#prequels appreciation week: day 1 — protagonists
alexversenaberrie · 1 month
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day 1: protagonists
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padme-amidala · 1 month
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@prequelsnet PREQUELS APPRECIATION WEEK: day #1 — protagonists ↬ ANAKIN SKYWALKER
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trynot-moved · 1 month
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@prequelsnet PREQUELS APPRECIATION WEEK: DAY 1 – PROTAGONISTS — Matthew Stover, Revenge of the Sith Novelization
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padmeamidela · 1 month
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@prequelsnet prequels appreciation week: day 1 — protagonists
↳ Padmé Amidala
she was very beautiful. kind. but sad
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hayden-christensen · 1 month
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I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.
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prequelsnet · 1 month
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@prequelsnet prequels appreciation week: day 1 — protagonists
↳ the trio
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userobiwan · 1 month
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@prequelsnet prequels appreciation week: day #1— protagonists
↳ Ahsoka Tano (google template)
As a Jedi, we were trained to be keepers of the peace, not soldiers. But all I've been since I was a Padawan is a soldier.
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haydanakin · 1 month
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-Edgar Allen Poe
prequels appreciation week: day 1 + day 2 — Protagonists + Antagonists ↳ ANAKIN SKYWALKER
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corporalicent · 1 month
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@prequelsnet prequels appreciation week: day 1 — protagonists
padmé amidala. these are qualities that came from your mother.
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bisexualvader · 1 month
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@prequelsnet Prequels Appreciation Week: Day 1 — Protagonists
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YGO Protagonists
*Oldest brother... Literal dad
*Is very protective over the rest of them
*Seriously don't touch a hair on their heads because you will lose your soul.
*He totally has Kaiba on Speed dial and calls him over the dumbest things to get a rise out of him (but they are friendly?( Seto would also murder you dead if you hurt these munchkins he just won't admit it... (I will not apologise for this)
*Does not understand memes (mee mee's?) but tells dad puns for days.
*Always gives compliments and gives great life/dueling advice to the rest (puts a hand on their shoulders with that knowing and proud look).
*Will spend hours bragging about how far Judai's come, how smart and talented Yusei and Yusaku, how Yuya and Yuga created original dualing rules, how Yugi is awesome. He will tell anyone and everyone (they all secretly love it)
Yugi Mouto:
*Younger older brother? (identical twins but younger of the two)
*Super optimistic, always there to lend a hand and is very pacifistic... but will throw hands if the situation requires and without hesitation.
*Has Kaibaman in his deck to spite Kaiba (it works every time)
*Yes it can pierce a wall... It was for science.
*Usually the one to help escalate the chaos, and than pretends to have no idea why the house is upside down... And on fire... And the fire is green.
*Is the only one other than Atem to get Yusei to go to sleep.
*He loves puzzles, telling riddles and leaving little clues around the house for the others to solve (and they always get a present even if they get it wrong because they tried.)
*Doesn't see anything wrong with his fashion sense.
Judai Yuki:
*Problem child 1, needs a hug
*Memelord, will constantly troll Atem with movie references, and anything he can think of. (Yes he does quote the star wars prequels during duals.)
*Yubel makes sure he's looking after himself and has woven their way into the family. They and Astral have fun conversations. (Pharaoh the cat gets on very well with Atem... Werid.)
*Either he's happy, outgoing and herding the younger kids into various pranks. Rounding up Yuya, Yuma, Yuga and Yugi into his antics, (we don't speak of the Eggwitch incident). Sometimes he manages to drag Yusaku in to join them, giving them all a part to play and praising their efforts (they haven't been caught)
*OR he's depressed, haunted and full of guilt. He finds comfort by spending time with the others, hating being on his own. Everyone even those fairly reserved pick up on his mood and direct him to different tasks. Especially with Yuya, both of them can talk for hours about what ifs, shoulds and shouldn'ts.
*Favourite non dualing activity is helping Yusei to bake, he has burned many a cookie but he loves icing cakes.
*Very protective, will tap into the power of the Supreme King and Yubels abilities sometimes as unconsciously when one of the others are upset, or he's pushed into a corner.
