#Newsies original cast
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jilllovesmike · 7 months ago
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Newsies days. Look at those guns!
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thefandomchaos · 2 months ago
I’ve seen this done for Livesies but OBC need appreciation as well and because we all still have trouble telling the boys apart, lets add more into the mix so you learn to recognize who is who in every single version of the cast
I am happy to admit I’ve learn to recognize all the newsies for OBC and Livesies (+ Tour)
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This is the Newsies boys opening night of Broadway; I did include Smalls even though she’s not in any of the pictures.
Jack Kelly: Jeremy Jordan
Davey Jacobs : Ben Frankhauser
Les Jacobs: Lewis Goro & Mathew Schechter
Crutchie: Andrew Keenan-Bolger
RaceTrack Higgins: Ryan Breslin (u/s Davey)
Albert DaSilva/Bill: Garett Hawe (u/s Davey & Crutchie)
Finch: Aaron J. Albano
Tommy Boy/Spot Conlon: Tommy Bracco
Mike/Morris Delancey: Mike Faist (u/s Jack)
Ike/Oscar Delancey: Brendon Stimson (u/s Jack)
Specs: Ryan Steele
Henry: Kyle Coffman
Jojo/Darcy: Thayne Jasperson
Elmer: Evan Kazprzak (u/s Seitz & Bunsen)
Buttons: Jess LeProtto
Romeo: Andy Richardson (u/s Crutchie)
Sniper: Alex Wong
Mush: Ephraim Sykes
Barney Peanuts: Jack Scott (Swing)
Knobs: Michael Fatica (Swing)
Katherine Plumber: Kara Lindsey
Smalls/Hannah/Nun: Laurie Veldheer
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iwasonlydancing · 6 months ago
Song of the Day #119
"Santa Fe" performed by Jeremy Jordan from Newies (Original Broadway Cast Recording), 2012
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ceasarslegion · 10 months ago
I really need to join a musical theatre group again. I was in theatre all through school and my gap years and in university, and then i just abruptly stopped after i graduated. Man i got to professional level in my gap years and ran with an official troupe where i got a few lead roles, i have the skill and experience and know i can do it. My voice will be a bit rusty and i'll need some practice to get it back into shape and i'll probably need to hit the gym to get my agility and flexibility back up to standard but i was legit so fucking happy when i was on stage singing and dancing and acting even though its basically a second full time job to do that when its not your career, but all that work never felt like WORK to me. I think id really be a lot happier and more enriched with my current situation if i was still in musical theatre. I figured out how to make it work in my gap years and school and university, i can figure it out now
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bigmack2go · 1 year ago
That moment when you realise that your dad has some connections
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broadway-shenanigans · 1 year ago
Baby Elliot 🥹
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Laura Osnes and Corey Cott supporting each other while receiving their portraits.
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superhousecat-once-again · 6 months ago
I saw Newsies live again after too too long and man every single time it’s like I’m thirteen again, just pure excitement and joy being poured into my system
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cinderellaenjoyer · 29 days ago
The Meryway School for Unusual Girls - Protagonists
Introducing my newsy original story and it's two main characters - Edith Calista (left) and Ruby Summers (right)
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The story follows Edith and Ruby as they attend, and uncover the mysteries - of their boarding school - The Meryway School for Unusual Girls - an all girls boarding school with students and teachers that are magical and strange as can be. I imagine this being a Book Series or a TV show, or perhaps a book series that gets adapted into a TV show.
Edith Calista is the new girl at the school. She's always had an interest in learning about Witchcraft and magic, but doesn't really have many friends and faced a lot of bullying growing up (she did kick quite a few of her and other bullies' butts though). Her parents do care about her, but When she's accidentally able to cast an actual spell, the Meryway School suggests she's a witch, and offers her to attend the school. Wanting to connect with people who are 'unusual' like her, Edith takes it.
