#OMG you guys I am so in love
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painterofhorizons · 1 month ago
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The mighty @masseffectholidaycheer bestow upon me a match with @kirikitsune for the festive reaping whos gift arrived today and made this the best monday ever. I am absolutely in love with this fabulously marvellously wonderfully magnificent self made leather cover and the notebook it protects, as well as the amazing bookmark. This is beyond fabulous and I lack the english vocabulary to adequately express how wonderful they are. That wonderful, indeed!
I mean, look at it in all it's glory? The colors are perfect, and the little punches remind me of shells and sea stars and we all know the ocean is my favourite place and beach combing my favourite hobby! Not to speak of the love for notebooks. This will definitely be a huge motivation to do more art this year.
And as if that wasn't amazing already, I got a whole BUNCH of self made pecan toffees that are beyond delicious and will get me through all this dark&cold season. Your granny has the best recipies, @kirikitsune!!
Thank you so so so so much for this absolutely wonderful gift!
And thank you @masseffectholidaycheer and minions for hosting this exchange once again and making this possible. <3
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starmocha · 1 month ago
ok so I know we're all taken in by colonel caleb and his complexity and i'm enjoying all the smut (🙏🏻💕) but i'm looking at him and thinking about how he'd react if mc got pregnant 'cause in ny head he'd react like I think sylus would as in he'd shower her in kisses while crying but imagine him being scared of holding the baby because of his arm, terrified of hurting that tiny being but the second he holds them the fear goes away and he's planting kisses on the top of the baby's head 🥹😭
CRYING. SOBBING. YEARNING. Anon, if you've been around my blog long enough, I have mentioned numerous times how my 3-part Caleb breeding kink (and pregnancy) series will happen. With the recent revelation about his arm, I was reflecting on how to tackle this series with regards to Caleb's character. I hope his future memories will also deal with this more, so we can get a better understanding of the changes and his own mental state regarding it.
omg ok we all probably know by now I am weak to the Caleb thoughts, so...so...just a little snippet. Just a tiny short snippet...
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Sweet Little You
She was safe. They were safe.
Caleb watched with relief as you slept peacefully, exhausted after the grueling 34 hours of labor. He had dedicated his whole life to keeping you safe, protect you from dangers and prevent you from ever feeling pain, but in those long, slow hours, he had felt so utterly helpless as he watched you braved through the tribulations of motherhood.
He knew you were strong, knew that you were more than capable, but it did not deter his innate desire to shelter you.
It had only been a few hours since the baby was born, he realized, as his large hand rested on your head, gently smoothing your hair. He could still see your tears, heard you crying as you poured all of your strength into delivering his baby. You had gripped his hand so tightly, and though that right hand of his could no longer feel anything, his heart still did, torn apart at every scream, every sob that passed your lips. He did his best to encourage you, reassured you that everything was going well, that soon you both would meet your little one.
He wasn’t sure if what he had said helped or not, but you had still held his hand, holding tight to him just like long ago when you two were little. Maybe you still needed him, still wanting to lean on him like you used to.
He bent down and placed a soft kiss on your temple. “Thank you, my darling.”
Caleb’s ears perked up, hearing the sudden quiet fussing of his newborn. He looked to the hospital bassinet placed close to your bed. The baby was starting to stir, waking up from a peaceful slumber.
He quickly moved closer, his paternal instinct kicking in. He bent down lower, his voice softer than normal. “Hey, hey there, little one,” he said, about to reach down for the baby, but he paused, worried.
The baby’s face scrunched up, its cries still soft, but steadily growing just a bit louder. Panic briefly passed Caleb’s features, suddenly unsure of his own ability as a father. He could hear you stirring behind him, but he didn’t want you to wake yet, knowing you still needed more rest. He pushed down his own feeling of anxiety, and he bent down again, gently scooping the baby up.
