#f2f °( ft. eva )
puckhq · 16 days
though my eyes could see i still was a blind man || THROUPLE
tagging: Morgan Weston ( @morgan-weston ), Eva Anderson ( @anderseva ) Noah Puckerman
date & time: Thursday, August 29, 2024 @ some time between 3 pm- 5 pm
location: Professor Eva Anderson's fancy smancy PSU classroom
warnings: none!
summary: What was suppose to be them christening Eva's new desk turns into Puck and Eva telling Morgan some not so easy news to digest.
PUCK had been busy as fuck this week. Between Maya starting her sophomore year of high school, which, according to her, is a 'big deal, dad' and juggling... whatever the fuck Morgan, Eva and him were doing and having all the god damn meeting for the security department, and the reappearance of not only Santana but also his father, the ex-Marine had kind of neglected - more like forgot, about the fact that he was starting college in less than a week. So the last couple of days had been him running around stressed. Oh and speaking of baby mama's- people, baby parents returning, there was the no so small matter of, Andy's kid probbaly being Morgan's and him having no fucking idea. When, Eva had shared her suspicious, truthfully it was the only option that made sense. With Andy's general attitude toward Morgan and the timing, it was clear as fucking day, and Morgan deserved to know. Since Andy was determined to punish both their child and Morgan, that left Eva and Puck to bring it up and Puck just didn't know how the hell it was gonna go, because all he knew is what he would do. Sitting on top of the desk, he looked at Eva. "Do we hold his hand for this or do we give him space? What if he's fucking pissed? I don't know what the man looks like angry but it can't be good. Well, nah, he's probably hot as fuck angry, but you know what I mean." Then Puck ran his hand over his face. "What if he's sad?" Puck was really shit at comforting people, he was a fix it kinda guy not a cry on my shoulder type.
EVA To say that this week hadn't been hectic and messy as hell would be quite the understatement. Eva had dragged her feet all summer and put her syllabus off, as well as not deciding how to decorate her classroom, so she was in crunch mode essentially. And as if she needed another thing on her plate, that convo with Andy had left her wanting to fight for multiple reasons, but it also left her at a crossroads, which was why she'd filled Puck in on it. He had a kid himself and while his situation was different, and had no drama, she knew he'd probably have a better idea of what they should do. And of course, he did. While their plans had been to have sex in her classroom at first, things had shifted to them using the neutral space to tell Morgan their suspicions. Could she be wrong about this? Sure. Did Morgan at least deserve to know and get a paternity test done to be certain? Absolutely. Trying not pace around her classroom, Puck speaking pulled her out of her head and she sighed as she glanced over at him. "Maybe we give him space. Just to be safe." She hummed as she opened her laptop and pulled the conversation up just in case Morgan needed to read through it and see why 2+2=4 in this equation. "He'll probably feel a lot of emotions, so we just...let him feel them, and then we ask him what he needs from us." God, this right here was why she didn't want kids herself, or to be involved with them period, but there was no turning back now.
MORGAN was happy. The wind was blowing through the car, the dirt was whirled behind the wheels up into the air, and the sound of "Carry on Wayward Son" by Kansas was blasting through the speakers of the red pick-up truck, as it zoomed from his ranch into the city. The gravel was soon replaced by real concrete, and it didn't take long to find the first stoplight, and therefore the first sign of the city. The cowboy's hands were banging against the steering wheel to the beat of the song, and he was grinning as the guitar solos rang through his ears. He could smell the sweet cake that was next to him on the passenger seat. Eva and Puck had been incredibly busy lately, getting themselves ready for the new semester. It was so cute, how they were both new at this; Puck being a student, and Eva being a professor. So the tall man wanted to show up and support his two lovers in any kind of way that he could. He'd parked the car, grabbed the little cake box and had headed into one of the many buildings on campus. There were so many damn doors, he had to stop and ask some random person for directions. "Ms. Ander- I mean, Professor Anderson's office?" He was shown with a point, and Morgan gave the person a big smile and nodded. "Thank you! Have a great day!" He almost skipped down the hallway towards the door, knowing what two people he'd be seeing behind it, but he knocked a few times - trying to see if he could knock a little happy tune - before he opened the door and greeted Puck and Eva with a grin. "Howdy, y'all!" He moved in to peck each of their lips, and set the cake down. "Chocolate cake. I wasn't sure- I mean, I tried my best. It tastes okay." He chuckled nervously, his hand scratching the back of his head, before he snapped out of it and took a step back to admire the desk that had been assembled, and afterwards the rest of the office. "It's looks really good in here! Very professional!"
PUCK nodded in understanding of what Eva ws saying. It was probably best to give him space, and to not immediately go into talking about how to go about ensuring Morgan get the DNA test he's going to need. Only if Morgan specifically asked. Puck could be a shoulder, he has very nice and broad shoulders that are perfect for crying on, so he can put them to use and just mentally think of how to fix it, so if Morgan does come to him wanting help he'll be ready. Yeah, Puck could do the emotional intelligence thing. Just as he was about to say something, the thought was lost at the Sound of a very happy 'Howdy y'all!'. Dear god this was gonna be rough and Puck was ready to back out and just fuck on the desk like they were originally planning. But then he was getting a sweet little peck and there was a homemade chocolate cake and Puck had never wanted to be the bearer of tense news less than he did right now. But damn if Morgan was the sweetest man he'd ever encountered for making them a whole ass cake. "Hey chocolate cake made by you, gotta be good." He said supportively because he was all about encouraging chocolate cake. "Our girl knows how to make anything look good, don't she?" He looked over at Eva with a smile before getting off the desk to sit in one of the chairs by the cake. "Why'd you make us a cake?" He asked genuinely curious but also stalling.
