#No one hates you because you redesigned a popular character
theliterarywolf · 7 months
Not that there should ever be anything Twitter does better than any other platform, but at least the 'Mute this person for everything except for the art you actually followed them for' function was S-tier when it worked because some people on here really like to talk shit about self-made problems and act like their art is enough for people to suffer through shitty takes.
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sunnysam-my · 6 months
Hazbin Hotel redesign ideas p. 2
I am a bit of fashion, especially men's, history nerd, and I'm also a bit of radio nerd, so here I go, biblically accurate Alastor.
Alastor was a radio host (a radio star?) who lived and died in Louisiana. He was shot during a hunting accident, in the head, somewhere in the 1933, during radio's golden era. He cares greatly about his image and always smiles to show no weaknesses. He hates modern technology and doesn't allow his face to be captured by video recording or non black and white camera. His is mixed-race Creole.
Nothing about Alastor design make sense and it pisses me off. Not only it doesn't fit the time, it also doesn't fit his character! Besides, he is too red. He disappears into the background, especially walls of the Hotel.
Alastor cares about his image greatly, yet his clothes are torn. He is supposed to be like Hannibal, yet he looks like an edgelord wannabe. It's awful. I learned nothing about him from his design, other than "he's and old-time radio deer guy", and that's really bad.
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Fashion in 30s was inspired by Hollywood, and sport and movies celebrities.
Back and white fashion in this period wasn't that different, at least for men, as long as you weren't poor, but here are some photos of specifically black fashion in 30s. In general I recommend that website if you want to look more into the fashion of this period.
His hair is completely wrong. And it's also really ugly lol. For richer black men a shiny straightening hairstyle was the go to since 1920s. One such style was "the conk" where one would chemically straighten their hair. It left hair shiny, but the process was painful and expensive. It literally could burn your scalp.
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Another popular style was the brush wave. It's creating narrow waves rolling on top of head with the sides cut short and smooth. This hairstyle is still present to this day, but nowadays it's done on the whole head.
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Other than that, men just wore their hair naturally, but short.
There is no focus on trousers or vest in Alastor's outfit. (Which is wild considering zipper fly was introduced in the early 30s, but was got popular by the mid ’30s). This was time of experimenting a bit with vests. If you wanted to look fancy and/or formal, you would wear a vest. Pants were wide legged, had a high waist and a single pressed line down the center of the leg. Some trouser waistbands were unique in the 1930s, for example a Hollywood waistband trouser. It had an extra wide band with a double row of buttons. They fit very high, overlapping the ribs. they often had netal ring tabs on the sides to tighten the pant to the correct fit without the need for belts or suspenders.
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Also, monocle? Really? …Really? Here you go, read this if you're curious. Lots of pictures of glasses included. Glasses stayed essentially the same in 30s as they were in 20s. They were "round with a center bridge in the early years and an upper bridge in the later years. Frames could be tortoiseshell, black plastic, or thin metal." 
Moving on from fashion, because I could never shut up, microphones!
The most probabale one that everyone who is redesigning Al is drawing is a good old classic Carbon mic. It looks like a ring with a metal star and the microphone inside. It can be hand held or a staff.
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But, if you wanna draw something different!
Other than Carbon mic there is also a Ribbon microphone (first row) and Moving Coil mic (second row). Unfortunately, they killed Alastor in the best part of the radio golden age, so the mics are still a bit ugly, not gonna lie.
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How would I design him:
First things firsts, either he is mixed or he is white, because right now it just feels like a cheep excuse to have an "evil voodoo" character without getting too much backlash. Let's be honest, nobody thought he was a POC and that white face doesn't help. Again, just like I mentioned with Vel, when you're drawing a character with human like skin tone you have to be careful and think how it ties to their race.
Second - fashion. His outfit and hairstyle is a disaster. He has always tried to 'dress to impress', so obviously I would give him well maintained clothing and that 'high quality', formal style. I would give him the dark brown Hollywood trouser with buttons and dark crimson shirt, like dried blood almost. Under a coat or jacket he would have a brow vest, both the same colour as the pants. Highlights would be golden and green or purple. I for one would love to see him start out with a jacket/coat which he stops wearing inside the hotel after he bonds with the people inside it more, but he would still wear it outside and in the finale would put it on again, after his breakdown in the tower. This would show he began to trust the hotel residents a bit before he 'realises his mistake' after the battle. I would give him short haircut, because not even white people wore hair like that. (What in the Karen-core is it supposed to be?). Say goodbye to that monocle. Why is it even there there? Because he is old-timely? What is he, a children's cartoon villain? His design doesn't need more soulless clutter. Give me something that tells me about him as a character. I've seen people give him old radio as teeth or chest and I love it! When it's not too detailed, it's a great idea to make Alastor less like a living human but also less of… just a deer. He just looks like a deer demon. I would keep his shoes, hands and antlers, and give him ears that would fit the hairstyle I would go with.
[Edit: I forgot to mention, I would give him a time accurate hat or a free wavy lock of hair to cover the mark on his forehead where he was shot]
Thirdly, the microphone! My love. I remember the microphone used to be able to talk, but now it doesn't, unless I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure. Now it's just a weird look staff microphone with an eye and that's about it. But imagine something like a moving coil with the metal sign on top of it were the letters on it change. It could be a way it's communicating, in a simple way. This was it could still have a unique shape. That would have been fun to see. I can certainly imagine it being something of an 'unfiltered voice' of Alastor, where it would change it's writing into "Shut up", "Die" or something like that and he would hit it in a reprimanding way to reverse it to "Smile!". I'm just saying, that's a cool idea.
Well, this took forever to make, I actually forgot about this, so it just sat in my drafts. Anyway, if you want to see brilliant use of costumes and detailed, accurate depiction of fashion (especially black and queer) through history in New Orleans I recommend "Interview With The Vampire" (2022). It's also a great show.
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terramythos · 6 months
Anyway here's my breakdown of the ffxiv jobs, my opinions on playing each, and the tier rank of how good their story was
WARRIOR - warrior is so fucking funny why did they make it able to solo heal itself and the entire party in 90% of the content in the game. Raw Intuition/Bloodwhetting is so broken in dungeons its hilarious. And then they have like 3 additional healing skills on top of that. And they kept buffing it throughout Endwalker. So it is currently the easiest to play, does the most damage (i think...?), and has the best healing of any of the Tank jobs. 2nd fave probably.
Story Tier: C, it's ok, Curious Gorge is a good name. i have like nothing to say about it it's a generic AF story
PALADIN - I used to hate PLD but I think the partial rework they got halfway through Endwalker helped it a lot. It's much less clunky now. Probably still my least favorite Tank though Hallowed Ground is fun and it's pretty close to Gunbreaker for me.
Story Tier: F, this is the worst class storyline in the entire game. It's so stupid. The writing is so bad the writers acknowledge it makes no sense at all and I'm like. Yeah, thanks, I am experiencing this shit. Perhaps write a story that makes sense next time instead of pointing that out.
DARK KNIGHT - Unfortunately this is my favorite Tank 🫡 which is rough since it has the worst survivability out of any of them. But I love how you use MP and the silly number of OGCDs. The Blackest Night is such a fun ability and it's a crime that it's not a baseline skill you get from the start. Why do they have so many DRs that only cover magic damage. I must ask.
Story Tier: S, there's a reason it's the most popular and well regarded class storyline. It's really good, also the only questline I know of that uses the quest log text as part of the narrative. Outside maybe a few of the very late Endwalker quests. And, well... same writer lmao
GUNBREAKER: I think GNB looks cool as fuck and I like that it has 2 DPS rotations. The Gnashing Fang combo is so fun. Superbolide memes are always fun. My main issue with it is a skill issue because I am just constantly misaligning its burst windows.
Story Tier: C. It has some interesting lore but I found it pretty forgettable as a story.
WHITE MAGE: I hated White Mage for a while but something clicked and now I totally get it. I find it fun in dungeons cause you get to Holy spam and stun lock everything. As uh. The healer. That's fun. Once you get Afflatus heals (and then Afflatus Misery) it clicks. It's fun maximizing damage and playing chicken with the tank's HP.