The baby was so small, he couldn’t help but think, being able to hold the baby within his two hands. He readjusted his hold, cradling the baby within his arms, and his heart felt like it was slowing in time, his breathing almost stilling entirely as it finally seemed to clicked in his mind that he was holding his baby. This little baby, conceived from the love between you and him, was now here, in his arms, and he could barely stifle the sob that almost wanted to escape, his heart suddenly overwhelmed with so many different emotions ranging from disbelief to amazement and finally profound, unconditional love.
The baby’s cries ceased, replaced by soft cooing, and Caleb let out a breathless laughter, his earlier anxiety slowly receding. He still wondered about his capability, but more than that, he wondered how it was possible to love someone you had just met. When his eyes drifted up, settling over your sleeping form, he almost laughed again, realizing he had never found the answer to that question, having always been a willing victim of “love at first sight.”
He shifted his gaze back down to the tiny baby in his arms, his lips resting over the infant’s forehead, the sweet scent of the newborn filling his nostrils, and a warmth unlike anything he had ever felt before filled his chest.
“Welcome to the world, my little one,” he whispered, “We’ve been waiting for you.”
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thunderstomm · 7 months ago
The writers at Nickelodeon are obsessed with a very specific brand of enemies-to-friends atm
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darlingcloudie-9 · 9 months ago
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dustykneed · 11 months ago
fem or not, spock totally has a thing for jim being casually buff as hell. ("It is merely logical to desire a capable mate.") bones calls bullshit.
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(that's because bones knows from personal experience ;))
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but also i'm curious lmao.
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peppermintmochafem · 1 year ago
butches who like to be little spoon
you mean good boys? Butches who get their hips held in place while I casually grind into and tell them ~ I'm not even doing anything ~ when they whine for more. Butches who get head scratches (and maybee their hair pulled). Butches who get occasionally felt up as they cuddle into me. Butches who get held softly like my teddy bear as they fall asleep. Butches who get gentle kisses across their shoulders. Butches who get sweet nothings and reassurances whispered onto their ears before bed. Those Butches <3
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turtledork02 · 27 days ago
Who are the Decepticons gonna be? Like the usual, Megs, Star, Soundy boy?
I am still figuring out which Decepticons I will be including in the AU, not gonna lie :P
I do know that Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave, and Shockwave will definitely be a part of it!!
Team Prime has been on earth studying it and staying secret for about 15 years (start of “canon” is when Wheeljack accidentally reveals himself to two human girls). Over those years, only a few Decepticon scouts have shown up on the planet, which they easily disposed of so that no new information about their research would reach Megatron and the Decepticons. By the start of canon, the Cons will probably have realized something is likely going on there.
I’m thinking so far that the first real Decepticon threat Team Prime faces is when Megatron sends Soundwave and Starscream, as well as probably a group of regular old drones, to investigate what the Autobots got going on over there. Still figuring out the rest, ideas are flowing tho!!
Also here have a messy sketch of Starscream while I figure out his design
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Thank you guys for the asks and interest in my AU!! It has really helped my art and writers block and encourages me to develop it more. More asks are always welcome!! :3
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3416 · 8 days ago
auston's my guy... he's been my guy since day 1..... we've been through some shit together............... that's the fun in these tournaments you get to play against the guys that you really love.
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malarkgirlypop · 5 months ago
MEDIC! Part 42 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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Fucking hell im sobbing, this is it, the last chapter! Thank you everyone for sticking along with me you are all amazing! I'm so sad this is finished, I feel kinda lost without Em and Don. I'm so sad but also wow I wrote and finished a whole story that's impressive for me. LOVE YOU ALL!!!
For the last time ever, this is based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, no hate to anyone involved.
Tag list: @imusicaddict, @b00ks1ut, @mstiemountainhop, @awaterfalls, @lovememadly92, @lucyfromtheoldhouse, @blueberry-ovaries, @next-autopsy, @saintmalosunsets, @anaso12 anyone else please let me know.
