#Noah Solo; Son
kylos-starlight · 18 days
I'm still working on my 65 SI BUT ...I'm also making fankid.
As stated before I had a dream that Kylo and I had a child. He has messy dark brown hair and green eyes, his name is Noah Solo ♡
Much like his parents, he is also force sensitive (but both Kylo and Kaden don't know it until he's a little older!)
Since I had a dream about this sweet little family scenario and acknowledged it today, I'm making Noah's birthday September 3rd ♡
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hannoahs-third-eyelash · 11 months
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quetzalnoah · 2 months
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Queridos amigos,
Hoy me dirijo a ustedes con el deseo de compartir unaa gratas muestras de sabiduría que pueden cambiar sus vidas: mi libro, “Estoiconmadre, estaré mejor”. Vivimos en tiempos desafiantes, donde la incertidumbre y las dificultades económicas pueden robarnos la paz y la felicidad. En estos momentos, es fundamental encontrar herramientas que nos ayuden a enfrentar la adversidad con serenidad y fortaleza.
El estoicismo, una filosofía antigua pero sorprendentemente actual, nos enseña a enfocarnos en lo que podemos controlar y a aceptar con dignidad lo que no podemos cambiar. A través de breves reflexiones, “Estoiconmadre, estaré mejor” ofrece una guía práctica y accesible para aplicar estos principios en nuestra vida cotidiana.
¿Por qué deberías leerlo? Porque te ofrece:
1. Resiliencia en la Adversidad: Cuando enfrentamos problemas económicos, es fácil sentirse abrumado y desesperanzado. Las enseñanzas estoicas nos muestran cómo mantener la calma y la claridad mental, ayudándonos a encontrar soluciones y a mantenernos firmes frente a las dificultades.
2. Paz Interior: La verdadera felicidad no depende de las circunstancias externas, sino de nuestra actitud hacia ellas. Este libro te enseñará a cultivar una actitud positiva y a encontrar paz interior, independientemente de las situaciones externas.
3. Valor y Fortaleza: Aprenderás a enfrentar el miedo y la incertidumbre con valentía, reconociendo que muchos de nuestros temores provienen de nuestra propia mente. El estoicismo te proporciona las herramientas para ser más fuerte y valiente en tu vida diaria.
4. Simplicidad y Gratitud: En un mundo que constantemente nos empuja a querer más y más, este libro te recordará la importancia de apreciar lo que ya tienes. La gratitud y la simplicidad son claves para una vida más plena y satisfactoria.
5. Sentido del humor y ligereza: el libro a través de un neguaje sencillo y a veces cargado de humor también precedente sacarte una sonrisa.
Queridos amigos, “Estoiconmadre, estaré mejor” no es solo un libro, es una invitación a transformar su vida desde adentro. No importa cuán difíciles sean sus circunstancias actuales, siempre hay una manera de encontrar luz y esperanza. Los invito a descubrir cómo el estoicismo puede ser la guía que necesitan para vivir con más paz, fortaleza y felicidad.
Muchas gracias.😊
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bluwavez · 7 months
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By THEENEWWAVE | February 20, 2024
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Despite the highly anticipated mini-album being slated to release today, Noah Son's debut has been indefinitely shelved according to Flowerbank Entertainment.
"Hello, this is Flowerbank Entertainment. We regret to inform you that the release of NOAH's debut solo mini-album "GUILTY" will be indefinitely postponed due to contractual disputes between DeepDive and Flowerbank Entertainment. We understand that this news comes as a great shock to fans and is a major disappointment. However, please be assured that we are working diligently to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. Thank you for your understanding. - Flowerbank Entertainment"
A series of instagram stories from Noah would drop, giving fans a look into what he's been going through the past few months. He reveals that MyDol Entertainment, Son Jinhwa's newest venture into the Kpop landscape, has been trying to buy DeepDive's contract for months now, resulting in lengthy legal battles and finally giving fans a reason as to why the group has been so quiet.
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Despite the stir the passionate stories caused, Noah has refused to delete them and stands firm in his statements.
Flowerbank has yet to make a statement in response to Noah's claims and outburst.
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      [ +863, -271 ] this was disrespectful...he's acting like a child on the internet because of a mess his dad caused. i hope they kick him out honestly. kiwoo doesn't need this stress.
      [ +726, -485 ] so are NEVER going to hear guilty or...?
      [ +620, -139 ] im sorry im laughing this was too real of him 💀
      [ +578, -387 ] i hope he's okay this was so unhinged. i know it's probably upsetting to get news like that but did he have to be so vulgar about it??
      [ +502, -208 ] if they just gave woojin the solo debut this wouldn't have happened
      [ +458, -139 ] yall grilling him for overreacting but flowerbank has done nothing for those boys 💀 his anger is justified imo
      [ +453, -87 ] i hope deepdive goes with jinhwa idc if that's unpopular at least jinhwa gave a damn about them unlike iseul
      [ +324, -108 ] he has his father's rage i can say that lol
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snspice · 7 months
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By ANGELWINGZZ || February 24th, 2024
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Earlier this morning, Angelico Entertainment and MyDol Entertainment officially announced that the latter company had bought out the contract for one of Kpop's leading girl groups, Sugar N' Spice.
The five-member girl group has been managed by Angelico since their debut in 2019, having consistent and chart-topping comebacks over their 5 years together. When MyDol's current CEO, Son Jinhwa, stepped down from being the CEO of Angelico back in 2023, SNS never stopped their busy schedule and quickly had a comeback with their 4th full album in October of the same year.
Quickly after SNS wrapped up their promotion cycle, they went silent as a group, only making whole group appearances at the end-of-year award shows and similar events. All the members participated in their own solo activities, most notably with Mika making her debut in the idol supergroup Starzie, but otherwise, Angelico was dead silent on anything group-related.
Many fans were hoping this meant the girls would be getting a well-deserved rest, but their hopes were quickly shut down when MyDol released this official statement this morning.
"Hello, this is MyDol Entertainment. After a very lengthy period of contractual disputes between us and Angelico Entertainment, we are glad to inform you all that from this day forward, Sugar N' Spice will be a part of the MyDol family. All five members have signed artist contracts with us and will begin work as soon as they settle into their new routine. We are very excited to begin this journey with these talented ladies and hope their beloved Sweetarts can accept this new change and continue to cheer the Sweets on in the future. - MyDol Entertainment"
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The girls were seen leaving MyDol this morning after the announcement was made, supposedly having just finished signing their contracts and then heading to officially begin their moving process. The most popular member, Mika, was absent from the public display, rumored to have taken a back exit to leave the building before she expressed her annoyance with her current situation on her Instagram story.
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Despite public backlash, Mika has not deleted any of her stories, and MyDol has not released any statements regarding the situation.
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[ +7834, -540 ] The way Noah appears whenever literally ANYTHING happens in her life... truly they are soulmates
[ +5028, -1923 ] am i the only one really excited to have the girls back under jinhwa?? their latest concept felt off without him
[ +2338, -302 ] I'm shocked all the girls agreed to sign with them, especially considering it seems that was the last thing mika wanted to happen
[ +845, -368 ] i need a behind the scenes documentary of how this all went down cause no way threats and punches weren't thrown
[ +629, -473 ] praying this means sns will be promoted again like they should
[ +478, -129 ] this was so childish of her wow management needs to take away her media access geez
[ +296, -87 ] these girls need therapy asap . clearly.
mentions … @venusvity
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amelia-acero · 3 months
Thank you everyone for your kinds words yesterday, I’m sorry if I couldn’t reply to some of you, but I posted that statement and immediately went to work afterwards. Without any further questions, please enjoy this new prequel of how Noah and Anya met. Enjoy 😊
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“One day I’ll meet him, he’ll kiss me and fall in love with me.”
Anya said those silly words in the presence of her younger brother in 2016, someone who didn’t take it seriously, not out of cruelty, but as someone who saw how she reacted every time she had a new celebrity crush and assumed this one will be like the rest. If only she knew then that it wasn’t going to be like the rest. It was only meant to be a simple meet and greet at a concert. She looked at her son letting his tiny hand grip her index finger while Noah and Nick sat in the front seats, while she sat in the back with her son Keaton in his car seat. She looked out the window and remembered how she met Noah, it really was meant to be just a meet and greet.
~ October 1st, 2019 ~ Los Angeles, CA ~
The day was an exciting one, Anya woke up early and knew she needed to wake up early because she had a concert to go to at the Regent Theater. She had waited for so long and worked so hard for this event and had even bought VIP tickets to get in early and do the meet and greet. She was dressed in a beautiful black body con dress with sheer bishop sleeves and an opening that slightly exposed her ribs; and for her own comfort some shorts underneath and put on her fishnet tights, along with platform Docs. She looked to her dresser to put on contacts for the night, but once she picked up the box for her left eye contacts, it was hollow, so any chance she had of wearing contacts were gone and glasses were her only option. She wanted to be there early, one because she liked being first in line and two she hated being late no matter what.
She looked towards the clock in her room and saw the time was 12:55pm; the meet and greet started at 3:00pm. She grabbed her concert bag and left her apartment, and took an Uber from her home to the venue. She arrived at The Regent Theater; there was a small line, but not enough that there was going to be a long wait. She took out her phone and checked the time and saw that it was barely 1:30pm. She walked to the two lines formed there and asked which one was for VIP and got her purple VIP bracelet.
“Whatever you do Anya, don’t say something stupid, no matter what, nothing stupid.” She told herself. She kept repeating it internally like a silent mantra, while waiting in line.
“Who are you here to see?” Someone asked.
