#Neurodivergent Character
mooonbae · 2 months
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[ my favorite neurodivergent coded characters 15/♾️ ]
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musicfueled · 1 month
hihi ignore if you want or if you dont write him but if you perchance write for shino aburame (naruto or boruto version idm which) then could i maybe get a little something with him anything is fine thank you and please have a good day :3
Of course!! I'll include some general headcanons, relationship headcanons, then a little story :D I kept it sfw for now but if you'd like nsfw you can ask for that too! (You can dm or submit another ask, either is fine! I also kept the reader gender neutral, so if you want that to be changed you can also add that)
Thank you so much for the request! <33
Rolly Polly | Shino x reader
Shino Aburame x reader SFW
Contents: Headcanon bulletpoints, story, established relationship, neurodivergent Shino, reader is also implied neurodivergent but it's not brought up much, mention of bugs, mention of Hinata having a crush on Naruto
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-This man is absolutely autistic no doubt about it. Probably doesn't like stuff touching his face and his eyes are sensitive to light which is why he covers so much
-Feel like he's gender apathetic or agender but comfortable with he/him pronouns or just his name
-Scary amount of knowledge of bugs. Obviously as a bug user he knows a lot, but like, he knows more than the rest of his family. Full on studies even bugs that he has no need to know of. Probably his special interest
-Speaking of bugs, perhaps an odd headcanon but I think his bugs will choose you if they think you're right for him; a type of blessing. They'll occasionally hop onto you when you and Shino are hanging out, or sometimes Shino will send some with you to make sure you're safe. Of course, if you tell him you don't like the bugs being on you, he'll stop doing it/have the bugs not move to you.
-Not a fan of excessive pda. I think maybe he'll hold your hand often but no kissing in public or anything. He's a more private guy.
-In private though, I think he'd be quite touch-clingy. Even if it's just a hand on your arm while you're sitting next to each other doing your own things, he appreciates being constantly affectionate. However, I think he'd get overstimulated if it's too much for too long. Doesn't like a bunch of cuddling when you're going to sleep. I can imagine him liking your head resting on his chest, your arms being intertwined, legs touching, or holding hands while falling asleep. Something to make you guys feel close, but not enough to feel overwhelming.
-Probably has one or two special petnames for you
-Big on formal dates. He likes taking you out to eat at fancy restaurants, however I can't see him getting super dressed up. Probably more neat than usual, but not super divergent from his usual look.
-But also is down for more casual dates like fast food/more informal food places, parks, amusement parks, etc. as long as they're not too loud
-Also hates loud noises. I think overall he gets overstimulated easily
-Not a fan of his body/showing much skin. If you guys were ever to be intimate,
-You have to like his friends; although he isn't super outgoing towards them, they mean a lot to them, especially Hinata and Kiba. As a team they've become so close that it's one for all.
Short story
You were lounging outside of your home, enjoying the sunlight. You were expecting Shino to come by, but weren't sitting out here just to wait. You wanted to indulge in your surroundings and relax a bit, to get a break from the monotony of your room. You look down and see a rolly polly walking by near the leg of your outdoor bench. You smile at the little guy, since you've formed an interest in bugs through extension of your partner.
You hear someone walk closely, thinking nothing of it, since your place is near a main street. However, the footsteps stop.
"Ah, an Armadillidium vulgare. Do you like those?" You hear Shino's voice from behind you, causing you to turn back and face him, smile still plastered on your face. You nodded. "Yea, I think they're neat."
"Did you know they have gills? They're crustaceans." He said, sitting down next to you.
"No, I didn't! That's interesting."
You guys fell into a comfortable silence as he intertwined his fingers with yours. You sat there together for a bit, enjoying the company.
After a while, you break the silence.
"What type of day is it hun? We staying in, going out?" You look at him.
"Perhaps we could go on a walk?" He proposed.
"That sounds like a good idea. Let me get a better outfit on and we can go, 'kay? You can either sit out here or come in, up to you!" You smile.
"Alright, I'll sit inside and wait."
You two walk inside and he sits down on your couch. You find your way to your room and change into a comfortable outfit, putting on your shinobi sandals and konoha headband. You finish off with the perfume/cologne that you knew Shino liked the most; it wasn't very strong but prominent enough to smell, which he liked. You grabbed your wallet and phone just in case, tossing the former in your back pocket. Entering your living room, you see Shino attempting to brush what you assumed to be dog fur off his jacket.