Time stood still for a split second before the clock ticked forward again. I stood exactly where I had left, my items I had dropped when I was struggling to free myself from the shimmer still laid perfectly where they had landed many months ago. 
I whipped around but all that greeted me was the dark street. 
No shimmer. 
No Don. 
It was as if I was on autopilot, I gathered my belongings into my arms and made my way back to my apartment. I fumbled with my keys before slotting them into the lock and twisting open the door. 
I placed my keys down on the bench with the rest of my belongings before trudging to the bathroom. There in the mirror stood a girl I hardly recognised. 
Her hair was windswept and unkempt, her face was blotchy and red, she wore an army uniform from the 40’s. 
She was out of place and lost. 
Shedding my clothes I stepped into the shower. Unlike before I was more aware of the damage on my skin. Cuts and bruises scattered my arms and legs. Scars and faded injuries covered me from head to toe. The last time I was in this shower I had been a different person. 
I washed myself until my skin turned red from the heat of the water and the scrubbing from my hands. 
Walking to my room, I slumped down in my bed and shut my eyes wishing to never wake again. 
The months flew by, I did my best to heal what was broken. I had promised myself that when I retired I would live life to the fullest, if not for me, for Don. 
I threw myself back into my studies, working hard towards my degree. It seemed to be the only thing that could distract me. I also went to therapy, I didn’t speak about the war I had lived through, it would’ve been too hard to explain, also maybe slightly crazy. 
We spoke mostly about the attack that had happened the night before I had left, it impacted me in more ways than I thought, it had closed me off to everyone again. 
My therapist encouraged me to form more bonds and have people in my life who I could trust. But it felt wrong trying to find people to fill the void of the ones I had left behind. So I kept to myself. 
I had tried my hardest to forget and move forward, I didn’t want to linger on the what if’s but the urge was too strong. I would spend weeks in the library scouring World War II books and reports, trying to find the names of the men I had lost. 
But the odd thing was that there was always a 101st Airborne, always an Easy company, but never the names of the men I had served with. 
They appeared to take the same course of action, the events that happened to us, had happened to them. But the men pictured and named were not my Easy men. 
It drove me to the point of insanity. I rushed home and dug all of the things I had brought back with me from the back of my closet. Just to ensure that it had happened, that I didn’t just imagine it all. 
Sitting on the floor surrounded by the items I had stowed away. My uniform, medic bag and phone all were proof that it was real. 
The medic bag sat unopened. I hadn’t been through it at all since I had arrived back. I sat gnawing on my lip, did I open it or not? 
“Fuck it.” I muttered, leaning forward and unbuckling the clasps that held it shut. I pulled it closer, sitting the bag on my lap. 
My fingers brushed over an unfamiliar material, I thought I knew exactly what I had brought back but this felt different. I hastily dragged the item from the bag. 
A gasp left my lips and tears almost immediately streaked down my face. My thumb brushed over the metal, Donald G. Malarkey. It was his dog tag. He had somehow snuck it into my bag and didn’t tell me. 
I could feel rough metal on the other side of the smooth metal. I flipped it over to find, ‘My Love, forever’. The words had been scratched into the back of the tag, Don had done it. I knew his hand writing anywhere. 
Clutching the thin piece of metal to my chest I rocked myself back and forward as I sobbed. It was the closest I was ever going to feel to him ever again. The thought that he wore this so close to his heart for all the time we had been together made me cry even harder. 
I upturned the bag letting the contents spill onto the floor, I rummaged through the belongings like a mad woman. 
Was there anything else he had put in?  
A paper I didn’t recognise was hidden under bandages, I hastily pushed everything else aside grabbing the paper as if it was going to disappear.  
I shook as I stroked my fingers along the unopened parchment that had been folded in half. His scrawly handwriting grace the blank paper. 
‘To Em.’
