep a handgun in the office in case of emergency, but he’s never really needed to use it.
“And I can only shoot one right now. . . .”
Scott scoffs, which quickly turns into a real coughing fit. When he can breathe, he chokes out, “You can only shoot one, period. Dual-wielding pistols doesn’t actually work, genius.”
The man shrugs. “I’ve been practicing, I can get decent cover fire. But they broke a few fingers, so. . . .” He holds up his left hand, which Scott can just barely tell in this lighting is shockingly swollen.
Despite his doubts on the gun matter, Scott grimaces. Broken fingers hurt, and he’s only ever broken one before (perks of accidentally slamming your hand in a door). He can’t imagine breaking multiple, then having to shoot with that hand.
“Okay. Here’s the plan,” the man says, checking out the open door. “First person to walk by, I shoot ‘em and take their phone. Then I call my friends and we get out of here.”
“That’ll be way too loud,” Scott points out. “They’d kill us before any of your supposed friends even showed up.”
“Well, it’s not like you’re throwing around any clever ideas,” the man says hotly.
Which is entirely unfair, seeing as Scott is literally lying on the floor, and until mere minutes ago was not only handcuffed, but blindfolded and gagged. Honestly, it’s shocking he can even function right now. It’s shocking he’s even alive right now.
They’re not actually going to escape, right? There’s no way, not when they’re in the depths of the Neighbors’ organization, when there are surely plenty of skilled fighters searching for them right now. They’ll probably kill Scott on the spot, then take the other guy back to continue whatever they’re doing with him.
“Search the room, would you?” the man says. “I’ll keep a look-out.”
Scott rolls his eyes, then shifts to his knees and pushes himself up, starts going through the room.
It’s just as small as he’d assumed, a table barely larger than a desk in the center with four chairs, two on either long side. There’s not any sort of tech in here, not even a projector, and the whiteboard on the wall only has a singular dried-out marker with it. 
He turns around to tell the guy that there’s really nothing here, but he already has a preemptive hand held out toward Scott, clearly signalling to be quiet.
Scott freezes. Listens.
He doesn’t hear anything until the footsteps are almost upon them, just outside the door of the meeting room, and quick as a flash his accomplice darts out the door, then back in, dragging a struggling man in a suit with him, hand with the broken fingers covering his mouth.
There’s a moment’s struggle in which Scott’s accomplice tries to drag the suit to the ground, and the suit tries to get his gun aimed behind himself to shoot him. Scott’s fairly certain he hasn’t been noticed yet—he hurries forward, ramming his head into the suit’s stomach—
The force of it bowls all three of them to the floor with a loud thud. Scott rolls over someone’s lumpy body—his new friend cries out—the Neighbor grunts—
It’s too dark, for goodness’ sakes, Scott can’t see and he’s all turned around, his hands held together by the stubborn cuffs, there’s no way he’s going to survive this—
Blinding pain overcomes Scott’s entire system and he thinks he only doesn’t scream because he’s left without any air in his lungs. He doesn’t know where he’s been hit, but it hurts more than anything that’s ever happened and he can’t see, can’t feel his body, can’t do anything but gasp in agony.
Is he dying? He’s probably dying. He’s definitely dying, it—it hurts so—
What’s happening? Why is he dying? He’s dying—
Scott isn’t sure how long he spends hanging in the limbo of all-encompassing torture. At some point, though, the pain begins to centralize in his right arm, and he sucks in a deep breath, some of the red on the back of his eyelids fading. The ringing in his ears starts to recede, little by little, until he can hear someone muttering in his ear.
“—you’re all right, help is coming, just need you to stand up—”
An arm worms its way under his back and pulls him up slowly, Scott helpless to prevent it. His knees buckle when his bare feet find the floor, but whoever has him doesn’t let him fall. His right hand pulses angrily, far too hot for him to focus on much else.
“Come on, it’s not that bad. We need to get out of here so my buddies can get us away, right? Can you open your eyes?”
