hushguts · 1 year
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pixelnrd · 8 months
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Heather wasn't ready to leave Sulani any time soon. She was enjoying whiling her days away in the ocean and her nights away working and partying.
But when she next visited the internet cafe in town she found a new email from her brother.
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Hey Sis
I know you aren't coming back anytime soon, but I have some big news... Kelly and I are getting married at the end of the month!
I know it's happing pretty fast but we're dead serious about this. And also, look don't tell Mom or Dad, but Kelly is pregnant. Bit of an oops but it'll be okay! So yeah gotta get this wedding done before anyone finds out.
I'd really like you to be here and come to the wedding. It would mean the world to us both. You know you're my favourite family member! And Mom and Dad are paying for a big reception so it should be fun (looks like I've finally done something they can brag about to their friends hey?)
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Heather was annoyed with her brother - how could he be so irresponsible and careless to get someone pregnant? But she realised she was mostly annoyed that she needed to return home. She wasn't ready just yet, but her duty to be there with her brother to watch him marry the person he loved weighed on her. Especially as she knew she had caused the end of his last serious relationship.
And so Heather returned home to San Sequoia. The place hadn't changed since she had left, but the mark of time passing could be seen on her beloved mother, who seemed much greyer and frailer as she wrapped her daughter in a big hug. It felt good to be home, in her parents arms again.
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Dustin hugged Heather as soon as she walked in the door. He was so glad she had come home. It had been so long, and yet she was still his little sister. He introduced her to Kelly - who had known Heather in high school, though never really spoken to her or given her the time of day - and Heather was gracious and friendly.
Heather went upstairs to her childhood bedroom - unchanged since she had left for college so many years ago - and realised she was finally home. It was time to put down her pack and do something with her life.
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piareia · 4 months
The Fire Tides Chapter 4: Meetings to an Opening
Hi guys! First of all, I am so so so sorry for the huge delay in releasing these chapters. I got very caught up with uni but now that I have some free time on my hands, I figured I would try my best to complete this project. Whether you're over Httyd or you still adore it, I'll still try to complete the fanfic for The Fire Tides as I promised! Hope you guys enjoy Chapter 4, where we resume off of Hiccup's response to his idea being rejected by Eret's father and the other chiefs. This chapter will start off with Fishlegs and Heather's reunion after the last time they saw each other at the Edge, I tried my best to make it somewhat close to how the characters would react if they were to meet after the events of Httyd 2! Hope you enjoy it and sorry again! :)
With the others challenging Eret at the bar, Fishlegs and Heather stared at each other blankly.
“So, how’s life at Berserker Island with your Berserker brother?” Fishlegs gave an awkward smile.
“Erm, it’s certainly berserk!” Heather laughed nervously, “I mean he’s still the same old Dagur you saw over at Dragon’s edge before we departed.”
“I can imagine!” Fishlegs chucked, “But, there does seem to be some change in you, Heather.”
She glanced at him wide-eyed, “Oh, erm I-”
“I didn’t mean it in a bad way! I just meant that-” He looked at her intensely, “You seem more at peace now.”
“And that makes me happier than I could ever say,” Fishlegs smiled, looking down.
“All the struggles you’ve been through, the loneliness you felt. It just seems like it’s all gone from your eyes.”
Heather’s eyes started to well up, “It has.”
“Fishlegs, these years have been the happiest of my life. I’ve seen and learned so much, being with my brother, seeing the people, our people, rejoice in the streets brings me such joy. I see exactly what I feel! I don’t feel alone anymore!” Heather cried in joy.
He placed a hand over her shoulder in ecstasy after hearing her confirm his suspicions, “Oh Heather! I’m so happy for you!”
Both of their eyes were tearing up, slowly and joyfully. However, Heather glanced at her shoulder and realised she had to tell him what she intended to say.
“Fishlegs, there is something I do need to tell you,” Heather shifted uneasily, “The thing is, well, I’m betrothed to someone over at Berserker Island.”
Heather kept her eyes on the floor, “I know we had something. It was special, at the time. And it was one of the things that actually made me feel less lonely during those tiresome days. But I think with time, things change, situations change, we change and-”
“Heather, I-” Fishlegs chucked quietly, “You’re probably going to think I’m crazy, but I’m kinda into Ruffnut?”
Heather and Fishlegs stared at each other in amazement for a minute or two. Then, they both burst into laughter.
“This entire time, I was so worried to tell you!” They both spoke, chortling in joy.
“I thought you’d think I’m a nutcase for falling in love with Ruff!” Fishlegs cried.
“What! No way! I’m so happy for you both!” Heather yelled eagerly, “I thought you’d judge me for falling in love with a Berserker!”
“Oh, c’mon! You have a cool Berserker brother; we need a cool Berserker husband to that list too!”
They both giggled in amazement, chatting on and on about their new lives. How much they adore their prospective partners. How much they care about them. And, slowly, yet gradually, all of their past worries melted away with time, stirring them up and transcending them into a space that could no longer be reached.
“Sis-ster, I thank we need soume- ,” Tuffnut dropped to the floor with his mug in hand, “I be-eated that Erut!”
Fishlegs and Heather both glanced at Tuff in concern. Astrid arrived with Eret looking very pleased with himself indeed.
“Ah, how much did Tuff exactly drink?” Heather asked.
“You don’t wanna know,” Astrid glared at him.
“Err-et! He c-can’t stend a chance ag-ainst Snothat!” Snotlout fell to the floor as well.
“I did warn them. My tolerance against mead is quite high,” Eret nudged Snotlout’s drooling face with his foot, “He should be fine…maybe in a day or two.”
“Eret, is this really the time to be drinking? I expected you to be present at the Chief’s table.”
Eret looked over to the familiar voice, “Ah! Father!”
“Your Berkian Chief was there, why weren’t you?”
“Well, I’m not a Chief yet, Father, ” Eret scratched his neck in discomfort.
“Well, you will be. Sooner or later, you’ll have to take over the reigns of our tribe. I wonder if you take that duty seriously or not,” Eret’s father looked at him sternly.
“Father, we’ve spoken about this countless times. It just isn’t in me to-”
“Erm, I’m so sorry to interrupt both of you,” Astrid looked back and forth, “But, where exactly is the Berkian chief?”
Eret’s father turned to her, “It seemed that your chief didn’t see eye-to-eye with all the other chiefs. I did try my best to explain to him why his proposition would be denied, but he would not take no for an answer.”
Astrid sighed, “Well, that’s Hiccup for you.”
“He’s headed outside, probably wanted some air to cool off,” Eret’s father smiled at her, “Might be a good idea for you to help him cool off too?”
Astrid nodded with no hesitations, instantly gesturing for Stormfly to follow her to the exit.
The night air was chilly, sporadically blasting cold drafts at the irritated chief. Hiccup slumped against Toothless, glaring at the black canopy above him. There were many stars embellished onto it, perceivable yet inaccessible, just like the many dragons he wished to reach out to. He desired for those dumbed-down Vikings to at least see a glimpse of the beauty he envisioned, the unlimited opportunities this dream could create, the great change that it would lead to. This was the goal from the very beginning. A human and dragon utopia.
Hiccup scratched Toothless in annoyance, “I know bud, they’re honestly a bunch of muttonheads.”
Toothless warbled a laugh.
“Hey, I’m just being honest!” Hiccup turned his head knowingly, “Some of them look like they have yak beards.”
“Yak beards? Hmm, you do seem to have a point there…”
Startled, Hiccup turned around to see Astrid getting off of Stormfly.
He raised an eyebrow, “Huh, I guess you weren’t joking when you said you can track me down.”
“Yup! Anywhere in the Archipelago, Astrid Hofferson will always be able to hunt a ‘Hiccup Haddock’ down,” Astrid rested her head on Hiccup’s shoulder.
“Hunt? I bet you can’t get to me before those yak-bearded chiefs.”
“Ah, it’s debatable,” She shifted closer to him, “But, why would the yak-bearded chiefs wish to hunt you down? I always assumed Hiccup Haddock was a fish, but perhaps he’s a yak.”
Hiccup gave a shocked look at her clever remark, “Haha, very funny. Maybe I should’ve used Tuff’s yak to get them to accept my proposal.”
“Hmm, perhaps. Bribery at its finest,” Astrid rubbed his hand, urging him to say what’s on his mind.
“Astrid, they just don’t see what I see,” Hiccup sighed.
“I know.”
“I wish they could just understand that humans and dragons living in harmony would change this world completely.”
“That is true,” Astrid played with his hair, “It would be quite a huge change. All humans. All dragons. Together.”
“It would be incredible, wouldn’t it?” Hiccup brought her in closer, pointing at the stars above, “Just imagine this night sky, and all you see are humans on the backs of dragons. You see them just speeding right past, laughing in utter joy, in utter freedom. It would feel so, so liberating for all of us.”
“Now that would be really beautiful,” Astrid then thought for a moment, “But, if there’s too many of us in the sky, I wouldn’t be able to see the stars. All I’d see are the dragons whizzing by. I would probably get knocked off by the amount of dragon traffic.”
“The sky is quite a huge expanse though,” Hiccup said quickly.
“That is true. But so are humans and dragons. We’re constantly popping into this world by the will of Thor.”
Hiccup thought for a second, “Hmm.”
“Are you saying he was right about his whole point on overpopulation? Eret’s father?”
“No. I’m not saying you’re right either. I’m just explaining why those yak bearded Vikings can’t see what you can see.”
Hiccup raised an eyebrow.
“It’s because you can’t see what they can see either.”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re Hiccup, you always look at the positives. These guys are obviously dead set on the negatives. Neither of you can see eye-to-eye because of how differently you see the world. I guess, it’s important to see both sides at times. Especially when making such huge decisions such as this.”
Hiccup blinked in sheer amazement. She really did know how to sum the situation up, huh?
“And what if the negatives outweigh the positives?” He then looked down defeatedly, thinking back to his failed debate with Eret’s father, “What happens then?”
Astrid lifted his chin up, “Then you find more positives.”
His eyes widened. This was what he was trying to do all along.
“And if you can’t find them,” Astrid slowly smiled at the stars, “Then you create them yourself.” 
That was it. He understood now. Even if those chiefs couldn’t come to terms with his proposal, it didn’t mean he would quit so easily. This was his dream and if he wanted to see it come to life, it was down to him to do so. Whether it took years upon years, he would keep trying to reach that dream regardless of the obstacles in his way.
