#OC kiss week 21
saturnville · 5 months
stolen moments, major john egan
pairing: major john "bucky" egan x black fem oc (amelia mae egan)
content: john manages to call amelia after not hearing her voice for weeks.
an: this was the top choice in the poll so far. I've been anxious to write so we knocked this off the list first lol. enjoy!
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“Are you alright, Major?” 
They’d just arrived at a new station. It smelled like sweat and fear. Men streamed throught the doors like a school of fish. Their deep voices shook the brick walls as their conversations bellowed throughout the building. Dozens of men struggled to keep their composure. He was one of them.
He was overwhelmed. Tired. Desparate. His clothes felt tight against his body. The scent of gasoline and fumes clung to his vest. His hat damp and chilled against his forehead. His shoes were coated in black soot.
John’s eyes caught the telephone in the corner of the station. It was secluded from the rest of the quarters, in a corner, protected by a frosted glass divider. John's shoes grazed the dirty floor as he strode purposefully towards the telephone.
“M’fine. Head in and get your rest. Long day in the morning.” He didn’t know how he was able to make out coherent sentences. Gale stepped in, noticing his friend’s disheveled state and guided the men to the resting quarters. 
John’s shoes kissed the dirty floor as he stood long strides to the telephone. He shrugged off his backpack and slid it by his feet. His hands trembled as he plucked the phone off the hook and typed in the number he had engraved in his heart. 
It rang. And rang. And rang. His heartbeat was in his ears. His nails scratched as the black paint around the phone as he succumbed to his anxiety. He sent a silent prayer to God above. 
Then he heard it. “Hello?” John’s forehead tapped the frosted glass as he rested against it. Relief washed over him like a tidal wave. He’d never been particularly sensitive, but he was overwhelmed with emotion, good and bad, and hearing her sweet voice made his eyes well with tears. 
The words were stuck in his throat and all he could release was a heavy sigh. That seemed to be enough for her to identify the caller. “Johnny?” 
He shut his eyes. A lone tear fell from his eye. “Hey, Rosie.”
Amelia let out a soft cry. “Oh, thank God! I-I thought something happened to you; I hadn’t heard from you in weeks. Are you okay, where are you now? Is Gale alright, when are you coming…” His first instinct was to cut her rambling short, but the sound of her voice was the choir-like song his soul ached to hear. 
He’d gone three weeks without hearing her voice. It was the most tortuous three weeks of his life. For 21 days, he survived by remembering the last words she said before they hung up, Whatever you do, do not die on me, do you understand? I love you, John. I love you. I love you. I love you. It kept his heart beating.
A small smile tugged on his lips. “I’m okay, baby, I promise. Things got a little rough; didn’t stay in one place too long. I didn’t mean to scare you.”  
“I’m just happy to hear your voice…are you okay?” 
His stomach churned at her question. A feeling of despair threatened to creep upon him. Thirty men lost. A plane in the middle of the ocean. An uneasy stomach and even more uneasy mental state. His head pounded, his body shook with unwanted adrenaline, and his hands craved the feeling of her hot skin. He was not okay. 
“No,” he replied honestly, rubbing his eye with the stump of his palm. “I’m not okay but I will be. Especially because I get to talk to my favorite girl. Tell me about your day..”
He heard her heavy sigh. “Deflection won’t rid you of what you’re feeling.” 
“Talking about it won’t do too much good, either. It’s…it’s hard, Rose. I just.” John’s jaw clenched as he struggled to articulate what he felt. “I just can’t talk about it right now, Amelia. If I do, I don’t think I’ll be able to keep it together.” 
Silence stretched on, interrupted only by the sound of her shuffling on the other end. She was probably sitting at the edge of her bed. He imagined her, looking pretty in her long-sleeved pajamas and satin scarf, with a blanket tucked under her chin.
“Then how about this,” she started. “You make it home in one piece to tell me about it later, yeah?” 
“Always making demands,” John laughed. The first genuine sound of joy he’d made all day. And it made her smile. So wide that her cheeks were sore and her dimples made an appearance. “But you’ve got a deal.” He readied himself to speak again, but a tap on his shoulder interrupted him. 
Gale. Meeting with the CO in five minutes, he mouthed. John nodded. He ran a hand through his dirty hair. “Darlin’, I’ve got a meeting in five minutes; I’m sorry.  If I don’t call in the morning, know I love you, alright?” 
“I know. I love you, too. Don’t apologize. Just make it back to me.”
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bunnyhugs77 · 2 years
Tokyo Drift
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Pairing: Street Racer! Jungkook x CEO Daughter! Reader 
Word Count: 2.1k
Content Warning: street racing, sneaking out (even though oc is 21), jungkook is secretly whipped, secret relationship, sexual themes, talks about getting a tattoo, speeding, oc wears pretty skirts, victory lap.
Other Content: size kink, manhandling, oral sex (f! receiving), just porn without plot tbh, oc has big titties, oc squirts, wall sex, strength kink, teasing, crying, fingering, sloppy makeout sesh on the hood of jungkook’s car ;) 
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"I’m serious, Y/n. I want you staying home tonight, I don’t want you anywhere near all that reckless street racing.” Your father instructs but it was going in one ear and right out the other. 
“Daddy, they’re not reckless, they know what they’re doing--” He rolls his eyes as you tried to reason with him.
“Bullshit, Y/n. If they really knew what they were doing, putting their lives in danger just for some cash, they would have realized by now it's idiotic and pointless.” He shakes his head as he approaches your bedroom door, “Do not leave this house.” That’s the the last thing he says to you before shutting your door behind him. 
You could not believe him, you’re twenty one for god’s sake, twenty-two in a few weeks actually, he couldn’t boss you around like you were still a kid. Despite his words, you waited up like you usually did, this was not the first time you had this argument after all. 
You waited until all the house lights were turned off and you made your way down the grand staircase that posed as an inconvenience to you in the dark while you headed for the front door; assuring the alarm was silent for your escape. 
Finally free, you took a breath of fresh air as you got into your custom porsche parked right outside the house. You’re unable to deny yourself of the bubbling excitement that grew in your stomach as you got closer to the parking lot of the diner where the cars typically met up on race night. 
Your car was practically nothing compared to the others on the lot; you took note of this as you stepped through the array of cars until you found who you were looking for, leaned up against the hood of his sleek black and blue corvette. 
You failed to contain the smile that spread across your face the moment you saw him, “hey princess,” he gently cups your face in his hand, straightening his posture before leaning down to peck your lips. 
A cool night breeze flew past the both of you causing you to shiver slightly, his eyes analyzed your clothing, mini skirt and an off-the-shoulder top. His face immediately washed over in concern as he took your hand in his, loving how small and warm yours felt in his much larger one. 
“baby, it’s chilly tonight. I don’t want you to get cold.” You couldn’t believe he was real. He was always putting your needs first which is how you found yourselves in the diner’s bathroom, door locked, skirt pushed up and your ass on the edge of the sink with his hands on your hips as he kissed you deeply. 
Your hands roaming over each other’s bodies radiating with more desperation and need for one another the longer you were in each other’s presence. “j-jungkook-- your race,” you had to pull yourself back out of his hold in order to look at him straight, your hair was already a little disheveled and eyes hazy as you looked at him. 
he takes a look at his watch, a mischievous smile spreading across his red and abused lips, “we’ve got 15 minutes,” he clarifies which still doesn’t have you convinced, “but that’s not--” if only you knew what you were getting yourself into with those words. 
“I can make you cum in forty-five seconds if i wanted to. we have time.” his voice so brash and deep as if it was a growl as he worked at raising your top over your bra before pulling the latter down to let your full tits spill over, 00revealing themselves to him. 
a strangled groan was caught in the back of his throat before he began marking your chest, lips puckering around the buds of your nipples as his tongue lapped over them, sending chills down your spine.
“mmm, feels so good,” you moaned your legs spreading to make more room for him as your hands crawled their way to his hair, tightening their grip as he nipped lightly at your sensitive buds. “you’re so fucking stunning, you know that?” he hums as he kissed down your abdomen where he made sure to leave a trail of hickeys behind. 
he slowly crouched lower to his knees, the sink being the perfect height for his intentions with you. You helped to raise your hips making it easier for him to pull down the soaked fabric of your underwear down your legs. another shiver running down your spine as you watched him pocket them.
“so so pretty, hmm-- my pretty girl.” the vibration of his voice against your bare and exposed cunt sent your legs flying shut to which he kept pried open with one hand. 
“keep your fucking legs open or I won’t let you cum.” the thought of not being able to release the burning heat that built within your core shook you to the bone. you shook your head fearfully, that being the last thing you wanted but you couldn’t seem to move at the sensation of his wet, warm tongue working against you. “i’ll be good, p-promise,”
“i know you’ll be good, you’re always such a good girl for me,” he coos before continuing his sinful attack on your pussy with his mouth. your vocabulary was failing you as you his tongue flicked over your bud, lapping up at your folds, he was so fucking filthy with his tongue it had your eyes rolling back.
 Your eyes tightened in his hair eliciting a deep groan to erupt from him which felt like it was bouncing off the walls of your cunt. “fuck- jungkook-” 
“feels so good,” you say breathlessly, feeling as though he was eating you out within an inch of your life. he chuckled darkly, looking up only to be met with the sight of your head hanging back, with one hand in his hair and the other gripping the edge of the sink for dear life. 
the feeling of his tongue prodding at your entrance had your legs shaking, welcoming an indescribable feeling to consume you before you could even identify it, “s-stop stop-- gonna” you weren’t the only one caught off guard by your orgasm, you’re sure jungkook would’ve liked more time to prepare before you squirted on his face. 
He pulls away from you slowly, not breaking the eye contact he had with your sopping cunt. “holy shit, y/n. did you just--” your face was red in embarrassment, “i’m sorry--” before your apology could even fully leave your lips jungkook had risen to his feet, manhandling to get you off the sink and against the nearest wall. 
you’ve never seen this look before, as if he wanted to consume you whole. “don’t fucking apologize. that was so hot-- shit, do you feel what you do to me?” With one hand holding your leg up by his waist he used his other to guide your free hand to feel his rock hard cock from beneath his jeans. 
your face returned to its previous shade of red. he checked his watch, he was running out of time but he would much rather be balls deep in you than speeding down the street. 
“does your daddy know you’re out here at this time, princess?” he was teasing you, he knows how much your father hates you coming to his races but something about you breaking the rules to support him just makes him strive to see you fucked out all the more. 
the second your mouth opened to respond you feel two fingers plunge into you knowing you were more than wet enough to take it, “hmm? what was that? I didn’t quite catch that?” He laughs wickedly, seeing those familiar tears pool in your eyes, the same ones that drove him insane. “n-no, he doesn’t know-- ah.” you yell at the stretch of his third finger joining the other two. 
“such a bad girl i have here, how disobedient of you.” his teasing was only adding to heat that was burning inside you, bringing you closer and closer to your high before it was ripped away from you along with his fingers.
you whined loudly in protest, “you didn’t think i wasn’t going to fuck you, did you?” he questions you, letting you down for just a moment to pull his jeans down along with his boxers, letting his cock stand tall and proud as it his toned abdomen after he discarded his shirt. 
you watched with a hungry gaze as he pumped himself a few times, sucking in a sharp breath between his teeth before lining himself up with your soaked cunt.  he didn’t have the time to tease but he wished he did. ‘next time’  he thinks to himself. 
it’s a breathtaking stroke, quite literally as it seems to have sucked the air from both of your lungs the moment he bottoms out. your nails leaving intricate details on his back, sure to leave slight welts by tomorrow morning. “fuck y/n, this pussy is a dream.” he groans, his pace picking up significantly, hips jackhammering against you as he holds you up against the wall with both hands under your thighs, gripping them tight enough to leave bruises. 
Sometimes when you don’t get the chance to see each other what really gets him off is the thought of you tattooing his name onto your inner thigh. subconsciously gripping them tighter at the idea. For you, it was thinking about how big and strong he was, the way he could hold you in this position for hours with absolutely no struggle, the thought alone made you clench around him.
“jungkook! slow down,” your words sounded more of a question than an order making him laugh as he knows you’re already feeling a little sensitive after your previous orgasm, “yeah? that’s what you want? want me to move like this?” he slows down, rolling his hips to the pace that it was slow but deep. 
initially he only did it thinking it would piss you off but the way it made you spasm around his length made him reconsider the pace until he remembered how little time he had. leaving you winded as he suddenly resumed his inhumane pace, your tits bouncing like the girls in his wildly explicit animes. 
“j-jungkook, i’m gonna--” in the end it was jungkook’s vocality that brought you to the edge and pushed you over, this time somehow feeling even more powerful than the first with the added sensitivity leaving you screaming.
with your hair all over the place, tits out, and wet cheeks jungkook couldn’t hold himself back from blowing his load, “shit shit shit,” a string of profanities slip past his lips as he reaches his high before coating your velvet walls with his hot cum.
your foreheads rest against each other for just a moment as you catch your breath, coming down from your highs with a few small kisses here and there until reality settles in that jungkook has no more than 2 minutes to get to the starting line.
the two of you had never moved with such speed, you did your best with your slightly altered walk credit to jungkook’s energetic thrusts to your poor pussy.
he made it in the knick of time, you watched from the sidelines in the large crowd as jungkook and his competitor drove up to the line until they were side by side.
there was a girl who stood in the middle of the two cars with her hands high in the air, by the time she brought them back down the two cars had completely vanished, speeding down the strip far out of view.
It was no more than 5 minutes before the high maintenance vehicles came racing back into view, it looked almost as if it was a tie but anyone could see jungkook had crossed the line mere milliseconds before. the cheers roared to fill the street, the people behind you celebrated loudly, music suddenly beginning to play from speakers that others had brought. 
Just as jungkook pulled into the parking lot once again you hardly gave him enough time to park before running towards the vehicle, he stepped out, picking you up from the back of your thighs, your legs instinctively wrapping around his hips as he spun you around. 
“Congratulations!” you cheered, letting out a small puff of air as you felt him place you on the warm hood of his car, his large hands snaking back down around your waist as he kissed you passionately. It was all adrenaline and tongue, your hands swinging over his shoulders while he deepened the kiss before he pulled away.
“wanna go for a victory lap? let me take you for a ride.” he grins. 
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roosterforme · 5 months
Adult Education Part 21 | Hangman x OC
Summary: Jake works to secure his future with Jessica while also being supportive of her. She is dreading Brian's return to work, but she recognizes that she finally has the friends she deserves.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, drinking, language, 18+
Length: 4200 words
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female OC
This story is part of the Beer Boy and Sugar universe but can be read on its own! Adult Education masterlist
Seriously, who let Jake on my masterlist!? Banner by @mak-32
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Jessica had never been hungover during the week before, but all the celebratory champagne and rough sex had definitely gone to her head a little bit. She groaned when she felt Jake's hand on her shoulder. "Baby, you have to get up," he said, voice hoarse next to her ear. "We have to go to work."
"Oh, god," she groaned, rolling over away from him. "No."
"You have to," he repeated. "It's your first day with tenure, Reedy. You have to go."
A smile spread across her lips in spite of her headache, and she whispered, "Tenure. I have tenure."
"You sure do," Jake drawled softly, and she finally opened her eyes to see him grinning at her. "If you get up now, I'll make you breakfast."
Her stomach growled so loudly they both laughed, and then she pouted playfully. "But I don't have a waffle iron."
He kissed her forehead. "No. But I do. And you told me you weren't going to renew your lease."
"I'm not," she whispered as her heart swelled with happiness. 
"Well, soon enough you'll have daily access to waffles," he whispered, kissing her just below her ear. "I guess I better start cleaning out my closet to make room for your lingerie collection."
Now she wanted to move in with him as soon as possible. She could already picture herself organizing all of her pretty pieces in his nice closet while modeling a few of them for him. She still had some things he'd never seen her in, and it was going to be so much fun to tease him. 
"Get up," he said, patting her butt as he climbed out of bed. "I'll make some eggs."
Jessica went through her morning routine only after taking some Advil, and she had to drink two mugs of coffee before she really felt human. She also left her apartment a good fifteen minutes after than she usually did. "You'll be late," she fretted, running toward her car which was parked next to Jake's truck. "You'll get in trouble."
"Nah," he replied, "Bradshaw will cover for me." He kissed Jessica as she tried to push him toward his truck, stumbling in her high heels.
"Go to work. Goodbye. I love you," she said quickly. "I'll see you tonight!" 
"See you tonight, tenured Dr. Reed," he called out as she climbed into her car and started the engine. 
Jessica barely had time to get to her office before she had to grab her notebooks and head back downstairs to give her first lecture of the day. But it felt so damn good to stand there in front of her students. Dr. Rosenthal wouldn't be stopping in, because he didn't need to. Because she had tenure. And now that her headache was virtually gone and the breakfast that Jake made was sitting nicely in her belly, she kind of felt like screaming about it from the rooftops. 
But she settled for screaming about it at lunchtime when she grabbed the little container of food Jake made and took it over to the math building. After one knock on her friend's office door, it swung open revealing a bright smile. Jessica screeched quietly and hugged her. 
"I have tenure," she whispered.
"Well, obviously," Advanced Calculus replied. "There was never any doubt in my mind."
Jessica set her lunch down on the desk while her friend closed the door. "I can't thank you enough for everything you did for me. Helping me set everything up with Rosenthal and giving up so much of your free time and everything," she gushed. "Just... thank you. And I hope you had a nice time at the library with Bradley."
She snorted in response as she opened her tie dye lunchbox. "Bradley had a great time at the library, as per usual. And once again, I don't think you appreciate how very much I want to see Brian go down like a sinking ship. In fact, I volunteered for another special project."
"What kind of project?" Jessica asked as she watched her friend dip a carrot stick into some hummus. 
"I can't talk about it quite yet. I have another meeting with Dean Walters in an hour, but I think it's a project that you'll fully support." Then she bit into the carrot like a woman who was in complete control of her surroundings, and Jessica couldn't think of a single reason why she couldn't be the same way.
"If you think I'll appreciate your new project, then I can't wait to hear about it later," she said, taking a bite of the delicious food Jake made for her. 
"I'll tell you all about it as soon as I can."
After lunch, Jessica took some time to gather her scattered notes to teach Brian's senior studies class for the last time. She learned as much about chemistry from the students as they had from her, and after she worked a few problems out on the board with them, she asked, "If you have any other questions for me, please let me know now. This is the last time I'll be covering this class."
"What do you mean?" one of the students asked, leaning forward in his seat. 
"Dr. Conley will be back for class next week," she explained, and then she heard an outraged sigh followed by some muttering. "It'll be okay though," she said in a tone she hoped was reassuring. "You've all been doing so well, and you're so close to graduation now!"
"But Dr. Conley doesn't even show up to class."
"He doesn't help us with anything."
"Is there any way you can stay until the end of the semester?"
"What about the practice problems you give us?"
The sudden influx of comments and questions made Jessica feel better and also so much worse at the same time. She let them all get their concerns out of their system before she said, "My office hours are always available for you. And you can still email me if you want to. I can even try to make more practice problems, but honestly, all of you are much better at chemistry than I am. Maybe you can run the class yourselves if Dr. Conley isn't here?"
She hated Brian. She actually still hated him. But more so for these students now than on her own behalf. They all looked concerned and apprehensive, and she spent another ten minutes talking to them until they were calm enough to head to their next class. She wished she could finish teaching them for the rest of the semester, and she decided she would ask Dean Walters if there was any chance she could teach her own senior studies class for physics majors next school year.
Jake was already home and showered with dinner in the oven, eating some chips on the couch while he waited for Jessica. He was keeping a running tally of things he still needed to give her since he'd already willingly handed over his heart. His spare key was sitting next to his feet which were propped up on the coffee table. He had already cleaned out half of his closet and consolidated his stuff to make some room. And he wanted to pay for the flights to Massachusetts and Texas for her once she approved the dates. 
When his phone lit up with a text letting him know she was here, he ran down to her car in just his sweatpants and slippers with his spare key ring looped around his finger. "Did you have a good day?" he asked, taking her overnight bag from her hand as she locked her car.
"I did," she replied quietly. "I left so late, because I talked to the dean about teaching my own senior studies class next term."
She smiled as they walked to his condo. "He said it's a good possibility now that I have tenure."
"There's nothing you can't do." Jake kissed her and pressed the key ring into her hand.
"What's this?" she asked, looking at it as she stood outside the front door. "Oh!" She slipped it into the lock and let them both inside as she blushed. "You want me to have it now? Even though I'm not moving in quite yet?"
"Please," he replied as he walked inside, his eyes catching on the print of his jet that she gave him for his birthday. "You can come and go as you want, but I hope you'll be here more often than not."
Jake watched as she took her keys out again and added his ring to them. "Thank you." She was fiddling with them a little bit when she looked up at him as she stepped out of her high heels. "Brian will be back tomorrow," she said softly. "That's what Dr. Rosenthal told me when I ran into him. And if he doesn't know I have tenure by now, he'll find out soon enough."
Jake collected her in his arms. "He can't do anything about it now, Reedy. It's a done deal. And unless you fuck up spectacularly at work, which you definitely won't, he's not entitled to say anything about it."
She nodded against him. "I know that. I do know that, but I still don't want to have to see him and hear his stupid, condescending voice complain about me."
He pressed his nose to her hair and kissed her before he whispered, "You wear your tenure like a shield. And if he can't figure out how to shut his mouth, you let me know, and I'll be there in an instant."
Jessica shivered in his arms. "That shouldn't sound as sexy as it does. You know..." she mused, "none of this would have happened if you hadn't punched Brian in the face the first time. So I guess I really have you to thank."
"How so?" Jake asked as he led her to the kitchen where the oven timer was going off. 
"You punched Brian, and then his wife saw his messed up face. And then she came to campus looking for answers and found him with the teaching assistant. And then he took a leave of absence." When Jake set down the baking dish and glanced over his shoulder, she was smiling brightly. "Jake, you literally saved my career with your fist!"
He shrugged and shook off his oven mitts. "All I did was punch someone who was trying to intimidate my girlfriend. I'll do it again if I have to. Now, would you like some parmesan cheese sprinkled on top of your dinner?" he asked as he cut into the casserole. He ended up with Jessica in his arms. 
Jessica heard the whispers all day on Thursday. If Dr. Rosenthal hadn't told her that Brian was coming back, she would have chalked it up to everyone at the university being addicted to their daily gossip, but she half expected to see him lurking around every corner. She kind of wanted to go right to Brian's office, knock on the door and tell him that she got tenure just to get it over with. But when she thought about seeing his face, she shook her head in disgust. 
She hadn't heard much from Jake all day, and Advanced Calculus was scarce as well. But when she went to the lounge to make a sad cup of coffee before her office hours started, the teaching assistant that Brian had been sleeping with was in there along with another one that Jessica wasn't familiar with. They must not have seen her at first as they were clearly talking about Brian.
"He looks terrible, honestly. Like he hasn't slept. I'm sure he's going to ask me if I want to mess around again, especially since his wife left."
"I don't know. I heard he's actually pretty upset that she took the kids. But I really want to know who broke his nose in the first place."
Jessica considered sneaking back out of the room, but it was too late. They had seen her, and they both snapped their mouths closed. Had Sabrina Conley really taken their kids? Was she gone for good? Jessica thought she'd probably be better off without her husband. She also wanted to ask the TA if she knew Brian was married when they were messing around before, but it was really none of her business. 
"Hi," she greeted evenly, strolling toward the coffee maker. The only sound in the small room was her high heels tapping against the floor as she walked. But neither of them said a word in response before they turned and left. Maybe they were embarrassed about being caught talking about Brian, or maybe Jessica still had a bad reputation in the science department. Either way, she was going to take her coffee upstairs and wait for Luca to stop by before spending the night cuddled up with Jake. 
When she finished stirring her drink and turned toward the door, she almost spilled her coffee all over herself. "Brian," she gasped, taking an awkward step backwards so her hip hit the edge of the counter a bit painfully. He looked so angry, she immediately felt like her heart was going to explode out of her chest as her nerves took over. 
"Call me Dr. Conley," he snapped, and she could feel her face flushing with embarrassment as she stood there silently. 
Jessica's hands shook as she tried to walk to the door, but he didn't budge from his spot blocking her exit path. "Excuse me," she said, trying her best to sound stronger than she felt. 
"I don't even want to know how badly your lesson plans have gone off course over the past few weeks," he practically growled. "You're going to need to schedule a meeting with me to go over everything. The sooner the better."
Brian looked surprised by her response. "Yes," he replied with a sarcastic laugh. "I know you think you really did something special by getting that asshole to punch me in the face, but your days here are fucking numbered. Understand?"
"No," Jessica repeated as Jake's voice in her mind kept telling her to wear her tenure like a shield. Plus, she could clearly picture the paperwork she signed with Dr. Rosenthal since she read over it a dozen times. "I don't have to answer to you about my curriculum choices any longer."
He laughed. "Okay, so now you're unreliable, slutty, and stupid?"
"I have tenure," she said firmly, gripping the coffee a little tighter while his eyes bugged out in anger. 
He shook his head. "You can't get tenure unless you get it through me," he snarled.
Jessica looked at his crooked nose and miserable expression, and if she wasn't on the verge of tears, she might have laughed. "You can ask Dean Walters for a copy of my signed paperwork. And if you have concerns about my curriculum, then you can take it up with him." She tried to duck past him through the doorway, certain her resolve was almost gone now. 
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Brian demanded loudly, and she jumped back. "Explain yourself right fucking now."
"Dr. Conley!" came a familiar voice from the hallway, and then Dr. Rosenthal was poking his head in the lounge door. "You shouldn't be raising your voice like that to Dr. Reed, especially since you're on probation."
"Probation?" Jessica whispered, and Brian's face soured further.
"Mind your own business, Rosenthal," he snapped, and under his breath he added, "you should have retired a decade ago."
"Yes. Probation," came another familiar voice as Advanced Calculus strolled in with a notebook in her hand like she hadn't a care in the world. She stopped right in front of Brian with her back to Jessica, acting almost like a buffer. "He's in a lot of trouble," she said in a voice that bordered on teasing, and Brian's face grew pink.
"What do you mean?" Jessica whispered, and the other woman smirked at her over her shoulder.
"He's on probation for a history of behavioral issues, and I volunteered to be his probation officer of sorts," she replied before turning back toward Brian. "Don't forget, Dean Walters asked to check in with me on Tuesdays and Thursdays. And I'll be dropping by your classes to make sure you actually show up to them. Oh, and I'll have to add to my report that you raised your voice to a professor with tenure while she was just trying to make a cup of coffee." She tapped her notebook. "It's not looking good, Brian."
Jessica watched Dr. Rosenthal shuffle away after he cleared his throat, and Brian spun on his heel to follow suit. "Is this for real?" Jessica asked, looking around the room to try and tell if she was in a dream.
"Yep. He's my new volunteer project. I think Dean Walters could just tell that I have a lot of experience taming fuckboys. But Brian takes the cake, let me tell you. He's been skipping out on his classes to meet up with different women."
Jessica adjusted her glasses and looked at the floor as she whispered, "I never missed my classes when he and I were...."
"Of course not," she said blandly. "That's why you were given tenure instead of being put on probation. You actually do your job. He doesn't. Now, I was thinking about Chippy's tomorrow night? Kind of a celebration?"
Jessica just blinked at her. "A celebration for what?"
"You! A tenure party! Fratraiser part deux as Bradley has been calling it. You know what, I'll take care of the whole thing. Don't even stress about it."
Jessica had been planning on spending the weekend cleaning out her apartment before she started to move a few things to Jake's place. But going out for a bit could be fun. She had more friends in San Diego now than she ever dreamed she would. "What were you thinking? Like a double date?"
"Something like that," she replied with a twinkle in her eye. "How about tomorrow night at eight?"
"Let me check with Jake," she said right away.
"Oh, Jake already knows."
"We'll just stay for a little bit and then head home again," Jessica whispered as she and Jake made their way slowly from his truck to Chippy's. He was fucking obsessed with the way she just called his condo home. He was obsessed with everything about her as he pressed her up against the side of Chippy's out on the sidewalk. She'd let him dress her for the night by turning it into a game, and he had chosen a black lace bodysuit paired with a mini skirt and denim jacket.
"I made a mistake," he whispered, voice rough with need as he let his hand slip underneath the skirt. Then he moaned, "A huge mistake."
She laughed as he bumped her glasses with his nose while he kissed her ear. "Did you?"
Jake was uncomfortably hard in his jeans. "Baby, I really want to fuck you. And your outfit is not helping," he added as he squeezed her bare thigh.
"That's your fault," she whispered with a grin while he whined. "Seriously, we'll just stay for a drink or two. It'll be like a double date. And then we can do whatever you want, okay?"
Jake took her hand in his, kissed her fingers and said, "On the way home, you're ordering those toys from that dirty website you found. I think we need all of them."
He could tell she was blushing in the darkness by the warmth of her cheeks against his lips. "Okay," she agreed softly, and Jake had to adjust himself in his jeans before they could walk inside. 
"Holy shit," he gasped when a crowd of people cheered Congratulations! to his girlfriend. Bradshaw's wife didn't mention there would be this many people in attendance. He saw Bradshaw with his backwards hat and hideous tie dye shirt with his arms wrapped around his wife, but all of the other aviators were there, too. Jake spotted a much older man in a sweater vest sipping a beer, and he assumed that must have been Rosenthal. And of course someone had invited Dev.
"You okay?" Jake asked Jessica as she just stood next to him with happy tears in her eyes. She nodded and sniffed as she read the banner that was hanging above Chippy behind the bar. 
"Yeah, I'm okay," she whispered, burying herself against Jake as he wrapped his arm around her. "I'm just surprised so many people cared enough to be here."
