#Not that anything I'm doing or planning in the short term has a need for a good score
paladincecil · 1 month
My credit score was mega fucked from when my parents used my name to apply for loans and services that they then didn't pay for many years without me knowing.
Around 4 years ago I got myself into a decent enough place in life to start tackling it after having it hanging over my head all those years. Got myself a little credit builder card and just put little amounts on it now and then so I had something to pay off. My limit slowly increased from £250 to what it is today :)
Today I got my weekly report and my score has finally passed into the "excellent" range \o/
I celebrated by ordering a milkshake and cookie dough :)
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renthony · 4 months
I know I've said this before, but I'm going to say it again:
You have to put energy into your plans for after the election. Every single US election season, tons of people get incredibly excited to participate in the political process, they sign up for a bunch of groups, and then as soon as the election is over, they never go back. Unions, street medic groups, Food Not Bombs, arrest support, covid safety advocacy...I've seen all this and more fall completely apart after presidential elections wrapped up and everything went "back to normal." People think they're done after the votes get tallied.
I am the social media coordinator for my union. Trying to get asses into meetings is brutally fucking difficult, because people only like the idea of political action. The second it gets hard, or boring, or requires more than just ticking a ballot box, people disappear. And it's incredibly demoralizing, to be perfectly honest. So many people on this site talk about smashing fascism and sticking it to the man, but where the hell are you when it's time to have a union meeting? Where are you when it's time to vote on the next action? Where are you when we need help with the tedious clerical shit? Where are you when we need to plan the big actions that you're so excited about participating in? Where are you?
You have to participate in activism and organizing and resistance even when there isn't a presidential election. You have to pick a way to get involved that isn't just electoral season. You have to actually do all the "holding him accountable" you keep saying will happen after you help Biden win.
This short-term "vote blue and then never do anything else" shit has got to stop. Put your money where your mouth is and go to a fucking union meeting.
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buttercuparry · 2 months
Funds for rebuilding life in Gaza are important!! Posts after posts of Free Palestine doesn't do anything, if you do not at least interact with campaigns where a Gazan is saying that he plans to stay on and rebuild his life in his homeland.
@siraj2024 has a short term goal of 10 thousand CAD
10k is all he is asking for now because he wants to relocate safely to another camp!!
At this very moment when you are rushing to go to work or spending a lazy afternoon, a father from Gaza is using what little data there is left on the e-sim to scroll through an unfamiliar website, going blog to blog to request people to care about his campaign.
Siraj has been forced to move six times during this terrible genocide. Everytime a place starts to feel safe, the occupation attacks it via bombing and shelling. Do you understand how much of a psychological torture this is??? Not to mention how financially devastating it is to flee with a stagnating campaign? Tents need money, threadbare mats for sleeping are expensive, medicine (what little is left) drains away so much resources...THIS IS WHY HE NEEDS 10K !!
Siraj dreams of living on in Gaza. He plans to rebuild his house on the soil that is rightfully his !!! No matter how much Zionists gnash their teeth and mock him and goad him in his DMs, Siraj is steadfast about surviving and rebuilding his children's life in Gaza.
This is why he needs your help! Help him relocate because Gaza is not dead!! There won't be those ugly Zionist beach resorts, there won't be any ugly settlements for colonizers to move into no matter how much they whine. Palestine will be free and Gaza will be rebuilt but for that to happen, campaigns like that of Siraj's need your attention!
There are two raffles being held for Siraj if you need further incentive!
@sheplaysbassdotmp3 is holding an art raffle for Siraj
@magnus-rhymes-with-swagness too is holding a raffle of a giveaway of the Collector's edition of Time quintet for Siraj and other Palestinian families.
So please give Siraj your attention. For Palestine to live on, for Palestine to be free campaigns of families who want to rebuild their lives back in Gaza, are tremendously important!!
Currently at $7274 CAD
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pickingupmymercedes · 6 months
Hi! I love your account. Sm. Like a lot. Would you be interested in writing something for lewis where he casually mentions in his gq interview that he has a longtime gf or wife. Or he recalls a memory of them introducing roscoe to her dog or cat?
Thank you so so much for the ask bestie! I drabbled something short, hope you like it ❤️.
PS: I'm still not over that interview btw, he's such a complex person and I'm so glad he's letting us see this side to him (a LVFH type of thing is something only someone like him could pull it off)
Lewis Hamilton’s drive to continually innovate and push the boundaries of his sport stems from a dual motivation. Firstly, he is determined to challenge and break the often conservative and traditional norms of Formula 1. Secondly, he is laying the groundwork for the latter part of his own illustrious career.
“I went through this phase of understanding that I can’t race forever,” he says, prompting him to cultivate those other passions. “Because when I stop, I’m gonna drop the mic and be happy.” “The difficult thing is I want to do everything,” he says, laughing. “I’m very ambitious. But I understand that you can’t do—actually, I take that back because I don’t believe in the word can’t. To be a master at something, there’s the 10,000 hours it takes. Obviously, I’ve done that in racing. There’s not enough time to master all of these different things.”
As our conversation progresses, Hamilton discloses that he has a kindred spirit who shares his compulsion to explore a myriad of interests. “I’m fortunate to have someone in my life who encourages me to embrace my spontaneous ideas and give them a shot. She might even be more adventurous than I am,” he chuckles. “She’s a bit of a jack-of-all-trades, and always so sure that you can dive into anything and learn as you go.” His eyes light up with admiration and affection as he speaks of her daring spirit.
The usually private Hamilton, who has been discreet about his long-term relationship, contrasts their differing approaches to life. “I need some more time to think things and really plan out how I want them to go. But she’s a jump now, ask later, so she’s most times hyping me to just try it. We balance each other. Sometimes I’m the strategist, and sometimes she’s the one taking the first bite.”
As for his future plans, apart from his endeavors in fashion and film, Hamilton prefers not to rush into anything. “She still has dreams she wants to pursue, so for now, I’m happy to be her supportive sidekick whenever I can. Perhaps in the future, when we both have more time our own family might be on the horizon, but not while I’m still racing.”
He quickly corrects himself though, referring to his bulldog, Roscoe, as his son, and introduces the adorable dachshund who frequently graces Roscoe’s Instagram posts. “My partner’s parents gifted her the little sausage dog a few years ago. Introducing them was a bit tricky as Tete is quite territorial. She wasn’t fond of me at first either, so Roscoe has a head start in winning her over. But now, Baguette gets along with everyone, and we can’t imagine our lives without her.”
Eager for more personal insights, I probe for updates on his personal life. However, when his response to my inquiry is, “Time will tell, when things happen we’ll make sure to update everyone when it feels right” I gracefully pivot to our next topic of discussion.
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cursedcola · 1 year
Prompt: "Will You Marry Me?" - Proposal Headcannons Characters: Everyone :) Part(s): Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore(Here!), Ignihyde, Diasomnia(Pt.1)(Pt.2) Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Warning(s): None. I mean, unless you don't want to marry any of them. Just don't read if that's the case. Note: May have overdone it. Also, I'm a bit rough with my french. It's been 2 years, go easy on me.
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There is a word for this young man. A term that has always been a one-way thing in his past. A noun that he has experience being the target of, and not the one it is describing.
Whipped. Oh, dear heavens, Vil is whipped for you. The thought both entices him and sends a shiver of distaste down his spine. Why? Because, my dove, in recognizing that he is whipped he is also acknowledging that he is dependent. Reliant. No longer the boss a** queen who needs nobody other than himself. The man the world knows him to be but this schoolboy crush has progressed to borderline infatuation.
Let us do a little synopsis of this downfall. A summary, if you will. An exploration of this Schoenheit's thought process as his prospective future melded from being Twisted Wonderland's resident supernova, to a domestic fantasy that would make his past self vomit.
It all began with a little birdy falling into a nest of snakes. Lost, alone, scared, weak - they slowly melted the hearts of everyone they came in contact with. Vil watched from the sidelines in interest. Not enough to investigate because *why* would he place his time in the hands of prey. It would be an utter waste.
Albeit so...Vil recognizes potential when he sees it. Not unlike himself, they took the hand they were dealt and carved a path to the top. He could respect that ... until there was a collision that threatened his own plans. Suddenly their oddities were no longer amusing and instead a hindrance. Like rain. Nice at the start, but the muddy aftermath never pleases.
And muddy his life became indeed. He became the villain he always disliked. Wretched and old. Completed his self-fulfilling prophecy...and somehow lost it all, yet gained something new in such a short span of time. He was no hero in the story, had no life-changing epiphany, yet somehow it felt different. For a brief moment, he was the fairest of them all to that little birdy. Despite his venom and scales, he was the fairest.
It dawns him that they both are not as alike as he once thought. He was playing a game of chess against someone playing checkers.
The oddity turned hindrance now became an object of interest. He started to watch them again and to approach as well. He wanted to bloom the potential he saw in them. Letting it go to waste would be neglectful on his part, so he would shelter them during their time in this den.
Or so he told himself.
While they could never make it to his level...the little birdy was morphing into a beautiful dove right before his very eyes. All without his help or a need for change. He never felt so desperate to be needed by someone else.
The object of interest becomes an object of affection. He doesn't want to recommend new potions, fashion, workouts, skincare routines - he wants to do them with you. He wants to sit in a rosewater bath together and talk about the day. He wants to be chided for wearing a sleepmask, blocking your view of his eyes at night. He wants to go on a morning jog together and share breakfast. To have you on his arm as he walks the carpet at premiers - brighter than any other accessory his stylist could choose. He wants to kiss your pulse points and smell his perfume on your skin. He wants to share clothes and give the press something to gossip about. He wants to love this little birdy who has always been a dove.
And he gets this fantasy. He has it for years but there is always an underlying gnaw beneath his skin that it is going to end - which he is prepared for initially. He does not do anything half-effort and dating you is not taken lightly - but he is prepared until he does not want to be. Until the possibility of splitting up is unfathomable and he can't imagine not having all the little moments that now he has become so...
Reliant. Whipped.
He initially wants you to propose to him, and hints at it frequently. How glorious would he look dressed in white, no? Which do you like better, black forest cake or almond chip? Oh dear...these tulips would make such a lovely Boquete for a bride...
You are either too dense to understand his hints (unlikely, considering you have years of practice) or he needs to take initiative. Well, if it is a proposal you want then it is a proposal you will get.
He stages it under the guise that he needs a partner for a photoshoot. Specifically for a wedding magazine. You, thinking this is another one of his blatant hints, comply to his pleasure. He calls in a contact from one of the magazines he has modeled for before and asks if they would like an inclusive - never before seen- scoop. Aka. to photograph his proposal and feature it on their front cover. With his reputation, the offer is accepted readily and they agree to set up the shoot with whatever theme he wishes. He goes traditional - set in a gothic chapel that is decorated with red and purple floral adornments. The works for a proposal with a dark vintage twist.
That morning, he leaves before you to handle a separate modeling gig. With a kiss to your wrist, he is gone and off to make sure that everything is perfect for when you arrive later on. Photographers know him for his tenacity, but none have ever seen Vil so anal over small details. Every ribbon must be perfect, there must be both black AND white rose petals spread along the walkway. You must be photographed in rose-tinted lighting, so the camera should face towards the biggest piece of stained glass.
When you arrive, you are escorted to hair and makeup in a whirl. The scene is a blur and you're decked head to toe in white. Gothic lace as far as the eye can see...and when you are finally allowed to enter the chapel, Vil stands haloed by his arranged decorations - waiting for you to join him.
"Stunning, my dear. You look absolutely stunning. A sight I will have etched in my thoughts for many nights to come..." he takes your hand, and signals for the cameramen to get ready. They instruct you both to pose as a couple taking their vows. The camera clicks once, and then Vil gets down on one knee.
You think it's part of the act and that he is improvising. Well, until he pulls out a ring from his breast pocket. One that is a sharp contrast from the dark atmosphere and obviously not a prop.
"Alas, my patience runs dry. I can no longer wait for you..." he begins, and takes your hand in his. Another click echoes in the room, "with this ring, I make you mine. There will be no escape. No lies or uncertainties. I am already yours. I have been for many, many years. Will you finally join me in matrimony?"
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{Black Opal. Staring into the gem puts any viewer in a trance. It sucks them in with bright swirls - hypnotizing. It is so beautiful with its intricate pattern, yet at a distance it appears solely black. We often narrow complex things down to one-note interpretations. Do with this information what you will}
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Our man of mystery likes to keep things fresh. He loves the thrill of the chase. The anticipation. The adrenaline.
There is no better game of cat and mouse in life than romance. At every stage there are twists and turns that one can never predict. Each day brings new surprises and events! At least, that is what Rook believes a relationship should entail. No partnership should ever feel the lull of comfort...no-no. There must always be a little spice and sweetness around every corner to keep the relationship alive.
At your side, Rook does not doubt his beliefs for a second. You are like a magnet for attention and rightfully so. Out of all the people he finds interesting...you are the most tantalizing to observe. He finds himself following your every movement early on. Long before you began to enter his personal bubble, you were rare prey for the hunt. Otherworldly, full of secrets, attentive, attractive, enticing - he had his mark set so firm that he would have watched you even without Vil's order.
