#OH ALSO. the link is a shared google drive link that takes you to the powerpoint so you can download it. it is safe i prommy
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mars-ipan · 9 months ago
sooooo. remember when i was posting about being up way too late for a powerpoint thing i was doing with friends? yeah i'm posting that final powerpoint now.
allow me to introduce you all to...
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(aka a demonstration in unmedicated ADHD)
120 slides. 163 MB. somewhere between 14 and 22 hours of work. sleep deprivation. influence from @anonzentimes , respected komahina scholar. this bad baby has it all this is a powerpoint presentation summarizing and analyzing just about everything you need to know about komahina in sdr2 (and a bit from adjacent media as well). we go in-depth and we prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that komahina real and love wins (loses?)
ok cool! some other things to keep in mind under the cut:
i made this powerpoint in two sittings across 2 days, each sitting about 8-12 hours long
i got about 7 total hours of sleep in that time. not for each day- total. i was mad scientist delirious by the end of this
originally, i wanted to include far more- i wanted to analyze other media in depth (like the stageplays, the drama CD, komaeda's official songs, and even official art and materials) but i did not have the time for it. maybe i will make a new testament powerpoint detailing these as well as fandom analysis but that is not currently in the works
this is a presentation! as such the intended way to consume it is As A Presentation! unfortunately i am not someone who records videos so i cannot present it to you. if you would like to present it to you feel free. if you would like to present it to your friends feel free. if you would like to present it to the internet i'm honored but would like for you to talk to me about it first. cool
the original target audience for this was my friends and not all of them are anime people so. i am using the more english-friendly terms (as well as first names). i don't think this will bug any of you but i'm making it clear anyways
all art included in the presentation is credited with a caption linking back directly to the original artist's account. if you see your art in here and you do not want your art in here: let me know! i will take it down immediately and without question.
i may have missed some details/glossed over some things! if you think i've made a mistake somewhere or have missed something important, talk to me about it! i'd love to discuss it and if i make the new testament sequel powerpoint then i will include your corrections at the beginning :)
a lot of the jokes i make happen in the transitions of this powerpoint. some of them use audio- click on the little speaker icon to play the audio and time the animations yourself i suppose. i'd recommend playing it as a slideshow ^-^
have any questions about a particular point i make? ask me! i will elaborate for you
ok that's all i can think of!! have fun folks :]
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kanasmusings · 1 year ago
[Eng Subs DL] Musical Yuukoku no Moriarty (Moriarty the Patriot) Op. 4 - "The Two Criminals"
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Hello, and Merry Christmas to those who celebrate~! Otherwise, Happy Holidays! I am here to share the English subtitles for more MoriMyu~!
Oh gosh, I apologize for such a long wait...! Life just punched me around a bit with studying for board exams (which I passed, thankfully!), a bit of technical problems with the BD version, and a lot of real life things I needed to take care of before the year ends ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
Op. 4 covers chapters 33-47 of the original comic, with a few scenes/moments omitted. It is essentially the build-up to the climax of the story that was covered in Op. 5! We were also blessed with the addition of Miss Mary Morstan and Adam Whiteley for this musical, and I hope everyone falls in love with them, too~!
Anyway, here are the subs~! A huge, huge thank you to @mouldering for helping me with proof-reading and quality checking! I wouldn't have been able to finish this before Christmas without your help~! ♡ ~('▽^人) I will be updating the folders with the bonus content subtitles when I am able to as well, but for now, please enjoy the main show's subs~!
Links, notes, and disclaimers under the cut, enjoy~!
BD PURCHASE LINK (International cards and shipping accepted!): CDJapan - BD ver. | DVD ver. Official Sites: Twitter | Website (MoriMyu General) | Website (Op. 4) MoriMyu Op. 1 Subtitles | MoriMyu Op. 2 Subtitles | MoriMyu Op. 3 Subtitles
※ THE FILE IS SUBTITLES ONLY, VIDEO IS NOT INCLUDED! ※ The folder contains subs for a DVD version as well as a Blu-ray version! (I tested the DVD version on the BD a lot of times, and there was always a slight delay with the syncing, so I re-timed and re-styled it for the BD. You could technically load the DVD subs onto the BD, but you'd have to manually adjust the timing on your media player.)
All songs and lyrics were translated by me. A bit of creative liberty was exercised to fit context and some cultural references. As usual, the lyrics actually help move the plot, so I didn’t include the romaji for any of them. But, if you’d like to have the complete lyrics, I do have them saved up in PDF form, so feel free to DM me for them if you want ^^
Again, I’m not a native British English speaker, so some terms might be off. I consulted with a friend to help me check them, just in case, but please forgive any mistakes.
As usual, some scenes in the musical differ from the anime/manga for time and fluidity’s sake, so please don’t hit me for things that I can’t control ^^;
There aren’t particularly any triggering scenes here, but please do watch with caution since some subjects and terms used might be sensitive and/or triggering for other viewers.
@kumoriyami-xiuzhen​ requested me to do the bonus content subs, so I will be reblogging and updating the main post when they are up as well! ^^
[MOST IMPORTANT] Please DO NOT re-post the subs and the link outside of Tumblr! If you want to share outside, please, please DM me about it and link my blog to your post. That’s all I ask.
Please DO NOT remove my credits.
Please DO NOT re-translate without permission.
※ Please only DM me if there is a problem with the subtitles. I cannot help you if it’s related to the videos. ※ If you enjoyed my work, please consider buying me a coffee here, if you can. It’ll really help me out a lot.(o^▽^o) Thank you!!
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lutiaskokopelli · 4 months ago
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I have an issue with constantly getting distracted, so I got distracted from working by making a 100% customizable Pomodoro App to keep my future self from getting distracted. Have a Google Drive download link.
The Pomodoro technique, if you don't know it, is a discipline method for keeping track of when you are working and when you are taking breaks, notably through the use of a timer.
There are tons of apps centered around this, and yet after looking at so many of them, I somehow could not find one that would do the most basic thing I'd like to have for a study companion: change the background of the app so that yes, I do have a timer telling me to work harder, but I also have an image of my choice to cheer me up along with it.
So what did I do? Did I take the rational, reasonable path, to just suck it up and stick to one of the already existing apps even though it would mean saying no to having my adorable Hearthian OC sleep in a corner of my screen?
Or did I go the hyperfocused insane route of utter procrastination and learn a whole new programmation language from scratch just in order to get my frikkin baby to comfort me while I work?
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Yeah, who could have guessed.
So! The Google Drive link I shared will let you download everything you need in order to run your own version of this little app, including a tutorial on how to customize it to suit your needs.
The first thing you will see after unzipping the archive is this:
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The "ast" folder (standing for "assets") contains every image used by the app -- which means that you can change them as you please! I even gave you transparent versions of the buttons in the "Asset Creation Help" subfolder, in case you like the shapes but want to change the backgrounds.
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You think that's cool? Oh, but the image assets are far from being the only thing you can change for this app's behavior! You can change EVERYTHING that this app is doing (which isn't much because it's literally just three different types of timers, and even then there are some trickier details with more coding than others (but I still give tips on how to handle those), but shush. Everything this app can do, you can customize to your heart's content).
How do you do that? Well, this is what you get when you right-click on the "Pomodoro.ps1" file:
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The Pomodoro.ps1 file is the "app" itself, written in PowerShell code that I made as legible as I could make it. There is a whole tutorial in there, made easier to read if you right-click on this file's icon and choose the "Edit" option. Have a preview!
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Through editing this file, you can then run a Pomodoro app from which you can have the window's appearance customized, from its size, opacity (if you want to still half-see what's sitting behind it), and start position on your screen (the window can be dragged around, but if you have a preferred position you can tell the app to always load it in that preferred spot right from the get go), to stuff like the custom messages you get whenever the timer progresses:
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So, yeah. I made a little app meant to help with productivity. One out of many already out there, sure, and it's probably not as cool as many others (but I'll just remind you that three days ago I knew absolutely nothing about PowerShell as a whole, so- I guess that would be still a little impressive that I was able to make a working app like that at all? xD), but as far as I've looked, it's the only one that will let you have your favorite images keep you company while you use it.
I don't know whether anyone other than me will like it enough to use it, but just in case, it's here! Hope it's as easy(-ish) to customize as I made it out to be, or at least close enough.
PS: The version I use for my own personal choices uses some slightly different assets compared to the version I share in the .zip file on my Google Drive. This is because the version I share online solely uses official Outer Wilds art (while the version I made for myself notably uses one piece of OW fanart that I did not make myself, and it didn't sit right with me to share that piece uncredited, even in an edited form. If you are curious, this is the artwork in question).
