#Noah Si
manonamora-if-reviews · 10 months
Maverick Hunter: Scandalous Mission by Noah Si
IFDB - Game Note: this is a demo/prototype that had been first submitted to the Bring Out Your Ghost jam.
This is a demo/proof of concept/fan game, mashing up the Mega Man IP and Crème de la Crème by H Powell-Smith. It had first been submitted to the Bring Out Your Ghost.
I wasn't really sure what to expect, because I had no strong frame of reference for either IPs, I know of both but never played either. But the demo truly wasn't something I could have expected!
At the time of this review, the project is still in a demo/prototype stage, with uncoded variables or statement in passages or its strange ending. From what is there however, the mash up between IPs seems to work (or at least, from a non-informed player), hinting at a probably unserious approach in the future.
The game starts off with a more generic ‘get ready to fight some baddies’ moment, coupled with a bit of character creator. You get to pick your sidekick (if any) and who would will end up fighting. It is very important, your CO drills into your head, and very serious...
... aaaaaaand the demo shifts to a homage to Pick Up the Phone Booth and Die (and you die not matter what you pick, like in PUPBD). Getting to that end was surprising at first, but coming back to it again and again felt like it was intentional (or lack of time? not being able to continue the main story?). It's very silly, and going from a set and serious story to this made me laugh a lot. I am unsure whether this end would actually fit the story planned, but I kind of hope it stays in the game if it ever updates. As an Easter Egg of sort.
Thanks for the good laugh!
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petty-d4bblr · 5 months
[Spoilers for Hellblazer: Dead in America #4]
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Absolutely loving Spurrier's writing of John Constantine's humour and attitude in "Hellblazer: Dead in America" (2024)
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Swamp thing is having none of John's nonsense right now.
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And Nat continues to be absolutely 100% awesome. Love her.
Spurrier and Co. not doing too bad with her accent, either. People tend to overdo the Glasgow accent in writing. Although, "bint" is not so common here tbh. "You'se" is on point, though. Make myself cringe with that all the time.
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Look at them. Pair of absolute twats.
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Every panel of Aaron Campbell's is a bloody frameable work of art.
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I'm so excited to see where Noah's story is going and I'm so nervous for him. I bet he already suspects what John's not telling him. Poor guy.
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moonsyrups · 2 years
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waiting all weekend for a man to call? you’re better than this queen..
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valentinesparda · 5 months
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ummmm secret elopement with the judge magister
[ insert on the right uses they/them pronouns only ]
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pablohunie1993 · 6 months
hoping noah ikumelo doesn't hear about that alternate universe where john drops everything to raise his child after her mother dies in an accident
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pinayelf · 8 months
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"yes because i'm in love with your brothe-"
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hushguts · 1 year
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kylos-starlight · 17 days
I'm still working on my 65 SI BUT ...I'm also making fankid.
As stated before I had a dream that Kylo and I had a child. He has messy dark brown hair and green eyes, his name is Noah Solo ♡
Much like his parents, he is also force sensitive (but both Kylo and Kaden don't know it until he's a little older!)
Since I had a dream about this sweet little family scenario and acknowledged it today, I'm making Noah's birthday September 3rd ♡
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smileflowcr · 3 months
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Neon Blade no era, ni de lejos, uno de sus lugares favoritos, siendo una persona introvertida prefería por mucho quedarse en casa e ignorar el mundo a su alrededor. Lleva un tiempo así, específicamente desde que cierta persona desapareció de su vida y no solo perdió la alegría de su vida, sino que también su frágil corazón se hizo pesados tras comprender que Noah no volvería con él. En cuanto entra al lugar se ve abrumado por las luces y el aroma a todo tipo de drogas, pero sus ojos marrones se fijan de inmediato en cierta figura que baila sobre un escenario, una que podría reconocer en cualquier parte y que le produce un fuerte dolor en pecho y ganas de llorar.
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kitc0nn0r · 1 year
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kaipassedgo · 10 months
more people should consider cuddleing with thaier cats from the hours of 1-5 am
that shits like peak cuddln time, a nice book, a sketchbook, vibey music, potentially a youtube video, some hot choccy, perchance
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mikrokosmcs · 3 months
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Brinda  por  el  club  de  antis  de  Suyeong,  ahora  son  dos  poderosísimos  miembros,  salud
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debtsunpaid · 7 months
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gwendolyn: hrrr~ constantine: no! no — stop! do me! l-leave them out of it. clarice: you heard the man.
and WHO is doing it like clarice sackville, i ask you. WHO on planet earth is out there SERVING like this!!!
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Do you guys mind seeing messy sketches, cuz I swear I draw It Lives related stuff A BUNCH but they are SO MESSY
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takethebodymarc · 1 year
to me he's foolish always
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midncghts · 1 year
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la   briza   fresca   primaveral   estropea   ligeramente   su   cabellera   ,   al   tiempo   que   su   paso   se   acelera   al   ver   al   otro   a   lo   lejos   en   los   jardines   del   palacio.   si   bien   era   su   cuidador   y   era   consiente   de   que   su   deber   era   protegerlo   con   su   propia   vida   ,   de   ser   necesario   ,   se   le   era   casi   imposible   sentirse   como   una   niñera   siguiéndole   los   pasos   para   evitar   que   su   alteza   cometiera   alguna   barbaridad.   eli   ajusta   el   broche   de   su   capa   y   camina   hacia   noah   manteniendo   sus   manos   entrelazadas   en   su   espalda.   “   así   que   aquí   estás   .   .   .   ¿  alguna   vez   te   cansarás   de   escabullirte   como   las   ratas   ,   noah  ?   ”   inquiere   a   sus   espaldas   con   voz   apacible   ,   dejando   los   títulos   nobiliarios   a   un   lado.   “   te   has   saltado   la   hora   del   té   y   tu   padre   está   colérico   .   .   .   al   parecer   tenía   invitados.   ”   eli   comenta   dándole   un   vistazo   a   su   alrededor.   los   jardines   le   parecían   la   parte   más   carismática   de   todo   el   lugar.   “   honestamente   ,   no   tengo   interés   en   saber   el   porqué   su   alteza   ha   decidido   ausentarse   ,   pero   ¿  podrías   tener   la   decencia   de   ,   al   menos   ,   informarme   donde   estarás  ?   ”   vuelve   a   preguntar   ,   la   mano   de   eli   envolviendo   con   firmeza   la   muñeca   contraria.   @mikrokosmcs​
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