Yusei Fudo:
*Oldest after the twins, literal mum
*Can't take care of himself to save his life but cares deeply for the others. Packing them lunches, helping them with school work etc.
*Takes Yusaku under his wing as soon as he sees his tech skills, both of them stay up for hours working on projects until Yugi scolds them at 4 am.
*Always half asleep, covered in oil and holding a cup of coffee (no he doesn't have a problem.) He mumbles codes and always seems to fall asleep holding a wrench.
*Usually he's accompanied by Yuga or Yusaku, either sitting and asking questions about their projects or working on a shared on/Yusaku's own stuff. He doesn't like working alone so it works out.
*Can do the "Mum look" and it has stopped the Supreme King, Dark Zexal and Zarc in their tracks.
*Card games on Motorcycles...having his bike borrowed by the little ones who want to play a card game on a bike but aren't old enough or know how to drive.
*Likes to bake, learned from Martha to give the others birthday treats and finds it fun.
*Claims he can never get sick... Liar.
Yusaku Fujiki
*Problem child 2 (all problem children need hugs and therapy, Kaiba get your wallet)
*Tried to stay closed off from the others but finds he enjoys their company and their antics.
*He has a Metapod hoodie that Yuya won at a carnival and gifted him. He wears it all the time, its cosy.
*Pretty Awkward, very cold sometimes without meaning it but somehow there all able to understand what he means without getting upset or offended.
*He spends hours working on projects with Yusei, neither talk much and it's a comfortable silence. Yuga often accompanies them, full of questions and joy and he enjoys sharing his work.
*Prefers to watch the others dual than to dual himself, absorbing the strategies and while he doesn't quite understand their motives... He finds himself smiling at Yuya's shows, wondering what he means with his smiling routine.
*Offhandedly told Kaiba that he fixed some holes in his security system. Kaiba went on a firing spree (yes with his firing people coat) and his was promptly hired. He actually enjoys it, and is now Kaiba's favourite brat.
*Also... The missing persons list is growing after Yusaku finally opened up about his past.... Werid.
Yuya Sakaki
*Problem child 3 (see above)
*Smiles go for miles
*Finds a lot of comfort from the others. The first time he let slip about Zarc, Judai was right there with his glowing green/orange eyes and they bonded instantly.
*He tries to only dual for entertainment and fun but that can't always be the case, though it really rattles him up afterwards. Do not make him mad in a dual if you value your life.
*Plays a lot with Yuma and Yuga, as the oldest of the trio he tries to set an example... He never said it was a good one....hes part of Zarc.
*He always has a game, an idea and the others will always be his faithful audience. He's made real solid dualing into an art, Atem and Judai have made his monsters real at times without the need for the tech (it was beautiful)
*Starts the appreciate Dragons Fanclub with Yusei and Kaiba.
*Yes to capes (Sorry Edna)
*Fusion dimension isn't available at the moment... Or the forceable future.
Yuma Tsukumo
*Second youngest, space boy
*Atem gives him advice and praises every one of his duals even he loses, teaching him that every one can be used as a step towards success.
*Astral befriends Yubel, and often makes remarks at the Zarc fragments, he and Yuuri get on the others nerve.
*He spends most of his time with Yuya and Yuga, either dualing, watching Yuya dualtain or pranking. He started their lengendary prank war against Judai and Yugi...(Yusei was out of the house for a week and Atem gave up). It was a battle for the ages.
*He does worry at times that he's so behind the others skill's levels but as he gets closer to them it matters less. He cheers on every one of them, bragging about how cool they are.
*He takes up other hobbies, baking, cooking, and dragging everyone into family game nights. Which all end fine and do not result in a pissed of Zarc threathing Wario before kicking his switch out of a window... Nope absolutely not.
*Has a constellation book.
*Likes using big words he doesn't know the meaning off. And than trying and failing to convince everyone he knows exactly what he just said without googling it... While Astral facepalms, definitely picked it up from Yusei.
Yuga Ohda
*Tiny baby
*Yugi picked him up once and everyone starting to sing "it's the circle of life."