A shaky breath left my lips as I slowly unfolded the letter. My heart smashed against my ribcage but it felt nice to feel again, even if it was just pain. I had been so numb on autopilot. I couldn’t wait anymore, I needed to know what he had written. 
 My beloved Em,
I don’t know when you are reading this, but I hope that you are well. Know that I miss you dearly, and that I think of you always. 
I write this now after you had left to go and say your goodbyes. 
It took me a while to understand, but I do now. I know you inside and out, I know you as kind and gentle. You only want to share your love and happiness. 
You made the brave decision to give up everything so that we might have a chance to live and be free. You have made a sacrifice I never think I could do, and for that I admire you dearly, Em. You’re so courageous, your heart is unshakable. 
That is why I love you. Your soul is pure and good. I love your being and essence and everything that makes you, you. 
I love the way your curls fall into your face when you laugh, and the way your eyes crinkle at the sides when you smile. I will miss the sound of your melodic voice, and soft lips. I’ll miss the way you tell stories and the hugs you give. I miss you even now, when I know you’re only mere metres away. 
There will not be a day that will go by that you won’t be on my mind. Sleeping or awake you will forever be at the forefront of my thoughts. When I am sad, happy, excited, depressed, lonely, or content I wish to only share my thoughts with you. I will never not talk about you, your name will forever be on my lips.   
I hope you have found my small gift, and that you hold it close to your heart and think of me. 
Know that I am well Em. 
I am content with your decision. I will live for you. 
I hope you do the same, I hope you reach all of your dreams. 
There’s a quote I love, “missing someone is your heart’s way of telling you that you love them.” 
I miss you more than life itself, so I’ll love you for infinity. May my love for you reach you in your time now and you feel me wrapping myself around you now. I wish I had a photo of you, it scares me that I might forget your face. 
But the men and I will keep you alive in our memories, I will share every story I have of you. I will go home and tell everyone that I was going to be wed to the most beautiful girl in the land but she made a decision that let us be here today, and in turn she couldn’t stay.  
Please Em, my only wish is for you to be happy. Surround yourself with people who love you like we loved you. I need to know that you are being loved and cared for.
I don’t want to finish this letter, I wish I could write you pages and pages and fill them with the love I have for you, but alas there are not enough words in the universe that could perfectly summarise my feelings for you. But I will leave you with this poem.
I will love you as long as the sun burns in the sky,
As long as the moon shines its light into the dark night, 
Until the raging blue oceans become calm and run dry. 
I will love you until the end of time. 
With all my love, I hope to find you again. I will wait for you in every lifetime. 
Donald Malarkey, your one true love now and forever. 
The sobs that left my mouth were short and sharp as I struggled to intake air. My tears landed on the paper as I clutched it to my chest. I had read the words over and over again, I could hear his voice in the writing. 
After my sobs had subsided I continued to search through the contents of the bag. A flash of metal caught my attention. A dry chuckle left my throat, Speirs’ lighter lay amongst my belongings. His initials were carved into the metal, it didn’t come with a note, but the act alone was heartbreaking. It was Ron’s trusty lighter, one that he didn’t part with easily, but still he had slipped it into my bag for me to have to remember him by. 
I woke up the next morning on the floor of my room surrounded by memories. I slipped Don’s tag around my neck and tucked it into my shirt. Just when I was losing faith they had given me the motivation to live again. 
So I did just that. I opened myself up again, I graduated and started a new job as a full time nurse. I did as they had asked and surrounded myself with people who loved and cared for me. But no one could ever take Don’s place, that part of my heart was tightly locked which he only had the key to. 
A year passed and the hurt lessened. Never did they leave my thoughts, the amount of times I went to share stories only to bite my tongue. But I wrote them all down in my diary to ensure that the memories I had of them were never forgotten. 
“Hey Em, patient in room 12 is wanting to speak to you.” Izzy, the nurse I had befriended when I had started, peered her head into the nurses office. 
