#Nursing Attendant
snuenterprises1 · 5 days
Nursing Attendant Home Service In Gurgaon
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Nursing Attendant Home Service In Gurgaon reliable in home nursing attendants provide personalized care and support for individuals with medical needs comfort and peace of mind.
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fauvester · 6 months
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more hospital au svsss
in interventional radiology (or anything involving procedural x-rays) you need to wear a lead apron and thyroid guard.. there’s usually lots of spares but usually the regulars invest in their own. they are very heavy lol. but it does help keep you cozy in a freezing procedure room
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thedenofravenpuff · 2 years
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Day 23 of @bloo-the-dragon’s November Prompt List is Sick Day.
What better classic than the Daycare Attendant breaking and entering into the home of Y/N, to look after their favourite human in their time of need?
Do enjoy
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rad-roche · 3 months
oh my god i'm having thoughts. i'm having timeskip design thoughts
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chappellrroan · 2 months
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alicornze7 · 1 day
How do you like my first swan cookie fanarts to you 👁️
And I also legit cannot wait for mine muweheheheh
Bet that you cannot ACTUALLY fluster me , Ali 👁️👹
I like it (alot)🧍
aight' bet.
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you are NOT ready for this
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haveamagicalday · 5 months
Battle of the Barbies! Round 4: Career
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This is round 4 of the bracket. All other polls in can be found here.
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star-spangled-man · 3 months
sorry I can’t go out tonight, I’ll be listening to labour - the cacophony, yes it’s gonna be a whole thing
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pfhwrittes · 3 months
something something tf141 and greys anatomy something something
kate laswell as chief of the hospital
john price as head of trauma
johnny mactavish as head of plastics
simon riley as head of paediatrics
alex keller as head of orthopaedics
kyle garrick as head of neuro
farah karim as head of cardio
nikolai as head of general surgery
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serenanymph · 15 days
find the word tag
Tagged by @space-writes over here with the words take, lower, fine and dive!! Gently tagging uhhhh @macabremoons, @reneesbooks and @lyssa-ink with the words nest, just, revenge and identity!
There’s a pause, as the four of them look at each other – the Halfling full of distrust, unwilling to let his guard down even just to take a break; Icarus full of worry, not wanting to sit down until he’s made sure everyone really is resting. Crys, of course, is unreadable as always, expression impassive as a stone wall. If he didn’t reek of chaos magic – if Rhyme didn’t know to look for that slight twitch to his fingers, the way he clenches his fist at a flash of pain – she wouldn’t have known he was injured at all. She’d be impressed with his poker face if it wasn’t so damn annoying.
“She’s fine,” Zephyr coughs from where he’s leaning against Kas. Both of them look equally exhausted. “It was just – just a stupid disagreement with a few others. I panicked and overreacted.” He lowers his eyes – eye, he’d strapped the eyepatch back on – towards the ground. “Sorry.” And then he lifts his eyes again, looking past her, and freezes.
It is an overcast day, when he sets out on his own – the sky clouded and gray, the sun weak and watery. The rain falls in a light drizzle, the water droplets fine as mist. He turns his dirt-smeared face up towards the sky, blinking rapidly. His split lip stings and tastes of copper when he licks it. The tunic and cloak he is wearing is made of rough sackcloth, torn and frayed and worn at the edges, half falling apart.
Someone cuts through the air overhead – soundlessly swooping in before dropping into a sharp dive – and then there’s a Crow with a high ponytail falling into step right beside Kas with ease. He doesn’t flinch; evidently expecting this or used to it.
taglist (lmk if you want to be +/-): @deer-in-headlights-stare, @allianaavelinjackson, @arctic-oceans, @space-writes, @reneesbooks
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snuenterprises1 · 8 days
Home Nursing Attendant Service at Gurgaon
Home Nursing Attendant Service at Gurgaon offers professional in-home nursing attendants for personalized care and support. Reliable assistance with daily activities.
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pansyfemme · 10 months
the truth is im not sure if any other towns with ivy leagues in them tend to have the hatred and resentment for the school that ppl from new haven often have for yale. id love to just sit down and chat with someone from another ivy league town bc like. is it just the combo of a school full of very rich prep school kids in one of the poorest areas in the state where our public schools literally does not have the funding or curriculum for a lot of students to qualify for the college in their own fucking town or is this a wider issue in other places
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madame-mongoose · 2 years
I saw your one post of that nurse bot OC and I absolutely soso in love with the design and creativity!! Will we be seeing more of them in the future?
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YES YOU WILL in fact have a doodle of her and Sunny (Sunny doesn't like her bc he's territorial and doesn't want any other bots in his daycare lmao)
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gxlden-angels · 1 year
One of these days I will write about the nuances of The Black Church and how it acted both as a force for good; providing food, shelter, and community to those in need from slavery onward, and as a force for destruction, actively treating drug addicts and LGBT people as diseases and cutting them off from that sanctuary. I should do it at my most powerful (Now during BHM) but alas.....
#I recently attended a conference#and one of the presentations I went to was about Ballroom Culture and History#the presenter compared it to being in a black church#and of course not all churches are the same even with groups#but when I say 'The Black Church' I usually mean the southern baptist/methodist combination that emphasizes freedom. emotionalism and praise#There's a big focus on being freed from slavery both literally and metaphorically (from sin)#Youve probably seen those videos of praise breaks with ppl screaming crying frowing up and falling on the floor#That type of church#It seems silly as an outsider but it's all about connection#In Ballrooms they danced. they performed. they loved#In church they danced. they performed. they loved.#After the church comes together and feeds everyone#If someone is sick the whole church nurses them and prays#Ballroom was a place for queer folk to gather. Black people gathered at church. It wasn't entirely safe but it was something#But then things happened#Black churches kick out addicts and sex workers and queer folk#And during the AIDS epidemic#and war on drugs started#Cis gay men turned on the trans women that built those Ballrooms#They decided they didn't want their spaces pulled down#They decided this was the only way to rise. By stepping on others#And as the communities grew they changed#Of course these community churches and Houses still exist#People are still there supporting each other#But Madonna 'invented' vogue and Ru Paul partakes in fracking#But Creflo Dollar owns a private jet#This was probably a rambling mess but I hope you get it#I also lost my ipad on the other side of the country so I'm a bit too upset to organize my thoughts better rn#ex christian#religious trauma
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aparticularbandit · 21 days
...is there also going to be hajime/mikan in this fic
...is this another thing i did not expect that is probably going to show up
i guess
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skiitter · 10 months
i am very curious as to what you have up your sleeve fic wise so: 📓
Hmmm so technically I’ve already written some of this but I’ve been fucking around with a modern au!bg3 fic where Astarion is a famous model with Cazador’s modeling/talent agency and he has this draconian ass borderline illegal contract that he cannot escape. Wyll is a former child star turned Hollywood contract lawyer and Astarion seeks him out after his sometimes bodyguard Karlach, who notices the abuse he’s going through at Cazador’s hand, recommends Wyll. There’s also a murder subplot that sort of kicks it all off. Tav is Wyll’s roommate and sort of legal aid who wanted to be a lawyer once upon a time but is now sort of directionless and drifting through life. And while this is all happening, Tav and Astarion have (unknowingly) been playing fantasy words with friends against one another for months and have formed a sort of weird friendship out of it.
It’s like a whole thing, a good portion of which I workshopped in the Elfsong discord but I do hope to one day write it. Maybe. Possibly.
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