She looked up and looked towards the person who asked the question. It was a guy, with his hair going to his chin and parted in the middle. His eyes having a slight doe like expression, he was tall, maybe most probably 6’2, and thin but muscular. His outfit was a Bring Me The Horizon t-shirt and black jeans with dirty white shoes. Coming out of her slight trance, she answered his question.
”I’m here for both Bad Omens and All That Remains, but I like to be early so I can watch the other acts. It seems pretty shitty to be late and skip the other acts just because we don’t know them, who knows we might like the music. What about you?”
”Well said, I’m Theodore, but call me Theo.” He said sticking out his hand. She took his hand and shook it.
“Lily.” She lied, she never gave her real name to people she didn’t know, especially solo guys at concerts.
”Nice to meet you and to answer the question, I’m here for Bad Omens too.”
”Is this your first time seeing them?”
”No actually, this is probably my 3rd time seeing them, but my first VIP experience.”
From there their conversation with each other ended and they stuck with a comfortable silence with each other. As time passed the line grew longer, some having to go to the general admission line because they got confused with the double lines.
By 2:55 pm, the doors began to open for the meet and greet. Anya's hands began to shake out of her anxiety, she slowly wrapped her arms around herself to ease her anxiety and took deep breaths. The line began to move and soon she began to move, little by little she could see both bands with their backdrops. The guy she met earlier, Theo, went, shook the hands of the members of Bad Omens, All That Remains and took his pictures with them, and then it was her turn. She slowly made her way to them, she didn’t notice, but Noah slightly moved towards the end and was the first to shake her hand. He didn’t know why, but something about Anya made him want to be near her and stay by her side. He met plenty of beautiful women with his time on the road, but something about her was different and he wanted to know why. Finally he shook her hand and for a bit it felt like a jolt of electricity shot through him, she had to let go to continue moving on, but he didn’t want to let go.
“What’s your name?” Nicholas asked.
“Anya.” She replied.
Anya. Noah thought, Her name is Anya. She was quiet through shaking their hands, but he could see that her hands were shaking through the whole greeting
“I’m sorry, I’m normally not this quiet, but I’m really trying not to say something stupid.” She said shyly.
“Don’t be darling, we’re just normal idiots in this place.” Noah said smoothly, the rest of the group looked towards him, while he can be flirty sometimes, never was he like that towards a fan, calling them darling or any pet name.
“Speak for yourself man. I have the IQ of a genius.” Folio said, trying to break the tension between Noah and Anya and to keep the line moving.
Anya laughed and Noah could help how beautiful her laugh sounded to him. Bryan signaled that he was ready to take the photo and took Anya’s phone from her, Noah moved to be close to her and put his arm around her shoulder, his hand slightly touching her skin and the top of her dress’s sleeve and smelled her scent. Lavender. Noah thought. Once the photo was taken, Anya said thank you to meeting them and began to walk to Bryan to get her phone back and Noah closed his eyes and inhaled what remained of her scent, stuck in that trance, he heard someone clear their throat in an effort to get his attention. He opened his eyes and Jolly give him a look that clearly said, ‘Man, what the fuck?’. Noah looked to see where Anya had gone, and saw she was in the middle of taking her picture with All That Remains. He kept an eye on where she went and once she was done, she got in line to get her merch. After she got her merch, he felt defeated and accepted that he would probably never see her again, even if she would be in the audience that night.
“Oh my god, that was amazing.” Anya said to herself.
She looked back and wondered if she imagined everything, she wondered about the moment she touched Noah’s hand, the jolt of electricity she felt was just her imagination or not. She walked to the floor section of the venue and began to join the small crowd that was forming and moved towards the front. Before she realized it, the concert began with All That Remains coming on stage first, starting with This Calling and ending with Two Weeks, Lacuna Coil, Toothgrinder, and Uncured all played their own sets and before she realized it, it was time for Bad Omens.
She began to scream out loud with the rest of the crowd, screaming out loud the lyrics of Mercy with the crowd. Towards the middle of The Worst In Me, Anya got pulled into the circle pit and was almost crushed by bigger guys who didn’t seem to notice that she was not enjoying the pit, she thought she was done until she felt someone grab her wrist and pull her out. She was pulled out and immediately landed into a hard chest, she looked up and saw it was the guy she met earlier while waiting in line.
What was his name? She thought. Leo? No, it’s Theo.
The Worst In Me ended and soon Noah’s voice came onto the mic.
”Alright guys, I see you getting crazy. Remember don’t be an asshole, if you see someone fall in the pit, help them back up.” He said.
Theo looked down at Anya and because of the noise yelled out.
”Looks like I got you.” He said.
Anya smiled and they stayed close while head banging and screaming out loud to Said & Done. Theo stayed close to her through the rest of the concert and only left her side to join the circle pit whenever one started and when the last song Burning Out ended, they walked out the venue, where it was raining heavily.
“Well it was nice to mee-” Anya began to say, but Theo grabbed her hand and walked her to a more secluded spot and pulled her in the middle of two buses.
“What are you doing? St-
Theo kissed her, cupping the back of her head and wrapping his left arm around her. Anya didn’t reciprocate his kiss and in fact began to push him away, but his strength against hers was making it impossible.
“Stop! Stop it! Leave me alone!” Anya said, trying to push him away.
“Come on Anya, you know you want this.”
Anya froze upon realizing he said her actual name, she never told him her name and began pushing even harder to set herself free.
”I heard you tell Bad Omens your name, I’m a little hurt that you told me a fake name.” He chuckled, he began to try and suckle on her neck and began to move his right hand towards her breast and Anya knew it was time to leave, she raised her left foot and put all her strength to stomp hard on his foot.
He let go and she took the opportunity to punch him directly in the nose. Anya took the distraction and ran, she didn’t run far before she ran into a hard body. This person wrapped his arms around her to keep her from falling backwards, she looked up and looked straight into warm brown eyes. Despite the rain falling hard, she knew who she was looking at, it was Noah.
Noah was getting ready to go back to the bus and kept thinking about Anya. He would be lying if he said he didn’t try looking for her in the crowd. He walked out the building doors and prepared to get soaked from the heavy rain and stepped out until out of nowhere a body collided with him. It almost knocked the air out of him, but when he noticed that the person was about to fall backwards, he wrapped his around her body to keep her from falling. She looked up and Noah could’ve sworn someone was playing a prank on him and he wasn’t looking at Anya. Then he saw a look of fear in her eyes and immediately wanted to protect her from whatever was harming or scaring her. Anya looked back and saw Theo coming towards them, his eyes zeroed in on her with blood running down his nose. Noah looked up and saw who she was looking at, he was quick and immediately grabbed her, pulled her inside and shut the door quickly in Theo’s face, he began to violently grab at the handle in an attempt to pull open the door. Anya pulled away from Noah pushed herself into the wall, sleeves to her dress wet and clinging to her skin. Noah watched the door and looked at Anya, he couldn’t help but notice that she was breathing erratically and knew she was on the verge of an oncoming panic attack.
“Are you alright darling?” He asked, Are you alright? Come on Noah! You know she’s not alright! His inner voice screamed at him.
Anya had her hands in fists to the side of her head, she did not even care to notice that Noah was in her presence, the only voices in her head were telling her how stupid she could’ve been to believe a stranger was being nice to her.
How could you be so stupid? You don’t know him! You put yourself in this situation! You almost allowed yourself to be- Anya felt soft hands touch hers and slowly pull it away from her head, she looked up and saw Noah look at her with concern, she couldn’t help but cry. Noah didn’t understand why or what it was about her, but all he knew was that he wanted to comfort her. He slowly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug and let her cry in his arms. His heart felt heavy for her and he couldn’t understand this feeling. Nicholas came around the corner and saw the scene in front of him, he slowly approached and Noah looked up at him.
“Do you need me to call security?” He asked in a whisper.
Noah shook his head and Nicholas walked away, Anya’s cries finished after about 5 minutes and it became hiccups, she finally remembered that someone was holding her. She pulled herself away, and looked around, her vision slightly impaired by the water droplets on her glasses. She took off her glasses to clean it and tried to see who was in front of her. Even with her vision slightly blurred, she could still slightly make out Noah’s face, she froze and realized that she had been crying in his arms for only heaven knows how long.
“I I I’m so so-” She said putting her glasses back on.
“Don’t apologize” He cut her off. “I don’t know and I’m sure you’re not ready to tell anyone what happened out there. All I saw was a deranged guy stalking you and I chose to help you. That’s all I need to know.”
Anya could only hiccup, she wasn’t sure how to react after realizing that Noah Sebastian helped her in her time of need. Anya took in a breath and exhaled, her breathing coming out shaky. Noah held up his hand.
“Stay there, don't move, I’ll be right back darling.” Noah said. He walked around the corner and disappeared in a small crowd.
Anya wanted to leave, but she looked towards the door and realized that she didn’t want to take the chance and possibly run into HIM again. Her wet dress started to get to her and make her shiver.
“Miss, where’s your pass? Are you allowed to be here?”
Anya looked and saw the security guard looked at her with suspicion. Anya wasn’t sure how to answer.
“She’s with us!” A voice said behind her.
She turned around and saw Noah behind her, he put a sweater around her shoulders in an effort to keep out the cold that he felt she could be experiencing. He wasn’t by himself, he was with another guy with dirty blond hair. The security guard still looked at Anya with suspicion, but with Noah backing her up, there was nothing he could do and walked off.
“So you’re the pretty girl that Noah saved. I’m Matt.” A guy with blond hair said, giving her a goofy smile.
Anya couldn’t help, but smile. “Sorry for whatever happened, are you okay?” Matt asked with concern laced in his voice.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m sorry for causing trouble.”