"Hung out with Kiba recently?" You ask, grabbing your lint roller and handing it to him.
"Yea. He wanted me to see a new jutsu he created for him and Akamaru. It needs work, but it was a good idea. You should ask him about it sometime." He said, tone as flat as ever, but you could tell he was admiring Kiba's work.
"I will! I'm always excited to see what Kiba's up to, he's a pretty cool guy. What about Hinata, what's she been up to?" You ask, intrigued.
"The usual. Lots of training, lots of gushing about Naruto. I don't get how he doesn't see right through her, she's so painfully in love with him, it's clear."
"He's... a bit of an airhead."
"That's one way to put it."
"Pff- anyway, you ready?" You ask.
"Yea. Let's go." He replied, getting up.
You both exit your home and you lock the door before you both interlock hands again.
You enjoyed a nice walk around the surrounding woods, allowing him to share information about any insects the two of you encountered. This was you two's favorite activity- it was a great way to bond, given Shino's difficulty having normal conversations due to his autistic lack of social skills. You also got times to talk about interests, though. He made sure it wasn't just him talking about things he enjoyed; he wanted to know you just as much.
As the sun set, you guys headed back to your house. You assumed he was walking you home, but when you were near your destination, he spoke.
"Can I stay with you tonight? I'd like some affection."
You look at him and smile, pleasantly surprised by his request. "Of course! Do you wanna go by your place and get something to wear? If not I might have some stuff you could fit" You offer.
"No need to walk all that way, I can either take my jacket off or borrow something."
"Alright!" The smile was evident in your voice.
You were practically skipping as you completed your walk home together. You unlocked the door and slipped off your shoes, eager to decompress after being out for so long. He does the same, for the same reasons. He takes his coat off and folds it neatly, laying it on the arm of your couch, same place he always does. You both gradually find your way to your room after grabbing a snack. Nothing messy, because he often got on you for having crumbs on your bed.
He ended up asking for a different shirt, which you happily obliged. Knowing Shino wasn't a fan of tight clothes, you gave him one of your bigger shirts.
He didn't bother stepping out of the room to change, feeling plenty comfortable being in the same room while he did. You didn't see him shirtless much, so you got flustered when he did, admiring him wholesomely. He noticed, getting a bit flustered himself. Shino isn't particularly proud of his body, so its heartwarming to know you like it. He tosses the shirt on and joins you in bed.
"You're so handsome." You say as you snuggle up to him.
"Thank you, my lunar moth." He chuckles nervously, but in a good way.
You both lay down, and you rest on his chest as he puts on some documentary about something you both like. You quickly fall asleep, happy it was with him.
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gennsoup · 1 year
You eliminate the parts of your life that others find strange--maybe that's what everyone means when they say they want to "cure" me.
Sayaka Murata, Convenience Store Woman
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lossie92 · 2 years
In the end I decided to share a comfort scene from a different WIP than originally planned, so it ended up being Tobirama's POV after all. The story follows the trope "help from the enemy" and includes a neurodivergent Tobirama 🙃
Hope you enjoy!
Warning: description of injury, panic attack
It was official – Tobrama was screwed. Figuratively speaking, of course. 
He looked down at his knee which was bent and twisted at an odd angle, shaking hands hovering uselessly over the rapidly swelling joint, and then took a look around him, a curse falling from his lips.
Yes. Definitely screwed.
It served him right for being careless with the Hiraishin. The jutsu was still in the experimental stages of development. Although it was stable enough to use at short distance and he had been pushing its limits for the last few months with very promising results, he had no chance to conduct further testing yet. At some point he had wanted to place the seals or just use his special kunai to check how well the technique would hold up if he attempted long-distance travel through the jutsu, but it was supposed to be conducted in a safe environment when his chakra stores were full. He certainly never planned on testing this out while he was playing a game of hide and seek with his nephew. 
The fact he was currently recovering from an injury and chakra exhaustion, and was supposed to be in bed instead of running around the compound like a madman with a giggly five year old hot on his footsteps was neither here nor there, though Tobirama strongly suspected he was going to get an earful from Hashirama, Mito, Touka, and his medic when he managed to get back home. He was supposed to follow the medical advice and he knew that. It was just hard to do when his body felt as if it was vibrating with energy.
Following orders wasn’t really an issue here, he knew. In all fairness, he had always had a difficult time sitting still and his family was very much aware of that.