EVA didn't like this any more than Puck did, but after blowing up with Andy, she was trying to prepare herself to be the calm one. After all, Puck was a parent and was seeing this from a parental POV, whereas she was simply just wanting to do the right thing for someone she cared about. Delivering this news was going to crush Morgan, but someone had to be strong in this situation. Though, as soon as Morgan came bouncing in with a cake, she didn't know how she'd get through this. Smiling softly at the peck, she glanced at the cake and only now did she actually remember him wanting to bake one for them. And it was a very cute gesture, one she would have been a lot more stoked about if not for the elephant in the room. Taking in the compliment about her room, which led to Puck throwing out one too, Eva shook her head. "Okay, okay. I barely did much in here, but thanks, boys." She giggled. She was grateful that Puck decided to stall first, so she pushed the chair to the desk back a little and motioned for Morgan to have a seat. "Yeah, I know the sex has been amazing, but what did we do to deserve a cake? Not that we're complaining, and I'm sure much like anything else you've made for us, this is gonna taste great, but what's this for?"
MORGAN moved around the quaint space, looking around as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. He knew that it was about to become an intense time for both Puck and Eva. They wouldn't have as much time for their little fun shenanigans once work and school kicked in, so Morgan was soaking it all up. For the first time, he really truly understood why people were in relationships; the time spent together, memories being made, getting closer and learning more about each other. It excited him! So, knowing that he probably wasn't going to see them as much going forward, any time spent with the two was now cherished time. Turning around at their questions regarding the cake he'd made for them, a slight red tint grew on his cheeks. "Oh, well, y'know- you guys are working hard, gotta get some sugar in ya!" Was it because he was trying to impress them? Absolutely. For Morgan, one of his main love languages was acts of service - and what better way to show people he cared about them, than through cooking? Baking was something he wasn't so good at, but everyone liked baked goods. He watched as Eva pulled out the chair, and moved to sit down, his hands coming out of his pockets and instead going behind his head as he leaned back. "So, what's up? You guys seemed so quiet when I got here."
PUCK was not thrilled that all of this was happening so early in the development of this... throuple. They really seemed like they were headed somewhere and it's not like going through big shit isn't an importnt part of building any legit relationship, but, what if it was too early? It was hard for Puck to imagine that this kind of news wasn't going to be too much strain for something so new. While Puck wasn't ready to lose this, he was aware it was a possibility. But, it was also possible that this whole thing, while messy, could bring them all closer together. That sounded equally as scary and Puck was kind of ready to just bolt and let Eva do this shit on her own. I mean, she was the one who spoke to Andy, why was he even here? Right, for support. "For future reference I'm cool with there being no reason for a chocolate cake, but that's actually fucking adorable." He'd eat some later, right now his stomach was not feeling the whole food thing, he needed to get all this possible kid shit out first. "Unlike you I've got self control." He said with a smile, regerencing the other night when Puck walked in to Morgan and Eva two second from fucking on the couch. "Nah, we were just waiting for you, big guy." He said, looking to Eva, because she'd definitely explain all this better.
EVA couldn't help but give a half of a smile at Morgan simply baking them a cake simply for being stressed out about the school season starting. It was really thoughtful, and he hadn't even needed to go out of his way for them like this but she appreciated it anyways. She nodded in agreement with Puck's sentiments. "Yeah, I'll take anything you wanna make for me too, for any reason or no reason at all." When Puck didn't make a move to cut the cake and grab a piece, she assumed they were both in the same position of not having an appetite for it at the moment. Deciding to let Puck's other comment slide as Morgan took his seat, she was already trying to sort out how to break this news to him when the ball was practically being thrown in her court. And she would have been slapping Puck's arm if it didn't make sense for her to be the one to break the news, so she hopped up on her desk and turned to face Morgan. "We technically planned for all three of us to break in my new desk, but then something came up." She sighed. "First of all, I may have overstepped a boundary or two with your former lover and friend, Andy. We were talking about you, and they gave a timeline for you two breaking up and them getting pregnant...and to me, it sounded like you might be the father. I tried to push an answer out of them and they got super defensive, and they went from denying it to basically assuming that I was trying to come for their son and threatening to take legal action, and then saying they wouldn't let you around the son because of me now. Which isn't confirmation that you are the father, and I didn't actually come for your son which you can see for yourself but — anyways, I told Puck and we both thought that if anything, you deserve to talk to Andy and get answers in case I'm right." Once it was all out there, she finally exhaled another breath before shrugging. "I'm sorry, that was a lot, and I could be fucking wrong, but it doesn't hurt for you to be sure, right?"
MORGAN smiled as Puck talked. The man oozed confidence like nothing he'd ever seen before; it wasn't until he was in a more intimate setting that that confidence started to crack a little, but Morgan wasn't the type of person to cause those cracks to become bigger. He just appreciated the fact that he wasn't just one big facade, and that there was more to him than that, even if he probably wouldn't let people believe that. Eva, on the other hand, really was confident through and through - in the best way possible. It was the type of confidence where she really believed in herself, and didn't hesitate about her next move. She was tough and badass, and Morgan felt so incredibly honored to have been let in to see the softer and sweeter side of her. It was the sides of these two people that Morgan constantly hungered for; that sweetness, that closeness, the bond that they had. And maybe he was trying everything he could, to further grow it. So his eyes went from Puck to Eva, as it seemed like he kinda passed the baton on to her, and Morgan listened intently as she started telling everything about the conversations that the tall cowboy had blissfully been unaware of. His throat started closing and becoming dry, his heart beat picked up, and he found himself wanting to melt into the chair and not exist anymore. The words 'pregnant', 'son', 'defensive' and 'threatening' seemed so loud in his head. Blinking a few times, Morgan looked away, his breathing getting slightly heavier. He couldn't keep sitting. He was feeling restless, needing to get that anxious energy out of his body. So he stood up quickly, turning his back to Eva and Puck as she finished explaining. And the wheels inside Morgan's head started turning. What was he supposed to say to them? What was he supposed to say to anyone? He walked up to the wall, his fingers pushing one of the framed pictures up slightly, making it hang more straight as he took a deep breath. He knew what to tell them.