“Darling, I told you. Don’t apologize.” Noah said.
Matt extended his hand and offered her an Orange Fanta to her.
“Here’s a soda, it’ll take the edge off. Did you come with anyone?” Matt asked. Anya took the soda and began to drink.
“No, I came by myself.” Anya said.
“Well Noah, I believe that once the crowds die down, we should order the pretty girl an Uber and make sure she gets home safely.” Matt said and winked at Noah.
Noah didn’t miss his wink and realized that Matt knew that Noah was beginning to like Anya. Truth be told, Noah was wondering if what he felt was infatuation or something else. Matt pulled out his phone and gave Anya his phone.
“Put in your address, pretty girl whose name I don’t know.” Matt said.
“It’s Anya.” Both Noah and Anya said.
Both Matt and Anya looked at him. Anya was shocked that he still remembered her name. Matt gave him a look that said ‘Dude, you got it bad!’. Once Anya put in her address, Matt took it back and set up an Uber for Anya.
“I set it up to be here within an hour and a half, that should be enough time for the crowds to die down. Come hang with us. We promise we won't bite.” Matt said.
Before Anya could give a proper response, Noah took her hand in his and led her to the green room where the rest of Bad Omens was there. Nicholas was the first to recognize her, but only because he already saw her cry in Noah’s arms.
“Hey you shits! This is Anya, say hello, because Noah just did some hero shit and saved this pretty girl.” Matt yelled
“I remember you! You’re that pretty girl that Noah wouldn’t stop looking at.” Folio said.
Noah dropped his face into his hands and felt his face heat up.
“I’m Nick, but that guy over there is also called Nick, so you can call me Folio.” Folio said, pointing to Nicholas and back to himself. He got up and shook Anya’s hand, this time in a less formal manner.
Jolly also got up, his hair was pulled up in a bun. He stuck out his hand and Anya shook it.
“I’m Jolly, but I’m sure you already know that. Just so you know Noah definitely -" Jolly was cut off when Noah put his hand on his mouth. He really didn’t want Anya to think he was another weird guy who smelled the air when she walked past him.
“Ok! Nicholas! Bryan! Get over here and introduce yourselves!” Noah said quickly and the pitch in his voice went higher out of embarrassment. Anya began to laugh and again Noah couldn’t help, but internally melt. Nicholas got up and introduced himself to Anya
“Nicholas, nice to meet you.” Nick said he took Anya’s hand and shook it, like everyone else, he was less formal about his greeting this time.
“I’m Bryan and I take photos of these idiots.” Bryan said. “Like right now, I’m about to take a photo of Jolly having Noah in a headlock.”
Anya looked and Jolly did indeed have Noah in a headlock. Bryan took the photo.
“Alright man! I give, let me go!” Noah yelled. Jolly let him go and Noah stood up and went back to stand next to Anya. He placed his hand on her upper back and led her to the couch so she could sit down, Anya pulled the skirt of her dress down in an effort to be a little more modest.
“So Anya, tell us how Noah over here came to save you?” Matt asked. Everyone looked over at Anya, if you asked her, she could’ve sworn that her heart stopped beating, her hands began to shake, she felt a hand interlock with hers and saw Noah give her a comforting smile.
“You don’t have to say anything darling, only if you’re comfortable.” Noah said, no one failed to miss how he called Anya darling again. Anya took in a deep breath and exhaled.
“Um, I actually ran into Noah by accident, because I was trying to get away from a creep. He wouldn’t leave me alone, so when the opportunity came, I stomped on his foot, punched him in the face and ran. Noah caught me when I ran into him and pulled me inside the building.”
“Oh shit.” She heard someone whisper.
“Yeah, she just ran into me and I looked and saw this deranged looking asshole following her and I pulled her inside.” Noah said.
“Thank you again. I don’t know how to repay you.” Anya said.
“Darling, don’t worry about it.” Noah said.
Noah stared deeply into Anya’s eyes and couldn’t help but be mesmerized.
“Okay! I’m so sorry that happened to you. It’s a relief that Noah came outside when he did.” Bryan said.
“Yeah, Do you want us to get security to report him?” Folio said.
“I don’t believe there’s a point anymore. It's a venue with a bunch of metalheads, a bunch of them already have blood running down their faces for different reasons, so the chance of finding him is slim.” Anya said with disappointment laced in her tone.
Noah pulled out his phone and shot a text to Matt.
Let’s get with security later and see if there are cameras around that area, I’m not letting this slide. That shithead needs to pay for what he did.
Noah sent the text, Matt’s phone made a notification sound, he took his phone out and read the message, he looked at Noah and nodded.
“So what got you into our music, karaste?” Jolly asked.
“I was with an ex boyfriend at the time.” Anya said, and Noah felt his jaw clench. “I was watching him play his video games and I heard Exit Wounds come up on his playlist, and I realized that I liked your music, looked you guys up and slowly came to love it.”
“What happened with this ex?” Nick asked
“He doesn’t matter anymore, he cheated, we broke up and that’s all there is to know about him.” Anya said quickly, scratching the back of her head, feeling embarrassed.
“Have you attended any of our shows before?” Noah asked.
“No actually, this is my first time attending your concert.”
“So tell us, how was our set?” Jolly asked.
“Tell us, tell us, tell us.” The boy began to chant.
“Y’all we’re the most amazing show I’ve been to so far. It was amazing.” Anya said, letting out a small laugh. Again Noah could’ve sworn he felt his heart soar.
“Y’all? Where are you from?” Nick asked.
“Well, I’m from LA, but I moved to Austin, Texas with my family when I was 11 and moved to El Paso, TX when I was 15. I just moved back to LA last year, when I realized that I have been away from LA too long. The Texas lingo just stuck, but outside of that, I’m very much a California girl to my core.”
“Wait, I just realized. How old are you?” Matt asked. Noah held his breath, hoping that he wasn’t being an accidental creep too.
“21, going on to 22 in just a few months.”
Noah let out a sigh of relief.
“I just realized that if 18 year old could see me now, she’d be so happy and probably wonder if we got the internship we applied for at Summerian, Epitaph, or Fearless? ”
“You applied for an internship at Summerian? When did you apply?” Matt asked.
“Yeah, it was for my one year in college studying in El Paso in October 2016, but I never received a response, so I just accepted the rejection and moved on. Now I work at Home Depot.”
“Hmmm.” Matt hummed, the gears began to turn in his head.
All of a sudden a sound went off from his phone. He pulled out his phone and saw that the Uber was getting closer.
“Now Anya, I truly would love nothing more than getting to know you, but unfortunately your pumpkin has arrived.” Matt said.
Noah gripped Anya’s again and got up from the couch, slowly helping her up. Anya began to remove the sweater that Noah gave her earlier, but Noah stopped her by lightly pulling the sweater back up on her shoulders.
“Keep it, the sweater is yours darling.” Noah said softly. “Give me your phone Matt,I’ll walk her out.”
Anya had walked out the green room and couldn’t see the smirk Matt had on his face and the middle finger Noah gave in return. Matt and Noah switched phones. Noah refused to take her through the door they came in through and walked her from the stage to the floor and all the way to the venue’s entrance in the front of the building. The rain from earlier in the night having since stopped. The gray Uber slowly pulled up and its window rolled down.
Noah opened the door and helped Anya get inside.
“Thank you so much for everything.” Anya said.
“It was nothing darling, seeing you be safe now, is a reward itself.” Noah said.
“Hopefully we’ll see each other again, under better circumstances.” Anya said. She looked at him sadly and knew deep down she would probably never see him again, and if she did, he would probably not even remember her.
“Hopefully darling.” Noah said.
“Goodbye.” She whispered and closed the car’s door. The car was getting ready to drive off and Noah began to walk away.
Until he stopped and turned around. He stood there for a couple contemplating whether he should go with Anya or not.
“This is crazy, but fuck it!” Noah said to himself. He quickly catched the car before it drove and opened the door, and sat in the car with Anya.
“Sorry, I’m also taking this Uber too.” Noah said.
The driver said nothing, but nodded.
“What are you doing?” Anya whispered, looking at him with bewilderment.
“I know we don't know each other.” Noah started, “I understand that with everything you have been through tonight, I’ll understand if you want to keep your distance, but I can’t help feeling that there is something, I know I can’t be the only one that felt an electric feeling when our hands touched for the first time during that Meet and Greet.”
“I thought that was just me.”
“No darling, I felt it too.” Noah said.
He held her hand and that electric feeling still felt the same just as it had when they met earlier that night. Noah slowly scooted closer to her and his hand still holding hers, his thumb caressing her hand. Exhaustion slowly overtook Anya and she laid her head on his shoulder, Noah said nothing but slowly smelled her scent from her hair and realized that’s where the Lavender scent that he smelled earlier was coming from, her hair. He enjoyed the ride and watched the apartments surrounding the car. 8 minutes passed, and for Noah those 8 minutes were not long enough. He got out of the car with Anya, watched as she reached for the key to open the lobby door and walked her inside the building, standing in her apartment lobby. She turned around and was standing a few paces ahead of Noah.
“Thank you again, Noah.” She said.
Noah just stepped forward and looked down at her.
“Would it be alright if I held you closer?”
Anya looked up at him and saw nothing, but tenderness in his eyes. She nodded and Noah took another step forward. He slowly wrapped his arm around her midsection and looked deeply into her eyes.
“May I kiss you?” He whispered.
“Yes.” She whispered back.
