#Obi-wan Kenobi appreciation
guildofscribes · 2 months
Okay, so about the Wrong Jedi Clone Wars story...
If anyone was going to understand leaving the Order, it would be Obi-wan. 
If anyone was going to understand wanting to leave because he’d fallen in love, it would be Obi-wan. 
If anyone was going to understand what it was like to be put under the microscope of the High Council, have every action he’d ever made inspected, every word he’d said scrutinized… it would be Obi-wan. 
If anyone was going to understand mistrusting the orders of the Council, it would be Obi-wan. 
Obi-wan who:
Actually left the Order once because he saw people who needed help, and orders went against everything he’d ever been taught about being a Jedi. 
Had to beg for help after leaving the Order to help a bunch of kids try to survive a civil war, and then had to beg to be allowed back into the Order, and to be taken again as someone’s padawan. 
Had fallen in love (and never really faded out of love) with a woman was was literally one word away (“Stay?”) from leaving the Order again for, but ended up staying because both he and the woman he’d fallen in love with were too bound up in duty to serve themselves. 
Had been ordered by the Council to do things he doubted the wisdom in (Rako Hardeen), and was blasted for trying to do the right thing for the greater good, not just serve his own comfort. 
It would have been Obi-wan who understood what it was like to be one of the people who needed greater help, who needed the help of a Jedi to solve their problems. 
It would be Kenobi who knew what it was like to hold lives in his hands. (It was Kenobi who knew exactly how heavy the souls of children sent to fight wars were in his hands.)
If someone was going to understand not trusting ones’ own judgement, and still having to make choices anyway, it would be Obi-wan. 
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ahhrenata · 4 months
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redraw of this ooooold piece
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jedi-valjean · 5 months
Guide to Jedi Ranking Terminology
I see a lot of confusion about this in fic, so I thought I’d make a post about it. I hope it’s helpful!
Youngling refers to a child— not just a Jedi child, but any child. A child who has been inducted into the Jedi Order is called an initiate. A Jedi initiate is generally addressed by their name, without a title— though sometimes they will be referred to as “young [Name]” by their elders.
A Padawan, Padawan learner, or Jedi apprentice is an initiate who has been apprenticed to a master for formal training. Padawans are not always teenagers; for example, Obi-Wan Kenobi was a Padawan well into his twenties, while Ahsoka Tano, at fourteen years of age, was still considered a youngling at the start of her apprenticeship. They are generally addressed as “Padawan [Name.]”
A Jedi Knight is a Jedi who has been knighted— that is, completed their apprenticeship. The term Jedi Knight refers to any fully-trained Jedi, whether they have attained the rank of master or not. They are generally addressed as “Master [Name,]” not “Knight [Name.]”
A Jedi Master is a Jedi Knight who has been officially recognized as being especially proficient in the Force, typically for training an apprentice to knighthood. They are generally addressed as “Master [Name.]”
A Grandmaster or Grand Master is a Jedi who has been named head of the Order. There is usually, but not always, only one Grandmaster at a time. The Grandmaster is typically recognized in an official capacity as the wisest and oldest member of the Order. They are generally addressed as “Master [Name.]”
Master of the Order, also known as Master of the Council or Grand Master of the Jedi High Council, is the head of the Jedi Council. Prior to the Clone Wars, this title was distinct from that of Grandmaster. For example, Yoda was head of the Order, but Mace Windu was head of the Council. As such, Yoda deferred to Windu on Council matters, such as when the decision to train Anakin Skywalker as a Jedi Knight was ratified by the Council. During the Clone Wars, Windu stepped down from the position to take a more active role on the battlefield, though he remained on the Council; the position was then filled by Yoda. The Master of the Order is generally addressed as “Master [Name.]”
All Jedi above the rank of Padawan are addressed as “Master [Name.]” When one does not know a Jedi’s name, “Master Jedi” is used, such as when Taun We greeted Obi-Wan Kenobi on Kamino.
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allthingskenobi · 1 year
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"Let's hope that day never comes."
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starbeltconstellation · 3 months
Helloooo, to all SW fans! 👋
Sooo, I have decided to make this like a… monthly? 🤔🤔 Reblog, to search for other like minded pro Jedi individuals like myself in the SW fandom, so I can find more of my little fandom corner.
