#Not that much of a silly entry I'm guessing :')
pancakeke · 1 day
hey just wnated to give a tip dont use tap water for the marimos, leave it out for 24 hrs, if possible use pond water or something with natural bacteria 🫡
I understand that you had good intentions by trying to give advice, but please understand that if I wanted advice I would have requested it.
and I'm really really not trying to be mean to you here, but this is a good example of how not knowing the context of someone's situation and then giving unsolicited advice can spread misinformation.
using pond/creek/river water for anything other than a pond jar is a bad idea. the contaminants this may introduce to an aquatic system far outweighs the benefits good bacteria may provide. potential water quality issues should be assessed by testing first. changes should be made based on test results, and only by means of safe chemical or bacterial additives.
good bacteria is most useful for eating up detritus and fish waste before its decay can create chemical imbalances in a tank. but I don't have any critters that poop and my marimo have never appeared to shed dead parts. if anything they generate more living tufts of algae that then start looking for a place to anchor themselves, which is a whole different problem.
again, sorry if this comes off rude but I see sooo much misinfo spread around the houseplant subreddits I follow as well as on instagram. a lot of it comes in the form of unsolicited advice that doesn't directly address anything at hand.
the (serious) fish/aquarium hobbyists are way more likely to be straight shooters, though I guess that comes with the territory when the hobby has a higher barrier for entry and it's easy to do tests that can back up your claims lol
my marimo have been cute and doing fine for the 6 years I've owned them. the only reason I killed one recently was because I neglected them all completely for months. I'm going a little more extreme with their setup now (like adding pumps and stuff) because this would either extend the time they can be left alone OR I'll want play with their habitat more, which means I'll check them more. also once I started looking at the types of aquariums equipment out there it all seemed fun and I wanted to get silly with things.
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quatregats · 6 months
Thought I had managed to figure out the whole timeline of where Villena had been during the war and now I'm going back through all the sources I have saved and I feel like nothing is matching up at all with what I have in my head
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
📔 + a silly entry !
I made a friend at work tonight!! :)
April 1st, an especially cold and rainy evening. Which, being Gotham, probably isn't that much different from most evenings in this city? It was exceptionally quiet though, even for Saturday so who knows if it was the bad weather keeping people away (or because they might have been scared that somebody would be up to no good tonight?) Knowing Gotham, it probably would have been the Joker. You know, what with it being April's Fool and all. Back to my new friend, though! He came into the diner, soaking wet and miserable. Didn't talk much, and it took some convincing to get him to come through the back where it was warm and dry but he seemed glad to get out of the rain, if only for an hour or two. He smelt terrible though, like he'd been living in trash cans for the last ten years... probably has, given the state of him. Poor guy. Jerry didn't seem to mind him hanging out back but Cindy wrinkled her nose and said we "didn't need another one hanging around where he wasn't wanted." Jerry laughed and said he wasn't that bad which only made Cindy angrier. I just kept my mouth shut while our new friend ate some of tonight's leftovers. Surprisingly likes beans, just like somebody else I know. Jerry took a photo once he'd dried out a bit and didn't look like he wanted to claw our eyes out anymore. Kind of want to take him home but there's no away the apartment would ever allow pets. Maybe should I name him? Trouble is, I don't think Walter would be very appropriate...
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mourningsbane · 1 month
Perhaps silly questions, but I'm growing more and more curious of your blog with each new entry/question answered. Love the story slowly unfolding here, cannot wait for the next part and following moons <3
Does Palekit have any further deformations? Or rather that question but in past tense. His tail looks almost fin-like, but I'm not sure if what we are seeing is a) a stylistic "drooping goo" effect, b) a very weird tuft of fur, or c) some malformation of the tail tip, resulting in its split structure.
What's the clan's relationship with Sweetkit, considering so many of its members', em... involvement in the perishing of Honeyspring and her kits. Mostly wondering if Flaildrizzle, Tanglefern and Rootstar feel anything (guilt, sadness, etc.) at all when they see this only kit in clan after a whole litter dies in such horrible circumstances before Sweetkit's arrival? I mean, surely such a tragedy leaves an impact. A followup question-
How much time has passed since Honeyspring's death and Sweetkit's arrival? Do any of LutumClan's cats consider Sweetkit to be like "a second chance" for the clan after losing their only queen and her litter?
A bit of an alternate outcome question! Let's assume Nothing Bad Ever Happened©️ to Honeyspring's kits. What would their warrior names be? What would their basic personalities be? Would any of them pursue high ranks within LutumClan?
Also sending fictional love to Honeyspring, stay goopy queen 💅
There's no such thing as a silly question! Besides, I like answering questions, even if it takes me a while to get to them! <3
My answers are a tad long, so I'll put them under the cut!
1.) Palekit did not have any further deformations! His face was slightly crooked, and his tongue sometimes hung out, but that was about it. He also had severe issues with vomiting; he just couldn't keep anything down and tended to bleed.
2.) Rootstar, Flaildrizzle, and Tanglefern all feel very guilty and upset by what happened to Honeyspring's kits! Still, they, and the rest of LutumClan, saw Sweetkit's arrival as a sign of hope. However, LutumClan as a whole tends to be a tad overprotective of the only kit in the clan.
3.) About 3-ish months have passed since Honeyspring's death! Sweetkit is definitely considered LutumClan's "second chance" of sorts, but a few cats (namely Rootstar and a few others) REALLY wish Sweetkit was in the care of someone who ISN'T Bearface. They're worried that Bearface, being a former outsider who barely respects the clan code as is, will be a bad influence on her.
4.) As for the alternate outcome, let me think! I'll give you my best guesses, but destiny is mutable, so these could've easily changed!
Smallkit would grow into Smallcloud, and would become an apprentice to Tanglefern! She would be on the smaller side, but she'd be a fierce creature for sure! She'd be smart and cautious, but never a push-over.
Flailkit would grow into Flailwhisker, and would likely go on the path of becoming a queen or mediator! She'd likely be about average height and a bit on the chunkier side. I imagine her to be quiet and shy, much like Flaildrizzle, and easy to talk over. Still, she cares greatly about her clanmates, even if she's easily overwhelmed. Smallcloud would've been very protective over her in their youth.
Palekit would grow into Paleclaw, and would most certainly follow the path of a warrior! He'd idolized his aunt, Rootstar, and wanted to become a leader just like her. He's prideful and a little boastful for sure, but not intentionally. He's just very proud of his aunt being the leader, and his mom (Flaildrizzle) being the deputy, and wants to make sure everyone knows it.
Had Honeyspring's kits lived, Sweetkit's role would have also changed, but I can't say it due to spoilers!
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danieyells · 4 months
hi there,
thank you so much for all the voicelines you post !! if it’s okay, can i request subaru’s ?
thank you again !
You're welcome! At some point I might go back and put in the ones I leave out because they don't appeal to me as much lol but since i always end up posting 99% of them anyway I think it's enough for most people hahaha. It's all of them now! Sorry for the delay.
I WAS GONNA OMIT ONE OR TWO BECAUSE OF SPOILERS but eh i'll just warm for like. extra spoilers. since after doing more code peeking it wasn't the spoiler i thought it was. SUBARU IS A SWEETIE THOUGH. I also read Subaru's chats which were put in the code recently and. Man this guy needs anxiety meds. I have a small guess as to what his stigma is, but we'll learn in a few days anyway.
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"I'm very sorry to have kept you waiting. It's wonderful to see you again."
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"It looks like there's a notice for you. I'd be happy to go pick it up for you if you've got your hands full. Oh, forgive me if I'm overstepping."
oh no he's anxious about helping--
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"I really am so lucky to be surrounded by so many kind people like you."
"I never thought I'd get the chance to enjoy the lifestyle of a student until I came to Darkwick. Every day truly is fulfilling here."
it feels like subaru is like. . .the only one who actually enjoys school life here. . .or who really enjoys being here period lmao. . . .
"You think I'm always smiling? Ha ha, I hear that a lot. It just happens when I'm around all of you."
"I may be the captain, but it's just in name. I think Haku is much better suited for the job than me."
"I've been working since I was four, so people often said I was mature for my age. But the truth is, I've still got a lot to learn."
that makes two characters whose parents have essentially been keeping them from normal life and normal childhood for work reasons since they were four year olds. . . .
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"I tend to just have hot water for breakfast. I know it would be better for me to eat a proper meal, but it's just so much effort."
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I'm sorry I'm so late. The campus is so crowded I can never manage to walk in a straight line, so it always takes me longer than I think. Silly, isn't it?"
baby you're hardly the first person i've met with anxiety about crowds. you're fine.
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"What would I do without Haku's help? Hotarubi would be a mess without him."
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I wonder if I should apply early to take out any common artifacts I might need for this mission. I'll ask Haku what he thinks..."
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Ah!  You surprised me there... I just got back from a small errand. Do you need something?"
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Ever since I was a child, the performing arts were my only focus. Maybe that's why people always say my mannerisms are so peculiar. It bothers you too, doesn't it?"
poor boy doesn't know how to act if he isn't acting. . .he doesn't know how to exist off-script. . .no wonder he made a deal with a demon. it's probably the first thing he's ever done for himself.
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I'd like to go to the cafeteria, but the line is always so long. I feel bad taking time to choose while people are waiting behind me. The bar of entry feels a little high."
i am once again suggesting subaru get anxiety meds. hell go to sinnostra and get some weed, i bet they sell that. i hear it can help.
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm just about to go and meet a friend. I hate to inconvenience you like this, but if it's something urgent, could you speak to Haku about it instead?"
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"What am I going to do? We're supposed to be meeting up in an hour... If I cancel now, they'll hate me..."
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Whew... I'll walk you back to your house, {PC}. Oh, it's no problem at all, I assure you! I wanted some fresh air anyway."
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"I have an Anomalous Ecology test coming up. It's such a fascinating subject, I couldn't help but stay up all night studying. Now I'm a little sleep-deprived."
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I'm going to stretch my legs a little. I might not have a show to practice for right now, but I need to keep putting myself through my paces. I'll get rusty otherwise."
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm sorry my phone's been making so much noise. I recently downloaded an app by mistake, and it won't stop sending me notifications..."
awww he's also technologically incompetent. . .poor guy was probably raised with such a heavy focus on his career he just. never needed a smartphone. anyone he needed to contact or who needed to contact him was probably always very close by. it sounds like he didn't even properly go to school before going to Darkwick. Somebody please take this boy on a walk. like anywhere. take him to a library. buy him a churro. can sho make churros? this is somebody who's never had any sort of normal social experience and sees how different he is and wishes it weren't the case, unlike Ritsu who assumes everyone else is like him, i think he'd like to have some more Experiences.
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"... ...Oh! Hello, {PC}—I didn't even notice you there. My mind was somewhere else."
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"Good morning! Sorry? My hair's messy? You're right, it's sticking right up at the front... That's embarrassing. I'll fix it right away."
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I usually have lunch in the dormitory. I do eat on the terrace with Lyca every now and then, but he seems so busy these days..."
Lyca is one of the members of Obscuary, btw! Seems like he and Subaru are friends.
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"I didn't take you for a night owl, {PC}. Since you're here, I suppose I'll stay up a little longer. You're sure you're okay? You're not sleepy?"
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Do you visit Sinostra very often, {PC}? I see... Oh, no reason. I was just making conversation. Ha ha."
why do you ask that. . .a certain mafioso captain wouldn't happen to be suspicious of you would he. . .or maybe you owe them money. . .or maybe you used to be part of Sinostra and moved to Hotarubi. . . .
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"It's getting late, {PC}. How about we finish this tomorrow? Thank you for keeping me company all this time."
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"Oh, I couldn't ask you to come all the way to my room to wake me up—I'd feel terrible. I do very much appreciate the thought, though."
it's okay buddy jin already makes them do it, one more pit stop won't hurt.
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Oh, hello, {PC}. Sorry, I was actually just on my way out. I should be back by evening—do you mind if we speak then?"
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Lyca has seen my message, so why hasn't he responded to it? I hope nothing bad has happened to him..."
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Lyca will adapt well to human society, I'm sure of it. I'm so relieved that Darkwick chose to trust him. I can't thank you enough for your help."
he really likes Lyca huh? that is his dog.
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"You can't sleep? Then let me tell you some stories. Legend has it that evil spirits appear once you've told a hundred. Now, what number was I up to..."
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"I don't want to seem like I'm testing you, I just... I get really anxious sometimes... I'm sorry. I'm being weird, aren't I?"
he's the type to ask 'are you sure you love me? are you sure you wanna be with me?' after you get married and move in together and own a house and have two kids with another on the way. he's the hyper anxious 'i'm sorry we disagreed about our favorite colors do you hate me?' friend(affectionate) I wonder though, is he apologizing for seeming like he's testing you because he's using his stigma to see what you've been up to or something. . .? Probably not lol it's more likely he just keeps asking if you like him
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"There is no time like spring. Everyone seems more relaxed this time of year. It's reassuring to see."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"I have some sakura mochi. I was just about to prepare some tea to go with it—would you like to join me?"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"They have no control over whether they bloom, and yet they get made a spectacle of nonetheless... Oh, sorry—I was talking about the cherry blossoms."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"There are many different flowers growing in Hotarubi, but I think the wisteria are my favorites. This is the best time to see them, so you should take a walk around."
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Hot today, isn't it? It's always raining in Hotarubi, so it does provide a little escape from the blazing summer sun, but... Ha ha. It is very humid, isn't it?"
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Summer makes me think of the ghost story Yotsuya Kaidan. The scene where Oiwa becomes hysterical, having realized her her face has been disfigured— incredible."
Yotsuya Kaidan is one of the best known japanese ghost stories! It's extremely violent, so read the summary at your discretion. The scene in question has Oiwa shown her reflection by her sister's boss to see that the cream she was given by a woman who was in love with her husband was actually some sort of poison that instantly scarred her face. She grabs a sword and goes to kill her, only for her to accidentally slit her own throat.
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Hotarubi House holds regular festivals during the summer months. If you need a yukata to wear, I'd be happy to pick one out for you."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I don't mind scary stories, but when that biwa in the tea room started playing by itself, it did make me jump a little..."
slight spoiler, although you can probably figure it out from this but. . .Zenji is a ghost. Subaru currently can't actually see him or hear his voice. . .only Haku, the pc, and, perhaps not so oddly, Towa can afair. All of his youtube content doesn't have him or his voice in it because he can't be recorded by cameras. So Subaru doesn't realize that the biwa playing on its own is actually Zenji playing the biwa.
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"The air has gotten crisper, and the leaves are changing color. I know it's only natural for the seasons to shift, so why does it make my heart ache so much?"
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Oh, these? They're some chestnuts I found. I know—I should give them to Sho. I'm sure he'll be able to make something delicious with them."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"That's another kuchikiri tea ceremony under my belt. It's an annual tradition where one cuts open a tea jar to reveal the tea that was preserved from the first harvest."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"On long autumn nights when the moon is shining beautifully in the sky, it's hard to resist taking a walk outside. Don't stay out until too late though, {PC}."
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"...Oh, {PC}. Good morning... I had a hard time getting up today. It must be the cold... Ha ha. Not very captain-like, is it?"
Jin, Taiga, and Ed are all prone to not getting out of bed. and Yuri falls asleep on operating tables when he has down time. Trust me Subaru you are perfectly captain-like.