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cosmicalls · 6 months ago
oh my goodness thank you so much everyone for all the continued support on the og post 😭😭 i'm going very slowly but i honestly am thinking about this project all the time so i'm glad so many people also like the idea!!
as promised, here's some questions i have regarding the transition from screen to text. feel free to reblog or reply under this post, or even message me directly! i don't mind anything!
★ How do you all feel about deleted scenes?
(referring to these ones specifically, in case there's others i don't know of)
should they be added/kept or excluded? should some be kept and others not? and optionally: why do you think so?
★ How objective to the film should it be?
this one sounds crazy because obviously it should be the same. but i mean more about the depiction/treatment of women and borderline cultural appropriation - should loyalty to the film take priority? or could the rewrite benefit from something else in place of these things? or some secret third option?
it's a good film, but not without faults. i don't necessarily want to keep the less desirable aspects of it, but i also don't want to sacrifice elements that tie into important character arcs and such.
(just to be clear: i AM taking from the film! the only thing i plan to take from the book is a loose idea of how to break up the chapters. and i'm not even looking at the script)
★ How should this be released to the public?
this is REALLY far in the future so i'm not too worried about it yet haha
my only ideas are either posting to ao3 or sharing a google doc/drive link. if anyone knows of something else, please let me know and i'll definitely consider it 🙏 above all, i want to make this free for anyone to read and share!
★ "How can I help?"
i'm not intending to do this entirely solo; i'd love to eventually have some extra eyes and minds on deck to make this the best it can be! but knowing me, i'll wait as long as i can handle until i begin asking for assistance :,)
when the time comes, i'll reach out individually to people who express(ed) interest in helping out! but again, this will probably happen pretty far in the future.
in the meantime, i'm always open to input about absolutely anything, whether it was mentioned in this post or not! reply, message, send an ask, etc and i'll respond as quickly as i can! this goes for any questions you may have as well!
during this process i will give updates on general progress! at the time of writing this, i'm about halfway through typing down the events of the film and breaking it down into chapters (which is probably unnecessary, but it helps a lot with getting my bearings) - this is what im calling my outline. i might continue with the outline or i might begin properly writing a scene or two next, who knows.
i'm kind of completely winging it. i've never done anything like this before. i am being propelled by pure vibes. but i will commit to this and figure it out. "carpe diem, even if it kills me," if you will
if you made it here, thank you for reading this much too long wall of text! as always, i love the community's input and i'd also love to work up the courage to actually interact with some of you haha
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korolife · 10 months ago
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Blog No.003🍊 24年5月10日
「Let's Talk About Coloring+Rendering!!」
~ The Chaos of Akehhh-style Layering w/ Colors & Values ~
ArtStreet recently released some weekly coloring contests and as someone who likes joining 'em + colorwork being the absolute joyous part in drawing for me, I got really into it!! One of them somehow won and I still have the raw .mdp file of it with most of the layers unmerged... so, I thought there might be some value in sharing my chaotic coloring progress with it. There may never be an opportunity like this again...
The Linework・・・・・・
Composition + Planning・
The Render・・・・・・・
Additional FX Tips・・・・
The Layers of Dread・・・
1. Preface
I use the free software MediBang Paint, which is made by the same folks who made the aforementioned art-sharing website, Artstreet. Although its file type extension is .mdp, it can also save as and open .psd files all the same.
If interested, you can download it on their website here! I believe it's available in both PC, Apple, iOs, and Android (also on the PlayStore). ☞And here is my google drive link of my fully rendered entry's raw .mdp file. I also included a .psd version that should be accessible with most other softwares like Photoshop, Clipstudio, etc.
NOTE: Not sure how some layer effects will be displayed apart from MediBang though (either in name or function) . But I think "multiply" and "overlay" is fair game on most drawing/photo-editing softwares with layer systems.
Either way, ↑this is just a bonus thing if you wish to see for yourself how much my MediBang cries everytime I work on something, since visuals of the rough step-by-step will be provided here as well!
At the end of this post, all of the layers' purposes will be explained...y-you'll see...
■And just as a disclaimer: I'm an instinctively self-taught illustrator who is a heavy visual learner, so there are certain methods I do that I cannot readily explain with back-up studies on color theories or formally taught techniques in art schools and the like/certain made-up terminologies that may or may not exist as something else. I mostly operate on instinct, observation, subjective preferences, and vibes, so this would just be me trying to verbalize my process (with visual aid) as a means of share-rambling, rather than actually directly "teaching" anything, I think haha You can take it as a cautionary tale too, honestly-
※I will also be going through this with the assumption that the reader has some background knowledge on digital illustration and general drawing basics + lingo. If you have any questions or needed clarifications, please feel free to let me know!
Although art can be fundamentally "wrong" when it comes to achieving certain specific styles, structures (especially when involving realism as the standard), or general executions of intentions/themes, I am of belief that there is generally no wrong or right 'way' for drawing anything; or for doing ANY type of artistic endeavor for that matter. This might be perceived as a "bad anatomy defender" / "no need to improve, then" stance on my part, but it is absolutely not the case! An artwork is never finished, there's always room for improvementsーa galaxy's size of a room especially for myselfーbut I just think anything at all that brings you an expressive or creative outlet, joy, or peace of mind is worth pursuing, regardless of your own skill or tact and there's no shame in that. I do not wish anyone, especially people starting out with drawing to be discouraged for having their own different approaches in comparison to other people's works by misconception of, "oh, am I doing it wrong?". Sometimes having different or an uncommon worldview is not always a 'bad' thing, I think. Heaven forbid artists actually start getting creative and unique―
What I will be presenting here is simply my one way out of thousands of thousands of different possibilities. So, let's start★
2. The Linework
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Equally lengthy talk of lineart is probably for a later discussion, but here is the template provided by ArtStreet for the contest + what will be colored in for today.
☞The contest has since ended, but you can still download the lineart template here if you'd like!
3. Composition + Planning
The contest rules said it's "OK to draw backgrounds", so let's go!!
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I had already decided on how I want to color it early on: It will be more scenic in nature, rather than stylistic. So, there will be more focus on looking 'real' than 'aesthetically stylish'! Just so it doesn't look disconnected or too out of place, I tried to draw my additions similarly to how Mr. archerman's linework looked as much as possible.
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This how I visually define "scenic" VS "stylistic" illustrations (in my head)
I like experimenting and mixing different rendering techniques with varying linework styles and tend to think about my approach with the rendering long before the coloring process, even waaay before I line my final sketch, usually. But for this, I'm simply working with what was given to me.
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At first, I just wanted a "cool breeze w/ leaves flying away ahhhh refreshing~~" mood, but the space at the side of his head looked rather empty as is, even with Nessie. So I thought about putting him inside a vague...darkly-lit abandoned ruins-setting to eat up some of that space.
And with that, it's time for colors.
4. The Render
My coloring process is the lengthiest and often makes people who see me color in real-time scream in horror, but I think it's actually fairly simple and can be summarized into three nutshelled stages:
①Fill in the colors with a finalized palette of your choice,
②cry Continuously render until your arms fall off you're satisfied.
③ cry even HARDER (optional) Adjust accordingly to fit in better with other elements of the illustration, such as with the focus/subject to background. *will be explained later.
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oh and btw, the usage of the words 'render(ing)' tends to be confusing with its association with other mediums like 3D models, but when it comes to drawing I like to think of it this way:
🎨Coloring is the planned/intentional selection of your color range, tints, tones, and palette to use in a drawing, ☀Rendering is the act (or product) of the set of techniques (including effects, filters, etc.) you use with the colors/values to create the illusions of depth, shadows and light, movement, warmth/cold atmospheres, etc in a 2D illustration.
But that's just how I define it with my own step-by-steps. Otherwise, I think either term is pretty much interchangeable.
Anyhoo, what do you think should this man's hair, skin, eye, and clothing's colors be?
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here are some of the variations on the color picks of his outfit that rotted my brain for about 3 hours straight, like it's a 2000s dress-and-match flash game
The many submissions for the contest had many fun color combinations and interesting interpretations I personally think should've won. I saw a lot of blonde archer-princes wearing greens, browns, and blues, as a lot also went for the "forest hunter boi" vibe. But I was saddened by the lack of my favorite colors being used as the primary colorーorange and yellow. So, let's use those!!
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The start of my coloring/rendering journey is never at Layer '1'.........
―Starting with what I've always referred to as "environment prep":
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The purpose here is to 'set' the base colors so they match with the environment or general atmosphere. Get ready to see this over and over
This could mean adjusting the saturation, or spraying gradients of the BG's most prominent color on parts that...gives me anxiety the most-
As someone who tends to work with very, very bright color schemes with character designs, trying to blend in when the illustration is meant to be scenic or 'serious' in tone without it being a distracting eyesore can be a challenge. So, this is what I do to counter it.