Ruby Summers has been attending the Meryway School since nursery and knows it like the back of her hand, though she only started boarding in Year 7. She's a mermaid, and grew up in a Seaside town Her parents love her dearly, but decided it was better to send her to the school to avoid her getting bullied at a normal school. She loves the colour pink, anything cute, and the Ocean, wanting to connect with her mermaid heritage. Most people at the school really like her, it's impossible not to!
They're both 13 at the start of the series, with Edith joining mid-way through the Autumn term. A friendship sparks between them almost immediately, and they become extremely close.
@ollieedolliee @missusfuzz @insomniac-jay @punkeropercyjackson @aishabellasbigblogofeverything @refrigeratedboombursts @jewishdainix
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emmaspersonaldiary · 21 days ago
If I had the original cast of newsies on Broadway recording on vinyl I would play it so much No one in the house can think of anything other than newises
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flowercrownmickey · 2 months ago
every reference and easter egg in how to disappear (or at least all the ones i can remember)
how many did you catch? Massive SPOILERS under the cut!!
baba yaga (Barbara Yaga, her ownership of the house ian rents is one of the few things carried over from the original wilde life au concept that i was going for in the first chapter)
i wanted to name the town in Oklahoma something weird and a little creepy but not use a real place. the thing is Oklahoma already pretty much has towns named with every weird creepy combo of words possible (seriously, go skim a map sometime, you will see some wild stuff). In the end i decided on Owl Creek because it's a real name but it's actually not one place, but the name of multiple waterways all across the state. 👍
the rainbow fuck you socks are real socks (i used a photo of them as the cover for the how to disappear playlist) that @michellemisfit sent to me as a gift, i couldnt resist using them in the story.
Glenchad's technique for haunting/traumatizing Ian is inspired by the x-files episode How the Ghosts Stole Christmas
Glen himself is based on and named after Glen McReynolds from one of my favorite movies: Everybody Wants Some!! (the little inside joke i have with myself is that Glenchad hates Ian because Glen in the movie hates pitchers, and in one of my favorite fics, Love is a Ballfield, Ian is a pitcher.) (yeah it gets pretty convoluted inside my brain lol)
the infomercial ian watches on one of the local tv stations is a real product that i found by googling for the weirdest products sold through infomercials
the channel LOCAL 58 is of course an easter egg for the analog horror series by Kris Straub (of whom im a big fan)
the title of the fic itself is also a reference to another work by Kris Straub, a book of short psychological horror stories called Ichor Falls: A Visitor's Guide
mickeyism nickname "livestrong" is of course a reference to famous cyclist Lance Armstrong
Norma's is named for Norma Jennings, a character from Twin Peaks who owns and operates the Double R Diner, a major location used in the TV series.
I was a huge Newsies fan and had a crush on half the cast of the movie as a tween. Christian Bale wasn't my personal favorite but I figured he'd be the most recognizable reference for the general audience!
mickeyism nickname "Cowboy" was the newsie-name that Christian Bale's character went by in Newsies.
Ian and his Taco Bell drop off: I searched food delivery reddits for common horror stories from delivery drivers and turns out the prank of telling a driver there is a cash tip tucked somewhere on the front porch and then watching/filming (and possibly even posting to the internet) the person searching fruitlessly for the tip is disgustingly not uncommon.
the "old-as-fuck British sitcom set in a department store" is Are Your Being Served? - a show i simply remember being on all the time on the local PBS stations back when we still had TV and would just have to watch whatever was on!
Mickey refers to Oklahoma City as "The City" which is the way many locals refer to it.
I had to include Ian getting an order for Subway as a little homage to one of my absolute favorite fics of all time: Intro to Quantum Dating by @spoonfulstar
Ian is flying down the road on his bicycle bearing a single meatlover's footlong. - this is a joke about Ian's giant penis. But he is also actually delivering a meatlover's footlong.
"John D" - is short for John Doe because of course they wouldnt register for the grubhub app with a real name.
the werewolf pack was a little bit inspired by the Hale family from Teen Wolf, the werewolves from grizzly hills in world of warcraft, and the aesthetic of the broke-ass snobby british aristocrats from The Gentlemen TV series.