Noah pressed his lips to hers and kissed her. It was a soft and sweet kiss, nothing compared to that rough assault she felt from that creep. She slowly stood on her tippy toes in effort to reach his height, but to no avail. She moved her own arms around him and pulled him closer as well. Without breaking from the kiss, he pulled her off the ground and carried her in his arms. It was then and there that Noah realized that he was already in the middle before he realized that he had begun. They don’t know how long they kissed for, but the only thing that broke them apart was Matt’s phone ringing in his back pocket.
“Ahh fuck, they wondering where I am.” Noah said. He chuckled and the feeling sent shivers down Anya’s spine. He pulled out the phone and put it to his ear.
“Yo. Yeah, I wanted to make sure she made it safe. Dude, fuck off! Alright I’ll be there in 15 minutes. Bye.” Noah spoke to whoever was on the other end.
“I truly don’t want to leave, but the rest of this tour awaits darling. Give me your phone?”
Anya reached into her see through purse and pulled out her iPhone 13, unlocked it and gave it to Noah, he took it and dialed a phone number before hanging up.
“Who did you call?” Anya asked.
“Myself, I can’t bear the idea of not seeing or hearing your voice again. If you want to be friends, I’ll be more than happy with it darling. Call me for anything.” Noah said.
“Please be careful through the whole tour.” Anya said.
“Cross my heart, that nothing will happen darling.”
Noah let out a sigh and gave her a kiss on her forehead. He walked her over to the elevator and pressed the up button.
“Promise me you’ll stay safe?” Noah asked in return.
“Promise, cross my heart.” Anya said, repeating his words.
The elevator doors opened and Anya walked inside, arms extending until they were forced to let go. Looking at each other until the doors closed. Anya pressed the button for the 3rd floor and walked to her apartment, choosing to just clean her face and wear her dress and the sweater Noah gave her to bed, she fell asleep to the feeling of Noah’s lips still on hers.
“One day I’ll meet him, he’ll kiss me and fall in love with me.”
“One day I’ll meet him, he’ll kiss me and fall in love with me.”
“One day I’ll meet him, he’ll kiss me and fall in love with me.”
“One day I’ll meet him, he’ll kiss me and fall in love with me.”
Those words she said to her younger brother came to the forefront of her mind, until sleep and exhaustion overtook her.
~ 3 Weeks Later ~
Anya was coming home from a long shift at Home Depot and opened the mailbox, everything seemed unimportant junk and bills until she saw a thick catalog envelope. She pulled it out and saw the logo for Summerian Records. Her name printed in bold letters.
Ms. Anastasia Mendoza
150 N Olvera St. Apt. 315
Los Angeles, CA 90034
She dropped everything she was carrying the moment she set foot in her apartment and opened the thick catalog envelope. The first page reading.
She pulled out her phone and texted Noah.
Yes, darling?
Do you know anything about this?
She snapped a photo of the first page and sent it to him
Thank you so much for reading this prequel about how Anya and Noah and yes y’all, Noah fell first. Despite how I wrote it, they are NOT dating yet, that won’t happen for at least another year after they meet. If you’re interested in me writing about it, please let me know. Writing right now is still a very slow process for me so if you’re interested, let me know. Thank you so much for reading, guys. Love y’all!
If anyone is interested, here’s a link to the playlist I was listening to while writing this .
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theslowestpoke · 23 days
Appreciation Post for Noah Stilinski and Chris Argent
Teen Wolf is accidentally a show about shitty parents. In all of Beacon Hills, Noah and Chris are the exceptions to the rule of bad dads.
Rafe McCall
Domestic violence
Abandoned his family
Bullies his son's best friend re: his own father's alcoholism, aka
Superiority complex
Actively endangers multiple people because he can't listen to his son for five minutes
Derek's Dad
Does he exist?
If he existed at some point, he fumbled Talia, so
Mr. Martin
Shows up to Lydia's parent-teacher conference and immediately assumes she's making trouble and has bad grades, indicating he has never bothered to get to know her
He does come to the hospital after Peter mauls her, but the risk of nearly losing her doesn't change his behavior, so this is performative at best and manipulative at worst
Coach Lahey
I mean, do I need to explain?
Physically and verbally abusive to at least one of his sons
Threatened a kid who nearly drowned at his house because
He let a bunch of teenagers drink underage at his house
I have a feeling Isaac getting a job at the graveyard wasn't a choice or a paying gig, but it's definitely not OSHA compliant to have one person under 18 on the night shift by himself and operating heavy machinery for the exact reason that we see happen in Omega
Peter Hale
He can be forgiven for not knowing about his kid for 16 years because that knowledge was literally stolen from him (a point against Talia Hale, don't come for me) but
Once they both know about it, he continues doing his creepy villain bullshit and nearly gets said kid killed multiple times
Gerard Argent
Not even touching his bad grandparenting,
Militarized his children with dangerous, xenophobic rhetoric which he has deliberately misconstrued to serve his own means
Could not give a single shit if either of his kids die in the line of duty, whether it is avoidable or not
Manipulated his daughter to such extremes that she groomed and sexually assaulted a child in order to murder his entire family
Decided it was fine for his son's first solo mission to be an arms deal with the literal Yakuza, supernatural elements aside
His big endgame plan was a betrayal of every ideal he ruined his children with and he was going to just carry on acting like that was fine
Elias Stilinski
Guess what, another asshole
Verbally and physically abusive to his wife and son
Continues to be verbally abusive and emotionally manipulative during moments of lucidity from his dementia
Chris and Noah are not perfect fathers, but they are <b>good</b>, which is what matters.
Noah has been dealt a bad hand in life, losing his wife while their son was so young, and he's tried very hard to break the cycle of violence while learning how to be a single father. He did have issues with alcoholism in the past, although we only hear about that from other people talking shit or when Stiles is poisoned with wolfsbane, so the true extent may be exaggerated. He almost always handles Stiles' neurodivergence and propensity to get himself (and others) into trouble with patience and understanding, unless it puts someone in danger.
Chris also broke the cycle of violence, trying his best to shield his daughter from the dangers of the hunter lifestyle until she was old enough to make a choice for herself. When that protection was forcibly removed and she was manipulated by everyone else in her family, he never stopped trying to help her see reason, including joining forces with his lifelong enemies to bring her back home. He also recognizes the missing pieces Isaac needs when he starts hanging around, so he pulls that kid under his wing, too, a remarkable show of character growth from his handling of Allison's last boyfriend. He did kind of forget that Isaac isn't legally his and then abduct him across international waters, but everyone grieves differently, I guess. Unless we find out explicitly what happens to Isaac in France, I'm going to assume the best and that Chris didn't just abandon him there with no resources.
Anyway, fandom talks a lot about Melissa McCall and, obviously, she's doing an amazing job, but she's not the only one.
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(brings microphone to your face) tell us abt ur au!!!! whatever you're willing to share, i love hearing abt wips.
OOHOOHOO OK!! so i have talked abt this before but i don’t think i have a tag for it however im going to go back thru and tag ALL of it bc well. i like all of my things in one place. ANYWAY. i’m going to put this under a cut bc it will be LONG because i cannot help myself ever. so, i present: trc rival bands au!
this is the pinterest board i’ve made for the au that i cannot stop adding to. i’m refraining from sharing my spotify playlists because uh. those are a major part of the story and i don’t want to take that away from it 😭 BUT trust me they are SO good. im obsessed.
anyway. rival bands au LETS GO!!
gansey, ronan, henry, and noah make up the (pop punk?/alt rock?) band Kings of Henrietta.
ronan plays lead guitar. he’s the son of legendary irish rockstar niall lynch and also ex lead guitarist of the boyband the lynch brothers. he plays a seven-string ibanez xiphos in black flat (VERY sexy guitar VERY difficult). its name is chainsaw. he has perfect pitch. he’s also very, very irish
gansey’s lead vocals and rhythm guitar. he grew up hollywood royalty but was never really interested in acting, just did it because it was expected of him. his exodus from the film industry in order to be in a band was originally widely considered a long shot but now. well. one of the most famous bands in the world and all that. he plays an obnoxiously orange gretsch jet that fans have dubbed “the pig”.
henry’s bass and backup vocals. he’s the heir to two tech fortunes but ran off to be a musician and was a solo artist for a few years before the formation of KOH (think yungblud). he has a classic rocker haircut, he’s openly queer, he’s a weirdgirl fashion icon. he plays a custom made electric blue fender precision with lightning detailing. he calls it “madonna” but this name has yet to catch on
noah plays drums (and also provides vocals on occasion if the occasion is screaming). his parents are music producers, his sister adele is also in the industry. he breaks at least one drum stick per show and tosses it into the pit. hardcore fans can and will fight for it.
they are SO fucking famous. like taylor swift 95m monthly spotify listeners famous. like people recognize ronan just from his hair like eminem famous. about to leave on one of the longest world tours ever famous. it is INSANE how famous they are.
they all met at aglionby and often played together but didn’t form a band until after niall lynch’s murder and the disbanding of the lynch brothers. there’s a few years gap between graduating aglionby and the formation of KOH
some circles still believe ronan killed his own father however they are very few and far between. WHATEVER
blue grew up in a house full of musicians. she can play pretty much anything under the sun but prefers drums and guitar. she went to juilliard on scholarship, which is where she met adam
adam did not grow up playing music with his family. he grew up learning it in secret. he cannot play everything however he is a VERY quick learner out of sheer willpower. he graduated high school as valedictorian and immediately got the fuck out of there to go to juilliard (also on scholarship). he and blue were inseparable almost immediately
they moved in together after graduation and blue took him home to henrietta when the rent started to get a little too high. they officially formed their band page of wands in blue’s room at 300 fox way
“page of wands” merges both of their symbolic tarot cards together (page of cups + magician). did i mention blue was raised pagan? she was. as to be expected. anyways.
virtually unknown indie rock band page of wands posts a cover of a KOH song. they do not expect KOH to see it. they also do not expect KOH to return the favor in front of tens of thousands of people. KOH does it anyways. because gansey is ENAMORED. he is SO FAR GONE.
blue hates this. she hates it so much. unfortunately POW’s sudden success is now irreversibly tied to KOH and there’s nothing she can do about it. or is there
their record labels agree to a rivalry. success! this is what she wanted
except it’s not. but she doesn’t know why
cue enemies to lovers. and long distance pining. mutual destruction. the entire music industry watching this all unfold. bluesey. pynch. way too many spotify links. you get the picture
guys i literally CANNOT stop thinking about this i don’t know what to do. what do i do. i am so lost. please help me
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puckhq · 16 days
though my eyes could see i still was a blind man || THROUPLE
tagging: Morgan Weston ( @morgan-weston ), Eva Anderson ( @anderseva ) Noah Puckerman
date & time: Thursday, August 29, 2024 @ some time between 3 pm- 5 pm
location: Professor Eva Anderson's fancy smancy PSU classroom
warnings: none!
summary: What was suppose to be them christening Eva's new desk turns into Puck and Eva telling Morgan some not so easy news to digest.