"I've already spoken to Andy about it." He said quietly, and turned to the two. "A few weeks ago, I asked them. He's not mine." Morgan walked up to the back of the chair, holding onto it, as if to hold on to his anger and keep it inside. "I've known Andy since I was a kid, they wouldn't lie to me. Not about that. And I believe them. But to threaten you? To take their frustrations with me, and our break-up, out on you?" Morgan's eyes never left Eva's. He wanted to make sure she understood this. His fingers tightened around the fabric of the chair. He was thoroughly pissed off. "To do anything that would cause you any kind of hurt?" He was quiet for a moment as he breathed heavily. The idea of Andy even doing that hurt him. "I'll talk to them about it."
PUCK fell as silent as he's ever been, back a little straighter, like this conversation demanded him to be at attention. As Eva spoke, Puck never looked away from Morgan, he wanted to read every micro-expression and his body language, as if it would give him the ability to read his mind or emotions. Once Morgan turned from them, Puck knew the taller man was in thought and needed a minute to process before he spoke again. Both Morgan and Eva were better at thinking before speaking than Puck was. Looking over at the professor he sighed before his eyes went right back to Morgan. It didn't really surprise him that Morgan had already asked Andy about all of this. I mean if Eva can do the math so could he, but it did surprise him how easily he was willing to accept it as the truth. While Puck didn't know Andy, he knew people and people did fucked up shit when they were angry, hurt and/or scared and from what he knows, Andy was all of those things after their breakup with Morgan. Again, his eyes stayed on Morgan, even as Morgan looked so intently at Eva, like he'd hurt anyone that brought harm to her and he wondered if being regarded by the cowboy felt as incredible as it looked, he'd have to ask Eva later. Standing up, Puck made a little nose to break the moment with his hair, which, interrupting moments between these two is starting to become his thing. "Look I don't know Andy but I do know hurt and angry folk don't act like themselves. I'm not saying they're lying to you, I'm saying they could be and I'm telling you as a father, you're gonna be heartbroken if that little boy is yours and you lose anymore time with him." All he could think was how devestated he'd have been if Maya had been kept from him, if he had missed two years of firsts. "You owe it to that kid and to yourself to make damn sure it ain't you no matter what Andy says." Maybe he had spoken out of turn but it was too late now.
EVA had half expected Morgan to need to get up, so she didn't even flinch when it happened. He was much calmer than most people would be in his shoes, but she was used to this sort of softness to him anyways so it was on brand for him. But as she watched him adjust a frame on her wall, all she could do was sigh. That was until he started explaining that he'd already asked Andy and they'd said no. That was exactly what Andy had said to her when she'd first started asking, before they got defensive. It had been bullshit, and for someone who could sell anyone anything, she knew the antics of someone trying to craft a narrative that was false and then breaking when someone challenged it. This was probably the first time the kid's paternity had come into question like this, it seemed to her as though Andy hadn't been prepared for it. Letting Morgan get worked up over Andy taking their frustration out of her, she kept her eyes locked on his until he'd finished. This situation had just gone from messy to pure hell, and as she glanced over at Puck as he spoke, she was grateful that he was pushing this as much as she was. "Puck's right. You can check the conversation for yourself if you want, but..let's just take a step back here." Eva suggested, nonchalantly shrugging her shoulders. "Andy implied two things: they're still in love with you and can't be just friends with you, and they still think you're the same person you were three years ago and that you can't make time for work. They can't let you back into their life, let alone the kid's, if you're going to do what you did before. Their words, not mine. I tried to tell them that you're different now, that you have no problem making time now, and it fell on deaf ears." She explained, tempted to roll her eyes at how hard Andy had pushed back on it when they didn't know the man Morgan was now. "And don't worry about them coming for me. I can handle myself." She reassured him with a small smile.
MORGAN's jaw clenched as he stayed silent. He didn't know what to say, didn't know what to do, didn't even know what to think! He was frustrated, sad, angry. He could see where Puck and Eva were coming from, pushing for him to do something. All the signs were pointing towards it. Why else would Andy be so angry at him? It made sense! He didn't make time for them before, so why would he make time for their kid now? And that kind of mindset was being held against him. It was why they were so angry with him! But then again, Morgan came back to the fact that Andy just simply wouldn't lie to him. They never had before, why would they start now? Morgan's head was starting to hurt, as he was being pulled in both directions, and the palm of his hand rubbed his temple softly as he thought about what was next. "Andy's not in love with me. Is there still love between us? Yes! But it's the kind of love that never leaves two old best friends." Morgan claimed, looking between his two lovers. His voice was slightly louder than before, but he also knew other people were working in offices next door. "D'ya really not think they'd tell me, if the boy was mine?" Morgan asked, almost hesitant and like he didn't believe it himself. "I just..." closing his eyes, Morgan ran a hand through his hair, groaning quietly in frustration. "I'll talk to them." He sighed, a sudden wave of surrendering washing over him. He looked back at the two gorgeous people in front of him, sad that all of this had happened. "I'm sorry."
EVA was certain that they'd somehow taken a trip to delulu land when Morgan first shot down the idea that Andy was still in love with him. It was wild and utterly ridiculous to her that they'd still be clutching onto feelings from three years ago; however, she'd never fallen in love herself, or had a kid, so all she could do was assume that this was the type of dumb shit people did when they had one or both of those. Her jaw dropped yet again when he questioned whether they thought Andy would lie about the kid's paternity, which was the whole reason they were here after all. She just stared at him blankly as he seemed to be at least agreeing to talk to Andy, and then when Puck didn't immediately speak up, she took that as her cue and grabbed her laptop, scrolling to the important parts of that convo. "Cowboy, listen to me closely. Their exact words were: "I'm still bitter, I still love him, I can't just be his friend." Oh, and then my personal favorite was: "I just don't see a future where he and I end up together anymore and as it stands, I can't see myself going back to being just friends with him either." I might not know or like Andy very much at this moment, but that's not friend love. In fact, they also doubt that you two were ever really friends, which I'm gonna guess is them thinking that you leaving them means you weren't a real friend or lover or whatever." Eva stated before she sat her laptop down and exhaled a small breath. "I'm not saying they're a bad person, and my guess is that Andy is lying because they're afraid that you won't stick around for your son just like you didn't stay for them. Pretty sure it's also because they don't want you around as just a father to your son if they can't have you back as a lover, but that's a whole other issue. I can't judge their way of trying to protect their son — but if he is yours, you have every right to know and to be given a fair chance to prove Andy wrong. That's all we're saying."