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Today, I'm going to order ingredients from one of my favorite stores so we can all make negima—tuna and scallion—hot pot together. Please, do join us."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"It's cold out today. I was just thinking about lighting the fire. Would you like to come and warm up with me?"
oh subaru you don't even know how that sounds
(between 8pm and 5am)
"People say winter makes you want to snuggle up with someone, but I find that a good blanket does a much better job."
i agree that blankets are much easier to manage than people lol. probably warmer too.
His birthday: (February 20th)
"A present? For me? Thank you... I didn't expect you to do anything for my birthday, so I'm a little caught off guard. I really appreciate it."
Your birthday:
"Um... Happy birthday.  I really hope this year will be a wonderful one for you."
New Years: (January 1st)
"Happy New Year. I hope I can depend on your guidance and support again this year."
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"Chocolate? Oh, It's Valentine's Day, isn't it? Does that mean these are for me...?"
nah i just wanted you to look at them. YES THEY ARE FOR YOU BBY. why would you be showing him chocolate if it wasn't for him! On any day, not just valentine's day!!
White Day: (March 13th)
"These are for you, {PC}. I put in a special order for monaka from my favorite confectioner in Ginza. They're wafers filled with bean jam—I hope you like them."
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"Earlier, Haku told me he was switching houses. It gave me a real shock— I'm very relieved that it wasn't true..."
i bet subaru made the most scared kicked puppy face and started apologizing for being such an awful captain and blamed himself for that haku would go to a different house and haku had to quickly explain it was just a prank for fear that subaru might burst into tears.
Halloween: (October 31st)
"Happy Halloween. I know it's nothing special, but I've prepared some treats for the occasion. Oh... But you're more than welcome to play a trick instead."
please don't trick him. april fool's day was hard enough for him.
Christmas: (December 25th)
"Merry Christmas. We already have our New Year decorations up in Hotarubi, so it has a real east-meets-west atmosphere now. I hope everyone is okay with it..."
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"Everyone seems busy at the moment. Maybe I should use this opportunity to tidy the garden..."
(13 affinity and above)
"{PC}? Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. I was just worried because you were so quiet..."
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"You're back... I'm so relieved. I was worried I'd done something to make you feel uncomfortable..."
this man shakes like a chihuahua 24/7. like you can taste the anxiety coming off of him. i love him. he's so pathetic(affectionate). i wanna squeeze his hand reassuringly and tell him everything's gonna be okay. i wanna hug him and pat his head. i wanna take him places so he learns more about the world outside of working. i wanna watch him do schoolwork excitedly because he's never really gone to school before and it's a new and exciting experience. i want him to experience the most mundane aspects of life with wonder.
good boy. yeah. get him anxiety meds /nodnod
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vampirebloodie · 10 months
One Piece For Each | Mark Hoffman x Reader x Peter Strahm (Threesome)
Summary: Where Strahm and Hoffman fought so much over you that you decided to give a piece of yourself to each.
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Warning: NSFW Smut 18+, creampie, degradation kink, threesome, DP.
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You were one of the precinct's main criminal experts and were always busy, especially after Jigsaw's cases increased drastically, which led to special agent Peter Strahm joining the case to help with the investigations, which despite being under the command of the detective, Mark Hoffman, it seemed like weren't moving forward even with all the clues you gave at each crime scene you investigated. You even had a hunch about what could be distracting the detective, ever since you started working together Hoffman tried to ask you out on a date, but you always ended up saying no because you didn't want to mix your personal life and work, especially when half of your colleagues work were dying in traps, anyway there was no point in ignoring Hoffman when Peter arrived and started acting the same way, the worst thing is that the two of them in the same environment always ended up in a huge argument and every time for the same reason:
As much as you always said that there was no point in them fighting because you wouldn't accept either of them, it seemed like they were both deaf, they never listened to you and continued with the arguments.
You had just collected some DNA samples and sent them to the laboratory, when you heard a knock on the door, you allowed entry and soon saw the agent in front of you.
“Hey Peter, how can i help you today?”
You turned your chair towards him.
“Well... How's the research going?”
“Hmm, it's a difficult question to answer, i think it's under control, i sent some samples to the laboratory today, in 24 hours we will have some possible results.”
“You’re doing so well at this job, im sure your position will level up when this is all over.”
“Thank you very much for your opinion, agent. Is good to hear that."
You smiled and so did he.
“Actually, i was thinking maybe the two of us...”
He was interrupted when that voice crossed the room, Peter's eyes rolled back in such a way that you thought they wouldn't come back.
“Y/n, you.... Hi agent Strahm, it's not a surprise to find you here, after all you chase her every day, don't you?”
Hoffman entered the room and had already started to accuse the agent, you sighed knowing what was coming.
"What? I think you’re the one who chases her every day by coming to this same room.”
Strahm stood up and you decided to say something.
“You two do this, and you want to know? I'm tired."
You stood up and took off your coat, leaving you with just your blouse, the men looked at you with a confused look. You went to the door and locked it.
“Well, i can't choose just one, i like both of you. And i guess i don’t have two holes for nothing.”
You explained with a smile on your face, both of their eyes widened.
"What do you mean by that?"
Strahm asked.
“Don't be silly. I can take both of you.”
You stood between the two and pulled each of their ties, who did you want to fool? Peter and Mark were two handsome, attractive men, good at talking and looking like they could give a great fuck, you just wanted to know if that was true or just something in your head. You had never tried double penetration, but it didn't seem like something that difficult to handle, and after all, there was a first time for everything.
“You want us to.... That? At the same time?"
Peter asked and you rolled your eyes, pretending you hadn't heard that question.
“Are you stupid or are you pretending? This slut wants us both to fuck her, but if you don’t want to i ll be happy, there’s more for me.”
Hoffman spoke without patience, your eyes lit up when you heard the way the detective had called you, you moaned feeling your hair being pulled back, seeing Peter with his hand gripping your locks, his personality seemed to have changed in a second.
"Not even. One piece for each, that's how prostitutes are treated. Honey, if you can’t handle it, it’s not our problem.”
Peter smiled and practically pushed you into Hoffman's arms, who grabbed you by the arms and threw you against the table, knocking all the papers and pens onto the floor. He placed you on all fours and forced your head down, his hands went to the belt of his pants, which he soon removed and his zipper was opened with the pants lowered, revealing his thick and large dick that was dripping with precum, you licked your lips before running his tongue all over Hoffman's length and putting it all in his mouth at once, starting to suck him, your tongue went around and around against his member, Mark sighed and moaned softly.
“You like it, don't you? Likes to suck an older man”
He said, grabbing your hair and starting to fuck your mouth, you choked every time you felt the tip of his dick touch your throat. You felt Strahm's hands on your ass, lifting your skirt up and removing your panties, he gave your ass a few slaps before you felt his hot tongue passing through all your parts from your asshole to your pussy, you moaned against Hoffman's cock, sending vibrations that made him groan, your eyes closed enjoying the feeling of Peter's tongue being rubbed, smearing all your parts.
“Not yet, bitch.”
The detective said and took his dick out of your mouth, making you let out an angry murmur, Strahm came out from behind you and soon the detective's dick was replaced by the agent's, it wasn't as big as his but it was thicker, anyway you were loving all those new sensations.
“I’m going to destroy that pussy.”
Hoffman spoke before thrusting himself inside you, making you roll your eyes at the unexpected pain of having your pussy being widened by his dick, before you could get used to his size he started to make rough movements inside you, sure enough to take out his anger at having been rejected so many times by you. You sucked and licked Peter's cock feeling Hoffman's balls hit your ass, causing a loud noise in the room. Fuck, there was no one else there but you guys.
“My turn.”
Peter spoke, lightly stroking your hair before leaving your mouth, Hoffman complained but soon left you, there was a small armchair nearby that you used sometimes. The agent's hands grabbed your waist and took you to the armchair, where he sat down and made you sit on his lap, you took a deep breath before taking his dick and fitting it at your entrance, the two of you moaned together, which sounded like to made Hoffman feel angry, he pushed you at once, making you lean more towards him, you felt the detective's cock brush your ass a few times before forcing himself inside you, you screamed against Peter's shoulder, feeling the pain and burning of your asshole being widened by his cock, tears ran down your face, but they both seemed to ignore it.
“Now the little bitch is going to cry? You chose this. Now can handle."
He said, squeezing your ass tightly, which probably left the mark of his hand there, Hoffman had a huge feeling of ownership when it came to you. You felt him enter at once and let out a silent scream, your eyes widened, Hoffman moaned loudly feeling how tight you were.
“Holy shit, you’re kneading my dick. It’s fucking tight.”
He spoke, making light movements and letting out a few grunts, Peter also started to move inside your pussy. It was a whole new sensation having two things filling your holes at the same time, you were torn between pain and pleasure, both on a slightly extreme level. You bit Peter's shoulder, feeling the detective increase his movements while the agent's hands opened your buttocks with the intention of making Hoffman fit better and increase his movements without hurting you so much in the process.
“Fuck, i had forgotten what it felt like to fuck such a tight pussy.”
Peter sighed, squeezing your waist tightly, now both men moved inside you with force, sweat ran down their faces and their moans mixed together. Peter's hand went to your clitoris where he started to make quick movements, you shivered and closed your eyes enjoying the sensation, Hoffman pulled your tank top up exposing your boobs and grabbed them, squeezing your nipples, you felt like you couldn't take it anymore all those sensations of pleasure at the same time.
“Enough, i-im going to cum.”
You warned, squeezing both of their cocks in your holes, a shock wave hit your body and you soon fell on Peter's shoulder, breathing heavily, they increased their movements in a rough tone and you screamed. The two gave a few more thrusts before you felt their hot liquids filling your holes, you breathed heavily, then they came out of you and Peter got up from the armchair, leaving you sitting there, you ignored the pain you were feeling.
"It saw? Now you don’t have to fight because of me, one piece for each.”
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springlock-suits · 1 year
Hey there followers and friends passing by! I made a dtiys!
This isn't really a celebration of anything, I'm just a fan of draw this in your style challenges, and I haven't really seen any in awhile! Though I guess if I was celebrating anything it'd be over 60 followers on here and 220+ on my Insta! I'm glad so many like to stick around for my silly little aus and art :]
The Draw This In Your Style v
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You can change the perspective, lighting, background, etc! You don't have to go for the camera filter like on the first image, and while I did use my Dave design for the drawing, you don't have to make it my version specifically ^v^
Rules, prizes, and extra versions of the art (base colors and maskless) v
Rules and Prizes v
@ this blog,( @springlock-suits ) with your finished drawing! If I don't reblog it in a day, feel free to hit me with a dm, or try some other way to contact me to make sure I see your entry!
This will be cross-posted on my insta, @ darling.dolly.darlene so you could also post your entry there instead!
No stealing art that isn't yours, tracing, ai, or anything along those lines
The deadline for this DTIYS is November 15th! But I am willing to extend it if enough ask for extra time
You can change pretty much anything in your redraw; scene, outfit, lighting, pose, perspective, etc. But you gotta make sure it's still recognizable! I'd say keeping purple guy tied up to a chair in some Freddy's location with the Springbonnie mask somehow included is all you need
And not a rule, but feel free to ask as many questions as you may need! I will answer as best I can, my asks and anon asks on here should be open ^v^
I did a poll earlier about whether or not this should have prizes, and the answer was overwhelmingly yes! How many people joining will affect how many winners, but right now I'm thinking there will only be one
As I can't offer much else, the prize will simply be digital art by me! If you win and don't want the prize, just tell me and I'll ask a runner up instead ^v^
Since my art requests are always open anyway, to make the prize special for DTIYS winners I've decided they can request I draw things I don't usually do for art requests, like their Ocs, their own designs, added backgrounds, and/or I design a character or fusion that they can own and use
Extras v
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Since I did a bunch with the lighting and bluring, here's versions that show it without! This was my first time doing such strong perspective, so I did try to hide it a bit, but I think it turned out pretty alright :>
And here's a maskless version! Mostly I made this for fun at the last second, but I imagine some artists out there would prefer to draw a human over an animatronic, so feel free to do a version like this instead! It includes Springbonnie simply in the form of some shadowy ears
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This was vaguely based on a panel from the tse graphic novel! I'm a big fan of the "I am one of them" scene
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potatowithahat · 2 months
A doctor's notepad
A sdv Harvey fic
Winter 28th year 0
       Well I guess this is a thing. My psychiatrist in Zuzu city recommended keeping a journal to help with anxiety and loneliness. I guess I'll uh… see how this thing works out. It will probably be pretty short entries though. I'm a busy man after all. Why am I writing this like someone's expecting to read them? This is silly. I'm going to bed
                                              -Harvey, the doctor 
Spring 1, year 1
       Well Luis tells me there's a new farmer in town! Good for business,  I suppose. I need the extra money. And frankly that farm was a hazard either way. I can't even count anymore the amount of scrapes and bruises Jaz and Vincent have come in with from playing out there. Its practically part of the forest now. Whoever they are is going to have a hell of a time cleaning that mess up.
                                              -Harvey, the doctor
Spring 7, year 1
       I guess I spoke too soon about that old farm. Seems the farmers got it fixed up nice enough. I was at Pierre's for groceries Friday and I overheard Pierre talking about how they've been buying lots of seeds. Then, when I went to the museum yesterday I found they have made a deal with Gunther to donate artifacts! I saw them on the way home but they walked passed me with there head down. I think they might be a bit shy. 
                                              -Harvey, the doctor
Spring 8, Year 1
       The Farmer came in and brought me coffee this morning!!!! They apologized for being rude yesterday and said it was a good will gift. I told them it was no problem,  and how much I appreciated the coffee.  They just nodded and headed off, citing some chores they had back at the farm. They were very nice about it. I felt like they were in a hurry to leave though. 
                                              -Harvey, the doctor
Spring 9, year 1
       The Farmer brought me another coffee today! I think Maru might have told her I liked it. Or maybe they still feel bad? I'm not quite sure. They just walked up to my desk, sat the coffee down and quickly walked out. It felt a little odd. Other then that George has a cough. I need to talk about it with him.
                                              -Harvey, the doctor
Spring 13, year 1
The Farmers been bringing me coffee ever since the seventh. They're very quiet about it though, just setting it on my desk. I'm still not used to it. They sought me out at the egg Festival today however!!!! She was telling me how much they loved dieing and searching for eggs as a kid.  They got so animated about it but stopped themselves and apologized. They walked away before I could say how much I was enjoying the conversation. I'll have to talk to them later.
                                              -Harvey, the doctor
Spring 24, year 1
       I almost asked the farmer to dance with me. Almost. I couldn't go through with it though. I didn't have the Nerve and I mean.. who am I to ask? I'm just the town doctor. I think she asked Shane,  but he must have turned her down because he was still dancing with Penny. I stayed with Maru,  as always. We had a good time. Couldn't help but notice the farmer glancing over at me now and then. Or maybe it was just because I was so focused on them? Not sure 
                                              -Harvey, the doctor
Don't you fret, there will be more in the near future!!!
Thank you so much for reading
Edit: part two is live!! Find it here!
If you'd like to read more of my stories, feel free to visit my Ao3, or check out my masterlist here on tumblr!!!
As always I'm a little gremlin when it comes to writing so if you have any fic ideas please feel free to drop an ask!!!!
Also I'd love to thank @minnieplier-blog for the idea from there lovely ask!!!!
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thelampisaflashlight · 3 months
Cryptid Biology Season 2: Something Special
[Previous entry in this series: Here. The ghouls participate in a time honored tradition in celebration of the summer solstice... or Dew has an encounter with Special in the woods.] Below the cut.