“Sure.” I smiled brightly at her, getting up from the notes I was finishing. I made my way to the room, assisting the patient to unhook from the fluids they were getting so that they could go to the toilet. 
“Em!” I heard from behind me. I sat the patient back down on their bed as we had made our way back from the bathroom. 
“Yeah?” I turned to see an excitable Izzy. 
“The girls and I were going to go out for dinner tonight. Come!” It was a Friday for the group and  everyone seemed to be very thrilled for the weekend. 
“Um…” I teasingly thought about the offer. The brunette didn’t let me think long, rushing into the room to slap me on the shoulder. 
“You’re coming!” She tugged gently at my arm. 
“Says who?” I wound her up more. I had befriended her as she had reminded me of George. She was bright and funny, always with a big smile on her face. We had both started at the same time and bonded over being ‘new and dumb’, we joked. It was easy to make friends with her, it was as if they had known each other in a past life. 
“Emily Lane!” She full named me, causing me to giggle. 
“Shall I pick you up?” I asked as I sauntered away. 
“AHHHH!” Izzy squealed in delight, running after me to pounce on my back. “We are going to have so much fun!” 
I never picked up Izzy, she had followed me home. Demanding we got ready together. I watched her dance around the room singing into the hairbrush she had found lying around. She looked insane having half of her eye makeup on as she sung poorly into the makeshift microphone. 
“Thank you, thank you.” Izzy bowed to the non-existent crowd taking in her applause. 
We finished our makeup, mucking around wasting time we didn’t have doing a fashion show, which was basically Izzy prancing around like an idiot and me curled over in hysterics. 
“If you keep going not only are we going to be so late, my makeup is going to be ruined!” I chucked a pillow from the couch at her head. 
Finally we made it to dinner only ten minutes late. We shared good food and stories around the table. I smiled, glancing around the table at the people who were in my life. Don would’ve been proud of me. 
Izzy squeezed my hand from under the table as she lent her head on my shoulder. “I have a surprise and you can’t say no.” 
I pretended to be mad at her but the smile stuck to my lips as she fluttered her eyelashes at me. 
“What is it?” I asked, a huge grin broke onto her face. 
“Karaoke!” She cheered as did the rest of the table. “You have to come, I’ve invited some of my friends too.” Izzy elbowed me in the side. 
The older nurses with children and earlier bedtimes left, leaving the younger nurses with more energy to do karaoke. Izzy’s friends slowly trickled in joining us in our fun night out. All of them were lovely and so funny. I wiped the tears that leaked from my eyes as Izzy and Lyla sang a duet together, they were so off pitch but that didn’t stop them. 
They plonked down next to me out of breath. “Your turn!” The girls pushed me from my seat. I looked back into the crowd and they smiled excitedly up at me. I picked a random song.  
Stay by Rihanna played out from the speakers. I sang along as the group cheered and whooped. I didn’t care if I sounded bad. I sang loudly as I waved my hand in the air. 
The room door swung open and I lost my words. There in the doorway was a face that I couldn't forget. 
“SING!!” Lyla cheered. But I couldn’t, nothing worked, my mouth hung open and tears filled my eyes. 
I watched Izzy jump up from her seat and dragged the person into the room. 
“Em!” She ran towards me with the person in tow. “This is my friend, Don.” 
It was him, head to toe, he looked exactly like my Don. 
“Pleased to meet you, Izzy has told me a lot about you.” The man stuck out his hand for me to shake but I was still so frazzled. His voice was exactly the same. I blinked, pinching my leg to make sure I wasn’t in some weird dream. 
“Are you alright, you look like you’ve seen a ghost?” The modern Don tilted his head in concern. 
“I’m fine.” I uttered out in shock, I politely shook his hand, almost melting at his touch. It was the same. Had he come back to me? 
“Have we met before? You just seem familiar.” He asked. Izzy stood between us as we stared at with a confused look on her face. 