*He loves watching Yusei and Yasuke work, because they answer his questions properly and look at his inventions with respect and a critical but kind eye. They slowly teach him his to improve and it shows in his work.
*All of them were interested in his Rush duals and listen to him explain, finding it interesting and another new way to play.
*Yuya teaches him how to dualtain, both of them putting on hippo-tastic shows for their friends and loved ones. Fulfilling their goals to have fun.
*He steals everyone's hoodies and jackets, doesn't care how big they are he will steal them and wear them. And look adorable despite his argument that he isn't.
*Everyone is the most protective of him as he's the youngest and while he's touched, he's super protective over them and offers himself as a cuddle buddy whenever anyone has nightmares.
And there all one big crazy family
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femslashrevolution · 8 years
It ain't that deep, bro. It's just important.
This post is part of Femslash Revolution’s I Am Femslash series, sharing voices of F/F creators from all walks of life. The views represented within are those of the author only.
So, this may catch some folk by surprise considering how ridiculously queer I am, but, fun fact: your humble author didn’t actually learn that queer people existed until she was in high school.
(This is relevant. I promise. Hang in there.)
I’m not kidding. I was sitting behind this girl in a creative writing class, my first week freshman year of high school. She was telling a story to another student, and in the course of it made a joke in which she pointed out how incredibly bisexual she was.
It was like I got struck by lightning.
I’d gone to a catholic school from kindergarten through eighth grade. And Holy Family was actually one of the more progressive, kind-hearted schools in the area. I know now that most of the teachers didn’t actually believe the official Church doctrine on the subject of The Gays. So instead of telling us that homosexuality was a sin, they just…never brought it up. If they never mentioned gay people, they wouldn’t have to toe the line and say we were going to hell!
Aaaaand the end result was that I literally was never informed that liking girls was like…a thing? You can do that? That’s an option?!
Mind you it still took me like another six months to figure out why I’d had such a powerful reaction to that realization. Because, you know, obviously I wasn’t gay or anything. You can feel free to insert a mental laugh track there, I’ll wait.
I bring this up because to this day, I remember that lightning-strike sensation. The birth of a whole new universe, fresher and wider and better than the old one, right behind my eyes. I swear to god the colors were brighter that day.
In the months and months between that moment and the moment when I was willing to admit even to myself that maybe, possibly, like girls just a little, I started reading femslash. I read a lot of highly questionable het fics too, obviously, because I was fourteen and look shut up we’ve all made mistakes.
I’d be lying if I said femslash was what helped me realize I was gay as all hell, because it wasn’t.  I handled that just fine on my own, thanks. The fics themselves weren’t actually the catalyst, it was just that I realized I was seeking out f/f pairings and, hmm, you know, maybe there was a reason for that. Really, femslash didn’t start to mean much to me, or connect me to a community, until I started writing it. And…oh, man. That was the watershed. That really was where I came into my own.
I was seriously unprepared for the level of gratitude femslash authors can receive.
Thing was, I wasn’t even really…doing much, from my perspective. I was just…writing fic, like always. I’d watched the Star Wars prequels and fell in love with what was to me the obvious femslash pairing–seriously, watch Phantom Menace and tell me with a straight face that Padme’s handmaiden isn’t in love with her. And I’d gone looking for fic only to discover a massive pile of nothing. That’s thankfully changed a little since; I like to think I kicked off the Padme/Sabe renaissance. But for a decent chunk of time there, I was the only person writing that pairing on the entire Internet.
Let me tell you–that was a trip and an half.
And the response was…pretty average, as AO3 goes. It wasn’t like I became an instant celebrity or anything. But people got so freaking excited, to a degree I had never expected. I think I’m a decent writer, I’m pretty used to people liking my stuff–but people, when they read the Padme/Sabe fics, were freaking out. They overflowed with enthusiasm, they tripped over themselves talking about how invested they were in this pairing now. Overwhelmingly, responses fell into two categories: “I’ve shipped them for years, I thought I was the only one!” or “I’ve never even considered this, but now I can’t stop.”