So! 😁 I humbly ask those that are Pro Jedi, and do NOT blame them for their own genocide (🤦‍♀️🤢🥶) to reblog or like this post, so I can follow more SW fandom blogs.
I also would follow fans who are Anakin critical/anti Anakin. Although I’m more of a pro Jedi fan who still has sympathy and SO much love for Anakin’s character (🥲💔❤️), while still realizing the fault lies with himself, I also enjoy reading a lot of critical analysis on his character too.
But any Anakin fans who love him to death like me and aren’t afraid to hear criticism are welcome to like this post too! ❤️
The same goes with pro Jedi/pro clone blogs. The Jedi are my ultimate favorite blorbos, but the clones are also so very dear to me, and I love to read headcanons about them. 💕
Hopefully this isn’t a weird post. Lol. 😅🫣😂 I just thought this was a good way to expand outward into more fandom territory.
Thanks! 😜💕❤️✨
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erilanya · 6 months
All Anakin ever wanted, was to help. All the times (that I caught) Anakin helping people. Long post, buckle up. I have feelings about the prequels.
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Anakin casually helps and saves JarJar, with bitey remarks. 100% in character.
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Don't go to your ship new friends, I can help you get shelter.
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Hobby project for Mom? Sure thing!
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Let us share our meager resources with all of you, basically strangers. It's a Skywalker thing.
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Let me casually risk my life for you please!
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I will never be over these two. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
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Rushing to help.
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Please, let me do your job for you.
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Not technically helping, but diffusing her anxiety with a bit of humor.
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Gentleman vibes.
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Mom's in trouble :(
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He just can't help himself, can he?
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THE couple everyone. A very, like attracts like situation.
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Oh hi Master, we're here to help you.
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Good job.
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Nevermind me, I'm dying here. Oh, Obi-Wan's in trouble?
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Always there to lend a hand. (Too soon?)
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His first impulse. Always.
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Obi-Wan: "Anakin, the mission, leave me." Anakin: "Lol, no."
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You heard him.
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Bonus, because, well.
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It's a habit at this point.
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Oh sweetlings, it will be your undoing.
Find part two here!
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omaano · 11 months
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Rex meets R4 once he's somewhat recovered from his 200 years of dying-not-dying in the vacuum of space. I cannot wait for you all to read @dharmaavocado's The Old Guard AU fic they wrote for the @rexobibang!
If I Ever Leave This World Alive
Out in the vast well of space, Obi-Wan dreamed a man. He drifted from system to system, eternal and endless. Time and the cold had rendered the durasteel shackles around his wrists and ankles weak and brittle, and he had snapped them at some distant point in the past. Arms and legs free, he curled inward, knees drawn up to his chest. The man died. And then he lived. In which Obi-Wan and Rex may never leave this world alive.
Check out the other fantastic art pieces by @flowerparrish HERE and HERE and by @inqorporeal HERE !!
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bellarkeselection · 8 months
Our Little Kenobi
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Request from @starvingbrokestudent Can you do a super sweet pregnancy fic with Obi Wan? Like the reader finds out she’s pregnant after fertility issues and Obi Wan is just so excited?! And how they try to keep it a secret from the council and eventually she has a baby boy?
This will be a mini series like you asked 😁
Rushing to the bathroom I didn't even get the chance to remove my lightsaber and my robe from my body because the sickness was coming on so quickly. Holding onto the toilet I puked what I had ate in my stomach feeling out of breath afterwards. This wasn’t the first time this had happened and it was the third time I had gotten sick. Wiping my hand across my mouth I gagged on the taste leaving the bathroom once I had finished. Finding my communicator out of my robe pocket I thought of the first person I could call who wouldn’t ask too many questions. “Padme, can you come to my room please?”
“Of course. Do you need anything specific?” She asked me appearing as a blue hologram.
Running my fingers through my hair with my freehand I whispered under my breath almost like somebody else was listening on the other side of the door. “Could you uh…could you bring me a pregnancy test. I can’t have the medical droids look I into this. They can’t keep a secret if there is something going on.”
“Sure, I’ll be right over.” She hung up the call making me more nervous just waiting for her to come over.