"Don't cry, Jess!" Bradley shouted over the music and conversation as his wife headed over. "It's a happy occasion! It's not like you're in a relationship with Jake or something horrible. Oh... wait...."
Jake shot him a nasty look while he laughed hysterically, and he watched Jessica hug everyone in attendance, thanking all of them individually for coming to her party. Jake briefly wrapped his arms around her and kissed her as he asked, "You want a Sam Adams, Baby?"
"Yes," she replied, but then she added, "but I want to thank Chippy, too." And with that, Jessica walked right behind the bar and gave the grouchy bar owner a hug, and Jake saw a rare smile break out on his face. "Thank you for always welcoming me here," she told him softly while Jake leaned on the bar. "I felt safe here when I didn't really feel safe anywhere else."
Chippy patted her on the head and then started to push her away as he got a little emotional himself. "You're always welcome here, Reedy," he told her before he started to reach for some bowls to fill them with peanuts, and Jessica walked back around the bar and into Jake's arms. Chippy poured a few beers, and set them down in front of Jake as he growled, "So I guess you're sticking around then?"
"Looks that way," Jake replied, leaning down to kiss Jessica's cheek. "Until this one comes to her senses."
"I told you I wouldn't," she replied with a laugh. Then she turned to Chippy and said, "He's not so bad. And he's sweet to me."
"Then I guess he can stay," Chippy replied with a shrug, still glaring slightly. 
Jake picked up two beers and led the way to a table near the others while Jessica carried the peanuts. "I think he finally tolerates me," Jake boasted. 
"It only took you several months," she replied with a smirk. "Chippy didn't fall for your charms as quickly as I did."
Jake set the beers down next to the peanuts and pulled Jessica closer to him. "You made me work hard for it. Ever since the first night I met you when you brought me here for a three dollar beer."
She reached up and raked her fingers through his hair. "I had to know for sure. That you really wanted me."
Jake kissed her rough on the lips right in front of everyone. "I need you, Jessica," he promised, making her smile. "I love you."
"Okay, that's enough of that," Bradshaw's wife said, clapping her hands to get everyone's attention. "I just have a few words I want to say." She looked a little emotional as she started. "Jessica, you've become one of my very best friends in just a few short months. I know that your time at San Diego State started off a little rocky for you, and I'm sincerely sorry from the bottom of my heart that I didn't take the time to get to know you last semester when you really needed a friend in your corner. You're one of the kindest and smartest people I have ever met in my life."
Jake held Jessica as she looked like she was about to cry. "I'm the one who should be saying nice things to you!" she replied, swiping at her tears behind her glasses. "You've done so much to help me."
"And you've done so much by taking Jake off our hands for us," Bradley added loudly as everyone started laughing. 
"That's fair," Jake admitted with a grin as he pressed his lips to Jessica's hair.
Then Bradshaw's wife lifted her pint glass in the air, and everyone else did as well. "Congratulations on your tenure, Dr. Reed!"
The bar erupted in loud cheers, and Bradley shook up a bottle of champagne. Jake spent the rest of the night kissing the sticky sweetness from Jessica's face and making sure Dev kept his hands to himself. He made sure his girlfriend always had a Sam Adams in her hand and that her denim jacket was neatly buttoned over that bodysuit that he was dying to get his hands on. 
He didn't mind sharing Jessica with everyone else for the evening, especially since she'd made such a good friend in Bradshaw's wife. But much later, when Jessica turned and looked at him while she intentionally unbuttoned her jacket, he was more than ready to get her alone. 
"Take me home, Jake," she said sweetly, reaching for his hand. "I'm ready to go home."
He kissed her lips and wrapped his arms around her. "Let's get out of here, Smart Girl."
I hope you loved reading this as much as I have loved writing it! There will not be just one, but TWO epilogues! Stay tuned for those and pegging! Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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s-4pphics · 1 year
rip, halloweekend! (e.w.)
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hi😳 it’s my last week as a student and i felt sad so i wrote fratadjacent!ellie lol. literally just wanted to reminisce on party hookups since they’re over for me </3 
wc;cw: 3.4k mmm, MDNI!!, NOT PROOFREAD AT ALL IM VERY BUSY LOL, all ocs r black coded y’all see it, mentions of (faux)blood and vomit like once, alcohol weed it’s a party duh, 21 and tee grizzley promo like pay me, girls kissing🤭, dubcon(every1 is faded af lol), ellie’s sleazy, mentions of orgies and anal? uh oh, ellie’s so cocky <3, dirty talk, fingering, eating out no mcdonalds, spanking ass and tits lol, okie yeah dassit <3 
everyone say thank u to the loml @fandomshitpostingqueen 4 the title :3
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Your school always turned up and out for Halloween. 
You and your friends had been complaining about how trash the parties have been for months, but now the streets are littered with people dressed as bare as possible in the freezing cold. They were all shotgunning beers in the middle of the street, blasting trap music through their portable speakers, throwing up everywhere. 
And you were so excited! This was going to be fun. 
You never particularly liked going to frat parties: their houses were never clean, it was always boiling hot in the basement, and the cops almost always showed up to shut the entire place down (only for another party to blow up in the early hours in the morning, and they shut them down, too! Fuckers!). But after your first ever mind-numbing, toe-curling, drunken fuck with… her at the Alpha Sigma Phi house in September last year, you hardly ever stepped foot in clubs again. 
You two weren’t super close even though you fucked on and off, but you were friends with her housemate, Riley, so whenever she invited you over, you would discreetly watch Ellie silently making cereal—high out of her mind—in only her sports bra and gray sweats. You hadn’t seen her since the start of the semester, when she’d dropped off your wobbly, highly intoxicated roommate with after she’d snapped you a hey. ur roomie drank alooottt and is really fucked up rn imma drop her off leave the door unlocked pls lol. 
It was a mystery how they got past your building's security since your roommate could barely hold up her I.D. according to Ellie, but you didn’t press since she seemed in a rush to get back to the party she was at. She quickly laid your friend in her bed before throwing you a quick see ya! before fleeing out the door. You didn’t even have a chance to properly look at her before your own door slammed in your face. 
And now here you are, standing in the frat entry line freezing your ass off in your slutty, glittery angel costume with a cheap, but feathered halo atop your head. Your dress barely passed your thighs, and your white, lace-up heels were getting scuffed on the concrete. You didn’t even want to be an angel, but your friends forced you to match with them with their demands of Were gonna be Charlie’s Angels, bitch I’m not playing!, to which you’d argue, they weren’t actually angels, clown! But after three days of consistent glares and pleading from your googly-eyed group, you gave in. 
“Bro, I’m so fuckin’ excited. I need more shots, I need more shots! —“
“Can you shut the fuck up, you sound crazy,” your good friend, Cleo said to your… feening friend, Evelyn. A gust of Fall wind blew past all of you, and you shivered in unison. 
“It’s too fucking cold for this shit! If y’all would’ve let me down that Svedka bottle, I would be warm as fuck right now!” Evelyn pressed at both of you between chattering teeth. 
“Bitch, you almost peed in these people's kitchen sink the last time you did some stupid shit like that! In front of everyone!” Cleo scolded with a glare, and Evelyn scoffed before turning away to look at the moving line. Your friend then turned her attention to you. 
“You tryna see your girlfriend?” Cleo said to you with a smirk while she hit her dab, and you rolled your eyes so hard, they almost fell out. 
“She’s not my fuckin’ girlfriend, shut up,” you tried to say as convincingly as possible. They both snorted at your attempts, clearly in denial. 
Your friends always made it sound like you were in love with Ellie when she was brought up. You could admit to having a crush on her, sure, but you weren’t always craving her attention. You let her come and go as she pleased, and you did the same. 
Your thoughts were cut off by some drunk, obnoxious asshole screaming at the two of you to pull out your school I.Ds. You all did, and the door immediately pulled open, and you were hit in the face with the bass from the speakers. You all entered, hand in hand, and watched people dance in masks, people making out, people twerking on the counter. And you all were finally warm. 
You moved through the packed, LED lit house to where everyone was dancing, and you and your friends made a small circle in the middle of the crowded floor. Evelyn managed to snag an unopened bottle of Tito’s from the counter and you, and Cleo stared in shock as she downed three large gulps like it was water. You snatched the bottle from her before she could get any more down, only to take three large sips of your own, before turning to Cleo, ushering her to lean her head back so you could pour some in her mouth. 
You felt lighter. 
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Thirty minutes passed, and Cleo was throwing it back on you, and you were throwing it back on Evelyn as she clumsily thrusted her hips into your ass, bottle in hand. Your halo was tipping, you were sweating out your press, and your glittery liner was smudging, but you couldn’t give a fuck. 21 was on, and nothing else mattered. 
Until Evelyn stopped, pulling you up to her chest and sloppily whispered that she had to pee. You shook your head as you giggled, pulling a very high Cleo up to guide her to the bathroom by her iced-out wrist.
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The line for the bathroom was so fucking long. What the fuck. 
But you and your friends were finally next. Evelyn was leaning back against the wall as she squeezed her legs together, whining out quiet dontpeedontpeedontpee’s to herself with her eyes shut. You shook your head at her. 
However, you all immediately stiffened when you heard a desired squeal of fuck yes, like that! coming from the bathroom. That’s why y’all were standing here for so fucking long?! So somebody could get their nut?! 
Cleo shook her head with a I know you fuckin’ lying before banging her fist on the door. “Bro, hurry the fuck up! We don’t have time for this shit!”
“Hold the fuck on, damn!” and your back straightened at the voice, eyebrows furrowing. Ohh, shit oh fuck! —
And the door swung open, revealing a very flushed Ellie, lips glistening and eyes tinted pink with a black cloak on, Scream mask in hand. She even had fake blood smeared on her face. And a girl in a devil costume hopping off the counter, adjusting the horns on her head. 
You made eye contact with Ellie, and she froze, only to quirk her slit brow at you, slowly gazing at your attire from top to bottom before reconnecting your eyes. You shivered, and she smirked. 
The demon girl snatched Ellie’s wrist to lead her out of the bathroom as Evelyn rushed in, barely shutting the door behind her. You held Ellie’s searing contact as she trailed behind the girl, nodding her head in greeting as she brushed past you, leaving the hallway. You turned towards Cleo, who’d been barricading the door for Evelyn, shaking her head at you with a knowing grin. You let out a quiet fuck you as she busted out laughing. 
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Sometime in the night, you all scurried back to the dance for when First Day Out blasted through the speakers. You have zero recollection of what happened after you ran towards the packed dance floor(all your liquor body-slammed you at once!), but your tongue was shoved in Cleo’s mouth as she grinded on Evelyn, holding her by her thigh to pull her closer. She pulled away, licking your bottom lip as you both smiled before your hazy gaze traveled behind Evelyn, locking with the ones you were conflicted about seeing tonight. 
Ellie was smoking by herself, just watching you. You held her stare as you wrapped your arms around Cleo, drunkenly waving your hand to lure her over. She smirked around her blunt before shrugging, shaking her head no. You sent her a pout. 
“Ellie’s over there,” you bent down to talk in Cleo’s ear. 
She hummed in acknowledgment against your neck, “We’ll be alright. Go see her.” 
“You sure?” 
“Yeah, I got her,” She said in reference to a very drunk Evelyn screaming out YOU KNOW I BROUGHT MY KNIFE!
“Text me if anything happens, okay?” You demanded, and she nodded before encouragingly patting your ass. 
You unwrapped yourself from your friend, squeezing through the crowd until you reached a very… calm Ellie. She was leaning back with her head propped up against the wall, doing tricks with every exhale of smoke. You leaned up next to her, shoulder to shoulder. 
Neither of you said anything, but she held her blunt up to your face. You accepted, parting your lips to inhale the smoke as you watched the lit tip shine orange. You pulled away, leaving the remnants of your gloss behind, and breathed in before exhaling away from her. 
You watched as she pulled her phone out, slowly typing something out with one hand as she ripped from the blunt again. 
You felt your phone vibrate in your bra. 
You looked at her suspiciously before pulling it out, unlocking it to open the snap from Ellie.
e: cum upstairs? 
y: 😐
You turned to her and watched her smile before typing. You looked back down at your phone. 
e: lemme give u some imsorry head :(
y: 😐
e: pleek 
y: where
e: upstairs duh 
e: jesses gone 4 the weekend so ye
e: fuckin u in his room lol 
… Who the fuck is Jesse?
You didn’t get an opportunity to respond before you felt her grab your wrist, pulling you into the crowd. You couldn’t help but look up at her frame, loose strands of her ponytail falling out, her dangly earrings, her fucking shoulders, her neck moving every time she looked back to check on you. She looked so fucking good, fuck—
You felt a smack on your ass, and before you could turn to beat the fuck out of whoever it was, you caught your friends giggling at you. Cleo suddenly made her O-face as Evelyn pretended to hit it from the back before they started laughing at you again. You stared blankly at them. 
“Okay?” You heard Ellie say in your ear, lips brushing against yours. You only nodded before turning back to face her. 
You watched as she looked behind you before smiling and looking back down at you with a headshake. She turned and led you towards the staircase. 
She pulled open a door—Jesse’s, you guess— at the end of the hall. It was a bit messy, but you ignored it as she closed the door behind you. 
“Where’s Riley? I haven’t seen her at all,” you said as she looked at you. 
“Dunno.” She replied simply, ripping from her roach. 
“…You got bored quick,” You hoped she knew what you meant. 
“Mhm,” she said as she exhaled before stubbing it out on the dresser. 
And then silence. 
This is awkward. You hoped she would be ripping your halo off by now.  
“You look cute.” 
“You don’t,” you replied sharply. Fuck, yes she does, she always does. 
She snickered at you before kicking her chucks off, “That girl thought I did.” 
You’re going to strangle her. 
“Fuck you.” 
“You’re gonna,” she said as she stepped closer. 
“You’re a slut.” 
“I am,” Another step. She said with a slimy grin. “The dirtiest.” 
You hated how wet that made you. 
“Your friends are funny,” She said with another step, finally in your space as she spoke quietly. “And they’re hot.” 
“I know they are.” 
“Orgy?” She asked with a bright smile.
“Ellie, are we fucking or not? M’feet hurt,” you slurred out, rolling your eyes. 
“You look so good right now,” she said more to herself than to you, it seemed. She’d been so quiet, tone filled with awe. Your face ran hot. 
“Wanna kiss,” She said as she leaned forward. 
You placed a hand on her chest. “‘M not about to kiss you, you were just giving somebody head, like, an hour ago.” 
“So?” She said, grinning wider. 
“The fuck d’you mean so? That’s gross, Ellie.” you said with an agitated tone. 
“Wanna bend you over his dresser,” She said silkily, and it made you clench tight. “Missed you, y’know?” 
You didn’t reply as you looked at her skeptically. She didn’t care, grabbing you by your hips to pull you closer, bodies now flush against each other. She bent down to plant soft kisses on your neck. You would’ve complained, but her mouth felt so good, fuck.
“You wet enough?” She whispered out against your throat before sucking on the wet spot. You threw your arms around her neck, your knees buckling. 
“Gettin’ there, keep kissing me like that,” you breathed out in a shaky whisper. You felt her smile against you before licking over where she sucked. 
You felt her hands travel down to your ass, as she grabbed both cheeks tightly in both hands. You let out a breathy moan at her grip before you felt her slap a cheek, and then the other. 
“Take this shit off,” she whispered out as she hiked your dress over your hips. You pulled it over your head, tossing it near the bed along with your halo. 
“Fuck you, I spent time making this,” you said with a pout as she laughed softly. She grabbed your bare tits in her hands before sucking a nipple into her mouth. You moaned as you peered down to watch her flick it. 
She switched sides, sucking the hardened bud into her mouth while she hummed quietly. Your hips pressed against her.
“Prettiest fuckin’ tits,” She whispered against your breast. “Gonna fuck ‘em one day, I swear to god.” 
You moaned at her promise as you felt her slap your ass again before whispering a get over there, nodding towards the dresser. You scurried over as quickly as your heeled feet could manage, tits bouncing with every step. You leaned back against it with your hands propped up behind you as you watched her pull your halo from your discarded fabric. 
“Gotta keep this on,” she said as she walked over, dangling it between two fingers. “For… affect, and whatnot.” 
“Mhm,” she said as she carefully placed it on your head. “Turn around.” 
You listened without question, and you were faced with your own reflection. Your wet nipples, your rising and falling chest, your wet thong. And her darkly looming behind you closely, all bloody and grinning. Another gush of wetness in your underwear. 
“You know what I think?” She said into your ear, meeting your eyes in the mirror. 
You hummed out questioningly. 
“We’d make a sexy cam-couple,” She whispered huskily as she licked your ear and you couldn’t stop squirming, pushing back on her as she grinded forward. “I could see it now: ‘slutty Scream murders cute angelic pussy’, we’d get paid so fuckin’ good.” 
“You’re stupid,” you shakily whispered out as she reached around to pull at your nipples. Your eyes fluttered shut as you leaned back against her, one hand reaching behind you to wrap around her neck while the other dug into her jean-covered thigh. 
She slapped your tits as she messily kissed your neck, sucking more bruises into the skin as she moaned against you. You felt one of her hands disappear from your tits, and before you could move to bring it back, you felt it grab the back of your neck to push you down against the dresser, arms falling in front of you in reflex. Your eyes tore open, and you were met with your sloppy-looking reflection. Lip gloss completely gone, eye-makeup smeared, sweated-out press sticking to your forehead(dammit!), and your halo lopsidedly hanging off your head. 
“Uh huh,” she muttered out as she watched you through the mirror, slowly thrusting her hips forward like she was fucking you and fuck, you wanted to fuck so bad. You hated how you instinctively pushed back on her, propping yourself up on your elbows. “Would make a sexy little pornstar.” 
“Fuck, El, ‘m so wet, c’mon, please! —” 
“Gonna baby, just lemme look at you,” she said back, and you whined, pushing back on her again. You wish she had her dick with her! 
“Make me cum, El, pleeease,” you whined out again, and you felt her slam a hot hand on your ass. You cried out as your cheek seared. 
You felt her slowly pull your panties to the side. You lifted your head to watch her through the mirror: her brows pulled down, her lip between her teeth, and she had the audacity to release a glob of spit on your pussy. You felt a gush of wetness leave you as it trailed down your pussy. 
“You’re so nasty,” you slurred out quietly. 
She reconnected your eyes in the mirror, and she grinned cunningly. You felt her free hand come up to run slow, deep circles on your slippery clit, and you moaned out as your eyes fluttered shut. You dropped your chin on the dresser in relief. 
“Cutest fuckin’ pussy, can tell she missed me,” you clenched tighter gushed wetter at her tone, your pussy screaming missed you so much, daddy! You could tell she noticed when she snickered out a small yeah, you did.
And then you felt her slide a finger in. Your jaw dropped as you gasped wetly, and you hated how she immediately found that spot that makes you scream. Your walls were gripping her finger tight tight tight—
“Fuck, angel, gonna gimme this pussy later?” 
“Fuck yes, ‘s yours!” 
“Yeah? Say it again,” and she dug her finger in deeper. 
“‘S your pussy, daddy, make me cum!” 
She gently pushed another finger in and she grinded them into you, barely pulling out. You hadn’t even noticed that the grip she had on your neck disappeared, her other hand reaching around you to massage your clit. You stayed bent over the dresser so she could hit it deeper, and fuck, she made you feel so good!
Your eyes were glued shut as you breathed and moaned out, but you felt her press kisses all over your ass, biting the cheeks. Your eyes fluttered open as she sat up, slowing down her fucking. She met your eyes to ask, “You ever get your ass fucked?” 
You barely reacted at her bluntness due to your hazy mind, but you shook your head no. She nodded as she pouted. She went back to fingering your cunt. 
“Mmh, you can if you w-wanna, when you take me home later, shit—“
“Who said I was takin’ you home? Hm?” She said and you heard the smirk in her voice. She pressed up against that spot harder as she slid another finger in. 
“Yes, baby, yesyesyes!—“
You watched her drop to her knees and felt her suck your clit in her mouth and your eyes rolled back and it was about to make you cum—
The sloppy noises of her sucking your pussy and the soppy sounds of her fingers inside you made you hotter, and you felt that burning feeling pulling in your gut.
“El, fuck, baby, I’m gonna— “ 
“C’mon angel, get me wet, want it all over my fuckin’ face— “ 
You couldn’t hear all the nasty shit she was muttering on your pussy as she fucked you through your nut, her lips taking your throbbing clit back in your mouth as she massaged that spot inside you. She was eating you like you were paying her for it and fuck you would if she asked. 
“Taste so fuckin’ good, no one tastes this good, what the fuck,” she said dazed. You knew she was watching your pussy twitch as you rode out the aftershocks on your orgasm, slowly fucking her fingers into you. 
You felt her stand up, slowly rubbing your clit as you calmed down, planting gentle, wet kisses onto your back. 
“You good?” She whispered against you, and you nodded against the desk. 
She chuckled gently, massaging your ass in both her hands before pressing a kiss on a cheek, “C’mon, we’re leaving.” 
You barely could catch your breath, “W’na dance, still.” 
“No, you don’t,” she said, licking up your spine. You felt her press her lips to your ear before she whispered. “Text your friends and tell ‘em we’re leaving. ‘M dropping them off so I can fuck this ass.” 
You shuddered. 
And nodded. 
And she cheesed wide. 
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see yall inna week or so lol c:
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littlestw01f · 4 months
Lucien x Esme Archeron
Summary: Esme Archeron is ready to give herself to Lucien completely and accept the bond they share
Cw: Mentions of F masturbation, MxF, Loss of virginity, breeding kink, Lucien being a cocky mate, smut 18+ MDNI
A/N: I am thinking about making this another mini-series cause I just want to make another OC :) Am writing their smut a little separate
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Being Elain's younger twin, Esme was treated as the baby of her sisters, she was docile as a child, her mother's favourite, because she believed everything she was told by her. That had changed now that she was High Fae, because when she looked in the mirror now, she liked who she was.
She had a mate now, a gorgeous male who made her shake on her knees whenever she thought of him, her mother would shame her for thinking the thoughts that she did if she was still there. The same mother who had her convinced for the longest time that her body and even her silhouette were for her husband's eyes alone.
She was wrong to be nervous, as Helion had put it before leaving with his mate, Lucien's mother, though not before commenting on the fact that he should not be feeling nervous about his damn son accepting a mating bond with him and to get her powers under control.
Pathokinesis. Her power, to influence other's emotions with her own, they had figured it out while Nesta was insulting her, Esme had nearly cried at her sister's cruel words, a normal Tuesday, then suddenly Nesta had started sobbing, it hadn't taken Rhysand long to recognise her ability, Esme had made Nesta feel what she was feeling, only a hundred times worse. Because Nesta was close to scent the pheromones she had released.
She was seated on Lucien's lap, watching him as his face visibly brightened from happiness as he admired the cake she had baked for him, his mixed eyes set on the treat she had presented him "Lucien...?"
Esme smiled to herself, looking down at the cake she had decorated, a cake of three foxes, Lucien, his mother, Abrielle, and a tiny Eris peeping from behind some autumn leaves, a beast of golden scales watching over them, Helion, and a bright sun. Both his heritages combined. She had added Eris after he had specifically told her not to say anything about him being included in her plans, being the one who had got Lucien's favourite treats for her to pick from to bake.
"I love you." Lucien whispered softly, his hand stroking the back of her head, his golden eye turning first to look at her then his head following, "Are you sure you want this? Are you ready?"
Esme's cheeks heated at the thought, she was not innocent, well that is what she told herself while reading the smut Nesta read like Cassian read battle tactics. She knew things, but at the same time did not know them at all.
She had been seeing Lucien for two months, and they had decided to take things slow, after the war, Esme adjusting to being Fae and Lucien discovering his true heritage. Lucien had kissed her a few weeks ago, in a way that still made Esme breathless. Her first kiss was nothing short of perfect, even if she had freaked at Lucien licking over her bottom lip, wanting more than a single kiss, she had said no, and he had stopped, destroying the last of what her mother had taught her, a man, well, a male, would stop if she wanted him to. The fear her mother had put in her, that if she didn't want to sleep with a man, her husband, nothing would stop him.
After the kiss, she hated every hug he gave her, every touch, every simple kiss because it would heat her in ways she was too scared to ask her sisters about. She was 21 for Caulden's sake, she should know her body. She began reading the most detailed smut scenes, scenes that made wetness pool in her underthings, she moved her hand to feel herself up, a book in one hand, her slit being felt up by the other.
It was only a few nights ago, that she had tried to do with her fingers what the love interest in the book she was reading did, trying to make sense of herself. In only a few sentences, the male had turned into Lucien, and the pleasure had increased when it was the image of Lucien whispering those dirty things to her. The coil in her stomach snapped at the thoughts of her mate, leaving the scent of her release coating the air.
"I love you too, and I'm ready." Esme smiled, her arms around his shoulder, "I want to have my first... With you."
Lucien groaned at her words, "Of course, my sun." He turned to look at the treat in front of him, "I love the details... Is that supposed to be Eris?"
Esme chuckled, "Yeah, and he said he would deny everything."
Lucien looked her up and down before smiling, taking the spoon she had said alongside the utensils and digging into the cake. Esme watched his every move, he looked so much fuller in the months he had started living at Day, brighter. The white silks he wore made him look so much more sexier, the gold he wore suited him perfectly.
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While she was distracted by her thoughts, Lucien began kissing the back of his neck, his teeth grazing her neck, sucking and biting, "I want you, Es..."
Hearing his growl and feeling his kisses Esme turned to face him, blushing softly at the lust forming in his eyes. "Well, I was hoping you would want me."
"I am going to take you." He gripped the back of her neck to pull her in for a hard kiss. "Over and over again."
Esme melted in his kiss moaning softly as he moved her to the edge of the table, picking her up he set her on the table, "Well, I want another dessert now."
Lucien reached under the dress she was wearing, pushing the fabric up, he admired her waiting cunt covered in lace, "Look at you all wet for me, Princess."
"Lucien..." Esme breathed out, her arousal flowing at full force as she felt their mating bond hit her in its purest form, Lucien sending his own arousal down their bond.
Lucien pressed her nose to the nape of her neck, scenting her power, he pulled back with a groan, Esme paused, seeing something golden flow down his throat, like a drug, her scent was a drug, arousing Lucien to a state further than her accepting the bond did.
Lucien smirked, looking up at her from under her skirts, his eyes dark in nothing short of pure lust, "Ready to be my meal, Princess?" He hooked his fingers over her lace and pulled it off her making her gasp softly at the air hitting her, he spread her legs open for him.
"Yeah-" Esme bit her lips, colour coating her cheeks, "Are-are you going to... Right here?"
"If you want, no one is coming here or my room for quite a while," Lucien stroked her inner thigh, inching closer, watching her slit with a sly grin, "Have you ever touched yourself?"
"Once or twice..." Esme pulled at her dress to expose her thighs and hips to the air. Trying not to be nervous.
Lucien knelt in front of her, his fingers moving to spread her folds, "Well, just lay back and enjoy." Esme manoeuvred herself to lie on the dining table, Lucien attacked her cunt the second she rested back, wide licks to her wet slit, sucking on her clit as his chin rubbed against her wet cunt. Luien scented her further, her inner thighs coated with her arousal, driving himself crazy with her.
Esme moaned, her hips arching in his face as he held her down by her thighs, she reached down to grip his red locks, pulling him in as she cried out his name, "Please, please more... More."
She heard Lucien chuckle as he bit at her clit playfully making her shudder under him, "Anything for you.." He moved faster, he drank her like a thirsty male finally allowed water, licks to her core, sucking so precise she was nearly crying.
Esme whined at the coil forming in her stomach, any reservations she had simply melted away, his face was heating with his power, warming her cunt. The wet sounds of his tongue on her filled the air, her mind was buzzing with him, the bond in her singing for him, she felt him tug on it, she moaned his name and tugged back as he didn't let up for a second, her grip hardening on his hair as his did on her thigh. "Es..." Lucien thrust his tongue inside her, drinking in her essence.
Esme cried out, her hips chasing his lips as he pushed her down again, "I'm... I'm.."
"Shh... I know, Princess," Lucien's eyes snapped up to her, both metal and russet set on her reactions as he drank his fill. Her pleasure-filled cries were music to his ears as he brought her over the edge, pulling her in closer by her hips. He let her ride out her high on his tongue, her eyes rolling back, his tongue like pure fire as he cleaned her up.
With a last lick, he looked up at her, his lips, nose, chin and cheeks covered in her release, his eyes lust blown.
"Oh, Luc..." She gasped softly, breathing heavily, looking at him completely dishevelled, his hair a mess from her pulling, lips swollen from how he had taken her. She breathed his name like oxygen.
The table shook slightly as he climbed on, leaning over her while she lazily stroked his cheeks, his arm next to her head, "Did you enjoy, Princess?" He asked, his other hand groping her breasts from over her dress, smiling watching her still twitch from her high.
"Yes, Yes." Esme nodded softly, looking up at him, her eyes hazy with pure lust as she looked at him in a different light, her mate in his most feral form.
Lucien smiled ear to ear, his lips smeared in her release, "You want a break or more...?"
"More." Esme breathed out, her legs spread for him, him laying between her legs, rubbing his nose against hers, "Please more."
Lucien gripped her sides, winnowing her to his bed, they lay on the bed, the room was white and golden, with little accents of red on the ceiling. Esme giggled looking around the room, smiling, resting against the golden headboard. Her eyes focus on Lucien the second his hand moves to his clothes, blushing slightly as his chest is exposed more and more.
"You like what you see?" Lucien teased with a smirk.
Esme was dazed, her eyes looking at every patch of skin that he uncovered, "I love it."