That’s the moment. That, right there, is the thunderbolt.
It’s why I work so much with what are, on the surface, kind of done-to-death tropes. 5+1 fics. Sith AUs. Humorously snowballing miscommunications that result in Hijinks And Shenanigans™. Dark AUs. Single-point canon divergence “what-if” fix-it fics. Coffeeshop AUs. My flagship Padme/Sabe piece is, loosely, an Arthurian mythos AU. Hell–my current project, because apparently I hate myself, has turned out to be a series of ~20k oneshots for a different Star Wars femslash pairing based on the plots and settings of Disney movies, just for fun.
Now to my credit, I do pull twists on the tropes! I adapt them, I explore variations, sometimes I subvert them entirely because some tropes are pretty unhealthy relationship models; but the fact is, my playground is tropes and AU settings. The latter is because I, as a writer, really enjoy stripping both plotlines and characters down to their core. (What are the really essential elements of this story that I can use to transplant the plot into a Galaxy Far Far Away? What are the core personality traits and features that these Star Wars characters would keep, their turn of phrase–things that will make them instantly recognizable even if they’ve been relocated to 17th-century France?) But the tropes, that’s something that for me is an integral part of why I and a lot of other people read and write femslash.
I do it for that lightning-strike sensation. That moment where someone stumbles across a Beauty and the Beast AU, or a faerie tale, or a story about defying fate to escape an arranged marriage, or something else they’ve seen a million times–except this time the protagonists are queer women, and nobody questions it, and they connect to the basic premise in a whole new way.
Sure, the characters’ love may be forbidden–but it’s forbidden for the same reasons straight people get to have forbidden love. Because one of them is a commoner, because they’re Sith and their masters are rivals. Because the Jedi Code forbids it. Not because they’re queer. Never because they’re queer.
(Mind you I’ve also written some Meg/Christine stuff, wherein the problem is ABSOLUTELY that they’re queer. There’s a place for that. But you’ll notice, if you read my Phantom of the Opera fic, that Mme. Giry figured it out ages ago and, while she might worry, she never disapproves. We face enough examples in the real world of parents rejecting their queer kids. I don’t feel a need to include it in my fic.)
And for a lot of people, these are just fun fics about their favorite pairing. That’s great in and of itself; we’re all starving and scrabbling for crumbs, and my readers are honestly the sweetest and most appreciative people I could ask for. If I just make them happy, hey, my job’s done. But every so often, I get a review or a private message and I can see that thunderbolt realization. I can see their universe opening up.
We can be fairy tales too?
We can have soulmates, these archetypal stories I grew up loving can be about me? We can change each other for the better, we can be heroes, we can be murderous self-indulgent evil-is-sexy Sith, we can be the ones charging the dragon?
We can be genre fiction–stories about assassination attempts and royal duty, intergalactic politics and Greek mythology and dramatic rescues that have nothing to do with the sexuality of the protagonists? We can just…be there because we are?
We’re allowed to do that?
That’s an option?
About the Jo:
Blog | AO3 | RP/etc
22-year-old Psychology major; cis, very white, extremely queer, terrible Cherry Coke habit. In a continuing blood feud with the continent of North America, will bore you by talking about dogs and/or various other animals if you give me half a chance, and I reject the false Star Wars/Star Trek dichotomy. Star Trek is for hope, Star Wars is for stabbing Nazis in the face, and both are Good.
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prequelsnet · 2 months
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from august 12th to august 18th, 2024, we will be hosting an appreciation week for the star wars prequels! we invite you to create with us, using the following prompts:
day 1 (august 12): protagonists day 2 (august 13): antagonists day 3 (august 14): locations day 4 (august 15): costumes day 5 (august 16): found family day 6 (august 17): installments day 7 (august 18): the force
make sure to tag us using #paw24 and caption your posts as follows:
@prequelsnet prequels appreciation week: day # — prompt
in addition to featuring your original content, the blog will also be posting an original gifset for each of the days! to help us decide what to post, join our discord server!
to participate, follow us and reblog this post. we cannot wait to see what you create!
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