PUCK had been busy as fuck this week. Between Maya starting her sophomore year of high school, which, according to her, is a 'big deal, dad' and juggling... whatever the fuck Morgan, Eva and him were doing and having all the god damn meeting for the security department, and the reappearance of not only Santana but also his father, the ex-Marine had kind of neglected - more like forgot, about the fact that he was starting college in less than a week. So the last couple of days had been him running around stressed. Oh and speaking of baby mama's- people, baby parents returning, there was the no so small matter of, Andy's kid probbaly being Morgan's and him having no fucking idea. When, Eva had shared her suspicious, truthfully it was the only option that made sense. With Andy's general attitude toward Morgan and the timing, it was clear as fucking day, and Morgan deserved to know. Since Andy was determined to punish both their child and Morgan, that left Eva and Puck to bring it up and Puck just didn't know how the hell it was gonna go, because all he knew is what he would do. Sitting on top of the desk, he looked at Eva. "Do we hold his hand for this or do we give him space? What if he's fucking pissed? I don't know what the man looks like angry but it can't be good. Well, nah, he's probably hot as fuck angry, but you know what I mean." Then Puck ran his hand over his face. "What if he's sad?" Puck was really shit at comforting people, he was a fix it kinda guy not a cry on my shoulder type.
EVA To say that this week hadn't been hectic and messy as hell would be quite the understatement. Eva had dragged her feet all summer and put her syllabus off, as well as not deciding how to decorate her classroom, so she was in crunch mode essentially. And as if she needed another thing on her plate, that convo with Andy had left her wanting to fight for multiple reasons, but it also left her at a crossroads, which was why she'd filled Puck in on it. He had a kid himself and while his situation was different, and had no drama, she knew he'd probably have a better idea of what they should do. And of course, he did. While their plans had been to have sex in her classroom at first, things had shifted to them using the neutral space to tell Morgan their suspicions. Could she be wrong about this? Sure. Did Morgan at least deserve to know and get a paternity test done to be certain? Absolutely. Trying not pace around her classroom, Puck speaking pulled her out of her head and she sighed as she glanced over at him. "Maybe we give him space. Just to be safe." She hummed as she opened her laptop and pulled the conversation up just in case Morgan needed to read through it and see why 2+2=4 in this equation. "He'll probably feel a lot of emotions, so we just...let him feel them, and then we ask him what he needs from us." God, this right here was why she didn't want kids herself, or to be involved with them period, but there was no turning back now.
MORGAN was happy. The wind was blowing through the car, the dirt was whirled behind the wheels up into the air, and the sound of "Carry on Wayward Son" by Kansas was blasting through the speakers of the red pick-up truck, as it zoomed from his ranch into the city. The gravel was soon replaced by real concrete, and it didn't take long to find the first stoplight, and therefore the first sign of the city. The cowboy's hands were banging against the steering wheel to the beat of the song, and he was grinning as the guitar solos rang through his ears. He could smell the sweet cake that was next to him on the passenger seat. Eva and Puck had been incredibly busy lately, getting themselves ready for the new semester. It was so cute, how they were both new at this; Puck being a student, and Eva being a professor. So the tall man wanted to show up and support his two lovers in any kind of way that he could. He'd parked the car, grabbed the little cake box and had headed into one of the many buildings on campus. There were so many damn doors, he had to stop and ask some random person for directions. "Ms. Ander- I mean, Professor Anderson's office?" He was shown with a point, and Morgan gave the person a big smile and nodded. "Thank you! Have a great day!" He almost skipped down the hallway towards the door, knowing what two people he'd be seeing behind it, but he knocked a few times - trying to see if he could knock a little happy tune - before he opened the door and greeted Puck and Eva with a grin. "Howdy, y'all!" He moved in to peck each of their lips, and set the cake down. "Chocolate cake. I wasn't sure- I mean, I tried my best. It tastes okay." He chuckled nervously, his hand scratching the back of his head, before he snapped out of it and took a step back to admire the desk that had been assembled, and afterwards the rest of the office. "It's looks really good in here! Very professional!"
PUCK nodded in understanding of what Eva ws saying. It was probably best to give him space, and to not immediately go into talking about how to go about ensuring Morgan get the DNA test he's going to need. Only if Morgan specifically asked. Puck could be a shoulder, he has very nice and broad shoulders that are perfect for crying on, so he can put them to use and just mentally think of how to fix it, so if Morgan does come to him wanting help he'll be ready. Yeah, Puck could do the emotional intelligence thing. Just as he was about to say something, the thought was lost at the Sound of a very happy 'Howdy y'all!'. Dear god this was gonna be rough and Puck was ready to back out and just fuck on the desk like they were originally planning. But then he was getting a sweet little peck and there was a homemade chocolate cake and Puck had never wanted to be the bearer of tense news less than he did right now. But damn if Morgan was the sweetest man he'd ever encountered for making them a whole ass cake. "Hey chocolate cake made by you, gotta be good." He said supportively because he was all about encouraging chocolate cake. "Our girl knows how to make anything look good, don't she?" He looked over at Eva with a smile before getting off the desk to sit in one of the chairs by the cake. "Why'd you make us a cake?" He asked genuinely curious but also stalling.
EVA didn't like this any more than Puck did, but after blowing up with Andy, she was trying to prepare herself to be the calm one. After all, Puck was a parent and was seeing this from a parental POV, whereas she was simply just wanting to do the right thing for someone she cared about. Delivering this news was going to crush Morgan, but someone had to be strong in this situation. Though, as soon as Morgan came bouncing in with a cake, she didn't know how she'd get through this. Smiling softly at the peck, she glanced at the cake and only now did she actually remember him wanting to bake one for them. And it was a very cute gesture, one she would have been a lot more stoked about if not for the elephant in the room. Taking in the compliment about her room, which led to Puck throwing out one too, Eva shook her head. "Okay, okay. I barely did much in here, but thanks, boys." She giggled. She was grateful that Puck decided to stall first, so she pushed the chair to the desk back a little and motioned for Morgan to have a seat. "Yeah, I know the sex has been amazing, but what did we do to deserve a cake? Not that we're complaining, and I'm sure much like anything else you've made for us, this is gonna taste great, but what's this for?"
MORGAN moved around the quaint space, looking around as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. He knew that it was about to become an intense time for both Puck and Eva. They wouldn't have as much time for their little fun shenanigans once work and school kicked in, so Morgan was soaking it all up. For the first time, he really truly understood why people were in relationships; the time spent together, memories being made, getting closer and learning more about each other. It excited him! So, knowing that he probably wasn't going to see them as much going forward, any time spent with the two was now cherished time. Turning around at their questions regarding the cake he'd made for them, a slight red tint grew on his cheeks. "Oh, well, y'know- you guys are working hard, gotta get some sugar in ya!" Was it because he was trying to impress them? Absolutely. For Morgan, one of his main love languages was acts of service - and what better way to show people he cared about them, than through cooking? Baking was something he wasn't so good at, but everyone liked baked goods. He watched as Eva pulled out the chair, and moved to sit down, his hands coming out of his pockets and instead going behind his head as he leaned back. "So, what's up? You guys seemed so quiet when I got here."
PUCK was not thrilled that all of this was happening so early in the development of this... throuple. They really seemed like they were headed somewhere and it's not like going through big shit isn't an importnt part of building any legit relationship, but, what if it was too early? It was hard for Puck to imagine that this kind of news wasn't going to be too much strain for something so new. While Puck wasn't ready to lose this, he was aware it was a possibility. But, it was also possible that this whole thing, while messy, could bring them all closer together. That sounded equally as scary and Puck was kind of ready to just bolt and let Eva do this shit on her own. I mean, she was the one who spoke to Andy, why was he even here? Right, for support. "For future reference I'm cool with there being no reason for a chocolate cake, but that's actually fucking adorable." He'd eat some later, right now his stomach was not feeling the whole food thing, he needed to get all this possible kid shit out first. "Unlike you I've got self control." He said with a smile, regerencing the other night when Puck walked in to Morgan and Eva two second from fucking on the couch. "Nah, we were just waiting for you, big guy." He said, looking to Eva, because she'd definitely explain all this better.
