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northbirdblog · 5 months ago
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Delicious Vegan Mac and Cheese Recipe
Made with creamy cashew sauce and nutritional yeast!
To get this recipe and more great ideas, visit The Northbird Blog!
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forgeofbravery · 5 years ago
02:  A memory from your character’s teenage years
“One time when I was about hmm seventeen, I found this really awesome bit of treasure. I was just walking around and came across it. It was a golden statue of a northbird. I gave it to my former captain, Rox. We were able to pawn it off and that’s how I was able to pay for some new tools for my on ship forge.” 
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neonshi · 6 years ago
Zoro/Southbird lore
Hello @pwnyta and friends, it is time for a little story about a skunk, a bug, Roronoa Zoro, and a bird that only faces south.
It’s been so long and tumblr’s search function is faulty so I can’t find the original post that started things but I’ll tell the backstory and then link to some of the fun related posts that I can find. Under a read more ‘cause length and stuff 
So over seven years ago now, Ewim was doing an ask game of “send me a character and I’ll say my five least favorite ships for that character” I was having a good time sending Ewim a bunch of random One Piece characters getting more weird and obscure as time went by. (I also sent like, Amazon, and Sengoku’s goat) But one character I sent was Southbird. To which Ewim responded along the lines of “I don’t like southbird/northbird. And I don’t know for the rest of them however Zoro/southbird is totally my southbird OTP”
To which I thought “WUT? ...Go on... I need more information on this”
So now I was curious about this “Southbird OTP” that had been mentioned. 
So the next time Ewim did an ask game that said “send me a ship and I’ll tell you XYZ about them” I sent in Zoro/Southbird. Ewim was all “What the fuck” and tried to answer whatever the ask game was, but was exasperated and couldn’t handle it, gave up in the middle, and it was hilarious. 
Since it was so funny I decided to send in zoro/southbird again for the next ship ask game, and the next one, and the next one. Ewim’s exasperated and confused reactions got funnier every time. At this point it was mostly just me being amused by it. It didn’t seem like anyone else really paid much attention to these asks. But Ewim had had enough.
So, in what later was said to be an attempt to freak me out, Ewim drew THIS:
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And HOLY SHIT this is when it really started. I remember scrolling through when suddenly this hit me in the face. I literally screamed, my family was not happy. hahaha 
But now Zoro/southbird was on prominent display for all of Ewim’s fans and followers to see. And everyone loved it. It was funny and ridiculous and so many more people hopped on the zorobird band wagon. And Ewim suffered. Soon I no longer needed to send in zoro/southbird asks because everyone else was dumping them in Ewim’s inbox. At some point I actually sat back for a while because there was enough already without me adding in more. Honestly not a single anon was me, I never hid when I talked about this disaster I made hahaha 
Ewim got so frustrated with the surge of zorobird love, that the handy dandy ponify got pulled out to change “southbird” into “my ass” whenever Ewim would read it. Making for some pretty funny sounding posts. It was great.
From this point it continued on for a while and slowly died down but never fully went away. It has stayed as a continuous joke that just pops up now and again in the Ewim fandom.
It was a wild ride and some fun times.
Some post links:
Ewim’s beautiful drawing and start of the end
A zorobird ask I sent This is a later one I sent but it summarizes Ewim’s general reactions and also features the “my ass” word change.
Sleeping beauty zoro with southbird
Zoro with baby southbirds
silly little fanfic (SFW)
Ewim wanting to kill me lol
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clickbliss · 5 years ago
Hockey Manager 20|20 Review
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By: John (@jiggly_333)
Hockey Manager 20|20
Publisher - netmin games
A long time ago, I used to play a lot of Facebook based sports games. Most of them were just management based games where you had to wait a certain period of time to get the tokens to get players or train. Essentially, Football Manager and Out of the Park Baseball clones, but with microtransactions. But there was one game, that was so extremely different that I think about it a lot.