Nothing is missed under his fond scrutiny. Rook is the first to notice small things, like if you trimmed your hair or sewed new buttons on your blazer. He has your walking pace memorized to match when he is at your side. He knows your favorite meals in the dining hall, your habitual seat in the library, how to read your body language, what your favorite treats are and when you like to have them - his knowledge is so extensive that it's up to you if it is considered sweet or creepy. Rook's affections are often teetering the line with infatuation; however, he is not controlling or weird about it. He simply is a romantic who feels the need to know the ins and outs of the person he will give his heart to.
If that includes protecting you from ill-mannered heathens and appearing out of thin air to catch you if you trip? Well, best not question where he comes from. Just know that you have a second shadow. He will only become worse when his affections are returned. You may feel the need to set ground rules for how he can behave in public. Loud declarations of compliment and suggestive topics will not be reigned in otherwise. He is a lover and a fighter. Remember that.
There will come a day that Rook feels you are ready to marry him. Yes, specifically you. He was ready very early on, likely because pining for so long (while exciting) was a chase that gave him plenty of time to learn what he wants. Any time spent waiting was merely for your sake. Only when he notes your fondness towards the idea of marriage does he create a series of tests to ensure your desires. Things like leaving a wedding magazine on the counter to see your reaction, and taking you for a romantic boat ride that just so happens to be a hotspot for couples on their honeymoon. He also mentions the topic in his flirtations more often, to see if you'll respond in kind or shy away. He is a thorough man, if anything.
Oddly enough, he takes a reserved approach for proposing. He uses poetry, which is not unlike him considering how he loves to speak with flourishes. In his heart Rook would love to set up an elaborate event to propose. Something exciting, like a train mystery or a scavenger hunt. Yet some things do not need to be active to be thrilling. Marriage is a delicate act, so it is with a delicate hand that he pens a book of poetry over the course of nineteen days. On each day, he writes one poem to describe one reason he wants to marry you. The first letter in the title of each poem corresponds to a hidden message that you will have to decipher. He does not tell you either of these things.
He hands the book off to you with a cunning grin, and says that it is up to you to find the hidden meaning. If you can, then he will give you a 'special prize'. If you ask the occasion, he offers one of his closed-eye grins and claps his hands. 'Because why not?' He'll say, and it's enough to pacify because it is such a Rook way of thinking that you don't question it.
No matter how long it takes, he waits. He'll watch you analyze each poem and pout for an answer - one he refuses to give. It's all in the chase, after all. He can be patient. All good things come to those who wait.
One cold afternoon, he finds you curled up on the couch in your shared home. A blanket around your shoulders, a hot drink, and the book nestled in your lap. Nothing out of the usual...aside from the pen in your hand hovering over a notebook. Silent as a mouse, he hovers over your shoulder to take a peek and smirks at what has you so miffed.
"Ah...I take it you have words for me, mon coeur. Are they perhaps about a certain mystery?" You jump, and slam the notebook shut before turning around. His eyes crinkle in delight at the sight - his well waited prize. The flush of your cheeks suggest you solved the puzzle and the sweat on your brow shows that you know he knows. Rook rounds about the couch in an instant and crouches on his knees in front of you. He takes your notebook, opens it, and displays the words 'Will You Marry Me?' for you. "Is this your answer? Are you confident?" You nod, avoiding his eyes and he grabs your chin to face him. With a hum of approval, he tips off his hat to pull out a wooden box. In the box is a ring, and he effortlessly slips it onto your finger without asking permission. "Mon moitié...mon trésor. Je te chérirai. Je t'aimerai. Je ne te laisserai jamais partir. Avec cette bague, je suis à toi jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare…"
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{A large pearl, nested between two emeralds, and a pure gold band. In Rook's eyes, the ring should compliment the wearer. It is the accent piece to your beauty. It should be comfortable, so you never have reason to remove it. In addition to this, it should also serve as a reminder that he is always looking for you. The pearl represents his untainted affection, and the two emeralds are his all-seeing eyes. He hopes this ring brings feelings of comfort and safety}
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He is beauty, he is grace, he will punch you in the face - unless you're the object of his affections. Then you get a get out of jail free card. One use. Reinstated every time his heart skips a beat.
Our young lad is a bit of an unpredictable case when it comes to his emotions. Growing up in a small town like Harveston, there was no one his age to spend time with. NRC became his first exposure to people his age, and that made you his first love by default. He wasn't looking for it, didn't have any way to identify it, and frankly he disliked the emotions at first for various reasons. There is a lot to unpack here.
As everyone knows, Epel has a feminine appearance. The exact opposite of how he feels inside. The frilly clothes his dorm makes him wear do nothing to fix that - and now there is this tingling feeling in his chest that takes away his thought process? No. Just no. Not welcome at all. He needs his wits to make up for his unassuming appearance, and he ain't going to have some stranger twisting that about just because they're a bit attractive. Every apple tastes sweet until you try another kind - he says to himself.
He lets it fester for some time and actively avoids you. He sees the hurt in your eyes at his offput demeanor, but can't do much about it. It's your fault if you want to put yourself out there when everyone knows he's not the biggest talker.
Unfortunately...you stick around. Being in his academic year means that most of your classes align, and eventually your friend group does as well. There is no getting around you, and it doesn't take long for other people to connect the dots. Any chance at him getting a tougher reputation were ruined before they even began.
Eventually his resilience runs out and he gives in. Except now we have reason two - he has no chance with you. Zip. Nada. How Lovely.
Why the h*ll would ya go for this country bumpkin with the social skills of a rock? You'd be crazy to an' he ain't going to put himself out for heartbreak.
Now he's stuck humming love tunes and making carved apples of your face because he has years of pining built up with no outlet. It's pitiable, which makes him seethe because he can't do nothin' about it. Rook teased him once after finding Epel making yet another carving while laying in bed, and barely missed getting an apple to the head. The splattered remains of his fruit art on the wall spoke more than any threat could.
Point being, he is emotionally stunted and so he does not ever confess. Not until you do, that is. In that moment all class flew out of his body and he reverted to the socially challenged boy he was before enrolling at NRC. An extremely rare sight for anyone to see...he cringes thinking back on it. When you first said your feelings, he thought you were pulling a prank and got pissed. When he processed that you were serious, Epel lost control of himself and just blurted his thoughts out like a child.
Which is why his proposal is going to be different. It *has* to be different. This time, he'll be the one to ask you and he'll be prepared to avoid any mess ups. He refuses to be one-upped for such an important moment. This time you will be the flustered mess, and he will be the collected one.
To do this, he chooses to propose back in Harveston where he is most in his element. You'll both stay with his family on a weekend vacation in autumn, which meant there would be plenty of open land to arrange for something nice. Not to mention nice scenery from all the fallen leaves and orchards being in bloom. After a long talk with his family, he'd arrange to take you on a day tour of the land on horseback. Basically flaunt all of his farmboy knowledge for a confidence boost, and at the end of the night he'd light a campfire. With some warm cider, the noises of the night, and calm warmth of the hearth - he'd propose. It was almost perfect. *Almost*.
A simple ring feels too disconnected for Epel, and anything extravagant is too expensive considering the family farm's financial state. So, he decides to make it extra special by carving the ring box himself. Wood isn't that much different than apples...
On the first night he decides to work on some finishing touches after you've gone to sleep, and sits on the front porch to widdle away at the design. Like he does when carving apples, he hums a tune into the night as he focuses. Thoughts of the next day making him a bit louder and more excitable than usual - which, unfortunately wakes you up.
The front door opens and he pays it no heed, thinking it's one of his parents coming out for some fresh air. When you plop down next to him and look at the box - well, to say the earth shattered would be an understatement.
"Why aren't you sleepin'?!" His heart hammers and he tries to hide the box under one of his legs. The reaction being too late, since you already got a good look at it. You quirk an eyebrow at his haste, and a mischievous glint twists in your eye. Without warning, you fight him to see what's behind his back. 'What'cha got there Epel~ Why you so embarased huhu~' you tease and his ears flush a deep red. "It's nothin'! Mind your own buisness" 'Well clearly it's something' "I said it's not for you! Get your hands off me," 'Oh? I thought you liked my hands on you~ It looked like a ring box though. Who're you giving a ring to, huh?' "Dangit maybe you'd find out if ya stopped ruining your own surprises!" In his last attempt to avoid your teasing, he tries to yank away but drops the box. It hits the porch with a thud and the lid pops open to show an engagement ring. "...ah sh*t," he swears and hastily crouches to pick it up. You don't tear your eyes away from it, neither from the carvings or how your name is etched in perfect cursive on the lid. Still on his knee, Epel checks the ring for damage before noticing your shocked stupor. He looks at the box again, and signs through his nose before turning towards you. "I had a whole day planned, y'hear me?! For once, I wanted ta be the one surprisin' you...but seein' how you're all tight lipped now, guess I did a good, huh? So? What'dya say? Will you marry me?"
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{Crafted using the common hardwood from one of the many apple trees on the family farm. On the outside, there is a carving of a tree taking roots to symbolize the start of a new life. Definitely not because he was surrounded by trees while working on it, and decided to use them for inspiration. When the box is open, the top lid has your names carved along with the date. Well, the date of his *intended* proposal. That will need to be altered. Inside is a simple rose-gold band with small diamonds. Despite the ring's simplicity, he hopes his efforts to make you feel special are not in vain}
NOTE: Translation for Rook: "I will cherish you. I will love you. I'll never let you go. With this ring, I'm yours till death do us part"
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yanderes-galore · 11 months
A romantic concept of Miguel O'Hara if you can please????
I can try... I'm kinda worried I won't write him how he's meant to be- But we'll see! Sorry if this sounds similar to other fics, I've read some to get motivation but I also did my own research so similarities are unintentional if not a reference. Enjoy :D I hope I got things right.
Yandere! Miguel O'Hara Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Violence, Paranoia, Overprotective behavior, Trauma, Fear of abandonment/loss, Isolation, Kidnapping, Dubious relationship, Possessive behavior, Biting/Marking, Drugging (venom).
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I understand that some people see Miguel as a sadistic yandere.
However, I have to disagree.
I will admit Miguel can have some intimidating moments, yandere or not.
Yet you've got to remember his origins.
Miguel is a broken man who puts up walls to prevent more hurt.
He mad the Spider Society to protect and defend the Multiverse.
He doesn't always like what he has to do but he does it as he feels someone has to.
He's a perfectionist, obsessing over every little detail to make sure he protects others.
He has trauma and may try not to get attached to others to prevent hurt.
Again, however, I will admit Miguel has devious moments.
He replaced a version of himself just to be happy.
That's desperation, that's a disturbing thought process to go through.
Miguel is a broken man...and it shows in many ways it seems.
Based on my research, I think this is my take on Miguel.
In terms of how he meets you, there's many possibilities.
That's the great thing about the Multiverse.
You could be part of the Spider Society, you could be someone he's with in another universe, and that's just the most popular ones I've seen.
They feel like the most plausible ones too.
To keep this a general overview I won't go into much detail about your origins.
Miguel, when he first meets you, most likely does not want to get attached.
If you look at his backstory it's clear why he'd be like this.
He fears losing anyone he's close with and is incredibly stressed about the whole anomaly situation.
He feels he's no longer deserving of having romantic connections, he should dedicate himself to being a defender.
Yet when it comes to his darling I imagine with time you'd crack his protective walls.
Just know, as soon as Miguel warms up to you, you're in too deep.
Due to all of his emotional trauma, Miguel finds himself clinging to your presence.
Regardless on if you accept or not he feels you're his only other chance to feel loved.
As a result... he makes a promise that he's never losing you.
No matter what it takes.
Miguel isn't a yandere who would want to hurt you.
Any "hurt" he gives you is usually emotional and "for your own good".
He'd never intentionally hurt you physically.
He has outbursts at times and is frustrated when he feels you're threatened, but he calms himself so he doesn't hurt you.
He views kidnapping/isolation as a necessary evil to keep you safe.
Most likely keeps you somewhere out of the way in HQ if something like that happens.
Last thing he needs is questions from the other Spiders.
He always tells you he doesn't like isolating you, that he just wants you safe, yet sometimes you wonder if he does like you alone.
Miguel is shown to be more "beast/spider-like" than more Spiders.
In this case, along with the fear of losing you, Miguel probably displays possessive behavior.
He likes feeling you in his grasp as reassurance you're still with him.
He may also like to leave marks on you due to this, but soothes your pain immediately after.
When Miguel feels he has to isolate you he doesn't expect you to follow willingly.
Which is why he plans on using venom to make you compliant.
His venom is said to paralyze victims for a short time according to his wiki.
If you fight him on protecting you he'll make it clear that he's doing anything and everything to protect you.
Miguel is certainly a yandere who thinks what he's doing is right for you.
He's not delusional, he knows what he's doing isn't necessarily "right".
Yet the fear of losing you is strong in him.
Locking you away with just him is the best way to go in his eyes.
Miguel is an extremely stressed man, he's normally cold and stoic due to the walls he puts up.
But he can prove to be a mess of paranoid emotions once he's attached.
If you express anger at his actions, he understands.
He most likely won't change but acknowledges you're right.
When you're sad about his actions instead, hd has a similar reaction.
Except this time he makes an effort to comfort you.
Miguel isn't cold.
He still loves you and just decides to prioritize your safety due to his trauma and obsession.