Scott tries. He really, really, does, but he can’t quite wrench them open, his eyelids soldered shut. He does manage, however, to stand, though his legs tremble weakly under the weight of his body.
“Let’s go, let’s go. Are you gonna pass out? You look white as a ghost. Stay awake, yeah? What’s your name?”
His name. Scott lets the person supporting him guide him forward. “Scott,” he rasps.
“Cool, nice to meet you. What do you do for work, Scott?”
“Junkyard. I—” Scott finally forces his eyes open, the world before him grey and tear-blurred. “I—”
“Junkyard, that’s cool. Got any family?”
They’re escaping. They’re getting out of here, Scott and this random man. What happened with the other guy, the one in the suit? Did they take him out?
“Scott? You good?”
“Yeah,” Scott breathes, and his hand pulses—
He looks down.
He can’t really tell what’s up through his tears, but there’s a dirty piece of fabric tied around his hand, soaked through with blood. Blood’s all up his arm, all over his leg, dripping lazily from his fingers. He blinks, blinks again.
“Can you walk yet?” the man asks, and Scott now notices how exhausted he sounds, almost entirely out of breath. “‘Cuz—dude, I can’t go on like this.”
Surely he can walk, right?
Scott decides to at least try.
He pushes off of the man—not completely, but enough that he’s mostly supporting his own weight. He’s still pretty much blindly following, but they really ought to move faster if they’re actually going to get out. Scott pushes past the jelly that his legs have become and increases the pace, swallowing back the instinct to vomit.
“What’s y’r name?” he forces out, more to keep himself conscious than out of actual curiosity. Which is probably why the man was asking him personal questions in the first place, come to think of it.
“Jimmy,” the man replies, after only a moment’s hesitation. “I think—I think that’s the door out. It looks like—here—”
They push together on metal, heavy heavy metal—
Scott breathes in fresh air—
Then his legs give out entirely.
He sinks to the ground in some sort of weird slow motion, and Jimmy manages to drag them both over the threshold before he’s falling too, and Scott feels all fuzzy in the back of his mouth and really, really sick. . . .
Then black.
“I can’t believe you passed out on the doorway.”
“Uh-huh, and who was it who basically dropped me?” Scott retorts, no heat in his words. Jimmy snorts.
“I’ll have you know, I had three broken fingers, four cracked ribs, and a broken collarbone,” Jimmy counts off. “Not to mention all the bruises. You just had a tiny gunshot wound.”
“A gunshot wound that blew off half my hand,” Scott says wryly, gesturing to his heavily-wrapped right hand, now bereft of a pinky finger and a decent chunk of his palm. “Those tend to bleed a lot.”
Jimmy winces. “Sorry—”
“No, you’d better not be apologizing again,” Scott interrupts. “Losing a finger is better than losing my life.”
“I should’ve been able to get the gun away from him, though,” Jimmy says awkwardly. “I know this stuff, I’ve been doing it for years.”
“Right, I totally expect you to be perfect after being tortured for a week.”
“Oh, come on, it wasn’t—”
“You’re both injured and you aren’t supposed to be out here,” a voice comes from behind them. Scott’s heart jolts, but only Grian comes up in front of them, arms folded over his zipped-up leather jacket. “Come on. In you get.”
Being out on the back porch had been fun while it lasted, Scott supposes. Back to the weird library-turned-hospital.
But Grian grabs Scott’s left arm, shoos Jimmy on when he pauses. “Go on, get your bandages changed. Scott and I need to talk.”
Jimmy hesitates a moment longer, eyes darting between Scott and Grian. Scott, despite his nerves, nods confidently.
“I won’t be long,” he says. “I’d never miss a chance to see you shirtless.”
The tips of Jimmy’s ears turn pink and he grumbles something, but heads on inside. Once the door to the patio closes, Grian lets go of Scott, leans back on the railing.
“You have to stay, now,” he says bluntly. “You’re too much of a risk.”