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Shading is usually an early step for me as well, even though I think it's a lot of other artists' near-to-final step. I tend to lean towards an abomination mix of soft shade and cel shadeーthe strokes are sharp enough to trace where the shadows start and end, but softened around the edges for effect.
I also tend to apply an additional spray of subtly darker shade on top of the first one? It's usually on spots where I think the light source won't be hitting as much. I wouldn't do this for simple styles (stylized illustrations like with a chibi style), but for scenic illustrations I find it's necessary to achieve that depth against a fully-rendered environment.
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※Just a side note: You may see multiple things changing around, but in real time I'm most definitely working on one part at a time lol. These visual aids were ripped off the raw .mdp by hiding some of the layers, so that's why different areas seem to progress together all at once, even if that's a bit idealistic in actuality.
Apart from the previous adding of shades with a multiply-mode layer for the preliminary shadows, I add one more layer of shadow on there for objects or other characters that can cast distinct shadows on the subject. In here, it's the bow and the hovering strap across his chest.
Lighting is also starting to be added as well.
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One direct alteration I did with the lineart template was change the line's colors. I find it really softens them to mix better with their filled-in colors + as well as not stand out too harshly against a light-colored scenic background.
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I think you now have a good idea over my hyperfixation on making sure colors are 'vibing' well against the BG lol A lot of these steps are basically just doing the same thing over and over with new layers for the sake of this purpose, really.
And after that, just repeating all the stuff we did with the character onto everything else (background, foreground, objects, etc.) until you're satisfied with it!
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A lot of these changes are very subtle on their own, but makes all the difference in the bigger picture, I think!
Just maybe some additional finishing touches for some boom shakalaka and...that's pretty much it! You will notice that throughout the entire process, there's a lot of random little things that suddenly appear or change with seemingly not much purpose or meaning on its own. I unfortunately have always drawn in this sort of vague, quickly impulsive, directionless way since I was a child and I don't think even I will ever understand it, logically. It's mostly a... continuous string of instinctive feelings of "HEY let's do it this way, if not there's like 10 other things we can try next", is the closest I can get to an explanation of how it feels.
I don't know if it's common for other artists to think or function this way, but I do know for a fact that many people seem to be surprised and confused when they see me drawing in real time this way. Everytime I get asked 'how' I draw certain things, I say things like 'I turn my brain off and vibe with many, many layers with a broken back.' and people think it's just a dismissive joke. I-it's really not, it's literally what happens, I don't have any secret shortcuts for you-
Hopefully this very lengthy post + visual aids can help demystify some misconceptions on what "really" goes on when I'm drawing! It's also a bit of an update of my tutorials made for friendos starting out with digital drawing back in 2015!
Anyway, the rendering stage is where the simplified steps ② and optional step ③ branch out like a fork in the road for me; I don't think one is any "better" than the other, I think doing either is simply a matter of personal preference and artistic choice;
➋being leaving all that 100++ layers rendering that we just did alone and calling it a day,
➌being a little bit more extra w/ additional shadows/lighting that corresponds with the environment the character is in.
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I removed the walls to see the whole figure better in a side-by-side comparison. I like the unadjusted (L) without the wall, but with the walls in the final illustration, I think adjusted (R) felt 'right'. What do you think?
There are some things, although realistic, don't look that good as a visual aesthetic and are just downright excessive/unnecessary to add to certain types of illustrations.
Then there's things that aren't possible in real life, but artistically? Looks really dang cool. Being biased for either ends of the hyperrealism and hyperstylized spectrums of styles is fine; only as long as no discrimination is involved towards people who don't share your opinions, in my opinion-
and to conclude this section, I say,
『 You go render however you want���hellーno colors even necessary if you wish!
Simple ≠ laziness, just as much as complexity ≠ skill。』
I will never stop yapping about how a lot of minimalist styles require so much more amounts of planning and effort to make sure everything is nice and clean, especially compared to mindless rendering loops like these. Mine's a maximalist hell and I wouldn't have it any other way, but I greatly envy minimalist artists that can render with just something like my step ① with so much grace and tact; not a single stray or wasted stroke!! Anyone who dismisses these types as "lazy" I will violently stuff inside a couchーwithout any potato snacks to snack on!!!
5. Additional FX Tips
Just a shorter section for some optional finishing touches tips'n'tricks used in this I frequently (ab)use☆
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◆ From the very beginning, even before I understood how to draw, it's always been a tradition to doodle around sparkles all around the place. I usually do it with MediBang's sparkle brush if I want it to look polished, or simply draw it manually using either the pen or airbrush tool for a cruder charm.
◆ Motion blur is great, and MediBang in particular also has different types of blur effects like Gaussian and regular blurs. If your software doesn't have these effects / if you're working traditionally but still want to achieve the illusion of motion in a still drawing, you can still achieve the same effect through your linework! Try looking into incorporating action lines (commonly seen in manga and comics) into it. Otherwise, purposefully drawing something blurily to begin with oughta work as well.
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◆ Apart from changing the lineart's colors, there's also this little effect that is achieved by duplicating the lineart and blurring it. It gives something like a...'dreamy' quality to it? The higher the blurred copy's opacity is, the more emphasized it makes everything look.
6. The Layers of Dread
At long last we've arrived... at my MediBang's repeating demise for all of eternity...
Here's a preview of what the .mdp/.psd file of this colored entry's unhingedmerged layers looks like + how I try to validate their existence. When I work on full-sized illustrations, I tend to merge layers as I go, so this is probably one of the rare times I can show something like this without either mine or your PC dying. If you'd like to see, play around with, and toggle them for yourself in all of its............glory, feel free to download it here.
we're starting at Layer 611. Enjoy.
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I will now delete my PC's copy because jfc that's one too many MBs ...and it's still eons lighter than what I usually work with on my own full illustrations from sketch to finish......。 (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) thank you for reading this far and making it out alive, goodbye for now...
・・・ホームページALL LINKS・・・
・Art Gallery・Commission Info・Ko-fi shop・
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ink-and-dagger · 5 months ago
Heyyy Inky!!! Guess who it is! (jk) It's me Galaxy!! I've written the DWM song!!! And recorded it! It's called 'One Drink'. (hehe) It's not done professionally in any way, shape or form, but it's certainly finished. It's just a demo of me singing (badly-ish, ignore my baby voice gah I sound like a twelve year old) with a guitar backing, but I do imagine that if I ever do record this, it will be with more instruments than just guitar. 😅 I really really really really hope you like it. Really. Think of it as a love letter from me to you for writing DWM, because it really has been a major part of my life <3 This link will take you to the audio recording (it's on a google drive. Copy and paste it into your browser!): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QWXoZ8yZHFXhCAlHE4OZURTQGXzL9tlU/view?usp=sharing And I WAS gonna include a link to a google doc with the lyrics on it... but tumblr's being fussy and won't let me insert it. So, I've decided to just put the lyrics at the bottom of this ask, which is gonna make it very long but oh well. Shit happens. Also, if the audio recording link doesn't work - please please please tell me. I'll figure out another way to send it!
Anyway, the recording is accessible for anyone to copy into their preferred browser to listen to (if it works), so if any other DWM fans see this feel free to listen/read! Again, I hope you like it, Inky. Love you and everything you do <3 - Galaxy P.S. Inky, I would love love love to know every single one of your thoughts on lyrics as well if that's possible!
One Drink - Lyrics. A DWM song <3
Saint was a sinner
And he was feared by almost everyone
He was a ruthless killer 
A devil, modern to our time. 
She, oh she wasn’t perfect 
But compared to him; an angel from our sky.
Astrid. Always searching for her horizon
But it seemed like something she could never find.
She shared a drink with him one night
Apparently she’s the only one that would 
He pulled the bottle off the shelf, his inhibitions down you can tell
There’s something he’s suppressed
And the walls began to fall
I guess opposites attract after all
One drink that started it all x3
They, oh they weren’t perfect
They would fight all the time like you and I
One fight, got a little too consuming 
The pain was a knife through her heart 
He thought he jinxed them
He thought this one was a little too far gone
Their only saving grace was the rose tattoo upon her waist 
A symbol that in time they’d be alright
And the walls began to fall
I guess opposites attract after all
One drink that started it all x 6
Saint was a sinner
But she found her horizon in his eyes 
I'm squeezing you so tight that you'll need to visit a chiropractor to straighten you back out again. I absolutely love this and i'm so honoured that my story inspired you to create a whole ass SONG?! Thank you so so much.