Story Tier: B, you get a lot of lore around the Padjal, and I think the Stormblood story where you find a padjal living in hiding with her mother is pretty good! Also it's not technically the job storyline but there's a WHM side quest to get a unicorn mount? i guess it's technically a CNJ quest but same diff. no one else gets that shit. so that's cool
SCHOLAR: probably my least favorite of the healers... it just feels super clunky. You can tell a bunch of different design philosophies went into it over the years and none of them mesh very well. They've made it so the Fairy Gauge controls literally one spell. Why have the gauge at all? It's also a huge missed opportunity that there's no tie in or interaction with the fae in Shadowbringers. I love the idea of a battle tactician healer but I think it needs a rework.
Story Tier: B+, I liked the characters and its the main way to get backstory and lore on what happened with Nym.
ASTROLOGIAN: While I think AST has a similar issue to SCH (lots of different design philosophies over the years) I find it way more fun to play. I like the card mechanic and how it interacts with the rest of the party. AST is basically the only job that has its own like. Minigame? As part of its rotation. And I know a lot of people don't like the RNG for it but personally I find it fun. I know AST is getting a redesign in Dawntrail so hope it's good.
Story Tier: C? I think? I'll be honest I don't remember it super well but I didn't find anything objectionable about it. And I like the tarot aesthetic and lore and how it's healing based on manipulating luck.
SAGE: I think SGE is tons of fun, I'm not sure if I like it or WHM more. I love all the skills SGE has for preventing damage and the gimmick where your DPS heals someone in the party. Visually the hi-tech laser shooting healer is a lot of fun. IT HAS A GAP CLOSER. The only thing i wish was it wasn't so MP negative and that it did more damage. It's a little sad its DPS output is so low compared to the other healers (even AST when you factor in how it buffs the party). Since SGE is supposed to be a healer that heals through damage it's silly its damage kinda sucks.
Story Tier: A, I loved this storyline. Both the Endwalker job stories are very self contained and interesting. While the twist is pretty obvious it's still an interesting exploration of uh. Scientific ethics. Yeah
MONK: I've probably played MNK the least of the phys melee but I like the whole adaptable combo thing. Not much else to say since I have played it so little. Might bring it back out and try again. It DID have the funniest guide in the Balance discord for a while.
Story Tier: D. I think? I remember thinking it was dumb, lmao. Sorry.
DRAGOON: MAN I wished I liked DRG more. It looks so fucking cool and I like how it interacts with the dragon lore. But I find it very punishing to play. To do good damage you have to align so many different cooldowns... and snapshot your DOT correctly... and screwing one thing up just fucks your DPS output forever. Like AST I believe this is being reworked in Dawntrail so I hope it feels better to play.
Story Tier: C+. I think it starts strong since you get to meet Estinien pre-Heavensward and it melds nicely with that story. But I found it pretty directionless post-HW which is a shame.
NINJA: I remember finding this one fun. I like that there are different combos you do that have varied finishers depending on the situation. I am just... bad at remembering which combo to use to get which finisher, lol. So I haven't played it as much. NIN gets a lot of flavor other jobs don't get with their unique run and jump animations. And you get a Bunny of Shame on your head if you fuck up a combo, which is incredible.
Story Tier: A. The Rogue story is probably the most memorable of the basic class quests. Ninja just has great characters and a fun story. What is with that one guy. Karasu? If you know you know. I also like how the Rogue characters show up later in the Ninja story. That's fun.
SAMURAI: I had a similar experience to WHM here because I initially hated it then really came around once it clicked. SAM seems very complex, it has a ton of buttons and different combos. But it is actually quite intuitive once you figure out the general pattern. And it does INSANE damage. I think it's the highest DPS output in the game? I love building the combos and then doing a huge finisher for a bajillion damage. The guaranteed crits and constant OGCD weaves make me feel unstoppable. I think this is tied with RPR for me.
Story Tier: B+. I found the exiled samurai character and his journey toward redemption very compelling. I won't spoil beyond that. However it does fall apart a little in the second half. Still fun but not as good.
REAPER: I love RPR, the teleportation is a lot of fun, and I love finally unleashing the demon form and going ham on the enemy. The weapons are the coolest looking in the game. Every scythe design hits. I probably played this the most in Endwalker. My main critique is the Death's Design mechanic. I hate having to keep a stupid debuff on the target to do damage. It's like a dot but without the optimized snapshotting. If they want to keep this idea i think it would feel better to change it into something like SGE's Kardia where you apply it to one enemy to do increased damage to it without having to worry about reapplying it. not sure how they would balance this for aoe but that's not my job. But even with that caveat I still really enjoy the job.
Story Tier: A+. While it doesn't reach the highs of DRK's story it comes close. I love the badass old lady main character. Her hunting a voidsent that possessed her grandfather would be cool enough but making her a Garlean exile in hiding who grudgingly agrees to train you just adds an extra cool factor. I really enjoyed this story. As a bonus theres a lot of incidental dialogue in the post-6.0 Endwalker story if you completed the RPR story because it ties in a lot.
BARD: It's a bit clunky, its got some outdated design elements, it has one of the lowest damage outputs in the game... and i LOVE IT. this was technically the first job I ever played? totally different character like 8 years ago. and i was so so bad. I think i am actually pretty good at current BRD. the animations look cool. i like that it's a class you really need to work for and optimize to eke out that last bit of damage. and boosting everyone else's damage by existing is kinda neat.
Story Tier: B. I'll be real I barely remember this but I do remember it was gay as fuck so immediately gets an extra tier for that.
MACHINIST: MCH is really funny right now because like. It's phys ranged, right. The design behind phys ranged is you have 100% uptime cause you can freely move around and not have to worry about cast timers or melee range or anything. So the trade off is that they do less damage than other classes. Endwalker MCH did not get the memo and does insane damage anyway. My controversial opinion is that it has similar burst DPS to RPR. No i will not elaborate. I'm also bad at doing good damage on MCH which is impressive since it is easy.
Story Tier: B+. Some Ishgard noble's gay son wants to build machines instead of killing dragons the good old fashioned way and has to prove himself to get taken seriously. A tale as old as time. See I haven't done this quest in like years but I still remember it. He is a memorable character. It's just not like. knockout wowza compared to the A tier stories.
DANCER: Dancer is the second easiest DPS job in the game behind SMN. So if i am sleepy it's the one I like playing. You play simon says. you do a lot of damage when you play simon says then do almost no fucking damage otherwise. I think it's the lowest direct damage in the game? for a dps i mean. You have high stakes sexual tension with a DPS of your choice via Dance Partner. I wish other DNC players knew how Dance Partner works. YOU CAN DANCE PARTNER ANOTHER DANCER. THE BUFF STACKS. BUT YOU CANNOT DANCE PARTNER THE SAME PLAYER AS ANOTHER DANCER. THOSE BUFFS DO NOT STACK. ok i'm good. anyway
Story Tier: C. there's some shit about negative emotions and purging them? in theory i think this has some interesting implications with Endwalker lore considering Dynamis and its role in the story. Very similar mechanically to what's going on with the DNC story. but i really don't think the writers made the connection so it's like pure speculation and not the actual story. It's meh. fine i guess. i did like all the flashy dancing sequences.
BLACK MAGE: I am so so so so so so so bad at BLM. i pull up the guide. i read the guide. it all makes perfect sense. i go into a dungeon or trial or something. somehow i always get like Zeromus or some shit. and i drop Enochian or something and everything goes to shit and i'm yelling and i'm not even like slide casting or teleporting or anything i just run around crying. then i remember i have like 10 more buttons i haven't been pressing and oh god the dot fell off. people play this? for fun? i admire it. apparently they do a ton of damage if you can play it. could not be me.
Story Tier: B? There's some voidsent and Thirteenth lore. all the black mage characters are Lalafell because it's funny i guess. OH YEAH it has like the one named male Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te NPC in the entire game and he's fun. look at this twink:
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sorry i don't have anything to say about BLM i am bad at it
SUMMONER: easiest DPS job in the entire game. they redesigned it for Endwalker so it is practically a new job. i have no idea how it played before. but it is super streamlined. maybe too streamlined? it's another one to play if you want to turn your brain off. i like that at 90 you summon The Actual Primals instead of little representations of them. and i like the way your burst phase switches between Bahamut and Phoenix. it all looks very cool. they should add Leviathan as a summon in Dawntrail.
