#Notable Death sin 2024
gone2soon-rip · 5 months
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RICHARD TANDY (1948-Died May 1st 2024,at 75).English musician. He was the keyboardist in the band Electric Light Orchestra ("ELO"). His palette of keyboards (including Minimoog, Clavinet, Mellotron, and piano) was an important ingredient in the group's sound, especially on the albums A New World Record, Out of the Blue, Discovery, and Time.
Tandy was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on 7 April 2017 as a member of Electric Light Orchestra. Richard Tandy - Wikipedia
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dailydemonspotlight · 5 months
I’m feeling in a Devil Survivor mood today, care for me to ask for Jezebel?
Jezebel - Day 33 (Request)
Race: Bel
Alignment: Free Palestine! 🇵🇸
May 7th, 2024
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Abrahamic faith and SMT go hand-in-hand. There's a reason YHVH is such a recurring figure in the series, and it's not just due to ATLUS wanting to see god be dethroned every entry. Hell, in mainline, a good amount of theming is based around abrahamic religions, such as things like the Law-Chaos dichotomy or literal Lucifer being a major character in almost every game in the series. However, if there's one game in the series famous for its Christian roots, it'd have to be the first Devil Survivor. Whether it be the main character literally being Abel, the demonic invasion having heavy ties to a biblical apocalypse, or many other characters in the story being reincarnations of biblical characters, Devil Survivor is rife with Christian themes. Admittedly, I haven't played it yet, being a mainline and DDS fan first and foremost, but its themes being so explicitly connected to abrahamic faith to the point it makes even mainline blush is notable to me.
Now, what does this have to do with anything? It has to do with our demon of the day! Great segway, I know. Today's demon of the day is the wicked witch and promoter of Baal, Jezebel! Being an infamous figure for good reason, Jezebel was responsible for many things associated with false prophets- whether it be propping up fake gods like Baal and Asherah or slaughtering Yahwist priests, she was responsible for the fall into heresy that the Omride dynasty experienced. In spite of how unpopular the dynasty grew to be to the common israelite who lived under her, Jezebel promoted growth, eventually leading to conflict with her own people. Only being a princess, she could only promote worship of Baal, however she often went out of her way to kill people who worshipped capital-g God, leading to Panic! At Jerusalem.
Eventually, she led to the death of Naboth in an act of greed for a fellow Israeli citizen, executing the man for not wishing to share his prosperous vineyard with her husband, Ahab. Watching this flagrant disregard for his people, though, was God, who was utterly fuming. Seeing the fall into heresy that Jezebel led Israel right into, he gave Elijah a prophecy- one of the eventual death of Jezebel. The man would report that prophecy to King Jehu, who would give a solid order- one to execute the woman. Jezebel then proceeded to be thrown through a window and eaten by dogs. Yes, really. Death by defenestration is a biblical thing.
Ever since that story, Jezebel has become synonymous with false prophets and heresy in abrahamic faiths, with her name typically being referred to as shorthand for any who manipulate others through lies and gaslighting. As unpopular as she was until her death, though, she's still referred to by many in that same context, and you may find people referring to others as 'Lustful Jezebels' if they're lame enough. Her name was also attached, in the Book of Revelations, to a priest who began to spread sexual promiscuity to her people, hence the "lustful" part of that saying.
Now, in SMT, her design is utterly fascinating- appearing as a late-game boss fight in Devil Survivor, the flowers seem to symbolize promiscuity, while the many tendrils emerging from the torso seem to represent all manners of manipulation. Her design is packed with layers of metaphor, and the imagery of flowers can also represent both 'honeyed words,' as well as the spreading of lies, like pollen. Her design also is frankly sick looking- I really gotta play Devil Survivor, huh? Overall, Jezebel is a fantastically designed demon with some serious importance behind her, a representation of sin and manipulation that I adore.
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hearttsck · 4 months
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my name is POPPY AUGUSTA STERLING … and i am from HELLTOWN  and i’m a LAWYER . i lived in helltown for  18 YEARS, BEEN BACK ONE MONTH  because  THE STERLING FAMILY HAS DEEP ROOTS AND DEEPER SECRETS . i am 29  my pronouns are  SHE/HER  and i am  OUTGOING, METICULOUS, DEVOTED  though some may say i’m  OBSESSIVE, SECRETIVE, HYPOCRITICAL . i also hear i look a lot like  VICTORIA PEDRETTI  but, i don’t know if i see it. i’m here because  MY MOTHER’S GHOST WON’T LEAVE ME ALONE  but, maybe there’s more to it than that. you never know with helltown.