He makes an effort to show you he loves you.
In anyway he can he tries to make you look past the fact he most likely kidnapped you.
This is how he cares.
Why don't you understand? He's tired of worrying.
Keeping you at HQ for his eyes only puts him at ease.
Leaving Miguel isn't easy, either.
Escape attempts always end in failure.
First of all, leaving HQ alone is a struggle.
With the amount of Spiders in HQ? Yeah... good luck.
Even if you manage to steal a watch, Miguel is still going to track you.
He's skilled at investigating.
Sooner or later he'll find you, track you, and hunt you down.
Miguel's physical capabilities are the best of the best, too.
He's faster, stronger, and skilled in dimensional travel.
There's strength in numbers and he has the Spider Society.
Miguel isn't afraid to drag you back kicking and screaming.
He's incredibly irritated that you won't see his way on things.
What's so hard to understand?
Are you even aware of the dangers in other dimensions? THIS is what he's PROTECTING you from!
I have a feeling no one can talk Miguel out of what he's doing.
Be it when he's first showing signs of possession/paranoia or sometime after he's given in... he doesn't listen to others.
Not Peter B. Parker, not Jessica, no one.
In his eyes it should be his decision to care for you.
Even if there's hardships and disagreements, he'll try and find the warmth he felt near the start of his life through you.
He drowns himself in every kiss, he feels euphoric with every touch.
Miguel didn't want you to be close with him for this reason.
He didn't want pain for both you and him.
Yet now you've broken down his restraint... you've made your home in his mind and heart...
So he's no longer holding back anymore, you're going to be his and he'll have his happy ending.
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alicerosejensen · 1 year
I did it!
Papa!Leon and his sweet pumpkin daughter!
I died of cuteness while writing this. I think Leon would be a great father, but being a government agent means he's often away from home. Because of this, he feels wild guilt towards his wife and baby.
I hope you enjoy it too.
Warning: Papa Leon, his child is a girl.
I still stealing gifs and pinterest pictures.
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- Leon will definitely do everything to protect his family even from a potential threat. Your house with him is a small island of boundless peace and security. It has no place for bioweapons.
- And the first thing you need to know is that when leon finds out that his S/O is pregnant by him (even if they planned it for a child), he will be a little confused and scared. But only because he understands what a big responsibility falls on his shoulders: Leon wants to protect baby from any troubles.
- Of course, he already loves your child with him. He already has a couple of names in mind, if you don't mind.
- Leon will talk to his baby a lot, constantly stroking and kissing your belly. You will tell him that it is useless and the term is still too short, but he does not care. He will also insist that you get plenty of rest and not take on too much work.
- He likes to equip the children's room.
- His wife (and I'm sure that he will settle down, read the post about the college girl) is always under vigilant supervision. Family is what Leon puts in the first place. You and the baby must be absolutely healthy, so visiting a doctor, taking vitamins for pregnant women, special gymnastics - this is what Leon will not disregard. If you forget something, he will immediately remind you of it.
- Leon has absolutely no revulsion. He is not one of those men who are afraid of pregnant wives. Sure, he can get tired of some of the pregnancy quirks like eating habits or frequent mood swings, but he understands how difficult it is for you in the first place! No matter how desirable a child is, pregnancy is not always wonderful, and often terrible. Leon loves you and will happily massage your feet, bring you whatever you ask for (even if he has to run back and forth a few times) and comfort you if you suddenly feel overwhelmed again.
- His biggest hate is when he gets called to work. This usually goes on for several weeks or even a whole month, and Leon does not want to leave you unattended, so he will most likely ask someone close to visit you (this could be Claire or your parents)
- Leon keeps an ultrasound photo of the baby. He doesn't know a damn thing where everything is, but the very idea that it's HIS baby makes him a little sentimental. No, he will never throw it away.
- He doesn't care about the gender of the baby.
- However, when he takes the babygirl in his arms, Leon decides that she will always need additional protection.
- He will tremble with excitement when he realizes that this rosy-cheeked, chubby baby is his tiny daughter. Leon's tears will flow looking at her.
- He literally has a real diamond at home that sleeps in a crib and let at least one bastard try to harm her!
- If Leon is at home, then taking care of his daughter also lies with him. He really does not understand how can ignore or leave your child! Bathe? Change diaper? Change clothes or put to bed if her wake up at night? Leon will be the one to sing the baby a lullaby.
- I'm sure he has terrible sleep problems. But you can wake up and see that the bed is empty and Leon has gone somewhere, but there is no light in the kitchen. You will find him in the nursery where he will sit silently over the crib and just look at his daughter.
- "I just can't bear it if anything happens to her" - that's what he said when he felt your presence. - "My pumpkin...so small. I would give her the whole world."
- This is another of his giant fears - the loss of his daughter.
- Leon will call the girl pumpkin. Constantly. Or "my sweet pumpkin"
- He will always bring her new toys.
- He likes to spoon feed her when she a little older . Definitely, Leon will rejoice at the first successes and will support the idea of ​​creating a children's album, where the important moments of childhood will be preserved: the first steps, the first word, how many milk teeth, etc...
- Whether he is tired or not, Leon will play with his daughter if she brings him her toys.
- In the future, Leon will most likely learn to braid pigtails. He also knows the plots of many children's cartoons and all these songs.
- Would not mind if the baby fell asleep on his chest. Leon will either fall asleep with her or gently carry her to bed.
- He won't have a single photo or any mention of you or your child on his phone, but that's only because he's protecting you.
- He keeps all the cute pictures at home in his desk drawer.
- Leon will definitely spoil the baby a little.
- However, he can also be a strict father.
- He will not allow more than what is required. Sweets? of course, but only within reasonable limits. This also applies to behavior. Leon will not encourage whims.
- When Leon is away from home, he feels like his heart is breaking because of guilt. Especially if he looks at those puppy dog eyes of his daughter. He would give up everything in the world to stay with his family.
- He always hugs and kisses you and your child before leaving.
- If some son of a bitch from Umbrella or someone like Simmons decides to kidnap his daughter for blackmail or revenge, Leon will turn into a real monster who will do everything to get her back. He might have to ask for help, but once Leon gets to that bastard, no one will save him. However, the baby will be able to calm her father's dead nerves a little.
- His child is literally the meaning of his life. Having lost her, he will lose himself forever. Most likely Leon will want to put a bullet in his forehead.
- However, in a good scenario, Leon always returns home to his cheerful little girl. When they meet, he always picks her up in his arms and kisses her on the cheek. He just adores her! If Leon comes home at night when she is sleeping, he will quietly come into the room to straighten her blanket and just look at her for a couple of minutes.
- Family is what keeps Leon from plunging completely into despair. He can still drink sometimes, especially if he lost someone on a mission, but he believes that he has no right to feel sorry for himself. He is a husband and father. Because of this, it can be emotionally difficult for him, but the embrace of a loved one is what gives him peace and tranquility. If his daughter decides to hug him just like that or saw that Dad was sitting sad, then Leon will not let her out of his arms for a long time. She is his anesthetic for all wounds.
- Leon would not want his daughter to follow in his footsteps. If she tells him one day that she wants to be an agent like him, Leon will be very scared and will most likely try to scare her to dissuade her forever. Quarrels between them regarding this topic are possible in the future.
- Leon is unlikely to have any more children. He will be very careful that you do not get pregnant again. Maybe he'll think about a vasectomy. He is sure that he can protect one child, but two is already problematic. Moreover, he is often not at home and his wife will find it quite difficult to cope with two children.
- Adolescence is a difficult thing. This is the period of growing up of a daughter that Leon would find difficult to survive. Loud music? Conflict-provoking behavior? friendship with dubious guys? Leon's daughter could accuse him of constant absence, so he has no right to scold her for coming home late.
- This is what Leon will always lose all words for.
- You could comfort him by saying that your child is just having such a period and they just need to talk to each other when everything cools down.
- Leon does not encourage night walks, tattoos, etc. If one day he smells alcohol or cigarettes from his daughter (or, God forbid, she came home a little drunk after a party), a scandal will break out.
- It would be like Moira and Barry's relationship.
- The only difference is that a difficult relationship arose against the background of the constant absence of his father. By her behavior, the girl only wants to attract his attention.
- Leon is still ready to go down to hell for his family.
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thoseboysinblue · 10 months
What Nobody Sees
Part 1
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Christian Pulisic x reader
You have unexpectedly found yourself tangled up in a long-term situationship with Christian.
Word count: 4700+
Warnings: Swearing, smut (under 18 DNI)
Song Inspo: Sin So Sweet by Warren Zeiders
Requested: No
Author's note: The original concept for this is based on a dream I had. Once I heard the song, I knew it was an immediate fit. This will be a multi-part series. Thank you, as always to @neverinadream for helping me to flesh this out. Hope you enjoy! Feedback is always appreciated!
September 2023
Why does he always have to be one of the last ones to arrive? You think to yourself as you wait impatiently in your room trying to distract yourself with plans for tomorrow's training session.
Yesterday, you had busied yourself with greeting the other players as they arrived for the September training camp and upcoming international friendlies. Last night you ate dinner with a few of the guys, joining them for a few card games after dinner before trying to get some sleep.
Today seems to be dragging though as you are anticipating Christian's arrival. Even though you know the arrival schedule like the back of your hand, having studied it time and time again, you still find your self glancing between the schedule and your phone as the minutes tick by slower and slower.
A quiet knock at the door, pulls your attention away from your work. You immediately know who it is from the two quick knocks a short pause and two more knocks in succession.
You take a minute to shake yourself free of the smile that has spread on your face and collect your thoughts.
"You couldn't even greet me in the lobby like the rest of the staff," he drawls, pulling you into a hug and burying his face into your neck.
"You weren't supposed to be here for another hour, you could've told me you were getting in earlier," you say, pulling back from him to look him in the eyes.
"My flight got cancelled, so I booked a private, no one told you?" he grins, nudging your nose with his.
"No, no one told me, including you," you say with a bit of an eye roll.
"Maybe I wanted to see you for the first time since June in private, and not with everyone there watching," he smirks at you.
"Yeah, why's that?" you can't help but let the corners of your mouth draw upwards into a faint smile.
"So I could do this," he says, leaning in and closing the distance between your faces as he slides his hand around the back of your head and presses his lips to yours gently.
Butterflies immediately swarm in your stomach. This isn't like him, he's never affectionate like this with you, and he's breaking the unspoken rule the two of you seem to have regarding kissing.
Stop it. Stop it y/n. He just hasn't seen you in a while. He's just horny and this means nothing. It can't mean anything.
You break away from him naturally, both of you sharing a brief smile.
"Well I'm glad you finally made it," you say turning towards your bed as he follows behind you, "the other Italy boys got here yesterday but they said you had to go home first before coming to camp, everything ok?"
Small talk is easy between you and Christian. You were friends before you unexpectedly found yourselves falling into bed with one another every time he was at training camp with the US. Now here you were, this undefined situation you were in having carried on for just over a year. You were his training camp hook up, you assumed he had someone just like you waiting in Florida and probably in Milan by now as well.
You were a convenience, a way to fulfill his needs while he was busting his ass for the national team, and you weren't going to turn down the mind blowing sex you'd been having with him, so it worked out for you as well.
However, he never made you feel like you were just one of many, even though you figured you probably were. The thought of him sleeping with anyone else didn't bother you too much as you'd sworn you wouldn't catch feelings for him because they would definitely be unrequited. He couldn't see you like that. You were you, he was him, he was miles out of your league, except when he was on international duty. Then, for just that brief time, you could pretend a small part of him belonged to you.
"Everything's fine, my sister just wanted to have a belated 1st birthday party for Avery, and I guess an early birthday party for me," he says turning you to face him.
You reach for the hem of his shirt, assuming you know what he's here for until he grabs your wrist.
"That's not why I'm here, I just came by to say hi. I've got to go do some media stuff," he smiles softly at you.
"Already?" You question and he nods, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear, his hand grazing your jaw, sparking the butterflies again. Those damn butterflies. "Guess that's what happens when you're the star of the show," you chuckle at him.
"I'll text you later, you joining the team for dinner or do you want me to make an excuse to order room service?" he smiles.
"I was actually thinking I might eat in my room tonight," you shrug at him.
"Well then it's settled, we can eat together in my room," his offer catching you off guard.
"Don't you want to catch up with the guys?" you question him a little puzzled.
"I'd rather catch up with you," he leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead.
"Don't do that," you sigh, resting your forehead against his chest.
"Don't do what?" he says settling his hands over your hips.
"The sweet stuff. You and I both know that's not what this is," you mumble against him.
"Ok" he huffs grabbing a handful of your ass.
"That's more like it," you giggle against him.
"I'll see you later," he says, turning and leaving the room, but not before giving you one final glance, his eyes wandering up and down your body, a body he'd gotten to know almost as well as his own over the past year.
Dieci: Meet me in my room in ten. Everyone is downstairs so you shouldn't have to worry about bumping into anyone 😉
Y/N: 👍🏻
Outside of camp, you and Christian rarely texted. You would occasionally like each other's social media posts, maybe reply to a story, but communication was pretty limited other than that.
You hated that seeing his name flash across your screen made your heart skip a beat lately, because he wasn't yours, not really, and you knew this little game would eventually end between the two of you.