Hiccup then smiled knowingly at Astrid whilst she was gazing at the stars. Instantly, he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into a deep and passionate kiss. The starlight shone upon the two, their silhouettes merging into one other as the glow hovered around them in sheer radiance.
“How do you always know what to say during my moments of despair?” He smiled at her with renewed motivation.
Astrid laughed, “Hey, I’ve had a lot of practice. Hiccup’s moments of despair aren’t that new to me anymore.”
 “Well! Now that you’ve gotten me out of my slump, I guess it’s about time we headed back to the Foreverwing,” Hiccup grabbed her hand with restored determination, “Let’s gather the riders, we leave for Berk in an hour!”
Hope you guys enjoyed this! So with the help of Astrid, Hiccup is back to being determined in building his ideal world for humans and dragons, regardless of what Eret's father has said to him. Next chapter will be the start of the main plot for the Fire Tides!
@sorushing @thisghostishere @tabbyakadragon @limesandcoconuts @rosiethedragongeek
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Unlike last time (which I luckily skipped because I felt sick at night and was allowed to stay at home), I don't have tests tomorrow! So yeah, here it'll be! Dead Girl Walking (Reprise) in Italian! In which most of the syllable numbers have completely gone off to fuck themselves and left me alone with this fucking mess! But, first of all, a little something I gotta say:
ASK ME FOR PERMISSION BEFORE USING THIS, DO CREDIT ME IF YOU EVER USE THIS (I doubt you will it’s impractical and still needs so much fixing it’s unbelievable) AND TELL ME/LINK WHATEVER YOU USED IT FOR USING REBLOGS (because for some reason Tumblr doesn’t like comments with links and while I do think I understand why I don’t always like it)
(the apostrophes [or however ’ is called] are used to shorten the number of syllables often in poetry so I’m obviously abusing that power.)
[VERONICA, cantato] Volevo uno che mi proteggesse Ho lasciato che mi manipolasse e li uccidesse La sua soluzion'è 'na bugia Non si morirà più per la sua pazzia Meno che per me e il mostro ch'ho creato Sì SÌ! In guardia, J.D. Sono una morta vivente
[STUDENTI] For-za Westerburg
[VERONICA] Non puoi nasconderti Sono una morta vivente
[STUDENTI] For-za Westerburg
[VERONICA] Senti la campana della morte Un'ultima danza deciderà la nostra sorte Mano per mano all'inferno con una morta vivente
[STUDENTI] Woah-oh-oh-oh-oh!
[HEATHER MCNAMARA] Forza, Westerburg!
[STUDENTI] Woah-oh-oh-oh-oh!
[HEATHER MCNAMARA] Forza andiam, forza andiam, ora!
[MS. FLEMMING] Veronica!? Jason Dean m'aveva detto che t'eri appena suicidata!
[VERONICA] Sì, beh, si sbaglia su molte cose.
[MS. FLEMMING] Ah, avevo messo assieme un tributo carino Specialmente considerando il poco preavviso.
[VERONICA] Prof Flemming cosa c'è sotto alla palestra?
[MS. FLEMMING] Il locale caldaia?
[VERONICA] Eccolo!
[MS. FLEMMING] Veronica che sta succedendo?
[VERONICA, cantato] Non ho tempo di parlar Sono una morta vivente!
[STUDENTI] For-za Westerburg Dimmi cos'è quel suono! Arriva Westerburg Per piantarvi sotto al suolo! Vai! Vai! Westerburg! Caccia 'n grido eterno Westerburg vi ucciderà E manderà dritti all'inferno!
[VERONICA] Allontanati dalla bomba.
[JD] Questa piccoletta? È difficilmente una bomba. Serve solo a far esplodere i pacchi di dinamite di sopra in palestra Quelli sono bombe Le persone vedranno le ceneri delle superiori Westerburg E penseranno: "Ecco una scuola che s'è autodistrutta Non perché alla società non frega niente Ma perché quella scuola era la società!" L'unico posto in cui le Heather e le Marthe possono andare d'accordo è in Paradiso!
[VERONICA] Vorrei tua madre fosse stata un po' più forte Vorrei la sua scelta non fosse stata la morte Vorrei tuo padre fosse migliore! Che tutto non fosse peggiore! Vorrei avervi incontrato anni fa e averla fermata proprio là! Vorrei venissi con me–
[JD] Vorrei avere più dinamite!
[STUDENTI] Ah-ah-ah For-za Westerburg Dimmi cos'è quel suono! Arriva Westerburg Per piantarvi sotto al suolo! Vai, vai, Westerburg! Caccia un grido eterno Westerburg vi ucciderà E manderà dritti all'infer–
[VERONICA] *Urlo* So, direct translation! (used in this to specify the meanings and explain certain word choices)
[VERONICA] I wanted one (implied to be one guy) who would protect me I let him manipulate me and kill them His solution is a lie No one will die for his madness anymore Except for me and the monster I created Yeah! Yeah! Heads up (but more literally "En garde"? On guard, be alert?), J.D. I’m a living dead (girl)!
[STUDENTS] Come on, Westerburg!
[VERONICA] You can't hide, ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
[VERONICA] I’m a living dead (girl)
[STUDENTS] Come on, Westerburg!
[VERONICA] Hear the death bell One last dance will decide our fate (GOOGLE TRANSLATE I THANK YOU FOR SUPPLYING ME WITH THE WORD FATE I LOVE YOU) Hand in hand in hell with a living dead (girl)
[STUDENTS] Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh!
[HEATHER MCNAMARA] Come on, Westerburg!
[STUDENTS] Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh!
[HEATHER MCNAMARA] Come on let's go, come on let's go, now!
[PAULINE FLEMING] Veronica!? Jason Dean told me you’d just committed suicide!
[VERONICA] Yeah, well ("beh"), he’s wrong about a lot of things.
[PAULINE FLEMING] Oh, I threw together a lovely tribute Especially given the short notice (I BUTCHERED THE SYLLABLES IN ITALIAN HERE I'M SORRY, TO SAY THIS YOU'LL HAVE TO BECOME EMINEM)
[VERONICA] Prof. Fleming, what’s under the gym?
[PAULINE FLEMING] The boiler room?
[VERONICA] That’s it (but more of a "He's there")!
[PAULINE FLEMING] Veronica, what’s going on?
[VERONICA] Don't have time to talk I’m a living dead (girl)!
[STUDENTS] Come on, Westerburg! Tell me what’s that sound? Here comes (but more literally arrives) Westerburg To plant you under the ground! Go! Go! Westerburg! Give an eternal yell! Westerburg will kill you And send you straight to hell!
[VERONICA] Step away (/distance yourself) from the bomb.
[J.D.] This little thing (but more literally "baby" but more of a diminutive of it)? It's hardly a bomb This is just to explode the packs of dynamite upstairs in the gym Those are bombs People are gonna see the ashes of Westerburg High School (but more literally superior school because that's what we call the after middle school part in Italy) And they'll think "There’s a school that self-destructed Not because society doesn't care But because that school was society!" The only place Heathers and Marthas can get along is in Heaven!
[VERONICA] I wish your mom had been a little stronger I wish her choice hadn't been death I wish your dad were better! That everything wasn't worse! I wish I'd met you (AS IN HE AND HIS MOM) years ago and stopped her right there! I wish you’d come with me—
[J.D.] I wish I had more dynamite!
[STUDENTS] Ah-ah-ah! Come on, Westerburg! Tell me what’s that sound? Here comes (more literally arrives) Westerberg To plant you under the ground! Go! Go! Westerburg! Give an eternal yell! Westerburg will kill you And send you straight to (hel)—
[VERONICA] *Scream* OG LYRICS (if you’re seeing this I doubt you don’t know them, but here they are anyway):
[VERONICA] I wanted someone strong who could protect me I let his anger fester and infect me His solution is a lie No one here deserves to die Except for me and the monster I created Yeah! Yeah! Heads up, J.D. I’m a dead girl walkin'!
[STUDENTS] Hey, yo, Westerburg!
[VERONICA] Can’t hide from me I’m a dead girl walkin’
[STUDENTS] Hey, yo, Westerburg!
[VERONICA] And there’s your final bell It’s one more dance and then farewell Cheek to cheek in hell with a dead girl walkin’
[STUDENTS] Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh!
[HEATHER MCNAMARA] Come on, Westerburg!
[STUDENTS] Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh!
[HEATHER MCNAMARA] Here we go, here we go now!
[PAULINE FLEMING] Veronica!? Jason Dean told me you’d just committed suicide!
[VERONICA] Yeah, well, he’s wrong about a lot of things.
[PAULINE FLEMING] Oh, I threw together a lovely tribute Especially given the short notice
[VERONICA] Ms. Fleming, what’s under the gym?
[PAULINE FLEMING] The boiler room
[VERONICA] That’s it!
[PAULINE FLEMING] Veronica, what’s going on?
[VERONICA] Got no time to talk I’m a dead girl walking!
[STUDENTS] Hey, yo, Westerburg! Tell me what’s that sound? Here comes Westerburg Comin’ to put you in the ground! Go! Go! Westerburg! Give a great big yell! Westerburg will knock you out And send you straight to hell!
[VERONICA] Step away from the bomb.
[J.D.] This little thing? I’d hardly call this a bomb This is just to trigger the packs of thermals upstairs in the gym Those are bombs People are gonna see the ashes of Westerburg High School And they're gonna think "There’s a school that self-destructed Not because society doesn't care But because that school was society" The only place Heathers and Marthas can truly get along is in Heaven!
[VERONICA] I wish your mom had been a little stronger I wish she stayed around a little longer I wish your dad were good! I wish grown-ups understood! I wish we met before they convinced you life is war! I wish you’d come with me—
[J.D.] I wish I had more TNT!
[STUDENTS] Ah-ah-ah! Hey, yo, Westerburg! Tell me what’s that sound? Here comes Westerberg Comin’ to put you in the ground! Go! Go! Westerburg! Give a great big yell! Westerburg will knock you out And send you straight to—
[VERONICA] *Scream*
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laurolive · 4 months
Paul McCartney and family meet Dolly Parton and Porter Wagoner at Opryland in Nashville, Tennessee, June 16, 1974
How great is this picture? Both parties look genuinely thrilled to meet each other. Dolly, 28 here, looks absolutely lovely with that glowing smile.
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And boy, did 1970s country music love big hair or what?
The possibilities for humourous photo captions focused on yesteryear’s hair and wig styles abound. Some fashion eras are timeless, while others… well, you can’t help but look back and laugh.
