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rexobibang · 5 months ago
RexObi Big Bang 2025 Writer Sign Ups Are Open!!
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A day late, but our sign ups are finally open! Writer sign-ups run from November 2 through December 6, 2024!
If anyone has any questions, please reach out to us. We'll be happy to explain anything you might have a question on.
Take a look at our: Timeline | About | Writer FAQs | Artist FAQs | Rules
Other signup forms: Writer | Artist | Beta | Pinch Hit
@swfandomevents for visibility
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rexobiweek · 10 months ago
Announcing 2024 RexObi Fest!
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It's that time of year again where we are on the cusp of everyone's favorite season of relaxation! Think past the spring rains toward the sunny beach days and fantastic adventures of summer vacations! Think of meeting the boy cute as can be, bowling in the arcade, making out under the dock, the summer heat and summer nights. Think of the summer lovin’ Rex and Obi-Wan can have during a vacation over the summer and early fall.
Announcing RexObi Fest 2024!
We are a laid-back RexObi event with no minimum requirements for any fanwork created for the event–so long as RexObi is the focus of your fanwork, anything goes!
The 2024 theme for RexObi Fest is vacation!
As always, our prompts have been set for this event. We have 13 word prompts and 6 image prompts to spark your creativity. Content creators will have 8 weeks to work on their creation(s), so you can do as many, or as few, as you want.
Dates to be aware of:
Prompts will be announced the first week in July (between July 1 and July 5)
AO3 Collection will open in mid-August
Posting week is from September 1 through September 7, 2024
Kick back, relax, take a vacation away from life's stress, and find some summer lovin' with Rex and Obi!
please reblog if you’re interested to help spread the word!
@swfandomevents for visibility! Art by the AMAZING @omaano!!!!
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padawansuggest · 2 years ago
Cody: *having mimosas at brunch with The Boys*
Rex: Sorry I got your general husband pregnant, Cody.
Cody: *massively asexual, shrugs* Someone needed to. I’m glad you think relationships are gross.
Fox: Y’all’s batillions are fucking weird, you know that???
Rex: You have no idea.
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obiscribbles · 1 year ago
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Week 42 - January 14th, 2024 'Coastline' - Hollow Coves Spotify / YouTube
For ‘Of Honor and Force’, my Royalty AU! Knight Obi-Wan sneaking young prince Rex down to the coast for a quiet moment away from it all.
Honestly I put too much thought into the background, gotta stop doing that XD But what can I say, I'm obsessed with telling a story through my images, and every piece of the background was needed for that.
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stopstopstopit · 2 years ago
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Small RexObi Moments
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ninjigma · 2 years ago
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RexObi Week Part 1/7 - Next
Day 1: “Rise and shine, sleeping beauty.” Track: 'Who Do You Love' (E) - Mariana's Trench (Spotify / YouTube)
The sun was warm on Obi-Wan's face, splitting through the gently swaying curtains of the open balcony door. The blankets he was still tucked beneath were cool but heavy, and he was loath to open his eyes at all and break the hazy feeling of still semi asleep. It was a peace he hadn't known in a long while so why would he ever want to break it?
Well, there was perhaps one reason.
Silently there was a new weight on the bed. The sun that had been valiantly fighting to wake him was blocked by shadow, and Obi-Wan hummed absently at the relief, shifting his head slightly more toward the weight he recognized long before they spoke.
"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty."
Obi-Wan's smile couldn't be helped, and he knew now there was no chance to feign sleep even if he wanted to. "I am not sure who you are talking to my dear. I am neither asleep nor do I think my bed head looks beautiful."
"Well," Rex's voice was soft, not wanting to break the quiet moment as he set something further down the bed and leaned closer. "You have definitely slept in. Missed the breakfast cart and everything. And-" at this Obi-Wan felt some fingers brush against the wrist tucked near his head. "If I didn't think the messy look was beautiful, you may be out of luck."
Obi-Wan finally couldn't stop himself. The loving jab was just enough to prompt quiet laughter to bubble out of him, eyes opening to finally take in Rex. The clone was in fact leaned towards him, stomach down and only wearing tight black neoprene shorts that definitely didn't give Obi-Wan any quick reminders of the night before. He focused instead on how Rex was in fact reaching out, the warm fingers brushing over him also holding a cup of gentling steaming caf. Steam that rose and swirled up past Rex's face framed in short golden curls that had dared to grow out in the last few weeks, boldly caught the sun streaming behind him and used it to light up around his head like a true halo. And the more Obi-Wan looked, the more his smile grew and eyes crinkled, until Rex was tilting his head and knitting darker brows together. 