Stepping off of the elevator, you glance quickly down the hallway, making sure you don't see anyone milling about, while a large part of the team knows about your little arrangement with Christian, the staff members do not, and you'd prefer to keep it that way.
You knock quietly on his door, your eyes nearly bulging out of your head when he opens the door wearing only a pair of shorts hanging low on his hips.
He notices the way you're looking at him and gives you a little smirk.
"Jesus Christ what are they feeding you in Italy," you drag your eyes shamelessly over his body reaching out to grab his bicep. "You must be hitting the gym hard over there, Christian, you're huge."
Obviously the physical attraction between the two of you is there or you wouldn't be in this situation, you know he loves it when you praise him in any way, so you never hold back on the compliments.
"Christian, you're huge," he mimics your words, "things I always love to hear," he says winking at you.
"I was referring to your arms," you chuckle.
"Mmmhmm, we will see about that in just a little bit," he says grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the bed, noticing the way your thighs clamped shut at his words, a slight blush painting your cheeks in anticipation. "But first, let's order some food," he says flopping down onto the bed and pulling you with him.
You decide what you want to eat and Christian calls and places the order for room service. "No dessert?" you arch an eyebrow at him.
"Nope. I plan on having dessert before dinner. Maybe twice," he chuckles, settling himself between your legs, his face hovering over yours. He runs his nose over the bridge of your nose, desperate to kiss you, but knowing that's not an option.
You turn your face away from him, fighting your own temptation to give in and kiss him the way you want to. Kissing means feelings, and you cannot allow yourself to fall for him, a move that would surely lead to your heart getting broken.
He resigns to trailing sloppy kisses along your neck, a faint moan escaping your lips when he grazes his teeth over your pulse soothing the sting with his tongue.
"I've missed...." he stops himself when your eyes snap to burn into his, your breath hitching in your throat as you are uncertain of what he's about to confess. "Hearing you moan," he finishes, losing the nerve to tell you he has missed you.
The truth is he has missed you, having not seen you since June. He had invited you to Florida while he was home, wanting a chance to spend time with you, away from the prying eyes of the rest of the team. He knew the fact that you had to work the July camp made it impossible but it still stung a bit when you declined his offer.
Everything aside, the two of you never had a conversation about what was going on between you, never made it clear that this was just a hook up and that neither of you were allowed to catch feelings. But he has no idea what you are thinking or where the two of you actually stand.
He slides his hands under your shirt and you sit up enough to allow him to pull it over your head making quick work of taking off your bra as well.
He dips his head to swirl his tongue around your right nipple, his thumb and forefinger rolling the left between them. He licks a stripe between your breasts before pulling your left nipple between his lips.
"Fuck, Christian, I've missed that mouth of yours," you breathe out feeling him smirk against you as he leaves a purple bruise just below your left breast before he kisses his way down your body.
"You've missed this mouth?" he says in a cocky tone tugging at the waistband of your shorts with his teeth, sliding his fingertips under it and waiting for you to lift your hips.
"Yes, I've missed your mouth, but not so much all the talking," you huff as you lift your hips, encouraging him to give you what you really want.
Christian doesn't know it, but you haven't slept with anyone else since you've been sleeping with him, and while you and your vibrator can get the job done, there is no replacement for what he can do to you.
He chuckles as he drags your shorts down your legs, taking your underwear with them, and settling himself between your legs, glancing up to see your eyes burning into his, silently pleading with him.
He presses a kiss to your lower abdomen, then trails his tongue down to your pubic bone, placing another kiss there.
"No, no, no," you whimper, knowing he's planning on teasing you before giving you what you actually want.
"What's the matter, you don't want me to go down on you?" he smirks against your inner thigh, already knowing the answer.
"Yes, I do, please, I don't want you to tease me, it's been nearly two months since I felt your mouth on me, Chris, please, and our food will be here soon, we don't have time," you beg him, knowing it probably won't make a difference, but he has enough power over you to reduce you into a begging mess in a matter of minutes and both of you know it.
"Darlin', you and I both know I can make you cum twice in under ten minutes, we've got plenty of time," he kisses along the inside of your other thigh.
"Your skin is so soft, baby" he nuzzles his face against you before using his tongue to tease your folds apart, carefully avoiding your clit.
"How about instead of teasing me, you see if you can make me cum twice in under 8 minutes," you breathe out, knowing he will have a hard time resisting a challenge.
"I know you say you don't like the teasing, but you actually do like it," he nips at the soft spot just to the side of your entrance pulling a quiet yelp from you, "you're already dripping for me," he barely dips his tongue into you, humming "so sweet," against you.
He glances over at the clock, "eight minutes you said?" You nod, staring him down, "bet you a coffee in the morning I can do it in seven," he winks at you as you buck your hips towards his face when he finally gives in and flicks his tongue over your clit.
"Thank fuck," you groan as your head falls back against the pillows as he chuckles against you before beginning to work you over expertly, more than a year of experience in memorizing your body and how you react to him giving him guidance.
He doesn't even bother with starting slowly, he knows it's not what you need, as he flattens his tongue against you before flicking and sucking at your clit. Glancing up your body he watches as you roll your nipples between your fingers helping yourself along.
"You're so fuckin' hot" he mumbles against you, but continues push you towards the edge. When he's certain you are close, he slides two fingers into you, enjoying the delicious way you clench around them instantly as you let out a gasp.
He curls his fingers against your g-spot pulsing them a couple of times before holding them still and pressing them against your sweet spot while he uses his tongue to bring your high crashing down over you.
He watches as you grip the sheets with one hand, the other moving to rest on top of his head as your back arches off of the bed and his name tumbles out of your mouth as part moan and part sigh.
"Baby, of all the ways I've heard my name fall from that pretty mouth of yours, that might be my favorite," he whispers against you, the softness in his voice sending the butterflies swarming.
You squirm against him when he starts moving his fingers again, not even giving you time to come down from your first orgasm before throttling you towards a second.
"Christian, I can't" you pant out, your head rolling against the pillows when you clamp your eyes shut.
"Y/N, open your eyes and look at me" he says softly, even as he continues his movements, "if you want me to stop, you need to use the safe word, but I know you've got another one for me, I can feel it. If it's too much, say the word, do you want me to stop?"
You shake your head, his voice reassuring you, as you regain your composure. "No, I don't want you to stop, I can handle it." You focus your eyes on his as he changes his position, pulling one leg over his forearm while he kneels on the bed between your legs, the new position causing your hips to tilt upward and his fingers to drive into you at the perfect angle.
"Good girl," he leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead, "my perfect good girl," he mumbles as you nod and clench tightly around his fingers.
He flicks his tongue over your nipple, before using his other hand to press down on your lower belly. "What the fuck," you babble somewhat incoherently, the added pressure making everything feel more intense.
When his thumb circles your clit you feel something that you've never felt before. Your body convulses and writhes beneath him you catch one more glimpse of him, an intent look of satisfaction on his face as he knows he's got you exactly where he wants you. Your vision goes dark as you try to get his attention, "Christian, Chris, Chris, baby," the franticness in your voice snapping his focus to your face.
But it's too late, your second orgasm hits you with a ferocity that neither of you were expecting, the intensity of two orgasms mere minutes apart causing you to squirt for the first time ever. It takes you a moment to come to your senses again and realize what just happened.
Christian is still kneeling between your legs as he gently lowers your leg and withdraws his fingers from you, taking in the scene in front of him as it slowly registers.
Suddenly embarrassed, your cheeks flush and you try to move to get out of the bed realizing you've soaked the sheets and him.
"Um, did you just..." Christian looks himself over, placing a hand on your leg to keep you from getting out of the bed, a little embarrassed himself to be asking that question when it's obvious what just happened.
You nod, unable to look at him or speak to him properly.
"Have you ever done that before?" he slides his hand along your jaw tilting your head up to look at him.
"No, never" you shake your head, "has that ever, um, have you ever," you close your eyes, frustrated that you can't get a fucking sentence out. "Have you ever done that to anyone else?" You sigh, opening your eyes to find him staring at you.
"No, that was a first for me, too," he grins proudly, "and don't be embarrassed, that was literally the hottest thing I've ever seen in my life."
You cover your face with your hands as a laugh escapes your lips, but he pulls your hands out of the way, his face now hovering a few inches from yours.
"And you called me baby, you've never called me that before," he smiles broadly at you.
"Surely, I have" you knit your eyebrows together.
"No, I'd definitely remember that, it's been Christian, Chris, an occasional Cap, Captain, or Pulisic, a slew of curse words, but never baby," he leans down, glancing between your eyes and lips, desperate to kiss you.
As you part your lips, almost allowing yourself to give in to him, a knock at the door interrupts you.
He closes his eyes and clenches his jaw, the look of frustration evident on his features.
"That's probably our dinner" he sighs, leaving a lingering kiss on your cheek and running the pad of his thumb over your bottom lip sending a shiver up your spine.
You both get out of bed, Christian throwing the duvet over the mess you'd made while you grab your clothes. He meets you in the bathroom where you are getting dressed and cleans himself up a little before pulling a shirt over his head.
"Good luck with that," you chuckle, nodding towards the visible tent in his shorts as he blushes and attempts to rearrange himself before opening the door to his room.
You stay out of sight until you hear the person delivering your food leave, emerging from the bathroom to find Christian arranging your food onto the small table in his room, random sports highlights playing on the tv in the background.
He glances up and smiles at you as you make your way over to the table. "You ok?" he asks shyly as you nod.
"This looks nice," you smile at him, pouring each of you a glass of water.
You sit down and begin chatting while you eat, catching up on various things and sharing food back and forth when a clip comes on of his interview from earlier in the day spliced in with some of his recent AC Milan highlights.
His attention turns slightly towards the tv and you notice the flicker of a smile that dances on his lips at the praise he's receiving for his recent form. You nudge him with your knee get his attention, "it's been fun watching you enjoy club football again," you smile softly at him as he nods.
"So you've been watching?" he grins.
"I try to catch as many games as I can for everybody, helps me to know what you are looking like prior to getting here," you shrug.
"No other reason?" he narrows his eyes as you shake your head.
"So if several of us are playing in the same time slot, who are you going to watch?" he arches an eyebrow at you noticing the way you drop your gaze to your plate and blush slightly.
He taps his foot against yours, patiently waiting for an answer. When you glance back up at him and smile at him playfully, "Wes of course" you chuckle.
You let out a squeal as he launches himself at you, scooping you up and tossing you on the clean side of the bed. "We both know that's not true," he smiles down at you, "is it?"
"No, it's not," you breathe out as he grazes a kiss to the underside of your jaw.
"You like watching me play, don't you?" he questions you lowly.
"Yes, I've told you that. I think the way you play is creative and beautiful and I'm really glad I get to see it more regularly now," you speak honestly, "and watching you, it makes me horny," you whisper, threading your fingers into his hair.
He smiles against your neck leaving a trail of kisses there before he once again pulls your shirt over your head.
"So sexy," he mumbles against your chest kissing over the tops of your breasts as you take your bra off and toss it to the floor.
"Tell me," he glances up at you before flicking his tongue over your nipple, "what do you do when you're horny for me and I'm thousands of miles away?"
"Wouldn't you like to know," you chuckle. He sits up between your knees, pulling his shirt over his head, a cocky smile spreading over his lips as he notices the way your eyes drag over his body.
"I would actually," he bites his lip as he pulls your shorts and underwear down your legs, "do you think about me when you fuck yourself, y/n?"
The way you blush and look away from him gives him the answer he's craving.
He sheds himself of the remainder of his clothes, his cock springing free as he wraps his hand around it.
"I'll tell you a secret," he groans as you reach for him, wrapping your hand over the top of his, "I think about you, too" he leans down and whispers into your ear, nipping at your earlobe.
"I'm sure you're other girls won't appreciate that," you tilt your head back allowing him more access to your neck.
He continues trailing his tongue along your neck but his mind is going in a million different directions, the two of you have never discussed whether or not you're sleeping with anyone else, but now it's obvious to him that you think he has others, a twinge of jealousy washing over him at the thought of you having others as well.
You push against his chest and he turns to lay on his back, watching as you move to to straddle him, facing backwards. He grabs your wrist and shakes his head, "I want to see you," he says lowly, his eyes darkening, "I want to watch every inch of you while you take every inch of me."
You nod turning to face him, your hands resting on his chest as he lines himself up with your entrance. He grips onto your hip as you sink down on him.
"Baby," a strangled moan escapes his lips as he throws his head back against the pillows and closes his eyes momentarily.
You sit yourself more upright, enjoying the delightfully painful stretch you've missed since the last time you were with him.
"You good?" you ask as his hands skim along your sides coming up to brush his thumbs across your nipples.
He nods as you roll your hips and begin to slowly bounce over him, allowing both of you time to find a rhythm you enjoy.
You can't deny how much you love seeing him like this, hair disheveled, eyes wild, strings of profanities and praises tumbling from his mouth; the usual quiet and reserved side of him melted away.
"God, y/n, you're squeezing me so tight baby, you feel so fucking good," he squeezes into your hips and holds you steady while he thrusts up into you.
"Yes, Christian, just like that," you moan out, curling your fingertips into his chest. You lean forward slightly, flattening your hand against him, dangerously close to his neck as he bites his lower lip.