😄 Pokin’ Fun at Fashion, not People😃
So let’s salute high hair and bouffant wigs while still admiring this photo for the bonhomie it captured. As funny as those poofy wigs seem today, Dolly really rocked them in her time. Nothing could stop that woman from looking good.
Now let the captions begin.
Dolly (whispering to Porter): If we can never be bigger than the Beatles, at least our hair can be.
Porter Wagoner: You’re not from around here are you?
Paul: I guess you can tell from our accents.
Porter Wagoner: No, I can tell from your normal, flat hair.
Paul (to himself): And people made jokes about my mullet and Linda’s. 🤷‍♂️
Paul (to himself): Whoa, I bet you could hide a lot of cannabis in a wig like that. I wonder how Linda would feel about wearing a Dolly Parton wig on tour…
Linda (whispering to Paul): I don’t care how much pot you can hide in it, don’t even think about asking me to wear a Dolly Parton wig on tour.
Notice how Linda knows Paul so well, she can practically read his thoughts. 😊
Dolly Parton Wigs: Great for Smuggling
Paul (to his daughters): Smile, girls. We lost the big hair competition; but as sure as corn-on-the-cob at a county fair, we’re not gonna lose the big smile competition!
Heather and Mary: Dad, why are you talking like that?
Daughter Mary (whispering to her big sis): Heather, why does that lady have a big pile of cotton candy on her head?
Heather: I think it’s a wig, but I’ve never seen one that’s inflatable before.
Daughter Heather (whispering to her little sis): Hey, we could dress up as country music stars for Hallowe’en. We can go as Porter and Dolly!
Paul (overhearing): Uh-uh girls. Your mother and I are calling first dibs on that one.
Porter (whispering to Dolly): Hey, we could dress up as rock stars for Hallowe’en. We can be Paul and Linda!
Dolly: I don’t know Porter… I just can’t picture either of us with a mullet.
Linda (whispering to Paul): Paul, I think Dolly’s wig and Porter’s pompadour are scaring the girls.
Mary: I think I’m going to have a nightmare about that wig swallowing my head.
Scary movie idea: The Wig That Ate Nashville
Paul (afterward to Linda): How about I get you a Dolly Parton wig for your birthday?
Linda: Sure, but you’ll be getting a Porter Wagoner toupée for Christmas.
Just for the record: Porter didn’t wear a toupée. That was his real hair, but I’m sure a pompadour toupée could be found if one wanted the look temporarily.
©️ laurolive, laurolive.tumblr.com, www.tumblr.com/laurolive, www.tumblr.com/blog/laurolive, 2024
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goldenworldsabound · 4 months
Go! Go! Any random trivia fact about your OC that you want people to know! (@comfortingstars)
Avil you're so sweet to me ❤️
Regarding the OCs from my latest art!!! I could share more about them 😊 in ff7 they're dead (excluding Karma and my si) but in most verses they are not dead, and are my SI's friends. They've been in my brain since high school and I once started a webcomic about them!
Karma is bi and always has a crush on Roxanne. Sometimes they get together, sometimes they break up, sometimes they stay together. Depends! I think he deserves to find happiness but I haven't figured out what I think that looks like for him yet.
Heather is an aromantic lesbian, and Roxanne is an asexual biromantic! They're always besties, and sometimes even date for a bit, though it doesn't usually work out. They always remain close friends.
Tara and Allen are a couple!!! In my original high school based story, Tara comes out as nonbinary during school, and sometimes also goes by the name Jake. Allen loves them as they are. Allen is cis, and neither of them really label their sexual/romantic orientations. They know that they love each other, and that's enough. Tara is actually a twin to a very cis very femme sister but it doesn't come up that much outside of the original story really.
And also, Karma is the protagonist of the OG story! So I'm happy to get to give him a bigger role in my ff7 cast too. He's a genius prodigy vigilante type pretty much always.
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callunavulgari · 9 months
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"The kingdom come, the rise, the fall The setting sun above it all I just wanna be somebody to you"
Heather’s Top 50 Songs of 2023
thumbs — sabrina carpenter // dragostea din tei — feuerschwanz // edge of midnight — miley cyrus & stevie nicks // warrior of the mind — jorge rivera-herrans // happier than ever — kelly clarkson // flowers — miley cyrus // see you again — miley cyrus // six — six cast // fairytale — joel sunny // middle of the night — elley duhe // our light — lyn // it's terror time again — sesamoid // eat your young — hozier // step into darkness — dubkiller // got you — ga eun // just a man — jorge rivera-herrans // labour — paris paloma // the tornado — owl city // green green grass — george ezra // suzume — radwimps // can't take my eyes off you — boys town gang // survive — jorge rivera-herrans // mermaids— florence & the machine // unknown/Nth — hozier // we didn't start the fire — fall out boy // hold me like a grudge — fall out boy // where is the justice — death note musical // 30/90 — andrew garfield // everyday — buddy holly // i'm just ken — ryan gosling // what was i made for? — billie eilish // speechless — naomi scott // son of nyx — hozier // damage gets done — hozier & brandi carlile // paradise valley — honey and the sting // stand by me — florence & the machine //  my prayer — the platters // baby don't hurt me — david guetta // quietly yours — birdy // someone to you  — banners // one more time — blink 182 // adelaide — ramblewood // i'm just your problem — lur // you're gonna be okay — ashh blackwood // mr lonely  — angel olsen // now and then — the beatles // vois sur ton chemin — bennett // history is now — natalie holt // purpose is glorious — natalie holt // the power — borislav slavov
short version | long version | spotify wrapped
short version is the link to what you see here, my helpfully abridged version. long version will lead you to the 141 song, 8 hour and 17 minute supercut playlist which i’ve been slowly cultivating since early january. spotify wrapped will lead you to a mixture of the long and the short version, which is honestly pretty accurate but does not helpfully represent my ear worms of the week. i also skewed my data for it by listening to the spiritfarer and hollow knight soundtracks on repeat to ease the wedding anxieties.
also fun fact, the cover for this year's mix is actually a picture of the tree outside our room during our wedding day.
under the cut are the lyrics that really resonated with me and only a little personal tidbits from this year, because let's be real, nobody cares.
i. thumbs || sabrina carpenter 'cause that's just the way of the world it never ends 'til the end and then you start again
This one was playing as we left the florence concert late last year and dogged me all through january and february last winter. ii. dragostea din tei || feuerschwanz Alo, salut, sunt eu un haiduc Si te rog iubirea mea primeste fericirea
Yes, it's a metal cover. Yes, I found it on tiktok. Yes, I love it unconditionally.
iii. edge of midnight || miley cyrus & stevie nicks The midnight sky is the road I'm takin' Head high up in the clouds (oh, oh)
There's THREE Miley Cyrus songs on here this year. Nuts. I really loved cranking this while driving home from Newark back when I was still hybrid. Much serotonin in those gray winter months. iv. warrior of the mind || jorge rivera-herrans & teagan earley Maybe one day they'll follow me and we'll Make a greater tomorrow, then they'll see Is it REALLY a surprise that Epic grabbed me by the throat this year?
v. happier than ever || kelly clarkson You ruined everything good Always said you were misunderstood Made all my moments your own Just fucking leave me alone I actually ended up hearing the Billie Eilish version of this first, but I ended up reading a post about how Billie's version was for the shitty boyfriend's of the world but Kelly's was to her mom and just. That resonated SO so much that it's stuck with me ever since. I have a complicated relationship with mine. She didn't come to my wedding this year. Anyway, definitely screamed this in my car on long drives. vi. flowers || miley cyrus i can buy myself flowers write my name in the sand
I need to preface this with the fact that my partner and I have a wonderful relationship that I wouldn't trade for the world. This song is still a fucking banger. vii. see you again || miley cyrus I got my sights set on you and I'm ready to aim I have a heart that will never be tamed
Third Miley song of the year, I believe all ear worms before March. I ended up getting in a Tiktok loop of body transformations set to this song while I was really getting into working with weights. It was great inspiration that I DEARLY needed that early into things. The song is also incredibly catchy. viii. six || six cast we're one of a kind, no category too many years lost in his story I honestly feel like we saw this musical last year but this song in particular dogged me into this one. ix. fairytale || joel sunny *instrumental*
Found this instrumental version of a much beloved song due to a random discover weekly and loved it so much that I seriously considered using it in my wedding. x. middle of the night || elley duhe Come, lay me down 'Cause you know this 'Cause you know this sound
Shh, it's the horny booktok song. I won't be shamed. xi. our light || lyn 夢を夢と気づいた夜 君を見つめ瞼を閉じる 温もりも重ねた手も声も 目覚めれば微睡みへと消えて
I have been trying to finish persona 5 royal since 2020. this year, i finally beat it. xii. it's terror time again || sesamoid Oh, you just might die of fright, It's a terrifying time.
Yes, it's a Scooby Doo remix. yes, I love it. xiii. eat your young || hozier I'm starving, darling Let me put my lips to something Let me wrap my teeth around the world The horniest Hozier song since Take Me to Church in my humble opinion. I adored it immediately. xiv. step into darkness || dubkiller Blood on your hands, maybe you're dreaming? Do you believe, nightmares you're seeing?
Tiktok? xv. got you || ga eun Will you promise you’ll rescue me Take me from eternal loneliness
This was the theme song (I think?) to a Korean drama we were obsessed with for a little bit and I don't think we ever finished? Song is interesting though and sticks with you. xvi. just a man || jorge rivera-herrans When does a ripple become a tidal wave? When does the reason become the blame? When does a man become a monster? More Epic, because I am a mythology loving twelve year old at heart. The many, MANY tiktoks to this particular song did not help.
xvii. labour || paris paloma The capillaries in my eyes are bursting If our love died, would that be the worst thing?
It's catchy. I had more typed out but tumblr fucking ate it, so fuck it.
xviii. the tornado || owl city A little rain never hurt no one, so I kept pressin' on And I tried to tell myself it's always darkest before the dawn
Another song I played very loudly while driving home.
xix. green green grass || george ezra Green, green grass, blue, blue sky You better throw a party on the day that I die
Dancy song!
xx. suzume || radwimps ル・ル・ルルルルル・ルルル・ルルルルルル ル・ル・ルルルルル・ルルル・ルルルルルル We saw this in theaters! I really loved it! xxi. can't take my eyes off you || boys town gang You're just too good to be true Can't take my eyes off of you The Tiktok dances got me. More serotonin when I really needed it. xxii. survive || jorge rivera-herrans Six hundred lives I'll take Six hundred lives I'll break And when I kill you, then my deed is over
More Epic! xxiii. mermaids || florence & the machine You only get one night upon the shore So dance like you've never danced before
I love Florence. That is all. xxiv. unknown / nth || hozier You know the distance never made a difference to me I swam a lake of fire, I'd have walked across the floor of any sea
Hozier was honestly the artist that kept me the most company this year if I'm not counting Spiritfarer or Hollow Knight. xxv. we didn't start the fire || fall out boy Mars rover, Avatar, self-driving electric cars SSRI's, Prince and The Queen die World trade, second plane, what else do I have to say?
