un1-c0rn3l1us · 2 years
Casual bond with your demon
(OG but Ferpour and Cy sing it)
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PSCAU (Pico's School Chaotic AU) by @softie-flaky15!
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misa-chan88 · 10 months
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Hear me out... Epic you did it again.
Athena: General Ardmar and the RDA[I hope I spelt her name right]
Odysseus: obviously Recom Quaritch
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catboygretzky · 3 months
Exyblr Dashboard Simulator based on what I personally see on sportsblr:
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👑 girlbossriko follow
how many bro jobs do you think it took before riko moriyama and kevin day realized that uh.....maybe this wasn't just a bro thing
👢exyinaphonebooth follow
how many times do they have to come out and say they're like brothers before you freakos stop shipping them
👑 girlbossriko follow
????? do i know u
#it's a tumblr post about two exy players that you'lll never meet in your life it really isn't that deep
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💃fox-me-up follow
ngl that newest fox is kinda 👀
#psu lb #exy lb
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👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻 talk-exy-to-me
The NARRATIVE that kevin day and neil josten have........son of exy! scouting the rookie-est of rookies from fuck knows arizona........no listen you dont GET IT winning is EVERYTHING TO KEVIN and he would risk it on the foxes? And NEIL? who has only played exy for a year! NEIL Gets his attention!!!!! And hes good and he's getting better every game and he keeps bitching about kevin's ex on live tv BUT WAIT!???? NOT QUITE WHAT YOU EXPECT! Bc then neil shows up with a number on his cheek BECAUSE WELL it turns out they've known each other since they were KIDS! how is everyone not insane w me THEY'RE LITERALLY PERFECT
#where r my fellow njkd truthers #how r u all not here with me this isnt even the start #kevneil #210 #psu #njkd
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☀️ usctrojanny
every smiley blonde striker (jeremy knox) needs a brunette wet cat emotional support backliner (jean moreau)
#jerejean #usc trojans #i'm just saying 🤷‍♀️
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👸🏻 kevindazed follow
did he just......
👸🏻 kevindazed follow
guys please tell me i'm not insane
👸🏻 kevindazed follow
#i i'm going insane i will literally die if someone doesn't explain this to me HE'S NEVER BEEN SKIING?!!!!
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🧚 goalie-stan
oh....i'm feeling so weak......it'd sure be nice to have a big strong goalie (renee walker) hold me up (renee if you're free on tuesday i am also free on tuesday.........on tuesday this tuesday, any tuesday?)
#literally passing out just thinking about her holding me don't call don't text i'm busy
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🌄 softkevinday follow
do u think if u offered kevin day essential oils to heal his hand he'd beat you to death
#it'd be hard for him bc he only has one hand but he could probably do it #legally this is a joke don't do this
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🗣️ jeremyknoxes follow
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feeling normal
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📜 realexyblog
actually exy rpf is fine, i asked kayleigh day herself and she told me it was fine
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🐋 sexyexy
'exy is a stupid name for a sport' have you considered that a) i don't care and b) it's named that solely so i can make sex jokes about it
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🏳️‍🌈 gay4stickball follow
is he, ya know *mimes jerking off* an ncaa exy player
#i don't believe that straight exy players exist
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🙈 ittybittyminny follow
Andrew Minyard!!!!!!! 🥰🥰 short king!!!!🤏🤏😋😋 Awwwwwwww the scrunkly!!!!! 🤗🤗🤗 My boinky boy!!!!!🥺🥺 Crinkly doo,,,,shronkle scrimblo......🥺🥺🥺 rb if you'd scrunkle!!!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
📖 sapphic-exy follow
he literally killed someone
🙈 ittybittyminny follow
And? God forbid women do anything
#also no proof he did that #yeah there's proof his twin bro killed someone but that's not the same bc theyre different people #almost killing someone doesnt count
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🐦‍⬛ edgarallenexy
got told i'm problematic for liking the ravens? THAT'S LITERALLY MY SCHOOL OH MY GOD
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🌸 softexy
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Kevin Day - A Study
#kevin day #psu foxes #palmetto foxes #exy #web weave #poetry #psu foxes #palmetto #edgar allen
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literallyjusttoa · 1 year
My top 7 Apollo exes from Ancient Greece
DISCLAIMER: Though I have done a lot of research of mythology for this, it is based off of the riordanverse version of Apollo. I won't be acknowledging any awful implications in versions of these myths, not because I don't think they're important, but because it simply isn't a part of riordanverse Apollo's characterization in the books. Also I'm not going to mention Copollo. I love Copollo like the rest of you, but sadly that is a Rick Riordan exclusive, and also technically Commodus is an ex from Ancient Rome, not Ancient Greece :3
Ok with that out of the way lets talk obscure and non-obscure Apollo relationships
7. Apollo & Thyia
This one clocks in at number 7 because I love the idea behind it, but it is the most bare bones relationship myth wise. All we really know is Thyia is a priestess of Dionysus and she and Apollo maybe had a kid once. But like, the idea of Apollo dating his brother's priest? Hilarious, A+ stuff. Also, Thyia isn't just one of Dionysus' priests, she is THE priest of Dionysus. She runs his temple in central greece, is thought to have offered the first sacrifice to him, and might have been the first Maenad? Either way this relationship must have been insane. Also she's a nymph so she's definitely still kicking out there, would love for these two to meet again.