Also what are you on about singing badly? You've got a great voice! Really pure and folksy - it suits the style of song so well, especially with a solo guitar. Can totally picture you singing this song at nighttime sitting by a campfire with the local townspeople hanging off your every word. Also it's so damn catchy - I was already singing the chorus to myself after just the first listen (I may have listened to it 10 or 20 times since hehe)
Here's a one click link for anyone who wants to listen to Galaxy's amazing song!
And I LOVE all the lyrics! They convey the core essence of Silco and Astrid's characters and story so effectively. That's some serious skill my friend. You did in 200 words what it took me over 138k words to do lmfao.
I started to attempt to write out all my thoughts on the lyrics in this post but I had so many thoughts that it quickly proved too crazy to format on tumblr. SO, I put them in a google doc instead lmfao. You should be able to see my comments on the highlighted text but tell me if not.
Thank you again, truly from the bottom of my heart.
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darnestdungeon · 7 months ago
Hello! Hope it's not a bother, but would it be possible to get 3D renders of the enemies from DD2? I know the devs made a Google folder of posed renders but I'd love some proper image reference of them all considering how detailed their models are.
No pressure! Thanks for reading.
Hi there, sorry for the late reply! If you don’t mind, could you share the link to this folder of posed references you mentioned? I feel like this would be helpful for those who never heard of it! I’m not sure if this is something the devs shared on the dd discord, I’ve left the server months ago after one too many bad moderation incidents– which didn’t even involve me, I just lurked and felt bad watching it all.
About your request, I’m afraid I won’t be able to do it– someone else had already asked for dd2 enemy refs two years ago and my answer was the same, there are just way too many models. On the wiki, I just counted 74 enemies (including variations like knight/fallen templar) and bosses (end of confession + warlord), and there will still be more added on the upcoming kingdoms free dlc. 
This is just way too many for just one person to handle, it already took ages to render all the 12 heroes available at the time, the enemies would take even longer due to their drastically different sizes, I’d have to adjust the camera position and keyframes for each of them every time, slowing down even more the already slow rendering process, not to mention the effort of setting up the models in blender with their 2 textures (base color and shadows/lineart).
Another complicating factor: extracting the game assets have become unreliable lately due to some backend changes in Unity, the software dd2 was made in, which messed up a bit AssetStudioGui, the software I had been using to extract assets. For instance, I recently tried to get assets from another game made in Unity (The Pale Beyond) and kept getting errors through the extraction process, in the end there were a lot of missing assets, I had to edit a couple myself to put them in the game’s wiki. This is a great game btw but I cannot rec it much due to how miserable the animal deaths made me feel (rip entire penguin colony, I’m a monster).
Now, truth be told, none of the above reasons would impede me if I really really wanted to do it. Heck, making all those dd1 gifs took way more effort and time than rendering all the dd2 hero refs combined but I still pushed through it because I love dd1. I just don’t feel the same passion and drive about dd2 as a whole. I don’t enjoy the gameplay loop, I don’t like the backstories, I don’t appreciate the inconsistencies, like, Antiquarian was deemed “too evil” to come back as a hero, as said by the devs during a live, then turns out Flagellant was the one torturing Vestal but he gets a free pass? And he comes back as a half-rotten walking corpse? As our ally? While we have to kill other half-rotten walking corpses which aren’t obviously evil and by all means could just be attacking back in self defense (widow and woodsman)? See, I have no big qualms with any of these claims individually (sure, let Flagellant and Vestal put the past behind and get amorous, go nuts), but add them all together in the same game and it starts to feel like an inconsistent mess. 
Also, why did time only seemed to pass for Flagellant? It would be so cool if all the heroes had this crazy treatment, like Crusader coming back as a corrupted Tangle soldier, Vestal (or Runaway for the matter) being a former fanatic cult member, Highwayman as a gaunt, like a collected head that somehow survived and escaped and so on. It just feels odd to me that only one hero came back wrong, you know what I mean?
But oh well, none of this matter to me anymore. I just don’t feel like making dd2 renders for the time being, hope this explains!
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tinkertechy · 6 months ago
I need to Scream about ChromeOS
It's been a long week and this is something I can rant about without doxxing myself too much.
So I teach kids about computers. And before anyone says 'But they're the technology generation, they know all about it!' remember that you didn't know how to drive a car before you were 16, and cars have been around for over a century. But I digress.
You know why Kids don't know anything about computers? Because we've set them up with the *worst possible computer* to learn about computers on: Chromebooks. Yeah, yeah pandemic and learning form home and all that, but this started well before the pandemic; Shutdowns just exacerbated it.
Chromebooks are designed to be simple. But they're *designed to be simple*. I want to teach kids how to read a file system? Google Drive is all they got. Want to teach kids how to check computer specs and how well their computer is currently running? Nope-you *might* be able to check the RAM if you're lucky. Diagnose how much space is left on your storage? Good luck; Drive doesn't even show how much space they have left. Compare and Contrast different applications for a particular use? It's the Chrome Store or nothing. The entire environment is designed to be a glorified web browser. You never leave the Chrome environment.
There's no native apps on the Chromebooks because they have all the memory and internal storage of a 6 year old with ADHD. Everything has to be through a web browser, and since most of my students are elementary age they can't really make accounts for most stuff without their native school account which, guess what? is through Google. The whole system is designed to be as simple to use with as few buttons as possible. Which, as a teacher managing hundreds of kids, is helpful to a point. But it holds the kids back just as much. When something goes wrong, it's so simple that you feel like an idiot for not being able to figure out what went wrong. There's no room for troubleshooting or critical thinking here.
Oh, and by the way the entire OS is designed at a basic level to be readable by kids who *know how to read*. Teaching the lowest levels how to log in, click on a link for TypingClub or read basic instructions can be grueling. Google Classroom is optimal for middle school and maybe 9th grade and that's about it. They use touchscreens for everything, so it's hard to get them to learn to use a mouse in the first place. (It's also aesthetically ugly, but that's my personal opinion)
There also seems to be fewer resources or standards for teaching about computers; my state's standards are very comprehensive from a programming or analysis standpoint, less so from a 'they should be able to type X words per minute' or 'be able to format a report' or 'write an email with neutral tone' or 'be able to move a file from Google Drive to a flash drive,' stuff that Every student should know how to do. Stuff that most adults take for granted because they were either taught or grew up in an age where everyone had to figure it out for themselves because there were no teachers yet.
And, while this is a more niche one because I don't know how most schools operate, Chromebooks just add to the student's load. They haul them back and forth to EVERY class and were 'supposed to replace textbooks', yet somehow they still have a mountain of textbooks they haul around in a wheeled backpack because *there's so many books they can't use a normal one*. I helped a student lift their bag the other day and it must have weighed 20 lbs! (Definitely more than the car battery I had to haul home from the store, but that's another story.)
I have accounts for kids that can't even spell their own last name yet, let alone know how to type. It's hard to teach about computer security when half the school needs to have a sticker with the username and passwords for up to 4(!!!) different online accounts for various programs. And kids will share that information anyway because they don't think anything major of it yet, and half the time it's not hard to figure out.
(This isn't even getting into side tools and peripherals to teach kids about computers. Anything you want/find is niche and will be extremely expensive)
So how would I fix this? (Because I don't like to rant about something when I can't offer a solution.)
Get them on actual computers and not glorified web browsers.
Assess whether or not Chromebooks are helping students in the classroom or just creating more work. Their primary use should be in the event of a shutdown or virtual school day to allow all students to work from home regardless of personal computers.
Build an Operating System/UI that's designed to grow with the student: Kindergarten and 1st grade are primarily picture based, larger cursor, as little clicking as possible to get to activities. More options and standardized UI appear as the student grows until high school where it's a normal system.
Actual Standards. Not just 'this is a monitor' (Most of my students didn't know this) and 'Here's how to program a thing' (Which is fun, but can be advanced) but 'How to save my work' 'How to write an e-mail' and 'what is a file type?' A minimum typing speed should also be required.
Keyboards designed to teach how to type. Colored keys, letters in a font that match the typing program, maybe a bit bigger than a normal keyboard. And to wrap it up, some fun quotes from my students: "That's not a Computer, that's a PC!"
"That's a TV!" (It's a monitor)
"You're doing a writing challenge? Why don't you just use AI?"
"Ms. Teacher, (That's exactly what they call me) I found a weird thing!" (It was their Drive.)
"Why did you paint all those?" (I pass a hard drive around so kids can see it. They all sniff the yellow paint I sprayed it with last week.)