Dew can feel his heart beating in his chest as he runs through the darkness, ducking and weaving to avoid branches and thorn bushes that appear just inches away from him before disappearing into the black surrounding him.
He curses, feeling his muscles scream at him to slow down, to stop, but if he does, he'll get caught.
Breathing heavily, Dew stumbles over a root, but manages to keep his footing... only to trip and fall over the next one, landing upon the ground with a heavy thud that would hurt a whole heck of a lot more if not for the bed of decaying leaves on the forest floor.
He groans and attempts to scramble to his feet, but when a boot against his back keeps him from rising right away, he relents, flopping back down with an angry huff.
"First you failed to outrun me during the Imbolc hunt, then you ran into me at the one for Ostara, and don't get me started on that pathetic attempt to hide from me during Beltane... and now here we are again." the ghoul above him chuckles, eyes glowing red, face just barely visible with Dew's lackluster night vision, "I think you're getting in my way on purpose, Tadpole."
"Stop calling me that, Special, you prick..." Dew grits out, "Maybe you're the one chasing after me, huh?"
Special hums and grinds his foot down.
"Mn, no, I don't think so." he says, crouching down, "I'm not much of a hunter, you see, I've always been more of a scavenger; I take what the others leave behind, so normally I'd wait and see who's left..."
He moves to press his knee into Dew's back, applying more pressure as he leans forward to whisper into his ear, "You're too much work, so for me to catch you, either nobody wanted you this time, or you're deliberately making it easy for me, because after our first encounter, you've been aching for more..."
Special brushes the hair from his neck and presses a kiss there, "...Haven't you?"
"Shut-" Dew starts to shout, but can't as Special's jaws lock onto his nape, it stings, both from the act itself, and from the toxin dribbling into his wounds from the ghoul's mouth, "Uh-huunh..."
"There's a good boy." Special coos, licking Dew's blood from his lips, swiping his tongue over his teeth for good measure, "Feels better than when a quint fucks your mind, doesn't it? I know it does... It's such an instant relief."
His hand comes down the massage the wound, grinning as the skin heals over from his touch, while also aiding in spreading the venom faster.
"There we go..." he says, finally lifting himself from Dew's body and flipping him over onto his back, "Well, look at you~"
Dew's whole body feels flush, and his breathing has yet to settle from his mad dash through the forest, so he has to look like a sweaty mess, but Special doesn't seem to agree, reaching down to cup his cheeks with his hands, shaking his head teasingly back and forth.
"Aren't you just the sweetest thing?" he grins, then pats his face lightly, "Hm, guess we should get this show on the road then, huh?"
Dew mumbles something and raises his arms slowly, wiggling his fingers, and Special blinks at him for a moment before snorting, "Oh, poor baby, can't take your shirt off yourself? You need me to do it for you?"
"Feeeel allll... wiggly..." Dew supplies unhelpfully, giggling as Special hooks his fingers under the hem of his shirt, pulling it up and over his head in one fluid movement, "Umph!"
"The venom's making you a little silly, isn't it?" Special squishes Dew's face again as he wads up his shirt and tucks it under his head, "That's good, you always seem so uptight..."
He spreads his fingers over his chest, thumbs poised beneath his nipples, "You know..."
"Most people come to these hunts so they can do nasty, freaky things in the woods without consequence." he says, teasing the small bud, "But you, and pardon the joke, are something special, huh?"
"You just wanna be loved.... adored, taken care of..."
Dew mewls as Special descends to nibble at his neck again, fingers rolling his nipples around in soft, slow motions.
"Are they not treating you right, sweet thing? Hm?" Special asks, "Should I talk to that water ghoul you like so much and tell him he doesn't need to be rough?"
"I like... I like rough..." Dew replies meekly, eyes shutting, "S'okay..."
Special makes a disappointed little noise and pulls back.
"You know I don't like liars, Dewdrop." he chastises, "But if that's what you want-"
Dew's eyes widen as Special's hand begins to wrap around his neck.
"Do you want this?" he asks, applying pressure to his throat, "Or do you want me to treat you like you really want?"
Dew groans and kicks his legs slightly, squirming under his grasp.
"...Don't wanna say it..."
Special pouts.
"But I want to hear it, c'mon, baby, when you're with me, what's your name, huh? How do I treat you?"
"You're a prick." Dew cackles, and Special sits back, rolling his eyes.
"You may be easy to catch, but you're hard to break, I'll give you that." He sighs, "But I'll be damned again if I don't love picking you apart."
The multi-ghoul slides down and begins undoing Dew's pants, but the zipper refuses to open and he gives a frustrated noise.
"Just pull 'em off..." Dew says, struggling to move his legs around from under Special's body.
"I have a better idea-" The ghoul tugs Dew's pants down to about mid thigh and leaves them like that, the dense, folded over fabric restricting his movements, "-that's much better."
Dew wriggles, trying to slide them down further, but he can't get the leverage and gives a defeated hiss.
"I could just..." Special pushes his legs back towards his chest, "Yeah, I can work with this."
"H-Hey now-"
Special cranes his neck at him, "What? Suddenly you're embarr-Oh. Oh-ho-ho-ho~"
Dew's ears have flicked back, the tips almost as red as his face.
"What do you think? Should I take you like this, or perhaps I should lay you on your side? What is my princess thinking now, hm~?"
A stick snaps and Dew goes stone stiff, whereas Special lowers himself over his body, territorial, a growl emanating from his throat, wholly unexpected from such a usually jovial, prankster type like him.
What or whoever was approaching seems to get the hint and approaches no further, but the ghoul above him remains locked in his protective stance, glaring out into the darkness.
After a minute passes, Dew can finally hear the sound of retreating footsteps, and not even a second later, he feels something prodding at his entrance, causing him to tense and squeak.
"How annoying..." Special mutters, hastily working Dew open, not giving him any time to adjust, forcing a series of involuntary chatters and chirps to escape his mouth, "We'll have to rush things a bit now, I'm sorry."
"Who was-" Dew tries to lift himself up to look around, but Special pushes him back down, "Hey-"
Special clicks his tongue.
Dew furrows his brow.
"The siblings-"
"Not them." Special hisses, then tilts his head back, letting out an annoyed groan, "Dammit..."
"Then who? The gardener-"
Dew forces himself up onto his elbows, wobbling as Special helps him tug his pants back up.
"Careful now, don't want you falling down again..." Special chides, wrapping his arm around his waist as they stand, "...Fucking, of course, those bastards would sneak around on a night like this... I bet they're running back to the other side of the lake now."
"We should go after them-" Dew starts, but the second he tries to pull away from Special, his head starts swimming, "-Fuck, Phil, how much venom did you give me??"
"I wasn't expecting our little rendezvous to be interrupted by a pack of mortal morons, so I gave you a little more than last time..." he pinches his brow, "We'll have to inform the other-"
A loud cracking sound startles them both, making Dew stumble, but he is quickly captured by Special, who narrows his eyes in the direction of the noise.
"Do you think that was the trespassers or..."
A second, louder crack echoes through the woods followed by a chorus of human screams.
Dew cringes and Special begins to make a clicking sound, a common distress noise among ghouls, neither of them is sure what's going on at this point, and the lack of any other sound once a third crack sounds sounds has them both on edge, until...
"You better run, you fuckin' little shits! I have more where that came from!"
"...Bea, I think they got the point, put the bb gun down-"
Mountain heaves a heavy sigh, taking the gun from the gardener, who looks positively miffed, even in the lowlight cast by the lantern in the earth ghouls other hand.
"Give that back-" the hotheaded woman starts, but instead of giving her back the gun, Mountain scoops her up and jostles her around a bit before tossing her over his shoulder and lumbering back off into the forest, "YOU BITCH!"
Special and Dew watch the retreating pair in silence, looking at each other after the two are gone from sight again.
"...I'm getting too old for this..." They both sigh in unison.
"Still though, how did they get passed the barricades?" Dew wonders aloud and Special shrugs.
"They could have swam to this shore for all we know." he remarks, "It's happened before, so I expect the next budget meeting will involve putting something in place to prevent this from happening again..."
"We can't just magic some shit in place?" Dew questions, "Like with the woods along the main road?"
"People getting turned around in the woods is one thing, because they usually make their way back out, if we turn them around in the water, they could drown..." Special reasons, adjusting his grip on Dew, "...Not that they wouldn't deserve it with all the signs we have posted about these kinds of things. They've probably learned their lesson for now."
Dew hums.
"...Now that they're gone-"
"...You know what I'm thinking?"
Special looks him up and down.
"...That we should track them down and eat their bones?"
Dew pinches the bridge of his nose.
"No, I-"
"-want to get railed within an inch of your life to make up for that frankly unnecessary distraction?"
"...You really are a prick."
"And you happen to like them very much, so it's a win-win situation for us all, isn't it?"
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saline-coelacanth · 9 months
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I've been wanting to do one of these for a while and the time has come where I finally made one! I don't really have any super specific occasion to be making this for, but January is very sentimental for me since it was the month I first joined the Ninjago fandom, and I find it very fitting that I made a dtiys with the very first Ninjago Au I created on here
There's no deadline or prizes for this, it's all for fun. Don't be afraid to play around with stuff like the colors or backgrounds, or even change up the poses a bit, just as long as you have Bad Ending Cole and Bad Endings Jay in there. The only rule is that you have to have fun!
Ok but for the actual "rules", please make sure to tag me as well as using the #salinedtiys so I can see it! I will reblog any entries that I see, so yeah make sure I'm able to see them :)
Now just to make sure this post isn't too long, I'm gonna leave my sappy message under a cut, so if you don't care to see me ramble you don't have to.
So I first joined this fandom at the end of Janurary of 2019. I made a couple of posts about Ninjago and didn't think much of it, but then so many people started to enjoy the things I made and they made me feel like the things I made were worth something. I didn't feel as self conscious about myself because hey, these people on the internet enjoy the things I make so I think that makes me pretty cool.
This fandom has been the absolute best fandom I've ever been a part of. There's so many nice and cool people here who just make me feel happy and welcomed. And even when I took a break from Ninjago, when I came back it was still just about as welcoming to me as when I left.
And it really is fitting that I drew BE!Jay and BE!Cole for this dtiys (with thanks to the poll I created) because I guess if this dtiys is celebrating anything, it would be my progress as a creator. As an artist and a writer, and as someone who just genuinely likes making stuff. Because when you look back, some of the earliest art I posted was with Jay and Cole because bruiseshipping was (and still is) my favorite ship in this fandom. And this silly little au where all the ninja are evil was the first au I made and it's still one I continue to make content for because I enjoy it and other people enjoy seeing it.
So yeah like I said, this message was gonna get sappy. But I really just want to thank the Ninjago fandom for being so great and all the people who come and look at my art and my silly little aus because you guys bring a lot more joy in my life, and I genuinely feel like my life would suck a lot more if I didn't have you guys.
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takeariskao3 · 1 year
idk guys things are just weird
this is going to be a very chaotic and disorganized Personal Post (sorry in advance)
i know this is silly and i don't owe anyone anything, but i genuinely feel so sad that i don't have anything to contribute or post today on harry's birthday.
something is up with my writing and i can't quite put my finger on it.. harry and ginny are being...very soft and not in a way that is in-character or plot driven. things are just off. all my plans i have in my head are literally flying out the window everytime i sit down to write and i don't trust if it is the right decision for the story or just some weird mood i'm in that's manifesting in a really out of character tone on the page.
i suppose it could be a couple different things. i haven't met with my therapist in two weeks so my brain could just be overloaded with other crap that i need to process and or decompress before my writing thoughts feel organized again.
my husband has been massively stressed out because of many different things going on in his life separate from our family and so i've been going a little over the top trying to be there for him.
our daughter hasn't been sleeping all that well and she's been fighting a virus/cold for going on about two weeks that i think we are finally on the tail end of.
work for me is bleh. i don't enjoy what i'm doing right now. we are in one of those cycles that is all reporting and data entry and retention analysis and its so boring and just not at all what fulfills me from this position. however in the same vein, the semester is right around the corner so it's also the last push to make sure everything is ready to go for when students return to campus.
i killed a spider today which is like a very big deal for me. i am deathly afraid of spiders and my good friends can attest that when confronted with one i dissolve into a lot of screaming and sweating and general panic. so i def think i am experiencing the aftermath of an adrenaline rush even though that was like five hours ago.
all of this is to say, i think i need a break from wips. specifically already gone and the entire the path from you universe. i feel like this past month has just been me forcing something that doesn't need to be forced. i think if i take a step back from both stories, and quit putting so much pressure on myself, my head will clear and things will start falling into place.
this week is @corneliaavenue-ao3's ficfest! and i hope this will be a really good way to bring to life some of these soft moments that keep trying to knock down the door and also keep me in the habit of writing. i don't want to put a timeline on it and somehow set an expectation for myself or anyone else but i'm guessing you can expect a two/three week longer hiatus for those two stories, and you can probably expect a fair amount of random one shots and/or drabbles from me in the meantime.
i'm sorry if this is disappointing, i can promise it is just as disappointing for me. i miss having a clear head and the words flowing effortlessly. i hope someday i get that back, but for now, i'm going to hope a little time away from those plots helps settle the static that lives inside my head.
as always, thanks for reading and understanding <3
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ghastlyvampire · 3 months
Large 1 am thought dump about the ghovie under the cut (contains spoilers) (it really is large and pretty disorganized and a bit random)
(I rewrote this at 8 am ☝️)
The theater was PACKED!! The session I went to was almost fully sold out. There were cosplayers where I went too, it was great. No merch available unfortunately, but hey I didn't even expect it to show in my country so I'm very pleased.
(downside: no popcorn because if we tried to get popcorn we would have been late. The popcorn line basically took over the cinema's entry hall. The ghovie coincided with a bunch of parents taking their kids to see inside out which made for a funny mix at the waiting line).
I basically didn't know anything about what to expect but it was so cool. I'M JUST SAD I COULDN'T GET THE LAST QR CODE IN TIME SIGH BUT IT'S OKAY!!
I went with my dad and he loved it. This is the first movie we watched in a theater that he somehow didn't fall asleep in the middle of LOL.
The downside: as usual, sexual innuendos were a bit awkward to witness when your father is sitting right next to you. That didn't stop me from enjoying anything though dkkskfkdk
I kind of wish the people in my session had been more... Idk I mean it was basically a concert right!! I was expecting more singing and stuff. I normally hate loudness but in these contexts I really like it, but judging by the wait line we were all nerds so it makes sense why no one was extroverted enough for that.
(We did all laugh sometimes and also everyone groaned at the cliffhanger which was funny) (twice, once when the screen turned black and then when the lights of the theater turned back on) (everyone waited)
I did unfortunately also conclude that there's like a 90% chance that I could not ever actually go to a Ghost concert (or most big concerts) because of the lights* 🥹 (autism). I just looked away whenever it got too much but I was also kind of transfixed but regardless I had fun.
*well, really thinking about it I would probably already be overwhelmed just by being in that big of a crowd. Then having to listen to it scream the whole time would have probably kill me so there's that
I got so scared that Copia was going to die at the end. My heart was beating so fast nearing the end and when the balloon thing start I was like It's Over. Then it wasn't!
(In my heart I kind of knew Tobias wasn't going to do that because we are all very attached to him at this point and I would imagine he is too)
The Mary On a Cross animation made me very happy
The costume changes were so cool to witness and I really liked Papa's (or Fráter's now, I guess hehe) little boxer outfit.