"Mother Selene" referenced by the pack leader just before the werewolves transform, refers to Selene the Greek goddess of the moon. There's heaps of history from all over europe on the origins of the werewolf myth. for my werewolves i chose to go with the ancient Greeks since "lycanthropy" is a greek word and i had decided that in this universe, the greek gods were fey. Selene was a powerful fey who created lycanthropy and tied the malady to the moon, she made herself the center of a cult of worship and used her werewolves as a vicious personal army to torment and control the humans who lived in what she considered to be her domain. When Ian reaches the center of the hedge maze, the statue he climbs is a statue of Selene (ian mistakes her crescent moon crown she is usually depicted with for horns).
ian in his mind refers to the werewolves as lunatics, just a little tease as the etymology of the word is a madness caused by the moon.
i decided vampires are one of the few things in this universe that dont exist, Mickey references the myth as originating from Bram Stoker's Dracula (though he doesnt specify this), a book that one could argue is about real estate. which is both a joke but also please read this incredible post by @gardenerian because its also...not not not a joke.
as a huge fan of Two of Your Earth Minutes by @the-rat-wins, i absolutely HAD to work in a joke in which mickey calls Ian an alien
in chapter 4 the vibe i wanted to capture for Norma's was that of Merlotte's Bar and Grill from True Blood, and many of the characters are based off of or named after True Blood characters.
Eric is named after Eric Northman
Dawn and Tara and Jessica are all characters who at some point were waitresses at Merlotte's. (Though later I realized Dawn and Tara are also iconic Buffy characters, which I happily retcon as being an extra reference)
Glen being a fan of China Beach is a reference to Jenny Nicholson's incredible feature length video essay about the vampire diaries tv series
the fey named paula is named after canon ian and mickey's PO from season 10
the fey named cooper is named after agent dale cooper from twin peaks
aunt barb trades her chickens for an RV - a convoluted reference to the myth of baba yaga having a hut that can move around on giant chicken legs.
ADDING ONE THING: in chapter one Mickey implies Ian is a delinquent and in chapter four Ian calls Mickey a miscreant. this was important to me for some reason but i dont know if its a thing anyone noticed 🥲😆
okay....i think that's it?? for now anyway~ xoxo
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jesncin · 4 months ago
I’d really like to hear your thoughts on MAWS characters alongside Lois, if you want to do that of that’s entirely up to you but it would be really interesting ^_^
I've written about maws a fair bit on this blog! You can find my general thoughts on the jesncin talks maws tag and my massive maws Lois essay here for my thoughts on her. Suffice to say I'm not a fan of this show, lol. I haven't been able to stomach watching season 2 so my entire knowledge is limited to season 1. With that said, roundup of my thoughts on maws characters:
Clark Kent: boring. Vanilla. Critical lack of hero motivation and idealism outside of "people are getting hurt!" as a platitude. Just some guy who does chores because that's the nice thing to do. Not defeating the Superman Is Boring allegations- just has an uwu cute cinnamon roll himbo filter on it.
Lois Lane: xenophobic asian lois lane is the worst crime ever committed to me. A historically jaded, award winning, accomplished career woman fighting against work place misogyny is now a cutesty uwu girl-failure who needs the help of two men to get hired. Barf.
Jimmy Olsen: I get the attempt at making him a conspiracy theorist as a means of tapping into Jimmy's wacky silver age antics and to bounce off of Clark for shenanigans, but it doesn't meaningfully interrogate how that is at odds with his job as a journalist. Also he was sidelined hard in S1- more than he was in CW Supergirl.
Perry White: I was hoping that unlike STAS and if MAWS was going to pull from anime, that this meant strong relationships with Superman's cast system. But nope. Perry is just a running gag. I was hoping for a Snapper and Kara dynamic like in CW Supergirl.
Scoop troop (Cat Grant, Ronnie Troupe, Steve Lombard): Superfluous characters, easily delete-able. All of which have been reinterpreted as anime stereotypes. Yawn.