Lucien was quick to discard his clothes and lean over her again, her eyes drinking him in fully, sticking onto his hard cock, curving up fully hard, oozing pre cum. "And I love you." He kissed her gently, letting her taste herself on his tongue.
The two kissed as Lucien's hands worked the back of Esme's dress, she moved her body to continue kissing him, and he peeled the dress off and threw it on the ground before kissing down her neck.
"Gorgeous." Lucien sighed, looking down at her bare body, his eyes on her, a wide smirk plastered on him.
"Lucien..." Esme sighed as he kissed over her breasts, his blunt nails digging into her sides, licking and sucking over her, while Esme played with his hair, scratching at his ear tips, gasping softly.
"Want my fingers, Princess?" Lucien reached back up, kissing her cheeks.
Esme nuzzled her face in his, nodding, "I want all of you."
"All of me is yours, my mate." Lucien's hand moved between her legs, stroking her folds, her head rolled back as he pushed two of his fingers in, kissing her neck as he scissored his fingers to stretch her.
"Feels so... Good." Esme whimpered at the stretch, keeping her eyes on him.
Lucien sucked on her neck, marking her skin in love bites as she reached down between them to stroke his cock, marvelling at the length and size of him, Lucien groaned softly in her ear when she did, "You're so perfect." He growled, his hips buckling in her hand.
"But..." Lucien moved her hand away from his cock with a chuckle, holding both her hands above her head with his, "You can play with me after I'm done with you, Princess."
"Ok..." Esme wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer. "I'm ready."
Lucien looked at her with darkened eyes, her cunt there for his taking, he leaned down to kiss her, positioning himself over her. "I love you..." He pushed in slowly, watching her reaction for any discomfort on her face. She gasped softly in his neck, begging for more, and when he saw no pain, he plunged in fully.
The two mates shivered feeling their bond strengthened, every thrust of his cock inside her made it stronger, and glow more brightly. Esme released her pheromones more pure, driving Lucien mad with lust.
"Mine..." He growled with each thrust, pressing her further in his bed, "My mate."
"Yours," Esme whimpered his name, crying his name as he held her under him, jolting under him, a mess of begging and arousal.
"How does it feel, Princess?" Lucien groaned, lost in the haze she had put him in, "To be filled so deeply by me. To be so full of me."
Esme cried out as he let go of her hands, wrapping his arms around her waist to press them together. She gripped his biceps, feeling up the gold armlets he had left on.
Lucien moaned as he clenched hard around him, "You're so warm. And soft." Esme cried out softly, drool escaping the side of her mouth as she pressed herself against his, feeling him thrust in and out of her at a fast pace.
"I'm going... I'm going to-" Lucien's eyes rolled at the back of his head, taking more of her scent, "I need to fill you up."
"Lucien... Lucien please." Esme whimpered, chanting "Yes" over and over again, Lucien picked up his strokes over her clit, bringing her over the edge again.
"I want to be yours, Lu..." Esme groaned softly, feeling the bond coil up in her snap free again.
She was jolting, babbling, as Lucien pulled her into him, "You'll be mine forever."
"I'll fill you up," He nodded to himself, plunging back in her to the hilt, "As deep inside you as I can be, Princess."
"I'll fill you with my children, you'll glow with them." Esme shuddered with him as he painted her insides, filling her with ropes and roped of his cum. He stayed inside her, falling on top of her.
Esme smiled, playing with his hair. Lucien pulled out slowly, "Do I feel good?" Esme nodded rather mindlessly, pulling Lucien into a deep kiss.
Lucien pulled away, wiping away tears from her eyes, growing bright as the morning sun, pure happiness in his eyes, shoving all his love for her down their bond and receiving it back, then flipped her over on her stomach, pulling her to her knees, "Oh, I'm not nearly done."
"Not nearly done." He kissed down her back and thrust his still hard cock back in, rutting into her like a crazed male. The sounds of their pleasure filling the air.
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{general taglist: @nox-ceur}
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inahallucination · 11 months
famous au but um dumb
if the poets were on social media and famous this is what they'd be known for
(age somewhere between 19-21)
tumblr blog name: toad.anderson
ao3 name: toad.writes
he's technically anon but not rlly
sexiest tumblr account known to man - he's a fanfic writer and an au poster with some occasional og stuff that floods his inbox with asks begging him to publish his og work too - what fandom does he write for? all of them.
his bf proof reads them all even if he's never been in the fandom
he writes fics for his friends when they get famous
in between his novel worthy fanfics are shitty fics of his friends
his followers get rlly confused
he wrote a neil x reader fic until straight girls started claiming it and he took it down becuz the reader was him
todd on his blog: guyss… im so sorry but im taking the neil x reader fic down… im sorry if i offend anyone but the reader was me ❤️ not you - i don't like you all claiming it
after taking down the x reader, he does a neil x oc but the oc is him but with green eyes
neil, after the oc gets described: todd the only person im seeing is u tho 😦 and u have blue eyes
eventually his relationship with famous tiktoker neil perry gets revealed and ppl realize he's not just an obsessed fan
after neil says the thing blog: toad.anderson: guys my real name is todd anderson everyone: omg we wouldve never guessed
after neil and him go public and ppl dont believe that neil is gay he alternates between seething and writing neil fics and taking joy from neil's confusion
todd points out comments that are obviously thirsting over neil and neil still doesn't realize he's being thirsted over
"neil be the father of my children!" "oh i think they meant that in a godfather type way"
todd, at a breaking point, suggests that neil and him post a kissing video but neil doesnt wanna be one of those shawn camilla couples - respect
what if he posted them kissing but he made a historians will call them bestfriends joke but then ppl did🧍‍♂️
tiktok name: neilliard.at.julliard
accidentally tiktok famous for pretty face, charming personality, acting abilities - the theater kids had a claim over him orignially but he's pretty mainstream now
comment section full of old grandmas trying to set him up with their granddaughters
everyones dream bf until he posted about his own bf
neil: my boyfie has a big tumblr and he writes a lot and he really likes frogs and he is also blond and heres his address
hes kinda oblivious about everything
"you want a close up of my collar bones? why ?"
reading comment "'show your abs?' its nice you think i have abs! only my boyfriend can see those tho 😉 "
the comments go wild
people are stitching it screaming for different reasons
all his fans r screaming into pillows bc HES TAKEN NOOO
people are trying to figure out who this mans boyfie is
"he has a boyfriend??" "he's been straightbaiting us!" "NOO HE'S TAKEN" "IS UR BF AS HOT AS U" "look at the way his eyes lit up when he said bf i love love" "this video shows an aspect of society that-"
"tell us about ur bf" and he makes a week worth of videos but its all random stuff
"my bf looks pretty in blue" "my bf likes to put salt and pepper on his fries" "my bf has hair"
the straightbaiting comments come after him posting about pride and having a pride flag in the background of his videos <- they say things like "he's such a good ally"
"are you gay neil???" -> "not everything has to be gay ppl can just be allys and btw by assuming every ally is gay, ur actually hurting the movement!!!" -> "i asked becuz he said he wanted to kiss his boy best friend on the lips in highschool" -> "he meant it heterosexual-ly"
someone asks him what his type is and he describes todd to the t and they think he likes a short haired blonde
"he likes girls in sweat pants not skirts" "his type isnt ppl in skirts" -- neil would love todd in a skirt but thats not the point
his type: "he's really shy, gorgeous, short dirty blonde hair, uhhhh, really smart, and So much more :))"
he could say my boyfriend is a man who i am dating because i am gay and they would still try to straight-ify him
a grainy video gets leaked of a short haired blond guy jumping into his arms and ppl say things like "its just a girl with short hair"
todd hate writes a neil x male reader fic
he asks his friends for help and they post todd's face everywhere on his recording set
he makes a video like "meet my toddy"
in the video todd says he's a boy and he's todd and he's neil boyfriend 3485757 times and neil is like "omg babe i love u too <33" becuz he doesnt Understand
some ppl r still in denial or think he's bi w/ a preference for girls
straight girls like him becuz he has a pretty face and a general respect for women
during prom season, he gets dmed a lot of websites for buying prom tickets
"don't worry guys! i know i said my high school time was rough, but i actually did go to prom with my bf!!"
twitter name: therealalpha
most popular podcast name: daltons intercourse
joke/bait account ppl took seriously
The Alpha that other alpha posters bow to
the twitter alphas buy into him so bad he's making podcasts and doign interviews and he has no clue how tf he got here but he's riding the high
he advocates for being alpha via kissing ur homies
when he gets famous he begs todd to write a fic about him
todd agrees pretty easily tbh
charlie posts things like "no homo" "only the real make out with their homies" over those black and white pics of muscle-y dudes w/ no context after the neil video he posts "he homo" over one of them w/ no context
at first ppl try to attack him but then theyre like wtf is going on here and realize he's trolling the alpha community
when no one realizes neil is actually gay he makes a podcast episode talking about how he thinks neil is gay gay homosexual gay - he's holding a cigar and wearing a tight hawaiian unbuttoned shirt like "lets talk about this gay gay theater gay boykisser man"
made by @cowboylexapro
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youtube name: gerdoesstuff
joint youtube name: idkman
homework help and crafts videos youtuber - relaxed vibes only here to be calm
he gives study and concentration tips and encourages ppl to seek help and companionship and not suffer alone
he paints mugs and looks for bugs
he was on charlie's podcast and they discussed the alpha-ness of making pottery
todd wrote a pitts x reader fic becuz ppl begged him to
pitts printed it out and framed it and put it in his filming set up
he's a regular on meeks podcast too btw and meeks is a regular on his
but when meeks is around things explode so
he has a second channel with meeks where they do silly experiments
theyre posting schedule is non-existent and they also do streams but they never tell you so their viewers just have to hope and find out
knox and him are planning on making a movie review channel but its still not fully thought out so
he makes couple mugs for todd and neil when neil asks for help
he wakes up at 2 am and sends todd prompts
anytime he learns a fun fact he sends it to todd on the off chance todd may need it for a story at some point in his life
anytime he reads anything he's like damn neil will love to act like this character and lets him know about it
he sends charlie alpha podcasters to make fun of
at some point he exposes cam's shitty handwriting for the giggles
instagram name: knoxious.ur.mom.ious
he posted a short on his instagram talking about how he just learned hair grows from the head and not the bottom and blew up for being a dummy - he doesn't know whats going on but he's having a blast
he stirs up drama but on accident
he was on pitts youtube before
out of everyone here he's the only one not making content he's just vibing
eventually he ends up posting background footage of everyone doing dumb shit
when it comes out theyre friends ppl stalk his instagram to find more proof
after that he starts to stir drama but more consciously
hmm what else - idk he's just chilling, getting called out for being dumb and watching his friends do dumb stuff
oh wait when he makes that short about the hair a bunch of commentary channels post about it and he takes it like a badge of honor
instagram name: cam.studies
pinterest name: cam.studies
one of those aesthetic studying accounts on insta and pinterest - takes nice shots of his homework and his pen collections and his study desk
except its only for the pics his handwriting is atrocious - he has like one page or paragraph of pretty handwriting to post and the rest is scribbled chaos - his pens are never organized by color, theyre just thrown in a box, and his desk is filled with papers and books and never looks clean but its fine he's just here for clout
he ends up sponsoring and reviewing businesses that make those cute study supplies so now he has a hoard - or at least he did until his friends started taking them
he groaned about the cam.studies x {random ass ppl} fics todd wrote but he thinks theyre funny and has them bookmarked
he went on charlie's podcast and the two argued for half of it and then explained how as two alphas they would settle their differences by kissing
his friends help him angle his aesthetic shots at cafes and shit
he got exposed eventually as a fake becuz ppl (cough) posted his real notes which were messy and disorganized
but he played it off as a commentary about how the internet is fake and got more sponsorships
he judges todd and neil but is eating popcorn at the front seat of the drama
podcast name: chameleon hotel
youtube channel name: idkman
meeks makes a podcast for very stupid intricate crimes. he has a cult following of bisexuals
its stuff like drama over a tree being taken down
"the locals even called their beloved tree 'ole alvin'"
charlie: todd write a meeks x ole alvin fic
he has standards, so he does
he went on charlie's podcast and convinced ppl that being with other men allowed u to suck in their alpha-ness and become the ultimate alpha
but generally he just makes his little silly videos and makes cryptic posts about the neil todd drama
has a joint channel w/ pitts
is up to date with the neil thing and is the one to send neil updates
he tries to convince neil to act out his podcasts (with a lot of success lmao)
he tries to convince todd to write fics based on his podcasts (also with a lot of success)
as payback for the ole alvin x meeks fic he convinces todd (very easily) to write a bunch of dumb charlie fics and todd agrees becuz he has standards
no one actually knows that the poets know each other
they eventually post a group photo
"we need to cancel neil perry for being friends with an alpha podcast guy" "nah thats just charlie"
"yall know hes bi, right?"
"he literally has a podcast about how sucking dick as a man makes u the ultimate alpha male"
it does explain why charlie's alpha podcast go from tiktok actor, tumblr fanfic writer, instagram study blog, fellow podcaster, hw help tiktoker in between his satire of normal alpha tiktokers
half of these things are like copy and pasted from our conversation btw so dont blame me for them
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luvangelbreak · 5 months
Deprived | Seven
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 matthew sturniolo x layla venita (female!oc) summary: everyone knows the story of the bad boy and the good girl but what happens when the school's most popular boy, Matthew Sturniolo, and the girl who notoriously is never there, Layla Venita, cross paths. warnings: swearing, drug use (weed), mentions of alcohol word count: 2.9k a/n: another matt pov bc i felt like it was fitting. lmk what pov you like more and thank u for all the support <3
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pov: matt
As we drove to Downs, I kept stealing glances at Layla as she chewed on her tacos. She only asked for tacos but I of course got it for her in a meal with fries as well. Allie was singing along to the songs in the backseat and I glanced in the rearview mirror to see her dancing happily as she ate her fries. I bit my lip, trying to focus on the road instead of the girl beside me.
My mind drifted to when she placed a kiss on my cheek not only during the intermission of the game but also when I was standing outside with her. I didn't expect her to actually do anything, I just wanted to tease her but I wasn't mad that she did. I was cheesing like a 13-year-old boy inside and it drove me insane.
I'd know her for all of a week and I felt like she was consuming all of my thoughts. Every day she didn't come to school, the more I thought about skipping and driving to her house. I didn't want to seem obsessed, that's not something you do when you talk to someone for the first time only a few days prior and I knew that.
I tapped my hand on the wheel along to the beat of the song, looking over at Layla again but this time she made eye contact with me, a mouth full of fries as she sarcastically said, "Take a picture it'll last longer."
"Okay," I responded casually as we happened to pull up to the last set of lights that were red. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and took a photo of her and she frowned, swallowing the fries.
"Delete that," she deadpanned and I shook my head, locking my phone as the light turned green. We drove down the street and pulled into the parking lot, seeing Nate and Chris were already here eating McDonald's in the car.
"I'm gonna go steal Nate's fries. Be right back!" Allie jumped out of the back seat before I had even put the car in park making me laugh at her as she scurried around the car and jumped into the back of Nate's. I turned the car off, taking my seat belt off and winding down my window so the cold air hit my face
"Matthew," I heard Layla's serious tone and I turned my head to look at her again, "I'm holding your food hostage until you delete that photo."
She picked the bag up off of the floor between her feet, holding it tightly in her arms so I couldn't get my food. I heard Allie and Nate bickering from the car beside us but I didn't bother looking over.
"Why? You said to take a picture," I leaned over, trying to grab the bag but she pulled it closer to her body, leaning away from me slightly.
"I look disgusting," she frowned and I tilted my head at her.
"You didn't even see the photo," I state the obvious as I went to reach for the bag again.
"I don't need to see it. I had a mouth full of fries so of course I look bad," she seemed dead serious but I smiled at her nonetheless.
"You don't look bad," I told her, shaking my head and she huffed, "You look good all the time."
"Well, clearly you haven't seen me when I have just woken up," she rolled her eyes dramatically before throwing the bag in my lap. I let out a grunt when the heavy bag hit my crotch and she pursed her lips, "Oops."
"'Oops' my ass," I joked and she shrugged with a smile, taking another fry into her mouth. I let my eyes linger on her lips for a moment more before I grabbed my food out of the bag. I heard a phone vibrate and I knew it wasn't mine since it was underneath my thigh. As I dug into my phone, I noticed Layla pull her phone out of her pocket and her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at the small screen, "Everything okay?"
"Uh..." she trailed off, nodding hesitantly before she locked her phone, "Yeah everything's fine."
"You sure?" I double-checked, now mouth half full of food like she had done moments ago. Instead of responding, she quickly swiped on her phone and I heard the camera click on her phone. I furrowed my eyebrows as she smiled at me, making it hard to stay annoyed at her.
"Now we're even," she shrugged, the smile not leaving her lips as I shook my head. The rest of my teammate's cars pulled into the parking lot, all having their own variants of food and drinks. I was sure Dan was going to bring beer or weed and not to any surprise, he appeared out of the car with both.
"You think it's laced?" Layla spoke up and I looked over to see her staring at the bag of joints Dan was throwing around with not a care in the world.
"Nah Dan's super picky about what he smokes. Went on a whole tangent to me about strains and what they all do. Didn't listen to a word of it though," I told her honestly as she nodded, pursing her lips before she looked over at me.
"You mind if I have some?" she asked and I shrugged, scoffing down the last of my food before taking a sip of my drink, "Slow down there pretty boy. You're gonna choke on that if you're not careful."
"I always eat fast after a game," I admitted and she smiled, shaking her head like she was scolding a child, "You can smoke. Just don't get so high that you can't function."
She sent me a smile before nodding and jumping out of the car. My eyes followed her every move as she walked over to Dan and I saw both of their mouths moving. Moments later, Dan handed her a joint and she used her own lighter to light the end of it.
"You look like a goddamn dog drooling at her like that," I jumped in my seat and turned my head to see Nate standing outside the window of my door.
"Shut up," I rolled my eyes, taking a sip of my drink as I slid further down into my seat, my eyes always finding their way back to her, "I'm just making sure Dan won't try anything.
"Why do you care if he does?" he asked, a knowing smirk on his face as he leaned his elbows onto the windowsill.
"He's a dick," I mumbled and Nate hummed in response before he chuckled.
"Okay, enough. You look like Joe Goldberg just staring at her from the car," Nate pulled the door open and I turned my head to see him standing there, waiting for me to get out. I rolled my eyes, grabbing my phone, keys and drink from the car before hopping out and closing the door behind me.
"I'm not a stalker, dude," I grumbled and he chuckled as we began walking towards where everyone was now huddled around Ethan's car.
"You fucking look like one," he jokingly said quietly before we were a part of the group. As soon as we walked over, Layla moved her position between Dan and Ryder to stand between Chris and I. I resisted the urge to look down at her but as everyone talked amongst themselves, I felt her weight shift on her feet so she was leaning towards me.
I swung my arm around her shoulders causing her to lean into me fully. I could tell she was still tense as she continued smoking the joint, making sure to blow the smoke to the ground so as to not let anyone else breathe it in. I wish I could say the same for Dan who was basically directly blowing the smoke in my face.
"Dan," I said sharply catching the attention of his slowly redening eyes, "Quit it."
"What?" he asked, still blowing the smoke in my direction.
"You're blowing it right in my face and I'm like 5 feet away from you," I frowned at him as I felt Layla relax into me further, her tense nature depleting the more she smoked. Dan rolled his eyes before blowing the smoke behind him and I thanked him in my head, not bothering to verbalise it.
I felt her head shift against my shoulder and I looked down at her to see she was already looking up at me, her eyes slightly red and pupils every so faintly dilated.
"You okay?" she asked almost inaudibly and I nodded, smiling down at her before she returned the nod, resuming her head to a straight position to look at every one. She turned her attention to Dan before asking, "Dude, where did you get this from?"
"Some guy named Ray. He's down at South End," Dan explained and I felt Layla tense against me again, "Poor excuse of a house but the shit is good so I go anyway."
Layla just nodded, finishing the rest of the joint before she threw it onto the ground.
"Damn, didn't even think about sharing?" Ethan asked, a playful smile on his lips as he looked at Layla. Dan handed his joint to Ethan before Layla spoke.
"Wouldn't do its job if I let someone else smoke it," Layla shrugged, now placing her hands in the pocket of her hoodie. Ethan raised his eyebrows, clearly impressed as he took a hit of the joint before he looked at me.
"You gonna let loose yet, boss?" he asked, holding the joint out for me and I shook my head, my thumb mindlessly tracing circles over Layla's arm as she relaxed again.
"I'm driving and you know I don't do that shit," I told him and he shrugged.
He took another hit before saying, "More for me."
Ryder grabbed a beer from Dan's car, chugging it in an instant making me cringe at the frat-boy nature of my teammates. I liked them for the most part, they were good at the game and overall decent people but they had the tendencies of total fuckwits and I hated being grouped with their idiotic behaviour.
"I'm tired," Layla mumbled so quietly I almost didn't hear her as I looked down to see her eyes hooded and her body slumped against mine.
"We can sit on the hood?" I asked her quietly and she nodded slowly. I kept my arm around her as we walked through our small ground before I sat myself down on the hood of Ethan's BMW. She sat herself next to me, once again her body leaning towards me as I swung my arm around her.
"Dude, not my new car," Ethan whined and Layla went to stand up but I pulled her against me as I looked at him with a straight face.
"You were just sitting on it," I stated and he rolled his eyes before returning his gaze back to the ground. I had completely checked out of the conversation still, not listening to a word any of them were saying as I felt Layla's warmth radiating off of her body.
I noticed Allie and Chris running around the parking lot, Chris seemingly chasing Allie with something that I couldn't see from the dim lights of the parking lot. I shook my head, smiling at their idiotic actions.
"This is nice," Layla spoke quietly so only I could hear and I looked down at her to see she was still looking ahead.
"What's nice?" I asked her in the same hushed tone, returning my thumb to tracing circles on her arm.
"All of it," she mumbled before she looked up at me, her eyes now very red and pupils dilated even more so, "You're nice."
"You're not too bad yourself, Layls," I smiled down at her and a lazy smile spread across her lips.
"I've never had a nickname. I like it," she nodded like she was a little kid making me chuckle. I never liked being around people when they were high or drunk but she just seemed to be more relaxed, her cold demeanour disappearing by the minute.
"I'll have to keep using it then," I told her and she nodded once again, returning to look ahead of us at my friends, "Is Rockstar still on the table though?"
She laughed and it felt like music to my ears, my smile widening as she shook against me before saying, "You're a fucking idiot."
"At least I'm pretty," I shrugged, an amused look covering my face as she looked up at me with a roll of her eyes, "You said it, not me."
I stared down at her, a small smile still on my lips as her eyes scanned my face before she said, "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Because you're the pretty one here," I blurted out without a second thought and I saw a small tint of red cover her face. She moved her to look ahead again as I leaned down, placing my chin on top of her hair.
"Bony ass chin," she mumbled, making me chuckle as I pinched her arm, "Hey!"
"Don't call my chin bony," I said back as my eyes drifted to where Chris was now sitting with Allie in the middle of the parking lot.
"Then don't have a bony chin while putting it on my head," Layla said back and I moved my arm off of her shoulders, sliding it down so it was on her back before I pinched her waist lightly. She sat upright, hitting me in the chest with her right hand, "Stop pinching me!"
"Or what?" I challenged and she stood up, moving to stand in front of me. She moved my right knee so it was slightly further apart from my other as she placed herself between my legs. I felt my breath hitch as she leaned forward.
"Or this," she simply said before she stepped back, holding my phone in her hand that I hadn't even noticed she slid out of the pocket of my hoodie.
"Layls, give me my phone back," I reached to grab it but she moved it further away, "Really?"
"You want it?" she smirked at me as she started walking backwards, "Come get it then, pretty boy."
I stood up from the hood of the car and I placed my drink on the ground before I slid my keys out of my pocket, turning to Nate and placing them on his chest before saying, "Hold these."
He didn't get a chance to respond before Layla bolted down the length of the car park and I quickly ran after her. Her laughter echoed through the parking lot but she made the mistake of slowing down to look behind her at me because her reaction time to seeing how close to her I was, was not fast enough. I grabbed her arm just in time before she could slip away, pulling her chest against mine but she moved her other arm to hide my phone behind her back.
"Can I have my phone back now?" I looked down at her, eyebrows raised as she smiled up at me dopily. She shook her head and I reached around her back to grab it but she was able to contort her arm so it was further away from my hand. I rolled my eyes as I let my hand drop to my side.
She chewed on her lip for a moment, looking in thought as she scanned my face before she moved her arm, sliding it up the bottom of her hoodie. She pulled her hand out again, the phone no longer in it.
"If you want your phone, grab it yourself," she smirked up at me and I groaned, still keeping a grip on her arm but not tight enough to be aggressive.
"I'm not taking my phone out of your bra, Layls," I stated and she shrugged with a smile still on her lips.
"Guess you're not getting your phone back then," she giggled and I shook my head, pursing my lips so a smile didn't slip through at the sound of her joy.
"You're the most stubborn girl I've ever met," I mumbled, trying to keep a straight face as she beamed up at me.
"And you're a pussy. Just grab the phone, Matthew. Not that hard," she challenged and I let my eyes fall closed, debating on whether or not it was a good idea to follow her wishes. The devil on my shoulder got the better of me as I gave in, pulling the hem of her hoodie towards me only to realise she wasn't wearing a shirt.
"You're really making me do this?" I asked and she nodded, looking dead into my eyes as I sighed. My fingers brushed against the warm skin of her stomach, the coldness making goosebumps rise on her skin. I slowly trailed my hand up as she raised her eyebrows, a smirk still on her lips.
I felt my hand touch a fabric that wasn't her hoodie and I hesitated, not being able to see under the sweatshirt to figure out where my phone was. I let out a huff, deciding to just get it over with so it didn't look like I was just feeling her up in the middle of the parking lot. My hand rose to the top of her bra, my fingers running along the top of her boobs before I felt something solid. I felt the rectangular shape and quickly slid the phone out before my hand left her hoodie entirely.
"Good boy," she patted the side of my face before she slid past me, walking back to the group as I stared at the ground in front of me. I tried to regain my consciousness and pull myself together but the feeling of her skin on mine made my hand tingle and my pants tighten. My mind was swirling with thoughts of nothing but her. Her skin, her eyes, her smile, her mind, her voice. God, her voice rang through my ears, "You comin' or what?"
This girl will be the death of me.
@ilovechrissturniolo1 @leprechaunbirthdaygirl
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missywritesfor7 · 6 months
❤️‍🩹Lifeline | MYG❤️‍🩹
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Synopsis: It’s long been controversial for idols to date, but idols dating each other can be really beautiful or a complete nightmare. When Yoongi's relationship with another idol is discovered, he decides maybe it’s time to break the taboo and show people it’s ok for idols to date. Instead, they find themselves caught in the midst of one media frenzy after another and struggle to keep their relationship as strong as it had been the past 2 years. Yoongi finds a self destructive way to cope, and it causes even more problems than it solves. As they fight for their relationship and their careers, they discover that sometimes, the only way to truly be free is to let go.
Pairing: idol!Yoongi x idol!OC
Warnings: nsfw, alcoholism, cheating, depression, anxiety, Yoongi goes through a bisexy ho phase, Yoongi is also in his alcoholic phase, post-military BTS
Next chapter | Masterlist
In the spirit of the season I thought I’d give the first chapter of this new fic to you all 🤗 I haven’t fully worked out the specific day, but I’ll be posting a chapter a week after the new year so stay tuned! 💜
Ch. 1: Love
Time seems slow when you’re in the middle of it. Even slower when you’re looking forward to something. Yoongi spent 21 months away from his home, his members, Army, his family, and his girlfriend who he had only been dating 3 short months before he had to leave.
Yoongi and Hyeri had known each other before, both being under Hybe as artists. Na Hyeri, stage name: Rainbow, began her idol career with a short lived girl group called Two Piece under a much smaller company. The group disbanded after just two mini albums, and a lot of attention thanks to their company infamously mishandling everything from money to the artist’s safety and well-being. When the smoke died down, Hyeri signed with Hybe as a solo artist and has made a name for herself in the few years since her solo debut.
She first met Yoongi when he produced a song that she performed for a tourism campaign. The song made waves across social media and beyond and Hyeri found herself gaining a mass of new fans. The first time they ran into each other after the campaign took off, Hyeri jokingly thanked Yoongi for the new fans. That turned into an hour long conversation that was the beginning of a new relationship.
After endless texts, phone calls, and sneaking to see each other around the company building whenever they could, they became official. To themselves mostly and close family and friends. Yoongi told the rest of the members and Hyeri told her best friends and former bandmates, Haeun and Minji. To the rest of the world they’re just label mates who worked on a song together.
Being under the same company made things easy. Moving in together 2 months later made things even easier. Yoongi’s enlistment however, made things harder.
For 21 months Hyeri lived alone waiting for Yoongi with the rest of the world. His few vacation times never seemed long enough and his discharge date seemed like it was centuries away.
Then he was back. And just like that those 21 months didn’t seem so bad after all. Things were as they had been before with all seven of them back together again.
Hyeri had begun taking more and more acting jobs so she was fairly busy, but always left a note and a snack for Yoongi when she’d leave before him. Other times she would give him a soft kiss when she’d come home late and find him already asleep. Yoongi always sent her a meal if she were home and he wasn’t. The nights he spent in his studio instead of home he would make up for with more gifts than necessary. Jewelry, stuffed animals, posters of himself, and the occasional pair of shoes despite him telling her he wouldn’t buy her shoes since she already has so many.
Once the group’s big post-military comeback had concluded, Yoongi felt truly happy. He was back with his brothers making music and seeing Army again, and he had his girlfriend by his side who he’s deeply in love with. All felt right in the world.