Scott grimaces. He doesn’t remember how they got here—he fainted as they left the building, then woke up in a bed in the heart of the Bad Boys’ base. Eight years he’s avoided swearing fealty to any gang, and somehow, he’s ended up with the Bad Boys. “I have a business,” he tries half-heartedly.
Grian snorts. “You think the Neighbors don’t know where it is? They’ll kill you before the day’s over.”
Okay, he really didn’t think that would work, anyways. New tactic. Become a Bad Boy?
He really doesn’t want to be a Bad Boy, but until he can find a way to flee the country, he’s probably stuck here. Good thing he’s hurt his hand so, he won’t be expected to be any sort of gunman.
He’s pretty good at making the most of situations, though.
“I think I have some talents that the Bad Boys would find useful,” he says. “As long as I’m compensated.”
“You’ll have to talk to someone a bit higher up the food chain to work that out.”
Scott nods. “The Baddest of Boys.”
“Please never say that again.”
“The Worst Boy, even.”
“Go back to bed.”
Scott chuckles and moves to head back inside, but once again, Grian catches his arm.
“Tim’s got a lot of people protecting him,” he says in a low voice. “If you’re just messing around, you’d better leave him alone.”
Which doesn’t make any sense, Scott thinks as he heads back to his library-hospital bed. He doesn’t even know a Tim.
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grimm-the-tiger · 7 months ago
Misadventures with Google Translate
I put Life Series quotes through Google Translate too many times. Please help me, I can't stop.
The Names
Bdubs -> Bduby
BigB -> Capital B
Cleo -> Language
Etho -> line
Gem -> Decoration
Grian -> Shooter
Impulse -> Road
Jimmy -> Jimmy
Joel -> Hurrah
Lizzie -> Lizzie
Martyn -> Martyne
Mumbo -> Explosives
Pearl -> Beer
Ren -> Ren
Scar -> Right
Scott -> Scott
Skizz -> Writing
Tango -> Background
The Watcher -> Inspector
Some highlights
Scott: this house Jimmy: And street. [Original line: "It's home?" "Home."]
Language: Be good to me: die for me. [Original line: "Do me a favor: Die for me."]
Lizzie: And I left this world the same way I entered it: troubled. [Original line: "And so I left this world just as I had entered it: confused."]
Shooter: Scar, I think we are spirit descendants and you are too busy catching fairies!! [Original line: "Scar, I think we're soulmates and you're too busy chasing fairies!"]
Scott: They tear up carpets and kill farm animals. It immediately burst into lava. [Original line: "They break carpet and kill cows. And they mine straight down into lava."]
Language: Look, if you have a lost father, you might lose it? [Original line: "Look, if you're gonna be an absent father, could you be at least absent?"]
Scott: Our theme is ABBA's summer house, is it there now? Dead metal?! [Original line: "Our theming was once Cottagecore ABBA, now it's what? Death metal?!"]
Martyne : Tell me something before you go. Why are you attached to the sun? Inspector: Hmmm... HE. It was never meant to be. He just wanted to look. [Original line: "Just... tell me one thing before I go. Why were you so set on Grian?" "Hmph... HIM. He was never meant to be there. He was only ever meant to watch."]
line: I'm a good person to have someone light my tree. [Original line: "I was a good person till somebody burned down my tree."]
Decoration: God, that seems like a recipe for anxiety. Yes I am. [Original line: "God, that sounds like a recipe for angst. Yeah, I'm in."]
Lizzie: Follow it! No friends! [Original line: "Ha! You've got no friends!"]
Beer: Something bad is happening here. [Original line: "Something wicked this way comes."]
Shooter: Here we show our true truth? For yourself or for someone else? Are we all excited? [Original line: "Is this where we show our true allegiance? To each other, and no one else? We turn on everyone?"]
Background: It's not fair, it's not fair, I'll come back to it. [Original line: "This is unjust, it's excessive, and I will return."]
Capital B: No holes! [Original line: "There is no hole!"]