Someone brought their baby AND THE BABY DIDN'T CRY OR SCREAM ONCE! Idk how their mom did it since I'm sure they couldn't have been sleeping but maybe they were raised with Ghost so they were just as hooked into the movie as the rest of us.
Oughhh ouch now I'm craving cinema popcorn so bad I wish I could have seen the movie while eating popcorn.
It was nice to get the confirmation that Copia really is Nihil and Sister's son (even though we all knew).
When they were in that box thing I thought that Nihil was going to possess him. I was expecting for him to possess him when he did the pose too for some reason.
I was like wow I will be completely normal about this I'm not even autistic about Ghost anymore. Then I sat down on the chair and immediately was fighting back tears. Apparently I can never be Normal About Things (specifically Things That I Like a Lot).
The new song is great
I was sad that Sister died but she's a ghost so really it's okay.
I might edit this later with more thoughts but I'm too sleepy to think right now. If you somehow read everything then hiiii thank you for reading my messy thoughts
Edit #2: The ghovie had no ads before it. Like at all. I was pleasantly surprised but also feel bad for the people that went into it a bit late thinking they wouldn't miss anything because the ads usually take minutes.
Edit #3: Another reason that makes me think that I'd die at a real Ghost concert is that the music is probably very loud as well, and while my brain dislikes loud music that I like less than the other loud things, it's still not immune to it. Thinking about it, it's crazy that somehow I didn't feel overwhelmed by the sounds in the ghovie once, considering that usually that happens at least once in every movie I see on the theater. Idk if it's just me or they just made it like that, but I'm VERY pleased about that too.
If you want more specific spoilers then dm me I love rambling about things I like
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jaetyun · 1 year
20cm (twenty centimeters)
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jock!keita x fem!reader
genre: fluff! (slightly suggestive at the end and a little sprinkle of angst)
wc: 15k
highschool au, keita is in rugby, (one sided) enemies to lovers, reader is kinda a bitch (she gets better!), there’s plot holes, it’s just very silly, keitas a lil slow, reader is super tall, slow burn if you squint, even though it’s a songfic the lyrics are unrelated, happy ending!, no pt 2 probably
synopsis: keita would describe himself as a down-to-earth guy. he stands around 165, and has overgrown darkish brown hair he's been wanting to cut since may. he enjoys his rugby teammates and coffee. he likes cooking and cats, and he dislikes reading and homework. new entry on his dislikes: you.
a/n: it’s FINALLY out 🫶🫶 so much love went into this and there’s so many ideas that got scrapped but i hope it’s good anyways!
"did you hear..?"
"didn't someone say..?"
"i was told.."
keita had always disliked rumors and found them a waste of time. he had himself to worry about, not a student he had only vaguely heard the name of prior.
"did you hear someone was moving?"
"didn't someone say shes like 6'5?"
"i was told she was friends with half the students here already!"
these whispers were no different. who cares if there was an incoming student? sure, she might be tall. but is that enough to occupy someone's time? it seemed like all his friends were consumed by this newfound knowledge, constantly looking around the hallways for an unusual skyscraper. although the boy felt out of touch with the constant buzzing news, once he hears it keita always ends up unsatisfied.
"c'mon, you act like she's a celebrity" he rolled his eyes, slamming his locker shut before turning to beomgyu. he was met with a shrug, trailing behind his friend as they strolled through the halls. "i'm just happy theres finally someone taller than hanbin." keita nodded along. the constant knocking on the door frames by the basketball boys was always irritating. no matter how tall you are, that ritual is reserved for annoying 13-year-old boys. "maybe sungchan will finally get humbled." he mumbled to himself. The two captains were always grouped as a unit, along with the football (soccer) and hockey captains, much to keitas dismay. almost exclusively hanging out with them proved to be quite chaotic, where keita was left scolding them for their outbursts.
he hadn't noticed how deep in thought he was until he crashed into beomgyus shoulder, stumbling back a bit. "hey! why'd you suddenly stop-" keita hadn't gotten the chance to finish his thought before he looked up, joining his friend in his frozen state.
there, walking into the class next to theirs, was an unfamiliar face. actually, scratch that. they didn't even get to see her face. her head was obscured by sheer *leg*. nevermind humbling the basketball boys.. beomgyu visibly gulped in surprise.
"well. there's the new student I guess.." keita scratched his head, unsure of what to say. "yeah." was all beomgyu responded, walking inside their next period without another word.
it wasnt long before the class came to an end, and all the students piled out one after another like a pack of animals. keita quickly maneuvered past them, making it to his locker perfectly in time to make it to his next class. only one problem. well actually two.
a pair of legs blocked his path. keita had the top locker, and the one on the bottom remained unoccupied for as long as he could remember, so hes never had issues getting to his until now. he had assumed whoever was there must've gotten mixed up, since theres no *way* someone would purposely block him.
as his eyes trailed to see who they belong to, his eyebrows quickly furrowed in discontent. "my lockers right there" he calmly stated, pointing to the area behind you. you put a hand on your eyebrows, pretending to look around before peering at the girl next to you. "you hear something minjeong?" winter shrugged, digging through her locker a bit more. under all the piles of expired coupons for makeup brands, surely her binder would be there. "knock it off. just cause he's short doesn't mean he's invisible." you did the same for her, looking around sarcastically. winter laughed at your antics, hitting your shoulder.
ah yes, winters friend group. there was practically gorilla glue that stuck their phones and makeup brushes to their hands. keita had always been around them, since they usually ended up in rotation dating a member of the rugby team. he couldn't find himself liking any of them, which only worsened your appeal to him. he scoffed, pointing to his locker. "can you move?"
"or what? why'ya in such a rush" you finally acknowledged his presence, though once you did keita wished you'd gone back to ignoring him completely. the way you looked and talked to him as if he was a child utterly *irked* him. he took a deep breath, stabilizing his anger. "look. i just need to get my notes for my next class. and you're in the way of my locker." he spoke clearly and slowly, purposely over-explaining. somehow this seemed to satisfy you though, as you ruffled his hair and moved closer to winter.
"why didn't you just say so? isnt it easier to just use your words?" you cooed, peering over to winter to earn a giggle out of her. now, this had never been something keita had experienced before. being one of the all-star athletes of their grade, people went out of their way to not pick on him. and even if they did the whispers were quickly silenced after the first game of the season. so this kind of behavior was completely foreign to the boy, leaving him dumbfounded on how to respond. he furrowed his eyebrows, not appreciating the way he was the butt of your jokes.
"don't touch me."
"ouch! the boy bites" you pretended to wipe the hand on your jeans, acting as if keita was some rabid dog that just gave you a disease from his metaphorical bite. winter seemed to find this hilarious, elbowing you with a mean grin.
"pick on someone your own size!" she sneered, clearly meaning it back-handedly as the pair walked away giggling.
keita balled his fists, feeling his blood boil. he swore, in all his past interactions with minjeong she was never this bitchy, and the sight of the new winter made him huff out in frustration. is this what it felt like for all the kids his friends had teased throughout the years? this shit blows! maybe he should've listened to all the anti-bullying campaigns from jr high...
keita was unimpressed but not surprised to see the same torso resting on his locker the next day, though he didn't lose his rationality last time he can't guarantee the same today.
as soon as the two of you made eye contact, you began yawning in boredom. it only took a split second for you to come up with a new callous comedy routine, tapping on winters locker door. "we gotta hurry, we're on a time crunch." you said, no sarcasm laced in your tone. you began tapping your wrist as if there was a watch on it, making winter furrow her eyebrows in confusion. and keita doesn't blame her, he would've thought you were being serious too had he not seen the glint of mischief in your eyes. "what? why?" she looked over to you, noticing the boys presence and scoffing out of amusement at the new context.
he turned to you, now deciding to stoop to your level in terms of petty insults. "what happened to pick on people your own size? the basketball team is just waiting for you." hes sure you've heard the 'you should join basketball' or 'you should join volleyball' about a thousand times before, and his theory was proven correct when he saw your eye twitch. "you know, you seem like a sports person too! i know exactly which sport you play"
did you know? you could tell he was a jock! maybe this is the part where you finally start respecting him as a person, showing human decency! he knew he misjudged you, or maybe you were just in a bad mood the other day. it doesn't matter now, now keita feels comforted with the fact that at least he can wear with pride his apparent 'sports person look'. he cleared his throat, a proud grin on his face as he looked up at you. "yeah? you know what sport i play?"
you nodded, glancing at winter to wait for her cue to leave before continuing. "of course i do!" you smiled, starting to take steps away from his locker to match your friend's walking pace.
"its mini golf."
"what's wrong kei? you've had a scowl on your face since you've buckled your seatbelt." his frown deepened, slumping into the passenger seat.
"i do not!"
"do too!" beomgyu added with a snicker, peering from the backseat. heeseung quickly yanked him back, putting beomgyus seatbelt on for him. the four of them, sungchan included, were on the way to a random burger joint as per usual. last week it was the mall where they convinced heeseung to buy the biggest dildo in the spencers aisles. the week before that it was the skate park where beomgyu brought a scooter because he didn't know how to skate.
with rugby seasons coming up, this would probably be the last time keita tagged along before the group became busy with their sports. october was always a hectic month for all of them, and he would've felt like shit if the last moment he had with his friends was of him complaining about some girl.
"what's wrong? seriously, you can tell us anything bro" sungchan continued, one hand on the wheel while the other rested on keita's knee. he gave keita a comforting squeeze, causing the boy's sour look to soften. "... well. y'all know the transfer, right?"
the other three nodded, all having their tidbits to add.
"yeah the tall chick"
"shes pretty cool"
"winter and yunjin's group, right?"
keita clicked his tongue, his nose scrunching at their nonchalance about her.
"why? you got rejected by her or something?" beomgyu snickered before getting hit by heeseung, mumbling something about asshole and salt into the wound.
"what? no! she's a total douchebag."
a moment of silence hung in the car as the boys looked around each other, gauging one another's reactions. it wasn't long before the three burst out into laughter.
"im serious! y/n is such a-"
"is she a jerk or are you insecure?" heeseung wiped a tear, hitting keitas shoulder.
keitas mouth faltered, losing confidence in his conviction. sungchan hummed an agreement, both hands on the wheel. "she's pretty funny man, you just gotta not take her seriously."
keita straightened up in his seat, folding his arms over each other.
"she has no business making those kinds of jokes."
"or maybe you need to loosen up a bit"
keita looked out the window, sighing softly. maybe they were right. maybe he was just a little sensitive about his height and you weren't doing any harm! yeah, he's sure that's it. he just misjudged you. wait... he's getting a sense of deja vu.. nono! this time is different. keita was positive it wouldn't be long until he started viewing you the same way everyone else did.
strolling to his locker, keita kept trying to tell himself it'd be fine. things were different now! he was sure talking to you with a different attitude would change how you both viewed one another.
when he approached the two of you again, he replaced his usual frown with a neutral expression.
"it's the all-star athlete!" you clapped as if you had been waiting for his entrance. keita felt reassured by the fact that you didn't have something snarky to add this time! things really would be different.
"we should go to one of his games" winter added, barely looking their way before returning to her locker. seriously how is she this unorganized? you responded with a shrug, shaking your head slightly. "i dunno, i'm not a huge fan of golf."
golf? winter and keita exchanged a confused glance before looking back at you. keita was about to correct you when it seemed to dawn on him their bickering from a couple of days ago. he felt his eye twitch involuntarily, oh, you are *such* a bitch.
he tried to rationalize with himself. you're just joking! take it easy! but if they're just jokes how do you know exactly how to get under his skin??
keita balled his fists again before pointing at you with narrowed eyes. "why don't you come to watch my actual game this friday? don't come apologizing to me after you see the scoreboard." he shot a tongue through his cheek. he's not sure why he loses his rationality every time you come into the equation, but he just couldn't help the way he walked toward his next class without even bothering to open his locker.
you looked over to winter with an amused expression. "he actually plays a sport?"
"yeah, rugby."
"is he any good?"
"arguably the best player."
you sat in silence for a second, calculating in your head what to do. once winter slammed the door shut, you started walking with her, a smirk now emerging on your face.
"let's buy some tickets then."
the gates to the stadium were flooded, and you could barely find your friend group, even with you towering over everyone.
beomgyu was the first to spot you, sneaking up on you and wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
"yo! i didn't know you'd be here smelly"
"i'm not the one with major B.O. here" beomgyu laughed, teasing you with a couple of pats on your arm. he then paused, dropping his smile and smelling his other pit before shrugging.
"i'm not the one that has my head literally in the clouds," he said, pointing to your head to emphasize your height.
"i'm not the one with my head metaphorically in the clouds" you flicked his forehead, raising your shoulder so his arm would naturally slip off of it.
just as he was about to respond, winter and yunjin quickly joined the both of you hand in hand. "you ready?" you asked, showing your phone with the ticket opened. winter joined you in the action, dragging yunjin around as she raced inside the stadium.
once you met up with the others, you sat down in between sungchan and aisha, the only two people who could balance your height in between them.
"what's the occasion? did minjeong come here to show you all her exes or something" aisha was quickly hit lightly on the arm at the question. the statement seemed harmless. something you could've easily played off. but for some reason, the question had you flushing and hiding your face with your hand. winter stuck out her tongue, managing to make her voice ring above the laughing.
"you wish! she's here for keita!" you hid your face even more, unable to act cool when the wave of embarrassment hit you. sungchan furrowed his brows at the revelation. "kei??"
"por favor?" winter responded, doubling down on her claim. sungchan shook her head, reaching over behind him to talk to her. "no, that's his nickname you idiot" you snickered at the two, taking note of the abbreviated name.
"oh.. yeah! gigantic y/n here was gushing about it!"
"was not!"
you were met by a wave of teases from everyone around you, which proved to be overwhelming with the 10+ voices all chanting insults. suddenly you felt someone shaking your shoulder aggressively, yanking your attention from the growing red on your face.
it wasn't that big of a deal right? i mean, sure you were here to watch keita but it didn't mean anything. you were only here on account of all the bluffs you had heard from the man himself. so why did it feel so awkward to admit where your motivations were?
"look, your loverboy is on the field~" aisha whispered, snapping you back to reality. you pouted, mumbling a retort even with the way your eyes began darting for him.
"you know, keita um.." you peered over to heeseung, who had surprisingly been quiet throughout the game. "he kinda well.." he seemed to not be able to finish his sentence, his stammers only increasing when he noticed your confused face.
"he hates you." beomgyu finished the thought for him, causing both you and heeseung to sigh in sync with one another.
"i dunno what i'm doing wrong! i treat him the rest of you and the reactions totally different" you huffed, crossing your arms while shaking your head. beomgyu decided to keep talking, despite heeseungs expression.
"it's cause he's an egomaniac"
there was a pause, letting you process the new information. your eyes suddenly widened, before you point at him.
"that would make sense! wow, you had a coherent thought! since when did you use your brain?" beomgyu stuck his tongue out, blowing a raspberry at you. aisha shoves his face out the way, replacing it with her shocked face.