Newskid Legion: Also delete-able and a waste of my time. They should be called newsies. They make no sense as outdated characters placed in a futuristic setting. What is child labor doing this late in the game. Be more creative with modernizing outdated characters.
Pa and Ma Kent: Boring. The biggest problem you can have with the Kents is making them generic supportive parents like they're sentient Hallmark cards. Pa Kent got the bad end of the stick as the clueless parent, while Ma Kent was pushed as the heart of the family to Clark. Not that she did much.
Vicki Vale: Absolutely insane of this show to add another Asian xenophobe woman journalist. The MAWS crew love gloating about how they're not going to include Batman in MAWS, but they can't resist putting a Gothamite in their show and stealing rogues from other heroes. Could've brought Angela Chen (a canonically asian Metropolis reporter) from STAS but I guess she's not as big a name as a Gotham character, eh?
Livewire: the glowdown of a century. DCSHG continues to outperform every modern version of this character. Why make her a generic smuggler when her original job as a shock jokey is far more interesting?? Podcaster or influencer was right there. Her motives make no sense too.
Intergang crew: Why. Did they consolidate. Banshee with two random rogues (Mist & Roughouse) and call them Intergang. That's so many glowdowns at once. I've never seen someone look at a hero's diverse rogues gallery and say "let's consolidate all these characters so we have less material to work with in the future". I hate how the rogues are all tech based, and share the same origin. These baddies kickstarted the show's "villains with petty crime motivations": no ideological or thematic draw to them.
Ivo/Parasite: Another villain with nonsensical motivations. His business is going bankrupt so he sets up an investor event party to show off his Black Panther Lexo suit (which was apparently a response to Superman! A stranger that we can't trust! And somehow these expensive suits are more trustworthy) only to attack his investors and get owned by Superman. Then he just has a hateful vendetta against Superman. People who think this is a good Parasite interpretation because they projected vague Elon Musk are kidding themselves. I could clown on MAWS' Ivo all day. He is so badly written.
Heatwave: Why genderbend a Flash villain when Superman already has a Fire Woman in his rogues gallery? Volcana? Remember her? She's from the same show yall got Livewire from? Praise this show all you want for "reigniting interest in Superman", it's clear they're willing to toss away actual Superman cast characters for more popular characters from other heroes when it suits them. What's Heatwave's motivations? Petty crime.
Slade Wilson/Deathstroke: Imagine building this character up to be a big threat only to do nothing with him lol. I can't take him seriously, his voice acting is the worst and I hate his design. This show is so desperate to make attractive villains for fangirls it's frankly pathetic. How did people even mistaken him for Superman? He doesn't FLY.
Mallah and The Brain: This is what happens when you revive gay villains and put them through the HarlIvy Respectability Beam on fast forward. The gay villains aren't villains anymore! Because that would be bad representation! They're now cute cuddly domestic dads who want to raise robot children and run away together!! How TRITE. Mallah has "american faking a french accent" syndrome but bad voice acting is the norm in this show.
Mxy: The one time they include a villain that Lois and Jimmy could easily help Superman defeat (Mxy's whole deal is that you can send him to his dimension by tricking him to spell or say his name backwards) they opt to make it even dumber by just "removing his hat". Because the MAWS crew aren't smart enough to think of ways Superman and his pals can trick Mxy. For the record, CW Supergirl got this right in comparison.
Legion of Loises: It's the way this show can't write competent women even when that's the goal. All the characters act so stupid and that includes the Legion of Loises. At least MAWS!Lois learns the important lesson that even though she's not as accomplished as these career focused versions of her, at least she can keep her man. Misogyny in a cute package.
Alex/Lex Luthor: Go away. Ugly design I can't stand him. Miserable voice acting as usual.
Amanda Waller: She's pretty generic here. Playing second fiddle to Sam Lane for the most part, but this show has a problem with fleshing out Black characters in general so.
Sam Lane: We now have up to THREE asian xenophobes in MAWS season 1. The crew did not think their diversity through because at the end of the day S1 was really about a White Guy Alien getting oppressed by mostly people of color. Without a hint of irony.