Story Tier: C.. i don't remember a single thing about this questline except you interact with Y'shtola's half sister. i think you go to Cartenau at some point. idk
RED MAGE: RDM is one of those jobs that looks really complicated when you start then you actually play it and it is just super super easy. that being said i think it's really fun. I like balancing the white and black magic gauges. Dualcast is a great gimmick and it feels cool to lob two big spells in a row at something. Dualcast Verraising a chain of dead players is so fucking funny. it's a shame that the existence of Verraise means RDM does shit damage to compensate for its utility. It and DNC just sit at the bottom with BRD barely scratching ahead of them. i think? i don't remember LOL
Story Tier: A, I really like the story and characters. I like that you have a middle-age world weary catboy (catman) as your mentor. and i like that he canonically trained Alisaie too and you chat a little about that. it's a fun story!
BLUE MAGE: what the fuck is a blue mage
Story Tier: ???
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p0rk-guts · 5 months
waitt but what's different about your ocified velvette... i like her a little but find myself wanting more substance from her in canon tbh
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Okay sew me and @ajistorpid were talking and they inspired a good chunk of my ideas so you can blame them for feeding my sick delusions.
Read more just like last time bc I talk too much sorry but there's art in there too oooo you should look u should read my ramblings
As far as I know, Velvette has no canon age at death, cause of death, or death date so based on what we know we just crafted our own headcanons. AJ proposed she might've had parents who ran one of those family vlog channels with her as the face of it, becoming a child influencer under her parents' control. I was thinking she could've been a child model- yk like. dance moms or something. Idk I don't remember what was happening on that show— anyways. Yea
Either way she grew up constantly controled and perfection was her standard. All of her outside thoughts and feelings and interests and opinions were constantly dismissed in favor of what made her more marketable. She never did get that popular in life tho, and her mentors always shamed and blamed her for it.
Idk if this is canon or not, but the idea of the sinners designs reflecting their vices or things they regreted or hated in life is an untapped gold mine to me so that could explain where Velvette's supposed doll and clown themes come from. Became a toy dressed up and paraded around for the entertainment of others + joke never taken seriously. She'd hate that
(As for how that ties into my redesign…. me and AJ were thinking she could be a vampire doll, but I'm not sure IDK I wanna sketch that out and see what it's giving)
In hell she easilly fell back into this warped facsimile of her old life bc it was all she knew. "she feels some form of pseudo control and enjoyment because she has no one pulling her strings now" (<-AJ) SHE'S running things!!! Who's the puppet now!!!!!!
Then THAT had me thinking too because now that I think about it. Why Is she the backbone of the V's?? She's like. An undergrad student in my mind at the MOST and Vox and Val are two men pushing 40 I'm sure. I think a big part of it is the fact that those two are almost complete and utter buffoons who let their emotions cloud their actions constantly, Valentino most obviously but even tho Vox seems more composed like when he's talking Val down from his outburst and when he was talking to the press, we can still see he's a total mess—especially where Alastor is concerned. He lost it so bad during their duet HE SHORTED PENTAGRAM CITY'S POWER.
Now out of all the V's we've seen the least of Velvette (I'd call it what it is but yall gon get real mad at me), The most we really got out of her character was the overlord meeting (and despite her huge ego and unruly behavior she did end up speaking facts), so maybe she Is just as unstable as them in canon but canon is SHIT and this isn't about canon anymore. In my mind she's very much in charge of the back end of their work. Vox is obviously the head of the operation—or at least he seems like it to me—what with the tech company having his name and with him answering the interviews, but I think that's all he is. The figure head. Velvette is the brain behind it all. When Vox proposes new buisness endeavors off the cuff she's the one who goes back and makes sure they're getting handled properly because he doesn't really dig into the backend of how things happen. Vox goes to most of the conferences or whatever (Vel's too busy running her shows and serving cunt after all) but Vel follows up on what was learned.
(also yeah all that makes this very much an au of an au bc it'd take a lot of radical changes for the two of them to be friends I think. It's fun to imagine anyway)
Quoting AJ here bc I'm bad at paraphrasing and they said it well:
"And if we're going to make her sympathetic, (obviously not excusing her enabling a rapist) Val and Vox are grown ass men and she never got to experience the world outside a camera
Velvette is easily malleable with no real relationships!! Some victims tend to gravitate towards people who are similar to their abusers the only exception is that she feels like she has control this time"
THIS this. THIS! Okay uhh vague personal experience w/ abuse cw ig. skip this paragraph if you don't wanna hear it. But It kinda reminds me of my relationship with my parents- NOT THAT I SEE THEM AS TWO DADS AND A DAUGHTER I DO NOT BELIEVE IN THAT NOTION IN A POST PILOT WORLD If future content proves me wrong it proves me wrong but at this moment they're all equals in my mind (…and I hc them as poly BUT WE'LL GET THERE) but In my situation it's like. I hate my parents for the abuse they've caused me, my mom more than my dad bc she's satan incarnate, but there are still things I like about my dad and. Tolerate. About my mother. We still can talk cordialy and spend time together, have fun together even, and I show affection to them, but deep down I know I wanna cut my mom off later and maybe my dad too depending. Additionally my mom is completely Incompatent and pulls none of her weight so despite it all I've been forced to pick up the slack and become half the brains of this family. I do chores she should take care of. Handle money. Make important decisions about our health and safety she doesn't care about.
AAAny ways. This is so my version of Velvette. No I'm not projecting (I am). She pulls a big chunk of the weight around there (some of it being carried by Vox and virtually none by Val). She's very close with the two of them but isn't a fan of everything they do (Cares more for Vox than Val in my mind). Speaking of, she definitely isn't some saint now, she still makes the love potions and is Impassive to both Val and Vox's behavior, but part of that Is her just seeing it as part of the business. Shady practices and exploitation are par for the course in any business to her. She never truly grew out of the harmful mindsets ingrained into her by whoever her enabling caretakers were in life and they're still apparent in hell. (Maybe she even experienced some of the darker sides of exploitation in life but was groomed into thinking it was okay contributing to why she doesn't see Valentino's actions as heinous. Idk. thinking on it)
Circling back to my poly V's idea. Idk it just seems plausible to me. Vox and Val already have their whole thing going on, they all live together, and they all have nicknames for each other (Vox calling her my dear, Val calling her baby doll, Vel calling Vox darling). Ik that could just be their personalities and the pet names don't have to mean anything more but this is MY au and my word is gospel hope this helps. It just makes sense
I could go on and ON about the toxic insanity of the Poly V's in my mind— particularly between Vox and Valentino— but this is NOT their post so maybe next time. As for Velvette, I get the vibe that she'd be intimate with both of them and enjoy it but she's never the one to initiate anything. Sometimes they're all like this 🤞🏾 and others the boys are a complete turn off to her (main example being the difference in her attitude towards Vox in episode 3 vs episode 8). Her tolerance of them flips on a dime depending on how they're acting. She also prefers to be a casually entertained observer to VoxVal more often then not (ex. end of episode 8 imo)
Boys aside. My Velvette is still a social media influencer and she's all about advertising. advertising products (like the love potion), clothing looks, technology... Heck even herself. "You're nobody if you don't wear this or use this or look like this ^ - ^". Projecting on her even further by making her have a love/hate relationship with her profession aka the modeling aspect of it: she's always had a genuine love for fashion and dressing up but the internal pressure for perfection she's placed on herself makes it hard for her. She's very hard on her models and designers bc of this
Couldn't think of a segway for this but also WHAT HAPPENED TO VELVETTE WANTING TO FIGHT THE ANGELS??? The "full assault plan" against the angels??? And then when the fight actually came they were all just lounging around watching it go down like it was afternoon tv????? This isn't even a "we'll get to it in season 2" thing did they honest to god forget? Did that line not mean anything??
Well I didn't forget and it's pissed me off since my first rewatch of that meeting scene. Don't think we don't know how the V's got the angel head, but In my head Velvette was the one who initially proposed the idea for an assault against heaven and her insatiable need to feel respected and feared only spurred this plan on, incredible risk be damned.