"what do you mean it 'makes sense'?? i thought you had a thing for him??"
you quickly shook your head with a frown. "i'm here cause he invited me." beomgyu and sungchan exchanged a confused look, both hesitantly looking back at you. "did he?"
you nodded before continuing. "something about showing off to me. minjeong, back me up here!" she took a couple of hard blinks, trying to load in her brain what you just said. "oh yeah! i wasn't paying attention to you two, i tend to tune your arguments out"
she looked over to the field, clearly focused on a specific player. following her eyes, you naturally drifted to watch the game. the corner of your lip curled in amusement at your perfect timing, watching as keita crashed into the floor and scored a try, seemingly with ease. the boys in your circle all began to rise out their seats, roaring and cheering while chanting his name. he looked over to the energetic crowd, giving them a quick thumbs up before running off to their next formation.
"i might have to steal your loverboy," aisha said, shaking your shoulder again. she was clearly in a trance, making you softly scoff at the way her eyes seemed fixated on the boy. you weren't jealous in the slightest! honest! she could have him if she wanted. sure, the try was pretty cool, but so what? he still hated you anyways.
"god, you look like keita with that frown" sungchan teased, giving you a lighthearted grin.
"whatever. i'm gonna go get some stadium food. wanna come?" you hummed the question, standing up and stretching your legs softly. sungchan rose with you, giving the other guys a thumbs up before walking off with you.
as keita approached his locker, a proud smirk emerged on his face. he crossed his arms while he waited for you to notice him, eagerly awaiting your reaction.
the scoreboard of the night was 45-27, a good 15 of those points were thanks to keita. you watched the whole night with your eyes glued to him. you had even memorized his jersey number; keita was 17.
"so?" his eyebrow was raised, his question ringing through your ears. you went home that day promising to yourself you would not speak of it. to his face, at least. the last thing you'd want do to is join his fanbase at your school (which consisted of aisha after the game)
"so?" you repeated at him, acting clueless as to what he was insinuating.
"you know what i'm talking about."
you shook your head playfully. "no.. i don't. you gotta use your words, big boy"
his lip twitched at the name. he was *not* a child, and why you seemed to still have that narrative even after watching him tackle with as much energy as he could muster irritated keita beyond belief.
he sighed, knowing you wouldn't entertain him unless he played along with you.
"the rugby game. 'm guessing you were there?"
"what's it to you?"
his confident stature faltered for a second. he.. hadn't thought of the scenario where you hadn't gone. if you weren't there.. that would've ruined absolutely everything. that night keita fought so hard for *you*. even if it was out of spite to prove you wrong, every single point he scored he imagined your shocked expression. he had imagined beomgyu and sungchan gassing him up. he thought about ryujin and minju giving you a disapproving glare, asking how in the world you could berate someone like that. like *him*. if the reality was you were chilling at home, netflix turned up while he was busting his ass on the field...
he stuttered, suddenly losing eye contact with you.
"you at least heard about it... right?" he mumbled the last part, despising the way his voice began to lose all power it had before. that's always what happened when he was around you. all the authority leaving him and rendering him powerless at your sly remarks. winter interrupted the two of you, peaking from behind her locker.
"we were. y/n was the one that dragged me there" you lightly hit her arm, whispering something keita couldn't pick up on. reassured, keita continued.
"you take back what you said?"
"about what?"
"you know.. about the mini golf" he muttered, now extremely embarrassed. he hadn't realized how.. immature he was until now. keita didn't have a deep hatred for golf or anything, so why was he so offended? why did he want to impress you so badly? he crossed your arms, leaning against the lockers with a smirk. "you want my praise?" keita scoffed, acting as if you were unbelievable. he rolled his eyes, looking at you to spew bluffs before his eyes softened at the eye contact. okay. maybe he did...
you shook your head. "i never said you weren't good NPD." his eyes furrowed at the new nickname. what's.. that stand for? if it was another hidden short joke he felt he would've exploded on the spot. you laughed at his expression, patting his hair before gesturing to winter you were ready to go. "you impressed me, see you around."
"what's NPD?"
heeseung laughed curiously at keitas sudden question. looking up from his computer. "narcissistic personality disorder. why? you got a health project?"
silence clouded the boy's mind for a second, everything becoming a haze. it didn't take long for fury to fill every inch of his body. from the ends of his fingertips to the strands of his hair, keitas mind went blank with rage.
"that BITCH!" keita suddenly slammed his fists on the table, disrupting their study hall period. the teacher gave him a look, to which keita only sheepishly smiled. he turned to heeseung. "i'll tell you later"
once later came he had pulled his friends (beomgyu and sungchan had decided to tag along against his wishes) away, deciding they needed to eat off campus for lunch today.
"sung, what's NPD?" he asks the same question to his friend, making sure to get a consistent answer. "NPD? isn't that narcissism?" keita grits his teeth. so it was true.
"that stupid ass-"
"did someone call you that?" heeseung cut him off, knowing better than to let keita rage out in the car.
"i swear when i see y/n again i'll-" beomgyu burst out laughing upon hearing who was responsible for the new name, unable to control the roars of laughter erupting from his lips. keita rolled his eyes, but said nothing in defense of the teasing comments.
"wait wait wait.. y/n said you had NPD?"
"i'm *not* narcissistic!" the glances the other 3 shared said otherwise, making keita straighten his back defensively. "when have i ever done something narcissistic??" they all glanced at each other again, unsure how honest they can be.
"i mean there was that one time during basketball practice you-"
"that doesn't count! hanbin was *asking* for it."
"okay, well what was the context before the nickname" keita huffed put; recalling the memory in his head. his pout then changed into an open expression, his mouth falling agape when he connected the dots. "okay well, that was a different story! it's was-" he was interrupted by beomgyus giddy laughter again, listening as he began clapping hysterically.
"this is too good" gyu had choked out to heeseung, making the corners of his lips curl into a smile as well.
"you think she got the nickname from what you said at the game??" sungchan teased, hitting beomgyus shoulder lightly. keita glanced between the two, his lips thinning into a frown.
"whaddya say?"
"he called you an egomaniac" keita looked at beomgyu with an unimpressed expression, waiting to beomgyu to defend himself.
"i'm just saying man," beomgyu shrugged, seemingly unfazed by the death glare being sent his way. "you invited some girl that you think hates you to watch you play so she'd stop hating you?"
"that doesn't make me narcissistic."
"okay, what was the full conversation?" beomgyu continues to instigate, even with everyone else's silent pleas for him to stop. gyu was pretty much the only one immune to keitas bitch face, which results in beomgyu usually being the one getting bruises from him. even with beomgyu being in hockey, his muscular strength was far outweighed by keitas kicks to the shin.
keitas mouth fell agape, just now reflecting on his actions. he glanced away, biting the inside of his cheek softly. "i wanted to hear her say i did good.."
"an egomaniac *and* a praise kink??" heeseung quickly covered beomgyus mouth to stop him from spewing any more bullshit. keita was once again left defenseless, a situation he felt become more and more commonplace the longer you stayed. if a magic genie came up to him right now, his three wishes would be to grow 20 cm, make beomgyu less annoying, and zap you from existence altogether. the longer he knew you the less tolerable you became. seriously, not one redeeming quality! how is that even possible? the cherry on top was how everyone seemed infatuated with you.. how did you even manage that? sure you were pretty, but all that you had going for you. frustrated, keita suddenly lost his appetite for lunch that day.
keita would describe himself as a down-to-earth guy. he stands around 165, and has overgrown darkish brown hair he's been wanting to cut since may. he enjoys his rugby teammates and coffee. he likes cooking and cats, and he dislikes reading and homework. new entry on his dislikes: you.
or would you fit under enjoys? he wasn't sure anymore. it seemed so strange to him he'd consider that as a possibility. there's no way you'd be an enjoys! he can hardly say he enjoys your presence and to say he enjoys your attitude is a *gross* overstatement, so why did he miss you when you were absent today?
walking to the lockers felt empty without anticipating your sly comments. it felt strange that he missed it. he should be relieved you were sour of his daily routine, even if it's just 1 time. but this 1 time his frown was even deeper than all the other times before it.
“where’s y/n?” he asks winter directly, who shrugged in response. "contrary to popular belief: we are *not* attached at the hip. she barely tells me anything." his eyebrow raised in amusement, suddenly curious. he was also curious by the way winters usual time digging was cut in half. it was strange why she was in such a rush...
"than why is she always next to you?"
"she makes me carry her shit for her" she groans, leaving keita to presume it's probably a peeve for the girl. "why she doesn't use her locker i dunno! all i know is my locker is filled to the brim with random sticky notes from her bag."
it suddenly dawned on keita he had never questioned why winter took forever at her locker past she was unorganized. and he had never considered the option that you hung around winter often because she was your errand boy. retrospectively, everything seemed to make slightly more sense. he opened his mouth to continue his stream of questions, but winter rolled her eyes.
"do you only have y/n and rugby in your brain?" keita was about to argue back, but he quickly found he couldn't. he really.. didn't think about much else.
"i have someone i wanted to talk to you about. related to both those things." his eyes rose in confusion. how are those two subjects even linkable?
winter closed her locker, leaning against it with her arms folded. she gestured for keita to come closer, holding back a laugh when she noticed they were the same height. she spoke lowly, as if this was some big secret, even with the way she had already told half the kids in the hallways before keita.
"i'm throwing a party post-game, assuming you guys win. it'd be rude not to invite the team." keita had a specific face when he was confused or about to ask a question. one that with enough time around him was easy to recognize. almost always dating someone on keitas circle, winter had become accustomed to the expression.
"yes, y/n is invited."
"i wasn't gonna ask that." keita shot back, joining the girl in her folded arms.
"then what was your question."
he cleared his throat, his body physically relaxing the longer they held a conversation. "want me to pass the message to the team?"
winter nodded.
"yeah, sure. i was gonna do it myself, but it might be easier for you. see you around NPD" she gave a half-assed wave, walking quickly and joined with minju rather than y/n who was typically tailing behind her.
his teeth grit at the continuing of the nickname. though it wasn't as annoying coming out of winters mouth, it somehow made him even angrier. how that works, keita himself wasn't sure. but he just found a new reason to do well at the game.
confronting you at the party.
"does this look pretty on me?"
"why? you tryna impress keita?"
you rolled your eyes, holding a fist up threateningly. "you didn't answer my question."
yunjin took you in for a second, trying to find the best response.
"you'll end up impressing more than just keita" she winked, sitting down on the edge of the bed with a relieved sigh. pouting, you sat down next to her and glanced at the closet winter had locked herself into.
"why do you guys think i'm so obsessed with that guy anyways?"
yunjin looked at you as if you were crazy, lightheartedly chuckling. "you guys are basically a couple at this point."
"are we?? or do you just want to see me tied down"
yunjin scooted closer to you, placing her hand on your shoulder and facing you directly.
"yeah. cause i text my friends for advice on new nicknames to call a guy when i have no interest in him" you met her expression with an eye roll, though you didnt retort. no matter what you responded with you would only end up digging your hole deeper. winter saved your ass, waltzing out with a pencil skirt and a low-cut shirt. "you have to admit NPD is pretty funny" yunjin waved you both off, checking her phone.
"whatever, it's almost time. people should be pouring in any second."
winter joined the two of you on her bed, leaning her head on your shoulder when yunjin began tuning the two of you out in favor of all the stories she hadn't checked.
"first public school party, you ready y/n?"
"is it like the movies?" winter laughed at your innocent question, debating between lying to you or not. "only if you're with the right crowd" she went with lying! it's easy to tease you when you were clueless about public school and how it works.
"one thing though.." she started, looking at you to see if she piqued your interest.
"pregame is always the best part"
you tilted your head curiously. "what's pregame?"
yunjin put down her phone, quickly humming in response. "it's when people take shots before the actual party. as prep. minjeong memorized the usual people by heart at this point."
you nodded along, taking note of the words "usual people". ....was keita one of them? fuck! you did it again! you stood up from the bed, shrugging as you walked towards the stairs. "someones gotta open the door for them." you reasoned, walking through the open doorway and exiting winters room. it seemed as if they were waiting for you, with the way the entire rugby team came flooding into the living room the moment you had gone down one step.
"yo! winter send ya out here to entertain us?" one of the guys questioned, gesturing for you to come join them. you shook your head, now rushing down the steps. "nah, just have good timing i guess."
they all seemed to be carrying booze packages, placing them lazily on the dining room table. you watched silently, holding the fact that they resembled worker ants to yourself. the same one that called to you from before spoke again, now sitting on the couch. "why'ya here so early?" he asked the question with a hum, crossing his arms as he started to get comfortable. the other boys were quick to follow, and soon the entire coach and the seats surrounding were all occupied. you waltzed over next to him to answer the question with a shrug.
"i live right next door. wasn't a long walk."
"is that how you know minjeong?"
"you could say." he frowned is disdain. your answers were so direct and short. as if you were expecting the conversation to end every time you opened your mouth. he wasn't gonna give up though, instead, he tapped the armrest for you to sit on. you did reluctantly, making sure to keep space between you two.
"if you live so close why didnt you go to our school till now"
"i went to a private k-12. you wouldn't know the name." keita had been sitting on the other end of the couch this entire time, though he faked a sense of aloofness. even though he wasn't even glancing your way, his opened snapchat that he hadn't tapped in minutes telling you everything.
"i'm realizing i don't know anything about you."
"and i plan to keep it that way."
"why?" you could see keitas head perk up, eagerly waiting the answer. you instead slipped a bottle into the guys hand, giving him a teasing smile.
"drink if you want to ask any more questions. i'm not giving away my info for free." he glanced down to the bottle, fidgeting with it in his hand.
"jiung, dont. you're our designated driver." the dude next to him put a hand on the boy's shoulder warningly, though his palm was quickly shaken off.
"fuck it. keita can be the new driver."
only then did you decide to pretend to acknowledge him, making a small gasp before waving. "NPD! what's up, i didnt notice you" you walked over to his side of the couch, crouching down so your elbows were on the armrest rather than sitting on it.
"was it not clear by the fact that the rugby team is here?"
"ohhhh, that's who these guys are! hey, congrats on the game" you gave him a half-assed smile, watching closely as he swallowed the insults urging to leave his lips.
"you don't sound very sincere"
you smiled again, this time more genuine. "i guess it's cause im not surprised you won." he raised his eyebrow back at you.
"what? is this a compliment im hearing?"
"i wouldn't say *that*"
he clicked his tongue in response, nodding slowly.
"of course you wouldn't CHD."
he had a shit-eating grin on his face, unable to hide his proud expression now. you tilted your head teasingly, dropping the volume in your voice noticeably. "what does that stand for?" he leaned closer to you, clearing his throat before dropping his voice too, muttering in a voice barely above a whisper. "chronic. hater. disorder" you grin at him, opening your mouth to compliment his creativity until jiung interrupted the two of you.
"if i chug the whole bottle how many questions is that?" you perk your head up, making a small humming noise as you think of an answer. "15."
he pouted, looking at the bottle then towards you. "there's definitely more than 15 sips in here."
"that's why sips don't count."
he gave you an unreadable look, but before jiung could connect the bottle to his lips some more people came flooding in, officially starting the party. you turned back to jiung, smiling at him softly. "you're outta time, maybe if you find me again we can continue" you have him a small wave, walking back up to winters room. keita let out a sigh he didn't know he was holding in. he wasn't sure who to be frustrated at, but all he knew was he needed to tackle someone to get his rage out again.
as the night continued and more people joined, it became increasingly hard to find you. annoyed, keitas willingness to be sober decreased by the second. he huffed out, trying to find sungchan beomgyu or heeseung in hopes they could bring him to his senses. his mood only soured as he watched winter and sungchan throw themselves on each other. well great. guess he's gonna see her more often.
that was his final straw. and with the final snap, he stormed over to the kitchen, yanking out a solo cup from the package and walking over to the jug (dispenser thing idk what they're called). once he walked over to the booze station, keitas frown deepened even more upon seeing your face. before he could even pour any liquid into his cup, he found himself compressing it into his balled fist, making a loud crunching noise with his tear and rip made into the plastic material. he opened his palm, letting it fall out of his hand. it took everything in keita to not begin screaming at you the moment he recognized your features. instead, he turned around and quickly ran to find beomgyu.