PUCK was grateful when after Morgan spoke Eva was right there to swoop in with a response, because Puck just couldn't stop looking at Morgan. Why did he seem so calm? I mean, Puck noticed the jaw clench and that was a clear indicator of growing frustration and it made him wonder how much he could hold down before he all came pouring out and when it did who would it be aimed at, what would it look like. Morgan had already made it clear that he'll be damned if any harm comes to Eva, so he probably wouldn't direct it there. Would it be him? Would Puck have to bare his anger and frustration? He could handle it, he had endured much worse. As Eva kept talking Puck could only imagine hearing Andy's own words was tough. And very uncharacteristically, Puck wanted to comfort Morgan and tell him, no matter what it's all gonna be okay. That they would be there with him to figure this out and help him through it, but instead he stood where he was and waited for Eva to finish because even though what she was saying might be hard to hear she was 100% right and Morgan needed to hear it. "All this is... a lot. I'm guessing it's gut wrenching to think your Andy, your childhood friend, could maybe do something like this to you, but it's just a possibility, something to prepare for." Puck tried to reassure without sugarcoating, too much. "You definitely ain't gotta be sorry. Life's always throwing shit at us that we aren't sure we can catch but it ain't just you, you know? you got people. Not to sound like an after school special, but you aren't alone in any of this, man." Again, Puck was shit at this, but he was trying.
MORGAN ran a hand through his hair, watching Eva pick up her laptop and pull out the evidence. He was beginning to get frustrated. He knew it wasn't their intentions, he knew that all they were doing, was to make him aware of it and ask him to do something - especially if Oakley was his after all! And that it was all coming from the best of intentions! But as Eva read out loud exactly what Andy had said, he couldn't help but almost feel like he was being shown his mistakes, or even being made to choose. Some irrational part of him was whispering in his ear that this could also be Eva and Puck's way of getting rid of Morgan. But that was the completely irrational part of him that he, nine times out of ten, didn't believe in after all. As Eva kept explaining, Morgan had to look down at the ground. He hated this. It was heartbreaking, hearing that his ex had spoken to his...situation like that, but also that his situation suspected his ex of not telling the truth. Eva finished and Puck picked up, following after, and Morgan's eyes shot up, finding his dark brown ones. The ones that he could find himself staring into and get lost in for way too long. Nodding along slowly, Morgan sucked in a deep breath, and nodded to himself, making a decision in his mind. "Thank you for this." He said and pushed the chair in, giving both Eva and Puck a look that was determined. "Enjoy the cake." And with that, Morgan started walking, leaving the room. He almost felt the need to be sick, but he just had to get away. He needed time to think about how the hell to approach Andy like this. And how to make it up to Puck and Eva. But that required him to be alone. And so, he left; left to go home to think.
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puckhq · 20 days
yeah, i love how it feels right now, this is the life || THROUPLE
tagging: Morgan Weston ( @morgan-weston ), Eva Anderson ( @anderseva ) and Noah Puckerman
date & time: August 24, 2024 after the Zodiac party
location: Morgan's place
warnings: none I think
summary: During the Zodiac Party Puck lowkey missed his lovers, and maybe his lovers missed him. Mostly, they end up talking about what the fuck they're doing and despite barely answering that question, they fall back into bed.
MORGAN The opening credits had rung out that catchy drum intro, Dolly Parton had guest-starred, and Miley had fallen in love with egocentric superstar Jake Ryan. That was the basic run-down of the Hannah Montana episode that was currently playing on the TV, in the dark living room at Morgan's ranch. After a day spent with Eva, he couldn't picture a better way to end it, than to be on the couch with her, blanket draped over them, and a half-eaten bowl of popcorn in front of them, watching a show that Morgan clearly had grown obsessed with, thanks to the beauty next to him. "Y'know," Morgan started softly, not wanting to surprise Eva with his sudden voice after the quiet. "I have to admit something to ya..." Morgan reached over for the remote and paused the episode, just as Miley stopped playing her acoustic version of 'If We Were A Movie', that Dolly had sneakily listened in on. "I've secretly been listening to her albums in the car."
EVA While Eva would never turn down a Hannah Montana binge, she was ecstatic to see that Morgan was now equally obsessed (or maybe more so than her) with the show. She'd lost count of how many times she'd seen most of these eps but she was close to reciting every line, but especially with this one episode, which Morgan was zoned in on. It was so adorable that she found herself studying him more than the screen, so she wasn't startled at all when he spoke up. She was caught off guard, however, when he paused the show, though it quickly went away when he opened his mouth again. "Why is that a secret? I used to do that all the time." She admitted and shrugged. "But let me guess: you've learned the lyrics now and can't get them out of your head?"
MORGAN "Yes!" Morgan exclaimed, sitting up slightly to get a proper look at Eva. How was she so good at just knowing those things about him? She'd been, ever since the mixer, and it astonished him how well in tune she was with him. "They're so catchy!" Morgan jumped up from his seat on the couch, knocking over the leftover bowl of popcorn, and landed on the coffee table in front of them, almost slipping on a fruit bowl. "If we were a movie, you'd be the right guy," Morgan started singing, loudly and incredibly bad. "And I'd be the best friend that you'd fall in love with," remembering the remote in his hand, the cowboy pretended to use it as a microphone, continuing to pour his heart out in the song. "In the end, we'd be laughin', watchin' the sunset" He pointed to Eva, making eye contact and grinning at her, "Fade to black, show the names, play the happy song." He finished and jumped back down again, kneeling in front of Eva. "How can I ever thank you for introducing me to such an icon?"