It also felt weird to me that Velvette just. Let it go when Carmilla said the meeting was over. Just. "Oh ok! Plan cancelled no more attacking heaven ^ - ^ I'm gonna go scroll for the rest of the show!" Hu h. My au-ified Velvette would definitely fight her on it— if she thought killing angels would change the game and Carmilla held the secrets behind it she would pry! Blow up at her about it until she wasn't getting results and bitterly storming off with as much composure as she could muster. Not wanting to team up with Carmilla but find some way to use her for all she was worth and get her way in the end, use the power and resources the V's had to actually make a plan. Would it have worked without the Morningstars? Eh. Either way I'm sure she could delude herself into thinking they were the most powerful people in hell. Ugh I don't wanna make an au rewrite of the show and I that was never my plan so idk where that'd go but. Yea
ANYWAYS anyways. wow you made it to the end somehow! Here's your treat :3
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Context u didn't ask for: Some days Velvette overwhelms herself with her own impossible expectations. Nothing she creates or puts out is good enough. She gets extra anxious about her following; nothing's happened to them, but what if they see the miniscule flaw in her latest clothing that she sees? What if she's no longer perfect? (Even worse in the vamp Velvette redesign of her bc she literally feeds off their attention and admiration)
She'll snap at everyone and disapprove of every look and then hole herself away somewhere where she crashes and is just. So. Tired. But she'll be out of it the next day, ready to keep the conveyor rolling.
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aziulpre · 8 months
What do u think of Gwen's omniverse design?? I've saw some people adore it and some other people hate it so I wanted to hear ur opinion and notes about it
Okay, are you ready for a long answer? kidding~ Any design is fine except for Gwen kiddo UA.
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But Gwen never had good taste in fashion.
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They think Gwen is ugly because she has the combination of elements that is stereotypically "ugly." Like old glasses, freckles and short hair.
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If we remove 1-2 characteristic element of "ugliness", she stops being ugly.
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But clearly people don't like the design because it's too cartoon/toony and makes Gwen look younger.
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I want to use Nyancy Chan as an example too, in the past,character designs were aesthetically good because the characters were sexualized and had very defined bodies (As with dolls designs, there is a lot of toxicity there because it' i's based on the old fashion where female models were very thin and had no distinction). People are used to this that's why they think the designs are bad or ugly.
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"But why is Gwen ugly and Velma very hot?" Nobody likes big redesigns. Everyone is used to Gwen OG or Gwen AF so no one liked Gwen's OV design.
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In fact, that's why the crew was forced to put Gwen's previous design in the first episode of Omniverse. And most of the commercials/promos were maked in Latin America (where Gwen AF is popular), so they used Gwen's previous design.
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Gwen's clothes design is based on a college uniform clearly.
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This reminds me of Nina Cortex from Crash Bandicoot (She is stereotypically "ugly", in Twinsanity's design was "dirty", that's why she looks like that, but everyone loves her and sees her as attractive).
If Gwen OV had had the final design or if Gwen had always looked like she did in Omniverse. Probably no one would hate her or would see her ugly.
The design of Omniverse is somewhat 2000's, "dirty" and "ugly", something that many people don't like because it's canon. TMNT: Mutant Mayhem...
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Unlike Omniverse, no one hated the movie because it is a different universe and since TMNT 2012, the series/movies have had a "dirty" design.
Ben 10 Omniverse was promoted as another Ben 10 universe, to avoid these hate, but it didn't happen.
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wampabampa · 7 months
Redesigns Redesigns Redesigns !
And a rename!
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More info below + solo + sketches below cut!
Because I had redesigned cheddar I was looking back at my other two favorite girls, Riley and Boon, and found myself cringing at their designs. They were…okay! But not good anymore! Riley still looked like a sona despite her now being her own character and boon…boon was something else
🐜🐜 Riley Red 🐜🐜
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When redoing Riley I wanted her to look super sweet but is surprisingly rude despite her appearance (cliché diner server from the movies). So making her shorter and chubbier instead of mean and lean looking like previously got that part down, all that was left was the hair which was thankfully easy thanks to her design for @/evillillad metal au I realized she look good af with bangs! I also ,add it more everywhere because she only has time to fix her bangs before back to running food! (Also gave her a beaded bracelet that is the same colors as poppy’s neck feathers) (they are gfs cause I said so)
But otherwise Riley is still the same! Same mean lesbian that hates her green bean rival who makes absolutely rancid hot dog combinations across the street
Regarding her diner: still working on an overall design but 85% of the dishware was made by Wally Darling (and friends)! Riley commissioned him for it. The rest she bought from (unfortunately) Howdy!
If she has any merchandise it would likely be similar to those toy kitchen sets or a paint it yourself dish kit for kids
🌧️🌧️ Misty Gloom 🌧️🌧️
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For Misty Gloom (Originally Boon Gloon) I wanted them to be something else entirely. I disliked their original designs because while it was fun at the time it got annoying pretty fast. They were originally made for nsfw but I never actually did it! So last night after smoking a bowl with my bestie I came up with the idea: Rain Monster. Rainbow monsters exist, so why can’t a rain monster? So I got to work on making them look as wet as possible- their horns based off sea lettuce and their hair made to look like jelly, I actually got happy with the idea! The bottom of their feet and the palms of their hands I wanted to make it look like and ombré similar to rainbow monsters (I would say they are distant cousins!) for the clothes Rain monsters usually wear loose fitting clothing so I made them wear a caftan dress that was popular in the 70s
Info regarding rain monsters: Rain Monsters are a lot taller than rainbow monsters. They have longer arms fingers and more unique horn shapes and colors (made to look like camouflage). Similar to rainbow monsters when it comes to flowers, rain monsters actually whisper to the clouds and help them collect rain. Think of it like caring for animals and farming! Once the clouds have collected enough water they guide them where to go as a way to keep everything balanced. Throughout the forest and towns they have rain water buckets which they collect after every storm. What they do with it is a mystery. Rain monsters, at least most, are a very reclusive group, often staying away from others that aren’t their own. Of course they will talk to you, but don’t expect them too be excitable like their cousins the rainbow monsters!
Misty would normally be slouched over but for height comparisons I made them stand up straight for this one!
Misty would probably not have any merchandise herself but her species overall the merch would be make your own horns kit or a rain collector bucket
🐭🐭 Cheddar close ups 🐭🐭
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celtrist · 2 months
Weird Explanation about Alastor's Bobcut (Because listen, if we're gonna have it, let's make a reason for it).
TLDR; Bobcuts were popular with women in the 20s, so maybe Alastor wanted to have his hair like that due to his respect/preference for women or something. Or his Mom IDK
His bobcut, initially (and probably still but hold on) doesn't really make sense for his character. Not out of him being creole or anything, just on the basis he doesn't like anything past his time so a man having longer hair would in theory not be his thing so to speak. HOWEVER, allow me to try to save this hair choice that was totally not really in mind with his background when designing his character probably!
While men did not have longer hair, let alone bob cuts, in the 20s (and I mean, nothing is stopping Alastor from just rocking it in life out of choice but we're gonna assume for a second the human Al doodle made on a stream is his canon human design), they WERE popular with women in the 20s. We even see our favorite flapper Mimzy with one! So maybe, just out of having higher respect or preference for women or maybe because his mother had it, Alastor went ahead for a bobcut hairstyle when he came down into Hell.
I don't know, fun headcanon for something that most people seem to dislike about his design. Which, let's be fair, we all have seemingly no issue when Anime doesn't have "the correct time period" hair for characters set in a certain period. But I don't think it's the time period people have an issue with it as much as it is in relation to his ethnicity and maybe just disliking it.
I actually plan on doing a fun little "Batman animated next season redesigns" (while I don't know the full context, the old series between seasons completely redesigned the characters and style of the show. If you don't know, just look at Joker, it's wild) designs of the cast (that means animator friendly and working with established choices if they're functional like wings). But that won't be for some time probably haha. I kinda got bigger fish to fry currently.