"I wanna play the ice cream game." (There is no Ice Cream game. They just want to play random internet games)
(Students sign out by turning off the computer)
(A student looks up a minecraft video on YT because he wasn't paying attention when I gave out instructions and thought I wouldn't notice.)
Next rant: The double standards of 'forbidding the use of AI' for students while using it behind the scenes for teachers.
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lusthurts · 9 months ago
writing meme about me!
no official tag but thought maybe time to share more about myself! mostly because I want to know more about you all as well, and @sperrywink extended an invite to seblaine mutuals so I will do the same!
How did you get into writing fanfiction?
I discovered it on accident as most of us do - I was on the Glee wiki I think? There was a link to select fanfics on the ship pages at the time, and I started reading one of the Finchel ones, and it was game over for me lol - I started writing my own a while after that, and I participated in a variety of Glee RPGs that inspired me to write other characters. I was in one of those massive Glee RPGs in like 2011 on fanfiction.net, and it was very formative for me in terms of connecting with the rest of the fandom and wanting to do more of that. RPGs are also so great for exposing you to ships you never would've liked or even thought of before, although all my current ships came from elsewhere lol
oh, and there was the whole escapism from family shit that was going down at the time thing - that was a huge factor for sure
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
I've almost exclusively been writing for the Glee fandom since the beginning, although the ships I've written for have changed drastically throughout that time. I've dabbled in some other things as well depending on my special interest at the moment, but I always come back to Glee. Other fandoms I've written for include The Outsiders, Degrassi, How I Met Your Mother, 13 Reasons Why, Girl Meets World, and Skam ! none of these are published anywhere anymore though as far as I know, it's all far too embarrassing (and yes I'm aware that's the most bizarre mix of fandoms ever)
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
at least 12, I wanna say I started around 2012ish?
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
I genuinely think it's about equal, but it comes in waves. Sometimes I'm reading more, sometimes I'm writing more. I'm almost always working on something and I'm also almost always in the middle of reading a long fic.
5. What is one way you've improved as a writer?
I think I've gotten a lot better at writing comedy and ensemble dialogue. I like writing the silly goofy scenes with large friend groups a lot, especially when I feel like I've nailed the character's voices enough that I don't even need dialogue tags to know who said each line.
6. What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Ohio geography lmao - I like always have Google Maps pulled up trying to map out different locations and how far drives would be, etc. I also have researched a ton about various colleges (especially for my current WIP since these characters are actively applying for college rn) and France (never been there, constantly have to write stuff that takes place there).
7. What's your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
I genuinely do love all comments! I especially loves one that are specific/mention parts of the chapter or the fic that they enjoyed or thoughts that they had while reading. I also like chatting about the characters and canon and their predictions/hopes for the rest of the fic. The length doesn't really matter so much - I love long comments and short comments, and I try my best to respond to all of them.
8. What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
Idk I kinda write a lot of infidelity and toxic relationship stuff. Seblaine is the main ship I write for nowadays, and the nature of their relationship lends itself to a lot of infidelity in their process of getting together. I also just love writing angst, so even when I'm writing established relationships, they end up being sort of toxic throughout especially given the traits of both characters. I just find it more fun and probable to write a slightly toxic relationship than a 100% healthy one.
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
PWP - I struggle so much with writing smut, although I like to think I've gotten a bit better at it recently. I'm also trying to get better at writing ensemble fics, but it's definitely a struggle for me to give each ship/character enough attention. And I'm pretty awful at world building, so anything remotely fantasy, sci fi, etc. is a huge struggle for me.
10. What is the easiest type?
slow burns! I've gotten so much better at delaying the characters from getting together for a really long time in fics and it's soooo fun. I prefer a character centric slow burn with lots of sexual tension and an arc that involves characters moving from enemies/friends/strangers to lovers over the course of many months or years.
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
I like to write outside of my own home - something about physically relocating makes me way more productive. I write a ton on planes (I travel a lot for work). I also love a good coffee shop, Panera, park, library, etc.
I write in Word and publish to AO3 - used to write in Google Docs but it's so slow and laggy so I much prefer Word. Used to publish on fanfiction.net but I will never go anywhere else now that I've transitioned to AO3, the far superior fanfic site lol
I am most productive with writing either during the day if I'm somewhere other than at home or in the middle of the night in bed - my most productive hours at home are between like midnight and 3 am
12. What is something you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
I recently got over my fear of PWP and published a one shot that I'm very proud of. I have many ideas for things similar that I'd like to work through in the future!!
Most of this is fandom specific though - I'm super intimidated to write for big fandoms because I've gotten so comfortable in the Glee fandom, especially writing Seblaine which has a relatively small audience in comparison. I'd love to write Marauders, but that fandom is HUGE and very intimidating because there is so much lore and fanon to mess up. I hope to give it a shot one day though!
13. What made you choose your username?
it's a song lyric! lust hurts comes from the song "Barcelona Boots" by Arlie - the lyric goes "Lust hurts, could you bear it for me?" and I thought that was very fitting for someone like me who's obsessed with romance in fiction but can't be bothered with it in my real life
any of my mutuals are welcome to participate! I'll specifically throw in a tag for @daisyishedwig @calsvoid @xonceinadream @andyandersmythe bc these are the ones that come up first when I go to tag haha
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piedoesnotequalpi · 2 months ago
Prime numbers for the writing asks!
[Writer questions!]
[1 is neither prime nor composite!][also this was So Many Questions so I ended up just picking my favorites (of which there were still a lot)]
2. If you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it? If you already write everything by hand, a) are you a wizard and b) pen or pencil?
The drafting would be doable; the editing/occasional rewriting less so. I do occasionally handwrite, and it's nice to have a built-in editing phase when I transcribe the draft onto my computer (it's also nice to actually use my collection of stationery, what a concept).
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
I don't know if this is a superstition so much as an observed phenomenon, but after yet another failed novel attempt I have the fear that if I write a scene from farther along in the story (beyond a 100 word or so dialogue or description), especially if it's one I'm looking forward to writing, I will not finish the story.
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
Probably getting to share my writing with people. In high school and college when I was involved in literary magazines, I had to put a couple of my pieces under pseudonyms for various reasons and I did not enjoy that feeling; nowadays it's a little frustrating that I can't just fling google doc links for my fanfiction at people I know irl (I don't want to risk them finding my AO3 and by extension my tumblr).
On a more positive note, I wrote a short story called "Dear Abby" and submitted it to my college literary magazine as a freshman and it was unanimously accepted, everyone at the meeting loved it, and when we hosted an open mic my friends in the magazine practically demanded that I perform it (which I did). It remains one of my favorite things that I've written.
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you to write about? What is easy?
Oh god suddenly I have forgotten about every subject matter ever. I think I struggle with heavy worldbuilding, which is why so much of my writing is set in places I'm at least somewhat familiar with (or can easily research). I also tend to take settings from my life and repurpose them to work around this weakness.
Easier writing - this is a weird one, but I think gender and sexuality crises come a little easier to me than they perhaps should. Best not to think too hard about it.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
I have multiple active WIPs right now (which I normally try to avoid, as it leads to none of them getting done), but! I will talk about the juggling AU.
Basically, I was at a juggling festival last January with my friend who is a casual Newsies fan, and we were discussing which props/skills the various newsies characters would be into. This, of course, led to me realizing that I could use this for my mini bang fic, so on the (very snowy) drive back my friend and I figured out the overarching plot. We decided early on that it would somewhat mirror the plot of Newsies since we had Davey as an outsider with a slightly different skillset from everyone else.
A piece of background lore that won't necessarily make it into the story is how Katherine got into contact poi - as a preteen/teen, she went to CTY (nerd camp, essentially), where poi are very popular. When she got to college, she (much like one of my friends) wanted to bring her poi to the juggling club, but was nervous that people wouldn't be into other circus props. Turns out, there were a couple casual poi people (poi-ple?) in the club, but also some people who made fun of poi. Katherine wasn't a huge fan of that, so when she learned about contact poi she convinced her mom to split the cost of a set of contact poi as a birthday present and learned how to juggle them. Turns out juggling poi is pretty hard, so it's made Katherine a much better juggler. I got the idea for this from a combination of my irl friend's anxiety + wanting a parallel to Katherine being taken seriously as a reporter in canon.
31. Write a short love letter to your readers.
I am still in shock that anyone wants to read my silly gay fanfiction, but! I appreciate you all so much and I have all your comments saved in a folder on Google Photos.
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erstwhilesparrow · 3 months ago
1, 29, 30 for ao3 wrapped!!
ao3 wrapped ask game
hiiii :D!!