He makes eye contact with you, and lifts his chin encouraging you to do what he knows you are thinking about.
You've spent your fair share of nights coming undone with Christian's hands wrapped around your throat, but you've never thought about doing the same to him...until now.
You slide your hand around his throat, squeezing slightly as he smirks at you and you feel him twitch inside of you.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum," he groans and you can tell he's fighting to hold it off, not wanting to cum before you do.
His head thrashes against the pillows as you squeeze him tighter, your fingers digging into his neck when you lean down to whisper into his ear, "cum for me, baby."
"Shit, shit, shit," he moans as he shudders beneath you, gripping you as his high surges through him.
You slide your hand to his jaw as you collapse onto his chest.
"Fuck me," he sighs kissing the side of your head, "I'm a little scared by how fast that made me cum," he chuckles as you both work to regain your composure.
"Shit, you didn't finish did you?" he groans as you flop on the bed beside him and he turns to face you.
You shake your head, "but you got me off twice earlier, so going up 3-1 seems unfair," you grin at him.
You lean over and kiss him on the cheek, reassuring him that you're perfectly fine. He sighs wishing you'd properly kiss him.
You climb out of the bed and throw one more lingering glance at him before going into the bathroom to clean yourself up and get dressed.
After a few minutes, you head back into the room to find that he's dressed and cleaning up.
"I called downstairs, they are going to bring up some linens when they come to get the cart from dinner," he smiles at you.
You nod and help him place everything back onto the dinner cart before turning your attention to stripping the linens off of his bed, finding yourself getting a little lost in the domesticity of it all.
Once they've brought the clean linens, you help him remake the bed. He flops down on the bed and grabs your hand, interlacing his fingers with yours and giving them a squeeze.
"You're staying aren't you?" his eyes meet yours, pleading with you.
"What? No. I mean, I never stay. You never stay," you stammer, his request catching you a bit off guard.
"Oh, I just thought maybe after last time, you might," he drops his gaze and pulls his hand from yours. The action making your heart ache for him.
"Christian, I can't," you whisper, not quite able to get your voice to work.
He nods as you lean down and kiss him on the cheek, "I'm sorry."
"You don't have to apologize," he offers you a weak smile, "I understand," he lies. Truthfully, he doesn't understand, he doesn't understand why you won't kiss him, why you won't stay with him, why after so long of being together in the way that you have been, you won't let him in.
You leave quietly and go back to your room, wishing you had it in you to go back and crawl into bed with him.
You take a shower, trying to clear your head and prepare yourself mentally for the days ahead.
When you climb into bed you notice a notification on your phone:
Dieci: I wish you would've stayed
@chilwellspulisic @neverinadream @masonspulisic @pulisicsgirl @swimmingismywholelife @lovelynikol16 @nyctophilic0vitnir @lunamelona @tall-tanned-tattoo @lizzypotter14 @bracedes @xjval @notsoattractivearenti @bracedes
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no1likejoongie · 18 days
ateez hongjoong x reader smut where he runs into an atiny and spills his drink on her at night so he takes her to a hotel and from there it gets crazy when she gets out of a shower
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Kim Hongjoong
김 홍중
Just a fan
Note: AHHH finally, some hongjoong ideas. I don't have ideas for hongjoong so his list is empty. glad you wasted time to send a request<3 By the way, i'm filipino so the term we use for those online taxi pick up apps is "grab." Enjoy!
The concert ended a while ago. You felt happy because you got the chance to see Ateez, one of your favorite groups.
Currently, you're at the sidewalk by the café, thinking if you should get grab or just have your friend pick you up. You haven't really noticed that your bias, Hongjoong, has entered the café you were standing next to. You sighed, still debating on what to do.
Hongjoong came out of the café, on his phone, talking to Seonghwa about some of the plans for the next tour place. Hongjoong didn't pay attention to where he was going so he accidentally bumped into you, spilling some of his iced coffee on you.
His eyes widened at that, telling Seonghwa that he'll talk to him later and then proceeds to bow in apology to you. The front of your shirt was soaked with coffee and was about to yell at the person, only to see your bias.
You sighed, "It's okay." You forgave him, of course. He still kept bowing and saying sorry... "I'm sorry! I wasn't looking, I should've paid attention to where I was going!"
"He's yapping again..." You thought to yourself. You tapped his shoulder to snap him out from yapping more, "I said it's okay..."
He finally stands up straight and looks at you. He really had that sorry face right now. He then recognized you... "Ah! You were the girl at the front rows. We've had quite a few interactions together." He said.
It's true, you did have a few interactions with him. Every chance you get, you attend their fan signs, concerts and even win some of their fan call specials.
You were quite shocked that he noticed and remembered you. You just smiled in response with a small bow.
"I'm sorry about your shirt... I could bring you to the hotel where I'm staying and you can take a bath there and change!" He offered with that sweet smile you fell for ever since you stanned the group.
You looked at him in disbelief. Him, offering to show where he's staying just so you could change. He trusts you and doesn't even question if you're a saesang. "A-are you sure?" You ask, to which he nodded. "I'm sure." He replied sincerely. "And you can have this." He gave you his jacket to cover yourself and to keep yourself warm in the meantime.
You took it and wore it. It's a bit big on you but it did kept you warm. His scent filling your nose... He smells good... Like some flower field.
You nodded and muttered out an "okay..." before following him to where his hotel is. "I haven't got your name, Atiny. Sorry, I kinda forgot." He spoke up.
"Y/n? Such beautiful name you have." He complimented you. You smiled, internally panicking that your bias had just complimented your name. "Thank you." You shyly muttered out.
He chuckled, arriving at the hotel. The entrance to the hotel is a sliding one, cool. You followed him to his room. He opened the door for you, such a gentleman. You went in and waited for him to start talking.
Now that he's in, he closes the door and locks it so none of his members would just barge in. "Sorry if you're uncomfortable with me locking the door, it's just that the members has a habit of barging in without telling me.' He explained.
You nodded, telling him that it's fine. You watch as he walks his way to the closet, pulling out a shirt, safety shorts and bra that he always carries in case that a woman would need it. He's quite prepared for anything that could happen at any moment.
You asked yourself, why aren't all men like this?
He walks up to you and gives you the clothes. "I might be weird but I always carry a pair of women undergarments in case things like this happen."
"It's okay... It's useful, actually... Thank you." You thanked him. He reaches out to the closet for the hotel's towel then gives it to you. "Bathroom's that way." He points.
You took the towel, nodding and then going to the bathroom. You locked the door and examined the bra. It's not your size. You sighed and just has to deal with it.
After showering, you felt a lot more refreshed. You went to the mirror and fixed your hair. You then walked out of the bathroom, leaving the bra and towel hanging in the bathroom. Your used clothes in your hands to cover your chest.
Hongjoong looked up from his phone and looks at you. He admired how his shirt ended at your knees, how the neckline exposed more of your skin and how it's a bit big on you. He stands up and takes a plastic bag out of the drawer to put your used clothes in. You hesitantly puts them in since you don't have anything to cover your chest.
He looks back at you, setting the plastic bag filled with your used clothing aside. He admires you, those pretty eyes looking at you up and down. "You look beautiful."
"T-thank you..."
He takes a step closer to you slowly to not alert you or make you think he's one of those guys that will do whatever they want. You were too lost in his eyes to realize that.
He places a hand on your cheek, leaning a bit more closer. "Y/n, you're gonna drive me crazy..." He mutters out before softly planting his lips on yours.
Not very respectful and mindful of his idol image but he couldn't care, not with you wearing his shirt and looking like that.
His lips moved with yours in a soft and slow way. His hands roamed your body, making you sigh. He pulls away and opens his eyes, forehead pressed against yours. "You're not wearing the bra I gave you?" He asked softly.
"It's not my size." You admitted. He nods a little before going back to kissing you. That small and cute kissing slowly turned into some hot make out session as his hands hungrily roamed your body but he didn't touch any of your parts yet. You decided to move your hips, lightly grinding on him.
That make out session went on for a few more minutes before you both pull away from each other, panting from the slight lack of oxygen. He looks at you in the eye, "You're willing, Y/n?" He asked.
You nodded. "I want words, Y/n so that I know that you're actually willing. I don't want to do this without you telling me that you want to do it." He said, wanting assurance about this.
"I'm sure, Joong. I really am, I want you." You reassured. He smiled before kissing you again, hands on your waist. One of his hands slips under your shirt to cup your breast, fiddling with the bud.
He tugs on the hem of the shirt, signaling you that he wants it off. You pull yourself away and lets him take the shirt off. You body in display for him and for the fairness, he takes off his shirt too.
He goes back to giving your lips attention as he kneads on your breasts. He taps your thigh, wanting you to jump. You obey, his hands under your thighs as he keeps you up and your legs wrapped around his waist. He walks to the bed, carrying you before letting you land on the bed. You bounced a bit from how soft the bed was.
He hovers above you, his lips trailing from your lips to your jawline down to your neck, finding your sweet spot and leaving light purple marks. Once he's done marking you, his trails down to your breasts. He kneads the other breast and licks on the bud of the other. You let out soft moans, your fingers running through his soft hair. "Joong..." You moan out.
He hums to reply before trying to slip your shorts off. You lift your hips up so he could slip it off. Of course, you didn't have any panties on since you wouldn't wear your already used ones and he didn't have any underwear to give. You were already wet from the attention he gave.
He mutters out a "wow," admiring at how you're glistening under him. He kneels down on the floor, pulling you by the hips to him before digging in. His tongue licking a stripe on your slit, causing you to jolt up from the feeling. He hums at your taste, tongue swirling around your clit and then pushing his tongue deep in you. He tongue fucked you as you moaned out his name. You tried to be quiet as possible, remembering that the members were in the same floor.
You bit your lip, whining and whimpering. You tried to so hard to hide those moans but his the way his tongue is exploring your insides felt too good. You felt the familiar knot inside you forming, your hands immediately sliding down to grip on his roots. He moaned out from the pain, flicking his tongue over and over on your clit as he shoves two fingers inside you.
"J-Joong... I'm close.." You managed to moan out quietly. He hums to respond to you, the vibrations sending more pleasure to you. One last lick from him, you came all over his face, legs trembling a lot.
He sucks his fingers clean, standing back up and looking at you. "Look at you, so pretty..." He compliments once again. "Joong, need you..." You beg.
"You need me?" He repeats. You nod eagerly, whining a bit already. He chuckles, unbuckling his belt and taking his pants off, along with his boxers. His cock slapping against his abdomen. He wasn't long but he had a bit of girth, a small arch and a few veins. God, how it'd feel in you.
He leans down to you, giving you a soft peck on the lips, rubbing his red tip on your slit slowly to lubricate himself with your juices before slowly sliding in. The stretch had you gasping, closing your eyes immediately. "Apologies, baby... You can take it." He encourages.
Once he's fully in, you let out a big sigh since you held your breath for too long. He waited for you to adjust to his size, waiting for a signal. You tapped on his bicep, signaling him to finally move.
He takes slow but deep thrusts, easing out the pain for you. You grabs on his biceps, your nails digging deep. You moan out, forgetting the fact that the members could probably hear you. He kept that slow and deep pace, not to tease you but to actually feel you... He didn't want a quick rut session, he wanted to explore your insides but you were too impatient and needy, already begging for him to go faster. "J-Joong... Please. go faster.. Hm.. Please.."
He chuckled at how you begged him so he lets you have your taste since your pleasure was his focus, gripping on your hips before thrusting into you in a fast pace. The arch in his cock being useful, helping him hit your g-spot deliciously. He leans down to you, burying his face on your neck, letting out small moans and groans as he keeps up his pace for your pleasure. You wrap your around his neck. "F-fuck... You're so tight, baby... Love how I fuck you, hm? You love your bias fucking you like this?"
Those moans and groans he let out were sending signals down to your core. You clenched around him, "Yes... Mmm.. I love it so much, Joong... You're making me feel so good." You moan out... "Joong... Wanna cum..." You whined.
"Mhm.. Can I cum inside you, baby?..." He asks for permission, to which you nodded. It's good that you pills... "Yes, please.. Cum inside me... Joong- Ah.." You choke on your moans, your nails scratching his back. He hisses at the feeling, rutting his hips harder.
"G-gonna cum.." You warn with a desperate whine. He keeps his pace for you... One last thrust, you squirt on him, clenching tightly on him which pushed him to the edge, burying himself deep in you, spurting out ropes of his cum, painting your walls.
He pants against your neck, losing the tension in his body. He prompts himself up to look at you, how fucked out you were. He chuckled and slowly pulls himself out, both of you hissing at the feeling.
He pulls away from you, watching his cum ooze out of you and your cum dripping off your ass and thighs. "Hang on." He says, going to the bathroom. He turned on the faucet, filling the bathtub with warm water and soap.
Once, it's filled he goes back to you and carried you to the bathroom with him. He places a light kiss on your cheek when he places you in the tub before joining you to take care of you. “I wanna know more about you, Y/n… Let’s exchange numbers later, hm?”
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ywpd-translations · 2 months
Ride 783: Advancing ranks
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Pag 1
1: “Friends”....