Yoongi had begun working on new music for the group’s upcoming full length album. He’s been in his studio much more instead of home, but it’s not too bad. Hyeri finished shooting her small parts in a drama she was cast in and had begun working on a couple of songs for the soundtrack. When she was done recording for the day, she would come by Yoongi’s studio and spend as much time there as she could since she knows he may not come home that night.
This day is like any other. Hyeri finished her final recording session and dropped by Yoongi’s studio with a dinner of his favorite cheat meal, noodles. They both sit on his couch eating, chatting, and cuddling a bit once they’ve cleared their bowls.
“I think this may have been my last recording session,” Hyeri says with her legs rested across Yoongi’s lap.
“So you’re really going to do it?” Yoongi asks.
“Yeah,” she sighs. “I know it’s going to suck and you’re going to hate it, but I just…” she pauses and looks up at his face. He may be expressionless, but she knows that’s just him trying to hide his disappointment.
“Hybe is more of a music company, you know that,” she continues. “I just really think I’ll have much better acting opportunities with JJS since they’re such a successful acting agency.”
JJS is one of the top entertainment agencies in the acting world. They house some of the best entertainers in the industry, from romance movie heartthrobs, variety show comedians who have become household names, and even action movie baddies. Hyeri had been looking into switching companies so that she can embark on her new career as a full time actress. She’s gotten a number of roles through Hybe already. Mostly a few commercials and a couple of small cameos in tv shows. For her, switching to JJS could mean finally getting her breakout opportunity to send her acting career soaring.
“I know we won’t get to see each other like this anymore,” she says. “But we’ll still see each other at home. Don’t be mad,” she pouts.
“I’m not mad,” Yoongi says caressing her leg. “I told you before I would support you no matter what you decide.”
“But you still don’t like it.”
“It’s fine. We’ll see each other at home, right?”
“We never see each other at home,” she pouts more.
“You just said…” he chuckles shaking his head and pulls her closer to him. “We’ll make it work. I want you to follow your dreams. Don’t hold yourself back because of me.”
“Are you sure you’re ok with it? Do you think it will make things hard?”
“Not as hard as me being away for 21 months,” he chuckles. “Trust me.”She nods and he gives her a reassuring kiss.
Hyeri goes back and forth on whether she’s making the right decision. Yoongi constantly tells her she is but she’s struggling to believe it. She spends less time in the company building since she’s not working on anything and will be leaving soon. That means she’s been home alone a lot. It’s nothing new to her, but she’s starting to realize how hard it may actually be. Especially when she starts working again.
Yoongi is the perfect support for her. He keeps her sane and assures her that he’ll stand by her no matter what she does or where she goes. Sure it will come with challenges, but he knows they can make it work.
Things start off fine. News of Hyeri signing with JJS was met with lots of support from her fans. She immediately landed a small supporting role in a movie and Yoongi couldn’t be happier for her.
Shooting on the movie began and that became the true test of their relationship. They rarely saw each other. When one of them would leave or come home, the other would be asleep. Yoongi would even spend less time in his studio so he could be home on the off chance that she gets there early. She never did and he would spend another night falling asleep alone.
It’s frustrating for them both to be so close yet so far from each other. Yoongi has completed the majority of his work on the songs for their new album. Even with endless recording and dance practices, he still can’t seem to find enough to do to keep his mind off of the empty space in his bed that smells like Hyeri.
They text when they can but it’s never enough. They miss each other and start to feel like they were able to talk to each other more when he was in the military. No matter how hard they try or how bad they want it, they can never seem to get their schedules to line up.
One day that finally changes. A month into Hyeri’s shoot, and about a month before Yoongi embarks on another BTS comeback era, they find an overlap in free time in their schedules. Yoongi had a gap in his schedule that gave him a bit of free time. He typically would spend that time in his studio. However, Hyeri had a last minute cancellation that gave her the rest of the evening off.
Yoongi only has an hour to see Hyeri so he rushes out and tells her to meet him at a nearby restaurant for dinner. He would rather see her at home so they can be in private, but the further he has to go, the less time that will leave him with Hyeri. He’s so desperate that he doesn’t want to lose a second.
Since time is limited and privacy is important, Yoongi chose a small snack food place that he and the members had been going to for many years. They always have a table in the back away from the public eye for them. It’s private enough and a quick meal.
Yoongi arrives at the restaurant first. He doesn’t have to wait long before Hyeri arrives, though to him it felt like hours. She looks around a moment then runs to give Yoongi a long kiss filled with so much pent up longing.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in years,” Hyeri says kissing him again.
“I missed you,” he says stealing one more kiss before she takes her seat across from him.
“I wish we had time but I’ll take this over nothing,” she says quickly scanning the menu. “There’s so much I want to tell you about the movie shoot! It’s been so much fun and everyone has been really cool. I really think I made the right choice. I just wish it didn’t keep me away from you so much.”
“I know, Bow,” he says, calling her by the shortened version of her stage name, Rainbow. “You’ll have more time once the shooting is done. Then even more time when you finish all the promos.”
“I know, baby, but aren’t you guys going on your world tour around the time I finish shooting? I know things haven’t been finalized yet, but we really wouldn’t have much time together before you’re off traveling the world.”
Yoongi knows she’s right and it breaks his heart to see the sadness in her eyes. Their server comes by to take their order before he can think of something to say to make her feel better.
After placing their order and sitting in silence a few moments, Yoongi reaches across the table and takes Hyeri’s small hands into his.
“I wish I could take you with me,” he says forcing a smile.
“I don’t know,” she chuckles trying to lighten the mood. “You might get sick of me then.”
“I won’t get sick of you,” he chuckles. “Even when you’re annoying, you’re still beautiful.”
“Are you trying to romance me, Mr. Min?” She jokes.
“I was only stating a fact,” he chuckles.
“Admit it, Yoon-gya, you like me,” she laughs calling him by the nickname that never fails to make him laugh.
When Hyeri first met Jin he was speaking so fast she could hardly understand him. When she heard him shout “Yoongi-ah” it sounded like “Yoon-gya” to her. After they began dating she asked Yoongi why Jin calls him “Yoon-gya”. Yoongi was confused at first, but once he realized what she was saying he never let it go. In return she calls him that whenever she’s messing with him.
“I love you,” he chuckles. “But still…you’ll wait for me, won’t you?”
“Of course I will, babe.” She shakes her head knowing he should know better. “I’m not going anywhere. It’s going to take more than an enlistment and a world tour to get rid of me.”
He gives her hands a light squeeze and flashes his gummy smile in happiness. Both of them are soaking up each other’s presence in this rare moment they have together. They continue talking about work and things they haven’t been able to tell through text. Their food arrives and they continue chatting as they eat.
That hour is much too short. It only felt like a few minutes to them, but they look and now it’s time for Yoongi to return to the office for his scheduled recording session. It’s hard for them to let each other go. They stand in front of the restaurant lingering a moment trying to find the courage to leave.
“I’ll try to stay up for you,” Hyeri says.
“Hopefully we can make it quick. I’ll come straight home once I’m done.” He reaches for her hand out of habit briefly forgetting that they’re out on the street. She doesn’t stop him though. She takes his hand for just a brief moment to feel his warmth a second longer, then let’s go.
“Don’t keep me waiting too long,” she smiles. “I love you.”
“Love you too,” he smiles.
They both head to their cars and go off their separate ways. They hate to leave after finally getting a moment of togetherness. That only gives Yoongi a much greater sense of urgency the rest of the evening.
When he returns to the studio it’s clear to everyone he’s trying to get things done quickly. He has no time for small talk or getting off track with mindless conversations. The sooner this is done the better.
“Hyung,” Jimin says exiting the recording booth. “Take it easy. Why are you in such a hurry?”
“She’s waiting for me,” Yoongi says with no further explanation.
“Ah,” Jimin nods. He knows exactly what Yoongi means. He knows what Hyeri means to Yoongi so he doesn’t need any further explanation. “Get in there and finish up then.”
Before Yoongi, Jimin is the last one to finish recording. Now that he’s done he switches places with Yoongi to help things move along faster. Jimin doesn’t mind staying a bit later so Yoongi can get home. It takes a little longer than Yoongi would like, but he finally finishes and rushes off to go home without giving Jimin a second look. Jimin follows him out and simply laughs to himself at how flustered his hyung is. He knows Yoongi is in deep.
Yoongi returns home at 1am hoping Hyeri is still awake. When he steps inside all of the lights are off and he fears he may be too late. That is, until he reaches the bedroom and he can hear the shower running.
Hyeri had just gotten in the shower after finishing a late meal. She was fighting her sleep in hopes that Yoongi would be home soon. She decided to hop in the shower in an attempt to stay awake just a little longer.
She leans her head back and closes her eyes as the water runs through her hair and down her back. The warm water is relaxing so she stands there not moving for a few moments. She takes a deep breath and just then she can feel a hand on her waist.
She opens her eyes to see Yoongi entering the shower and pulling her close to his bare body. She isn’t sure how he managed to get home and get undressed without her hearing a thing, but it doesn’t matter. She instantly wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him in for a kiss.
“I’m so glad you’re still awake,” Yoongi says in a low tone. “I feel like I haven’t gotten to hold you in way too long.”
“I know,” she says kissing him again. “I never knew I could miss you so much when we live together.”
He feels the same but rather than saying so, he pulls her in tighter for a heavier kiss. His hands trace every wet part of her body until he reaches between her legs and softly teases her clit. He lives for the breathy moan she lets out at the feeling of him. The sound he’s missed, the feel he’s missed, the taste he’s missed. It’s all too much and not enough at the same time.
He continues kissing her, slipping his tongue into her mouth and swallowing every sound of hers until he presses her back against the shower wall. His level of arousal is almost unbearable in this moment. So many missed connections and lonely nights are overflowing and poking her pelvis in the process.
“I love you so much, Bow,” he growls lifting her leg and wrapping it around his waist.
“I love you too, baby,” she whispers anticipating his entry that is much desired.
He presses her into the wall harder and takes his tongue on a tour of her neck and chest until he reaches her tits. He loves to see her like this. Melting in his arms and breathing heavily for what he’s about to give her.
He fills her up slowly sending waves of heat through her body until he can’t go any further. He pauses in place and stares her down. He could die in her big brown eyes that are staring up at him with lustful anticipation.
He starts slowly. Easing in and out of her delicately as if she were made of porcelain. In his mind she is. Right now, she’s his beautiful porcelain doll that he’ll never break.
“You feel so good,” he whispers taking her lips again.
She tightens her hold around his neck and arches her back pressing her chest into him more. It’s her silent way of telling him she wants it faster and harder. She wants his love to break her.
He takes the hint and picks up speed while pressing her harder against the shower wall. Her unsteady breaths fuel his powerful strokes more and more. Her moans sing a song that he’ll never get tired of. He can feel that overwhelming pressure within him getting closer to exploding out of every part of him.
The way her nails dig into the back of his neck lets him know she’s just about to lose it. He’s just about to lose it. Her pussy tightens around him sucking his oxygen out.
He growls at her, becoming more relentless and desperate with each stroke.
“I love you so fucking much,” she pants.
The rhythm of his hips sends her over the moon. Her nails dig deeper into his skin as she searches for some bit of stability. He lets out a deep purr when his muscles start to tense and his vision begins to fade.
“I love you,” she repeats kissing his neck. She continues to hang on to him until his hips slow to a stop and his purrs decrease to heavy breaths.
“I love you too, Hyeri,” he says once he has his voice back.
He slides out of her and kisses her softly. She lowers her leg from around his waist and smiles up at him.
“I don’t think I’ll have trouble falling asleep tonight,” she says.
“Good,” he says nipping at her bottom lip. “You only have about three hours before you have to leave.”
“Perfect,” she sarcastically huffs dreading her very early call time that she could have been well rested for had she not stayed up waiting for Yoongi. “I guess I should get to bed then.”
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whatdoidosatoru · 2 months
Sweet Nothings
PART 4 of The Only Exception
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - ao3 wc: 4938 pairing: Baji x OC (reader insert bc oc is very vaguely described) tags: smut, oral sex (f and m receiving), face-sitting, fingering, thigh-fucking, dirty talk, penetrative sex, he's so nice!!!!!
tag list: @bontensbabygirl @mrsryuguji - thank you so much for expressing interest for this fic I genuinely feel like crying when I think about it!
summary: post-exam stress turns into a fun night meeting Baji's friends :)
Sweet Nothings - Neck Deep
Just The Girl - The Click Five
She’s a God - Neck Deep
Last of the Real Ones - Fall Out Boy
You and I - Anarbor
Feeling This - blink-182
Closer - Nine Inch Nails
MINORS DNI!!!! 18+
The following week went by incredibly slowly. Yuna and I had classes and work so we couldn’t see each other, but we kept messaging throughout most of our days, apart from when we were working.
Every time I felt my phone vibrating I felt giddy, like a teenager in love. The feeling was explosive, overwhelming. That girl will be the death of me. Even Chifuyu couldn’t help but notice and take the piss out of me for it.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you smile this much since you stopped beating people up for shits and giggles.”
“Piss off, Chifuyu, I’m the embodiment of sunshine. I’m always smiling.”
Chifuyu laughed, “Sure, that’s why that old lady ran away when she saw you in front of our building today. Because you’re too cheerful.”
I flipped him off, still grinning at my phone and the latest selfie from Yuna while Chifuyu was setting up a show for us to watch.
Yuna🖤💙, 21:36
if my future werent on the line id just sleep in tomorrow tbh my eyes cannot stay open anymore midterms will be the death of me fuck this shit wanna move in with me in a cottage in the middle of nowhere and own some goats off the grid well get some cats as well ill take my dog back from my parents just us and animals and sometimes mai you can invite matsuno to visit tell him to bring us books when he visits
Boyfriend Material🧛🏻, 21:40
You’ve definitely got a good plan there But please go to sleep, you need rest before your exam <3 I’ll be home by the time you’ve finished and you can come over for lunch if you’d like
Yuna🖤💙, 21:42
thats kinda making me wet ngl
Boyfriend Material🧛🏻, 21:43
Lunch is making you wet? Have I told you how weird you are?
Yuna🖤💙, 21:43
you making me food and also coming to your place is, dumbass but anyway! off to sleep i go, tell matsuno im taking him up on that challenge to beat his ass in uno when i meet him good night hot stuff <3
Boyfriend Material🧛🏻, 21:44
Go to sleep, woman! And have the best dreams, preferably of me c; And good luck!!!! For tomorrow!! I know you’ll smash it!!! <33333
“Yuna’s coming over tomorrow after her exam to wipe the floor with you in uno.”
Chifuyu threw his head back and let out a villainous laugh.
“Does she know she’s talking to a master strategist and an uno master?"
“Listen, I know you’re my best friend an-”
“Brother, but continue.”
“....and all that. But if I’m not in her corner I don’t have sex. So if I have to make team Yuna t-shirts don’t be surprised.”
To that, he launched a piece of popcorn at me.
When I got back from work I jumped into the shower, counting down the minutes until Yuna came. When I finished making noodles, she rang the bell to be let upstairs. I all but sprinted to the door to let her in, standing with the apartment door open, just in my towel, waiting to see her face.
“I hope that food I smell is for me because if I don’t have something in my mouth in a minute I’ll riot.”
She was grumpy and tired, it was obvious from the way she dragged her feet on the stairs.
“I’ve got something you can put in your mouth.”
“Baji-kun I’m gonna bite it off.”
“Ooooh ‘Baji-kun’? I didn't think you were this serious. The food is ready, there will be no need for biting off my dick, you hater.”
Yuna reached up to grab my face and kissed it before making her way inside. She’d never been inside my apartment before, but the kitchen was right next to the front door, so she didn’t have to wander before lunch. I served her the food, sitting down next to her to eat and hear about her day.
“...and I knew he was going to put that ridiculous text in the exam and I almost screamed when I saw it. Unfortunately, Hana said she didn’t even get to that part with her revision so I didn’t have anyone to check the answers with.”
She practically inhaled the noodles and vegetables, doing a little dance as she ate.
“But anyway, I’m getting the results in a week, which is shit because if I failed it’s gonna ruin the whole night out! These are amazing by the way. I haven’t eaten all day until now so sorry if I was hangry.”
She was tripping her own sentences, trying to say everything at once. All I wanted to do was grab her face and smother her in affection, but I was trying to give her space to relax and reach out when she wanted to.
When I told her about my day, we moved to my bedroom. As she was taking it all in, lingering on the vinyl collection, I towel-dried my hair and started to look for some clothes to put on, but she stopped me, dragging me toward the bed and pushing me down.
“I could hardly focus on what you were saying earlier.”
“Something on your mind, sweetheart?”
“The food was amazing, but I want to taste you.”
Oh. I see. She unwrapped the towel from around my hips with a pleading look in her eyes. I pulled her hair up and used her own hair tie from my wrist to tie it back. With a soft smile, she took my cock into her mouth, not breaking eye contact.
My eyes rolled back and I struggled to keep myself sitting up to look at her. All I wanted was to lie down and process the sensation, but the intensity in her gaze was somehow holding me in place, the only thing moving was my mouth to let out a moan.
“Fuck it’s so warm,” I managed to squeeze out as she nodded, hummed in affirmation, and licked along my slit, teasing with her soft tongue. I wanted to burn this into the insides of my eyelids - Yuna on her knees between my legs, one hand on my balls, the other on my shaft, and her beautiful mouth enveloping my cock, hollowed-out cheeks as she sucked in air around it, her head bobbing up and down slightly, and most importantly, her eyes gazing into mine like she was memorising every detail of my face that was twisting into expressions of pure pleasure.
“Your mouth is so pretty-ah-when you do this. Fuck you’re so hot like this.”
My words just kept coming. She needed to know how she made me feel and it seemed to make her hollow out her cheeks even more and suck with more intensity - I felt my orgasm coming rapidly.
“I’m so close sweets, can you take it?”
In reply her hand found mine and placed it on her ponytail so I gripped it tight, leading her into the pace I needed to finally exhale and spurt cum into her throat. She carefully removed her mouth from my cock and opened it to show me milky white cum on her tongue, promptly swallowing it and showing me her empty mouth.
I groaned and pulled her into my lap for a deep kiss, her hands flew to the back of my head to grip my hair and she was straddling my lap. My hands were holding her hips tightly squeezing her skin and I could feel the heat radiating from her pussy.
She started rubbing myself on my thigh, but only slightly. I held her tighter and moved her hips back and forth, intensifying the friction between her core and my leg. She started moaning into my mouth and keeping the pace on her own, clearly getting more and more pleasure than just with her own small movements.
“Keisuke I need you,” her moans were so cute, barely pronouncing my name through whines.
I pulled her off my lap to unbutton her jeans and take them off along with her underwear.
“How do you want me?” She moaned into my mouth as I swiped my fingers through her wet folds.
“All to myself, sweetness, but I’ll make do with your pussy on my face for now.”
I could feel her arousal leaking, soon to be smeared on my face. I lay on my back, waiting for her to position herself over me, she gripped the bed frame and hovered above me.
“I’m gonna need you to get lower, can’t reach you like this.” I grabbed her thighs to try and lower her.
“I’m scared I’ll crush you!”
How cute.
“What a way to die, feasting on your sweetness, suffocated by sweet,” I lightly slapped her thigh where it met her ass, “soft thighs of a gorgeous woman. Now sit.”
With that, I pulled her all the way onto my face and, as soon as she was met with my eager tongue, she let out a scrumptious moan. I licked a long strip from her entrance all the way to her clit and started circling the soft sensitive bud and spelling out my name on it. Every time the tip of my tongue finished an S, I could feel her thighs twitch, making me dig my fingers into her.
Her moans turned to whimpers, whimpers to cries, and with a breathy cry of my name she tightened…and let go. I drank her release slowly, gently, to not overwhelm her, and let go of her thighs. She collapsed on the bed next to me, breathing heavily.
“I’ve…fuck I’ve never done that before.” With a quick roll, I was above her, pinning her to the bed and kissing her deeply, making her taste herself on my lips.
“Stick around and this won’t be the last time.” I winked at her and helped her up to put her clothes on.
I rummaged around my wardrobe looking for a minute and pulled out a dark grey band hoodie. Yuna’s eyes widened when I handed it to her.
“I told you I’d give you a hoodie you can sniff like a weirdo.”
“Kei…The Black Parade? If I had any energy left I’d cry. Thank you."
She launched herself at me with arms wide open. I embraced her tightly and kissed the top of her head. If I’d known this would make her so happy I would’ve done it right away. She got her book bag and I went to put the plates away before we went to her flat to get her things.
I couldn’t believe my absolute luck that I got to flaunt her in front of my friends and she agreed to sleep over tonight. I was practically skipping on the way to hers. We were holding hands again and I swear I could feel her smile burning into the side of my head every time I stopped looking at her.
She packed up a pyjama top, toothbrush, some skincare stuff, and makeup while I was looking through her bookshelf, picking up some books to see what she read.
“Why doesn’t it say what they’re about on the back? Who is the Guardian and why am I supposed to care that they think this book is ‘moving and engaging by turns, with an ending to blow down walls’? Just tell me the plot dammit!”
Yuna laughed softly, “Unfortunately, it’s all too common these days. That’s why I rely on the internet.”
Placing the book back, my gaze went over a nail polish basket. Out of curiosity I picked up a few bottles to look at them more closely and was met with a light chuckle from the door.
“You want me to paint your nails, Kei?”
“I wouldn’t mind that. Do you have black?”
“Do I have….Baji Keisuke look at me and ask me that again.” She couldn’t keep a serious face on, immediately grinning at me.
“Fair point, so will you do it?”
She walked over to me, all of her stuff packed into a rucksack, and placed a kiss on my fingers.
“Of course. You’ll look even hotter with black nail polish on while you’re fingering me.”
Immediate hard-on. It wasn’t fair.
On our way back to mine, we stopped by a shop to get some snacks and drinks for tonight, I could feel Yuna growing more anxious by the minute. Having arrived at the apartment, I got to dusting and cleaning up while Yuna excused herself to my bedroom to put on some makeup - something about feeling more put together to help with her nerves. Chifuyu was on his way home from work so he should be the first one out of the group to meet her. 
Twisted Firestarter, 14:26 She’s really nervous rn Please be nice to her Or I’ll burn your pillows c:
ChiFOOLyu, 14:27 I’M ALWAYS NICE I get it man don’t touch my stuff if you don’t want to be strangled in your sleep :D I’m home in 20 mins 
Twisted Firestarter, 14:28 Just saying, the gang might be too much to handle so it’s be nice if she had another person apart from me to talk to
ChiFOOLyu, 14:29 👌
There was a knock on the door and a faint voice coming in, “I hope both of you are dressed because I don’t need any more jump scares today!”
With that, Chifuyu unlocked the front door and walked in, tossed his keys on the shelf in the hallway, and took his boots off before walking over to us sitting on the couch. Yuna took a deep breath and grinned at him, immediately turning to banter to mask her nervousness.
“Matsuno-kun, I heard you think you could hold a candle to my absolute domination at card games?”
Chifuyu all but threw himself onto the couch next to her, acting like they’d known each other for years.
“My deepest apologies, Yuna-sensei. All I want is a chance to play against a world-renowned master such as yourself. And you can call me Chifuyu, no need to be so formal.”
“Okay Fufu, but chumminess is not going to make me go easy on you.” She said with a wink. I liked seeing her growing more and more relaxed with Chifuyu, even though she was nervous as all hell earlier.
“Fufu? Aight…are you painting your nails, Keisuke?” He clocked one of my hands spread across Yuna’s lap, the other in the air trying not to smudge the freshly applied coat of black nail polish.
“I’m pretty sure you have eyes, Chi, Yuna is painting them, not me. And what of it?” I knew he didn’t mean anything negative by it, but it wouldn’t be us if we didn’t tease each other for no reason.
“Fuck off trying to insinuate shit. Yuna, could you paint mine as well? Might make me seem more badass since I’m not fighting anym-” A silent, but intense look in my eyes made him stop talking and smile at Yuna instead.
Yuna lifted her head to look at him when she finished painting my other hand and reached for Chifuyu after instructing me to be careful not to smudge anything.
“Wow your cuticles are so neat,” she inspected his hands before taking the nail polish and started applying, “what happened to your face anyway? That scratch looks fresh.”
They started chatting about all the cats we get at work and how some are absolute bastards to take care of, sometimes we get scratched up. Just looking at the energy between the two of them was soothing.
I no longer had to worry about there being any awkwardness in Yuna meeting my friends. I was still waiting for her answer to being my girlfriend, hopefully, tonight might make her see she is wanted and I wouldn’t hide her away.
A few hours later, after we dried our nails and joked around with Yuna, my phone rang. When I picked up, I could hear two sets of voices, one clearly not talking to me, the other trying to be loud enough for me to hear, but unfortunately loud enough that I had to move the phone away from my ear.
“MIKEY FORGOT WHICH BUTTON HE NEEDS TO PRESS CAN YOU BUZZ US IN,” I could hear Mitsuya shouting over Mikey and Draken arguing in the background.
I hung up and pressed the button next to the porta phone, waiting for them to make their way to my door. They were still arguing over who knew which button to press when they walked in and I took the pizza boxes from Mitsuya’s hands.
“Yeah well, it’s Baji’s fault for not having us over anymore.”
“It’s not like we ever needed an invitation?”
“Yeah well, Mr.Big Shot over here is too busy for his best friends because he’s going to be a very important vet someday.”
“I live here, too! You can come and visit me!” Chifuyu shouted at them from the couch where he was keeping Yuna company.
Mikey’s gaze stopped on Yuna’s face as she shyly waved and smiled at them.
“Oh hey, new best friend. I’m Mikey, you’re Yuna, right?” He flashed her an angelic smile, earning a smack to the back of his head from Draken.
“Behave, Mikey.” Draken shook his head, reaching to shake Yuna’s hand, and walking back to the kitchen with me, handing me the watermelon he brought with him.
We cut it together and moved the pizzas to the coffee table while Mikey and Mitsuya were trying to be normal around Yuna. Chifuyu seemed to be fending off Mikey’s overbearing closeness pretty well so Draken and I could bring all the drinks and cups to the gathering spot. 
I sat next to Yuna, sharing the couch with Chifuyu, while Draken was spread out on the other one, Mikey sitting on the floor with Mitsuya. I had plugged my phone into the big speaker under the TV and played some music as background noise to our conversations.
Yuna seemed to be enjoying the company, often being asked about her studies and hobbies. When she wasn’t talking I could hear her humming along to the music and tapping her fingers on my leg in the rhythm of whatever was on. I passed her some pizza and fruit to eat, which she accepted with a massive smile on her face.
Mikey ended up falling asleep curled up on the floor while Chifuyu was arguing with Draken about who bought pizza the last time we had a gathering like this one.
“DID YOU JUST BLUE SHELL ME YUNA I SWEAR TO EVERYTHING HOLY-” Chifuyu was getting frustrated at nearly winning at Mario Kart - again.
Yuna just playfully chuckled and continued playing, Draken taking the opportunity to speed past him and win the race, sharing a conspiratorial smirk with Yuna.
“That’ll teach you not to knock me into the mud next time.” She replied, smacking him on the arm.
I took the controller from his hands and started a new race, ready to obliterate everyone involved.
It was late by the time the guys left, but I wasn’t tired in the slightest. Yuna’s face was blushed from everyone complimenting her and being really nice and genuine with her, as they should’ve been. She helped Chifuyu clean up the plates and glasses and I accompanied her to the bathroom to brush our teeth and for her to remove her makeup.
“I’ve been thinking…” She started.
“Oh no, what about?”
“Kei I’m serious. I’ve had a really good time tonight. Everyone seemed so genuine and friendly.”
“They can be, yeah. That’s why I’ve been friends with them for the past, uhhh, I want to say around ten years, give or take.”
“I want to be your girlfriend, Kei.”
I stood there, completely shocked, with the toothbrush forgotten in my mouth, staring at her reflection in the mirror. Her lips were stretched into a smile, toothbrush still in her mouth, and all I could think about was how I wanted this moment to last forever in its glorious bliss. I quickly spat the toothpaste out and rinsed my mouth, grabbed her hips and spun her around to face me
“You’re sure? I don’t want you to rush your decision just for my sake.”
“I wasn’t planning on rushing it, dumbass, it just feels right.”
I let my hands roam up and down her hips while she finished brushing her teeth and immediately pulled her in for a deep kiss. For the first time as a couple. I picked her up, causing her to break out into a fit of giggles and wrap her legs around my waist, and carried her into my bedroom, walking past Chifuyu, who was still sitting on the couch scrolling on his phone.
“Hey Yuna, maybe we-”
I cut him off before he could stop us, “Not now, pal, my girlfriend and I are a bit busy at the moment.”
“Girlfriend?! Congrats bro!” He returned to his phone, grinning, no doubt alerting the group chat.
As soon as I shut the bedroom door and dropped her on my bed I began undressing, Yuna giggled trying to take her t-shirt off,
“‘My girlfriend and I are a bit busy’ I love the sound of that, mister boyfriend Baji Keisuke.”
I put my hair up into a ponytail and hungrily began kissing up her legs to where her panties started.
“Shhh I’m busy kissing my girlfriend,” I murmured between the kisses, “my beautiful girlfriend,” I nipped at her panties and rolled them down to her ankles, “my gorgeous girlfriend that I’ve somehow managed to pull,” with one hand I held her hips down while the other went to her clit to softly rub it, “my perfect girlfriend who’s going to be so good for me right now and tell me how she wants to cum, hm?”
I looked up at her and, holy shit, her face was already scrunched up in pleasure, her mouth slightly open, her breaths coming out in sharp puffs. One of my fingers was sucked into her needy hole, curling upwards to press on her sensitive spot. She whined at the sensation, squirming under my hand.