Name: Poppy Augusta Sterling 
Nickname: Pops, P 
Birthday: February 7, 1995 
Place of Birth: Helltown, Ohio
Places Lived Since: New York, New York; Durham, NC ; Washington DC
Current Residence: Helltown, Ohio ( begrudgingly ) 
Notable Family Members: Ottilie Juliet Sterling ( daughter, age 5) ; Violet Sterling ( younger sister ) ; Rose Sterling ( older sister ) ; Daphne Sterling ( mother, deceased April 2024 ) ; Julian Sterling ( father,  deceased 2004 ) ; Nicholas Sterling ( uncle, missing since summer 2014 )   
Faceclaim: Victoria Pedretti
Height: 5’3
Build: slim 
Hair Color: currently blonde, naturally brunette 
Eye Color: dark blue 
Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: both ears pierced , many hidden tattoos that will be expanded upon in a post to come 
Scars: tbd ( there are stories here ) 
Unique Mannerisms/Physical Habits: twisting her rings, eyes suddenly losing focus, avoiding corners, running when things get messy 
Occupation: Lawyer 
Level of Education: BA Columbia University ; JD Duke Law School 
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish, French, Latin 
Positive Traits: outgoing, charming, devoted, meticulous, resourceful 
Negative Traits: obsessive, paranoid, avoidant, secretive, hypocritical
Likes: the east coast, a particularly tricky legal argument, the oxford comma, early 2000s romcoms, a crisp diet coke
Dislikes: lazy writing, landlocked states, the legal ambiguity of deals with the devil, cliches, feeling trapped
Aesthetic: perfectly crafted citations; falling asleep to the comforting sounds of the city; this house is not haunted - you are; collecting scars as penance for your sins; the turn of a page in a silent library; intimacy like a drug, these hands on your body are the only thing separating you from your ghosts; your daughter's laughter carried across the breeze; craving the ephemeral taste of early spring because it will not last; is it worse to be doomed by the narrative or haunted by it?
BIO ( coming soon )  Tldr - grew up in helltown, middle child of three, perfectionist and outgoing and obsessive - prom queen gunning for a full ride to an ivy energy. there was An Incident her senior year involving her sisters and resulting in the Death of her uncle. poppy got the fuck out of ohio. undergrad at columbia, went to law school at duke. came home for thanksgiving 2017 during her 1L year and had a fling/one night stand/something { wc } that resulted in a pregnancy which she fully hid from her sisters/everyone in helltown until her daughter was born august 2018. Been living in DC as a single mom since law school, came back when her mom died a month ago.
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metalshockfinland · 2 months
DEICIDE: European Summer Tour "Banished By Sin" Starts Tomorrow
Photo credit: Gene Smirnov Tomorrow, death metal legends DEICIDE return to European soil, celebrating live their 13th studio album “Banished By Sin,” which was released on April 26, 2024 via Reigning Phoenix Music (RPM). Provocateurs by trade and dominant by nature, the Floridians, featuring founders Glen Benton (bass/lead vocals) and Steve Asheim (drums), as well as notables Kevin…
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orthodoxydaily · 3 months
Saints&Reading: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
june 5_june 18
Venerable Anubius the Confessor and Anchorite of Egypt (5th c.)
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Icon: Uncut Mountain Supply
Saint Anubius the Ascetic bravely endured tortures during the time of persecutions against Christians in the fourth century, but he remained alive and withdrew into the wilderness, where he dwelt until old age. He founded a small skete, in which he lived with six monks, one of whom was his brother Saint Pimen the Great (August 27). Once robbers laid waste to the skete, and the monks had to hide themselves in the ruins of a pagan temple, while having given their word not to speak with each other for a week. In the morning all week long Saint Anubius threw a stone at the face of the statue of the pagan god, and in the evening he said to it, “I have sinned.”