2: “People who trust each other and treat each other as equal”
“People who hang out and chat together”
4: Funatsu-kuun
Huh!? Me... me!? What
You and Kiriya-kun are friends?
5: Ye-yeah, we've been together for three years, so of course
And last year and this year we worked hard together and participated in the Inter High....right?
And what about me?
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Pag 2
1: What about me?
2: Are we friends!?
3: Uhm, well
4: We also were together for three years with this guy and we practiced and participated in the Inter High together
Uh.... well
What shoud I say? How should I answer this question
But this guy doesn't talk about anything but bikes
5: There they are, Midosuji's “cryptic questions”!!
Thank god this time his target is Funatsu
6: What's the correct answer!!
Ahh, dammit... I'm suddenly shaking
7: I'm sorry, Funatsu!! Do your best!! Funatsu!!
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Pag 3
1: Of course!!
We've been running together for three years!! You're a great friend!!
How about this!!
3: Fr... iends...
Me and.... you?
6: He's satisfied!? Yes!! It was the correct answer!?
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Pag 4
1: What, did you misunderstand?
Me and you are not equal in the slightest!?
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Pag 5
1: Our efforts, tenacity, our attitude and readiness, and even our imagination!!
2: Didn't you think about it?
Ah.. was there even a moment when you felt like we were equal!? Surely
Dammit so this is what it was!!
3: You that in your zeal for goodness became nothing?
4: What's this!? This time
Ahh, dammit, don't spout nonsense!!
This time even my parents came to see me
5: Midosuji-san
More importantly
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Pag 6
1: The course is changing
Turning west along the flat seaside road
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Pag 7
1: it's entering a hill
4: The Kyoto Pass
It's a hill with a 3.5km climb with an incline of 4%, about 250m above sea level
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Pag 8
1: According to my plan....!! Alright....!!
Let's move on....!!
2: Heading for the next phase!!
4: Kyoto Fushimi are assembling and moving up
5: They didn't move in the first half, Kyofushi is saving their legs
Yet on this short climb they're spontaneously moving up their group's position
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Pag 9
1: They're moving up!!
3: Seeing him this up close, this Midosuji really is amazing
His body's thickness is completely different from other people's, and his limbs are so long!!
4: He has such an aura that it makes me feel like there's no way I could win!!
5: I broke out into a cold sweat but at the same time I can't help but laugh a little!!
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Pag 10
1: They really are amazing, Onoda, Imaizumi... and Naruko, they fought against him last year and the year before!?
3: Sugimoto-san
4: Ah, sorry, is everything alright?
I was just thinking a little about something, just a little
5: That's right, I'm in the “selected team”!! I need to focus more on bringing these guys together!!
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Pag 11
2: Huh
3: The two sprinters who went ahead
4: have turned back!!
We're back... we're back!!
5: Sugimoto-san!!
Yeah!! Kobayashi!! Uchikawa!!
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Pag 12
1: We somehow managed to catch up to the lead
Is that so!!
But the remaining 3km... too fast!!
I see!!
2: That guy from Hiroshima let us know a lot of things
I see!!
They're so sweaty and their jerseys are all torn out too
3: They worked hard, I'm glad...!!
4: I couldn't last until the very end, but Kobayashi-san was there too
There were four people in front of me so I pushed as hard as I could in fifth place
5: And I placed ninth
Oh you're in the top ten, amazing, amazing!
Waaa, Sugimoto-san praised me, I'm so happy
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Pag 13
1: Hahaha
Ah, that's my line....
I'm feeling so proud, somehow
2: Ninth place is amazing
Well... Ichikawa pulled me
Was the lead amazing?
It was!!
3: I'm aiming for the top ten for the mountain line too!!
Really? Do your best!
5: We're an impromptu team and we still have a long way to go in terms of skill, but with our mutual interest and cheerfulness
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Pag 14
1: Maybe we could go far!!
3: It's all thanks to Sugimoto-san
No no, I only asked Doubashi
Doubashi-san also helped us a lot!!
4: That's right, next time we meet him
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Pag 15
1: I'll have to thank Doubashi
3: Dammit!!
Sorry, it's my fault!!
4: With opponents like that, if I had gone myself we would have placed even lower
This just shows how hard it is to carry out your words in road racing
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Pag 16
1: As I told you, you needed to be careful about that guy
3: The race goes went a low pass and passe through a tunnel
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Pag 17
1: They went downhill in a line
2: Waa... this is the place for “three seconds”...!!
Kiji-saan!! Fou!!
3: Looking at the limestone quarry that is the raw material for cement
4: the passed through the coal mining factory that supported the growth of Kitakyushu
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Pag 18
1: The ranks went south along the riverside in the inland areas of Kyushu
2: Ah....
Oi, Issa, how long....
3: How long are you gonna feel down!?
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Pag 19
1: Naruko-san
2: Stop with the depressing sighs
You'll just have to use your frustration as a springboard to keep moving!!
3: Naruko-san, you don't know what it feels like to lose a sprint!!
5: I've matured, I've matured, I've matured.... or I should have
Naruko chanting magic words to suppress his anger
Two people who feel so sorry for him they have no words
6: What's wrong? You're shivering and peeing your pants?
I wanna kill him...!!
7: Hotshot, gimme permission to kill him!!
I don't have that license
8: Ah!!
I see it!!
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Pag 20
1: It's the mountain!!
The first day's..... this Inter High's very first....
2: mountain!!
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WIBTA for kicking someone out of our friend group?
For the sake of finding this later; 🦑🖌🔫🐙
I (17F) am in a friend group consisting of A (16F), G (18M), and 4 others (all of us are classmates). In December of last year, I had brought another person into the friend group: C (16M). I brought C in because we had recently become close during a school event, and of a falling out in his previous friend group. He was kinda quiet in the group, but warmed up some to myself and most to A.
Fast forward some to early March. C had become more comfortable in the group, but still a little distant from anyone who wasn't A, and he was noticeably more clingy with A. After a school event, G and A pull me aside to ask about C's behavior, because of his favoritism towards A, suspecting that he had feelings for A. A is strictly academics first, and isn't looking for a relationship right now anyways. We decide to leave it be since it wasn't doing any harm, but keep our guard up since there wasn't much we could do anyways.
Fast forward to April, C's behavior has escalated to the point that he is basically a different person around anyone who isn't A. The rest of us get short answers and in times of needing comfort, awkward assurances and pats on the back. With A, he gives all his time and attention to her, following her around like a lost puppy and being very physically affectionate. Whenever I am left alone with A and C, he only ever looks at and refers to A, bringing up inside jokes and topics only she is interested in. He showers her in affection and gifts, but also pulls the victim card on her, "jokingly" degrading her, asking why she doesn't respond often, and guilt tripping her for anything and everything.
A is uncomfortable with this behavior, especially since it is affecting the rest others in the group. Recently, an ex of C's who was on good terms with our friend group warned us of his exact behavior towards A, with proof and many accounts from our batchmates because of spreading rumours. In his past 4 relationships, he had acted the exact same way during the relationship and escalating if left long enough, only to be caught and broken up with, or to break the girls heart.
A has broken down many times now, over her conflicting feelings towards someone who she used to trust and see as a brother but is now disgusted by. G and I are the only ones other than A who know this in the friend group, and A plans on trying to minimize contact with C with our help.
I haven't voiced this, but I want to tell the rest of the friend group this information, scold C, and kick him out. I feel that the others deserve to know and decide their feelings on C, but I also recognize that I mostly want to yell at him for hurting and disrespecting my friends and disrespecting me after all the effort we've given him. Every time he contacts me, I want to ask him why he's doing all this, and tell him exactly how he's hurt all of us, especially A, and block him and move on.
I'm only asking this to get it off my chest. I will hold off for A's sake, but if I were to do it, WIBTA?
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mixelation · 3 months
What does the working relationship with hiruzen and Minato look like after the Tori murder attempt (seems like being an anbu in hiruzens office whenever they have to talk after it would be the most stressful thing)
excellent question. i'm not sure how i want to develop it exactly, but minato's overall character arc is that he doesn't actually like spending time in konoha. hiraishin means he can just go anywhere he wants, and there's more exciting places out there. he prefers being on missions, and the people he might go to konoha to spend time with are largely also on missions. in canon he'd have his romance with kushina to keep him tied to konoha, but in async they're instead close friends and his wifeguy energies are directed at your local semi-nomadic scam artist. so he's already sort of divorced from konoha as a place
leading up to the murder attempt, hiruzen first attempts to get him in line by giving him a genin team (minato enjoys this) and then when he doesn't get in line, starts overworking him. tori interprets this as "konoha is trying to kill you, idiot" but minato is like "noooo they just need meeeee" and TBH it's a little of both. the tori murder attempt makes his view of konoha leadership sours & he's more inclined to believe tori's hypothesis
i think maybe the murder attempt makes more sense if the plan was to frame someone else. at first i was thinking it'd be a "be more obedient, bc we can and WILL take away your loved ones" type of message, but i'm not actually sure that move makes..... sense? the genin are pretty expendable people that minato has imprinted on, so they could be used against him, but also you have to be VERY confident you've read Minato's personality right and you're not about to make a missing-nin. so maybe the plan was instead to murder tori and then make it seem like some other ninja did it, in order to pull a "you see why you need to dedicate yourself more to konoha?" kind of move. either way, they get caught immediately
i want the murder attempt to be a major ideological turning point for minato, but i'm not sure what his short term move would be because i think he'd be hesitant to actually abandon konoha (or more specifically, his team, kushina, jiraiya). i might kill his old genin teammates to help shift his mood without killing anyone the readers actually care about. also part of his character arc is he just defers more and more to tori's plans so TBH he might just do what tori tells him*
tori: okay hear me out. this is what i would do in this situation. just go back to konoha and act like nothing happened. it will drive them insane but they can't say anything to you without admitting what they did. and you can keep your little genin team
jiraiya: that is a terrible idea
minato: no, no. i like this. tell me more
*minato doesn't just do what she says for the sake of doing what she says. however he does slowly join the tori logic train and is like "but this plan makes sense--"
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dduane · 4 months
Good morning, I have a travel question I was hoping you could advise on. Do most places in Dublin still take cash? A lot of cafes etc. here have gone card-only, and I'm wondering if I'd be better off getting one of those pre-paid cards for the visit I'm planning this summer rather than taking cash euros. (I know I *could* just use my debit card in that case, but alas, the foreign transaction fees.)
You know, it's been a while since I used cash for much of anything in/around Dublin except cabs (because every now and then I've found myself in a cab that's not card-equipped).
That said: I've seen a fair number of cash transactions taking place when I've been up in town over the last year or so. This site suggests that at least 20% of all payment transactions in the country are in cash; and the Irish government has recently approved "access to cash" legislation to make sure that people who need to use cash aren't shut out of it. (I'm not clear on exactly when the legislation starts to become real in public practice, but at least it's on the books.)
In the short term, in your situation I'd try to split the difference. I'd tank up my phone or watch in Euro, ahead of time, at the most favorable exchange rate I could manage. And a pre-paid card sounds like a good idea too, for times when the phone might be having some unexpected problem (like a dead battery...). Then I'd also try to get my hands on some actual cash Euro, maybe a hundred or so in twenties, just to have handy.
A note in passing, BTW: for reasons that are probably cultural and not so much to do with anti-money laundering measures, larger- denomination Euro notes seem way less commonplace here than they are in other European countries. There are even places where I've seen a fifty cause comment. So over time I've gotten in the habit, if taking a cab for example, of asking whether the driver or whatever is able to break a fifty. Lately it's seemed like less of an issue than it used to... but I've never seen anyone raise an eyebrow at a twenty. :)
Anyway: hope this helps!
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
could u maybe make a batfam x male reader and where the reader is like trained to be an spy or something and their mission was to figure out what was going on inside the manor but they figured out to much and got roped into the batfams family
Oh shit. Poor reader... He is going to get roped in well. Also, sorry everyone for this being short and vague. School started about a week ago and I'm already tired. Haha...
Summary: (Y/N) is sent to find out what is happening in the Wayne manor for a mission. He gets to roped in.
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(Y/N) was still shocked at the mission he got. He isn't a stranger when it comes to infiltration and undercover missions, but this mission is on a whole a new level. The mission is about going undercover in the Wayne manor.
He had his fair share of undercover and infiltration missions, but he never had a mission of this type. It wasn't just a mission of few weeks, this was going to be take a very long time. Probably up to year or even longer.
He still doesn't understand what Bruce Wayne might hide in that manor of his. Sure, he is considered to be one of the richest and one of the most powerful people in the world, but still.
What type of information this man could have? More so, why are the kids thrown in to equation too? They seemed to be a happy family. He wasn't a fan of long term missions, he hated them with burning passion, but he didn't have any choice in the matter.
He takes what he is given and gets the job done as quickly as possible. You only say yes sir and go get ready.
The plan was for him to spend some time on the streets as an 'orphan'. It was a detailed plan. Every single possibility was considered when creating this plan.
One of the things in the spy business is that you can't get attached to people you are going after.
(Y/N) was going to break the rule very soon.
It has been 5 months since he infiltrated the Wayne manor. (Y/N) concluded pretty quickly that the family didn't have anything to hide. They are a normal family, with all the chaos that normally goes with it.
But what he didn't expect that he got too roped in. He got attached... The burden of why he was really in the manor was really weighing on him.