6. Apollo & Hyacinthus
Ok ok I know what y'all are thinking. Number 6?? This is like Apollo's number 1 most tragic relationship of all time!!! And yes as an angst lover I do enjoy the pain this relationship brings our boy, but I just feel like there's not many places to go with this relationship besides what we already have. Like Apollo and Hyacinthus were kind of the perfect couple. Which, like, great for them, but it doesn't give me much space to add anything? I guess, great ship, no notes.
5. Apollo & Hypermnestra (& Oikles)
Ok, half the reason this is here is because her name is Hypermnestra. Slay. But also this is a great place to bring up my favorite little headcanon. In a lot of Apollo's relationships, there will be a child, and myths will have different versions with different fathers. Some say it's Apollo, while other's say it's whoever he dated's husband. In this case, myths disagree on whether Amphiaraus was Apollo's son or the son of Hypermnestra's husband, king Oikles (Oikles??? I love these names). The implication here is infidelity, but I disagree. No, I think every time there's confusion over who parentage it's because Apollo was dating both the woman he's said to be with and her husband, and therefore no one knows who ended up, y'know, fathering the child. Anyways Apollo dated both Hypermnestra and Oikles and you can't convince me otherwise.
4. Apollo & Branchus
I like this relationship because in my mind, I always thought it was Apollo's first. In one version of their myth, it is said that Apollo met Branchus after leaving Delos as a dolphin, which I always thought implied this was soon after he established Delphi, which was really early on. Idk something about a young Apollo accidentally revealing his godliness to this boy he really likes is just so sweet to me. And he makes Branchus into a prophet, which is so cool! These two are cutie-patooties is what I'm saying.
3. Apollo & Kyparissos
C'mon, the man died of grief because his deer died. Throughout ToA we learn that deep down Apollo is a mushy ball of emotions and compassion, and that convinced me that these two spent 75% of their relationship crying over baby animals and pretty people. I love the idea of Apollo dating someone who's honestly just as much of a loser as he is. And while it is sad that Kyparissos is another lover Apollo had to turn into a plant, I have to emphasize again that he died of heartbreak, because his pet deer died.
2. Apollo & Cyrene
Listen, these two are boss bitches and you cannot convince me otherwise. In the same way I like Kyparissos bc I feel like he and Apollo are so similar, I like Cyrene bc I feel like, in a lot of ways, these two are very different. Like, don't get me wrong, Apollo can be strong and wild when he wants to be, but Cyrene wrestles lions. I like to think the time these two spent together really helped each of them grow in their own way, which makes for a really fun and interesting relationship. Also, just like Thyia, Cyrene is sometimes referred to as a nymph, so she could still be out there!
1. Apollo & Admetus
The more I think about these two, the more I love them. Admetus meeting Apollo at his lowest and helping him through it. Apollo falling head over heels as a result and doing everything in his power to repay the man. The two of them still holding such strong affection for each other even decades after the time they had together, to the point that Apollo would mess with fate to extend Admetus' life. Apollo's life is full of turmoil, and this period of it was probably the worst, but despite that, his relationship with Admetus seems so steady. The other gods are said to be embarrassed of Apollo's love of Admetus, and I think it's because Apollo loved him in a way that went directly against the values of the gods. Apollo and Admetus' relationship was defined by service and care, filled with selfless intent and genuine love. While many gods give their lovers gifts and special favors, the idea of actually going into servitude for someone you love is as ungodly as you can get. Apollo spent time with Admetus, and he wasn't possessive of him, helping him to find a wife after their time together was through. I think this relationship is a great example of how Apollo, even in his lowest moments, is a genuine and caring person, and how that often separates him from the rest of his family. Also these two are just cute and they both love cows and they're cows in love.