EVA Eva's eyes widened at his excitement. It had been a fair guess really, but she didn't fault him for still being stoked over her figuring out where he was going with this. "They are super catchy, which is probably why—" Her words were cut off at the sudden commotion, and she barely fought to contain her laughter in response. She wasn't even expecting him to get so carried away with his reaction, but it was still kinda adorable anyways. Before she could say anything else, he was belting out the lyrics to the song, and Eva went from gasping to trying not to scrunch up her face in response to how off pitch her was. She couldn't knock his attempt though, and once he finished, she simply smiled as she reached a hand out and gently cradled his face in said hand. "Oh, that performance was more than enough, babe." She giggled. "But if you must reward me somehow, I think we still have like fifteen horses to go, so let's add in a few more orgasms to go along with those rides, and we can call it even."
MORGAN This was so unlike Morgan. He had barely been the type of person who'd date, and nevermind belt out into song, but here he was, doing just that. And it was all for Eva. He felt like he could act silly around her, and if that warranted a laugh, then he was thrilled. Grinning from ear to ear at her reaction, Morgan felt his heart skip, as if it was jumping from cloud to cloud. The feeling of her hand on his cheek, and the way she giggled was enough to have Morgan's knee shake under him. He nodded eagerly at her proposal and chuckled. "If that ain't a done deal, then I don't know what it is," He said and moved in, pushing Eva against the backrest of the couch, his eyes closing and his lips pressing against hers softly. Hannah Montana could wait, they were busy now. Until Morgan's phone vibrated and lit up on the coffee table. He groaned at the interruption, and pulled back from the kiss, his forehead moving to rest against Eva's temple. "Do we think it's important?"
EVA By now, Eva was well aware that Morgan (and Puck) would pretty much agree to anything she asked, so she hadn't expected anything less than him nodding and agreeing to her request. It was quite the arrangement, in her opinion, and it was a win win for them both. She smirked at the verbal confirmation, and then she was being pushed back against the couch as Morgan leaned in to kiss her, and she instantly returned it. With how things had been progressing lately, one kiss never stopped there and she was prepared to let things progress further than that until she heard the phone on the coffee table, followed by a vibration just inches away from her own phone that was somewhere on one of the couch cushions. At Morgan's question, she nodded. "That was both of our phones so unless we're in an episode of Pretty Little Liars and that's A sending some cryptic shit, I'm gonna assume that was Puck drunk texting the group chat." She hummed, and considering no one else would text them both at the same time, that was the only explanation. Reaching her free hand over to grab her phone, she used her face to unlock it and sure enough, it was their third. "Just like a man." She teased as she spun her phone around to show Morgan the text.
MORGAN As soon as Eva started speaking, Morgan pulled away slightly, leaving only a tiny gap between them, but it was enough for him to take in her beauty as she spoke. He really hadn't been joking when he'd called her a goddess. Her lips moved with every syllable, her tongue hitting her teeth every now and then, and the corners moving up and down ever so slightly. As her words came out he registered them. "That's another show ya gotta introduce me to," Morgan grinned, and moved slightly as she got her phone and showed him the text. That's my boy, Morgan thought to himself with a smirk on his face, and took the phone out of Eva's hands, typing up a reply. 'Waiting for you' and sent it, on behalf of Eva and himself. "And now we kill the waiting time," Morgan said, losing the girl's phone in the couch cushions, grabbing her under her thighs, and pulling her down under him, so she was flat on the couch and completely covered by him, and he could go back to hungrily kissing her.
PUCK It took no time for Puck to excuse himself from the party once he got the 'waiting for you' text. For some reason getting hit on by two dudes and thinking for a hot second a threesome might have been on the table, just made him want Eva and Morgan. Being with them was like making art, or at least what Puck imagined making art was like. Hard, creative and satisfying in the end. Thankfully he wasn't drunk, hadn't even bothered with the drinks because he'd been so distracted by the food. Some of which he was bringing with him, because he wasn't sure if they had eaten or not and he wasn't going to think to hard on why he even cared. Not too long after he got in his truck, he was pulling up to Morgan's place, food in hand and pleased when the door was unlocked. Going to the kitchen first he put the food down, and then went to find his lovers. It didn't take long to see them getting into it on the couch. He watched for a moment. God damn! He thought to himself. Never had he deen two more beautiful people and fuck did they look good horizontal on a couch, two seconds from dry humping. Clearing his throat, he almost hated to break it up. Almost. "You got room for one more or you want me to come back later?..." He asked with a smirk on his face.
EVA After Puck's birthday, it was safe to say that her relationships with both men had shifted, and Eva couldn't even handle a simple make out without needing more. Her body just instantly reacted as soon as Morgan dove right in, arching into his hold as they kissed. She was so wrapped up in trying not to rip her clothes off, along with his, that she hadn't even remotely heard a sound as Puck came in. It wasn't until his signal that she finally broke the kiss and glanced his way. "You know we have room for you, babe." She stated as she smirked over at him. "What's the crown for? Were you the hottest guy at that stupid party and someone gave you a crown for it? Or did one of your admirers give it to you in hopes of sucking your dick on one of those upper levels?" Eva questioned curiously.
MORGAN It was almost like Morgan was constantly insatiable whenever he was around Eva and Puck. He got satisfied; there wasn't a problem there, at all! But he could never have enough of them, for some reason. He wanted to stay in those moments with them forever, when he finally got them. Before he found out that his work had been taking his time, he never would've felt like this. But now, it was like he had so much to catch up on, and he only wanted to catch up with those two. That was why he, once again, groaned as Eva's lips left his, this time with him not being in charge of that choice. He'd been kissing her lips to feel that softness and kissing her neck to hear that breathlessness, had felt the curves of her thighs, ass and waist with his hands, was ready to start causing some friction between the two of them, and had gone back to feeling the softness of her lips again, when Eva had pulled away, and Morgan belatedly took in the fact that it was Puck who'd interrupted, like he was told to do anyway, like the good boy he was. Breathing heavily, Morgan sat up on his knees and took a look at Puck as he stood across the room, and the light from the hallway lit him up. God, what a sight. Eva questioned Puck out for this event, and when the last question rung out, Morgan immediately spoke up. "It better only be the first option. Come 'ere if it is," Morgan motioned for him, and moved to the side, so there was room for Puck too.