"why did minjeong let those creepazoids come in early?" you complained, shifting around uncomfortably. ever since you left jiung with the bottle and a challenge you had been pulling your skirt down uncontrollably, memorizing every face in every room you entered. you had hoped he wouldn't show up with an empty bottle. you had hoped he hadn't already memorized what questions you asked. and you especially hoped keita wouldn't end up the designated driver tonight. yunjin shrugged with disinterest at you. you could tell from the way her eyebrows furrowed she wanted to call you absurd for your behavior. "they give us free drinks. we haven't had to buy any in a *long* time." she grinned, handing you a cup and opening a can to pour the beer into it.
"underage drinking? i'm disappointed yunjin."
"you'll get used to it preppy." she teased back, drinking the leftover liquid in the can. you glance down at your hand curiously.
a red solo cup. just like in the movies. you had sworn you dreamed about them on the days leading up to your enrollment. you figured this was just another myth. a trope that has been long dead when it comes to real-life practice. it's interesting though, good things usually never come from these things. still, you took a sip. the bitter buzz of the alcohol made your throat burn and it felt as if you were drinking acid. it tasted utterly disgusting and yet you go back for another taste. yunjin smiles at you, hitting your shoulder lightly. "you'll get used to it."
her face sours as if she had just eatten a lemon, contracting into a look of discomfort.
"looks like you haven't either"
"i'm a lot closer than you are." you both laugh. a dry laugh, one with no joy or humor. it was empty noise as you kept glancing beyond yunjin, watching if one of the rugby guys stumbles in to give you that same shit. yunjin watched silently, unsure of how to help comfort you. "go find keita." her sudden demand caught you off guard.
"what? why?"
"if you tell him what's going on he'll tell them to knock it off. they'll listen to their captain a lot more than some chick." she smiled, gesturing to the door. you smile back at her, ruffling her hair lightly. "thanks short stack."
"i'm actually one of the tallest girls here" she flips you off on your way out, making you both laugh. a genuine one this time. one without that same emptiness.
it didnt take long for you to find keita. he sat at the same spot on the couch, where they last talked. you sat down next to him, not even making eye contact before speaking.
"can you do me a favor?"
"why should i?" he also doesn't look at you, drinking from the beer bottle in his hand. you turn to him, and for the first time, showed him vulnerability.
"you're the only person i can ask about this..."
he pauses for a moment, taking another sip.
"let's see what great things youve done to earn a favor from me:" you gulped, watching the fury start to burn in his eyes.
"your nickname for me is a narcissist. you've made comments about my height so often my friends have started giving me shit for it. you mocked the fact that i was an athlete. you've made me late to class half the time. i've become a joke to my entire social circle. but at least you congratulated me for my game." he finally turned to you, his elbows resting on his knees with a wry chuckle. "oh wait. you didn't even mean it."
"what's your problem?"
"MY.. problem?? i should be the one asking you that." he stood up, pointing at you now. he finished up his drink, placing it on the table before gawking at you completely appalled. you furrowed your eyebrows at him. why was keita making such a big outburst? you genuinely couldnt understand what was wrong with him. "it's my problem you're a bitch now?" you stood up too, narrowing your eyes at the boy. you leaned down to get closer to his face, whispering lowly. you mustered up the scariest expression you could, and the most intimidating tone you could manage.
"what did you just say to me?" you saw the way his eyes could barely focus on you. it was as if they had been glazed over with the pink tint. throwing him over your shoulder, you sighed and began marching over to find one of the captains. even though he didn't thrash around like a child, it didn't stop his loud complaints. "put me down! what do you think youre doing asshole?! get off of me!"
once you located an equally wasted beomgyu and heeseung, you quickly threw keita from off your shoulder and placed him down in front of them. they didn't seem to ask questions about the predicament... not that they had a chance to anyways. keita huffed, sending daggers with his glare.
"you guys need to take care of him. he's a little drunk right now"
"i guess it's my problem you're a coward who can't handle being called out."
this entire day he seemed to be egging you on, seeing how long it took before you got genuinely angry. and you're not sure it's because of the drinks, the stress from everything earlier, or the insults themselves but something had *snapped*. you gave a fake smile to his two friends that shared a completely over it expression.
keita hadn't even gotten another word in before you politely excused the two of you and dragged him off to some hallway.
"you wanna talk? lets fucking talk." you crossed your arms, waiting for an explanation.
"let's start off with the fact that you hate me. i just don't understand why you're *so* rude to me"
"what do you mean?"
he scoffed "what do YOU mean? you've been teasing me since we made eye contact! you didn't even know anything about me before i was called names and mocked."
you gave him a couple hard blinks, seemingly coming to a revelation. as if a lightbulb had sparked above your head. "holdonholdonholdon-"
"im not finished!"
"you don't have to be." you frowned, grabbing his wrist and pushing him into the closest room to have more privacy.
"explain to me again why you don't like about the way i treat you?"
he did it again, slowly and enunciating clearly. even if he was pretentious, you always seemed satisfied when he talked slower. calling it "using his words". you blinked a couple more times, a genuinely confused face. not one that seemed to invalidate his feelings, or want to call him names. one that seemed to be missing information.
"is that... not how everyone talks?"
he also paused. keita blinked in sync with you now, completely at a loss for words.
"i asked yunjin and winter on how to act more like a public school kid and they both tell me everyone's mean and tease each other all the time."
.... WHAT?
so you were just doing it to fit in?? not to piss keita off? not because winter had a secret grudge against him and used you as her secret revenge? not because you're just a bitch....?
"is that... not true" your voice trembled a bit, worry written all over your eyes and brows. keita soften his tone, sighing out slightly.
"it's not far off" he muttered, a new urge to comfort you overtaking him. he guessed it made more sense in hindsight. with the miscommunication now cleared up, a million more questions now appeared in his head. he moved closer to you slightly, your horrified look rendering you unable to respond.
"it's just.." he thought for a second, looking up at you with gentle eyes for the first time since the two of you had met. you locked eyes and you seemed to find peace in each others pupils. "how come you're more harsh to me than anyone else?"
keitas question was met with silence, making him add more to the inquiry for context. "like my other rugby guys?"
your face soured at the mention of them, the uncomfortable reminder of jiung who was probably hunting you down with questions prepped. with your privacy about to be invaded and with another guy hitting on you. you laughed softly at keita, gently pushing loose hair behind your ear.
"i didnt even know any of their names before today. how was i supposed to know what to say to get them to react like you do?"
"like i do?"
"you're cute! the way you get angry and start heaving with anger makes me want to push your buttons more" you admitted, watching with satisfaction at the way he got riled up from that confession alone. he caught on, relaxing his shoulders and trying to wipe the grin off your face.
"you think i'm cute?"
you laughed louder this time, easing the tension in the room by a tenfold.
"if that's your takeaway."
"so you do! wahhh if you wanted to ask me out you should've already"
"as if! you would've gotten all aggressive on me like earlier."
"i wouldnt know, you haven't flirted with me like you were with jiung before the party."
you scoffed, rolling your eyes in disbelief.
"you think i'm into that guy?"
"actions speak louder than words" he threw his hands up defensively.
was keita actually being serious? you weren't even sure what the reason for these accusations were, but you were gonna make sure they don't continue. you slyly moved closer to him, lowering your head to his level.
"if you hadn't noticed you've asked about a hundred questions and i haven't made you pay a single tax. if i'm into jiung why is that?"
"cause i'm already wasted enough as it is." he replied, only around half conscious at this point. the longer you two talked and the closer you got, the more he felt his stare linger. the hotter the room suddenly became. the more kissable your lips seemed...
he exhaled quickly, nodding to himself. "*really* wasted.." you smirked at where his eyes were glued.
"me too." you whispered, trailing your sight down to his lips as well. his hand softly placed itself on your cheek, his thumb making circles around the cheekbone.
he could've sworn he had never felt this way about you before. keita had never once looked at you and felt attraction. what the difference was tonight he was unsure of. how irresistible you became was a question he'd never get answered. how much you seemed to be calling to him left keita speechless, unable to process even his own thoughts.
"fuck." now unable to hold back, he firmly pulled your face down and finally connected your lips, letting the feeling marinate for a moment. the sparks exploded and the little butterflies created fireworks in his heart. all the fairytales would've never prepared him for how dreamy a kiss while completely drunk would be. you stayed frozen, not even bothering to process what was happening. the more you thought about it the less it made sense so you decided not to think about it. enjoy the moment. even if it was temporary.
even with your dynamic, even with your reputations in school, even with the way *everything* would change after this none of it mattered. time froze. everything froze. and for this one period, you didn't have to think about anything else but the way your lips fit with each other like jigsaw puzzles, moving with one another's in perfect rhythm you could get lost in it.
*knock knock*
"is your uh, argument over? it got really quiet for a second and i just-"
you threw yourself off keita and he ripped himself out of your grasp by the shoulders. you both made eye contact for a moment, unable to process what had just happened. why it happened. how it happened. when it happened. it seemed... completely unbelievable. keita cleared his throat awkwardly, stepping over to the door.
"yeah. we've come to a middle ground i guess." he opened it, revealing heeseung who was awkwardly leaning against the wall.
"that's good! that's good.. me and beomgyu were worried how long you two would y'know.. be at it."
you joined in clearing your throat, adjusting your hair and top anxiously. as you approached the door, you turned to heeseung and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"keep an eye on keita. he was supposed to be the designated driver but..." you trailed off, glancing at him with heeseungs eyes following yours to keita who awkwardly shifted. you made eye contact with him again, patting his shoulder one more time before slipping out.
"how did you end up like this?" heeseung teased, wrapping his arm around keitas shoulder and escorting him out.
"it's a long story"
that night was some of the worst sleep hes had in a *long* time
keita hadn't told anyone about what happened that friday, hoping to forget it himself. every attempt at purging the memory only seemed to resurface it though, which drove him insane. the more he thought about it the more he started to think about the conversation beforehand. you two had cleared up the misunderstanding that basically drove your dynamic up until this point.
he had no clue how to bring it up if you mentioned it. what would he even say? the more the thought about it the worse his headache seemed.
so keita figured he'd do what seemed like the most reasonable conclusion. pretend like he knew nothing.
your heart skipped a beat when you saw the boy approach his locker, his eyes glued to something on his phone. when he glanced up, you couldn't help the way you slid away from the lockers, giving him full access unlike normal.
keita had assumed based on your relaxed body language that you hadn't remembered. he does recall you both being drunk, so blackout wasn't out of the question. you grinned once he arrived, that smug grin that gave him a new pet peeve he didn't know he had until you.
"congrats on the game NPD." he rolled his eyes, not wanting to give into whatever scheme you had brewing. even though he cleared the misunderstanding with you, it didn't stop your usual high and mighty act. he wasn't sure if he was glad or not, but keita wanted to push his luck with you. how much more information would you give without hesitation?
"you're not blocking my locker today."
you nodded. "isn't that a good thing?"
"i'm just curious what changed suddenly."
"it's a little gift for winning." he closed his locker, binder in hand as you stared at you unimpressed. "bullshit." you out your hands up defensively.
"why don't you just use your locker?"
you furrowed your brows "hm?"
"i heard from minjeong you don't use it. you could save both my time and yours if you just used your locker." he rolled his eyes, already expecting the headpats you'd give him for over explaining. although he wasn't exactly fond of them he can't say they weren't already a part of his routine when i came to you. you thought for a second, hands playing with his hair as you thought carefully.
"which question do you want the answer to more?"
"second one. i'm just dying to know." he batted his eyelashes dramatically, even if he did genuinely want to know the answer that doesn't stop the sarcasm keita laced in his voice.
you removed your hand, gently pushing him to the side. "why i don't use my locker?" you patted the one below keitas. "why i block your locker?" you patted the bottom one again, letting him connect the dots.
".. is that one too short for you?" your eyes rose in shock, your face flushing in embarrassment.
"well when you put it like that..." you trailed off, glancing to your locker and then winter. "gotta go. see you anyways NPD!" you quickly added, grabbing her by the shoulder and dragging her away.
keita sat there in disbelief, the 2nd revelation about you also clearing up a *lot* of the shit you did that bothered him. so you had the one below him? he guessed it made sense why you chose winter to carry your shit for you then, hers was diagonal to yours. he watched the two of you walk off, trying to process all the new information he just received.
you on the other hand also struggled to process your own revelation.
"it's interesting," you started, causing minjeong to glance curiously at you.
"i always thought he only talked to me cause i forced him to. he always complained about being late. but this time, he's still late. and i didnt do anything" you were rambling to yourself, completely lost in thought. your friend laughed at your cute behavior. she hadn't ever seen you gush about a guy, but she couldn't deny how cute it was seeing the one guy who happened to catch your eye. her friend had good taste, she has to say!
you were frozen in place when you saw keita standing at the lockers this time, leaning against them while waiting for you. when he spotted you out the corner of his eye, he pushed himself off, turning to face you directly.
"you know your locker code?" you gave him a confused look at his question, deciding not to ask.
instead you nodded wordlessly. he nodded too, sliding a folded sticky note into your hand.
"let's trade lockers. you probably think mine is too tall for me anyways" he frowned, earning a grin and snicker from you.
"i swear i've seen you on your tippy toes to reach your lock" he smacks you lightly. you only laughed harder at his anger, leaving keita to end up giggling with you. you were about to fuel the flame by adding more instigating words, but was quickly shut down by winter clearing her throat awkwardly, giving you a side eye.
you let out one last chuckle, facing keita as you shook the sticky note in your hand. "will do"
you opened the paper, expecting his combination. as you skimmed through the numbers, you realized there was too many for a combination. winter pointed at the paper, softly scoffing. "it's his number. whyd you need his number if it's just to switch lockers?" you shrugged, not understanding it yourself. not that you minded, quite the contrary. you slide the paper into your pocket carefully. yeah, that was *not* going out of your sight anytime soon.
the following days quickly turned to weeks, the days blending into one another. the more time you spent together the more natural your new friendship with keita, even preferable to the one from before.
It was strange, you could've sworn you *didnt* remember keita being this funny. or thoughtful. hell he's everything you *wouldnt* expect. since you got his number you certainly haven't let it gone to waste, texting him everyday.
all of your friends took notice to how close the two of you became, but said nothing. everyone was too busy congratulating sungchan and winter! you weren't the only one making moves during her party, and now sungchan was commonly seen accompanying the three of you at your lockers. as you and winter would leave he typically lingered behind with keita.
"don't you think it's funny?"
keita looked curiously over to his friend, whose eyes were glued to the girls.
"since you've become friends you started complaining about her more." he opened his mouth to retort, but was left speechless. not like sungchan was wrong, and though it didn't end with keita calling you a bitch or screaming, sungchan could name the amount of times he has something nice to say with just his two hands. that reminded him...
keita pulled out his phone, scrolling down to your contact. 'CHD 🥱'. he was still quite proud of himself for coming up with it, even if it paled in comparison to you calling him a narcissist. keita mindlessly hit the block button for the nth time. it became so common your eyes widen in panic everytime he whips his phone out.
sungchan peers over keitas shoulder, chuckling lightly. "again?"