"What? No further protest sir?"
"Maybe I just finally learned not to protest such things?"
Rex pulled a face of disbelief that made Obi-Wan out right laugh this time, rolling more on his side and righting himself to better see that Rex had also brought a caddy with baked goods and fruit, along with another steaming caf. "Obi-Wan Kenobi," Rex started, the full name falling from his lips a rarity that still made something in Obi-Wan's stomach flip. "I would believe that just as much as I would believe you saying you had become a sith."
Obi-Wan hummed, and slowly brought his own hand up to cup over Rex's jaw, the clone no longer hesitating to lean into the touch. "Well, when it is you saying it, I find it has become much easier to believe."
A breath. Their eyes locked together in honesty, in growth; in how Obi-Wan gave out a bit more trust and Rex offered a bit more faith, as if they hadn't both already committed so much so readily. Somehow they still had further to go, and did so with all the excitement of a youth neither had truly experienced. 
No. Right now, with Rex taking a breath to make a retort Obi-Wan knew would make him laugher brighter then he had in years, the oh so great High General Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi felt like nothing more then the young fool in love that Rex had made him into.
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rexobibingo · 1 year ago
RexObi Bingo Open for Business
Happy 2024, my dears! As promised, Bingo has returned!
You can request your card here!
Just some quick housekeeping since I've updated the rules, cards, and streamlined some things:
There is 1 bingo request form for all bingos
All themes are available for request at any point in time
You can request a new bingo card every 2 months, no questions asked
If you don't like your initial card, writers get 1 chance to regenerate, non-writers get 2 chances to regenerate
For the rest of the rules/FAQs, please see the document here.
@swfandomevents for visibility
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themistymountainscold · 2 years ago
anyone have any star wars prompts? esspecially about my little gays. i'm trying to get my writing mojo back but i need a little help
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vanisketches · 1 year ago
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RexObi Big Bang 2023!
@rexobibang Thanks for hosting it!
I worked alongside with the talented @catbuir ! I had a lot of fun working on this, as well as reading the fic!
The Existential Crisis of Jedi Master Obi-wan Kenobi on AO3
Reblogs > Likes
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mock-arts · 1 year ago
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Cover art for @lillytalons’ “only blindly could I read you” for the @rexobibang
Fic and my art on ao3, and additional art by @vanisketches here!
Rex's goal was to get into the organization, get the information, and take it down. Of course, no one had ever successfully infiltrated this empire, and most people had died attempting it, so it was easier said than done. But, the fact that a government agency had also sent in an agent, their best agent, was either a very good or very bad thing. Rex just happened to recognize them, and for some reason, Ben had decided that working together is the best option. What could go wrong?
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rexobibang · 7 months ago
Officially Announcing.....
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Sign ups begin November 1st!
@robinade is our wonderful artist this year!!
@swfandomevents for visibility
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rexobiweek · 9 months ago
2024 Prompt Announcement!
Welcome to RexObi Fest 2024!
The time…has come–to reveal this year’s prompts! I hope you enjoy and are inspired by them!
Just a quick review of what is and is not allowed, some important dates, and then the prompts!
All fanworks are allowed in the event so long as they are: (1) RexObi-centric; (2) take into account either a word prompt &/or an image prompt. We have a theme (vacation) which you can include or not at your own discretion. 
All ratings are allowed but all content must be rated.
Everyone has 8 weeks to create their content (starting from July 2nd)
The AO3 Collection will be created mid-August and will be announced here.
Posting will begin on September 1 and run until September 7!
Any questions, please drop me an Ask and I’ll be happy to answer :)
Prompts under the cut!
Tourist / Tourism
Sun Showers
Water Balloon Fight / Squirt Guns
Summer BBQ / Cookout
Bed & Breakfast
Butterflies / Fireflies
Midnight Drives
Sidewalk Chalk
Image Prompts:
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floaromaxtowns · 2 years ago
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When your friend comes up with an idea you just have to stan and support it!!