I know it won't happen, but I hope every generation does a remake/remix of this song. Also, I saw Billy Joel himself in concert this year! xxvi. hold me like a grudge || fall out boy Hold me, hold me like a grudge The world is always spinning, and I can't keep up, whoa Honestly, I was a fan. xxvii. where is the justice || death note cast isn't everybody sick to death of all this stuff can't we all stand up and say enough?
This song gets stuck in my head like no one's business. xxviii. 30/90 || tick tick boom cast making choices, wicked witches poppy fields, or men behind the curtain tiger lilies, ruby slippers clock is ticking, that's for certain I still think that if Stranger Things did a musical episode Steve Harrington would have Andrew Garfield from Tick Tick Boom energy. xxix. everyday || buddy holly Every day seems a little longer Every way, love's a little stronger
Good Omens 2 dropped! I loved it! I also didn't love it! But mostly I was just happy. xxx. i'm just ken || ryan gosling I wanna know what's like to love, to be the real thing Is it a crime? Am I not hot when I'm in my feelings? And is my moment finally here, or am I dreaming?
I went to see this movie by myself because I was sick of waiting for someone to go with me and honestly had a great time. It was silly and fun and I loved the fact that so many dudes got so incredibly butt-hurt about it. xxxi. what was i made for || billie eilish 'Cause I, I I don't know how to feel But I wanna try
God, this song. It made me cry at the end of Barbie and I've been getting up in my feelings about it ever since. xxxii. speechless — naomi scott I will take these broken wings And watch me burn across the sky Apparently this is from the Aladdin live action? I haven't seen it so I can't confirm, but I DID hear this song this summer and fall in love with it. xxxiii. son of nyx || hozier *instrumental* This one might be my favorite? xxxiv. damage gets done || hozier And, darling, I haven't felt it since then I don't know how the feeling ended But I know being reckless and young Is not how the damage gets done
Another Hozier!!!!!! xxxv. paradise valley || honey and the sting Take what you want from me I bring it willingly
I may have done these next three out of order, but hey! I got married this year! As some of you may know, paradise valley has been the song that I have been obsessed with since I first heard it on Wolf 359 back in 2018/2019. I couldn't figure out a way to make it work in a traditional sense for the wedding, so I ended up using it as a private last dance. As the clock was hitting ten o'clock we had our dj gently shoo the stragglers out the door and just crooned this to each other in the dark. It was probably my favorite part of the entire night. xxxvi. stand by me || florence & the machine So darlin', darlin', stand by me Oh, stand by me
This was our first dance. As it should be. We timed our few spins around the 'darlins' and it honestly went great. 10 out of 10, would dance again. xxxvii. my prayer || the platters My prayer is to linger with you At the end of the day I did a sneaky thing. It was Nick's grandparents 65th wedding anniversary a few days before our wedding, so I quietly found out "their song" and had our DJ play it as the first official couples/slow dance of the night after wishing them a happy anniversary. They cried. I cried. The photographer cried. It was great. xxxviii. baby don't hurt me || david guetta What is love? Baby, don't hurt me
Yeah, it's just a catchy cover. xxxix. quietly yours || birdy I've always been yours Only yours This was from the Persuasion soundtrack and god, it's just so achingly haunting. xl. someone to you || banners I don't wanna die or fade away I just wanna be someone Well, doesn't everyone?
Look. I just wanna be someone. xli. one more time — blink 182 Do I have to die to hear you miss me? Do I have to die to hear you say goodbye? I don't wanna act like there's tomorrow I don't wanna wait to do this one more time One more time. I got tickets to their concert next year. We'll see if they cancel this one. xlii. adelaide || ramblewood Wish you could lay those shadows down And find your way back home
I think this is a local artist? I fell in love with the song though. xliii. i'm just your problem || lur Sorry I don't treat you like a goddess Is that what you want me to do?
Watched Fionna and Cake in like a day and a half and fell all the way back in love with Bonnie and Marceline. xliv. you're gonna be okay || ashh blackwood puff out your chest, take a deep breath you're gonna be okay
This showed up on an anxiety mix and now I literally sing it to myself if I'm having a fast day. It is VERY short, but impactful. xlv. mr lonely || angel olsen Now, I am a soldier A lonely soldier Away from home Through no wish of my own My Yuletide fic that has not yet been revealed was about [REDACTED]. I listened to this and a handful of other sad, lonely songs while writing it. xlvi. now and then || the beatles Oh, now and then I want you to be there for me This song has DEVASTATED me since it came out. I will not be the same again. xlvii. vois sur ton chemin || bennett Vois sur ton chemin Gamins oubliés, égarés
Another tiktok ear worm. I'm not much for techno, but I love this one. xlviii. history is now || natalie holt *instrumental*
Loki fucked me all the way up, guys. I know everyone is crying about it, and I'm crying too! It's beautiful and tragic and one of the most fantastic endings for a character arc that I have EVER seen out of Marvel. I HOPE they leave it alone. I hope they leave it as is so we get to keep the beautiful ending and they don't fuck it up. xlix. purpose is glorious || natalie holt *instrumental*
Again, fucked me ALL the way up. I wept. And watched it three times in a row. These two songs will be on my writing playlist for the rest of time. l. the power || borislav slavov I found you too soon Shining star of mine, hold tight Don't fight the power
I have not officially finished Baldur's Gate. However, every iteration of this song is haunting me.
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shatterthefragments · 3 months
hi Shatters! i'm very much shooting in the dark because i don't know what you usually like but i would like to offer you grandson's I Love You, I'm Trying for the music game if that's okay. hope your day is treating you kindly! 💜
Starting myself off easy with this one (I am percolating on what albums to send to y’all too 👀) because I love Grandson!! (Adding I don’t really remember a ton of his stuff anymore but alas) I was going to see him in 2020 but then stuff shut down but I was able to see him last year (I think) when he came back!! Such a good time!!!
It was also super awesome to get to listen to it again much closer 🥰
Thank you for such a lovely album!! (I like. So many things!! I just tend to fixate on certain things or sounds a lot!) I would say immediately my favourite has to be Enough bc it was my latch song off this album but Also. “I love you I’m trying” encompasses my entire being so much so. Also that. Also stuck here with me. https://open.spotify.com/album/2BTddi3XyqAcset5mAYl2n?si=IYpfBKBpTTGiGh4ludRe-w
Check under the cut for my rambling 😘
two along their way
what a beautiful way to start the album tbh FUCK EVERY I LOVE YOU I'M TRYING GETS ME
love the concept so fucking much. it's a little too accurate tbh
"i'm not sure that anything matters at all" "if you wake up and I'm gone then i hope you sing along it's a eulogy"
Something to Hide
LOVE THIS SONG so much yes. perfection
Plus lots of the Signature Grandson electronic sounds that are unmistakeably Grandson to me. The vibe the energy the lyrics the danceability. "Oh, hey, maybe just ignore it, it'll go away. Keep it in the family for today" and the verses!!! FUCK. I admit to liking the verses more than the chorus on this one, but I love the Grandson sounds in the chorus too
Drones "tell me one good lie so I can sleep at night" is my latch line followed by "Hurt me one more time I wanna feel alive"
I Love You, I'm Trying
if this single line isn't the absolute sum of my being, I don't know what is tbh ALSO the soft start and build
"I keep letting you down there's no denying i love you inm trying // i said it gets better we both know i'm lying i love you imtrying " FUCK
Half My Heart - lovely dancy tune with happier vibes imo (look do I know the lyrics aren't quite so happy - yes. do i care? no) *aww*
When the bomb goes “only one thing that takes care of me / self sabotage only way to find clarity" also catchy as fuck (also like that last verse!!!)
"will i ever be enough" indeed (i have listened to this an Unhealthy amount of times and i will again!)
"want it so bad it takes all control of me" "tell me what's the point of living in a world so unforgiving?"
I can't explain why exactly I love this one.
i will be here when you're ready
beautiful tragic emotional
Stuck here with me
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simbelene · 3 months
I have a list for you Bergdorf!
Since you love lists so much, check this out!
This list requires some background information, so it's story time!
This happened back in the beginning of April. I was browsing though my CC sites as I do, and I just so happen to come across a post that one of these groups' Admin had made. This group usually don't make announcement posts. Most of the time they just post pictures and carry on.
Well not this day!
Idk what Bergdorf did, but she did something because seemingly out of COMPLETELY NOWHERE Admin makes this post:
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Admin is calling a select few creators "Hysterical" because I guess they don't like that Admin is sharing their permapaywalled content for free 🤷🏾‍♀️. And I'm sure there were some messages exchanged that would validate Admin calling them "Hysterical". I know how these creators act in the DMs. It wouldn't surprise me at all if it was Bergdorf that decided to crawl in Admins DMs and try to start shit.
Seeeesh! Wasn't nobody talking/thinking about Bergdorf AND YET somehow her name still manges to come out of somebodies mouth! Tell me you're a problem without telling me you're a problem!
No, cause even CWB, Leo, even my arch enemy Hauzz have been quiet. Minding their business and just going on about their life. Bergdorf is still out here being a problem 🙄.
Well, you dun goofed Bergdorf! One of these days you creators will realize you can't just be talking to people any ol kind of way. Not everyone in the sims community is sensitive and passive. Some of us can match your energy sis! And I feel like that's what happened here!
You tried it with someone who has time and has zero tolerance for your shit! And Admin, as they said, put all their content on telegram.
Okay, not ALL of them. Bergdorf is safe for some reason 🤔
Her content never made it to telegram, but everyone else's did! 👀
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And it's funny because this went down the first week of April. The following week Brior and Bergdorf do a collab. Guess who's stuff went in the chat?
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And guess who's stuff didnt??(bergdorf)
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I'm just over here laughing like "Y'all can't be forreal 🤣🤣" Y'all were literally the first two people on the list! I refuse to believe y'all are this dense and delusional. There's no way you don't know this is happening.