But, I figured I'd get this idea out here now so for anyone else screaming for the umpteenth time about the haircut when resigning or what not, here's a possible reason that would fit in character and was probably not at all in mind when designing him.
It is probably joked about a ridiculous amount and hated on too much with Alastors (and for that matter most of the) hazbin character designs. Some things people just don't think about character-wise (like it makes sense for characters like Vox and Angel to not look like from their time as they're characters that like to/want to keep up with modern-day, so no, they would not be dressing like the 50s and 30s/40s respectively). And while I think the designs aren't as bad as some people make them out to be, I don't think they're the best either with plenty of issues. Just again, not the worst.
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solarsonicsoda · 2 months
Rating 500+ Theme Tunes - #11: Ben 10: Alien Force
Moving on through the Ben 10 franchise, we find ourselves at Ben 10: Alien Force. We once again join a now 15-year-old Ben Tennyson, once again alongside cousin Gwen, as well as a less-mutated former enemy in Kevin Levin (a name choice I demand you respect because that's awesome). Ben is putting the Omnitrix back on with 10 new alien forms to fight back against alien threats. This show expands a lot on the lore and story of the Ben 10 universe, introducing more aliens, exploring new factions and elements of the world, and increasing the focus on character relationships. This more mature take on the show proved to also be extremely popular as both new and old fans could enjoy the change in direction. 
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Now, despite what I just said, I avoided this show as a kid. I did not care for the character redesigns, I thought they looked so much more boring and with far less style. Similarly, I found the new alien roster to be a downgrade, even with some great aliens. Humungousaur pisses me off to this day, he’s so bad. I also hate the car and I don't know why. However, I know this show is pretty damn good and episodes I saw like the one with Michael Morningstar would have pulled me in if I hadn't been so stubborn back then. My brother loved this iteration of the show and so I saw plenty of it, but never admitted defeat. Let’s call it 50% valid criticisms I still believe, 50% “change bad”. But how about that theme?
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Ben 10: Alien Force Theme Song
Oh no, it’s boooooring!!! I don't know how you follow up one of the most awesome theme tunes going with such a run-of-the-mill action theme. I honestly don't know. I guess it's still got some of that sci-fi sound, but that's honestly just passable. My only thought is that this is all to aid the more serious tone, but I think that's pretty dumb because it is still Ben 10 and why does serious mean simple? It's like every modern theme being some ambient music. However, I must judge it on its own merit, and it is just fine. Like there's nothing annoying about it on its own, it's fundamentally sound, I just wouldn't be able to pick it out from a line-up. There are genuinely like 10 other shows with this exact theme, I swear, and I just don't think that's how to make a good theme. 
This is a difficult grade to assign, because it sits so neatly between two different tiers. On the one hand, it is a totally fine theme that does little right or wrong. On the other, it is highly generic and unoriginal, whilst also being a very clear downgrade from what came before. After much rumination, I’ll be nice: this one gets a C.
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Stay tuned for more and be sure to send in any suggestions for other shows you'd like to see done (after the 500 already in the pipeline that is). Check out the intro to this series here, and check out the tier list.
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sonofthesaiyans · 2 years
Unpopular AOT Opinions
Not that I have ever held much in common with the rest of the AOT fandom, especially as someone who has called themselves an Ex-Fan for the last five years.........Nevertheless, a few thoughts that sure to leave the typical AOT fanatic a bit salty. 
* Eren Yeager is actually one of the worst anime protagonists. Even back when I was on his side, I never found him to be an especially phenomenal character. There was a time I liked Eren Yeager, but I was never ever enamored by him. And you know a character is bad when he has his foolish fans insisting that he was completely in the right to wage genocide on the earth and should have finished the job. 
* Likewise, Mikasa is still one of the worst anime female protagonists. While not an outright awful character, she is far too one-dimensional due to her singleminded fixation on Eren. Even after he goes off the deep end. I don’t give a damn about her feelings about Eren. And you should not either, Eremika fans. 
* Attack on Titan’s worldbuilding is crap. We don’t even know the name of some districts of the Walls yet and there’s much of them still unexplored. We know about the nations of Paradis, Marley, and Hizuru, the last of which NEVER made an onscreen appearance. And we certainly didn’t get enough development of Marley as the main enemy faction, they never felt like a fully fleshed out plot point. They’re one-dimensional. And never grew beyond an explanation for the Titans’ origins. That’s to say nothing of the world beyond Marley, or of other Eldian survivors worldwide. Or the Mid-East Aliiance! 
* Erwin should have inherited the Colossal Titan. Armin doesn’t utilize his nearly enough to justify his possession of it. Erwin almost certainly would never have wasted such a powerful advantage. 
* Annie was revived too late. Far too last minute for her motivations to feel organic and her arc to feel properly played out. She should have died in Season One and her Titan consumed by one of her captors. Plus her popularity is unwarranted, especially once we learned how unremorseful she is over her crimes. 
* I don’t care about Onyankopon. I’m not saying he’s a bad character, he’s not even a character with any characteristics we can really hate. But I can’t be bothered to remember he’s there half the time. Probably because there’s little he can do to balance out the many bad elements of the final arcs. He’s hardly a critical player. 
* NicoSasha is one of the WORST pairings ever conceived, mostly because they got zero onscreen time together aside from a single flashback. See this is the stuff you idiots need to consider before you kill off one half of a pairing you want to push as a relevant plot point. 
* The Uprising Arc is largely irrelevant. I can’t be bothered to even look at that part of the story with more than passing acknowledgement. Why do you people get your rocks off at the sight of Kenny Ackerman, anyway? Is he somebody I was supposed to care about either? 
* The Warhammer Titan, as I touched upon in an older post, is a total waste of time. If you’re gonna round out the Nine Titans, you can’t afford for any one of them to be a footnote in the story. And that’s all it and its wielder Lara Tybur are; a footnote in the story. Does it honestly even need to exist in the narrative? Kind of makes me wonder why Liberio was even a part of the story. Could’ve saved us a TON of grief on that one. 
* I hate Mikasa’s S4 redesign. She looks far too masculine and not in a good way. I have no problem with such things, but in her case she just does not look good. And Sasha’s S4 look is one that sits poorly too with me now. Probably because of its obvious association with the miserable events of that season. 
* Falco..........More on him later. 
* Ymir Fritz is one of the LEAST engaging plot points of the series and I think a shoddy explanation for the Titans’ origins. It’s already a needlessly complicated story as it is, but I feel nothing for this walking little spoiler. And don’t get me started on this idiotic revelations in the finale. 
* Lindsay Seidel’s performance as Gabi is every bit as abysmal as the character she agreed to play. And I never want to hear her voice in anything to follow her work on Titan ever again. 
* And that goes equal ways to Bryce Papenbrook and his overrated ass. 
* They did Hange Zoe dirty in Season Four. I am PISSED they framed her as such an inept commander as they did. It definitely hurt my otherwise warm opinion of her. Fucking disrespectful that they’d waste her like that. 
* Fuck this grey morality BS the fans keep pushing. I do NOT appreciate being made to hate Paradis by the end of the series, the faction we were supposed to be rooting for early on. I am REALLY not kosher with this at all. Not having any true heroes to root for by the end destroyed my ability to hold on to even a speck of genuine investment.  * I did NOT approve of Artur Braus and his family forgiving Gabi Braun. You do NOT place the murderer of your child above said child. That wasn’t a show of moral integrity. That was failure to honor the memory of the person who they owed justice to. Treating them in the right for how they handled that situation is not as noble as Isayama frames it as. Anyone want to try to disagree?  * The Thunder Spears are actually pretty pathetic weapons, rarely ever landing an outright kill.  * The Rumbling by SiM? DOGSHIT. I hate it because of the season and opening it’s attached to. You can’t polish a turd with this grunge crap. 
* My War is also an extremely forgettable AOT theme. 
* Hiroyuki Sawano’s music is the only consistently good element of the series aside from the aforementioned. And it too is poisoned by its association with this. Guilt By Association. 
* Jean Kirstein isn’t nearly as interesting as fans have been making him out to be in S4. I dare say I stopped caring if he would die well before that disastrous finale. The same goes for Connie Springer, who had no business surviving this due to having zero plot. Does that count as an unpopular opinion? I know some people tire of Sasha’s potato gag, but Connie’s hardly a funny character on his own. 