Silly Sonic AU for ObiRex ♥️
Reblogs appreciated
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obiscribbles · 2 years ago
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Week 21 - August 20th, 2023 'Lovers in a Dangerous Time' - Barenaked Ladies, Ben Grosse Spotify / YouTube
Have to steal those good luck kisses quickly around here~
View a week early on my Patreon!
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obidobe · 2 years ago
Just a bit of an Obirex farm au I've been working on, where they meet because Ben is helping Rex's grandpa on his farm for the summer.
Around lunchtime, Rex stepped from the house to find Ben sitting on the tailgate of his Papa’s truck softly talking with the older man. Growing up they were told the vehicle was completely off limits and to not even think about taking it out for a late-night joy ride. For Ben to not only be trusted to drive it but to use it to go into town alone showed just how much he was trusted. Both of them turned as Rex approached, Jaster reaching over to tug him close to his side as he continued to talk with Ben. “Don’t let Old Wiley get out of the extra sack of oats he owes me.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Boss.” Ben gave a little mock silhouette with two fingers lifting from his eyebrow. With a subtle shift of his gaze, Ben asked him, “Are you ready to go?”
“Surprised Rex agreed to.” Jaster jostled him slightly, “Always used to hate going on supply runs.”
Ben shrugged and slipped off the tailgate, gently poking Jaster in the stomach with a grin. “Maybe I’m better company.” 
“Not with your taste in music, son.” Jaster rolled his eyes before turning to Rex, pressing a soft kiss to the top of his head. “Have fun. Don’t let him have control of the radio. For your sanity.” 
“I’m not that bad!” When Jaster finally walks away Ben turns to him, slamming the tailgate close. “I promise. I’m not that bad.”
Rex snorted, “We’ll see. Let’s get going.” 
He wasn’t sure if his feelings about Ben’s song choices had to do with the fact he actually liked the music or because he found the man attractive. As many times before growing up, Rex had his socked feet hanging out of the passenger window, gazing out as the trees, fields of wheat, and plains full of animals grazing whipped past them. He shifted his head enough to look across the middle at Ben. He had one hand on the bottom right curve of the steering wheel with the other hanging out of the window. His hair tie was trying its best to keep his hair together, but it was failing, strands whipping around his face. He didn’t seem to mind it, just relaxed back against the seat softly singing to whatever song came onto the radio. He was effortlessly beautiful even after almost 4 hours of work. Rex forced himself to look away, getting comfy and then closing his eyes to feel the wind against his face. Over the ride to town and lunch while Wiley had their truck loaded he had learned Ben was only here until early August and then he was off to London, amongst many other topics. As handsome and interesting as he was, Rex knew it was a bad idea to pursue something that had a permanent expiration date. He barked out a laugh at the absurdity of the thought Ben would even be remotely interested. 
Something warm and a little rough fell against his arm, followed by a quiet question, no longer drowned out by the music. “You alright?”
“Oh, yeah. Sorry. Thought of something humorous.”
Ben returned to focus on the road and withdrew his hand slowly, resting a bit on the center console. His left hand was curled on the top of the wheel now, a little smile curved on his lips. “Care to share?”
Admit he had been thinking about how it’d feel to kiss him, to hold his hand, and all of the rest of the romantic no-good stuff? As well as tell him he had thought the possibility of that was so impossible it was almost hilarious? Absolutely not. “I had a good time today. Thank you for inviting me.” 
“It was fun. We should do it again sometime.” Ben nudged him slightly with his elbow, grinning. “Even if you like tarter and hot sauce with your fries.”
“You put ketchup on your fish sandwich. Sir, you have no room to talk.” 
“Ketchup is a god-tier condiment.” 
“For toddlers.”
Ben gasped with his hand raising to press against his chest as if clutching imaginary pearls. “How dare!” 
By the time they pulled back into the farm, Rex had just managed to get his laughter under control. Still, Jaster had an unreadable expression on his face when he appeared in the driver's side window. “You two knuckleheads gonna get out and help me?
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ninjigma · 2 years ago
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RexObi Week Part 3/7 - First / Previous / Next
Day 3: Amusement Park Track: 'Friday I'm In Love' - The Cure (Spotify / YouTube)
"The more of these games I see the more I'm surprised there isn't people fighting everywhere."
"Well, I do believe people are not here mainly to win cheap stuffed animals. There are many other things to enjoy."
"Is that why you keep using the Force on the clearly rigged games?"