EVA couldn't help but give a half of a smile at Morgan simply baking them a cake simply for being stressed out about the school season starting. It was really thoughtful, and he hadn't even needed to go out of his way for them like this but she appreciated it anyways. She nodded in agreement with Puck's sentiments. "Yeah, I'll take anything you wanna make for me too, for any reason or no reason at all." When Puck didn't make a move to cut the cake and grab a piece, she assumed they were both in the same position of not having an appetite for it at the moment. Deciding to let Puck's other comment slide as Morgan took his seat, she was already trying to sort out how to break this news to him when the ball was practically being thrown in her court. And she would have been slapping Puck's arm if it didn't make sense for her to be the one to break the news, so she hopped up on her desk and turned to face Morgan. "We technically planned for all three of us to break in my new desk, but then something came up." She sighed. "First of all, I may have overstepped a boundary or two with your former lover and friend, Andy. We were talking about you, and they gave a timeline for you two breaking up and them getting pregnant...and to me, it sounded like you might be the father. I tried to push an answer out of them and they got super defensive, and they went from denying it to basically assuming that I was trying to come for their son and threatening to take legal action, and then saying they wouldn't let you around the son because of me now. Which isn't confirmation that you are the father, and I didn't actually come for your son which you can see for yourself but — anyways, I told Puck and we both thought that if anything, you deserve to talk to Andy and get answers in case I'm right." Once it was all out there, she finally exhaled another breath before shrugging. "I'm sorry, that was a lot, and I could be fucking wrong, but it doesn't hurt for you to be sure, right?"
MORGAN smiled as Puck talked. The man oozed confidence like nothing he'd ever seen before; it wasn't until he was in a more intimate setting that that confidence started to crack a little, but Morgan wasn't the type of person to cause those cracks to become bigger. He just appreciated the fact that he wasn't just one big facade, and that there was more to him than that, even if he probably wouldn't let people believe that. Eva, on the other hand, really was confident through and through - in the best way possible. It was the type of confidence where she really believed in herself, and didn't hesitate about her next move. She was tough and badass, and Morgan felt so incredibly honored to have been let in to see the softer and sweeter side of her. It was the sides of these two people that Morgan constantly hungered for; that sweetness, that closeness, the bond that they had. And maybe he was trying everything he could, to further grow it. So his eyes went from Puck to Eva, as it seemed like he kinda passed the baton on to her, and Morgan listened intently as she started telling everything about the conversations that the tall cowboy had blissfully been unaware of. His throat started closing and becoming dry, his heart beat picked up, and he found himself wanting to melt into the chair and not exist anymore. The words 'pregnant', 'son', 'defensive' and 'threatening' seemed so loud in his head. Blinking a few times, Morgan looked away, his breathing getting slightly heavier. He couldn't keep sitting. He was feeling restless, needing to get that anxious energy out of his body. So he stood up quickly, turning his back to Eva and Puck as she finished explaining. And the wheels inside Morgan's head started turning. What was he supposed to say to them? What was he supposed to say to anyone? He walked up to the wall, his fingers pushing one of the framed pictures up slightly, making it hang more straight as he took a deep breath. He knew what to tell them.
"I've already spoken to Andy about it." He said quietly, and turned to the two. "A few weeks ago, I asked them. He's not mine." Morgan walked up to the back of the chair, holding onto it, as if to hold on to his anger and keep it inside. "I've known Andy since I was a kid, they wouldn't lie to me. Not about that. And I believe them. But to threaten you? To take their frustrations with me, and our break-up, out on you?" Morgan's eyes never left Eva's. He wanted to make sure she understood this. His fingers tightened around the fabric of the chair. He was thoroughly pissed off. "To do anything that would cause you any kind of hurt?" He was quiet for a moment as he breathed heavily. The idea of Andy even doing that hurt him. "I'll talk to them about it."
PUCK fell as silent as he's ever been, back a little straighter, like this conversation demanded him to be at attention. As Eva spoke, Puck never looked away from Morgan, he wanted to read every micro-expression and his body language, as if it would give him the ability to read his mind or emotions. Once Morgan turned from them, Puck knew the taller man was in thought and needed a minute to process before he spoke again. Both Morgan and Eva were better at thinking before speaking than Puck was. Looking over at the professor he sighed before his eyes went right back to Morgan. It didn't really surprise him that Morgan had already asked Andy about all of this. I mean if Eva can do the math so could he, but it did surprise him how easily he was willing to accept it as the truth. While Puck didn't know Andy, he knew people and people did fucked up shit when they were angry, hurt and/or scared and from what he knows, Andy was all of those things after their breakup with Morgan. Again, his eyes stayed on Morgan, even as Morgan looked so intently at Eva, like he'd hurt anyone that brought harm to her and he wondered if being regarded by the cowboy felt as incredible as it looked, he'd have to ask Eva later. Standing up, Puck made a little nose to break the moment with his hair, which, interrupting moments between these two is starting to become his thing. "Look I don't know Andy but I do know hurt and angry folk don't act like themselves. I'm not saying they're lying to you, I'm saying they could be and I'm telling you as a father, you're gonna be heartbroken if that little boy is yours and you lose anymore time with him." All he could think was how devestated he'd have been if Maya had been kept from him, if he had missed two years of firsts. "You owe it to that kid and to yourself to make damn sure it ain't you no matter what Andy says." Maybe he had spoken out of turn but it was too late now.
EVA had half expected Morgan to need to get up, so she didn't even flinch when it happened. He was much calmer than most people would be in his shoes, but she was used to this sort of softness to him anyways so it was on brand for him. But as she watched him adjust a frame on her wall, all she could do was sigh. That was until he started explaining that he'd already asked Andy and they'd said no. That was exactly what Andy had said to her when she'd first started asking, before they got defensive. It had been bullshit, and for someone who could sell anyone anything, she knew the antics of someone trying to craft a narrative that was false and then breaking when someone challenged it. This was probably the first time the kid's paternity had come into question like this, it seemed to her as though Andy hadn't been prepared for it. Letting Morgan get worked up over Andy taking their frustration out of her, she kept her eyes locked on his until he'd finished. This situation had just gone from messy to pure hell, and as she glanced over at Puck as he spoke, she was grateful that he was pushing this as much as she was. "Puck's right. You can check the conversation for yourself if you want, but..let's just take a step back here." Eva suggested, nonchalantly shrugging her shoulders. "Andy implied two things: they're still in love with you and can't be just friends with you, and they still think you're the same person you were three years ago and that you can't make time for work. They can't let you back into their life, let alone the kid's, if you're going to do what you did before. Their words, not mine. I tried to tell them that you're different now, that you have no problem making time now, and it fell on deaf ears." She explained, tempted to roll her eyes at how hard Andy had pushed back on it when they didn't know the man Morgan was now. "And don't worry about them coming for me. I can handle myself." She reassured him with a small smile.
MORGAN's jaw clenched as he stayed silent. He didn't know what to say, didn't know what to do, didn't even know what to think! He was frustrated, sad, angry. He could see where Puck and Eva were coming from, pushing for him to do something. All the signs were pointing towards it. Why else would Andy be so angry at him? It made sense! He didn't make time for them before, so why would he make time for their kid now? And that kind of mindset was being held against him. It was why they were so angry with him! But then again, Morgan came back to the fact that Andy just simply wouldn't lie to him. They never had before, why would they start now? Morgan's head was starting to hurt, as he was being pulled in both directions, and the palm of his hand rubbed his temple softly as he thought about what was next. "Andy's not in love with me. Is there still love between us? Yes! But it's the kind of love that never leaves two old best friends." Morgan claimed, looking between his two lovers. His voice was slightly louder than before, but he also knew other people were working in offices next door. "D'ya really not think they'd tell me, if the boy was mine?" Morgan asked, almost hesitant and like he didn't believe it himself. "I just..." closing his eyes, Morgan ran a hand through his hair, groaning quietly in frustration. "I'll talk to them." He sighed, a sudden wave of surrendering washing over him. He looked back at the two gorgeous people in front of him, sad that all of this had happened. "I'm sorry."
EVA was certain that they'd somehow taken a trip to delulu land when Morgan first shot down the idea that Andy was still in love with him. It was wild and utterly ridiculous to her that they'd still be clutching onto feelings from three years ago; however, she'd never fallen in love herself, or had a kid, so all she could do was assume that this was the type of dumb shit people did when they had one or both of those. Her jaw dropped yet again when he questioned whether they thought Andy would lie about the kid's paternity, which was the whole reason they were here after all. She just stared at him blankly as he seemed to be at least agreeing to talk to Andy, and then when Puck didn't immediately speak up, she took that as her cue and grabbed her laptop, scrolling to the important parts of that convo. "Cowboy, listen to me closely. Their exact words were: "I'm still bitter, I still love him, I can't just be his friend." Oh, and then my personal favorite was: "I just don't see a future where he and I end up together anymore and as it stands, I can't see myself going back to being just friends with him either." I might not know or like Andy very much at this moment, but that's not friend love. In fact, they also doubt that you two were ever really friends, which I'm gonna guess is them thinking that you leaving them means you weren't a real friend or lover or whatever." Eva stated before she sat her laptop down and exhaled a small breath. "I'm not saying they're a bad person, and my guess is that Andy is lying because they're afraid that you won't stick around for your son just like you didn't stay for them. Pretty sure it's also because they don't want you around as just a father to your son if they can't have you back as a lover, but that's a whole other issue. I can't judge their way of trying to protect their son — but if he is yours, you have every right to know and to be given a fair chance to prove Andy wrong. That's all we're saying."