Jor-El: I thought the language barrier between him and Clark was an inspired choice and clever as a means of postponing Clark learning about his heritage. But nope. Jor-El just starts magically talking in English later on. Otherwise boring and generic!
Brainy: I know he's prominent in S2 so I can't speak much for his character from the small impression I got of him in S1, but I can say that he looks mad ugly <3 truly horrible rogues designs in this show.
PHEW!! That's my roundup of MAWS character opinions! Wild how I can't even pinpoint a character I like on this show, lol. I know Kara's in S2 as well, and what I've seen of her sounds awful. Her design is bad too. I'm just not ready for the heartbreak of meeting that version of her because I love Supergirl so much :((
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thefandomchaos · 2 months ago
I love the Livesies cast and I mean no hate to the Guzman twins because I love them as well, but Anthony and Devin should have been able to keep their newsies role as well because their skills were truly not appreciated with just them playing the Delancey Brothers, they don’t get to sing or dance in any part of the show and they weren’t even in the curtain call dance (as far as I’m aware, I’ve scan that part so many times but I can’t tell if they are part of it the dance or not due to how they filmed it) which usually all Delancey Brothers actors are in (which I imagine originated due to the fact that the Delancey Brothers actors also double playing the twins- even so, they got done kinda dirty)
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a-leg-of-lambb · 28 days ago
My mom just told me she saw the original broadway touring cast of newsies when it came to my city I am not okay. She should’ve brought 7 year old me
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eurydicees · 2 months ago
i've watched way too many wicked bootlegs in the past few weeks and so. reviews of the elphabas i've watched so far (in alphabetical order by last name, this is NOT a ranking).
stephanie j block
she's good! not my favorite i've seen, but i did enjoy her performance overall. i liked her scenes at shiz with doctor dillamond a lot. i really liked how she made the role her own; not sure if it's her singing voice or general speaking intonation or some combination of it all but something felt very distinct from the other elphabas i've watched. no good deed was CRAZY. also her chemistry with sebastian arcelus (fiyero) is solid--i looooooved as long as you're mine. given that they're married this makes sense lmfao, but still thought i'd mention it. fiyero's little spellcasting hand motions and elphaba scoffing and rolling her eyes is actually adorable. another side note but i will also say that annaleigh ashford as glinda was WAY better than i expected and i'm a little obsessed with her.
lilli cooper
ok im gonna be a little harsh here, i'm sorry but i didn't love this cast as a whole (kara lindsay as glinda, jerad bortz as fiyero). cooper had some really good acting moments (particularly in popular and in for good) and i liked her chemistry with glinda (more about lindsay later though) but i just don't think she sang the part quite as well as anyone else in this post. i liked cooper in spring awakening, and looking at her other roles, i'm sure she kills it in those! she just wasn't elphaba for me.
jennifer dinoia
VERY good!!! loved her chemistry with kara lindsay (glinda). unfortunately everything abt kara lindsay is so deeply newsies to me and this was very distracting the entire time. which is not either of their faults so not a fair point of judgment. anyways. overall i really liked how they played off each other. dinoia is super underrated imo. i will say i think her defying gravity isn't the best out there, but i really love her acting overall and the wizard and i was great. she was also so cute in dancing through life so points for that. she does hopeful really well, which is really neat to see in an elphaba. also i found my old playbills later and shes one of the elphabas i saw live! so that's neat.
eden espinosa
quite enjoyed her!!! really strong belt. also quite enjoyed this glinda (megan hilty), but that's a different post. also this fiyero (derrick williams) slaps. damn this cast is just really good together. anyways back to espinosa. her acting is so good i love her. the toss toss with fiyero was fucking adorable and then the immediate switch to outrage over dr dillamond was crazy. she and hilty also have a really good dynamic i love it. alaym was also solid ("you can see houses flying through the sky but not that?" n her little laugh? man. i love elphaba). i think espinosa's biggest strength is her acting--she's a crazy good singer, too, don't get me wrong, but her acting all throughout is absolutely stellar.