* Hajime Isayama is DEFINITELY a closeted fascist. 
* Studio MAPPA’s animation is hideous compared to WIT’s. 
* People like Yelena. I do not. Why does she exist again?  * Eren’s descent into villainy is one of the worst bad calls in anime history, right up there with everything involving Gabi Braun. Both of these characters brought down AOT. 
* Gabi Braun’s fanbase represents some of the biggest fucking ASSHOLES I’ve ever put up with. If you’re a fan of this character, fucking get help, because I’m not listening to your pathetic attempts to defend something so unnecessary as if she’s the second coming of Christ. The fanaticism from her end is incomprehensible. 
* Pieck Finger is a wholly unnecessary character. She’s not even that cute. She’s just there. No plot, no point.  * Ymir’s reasons for leaving Historia and getting eaten for her troubles? Total horseshit. Like this was an egregious waste of someone set up to be a much bigger presence in the story. This was when the fanbase should’ve deserted the entire thing. Just the first of many abandoned subplots and character arcs. Is that an unpopular stance? I don’t know, but I’m going to count it anyway. 
* And finally.........THIS STORY ENDED WITH THE OCEAN. 
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electricprincess96 · 6 months
I've decided to rank some Jason Todd designs. He's had a few, so I ain't looking for all of them. Just the ones I remember off the top of my head.
This is my list, don't come at me if you disagree even though you're wrong cause I'm obviously right about this. Anyone wanting to start a fight with me about this can save yourself the time as I will be ignoring you.
Number 1
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There is no competition this is just peak Jason design, no others come close. There's a reason why Under the Red Hood movie used a variation of this design and not the UtRH comic design (which admittedly was not a bad design keep reading to see where that lands in this list), it's the design Wayne Family Adventures uses, it's the most cosplayed Jason design. It is just peak.
Number 2.
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People will say I'm cheating here. I'm not. Under the Red Hood comic confirms Jason did infact wear this outfit, in fact this IS Jason in this panel. It's half way through the fight when he swaps with Clayface.
What I like about this design is its throwbacks to Robin with the belt and the R symbol on his chest. I get that the trench coat was very much Hush's thing but Jason rocked it here. The white streak in his hair has become to popular that some fans don't realise it wasn't canon for a long time (I'm aware plenty of newer stories have him have the white streak, I think it's entirely up to the artist now which is kinda dumb shit like that should be mandated by the editors but whatever).
Overall I just like this design, I wouldn't necessarily want him to ever adopt it again but it was certainly very nice for what it was. And it's different without stripping Jason of all his identity since it references his Robin past.
Number 3.
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Oh I debated between this one and number 4 partly because they are very similar. I think this one is edged out 1. By that belt with the R which again is hinting at his past as Robin, something Jason was immensely proud of even if people want to pretend he wasn't. I'm aware they'll say it's R for Red Hood but that's why it works, it's his current alias' initials but R is Robin's symbol. And 2. This design is also just helped by the fact the art style is just very pretty and this particular Jason is just so god damn pretty, like he's gorgeous and I wish the story accompanying it was better.
Number 4.
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(Yes I'm using this picture, sue me)
Under the Red Hood. An actually pretty good comic story completely let down by a lot of the shit that came after it. BUT it gave Jason the glow up he deserved at the time. Sure its now far from peak as I've already shown what peak is but its solid. I wouldn't complain if suddenly Jason got another redesign and looked like this again. This is below 3 Jokers cause of the fact it looks very similar to 3 Jokers but 3 Jokers had the inclusion of the R Belt which I liked and 3 Jokers had a better art style in my opinion.
Number 5
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The Arkham series had a particular style. I'm putting these together cause while they aren't the same design they are the same character, in the same game and I rank them somewhat evenly. Now Mask off Jason in Arkham is up there with 3 Jokers in terms of how much I like it. I always loved a sense of irony that despite being adopted and being the "fuck up of the family" Jason resembled Bruce so much and he really does resemble Bruce in Arkham. BUT these actual designs are both fine, nothing about them are amazing, I don't love them but they're OK and thats all they need to be.
Now I ain't even gonna number these cause well I'm sure there's maybe a couple dozen one shot or elseworld Jason designs out there that come before these two. Every version of Jason's Robin suit comes before these two. Gotham Knights with the mask off comes before these two (although I hate how the mask in Gotham Knights is cloth and not a helmet but I'm basically screaming into the void right now to try and get Jason's helmet back and designed properly).
Slightly Less Worse
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I've said what I have to say about this design, I hate it, I despise it, I get an angry twitch whenever i see it or whenever I see fans lusting over Jason's exposed arms or talking about how deep it is that he wears a muzzle now as if calling a character you're meant to like a wild animal is somehow a good thing. Like yes Bruce called him an animal, Jason then going and choosing to wear a muzzle is so wildly out of character I despise it. Jason is so fucking PROUD, like does he have some self doubts and self hatred? Yeah. But when it comes to Bruce and the rest of the Bats this boy is PRIDEFUL. He wouldn't go and deliberately "muzzle" himself just to make Bruce happy. Its dumb conceptually, it strips Jason of the uniqueness and individuality and it clearly exists to try and emulate the Winter Soldier since Civil War was coming out around that time. Some art styles make this design look OK but it still isn't a Jason design for me.
The Objective Worst One
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Kill it with fire! Just make it go away and never return. As I've said for all my utter dislike and distaste for the muzzle I will take another 100 issues of the muzzle and the crowbar if I could wipe this monstrosity from ever having existed. This design and the storylines that accompanied it almost did irreversible damage to Jason Todd as a character. That's why UtRH is not seen as being as good as it actually is because all the ground work set was instantly trampled by other writers and Grant Morrison was one of the main perpetrators. I will spare showing you what he looks like under the helmet cause that might very well be worse than the helmet. Jason went from being a at most 20 year old to looking like he was older than Bruce at times. Other times he looked like knock off Roy Harper. As I say anyone who wants to argue with me that Jason's canonically a ginger always uses this as proof and no I'm sorry Grant Morrison was someone who didn't believe in retcons and that everything was always canon which I mean I'd love for him to explain to me how Jason can both be a circus kid and a street kid stealing tyres but whatever. Jason Todd is a brunette, he was found on the streets by Bruce with black hair and no way of getting consistent hair dye, his father had black hair, his mother had blonde hair. Jason Todd is a brunette and this design and all the stories attached to it need to be wiped from collective consciousness.
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your-local-uwu-artist · 5 months
HAIIII how about 1, 11, 26, and 34 for the OC ask game :3
alola >:D
1.Have you ever picked up a habit from developing/writing one of your own characters? And if so, who and what?
i don't think so actually. generally I give my habits (and habits from friends and family and other irl people) to ocs instead. I have picked up some odd habits from drawing and cartoons in general though, especially anime. mostly cause my brain can't exit artist mode and i'm constantly thinking about how i would draw stuff, so it's like that 'making weird faces when your drawing an expression' but instead it's 'over exaggerates my every movement because i am thinking about how i would draw that movement'
11.Which character has been through the most design changes?
gosh! a lot of pokemelody characters have beeen through DRASTIC design changes but not like, the most. so probably my sona character! here's a sketch i did once showing the basic progression. during the redesign segments though there's a bunch of mini phases of drafts that didn't stick. they've been through a few different eras. I like to split it into three main eras! the primative era (defining traits are galaxy hair and high fantasy aesthetics) the Sailor era (this era had the most story as a self insert oc, defining design traits is a sailor-fuku outfit and pigtail buns.) the confused era (era where i rebooted my sona but was still figuring stuff out, this era's defining traits is a visible ribcage, and way too busy/unfocused of a design) And finally the modern era! (simpler and more focused design but has a couple other forms with the shape shifter aspect. notably while theres still some scrapbook/sewing aesthetics the entire body is now bjd/doll instead of being a confusing mix)
fun facts about the design/s
-sailor era design had no heterochromia and had my irl brown hair, because i was younger and cringe culture was still super prominent: specifically that part where every 'character design tips thing' would tell you to avoid stuff like heterochromia and fangs and cool colorful hair unless they god forbid look like a mary sue.