How many words have you written this year?
oh boy. okay. so my ao3 stats say that i have posted 122,849 words on ao3 this year. this... does not include all the ficlets i have posted on tumblr (i wrote a bunch of drabbles back in may/june as treats for the mcytblr drabble exchange, as i'm sure you recall, and then there've been whatever other random bits of writing i've posted throughout the year) and also this does not include the various catrina-and-sparrow shared AUs that exist primarily in fragments in my google drive and across a few notes apps. AND whatever i wrote with my irl friends as part of our weekly writing exercises. i'm gonna estimate it's at least 125k words, it's probably more than that? uh. but i guess the name of the game is ao3 wrapped. so. i have already given you my answer ^^;
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
don't do this to me. i was already struggling to pick a favourite work. don't you know i'm self-obsessed and love my own writing.
all right i'm picking this one from branches, but softer:
No one could take the sound of rain on topsoil from him, the softening splatter of mud and stomped puddles. A downpour that made the whole clouded sky that drowsy, welcoming kind of quiet. The wet dog smell Ren brought with him into the confines of the wooden overhang they’d meant to turn into a market stall. Martyn has spent more time than he knows how to track stumbling into dead ends in this maze, opening doors onto colourless expanses, thinking this time, he’ll turn the corner and there will be the slop-bucket glory of their fields, battered to muck in the open air.
i'm proud of... the sound of it? the rhythm? and how even now, after having written it and done two editing passes and probably reread it a couple times at least, the imagery and feeling of it still work for/on me? i know this kind of rain and i picked the right words to capture it exactly as i wanted to.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
i have already answered this here but i feel kind of awkward just linking that answer for you, so i'll say another one. at some point... not even that long ago, like in the last couple months, someone was like "you sure write a lot about The Experience Of Being In A Body" and i was like "what! since when! i'm TERRIBLE at writing about bodies! i never pay attention to that stuff!" and then i thought about it some more and realized. i have this whole time been practicing Paying Attention To Being In A Body and trying to work it into my writing and framing it to myself as an exercise for the purposes of improving something i am bad at, and . at some point. i guess i got better at it and did not update my mental model of my own abilities to match this change! that was fun and weird and surprising!
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iwantoseeafrigatebird · 6 months ago
the Orkney trip
part 12
day 10 (continued)
The orkney blues festival! I started sitting in the royal hotel, first featuring a texan and spider who was on harmonica. The texan performed with Jerry Jeff Walker and got a request to do Mister Bojangles, I was extremely delighted as the song is special to me too. I don't remember was it them or were the italiens who came after who also played a whiter shade of pale which is again special to me due to being a withnail and i soundtrack. Later on in the evening, there was this guy called Ian Siegal who had a Kris Kristofferson story to tell (in which Kristofferson mistook him for someone else during a concert) with a song written in Kristofferson's style.
Malcolm from the ferry was sitting just next to me and gave me some old time banjo recommendations. Of them I'm really enjoying Bruce Molsky right now, his version of the wreck of the dandenong accompanied me from Thurso to Inverness where I am at the moment waiting for the connecting train to take me to Edinburgh. He also recommended me Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer who collaborated with a chinese musician and produced an album called "from china to appalachia" wherein they play both classic chinese and appalachian tunes with banjos and chinese classical hammered dulcimar (i used to play chinese dulcimar too) and it sounded beautiful. I cannot believe the existence of this album. The true "folk music from around the world unite" moment.
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local tribute band at the legion.
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the italiens, tom attah, and two californian harmonica players who just happened to be around for the festival. they played with the band in the legion too. At one time they had three harmonica players in the house. It was so much fun because it was an instrument I truely adore, those two californians are all good players and Spider from aberdeen is simply phenomenal.
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the finale performance in the town hall.
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They all jam very well together. it was a bit of a tribute concert for the singer Kyla Brox's (she has a powerful and beautiful voice perfect for the blues) late father too, she invited Ian Siegal to do a song she used to do with her dad and required two voices, which was a really heartfelt performance in my opinion. Everyone was having fun.
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musicians being musicians
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But if I have to pick a favourite, it's the Aberdeen Harmonica player for sure! I recorded everything and they sound reasonably good, here's a link if anyone's interested. I don't usually listen to this kind of blues but just the energy and virtuosity makes it all worthwhile.
Advertisement time, Brown's hostel in Stromness, 25£ could get you a superb bed if shared with others (there were three beds in my room but no one else was there that night). It's over fifty years old now and accordingly was the first hostel in Stromness. They had sleeping bags on bunk beds at first, but gradually people started to expect better rooms and facilities and she gradually upgraded everything.
When I phoned her, I said I just needed one bed. She didn't have any single room anymore, so asked "do you mind sharing?" I said "oh no of course not definitely". Then I thought where have I heard this dialogue before: fortunately this ain't nantucket, the whaling industry has died out, and there was no harpooner coming back from peddling his head. It was a Sunday too.
day 11
Catching the 6:30 ferry from Stromness to Scrabster. Final farewell to The Old Man and to the island of Hoy. Put on Farewell to Stromness as well, be cheesy.
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The seastack is clearly visible.
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Waiting for the train in Thurso, killing time in a second hand bookshop with a sizable collection of books about seafaring and ships. The owner said he always buy books about ships and has got five times as much back home. Noted down a few names that I might go home and look up online.
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Finally, the sign of the national cycles network route 1 in front of thurso station. It's where I started, it's my "to and back again". Met quite a few cyclists who did the route from land's end to John O'Groats.
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birdylion · 2 years ago
Fanfic tag game
Found a 2 year old tag game in my likes and I don't know if I ever replied! Thank you @hermitknut for tagging me all this time ago :D
AO3 name: birdylion on ao3, Wayfarer back on fanfiktion.de
Fandom(s): My first big fandom was HP. I wrote a little bit in German for Firefly and Discworld, and then in English for Green Rider, Rogue One, Good Omens, Mass Effect (trilogy + Andromeda), Rivers of London and The Memoirs of Lady Trent.
Number of fics: 23 on ao3. There are some, especially older HP stories on ff.de, that I haven't archived on ao3.
1. Fic you spent the most time on: I have a 70k unpublished (German) Minerva McGonagall/Pomona Sprout schoolgirl romance on my hard drive that would need a lot of reworking in order to be in a shape I would consider putting out there. I worked on that for a year on and off, and then for a summer intensely. From my published work: Probably my RoL one, Bintumani, because it's 12k and the words have to have come from somewhere. Also I spent a lot of time conversing with my beta reader and editing the fic.
2. Fic you spent the least time on: Sleepless Night, the 200 word Good Omens ficlet that I literally typed on my phone instead of sleeping.
3. Longest fic: Bintumani, my Rivers of London travel adventure with Elsie Winstanley and Mamusu Grant in the late 1970s in Sierra Leone which I wrote for yuletide last year.
4. Shortest fic: again Sleepless Night with 200 words :D
5. Most hits: For my English works: What we're made of, my trans Viktor Krum with Hermione at the yule ball HP fic that I wrote for the Trans Wizarding Tournament (a charity auction for trans organisations). But overall, if I count fanfiktion.de, it's Spürst du die Funken, my Dean Thomas/Seamus Finnigan getting together that I still want to translate into English. I have the half finished translation on my hard drive.
6. Most kudos: What we're made of.
7. Most comment: on ao3 Bintumani, on ff.de it's an old HP oneshot collection
8. Fave fic you wrote: hard to tell, and I'll just copy hermitknut's words: "normally whenever I’ve just finished something that one’s my favourite :)" but if I had to chose, I'd say my Lady Trent fic, Studying Dragons, if only because I love the books so much.
9. Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: oh that's easy! I want to expand on To Serve the Sacred, my latest ME Andromeda fic. It's part of a big worldbuilding headcanon I have and I would love to put more of it into a story. Much of the worldbuilding (and the story I linked above) is about the game's Bad Guys, and a) I would need to make readers care about it and b) it would be more interesting to write it from the perspective of known characters. The worldbuilding reveals/twists that I want to do are very clear in my head, and I have a vague idea how to set it up in a story, but ... I need to work out the details, especially which characters I'd use as POV characters. Probably the other Ryder twin, but they'd need a team too, and the characters are only slowly starting to take shape. Also it's such a big project that I've put it on the backburner for now bc I don't have the time for writing plot / novel length fic in English.
10. Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning: I'm only writing in German right now because that flows easier. My fandom of choice is that one German detective/crime show with the dysfunctional homoerotic dynamic between two of the leads that gets to no1 trending on tumblr once year when there's a new episode. This is now for a story about teenage queer self discovery: (Sorry I tried putting it through Google Translate to share an English version but the translation is terrible.)