I can’t remember the name anymore, but I remember that you were in control of this soccer player in England. It combined the use of live action cutscenes and really difficult QTEs to not only allow you to train your player to be better, but also crafted a story. You could choose to use your daily allotment of energy points to go to training or to an advertisement shoot to earn money. Or, you could even choose to use those energy points to go on dates or hang with friends. This concept of a sports game/dating sim/financial sim has never fully left my brain and I’ve always wondered if any other game developers would try to make something similar.
This brings me to Hockey Manager 2020.
At first, I thought it was just another in-depth Franchise mode. I made a new female coach, chose my picture from one of the really nice hand drawn avatars, laughed at the unlicensed NHL team names (Favorites: Pittsburgh Northbirds, Washington Cops, Anaheim Tweetys), and began my career. I was offered a job as the coach of a German team and the Argentine National Team and started from there. But after a while trying to put together my first lineup, I noticed something incredible: The “Private” tab.
The Private tab has the normal stuff you’d expect, any stats you’ve accumulated as a PC, your wins and losses and that, but there was so much more. First of all, you start the game with the relationship statuses “single” and “no children”. Why is this important?  Well, not only are you controlling a hockey team, but you have to manage your personal life. You have to choose how much you’re willing to spend on your personal lifestyle, you have to choose how much time you’re going to invest in your private life. And while normally in sports management sims your salary doesn’t matter, I found a literal stock market sim going in the background of this tab. The personal life portion not only has to do with personal finance, but personal relationships. As I completed my first day, my coach got a call from a guy asking her out on a date. He was wearing sunglasses indoors, so I immediately said no.
Then I decided I needed to start over because a whole world in this game had opened up to me. This wasn’t just a hockey management sim. It was a life sim based around you as a hockey coach, managing personal expenses and relationships, while still giving time and effort to your team. So, I started a new game, this time creating my own team. That was a mistake.
Or at least, how I did it was a mistake. This is a warning to anyone who wants to create a team in Hockey Manager 2020: You don’t have very many resources to start with. Which means that if you decide to, say, create a team in the game’s equivalent of the AHL, you’re going to have a bad time. My “Milwaukee Swans” clearly didn’t stand a chance against the kind of top-quality opposition they were up against. I think that if you’re going to try the “create a team” route, stick to Europe, where you’ll be on a much more level playing field. However, there was an extra bit of fun in taking full control of the ownership aspect of the club. You have control over the expansion of your arena, decision-making in what training camps and PR events your team has, and a full in-depth revenue calculator. Of course, this was something that was available to me in the other save, I just happened to only realize it when I started with this save. So, after losing a few games I realized my mistake and decided that maybe I should just play as an extremely rich team so I could fully experience the end-game goals of Hockey Manager 2020.
This time, I started a new save with the “Choose a Club” selection. I supported my local team by picking the knock-off Chicago Blackhawks. The Chicago Whitebirds were given a brand new GM and I was able to see what a fully upgraded stadium looked like. The team was so rich that I could probably buy any player I wanted from Europe, but my team was so good that it wouldn’t be worth it to pay for any of them. My first paycheck was enough to let me get on board with some pretty solid stock options. In fact, in this save I barely even touched the coaching side of things, instead signing a good assistant coach and passing all the work off to him so I could pay more attention to the stock market. I got in so deep that I found that there was a section right next to the stock market for betting on your games. If I remember sports history correctly, this is the sort of thing that Pete Rose got banned from baseball for. But, Hockey Manager 2020 lets you bet freely, so I started racking up the money.