“I asked you something, Yuna. How do you want to cum?”
She half-opened her eyes and with a strained voice slurred, “On your fingers, please, Kei.”
How could I not oblige when she asked so nicely?
I inserted another finger into her, attaching my lips to her clit and slowly swirling my tongue around it, drawing sinful moans out of her mouth. She grabbed my hair to bring me even closer to her and I could feel her soft walls tightening around my fingers.
Yuna let out a cry and her juices coated my fingers, I just couldn’t help but lick them clean, before squeezing her thighs and pressing kisses along them, biting to leave marks behind. Making my way up to her, she ran her hands all over my body, admiring me with glassy eyes and hair all over my pillow and her face.
I hoped she wouldn’t mind a little bit of roughness, seeing her spayed out on the bed like that, with her eyes closed, hair sticking to her forehead, made me feel like a wild animal. Like I could bite her flesh forever, leave little reminders of myself on her thighs and hips, which is exactly what I did. She mewled in pleasure whenever I started biting a new bruise into her soft skin.
“Kei it’s s’good,” she was already slurring.
I pulled away and pressed her legs together in the air in front of me, placing my painfully hard erection between her thighs.
“Hope you don’t mind waiting a little more before I fuck you.”
She whined in response as I started pumping my cock through her thighs. Her soft, plush skin felt heavenly on my wanting erection, it grazed her pussy with each thrust, and soon enough I was keeping a steady pace. Her face was flush in frustration, her hips lifting to get more friction on her puffy clit, little whines falling from her lips as she couldn’t get what she was after.
When I was close to finishing I dropped her legs, knees falling towards her chest, and leaned down to grip her lips into a deep kiss. She smelled like freshly squeezed oranges, refreshing my mind as I breathed in her scent. Yuna’s hands roamed across my back and settled in my hair, scratching my scalp, in turn making me shiver with the sensation.
I aligned my cock with her dripping core and dragged it along her soft, puffy folds to make her sigh in frustration one more time before I sunk into her warm, spongy walls.
The noise that came out when I fully sheathed my length into her was something I would be chasing for the rest of my life. A long, sinful moan of anticipated reward that was finally here after all the teasing.
“She’s sucking me in so well, so obsessed with me,” I couldn’t help but tease as her pussy clenched around my dick with every thrust.
Yuna looked up at me, glaring, and managed to bite out,
“Maybe she was feeling ignored while you were playing with my thighs instead!”
So cute while she was angry.
“Don’t be a hater, Yuna, or next time I’ll only fuck your thighs and make you beg for attention to your cunt.”
That shut her up and made her roll her eyes, her attitude was immediately cut short when I slammed my hips into hers and made her gasp louder than before. I chuckled and pressed a kiss onto her lips, licking her bottom lip, before pushing myself up and pressing her legs as far to her chest as she could handle, getting a better angle to thrust into her deeper than before.
She cried out in pleasure when I picked up the pace, my mouth couldn’t contain grunts as her warm walls drew me in and clenched around me - with my name on her lips she came and a ring of white formed around my base. Her orgasm only made me more feral, slamming into her drenched pussy with a ferocity I hadn’t used before, as her moans turned more and more desperate, borderline pornographic.
“Kei please slow-fuck-down ‘s ah too much!” She was half-slurring her words, eyes shut, mouth open in ecstasy. I slowed down for a few thrusts to oblige.
“Overwhelmed?” I asked her, to which she only nodded lightly.
With a grin I slammed into her harder, still not speeding up, but she didn’t say anything about roughness. I grabbed her legs and hugged them tightly, resting her calves on my shoulders. I lazily dragged my cock in and out of her, barely putting in any effort, waiting for her to beg me to speed up again.
I didn’t have to wait long, but this pace made me feel so needy, I wanted to pound into her like it was my last night on earth, I wanted to make her scream my name so loudly that there would be no doubt in anyone’s mind about who was making her see stars.
When she finally spoke again my cock twitched inside of her with excitement.
“Kei baby faster please,” She whined and I had half a mind to jump on the request, but the other part of me wanted to make her beg.
“You sure you can take it, sweetheart?”
“I want it, please.”
“How much?”
“How much do you want it?” I wanted to watch her squirm with want.
“I need it. I need you, Keisuke. I need your cock deep and fast,” her eyes were glistening, “please.”
With that I doubled my thrusts, her moans immediately rising in pitch. Her fucked-out face scrunching up while her mouth hung open, lewd moans slipping past her soft lips. I wanted to kiss them, but this position was just too good to stop. I grunted with my quick movements while her toes curled on each side of my neck. The next best thing to do was to kiss her ankles, making her chuckle mid-moan.
“Kei ‘m sooooo close don’t-fuck-don’t stop!” Yuna was gasping for air at this point and I was almost at my tipping point, desperate to spill inside of her.
I reached down to smack her ass and draw out another whine from her mouth, she was trying to say my name again, but all that came out was a long moan as her walls contracted around my dick once more, releasing another orgasm and making her spasm in front of me.
That was enough to milk my cock of everything I had in me, long ropes of cum spurted on her walls and I slowed down to ride it out with her. I slowly pulled out, some of our cum very lazily leaking out of her abused hole. With a kiss to her swollen clit, I gently pushed her up to the pillows and went to the bathroom to get her a warm towel while trying to ignore Chifuyu’s protesting about my walking out of my bedroom naked.
After cleaning her up (gently, trying to shush her overstimulated whines), I lay in bed next to her and drew her closer into my chest. She released a happy humming sound and almost immediately started snoring. I could definitely get used to this, I whispered into the back of her head,
“You’ll be the death of me, sweetheart, I feel like I’m falling in love.”
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notyour-valentine · 10 months
Welcome to Downton, Mr Shelby 13 ~ Tommy Shelby x Crawley!OC (Series)
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Summary: Derby Day - what could go wrong?
If interested, you can check out this post for more about Charlotte
All my writing is produced by an adult and created with an adult audience in mind (18/21+). You are responsible for your own media consumption.I do not consent to my work being translated, copied or posted elsewhere on this platform or any other.
Wordcount: 5400 words
Part 13
“What does love feel like?”, she asked Sybil, sitting down on the edge of her bed. “Why are you asking?”
Charlotte glanced down at her lap before answering, seeing her hands fidget on their own accord. 
“I want to know.”
“Why are you asking me?”, Sybil wanted to know, as she sat down next to her. 
“Because you love Tom Branson.”
It wasn’t an accusation, just a statement of fact. And perhaps, after days of hearing how it was just a fancy, that she didn’t - couldn’t - really love him, seeing Charlotte accept her feelings was what made her answer. 
“It’s strange, really.”, Sybil said. “You think about them even when you’re not thinking. You hear their voice in your head as if they were sitting right beside you. You knew what they would say or think or how they would react to something that is happening around you, but these thoughts come on their own.”
Her voice was so soft and dreamy as she spoke, almost as if she wanted to lull Charlotte to sleep. 
“It’s not a conscious choice to be reminded of them, but everything somehow does, as if they were the sun and the world had begun to revolve around them.”
So Tom Branson is the sun?
“It sounds rather invasive.”, Charlotte mumbled. “But it’s not- at least it doesn’t feel that way.”, Sybil argued at once. “It’s comforting really, because sometimes the person you love feels like the only person who knows you.”
Hearing that hurt, after all Charlotte knew Sybil as much as anyone could, and Mary and Edith have known her since the day of her birth, as had Mama and Papa. 
Surely Branson, no matter how Sybil liked or even loved him, couldn’t know her better than they did. 
“They also inspire you to be the best version of yourself - the true version of yourself. The you without limitations, and maybe the you were trying to hide.”
Charlotte doubted Sir Richard was bringing out the ‘her’ Mary was trying to hide, nor exactly the best version of her. She was just Mary- the way she had been with the Duke and she hadn’t loved him. 
Not that she was the best judge of love. Or any judge on anything remotely romantic unless it was taking place between the softly bound covers of a romance novel. 
Then again, in these novels, especially the dangerously raunchy ones, weeks of pining, fo sleepless nights, fluttering stomachs and shaking hands all culminated in the purest and most devastating expression of love that was a kiss. 
Or was supposed to be. It wasn’t like she had the experience to warrant a literary exploration of the subject on her own, but the last time she had shared a kiss with someone, she had felt so much, she thought she would combust - the thrill of the forbidden, the fear of being caught, the disbelief in the fact that someone actually wanted to kiss her, and that she wanted to kiss someone too.. And that were her thoughts alone, not the butterflies in her belly, not the softness of his lips and the smile they formed after, not the way his hand searched for the side of her face, as always as gentle as a butterfly’s wing, fleeting traces at first, and then the warmth of his palm that lingered after he had pulled away. 
She hadn’t been sure that that was love, but it had taught her heartbreak. 
This time there were no butterflies, no fear, no excitement, not even the knowledge she was doing something forbidden. It was beyond inappropriate, being seen kissing in broad daylight, and then a man she was neither engaged nor married to. 
Instead, all her mind could summon was “Oh-”
A realisation of what he was doing, followed by the rather important question of “why?”. 
Her own absence of emotion surprised her, especially since it seemed to be such a significant thing to him. She yet remembered how he leaned his forehead against hers, how his breath had shuddered, and his hands trembled. 
For a moment he had held her such, his hands cradling the side of her face, before he had stroked his thumb over her cheekbones. 
“I have to go now.”, he had told her, his voice thick with an emotion she couldn’t place, let alone hope to return. With another short kiss to her brow he had disappeared, something that filled her with immense gratitude since she had not the faintest idea of how to react to that. 
In the days that passed between then and now, she had given the question of why people kiss great thought. Beyond her own experience, she had seen it in only a few examples. Of course, her Mama and her Papa kissed, but she mostly only saw it on greeting or departing, or in moments they stole when they thought no one was watching. On the lips that was, her father was quite fond of kissing her hand too. She had seen Sybil kiss Branson, but that wasn’t exactly an appropriate example, although there was a little Lady Marion and Robin Hood to it all. If Robin Hood’s friends set fire to Nottingham Castle and gave the money to the Irish. 
Once when she had been little she had seen a maid kiss a footman, both long gone from their service, and once she had seen Anna and Mr Bates share an embrace from her window. Another greeting between those already certain of their feelings. 
Why Tommy Shelby thought to kiss her was a mystery to him. It did make things a whole lot more complicated and left a bitter taste in her mouth, and it was especially harsh since she lacked Sybil’s advice. She was so far away. 
And it wasn’t like she could ask her other sisters. Edith did not have a lucky hand in love, and Mary, well, whatever in love was, it certainly wasn’t a term to describe her and Sir Richard. 
Although they both made a valiant effort, him especially, but she knew her sister well enough to know it was icy between them, even in the suffocating heat. Beside her, Edith groaned. 
“I didn’t remember it being this hot.”, she complained, flapping air towards herself with her fan. 
“I wouldn’t know.”, Charlotte said. This was her very first race season. Before the war, she had been too young and during the war, they hadn’t gone. 
But since the season had resumed, so had the race attendance. 
Edith was right, it was impossibly hot, and even in an all white dress, with a white hat and white shawl to cover her bare shoulders, she had to fight the heat with her fan - also white to match the rest. It was a colour scheme that was carried throughout their part of their enclosure. It was separate from the grand-stands, and only for guests with name or title. 
There was so much to see - the race course, naturally, but also the many, many people who had come to watch and cheer, the betting stands and bars below. Not that they were allowed to go there. Hospitality took care of them. 
“Charlotte, Edith, darlings,”, Mama said, gesturing them closer, “stay a little in the shade, will you? I don’t want you getting a headache.”
“Of course.”,  she agreed. 
Although that might save her from the planned meal at Sir Richard’s later. She had to be polite and kind for Mary’s sake, but that didn’t mean she had to like him. 
Right now, he was bragging to Mary about all the bets he had laid on the horses. Charlotte didn’t know much about racehorses, how could she? 
But she was looking forward to seeing them - so tall and proud and strong. 
Only until the race started, there were a lot of greetings that had to be exchanged, a near endless list of people to be introduced to and an infinite number of courtesies to be exchanged. 
The heat didn’t exactly help make that more durable. Everyone said the same things. Unfortunately for her, she was still a topic of interest, as a debutante and a fresh face, with Edith, who kept her company, sadly being unable to take much of it away from her. 
“I just need a minute.”, she whispered softly, after one particularily keen Viscount had taken his leave. 
“Do you want me to come with you?”, Edith asked, but she shook her head and took her absence with a squeeze of her hand. 
She walked all the way to the edge of the balcony, to where the waiters were loading champagne glasses on a tray. 
One drink will probably kill me in this weather, she thought, and instead opted to look down at the ring below. 
People there looked to be far more excited, far more at ease than them up here. 
There were so many of them - hundreds upon hundreds. Charlotte tried to think if she had ever been to an event with this many people crowded into one place. Each and every figure she saw had their own mind, their own name and family and fate, their own reasons for being here today and their own loved ones they could come home to. 
It was rather overwhelming - so many, so very many and just one her. 
But then she spotted something, a man, in a long dark coat, too far away for her to make out his face, but she didn’t have to. Why should she, if she noticed the walk?
Charlotte couldn’t help the wide smile that came to her lips at once. 
He was headed in the direction of their hospitality, or close rather, and with every step he took, her heart began to beat faster. Then the memory of their last interaction came back and made her smile drop, taking with it the excitement of possibly introducing the man whose foundation she helped build to her family to finally get their approval for her work. It would be wise not to mention the kiss - and if she told Tommy that, he too may forget it ever happened and they would all be able to go on as they had, working together on a real project. 
This was just the plan! Besides, she could introduce him to the other guests too. That wouldn’t hurt his business. 
Glancing over her shoulder, she rushed towards the exit of the hospitality and began to rush down the stairs. 
She passed four sets of security officers, who all gave her funny looks, but didn’t stop her. They weren’t allowed to talk to her after all. 
Once she was down, she had to weave her way past a few race goers to reach him. 
He didn’t seem to care for any of the surroundings, keeping his gaze firmly fixed on something ahead of him. 
“Tommy!", She called once she came into earshot. “Tommy!”
His head piqued up, but there was no smile on his lips, no light in his eye- nothing. 
Instead he just stared at her as if he didn’t recognise her. 
"How wonderful to see you!”, she said, offering him a wide smile, in spite of the pit in her stomach. Perhaps she had miscalculated drastically. Then again, what reason would he have to wish to avoid her when he had been the initiator during their last encounter? 
"You're here?", He asked breathlessly. 
"Of course I am.", She said. "We all came, it’s the first race of the season and Papa said we could go.”
As she spoke, she looked up at the balcony of the enclosure. 
"I could introduce you if you like.", she offered. 
"Introduce me?", He asked as if he didn't understand a word she was saying, as if the language was foreign to him. 
"Yes, my parents would surely be most interested in meeting you.” 
He shook his head, swallowing hard. 
"No, no, Charlotte.", He said under his breath, his pale blue eyes glancing around as if he was searching for something. 
"But why not?”, she demanded to know, trying not to sound as disappointed as she was. 
"This is not a good time. I have things to do."
"Aren’t you here to enjoy the race?”
What other things were there to do at a race track?
He didn’t say. Instead, his eyes danced around impatiently. 
“Tommy are you quite alright?"
He didn't respond. Instead he licked his lips, took her by the arm and pulled her up the stairs. 
"That's your family? Over there?", He said breathlessly, pointing at them. 
"Yes, do you want me to introduce-"
"No!", He insisted sharply. "No, that blonde one? The tall one that's your cousin, yeah?"
His tone was rougher than she was used to, coming from him. “That’s your cousin, Captain Crawley”
She was surprised to hear him using his military title. He didn’t like anything to do with the military, and Matthew hadn’t been a Captain since the war ended, and hadn’t introduced himself as such. Why would he know his rank?
“Well, yes, Matthew.”
He grabbed her shoulders and turned her around to face him. His grip was uncommonly tight. 
"You stay close to him, you hear me? Promise me you'll stay close to him."
His eyes were wider than usual, and although he didn't show more emotion than usual, there was something about his voice that made her skin crawl, something that made her heart skip a beat. 
"Tommy, whatever's the matter?", She demanded to know. 
He took a deep breath and came even closer, so close that she could smell the lingering scent of an already-smoked cigarette. 
One of his hands found her cheek. 
"Promise me you'll stay close to your Captain.”
“Charlotte, I need you to promise me.”, he snarled. “I’ll try to find you after the race and if not, I’ll call you tonight.”
She swallowed hard and nodded. 
"Good. Now go, go!"
The police officers let her through without a word but with suspicious glances. 
It was as if his uneasiness had washed over her, even once she was with her family once more.
"What has gotten you so pale, Poppet?", Mama asked, putting an arm on her back. “Is it the heat?”
She waved for a lemonade. 
Sipping it, Charlotte’s eyes scanned the track below, trying to find something - anything - that would be amiss. He wasn’t like that for no reason. Something must have happened. Something must have him concerned. It couldn’t have been the kiss, surely? 
Maybe something is wrong with his horse. 
But she saw nothing, no one, and his horse was brought to the starting line. 
Before the race started, she moved up next to Matthew, Tommy’s instructions ringing in her head. 
He had been in quite a mood today, but didn’t seem to mind her company. 
The gunshot rang through the air and the horses began to race, and yet she still couldn't look at them. Instead she looked at everything else, even as all around her the people cheered. 
Then she felt commotion- it wasn't that she saw it, not at first, but she felt the shift of energy all around her as if someone had clicked a switch. 
Soon after, Matthew noticed too, his head peeking up and his eyes dancing around the ring below. 
Then, he suddenly stepped away from the balcony and towards the exit. Charlotte followed suit, but by the time she reached Matthew, he had already returned from speaking to the police officer. 
"What is going on?", She asked him, taking his arm.  
"Nothing.", He lied, and very poorly at that, guiding her back to the group. Charlotte, however, saw that only two policemen remained at the entrance of the group. 
Stay close to him. 
"Matthew, where have all the policemen gone?"
He swallowed hard and gave her arm a little squeeze. "Everything is fine."
It's not, she thought as her eyes darted over everything that was happening below. It's not fine. 
She had no clue what was happening but she knew it had to do with Tommy. She just felt it deep down in her bones. 
Absentmindedly, her fingers brushed against her dress, where Sybil’s pearl pendant lay beneath. 
But the race went on, and the people, most people, even Mama and Papa, Edith and Sir Richard were watching and cheering. Only she knew she and Matthew and Mary who had caught them both looking and was now equally confused. 
There was loud cheering as the race concluded, followed by celebratory drinks and the like, but Charlotte could only stand at the edge of the balcony, staring down at the ring. 
She knew there was something she was missing, but even as the stands began to clear, she couldn’t say what it was. 
“Charlotte?”, she heard a booming voice from below. “Oi, Charlotte, that’s you up there, eh?”
She recognised the voice at once, but it took her a while to find the person that spoke. 
Only when she heard Arthur Shelby curse “Get the fuck off me!”,  and saw the ring of commotion did she realise he was on the steps already. 
They wouldn’t let him in, they wouldn’t let anyone in. 
“Charlotte, come ‘ere love, we need your help!”, he said, gesturing at her to come down. 
She glanced back at where her family was sitting and standing with drinks. “A moment’s all we need, come ‘ere”, Arthur Shelby repeated. 
There was a burning in his eyes, that made her rush towards the exit. 
“Ma’am, you shouldn’t leave the enclosure.”, the police officer warned. “It’s not safe out there.”
Arthur growled at the man as he took her arm. 
“She’s safer with us than you!”
They were walking so swiftly, she had trouble keeping up. “What’s going on?”, she asked him breathlessly. “Is everything alright.? Has something happened with Tommy?”
“Wha- yeah, Tommy is Tommy, he’ll be fine.”, he growled. "Wherever the fuck he is."
That was not at all reassuring, especially given his use of profanities. They made her flinch each time. 
He hurried her past tables and chairs with empty glasses and tipped over bottles until they reached the edge of the circut. 
“What the bloody hell are you doing, Arthur?”, the familiar voice of John Shelby asked. “What is she doing here?”
“She’s the only one who can go in there.”, he said. “The only woman here we know.” “Go where?”, Charlotte asked. 
John spat on the floor. “What happened?”, she demanded to know, glancing at each of them in turn. 
All of this made her skin crawl, from the distress in the crowd, the swearing and the fact that John was as keen as ever to be in her company. 
For a moment, both Shelby brothers stared at each other, and she knew they were having a silent deliberation. 
“Fine.”, John finally spat, beckoning her closer. Only now did she realise that they were close to the facilities. 
“Lizzie’s in there and she won’t come out. Just get her to come out and don’t ask stupid questions.”
He had always been dismissive and rude to her but now he had an urgency in his voice.
“Miss Stark?”, she asked. 
“Please.”, John sneered, although it was clear he didn’t like saying it. 
This is why Arthur took me? For the emergency that Lizzie Stark wasn’t leaving the facilities? It almost sounded like a bad joke to her, but she was here now and so she nodded and walked towards the facilities, passing the security guard standing by to ensure order. 
Charlotte walked inside. By now, it was nearly deserted, her heels echoing on the wooden ground. 
The first door was open, as was the second, and the third and even the fourth. The fifth, the one furthest away from the door was the only one locked. 
But behind it, there was silence. 
Charlotte took a deep breath and stepped closer to the stall door. “Miss Stark?”, she asked softly. “It’s me, Charlotte Crawley.”
“Go away.”, she snapped. But it wasn’t an angry voice. It was strained and tense and Charlotte swore she heard a sniffle too. 
“The Shelbys are outside. They are worried about you and they sent me to fetch you.” “Fuck them!”, she spat, her voice trembling, followed by a shuddering breath. 
Charlotte flinched slightly, the palm of her hand against the door. 
“Miss Stark? Is everything alright?”
The stall door was opened with such force, Charlotte jumped back. “Does it look fucking alright to you?”, she screamed at her in a tone that made her flinch worse than teh swearing had done. 
Charlotte’s eyes widened as she saw the cut on her brow and the blood on her cheek. The top of her dress had been ripped and she had lost her hat, leaving her hair in a tangled mess. 
Her eyes were red from crying, smudging the dark makeup around them. 
A hand flew to her mouth. “I’ll call the nurses!”, she insisted and had already turned, when a bruising iron grip clasped her wrist, pulling her back. “No!”, she hissed. “No fucking nurses. And no fucking Shelbys!”
More tears spilled out of the corner of her eyes, spreading the dark makeup around her eyes further, and her voice cracked as she said their name. Then, in a split second, the fury seemed to abandon her, leaving her weak and hurting almost like a lost child. 
“I just want to leave. I just want to fucking leave.”, she wept, clasping her hands over her face. 
When the other woman began to sob, Charlotte did the only thing she could think of and that was stepping forward and pulling her into an embrace. To her own shock, Miss Stark clung to her with a strength she had not anticipated, her whole body trembling as her hands dug into her. “I just want to leave. I just want to leave. I just want to leave.”, she repeated again and again. 
“Alright.”, Charlotte said, her own voice breathless, as she tried to think of what to do. Step by step, she thought. I’ll figure it out as we go. 
“We can leave.”, she offered, allowing her request. 
“But they are outside. I don’t want to look at them. I don’t want to speak to them!”, she insisted. 
“You won’t have to.”, Charlotte said. “You can leave with me, We’ll find a way.”
She could put her in a car home, but this was so unlike the Miss Stark she had known and she felt responsible for her. Something told her that she shouldn’t leave her alone. “I can’t go out like this.”, Miss Stark whispered as she saw her reflection in the mirror. 
“Fuck!”, she whispered, cursing her own reflection. 
 Charlotte draped her shawl over her shoulders. It hid her ripped dress. It left her own arms bare, but oh well. At least her dress wasn’t ripped. 
Then she took her handkerchief and let water run over it before wiping her cheeks like she would do with those of a child, before smoothing down her hair. 
“Better?”, she asked. 
Miss Stark only nodded meekly.
“I can take you with me. To London.”, Charlotte offered. “You won’t have to go home with the Shelbys. Is that alright?”
The nod was barely there, but she took it as confirmation enough. One arm was around her waist, the other holding her arm. 
Once outside, they were swarmed by Arthur and John and at once, she felt the other woman tense. “Miss Stark doesn’t wish to speak to you!”, she announced without stopping in her tracks, like Mary would, and they just kept walking. 
For a while she feared that they might come after her, but thankfully her tone seemed to have stunned them into silence.. 
Charlotte walked over to their hospitality with Miss Stark, in front of which now six police officers stood. 
“Sorry no access.”, he told them. 
Charlotte scowled at him. “I am an invited guest!”
They exchanged a glance. “There were orders not to let anyone in, Miss.”
Charlotte spoke with all the authority the Crawley family history granted her, with the forcefulness that would put Mary’s to shame. “I am no Miss, Sir, I am Lady Charlotte Crawley, now I politely request you let us pass right this instant!”
Her tone was less polite, granted, but it did make them step aside. 
Most people had moved away from the balcony and inside to the shade and the cooler drinks. “Would you like to come or wait here?”, she asked, but before Miss Stark could answer, she heard fast footsteps. “Charlotte, there you are!”, her mother scolded. “I was so worried. You can’t just disappear like that with no one knowing where you are.!”
“Apologies, Mama!”, she said quickly. “I-
Over her shoulder, she could see her looking at Miss Stark, her eyes wide. 
“Mama, this is Miss Stark. She works for Mr. Shelby- the foundation, you remember?" At that mention, Miss Stark scoffed and seemed to shrink into herself. 
“What happened?”, her mother demanded to know, concern written all over her face, and a recognition Charlotte knew she lacked. What confused her about Miss Stark’s state, seemed immediately obvious to her mother. “I fell, Milady.”, Miss Stark said without looking at her, the injured side of her face turned away. “The heat.”, Charlotte said at once. “Miss Stark lives quite far from here and so I was wondering if perhaps I could take her back to the house, to rest.”
“Of course.”, her mother said at once. “But I gave the staff the day off until dinner, so you’ll be on your own. Perhaps you take her to Rosamund’s?”
“We can manage, I think.”, Charlotte said, glancing at Miss Stark. “Well then, have the chauffeur take you.”
“But who will take you to the luncheon?”, she asked. 
“I won’t have you two young women in a stranger's car. “, she said sternly, “Run along now. I’ll make your apologies to Sir Richard.”
“Thank you, Mama!”, she said, as a tension she didn’t know fell from her, as she kissed her goodbye. 
The car ride was entirely silent, all the way from Epsom to St. James Square, with Miss Stark trembling beside her, and her not knowing which words to say. 
Usually, in the absence of causes for conversation one could always turn for the weather or flowers of the season as topics, but both seemed hollow and useless to her now. 
Inside, Paul, the hallboy opened the door. It was strange to return to such a deserted house without Carson or Mrs Hughes or anyone there, but she felt that Miss Stark might prefer it this way. 
“I…I..”, Charlotte stammered, before relinquishing her attempt at sounding like the presentable and put together hostess. For that, she was just too unsettled and uncertain. “Just please tell what you need.” “Can I wash somewhere?”, she asked, speaking to the tips of her shoes. 
“Of course.”, Charlotte said. She took Miss Stark by her hand and helped her up the stairs and down the corridor to the bathroom she shared with Edith and Mary. 
With Miss Stark was just standing there, it was left to Charlotte to draw her a bath and lay out some towels for her. “Everything is here, I think. Just use whatever you want.”
With that, she left Miss Stark alone. Only once she was alone with the silence, Charlotte felt her hands tremble. 
She didn’t claim to understand everything, but she understood enough to know that something truly horrid had happened to Miss Stark today, something so awful it made her mother throw out all their day’s plans and even end the scolding of her running off.  And by chance it was her taking care of the woman now. 
In he mother’s parting words was a charge, a task she would now fulfill to the best of her abilities. 
Miss Stark was a great deal taller than her, more Mary’s size, but she couldn’t take her sister’s clothes and so she picked out some of the clothes she had brought which she thought Miss Stark might like to wear, and placed her robe over the fire Paul had lit in her bedroom. 
Then she set about trying to find anything else that might be helpful. 
It wasn’t much, but it was something. 
When she hadn’t heard a noise from the bathroom in over an hour, she knocked on the door. “Do you need anything, Miss Stark?”, she asked. 
When she didn’t hear a response, she decided to try again. “I have a robe here, if you want to step out. It’s been warmed, I presume the water has turned cold by now.”
When once again, no response came, Charlotte decided to open the door and enter. Miss Stark had already stepped out of the bath and was sitting next to it on the floor, with towels wrapped around her body. Her hair was still dripping wet. 
But she got up, when Charlotte came in and put on the robe she offered. 
Her own clothes had been torn by her own hand and thrown on a pile. 
“Do you…ah…have any clothes I could borrow?”, she asked. 
Charlotte guided her back to her bedroom and showed her the pieces she had set out for her. 
“I will let you change.”, she said softly and stepped out once more, going down to fetch what she had prepared earlier. Miss Stark looked confused when Charlotte returned with a tray. 
“I brought tea and cakes. I would have cooked something, but I don’t know how and the staff has the day off.”, she admitted, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. 
She had also added a bowl of chocolates and some tarts from yesterday’s tea she could find. 
“I hope that’s alright.”
Miss Stark stared at her with wide eyes. “I also found Mrs. Hughes medical kit. I think you might need some iodine or cream for…”
The fact that Miss Stark only stared at her made her increasingly uneasy. 
“I could also have a doct-”
“No doctor!”, she insisted at once. 
She nodded and raised her hands to soothe her. “Whatever you want. We have a telephone in the hall that you can use if you want to call someone.” “No one there to call.”, she whispered under her breath. 
That felt like a punch to her gut. 
“Miss Stark,”, she said softly, “I want to help you but I don’t know how.”