Some notes
I thought it'd be funny if the translations I used were all into languages I either knew off the top of my head that the creators speak or are official languages where they live. This got really convoluted really fast, because Ren was the only person I could think of who speaks a language other than English and I completely ran out after French and Scottish Gaelic, so I added languages spoken by Hermitcraft members instead, then threw Maori on for good measure because New Zealand's close enough to Australia (sorry, New Zealand) and I couldn't find any aboriginal Australian languages on Google Translate. So the translation order roughly went Afrikaans -> French -> Scottish Gaelic -> German -> Swedish -> Polish -> Maori -> English.
Ren's line "Red Winter is coming, me laddie" line got translated as "The red winter is coming, my lady." Honestly, it still kind of works?
"Watcher" got translated as "Inspector", which gives me the mental image of Inspector Gadget in a Watcher costume.
I don't know where the extra e at the end of Martyn's name came from.
I don't know why Etho's name is the only name that got translated into lowercase.
The fact that Mumbo's name somehow got translated as "Explosives" made me start cackling as soon as I saw it.
There were several points where Grian's name got translated as "The Sun" instead, probably because "Grian" is the word for "Sun" in Irish and Scottish Gaelic is from the same language family, so they probably share the same or a similar word.
"Soulmate" somehow got translated as "Spirit descendants". I'm pretty sure it's because it got split up into its component words; "Soul" corrupted into "Spirit", and "Mate"...I honestly don't know.
I translated a grand total of one line from Bdubs, and for some reason when I translated the document back to English, that one line stayed stuck on what I'm pretty sure is Maori except the word "Boogey", which stayed exactly the same.
I'm genuinely surprised by how many lines stuck remarkably close to the originals. Aside from his name, one of Joel's lines ("Where's the fun in that?") somehow survived perfectly intact, and one of BigB's lines ("There is no hole!") got pretty close ("No holes!").
I think the best part about this is that you can tell how and why Google translated some things the way it did, and then others you're just left completely stumped about how the hell it happened.
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c4stlevani4 · 3 months ago
someones probably already said this but the next life series should be called past life and every session a different gimmick comes back from a previous season, similar to how the wildcards work. first session is double life to quickly set up teams and last session is limited life where everyone only has an hour. the snails are back as well permanently they're just a lot slower
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squirrelfromspace · 2 years ago
Im so glad grian stuck with the bad boys theme: wearing the outfit, taking care of bread bridge, stupidly falling to his death
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quirinah · 9 months ago
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i! ro! ha! (six years edition)
#忍たま乱太郎#nintama#nintama rantarou#rkrn#quirinahdraws#digital#六い#六ろ#六は#tachibana senzou#shioe monjirou#nanamatsu koheita#nakazaike chouji#zenpouji isaku#kema tomesaburou#i am so normal about my six favorite characters in the series (liar)#the six years r like my pookies i love them...im trying to draw as much as possible for this character month (totally insane)#sorry if you follow me anywhere else and had to witness the insanity that is trying to draw daily (HELP ME)#i wanted to continue the trend with the fourth years of their illustrations all having different vibes but i feel like my vision wasnt supe#clear so theyre all a little more similar ORZ...the recurring cloud motifs r fun thou#i like circle compositions.#GUYS. BEING ON TWITTER IS SO INTIMIDATING THERES SO MUCH GOOD ART HELP ME#oomf made a whole amv for rokuha day.......my fakefan era...#are your faves even isaku and tomesaburou if you didnt make an entire ANIMATIC#i like how the room duos all have like the one guy whos sort of outwardly put together but has a short n quick fuse#and their chaotic kind of disaster counterpart whos actually pretty emotionally stable and grounded#they balance each other out nicely AND THEY HAVE A CLOSE RANGE AND FAR RANGE WEAPON GUY#i feel like their individual class duos r so nice together.....but i feel like the six years have so many fun combis too#they bounce off each other in fun ways AHEM HEM KENEN HEM HEM CHOUGOUGUMI AHEM TRAINING TRIO AHEM#TAG LIMIT ARGHRHGRGRHGHRGHRH trust me when i say i have infinite love for these idiots in my heart
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