“I’ll leave you guys to it.” She departed the conversation, leaving us staring at each other with our hands still connected.   
“Do you want to come to the bar with me? It's a bit loud here.” He asked, never taking his hand from mine. I nodded, my mouth still hung open. 
We left the small karaoke room we occupied and made our way back over to the main bar. 
“So do we know each other?” Don asked again. 
“No we don’t.” I shook my head. 
“Well I want to change that.” His smile grew wide as he stepped closer to me. “I don’t know why but you feel important.” 
And at the moment I knew everything was going to be ok. 
Because he had found me again.
Just like he had promised. 
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oddly-casual · 1 month ago
Homura Hc’s (or a mini appreciation post tbh)
Homura is one of those characters we see only a handful a times. I think we see her maybe three times in the show, and a couple times in the merch. Mostly Hesokuri wars.
But despite the fact that she has about two speaking roles in between three seasons and a movie, the writers try to keep her personality in tact and I like that they do that.
Most of this comes from Jyushimatsu Dolphin (season 3 Ep. 8). Where Homura sticks her neck out to help Jyushimatsu follow his dream of being a dolphin.
We don’t know exactly how cannon these skits are, but certain characters are chosen for a reason and I think we can take away a lot from some of Homura’s decisions and actions.
Like the fact that she even agrees to help Jyushimatsu at all despite not knowing him (in this skit at least). She tells us directly that it was because she was moved by his passion, but staking your job on something as flaky as passion would be- what some people call- a dumb risk.
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Despite being the only one in his corner, Homura gives her all into training him. In her first appearance in season one, Todomatsu call her “Weird” And I think this skit goes into depth about how weird she actually is. Homura hardcore trains him in the ways of being a dolphin that she is familiar with, even if that means nearly drowning him.
This girl that we met in season one, who we knew as soft and sad, is in fact a weirdo.
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Like just look at how everyone reacts to her! Go off queen!
I really like how this skit gets rid of any assumptions about Homura’s character. From her first appearance alone you would think maybe she’s weak willed or fragile- but she really puts her all into the things she cares about and doesn’t let anyone slow her down.
Homura doesn’t even call it out or try to explain herself, it’s just how she is and I love that for her.
We also see pretty consistently how she handles conflict, or failing.
In season 1 she calls off ever seeing Jyushimatsu again because she has to go home, and you can tell it hurts her to just outright reject him like the that.
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The fact that we possibly know her background also adds context to her decision.
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It’s possible she just wants to get away from that industry and the people, maybe too many people know her from the porn dvds and she just needed a fresh start somewhere else. Maybe she felt like she was lying to Jyushimatsu because she couldn’t tell him all she’d done- who knows?
There’s a lot of ways you can look at it but I think most of all, the skit in season 2 could reshape how we looked at her reaction to conflict in season 1.
When faced with failure, Homura gives up.
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She gave it her all, and it still didn’t happen. Homura is grounded in reality to an extent. While the Matsuno’s live by their own rules and do whatever they want- it feels like Homura found a way to work within the rules. To try everything she can, but not to exhaust herself with something that’s not baring fruits.
She doesn’t seem disappointed that Jyushimatsu will keep trying, she’s angry. Homura yells at him and calls him a block head because he’s being stubborn- but why try so hard to get him to give up when it’s his dream? Why does she want him to quit? He will continue with it without her so why?
There’s a possibly that she doesn’t want to see him hurt. Like season 1, Homura distances herself from Jyushimatsu specifically after he confesses.
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We can assume it’s because she would be in a whole other city, and with the past attached to her, she didn’t want to hold him back. Either that, or she didn’t want to face rejection if things didn’t end up working out.
But I also think it’s important to note that Homura was moments away from ending her own life. In the end, she chooses to take herself to a familiar place rather than to attempt again- showing signs of gaining some perspective or some motivation to keep going.