PUCK was grateful when after Morgan spoke Eva was right there to swoop in with a response, because Puck just couldn't stop looking at Morgan. Why did he seem so calm? I mean, Puck noticed the jaw clench and that was a clear indicator of growing frustration and it made him wonder how much he could hold down before he all came pouring out and when it did who would it be aimed at, what would it look like. Morgan had already made it clear that he'll be damned if any harm comes to Eva, so he probably wouldn't direct it there. Would it be him? Would Puck have to bare his anger and frustration? He could handle it, he had endured much worse. As Eva kept talking Puck could only imagine hearing Andy's own words was tough. And very uncharacteristically, Puck wanted to comfort Morgan and tell him, no matter what it's all gonna be okay. That they would be there with him to figure this out and help him through it, but instead he stood where he was and waited for Eva to finish because even though what she was saying might be hard to hear she was 100% right and Morgan needed to hear it. "All this is... a lot. I'm guessing it's gut wrenching to think your Andy, your childhood friend, could maybe do something like this to you, but it's just a possibility, something to prepare for." Puck tried to reassure without sugarcoating, too much. "You definitely ain't gotta be sorry. Life's always throwing shit at us that we aren't sure we can catch but it ain't just you, you know? you got people. Not to sound like an after school special, but you aren't alone in any of this, man." Again, Puck was shit at this, but he was trying.
MORGAN ran a hand through his hair, watching Eva pick up her laptop and pull out the evidence. He was beginning to get frustrated. He knew it wasn't their intentions, he knew that all they were doing, was to make him aware of it and ask him to do something - especially if Oakley was his after all! And that it was all coming from the best of intentions! But as Eva read out loud exactly what Andy had said, he couldn't help but almost feel like he was being shown his mistakes, or even being made to choose. Some irrational part of him was whispering in his ear that this could also be Eva and Puck's way of getting rid of Morgan. But that was the completely irrational part of him that he, nine times out of ten, didn't believe in after all. As Eva kept explaining, Morgan had to look down at the ground. He hated this. It was heartbreaking, hearing that his ex had spoken to his...situation like that, but also that his situation suspected his ex of not telling the truth. Eva finished and Puck picked up, following after, and Morgan's eyes shot up, finding his dark brown ones. The ones that he could find himself staring into and get lost in for way too long. Nodding along slowly, Morgan sucked in a deep breath, and nodded to himself, making a decision in his mind. "Thank you for this." He said and pushed the chair in, giving both Eva and Puck a look that was determined. "Enjoy the cake." And with that, Morgan started walking, leaving the room. He almost felt the need to be sick, but he just had to get away. He needed time to think about how the hell to approach Andy like this. And how to make it up to Puck and Eva. But that required him to be alone. And so, he left; left to go home to think.
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lajose422 · 1 year
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¡Más dibujos de Kristina y su familia! :D
Por algún extraño motivo, cuando hice el primer dibujo, pensé en un juego que se tratase de que t/n (accidentalmente) entraba en la casa de Kristina y en eso ella lo secuestra para matarlo, con diversos finales en los que sobrevives o te mueres. (Realmente creo que me imagino cosas raras, pero no lo sé con toda claridad.)
En cuanto a lo del segundo dibujo, es solo algo que se me ocurrió y que quise dibujar en una de mis hojas negras con mis lápices de colores. Son solo Pink, Noah y Kristina pasando tiempo juntos, jejeje (lo hice en mi estilo de "cabeza chibi" porque fue lo primero que se me pasó a la cabeza.)
@cherry-love-heart te amo mamita, espero que te gusten los dibujos. 🐑💛💛💛
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thegayfangrrl · 10 months
DILF December bracket
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Order decided (roughly) by percentage of the movie/show's A03 fics in which the character is tagged.
Round one:
Caractacus Potts (Chitty Chitty Bang Bang) vs. Jean Valjean (Les Miserables)
Joel (The Last of Us) vs. Sam Sylvia (G.L.O.W.)
Ulysses Everett McGill (O Brother Where Art Thou) vs. Georg von Trapp (The Sound of Music)
William Adama (Battlestar Galactica) vs. Dan Connor (Roseanne)
Waymond Wang (Everything Everywhere All At Once) vs. Armand Goldman (The Birdcage)
Walter Bishop (Fringe) vs. Martin Crane (Frasier)
Harry Bright (Mamma Mia) vs. Stacker Pentecost (Pacific Rim)
Han Solo (Star Wars) vs. Elrond Peredhel (LOTR)
Ron Swanson (Parks and Recreation) vs. Gerry Quinn (Derry Girls)
Bernard Lowe (Westworld) vs. Clay Morrow (Sons of Anarchy)
Benjamin Sisko (Star Trek Deep Space Nine) vs. Bud Hammond (Political Animals)
Herman Boone (Remember the Titans) vs. George Banks (Mary Poppins)
Robert Neville (I Am Legend) vs. Daniel (Love Actually)
Konstantin Vasiliev (Killing Eve) vs. Tuvok (Star Trek Voyager)
Noah MacManus (Boondock Saints) vs. Dill Penderghast (Easy A)
Earl Johnson (Black-ish) vs. Rowan Pope (Scandal)
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marivelsblog1503 · 5 months
🚑 Parte I: ¿Hasta dónde hemos llegado? 🩺
Con: 557 palabras en total. Anterior: || Índice: || Siguiente: Los personajes que conoceremos en esta historia, a partir de ahora. © Todos los derechos reservados.
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«— La vida es muy cruel, las personas pueden cambiar, algunas permanecen igual. —»
«— El dolor y la perdida son difíciles de olvidar, por más que lo intentes, nada puede reparar la grieta de un corazón, incluyendo la mente. —»
«— Algunos dicen que las pérdidas pueden ayudarnos a superarnos, pero, ¿Qué pasa si no es cierto?, ¿Qué pasa si solo te encierras en ese dolor? —»
«— Estás sufriendo y nadie lo nota, lloras en silencio y nadie te consuela, esta bien querer ser fuerte para no preocupar a las personas que amas, pero recuerda que ellos siguen en tu vida. —»
«— No te alejes de ellos, sigue adelante. —»
«— Ponte de pie y sigue luchando. —»
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|| Lilan Bowden como Dina Boden. ||
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«— Chicago es mi hogar y no importa lo que otros digan, yo sé que soy una buena capitana para mi equipo en la 61, pero también una doctora. —»
|| Brian Tee como Ethan Choi. ||
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«— Soy un veterano de la marina, seguí los mismos pasos que mi padre, sin embargo tengo recuerdos dolorosos de aquellos días y eso, las pesadillas me siguen atormentando. —»
|| Anna Kendrick como Carol Boden. ||
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«— Esto es muy sencillo, yo te cubro y tú a mí, me cuidas todo el tiempo y ahora es mi turno de hacerlo contigo, estoy preocupada por ti y no quiero que te pase nada, no quiero perderte. —»
|| Eamonn Walker como Wallace Boden. ||
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«— Aun recuerdo aquella noche como si hubiera pasado un día, y sin importar los riesgos, las volvería a salvar, me importa muy poco lo que digan, ambas son mis hijas. —»
|| Melissa Ponzio como Donna Robbins de Boden. ||
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«— Aunque no las sostuve entre mis brazos cuando eran unas bebes, las tendré a ambas aquí conmigo, porque ustedes también son mis hijas, nada va a cambiar eso. —»
|| Sophia Bush como Erin Lindsay. ||
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«— Atrapamos al maldito que provocó todo esto, sé lo que siente encerrarte en tu propio dolor y te culpas por no estar con aquella persona que tanto amaste, pero no te preocupes, ellos ya no estarán sufriendo ahora. —»
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Cast de los demás personajes:
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🚒 Chicago Fire. 🔥
|| David Eigen como Christopher Herman. ||
|| Robyn Coffin como Cindy Herman. ||
|| Christian Stolte como Randall “Mouch” McHolland. ||
|| Taylor Kinny como Kelly Severide. ||
|| Jesse Spencer como Matthew “Matt” Casey. ||
|| Monica Raymund como Gabriela “Gaby” Dawson. ||
|| Lauren German como Leslie Shay. ||
|| Kara Killmer como Sylvie Brett. ||
|| Joe Minoso como Joe Cruz. ||
|| Yuri Sardarov como Brian “Otis” Zvoecek. ||
|| Charlie Barnett como Peter Mills. ||
|| Randy Flager como Harold Capp. ||
|| Dushon Monique como Connie. ||
🚓 Chicago P.D. 🚔
|| Jason Beghe como Hank Voight. ||
|| Jon Seda como Antonio Dawson. ||
|| Jesse Lee Soffer como Jay Halstead. ||
|| Archie Kao como Sheldon Jin. ||
|| Elias Koteas como Alvin Olinsky. ||
|| Patrick Flueger como Adam Ruzek. ||
|| Laroyce Hawkins como Kevin Atwater. ||
|| Mariana Squerciati como Kim Burguess. ||
🚑 Chicago Med. 🩺
|| S. Epatha Merkerson como Sharon Goodwin. ||
|| Oliver Platt como Daniel Charles. ||
|| Marlyne Barrett como Maggie Lockwood. ||
|| Torrey DeVitto como Natalie Manning. ||
|| Nick Gehlfuss como Will Halstead. ||
|| Yaya DaCosta como April Sexton. ||
|| Roland Buck como Noah Sexton. ||
|| Colin Donnell como Connor Rhodes. ||
|| Rachel DiPilo como Sarah Reese. ||
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Playlist de esta primera parte:
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|| Arcade de Duncan Laurence. ||
|| Could Have Been Me versión Halsey. ||
|| Fight Song de Rachel Platten. ||
|| I’ts Time de Imagine Dragons. ||
Anterior: || Índice: || Siguiente:
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mikrokosmcs · 3 months
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Yang Suyeong
Guitarrista, compositor principal y líder de Sugar Ru$h, una banda de rock indie underground que es una estrella en ascenso
Estudia producción musical en la universidad, no obstante, tiene fe en que Sugar Ru$h despegará pronto y se volverán famosos con tan solo la banda
Maneja una motocicleta
Aesthetic físico: Tiene el cabello teñido de rosa pálido, algo largo y despeinado. De piercings tiene los dos snake bites inferiores, además de toda la oreja derecha perforada y la ceja izquierda. Tiene el brazo izquierdo tatuado con algunos ojos, unas especies de nubes y rayos de color negro, también tiene otro tatuaje en la pierna izquierda desde el pie hasta debajo de la rodilla con una serpiente en un estilo parecido al trazo de una brocha.