Obi-Wan raised his nose slightly, carefully tucking his hands behind his back after one last flick of his wrist at a rubber duck with a tiny loop on the top. The squeal of joy from the young child holding a much too flimsy hook nearly drowned out his prim response. "My dear, are you suggesting I would cheat?"
"Well," Rex grinned crookedly. "Never for yourself, but yes."
Obi-Wan made an affronted noise, though the mirth in his eyes couldn't fool anyone in the galaxy, as he slid an arm through Rex's and began walking a bit further. They were in absolutely no rush, the sun beginning to set and stars already blinking above them. It meant that dozens if not hundreds of lights were flicking to life, bright and vibrant in a way that almost reminded Obi-Wan of Force signatures when he was younger. Unfocused, youthful, undetermined futures; a swirl from hot to cold and so much life it was near overwhelming to open yourself to. In fact, Obi-Wan wasn't fully sure how to really feel about this date suggestion, mostly going through with it for the adrenaline of the rides and the sweets he thought Rex would enjoy trying, but leaning into Rex's side and watching that little one proudly accept the stuffed bantha from a perplexed looking worker was quite worth it.
He also found he minded the heat and overall stickiness of things even less when, five minutes later, Rex was crouched behind a water gun with a look of utter clone stubbornness and efficiency, and Obi-Wan was trying not to literally cheer as the clone won his second round in a row. It was all Rex here, beating the neigh impossible game and gathering a few further youngsters around him that wished to watch as he nailed the target perfectly.
"That's insane!" a child to Obi-Wan's right whispered to their friend, who only nodded wide eyed back. "I have never seen anyone win even the first round of this!"
"Do you think he is a bounty hunter?" another murmured.
"Maybe he's a Jedi!" 
This last one was said much louder, and met with a small outbreak of whispering that Obi-Wan couldn't help but laugh at, much to the upset of the child that said it.
"He could be!" They defended, small yellow cheek markings rising with his scrunched nose, and the face paint of a rainbow crinkling. 
"Well, I can assure you he isn't, young one." Obi-Wan gave a soft smile, as more curious children looked to him.
"Why should we believe you?" the first one asked, their friend still clinging to their side and watching Rex. "How else could he be so good?"
"Because he is one of the best," Obi-Wan answered simply, without specify who exactly Rex was the best of, seeing as Obi-Wan believed it was just about anyone anyhow. "As for how I know he isn't a Jedi..."
Rex then won the fifth round, maxing out the prize and earning the stuffed animal that had caught their eye to begin with as the perfect gift for Cody when they returned home. Though before the stunned worker had the chance to fully process he needed to unhook the creature and deliver it, Obi-Wan had raised a hand for the children to easily see and twisted it up and towards Rex to use the Force to toss the waiting clone his prize. 
"It is because he told me himself he isn't." Obi-Wan finished firmly. And before the kids could close their mouths or Rex had finished rolling his eyes, Obi-Wan was once again next to his partner and linking them together to stride away into the crowd.
"Showing off again sir?" Rex asked, handing the plush animal, a varactyl in a strikingly familiar pattern, to Obi-Wan.
"Me? Showing off?" Obi-Wan curled an arm under the plush. "I was merely correcting assumptions."
"The assumptions of a child?" At this Rex had slid behind Obi-Wan more properly, giving an accusing squeeze of strong, lean arms. 
"The assumption that you are a Jedi," Obi-Wan turned his head to smile more properly at Rex behind him. "First, I have heard you plenty of times state otherwise, which, in a way you are fully aware of, I am more then grateful for. And second, I know that nothing of the skill you just showed has to do with being born Force sensitive. That was all my lovely, talented, handsome rún."
And though Obi-Wan knew Rex still didn't know the exact meaning of the word he used, he had said it enough to bring color to the clones cheeks even as he shook his head. the he had declared it over in a dozen different circumstances of praise to Rex to make it clear. Knew he had put enough truth in his smile and joy in his eyes to make the adoration obvious, even past how Rex pulled Obi-Wan back into himself more firmly, with a quip already clearly set to make Obi-Wan blush much worse. 
So, when Obi-Wan cut Rex off to press a kiss to his lips that gave a much more obvious hint at exactly how much Obi-Wan appreciated watching Rex win the stuffed plush, he was met with more love then Obi-Wan had ever dared want for, and would be grateful every day to have.  
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