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So, how do you, a Hockey Manager in 2020, spend your money in this game? Well, if you’re on a struggling team like my Milwaukee Swans, you can actually donate your own personal funds to the team. That way, if you somehow hit the jackpot in the stock market, you can actually use that money to improve your team for the future. You can also invest that money in the bank. You’re given some sort of investment placeholder like a gold or platinum ingot that’s valued at a certain level. Its value rises as time goes on and you can eventually take it out if you need that money. You can also buy other investments, like how I bought a sword and the game told me that I had a “30% chance to receive +1 Penetration Strength”. I’m very foggy on the details of that stat, but I think that means I can use it to kill Gary Bettman. These bonus investments give you a bonus on a certain stat that somehow relates to the item. You can also spend that money on your “lifestyle” which relates to the happiness of your significant other. Don’t worry about finding one because they literally just show up periodically.
You see, you don’t actively take part in very many of the activities that you say that you’re doing. 
Since Hockey Manager 2020 is still mainly a hockey management sim, you do have control over tactics, how often certain plays are run, and ice time. You also have the ability to decide each player’s training regimen. Since my tactical hockey knowledge is constantly fluctuating between the hard-nose hitting Broad Street Bullies style and beautifully skillful Russian Ballet style and NOTHING in between, I let the assistant coach handle this. But compared to name-brand Eastside Hockey Manager, HM2020 is much more in depth in its tactics. Although, it is a bit hard to read. But we’ll get to that. After each intermission, you get to choose one rallying call out of four options and that’s about as much work you do during games. All your tactics were set ahead of time unless you want to make those changes mid-intermission. Then there’s contract negotiations that spring up not just for players and coaches, but also sponsors. It’s a bit of a mini-game where you try to move the numbers just enough so as to not anger the other party enough that they’ll walk away. And that’s about the extent to which you have active control over the team.
You’re allowed up to three “appointments” per month. Basically, they’re fun things that you can do as a GM to gain favor in a certain way, maybe get some extra money or fan support. But you only choose for this thing to happen. You don’t actually get to do anything when it happens. It’s kind of disappointing when you set up an interview and don’t get to actually respond to questions. These appointments are sort of left up to chance and while you might get a favor from your bank advisor on one trip, you might lose fan support on another. You don’t really have control over the success of the appointment, you just set it up.
As a whole, this game has some big issues with its English translation. I hope that they can patch that up with some better wording. There are certain things that need more clarity. While I said before that Hockey Manager 2020 may have a leg up on EHM in terms of tactics, the way to tell what players are better than others is sorta complicated. Their overall ability is combined between their inherent “strength” and their current form. As someone who’s played plenty of sports management sims, “strength” is usually a single attribute relating to body strength. Due to the translation issues here, it relates to the overall inherent ability of a player. It’s small things like that that really hold this game back from being really good.
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In the end, just like any sports management game, it’s about getting used to the way the game plays and just putting a lot of time into building your team. It’s also about finding which part of the game is fun for you. While I wasn’t really that deep into the tactical aspect, the Private tab was an amazing adventure that I think is well worth the time and in-game investment. So if you’re itching for an alternative to something like Eastside or even NHL, try Hockey Manager 2020. It may not have the license to NHL teams, but it does have the official licenses to the French and Spanish leagues. Maybe try that out!