So I guess Brior is just going along with it? Even though her stuff is getting shared, but Bergdorf's isn't. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Her whole catalogue is in there! It ain't much, but it's in there. This is giving "fake friend" vibes. Bergdorf is deadass out here smiling in your face while throwing you under the bus at the same time #oooof
If you want, you can play catch up and be current with Brior's CC because they haven't made anything since May.....and It's almost July 🙃. So whoever has subscribed hasn't gotten any content yet. $5 for what?! #glorifieddonations
A month after that initial ordeal the list has grown exponentially! This one isn't current. The list is A LOT longer now.
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If you pay attention to who all is getting shared, you'll notice that a lot of these creators come from SL. And not only that, but they all work with who? BERGDORF. There's something to be said about that.
Admin said "Fuckaround, and you WILL find out!"
Even David Heather's content has been uploaded there. And I think it's simply based on the fact that they did business with Bergdorf. Man hasn't made anything new for sims in two years, why else would he be relevant?
My conspiracy theory: Bergdorf fucked around and now this Admin has a vendetta against every SL person that Bergdorf has ever worked with.
Y'all didn't wanna listen when I said "don't associate yourself with problematic people".
Okay den. Don't be upset when you see shit like this happen! Contrary to the popular sims community belief, it actually does matter who you associate yourself with. This is a perfect example.
It's a thing, whether you like it or not. Your best solution to this is to just disassociate yourself with the problem child. Save your image. You doing business with a problematic person is a bad look for you. It makes you look a certain way. Hence why companies let go of problematic employees. Because they cannot be represented by such people, and they don't want to come off as supporting said people either.
As you can see, Dust Bunny wasn't listed on there until they started working with who?? Bergdorf.👀
As far as anyone is concerned, Dust Bunny hasn't done anything wrong. Which, at first, shocked me as to why they were added to the list in the first place. But then I find out who they're working with, and it all makes sense!
You had/have the opportunity to ask literally anyone else in the sims community for help in doing what you're doing, but noooo. You made the conscious decision to work with Bergdorf of all people. Yeah, she's popular, but not for the right reasons. We like her bags, we don't necessarily like her. She has one too many secret haters around here. One of them DM'd me her resume for whatever reason simply because they have a strong dislike for her.
Nobody is forcing you work with her. This community has hundreds of creators. You got options. And clearly you wasn't paying attention to all the drama linked to her. No one told you about the reddit post?
We are all grown and can make our own grown decisions. Just know that some decisions have consequences 🤷🏾‍♀️
So atp, it is what is. Don't try to denounce Bergdorf now! It's a little too late for that! The damage has already been done!
All I can tell you is maybe start looking for creators that **dont** have a history. There's hundreds to choose from! And no, I'm not gonna do your homework for you. You can go find them yourself!
This also warrants it's own post, but word on the street is that Bergdorf's conversions ain't even that great. But I'll save that for another post 😏.
Any SL creator that got a problem with the list needs to take that up with that Admin. Maybe talk to them in a civilized manner and they might consider removing your stuff.
Whatever you do, don't act "Hysterical" because that's what got y'all here in the first place!
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snickerzanddoodlez · 11 months
Please check out my passion project over on #my-silly-little-guys !
Want to support my work or commission me? Check out my Ko-Fi!
I’m the director of the unofficial Wordgirl Reboot, Wordgirl: Rewired, and applications for the project are always, ALWAYS open! (And so is my inbox!)
If I reblog your art that means I’m begging you to join wordgirl rewired
(Check out Wordgirl Armageddon, an effort to help all of us Wordgirlies make some new friends and have some fun :))
2024: I GUARANTEE REVENGES ON ARTFIGHT! ATTACK ME IF YOU DARE :3 https://artfight.net/~SnickerzandDoodlez
NAME: SnickerDoodlez / SnickerzandDoodlez / Snickernova Doodlez
Nickname: Any variation of this! Snicky, Snicker, Doodlez, Snickerz, SnickyD…
Main Social: https://youtube.com/@snickerdoodlez9210?si=ZXtyZJl8kPCLS8iB
And as for Tumblr, you’ll see me more on @crown-of-roses-thsc !
She/Her; Straight; Minor
Hobbies/Skills: Drawing, Animating, Coding (learning), Writing
Language: English, American Sign Language (learning)
Neurodivergencies: OCD, ADHD, Major Depressive Disorder, maybe Autistic
Random Facts:
-I’m a theatre kid!
-I love horror / disturbing things, maybe a little too much
-I grew up on the Warriors fandom, and that’s an angsty angsty burden I’ll carry into every fandom I join
-I’m the director of Wordgirl Rewired!
-I’m a Christian, but don’t let that scare you off- I’m just here to have fun & spread positive vibes! *sticks a golden star sticker to your forehead* And I’m a huge horror fan…and fantasy fan….and I draw a lot of gore….Christians stop gatekeeping creativity (impossible? Not clickbait? Don’t try at 3:AM???)
Oh, and Friendly reminder to my fellow Christians that if you’re cursing someone out for doing or believing or BEING something you don’t agree with, you’re literally doing the opposite of what Jesus did….and I think you’ve got a might big plank in your eye that ya need to take out ;)
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The Henry Stickmin Collection
Don’t Starve / Don’t Starve Together
Wings of Fire
Warrior Cats
A Hat in Time
Wild Kratts
UnderTale / UnderTale Yellow
Favorite Movies:
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Live-Action Beauty and the Beast
Princess and The Frog
Secondhand Lions
Lilo and Stitch
Stranger Than Fiction
Into The Woods
Isle of Dogs
The Greatest Showman
Les Miserablés
The Rise of Miss Power
School of Rock
Favorite Musicals:
Phantom of the Opera
Into The Woods
Les Miserablés
Guys and Dolls
Favorite Color:
Favorite Show:
Spy x Family
Gravity Falls
DuckTales 2017
Camp Camp
Bojack Horseman
Parks and Recreation
Favorite Song:
House of Memories (Panic! At the Disco)
As the World Caves In (Matt Maltese)
Please Never Fall in Love Again (Ollie MN)
Karma (AJR)
Red Flags (Tom Cardy)
Lost One’s Weeping (Neru)
Cupid (Jack Stauber)
Goodbye to a World (Porter Robinson)
Sweet Rosalie (American Murder Songs)
No Children (The Mountain Goats)
The Haunted Phonograph (ThouShaltNot)
Puff The Magic Dragon (Peter, Paul & Mary)
The Ballad of Billy The Kid (Billy Joel)
Stranded Lullaby (Miracle Musical)
Business Man (Tom Cardy)
Favorite Song Artist:
The Stupendium
They Might Be Giants
The Mountain Goats
Jack Stauber
Lemon Demon
Evelyn Evelyn
Tally Hall
American Murder Songs
Mother Mother
Kaden McKay
Favorite Book:
Crookedstar’s Promise
School for Good and Evil
Warrior Cats (Arc 1)
The Bunker Diaries
Prisoner of Azkaban
Survivor Dogs
Favorite Food:
French Fries
Favorite Game:
A Hat in Time
The Henry Stickmin Collection
Wolf Quest: Anniversary Addition
Don’t Starve Together
King’s Quest
The Witch’s House
Super Paper Mario
Favorite Animal:
Tasmanian Devils
Kangaroos / Wallabies
Komodo Dragons
(Note: I am not defending any of these characters Mineta is a horrible person I just like skrunkly little fictional simps and gravitate towards the characters everyone hates)
Felix White (Henry Stickmin)
Tobey (Wordgirl)
Nuka (The Lion King 2)
Whisper (Survivors)
Spike (My Little Pony)
Spike (Friendship Is Witchcraft)
Minetta (My Hero Acedamia)
Hort (School For Good and Evil)
Sheldon (Splatoon)
Lefou (Beauty and The Beast)
Tammy (Tammy)
Plankton (Spongebob)
Zach (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt)
One-Eyed Wally (Amphibia)
Emmet (Legally Blonde)
Dr. Hare (Poptropica)
Todd (Bojack Horseman)
Muck (Bob the Builder)
Octavio (Splatoon)
Pokétwo (Discord)
Tom (Parks and Recreation)
Rumplestiltskin (Shrek 4)
Squid (Wings of Fire)
Darkheart (Care Bears II: The Next Generation)
Zach Varmitech (Wild Kratts)
Garry (Ib)
Bartok (Anastasia)
David (Camp Camp)
Varian (Tangled the Series)
Frankie (Spy x Family)
Mayor Humdinger (Paw Patrol: Movies)
Mortimer Freeze (Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course)
Wally Warbles (Cuphead)
The Peas (VeggieTales)
Chameleon (Wings of Fire)
Jax (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Wilson (Don’t Starve)
Mad Dummy (Undertale)
Napstablook (UnderTale)
Toad (Mario)
Flick (Animal Crossing: New Horizons)
Ares (Percy Jackson)
Louie (DuckTales)
Gyro Gearloose (DuckTales)
Sirius Black (Harry Potter)
Hawt Sauce (Chikn Nuggit)
Swiftpaw (Warrior Cats)
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I came to ask you fe-oc questions and got distracted by the exocolonist picture, and now I want to go play it again XD. Anyway, 17, 23, and 28 please?
I can't wait for the plushies because I heard there will be Rex... and tbh my sis forced me to play it... much like fire emblem lol
17) What sort of things do they find funny?
Heather finds almost anything funny if the joke is made at the right time. But her main sense of humor are puns. Like, a good pun will make her die from laughter. Or she will be devastated if she doesn't get it.
23) What skill or ability are they proud of that they don't get to show off often?
She's very proud of the weird sounds she can make. But she doesn't show it off because there's not really often a need for this skill to be displayed outside of her just joking around with her friends.
28) What flavour toothpaste do they use? Or rather what flavour would they want if they had options?
I deadass wasn't even aware that there is a choice other than mint. So hold on, I'll do live research.
After research the answer is: anything sour because she loves sour tastes more than anything.
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bookclub4m · 4 months
Episode 194 - Indie Publishers
This episode we’re discussing the topic(?) of Indie Publishers! We talk about how to define an indie publisher, weirdo metro stories, song lyrics, and more!
You can download the podcast directly, find it on Libsyn, or get it through Apple Podcasts or your favourite podcast delivery system.