It felt heavy on his shoulders and he didn't know what to do now. He finally got a family, although through deception, but still, he finally got a family. He was alone in his life, but now he had a chance to be happy.
He was often told by his superiors that he had a natural talent for this line of work. It often grinded his gears when he heard it. Just because he was good at something, doesn't mean he wants to do it for the rest of his life.
He was in his room, sighing for the nth time. He needed to tell them. How was he going to tell them?
After another sleepless night, he ventured downstairs into the kitchen. He saw Tim alone, putting Red Bull in his coffee. They locked eyes for a moment and Tim pointed at his mug with his finger.
" Thanks. " (Y/N) mumbled, walking over to the mug.
" Is something bothering you? " Tim asked, raising his brow.
(Y/N) froze for a moment. Did they catch on? Is this a trap?
" No. " (Y/N) lied, taking a sip of his coffee.
" I don't mean to bother you, but you look like you aren't doing well. You can always come talk to me if you need to. " Tim offered and (Y/N) offered him a smile in return. It took some effort to smile genuinely, but he hoped that it worked.
" Okay. If you need me, you know where to find me. " Tim said, sitting down at the table. (Y/N) heard the others come in and he also moved to sit down at the table.
He tapped his fingers against his mug, feeling something weird. It was a gut feeling, something that came periodically. And wow, did come in strong now. Why would it come so strong now, he didn't know, but he knew that this going to be a hard day to go through.
" (Y/N), are you okay? You look exhausted. " Bruce commented, looking at (Y/N).
" I'm fine, just some trouble sleeping. " (Y/N) said, eyes moving back down to the coffee. Bruce exchanged a look with others.
It was now evening and the others formed a plan. They were going to confront (Y/N) with the evidence. They noticed how he wasn't even trying to fish out information anymore. They knew that he was trying in the beginning, but they were feeding him false information.
But he didn't need to know that.
Not for now at least.
The dinner was over and (Y/N) was ready to go to his room. Bruce, however, wasn't having it.
" (Y/N) we need to talk. " Bruce said, motioning with his head for (Y/N) to sit down. (Y/N) listened. What was this about? Was it about something he has done with the boys?
About the time when they put glitter on Bruce's work suit? Or when they accidently shot the wall and covered it up with a random photo? Or was it about (Y/N)'s true identity?
(Y/N) hoped it wasn't about that. But with all of the stuff that has been on his mind?
He was screwed.
He sat back down, watching as everyone's face turned neutral. Oh God.
He was made. His cover was blown. Gone. (Y/N) saw a paper folder with his name on it.
(Y/N) was exposed.
He raised his head, trying to stay neutral. He can't show his emotions.
" We knew from the beginning. " Bruce said, showing him the file. (Y/N)'s eyes widened for a little bit. What? Then... Whaaat?
" I know that look in your eyes. You are not doing this out of your own freewill. " Bruce continued, his blue eyes looking right into his soul.
" So I'm giving you a choice. Since your feelings were genuine and since the boys bonded with you, you can have an out. Or you can go back. " Bruce concluded and (Y/N) blinked a few times trying to comprehend all of this.
He was never this disarmed so quickly.
" I... I don't know what to say. " (Y/N) admitted softly and so quietly.
" Well, think about it at least. I won't force anything on you. " Bruce said and (Y/N) nodded, standing up.
" I'm going to my room. I really need to think. "
Everyone just nodded and (Y/N) left, letting out a breath. This... This went well.
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vitaminseetarot · 8 months
PAC (Pick-A-Candy): February's Message For You ❄🕯
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Hey y'all, welcome back! Thank you so much for playing in my first tarot game. I'm so glad to have the chance to reach out to everyone for inquiries. Thank you so much for your feedback as well! I'm still reading through your responses and feel grateful for all the positivity. There have been a lot of delays throughout this month and I haven't had as much time as I'd like to be on here in January, but I'm itching to pick up the pace in February. I'm planning another game in early March, topic to be announced, so stay tuned.
I wanted to start this month with a short and sweet pick a card reading to give you advice. For anyone celebrating this time of year, may you enjoy this time of peace and recovery and maybe some really tasty snacks with hot cocoa too. Pick whatever chocolate below looks most appealing to you. ❄🕯
Pile 1: Bronze Toffee Nut Pile 2: Silver Milk Chocolate Pile 3: Gold Dark Almond
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Pile 1: Bronze Toffee Nut
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Land:Tree:Sun, King of Mechanisms: Heliacal Chronograph, 26 Duality, King of Swords, XII Hanged Man, XV Devil, 7 of Swords, 7 of Wands
Hey, you! Did you recently complete something big or reach a major milestone in your life? If so, congratulations! Your efforts are paying off, if not now then over time they will show. But first, before doing or planning anything else, you need to sit down for a little while and just… breathe. Breathe deep. Replenish your mind from harrying so much over all that you have had to, have to, or will have to do (that was a mouthful, so I can't imagine how much clutter that is in the brain! Also I channeled the word "harrying" which I never use and had to look it up lol, but the word definitely still fits). Now is not the time to push, but a time to breathe and reflect.
You're in a time of transition, and this could mean many things. It could be a move or a job transfer, or you're thinking of how to change your way of living. I'm feeling that many in this pile are still actively working towards their New Years resolutions. Some in this pile may have had a very busy year, while others here wish to shift gears and become focused on doing more, a lot more than last year. Are you trying to make up for lost time? It's only February, pile one, so you have way more time than it seems to get things straightened out or set into motion. You're not creating a time debt by using your break or time off to actually self soothe, like most people do. Your tenacity is admirable, but in terms of self development, too much push to get things done might set you back.
You must balance between resting and recovery, all while strategically planning for your next course of action. Some of you may be struggling to get organized, but making schedules and lists could help immensely, so you're not spending as much energy trying to remember everything. There are also apps that are designed to help you stay on track, giving you more time to just hang out and be. There is nothing wrong with spending this entire month on decompressing from everything you've had to do. It's not going to happen when you're working on something else. That's a distraction, not progress, to work as a way of avoiding healing. However you decide to relax, make sure it actually involves relaxation. If that means laying in bed and watching TV for the day, then that's what it means. If you relax more by doing a chore, then make it something simple to complete like folding clothes.
Don't feel guilty for taking time off, but don't let the time slip by either. Schedule "Don't-Do-Much" days and see what kind of difference it makes to your productivity and routine over time. Think of this transition as an intermission of sorts. This is your chance to get up, use the restroom, order more popcorn, text a friend, etc. before getting back to your movie. You can choose not to get up, but once the intermission has passed, the movie will not pause for you. So use this opportunity to rest with intention, knowing that when change comes to thrust you into the next phase of life, it may do so unexpectedly fast and you'll be more ready for it.
Keep your ambitions lit up, because even as you rest, those dreams are still at work. Don't think that time off means abandoning any plans or being lazy. It's a matter of decluttering your mind space so you can actually focus on the next thing better, and you can't drain the brain of all your pain if you replace worry with more worry. Life is more than a series of boxes to tick off, saying "what's next? what's next? huh? what's next? HUH??" right after each one is done. If life worked that way, sleep wouldn't be a thing, and likely neither would we, because how can anything sustain that gogogo fever forever? Protect your right to self care, and don't let anyone tell you it's wrong to take time out just for you.
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Pile 2: Silver Milk Chocolate
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Spiritual, 7 of Prisms: Flux Tempest, 19 Unlimited Possibilities, King of Cups Rx, 2 of Pentacles, I Magician, 9 of Cups, Page of Wands
You may feel overwhelmed right now, like a lot of changes are happening at once, or could happen imminently. Things may feel topsy-turvy, and it's a struggle just to get through the day to day with all this weighing on your mind. There could be different options to choose from or a lot of emotionally heavy decisions that could be leaving you feeling a bit straggled. It could be a decision to undergo a kind of treatment, or many job offers suddenly come to you, and rather than feeling elated for the opportunities, you're feeling anxious about what to do more than anything.
Many opportunities and risks abound, and although it isn't easy, it's important to spend some time to figure out what you wish to do. We all want to make the best choices in life, but sometimes life involves a good deal of trial and error and retrial no matter how logical and sensible we try to make things behave. A lot of important details can get swept away in the rush to resolve a conflict as quickly and easily as possible. Even when the best choice is made, things can still happen. Life can be pretty random and chaotic at times, in ways not even shuffled cards can keep up with. It's not so much the choosing, but staying committed to the choice, that can be most difficult.
It's time to go within and listen to spirit for guidance. You need some time and space in order to feel this out, not just think it through. Our mind can work all day scoping out each and every pro and con, and that's where meditation comes in. Let the answers flow towards you naturally. When you can embrace the change to come from this choice, rather than fearing it, the way will light up for you and it'll be smoother sailing from here. The seasons will change no matter how long this time out will take for you, but one spring passed means another spring will eventually come again. If it doesn't work out the first time, there will always come another.
You have a heightened ability to manifest your desired outcome this month, and you may find that some things will naturally fall into place as soon as your mind is made up and you let go. Yes, anything can happen, but that also includes good things, it even includes things you have deeply wished for. Envision the best possible outcome first and don't get caught in too many details about how it should play out. We can trick ourselves into thinking that by assuming the worst, we can prepare for the worst. Instead, prepare for the best case scenario for you and you'll be surprised at how much easier it gets to sift out and manage challenges when they do show up.
Keep your mind steady and heart focused on what you want. Remain in a space of enthusiasm for what you'd like to happen. The page of wands is very eager, it's like they have the energy of a little kid pointing to a famous performer on stage and going, "that'll be ME someday!" Not "that could be me" or "ah, if only that could be me," but "that WILL be me." Think of your motivation as a fire that must be tended to on a regular basis. No matter how small or large the flame in your heart is, it will be the light that guides you into making the best decision for yourself. Take good care of it.
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Pile 3: Gold Dark Almond
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Land:Animal:Moon, Macroscoria, 10 Burden, King of Cups, VIII Strength, King of Pentacles, Knight of Cups, II High Priestess
Your sensitivity and overall empathic ability is high right now. There may be an inclination to feel a heightened sense of compassion for others, particularly animals (you have a lot of animals present in your spread, and Animal:Moon talks about those kind of connections in particular). Animal companions want to help you out this month, whether on the physical or astral plane, so turn to them for healing just as they would turn to you.
Create solid psychic boundaries to protect your mind. A lot of intense psychic energy could be purged through with the Macroscoria card. I'm almost reminded of what's it like to delve through Akashic records (or as I call it the Hall of All Knowledge), but this is a more universal, primal energy coming through? The card reminds me of Earth in its early stages when it was all still molten and predominated by immense fiery tectonic activity, fundamental forces bursting from beneath. Instincts can seem basic, but they're powerful. This energy could be coming from within you most likely, but you could be picking up on others' chaotic moods as well. This isn't a force to fight, but to work in your favor. Anger for example isn't wrong, but there's a right and a wrong way of expressing anger. It's a matter of channeling it into a proper medium.
If you were drawn to pile 2, there may be a message for you there as well, as the King of Cups is in the same position. There's an emphasis on being able to stay present with others with deep compassion while staying emotionally detached. Detachment is not the same as not caring, it's a state that allows you to embody what another is feeling and give them space to feel without losing yourself in it. Try to adopt an observational approach. When you are in a state of experiencing intense emotions, we can also practice the art of "stepping aside" to observe ourselves and learn from these feelings instead of pushing them away.
You and others must remain resilient, as you could be undergoing a challenging time. Don't push the limit though. Lend a helping hand when needed, but remember that you too deserve that same compassion in return. Whatever this challenge is, there is a potential for growth to come from this. This month could bring in a special reward for you, what that is isn't clear but your good efforts won't go unnoticed. It may feel difficult now, but when things start to improve, you'll innately know, and the payoff could be rather big, or more than what you expected. You may feel that many could be leaning on you now for support, but trust that whatever support you provide will in turn be granted back to you.
Observation doesn't mean apathy or overanalysis. It's about sitting and being present with what's happening around you and within you. Mindfulness exercises could help you out a lot this February, along with writing down your nightly dreams or even making a vent journal to scribble out frustrations. Make sure your emotions don't stay bottled or contained or they could burst. Instead, check in every day and find one thing that will help vent out those emotions. Your intuition is your best friend now.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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riofann · 3 months
Future Planning
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Trigger Warning: Abortion, Pregnancy
“Yay daddy's home!”
“Yay” you say unenthusiastically, not wanting to have the conversation you planned on having with him. 
As Marcus gets out of the car and runs towards the door. You grab the groceries and follow inside. 
“Oh man, you let Y/N carry all the bags? I taught you better than that” Rio lightly scolds while reaching for them 
“It's okay” you say maneuvering around him and placing them on the counter
“I'm sorry, won't happen again” Marcus hugs you suddenly
“Apology accepted” you smile down at him rubbing his head 
Rio and Marcus spend some time catching up until Marcus retreats to his room to do homework, shower, and get ready for dinner.
“You good mama?” He asks noticing how distant you were being 
“Yes” you say smiling at him and returning to cut the potatoes, he was moving closer to you and you had yet to break the news to him 
“You look good….I missed you” he wraps his arms around you from behind and places a soft kiss on your neck 
“Thanks” you look down and your hands are slightly trembling. This could wait till after dinner you try to rationalize but it couldn't because he might have already noticed something was off. No greater time than the present just rip off the bandaid you coach yourself. 
