Hi I’m P o r k Sticks and Tree are also valid names - She/It - 18 - I do a lot of drawing. If you want to follow my art blog it’s @p0rkguts banner art by @quezify My commisions are open rn, go check em out :))) Aight thanks for stopping by ✌🏾
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the dewolfe family! from my upcoming comic strip goobergeist 👀👻
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slaps the rump of my pet car. this bad boy can fit so many treats in him
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ill have you know this murdered me.
i am dead.
(click for better quality)
aj + pinkie = pazazz pie
aj + rd = swift hooves
aj + rarity = pearmain gem
aj + flutter = alice blossom
aj + twi = mage macoun
pinkie + rd = party crasher
pinkie + rarity = pink lace
pinkie + flutter = poppy
pinkie + twi = fandango blast
rd + rarity = mare magnet
rd + flutter = gusty puff
rd + twi = lucky lightning
rarity + flutter = floral pattern
rarity + twi = midnght crystal
flutter + twi = wordsy whisper
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Your friends watching something for the first time and getting to that scene VS you, the knower.

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One of my favourite questions for figuring out a character’s motivations is which qualities they most fear being assigned to them. Are they afraid (consciously or unconsciously) of being seen as stupid? Ungrateful? Weak? Incompetent? Lazy? Cowardly? Intimidating? Like they actually care? etc.
It’s such a fun way to explore into who they are, why they do what they do, what they don’t do out of fear, and how they might be affected by the events of the story. And I love when characters have negative motivations—trying to avoid something (in this case, being seen a particular way) as much as they’re trying to achieve a goal.
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I have a very esoteric question for JF - I remember hearing you did the artwork or photography for the Miscellaneous T album cover. Were the letters cut out of foam? Using a heated wire cutter? The blocky flintstone-ey letters in an interesting hallway is still very cool. Thank you in advance for answering if you answer and thanks for always being great.

The cover of Miscellaneous T
First I designed the typeface on graph paper (which was actually a bigger project than the cover). This was the very end of the pre-computer era, and the word "font" went from being a shibboleth of design people to being common parlance. While computers were shaking up the world of graphic design the limitations were immediate. While the general public marveled at the 25 typefaces available, designers were sorely missing the other 2000.
(At this time I imported my very crude work into a computer-based font design program, and that file named Conant was even uploaded on to a free font site. I have no notion of how long it played out there or if it was ever used elsewhere, but I like to think there is a restaurant menu somewhere using Conant.)
The idea of my design was drawn from the hand lettering of artist Ben Shahn (although I did not have a lot of direct source material!) The big features of this kind of design is the squared-off letter shapes and the modulating upper and lower case forms. His letter changes from poster to poster but in general it looks like this...

I was also thinking about the woodcut letter shapes on the cover of Edward Albees famous paperback books (a book that was everywhere) I suspect the design was also Ben Shahn-influenced.

So regarding the cover of Misc. T-
The letters on the cover were made with an X-Acto knife, 1/4" foam-core, tape, Elmers glue diluted with water, paper and acrylic paint. They are not solid at all. I made them very quickly, but in a fashion that I had done many other projects.
I "blew up" the typeface just by eyeballing the points on the graph paper to the much larger grid I drew on the foam core. I cut out the letters, then cut the pieces that created the depth, and taped them into place on the inside of the letter form. (This next part I am have no memory of but I am pretty sure this is how I did it) Once the letters were complete I took very light paper (like a rice paper or old fashioned Xerox paper) dipped in slightly diluted Elmers glue and draped it over the edges of all the letters to hide the seams. I suspect I then lightly painted them with white paint just to even it all out.
Then I placed them in the hallway of my apartment. To trick the eye for a moment, I actually shot it from above so you see the letter shapes before you place the forms in my dilapidated hallway. Below is un-flipped image.

And here's me and John holding the letters...

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Art of Miku - Hatsune Miku x Contemporary Art exhibition 2024
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Art of Miku - Hatsune Miku x Contemporary Art exhibition 2024
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(image description: a three panel drawing with very simple sketched lines and only a little quick coloration. it depicts a woman sitting at a desk, with a computer keyboard, musing aloud; "sometimes I wish my creative works would just make themselves...", after which she is startled by the arrival of a stick figure with a square head labeled "generative AI," which replies; "I can do that." the final panel is the only one with detailed color and lighting, showing the artist whipping out a pencil-shaped laser gun and exploding the AI entity. end description.)
had a conversation in a writing server, decided to make a meme about it.
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