Pacing back and forth across the floor frantically trying to calm my nerves but it wasn’t working. This couldn't be happening to me. I was a Jedi knight and a leader of one of the clone armies. There was a war going on all on top of it. I heard three knocks on the door before I opened the door quickly. “Come in, Padme.”
“Here it is. Why exactly did you need one?” She asked and I knew that she would after she told me about her and Anakin sneaking around.
Taking it from her hands I went into the bathroom quickly doing the test since the waiting was killing me. Sitting on the toilet I just stared at the test in my hands thinking that my life was now screwed. “Padme, I'm going to be forced out of the order.” I croaked through tears feeling her presence in the doorway of the bathroom just watching me.
“I thought Jedi were encouraged to love. That's what Anakin told me.” She responded.
Lifting my head up I felt tears building up. “But you're sneaking around aren't you. It's exactly what me and Obi-Wan are doing…stars he's going to be upset over this.”
“Maybe he will want the baby.’ She tried being hopeful. “Wait a second I should be asking do you want it first?”
Dropping my gaze to the ground floor silence filled the entire room at that point. I didn't know how to answer her question. Being a member of the Jedi order meant that things like love, marriage, and children were out the window. Gripping my hair in my fingers I screamed dropping the pregnancy test on the floor at my feet. “I don't think I can do this, Padme. I can't…I'm not prepared to be a mother. I barely even remember my own parents after the council found me. And then there's Obi Wan…he…I have no clue what he will feel.”
“Have you ever talked about the possibility of having kids with him if you weren’t Jedi knights?” Padme came into the bathroom and sat down beside me on the floor.
Burying my face into my knees I croaked. “We took an oath, Padme. No marriage, no children, no possibilities of going to the Dark Side.”
“I’m sorry Y/n. But I am here for you and whatever you decide to do.” She placed a hand on my shoulder and we both just sat in silence with me thinking back to that night between Obi wan and I.
Opening the door, he walked towards the bed and dropped me down to the bed. My back hit the soft silk sheets before I rose up from the bed staring at him softly and brought a hand to his cheek stroking it softly. He leaned into my touch and brought my fingers to his lips, kissing them softly for a moment before releasing them. Standing tall, he lifted his shirt over his head and threw it to the ground. My heart began to beat for a second as I stared at him, my eyes directed down to his muscular chest, and blushed at the sight.
I averted my eyes with my hands covering them quickly and tried to contain my blush, he looked up at me and smirked at my reaction. “You don’t have to be embarrassed, Y/n. You can look if you want to.”
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to do…have you ever done this before.” I pointed out to him where I peeked through my fingers for a split second.
My hands started to trace his form, I began to run his fingers up and down his muscular chest softly while I began to feel his hand start to crawl underneath my shirt. He yanked my shirt off my head, throwing it to the ground only once breaking the kiss until I was not able to not joke with him at least once. “Woah….you look just wow.”
He glanced down at my clothed beasts staring at them deeply before reaching behind my back and began to unclip the straps off and tear it off me in a split second. I gasped at him instantly reaching a hand to cover my breast, he let out a growl at them pushing my hands away. “ Don’t hide from me, my darling. You are perfect.”
He hovered over me and brought his lips down upon mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and embraced more into the kiss. I felt a hard rock positioned at my lower religion, he placed his member at my center and looked up at me. “My love, this may hurt for a few minutes, I promise I'll go slowly. We can do this together, the both of us. Since….I haven’t done this before either. Are you sure you want this, I'll stop if you're not ready.”
“I want you. I want you, Obi.“ I said, gripping the bed sheets in my fingers, never moving my gaze from his. “ Please just go gently.”
Obi wan nodded his head slowly brushing some hair out of my face just admiring my face in the small light that was provided by the bedside lamp. “I want you just as much as you want me.”
Within moments I felt the pain suddenly vanish and began to feel pleasure. I began to move against him and leaned up pressing my lips down upon his. He embraced me back instantly when my fingers dug into his back. And that was the most enjoyable night of our lives.
I decided after a few days later to finally tell him what was happening. He deserved to know the situation so that we could figure out what to do next together. Standing out of his door I sucked in a shaky breath raising my fist and knocking three times on his door where it opened slowly for him to greet me. “Y/n, what can I do for you?”