In this episode
Anna Ferri | Meghan Whyte | Matthew Murray 🦇 | Jam Edwards
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Things We Read (or tried to…)
Trial of the Clone: An Interactive Adventure! by Zach Weinersmith and Chris Jones
Any Other City by Hazel Jane Plante
Songs of Love, Death and Pleasure by Hazel Jane Plante
Video of the reading that Jam bought their books at last year!
A Short Journey by Car by Liam Durcan
Tell Me How It Ends: An Essay in Forty Questions by Valeria Luiselli
Hope in the Dark: The Untold History of People Power by Rebecca Solnit
Of Thunder & Lightning by Kimberly Wang
Other Media We Mentioned
What About Crowdfunded Comics? by Matthew Murray 🦇 and Mara L. Thacker
Podcast version
How Poetry Saved My Life: A Hustler's Memoir by Amber Dawn
The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal by Zach Weinersmith
The Platform Edge: Uncanny Tales of the Railways edited by Mike Ashley
When I Arrived at the Castle by E. M. Carroll
Boy Island by Leo Fox
Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers edited by Cat Fitzpatrick and Casey Plett
Links, Articles, and Things
Image Comics (Wikipedia)
Creative Commons
SkyTrain (Vancouver) (Wikipedia)
Oulipo (Wikipedia)
Podcast episode where one host tries not to say the letter “e”
Denver Small Press Fest
Spaghettieis (Wikipedia)
“spaghetti ice cream”
45 New & Forthcoming Indie Press Books by BIPOC Authors 
Every month Book Club for Masochists: A Readers’ Advisory Podcasts chooses a genre at random and we read and discuss books from that genre. We also put together book lists for each episode/genre that feature works by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) authors. All of the lists can be found here.
Weird Black Girls: Stories by Elwin Cotman (AK Press)
False Idols: A Reluctant King Novel by K’Wan (Akashic Books)
Sister Deborah by Scholastique Mukasonga, translated by Mark Polizzotti (Archipelago Books)
Bad Land by Corinna Chong (Arsenal Pulp Press)
These Letters End in Tears by Musih Tedji Xaviere (Catapult)
The Coin by Yasmin Zaher (Catapult)
Cecilia by K-Ming Chang (Coffee House Press)
Fog & Car by Eugene Lim (Coffee House Press)
We’re Safe When We’re Alone by Nghiem Tran (Coffee House Press)
A Woman of Pleasure by Kiyoko Murata, translated by Juliet Winters Carpenter (Counterpoint Press)
Bad Seed by Gabriel Carle, translated by Heather Houde (Feminist Press)
The Default World by Naomi Kanakia (Feminist Press)
The Singularity by Balsam Karam, translated by Saskia Vogel (Feminist Press)
I'll Give You a Reason by Annell López (Feminist Press)
Tongueless by Lau Yee-Wa, translated by Jennifer Feeley (Feminist Press)
Outcaste by Sheila James (Goose Lane Editions)
Silken Gazelles by Jokha Alharthi, translated by Marilyn Booth (House of Anansi Press)
Dad, I Miss You by Nadia Sammurtok, illustrated by Simji Park (Inhabit Media)
Secrets of the Snakestone by Pia DasGupta (Nosy Crow)
The Burrow by Melanie Cheng (Tin House)
Masquerade by Mike Fu (Tin House)
The World With Its Mouth Open: Stories by Zahid Rafiq (Tin House)
I Love You So Much It's Killing Us Both by Mariah Stovall (Soft Skull Press)
RAPilates: Body and Mind Conditioning in the Digital Age by Chuck D and Kathy Lopez (Akashic Books)
All Our Ordinary Stories: A Multigenerational Family Odyssey by Teresa Wong (Arsenal Pulp Press)
Dispersals: On Plants, Borders, and Belonging by Jessica J. Lee (Catapult)
My Pisces Heart: A Black Immigrant's Search for Home Across Four Continents by Jennifer Neal  (Catapult)
Beyond the Mountains: An Immigrant's Inspiring Journey of Healing and Learning to Dance with the Universe by Deja Vu Prem (Catapult)
Out of the Sierra: A Story of Rarámuri Resistance by Victoria Blanco (Coffee House Press)
Thunder Song: Essays by Sasha LaPointe (Counterpoint Press)
Born to Walk: My Journey of Trials and Resilience by Alpha Nkuranga (Goose Lane Editions)
Jinny Yu (At Once/À La Fois) by Jinny Yu (Goose Lane Editions)
Log Off: Why Posting and Politics (Almost) Never Mix by Katherine Cross (LittlePuss Press)
Becoming Little Shell: A Landless Indian’s Journey Home by Chris La Tray (Milkweed Editions)
World of Wonders: In Praise of Fireflies, Whale Sharks, and Other Astonishments  by Aimee Nezhukumatathil (Milkweed Editions)
Opacities: On Writing and the Writing Life by Sofia Samatar (Soft Skull Press)
The Story Game by Shze-Hui Tjoa (Tin House)
Black Meme: The History of the Images That Make Us by Legacy Russell (Verso Books)
i heard a crow before i was born by Jules Delorme (Goose Lane Editions)
We the Gathered Heat: Asian American and Pacific Islander Poetry, Performance, and Spoken Word edited by Franny Choi, Bao Phi, Noʻu Revilla, and Terisa Siagatonu (Haymarket Books)
A Map of My Want by Faylita Hicks (Haymarket Books)
[...] by Fady Joudah (Milkweed Editions)
A Witch’s Guide to Burning by Aminder Dhaliwal (Drawn & Quarterly)
Oba Electroplating Factory by Yoshiharu Tsuge (Drawn & Quarterly)
Lost at Windy River by  Jillian Dolan, Trina Rathgeber and Alina Pete (Orca Books)
Give us feedback!
Fill out the form to ask for a recommendation or suggest a genre or title for us to read!
Check out our Tumblr, follow us on Instagram, join our Facebook Group or Discord Server, or send us an email!
Join us again on Tuesday, June 4th we’ll be discussing non-fiction Pop Culture!
Then on Tuesday, June 18th it’s time once again for One Book One Podcast as we each pitch a book we think we should read and you (the listeners) get to vote!
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yosephinec · 5 months
#SpillOrdrink with Manhattan St.
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dek miu, cerine, alcy, sienna, gijav, obed, moses, cla, clai, elxy, rofen, azel, xiano, osi, havian, menurutku karna mereka sering on gdm dan kalo semua muncul gdm jadi rame banget itu sih positive vibes menurutku.
"i thought i was getting better, i honestly did. but now i'm laying in bed trying to figure out the hell is wrong with me and why i'm never enough" dari kalimat itu belajar introspeksi diri sama belajar cara buat menerima diri sendiri.
ningning ngga tau kenapa betah aja ngerasa mirip gitu centil centilnya wkwk
i have crush on cerine, cilaf, cesel, cherine, karinanya manhattan cantik banget lagi kesemsem sama karina hehe
taylor swift - all too well, labirinth - jealous, conan grey - heather, blackpink - hope not
di dm sama PK alias acc rp cowo yang ngedm mosud pengen ngobrol taunya minta hal berbau rated thingy
dengan bawel wkwk nanya nanya aja basa basi
orang pertama yang viralin ending fairy sampe sekarang ending fairy itu kek kewajiban gitu
off from internet, touch some grass, hunting foodie
taylor swift - back to desember
awkarin ft younglex - bad boy wkwk itu lagu gue hapal banget tapi jadi ngga suka sekarang karna terdengar jamet
pake nanya? JOIN DONG. plsss verif aku lagi ya
semuanya pengen tapi yang jarang interact sama aku mungkin ini > bene, hex, K, ningninz, abrar, elxy, degaf, younjungn, yora, reid, rue, fano, jekar, qei, kiming, altha, gervan, volta, kean
jujur semuanya cocok
semuanya laaah
yujinay, galak.
jomblo aman
Blair: fi sweet desc sweetheart. Dan: fi cool desc cooler. Serena: fi humble desc fun. Chuck: fi cool desc humoris. Jenny: fi cute desc cutest.
sadgurl: athla, sadboy: kavin
tercantik: clai, sienna. terganteng: moses, marvion
havian, elxy, miu, moses
karinanya manhattan alias cerine, cherine, cilaf, cesel
alcy lucuuu
pepet terus secara ugal ugalan ngga boleh jaim jaim
have never felt something that deep, I don't expect love from someone I have a crush on because that would only be hurt
foto di ava yang sekarag itu jadi one of my fav sih
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29. tukeran jiwa sama dedek miu deh
30. drama yang ngirim menfess ke diri sendiri dengan mengatasnamakan cowo yang udah taken as sendernya, terus si pacarnya cowo itu jadi salah faham, itu aneh banget sih.
31. how they think and edits they profile needs
32. i have ever, just loving someone is fun enough, don't add to it the feeling of wanting to possess
33. tempat bermain
34. yujinay
35. ngga sih, tapi gue ngga pernah nyesel juga kenal main rp
36. jadi budak activis gini kaya ikut squad dan main games bareng
37. banyak orang yang mukdu, manipulatif, ego, banyak drama
38. Momen waktu acc kesuspend semua sampe ngga punya lagi 1 acc pun, itu juga yang bikin gue pernah vakum lama.
39. pernah punya mantan pacaran selama 4 tahun and he never hurt me that much selebihnya day by day sama dia indah banget
40. sesayang kalo ada yang ngehate aku lebih baik tutup mata tutup telinga
41. fi: humble, classy, cool
42. suasana yang kalo di gdm sopan, cara ct memperlakukan member itu bijak, membernya solid, grup rame terus
43. sienna, miu, moses
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45. digaslightingin, dighosting, dikasarin
46. masih pengen main rp aja
47. pernah dulu dapet menfess terror beberapa kali disuruh mati sama orang yang kita ngga tau siapa
48. Kangen imagine sih, yang bener bener imagine formal
49. that "i will never leave you and never hurt you"
50. //
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51. buset mantan gue cuman 2 wkwk
52. manhattan dong 🤭
53. makan paru balado crispy
54. yujinay galak sama mantanku mungkin
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56. JJANG!
57. join manhattan adalah pengalaman yang bahagia :p
58. for my bestie i will always feeling lucky to have you
59. classroom of the elite
60. I would skip time to take a look at your future instead
61. The key to coping with sadness is accepting that it's a natural part of life and learning to deal with it in a healthy way. This can include talking to supportive people, exercising or doing activities that make me feel good, and recognizing that what im feeling isn't permanent. When i feel like im not good enough, remember that it's just a temporary feeling and doesn't define my life or my true worth. Remind myself of my strengths and accomplishments and remind myself that i have value, no matter what anyone says. But, if the sadness and feeling of not being worthy enough become too much, I usually cry a little.