At the end of the week the brethren asked Abba Anubius what his actions signified, and the Elder explained that just as the statue did not get angry when he struck it, nor get flattered when he asked forgiveness of it, so the brethren ought to live. Three days before his end Saint Anubius was visited by the desert-dwellers Cyrus, Isaiah, and Paul, who asked the Elder to tell them about his life for the edification of believers. The saint replied, “I do not recall that I did anything great or glorious.” However, swayed by the entreaties of his questioners, in deep humility he related to them that during the time of persecutions he confessed the Name of Christ under torture, after this he had never defiled his lips with a lie, since after he had confessed Truth, he did not want to utter falsehood.
Three days later, Saint Anubius reposed in spiritual joy. The aforementioned Fathers said that they heard the singing of angels who came to receive his soul.
His heart was ever filled with a thirst for communion with the Lord, and he had often seen angels and the holy saints of God standing before the Lord. He also beheld Satan and his angels committed to the eternal flames. He is mentioned in the LAUSIAC HISTORY of Palladius, and his sayings can be found in the Paradise of the Fathers and in the Evergetinos.
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In 1147 Saint Igor Ol’govich (September 19, June 5) was defeated and captured by Izyaslav Mstislavich, the grandson of Saint Vladimir (July 15). Izyaslav then replaced Saint Igor as Great Prince.
The See of Kiev had been left vacant after the death of Metropolitan Michael in 1145, and Izyaslav chose the learned Schemamonk Clement of Smolensk to succeed him. He wanted the candidate to be consecrated by bishops in Russia, instead of sending him to Constantinople for consecration. Because of the great distance between Kiev and Constantinople Izyaslav called a council of Russian bishops, and ordered them to consecrate Clement as Metropolitan of Kiev.
Not all of the bishops were in agreement with this plan, notably the holy Archbishop Niphon of Novgorod (April 8). Other hierarchs also refused to participate in the consecration without the blessing of the Patriarch of Constantinople. Clement’s consecration took place in spite of the objections that had been raised.
After Izyaslav’s reign, he was succeeded by Yuri (George) Dolgoruky. This Great Prince regarded the consecration as illegal and uncanonical, and so he sent Saint Constantine (Smolyatich) to Constantinople to be consecrated as Metropolitan of Kiev by the Patriarch. Upon his return to Kiev, Saint Constantine, by the authority of the Patriarch, deposed Clement from his rank, and also deposed those who had been ordained by him.
When the Great Prince Yuri completed the course of his life disputes arose over who should succeed him as Great Prince. There was also disagreement about who was the rightful Metropolitan of Kiev, and Izyaslav’s son Mstislav supported Clement. Therefore, the Russian princes decided that both Clement and Constantine should be deposed, and requested the Patriarch of Constantinople to send them a new Metropolitan for Kiev.
Hoping to put an end to the disputes among the princes, the Patriarch sent Theodore to Kiev as the new Metropolitan. Saint Constantine, wishing to avoid further tumult in the Church, stepped down as Metropolitan and went to Chernigov, where he became gravely ill.
Feeling that he was approaching the end of his life, Saint Constantine composed a Testament, which he entrusted to Bishop Anthony of Chernigov. He also made Bishop Anthony promise that he would fulfill all the directives contained in the Testament after Constantine’s death.
When Saint Constantine reposed in 1159, Bishop Anthony took the Testament to Prince Svyatoslav of Chernigov, broke the seal, and read the document aloud. One of the provisions of the Testament was that Saint Constantine’s body should not be buried, but dragged out of the city to be left as food for dogs. This was because he felt responsible for the discord in the Church.
Everyone who heard the reading of the Testament was filled with horror. Prince Svyatoslav told the bishop to do as he saw fit. Since he had given his promise to Saint Constantine to abide by the terms of the Testament, he did not dare to go back on his word. So the saint’s body was taken from the city and left in a field.
On that very day the sky grew dark over Kiev, and strong winds, earthquakes, thunder and lightning broke out. It is said that eight people were hit by lightning at the same time.
Prince Rostislav of Kiev was in Povari at Vyshgorod at the time. He had received news of the death of Metropolitan Constantine, so he sent messages to the Church of the Holy Wisdom and to other churches, asking for all-night vigils to be conducted throughout the city. He believed that the citizens of Kiev were being punished by the Lord for their sins.
While all of these things were taking place in Kiev, the sun shone brightly in Chernigov. However, three pillars of fire appeared at night over the body of Saint Constantine. Seeing this marvel, many were filled with fear. On the third day that the body lay in the field, Prince Svyatoslav ordered that the body of the Metropolitan be buried with all the honor befitting his rank.