My main take away from Homura as a character, and outside of her potential relationship with Jyushimatsu, is that Homura is a character ground in reality who is a little silly.
Homura takes things seriously, no matter how goofy they are (like wanting to be a dolphin- like an actual dolphin), but she also likes to laugh and have fun like everyone else.
Homura knows not to spend time on something that possibly won’t work out, and this could be because she’s been beaten down before and knows the prolonged pain of hope. She also has a past we know nothing about that could’ve shaped the person she is today.
Homura is a silly weird girl, but unfortunately life got to her first. That doesn’t stop her from being weird and silly though.
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adm-starblitzsteel-4305 · 10 months ago
Long Live the Queen!!!
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machines-art-shenanigans · 1 year ago
Drew a bunch of Narrators I love!!!! Like I love them so much fr
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Narrys featured: @shinakazami1 (Jester) (my husband loml beloved omg) @sketchy--d00dles (Henry) @muffy-mayhem @emile-tb (Baxter) @blackkatdraws/@blackkittensketches/@blackkatdraws2 (Black) @vellichorom (Thierry) @cym-k (Proctor) @a-game-of-beginnings/ @McT421 on twt
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n0bluev · 7 months ago
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@fushiglow hmm….wonder who i’d draw this for all of a sudden and why… 🤔🤔
#your reblog surprised me#THREE BUNS SUGURU (STAR WARS ER JUST FOR YOU!)#theyre covering riko or smt and smuggling her places (??)#drawing this i was like ‘oh suguru’s curses in a star wars environment should be robots and stuff#so this suguru is a mecanic (he makes them from scrappy parts people have thrown out#and trash materials (and hard work 😎)#diy pokemon#because what is the cursed energy people are letting out if not junk theyre letting go of#so yeah ; basic geto takes shit and turns it useful#i do realise thats already very generic for star wars (junk robots junk robots!) but like. yknow. this guy takes shit people wouldnt bother#trying to sell. miam. junk of the junk. geto my favourite recycling bin you were designed for a luxurious lifestyle clearly (gege not me!)#(and stuff…………. but im lazy to put my vision in words rn hah..)#gojo’s probably a princess#(let’s not lie. hes basically a prince already (clan heir is a different look on him))#this made me want to write ?.??#problem is i dont remember much about star wars (watched it as a kid (we have the cds) appart from the very basic storyline… i forgot 😔#then theres the jawa’s first appearance cuz for some reason they scared me and i am marked for life (THEYRE JUST SILLY LITTLE GUYS 😭😭))#thankfully i lowkey want to rewatch everything so these issues can be fixed#(unthankfully either way the chance of me writing anything is very slim BUT WE NEVER KNOW RIGHT)#(hashtag diverging your attention from that other older post is it working /j/j)#omg glo ​i still didnt read balance (i think of it from time to time but im intimidated to read it because i know its right up my alley and#that i will love it and lately idk why but i need to ready myself emotionally to read peak fiction (this is so dumb but its true 😭😭))#my bad im rambling lol#WAIT FUCK SAME THING FOR BUNNY’S RECENT THINGY THAT GOT IN MY AO3 UPDATE MAIL#A LOVE STORY TOLD THROUGH THE LENS OF A THIRD PARTY MY BELOVED#(itsg ive searchef for these types of stories in advanced search before#AND NOW THAT I HAVE SOME BY AUTHORS I ALREADY ADORE .. IM- I SEE THEM BUT. THEIR CONTENTS STAY A MYSTERY. IS THIS MY BODY SUBCONSCIOUSLY FI#FIGHTING THE TEAR LOSS I WOULD GET??? IS THIS MFING [BALLING-MY-EYES-OUT] PREVENTION !? WITHOUT MY PERMISSION..!? TCH!)#my bad. ramble again o7 — see ya glo !#wip
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pocket-vvardvark · 3 months ago
Before I pass out I wanted to say I just posted chapter 2 of my ldb/Vilkas fic :D
Guys this is going too damn slow for me I want her to kiss Vilkas already 😤