"she called my face one only a mother could love."
"isnt your mom-"
"nonexistent? yes! shes met both my dads before" keita rolled his eyes, huffing out at the memory. he quickly stopped his way to his next class, sungchan staggering behind.
thank god for rugby. he had to get his rage out somehow.
any bystander watching the scene playing out right now would be calling the cops immediately. luckily, the neighbors seemed somewhat used to it. at the very least, they don't give enough shits to even step in themselves. you scoffed, pacing back and forth before walking back up to the window. you began banging on it, just like you had for the past 10 minutes.
"look i'm sorry for what i said but open the damn window!" you hollered, followed by the eerie silence. like you had been doing for the past 10 minutes, you crossed your arms and waited for a response. like the past 10 minutes, you were left with nothing.
you began whining, and *unlike* the past 10 minutes the window cracked open, just enough for you to hear his voice but not enough to do anything yourself.
"knock on the door like a normal person and i'll let you in."
"we both know that's a lie. now open up! i'm sweating balls out here."
keita frowns, sliding the frame all the way open so you could easily climb in.
"sweating balls? it's november!"
"and i'm hot??" you wiped the dust off your pants, stretching your now sore legs.
"you banged on my window like a psycho.. just to tell me you're sorry?"
you gave him a grin, finishing off your yoga. "and to tell you to unblock me!"
"so your first instinct is breaking into my home?"
you shrugged, sitting down on his bed as if you owned the place. he sighed out, but did nothing to stop your attempts to get comfortable.
"i didnt break in, you let me in yourself" you pointed to the still opened frame. you then pointed to keita, your eyebrows raised. "and it's not *your* home, it's pops."
"don't call my dad pops!" he spat out, rolling his eyes. you felt like a nuisance to him, like your entire life's purpose was inconveniencing him.
he still wouldn't trade it for the world, and he acts like a lost puppy every time you're absent. the one time you missed his game to watch sungchans with winter, his heart sunk into a deep pit reserved for you. he never.. felt this way about someone before. it always catches keita off guard when he notices how much he's let you get away with. like breaking into his house to ask for him to unblock you. he always chalks the way his tummy turned to the fact that you drove him insane, and not the good kind. the conversation had yet to prove the former wrong. he scoffed out at the playful grin your displayed. it's as if you never took him seriously!
"he loves it when i do that!"
"well i dont!?"
you clicked your tongue, hollering out lazily.
"pops! im home"
silence hung in the air for a moment, both of you anticipating quietly for a response. there was faint shuffling heard from beyond keita room, and before long there was a knock at the door.
"when did you get here? i don't remember opening the door for anyone.."
he peered from the doorframe, with only half of his torso and his head visible.
"keita and i were just hanging out is all" you smiled brightly to his dad, gesturing to the boy with your foot. he only nodded, deciding it's better a better conclusion than the reality. his dad hummed out, matching your bright smile.
"i'll make a snack for you guys" you quickly gave him a thumbs up, but keita loudly groaned.
"dad, i'm not a kid. i don't need you to make me a plate of apples" he frowned, which was met with a dramatic elongated sigh.
"you need to learn your manners! look at your friend over here, god. this is why i'm glad you and y/n are friends, she can teach you a thing or two" he mumbled, walking out and toward what you presumed to be the kitchen.
"manners my ass. you're anything but classy." you batted your eyelashes, framing your face with your hands. keita flipped you off, letting himself fall into the bean bag underneath him. you laughed, rolling over in his bed in a fit of laughter.
"this is what i'm talking about! you're such a slob" he threw his arm out to point to you, but his complaints were meaningless amongst the sound of sheets rustling under you. he stood up, pulling your leg quite literally. "get off you'll give my bed fleas"
"what? isn't this your dream?" you teased, turning around to face him. keitas entire face flushed. what the fuck does that mean?
"having a hot chick just *waiting* for you" you wiggled your eyebrows, placing one hand on your hip and the other hand holding your head. he climbed onto the bed, hitting you lightly in the chest.
"as if. this is *your* dream to be on my bed right now"
you raised an eyebrow. keita didnt even have time to point out the fact that you had now shuffled out of his sheets and sat down properly.
"you're not denying i'm a hot chick?" you tilted your head, grinning. keita mirrored your gestures, putting hands on his hips. "you're not denying this is your dream?"
you lifted up your hand as a threat to punch the boy, your lips forming a frown. he held onto your wrist, ranking you closer so he could mutter something intimidating to your face.
as his mouth fell open, the door to his room did too.
"i got some-" his dad fell speechless once his gaze rested on the two of you and your.. comprising pose. keita swore it wasnt weird! absolutely nothing intimate. not until his dad entered the room. you both awkwardly cleared your throats, adjusting yourselves. you were met with a slow nod, the plate of fruits being your saving grace from eye contact.
"well i'll um... let you teens get back to that!" keitas dad coughed, ripping the produce away from your eyes as he closed the door behind him.
now you and keita sat in the hanging tension, hands on your knees as you both politely sat. he coughs, and you clear your throat. nothing. you suddenly stand up, "this looks like my cue to leave.."
he furrowed his brows.
"nonono, you can't break into my house, make fun of me, roll around on my bed like a dog, and then leave at your earliest convenience. i still havent even unblocked you yet."
you pointed at him before you turned around, trying to pry the window frame open. "you don't need to. i was just gonna text you dets for minjeongs party, but..."
you trailed off, facing the boy again with a half assed smile. "now that your confession is out, i'm scared i'll rizz you too hard!"
"cut the bullshit." he gave you an unimpressed look, and you sheepishly laughed in return.
"see you at 8?" be waved you off, watching carefully as you stuck a leg haphazardly out of his window. you gave him one last salute, stumbling as you landed on the other end. he sat there expressionless, slowly following as you begab running off.
he had noticed that neither of you denied other claim. why wouldnt he? he didnt *think* he liked you like that. i mean sure, you we're pretty! like.. really pretty. stunning even. but keita knew better than anyone else how rotten your personality truly was. so why was he still staring at the spot where you disappeared? it made no sense. if he really didnt care for you like he claimed, hes not sure why he spent so long thinking about you. why his heart starts racing when your close. why he kissed you at a party...
holy shit.
this couldnt be. when the fuck did keita develop feelings for you?! how the hell did this happen?? this cant be real... this isnt real!
he thought back to all your interactions and if seemed to hit him suddenly. he had *always* liked you. your teases couldnt be any closer to the truth.
keitas room seemed to spin under him, his mind completely dazed. everything was spiraling, he should- he has to- he wants a-
he sat himself on his bed, the only way he could stabilize himself. keita took a deep breath, recounting everything up until this point.
its no wonder he was so sensitive to your teasing. nor is it a surprise he craved your validation so bad. and he guess it made sense why you were always on his mind during rugby games.
well, looks like he found a new motivation to win the game this week.
to confess to you at the party.
keita could hardly say he was surprised when he showed up to see you already there. just seeing you in person was so.. much different now.
nothings really changed. you're still y/n. the tallest girl in school, and the new student. he was still keita, the captain of the rugby team.
all of it wasnt out the ordinary, but *god* was it so different now.
almost anything made his tummy turn uncomfortably. like he wanted to vomit but all that would come out would be sparkles and rainbows.
the party had already started, and the music blared so loud it rang in his ears. he put his hands over his ears to muffle the noise. he needed to concentrate for his mission. his mission being that he *needed* to find you. keita wandered around aimlessly, peering at every which way like he was playing where's waldo.
and then he spotted you.
it seemed to hit him like an iron door. your beauty. oh my god, you were gorgeous. loss for words doesn't even scratch the surface of how keita felt in that moment, but he knew he was on a mission. there's no way in hell he's going back now, even if you did look like *that* while on the dance floor.
you smiled when you spotted him, seizing your dancing to walk over to the boy. "wassup hot shot! congrats on the game" you patted his shoulder in approval. "i bet all the other teamed tremble in fear at your name" you were acting different from usually. you're a lot.... nicer than usual.
he's not sure how to feel, or wether it's a scheme to hurt his pride or not. he then peers down to your hand. a red solo cup. you became nicer when you're drunk, who would've thought.
"i wouldn't say that"
"wow, is NPD being humble right now?" you raised your eyebrow, laughing. your laugh was a lot cuter than he remembers, and his brain seemed to fog just at the sight of your smile. you ruffled his hair, beginning to take a few steps back. "holler if you need me!" you wink before disappearing into the crowd. his lip twitched into a frown, biting his cheek as he watched the body of people move to the song.
you were always sneaking your way around, flowing from place to place at your earliest convenience.
before keita could begin walking back toward you he felt a tap to his shoulder.
"another rugby dub!" he dabbed up sungchan with a grin.
"basketball dub too, i heard you guys won!" sungchan laughed, nodding in confirmation.
"it's all thanks to hanbin though, he's a madman in the court." keita suck in through his teeth, nodding wordlessly. hanbin, the hopelessly kind knight in shining armor who was equally as basketball as he was in academics.
every girl that's rejected keita has been because of him. and honestly, he couldn't blame them.
"speaking of him, i havent seen him anywhere."
"you've been looking for em?"
sungchan nodded, now glancing around in an attempt to scout for the other boy.
"it's cool, i'll find him for you. i gotta give him my own congrats anyways." keita patted sungchans arm, giving him a thumbs up. the basketball captain had always been sort of like a dad to keita and their whole friend group, so he almost always had shit to be worrying about in any social gathering. keita would be glad to take some weight off his shoulders, even if it was just trying to talk to one of his team mates. the sigh of relief sungchan let out only confirmed his suspicions, and the thumbs up of approval was all the confirmation he needed.
he could find you later, keita had a new temporary mission.
the first place he decided to check was the kitchen, where all the liquor was. if hanbin was there, score! if he wasn't there, he might as well get himself a drink.
keita shrugged, not caring much for the absence of the basketball player. oh well, more time to decide which drink he’d pour himself. he decided on the mystery beer in the jug, he trusted his team to make a good concoction! once he had it poured into his red solo cup, keita swiftly exited, spotting hanbin talking with someone right next to the kitchen.
he could only see the back of their head, but he wasn't paying much attention to notice it was you. all he noticed was the surprisingly casual outfit hanbin has on. his letterman was lazily open, showing his plain white tshirt. his baggy jeans were clinging onto his legs effortlessly and keita had to admit, hanbin looked ethereal even under the lights of the dance floor the next room over.
"hanbin!" he looked over, his eye smile subtly fading now that his conversation was interrupted. you turned you head around to see who called his name, giving keita a small wave when the two of you made eye contact.
of course you were here. you're always everywhere keita went. he couldn't escape you even if he tried, and the worst part is he's now realizing he doesn't want to escape. he *wants* you to be wherever he goes, and he wasn't sure how to process it.
"i heard you crushed it in the basketball game, nice man" keita nodded, taking a sip from his cup.
okay, note to self; don't trust your team again. he wanted to spit it out the moment he tried it. you noticed his reaction, gently taking the cup and taking a sip yourself before handing it back to him.
you now both shared the same expression. though the taste seemed to be a muted thought in keitas mind now. an indirect kiss? you? just indirectly kissed him?
"yeah well, it's all thanks to this one" hanbin laughed, gesturing to you. that seemed to sober keita up a bit, his curious eyes now bouncing between you two. you shyly laughed, giving a small wave of dismissal.
"after i saw you in the crowd i knew i couldn't embarrass myself" hanbin smiled with a shrug. so you went to the game? i mean, keita shouldn't be surprised. your friend was dating the captain, of course you'd be there.
he couldn't help but frown at hanbins comment, the eerie similarity to keitas mindset sending shivers down his spine. he hadn't processed that you could be motivation for anyone else. you *shouldnt* be. they'd only be getting their hopes up.
"i heard about you and had to see it for myself," you nodded
so he guesses they wouldn't be getting their hopes up after all. who was he kidding? it's sung hanbin we're talking about here. mr perfect, of course you'd be impressed by him.
"i didn't realize you guys were close"
"we watch your games together!" hanbin chimes.
it was weird, keita didn't remember mr perfect being this passive aggressive. he could barely get a word in before hanbin dismissed keita entirely to talk to you. sure, hanbin was probably into you, but did he have to act like that?
"its so crazy what you can do with your height, right y/n?" you gave hanbin an unsure look, nodding hesitantly.
okay, so keita wasn't overthinking.
"i mean, just look at you two next to each other! what is that, a 20 cm difference?" you frowned, pulling keita closer to you defensively.
in the beginning of the year, you probably would've laughed with hanbin, maybe even fueled the fire a bit. but things are different now. instead, it was hanbin giggling to himself. it was so odd, keita could've sworn hanbin was a nice dude with no mean bone in his body. and he could've sworn you were an asshole with no nice bone.
"i'm not that tall" you politely chuckled, trying to dismiss him. "she's 180" he added.
hanbin smiled meanly, the same way you did a couple months ago. "what? i thought keita was 160?"
you smiled, shaking your head firmly.
"he's 165."
"i didn't know knowing your friends heights were so important." he put his hands up defensively, no longer snickering. "does that mean you know how tall i am?"
your face softened, but your grip on keita didn't. he took another gulp of his drink, watching carefully.
"you look like your the same as me. 178?" hanbin nodded excitedly, giving you a high five.
"see, we really are friends then!"
keita was used to girls being into hanbin more than him. he was hardly surprised with how short tempered he was versus the patience hanbin always had. but for some reason, it seemed to sting a lot more with you.
maybe it's because you flirted with hanbin while holding onto keita. maybe it's because he was gonna confess tonight. maybe it's because he didn't think your type would be gentle guys like hanbin.
maybe it wasn't, and maybe that's why hanbin was being more callous than usual. so many maybes, it made keitas head hurt. he couldn't keep engaging in the conversation, he had to get out before he spiraled any further. he slide his way out your hold, making a lousy excuse before walking off with a sigh.
when he was finally alone, keita had a chance to catch his breath. he sat in a random hallway, the same one you and him had been in last time. the idea of you wanting hanbin instead was all he could think about.
it was worse than jealously. keita felt.. envious.
envious of the way hanbin could easily take any girl in the school, and he just happen to pick out you. envious of the way you seemed to replace him, going to the basketball games instead of his. and when you were at the rugby games, you weren't there for him. it was for hanbin.
envious of the fact that you two looked perfect together. envious of the fact that your relationship with hanbin didn't start out rocky.
and before he knew it, keita was crying. the beads rolled down his cheek slowly, and he didn't even bother to wipe it. instead, he just crouched down, pouring his face into his arms.
god was he pathetic. this was supposed to be the best night of his life and instead he was sobbing in the corner of a hallway. he had just won a rugby game, and the last one of the season! he should be having a cheers with jiung, a bright smile on his face. instead, he sat with a half full red solo cup filled with mystery liquor next to him. the only noise you could hear was it's soft fizz, and the muffled hiccups and sniffles.
"NPD?" your voice rang from the entrance of the hall, but keita didn't bother to look up. he's already ashamed of himself, he couldn't even begin to imagine how he'd feel if you saw him like this.
"NPD! where did he go.." you trailed off, your voice changing in volume because of proximity.
you took one last look around the narrow path, finally spotting him.
there he was, hunched over and shaking. you felt your heart shatter at the sight, he looked so.. fragile.