mandy gonzalez
VERY much enjoyed her!!!! absolutely incredible as long as you're mine with andy karl--i think they might have my favorite rendition of that song so far. fabulous no good deed as well. i liked how she fell into the last pose at the end of that song. definitely a favorite version of i'm not that girl. took a minute for me to warm up to her acting wise, honestly, but i was very much convinced by the end.
idina menzel
watched her and kristin chenoweth and norbert leo butz and joel grey's last show together, which was a mistake because i am in hysterics. oh my god. so side note but while obviously there are many actresses who have done the role, kristin chenoweth is THE GLINDA. like she's THE glinda. there are other glindas, and there are good glindas, but kc is THE glinda. anyways. okay. sobbing. okay. so idina menzel is , like, the gold standard for elphabas obviously. she's the original broadway elphaba, the defying gravity notes are hers, she's one of the best to ever step on the gershwin wicked stage. i loooooved her passion, and i actually liked how it wasn't always plagued with defensiveness or anger. her no good deed SLAYS though. she did break a few times but i'm giving her a free pass because it was the last obc cast performance and everyone on that stage and in the room was falling apart emotionally. anyways. she's the gold standard, she really is. no words will do her justice. god. im normal about wicked.
dee roscioli
she was good! idk not super notable/memorable to me? i really did like her overall!! she's very skilled and i can appreciate that for sure. just not the best imo. dynamic with clifton hall (fiyero) was really good though, so win for both of them for that.
willemijn verkaik
FAVE FAVE FAVE. i loooooveeed her. so good. absolutely one of the best i've seen so far. her singing is absolutely showstopping. after defying gravity i had to pause and scream alone in my kitchen for a bit. her no good deed is also incredible. she also is so clearly theatre through and through--her balance of strong acting and INSANE singing was really well done. outstanding as long as you're mine, too (kyle dean massey as fiyero was also really good in that; and later the "i wish i could be beautiful for you" and "touch, i don't mind" moments made me feel insane about them). her chemistry with katie rose clarke (glinda) was also quality. fr had me thinking maybe this time glinda would go with her. maybe this time it would work out. oh and her scenes with nessa were also outstanding. for good literally sent me into hysterical sobbing so points for that. god. overall she 10000% was part of the re-igniting of my brainrot over wicked. she's so good. man. god. ok. im normal.
donna vivino
first off, did NOT know she was the original young cosette, so that's irrelevant but super cool! anyways, REALLYYYYY loved her. great dynamic with fiyero (not sure of the actor in this one), and the way she played off glinda in for good specifically was *chef's kiss*. no good deed had me absolutely SOLD on her. i think she has the best rendition of that one that i've seen. moments that remind me that i fucking love THEATRE!!!!! overall she has an incredible voice, and her acting was good as well! had me shaking and trembling during elphaba's biggest scenes (no good deed and for good in particular). i also really liked that she clearly wasn't just trying to be a carbon copy of idina menzel (as some replacements definitely do with the original actor in all roles in any show)--she instead definitely made the role her own, and i really appreciated the choices she made both vocally and acting wise.
jessica vosk
oh she had me wrapped around her finger from line ONE. her voice is absolutely gorgeous, and her acting is spot on. she has so many little gestures that i loved, little small smiles or scoffs or whatever that just felt so fitting. she embodied the character so well. her no good deed made me want to stand up and scream even though i am so cozy in bed. chemistry with glinda (allison bailey) was really solid; popular was really fun. also just generally speaking and as huge side note, her story of how she rose to broadway success makes me feel a little crazy. anyways. maybe i'll try to see her in hell's kitchen. i LOVE her voice.
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bigmack2go · 5 months ago
Idk why i notice these things but Ben Cook does always play the “gay guy who isn’t actually gay”??
Like paterno: everyone calls him the f slur for something that happened TO him. (I’m not gonna get into paterno because if i do, i’ll never be able to stop) they think he’s gay. He is not.
That one law and order episode: he gets called the f slur yet again (this time by his father) even tho he is actually straight
Original sin: everyone thinks he’s gay. He isnt.
