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swapnaj · 4 months ago
Ask Swap NaJ AU!
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ft. Cheer Captain! Xahji
(and it looks like Snazzy has a crush hehe)
Swap NaJ AU is inspired off of blogthegreatrouge’s AU (without the problematic stuff) except every character’s personality is the opposite of their original personality in NaJ.
(ex., Xahji is a jock instead of a nerd!)
OC submissions or other character designs are allowed and encouraged!!
Original NaJ AU - @kiyashie
Xahji - @azzyloraaandkanto
Snazzy - @nyriatamare
(Swap NaJ was inspired off of an ask on rouge’s blog!)
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pjunicornart · 21 days ago
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Crack Ship Next Gen
NaJ Lewis x PJ is the official ship of this blog now, deal with it. Berry is the eldest, Pink Lemonade is the youngest. Why are they all named after food? I was hungry for dessert...
Whose design do you like the most?
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About to head to sleep, but I'm making this notification now for anyone interested in the tea I post: I plan to make a post once I wake up and have more energy about the drama surrounding TheGreatRouge, who has been called out for problematic art and comic story lines.
For those unaware, as stated in my intro, my views on certain topics are considered rather lenient by most, and definitely outside of the norm for a place like this, however are intentionally set in the middle of the political spectrum, rather than the radical left ideals the chronically online typically hold. I am not perfect, so take anything I say with a grain of salt, however I will be using evidence to back up any claims I make.
Remember, everyone involved is a human being, and thus will always make mistakes. These drama/discourse posts are meant to be informative, not derogatory. Do not attack anyone mentioned in these posts. Thank you, and get ready for some lukewarm tea with a piping hot take to fire it back up.
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peeta-mellark · 11 months ago
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OLIVIA BAKER ALL AMERICAN 6x03 “Business is Business”
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mxihi · 8 months ago
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some recent squid doodles...... i love callie's outfit with the shrimp headpiece... (so i had to draw venus in it ^_^)
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east-ebbott-high · 2 years ago
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Xahji here! Okay so, you all probably know whyyy I’ve made this blog… so I hope you all support me!
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erexart · 10 days ago
Who do you ship in haikyuu?
Me and Daichi thanks <3
Real answer: we both agree Kuroodai kinda….
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toshithedevil · 11 months ago
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Bad Eng: Hi! My name is Toshi! He/him (or she/her if you want :D). I am a digital and traditional artist, animator, writer on a wattpad and I am trying myself in even bigger directions in creativity! Unfortunately, I don't speak English well, so there may be mistakes in the text, I'm sorry^^"
Fandoms: Undertale, Undertale AUs, Underverse, Deltarune, Mogeco castle, Yandere simulator, mlp, Poppy playtime, Garten of Banban, Atomic Hurt, one wheat mark, dead plate, the Virus game, LoloFD (Mr.Lololoshka), Voices of the void, minecraft, creepy pasta, FNAF (no all parts), FNF, and many fandoms from 2015-2020.
Rus: Привет! Меня зовут Тоши! Он/его (или она/ее, если хотите :D). Я дидж и традиш художник, аниматор, писатель с ваттпада и до сих пор пробую себя в еще больших направлениях творчества! Русский знаю хорошо, но всё ещё иногда могу ставить лишние запятые или допускать ошибки (ну и т9 тоже та ещё зараза и не всегда работает так, как хотелось бы >:( )
Фандомы: Андертейл, Андертейл АУ, Андервёрс, Дельтарун/Руна Дельта, замок Могеко, Яндере симулятор, млп, Поппи Плейтайм, Гартен оф Банбан, "Атомное сердце" (или атомик харт), одна пшеничная марка, "мёртвое блюдо" (ну или дед плейт), Вирусная игра, ЛолоФД, голоса пустоты, майнкрафт, крипипаста, ФНАФ ( почти все части), ФНФ и многие другие фандомы популярные с 2015 по 2020-е года (а дальше я уже не так просветвлён)
Ukr: Привіт! Мене звуть Тоші! Він / його (або вона/її, якщо хочете :D). Я дідж і традиш художник, аніматор, письменник з ватпада і досі пробую себе в ще більших напрямках творчості! Я погано говорю українськ��ю, так що можу допускати помилки вибачте^^"
Фандоми: Андертейл, Андертейл АУ, Андерверс, Детльтарун, замок Могеко, Яндере симулятор, млп, Поппі Плейтайм, Гартен оф Банбан, "атомне серце" (або Атомік харт), одна пшенична марка, "мертве блюдо" (ну або Дід плейт), вірусна гра, ЛолоФД, голоси порожнечі, майнкрафт, кріпіпаста, ФНАФ ( майже всі частини), ФНФ і багато інших фандоми популярні з 2015 по 2020-ті роки (а далі я вже не так Просвітвлен).
Thanks for reading!^^
Спасибо за прочтение!^^
Дякую за прочитання!^^
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female-rappers · 3 months ago
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pjunicornart · 6 months ago
Crack Shipping
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This is definitely a ship I pulled out of my ass crack.
I must've accidentally inhaled something today because I literally have no explanation for why I was compelled to make this. Just felt like making Neil a monster kisser, I guess. Both are high school age, but Neil is definitely the egghead in the equation.
You can put RNaJ! PJ's persona here but I still used the varsity jacket because as much as I try to deny it, it is an iconic look.
Also let's be honest Cornelius is a better catch than Fresh will ever be.
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As I think is obvious, the post on Rouge is going to be delayed for a bit while I gather more information on the current state of the situation. The post will still be happening, however. As it stands right now, I'm trying to gather evidence on the claims I'll be making, as well as gathering more points to discuss. Please bear with me as I continue my research into the topic, and have a good day, night, or whatever it is where you are.
Remember, everyone is human, and everyone makes mistakes. This includes you, too. You are loved, you are worthy, and you are important. No matter what.
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mickycute · 2 years ago
Hola maki como estás quería preguntar si puedes hacer un dibujo de black y naj mist ( humanos si puedes )
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mxihi · 2 years ago
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New Squids on the Block!! I had a lot of fun doing these haha....
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krispyfryburner · 2 years ago
Hiii^^^^ I'm your Russian fan😅
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east-ebbott-high · 1 year ago
Hey, how is Pallet's and Goth's relationship in this AU? I have my own multiverse AU were the NaJ universe has a small role in it and I just wanted to know how some of the most problematic parts of the original were changed
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This school is uh..
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sensationalmystery · 2 years ago
i know the REAL you …
<P.S- short hair naj is a vibe>
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