"kei.." you called to him softly.
he glanced up, holding his breath when you made eye contact.
hanbins letterman.
you were wearing it. he bit his lip to stop the whimper he almost let out. you began walking to him slowly. he began panicking, standing up and roughly smearing at his face as if you wouldn't find out he was crying.
once you had move closer to him, you firmly held onto both of his hands to stop the harsh scratching at his face. without saying a word, you replaced it with your own hands. your fingers were cold against his warm cheeks, sending shivers down his spine. you exhaled out, just barely grazing your thumb under his eye. the ghost touches were ticklish, but slowly he felt the tears stop pouring out from him eyes.
you breathed again. "nobody else should see you like this" you muttered, letting him go to search for a place somewhere more private. you were being.. scarily comforting right now. keita had a hard time processing that the same person who broke into his house was finding a place for him to cry without his reputation being shattered.
until you gripped his wrist, throwing him into the same room you did last time. nope. definitely the same person.
you dragged him like a rag doll onto the bed. and for the first time, he saw genuine anger in your eyes.
you had never once gotten mad in front of him before. annoyed, sure. unamused? all the time! but never irritated.
he watched silently as you began ripping the jacket off of yourself.
"that dick. making us seem like we're closer then we really are." you cursed out, just loud enough for him to hear but quiet enough that it was clearly an internal dialogue. "i mean, we just sit in the same area! i didnt even notice him there" you continued, rolling the sleeves off carelessly.
"and then he mocks you?? in front of me?" you approached the bed, crawling until you sat on keitas lap. you tightly gripped his chin, making him gulp. all the gentle ghost touches are long gone, and he's sure there'd be marks after tonight.
you lean closer to his face, the angry glint in your eyes.
"nobody calls you short except me." you said lowly, closing the gap between the two of you. keita yelped on surprise, gripping into your shoulders to sturdy himself.
so much was happening right now, it made the boys head spin in confusion.
so he decided it was easier not to think about it. the girl he likes is currently on top of him kissing him like a starved man. he hardly has room to complain.
he whimpered quietly when you pushed him backwards, making his back flat with the bed while you were hovering on top of him.
"wait- wait- too fast-" he breathes out, trying to catch his breath.
"you.." he pointed to you weakly, watching you heave on top of him. he then pointed to himself, uncertainty written all over his expression.
"like..me?" you nodded, as if this was blatant and he was an idiot for not realizing sooner. "i thought it was obvious when i kissed you in the exact same room."
keita blinked. you remembered?
"wait- i thought you forgot"
you tilted your head, the previously furious expression now replaced with slight annoyance at worst. "i wasnt *that* drunk npd"
"so you knew both of us liked each other.. and said nothing?" you shrugged "i was waiting for you to make the first move."
he blinked, his eyebrows furrowed. you're always so confusing, logic seems to be thrown out the window when it comes to you.
"i'm a girl y'know! we like it when guys are bold" you rolled your eyes, your arms now crossed. he laughed at how silly you were, tension he built up in his entire chest being released with his small chuckle. soon it went from a chuckle to a full hands clapping laugh. you look over at him, your face now red with embarrassment. "don't laugh!"
he seized his giggles on your command, his hands now coming into your shoulders. although his eyes were still puffy, you much preferred how he looked when he was happy.
"well, looks like you'd made the move now." he said with a grin, pulling you back down to hovering over him. his arms snuck their way around your neck, pulling you toward him one last time for one final kiss.
one without misunderstands. without confusion. one that finally seemed like a closing. everything was settled now, and there was no doubt in keitas mind.
you were made for him.
you were talking with winter, your smile a lot brighter nowadays and your shoulders a lot more relaxed.
"what happened to the real y/n? what'd you do with her?"
you laughed at sungchan. "i'm not sure what you mean?" winter closes your locker for you, directing all your attention to them.
"see the real y/n i know wouldve said.."
she looked at sungchan, and as if they telepathically communicated, looked back to you and said in sync.
"he finally has a reason to be a narcissistic" the three of you laughed, though you were rolling your eyes at them.
before you had a chance to retort, keita had already approached the lockers. you routinely took a step back, letting him squat down to get to his lockers.
"i heard someone aced his test?"
"what! that was supposed to be a surprise!" he huffed, glaring at sungchan who innocently batted his eyelashes.
"i was thinking about getting you a treat. i realize it's a been since we've had date night anyways" you said with a shrug. he gave you a grin, taking his books out.
"just for a 100? if i knew i'd get a treat if study for every test.” he stood up, going on his tip toes to plant a kiss on your forehead.
"ew! cover my eyes" winter whined, taking sungchans hand and using it obscure her vision. earlier on the year, keita would've found it annoying, unbearable even, that she was so close with one of his closest friends. but after a *lot* of convincing from both you and sungchan, he can say he's content with seeing her more often now.
he had to say, it was more fun that they were both taken. even if it took him a little longer to finally seal the deal, it was all worth it in his book.
you ruffled his hair, turning back to him. okay, worth it unless you're doing *that*.
"that seems like our cue to leave, you think NPD?"
he frowned, taking your hand out his hair and intertwining it with his fingers instead. "we can have normal couple names y'know.." he whined.
you laughed, giving his hand a small squeeze. "what, don't you'd think it'd be weird for me to call you baby?"
"no! it's cute."
you blew a raspberry in disapproval, waving him off.
"NPD is more accurate, you're anything but a baby."
"even if i'm short?"
"i'll blame pops on that one" you laugh, walking with him to your next classes. he groans, giving you a middle finger.
"stop calling my dad pops!"
winter smiled, watching the two of you fade into the background. "she's grown up so much" sungchan grins, interlocking their hands. "c'mon mom, we're gonna be late" he laughs, escorting her the other way.
and for the first time since the school year started, you had walked to class without winter next to you.
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placegrenette · 5 months
On 5Miinust (+ Puuluup) and the pleasures of sticking idol pop where it (supposedly) doesn't belong.
I haven't been around much lately, y'all. Partly because my dudes have also not been around much, although ZaQ continues to post a series of videos on the ARTJAQ channel, teaching the audience about... something. I continue, in turn, to not understand Kazakh. Throw in increasing disillusionment with K-pop (I guess now we know why GFriend was so abruptly shitcanned, though the knowledge doesn't make me feel any better), a general post-October-7th discomfort with most online pop-music discussion spaces, and work to get done at home, and Tumblr just hasn't been a particularly rewarding place for me lately.
I didn't think Eurovision was going to be a rewarding place for me this year, either. And then Eesti Laul happened.
It's like some divine imp was watching and saying to themself, "You know what Jessica needs? A pop-rap group from a former Soviet colony whose members love video games and refuse to take themselves seriously and release lots of goofy content that sorely lacks English subtitles. No, another one."
To clarify: the description in the previous paragraph only refers to four of the six people making up Estonia's Eurovision entry this year. The two guys in the clip with talharpas are the respected "zombie-folk" duo Puuluup, who play world music festivals and draw their own album covers and seem like a very fun and intelligent duo. They somehow have fallen into league with 5Miinust, a four-member (previously five) group that has been around since the mid-2010s. To the best of my knowledge 5Miinust have never been accused of being Satanic and/or gay like Ninety One have, but they are either a party group, a hip-hop group, a boy band, a bunch of frat bros (see this album cover), or a very savvy business collective whose members include a former advertising specialist and a trained accountant. Or, most likely, all of the above at once.
The 5Miinust / Puuluup collaboration by itself is charming enough, and if you want to know more about how it came to pass, I direct you to Overthinking It's very good video on Estonia's entry. And "Nendest Something Something," as @sole-cuore-amore-e-droga calls it, is the best kind of fun: chaotic at first listen, carefully constructed subsequently. I don't expect it to do well in Malmö. (I think "Europapa," which is also a seemingly chaotic song that turns out to have a lot more going on than its bouncy surface would first indicate, will win overall.) And I don't really care. I'm not sure 5Miinust and Puuluup care a huge amount about the scoreboard either. They've already recorded a full album together; they seem to be having a good time making silly videos for social media. They'd be my winners even without the added bonus, which is that these guys are absolutely giving idol-pop goodness.
I mean: go watch that Eesti Laul performance again. With the exception of the bridge, each performer gets his own solo time, a classic idol-pop move. There's choreo! And the styling: everyone shirtless under a suit jacket, but each suit jacket tailored slightly differently—that is such an idol-pop live-performance look. I cannot be the only person who clocked that Korea's suit is cut the same way as Nine's for "libidO" live stages, just more conservatively.
And the deeper you get into the 5Miinust rabbit hole, the more idol-pop-esque goofiness you find. Drag performances? Yep. Live radio performances with gimmicks? Here they are stripping to "Vamos." Super-dramatic award-show performances with loads of backup dancers? Here they are at last year's Estonian Music Awards. Do you need to learn the point dance? 5Miinust and Puuluup will combine forces to teach you the point dance.
And yet, talking about either (and both) of these groups as idols is a gloriously stupid idea, because "idol pop" suggests a willingness to subjugate themselves to audience demands that neither 5Miinust or Puuluup, for all their combined marketing skill, have. Idol pop historically depends on hierarchies—performers deferring to management, and, in a different way, to their audience—and that's not how 5Miinust or Puulup work. When I wrote up a guide to who's who for /r/eurovision, I said that Päevakoer is 5Miinust's maknae, and it was a joke because I'm pretty confident no one within 5Miinust has ever cared for one second who's older and who's younger. Just the fact that two different groups with a decade between them found creative inspiration in happily treating each other as equals gives the lie to the idol-pop framing. Nobody's bowing to Marko and Ramo. The whole idea is so far from how these particular performers relate to each other as to be nonsensical.
Which means: idol-pop goodness without stifling hierarchies; idol-pop goodness by people in charge of their own careers, who post goofiness on their own terms; idol-pop goodness combined with musical experimentation born of mutual respect. YES. YES. SIGN ME THE HELL UP.
(If it doesn't go without saying at this point, I would give a lot for my new faves to somehow meet my existing faves. Ninety One might not have enough English comprehension to make the meeting work, though. I think 5Miinust's ex-member Gameboy Tetris might speak Russian; whether he wants to speak Russian would be another story.)
I got lucky, and found people also willing to enjoy the 5Miinust-and-Puuluup-as-idols ironic glee. @sole-cuore-amore-e-droga really kicked things off by making that awesome lyrics video, and from there we got a line distribution video and a logo design for our fandom (Estoners) and photocards and a fanchant and a lightstick design and a "Gangnam Style" mashup and chibi art and then more chibi art. It has been one of the highlights of my past month, being able to giggle unreservedly with strangers. I haven't been able to do that in a long time.
Eurovision happens in two weeks, and then there will inevitably be a dropoff in activity, no matter where "(nendest)..." places. Without the Eurovision framework (and the English-language content that comes with it) I suspect most Estoners will move on. I'm still going to play the album, though, and keep an eye on these guys. Any chance to expand idol pop into more humane spaces, I'm going to take, no matter how silly it seems.
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inksandpensblog · 4 months
bruh what
okay so you know that ao3 lets you change what date it says your fic was posted?
I only know about this because I discovered that if you publish a draft then it'll document the publishing date as the day you started the draft, even if the day you actually publish it is some time later. I've had to go back and edit chapters and fics to actually reflect the correct publishing date before.
Well, today I went to the first page of the AvA folder on ao3, because I was talking about why I started writing AvA fic but I didn't remember when I'd actually posted the first one on the archive and I wanted to reference the date.
I've never claimed to be the first person to write AvA fic; ffn.net doesn't have an AvA page despite having a few fics with AvA characters, so it's hard to find what the oldest one on that platform might be; I'm unfamiliar with Wattpad's organization system, so finding the oldest AvA fic there when not every fic appears in the tag I'm searching is tricky; I don't know what might've been posted to discord servers I'm not in; and it's possible I missed something on tumblr.
I've never claimed to be the first person to write AvA fic. However, I have always taken a bit of pride in saying that I was the first person to post AvA fic to ao3. I could always say that if you go to the AvA category on ao3 and skip to the very last page of chronological results, I'd be at the bottom.
But when I looked at the last chronological page today, I found that...apparently I'm not, anymore? I posted the first fic in September 2017. Someone's posted a fic with the publishing date recorded as October 2011. This is the fic that now shows up at the very end of the chronological list.
From what I can tell, it was actually posted sometime in November 2023; all the comments on it so far are from November 2023, and it's the only entry in a series with a "series updated" date of November 2023.
Looking at the fic, I think I get why the author changed the date to specifically October 2011; it syncs up with the in-universe date of the fic's events (those being, the events of AvA3 and the first half of The Flashback). If the author is planning to do some meta storytelling using the structure of the archive itself, that could be neat. Utilizing the medium as an aspect of the narrative is always intriguing.
But at the same time...I'm a little sore, I guess?
Idk, honestly I'm still trying to parse whether I have any right to feel upset about this. It seems like such a silly thing to feel so strongly about. I guess I cared more about being the oldest chronological AvA author on ao3 than I realized. Not sure if that's my vanity and I need a reality check, or if that's the part of me that cares very much about AvA fandom history in general and likes being able to track how we've changed over time.
Someone let me know if I'm making a mountain out of a molehill.
Edit: when I say the last chronological page of AvA results, I mean the last chronological page of fics sorted by "date updated." This is the default filter, so it's the one I always use. A friend in the notes has informed me that sorting by "date posted" will still show me as the earliest chronologically. I tried to find the other fic on that setting and I can't, it's not near either of the November dates I tried looking in.
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keroppri · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
ahh wickermayne!! thank you so much! ☺️🫶
i actually have exactly five published nh fics at the moment so i guess i'll promote them in the order they were first uploaded :D!!
1. A Summer's Delight
my first ever fanfic that let me express my adoration for both hinata and naruto~ the beach will forever remind me of this sweet summer love fanfic ;u; it was so much fun to write such absolute fluff 😚💖 embarrassingly sweet in the best way💕💕💕 i miss this story so much, i have nothing else to add to it but almost wish i did!! 🥺
2. Bunny and Fox
a story celebrating hinata and my first canon compliant story❤️ i'm actually nervous writing canon compliant anything in fear of getting details wrong but i do hope to write more of them soon!! i just gotta brush up on my naruto lore knowledge lol
3. thus a silenced memory
oHhhh baby, my biggest passion project to date all bcuz of my love for Jane Austen and Persuasion, and boy! how much i've learned and keep learning with this one!! it's been a surreal one to write and far more complicated than i was expecting at first so at times.. i'm struggling creatively but i have so much more to go and it's so exciting that there's so much to share!!! ch. 17 is in steady progress but i'm learning to take my time and be kinder to myself so it'll be up when it's up❤️
4. Omurice of Love
silly premise for a nh valentine's day fic, all inspired by my crazy coworkers and their thoughts on asking ur partner to be your Valentine lol another canon compliant fic! and writing pregnant Hinata was so sweet🥺 i actually... had a fic idea for mother's day but i haven't visited it since but i hope to soon💜
5. Welcome Home, Master!
my entry for NH month prompt: maid cafe ! i would have dug into it a bit more if i didn't write it so last minute but for what it is, it was really fun~ maid!Hinata was so embarrassingly awesome to write lol i loved every second of making her act that way hehe 😚🩷
welp, looking at this list means i gotta write more!!
i've been considering writing for another beloved fandom of mine so i'm excited about where that will take me when i find the chance to do so 🥰
thank you again for this!! :^)
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