PUCK The correct reaction to Eva's questions would be to tell her it's none of your business and I'm here now and why don't we focus on the here and now. Instead, he was smiling because it felt good that she might be a little jealous of these admirers of his. Felt even better to have Morgan confirm he didn't want anyone else on Puck's dick but them. Truthfully, being at that party without them had felt kind of lonely, even though he did connect with a decent amount of people when it came to hooking up or even flirting it just didn't feel right. But being here, squeezing himelf between them on the couch, that felt right. Leaning over to Eva, he gave her a sweet kiss, before turning and doing the same to Morgan. "It was a zodiac party, not the killer, the signs. I wore a crown 'cause i'm a king, baby." He put an arm around the back of the couch, across Eva's shoulders. "I've only got two admirers I let suck my dick these days and they wren't there." He leaned into Morgan. "Is that Hannah Montana?" He asked looking at the TV.
EVA Eva wasn't the jealous type, as if she'd ever had any reason to be anyways, but she also knew that all three parties of this throuple had admirers and if the last PSU event had been anything to go by, she was sure that most people in attendance were drunk and horny. She wouldn't have even blamed them for wanting to be all over Puck, since that was what her and Morgan wanted too, but she wasn't pressed about it either. But Morgan seemed to be thinking the same way that she was, so she simply giggled as she sat back up on the couch just in time for Puck to come over and kiss her. "Wait, did you think it was a zodiac killer party?" She asked, though she was sure the answer was yes. Leaning into the arm now around her shoulders, Eva shrugged. "Nice save. But duh, it's Hannah Montana. Which might not be your thing, and if it isn't that's fine, but our boy Morgan here is addicted now. You just missed his..interesting performance of one of her songs. He got the lyrics right, but the keys? Not so much." She giggled before she glanced over at Morgan. "It was still lovely though, cowboy."
MORGAN Morgan kept his eyes on Puck as he watched him make his way over to the other two on the couch, and he smirked. That was all he needed to know, in terms of Puck not being with other people. The three hadn’t exactly made this whole throuple situation exclusive, but Morgan wasn’t flirting or even seeing anyone else but those two, and he was hoping that they’d accepted that silent agreement too. Furrowing his eyebrows as Puck kept explaining, the tall cowboy couldn’t be any more confused. “So, it wasn’t some kinda murder mystery party? Not that it could ever beat this company,” Morgan said, referring to Eva, “but I do love me a good murder mystery.” Morgan grinned and laid down, putting his head next to Eva’s. He could smell her sweet shampoo from there. Chuckling at her comments about his spontaneous singing-outburst, Morgan shrugged his shoulders. “Hey, I never claimed to be a professional troubadour! Just a professional Hannah Montana fan.” And he wasn’t embarrassed by it either. Humming, Morgan turned to face Puck again and he reached over, poking at the crown. “So, you decided to ditch their party to join ours? Why?”
PUCK "Yup." He answered Eva, getting more comfortable on the couch. "Almost went there with fake blood on my shirt for the vibe but last second Maya was like, 'It's a zodiac party' and I'm like yeah kid, I know and she was like 'Zodiac sign, not killer'. So thank God for her." He laughed at the memory, truly he was lucky one of them was smart. "But there was a dude there dressed as Mark Ruffalo's character in Zodiac so it wasn't just us." He said more to Morgan, since apparently they'd both thought the same thing. Listening to Eva and Morgan talk about their night, he smiled, it sounded nice. For the first time in a while he thought it might have been better to just hang with them in the first place than go to the party. "It was If We Were a Movie wasn't it?" He guessed, because it was the song that usually got stuck in his head, unless you count the little riff Miley does for the transitions. Until Morgan poked it, Puck had forgotten the crown was even on his head, which was probably a very Leo thing of him to do. Shrugging, he wasn't sure he wanted to share the real answer, seemed like too much for whatever this trio was doing. "There was just too many people trynna suck my dick, it was overwhelming, didn't know where to start." He smirked like the fuckboi he use to be.
EVA Honestly, Eva should have expected men to assumed zodiac meant the killer and not the actual signs, but she was still extremely amused by this anyways. "Y'all know women are all into that astrology shit nowadays, but I can see why y'all would think it was a murder mystery party." If it had been that instead, she probably would have been more inclined to attend, but it being the signs was exactly why she hadn't bothered. She smiled when Puck, who apparently claimed not to be as into Hannah Montana as they were, knew exactly what song Morgan had been singing. Maybe it was just that easy to guess? "It was exactly that song, and it wasn't horrendous, just pitchy. But then again, I do come from a musically gifted parent, so maybe I was just judging you too harshly, babe." She decided, and that could stick for now. She glanced at the crown briefly before rolling her eyes playfully as Puck admitted what she'd already suspected. Of course that party was just another fuck fest, hence why Eva had opted to sit it out. She had two dicks she could alternate between so it hadn't been appealing to attend this party. "Yeah, once the drinks start flowing, so does the hormones." She hummed. "But hey, other than what you just walked in on, we've been binging Hannah Montana and hanging out, so like it's much less stressful and thirsty over here." She beamed.
MORGAN It felt really nice to be in a situation where Puck felt open enough to share things about Maya with the both of them; he didn’t know if that was a common thing for him to do with Eva, and if Eva had even met Maya yet, but he wasn’t going to put too much thought into that right in this moment; the important thing for Morgan to note, was that he felt comfortable enough to do it, given his recent observations with the other man being a bit more closed off than himself. He couldn’t help but let out a laugh as Puck kept telling about the party, and how ridiculous it all sounded; it wasn’t his type of crowd, and it would’ve taken something special, for him to go. Especially when Eva started bringing up the hormones, and how it had seemed like the mixer had become a bit of a flirt-fest; he could testament to that, with Eva. Morgan kept quiet as the two talked, admiring their energy and chemistry, and how well they played off each other. He hummed along as the girl told the other man what they’d been up to, and he sat up, his long legs moving over the backrest of the couch to stand on the floor, and move to get the remote. “Speak for yourself, gorgeous,” Morgan smirked, talking to Eva, and turned the TV off, before kneeling back down on the floor, in front of the couch again, like he’d done before. He crossed his arms on the cushion, and rested his chin on them, looking at the two beauties in front of him, admiring them. “I feel like I’m always thirsty with the two of you around.”