The woman’s dark eyes found her, staring right into her soul and making Charlotte feel as weak and foolish as a school girl. But for once, there was no malice in her gaze, just…sheer disbelief. 
“Do you have a cigarette?”, she asked, shaking her head with resignation. 
Charlotte wrung her hands. “I guess I could bring you one of Papa’s cigars.”, she offered. “They are kept in the Smoking room. He has South Americans which he is rather fond of.”
Miss Stark scoffed and shook her head. 
Then she bit her lip and looked up at her. 
“Why are you even helping me?”, she asked. “You hate me.”
“I don’t hate you.”, Charlotte argued, her voice softly, “we are not the best of friends, but that doesn’t mean I hate you.”
In all, she doubted she hated anyone. Except perhaps Fräulein Kelder, her old Nanny, with Sir Richard being a close second. 
Lizzie Stark scoffed and shook her head, then another curse slipped her lips. 
“I didn’t believe them when they said you didn’t know, but you really don’t, do you?”
Charlotte felt her chest tighten. 
“Know what?”, she asked, her hands finding Sybil’s pearl. 
“About Tommy.”
She said the name like a curse, as if each word was a glass shard stuck in her throat. “Who he is. What he does. What his family does.”
Charlotte swallowed hard and stared at her wide-eyed. "I don't understand- he's a businessman. He sells cars."
Miss Stark scoffed, pulling the borrowed scarf around her tighter, as the look she gave Charlotte, made a shudder crawl over her spine.
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sebscore · 2 years
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pairings: sebastian vettel x fem!reader, lewis hamilton x fem!reader
time: june 21, 2021
warnings: mention of cheating, idk reader and seb used to have a thing while he was in a relationship. mention of sex. also a mention of christian horner.
word count: 3.1k
author's note: this is the first fic i've written, so feedback is always welcome! reader or oc is a tennis player and she's confident… well she's french, so I guess that should explain everything. 
• • • • • • •
''Well, well, well… look who we have here.''
It wasn't a surprise to hear his voice, she came to watch the French Grand Prix and after all these years Sebastian Vettel was still one of the most popular names on the grid. 
She didn't immediately turn around, needing a few seconds to redeem herself from his sudden appearance. ''Mr. Vettel, how nice to see you here.'' A playful tone visible in her voice, putting a slight smirk on Sebastian's face. They greet each other with a kiss on each cheek, nothing much out of the ordinary. 
''It's been a while since I've seen you at a race.'' His hand lingered a bit too long on her shoulder in her opinion, she was painfully aware of all the eyes on them. 
She gave him a smile, one he immediately noticed as fake. ''You know me, I'm a very busy woman.'' 
She wasn't lying, she is a very busy woman. Y/N is an athlete herself, a competitive tennis player to be more specific. The tournaments she competed in often fell on the same days as the racing weekends, preventing her from going. She has been going to these Grand Prix's for a long time. After a match she had sustained an injury, causing her to be hospitalized for a few weeks. She was bored out of her mind while laying in her hospital bed and her doctor told her it was the Canadian Grand Prix. With nothing else to do, she put the tv on and watched the race. She watched the entire racing season, which ended being won by her now-boyfriend, Lewis Hamilton. Ever since then, she has been a frequent visitor of the paddock. 
She and Lewis have been dating since 2019. They had known each other for a very long time, but they were more acquaintances than anything. Y/N is friends with Serena and she had expressed to her that Lewis had taken an interest in her. After months of playing a cat and mouse game with each other, they eventually got together and have been going strong ever since, being a fan favorite couple of Formula 1 fans. 
''I do know that, it's good to see you, Y/N.'' Sebastian's reply was genuine, it had been a few months since he last saw her and he hadn't expected to run into her at the Mercedes garage. 
She glanced around before looking into his eyes again. ''Now, what are you doing here at Mercedes? Planning on taking Valtteri's seat?'' She joked, confused as to what he was doing here. 
He laughed at her words. ''No, no. I just wanted to come and greet Lewis, haven't seen him today.'' Sebastian answered, nodding his head towards the man who was standing a few feet away from them, talking to the engineers. 
''You know, normally everyone knows when you're at the paddock, but this time it seems like you escaped the cameras.'' Y/N wasn't a stranger to grand entrances. Often garnering more attention than some of the drivers when she arrived on the paddock, with or without Lewis. 
She shrugged her shoulders. ''It was a last minute decision to go, Wimbledon starts in a week and I actually had a practice today, but I just couldn't resist going.'' She explained her unexpected appearance. 
''And it's your home race, you surely wouldn't want to miss that.'' Sebastian wouldn't say it out loud, but she looked good and he secretly hated it. 
Sebastian and Y/N's relationship was… kind of complicated. They have known each other for over 10 years, having met each other at the first ever F1 race she ever went to. It didn't take long for them to become friends, their personalities matching each other and there was a mutual understanding between them, both being high performing athletes. 
There was also no denying that they were attracted to each other. Sebastian is a very charming man, especially when he was younger and she would be lying if she said the man didn't make her all giddy inside. Y/N's confident personality and good looks didn't go unnoticed by the young Sebastian Vettel, nor did her French accent. There was only one problem: Seb had a girlfriend, whom he loved very much and as much as Y/N loved flirting with anything that breathed, she would never ever try something with a taken man. 
But Seb made it really damn hard for her. 
Small talk turned into philosophical conversations that lasted hours, glances turned into longing stares and innocent group hangouts turned into questionable rendezvous with just the two of them. 
She had fallen deep, but she wasn't willing to admit it. Not to herself or Sebastian. On the other hand, there was the man who was deeply confused about his own feelings. He knew he loved his girlfriend, but he couldn't deny that what he had with Y/N was special and something he didn't have with his childhood love. 
So, for 2 years they simply ignored the big elephant in the room and enjoyed their time together. Countless nights of love making and talking about the big pressures that were put on them to perform at the highest of their abilities in their own respective sports. Yes, the sex was great, but the chemistry between them was undeniable. 
The chemistry wasn't just seen by the two of them, but also by other people and they had their suspicions about the ''friendship'' between the F1 World Champion and the Grand Slams winner. Of course they weren't stupid and denied that anything was going on between the two that went beyond the lines of a normal friendship. The fact that she had also become a Red Bull ambassador during Seb's prime years at the team didn't help the growing suspicions. 
It came to an end when Sebastian had brought up the fact that he and his girlfriend had talked about marriage and kids. It had been a brutal wake-up call for Y/N, but she knew whatever the two had would come to an end one day. They spent one last night together and then… that was it. After that it was like they never existed before. Sebastian got married and had his kids, while Y/N focused on her tennis career and engaged in some highly publicized relationships. 
Her relationship with Lewis wasn't something to spite Sebastian, it had just kinda happened. It made sense to them and once the relationship was confirmed to the public, it also made sense to everyone else. A successful F1 World Champion with a multiple Grand Slam Champion, how more obvious could it be? 
Mixed feelings came rising above as she talked with Sebastian. She believed he had no idea she would show up to the race, that was evident. But he didn't have to talk with her, he could have just ignored her and went straight to Lewis, the reason he was in the garage in the first place. Yet, he didn't. 
''I'm just here to support my boyfriend, doesn't matter that it's in France.'' She didn't mean to come off as passive aggressive as she did, but this whole interaction made her a bit uneasy. 
He raised his eyebrow at her comment. ''I don't doubt that you're here to support Lewis, you're a great girlfriend, Y/N.'' Sebastian matched the tone in which she had answered him, not minding that he sounded stupid. 
There was no time to respond as the man of the hour approached them. ''Hey Seb, how are you, man?'' Lewis happily greeted his fellow competitor, not sensing the tension going on between him and his girlfriend. ''I'm good, just wanted to come and say hi before the race.'' They shared a quick hug, after which Lewis' arm immediately went around his girl's waist. 
''How are the wife and the kids?'' It was an innocent question on Lewis' part, it had been asked many times before, but never in her presence. 
Seb couldn't help but quickly take a glance at her reaction, but he was met with a poker face that didn't give anything away. ''Great, they're doing good, you know, resting at home.'' He answered Lewis, genuinely happy to talk about his family. 
''That's nice, I was gonna look for you, but I got kind of caught up.'' Lewis referred to his conversation with the engineers. Y/N didn't know exactly what he had to discuss with his engineers, but it must have been about the car and further than that she didn't need to know. 
''Well, I'm here now.'' Sebastian looked between Lewis and Y/N, trying to get the woman engaged in the conversation, but her face was telling him that she had no desire to do that. 
Lewis took notice of his girlfriend's discomfort, normally she happily socialized with the other drivers, but she was awfully quiet this time. ''Yeah, I'll see you out there on the track.'' 
Sebastian took that as his sign to leave the Mercedes garage. He bid goodbye to the both of them and quickly made his way over to the Aston Martin camp. 
''You okay, love?'' Lewis' concerned voice saddened her, she didn't want him worried right before his race. ''Yes, I'm just tired, chéri, I had a long practice yesterday.'' Technically she wasn't lying, she did have a long practice the day before, but it hadn't completely worn her out like she made it out to be. 
He cupped her face. ''You want to lie down for a bit? I don't want you to force anything with Wimbledon coming up.'' He was too sweet to put into words, making her feel more bad about lying in the first place. 
She shook her head. ''No, I want to watch you, I'm just not in the big mood to be a socialite, you know?'' 
''I can ask Ang if she can join you? I want to make sure you're okay, my love.'' Before she could even answer him, Lewis had already called Angela over to bring Y/N to his driver's room. 
Angela has asked her if she was alright while walking to Lewis' private room. ''Yes, you know him, Angela. Always worrying about the smallest things.'' 
''I know, he just cares about you a lot. He wants you to be alright.'' Angela might be the biggest fan of her relationship with Lewis, apart from his niece Willow. She was kind of a Y/N fan before she had started dating Lewis, so when Lewis had brought her along with him to the paddock for the first time, Angela was ecstatic to meet the woman. 
They entered the room and Y/N lied down on the couch, while Angela grabbed some water for her. ''Here you go, honey. I have to head back to the garage, but I'll join you once the race has started.'' 
''Thank you, Angela! You're truly an angel.'' Y/N thanked her with a genuine smile on her face. 
Angela shook her head. ''You don't have to thank me, I'll be back soon.'' She disappeared from the room, leaving Y/N alone with her thoughts. 
As soon as Angela left, a big sigh left the woman's lips. Why did she let Sebastian affect her like that? They had talked plenty of times after their ''situationship'' ended, 10 years had almost passed. 
After a period of time, the race had ended and Y/N watched on as her boyfriend took P2 between the two Red Bull drivers. She was sad for him that he didn't take the win like he wanted to, but she was proud of him nonetheless. 
''Mon chéri!'' Y/N opened her arms for Lewis as he entered his private room. A tired smile graced his face, relieved to finally be in her arms again. ''I know it's not what you were hoping for, but you held your own between the Red Bulls, you'll show them next time.'' 
''I will, love. I still have to do some media things and discuss the race with the team, but I'll find you afterwards, alright?'' He wanted nothing more than to stay with her, but some things were obligations. 
She gave him an understanding smile. ''Of course, I'll just take a walk around the paddock or something.'' Y/N laughed, just wanting to get out of Lewis' room and take a breather. 
Lewis wanted to give her a kiss on the lips, but was pushed back by Y/N. ''Putain, Lew, you're sweating!'' She snickered, slipping out of his embrace. However, Lewis has great reflexes and pulls her back in his arms, stealing a quick kiss. ''Alright, I'll see you soon, love.'' 
She left a few minutes after Lewis, getting herself ready to face the world. She was still a public figure and she would rather be caught dead than have a bad picture taken of her. She walked up and down the paddock, taking a break here and there when someone went up to her. Fernando even asked her for some free Wimbledon tickets. ''In your dreams, Alonso.'' She had told him. 
''It's weird how we keep running into each other, Y/N.'' She had kinda hoped their previous interaction would be the last one for a while, but what Sebastian wants, Sebastian gets. ''You keep finding me, I hope you're not stalking me.'' He went to stand in front of her, blocking her from walking any further. 
''I just saw you pass by, you looked a bit lonely, thought I would join you.'' His blue eyes looking directly into hers, a small smile gracing his face. 
She raised her eyebrow at his words. ''I don't think that's a good idea, Sebastian.'' He felt chills as his name rolled off her lips, it had been some time since he had heard her say it. 
''Why not?'' Sebastian wasn't surprised by her bluntness, she wasn't one to beat around the bush. 
Y/N laughed, almost tauntingly in his opinion. ''You know what's going around about us, Sebastian. I'm not planning to answer questions again about whether we ever had something or not, that's something from 10 years ago.'' She spoke calmly, completely aware they were open in the public. If anyone wanted to screen grab the moment of them talking to one another, they could. 
''I'm happily married with kids, Y/N. People are much more interested in your relationship with Lewis than they are in a rumor from 10 years ago.'' He understood where she was coming from, but he wanted to be able to talk to her without the constant fear of people bringing up old gossip again, even if the gossip was true. 
She wanted to roll her eyes at him, but she managed herself to stop. ''I really don't have time for this, Vettel,'' she briefly looked to her side, finding a couple phones pointed at them, ''there are people filming us,'' a fake smile made a way onto her face, pretending they weren't having a heated conversation, ''I'm gonna go now, have a nice day, Sebastian.'' She nodded her head, before turning around and walking back to Lewis' private room. 
Y/N really wanted to scream her lungs out. Why couldn't he understand that the media will use literally anything to make drama. Especially, if it could be between two of the best F1 drivers of this generation. The thoughts going through her mind prevented her from seeing that she had arrived back at the Mercedes compound. 
She briefly greeted Toto and Susie whom she hadn't seen much of today. After some small talk, she made it to her boyfriend's private space. Y/N lightly flinched upon opening the door, not expecting Lewis to be already inside, typing away on his phone. 
''Oh, hey, I was just about to text you! Ready to go?'' He put his phone in his pocket and grabbed his bag. Y/N did the same and grabbed her handbag from the couch. ''Yes, let's go.'' 
''You look a bit red, love.'' Lewis noticed, her cheeks being a bit more flushed than usual. She kept her composure. ''Oh, really? Probably because I ran into Horner on the paddock.'' Y/N hadn't run into the Red Bull Head Principle, but it was a believable reason. 
Lewis groaned. ''He's just mad you're a Mercedes lady now.'' She and Christian got along very well at one point, as she used to be a frequent visitor of the Red Bull Racing garage. Y/N used to be the global ambassador of Red Bull for 9 years, but she hadn't renewed her contract with them due to her relationship with Lewis. Horner somehow felt betrayed by her move to their rival team and had thrown a few digs at her in the media. 
''It suits me better, anyway.'' She smirked at the man next to her, resulting in a quick peck on the lips from him. ''Damn right, my love.'' They got into his car and were on their way to their hotel. Y/N herself lived in France, but her home was situated in Paris and they weren't about to drive for a few more hours. 
''You feel ready for Wimbledon?'' Lewis asked her, having enough of the race talk. Y/N nodded her head, a soft smile on her face. ''Yeah, I hope I can make it to the final, it's been a while since I've won a slam.'' Wimbledon was important to her, she was the defending champion from 2019 as the 2020 championship had been canceled due to Covid-19. Her win in 2019 was also her last Grand Slam win, she hoped she could add some more titles to her name. 
''I'm sure you can do it, you always do well on the grass court.'' He assured her, a hint of pride in his voice. It was at the 2018 Wimbledon tournament that he had asked Serena if she could put in a good word for him to Y/N. He had also seen her win against his friend in the final, while he sat in Serena's player box. 
Y/N shot him an overdramatic wink. ''We'll see, mon amour, we'll see.'' The buzz of her phone took her attention away from her boyfriend. She furrowed her eyebrows upon seeing the notification. 
UNKNOWN NUMBER: I'm sorry if our talk upset you, I should have been more sensitive. Good luck at Wimbledon, I'm rooting for you! Love from Sebastian. 
She didn't even want to know how he had gotten her number. She had it changed years ago, finding that she needed a cleanse at the time. 
''What is it, lovey?'' Lewis asked her, confused at why she had that puzzled look on her face. ''Nothing, just my coach, something about our practice tomorrow.'' She lied straight through her teeth. She didn't want to lie to Lewis, but she was aware he had his suspicions about those 2011 rumors between his girlfriend and Sebastian. Y/N didn't want to make it any worse. 
Sebastian Vettel still got her in trouble after all these years.
• • • • • • •
this is the first fic i've written, so feedback or your opinions are always welcome! this is based on a dream i had and i just needed it out of my system. thanks for reading, darling!
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thatdammchickennugget · 3 months
1.500 follower celebration!!!
Okay so I reached this milestone weeks ago but completely missed doing anything fun for it. My poll for the 2k celebration chose blurb nights, but because 2 people were pretty excited about the matchup idea in my dm’s and I think it would be super fun to do, I decided to just do it now to celebrate 1.5 (better late than never).
So, here is how it’s going to work:
Send me an ask (on or off anon) with a description of yourself (include whatever you feel comfy with, as short or long as you’d like) and include what fandom or fandoms you would like a pairing for. You can also include a specific trope or scenario you want.
I’ll give you a character for each fandom you want and write some headcanons for you and that character, and if I have ideas I’ll include a moodboard and maybe a fitting song.
If you don’t want a pairing for yourself, you can also send in an ask for an oc of yours!
And please include if you want the pairing to be platonic or romantic (or one of each)
You can start sending in asks today and I will start working on them either tonight or tomorrow! I’m not sure if there’s going to be a lot of interest in this, so it might just be one night or it might spread out over the whole week. I’ll be doing everything that gets send in until April 12th!
Here are the fandoms you can choose from: Harry Potter (Golden Trio Era, Marauders Era, Hogwarts Legacy Era), Percy Jackson and the Olympians (Heroes of Olympus included), Top Gun Maverick, Teen Wolf, The Summer I Turned Pretty (series, not the books), Julie and the Phantoms, Baldur’s Gate 3 and Avatar the last airbender.
And again, a big kiss to everyone who follows me and keeps reading my silly little fics! I appreciate all of you and love you so much 💕😚
EDIT: I got a lot more of these than expected and I'm super excited to do them all, but I just wanted everyone to know it might take me a little bit to get to yours! Currently posted: 21/26
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livealittleoc-cb · 9 months
Let’s pretend I didn’t forget their birthdays-
Happy Belated 24th Birthday Skyler! [09.23]
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☁️: My B-Birthday was a-actually r-really fun! I s-spent it with G-Grey, we had a c-cute little dat n-night and as the day w-went along people c-came by to d-drop off their gifts. Grey got me t-this gigantic box of v-vinyls and a K-KISS t-shirt! *big smile* I-I can’t wait to wear it around. I r-realized my friends k-know a lot about m-my tastes. *laughs* I got a lot of I-Iron Maiden and Motley Crue s-stuff, vinyls, cassettes, band shirts and some new s-spray p-paints.
In all it was a r-really n-nice day a-at home, I was glad to h-have the d-day o-off and spend it with p-people I love.~
Happy Belated 21st Birthday Cupid! [09.24]
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💘: Eros took us to Disney for the week! :0 If we weren’t in the human realm my wings would be fluttering my wings and they would be fully out. Before we left I got to take my first “legal” drink as a 21 year old! It was wine cause Eros nor Aphrodite would let me drink booze >:( I will buy my own-.
Anyways, DISNEY! I love all things Disney and I was planning on dressing up as Tiana since for Halloween last year I dressed up as Charlotte! Princess and the Frog is my favorite movie *whispers* Tangled a close second. *smiles big* I’m so happy right now EEE! Birthday well spent if I say so myself!~ 🥰
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🩵🩵: @monsterhigh-cb [🐟🤍💍 && ⚡💙 && 👻💜 && 🐺💕 && 🎤💖 && 👑💛] @evicted-oc [☕️🤎 && 🐼🖤 && 🔦💛 && 🧊🩵 && 💄🖤] @theinvitation-bot​ [🐭🩶💒] @welcome-to-maniac [🐇🖤 💍 && 🌻❤️ && 🌕❤️‍🔥] @fantasyaespa [🐈 💚💍 && ☀️🩵] @k-venturetime [🍓❣️] @multi-joong [🌧️🧡💍 && 🎨💚] @kardpackcb [🌙💝 && 🐺❤️‍🔥]
possible new residents: @faywithlove @badbf-cb @clubwnderland @domxbot @welcometosector1 @lunaaofthemoon @reve-rv @multi-esme @the-hellhounds @3rachabot @san-cb @jinju-oc @hoteldelluna-rp @enhanced-cb @camboys-com @lavienrosecabaretxo @yandereskzcb @multeez-cb @oppositesattraxt @domrachaa @hwangsiblings-oc @coffeexdreamcb @silcntxnight @moonlightchn @blogger-yura @crimson-l @thesugaredalchemists @folklore-cb @neonvandalsxcb @doom-bc @hybrid-babies @hearthstone-apothecary @theboys-oc @vandalxhyunjin @thetoplinecb @redlight-cb @inferno-cb @damnationinc @demonljy @moongoddesselene @darkloversxcb [DM + / -]
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btsqualityy · 1 year
Y.O.U (Years Of Us), Chapter 7: “Where’s your wedding ring?”
Jimin x half black/half Korean OC
Genre/Rating: 21+, established relationship, idol!AU, smut, angst, and fluff
Summary: The morning (or week) after.
Warnings: Brief mention of overdose and rehab.
WC: 2.2K
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One Year Ago
“I’m so proud of you, you know that?” Kamaria gushed as her and Jimin sat together on the large wooden swing that was placed in his spacious backyard. “You fucking did it, baby.”
“I have to admit, there were days I didn’t think I was gonna be able to make it without the pills,” Jimin confessed. “But I’m happy to be out on the other side and in recovery.”
“I knew you could do it.”
“I think that’s a part of the reason why I was able to do it too,” he mentioned. “Knowing that I had you rooting for me and having your support when it felt like everyone else had turned their backs on me meant the world. Hell, without you, I would’ve never gone to rehab.”
“Maybe but it was your willpower that got you through it,” Kamaria tried to say. 
“I’ll never be able to thank you enough for it, honestly.”
“You don’t have to,” she chuckled. “I did it because I love and care about you, not for any accolades.”
“Well, I guess you’re gonna think I’m a little extra for getting you this then,” he said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small ring box.
“Jimin,” she whined playfully. “Come on. Just having you home is enough for me.”
“What if you could say your husband is home?” He questioned and Kamaria arched an eyebrow. 
“What are you talking about?” She asked and Jimin answered her by sliding down off of the swing and getting down on one knee in front of her. 
“Bubs, you are the love of my life,” he began. “When I think of my life, I can’t remember what it was like before you came into it and I don’t ever want to imagine what it would be without you in it. That’s why I was wondering if you would marry me?” He opened the ring box then, revealing the most stunning square cut diamond ring that Kamaria had ever seen. 
This wasn’t the first time Jimin had asked Kamaria to marry him, nor the second or even the third. But unlike the other times, where she was happy and only turned him down because it was too soon, her heart filled with dread at what she knew she had to do. 
“Jimin,” she began gently. “Do you really think that’s a good idea?”
“Do you not?” He chuckled.
“Baby, you just got out of rehab less than a week ago,” Kamaria reminded him. “You need to be focused on your recovery, not marriage.”
“Like I said, I wouldn’t even be in recovery if it weren’t for you,” he reiterated. “Not that I ever doubted it, but you being my side just proved how strong our love is.”
“I hear you Jimin, I do but I just....I can’t say yes,” she shook her head. “I want to but I can’t.”
“You can’t?” he repeated, his hand that had been holding the ring box slowly lowering as her words sunk in. 
“I just want to make sure that you’re stable first,” Kamaria hurried to explain. “A lot has happened in the last few months and I just don’t think such a large life change like marriage is the best idea right now.”
“Ok,” Jimin murmured as he got up, closing the ring box and pushing it back into his pocket.
“I still love you, and that’s always,” she said and Jimin just nodded his head. 
“I love you too,” he replied with a small smile before leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. “I’m gonna head into the house, ok?”
“You sure you’re ok?”
“Yeah, just fine,” Jimin nodded before turning around and walking away. Kamaria couldn’t help it as tears began to well up in her eyes, making her smack her thigh in frustration. 
A week after their unexpected “reconnection”, Kamaria hadn’t spoken to Jimin and she refused to. She couldn’t believe that she had sunk so fucking low, low enough to sleep a fucking married man. Granted, it was Jimin, the man she had been in love with for literal years and who loved her back just as much, but still, she felt wrong as hell for what she did.
Jimin, on the other hand, had been blowing up her phone ever since she made him leave the morning after their night together. Kamaria knew that she’d probably have to talk to him at some point and clear the air, but that was just not a conversation she wanted to have any time soon. 
So she put it off. She put her head down and started spending more time in the studio, working on her album that was steadily coming together. 
“You’ve been a fucking beast the past few days,” Nari noted as Kamaria let the two of them into her penthouse. After locking the door and removing their jackets and shoes, they made their way into the kitchen where Kamaria went straight for the fridge. “You’ve finished what, two songs?”
“Three and a half,” Kamaria corrected. “The half is my duet with Taemin, which I’ve finished writing my lyrics for.”
“Is he doing his lyrics on his own?”
“Pretty sure he is,” she nodded. “We have a studio session planned for next week so we’ll see.”
“You make my job so easy, you know that?” Nari sighed dreamily, making Kamaria laugh as she raided the fridge. As Nari moved to sit down on one of the barstools that was placed at the island, she noticed a gold ring sitting on the countertop. “Hey, is this a wedding ring?”
“Hm?” Kamaria hummed as she turned to glance over her shoulder. “Oh, yeah it is.”
“Who’s is it?” Nari chuckled. “And why do you have it?”
“It’s Jimin’s,” Kamaria announced as she moved out of the fridge, a container of pineapple in her hands. Nari choked on her own spit at the realization, her eyes widening as Kamaria casually grabbed a fork and popped the top off of the container in her hands. 
“Ok,” Nari said slowly. “And again, why do you have it?”
“He left it here,” Kamaria shrugged before eating a piece of fruit. 
“Why did he take it off? When the hell was he even here?”
“You’re asking a lot of questions,” Kamaria huffed in between chewing. 
“Because I’m confused as hell!” She laughed. “Please, don’t tell me you did what I’m thinking you did.”
“If you’re thinking that he took it off when we fucked last week, then I’m not gonna tell you.”
“Technically, I didn’t tell you,” she replied. “Just confirmed what you were already thinking.”
“Wha? How?” Nari stammered. 
“It was on the anniversary of my mom’s OD and I was vulnerable and just wanted to feel good,” Kamaria explained. “I put him out so fast the morning after, he left his ring.”
“Have you spoken to him since?”
“No,” she shook her head. “I feel so fucking guilty over letting it happen.”
“Nari, he’s married,” Kamaria scoffed. “And regardless of our prior history and whatever pain I was feeling at the time, I should’ve respected that.”
“Kam, Jimin doesn’t even respect it!” Nari exclaimed. “He made that clear when he asked you to be his surrogate and by even coming over here that night!”
“That still doesn’t make it right,” Kamaria replied before eating another piece of pineapple and a few seconds of silence passed before Nari spoke up again. 
“You should destroy the damn thing,” she suggested. “It might make you feel better, sort of like going to one of those destruction rooms with old computers and shit.”
“Trust me, I actually thought about it because looking at the fucking thing makes me sick,” Kamaria confessed. “But I know I’d catch hell from Jimin because he’d probably catch hell from Hye-ja.”
“I don’t know, I think Jimin would appreciate it if you did,” Nari joked. “Might make it easier for him to leave her.”
“In his dreams,” Kamaria huffed with a roll of her eyes.
Jimin felt like he was going to lose his mind. Kamaria wasn’t answering his calls, she refused to see him, and she had gone radio silent. If Jimin knew her as well as he know he does, he completely understood why. Kamaria was a woman with a pretty strong moral code and after the haze of drunkenness had worn off, he wasn’t surprised that she flipped out and pushed him away. 
The thing was, he was tired of that. He loved her, so much that it felt like he was burning from the inside out sometimes, and he wanted nothing more than to be with her again. The way that they used to be. He understood why it couldn’t be that way but the man couldn’t help but to hope.
In order to keep his mind off her, he had been spending some time in the studio where he was starting to come up with enough material for the beginnings of an album. It had been over a year and a half since his previous one and he was itching to get back on the stage in front of the fans again. 
“Ah fuck,” Jimin muttered to himself as he unlocked the front door to his house, stepping inside and shutting the door behind him. As he toed off his shoes and set his keys down, he heard a familiar voice coming from the kitchen. 
“Make sure to put extra green onions in it, ok?” The voice instructed and Jimin walked down the hall to the kitchen, his eyes widening when he saw Hye-ja and a chef moving around together. 
“Hye?” Jimin called out and Hye-ja turned around, a wide smile appearing on her face as she rushed over to her husband and threw her arms around his neck.
“Hi baby,” she cooed, pressing a firm kiss to his lips before pulling back. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked as he set his hands on her waist. “I thought you were in Osaka for your movie shooting.”
“Ugh, would you believe that the funding for the movie fell through at the last minute so they had to call off production?” She revealed. 
“Aw, I’m sorry Hye,” he sighed. “I know you were excited about that script.”
“Ah, it’s ok,” Hye-ja shrugged. “I’ll have more free time now and the two of us can be together more. I always feel bad that we haven’t gotten the chance to be real newlyweds, with my busy schedule and you getting back into the studio.”
“It’s what comes along with the job,” Jimin chuckled. “So I get it.”
“I know and because you’re so understanding, I hired this private chef to make us a great dinner,” she revealed. 
“And that dinner is just about ready,” the chef announced. 