It used to annoy his father a lot. Butsuma would smack at his fidgeting hands or legs, or just cuff him on the head, before instructing him in a voice brooking no argument to “stop with this nonsense at once”. He would always punish Tobirama for any wrongdoing by having him sit in the corner motionless for hours on end or by forcing him to stay in his room for days with nothing to distract him. No books, no toys, no paper, no ink, no visitors, no nothing. It had always been the worst kind of punishment. At first, he used to cry a lot because of it, but as he grew older, Tobirama learnt to cope. He knew he got it relatively easy too. Hashirama always had it worse. 
Thankfully, the restlessness became more manageable when he got his hands on some herbal remedies that were supposed to keep a person calm. Though the tea tasted like wet grass, it did help quite a lot in keeping his mind in check most days. Because, at the end of the day, it all had to do with his head. His messed up, weird brain that made him act in ways that always irritated people. 
He couldn’t help it though. It was just the way he was. He just couldn’t stop thinking. Some days it felt as if his mind was racing, making it impossible to focus on anything, while others he would be lost to an idea, so consumed by it he forgot to eat and sleep. There were days when he wanted to do things, but couldn’t decide what he wanted to work on and in the end did nothing, which in turn made him feel like he was wasting time. He got distracted and irritated easily, forgot things that were important all the damn time, became obsessive and nit picked at things to the point where he often had to just start over or abandon the project before it drove him crazy. 
It was all in his head and he couldn’t control it, and now it landed him somewhere in the forest away from home next to a kunai he must have used and forgotten about, because he was stupid and his brain was not right. On top of that, he was injured to the point where he couldn’t stand, much less walk, he didn’t have enough chakra to attempt another Hiraishin, and it was late enough in the afternoon that it would soon be getting dark. He was basically stranded in a place he didn’t recognize, all alone and with no means of protecting himself.
His eyes itched as he tried to stop himself from crying in frustration. Now was not the time for tears.
He bit off a groan as he shifted his weight. The only reason why he had injured his leg was because the area had been already tender before and he had twisted it upon landing on the uneven forest floor. The pain was horrendous, probably one of the worst he had ever experienced in his life. It was obvious that he had to set it and have it healed, but the mere thought of touching his knee was already too much. Besides, it wasn’t like he knew anything about setting dislocated joints or iryojutsu. In all likelihood, he would only make things worse.
Swallowing thickly, he leaned back against the tree and closed his eyes, feeling like a pathetic hopeless child as the tears finally escaped, trailing silently down his face.
It was hard to say how long he just sat there, crying and in pain, before he heard something.
Eyes snapping open, he looked around, his body tensing. He would be unable to fight in his current state, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t at least try or that his instinct to protect himself was any less present.
Another faint rustle, a swish of misplaced air, and then there was someone standing in front of him.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
Tobirama couldn’t help but laugh, the sound of it hysterical, as he looked up to see the bewildered face of Uchiha Madara. 
He likely appeared rather  unhinged, to say the least, considering the fact he was still crying on top of laughing, but that didn't really matter much, did it? Not when he was pretty sure he was about to die.
“Senju?” Madara took a step closer, the expression on his face shifting into something unreadable. “Are you… Is everything alright?”
This only made Tobirama laugh harder, but before long the laughter turned into sobbing and he could do nothing about it. Although he tried hard to calm down, he couldn’t. He was tired, he was in pain, he was going to die. It was all too much, all of a sudden.
And then he just couldn’t breathe. 
Couldn’t catch a full lungful of air. Couldn’t move. 
His vision blurred and all he could think about was how much of a failure he was. If he hadn’t gotten distracted, if he was able to focus better, if he wasn’t useless and not right, and if things were just different. 
If he could do something the way it should be done for once instead of always messing everything up, and if he—
A pair of warm hands was placed on his cheeks. A wash of chakra, warm as the hands that held his face ever so gently, settled around him, pulling him in and embracing him. His breath hitched as he reached out blindly and fisted his hands in the fabric covering strong forearms, desperate to hold onto something, to feel something other than panic and pain, and fear.
“Deep breaths, Senju.” Madara’s voice was calm and deep as he murmured the words. “In and out. In and out. You’re fine. I’m not… I’m not going to hurt you. I promise. Now breathe with me, alright? In and out, in and out, in and out…”
It took forever before Tobirama fell into the rhythm of breathing in sync with Madara and even longer before he was able to stop crying, all but choking on the sobs that made him shake all over. His face was red by the end of it, both because of the tears and because of embarrassment. To shatter in this manner in front of his enemy, to break down and clutch like a child to a man who probably hated him was unbecoming to say the least.