PUCK "'Course I know that. How do you think I found out my sign in the first place. Some chick with beads in her hair did a whole chart thing." If you ask Puck, it should have been a murder mystery party, that would've been dope. He should see if there was one of those places around here, maybe it could be a date for all of them, or an escape room. Or both. Something told Puck he'd be hearing Morgan sing something off key and adorably some day and he was already looking forward to it. "It's the song that gets stuck in my head so gotta get stuck in other people's." Normally, he'd sing it because he'd ridiculous but he kind of hated singing in front of people that were his mom or Maya. Laughing at her commentary on the PSU events, because it was true. Damn did folks get horny with a drink or two in 'em. It was something else. "I don't know, y'all looked pretty hormonal over here. Felt bad inturupting, wanted to see how long it'd take ya to notice me." Usually, Puck wasn't much of a voyeur but you'd want to watch them fuck too, if you could. Watching Morgan as he moved and turned the TV off, he had to admit he liked the sight of him kneeling in front of them like this. "I ain't thirsty, I just appreciate the art that is y'alls bodies and the music those noises i get out of you make."
EVA "Someone with beads in their hair?" Eva repeated, but then decided that she didn't even need to ask any other questions about it. Whatever went on at that party was probably off the walls, so she didn't need to know anything else. She smiled as Puck confirmed that the song got stuck in his head, and now she knew what to play the next time she was in the car with him. "I'll expand that discography one day, don't worry. Both of you are gonna be doing the Hoedown Throwdown with me on Instagram or TikTok soon enough." She warned, and while it wasn't the usual content she put on her socials, there was no way in hell she wouldn't have them both in cowboy boots and hats doing the dance one of these days. Blushing as Puck called them out, she playfully swatted his arm. "We had to do something while we waited for you but in our defense, you could've skipped the party altogether and been here this whole time, so that's on you." She shrugged as she watched Morgan get down on his knees again. Leave it to them both to be thinking with their dicks the first time they were all in the same room again. "You're both thirsty, as you should be — but hold up. Are we making this a thing? I mean, I know I've talked to both of you separately about the fact that we liked the threesome, and we all have our own relationships with each other outside of this, but we are all on the same page, right?"
MORGAN There were still so many things that Morgan deemed incredibly 'Los Angeles' - a girl with beads in her hair was something he pictured his grandparents would've dealt with, back in the 60s and 70s, but then again, it was absolutely plausible that it'd take place in LA today. Instagram and TikTok were other things that, to Morgan, just felt more 'LA', despite knowing that it was universal. He himself didn't have accounts on social media - he was too busy for that. But he always enjoyed hearing about the latest trends; it was almost like hearing about a fun bar fight, but thankfully not having been there himself to have gotten injured. "Hoedown Throwdown? Sounds like I could get down with that." Morgan mused with a soft smile on his face - at this point, participating in those things meant he got to be around either one or both of them, and he for sure wasn't gonna say 'no' to that! As Eva asked about the threesome, it was clear in Morgan's brain what the answer would be, but it was also really nice knowing the two of them had discussed it on their own, and had even enjoyed it enough to not be declining the invitation to another; the flirting with each other was confirmation enough for that, let alone Puck being okay with watching Eva and Morgan. "Mhmm, I personally wouldn't hate it," Morgan said, his voice soft as he was feeling the other two out. He'd also pretty much given up flirting, and he definitely made sure not to see anyone, outside of them - not that they were exclusive, but he felt like he at least owed it to them to be more or less just focused on them. "I mean, if y'all are up for it? I know that a team of wild horses couldn't tear me apart from an opportunity like that. Have ya seen the two of you? Damn! And y'all know how much a good time I had on Puck's birthday!"
PUCK Just the thought of having to do that dance was making his shoulder and knees act up. Even though Maya should have been too young for Hannah Montana, Disney Channel use to play reruns and let's just say the Hoedown Throwdown was a staple in the Puckerman household for months. But he figured he'd let Eva 'teach' him because he liked being bossed around by beautiful women. So he just smiled at her and silently agreed to dance whatever and film whatever she wanted. Listening Eva and Morgan talk about what they were doing was starting to make chest feel tight. It wasn't, but it sounded a lot like the,'what are we?' talk and Puck had never been a fan of that particular question. It put a lot of commitment on him and he was a father, who made his kid his priority even if she was a bit to old to use as an excuse for non-commitment and whatever this thing was, a poly- poly something, wasn't traditional and he struggled to commit to one person let alone two people. But it was fine, he could breathe because this wasn't that talk, this was just them establishing that they like the whole threesome thing, which he did, so they were all on the same page. It wasn't just sex though, and that's what had Puck pausing for so damn long, because if it was just sex, he'd have hooked up with someone at that party instead of feeling kinda guilty for getting some numbers. Shit, he should probably say something. "I'm never gonna say no to a threesome with two tens. As a seasoned threesome guy, I've never had better than this." And that wasn't just a line.
EVA While Eva wasn't exactly doing the influencer thing anymore, she still had quite the following and still did a few things here and there on them, so why not record a video of her and her boys doing a Hannah Montana dance? She smiled as they both seemed to be agreeing to it, though she wasn't sure how good either one of them would even be. "Great, so next time we're all together like this, pre-sex, I'm teaching y'all how to do it." Even if they ended up being horrible at it, it would still be fun and it would be something else they all did together, so she was all for it. While her question hadn't been the serious one, she could at least tell from Puck's extended pause that that it thrown him for a loop, or scared him, while Morgan just seemed to agree with not much hesitation. Eva would unpack both of their reactions if she were the type to do the feelings thing but since she wasn't, all she wanted to do was be sure they were in sync about the threesome aspect about whatever was happening here. "Sounds like we're all on the same page, but..it also doesn't always have to be sex. We can all binge Hannah Montana or 911 or something together, go on a date or something close to that, ride horses together — I can spend time with you both separately but I'm game for us just doing some chill shit altogether too. Just so we're clear." She shrugged.