“We need to talk!” you blurt out and step away from him 
“Okay” He hated those 4 words especially when they came from you. It meant you were unhappy about something he did or didn't do.
“What is it?”  He watches as you create space between you two standing on the other side of the counter. It must have been really bad you only do this when it's bad. And he is bracing for impact
Just say it like you practiced, you coach yourself “I'm pregnant” you say matter of factly. A smile immediately appears on his face. And he walks over to you but stops when you put your hand up. "But I don't think we are ready so I've scheduled an abortion for end of the week” there it was finally out in the open
He stops smiling. “What do you mean by 'we are not ready’”. He chuckles, “this a joke or something mama?”
You shake your head “No I'm telling the truth” 
He scoffs and a look of confusion takes over his face. While he points behind him he says “I got a whole son mama”  he begins walking closer 
You nod “Yes you do that doesn't mean we are ready for another child in our relationship. Marcus’s schedule is busy pick him up here drop him off there practice and games play dates he's a handful and I do not mind doing all those things let me just stress I love doing all of this for Marcus but having another child will just add a layer of complexity that I believe we are not ready for” 
He was now at arms length “Based off of what?” 
Your heart is racing trying to make sure you don’t say anything that would trigger a fight “Based off…” You pause 
“Based off of what Y/N?”  he knows what you're going to say
You look at him “Based on your availability with the many "projects" you are currently overseeing” 
He sucks his teeth “Y/N” 
“I just don't think now is the best time Christopher” 
“Don't I get a say in this?” he points to himself 
“That's why we are discussing now” 
“But you already made the decision off some bullshit!” you take a step back seeing his anger simmering right below the surface. You take in a deep breath and prepare for whatever else he had to say “I can adjust whenever necessary” he argues 
You nod “I understand what you're saying I just think th…” 
He interrupts “So really it's you that's not ready and projecting that shit onto me” 
“I'm not projecting it onto you, I said we.” You argue back 
“I'm ready so who's left between us in that we?” 
“Christopher..”  he sucks his teeth again “Remember we had this discussion we discussed goals short and long term, how our future would look together and individually, we even agreed that right now having a child isn't the best, we went over how it would slow down your plan for expansion and profits. We agreed that I ha…” 
He interrupts again you moving closer and speaks in a stern voice “Stop” he commands he puts his hand on your stomach “Stop talking about this like we are discussing business.”  he rubs his thumb back and forth “we are talking about my baby, our baby” 
“I know that Christopher. But in order for you to meet” 
“Stop!” His jaws clench in anger, 
You open your mouth but refrain from speaking seeing the anger in his face
“I'm okay with slowing down, I want us to have a child together, this one and many more with you Y/N ” he speaks with conviction 
“Christopher.. I just” 
“Stop. Let me finish.” he sighs  “I know what I said but shit life happens I just cut my time at work in half for a month cuz of Marcus don't act like I won't do it for you” 
You go to object “yea but…” you pause to find the right way to say what you were thinking. Marcus was his child. It was different. You’re an adult, you don't believe that would be extended to you at least not as long as he did for Marcus. Let alone 9 months 
And it all clicks for him it wasnt that you were having his kid it's that you feared going through this alone “You won't be alone. I know I'm guilty of pushing you to the back burner but I've been working on it and it shows right?” 
“Yes that's true but” you still weren't convinced 
“But what mama? What is it? Cuz I'm all in doctors appointments, morning sickness, swollen feet, achy back, 4am cravings, pregnancy pillow I’m all in, you won't go through it alone I'll be there” he tries reassuring you 
You really want to believe him but it's hard he hasn't had the best track record of keeping promises. 
 “I will think about it” is all you can think to say 
He huffs in frustration “what else is there to think about Y/N?” 
“Many things Christopher you act like having a baby won't change everything” 
“And I'm telling you I will be here with you” he counters 
“And I appreciate that I just need to think about some things”
“So fuck everything I said you've made the decision you just trying to get my buy in?”
“No I haven't”
He scoffs again “You already scheduled the appointment what else is needed from me but to hold your hand while you go through with this bullshit”
“I’m..” you pause feeling yourself getting emotional “It's not set in stone Christopher. You've given me a lot to think about and I just need to process it all”
“End of week is in 3 days Y/N. If you already called and made the appointment you not bout to back out now.” he pauses  “When did you make the appointment?” 
“Last week..... when I found out” you mumble 
He scoffs “You couldn't have waited to talk to me first? Why did you even tell me?”
“I wanted to get your opinion” 
“Because I value your opinion…” 
“Can't be you booked the appointment without even hearing what I got to say. And then you come home to drop good and then this bullshit news all at once and nothing I'm saying is swaying your decision. So why put me through this shit?!” 
“I'm sorry Christopher I just didn't want you to discover later”
“Whatever Y/N do what the fuck you wanna do cuz clearly you're the only one that matters in this relationship” with that he walks away 
You both don't say anything else to each other, the tension hangs in the air as the days tick by getting closer to your appointment. You want to continue to talk about it, but you say nothing. You need more reassurance but you feel guilty by how you handled the situation. 
You both don't even acknowledge each other as Friday approaches. He wakes up early and leaves. You get dressed and go to work. The day is a blur and if anyone asked you can’t tell them what fires you put out or what you worked on. When evening approaches you pull into the driveway of Abuela’s (Mariana’s) home. It was a get-together for one of the kids birthday in the family. You were late and Rio had been telling everyone that you weren't feeling well so it was a surprise to see you walk in. 
“Y/N you're here!” Nick greets 
“Hey!” you greet as you step into the room you see Rio in your peripheral vision but refrain from making direct contact. 
You make your rounds and join the ladies in the backyard this time the men are in charge of cooking.
“So Y/N how are you?” Mariana asks
Your body tenses up you knew Rio went to her for advice from time to time
“I'm good just work you know” you smile trying to fake it
“Life's treating you well? Anything coming up?” 
You feel like vomiting
You shake your head “No just work” 
She gave you a look he had gone to her, you were positive. Well this was it the end of your relationship as you knew it. If she sided with him why would she want her grandson staying with such a woman. 
You refrain from saying much feeling like everyone knew and when you were pulled into conversation you kept your answers short and brief. When the dinner is ready some women plate the food themselves while others were served by their partners. You fixed your plate, you were nauseous and also you were doing all that you could to avoid Rio. You were glad this was a casual celebration so seating is open and you sit with your back to him purposefully and pretend to be involved in an ongoing conversation between his relatives sitting in a circle. 
Nick sits by you and once again you tense up. He always had something up his sleeve “You and Rio got into it or something?”  he asks 
You roll your eyes “No”  you did your best to avoid whatever strange push and pull relationship they had 
“He hasn't even given you a kiss, when we know he can't go more than 30 minutes without showing you affection.” you remain silent and smile picking the dessert on your plate “come onnnn” he eggs you on “you can tell me we’re family” 
“It’s nothing Nick!”  you smile. 
“Well I'm here if you need me” he winks at you before leaving 
You never trusted him. You couldn't, you  have seen and heard too many shady situations caused by him.  
His scent lingers and it makes you feel even more nauseous and you do your best to make your way to the bathroom without raising concern from the group.
You barely have time to lock the door behind you before you vomit into the toilet bowl. 
You try your best at keeping quiet so no dry heaving or heavy breathing just liquidized food making noise as it makes impact with the water. When you're done you quickly spray the air freshener clean around the toilet, swish in some mouthwash you see in the cabinet and hurry out of the bathroom. 
“Oomph I'm sorry!”   Rhea says as you noth run into each other 
“Im so sorry Rhea” 
“Its okay wasn't paying attention to where I was going” 
You chuckle nervously “Me too” 
She rubs your arm “You okay? You look pale” 
“Yea yea just tired” 
“Oh yea get some rest this weekend. Marcus, Sean, and I are going to Florida!"
“Yea thats right, I remember” 
“Yea it should be fun! let me give Ezra this book” You nod and watch as she walks away 
When you return to the gathering you make it a point to leave first. It was getting late and you were tired. Your body was starting to crash from the high stress week and day.
You say your goodbyes with Mariana being the last person you hug 
“Congratulations sweetie, can't wait to meet my grandbaby”  she whispers. You look back at her shocked. “A woman knows come see me sometime next week”
“Si abuela” 
“Good drive home safe” and with that she walks away from you 
You get in the car in a daze. How would she have known were you showing that much? You begin your journey home. As soon as you get close to your home you see Rio calling you.  
You don't know why but this creates immediate panic in you he wouldn't be calling you unless he found out you didn't go through with the abortion. He calls again and you veer right and take the exit towards the freeway you aren't going home not now you need to calm down and all the emotions hit you like a ton of bricks so much so you pull over in a gas station to calm down. 
You're able to gather yourself quickly and make a quick stop at the local grocery store to pick up comfort snacks.Your heart sinks to see Rio's G- Wagon in the driveway. You cringe looking at the amount of time he had called you and texted. God why couldn’t you get it together. You scold yourself 
As suspected he was in the kitchen eyeing your every move. 
“Ignoring me now?”  You don't even want to say anything, you don't want to cry anymore
“No sorry I didn't hear my phone’s on silent." He wasn’t willing to argue about that now there were more pressing matters to discuss. He watches as you put the groceries away waiting for you to say something. 
“Abuela congratulated me on our new bundle of joy.” he finally speaks, realizing you weren’t going to say a thing. 
You nod “yup same” 
“You told her?” 
“So you didn’t….” 
You shake your head “Nope I did not. Canceled on Thursday” 
He bites back a smile seeing how tense you still were but failing miserably 
“Talk to me mama we are a team remember”
“Uh yea” You take in a deep breath “I'm sorry. I didn’t handle this the right way. I should have. I panicked, I shouldn't have, I should have called you instead I got carried away in my head. I’m sorry I hurt your feelings. You matter to me your opinion matters. I thought I was making the right decision for us. I don’t want you to think I don’t care about you. I’m sorry Christopher”  
He nods smiling and placing his hands on your waist 
“Come here” he pulls you towards him but you tense up
You put your hands on his chest “Umm no I should go take a shower” worried that all you did was smell like vomit. 
“Nah that I wanna hold you and I want you to talk to me. Tell me what's bothering you. I'll be here for you all the way.”  The tears gather in your eyes threatening to roll down your face. “Tell me” He urges caressing your face
“What if I'm not a good mother?” you mumble
He pieces your words together “What if you’re..” he stops and looks at you confused “You’re so good with Marcus why would you think that?”
“Yea but he has you and Rhea, so if I mess up you guys are there to fix things. And I wanted to have an abortion how does that make me a good mother?” you wipe away the tears
“Shh” he shushes your worry wrapping his arms around you. You whimper feeling the migraine forming as tears roll down your eyes “Tranquilo mama”
“I’m a bad person” you comment
He chuckles “no you’re not, stop thinking that way”
“I am” you insist “What good person would do what I did?”
“Look at me” He tilts your head up 
You bit your lip and shook your head. Why did looking at him always make you cry more when you were upset?
“Please mama,” he begs. You do so and he sighs in relief “You’re not a bad person, a little crazy” he jokes “But you’re not a bad person you will be a great mother just like you have been to Marcus. I don’t want you to worry about this. I don’t want you stressing over this. I forgive you for how you handled this. I should have also understood where you were coming from so it's not all your fault okay?”  You nod “Nah I need to hear you say it”
“I’m sorry”
“You already apologized mama,” he chuckles “I forgive you  its not your fault, I need to hear you say it”
“It’s not my fault” 
He kisses your forehead and gives you a loving embrace and you two stand in silence for a while, his heartbeat calming you down. “How about I run a bath for both of us”
“Come on mama” 
“You know abuela just comes up to me and pinches my arm talkin’ ‘bout why didn’t I tell her you were pregnant” you giggle “that shit hurt” he speaks while you relax on him in the tub
“Sorry, she told me congratulations when I was leaving. I thought you had told her”
“Nah, man that's crazy how did she find out?”
“She said to me a woman knows”
“Is this like some ET shit like y’all get with your period?”
You laugh “no I don’t know how. maybe it comes with age?”
He chuckles “Well whatever it is I’m glad we have her Blessing” 
“You book an appointment to the doctor yet?”
“Mhmm” you nod “in 2 weeks”
He kisses your shoulder “I’ll be there” 
“Do you want a boy or a girl?”
“I want a healthy baby, but if I had to pick, I want a baby girl”
“And if its a boy?”
He shrugs “Love them the same but that's why we got all the time in the world. You and I can keep trying till I get my princessa.”
You chuckle “no im not about to keep pushing out babies till you get a girl”
He groans playfully “why not?”
“Besides, what if it's all girls?”
“Then we keep trying till we get another principe” 
“Christopher” you pinch his thigh
He laughs “Oww! I’m joking. I’m joking” 
A comfortable silence takes over and once the bath is done you both lay in bed in each others arms. “Can’t wait to see you waddle around the house” You groan making him chuckle “You’ll fill out real nice mama”
“And you ruined the moment”
He laughs “I love you” he says kissing you 
“I love you too.”
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