Pathetic. Truly pathetic. That’s what he was, wasn’t he?
Gods, if father could see him now, he would have never heard the end of it. 
Madara smoothed his thumbs over Tobirama’s cheeks, wiping away some of the tears in the process. The gesture was enough to distract Tobirama.
“Better?” Madara asked him.
“Y-yes,” Tobirama responded on a hiccup as he forced himself to release Madara’s sleeves. “I’m, I'm f-fine.”
It didn’t seem as if Madara believed him fully, but he still moved away, taking his hands off of Tobirama’s face.
“Good. Can you tell me what you are doing here now?” The careful way in which the Uchiha asked this question grated on Tobirama’s nerves. It was clear that Madara pitied him and the idea of it was infuriating.
“It’s n-none of your b-business, is it?” He said in a shaky voice that was laced heavily with all the anger and irritation he was currently feeling. 
“No,” Tobirama barked. “What do you want?”
Madara sighed. “Believe it or not, I only mean to help you.”
“I don’t need your, your help!” His voice carried as he yelled. “The sh-show is over, Uchiha! And if if you’re a man of your word, th-then you will just leave me be! I don’t—”
“Oh really?” Madara cut in, one of his eyebrows rising before he glanced meaningfully at Tobirama’s mangled leg and then back up. “That’s what you call fine?”
Tobirama pressed his lips into a thin line and turned his head away, stubbornly refusing to acknowledge that Madara had a point. It was an utterly stupid move, since Madara could still decide to kill him, but at the same time it was not as if Tobirama could stop him if he tried either way. 
They were silent for a moment before Madara spoke again.
“Humour me, will you?” He said. “Which part of what is going on here is fine, hm? Your dislocated knee, the panic attack, your nonexistent chakra reserves, or the fact you’re clearly stranded with no means of getting back home?”
Tobirama snorted mirthlessly. “Why should I?” He asked. “And what is it to you? What does it matter?”
“It may, it may not.” He saw Madara shrug out of the corner of his eye. “And I can leave you here if you would prefer that. I’m not about to force you to cooperate. If you would much rather die in the middle of the woods, then be my guest. I just think it’s pointless when we could work on setting your knee and getting you somewhere safe.”
“Why though?” Tobirama asked as he looked back up and met Madara’s eyes. “Why would you… Why offer to do that? I’m your enemy, Uchiha. You should want me dead. Helping me, it’s… It makes no sense.”
Instead of answering right away, Madara just hummed noncommittally and went about taking the leather knapsack off his back. Then he removed his cloak and, after hesitating for only a moment, placed it over Tobirama, tucking it around his shoulders. The weather was still relatively cold this early into spring. In the heat of the moment and because of his panic, Tobirama didn’t even realise how cold he was in his yukata until the cloak was placed over him. He shivered before reluctantly pulling the heavy warm fabric closer, the scent of pine and smoke tickling his nose as he breathed in.
Madara watched him do it in silence and then reached into the knapsack, removing a waterskin from inside of it. He unscrewed the cap and took a large sip, swallowing visibly, before he extended the waterskin to Tobirama, clearly asking if he wanted a drink. Tobirama just nodded and took it with hands that still trembled, gulping down at least half of its contents before passing it back to the Uchiha.
“I don’t understand you,” he said then and was surprised when it made Madara laugh.
“You’re not the only one,” the man told him with a smile that looked odd but also strangely pleasant on his handsome face. “If you really want to know why I’m doing this, why would I offer you help instead of killing you… The answer is simple. I don’t want you dead.”
It was Tobirama’s turn to laugh. “Really? That's it? And how am I supposed to believe that?”
“You don’t have to.” Madara shrugged again. “But it is the truth, Senju. Despite everything, I still consider Hashirma a friend. It would be in poor taste if I didn’t at least try to help you, wouldn’t it?”