MORGAN There was a slight confusion still lingering for Morgan. Was this just about sex, or were they actually gonna try and commit to each other? Because he was pretty sure that it was gonna be latter, given that he'd stopped being any type of way with other people. Andy had obviously come into his life again, but it didn't seem like they wanted anything to do with him, except to visit the horses for their kid, so even whatever lingering feelings that were still there for them had been pushed aside and been pretty much forgotten about. But as Eva continued to list activities and things that they could do together, Morgan got confirmation. It sounded pretty exclusive to him! He smiled, delighted at the deal, and that Puck had somehow confirmed too, in his own Puck-way, that he wanted to keep this going, and moved in to give first Eva a peck on the lips and then Puck. "I like this deal, a lot." Morgan started, before putting his chin back on his arms. "So, are we binging stuff tonight, or do we wanna..." Morgan gestured upstairs, a smirk growing on his face as he thought about what the throuple might get up to in his sleeping quarters. His eyes moved between the two, waiting for an answer.
PUCK It was comforting to know he wasn't the only one who just liked spending time all together. Sex or not, romantic whatever or not, Puck just thought Eva and Morgan were cool people who he vibed with. Maybe he wasn't ready to tackle any other feelings but he had long since admitted to wanting to be their friend. As lame as that fucking sounded. So he just nodded at Eva's words and made a mental note to text them all the shit he wants to do with them in the group chat. He wasn't sure how three-way dates went but he was down to find out with these two. Puck licked his lips after Morgan kissed them and was on his feet before Morgan even had time to finish his not so thinly veiled suggestion at another threesome. Offering a hand to both Morgan and Eva, his answer was pretty clear but just in case. "I don't know if it was the insane horniness of that party or if I'm just always half hard for you two, either way you'll be lucky if we make it upstairs." he said with a smirk.
EVA Sure, part of Eva knew that just carrying on without a clear understanding of what this was wouldn't be a good thing in long run, but she wasn't about to kill the mood with that now. In fact, she didn't even know if she were ready for anything this serious, so she was content to just frolic along and play things by ear with her boys. Smiling at the chaste kiss from Morgan, she wasn't even surprised that the cowboy was suggesting both binging or moving things up to his bedroom, just as she wasn't surprised when Puck stood up and made his decision clear. "Baby, you're literally always hard. It's okay to admit that." She shrugged as she hopped up from the couch and took one of Puck's hands into her own. "But we're making it upstairs. I have a work thing this week and I don't need any sex bruises from the staircase showing in any photos I take." She teased.
MORGAN Morgan had always been a very restless man, always needing to do something, always up and running about, always finding things to be busy with. He couldn't sit still, unless that was the activity that had been set for him. But that had been true to his sex life too. He liked to think that his stamina was decent, he could hold out for quite a while, and it always felt like he could go for another round pretty quickly after. And he was grateful that Puck and Eva seemed to be on the same page with that. There was a need, a hunger for them. Like a bad drug, he wanted more and more. So when they agreed, and he watched them stand up with the same kind of eagerness that Morgan felt inside, that was when he knew he was around the right kind of people for his sex life. He got up on his feet, and slapped Eva's ass teasingly, before leading the way up. "So does that mean no fun hickies?"
PUCK "That's not true. I spend a lot of my time soft, I'm just always hard for you." He said like it was a sweet sentiment, even gave her a kiss, before winking at Morgan, as if he was the smoothest mother fucker on planet earth. Which, if you asked him, he was. Smiling at Morgan's playfulness, he really felt like all of this, whatever it was, made sense. They matched each other's freak, both in and out of bed. There was no jealousy issues between the three of them and it just seemed like the shit was natural. So when Morgan started leading them upstairs, Puck enthusicastcally followed, his hands on Eva's waist as he followed her up. "I can't help what happens when Puckzilla comes out. You know that." As he reached the top with them, they continued into Morgan's room. "Plus it'll be good for your little students to know they ain't got a shot."
EVA Eva was sure that between the two of them, she teasingly rolled her eyes more times than she could count because of their antics. Not that she was complaining, but still. She had just rolled her eyes at Puck's words before he kissed her, which made her smile in response. "Both of you are cheesy as hell sometimes." She teased. "And Morgan, one or two hickies will be fine, but keep them small, and out of sight." She warned as they headed up. Puck referring to himself, or his dick, as Puckzilla shouldn't have been as amusing as it was, but Eva simply shook her head as she walked into the bedroom and wasted no time starting to strip out of her clothes. "I wouldn't sleep with my students anyways, but I'll be sure to let them know that I'm currently being fucked by two of the best men that I know, and none of them can have me. Does that work?"
MORGAN Leading his two lovers into his bedroom, Morgan unbuckled his belt around his waist, and smirked. He'd happily take what he could get, and when Eva said he was allowed one or two hickies he had a small party on the inside. To him, that was like reading a recipe that required one or two cloves of garlic. He always put double the amount in. Besides, he figured he'd get the chance to leave some marks on the inside of both Eva's and Puck's thighs. He continued to remove his t-shirt, throwing it onto the floor, and moved to help Puck off with his too, making sure not to push the crown off of his head. "I ain't worried about your students," Morgan started, his eyes turning dark with lust for the two people, as they got progressively more naked. "I know for a fact that they'd never be able to compare to us." Was he confident? Sure. Maybe a little too much. But he was also aware of how good Eva and Puck made him feel, and it only motivated him to be the best for them too. He sucked in a deep breath and unzipped his jeans, his eyes staying on theirs, switching every few seconds. His voice was low, almost like a growl, and he could already feel himself throbbing at the thought of what was to come with the two gorgeous people. "Now both of you, get on your damn knees and show me what your pretty mouths can do, before I fuck you senseless."
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