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piareia · 1 year
The Fire Tides Chapter 3: Meetings to a Close
Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait, I've just started uni so we're kind of in the process of adjusting to everything. Chapter 3 was getting too long, especially with all the dialogue, so this was a bit of a hard write. Hope you guys enjoy it!
The respective chiefs began to gather around the table, finding their places and getting seated. Some were holding mead, some sharpening their axes and others gossiping about other tribes (the Berkian tribe was the main topic, for obvious reasons).
Hiccup started shuffling his papers, going over his notes and checking on each point he was going to bring up within this meeting. He knew that his main proposal would arise some issues amongst the other chiefs, but he had to persuade them somehow. In fact, he was determined to do everything in his power to assure some form of provocative agreement was made.
Reaching out to the arm of his chair, he moved his eyes from the papers to the seat. He eyed it with unease. A wise and powerful leader once sat in that very seat, with a reputation of honour and pride and admiration from all of the chieftains. Now, remaining empty and desolate, it was to be filled with the risible workings of a young and inexperienced boy.
Hiccup sighed and sat down. The place looked very impressive – whoever was leading the meeting sure had stockpiles of gold in their pockets. With dim-lit candles crowded on the table and stringed lanterns gleaming with the apricot glow of fireworms, the hall held a disposition of incandescence, slowly, yet reassuringly, pulling in all of the leaders to have an enlightened and engaging communal discussion.
Hiccup was met with a vigorous hug, banging his head to the back of the chair and causing the dislocation of his two shoulder bones.
“Oh, look at you! After all this time!”, Dagur laughed ecstatically, squeezing Hiccup’s cheeks together, “I must say, brother, I am loving the new look! Hmm, the jacket really does bring out those Hiccupy biceps and did you get a new haircut?! Wow! You are looking as dashing as ever!”
“U-um, D-Dugur, you-” Hiccup tried to speak with his face being squeezed to the likes of a puffer fish.
“Oh Brother, I think it’s best you don’t take away Hiccup’s oxygen supply before the discussion starts,” Heather walked towards the two with a growing smile.
“Oh! Sis, you’re right!” Dagur took a step back, “Sorry! Sorry! Just very happy to see you, Brother!”
Hiccup let out a sharp breath and plunged downwards after being released from his death grip,
 “S-Same here. Hehe, my cracked ribs and broken cheekbones are happy to see you too!”
Toothless warbled, prodding to his rider in worry as he glared at Hiccup’s attempts to restore his breathing.
“Hey T!” Dagur leaped at his head, “New tail? Looks awesome!”
“Hiccup, we heard about what happened. We’re so sorry. We were planning to fly over to Berk a long time ago but some things got in the way and-” Heather looked at Hiccup, apologetically.
“N-no, no! It’s fine, honestly. I’m okay now, somewhat at least,” Hiccup gave a solemn smile, petting Toothless, “It’s great to see the two of you though, how have things been over at your end?”
“Much better since the days of Johann and Viggo,” Heather replied, “We’ve been training new Berserker riders, so something like that doesn’t happen again.”
“Yep, we may have borrowed some of the A-Team’s counter-productive methods…” said Dagur, sheepishly.
Hiccup laughed, “Not sure how Astrid’s going to take that, but if it helps the island, then –”
“Speaking of which, where is Astrid?” asked Heather, curiously, “And the other riders?”
“They should be at the back somewhere, on the other table,” said Hiccup.
“Have fun!” Dagur quickly whispered in her ear before she left, “Remember, Fishlegs is the kindest Viking in the entire Archipelago. I’m sure he’ll understand, sis.”
Heather looked at him doubtfully, slowly walking off to the riders as the meeting between the chiefs began.
The meeting was signalled to a start as a tall and pretentious man walked towards his seat, causing a disperse in conversation amongst the fellow Vikings. He was a chief in his fifties, perhaps the eldest of them all, with a robust and sturdy stride echoing his wise demeanour. The glow of the fireworm lanterns transmitted an orange glint into his eyes, reflecting a look of power and prudence as he opened his mouth to start speaking.
His face seemed to resemble Eret’s.
“A warm welcome to all of you,” he smiled, “Chief Aries of the Axehorders Tribe, Chief Isire of the Volsungs Tribe, Chief Sebastian of the Mercenary Tribe, Chief Dagur of the-”
“Berserker Tribe! The best and the greatest!” Dagur exclaimed, throwing his hands on the table.
The chiefs sighed in unison.
“Thank you for that, Dagur.”
Hiccup giggled quietly. Some things never changed, huh?
“And our youngest leader, Chief Hiccup of the Berkian Tribe,” he turned to him with a smile.
“Er y-yes!”
“I believe I ought to introduce myself to you all,” the elder rubbed his hands together, “I am Eret, Father of Eret, retired dragon trapper, now enlisted within the trading business. Our tribe mainly tends to deal with the sources of fish now, especially in the east coast.”
So the facial resemblance was no coincidence. This was Eret’s father?
“Now with the introductions completed, I believe we should head to the points of discussion. Who would like to –”
“I believe my brother would like to go first! He has got quite a lot he wishes to disclose in this meeting,” Dagur smirked at Hiccup, nudging his elbow.
Hiccup let out a sigh, quickly scanning his papers again for reassurance.
“Very well. Chief Hiccup, if you would like to start us off,” Eret’s father gestured to him with his open palm.
“R-right! Okay, erm,” Hiccup looked at the other respective chiefs, glaring back at him with a sense of unspoken vulgarness, “I believe that the dragons have been such a huge change for all of us, good and bad. And to prevent the bad from happening, I guess it’s a process of consistently protecting and training them in order for us to live in harmony. With Toothless as the alpha, that procedure can be easier for us so –”
“Can you just get to the point, boy?” Chief Aries tapped his fingers impatiently.
“I would like to propose the task of opening up Berk’s borders to all dragons in need.”
All of the chiefs slammed their fists on the table.
“Outlandish idea!”
“Stoick would never do such a thing!”
Hiccup had expected this reaction, thankfully he had mentally prepared himself for such comments.
“Enough!” Eret’s father placed his hands on the table, “Let him speak.”
Dagur gave Hiccup a reassuring look, placing his hand on his shoulder.
“Go on, Brother."
This wasn’t going to be easy.
Heather walked over to the back table, smiling as Astrid gestured her to come and sit with them.
“Long time, no see!” Astrid exclaimed, hugging Heather tightly, “How have things been with your crazy Berserker brother?”
“Luckily Berserker Island hasn’t burned down yet!” Heather laughed and gave Astrid a knowing smirk, “And how about you and your heroic, unassuming dragon-rider? Will I get to be a bridesmaid soon?”
“W-what?! Oh gods no! We’re just a couple!” Astrid shaked her head, “Quite a long way to go till that happens.”
“Really?” Eret smirked, “That’s not what Hiccup tells me…”
“Please ignore him, he’s had too many drinks and clearly needs to see a healer,” Astrid slapped Eret’s head.
“Eret, Son of Eret,” he reached out his hand to Heather, “I’ve only had a cup of mead, quite the responsible man I am.”
“Heather,” she shook his hand, smiling back, “I’ll try to believe that!”
“I’ve finally got it! My yak butter parfait!” yelled Snotlout, punching his fist in the air.
Snotlout, Fishlegs and the twins came running with mead and food, with suspicious yells echoing from behind them.  
“So, are we stealing his yak butter parfait again?” Tuffnut whispered to his sister.
“Shh! We need to stick to the plan, bro. Distract and infiltrate,” replied Ruffnut.
“Per-fait,” Tuffnut snickered, “Did you see what I did there, sis? I mixed perfect and parfait together to create a miscellaneous response.”
“One may say, yak-cellent!”
“Guys, I told you to pay for those!” Fishlegs pointed at the handful of fruit buns in the twins hands, “The owner will probably kick the two of you out if he sees you! Be careful-”
Fishlegs’ eyes widened as he caught a glimpse of a familiar face from his Edge days. It was Heather, she was smiling at Eret. He could never forget that smile, no matter how far apart they were, that smile would be engrained within his brain till he reached his end in Valhalla. She seemed different now, much more content and stabilised, almost as if she had finally found a form of peace after so many years of being without it.
He approached the two with a smile. Heather glanced at him, wide-eyed, attempting to hide her worries away by putting on a quick smile too.
Astrid darted her eyes between the two, deciding it was best to leave them alone.
“Alright, guys! I think it’s time we put Eret’s gag reflex to the test. Anyone want to take him on?”
“You bet!” Snotlout jumped out of his seat, “That guy has nothing on me!”
“We’re up to it too!” Ruffnut yelled, quickly whispering in Tuffnut’s ear, “Distract and infiltrate.”
“Right! Per-fait!” Tuffnut exclaimed, giggling as they followed behind Snotlout.
“I’d love to see you all suffer terribly with the high doses of mead you’re about to consume,” Eret sighed as the three headed to the bar.
“Opening our borders to all dragons will be the best thing for all of us. The more wild dragons we aid, the less of a threat they’ll be to Vikings, hence it’ll be easier for us to build the utopia of human and dragon-”
“How would you deal with overpopulation?” Eret’s father questioned.
“That’s the same thing with Vikings, isn’t it? We’ll just simply expand our base.” Hiccup stated confidently.
“And what about food supply? If there are more dragons over at your end, you’ll require more fish. The other tribes would suffer.”
“Not necessarily. We’ll just outsource fish from the original areas that the dragons used to collect them from.”
“And what about issues with migration? Having all of those dragons fly over to Berk can cause disruptions in the other tribes transportation routes.”
“We can redirect the migration routes based on the days when the other tribes are travelling.”
Hiccup had been arguing about this same topic, for over an hour. If anything, he was getting more irritated by the second. How could they not simply understand? Building this human and dragon utopia was always the goal from the very start. Did these dumbfounded Vikings think that only a selection of dragons were allowed to live amongst them?
The more he thought about it, the more he felt like he was talking to a wall. It was worse than explaining dragon theory to the twins.
“Listen. We can work our way around all of these things,” Hiccup tried to stay calm, “I’ll make sure no trouble comes to the other tribes. You have my solemn word on that.”
“I understand,” Eret’s father looked at Hiccup, concentratedly, “There’s one more thing I wanted to ask you.”