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juliawriting · 4 months
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Trying to get in a fluff writing mood, so have some wholesome horse boys 💛
For those of you who don’t know them, you can check them out here: How To Fall From Grace
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verypsbfan019 · 2 years
Emily Stirling: Dyscalculia ♾🌈
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And the last neurodivergent character of the Main 12, Emily! She usually carries a pocket calculator with her whenever she needs to calculate something... 👀🧮
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sugarspikesart · 1 year
[OC] Ruby and Abel
They love each other a lot and they live together and she is working through some trauma rn and he's helping her because THEY'RE SO IMPORTANT TO EACH OTHER YOU DONT UNDERSTAND
(Abel doesn't belong to me, he's the oc of a friend of mine)
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USM Peter will infodump at any opportunity (even the ones he creates himself with the paused-time fourth wall stuff). Like if someone asks him a question like “who is x villain?” he will respond with like a paragraph about them instead of a general statement about what they do. I’m not sure if I hc him as autistic or not but this would definitely be one of the reasons for it if I figure it out.
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starcrossedyanderes · 2 years
I did a bad. I made ANOTHER OC. Sorry y’all. I had a dream and just had to get this idea out here before it dissapears from my brain.
Introducing: Aspen Calloway
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Aspen is an interesting yan. As in he has an eldritchian being inside of him. Yep. He can actually release it as a separate entity while he also possesses power over plants along with black tentacle things.
If I’m being honest this is probably my most dangerous yandere out there. Like, tied with Rygel. Because he has one of the worst traits a yandere can have.
Aspen can’t really regulate his emotions. A lot of negative emotions tend to register as anger and he sucks at controlling anger. Pretty much as soon as he is angry the eldritchian monster comes out. Not good.
He also has issues with some noises and textures. Sherpa and velvet in particular.
If pushed too much in a stressful situation Aspen will not speak. This can last up to a day.
But I don’t think we need to focus on that. Here’s other stuff!
Aspen is a plant nerd. (Which makes sense considering the plant powers.) His family actually owns a really big gardening company so they have a massive greenhouse and gardens on the estate.
He also loves books! He loves the classics and is currently reading some Stephen King.
He owns a rabbit! It’s a holland lop with brown and white coloring. Her name is Hazel and she is completely spoiled. She has a rabbit paradise with all sorts of fresh greens and is allowed to prance supervised in the gardens. Here’s what she generally looks likes.
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Aspen doesn’t really have friends. He is seen as pretty weird by peers and is rather reclusive. Honestly Hazel is one of his only friends. Along with the monster inside him.
His parents are actually ecstatic about you. Their son found someone! Oh, and the whole monster thing is inherited so don’t expect any help from them.
The monster is named Nibiru. He’s pretty chill. I guess he could be compared to Dark Shadow from My Hero Academia. He likes you. He is basically a somewhat humanoid looking figure with green skin combined with vines and other plants. He can go kind of crazy with the plant powers and shadow tentacles. He almost always listens to Aspen.
Nibiru really won’t bother you at all. He just kind of chills in Aspen most of the time. Nibiru isn’t exactly attracted to you or anything but he does want you to stay with Aspen. He’s never seen Aspen so happy and he plans to keep it that way. Nibiru will keep you with Aspen without Aspen saying anything.
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stellarstarryyy · 1 year
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Introducing Kepler Manzello! An aspiring astronomer and one of the main characters in my story Dusk To Dawn! They're a 4'11 menace who will not hesitate to kick your ass. They will also gladly infodump to you about space
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betweenthepoems · 2 years
They share one brain cell, of which Sigyn is the rightful owner
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Here I present to you my takes on Loki and Sigyn from my Wattpad Logyn story (PL), based on headcanons I posted here several times before. Aside from blobby hands I didn’t care to try and actually draw, the most noticeable thing is the size difference between those two. Maybe not the same as in my canon but still.
Unlike with the hands, I tried to also show here their, at least on surface level, colliding personalities, with Sigyn being timid, shy and anxious while Loki… Well, for my  story I want him to have traits commonly associated with ADHD, but at the same time being able to say it isn’t (but can be read like that if one wishes to). I hope you understand that. In-universe explanation for Loki’s chaotic behavior is saying that he has a beehive in his head, with moody bees being a metaphor for his train of thoughts.
As I mentioned before, I still have doubts about this idea and would like to know your opinion. Let me know what do you think.
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chillychive · 2 years
Hi there! for the character ask
I want to see your headcanons on Paul Stamets!!
Thanks for the ask!!
Sexuality Headcanon: Well... he's canonically gay, but I think it'd be interesting if he were Demiromantic... Or rather that he was 100% sure he was when he was younger but it was actually that social was very difficult for him, not that he didn't feel romantic attraction until he knew a person.