The body of the saint was carried into the city and buried in the church of the Savior, where Saint Igor, who was killed by the inhabitants of Kiev, had also been interred. After the burial of Saint Constantine, peace returned to Kiev, and all the people glorified God.
Source: Orthodox Church in America_OCA
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ACTS 21:26-32
26 Then Paul took the men, and the next day, having been purified with them, entered the temple to announce the expiration of the days of purification, at which time an offering should be made for each one of them. 27 Now when the seven days were almost ended, the Jews from Asia, seeing him in the temple, stirred up the whole crowd and laid hands on him, 28 crying out, "Men of Israel, help! This is the man who teaches all men everywhere against the people, the law, and this place; and furthermore he also brought Greeks into the temple and has defiled this holy place." 29 (For they had previously seen Trophimus the Ephesian with him in the city, whom they supposed that Paul had brought into the temple.) 30 And all the city was disturbed; and the people ran together, seized Paul, and dragged him out of the temple; and immediately the doors were shut. 31 Now as they were seeking to kill him, news came to the commander of the garrison that all Jerusalem was in an uproar. 32 He immediately took soldiers and centurions, and ran down to them. And when they saw the commander and the soldiers, they stopped beating Paul.
JOHN 16:2-13
2 They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service. 3 And these things they will do to you because they have not known the Father nor Me. 4 But these things I have told you, that when the time comes, you may remember that I told you of them. And these things I did not say to you at the beginning, because I was with you. 5 But now I go away to Him who sent Me, and none of you asks Me, 'Where are You going?' 6 But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart. 7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. 8 And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: 9 of sin, because they do not believe in Me; 10 of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more; 11 of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged. 12 I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. 13 However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.
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thetantiger · 6 months
Quick Bio: Rachel Preston
Race: Afflicted Gilnean Class: Druid Specialization: Guardian Pronouns: He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
Rachel is a black, white and brown-furred Worgen druid with sun-yellow eyes and a myriad of scars adorning his body, the most notable of which being a lightning-shaped one up his left arm. In his Human form, which he is most often seen in, he is caucasian with black hair parted in the middle, a beard (most of the time) and the same yellow eyes. Rachel is a timeline variant of Raymond Charlton, brought to the main timeline by the Bronze Dragon Vidormi and has found a home with the Shadows of the Faithful. Despite several near-death experiences, losses and betrayals, Rachel remains optimistic, and after a long period of barely hanging on he's settled down with his husband Alifer and his son Milo. Now this "scruffy twink" (as he is lovingly called by his friends) obsessed with bean soup seeks to serve the Faithful as well as keep his loved ones safe and close to him.
Links: Father's Day comic Pride Month 2024 Trans day of visibility 2024 I like to put him in neat little outfits SUBMISSIVE AND BEANABLE Rachel’s character playlist A guide to drawing blushes Rachel loses their catchphrase Rachel learns something about themselves Rachel and Hane and leather Rachel Lightforged marking ref Rachel body ref SotF as Vines 4 Ray and Rach profile doodles Maid dress Rach Biker Rach "Stranglethorn" art piece Rach fucking dies in an AU Rach struggles with genderfluidity disgustedrach.png "Seven Deadly Sins" art piece Rach loves honey Honey (wholesome) Maleman Coming in Men('s) Rach solo's Varian Wrynn Rachifer! Rachel tries the grimace shake rach hoodie bust doodle Color wheel challenge Rachel tells Sheefu he's gay Pride doodles 2023 Shadow's exfoliation brush Rachel bunnysuit thirst Guardian druid spec art "Triumph" art piece
Related Characters: Alifer Preston (husband) (not my character) Milo Preston (adoptive son) Raymond Charlton (timeline variant) Beatrice Adams (timeline variant) Frederick Clifford (father) Jasmine Clifford (mother)
<Toyhouse Page>
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nightsinsmerch · 8 months
Night Sins Merch
Night Sins is an American gothic rock / post-punk band from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States formed in 2010 by singer-songwriter Kyle Kimball (Nothing, Death of Lovers, Salvation, Beware, Let Down, and Mother of Mercy). They are currently signed to Avant! Records. The band's music is influenced by 80's gothic rock, darkwave, post-punk, and new wave, notably bands like The Sisters of Mercy, The Mission, Clan of Xymox, and Depeche Mode. Shop Night Sins Merch Here!
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