“Go on.”
“How will you deal with those who do not wish to live in the same world you dream of? Dragon trappers? Dragon hunters?”
Hiccup was beginning to lose his patience, “Drago’s gone. Viggo’s gone. Johann’s gone. Their operations have been obliterated to the ends of the archipelago.”
“And what if another dragon hunting operation is reconstructed? What would you-”
“If another dragon hunting operation is rebuilt, we’ll destroy it. It’s not like we haven’t done it before,” Hiccup sighed, scratching Toothless’ head.
“And you’d be satisfied doing that continuously? Devoting your entire life to dragons? Living in a continuous process of war?”
“Hiccup. I’ve heard so much about you, the young boy who dared to ride a dragon, with that dragon being a night fury out of all dragons. The boy who outwitted the Grimborns. The boy who defeated Drago. You’re intelligent, Hiccup. Very intelligent. However, you lack experience. You fail to realise that this process is a long one. One of a lifetime. And one day, when you grow old, become weak and fragile, would you still be able to hold up a sword against a dragon hunter? This idea, whilst it is a beautiful one, I fear that we cannot always change the world to how we wish. Sometimes, it’s best to leave the world be, and if it changes by itself, then we let it change.”
“I completely disagree with you there, Eret,” Hiccup remarked with a solid force, “Living in a world that is not what we desire for? Leaving it to become rotten as the days go by? That can’t happen. I can’t let that happen!”
“Hiccup. Please listen to me, ” Eret’s father spoke softly, “You aspire for change. And you’ve done so much. But some things cannot be shaped, no matter how hard we try. You can fix one thing, then another thing will arise. The world is too cruel for us to keep rebuilding it.”
He failed. He couldn’t do it. They just weren’t going to listen.
“Fine,” Hiccup stood up, “Live in your cruel world.”
With Toothless following his rider, Hiccup walked out of the hall in silence and dismay, slowly disappearing into the dark of the night.
And that's Chapter 3! I really wanted to show how fixed Hiccup is with his dream of building the ultimate dragon utopia at this point. Both arguments are valid in my opinion, but I feel sorry for our boy Hiccup here, he's quite relatable for a lot of us really!
Be ready for Chapter 4, the conversation between Heather and Fishlegs, Eret and his Father, Astrid consoling Hiccup etc! Chapter 5 should begin the start of the main plot of the Fire Tides :)
Also this will be uploaded on Ao3 soon, just trying to sort my account out :)
@rosiethedragongeek @sorushing @limesandcoconuts
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lili-loves-whump · 7 months
Hiiii just wanna say I think your Whump: the Musical series is really fun, even though for some reason I've been too shy to like, actually interact with it? idk why lol
do you think you could add in links (or just say in the description or tags) what song from that particular musical inspired the snippet, so I could go listen to those in cases where I'm unfamiliar with that musical?
(also never have I been so annoyed that some of my fave musicals have never had English-language productions as now, since I know that means there's very little chance they'd appear in your series, lol)
hey anon! Thanks heaps for your lovely message- I’m glad ur enjoying the series. Don’t worry there’s no pressure to interact or anything haha.
what I’ve done is I’ve tagged all the musical names, line from the song I’m interpreting (whether directly or as a vague idea) and the link. This also gives u an idea on what musicals will come and maybe some request ideas?
Cats- “I can dream of the old days” https://open.spotify.com/track/2Qw6jgFXAmCBjTgpu18Nv2
Wicked- “No good deed goes unpunished” https://open.spotify.com/track/55dcu9Iz7r58VEmTqk4LP4?si=34184fc9e7764a7e
Jesus Christ Superstar- “I was inspired, now I’m just sad and tired” https://open.spotify.com/track/5eRiEvY4wXH1mOryf2GZHV?si=9a37e037f8794422
Les Miserables- “Drink with me to days gone by” https://open.spotify.com/track/5pyPkgIBbYlavHoBDc6IKK?si=062a2b88f6774b55
Heathers- “Wanna fight for me?” https://open.spotify.com/track/0ChcE4uENOGTEthE5dGaXX?si=cbb8d00fccab4f8f
Newsies- “Let ‘em laugh in my face, I don’t care” https://open.spotify.com/track/6aWJOPC5gpjTpRiyvrFOQm?si=870886690e0a441a
The Last Five Years- “I will not lose because you can’t win” https://open.spotify.com/track/0dd5HvpXarXAG3a4dnV1Rd?si=baaf932b73734386
Hadestown- “Doubt comes in” https://open.spotify.com/track/1vmanLxFqqfhUs0oBGydmo?si=2aab5d0f39214166
Sweeney Todd- “Have you decided it’s safer in cages?” https://open.spotify.com/track/5tdoF1SB8xH53wiBYJYleh?si=4a6e37400e894a51
Rent- “Feels too damn much like home” https://open.spotify.com/track/5XzG0GT1WntHu1N1T2UVDJ?si=55658be9f6a74b52
Bare: A Pop Opera- "Please, See Me." https://open.spotify.com/track/7qQEiLLKOwX4NhSSP4v3NR?si=4a3105d777be4500
Waitress- "She Is Broken And Won't Ask For Help." https://open.spotify.com/track/7CBrUf50mf2IqcRZla38by?si=39fe6f8414664c5d
Tick Tick Boom- "Is This Real Life?" https://open.spotify.com/track/4BVRtkVPgXB1Mt2ZJlZc1n?si=039308fa2a25474f
Dear Evan Hansen- "Words Fail." https://open.spotify.com/track/32bZDrurIGh2Cts0l2tRtL?si=8534c3a1872546a4
West Side Story- "A Boy Who Kills Cannot Love." https://open.spotify.com/track/2hhenp9RkgtMAtDu1SnWdq?si=7ae4924b62ad459c
Come From Away- "Blankets And Bedding And Some Food." https://open.spotify.com/track/31gHRdWxRNd5dqDriOe76j?si=1e57d20fecd34c68
Spring Awakening- "I Don't Scream, Though I Know It's Wrong." https://open.spotify.com/track/1g8vasmUyQkwfSX1dN9lNM?si=e629bb0d296a4bf2
Hamilton- "I Will Kill Your Friends And Family To Remind You Of My Love." https://open.spotify.com/track/6OG1S805gIrH5nAQbEOPY3?si=e89de62177094815
Falsettos- "Death Is Not A Friend." https://open.spotify.com/track/5LoBtSrNs8J3vNL3RdAhdm?si=f6615a2289484977
Into The Woods- "Nothing But A Vast Midnight." https://open.spotify.com/track/4qnOxzNUfUfmsloijG5ex0?si=75aa449065bd4192
The Great Comet- "Did You Love That Bad Man?" https://open.spotify.com/track/2Dqwr0WqDG5A7pAeLWQn2V?si=38ac4fc50a934f4a
In The Heights- "I Know That I'm Letting You Down." https://open.spotify.com/track/6OSTrvIX8JXxRxFT4C9y0J?si=5e78ffeb3fab4d77
Be More Chill- "Everything About Me Makes Me Want To Die." https://open.spotify.com/track/2Ztm74ziBMGTsS8Pgy2MFc?si=93faac8067674121
Moulin Rouge- "Come What May." https://open.spotify.com/track/4jRx0yipuVgymqY6lfzECW?si=c94fc8ca2d5d4180
Chicago- "He Had It Coming." https://open.spotify.com/track/28Tmk14BdrfaV2YzxpB35c?si=258be92a238f4972
Six- "Playtime's Over." https://open.spotify.com/track/7kxdXl2euEptpn41yksdFA?si=25d2a3ceeea4400b
Ride The Cyclone- "I Hear The Anguish Of The Street." https://open.spotify.com/track/49qujGctHLuEXF35sWwG2c?si=5eb5253163a5412a
The Rocky Horror Show- "I've Seen Blue Skies Through The Tears." https://open.spotify.com/track/0e0qw4iYNbBPlvWR5zO8EN?si=52f535252ecf487c
Nerdy Prudes Must Die- "Who Will Pray For You?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKirebN-i9o
Jekyll And Hyde- "If I Die, You'll Die." https://open.spotify.com/track/4PWOQUEfx2dzEJleMs8oDP?si=fa3f6282238f44a4
Phantom Of The Opera- "My Power Over You Grows Stronger Yet." https://open.spotify.com/track/4EaBMhUIOfnFEbIgqCfKbi?si=2ad7533d61474905
Just a disclaimer that I will be taking requests for musicals but my life is 50 times easier if you tell me the song you’d like it to be based off so I’m not chasing down a 3 hour production.
I am willing to take International musicals as well, but a specific song is required to be submitted since I’d have to manually translate it.
Just drop it in my ask box whenever xx
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glenrocklibraryteens · 8 months
Book review: Heartstopper
Heartstopper By Alice Oseman Page Number: 288 Genre: YA, Romance,LGBTQ Rating: 3 stars Reviewed by: DG 11th grade
Charlie Spring a grade 10 student at a all boys school who is constantly bullied for his sexuality. He soon meets Nick Nelson who is a charismatic, handsome, and athletic boy. Charlie soon develops a crush on him, but assume he cant get with him because he straight…… or is he?
Such a cute book! If you want a light hearted romance this is definitely your kinda of book. Charlie and Nick are the cutest couple. This is also such a relatable book especially for our day and age. It showcase how hard to be different. Charlie falls into a depressive state after being outed in school and is something unfortunately a lot of people can relate too, and he too found his happiness. Nick is also such a relatable character as well for he shows how hard it is to find out who you really are. We see nick struggle to find his sexuality. He is constantly influenced by his friends around him which makes it even harder. This book handled teenage experiences so well. This has such lovable main characters as well. This is a graphic novel so it has some of the cutest drawings. The book will have you saying awe 24/7. The connection between Nick and Charlie is honestly the cutest thing ever. They both love each other so much and it shows. This book is just about a bunch of LGBTQ+ characters falling inlove and creating friendships. The theme of friendship is a big thing in this book, it makes you miss you friends and just wanna kick back and hang with the gang. If your a teenage who isnt in a great state and feel like your alone, i will totally recommend this book to show you your not alone and other struggle just like you.
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0hwp1AiI472EsYbwznhoG0?si=015d136439e24814
Yellow By Sparks- Nick and Charlies Realtionship
Heather By Conan Gray- Charlie wishing he can be with Nick
Glue song By Beabadoobee- Nick and Charlies Realtionship
Apocalypse By Cigarettes After ***- Nick and Charlies Realtionship
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