“Great,” Jimin smiled. After plating their dinners and allowing Jimin and Hye-ja to take a seat at their decorated dining table (courtesy of Hye-ja), the chef placed their food in front of them before excusing himself and leaving them alone. 
“So, what have you been up to while I was gone?” Hye-ja asked him and Jimin just shrugged as he cut into his steak. 
“Just been in the studio and here at home,” he replied. “Nothing amazing or interesting.”
“Songs coming together ok?”
“Yeah, I think so,” he nodded. “Hopefully, I’ll have the barebones of an album soon.”
“Good,” Hye-ja smiled. “Well, when I was gone, I’ve been doing some thinking of my own and I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“What about?”
“I know that I told you that I didn’t want kids anymore,” she began and Jimin’s head popped up at the mention of kids. “And I have to be honest about something.”
“What is it?” Jimin wondered. 
“When I said that, it was because I had been worried that you only married me to repair your image,” she admitted. “You know, the whole ‘Seoul’s Bad Boy’ thing?”
“Don’t remind me,” he chuckled lightly. “But that’s not why I asked you to marry me.”
“I think I’ve always known that deep down but I just had to be sure because a baby isn’t something to consider lightly, you know?” Hye-ja explained. “The beginning of our relationship was kind of a whirlwind and I wanted to make sure we were stable first.”
“So, why not just say that instead of telling me that you don’t want kids at all?”
“Like you would’ve reacted well to me telling you that I wasn’t sure of the validity of our relationship,” she scoffed with a smile and Jimin shrugged before smiling himself. 
“Point taken.”
“But anyways, what I’m trying to say is that I’m sorry and if you still want to, I’d love to have a child with you.”
“Hye, are you serious?” He gasped.
“Well, I wanted to talk to you about it first but yeah,” she confirmed with a nod. Jimin hopped up out of his seat then, making Hye-ja laugh as he stepped over to her and got down on his knees. 
“My baby is gonna be in here?” He whispered as he set his hand on her stomach. 
“Hopefully,” she giggled, setting her hand on top of hers. “So, you agree?”
“Of course I do,” he nodded before leaning up and kissing her firmly. “I can’t thank you enough.”
“There’s no need to thank me,” Hye-ja replied. “But I do have one quick question.”
“Where’s your wedding ring?” Hye-ja questioned and Jimin was truly speechless, his eyes widening when he realized that his left hand was the one that was placed on Hye-ja’s abdomen. 
Tag List:  @dunixxd @namaslaylife @shabbamadapot  @canarystwin
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love-islike-abomb · 7 months
Sick like me: part 2
Roman reigns x OC Roxanne (Roxy for short)
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Warnings: SMUT!!! rough sex, daddy kink, spanking, oral (f&m recieving), hair pulling, Dom/sub dynamic, throat grabbing, erotica more or less!! Making this one 21+ !! Errors I may have missed. Also a touch of romance because why not? I kinda got carried away... I'm sorry!!😩
Word count: 1454 (haven't written one that long in a while!!)
Tag list: @angelreigns444 @acknowledge-reigns @helensanders92 @heerah34 @lilucey @mindfulofmani @mandeelemons @niknakbucks92 @queengreenarrowmia89 @reignsxlove @windhamsrotunda
I got in my car and drove to the hotel, making sure no one saw where I was going. We weren't ready for the world to know of our relationship yet but knew we could possibly get caught. I didn't know for sure how he felt but I thought he was worth it. As I Pulled into the hotel parking lot I looked around, still making sure no one has seen me. I got out of the car and walked through the hotel door to the elevator and to the 4th floor, my heels clicking on the tile floor, echoing off the walls as I walked.
When the elevator stopped I took a deep breath because I knew when he saw me in this dress I was in for it! I walked to his room and knocked on the door, waiting for him to answer. A few moments later the door opened and he was shirtless, his hair wet from having just showered cascaded over his broad shoulders, and his skin glistened from the water the was still in it. I involuntarily licked my lips at the sight of him "damn!" I said without realizing it.
"like what you see baby?" He chuckled.
"I do! You gonna let me in?" I asked
he moved out of the doorway leaving just enough room for me to slide through. I walked to the edge of the bed and sat down knowing he was soon gonna be in front of me. He put the do not disturb sign on the door handle before shutting and locking it and turned the light off. He walked to one of the drawers and pulled out a candle before lightijg it and setting it next to the tv. Walking towards me he reached his hand out to me and l put my hand in his as he pulled me to him, our lips meeting in a deep needy kiss. His massive hands running down my back grabbing my ass as a small moan escaped my lips "patience baby girl! Hasn't daddy taught you anything?" He chuckled
"i need you! You don't know how hard it was not to jump you right there in the hallway! You looked so sexy all oiled up!" I said biting my lip.
"jump baby girl" he commanded and I jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist as he carried me to the bed before laying me down on it. He kissed up my leg, leaving soft love bites along the way. When he reached my hip he grabbed the little black dress I was wearing and tore it in half from the bottom "hey I have no clothes now" I said as I looked up at him, the candle light flickering against the wall.
"maybe that's what i want" he smirked and I bit my lip before my head fell back down. I felt him kiss up to my belly button, my breath getting caught. I was almost completely naked and he still had his sweatpants on. When he got to the valley between my breasts I tried to reach for his sweatpants but he was just out of reach. I heard a small chuckle escaped him "so impatient"
"I havet seen you in 3 weeks! Of course I'm gonna be impatient!!" I said still trying to reach his sweatpants. He slowly kissed up my neck until he reached my lips, gently biting at my lower lip until he finally claimed my lips in a needy kiss.
He suddenly pulled away from me and stood up Andi whined at his weight not being on top of me. Undoing the belt on his jeans, he slid them down his thick thighs, letting the material pool at his feet before stepping out of them. Now only in his boxers, the playing field was a little more even. I sat up and reached for his boxers but he grabbed my hand "don't you think you should take something off next baby?" He smirked. I reached for the clasp on my bra and undid it, letting it slide down my arms. All I has left was panties that were becoming more soaked by the minute and he knew it.
He reached his hand out to me and pulled me up when I put my hand in his. Reaching for the last bit of clothing I had, he quickly tore the red lace panties I had on off. Now I was completely naked and vulnerable in front of him. He suddenly pushed me back on the bed and as I fell backwards he grabbed my hips and pulled me to him, weaving his tongue all around my dripping folds. My back arched off the bed as I grabbed Handful of his hair, trying to pull him into me. I lifted my head up and the candle flame provided just enough ligjt for me to look him in the eye while his tongue snaked it's way around my clit. "fuck!" I moaned out.
Suddenly he stopped and stood up again and I whined at the lack of contact. He pulled his boxers down to his feet, allowing his massive cock to spring free and smack against his stomach. "Bring that mouth here baby!" He growled.
I smirked, crawling towards him. I sat down on the bed, and looked up at him as I took his length in my mouth, earning a grown from him "that's my good girl! Just like that baby!" He said never breaking eye contact. His head fell back as I took all of him down, grabbing my head and shoving the tip down my throat. I had no gag reflex and he loved that "uhh fuck baby! If you keep this up I'm gonna cum before I get to fuck that pretty pussy! " He groaned pulling out of my mouth with a pop. "Turn around, face down ass up!" He commanded. Doing as he said I turned around and used my get to find where his legs were before arching my back.
He stroked himself a few times before teasing my entrance with his tip and finally sliding in, both of us letting out groans of pleasure. "Oh fuck baby girl! That pussy is so fucking tight!!" He growled, grabbing my hips "you've been a good girl for daddy haven't you?" He said, slowly started to move on and out of me. "Fuck! It's so big!" I said looking back at him, bouncing my ass against him to create more friction. *Smack* "did I tell you to move" he growled.
I bit my lip. I loved it when he was like this! "No daddy" i said. Sliding his hand up my back into my hair, weaving it around my pony tail he pulled me up by my hair until I was on my knees before he grabbed my throat and pounded into me, ro kijg the bed against the wall "oh fuck!" I moaned out.
"you like that baby? You like it when I grabbed that pretty little throat?" He growled. "Yes daddy!" I managed to get out. "That's my good girl! Uhh that pussy feels so fucking good in my cock!!" He growled in my ear making my walls clench at how sexy his voice was. "You like that huh? You like it when I tell you how good this hot pussy feels on my cock?" He groaned, picking up his pace, the sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, as his hips snapped against mine "oh fuck yes! Just like that!" I groaned out "you gonna cum for me you dirty whore?!" He growled "cum on my cock baby! Milk my cock with that pretty pussy!" He groaned "ooh yeah just like that baby! That's a good girl!!" He growled as my orgasm rocked me "ooh fuck yes!!" I moaned out. "Is that what you needed baby?! Oh fuck I'm gonna fill that pussy!! Fuck!!" A primal growl escaped his lips as his head fell back and ropes of his hot cum coated my already sensitive walls. A few last sloppy thrusts and he stilled inside me, releasing his hand from my throat, leaving soft kisses on my shoulder "you" *kiss* "are" *kiss* "amazing" *kiss* he said slowly pulling out of me and collapsing on the bed. "Come ere baby girl" he said patting the bed. I laid down next to him anf snuggled into his chest. "I love you so much' he smiled "what do you say we tell the world about us tomorrow huh?" He asked.
I thought about it for a second and smiled "I would love to! I want the world to know you're all mine"
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pisupsala · 1 year
One for The History Books [Chapter 21] [Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw]
[Summary] You are an archivist at the Pentagon, sent on assignment to TOPGUN to catalog and report on a top-secret mission. In the days under the Californian sun, a certain naval aviator puts your once orderly life in a tailspin that you might never recover from.
[Pairing] Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x fem!reader / Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x fem!oc
[Warnings] Mature content: swearing, (explicit) smut. 18+ only.
[Words] 10.3k
[Index] All Chapters | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Epilogue
 Chapter 21 - Landfall
“You know we don’t have to open it tonight, right?” You’ve noticed Bradley has been eyeing the box with a sort of nervous apprehension—his eyes flicking back and forth while you eat, still seated on the floor.
It feels like that’s the best place with zero pretense instead of sitting on the sofa, or god forbid across from each other at the table. “It can always wait.” 
That’s not to say you are not dying to know what’s in the box and why Bradley brought it. But you shouldn’t push it—especially not today. Everything still feels raw, precarious almost.
But still, Bradley took the massive first step in trying to fix the situation between you, and give you what you had been asking for him. Pushing him more right now wouldn’t be fair.
It’s hard not to feel overwhelmed. Bradley kept his suffering locked away for so long, and carried the burden of his traumas by himself while directing you away from it. Now he’s made the conscious decision to let you in.
All you can really do now is listen to him and support him in the way that he needs you to. And no matter how hard it might be for you, that also means backing off sometimes.
Bradley shakes his head in response. “I want to,” He looks at you with those warm dark eyes, still full of pain. “Because I want to make sure there’s not a doubt left in your mind that I’m giving every part of me to you before I leave.”
You can’t help but blush under his intense gaze.
“You’re really all or nothing, aren’t you?” You smile before turning serious. “But Bradley, I don’t want you to hurt yourself on my account like that. I don’t want you to tear yourself apart because you think this needs to be fixed completely, like, right now.”
Pressing a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth, you add: “I don’t doubt you. And I’ll be here when you come back, waiting for you. And the box will be here too.” 
“I don’t want to lose my nerve.” Bradley admits sighing lightly. You sit in silence for a moment, contemplating.
“Then, let’s do it.” You conclude, smiling up at Bradley. “Let's get rid of the pizza boxes first, though. Do you want another beer?”
“Are you sure you’re done?” Bradley looks at you somewhat skeptically as you get up from the floor. “You ate less than half of your pizza.”  
“Oh, yeah—I’m pretty full.” You shrug. 
Truth is, as that pizza was the first big meal you’ve had in about a week, the three odd slices you had made you feel overly full. You only started feeling hungry after the enormous dark pit in your stomach finally dissolved—because this is not the end. This is a challenge you need to overcome. And together you will.
“Are you okay?” Bradley’s words are pointed, not accusatory in any way, but worried. “We haven’t really talked about—well, my week was absolute shit.” 
You chuckle humorlessly. “Well… same here.” 
Obviously, you hadn’t been okay. At all. Like, Bradley is probably too much of a gentleman to say anything, but between the bruise, bags under your eyes, messy hair, and pallid skin, you look at least partially as shitty as you’ve been feeling.
You pushed yourself through the days at work, numbed by a near-constant stream of music, podcasts, and movies, collapsing in your bed the moment you came home, exhausted beyond belief. Yeah, it sure as shit didn’t help you could barely keep anything down, the corrosive feeling in your stomach pretty much locking you up from the inside.
“But I’m okay now.” You assure Bradley with a small smile, before adding teasingly: “If you give me a kiss, I’ll feel even better, actually.” 
You lean in, bending at the waist and resting your hands on Bradley’s broad shoulders for stability. With a playful grin, he obliges you, pressing his lips against yours. 
“It’s making me feel better, too.” He murmurs against your mouth softly. You squeeze, feeling Bradley’s muscles move under your fingers. You’ve missed him so much, but your kisses don’t go any further than that. You can feel his hesitancy—he’s not done with his bloodletting yet.
He still thinks there is a chance you won’t want him anymore. It’s pretty clear to you that this is just as much for himself as he says it’s for you. He needs to confront his past to start making his own peace with it; only then can he move past it.
And you will let him take the lead as long as you keep going forward, supporting him every step of the way.
Breaking the kiss, he rests his forehead against yours.
“You good, babe?” You half-whisper, eyes closed, reveling in his proximity.
“Much better, darlin’.” Bradley murmurs back, his voice deep and rough. It sends a jolt down your spine. 
Not the time.
Putting the pizza boxes in the kitchen and grabbing two more beers, you sit back down on the floor next to Bradley. He’s fidgeting, peeling the label off his nearly empty drink.
You pop the new bottles open, offering him one. In a single swig, he empties the beer he had been nervously handling, setting it back on the small coffee table off the side before accepting the new bottle.
Reaching out, he pulls the box closer so it sits just between both your legs. His hand rests on the lid for a moment. 
“Do you want to open it?” You quirk your eyebrow at Bradley’s sudden request. Gently putting your hand over his, you shake your head with a ghost of a smile on your lips.
Your instinct keeps telling you to help him, ease his discomfort, and carry the brunt of the situation because you know you’ll be able to handle it. You would do anything to lighten his burden, but some things are not up to you. You understand now this is not one of them. There’s no need to tell him—he knows—he needs to do this. 
As Bradley slides off the lid, you can’t help but lean forward to get a good look at the contents of the box. The entirety is messily filled to the brim with pictures and what looks like albums. Some seem to be thrown in haphazardly on top of the rest, edges bent and damaged from being jostled. 
“Oh…” The sound escapes you involuntarily as you realize what’s on the pictures. They are family pictures. Bradley’s family. Your heart clenches for a second—Bradley really took your words to heart.  
“It’s ehm-,” Bradley hesitates for a moment, clearing his throat, searching for words. “These are all the pictures I have left from my family.” 
Your head snaps to look at him—Bradley is looking forlornly at the pile of pictures, fingers tracing one that is on top before grabbing it. He studies it for a second, and then wordlessly shows it to you. Your eyes flicker over the picture before returning to his face. 
“I don’t really—I have no idea what to do with this.” He admits with a deep sigh. “I wanted to show you, but now that I opened it…” Bradley trails off.
“Is that you with your little league team?” You smile up at him kindly, pointing at the picture in his hand. “Where was that taken?”
You gently guide his hand closer to you both, so you can look at the photo better. There’s a gaggle of kids in the picture, all still very young in cute and messy little baseball uniforms.
“I - I think that’s still back in San Diego.” He starts hesitantly. “I think I was too young for little league there, that must be something like the local tee ball team.” 
“Which one are you? — Wait, don’t tell me. I want to see if I can guess.” 
Having faced a myriad of difficult decisions and situations in his life, Bradley didn’t think he’d view opening a box of old pictures as such a hurdle. His heart is beating loudly, and he has to consciously keep his hands steady.
He hasn’t really thought it through, and he hadn’t really prepared—he barely remembered what was in the box, or what state it was in. What was he actually going to do with this?
Somewhere, having to go through those pictures was always going to happen, but he’s been putting it off for so many years now that he can barely believe the moment is here.
But for one thing, he knows he can rely on you. Your kindness, your empathy. Your love. You wouldn’t let him struggle through this by himself. Like now. With gentle questions, you steer his thoughts away from anxiety and focus on the small things. 
You keep guessing wrong which kid he could be, picking ones that have darker hair. Not being able to keep a small grin off his face, he points to the small and skinny kid squinting against the sun in the second row. 
“No.” You look at him with comical disbelief. “You were not that blond as a child.”
You scoot closer to him as you bring his hand with the picture up to your face.
“That’s a trick of the light though, isn’t it?”
“Nope. Wait, I’m sure there’s more in here.” Bradley grins despite himself. “I think there might be a whole baby album.”
“Well, I for sure need to see that.”
Bradley leans forward, casually rifling through the pictures at the top of the box. Not being able to stop yourself, you spring up to stop him.
“Bradley, the pictures will get damaged like that.” You admonish him mildly as you carefully pick them up one by one and setting them aside. “Your memories deserve to be handled with care, don’t you think?” 
“You’re right.” He concedes as he feels his heart do a strange little jump. It’s almost painful, but it gives Bradley a strange feeling of elation. Back when he was moving around a lot from his childhood home to college, to boot camp to his first station, he simply consolidated all pictures into this box without much thought.
And here you are, carefully picking every picture up and arranging them in neat little piles on the floor next to the box. The gentleness of the gesture feels deeply intimate. Like you give every snapshot of his life a little bit of attention as you handle it with so much respect. Kindness. Love.
A kind of mercy he hasn’t allowed himself in all these years.
Much more carefully, he pulls out the baby blue album. His baby album. In all these years, he didn’t think he’d actually be looking through that again. That’s a thing for moms to do, right? Show every embarrassing childhood picture to your girlfriend and tell them every awful story.
For a second, Bradley thinks about Mav - he knows so many stories. He was there for them for all those years. As were many others that flew with his dad, although not as much. 
In the end, Mav was there for more stories of them than his own dad was. His mom was there for all of them—well, almost all of them. Some teenage mistakes Bradley would rather take to the grave, and would be more than happy if Mav did too.
Throwing up riding on the back of Mav’s motorcycle when he got too drunk for the first at a house party at the age of 15 would be one of those. Mav had laughed at him so hard, Bradley was sure would never live that one down. In all fairness, he never told Bradley’s mom what happened. He just got Bradley home.
Bradley leafs through the baby album, your chin on his shoulder, loving the little notes his mom made. The first plate of spaghetti (it was a massacre), the first time on a swing (never wanted to get off), first day at preschool on base (many tears), on the pier waiting for daddy to come home.
“You look so annoyed there.” You chuckle, pointing at the picture of a 3-year-old Bradley holding a scrunched-up welcome home sign in his little fists, barely dried tears staining his rosy cheeks.
“Oh man.” Bradley laughs lightly. “All I remember from that is we just stood there on the pier—it took forever, and it was so hot that day.” 
He pauses, trying to remember.
“I begged for an ice cream and my mom would tell me it’s a little bit longer; we had to wait for dad.” He reminisces. “That must have been the longest carrier docking in all history.” 
You giggle, thinking back to the past summer. Waiting for the carrier to dock and the sailors to disembark was tortuous under the summer sun for you, let alone for a small child.
“The next time I remember waiting like that…” Bradley trails off, suddenly deep in thought. “My dad never walked off the carrier.”
You hold your breath for a second.
“Only Mav came back.” Bradley swallows. “I could barely understand why we were there. Why we were leaving without dad.” 
“That must have been really hard.” 
“I mean—I don’t know… I was so young, it took me a while to comprehend my dad really wasn’t coming back.” Bradley has a pensive look on his face, as he stares at the far end of the room rather than at the album in his hands. “I remember much more vividly suddenly having to move out of our house, going out of state, living in a smaller place just together with my mom.” 
“How old were you?”
“Barely four. I think?” He shifts uncomfortably. It was easy to talk about the light stuff, although it always inevitably leads to dark memories. His dad not coming home, his mom always crying, moving away. Exactly the things he doesn’t like thinking about.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that.” You supply sincerely. God, his dad died so young. 
“‘S okay” Bradley mumbles. 
“Is that why you never wanted me to wait for you at the pier?” You inquire carefully, remembering Bradley’s exact argument of it being too hot and too boring.
“Yeah, no—a bit, I guess. But, no one had ever been waiting for me, you know?” He leans his forehead against the heel of his hand. “I went through all those rites of passage in the Navy by myself, just me. I thought I was fine with that.”
You regard him carefully as he still stares ahead, but you’re not sure he actually sees anything.
“I mean, none of my friends or girlfriends ever came. Sure as shit never invited them.” He just drops that casually into the conversation as you feel your eyebrows pull into a slight frown. “I guess none of them were tenacious enough,” 
His eyes finally meet yours as he grins.
“Or pigheaded enough to just go find everything out and show up.” 
You scoff lightly, a grin pulling at the side of your mouth. “You say that as if you didn’t want me to be there.” 
“No, no, darlin'—I fucking loved it.”  
“Do you think you are that undeserving?” Your question cuts sharply through the conversation.
“What do you mean?”
“You say I was pigheaded for showing up, but you were just as pigheaded for not inviting me—or anyone for that matter.” You cock an eyebrow. “So don’t you think you deserve anyone to wait for you?” 
Bradley sighs heavily.
“I suppose—I guess because there might be a day I don’t walk off that ramp, and I thought it would be easier if no one is waiting.”
“You believe that to be the inevitable outcome?” You intone mildly.
“No, no—I just…” You can tell by his manner, Bradley is getting frustrated.
You’re digging. 
Back off.
Let him take the lead.
“I’ll wait for you here at home or on the pier—wherever you want me to be.” You sooth. 
“I’m sorry.” Bradley apologizes softly. “I don’t mean to be so dark about it.”
“It’s okay. I’m sorry too.” You reply. “We don’t have to talk about it now. We have plenty of your pictures to go through.” You joke lightly, before adding more solemnly: “And we’re here for each other. That matters.”
“That’s all that matters” Bradley replies, pressing a kiss to your temple.
For a few moments of silence, you look through the next pages of the album. Bradley’s mom’s neat script shortly commentates every milestone. She clearly took a lot of care in making the album and took pictures prolifically.
Back then—before the age of video calls and digital photography—you suppose it was the only way to document everything that had been happening at home while Bradley’s dad was away.
“Your mom is so pretty.” You lightly trace the edge of the photo, adding: “I can see where you got your looks from.” 
Bradley chuckles in response. “You should see my dad—wait -” He leans forward to grab another album from the box. As he lifts it out, pictures slide from the pages, falling out of the bottom. You quickly sit up, helping Bradley tilt the album on its side, so the pictures top falling.
“For fuck’s sake.” He sighs, annoyed. 
You pluck the pictures that fell out of the box. They are wedding pictures of Bradley’s parents—they look resplendent, both dressed in white, smiling broadly. They are an incredibly good-looking couple. It strikes you how much Bradley looks like his dad—tall, generous smile, and of course the mustache. He looks dashing in his Navy whites, the same way Bradley does.
“You really look a lot like your dad.” You say pensively. “But I definitely see your mom in you too.”
“Mav used to tell me how much I resembled my dad when I was growing up.” Bradley carefully cracks open the album to straighten some loose photos. “I always took a lot of pride in that. Recently, he mentioned my temper is definitely my mom’s.” He chuckles dryly.
Carefully, you tuck one of the photos that fell out between the empty page. “Do you agree?”
“My mom…she—she always kept up a brave face.” Bradley shrugs somewhat uncomfortably. “She would never get really mad or sad, even though… she was. She would always hide it from me.” He slowly leaves through the album, eyes running over the pictures of the happy couple. “All the way to the end.”
Bradley pauses for a moment, as you tuck the other picture that fell out on another empty page.
“I overheard my mom and Mav have an absolute blow-up argument at the hospital. That was months before she passed away— I’ve never heard her so angry, like, screaming at each other. They stopped arguing the moment I walked into the room.” 
“I was nearly 18, not really a kid anymore, but mom never told me what they argued about. And even then, she would only cry when she thought I couldn’t hear.”
“It sounds like she was trying to protect you.” You supply kindly.
“I think she bottled everything up to the point of explosion.” Bradley sounds distant. “I guess I’m kind of the same way.”
“I still think…” Bradley swallows before continuing. “I believe that she never really got over my dad’s death. Mom would look at these pictures every day in the hospital, and I think she bottled up all her grief for so many years, it broke her heart for good.”
“I’m sorry, that’s really sad.” You say softly.
“I try not to think about it too much.” Bradley shrugs again, in a slightly more agitated manner. “It just makes me think about how she spent all those years grieving by herself and I couldn’t help her… was she ever happy again?” 
There’s no answer to that question.
“I think you can be happy about things even when still feeling the loss, because it’ll always kind of be there, right?” You begin slowly. “And our mom still had you. From what I hear, she clearly loved you a lot, going to great lengths to protect you from her pain. Maybe your happiness became her happiness.” 
“I hope it did.” Bradley sighs. Every page turned, every picture finally uncovered again, is like the weight is slowly rolling off him. Bottling up hurts. And it hurt for so long, the pain became a constant background noise. You’re right, he’s had moments of happiness despite the pain. Becoming a pilot despite the odds. Making it to TOPGUN. Surviving that mission. He’s been happy with you. 
It’s mostly in hindsight that he’s aware of the grief he still has in him at every moment. Bottled up. Closing the wedding album, he traces his fingers over the cover. It’s a matter of perspective.
Ironically, he pushed the happiest memories into a dark corner—literally in the back of his closet—never looking it at them because he couldn’t separate the happiness from the grief. And maybe, they don’t need separating. You’re right, the loss will always be there, but that doesn’t mean the happiness of those moments disappears. 
Ultimately, Bradley is becoming more and more sure of one thing. He couldn’t do this without you. He wouldn’t want to do this without you. Putting away the album, he wraps his arm around your neck, pulling you against him. You easily accept his gesture and lean into the hug, putting your arms around him. 
Bradley realizes that today is the first time in many years he allowed himself to reach out to someone for comfort emotionally and physically and that it was so readily given to him. Finally, the ever-present pain seems to dull.
“Thank you for sharing all this with me.” You whisper against his neck.
“It feels right.” He admits. “Things just feel right with you.”
You can’t help but smile as press yourself into Bradley. You’ve struggled with how… right things feel with Bradley. Always aware with the looming of darkness in the back of your head that this thing might not be more than a blip on the radar. Just a temporary madness. 
Like a knot being pulled loose, a new calmness anchors itself in you. It feels right. You can finally, unequivocally accept that. 
Slowly untangling from each other, you talk about look through one of the pile of pictures. Bradley laughs as he talks about breaking his nose during a training game in middle school baseball after a pitcher from the opposing team nailed him in the face as he was batting. Convinced he did it on purpose, Bradley waited for him after the game and started a fight. Getting a black eye and detention to boot, he elected to call Mav to pick him up and go to the hospital, too embarrassed to call his mom. 
“God, that dude was massive—had at least 50 pounds on me. I have no idea what I was thinking.” Bradley rubs his hand over his eyes, still laughing. 
“What did Mitchell say about it?” You ask, laughing too.
“Mercifully very little—all he told me was to get my temper in check or to get stronger and learn how to fight better.” Bradley grins as he rummages through the box.
“Solid advice.” You drawl sarcastically. Although you haven’t worked with Mitchell much directly, you’ve seen plenty of him in action and his unorthodox method of leadership. You are not at all surprised he would tell a 12-year-old that.
Bradley suddenly stills as his hand comes upon an object of smooth wood. He tries to keep his breathing even - fuck. 
He forgot this was in here.
You notice the sudden shift in Bradley’s demeanor, his hand half-hovering in the box, clutching an oddly shaped box. The moment you catch a glimpse of the dark polished walnut, the realization strikes you. It’s a display case with his father’s funeral flag and medals. Judging from Bradley’s reaction, it’s not a pleasant find.
“I - I -” The words are dying in Bradley’s throat. When he turns to you, you see the panic in his eyes. Carefully, you reach out to him, resting your hand on his shoulder. You don’t speak, leaving Bradley space to sort his thoughts and emotions.
He pulls out the display case, weighing in his hands hesitantly. He sits in silence, looking at the neatly folded flag behind the glass. Bradley swallows heavily, like he wants to say something, but the words won’t come. You rub your hand in soothing circles over his shoulder. You bite your lip to stop yourself from speaking. He needs this.
“My dad was Mav’s RIO.” Bradley’s voice is so soft, so broken, you would have missed his words if you had not been looking at him. “He died ejecting from their aircraft over the ocean.”
You move closer to Bradley. 
“He just didn’t walk off the boat one day.” His fingers run over the wooden sides of the frame. “And I barely remember.”
Bradley pauses to steady himself.
“I don’t know where the stories from my mom and Mav start and my own memories end—like playing the piano. I know my dad used to teach me simple tunes, but I…” He trails off for a moment. “But I remember the piano gathering dust for several years a lot more, and my mom crying when I started taking lessons.”
From the corner of your eye, you see Bradley blink rapidly.
“You know…,” You lick your lips nervously, trying to choose your words with care. It kills you to see him like this. “Memories are just one aspect of remembering. We remember through our actions too.” You turn to look at Bradley. His eyes are wet, as he stubbornly stares at the display case.
“Whether it’s through telling those stories, pictures, or playing the piano,” You continue, voice gentle. “That’s how you keep memories alive.”
Bradley doesn’t reply, eyes still trained of the blue and white of the folded flag, fingers twitching.