Leo stellte sein Rad ab und setzte sich zu Adam auf den Felsen. Groß genug für zwei war der schließlich. Auch, wenn Leo sich damit halb an Adam lehnte. Das war okay. Machten sie ständig. Es war doch okay, oder?
Ein paar Tage nach Ferienbeginn hatte Caro ihm erzählt, dass sie auf dem Halberg Open Air gesehen hatte, wie sich zwei ihrer Klassenkameradinnen während Tokio Hotel geküsst hatten. ‚Cool, dass sie so dazu stehen‘, hatte sie gesagt. ‚Ganz schön mutig. Ich könnte das ja nicht.‘
Leo war nicht schwul, aber wenn er es wäre, dann wäre es Adam vielleicht nicht recht, wenn Leo ihm so nahe war. Wenn er es wäre, dann müsste Leo fairerweise aufhören, neben Adam zu sitzen.
I'm tagging @shakespearerants, @weatheredlaw, @the-moon-loves-the-sea and uh everyone else who follows me and writes fic. Seriously, tell me about it.
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championsyedm · 2 years ago
The Canon Sylph CP1300 small photo printer (black)
Canon Selphy CP1500 vs CP1300 The majority of the time, yes. The controls on the 1300 are more button-based, while the controls on the 1500 are more internal menu-based. The paper tray and cartridges are the same. Both are rather obvious. After a few minutes, you should be able to feel at ease. The card size (2.1" x 3.4") and postcard size (4" x 6") sets of authentic Canon color ink and paper are compatible with the Selphy CP1300. The KC-18IF, KC-18IL, KC-36IP, KP-108IN, RP-54, and RP-108 are all compatible sets. You need an Internet connection and the free Canon PRINT Inkjet/SELPHY app from Google Play and App Stores. Compatible with AndroidTM mobile devices running Android 2.3.3 or later and iPad, iPhone 3GS or later, and iPod touch 3rd generation or later devices running iOS 7.0 or later. Your device has to be part of the same active wireless 802.11 b/g/n/ac/ad network as your printer. requires a suitable social media account and is governed by the terms of service for that account. Some exclusions could be valid. No, an SD card or USB stick may be used to print. A computer connected through a cable can also print. Without having to connect to your home WiFi, you may print from a phone or tablet using the printer's built-in Wi-Fi receiver. Additionally, you can use it as a wireless printer by connecting it to your home network. The answer is that melting the absurdly tiny specks of color onto the specialty paper is far more expensive than using spray paint, etc. The outcomes are astounding. I have prints on my refrigerator that are ten years old yet still look new. If the printer has the appropriate ink and paper configured for that size, your Selphy CP1300 should be able to print in any supported size. We advise contacting our US-based support staff for free help if you want more assistance. The Canon USA website offers them continuously. You may see, edit, and apply filter effects like sepia or B/W to the photographs you wish to print using the huge built-in 3.5″ display. Oh my, WiFi, USB, and more! Choose the printing method that works best for you from among the various options available on the SELPHY CP1500, including WiFi, AirPrint, USB (computer and USB flash drive), your camera memory card, and the SELPHY Photo Layout mobile app. The SELPHY CP1500’s clean and contemporary appearance is evident in how simple it is to operate, even with robust capabilities like Wi-Fi and smartphone compatibility. You can connect the SELPHY CP1500 to just about anything and print from devices like your smartphone to your computer, camera, memory cards, and even USB flash drives with the versatility of Wi-Fi, USB, and memory card connections. The Canon Sylph CP1300 small photo printer (black) is a wireless portable photo printer that is ideal for use both at home and on the move. Your memories will be ready to share no matter where you are if you just print them using Air Print, your camera’s memory card, or the Canon print app from Facebook and Instagram! With party shuffle prints or 2″x6″ photo booth layout prints, you may even create amusing collages with your friends from different devices. You may pick the ideal photo size from 4″x6″, 2.1″x2.1″ square, or even sticker paper, all of which are water-proof and intended to endure up to 100 years! With the available battery pack, you can nearly take the Sylph CP1300 anywhere. Your pictures will rapidly dry and retain their quality for up to 100 years. They will even be water-resistant. Enjoy how easy it is to link your tablet and smartphone with the Canon print app. You may also print directly from a USB drive or the memory card in your camera.
0 notes
siineko · 3 years ago
Side OC - Mika
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Just a trial run with a new side OC I made on a whim, Mika! Note: Mika is nonbinary and uses They/She pronouns. Mika mainly works at a.....club.. that offers fairly lewd services. idk what their world wants to call it specifically, but I’ll workshop it perhaps.
NOTE: This story is very NSFW, and contains multiple instances of borderline s//exual content. (Of course emeto as well, but with a slight moment of implied scat-but only implied, as I refuse to actually show any of that off- doesn’t do it for me, but its story relevant) Note 2- IMPORTANT: Also like every character in this story is like,, midway through figuring out their relationships with gender/sexuality, so if any mention of that contemplation/sliight dysphoria (About one sentence of Mika being slightly uncomfortable w/ their breasts), then this perhaps isn’t the story for you 
For this particular story, Mika tries their best to work their shift, when she begins to feel very unwell, though they deny it for as long as they can, seeing as they certainly need the money.
Pictures will be posted to my Google Drive again, seeing as some of their club activities are openly included in the pictures, and I doubt Tumblr would let that slide. (They could, but I won’t risk it again after the whole “marked as sensitive” ordeal)   Picture Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1sfwlD7XZFXb8DV24Rac6m3uQDpzc717s?usp=sharing
Anyway! Here we go-
For Mika, the plan was to go to work as normal. They’d serve some food occasionally, chat to guests, and sometimes tend to guests in a different way, if that’s what the dear guest desired. They’d of course have their limits on what she’d do, but overall, many things weren’t a problem. Man? Woman? Neither? Mika didn’t particularly care (as long as the guest was attractive, anyway).
However, tonight was different. They felt a bit off. They were tired, and their stomach felt heavy and bloated.  “Hmm, not necessarily a problem”, she thought “some customers like someone with a little more weight to them”.
They continued their job, and all was mostly well, until their stomach began to feel upset, and would occasionally gurgle ominously.
They powered on, however- They really needed the money, and they sure as hell weren’t gonna let a stomachache send them home, after all.
 They decided to distract herself with a client-  A young person seemed interesting, and kinda cute, in a shy way. They were average height, had blue hair, and was wearing a short skirt.
“Hey, gorgeous, wanna have a bit of fun?” they flirted as they approached the individual. They jumped in surprise “O-oh hello! I- ummm, maybe? th-this is my first time, and I ummmm I don’t know what to do...” Mika smiled “Oh? First time, huh? Don’t worry- We take good care of all of our customers here”!  She then proceeded to explain about the club’s services, as the guest blushed more and more. “And, oh I forgot to ask- If you feel comfortable telling me, may I know your name and what pronouns you’d prefer?” Their eyes widened in shock, were they not expecting to be asked?  M-My name is Sai and I.... I ummm..” they faltered cautiously before continuing “I’d like if you used... used ummm... She! She and uh, they- both are fine” she fidgeted nervously as she spoke, seemingly judging Mika’s response, if they were to take a guess.
“Well, Sai- you are certainly stunning young lady,” Sai lit up at the mention, “Oh, you can call me Mika, and I prefer they and she as well!” Mika stepped closer to Sai, and crossed their arms under their chest to make it stand out more. They didn’t always like their breasts, and occasionally wore a binder outside of work, but they served their purpose here, and hiding them with this uniform wasn’t really an option. “Now, to get down to business- Would you like me to... tend to you?” 
Sai blushed and nodded timidly “I- I’d like that, if you’d be ok with it... I-I’ll pay what I need to”
 With that matter settled, Mika went to work. They placed one hand around her waist, and gently placed another on her breast-  causing Sai to gasp and blush in surprise.  They continued by lifting her skirt, and began to stroke her thigh, while staring at her to judge her reaction.  Sai continued to blush furiously, and tilted her hips towards them, giving them the go ahead to go a little further.
They slipped their upper hand into Sai’s shirt, and rubbed at her chest, while her lower hand continued past her thigh, and towards her crotch, where a bulge began to show through her underwear.
Mika chuckled, and rubbed at it the best she could, causing Sai to moan in pleasure.
Mika continued to tease and pleasure Sai for a while, before Sai had enough for the moment, and cut it off, which Mika understood.
Mika finished up dealing with their end of that, and felt their stomach gurgle again. They had honestly almost forgotten about her stomach, and figured that since they already had a break, they would go sit down in the back for a bit.