-i think i've said this before but a year or so after I added that front bangs super long back hair short thing (plus litterally had my hair cut to match) a popular/influential artist made a character with this trait and it suddenly became a more common design trait. obvi i'm not trying to 'gatekeep' the design or claim i'm the first guy EVER to come up with it. but i would be lying if i didn't say i feel 'ahead of my time' and think it's funny to joke about this super big artist that def doesn't know i exist having 'copied' me fndjask
-one main design shift is the shift from the angel aesthetic to adding in some demon aesthetics
-all throughout the confused era the angel wings changed color according to mood, the chart used was to inconsistent and complicated though so this trait ended up being lost.
-starting with the confused era and sitll present in modern era my sona is a shapeshifting shiny mimikyu :3 and the idea is that their humanoid form is like, lowkey hollow, so the mimikyu body is inside
-despite having more inhuman traits i'd actually say modern era sona takes more inspo from my irl appearance than any previous design
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26.What's your favorite relationship/dynamic between a set of OCs?
afndsjkfna i can't choose because i love different dyanmics for different reasons fnsdjkaf. ummm heres some honorary mentions!
-Sunny and Daisy, they're dorks in love, nice simple and wholesome! good ol' healthy loving relationship! classic malewife x girlboss lowkey
-kazumi and fukusha have this thing where they hate each other's guts, it's fun!
-SCOTT N TIP i've only posted about them once and they're lowkey co-owned sorta? (i designed them on my own and then an irl friend of mine took a likeing to them and started writing short stories with them, we'd like to make a point and click game series called 'Dectective Cardimen Scott + Tip' with them someday :3) Scott and Tip's designs litterally came from a little excercize I did on designing duos. Scott's a private investigator and was looking for an assistant, the enthusiastic Tip took up the job! they have this cartoon-inspired dynamic where their relationship is vague and up for interpretation. They're business partners and roomates at the least :3
34.What scene that you've written/imagined is your favorite?
hmmmmmmmmm generally speaking i prefer the like inbetween anti-climatic slice of life-y scenes but theres this climatic/hyped-up scene in arc '1.5' of Pokemelody that I'm excited for in the theoretical future where i make this a thing. arc 1.5 is the start of a redemption arc for the final villain of arc 1, the plot is the villain searching for someone she did something unforgivable too with the goal of apologizing.
also scenes where the characters are finally happy and content and theres shojo sparkles to express this my beloved.
scenes i include a lot of because they're what i want to see more of is like, characters having weird inhuman-physical traits both as casual details that are dispersed throughout but also like, when it's directly addressed or played around with. I feel like everything only ever gives me little hints of that sorta stuff and fanfic focusing on it is hard to come bye so i guess i'll just have to do everything msyelf around here lmao.
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So the Ninja Turtles came about in the 70s when comic books were getting big. These two guys were just doodling and then one of them came up with this:
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After a couple weeks of redesigns for fun, they ended up with 4 brother turtles who each had different weapons
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Originally, since it was all in black and white, you could only tell the difference between the turtles with the weapons and how they spoke. Raph was usally more angry, Leo was the leader, Donnie was the smart guy, and Mikey was the goober.
They created the comics and it was definitely more of a darker tone. But they were a huge success.
The original comic was a one off story because they didn't think it was going to sell. But it definitely did, and so many stores and people were asking "what's next???"
So they made more. They created villans and a story and made more comics.
Then in the 80s, there was an idea for toys, and a TV series. This was when they decided to get rid of the tails and make the tone more kid friendly and also give them colored masks.
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They kept making money and the turtles were such a hit that they decided to make a live action movie. This came out in the 90s.
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There were two more movies that came out after that.
Since then, there have been more movies and tv shows and comics. The most popular has been the 2012 CGI show, that lasted for I think 5 seasons. In 2014 and 16 there were two live action CGI movies made
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The 80s show and the 90s movies were the Gen X turtles
The '12 show and the '14 movies were Millennials and older gen Z turtles.
The 2012 show was amazing and also really problematic in different ways. It did really well and is a staple in the TMNT set of media. The 2014 movies were not appreciated as much when they first came out, but now that gen Z is on the Internet they are much more well loved.
In 2018, Nickelodeon released Rise of the Teenage mutant ninja turtles.
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Now this show was much different from any other TMNT reboot for a multitude of reasons.
Up until this point, the turtles have been the same species. Primarily just box turtles all green. All the turtles were the same age as well. They also had pretty much the same outfit with the exception of the 2014 movies. The origin story has all been pretty similar too. Splinter was similar in each one as well.
But Rise changed all of that. They changed all of it with the intention that this would be something completely new for an brand new generation. This was the first tmnt show that I really watched and got into as well.
In Rise, all the turtles were different species and ages. Raph (17) Alligator Snapping, Donnie (15) Soft Shell, Leo (15) Red Eared Slider, Mikey (14) Box shell.
Raph was the leader instead of Leo
They had magic weapons as well as used martial arts
Splinter was kinda a dead beat dad instead of a all knowing sensei. (Whiched changed later, yay character development)
All the turtles had different outfits.
And most of the villains changed, or didn't exist or new ones were created.
It was HATED for so long and tossed aside. By fandom standards it had a tiny following. All the adults hated it and wouldn't even give it a chance because it was so different.
It wasn't until the movie in 2022 that it began to gain a bigger following. Netflix had taken up the movie idea and released a 90ish minutes movie set in the future for these turtles.
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They were all about 2 years older, and the idea was that you could watch the movie without having to see the show first. And the movie kicked ass. It was so good and one of the best animated things I've ever seen.
That is the most recent TMNT media movie and tv show rise. Comics are still being written by different companies. The most popular being IDW.
There was also a short movie with Batman and the TMNT that came out in 2019.
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This movie isn't well known as much as the others, but it is absolutely hilarious.
And now we have the 2023, coming August 2nd TMNT mutant mayhem.
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And this is the first one where the turtles are seen as younger teenagers and voiced by teenagers. True TMNT fans are very excited, and older TMNT fans are not happy with its existence. The animation style choice for one and also, because April is black.
I can't add any more photos, so I'm gonna send another ask about all the April's :)
Gotta say, I wasn't expecting a crash course on TMNT history, but this is actually pretty interesting, I really like seeing the development of shows and such. I believe I actually saw the 2014 movie, I was 8 and VERY scared of the only scene I remember, so I ended up turning on an Equestria Girls movie
I've actually been considering watching Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cause of how much I've been seeing about it on here. I actually really like the detail of them being different species, I think it's cool
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the-indie-owl · 11 months
Highly controversial opinion bcuz oh boi am I gonna get backlash
As someone who has been a die hard SMG4 fan since the early 2020s, I have been seeing some recent tags of a ship that I personally have an upside-down opinion on.
You wanna know why I never bother to re-blog some SMG34 stuff like anyone else does?
Well....Truth be told for what I'm about to say here but in mho on that ship that has been a thing for years.
I'm not rather in partial to SMG34.
Now I know that LOTS of Toxic SMG4 fans will tend to Bash an Opinion for liking something so unpopular it's meant to be a "Sin" to the SMG4 fanbase, but it's honestly true to say the least (since not everything has to be "agreeable").
I know the ship has been a thing for a very long time since the beginning of the series (even before Glitch Productions ever existed) but as someone who only tried "Sunset Paradise", part of Me feels like that I want to try the other Glitch shows (including TADC that everybody's been talking about).
It's just that my indifferent feels towards the Ship that everybody's been obsessing for even on Tumblr, part of Me feels like that I just can't get into it (nor how much I try) mainly because it just has something to do with the appeal of the designs or how I just prefer with one of the characters with someone else that I ship who isn't them.
It is NOT meant to be highly homophobic when you have a different opinion on a Slash Ship. I've been an Ally for a very long time and I have a ton of favorite LGBT Ships that I've really adored for a long time (Ineffable Husbands, GraGoh, Almidot, Narlie, SquidBob, Grumpshine, Goldenheart, ect.) but I just usually wish that both LGBT and Straight Ships would just be treated all the same as Normal (as long as if it's not involving around Pr*shipping because then that would be a big problem).