Gender Headcanon: Male or like he/they maybe?
A ship I have with said character: I mean, Culmets...
A BROTP I have with said character: OKAY WAIT HEAR ME OUT. Spock and Paul. They had like 3 scenes together but it was fantastic. I want them to be penpals.
A NOTP I have with said character: Paul x Straal (IDK i couldn't think of anything... are there other ships?)
A random headcanon: HAHHA I've already subjected everyone to my spore regeneration headcanon soooooo... I think he often has sensory overload moments in the lab (Esp when he's under stress... so think around Lorca time), and that's part of why his lab was so quiet when we first meet him. He ended up with this really terrible reputation because he was constantly snapping at people to be quiet and sometimes sending everyone away randomly- they thought he was just cranky, but he was just overwhelmed. He does this less post Lorca and pretty much stops in later seasons- he's under less stress so he can manage it better, plus he got rid of Lorca's spies in his lab, so it's a safe space now.
General Opinion over said character: Fantastic. I love him. I was completely obsessed the first time I watched it (Cue star eyed kid watching GAY PEOPLE be allowed to be HAPPY on screen for the first time). And Anthony Rapp is awesome, he does such a good job with Paul.
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ask-the-opal-crown · 1 year
More character info!
Note 1: All characters featured are LGBTQ+ unless stated otherwise
Note 2: Most characters featured are bi/multi-lingual
Name - Languages spoken - Accent - Orientation - Gender identity
Lakhi - Hindi, English - Indian accent, decently thick - Pansexual - Cisgender female
Annie - French, English, minor Spanish - Thick French accent - Homosexual - Cisgender female
Sofie/Tomarre - Swiss-French, English - Mild Swiss-French accent - Bisexual - Genderfluid
Fabiana - Spanish, PSL, English, ASL - Noticeable Peruvian accent - Pansexual - Cisgender female
Mindy - English - New England/Boston accent, thicker when angry - Demisexual - Cisgender female
Nezumi - Japanese, English - Mild Japanese accent - Bisexual - Cisgender female
Emily - English - Very faint Southern drawl - Bisexual - Cisgender female
Des - English - Obvious British accent - Heterosexual - Cisgender female
Vio - Italian, English - Thick Southern Italian accent - Pansexual - Gender ambivalent
Corie - English - Thick Okie accent - Bisexual - Nonbinary
Vince - English, learning Scottish Gaelic - Thick Scottish brogue - Pansexual - Transgender male
Bo - Portuguese, English - When their voice is heard, a noticeable Brazilian accent - Heterosexual - Demigirl
Coco - Spanish, Greek, English - Voice reflects a mixture of a Spanish and Greek accent, but the latter is more apparent - Asexual - Demigirl
Jubilee - English, trying (and failing) to learn German - American accent with a finishing school quality - Heterosexual - Cisgender female
Zorya - Russian, English, trying to pick up Polish - Thick Russian accent - Hetero-leaning bisexual - Cisgender female
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cepheusgalaxy · 1 year
Ok, people who know more than me, please help me
Theme: Physical disabilities and mobility aids in fantasy
Ok; I'm writing a novel, and one of my characters is disabled, but im not, so i'd rather ask for help of disabled people.
The character's name is Cauan (i often saved adhd info in this blog with my "caua tag"), he uses he/him, he is a prince, he is Bisexual, Black, ADHD, Physically disabled - he was born without both arms
It is a fantasy setting - no magic, but it's still a fictional world, inspired by 18th century europe, with some elements from my own culture (latin american, with african and indigenous influence - im brazilian). The general prejudices in this society include:
Queerphobia in general
But this world doesn't have:
or Racism
at all
So, he is closeted as bi, blah, blah, blah, and I want to know: What kind of mobility aids could he use? For tasks that usually need the upper limbs?
It is possible to born with no arms at all?
What are the chances?
Would it be too unrealistic if I made a super hight-tech/elaborated/steampunk prosthetic for him?
What are your guys thoughts on this?
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btschooseafic · 1 year
AO3 Recs
the Shattered Glass Mosaics series by cuttothequickk [completed]
ot7, various pairings, polyamory, mental health struggles, asexual character, neurodivergent character, found family
About seven boys coming together, exploring their identities and relationships with each other, supporting each other through rough times /love, love, love this. great character dynamics. !please mind the tags!
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