They found a nice spot, and sat down, leaning back so that their stomach could have room to settle. They were really bloated now, and they were beginning to feel a bit queasy. Perhaps their activity with Sai just jostled them a little too hard, and they hoped that sitting here, and rubbing their upset stomach would help- and burped a few times in an attempt to relieve the pressure, if only a little.
It wasn’t working, and the feeling was getting worse. They felt like they were going to shit themselves, or hurl, and they weren’t sure which, so they moved to the bathroom just in case, while occasional burps made them move their hand to her mouth, as she was constantly afraid that the next one wouldn’t be air.
They reached the stall, and positioned herself, while clutching her stomach in pain- before proceeding to absolutely shit her brains out. The pain didn’t go away, however, and a wave of sudden nausea made her loose their balance, and they caught themselves on the floor, before burping up a small string of vomit, which tasted heavily of the alcohol that they had consumed while entertaining guests (not enough for intoxication, mind you- just enough for the guests to feel like Mika was included in the fun, and not just watching them drink).
“Ouuugh- *hurp* not like this- I can’t be sick now, I...I have to get back to work...” Mika protested their predicament, and clasped their hand firmly over her mouth, stifling back a multitude of gags, and swallowing down any of their stomach contents that dared to try rebelling.
After composing themselves to the point where she didn’t think they were going to puke, they cleaned themselves up and went back out to work- as their break was definitely ending by this point.
This brought her to their next customer, a feminine individual wearing... a very revealing outfit. They had long brown hair, short shorts, and... and a top that was so short that it looked in danger of revealing their breasts if it was even bumped too hard. However, they looked surprisingly timid, especially for how they dressed. Maybe they were still getting used to dressing like that? Mika could understand if that was the case, as they took a bit to get used to their own outfit for work.
Mika knew they had to be professional, and not get attached, but even their appearance was beginning to turn them on a little.
“Good evening, beautiful- Are you here for pleasure tonight?” Mika asked, trying their best to be as charming as possible. It was already their job, but they really wanted the opportunity to play with those- *ahem* They were getting ahead of themselves.
“Ah- Y-yes, I am.. I’m here for p-pleasure.” They blushed, and seemed shy, but determined. Mika was thoroughly aroused. If they were being perfectly honest, they quite liked when timid bottoms asked for it from them. 
They asked their usual questions- If this was their first time, name and pronouns, etc.
“My name is.. Sena. I prefer they and she, and umm.. this may be my first time here but, umm..” Sena blushed “...I don’t mind how you start... I wanna be touched...”
Mika thought this was a dream come true- Same pronoun choice? Unexperienced? A bottom who desperately wants their touch?  If it weren’t for the fact that they still felt hot, sweaty, and queasy, this would be the perfect night. But- they REFUSED to let their stomach ruin this for them, and focused at what was at hand.
After some flirting, Mika couldn’t take the slow pace anymore- They began to fondle Sena’s (quite large and attractive) breasts, and slipped their other hand between their thighs and to their crotch.
Sena blushed and moaned “Please... more... I beg you...”
Mika felt themselves going crazy from arousal, and leaned in closer. They lifted Sena’s shirt just a little and continued to fondle their breast, as they leaned in to lick Sena’s now exposed, and quite hard, nipple.
Sena moaned again and leaned forward a little, which only pressed those gorgeous breasts closer. Mika took note, and went back and forth between licking and sucking at their nipple.
They slipped their other hand deeper into Sena’s crotch, and could now feel that they were getting wet- And honestly, if Mika was being honest, they were starting to get wet themselves. 
Unlike Sai, who had her fun after a bit of groping, Sena begged for more “P-please! Harder! I- I think I HNNG--” they cut off as they moaned and climaxed from Mika’s touch.
With this bit of work finished, they both caught their breath while talking, and to Mika’s surprise, Sena offered their number. Normally they would be more apprehensive, especially with a client, but whether it was due to their genuine attraction to them, or what may be the beginnings of a fever clouding their judgement, they accepted, and gave their own in return, and Sena left on their way after a little while, leaving Mika alone, resting on the couch that she and Sena had been using.
Now without the distraction of work, Mika could clearly feel her bloated stomach pressing firmly against their skirt, and another gurgle rippled through it. They lifted a hand to it, trying again to rub away their discomfort, but they were really feeling sick now.
It was fine for a little while, but they had really overexerted herself while tending to Sena, and now they sat there, leaned back on this couch, while the room felt hotter than ever.
They burped a few times to relieve the pressure, but not only did it not work, but each burp felt wetter, until the last one ended in a gag. “Oh gods.. I feel.. I think I’m gonna be sick!” They pulled themselves off the couch, desperate to make it back to the bathroom, and their stomach contents swirled with their movement.
A wave of nausea overtook her, and she clutched her stomach as well as her mouth as it filled with thick saliva. “Ughh my stomach... so nauseous... gotta get to a toilet... gonna puke...” They thought one last time before heaving sharply, with such force that it caused them to double over and use their hand to brace themselves, leaving their mouth uncovered.
Without warning, they suddenly couldn’t hold it anymore, and multiple thick waves of sick poured from their mouth, and splattered onto the floor, barely giving them a moment to even breathe.
With a moment in-between, they could spare a glance around them, and    saw as the remaining people were now staring. 
“Nonononooo not *urp* not here... Not with people watching... gotta get out... so hot... bathroom... I’m gonna-” 
She wanted to move, but she was getting dizzy, making their stomach swirl more than before, and she braced their hands on their legs, afraid that they’d fall over if this continued- as vomit shot up their mouth, into their cheeks, and unable to gather the strength to fight back, puked up a few more waves of watery vomit.
Once the waves of vomit stopped for the time being, she stumbled back and collapsed into the couch, and lacked the strength to walk to the bathroom. They were unbearably hot, dizzy, their stomach churned, and the nausea didn’t seem to go away.
Perhaps they had caught something, and to make things worse, their gut gurgled wetly, and they needed the bathroom again... This was still going to be a long night...
Note about characters: - Mika (AFAB) is nonbinary, uses They/She, and though this job wasn’t their first choice, circumstances were what they were- They aren’t fond of their work outfit, and aren’t always comfortable with how “On Display” their breasts are in it, but they deal with it for work, and wears a binder while in their personal clothing - Saihe “Sai” (AMAB), goes by She/They, and is still trying to figure out her relationship with gender, as she only realized she was a girl recently, and is trying things out - Sena (AFAB) is Nonbinary, uses They/She, and is experimenting with their sexual/gender identity as well as trying to see if they are actually ok with having boobs or not, though they often bind
//Please Don’t Reblog to Non-Kink Blogs//
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kanasmusings · 2 years ago
[English Subs DL] SQS 5 - “The Disappearance of Takamura Shiki”
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Hi, hi~! Oh my gosh, I know this is waaaaaayyyy overdue, but I finally found the time to work on and completely finish the subtitles for SQS 5~! I worked on it early during its release, but I got sidetracked and put all my attention to SQS 6 and SQS 7 when they released.    ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ Either way, here they are now~! 
Just as a refresher, SQS 5 is the performance that didn’t have Higano Sho (Shiki) in it (just a video appearance), so it’s more of a light-hearted play despite the��alarming title. They do feature Keito, as well as two stage-original characters, Ranko-san and Hana-san, to add to the fun!
They really spiced it up by giving each performance a little twist in the ending depending on who wins their Werewolf Game, so it’s just as fun and as engaging as any other TsukiPro stage~!
That said, SQS7 - ZANSHIN should also be posted around this week or early next week just to complete the SQS subtitles collection~!  More VAZZROCK and TsukiSta 11th content are also on queue, so please look forward to them as well~  ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
BD PURCHASE LINKS: Movic | Animate | Stellaworth | CDJapan
Official Sites: Twitter | Website
Link, notes, and disclaimers under the cut, enjoy~!
※ THE FILE IS SUBTITLES ONLY, VIDEO IS NOT INCLUDED! I only share the soft subtitles, meaning you can’t play them without the video. If you want the video, please consider joining a split or buying a copy of the BD for yourself.
Please try and open the link on PC. Clicking on links on mobile sometimes takes you to a “cannot be opened” page, so PC/laptop would be best. 
Unlike most SQS performances, this one isn’t divided into RED and BLUE, so there is only one subtitle file ^^
[MOST IMPORTANT] Please DO NOT re-post the subs and the link outside of Tumblr! If you want to share outside, please, please DM me about it and link my blog to your post. That’s all I ask.
Please DO NOT remove my credits.
Please DO NOT re-translate without permission.
※ Please only DM me if there is a problem with the subtitles. I cannot help you if it’s related to the videos.
※ If you enjoyed my work, please consider buying me a coffee here, if you can. It’ll really help me out a lot.(o^▽^o) Thank you!!
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