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cl0wnapologist · 7 days ago
oh her new song is so sinister
#the chokehold that white feminism has on this woman's soul FREE HER!!!#WHY is she making this soulless shit when she has such a beautiful voice and the artistic capabilities of someone who made TFJ and EH#not that i need her to be miserable but omg... pls be poetic and thoughtful#HOW is this the same artist who wrote 'Girls' before “one of the guys” girls were even a fucking problem!!!#or 'i am not a robot'??? i feel like thats a good comp to the direction she WANTS to go in#and its critical!!! and hopeful and beautiful#which is honestly shocking that its on TFJ that album is so fucking dark LMAO#need to put out a missing persons for her critical thinking skills#i know im being so mean but this song is just such a slap in the face to her own work and talent#what is this made for tik tok slop ass chorus. the whole thing is just so one dimensional. even the name#i do not know who the audience is for this song genuinely#unless its simply just trying to pander to tik tok but i dont even see that happening its so out of touch and trends its trying to land on#I KNOW her ass can live luxuriously off the royalties im giving to her alone#at least charli gave a shit with her sellout album (crash)#AND I ATE IT TF UP!!!#if she wanted to sell out again i wish she wouldve at least picked something that would actually sell#marina if u see this im sorry for being mean. i love you. and im glad youre happy. i just hate this song and think youre better than this#BUTTERFLY by Marina#marina and the diamonds#marina#butterfly
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silverselfshippingchaos · 1 month ago
y'all ever think about how j.oongi wears eyeliner 😳 I do. A lot haha.
#ash rambles 💚#watching him get ready in the morning.. ajdhwndbqnhd#also. i um. i'd love to do some makeup on him someday if he's good with that!#ash leaning in close.. putting some eyeshadow on him...#ahahaha i wonder why ash's face is covered in lipstick marks later!!!!!! hahaha!!!!! 😳😳😳😳😳#i...um. they have fun. I'm not really an eyeliner girlie so much as i am a really bold + colorful eyeshadow girlie but. hey.#he can do some makeup on me too 😳#i know he mentions taking really good care of his appearance. he KNOWS he's hot.#which i suppose makes sense considering the guy he's a body double for looks like THAT and happened to run a fucking sex club#... man he was so hot-#also it's pretty funny that he was like 'yeah lol i was handsome before the plastic surgery too-'#but my point was#these two are very much the Doing Skincare Together kinda couple. i do some basic stuff (i'm a very loyal tretinoin girlie)#but he has many steps that he puts Ash on. it's pretty fun. they bond a lot when they do their skincare together!#but also in his bingo he does mention feeling insecure about pimples... sir. you're so hot. that's only gonna make you hotter in ash's eyes.#man... ahkdhwjwhwjdjw. this crush on him is. so freaking strong wjdhwjrh#but also. since he takes such good care of his appearance. ash is also the only one that gets to see him how he is in the morning.#no makeup.. messy hair.. omg i found fanart of him with his hair down and i just AJSJAKDHSJSHQJDHQJDHJSDHHWHDHWGD#J.OONGI H.AN THE MAN THAT YOU ARE......#I'm so normal about him i swear#god and i havent even played his game yet... I'm so cooked aren't i wjehwjdhwje#because of the tiktok ban and the such I've been downloading all my saved tiktoks and i have.. so many edits of him.. UGH THAT VOICE......#i dont play with the english dub but his english voice.. AKDHWJDHWJFGQJDHW also the other day (yesterday lol) i wrote their first kiss#and how ash gives him a really soft kiss. and while she's pulling away he grabs her and kisses her hard. it gets pretty heated ngl#they've been pining for so long and he was tired of holding his feelings back. they uh. they make out. a lot. haha.#AHDKAHDJAHSNHA#😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳#like a flowing wind 🔳
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