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kaylinchiao · 4 years ago
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【北鳥老師線上課程心得~初學者別怕!!!】 我完成了!(完整版影片有整株植物的畫法,免費版只有花朵的部分) 前幾天轉發北鳥老師的免費版『甜薰衣草繪製影片』後,有人問初學者是否學得起來?我本人蠻鼓勵大家跟著畫,首先,甜薰衣草的結構不算難,很好跟課。而且,基本上北鳥老師講解很詳細,初學者是不太需要擔心的。 很多人還是會怕線上課程無法和實體課程畫的一樣好。我會強烈建議大家先試試看,根據我的經驗,只要講解上的細節足夠,透過影片學一樣能夠吸收。尤其不肯提筆畫,其實是不清楚自己的程度,內心想的畫不好,身體不一定會買帳。你的手也許在你願意肯提筆的那瞬間,就會替你發揮自身也沒料到的創作力。 沒有植物沒關係,照著影片的植物跟老師畫,重要的是學習老師帶領觀察的方式。沒有同牌的色鉛沒關係,手邊有的色鉛挑幾隻相似的擋著用就行,把影片中的色號記下,以後想重畫再去買。沒有尼龍筆刷也沒關係,我用水彩筆和毛筆一樣好用!真正想畫畫,這些小事真的不算什麼~ 無論我當學生或之前教課的經驗,大部分有意想學畫的同學,在老師的引領下都可以畫得很好的!如果你真的覺得自己不夠好,那���可能只是 1.練習不足 (老話一句,持續練習,畫畫就像打禪,不練就不會進步。) 2.對自己太過嚴苛 (又不是要出國比賽或考術科,經鬆點~) 3.其實你心底沒有真的想學 (有多少想學畫畫的想法是來自別人的?或是只為了跟潮流?別強迫自己做不想做的事,先弄清楚自己真正想要先做什麼吧~) 所以,初學者也好,進修者也好,想畫畫不必擔心做不做得到的問題。就像北鳥老師在影片最後提到的,享受整個畫畫的過程吧~(而且,影片時不時出現貓叫聲實在是好療癒~北鳥老師有三隻可愛的貓) 以下資訊轉自:北鳥老師的臉書 北鳥 植物觀察繪圖 │疫情免費開放資源,提供個人學習使用 北鳥 植物觀察繪圖 │甜薰衣草 Lavandula × heterophylla - 花梗(一) https://youtu.be/EyTmHMyOmAw 北鳥 植物觀察繪圖 │甜薰衣草 Lavandula × heterophylla - 苞片、花朵(二) https://youtu.be/dvfu6XmqLfI 北鳥 植物觀察繪圖 │甜薰衣草 Lavandula × heterophylla - 花梗、主莖立體感觀察繪製(三) https://youtu.be/SvCCPqRjFEA 北鳥 植物觀察繪圖 │甜薰衣草 Lavandula × heterophylla - 正面葉(四) https://youtu.be/aokAijzrh4o 北鳥 植物觀察繪圖 │甜薰衣草 Lavandula × heterophylla - 背面葉(五) https://youtu.be/zi5IDQJFdWc 「北鳥-大人的自然美學時光」,長期以植物觀察手繪為教學主題,專注於科學與美學平衡的古典圖鑑式手繪,提供喜歡植物科學之美的朋友們一個學習與資訊流通的空間。 北鳥植物藝術教育線上學習平台 https://northbirds.com/ 臉書專頁 https://www.facebook.com/northbirds #art #sketch #drawing #painting #illustrate #illustration #illustrator #coloredpencil #coloredpencils #手繪 #插畫 #繪圖 #色鉛筆 #水性 #plant #leaves #green #botanical #botanicalart #flowers #floral #植物 #巫心幻化 #植心畫 #甜薰衣草 #sweetlavender #lavender #北鳥 https://www.instagram.com/p/CP2lfvEnCO8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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history2000 · 6 years ago
Survey sent to Candidates for MN House of Representatives
I seek to be as transparent as possible about my political activism. Granted I’m late about updating this page. Also, see my twitter page for more related stuff: @ryansibinski_ .  
Below is the survey that I sent to Candidates for MN House of Representatives.  The following candidates replied favorably to the survery (parenthesis notes weather or not they won the election in Nov 2018):
-Michael Northbird, D, Cass Lake (lost)
-John Huot, D, Rosemont (won)
-Sarah Hamlin, DFL, New Ulm (lost) 
-Marinda “Mindy” Kimmel, DFL, New Ulm (lost)
 -Shane Mekeland, R, Becker (won)
-Jill Galvan, LP, Cosmos (lost)
-Hunter Cantrell, DFL, Savage (won)
-Yvette Marthaler, DFL, Fairbault (lost)
-Jennifer Schultz, DFL, Duluth (incumbent) (won)
Here is that email....
