#Oda what the hell
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shishishi-sunny · 1 month ago
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Oh my gosh
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ravelqueen · 10 months ago
One piece spoilers but
1) happy belated lesbian visibility day for nami tackling Robin
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bubblo · 2 years ago
the new one piece chapter start vs finish
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ascesabo · 1 year ago
the great irony of early one piece antagonists believing zoro was the actual captain and using luffy as a puppet ... oda really threw us a bone and curb-stomped it right in our faces. yes, zoro could be a captain in his own right. yes, zoro could match luffy in strength. yes, zoro knows this perfectly well. and you know what? he chose luffy two years ago, and he will continue to choose luffy again and again. roronoa zoro, the pirate hunter, who followed a wannabe pirate with a nonexistent crew on a whim because luffy brought him his swords and made a half-assed attempt at a bargain. zoro, who made a vow to never lose again on both his and luffy's honor. zoro, who told luffy he'd make him commit harakiri if he got in the way of zoro's goal, only to turn around and be willing to sacrifice his dream if it means that luffy reaches his. zoro, who stood in place and took luffy's pain and told a warlord to take his head instead of luffy's, who got down on his knees before his supposed rival and begged mihawk to mentor him so that he could return strong enough to protect his captain. zoro, who has conqueror's haki- a natural born leader- but chooses to stay at the right hand of a man he has deemed greater than himself.
and the thing that luffy fears most? being alone. being rejected. being left behind. and what should have been his foil- the pirate hunter to his pirate king, the nonbeliever to his divine, the king of hell to his sun god- instead becomes his first and most devout follower; the one who demands to follow him to hell and back. oughhhggg i'm sick to my stomach
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breezy-cheezy · 1 year ago
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Wow, October's over already?? Ok here's not-whumptober art LMAO
Cute lil Sanji from my read-through of One Piece that I redrew and colored :> (it's my discord PFP now) It's also getting heckin cold where I live so I felt this was appropriate to share, whew...
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luneariann · 11 months ago
oda w catzai if youre still taking recs pls 🙏
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Here u gooo
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allonepiece · 1 year ago
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this is so precious
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opbackgrounds · 6 months ago
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Tattoo alert for Urouge, and I just want to remind everyone that canonically that man's hobby is lovemaking
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hannigramislife · 7 months ago
People will defend Dazai's relationship with Akutagawa as if they have some deep, galaxy brain understanding of Dazai's character and we're the dumb ones for going, "um, no, fuck that."
Like, I'm sorry, were your eyes closed to Dazai's words in the dungeon scene? Were you sleeping during the Moby Dick phone call? Conveniently deaf during his conversation with Hirotsu? Did you miss the manipulation in the Cannibalism arc, too? Did you think he called Akutagawa to the place where they first met because he was feeling fucking nostalgic???
Notice how I don't even have to reference the abuse in the Mafia to show that Dazai is the greatest fucking dick in this show???
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gloomyloomy · 1 year ago
me, minding my own business:
my brain: hey did you ever notice how zoro and sanji were designed to be connected by the number three? sanji’s name (san) meaning three, and zoro’s three swords and three earrings, being distinctive character traits?
me: i- where did this come from, i don’t even think about them that often..?? what the hell am i supposed to do with this?! hey- hey! come back here!!!
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flumpermergen · 9 months ago
The state of the bsd fandom right now:
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daz4i · 2 years ago
dazai approaches life with the idea that wanting anything is pointless because it will be taken from you
chuuya keeps losing everyone important to him and yet he keeps going, he finds new friends, he keeps living as his own person
in a way, chuuya's life is like a confirmation of dazai's bias; any time he has something good, someone important to him, a connection, it gets taken away from him
and yet unlike dazai, he doesn't give in to despair
and i think that might be one of the reasons dazai finds him interesting enough to care about. because chuuya actively challenges the way he sees life itself just by doing his own thing. he doesn't go out of his way to talk dazai into seeing value in life, and i think this is the sort of language dazai has an easier time speaking
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petrichal · 7 months ago
Sometimes I think about Ace and the fact that Oda meant for him to die from the moment he created his character, and how even though that is his predestined end-goal, Ace is still sooo many people's favorite character. To have made something with a clear purpose and end, then to have such a character be loved by so many in the process throughout the years, that's mind-boggling to me
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odango have been preparing for their family photo since the second it was put on the calendar,,,, dazai got the frantic text from one of them being like “you’re coming today right?!” to which he probably replied “to what?” much to ango’s facepalm of annoyance
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infriga · 1 month ago
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I know I should be excited about this and I am excited but at the same time something about the way this panel was built up to and how it's composed feels so... Ominous. I'm excited, but I'm also kinda worried and I can't put my finger on why exactly. It's just giving me the heeby jeebies.