In a sudden move, he pulls you against him, practically dragging you from your spot next to him into his lap. He tucks his face into the crook of your neck. His fingers are digging into your flesh as he seems hell-bent on crushing you into him.
You let him.
You run your fingernails through the short hair on the back of his head comfortingly. Bradley is taking shaky breaths, his shoulders jerking lightly..
He can’t remember the last time he cried. Was it as his mom’s funeral? Or some time when he got way too drunk after boot camp? But now he can’t seem to stop himself. The tears just keep coming, like all the pain is suddenly fresh again.
You don’t say anything, and Bradley appreciates that. He presses himself into you like he wants to drown himself in you, trying to focus on your soft breathing to calm himself down. 
You have no words to help Bradley feel better, but sometimes it’s not necessary to speak to offer comfort. So you sit like that together on the floor, wrapped up in each other. Time could have been standing still all around you, and you wouldn’t have noticed. 
Eventually, slowly, Bradley’s breathing evens out. It’s like the atmosphere evens out with it—the final slivers of tension, the precarious balance of emotions and rawness in your hearts— start dissolving around you, leaving only love.
Bradley presses a kiss against your jaw and whispers a thank you. 
“There’s nothing to thank me for, babe.” You chuckle, hugging him a bit tighter against you.
“I’m thankful for you.” He replies sincerely, pressing more kisses against the column of your neck. You pull away a fraction to capture his lips with yours. Lightly biting down on his bottom lip, finally, he tilts his head in such a way that lets you deepen the kiss. You can’t even describe how much you need this: to feel Bradley again.
Gracelessly, you try to get up while guiding Bradley up with you without breaking the kiss. It’s a mess of limbs and hurried movements. You stumble as your foot gives out from under you, nearly falling onto the sofa. Bradley easily catches you.
“Fuck - my foot is asleep.” You wince as the pins and needles shoot up your ankle.
Bradley laughs. Light dances in his eyes as he hoists you up, legs wrapped around his waist. Seeing him like this makes your heart soar.
“Don’t let go of me.” He warns you, still smiling.
“I can’t.” You echo. “I don’t think I ever can.” 
With practiced ease, Bradley steers you both to the bedroom. You’ve spent the evening in the past and you need to get back to the present to ground yourself in each other.
The bedroom is a mess; sheets crumpled, pillows strewn around the bed. But neither of you cares. Bradley gently lays you down on the bed, your legs still hooked around his hips while he rests one knee on the mattress for stability.
His hands run up your sides, bunching up the silk of your blouse. Your breathing gets heavier as you feel his large warm hands through the fabric. Your fingers dance up his forearms, past his elbows, over the rippling muscles of his upper arms, pulling yourself up by his shoulders as you sit up to capture his lips in a searing kiss.
Gently grabbing one of your wrists, Bradley slowly lays you back down. 
“Let me take care of you now, darlin’.” He practically purrs. A giggle escapes you as his lips latch onto the column of your throat, his thumb running over the erratic pulse point on your wrist.
You sigh as you close your eyes, allowing yourself to feel even more. Bradley’s free hand is deftly undoing the buttons of your self-proclaimed armor. Arching your back off the mattress, brushing your bra-clad breasts against his chest, the silk shimmies off your body.
Momentarily leaning back, Bradley easily shrugs off his own shirt as you pull your arms from the sleeves—both garments end up somewhere in the dark of the room. Not missing a beat, you trail kisses up his broad chest towards his neck. Lightly biting down on Bradley’s collarbone, he hisses. You love that sound.
Fingers brushing down his stomach, you feel his muscles move under your feather-light touch as you reach the waistband of his jeans. Before you can do anything else, Bradley swipes your hands away, smoothly bringing them over your head and pinning them down.
“I’ve got you, sweetheart.” He murmurs against your lips, free hand undoing the button of your slacks, and slipping into your panties. “I’ll take care of you.”
You moan in response. Bradley wastes no time running his fingers up your slit, rubbing your clit at a tortuously slow pace. He knows your body almost as well as you do yourself; keenly feeling when to speed up, add pressure, mapping out every sensitive spot.
Your hands twitch, but Bradley doesn’t yield his grasp on your wrists. His lips travel down from your jaw, over your throat, nipping on your collarbone, down to the lace edge of your bra. The sensation of his hot breath through the thin fabric makes your head spin. You arch your back, trying desperately to maximize contact.
“Plea- please.” You beg in a whisper. Bradley just grins as he gently nips at the flesh of your breast. He has a need a regain control, a push to assure you, but mostly himself, that despite your relationship fundamentally changing with new emotional depths he never explored with anyone like that before, he is still him. 
He plunges two fingers into you, his thumb on your clit finally speeding up. Bradley leans back up just a little, hearing you whimper at the loss of contact, so he can take a good look as your body moves under him—hair mussed, blush spreading down your chest, breathing heavily as you buck up against his hand. 
Fuck, you look so good, you feel so good.
And you’re like that just for him.
Your eyes search Bradley's—pupils blown, dark with desire, a light blush dusts his cheeks—they are filled with warmth. Love. You tilt your hips up, muscles taut, as the pressure starts building in you. Bradley immediately responds to you without needing a single word, knowing exactly what you need: his fingers hooking up in you, moving in tandem with his thumb. It tears an incoherent moan from you.
Finally he releases your wrists and without hesitation your hands tangle into his curls, pulling his mouth to yours non-too gently. As he leans over you, never missing a beat, pumping his fingers in your pussy relentlessly, he uses his other hand to push away the lace of your bra. His fingers immediately pinch and pull your nipple, adding to the building pressure in you.
“Bradley…” You moan unabashedly. His skin is so hot under your touch, everything about him sets you aflame. You buck your hips harder, feeling so close already. Bradley drags his teeth along your collarbone, stopping at the pulse point at your neck, and biting down. 
You scream out in ecstasy, your muscles coiling tight, wrapping yourself around Bradley, pulling him along in your wave. Bradley’s mouth crashes into yours, swallowing your scream. As your cresting wave makes landfall, a calm settles back into your tired bones, and suddenly tears spring up behind your closed eyelids. Bradley is still kissing you deeply, his tongue moving against yours, devouring every thought.
You break the kiss to catch your breath, your teary eyes meeting his for a few seconds. As he hovers above you, you take every bit of Bradley in. Your muddled brain tries to come to a coherent thought, but in the end, you feel it more than you can formulate it.
You are the luckiest girl alive.
Hands moving of their own accord, you reach for Bradley, nails lightly raking down his chest. Bradley pulls you up with him, cradling your face in his hands as he presses a kiss on your lips. You pop the button of his jeans, sliding your hands down his boxer shorts. Grasping his rock hard shaft, you start pumping slowly. Bradley groans as he nibbles your bottom lip.
“I’m not done with you yet, darlin’.” He teases.
You giggle softly. “But I want you.”
Bradley only responds by unclasping your bra and sliding it down your arms. You press yourself against him, wanting to feel him against you. His hand is massaging your breast, tweaking your nipple, sending jolts of pleasure down your spine.
Skimming his fingers down your sides, he tugs your slacks and underwear down your legs in one smooth gesture. They end up somewhere in the darkness of the room, along with the rest of your clothes. You push his pants down his thighs—he easily steps out of them and you pull him with you onto the bed.
His hot mouth is on your tits, as you palm his cock. 
“I need you inside me.” You breathe. Bradley doesn’t respond at first, kissing and nipping his way down your body.
“I’m still not done with you.” His breath is hot against your soaking pussy. You whimper, blindly reaching for his hair as his tongue presses against your still-sensitive clit. Hooking your knee over his shoulder, using the leverage to tilt your pelvis just so, you know you’re not going to last very long under his assault. He squeezes your thigh as you tug his hair painfully. You roll your hips against Bradley’s face, setting a much-needed feverish pace. He acquiesces, tongue flicking against your clit without break, tearing a litany of swears from you.
“F- fuck, Bradley - don’t stop,” You beg, breathlessly. “You’re so fucking good.”
His free hand harshly squeezes your breast, pinching and manipulating the nipple as he hums—you feel the deep vibrations go through your core. Your body feels electrified, the pressure building in you from Bradley’s onslaught. He can feel your body stiffening, hips jerking, breath quickening. He knows you’re close, and he wants to pull you over the edge of pleasure.
You are mumbling incoherently, Bradley’s name on your lips like a prayer, as the coil in your stomach is wound almost painfully. Just a little bit more. He is relentless in his mission, tongue lashing against you. Splaying his hand on your lower stomach, Bradley stills your hips, building the anticipation even more.
Just when you think you cannot take it anymore, the coil in you springs. You cannot even begin to care how loud you are right now. Bradley is still holding you down, his mouth buried in your pussy as you cum, moans filling the room.
 It feels like your breath has been ripped from your lungs. You are only vaguely aware of the tears leaking from your screwed-shut eyelids—your brain feels like it has been disconnected from your body completely, static electricity flickering through your veins. 
“Fuck, darlin’…” Bradley is panting. His voice is suddenly close, concerned. “Hey, are you okay?” His finger trails down the wet streak down your cheek.
Slowly opening your eyes, colorful spots filing your vision, you look up at Bradley. You don’t know why there are tears on your face. The intensity of the moment is overwhelming, but you aren’t sad in any way.
“I’m okay.” You croak, softly pressing your lips against his, tasting yourself on him. “You just completely blew my mind.” You joke lightly.
“I’ll accept that reason.” Bradley grins. “Do you need a break?”
You shake your head almost petulantly. “No, I need you.” 
“Please.” You add softly, wrapping your arms around his neck. You want Bradley close.
“Anything you want, sweetheart.” He whispers in your ear. “Anything for you.”
He slides his cock into your slick pussy, drenched in your own cum, in one swift motion, filling you to the hilt. You moan as Bradley swears under his breath.
“Fu- fuck, darlin’, you feel so, so good.” His voice is deep, rough, and so close, his mustache is brushing against the shell of your ear – it’s sending shivers down your spine. 
Bradley sets a slow, almost leisurely pace. He wants to savor this; your blushing face, glassy eyes looking up at him as you wrap yourself around him. Your look of love. This is how he wants you committed to his memory forever, and quietly wishes this would be the look he would see in his dreams.
In the meantime, he will make to be worthy of that look every day. So you will look at him like that every day. Only at him. Your fingers are running down the side of his face, a small smile gracing your lips. He grabs your hand and presses a kiss against your palm before intertwining your fingers with his, squeezing your hand as he rolls his hips against you. 
It feels so intimate. So much more intimate than ever before. 
You always tried to be strong, but you had also shown your vulnerability and insecurities to him. You cried, you were angry, your hands shook when you unbuttoned his shirt. Now that you know him, arguably better than almost anyone else, Bradley cannot help but feel like the axis has tilted. He trusts you. With himself, with his pain and his love.
Admitting and accepting that makes everything so much clearer.
“I love you.” The words come out naturally. It’s a verbalization of what he’s been feeling for a long time now and saying the words is familiar, because really, he’s told you many times in many different ways already, just not with those words.
“I love you too.” You gasp. “S- so much.” 
Leaning on his elbow, fingers still intertwined with yours, Bradley speeds up the pace—his cock driving into you hungrily. Your tits bounce deliciously every time he fills you to the hilt, your hips rising to meet his every move. He missed you so much, he knows he’s not going to last long. 
You feel Bradley’s hips starting to stutter irregularly as he’s speeding up, a light sheen of sweat forming on his brow. Your nails rake over his back, tilting your hips for more friction. Bradley groans, brow furrowed as he searches for release. 
“Will you cum for me?” You encourage sweetly. “Cum for me, Bradley, I need you.”
How can he refuse, when you ask him like that? 
Bradley pounds into you, your moans and his swears filling the room. He squeezes your hand painfully, as he closes his eyes for a moment, never losing the relentless pace.
“Fuck, sweetheart, I’m so close.” He grinds out.
“Please, Bradley -” You beg in a whispery voice. 
Bradley moans loudly, swearing as his movements turn erratic, trusts turning irregular until his hips stutter to a halt. Breathing heavily, he rests his forehead against yours—your breath mingling before his body slowly sinks into yours. Together you lay there in a bubble of contentment, between the messy sheets, clothes strewn around and the chaos of your week.
“Darlin’, are you awake?”
You blink heavily against the sunlight streaming into the room. You went out like a light last night. Both Bradley and you were so exhausted from everything that happened that week, you pretty much fell asleep on top of each other. You only managed to go to the bathroom before completely conking out, Bradley was already fast asleep by them.
“Wha- what time is it?” You ask, voice thick with sleep. It’s only as you gain some awareness of your surroundings, you notice Bradley is not in bed with you anymore, rather standing next to it, bent over you. He’s dressed in only his boxers, while you are still naked under the covers.
“It’s a little past 11.” He replies, pressing a kiss on your temple. Fuck, that late? “But more pressingly, sweetheart; you don’t have any coffee. Actually, you don’t have much of anything in the house.”
“Yeah, I kinda forgot to go shopping.” You mumble, rubbing your eyes.
“And here I was going to make you breakfast.” Bradley teases. “Come on, get up. At least let me take you out.”
“I need to shower,” You yawn, scratching your head. “Ugh, and wash my hair.”
“Well, let’s go take care of that.” Bradley grins, as he scoops you up from the bed, causing you to squeal in delight as you scramble to grab onto him. He effortlessly pulls you up from the bed, the covers still wrapped around you. You laugh together as he carries you out of the bedroom.
The shower take way too long—mostly because you spent less time washing, and more time pinned against the tile wall, moaning in ecstasy. Gasping for breath, wetter from sweat than water and Bradley’s cum dripping down your thighs, you end up kicking him out of the shower. You’re going to be stuck there for the rest of the day and your water bill will be through the roof. He leaves you with a wink.
You make quick work of washing your hair, lathering it with conditioner and shaving for good measure. Hair wrapped in a towel, you get dressed in comfortable jeans and a simple cotton shirt. You’re going to need to blow dry it before you go out—also you should really do your makeup. The bruise is slowly getting over the worst of it, but it’s still pretty visible.
Head bent down, rubbing the towel through your hair, you walk into the living room. From the corner of your eye, you see Bradley sitting on the couch, fully dressed already. “Babe, are we really out of all coffee?” You’re dying for a cup.
When he doesn’t immediately respond, you look up, holding the towel up from your face. Bradley is gingerly holding his parent’s wedding album, carefully moving the loose pictures into place.
 “Do you think it’s fixable?” His voice is quiet. “It was my mom’s favorite album.”
You blink, before rewrapping your hair and sitting down next to him. Carefully, you pick up one of the pictures and inspect it.
“Yeah, I’ve seen this happen a lot with picture collections we get. It looks like the glue disintegrated.” You note as you look at the back of the photo. As you suspect, the glue in the corners has left only brown residue and has long-lost its function. “We do restorations regularly—well not me, per se, I did it as part of my rotations as an intern—but it can be anything from humidity, or just a bad batch of glue…” You trail off, realizing you’re rambling.
“Can you fix it?” 
“Me?” You cannot hide your surprise at his request. “I mean—I can get some of the supplies we use at work.” You regard Bradley carefully. “Do you want me to do that?” 
“Yeah…” He sighs. “I’m kind of… scared I’ll ruin it.” He looks at you from the corner of his eye. “And you’re the archivist here.” A smile tugs at the corner of his mouth.
“I’m not really a conservation specialist, but I’ll do my best.” You reply earnestly. This feels like a pretty serious responsibility. “I’ll get some special glue, and maybe some protective sleeves and smaller boxes to store all the other loose photos, okay?”
You smile lightly at him, feeling a blush creep up. The way Bradley puts his trust in you to care for the last tangible memories he has from his parents gives you butterflies.  “Your mom did such a great job dating all the photos, I can order them for you.” 
You pause for a moment.
“If you want, that is.” You backtrack, unsure. This is not a history project, it’s not an anonymous donation to archives from someone’s estate, these are Bradley’s memories. It should be his choice. “I will do what I can to help you.”
“Thanks sweetheart.” He carefully closes the album. “I trust you completely with this—you know so much better than I how to care for all these things.”
“But they are still your memories.” You say, voice soft. “And in the end, you need to be happy with it.”
“You make me happy.” Bradley replies mischievously. 
“You are impossible.” You grin, as move to get up.
“Impossibly in love with you?” He teases.
Okay. So it would be a complete lie if that doesn’t make your heart jump so hard it’s making your rib cage rattle as blood floods to your cheeks. Regardless of how fucking cheesy that is. 
You try your best to shoot him a withering look, although it probably lacks power. Bradley is trying to get a reaction out of you. You can tell by that cheeky glint in his eye, the way his mouth is pulled in that cocky half-smirk and the casual figure he cuts, leaning back on the sofa; he knows he succeeded.
You just grunt in embarrassment, pulling the towel back over your face as you leg it out the room, leaving Bradley to enjoy his victory. 
Bradley ends up taking you to a diner—which is fine by you, because regular refills on coffee is exactly what you need right now. You slide into a booth together, Bradley immediately wrapping his arm around your shoulders. 
If Bradley was tactile before, he’s turned it up to 11 today. Not that you are complaining. It feels like you need to fill up on everything Bradley—like you’ve lost precious time, even if it was just a week—before he leaves again. 
Rationally, you know it’s only a month. He’s been gone for longer. You’ve been through this together. But it suddenly all feels strange again, a little bit apprehension under the surface, as you see your connection in a new light full of new heights and depths. It never felt better, but this time being apart will be different from before.
You eat your breakfast in relative silence—honestly, after the first bite of your blueberry pancakes, you realize how much you are starving. You lean back against Bradley, nursing your coffee.
“Hey babe,” You start, looking up at him through your lashes. “You’re flying out to Texas on Tuesday, right?”
Bradley nods. “Yeah, about that…” He trails off, while he fidgets with his mug. “No, never mind, it’s stupid.”
“What?” You sit up, looking at him curiously. The tips of his ears are red as he avoids your gaze. “Come on, tell me.”
“I’m flying commercial, so I was thinking to change my ticket to fly out of D.C.”
“Won’t that be expensive, changing it so late?” You ask, not unkindly.
“Well-” Bradley hesitates, eyes roaming the room nervously. You are seriously wondering what has him out of sorts like this suddenly. “I was thinking you could drop me off at the airport Tuesday and take the Bronco. You can use it when I’m gone, it’s safer than your car anyway. It would make me feel better if you use my car.” He ends his sentence hurriedly: “And then you could come pick me up again whenigetback.”
Letting out a deep breath, Bradley continues, voice forced light. “But it’s stupid, you have work, and you’re right, it’s probably kind of late to change my ticket.” 
“Hold on.” You cut in, gently placing your hand on his cheek and turning him to face you. “Babe. Do you want me to take you to the airport and pick you up when you get back?”
“Yes.” He replies earnestly. “But it’s such short notice, I don’t want you to get into trouble with work…”
“I’ll handle that, don’t worry.” You smile. “Of all places, the DoD will understand I have to say goodbye to my handsome naval aviator boyfriend because he’s leaving for a month.” 
“I’d love to do that for you. I want to be there for you.” You tell him honestly. “And I’m not saying that just because you’re lending me your car for a whole month.” You add with a grin.
Bradley laughs loudly at that. His eyes crinkle, the apprehension suddenly leaving him. He presses a kiss against your lips. “I’ll be rebooking my ticket then.”
“You do that.” You smile—it means you will have him with you for two more days, instead of him leaving on Sunday already. Sometimes things just work out like that.
After Bradley leaves for Texas, you spent your evenings going through the pictures from the box. Gently cleaning them, tucking them in protective sleeves and ordering them chronologically in new boxes where they won’t be thrown around so much. 
As you clear out the box Bradley left you, you find small trinkets that must have been thrown in at some point. A small plastic soldier, scraps of paper, lots of dust. You clean everything and save everything that might be of worth in an envelope. It’s not up to you to throw anything away.
Stuck in the corner of the box, you find a pair of dog tags that belonged to Bradley’s father. They are smudged and dirty—you have no idea if that’s from being in the dusty box (which was stored god knows where for how long) or this is the way they were returned to the family. 
You want to ask Bradley, but elect to do so when he is back. He calls you almost every day, but you notice his unease when you ask about objects from the box. It’s still difficult for him. And he tries so hard.
So instead, you order a flat, rectangular box through work, once that is specifically used to store small items. You fill it with soft foam, cut to measure, and carefully pin the dog tags into place. Bradley can decide what he wants to do with this later.
It’s late at night, almost halfway through Bradley’s training mission, you find something unexpected. 
It’s a crushed ring box. 
The hinges are rusted and twisted, the top of the box sitting at an awkward ninety-degree angle. It’s empty, the once soft fabric on the outside torn and stained. The button to open the box is loose in the socket, jiggling sadly with every movement.
It mostly likely got torn apart between the heavy albums between different moves, just loosely thrown in, unsecured in any way.
It doesn’t look like it can be salvaged. Not only that, but it’s beyond your skill, that’s for sure. Still, you carefully place it in an envelope. Maybe you can ask someone at work if they know someone (a jeweler? A carpenter? Who actually repairs things like these?), although it looks like a commercially produced box. Getting it restored will probably cost a lot more than getting a new one. But this is not your decision to make. 
More importantly: there is a ring box, but no ring?
You should go to bed. But you cannot resist a good mystery. A missing puzzle piece. 
It’s late, so Bradley is probably already asleep. He mentioned he has an early start tomorrow and you don’t want to disturb him. But you also don’t want to wait almost two weeks before you can ask about the missing ring. 
You take out the last items from the box—it’s as good as empty now.
You use the torch on your phone to get a better look, fingers running along the edges of the cardboard. There’s a dust bunny, a few scraps of paper and what looks like a lone Lego brick. No ring.
Carefully peeling back the flaps on the bottom, you lean closer for a better look. Still nothing. You wiggle your hand under the flap, fingers exploring every nook and cranny. Your hand is getting coated in dust and what feels like grains of sand. 
Still no luck.
Maybe there is no ring, and it’s been long lost between Bradley’s moves.
But that’s kind of boring.
Putting your phone away, you sit back, rocking on your heels. 
Fuck this.
You flip the box over, shaking it with some vigor. Sand, dust and Lego hit the floor with soft thuds. Suddenly, a soft-
Metal hitting the wooden floor.
It bounces.
Quickly, you push the box out of the way. 
There, between the dust and the grime, landed a golden ring. The almond shaped topaz, set between two smaller diamonds, glitters like the sun, even under the artificial light of your living room light.
Carefully picking it up, you study it. Like everything in the box, it’s kind of dirty and scuffed. As you look at it—it is a beautiful ring—it dawns on you. It looks familiar. 
But… from where?
Oh fuck.
Pulling out the wedding album, you flip the pages until you find the picture you are looking for. You’ve spent a better part of a week, every evening after work (sometimes while on the phone with Bradley), carefully peeling the pictures off the page and painstakingly reapplying them until your back hurt. You’ve gotten plenty familiar with every photo. 
There it is. 
Bradley’s parents, in close up, smiling at each other lovingly. But more importantly, her hand is resting on his shoulder, and there, clear as day, sits that exact ring.
It’s his mother’s engagement ring.
Suddenly, your heart is beating so loudly, you can barely hear yourself think. You know Bradley didn’t leave it in there for you to find. Hell, considering the state it’s in, he probably forgot it was in there in the first place.
You cannot deny that you’ve not allowed yourself a little dream here and there. In the long term, you indulge in the fantasy of getting married to Bradley. Would Bradley marry you? You’ve never talked about marriage, or kids, together.
Finding this ring now sets your mind into overdrive. He would look so good in his formal uniform. He would kiss you so sweetly at the alt- oooh, this is bad. 
You pinch the bridge of your nose. 
Okay. Focus on the practicals. 
The ring box is busted, so you need to find a place to store the ring. You could order a new ring box online, but you don’t want the ring to just lie around your desk in the meantime.
It feels a bit too forward to place it in your own jewelry box. It’s not yours, it shouldn’t be there. The only other place… the box with the dog tags.
Your breath sounds loud in the otherwise silent room—adrenaline is still coursing through your veins as you open the small box. With the thin blade you use to lift pictures off the page, you slice a small slit into the foam, next to the dog tags.
The ring slides in easily, glinting happily in the light, cozily tucked next to the dog tags. 
It looks… right, you decide. 
You close the little box lovingly. 
It feels right, having them together like that.
Today is the day. You are bouncing on your heels, trying to see over the crowd of people in the arrival hall. 
You’ve checked signs at the exit at least a dozen times. It’s really this exit. Every 30 seconds, your eyes flicker over to the display—no, the arrival hall for Bradley’s flight hasn’t changed, yes, it’s still the same exit. The airport app only confirms it.
You fidget with the belt of your light trench coat.
Why are you so nervous?
It’s only been a month.
You’ve arrived too early—Bradley’s plane hasn’t even landed yet. But you’ve been having this dreadful, horror-filled premonition you’d be late—when he finally asked you to wait for him. 
You can’t fuck this up.
But now you’re here, a good 20 minutes early, nervously shifting your weight from foot to foot, watching people around you mill about. Weary travelers rush past you to taxis, while people have small and big reunions, and designated airport pick-ups hold signs with bored expressions.  
It’s torture. 
You should have brought a book. Or at least your AirPods or something. Anything to distract you from looking at the clock every 5-odd seconds, getting distracted by every announcement made, and ultimately disappointed every time with how slowly time is going.
Trying to stop yourself from pacing like an absolute madwoman in front of the exit, you stroll around the shops in the arrival halls—always in the line of sight of one of the information displays. Not that anything changes. 
Listlessly you page through cheap romance novels, read a couple of headlines on the magazine rack and inspect small trinkets. There is a particularly unfortunate-looking plastic model of the Washington monument, leaning precariously forward like it’s in a tower of Pisa contest (you almost buy it because you feel so bad for it).
Unfortunately, that’s only 5 minutes gone.
You recheck your pockets for what must be the 348th time today. Phone, house keys, car keys. Chapstick, chewing gum, wallet. Everything is still there.
You walk past the flower stand, where big bouquets and bunches of roses in vibrant colors contrast starkly against the gray marble airport tiling. Aluminum balloons swing softly as people rush home. The smell of overpriced cheesy pastries wafts through the air.
You quickly stop by the bathroom—brushing a stray strand of hair from your face. The bruise on your face has long disappeared.  You look fine. 
It’s too cold for the summer dress Bradley seems to favor, so you’ve opted for a wrap dress with longer sleeves that is more appropriate for the weather. You like to think that cut flatters you. You look good.
Slipping your hand back into the pockets of your coat, you slowly head back to the exit. Still no change on the display.
You repeat two more slow rounds around the shops, trying not to look like a total weirdo, when the display finally shows Bradley’s plane has landed. Faster than necessary, you leg it back to the exit, as if he could come out any minute. Yes, you know he still needs to make it off the plane, wait for his luggage, and then walk all the way where you are waiting but Bradley is here.
You’re about to burst with anticipation, hands clasped around your phone that you hold up to your chest because you don’t think you can stop fidgeting otherwise, and because it feels like your heart might leap straight out.
“waiting for luggage x” 
Bradley’s message is simple and to the point, but makes you feel like you might just float above the crowd in front of you and straight into his arms.
He is so close.
Every time the sliding doors open and people file out, you bounce onto your tiptoes to see that familiar head of caramel curls with that confidently easy-going gait and that cocky smile that makes you weak at the knees. Bradley knows exactly the effect he has on you, and you’ve decided to just own it.
 Fuck it, you’re in love.
And you know it’s mutual.
It’s like you’ve developed a sixth sense for Bradley. The moment the sliding doors open again, you feel him before you see him. He’s here.
Bradley’s stance is confident in his crisp khaki uniform as he steps out, not faltering for a second —but his eyes are scanning the crowd nervously. You stand rooted to the ground for one second before your brain jolts you into action: he’s looking for you.
Bradley’s heart is beating anxiously—where are you? — when, your voice rings out over all the noise around, clear as a bell.
You are weaving through the crowd, about 90 feet away, trying to get past the horde of people waiting as quickly and somewhat as politely as possible. He can see your shining eyes even from the distance: they are his beacon home.
Unceremoniously, he drops his bag on the floor, not really caring it’s in the middle of the path. He only has eyes for you now.
Finally, you break free from the line, running forward with your arms outstretched. Before you can take two steps, Bradley is running up to you.
You crash into each other, Bradley lifting you off your feet in one fell swoop. You wrap your legs around him, not really caring how the skirt of your dress is bunching up around your thighs. Your hands got to cradle Bradley’s face, lips inching close like you’re sharing a secret just between the two before you kiss him.
“Welcome home, lieutenant.”
[note] aaaaand that it's for the main story. Almost. There is still an epilogue in the works where I'll try to tie up some of the leftover threads. Plus there's one side story that I'm particularly excited to write. Soon I'll probably take some time to thoroughly edit the story. I know for a fact some story elements fell a little to the wayside, and not everything works quite like I wanted it to (let alone that some sentences read like I've had a stroke half-way through).
Thank you for reading. Thank you for all the comments and encouragement. Thank you for helping me re-discover that writing can still be fun and it's okay to self-indulge. Ultimately, I hope my story brought you some joy!
[taglist] @ponyboys-sunsets | @thatchickwiththecamera | @littlewhiterose | @katieshook02 | @straightforwardly | @zazzysseoul | @rororo06 | @datingbtr | @notalxx | @fresh-new-yoik-watah | @gretagerwigsmuse  | @swthxrry | @joshkiskasbunion | @caelipartem | @blackbrownie | @yanak324 | @unluckymonaghan | @letusbewildflowers | @ticklish-leafy-plant | @alana4610 | @eg-dr3amer3 | @turningtoclown | @mell-bell | @mak-32 | @avis15 | @helplesslydevoted | @benhardysdrumstick | @chaoticversion | @cherrycola27 | @roosterschanelslut
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