My feelings towards SMG34 has some 2 Sides that I'd mainly don't know what to chose;
It mainly has to do with their own Character Designs (being that they're currently now redesign of Mario colors), they just happened to look like as if they were Twins/Brothers (even if the two aren't canonically related), their Designs look strikingly similar as if they gave Me some Yaoi Inc*st vibes (again, not to insult, and I know that these two aren't related, but I just don't really like the way on how they look too similar one another).
I mainly want to open it, in which I could at least see some potential for an "Enemies to Lovers" dynamic happening between them but due to how their relationship is more like an "On and Off" frenemy still relationship, I highly doubt the new change between these two.
And for the record of what I said about "Shipping" the Other Character with Someone else, I kinda mainly prefer SMG4/Tari.
I know that the idea of "Shipping" the Plumbers with the Glitch Girls is highly meant to be a "Sin" upon the Fanbase but I think I find the Two Pairs between both the Male and Female Counterpart is kinda interesting to Me.
Many people who use the word "Hate" to describe their thoughts on that Other Ship as a "Creator/Creation" ship in which they only refer to SMG4 as an Actual Creator (or Real Person that being Luke himself). But given on how that SMG3 is also Luke's creation character as well other than Tari, wouldn't somebody else who would call "SMG34" a "Creator/Creation" ship be a total backlash while also hating on the idea of Shipping Luke's Self-Insert with his Other Characters be count as "Hypocrisy" because SMG3 is the only exception?
This kinda the main reason as to why I don't usually interact with much of the SMG4 fanbase anymore (and just interact with other fanbases instead), it's because that I just can't stand the Toxicity Half-Side in the Fandom because I feel like that it's completely unfair when you have an unpopular opinion towards one of the show's choices.
Like...For instance;
I am NOT a fan of the whole "Sibling-Bond" thing between Mario and Meggy. I prefer them still being a "Best Friends" dynamic. Their Current Friendship is rather a Toxic One (which I feel like has completely ruin their own entire Friendship of where it all began). I liked it better when it was Two Best Friends helping, now whenever they're together, they just fight because "sIbLiNgS fIgHt AlL tHe DaMn TiMe".
Not all siblings can have an argument over time, a BFF relationship can show that sometimes Siblings CAN have a Strong Bond of a Platonic Relationship, rather than a *cough* *cough* Childish one that Luke and Kevin decide to take as an Annoying Gag.
If you guys like the SMG34 idea, then that's fine. More Power than You. I can at least see why you're all into it. It's because on how much y'all see the potential in them ever since SMG4 has changed a lot better than Me.
But even if it becomes canon (despite still being a fanon ship), it would make myself feel uncomfortable when I still just can't get over their own character designs that just look like twins and maybe I would've had liked it if their character designs weren't so "Twin-Like". Even if I would have to get USED to their New Designs over time.
Sorry for the ventful post, this is just something that I have to get off my chest.
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falseprophetpoll · 2 years
Ok so if you do want to dare and get into MCD let me set some expectations: It’s a founding father of Minecraft Roleplays, was one of the series that got that genre popular. It is ABANDONED I cannot stress that enough, if you go into it you will find no satisfying ending.
There’s Technically four seasons but you can ignore MCD Origins as that’s jsuy a mod showcase survival series with no bearing on the real start, one and two were both 100 episodes and season three only made it into the 20-30s before it got dropped (season three is also only accessible through it’s playlist on the side channel Aphmau Stories, as Jessica (the creator) kinda started hating MCD towards the end and especially that season). Now the early episodes of season one are more of a survival let’s play with a dash of story, but it quickly ramps into more of a focus on the story (that being said, it’s still slow going. It only really speeds up around Zane’s first appearance I’d say)
Also ships? Don’t have them. Just. Just don’t. Ignore all chemistry placed at your feet to chew on. It’s a whole thing I won’t get into it but my fellow MCD fansy will understand.
Also you may be tempted to jump into MCD Rebirth, the revamped version of season one with Jessica’s team’s new and fancy skills, I wouldn’t do that. It’s also abandoned and spoils some stuff abiut the OG MCD experience, however if you can’t get into MCD proper then yeah give it a shot but you won’t see any Zane in it as I don’t think it even reached episode 20 in regards to its events and Zane shows up around the 40-50s I think.
This is a TIME DUMP! And in this time dump uou CANNOT EXPECT QUALITY! Voice acting doesn’t come in until around s1-90 (and isn’t fully voice acted until the tail end of s2 or started with s3), the set dressing feels a bit Minecraft Basic until season 2, Jessica and her team only started having things like high definition skins and smooth animations by the time MCD was already abandoned, and the story is.
Well here’s a new point. The story. The story is something! The writing isn’t great! It has a lot of potential but because of some....choices there are points where characters get out of character or characters aren’t explored in the ways or lengths you want them to be. That’s partially because of the limited perspective as the main character Aphmau is our camera and view into the world, like a first person book. However the fan rewrites and redesigns and just fanworks in general? Call it MCD brain rot but damn that shit fucks. Someone made an entire Ro’Meave family tree going back hundreds of years. They created a LANGUAGE. Fucking love them shout out to @stellisketches
So I think that covers all the warnings you’d need. If you dare lift the old and mossy rock now, you can’t say no one warned you or hyped it up too much
I genuinely appreciate this honest assessment of the series. Personally, it doesn’t deter me because I know it’s abandoned now, but if I hadn’t known before getting into it, that really would’ve soured the experience. I’m not gonna tag as spoilers because I WANT to anyone else who’s considering it from this blog to see this.
Now, I don’t mind low quality and just, a lot of implications that are explored in fandom (I like the trafficblr series, Hermitcraft, Wizard101 - I get the “I’m gonna take these ideas and make ‘em beautiful” mentality) so I think I may look at it when I’ve the time! Maybe I’ll catch you on my fandom sideblog some time :)
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terraliensvent · 6 months
I would NEVER pay more then 40$ for any of these 2
Not even 20$ for the clown one, wft is this morgue, the colors, the art, did you go back to 3rd grade?
WHY ARE PEOPLE OFFERING 100$ FOR THOSE, fr you can get BETTER and HIGHER quality characters for cheaper on toyhouse, those don't even worth redesigning
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the dragonfruit one is arguably ok, i think syber just has a form of "same face syndrome" where all their art looks the same but i think if you just redraw the ML art it could be cool
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as for morgues though ive personally always hated their coloring style. theyre not great at making eye catching palettes and the oversaturation and pattern mixing just makes me internally scream. personally, i wouldnt bid over $30 for it, and thats mostly because of the "popular closed species fee"
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//No words can describe the joy I have for S.kull M.erchant getting gutted- she's a huge character of missed potential for me and utterly miserable to paly against (surprisingly less than the t.wins, but I think it's just because I've played against more t.wins and every time I'm bleeding out on the ground because a baby hair on V.ictor touched me and there's smthn more interesting across the map for C.harlotte)
But unlike T.wins where their design and lore is boring which is a shame because they also had potential, S.kull M.erchant as a concept is actually quite enjoyable, but I utterly hate the way she was designed and written. Give me a tech billionaire who hunts people in the woods not painful walk in a jump suit with a tinfoil mask. Give me the skull merchant not whatever the fuck she is now with her entire ass out in her release skin. Her arm she has doesn't even look high tech neither do her drones, like what the fuck.
I genuinely wished they would've pushed her tech more, the way she can jack into a weird vr experience and plug back out of it, that kind of thing. Play with that more in her kit rather than just F.reddy's mori and skulls hot glued to 25$ drones. And god I'm like- so close to just redesigning her myself visually, because no one else has really scratched the itch with her for me. She's just such a disappointment especially coming off the heels of D.redge, A.rtist, K.night, those freaks.
I don't know, you can do so much with a name and concept like that and they did literally nothing of substance. Her lore and design are just so fucking boring, especially her lore where it just seemed like they took all the little pieces as to why certain killers are popular without realizing why they are? It feels so messy, not as messy as other peoples lore (staring directly at T.arhos and the L.egion), but certainly messy in a camp way, just messy in a desperately trying to make a character that no one likes the look or lore of cool way.
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