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symbologic · 1 year ago
Luffy vs. Zoro at Whiskey Peak
Unpopular opinion maybe, but the Luffy vs. Zoro clash in Whiskey Peak made sense for their characters. You could even argue that it was bound to happen, given their personalities.
Luffy likes the people who feed him. In the the face of their suffering, no matter who's responsible, he's too angry to concern himself with the reasons behind it. Zoro, on the other hand, prefers to handle things independently without saying much about it, especially if it means his crew gets to enjoy themselves a little longer
So it's not really surprising that Luffy would be blindsided by finding their hosts cut up by his swordsman, and that this would send him flying into a fit of rage. If he's never paused to listen to context or backstories before now, why would he start here? And of course, Zoro is not the type to back down from a challenge. He will match Luffy's energy and respond in kind
"But if Luffy were a good captain, he would have stopped to listen to Zoro's side of the story." Vivi tells him he's a bad captain two arcs later, precisely because of this kind of behavior. It clearly leaves an impression on Luffy, and we see he's grown into a better leader by the time he reaches Amazon Lily. (Almost as if Oda set all this development up on purpose with Whiskey Peak. HMM...)
"But Luffy refused to believe that Nami had killed Usopp in Arlong Park." This argument is like comparing apples to oranges. Nami did not actually do the murder that Johnny and Yosaku claim they saw, nor is she capable of killing people in cold blood. Of course Luffy isn't going to believe Nami killed Usopp based on hearsay. But in Whiskey Peak, Zoro did cut those bounty hunters. Luffy sees the evidence for himself, and he knows the carnage Zoro is capable of inflicting once he puts his mind to it. There is no denying what happened. Nothing other than Zoro saying "someone else did this" (or Nami knocking the soul out of him) was going to stop Luffy from going ballistic
"Why would Luffy fight so hard to recruit Zoro into his crew, firmly believing that he wasn't a bad person, only to later attack him because he believed Zoro was capable of harming 'innocent' people?" Because the fight was never about whether their hosts were "innocent" or not, not really. Their fight was about what Zoro did (assaulting the ones who fed them), and how those actions made Luffy feel (mad as hell, because these people FED THEM) For Luffy, context did not actually matter at that moment in time because, for him, "they fed me" unequivocally means "they're my friend", full stop This is even shown again in Mocktown! Both when Luffy unquestioningly eats an apple from Doc Q, and when Bellamy buys Luffy a drink in Mocktown. In the first case, Luffy only lived because he was lucky. And in the second case, he assumes Bellamy is a good person despite all evidence to the contrary, only to have his face brutally smashed into the bartop by Bellamy. Luffy is shockingly bad at reading people who try to feed him.
Luffy has interpersonal conflicts with all the core members from East Blue at different times. The fight with Zoro is the only one instigated by Luffy. But surprisingly, their fight highlights their similarities instead of their differences. They still fight equally and work together against BW agents who try to interfere with their fight.
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I think that's what Oda wanted to showcase with this scene.
In short, Luffy's initial anger stemmed from his protectiveness towards those who have fed him, while Zoro's actions were driven by his dedication to the crew and subsequent refusal to back down from Luffy's challenge. It was a clash resulting from miscommunication and misunderstanding, something that is not typically a problem for them — until it suddenly becomes one When all is said and done, they're both quick to forgive and forget. This, too, is fitting for both their characters. From that point onward, Zoro continues to demonstrate that Luffy's trust is not misplaced. And Luffy never, ever doubts Zoro again after this
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