“We need to talk…alone. If you have some time before our council meeting.” I almost whispered under my breath before he allowed me to come inside.
He shut the door behind himself, raising a brow. “What is going on, darling?”
“Did you remember the night we shared together? Well something I thought wouldn’t happen ended up actually happening.” Fiddling with my fingers in front of me I lowered my gaze to the ground trying to not show how terrified I was.
Obi wan was a much sharper Jedi then I thought I was though when he takes a few steps towards me. “Y/n, if something is making you nervous you can tell me. You know that right. So what is bothering you?”
“Obi, please don’t be upset. I already don’t know what I am going to do with the result. I can’t handle it if you rat me out and abandon me.” I lifted my head showing him my face was turning red with heavy tears coming down my cheeks.
Obi touched my shoulders, shifting his blue orbs down to my eyes. “Darling, please tell me what is wrong. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me.”
“I….I’m pregnant.” I croaked out lowering my head into his chest sobbing. “I’m pregnant with your child.”
The Jedi master froze for a moment so unsure of what to say. He was in the same position as yourself. He knew that the council wouldn’t allow you to remain in the temple. Yet he slowly wrapped his arms around my waist holding me gently letting silence fill the room until he finally separated the hug. “I’m not going to leave you, Y/n.”
“Wait what…are you being serious?” I sniffed clinging onto the fabric of his brown cloak for strength and his arms were still around my waist holding me close to his embrace.
He moved one hand to cradle the side of my face feeling me lean into his palm when he replied longingly. “I said I won’t leave you because you're pregnant. I know the risks that it means for us. But I’d be the biggest idiot if I left you over something we both consented too.”
“You have no idea how much of a relief that is to hear you say that, Obi wan.” I chuckled through tears with such relief off my shoulders as I fling my arms around his neck hugging him tightly but gently.
He tightened his grip around my waist, burying his face into my loose hair. His heart skipped a beat at the realization that he would be a father, he was terrified since he didn’t remember his own much. Yet there was more joy in his mind than fear. “I have been considering this for a long time. I guess you finally gave me the courage to do so…”
“What are you talking about…omg.” I gasped covering my mouth watching him lower himself down on one knee directly before me.
He revealed a tiny black box from inside his brown robe, opening it showing me a simple silver ring that had three jewels in the middle of it. His bright blue eyes poured up into mine. “Y/n, I love you. I know that we are told not to get attached to one another but I couldn’t help it. You are everything that I never knew I wanted until we started spending time together. This baby doesn’t want me to run away from all of that. It makes me want to stay by your side even more. So will you marry me?”
“Oh Obi Wan….yes.” I giggled letting him slide the ring on my finger getting to his feet. He cupped my face in his hands kissing me for the first time in a few days. I leaned up on my toes kissing him back.
Comments really appreciated ❤️ Tag list - @iifloweringnightsii
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maeve-on-mustafar · 11 months
When you think about it, it’s pretty weird that everyone wholesale accepts the “Anakin never talks to anyone” fanon, when Anakin tries to tell Obi-Wan about his nightmares in AOTC and then later tells him he thinks of him as a father, goes to Yoda to ask for help with his nightmares in ROTS, and then immediately runs and tells Mace Windu that Palpatine is a Sith Lord as soon as he finds out about it (also in ROTS).
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spacecapart · 19 days
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Brown paper Jedi (A6 prints)
Money is a bit concerningly tight right now, so I'm sharing a bunch of the fun things you can find in my online shop. This set of Jedi prints was originally an Inktober project, and I really love how they look on the brown paper.
You can find a link to my Storenvy shop on my blog page links or in my pinned post - I've got more than 60 prints of various sizes available, and nearly 150 button badge designs featuring characters from dozens of fandoms!
Even the smallest purchase will help me out a lot, as will sharing this post. Thanks in advance, and may the Force be with you!
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jedi-enthusiast · 9 months
Honestly what made me love Mace Windu was the Zillo Beast arc, because he had so much compassion for it! Like Jedi in general and space animals is a favorite.
I know!!! It was just so sweet seeing him like that, and the Jedi interacting with space animals is definitely a favorite of mine too! It never fails to make me feel all warm and happy inside!