On Wednesday, October 10, 2018 11:06 AM, Ryan Ry Sibinski <[email protected]> wrote: Dear All Candidates for Minnesota House of Representatives, Closed adoption laws that seal original birth certificates of adopted people in confidentiality, thus severing ties between family members, constitute a clear violation of widely accepted international law -- the human right to identity -- and this injustice should be corrected by the Minnesota legislature immediately. Many politicians claim that allowing adopted people access to their original birth certificate is a controversial issue, yet the UNCRC treaty shows overwhelming consensus for the right to identity as a basic human right; the UNCRC is the most widely ratified international treaty in history. I've included links below to my blog where I outline that basic civil rights of Due Process and Equal Protection are also violated because of adoption-related laws. As a candidate for Minnesota House of Representatives, would you please stand up for these rights and support a bill that would overhaul closed adoption laws? ____ Sources:Minnesota State Law (144.225 (c)) subjects adoptees to discriminatory laws that differ from non adopted counterparts:  https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/144.225 Minnesota State Law that seals in confidentiality the original birth certificate of adoptees, in violation of UNCRC:https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/144.218#stat.144.218.1 UNCRC, United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child -- right to identity -- (See Article 7 and Article 8):   https://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CRC.aspx The UNCRC is the Most widely ratified treaty in world history:https://www.unicef.org.uk/what-we-do/un-convention-child-rights/ My blog post regarding the civil and human rights of people adopted as children: http://rysibinski.blogspot.com/2018/03/identity-injustice_22.html?spref=tw Best regards,Ryan Sibinski   •   773-707-3014 (cell)  •   @RyanSibinski_ P.S. I was adopted as a child in Minnesota. I have teamed with other adopted people to raise awareness about this issue, and to correct this injustice.
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northbirdblog · 5 months ago
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Easy Recipe to Make Your Own Laundry Detergent!
Costs next to nothing, and does a wonderful job leaving your clothes clean and fresh!
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northbirdblog · 4 months ago
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Learn how to make these easy and tasty Sourdough Pizza Pockets (Panzerottis) for dinner!
They also make a great packed lunch if you make ahead and freeze/reheat!
Visit: https://thenorthbirdblog.com/2023/08/01/sourdough-panzerotti-pizza-pockets/
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northbirdblog · 2 years ago
How to Make Sourdough Bread
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northbirdblog · 11 days ago
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Make a Nature Ice-Suncatcher!
For inspiration and directions, visit: https://thenorthbirdblog.com/2024/03/08/how-to-make-an-ice-sun-catcher/
winter #kids #ice #suncatcher #activity #nature
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northbirdblog · 12 days ago
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Cheesy Sourdough Pretzels
Soft and cheesy, this Sourdough Pretzel Recipe will satisfy those cheesy-carb cravings!
To get this recipe and more great ideas, visit: https://thenorthbirdblog.com/.../cheesy-sourdough-pretzels/
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northbirdblog · 3 months ago
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Pecan Peach Granola Recipe
This Granola blend has the crunchy delight of roasted pecans, sweetened with honey and dates, and filled with the flavour of summer peaches.
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northbirdblog · 4 months ago
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northbirdblog · 4 months ago
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Delicious Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins made with Sourdough Discard.
This is a great way to use up an excess of sourdough starter/discard and also those spotty bananas that are hanging around (or if you are like me, a stash of frozen bananas that had started to go spotty, and I froze them instead of throwing them out!)
To get this recipe and more tasty ideas, visit:
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northbirdblog · 4 months ago
Chickpea Coconut Curry
Delicious and Creamy Curry on your table in under an hour!
To get this recipe and more great ideas, visit:
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northbirdblog · 4 months ago
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A healthy and quick make-ahead freezer snack, just decorate with your favourite toppings or enjoy the pure smooth flavour!
1. Make the yogurt base and flavour with your favourite fruit or berries
2. Decorate with sweet or nutritious toppings
3. Freeze & Eat
Recipe and topping ideas on the blog posting!
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