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Ji Yohan
Bajista de Sugar Ru$h, aunque también tiene el auto proclamado puesto de manager, siendo él quien les consigue los mejores lugares para tocar al igual que se encarga de las finanzas del grupo
Estudia medicina, comenzó en la música simplemente porque Suyeong lo embaucó y le dijo “¿o no puedes aprender a tocar el bajo?” y lo tomo personal
Quiere aprender a componer y ayudar en letras
Tiene una coneja de mascota llamada Wabbit
Aesthetic físico: Tiene el cabello teñido de un morado oscuro, casi color uva, de longitud corta y despeinada. Como piercings solo tiene varias argollas en la oreja derecha, mientras que de tatuajes en primera instancia solo se había hecho un cerbero en el pecho derecho, queriendo tener un tatuaje “que pudiese cubrir”. Luego de un tiempo, se tatuó el antebrazo derecho con una calavera y flores.
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Kim Noah
Fan numero uno de Sugar Ru$h, especialmente de su baterista de quien está enamorado. Es seguidor completo, yendo a cualquiera de sus presentaciones sin importar donde o cuanto cueste el ir
Estudiante de danza contemporánea, quiere ser bailarín famoso algún día
Tiene un club de fans y se encarga directamente de mercancía, promoción y difusión de la banda
Tiene un gato angora de pelo largo llamado Lu
Aesthetic físico: Tiene el cabello teñido de rubio, corto y alborotado. Noah tiene una infinidad de piercings, los más notables son el del ombligo en forma de serpiente, uno en la lengua, toda la oreja derecha colmada de aros y la izquierda solo con un par de argollas. Tiene también tatuado en el brazo derecho dos medusas, en el hombro izquierdo algunas flores de cerezos, en el muslo y cadera izquierda tiene una serpiente y flores tatuadas en negro.
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quetzalnoah · 2 months
El tequila ardía en mi garganta como mi conciencia. Me senté en el taburete del bar, rodeado de sombras y olvidos. La ciudad de Monterrey siempre me parecía triste, con la gente yendo de un lado a otro sin saber quiénes son, comprando cosas de marca para darle sentido a su vida porque no conocen otra manera de ser felices. Parecía un lejano eco que nunca me alcanza, un rumor de vidas que seguían adelante sin mí. Había perdido a Sarah en una discusión estúpida, una de esas que te dejan sin aliento y sin sentido. Recuerdo su rostro, pálido y tenso, sus ojos llenos de lágrimas y reproche. "No puedo más", me dijo, y se fue. Ahora, aquí estaba yo, viendo mi pasado en el fondo de la botella de Don Julio 70, porque un dolor también se celebra. Pero el dolor no se ahoga, solo se esconde, esperando a que te quedes solo para saltar sobre ti como un animal hambriento. Pensé en viajar, en irme lejos, en perderme en el mapa. Tal vez en Palenque, embriagarme de chela artesanal en Tijuana, irme a gentrificar Mazunte con los ahorros que me quedaban o partir a cualquier lugar donde el sol quemara mis recuerdos. Pero sabía que no funcionaría. Los recuerdos te siguen, como un perrito de la calle al que le das de comer. El bartender me miró con ojos compasivos, como si supiera mi historia. "Otra botella, amigo?", me preguntó. Pero te echas una conmigo. Cuando estás solo y no hay nadie con quien hablar el bartender se vuelve tu mejor amigo. No había nada que decir. La noche avanzaba, lenta y pesada, como un cadáver que no quería ser enterrado. Pensé en Sarah, en su sonrisa, en sus piernas largas, su falda que siempre le quería arrancar , en su olor. Y me odié por haberla perdido. El viaje, tal vez, sería una huida, un intento de escapar de mí mismo. Pero sabía que no funcionaría. Porque, al final, siempre te encuentras con tus propios demonios, en cualquier lugar del mundo. Así que me quedé ahí, en el bar, bebiendo y pensando, sumergido en mi propio infierno. Porque, en realidad, no había ningún lugar al que ir, ningún viaje que tomar. Solo estaba yo, mi dolor, y el tequila que ardía en mi garganta.
Pedí una cerveza y me trajeron un recuerdo, Quetzal Noah
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bluwavez · 7 months
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"We're out of there," Finn Lee says in a selfie with Kiwoo outside of the Flowerbank Entertainment building. After months of a silent legal battle that erupted with the postponement of Noah Son's highly anticipated solo debut "GUILTY" also known as Flowerbank's Biggest Fumble that resulted in the idol exposing Flowerbank for improperly managing the once chart-dominating boy group.
Since DeepDive was acquired by Flowerbank in 2023, the group has had a singular comeback, which was later revealed to have been funded by the members themselves. The album "The Lagoon" would become the highest-selling boy group album under Flowerbank by selling an astounding 2,740,000 copies within the first day but that apparently didn't matter to the professional bag fumblers, Carmen and Iseul.
After the postponement of Guilty, Noah would file a lawsuit to terminate his contract with Flowerbank, backed by Son Jinhwa, the CEO of Mydol Entertainment, and his father. A day after Noah filed for contract termination, Finn Lee and Bae Kiwoo filed their notions for contract termination. Four days later, the rest of DeepDive Hwang Jisung, Jacob Lee, Kang Woobin, and Park Woojin would file to terminate their contracts, all being represented by Mydol-funded lawyers.
Just a few short weeks later, Flowerbank would relinquish all rights to DeepDive and release all seven members from their contracts. Within the same week, Sirens would be invited to attend DeepDive's Mydol contract signing, following the newly founded tradition of public contract signings
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All seven members of DeepDive would debut new hairstyles at their contract signings. Finn's new long blond look would cause mass hysteria on Twitter.
"It's an honor to have DeepDive back. We're already discussing their comeback and the release of Noah's solo mini album. Please, stay tuned and give them lots of love and support," Son Jinhwa would announce at the contract signing to the excitement of Sirens in the crowd.
A majority of the DeepDive members seemed pleased with the fourth company transfer of their long winded career. Kiwoo, Woojin, and Jacob remained silent on social media while the other four members would celebrate through Instagram posts.
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  [ +1029, -384 ] this group has been through seven wars, 24 different members, flopism, musical terrorism, and so much more
      [ +863, -271 ] flowerbank will burn for separating venus and deepdive...sick bitches
      [ +726, -485 ] mydol is going to try to buy venus next at this point lol
      [ +620, -139 ] jinhwa is such a good dad!! weird guy and a shotty business man but he loves his kids so much
      [ +578, -387 ] flowerbank is soooooo stupid for fumbling these guys. their one album under them literally outsold haute pink's entire career 💀
      [ +502, -208 ] FINN LOOKS SO GOOOOD!!
      [ +458, -139 ] why are we acting like jinhwa didn't verbally abuse these boys for years 😭 this is not a good thing and he should be in PRISON...
      [ +453, -87 ] do you realize how overworked they're going to be again? sirens hate these boys so much. why are they celebrating this??
      [ +324, -108 ] i cant believe the last venus and deepdive interaction we got was a stupid ass klara and jacob vlog...
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lboogie1906 · 3 months
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James Edward Allen (born June 18, 1985) is a country music singer and songwriter. He was signed to Broken Bow Records imprint Stoney Creek, for which he released the two singles “Best Shot” and “Make Me Want To” and the album Mercury Lane. He won the Country Music Association Award for New Artist of the Year, the second Black artist to do so.
He was born in Milton, Delaware. He moved to Nashville. He auditioned for the tenth season of American Idol but was cut before the live voting rounds.
His first official single, “Best Shot”, was released in early 2018. It was the second most-added song to country music radio playlists. The song has made the Hot Country Songs, Country Airplay, and Billboard Hot 100 charts and was made into a music video. His debut album, Mercury Lane, was issued in October 2018. “Best Shot” was a #1 hit on the Billboard Country Airplay, making him the first Black artist to send his debut single to the top of that chart. The album’s second single, “Make Me Want To” was released to country radio and became a #1 hit on the Billboard Country Airplay chart.
He recorded a cover of Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper’s “Shallow” with Abby Anderson. The recording was made into a video as well. He released “This Is Us”, a duet with Noah Cyrus. It was included on his new EP, Bettie James. The project’s second single was “Freedom Was a Highway,” a duet with Brad Paisley. It became his third #1 hit.
He became the first Black solo performer to win New Male Artist of the Year at the 2021 ACM Awards. He was announced as one of the celebrities competing on season 30 of Dancing with the Stars. He and his partner Emma Slater placed 7th.
He won New Artist of the Year at the CMA Awards. He performed at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. He was a guest mentor on American Idol(season 20). He was featured on Noah Schnacky’s “Don’t You Wanna Know”. He released the lead-off single, “Down Home,” to his third studio album Tulip Drive. He was a coach and judge on My Kind of Country.
He married Alexis Gale (2021). They have three children, he had a son from a previous relationship. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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