In a better universe, Mace gets to adopt like 20 loth cats and they follow him around the Temple like a bunch of ducklings.
…and now I’m imagining him sitting in the Council room, all of the cats on his lap or crawling on him, one of them in his arms, just like-
Mace: Just so you know, you’ve disappointed all of us.
Qui-Gon: Now that’s just cruel.
Obi-Wan: *happily playing with some of the loth cats on the floor*
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alexversenaberrie · 1 month
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day 1: protagonists
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cc1010fox · 8 months
Obi-Wan: Commander Fox. It's good to see you. I hope you're well. Fox: Well on my way to an early grave. Cody: Don't mind him. He hasn't been off Coruscant in a year. All he does all day is see how far he can climb up the chancellor's-- Fox:... Obi-Wan: Oh dear... Fox, after grabbing Obi-Wan's lightsaber and chucking it: FETCH, BOY! Obi-Wan, watching Cody jog off after it: I really shouldn't laugh. It's my fault he has a reputation for fetching my lightsaber... Fox: Well, it's his fault he's a jerk, so you're in the clear to laugh. Obi-Wan, chuckling: I suppose you're right.
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guildofscribes · 1 month
Okay, so I randomly had a Star Wars Thought and it has Overtaken my brain…
So in the last episodes of the Clone Wars, we all know how the galaxy is in chaos, Mandalore is in chaos, everything is in chaos, and somehow in all this Bo Katan has “seen the light” and wants to fix stuff.
So she appeals to the Jedi. Who are busy with a war they got conscripted into. But that’s all fine, really.
But when she doesn’t get the answer she wants, she tries guilt-tripping Obi-wan into helping using Satine. Her sister.
Like, woman!
The gall!
Obi-wan was the one who dropped everything to save Satine all those other times where you were trying to kill your sister! And now she’s dead! Because of your actions!
There are consequences for your decisions, my dear! Them’s the breaks!
You stripped the power out of your sister’s much wiser hands, and plopped it into the hands of insane wackos! What did you think was gonna’ happen? And it was Obi-wan who gave the best effort to save your sister from your bad choices!
Sorry, but that ship done sailed and sank, and you don’t get to trip any more guilt on that man, even on the (likely) chance he’d want to help your sorry carcass out of this mess you made.
But he can’t.
He can’t help you this time, so maybe you better pull on your Big Girl britches and figure it out yourself!
You made this mess, so maybe you get to clean it up too. I don’t know.
What you don’t get to do is drag the man through it on the one time he can’t drop everything and help you “for Satine’s sake”.
I don’t know.
That just seemed wrong to me.
Maybe I’m just sappy and tired.
Just a thought though, and I needed it out of my brain.
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lbibliophile-sw · 3 months
In our hearts a hopeful song
Also on AO3 @212thappreciation - day 1: clone culture
There are many things that Obi-wan was not expecting when he was given a battalion of clone troopers to lead, but by far the most interesting is the singing.
Obi-wan’s men, as a whole, love singing. The choir of variably-tuneful almost-matched voices quickly becomes the background soundtrack to their lives. New songs are picked up at every turn, plenty f troopers even trying their hand at writing their own.
But their favourite continue to be the marching songs. And they use them for everything. The steady rhythm flows up and down the column during marches, or through any group working in sync. Sung as a gentle lullaby, it guides their brothers towards rest – for the night or for forever. Improvised verses, each raunchier than the last, are tossed across the room during downtime or hands-busy work. They are sung as a mournful dirge after bad battles, or as relieved affirmation after better ones.
Yet, for all the times that Obi-wan has heard them sing, it has never sounded like this. Even when their voices rang with joy, there was always an undertone of defiance and desperation; that they celebrate today because they might not get tomorrow. But now, packed tightly together where they had been listening intently to the reports rolling in – Grievous felled, Dooku defeated, Palpatine unmasked and destroyed, field after field of droids going still in surrender – their voices rise without that bitter note.
Today, they celebrate for all the tomorrows now to come. They sing of hope.
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sunflowersinheaven · 3 months
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Hii! 👉👈 My commissions are open, 4 slots for now!
You can only request here:
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