The penguin to be fair i haven’t seen this yet so i can’t say 100% but he *is* killed by smn who usually kills women??? But that doesn’t really count tbh…
Illinoise: definitely some sort of *something* between him and henry. Also henry thought he might have a chance with carl before shelby cane into the picture so I definitely think that counts
In happiness for beginners i’m also 70% sure that in the books, they think he’s gay, then turns out he isnt
And then theres newsies
He like,,, he’s gay…. But it’s not canon. Yes yes. So thT counts too. Absolutely. Totally. I absolutely make sense rn-
Tbh westside story is the only one that i can’t find a clue of him being gay.
Aanyway the point of this post is not what you think it is.
I will make it seem a lot worse than it actually is, simply because I don’t know how to express what i’m trynna express otherwise. But that doesn’t mean that this isnt an issue. (I just wanted to make it clear first)
It’s about the fact that he’s straight. And that straight men can still “look” or “behave” twink-y whatever that means in your association.
It’s also about the fact that he keeps getting casted as that: a heterosexual twink. Because apparently casters in this century still believe in those stereotypes that-obviously- arent true
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aarontveitisonfire · 4 months ago
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Broadway Center Stage: Schmigadoon!
 Eisenhower Theater, The Kennedy Center
Based on the hit Apple TV series!
Introducing Schmigadoon!, the world-premiere musical of the Emmy Award®–winning hit show. New York doctors Josh and Melissa go backpacking in a last-ditch attempt to save their failing relationship, but instead get lost in the woods and end up trapped in Schmigadoon, a magical town that’s a classic Golden Age musical come to life!
Jan. 31 - Feb. 9, 2025
Price Range
$59.00 – $299.00
Based on the hit Apple TV series!
Introducing Schmigadoon!, the world-premiere musical of the Emmy Award®–winning hit show. New York doctors Josh and Melissa go backpacking in a last-ditch attempt to save their failing relationship, but instead get lost in the woods and end up trapped in Schmigadoon, a magical town that’s a classic Golden Age musical come to life! Featuring hits from the Grammy Award®–nominated score—including the Emmy®-winning “Corn Puddin’”—plus exciting new songs!
The Apple TV show Schmigadoon! was executive produced by Saturday Night Live creator, executive producer, and 2021 Kennedy Center Honoree Lorne Michaels. Tony Award® winner Christopher Gattelli (Death Becomes Her, Newsies) will direct and choreograph the new musical with book, music, and lyrics by Emmy® winner and Grammy® nominee Cinco Paul. Schmigadoon! is produced by special arrangement with Broadway Video.
The show will star two-time Tony® nominee Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice, Broadway Center Stage: Spamalot) as Josh Skinner, Sara Chase (The Great Gatsby, The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt) as Melissa Gimble, Emmy® winner and Tony® nominee Kevin Del Aguila (Yellow Face, Some Like It Hot) as the Reverend Layton, Ann Harada (Cinderella, Avenue Q) reprising her role from the Apple Original series as Florence Menlove, McKenzie Kurtz (The Heart of Rock and Roll, Wicked) as Betsy McDonough, Isabelle McCalla (Water for Elephants, Broadway Center Stage: Footloose) as Emma Tate, Javier Muñoz (Hamilton, In the Heights) as Doc Lopez, Tony® nominee Brad Oscar (Something Rotten!, Mrs. Doubtfire) as Mayor Menlove, Tony ® nominee Emily Skinner (Suffs, The Cher Show) as Mildred Layton, and Ryan Vasquez (The Notebook, Hamilton) as Danny Bailey.
Book, music, and lyrics by Cinco Paul
Directed and choreographed by Christopher Gattelli
Scenic design by Scott Pask
Lighting design by Jen Schriever
Sound design by Haley Parcher
Music direction by Steven Malone
Orchestrations by Doug Besterman
Music supervision by David Chase
Casting by The Telsey Office
This production will feature the Kennedy Center Opera House Orchestra
Jeffrey Finn is the Artistic Director and Executive Producer of Broadway Center Stage
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