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mixterglacia · 2 months
I get fairly mean in this one, you've been warned.
I am so sorry, Viv. You can't convince me to see Stolitz as anything beyond a toxic, doomed to fail, train wreck.
I'm SO down for a good toxic ship.
In fact, I found their pilot dynamic far more interesting than the current writing seems to be depicting.
I refuse to feel bad for a man that caught feelings for a childhood """friend""" so hard he ruined his own life. Blitz owes NOTHING to Stolas. He agreed to fuck him so he could run a business that is barely discussed, even though it was the original point of the show.
Does it suck that Stolas had to deal with an arranged marriage that he never wanted with a mean wife? Yeah.
You know what else sucks?
Like yes, she's a cantankerous bitch. But you can't seriously pretend like she isn't also suffering in this relationship. The only difference is she turns her pain into external anger, where as Stolas has been turned into uwu soft bird who can do no wrong.
Even though he destroyed his family in an extremely public way. Octavia is going to have to live with the impact of her father's decisions for the rest of her life. You can't seriously expect me to feel bad for a man that is the agent of his own destruction.
You also can't tell me that Blitz just needs to get over himself just so he can be with a man who's father BOUGHT HIM FOR HIS SON AS A PRESENT.
To reiterate. If this was meant to be read as a terrible toxic arrangement that just keeps happening? I'm down for that. But this is not, and will never be cute or healthy.
Blitz doesn't owe Stolas anything. He keeps up his end of the bargain. It's purely sexual, and just because Stolas can't accept that doesn't make it Blitz's problem.
Stolas needs to learn how to accept rejection and move the fuck on. He knew he would catch feelings and considering he basically has Blitz on a leash, that doesn't make this any less gross.
The fact that he knows Blitz will leave if he's given the power to go to earth on his own proves it.
Blitz has frankly done very little IF ANYTHING to warrant being subjected to this level of obsession on Stolas' part. He's just trying to make a living.
Frankly, if you wanted us to actually think Blitz was interested, you've totally missed the boat with that one. This should have been worked on ages ago and it makes it feel exceptionally rushed and out of character on Blitz's part.
At this point I'm starting to think Fizz and Ozzie are a fluke of good writing in a sea of godsawful shit. Charlie and Vaggie felt like a literal afterthought in their own show. Husk and Angel are so rushed it felt like watching a relationship at double speed. Are we even supposed to think Pen and Cherry are actually a thing? Because if I was Cherry I would have punched Pen for that shit.
Christ. I don't drink but Viv makes me feel like starting.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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trashbag-usa · 2 months
it feels like a lot of people have given up on fully connecting ISWM/Engie Mark to the wider lore (aka WKM) since IRL Mark straight up told us he wasn't Actor.
but not only am i a stubborn son of a bitch, but yknow what Mark also said?
"Engineer Mark isn't Actor Mark, but Actor Mark just might be Engineer Mark."
so hear me out, y'all.
preamble; if you saw this in a yt comment section, no you didn't. (that was also me i didnt steal this i prommy-)
i have this entirely insane theory about iswm that Engineer Mark is actually Damien, but only sometimes.
the most obvious places i can spot him is in the abandoned ship with the candles ("captain needs their sleep" and whatnot), as Old Mark (specifically in the empty diner), and most definitely as the "Mark" we see as part of the finale, the one who realizes he was wrong.
Actor is allergic to admitting fault so I Don't Believe That's Him.
this explains the thematic focus on sleep and rest in these scenes, things told to Damien and told to US by DARK several times.
("Don't remember" anyone?)
speaking of Dark, it explains why he isn't there. we DO however see the suspiciously Darkiplier-esqe Ms. Whitacre, which it isn't controversial to say atp is CLEARLY Celine.
that is, until the universe does its final kablooey and Dark as we know him, Damien attributes and all, comes to take the warp-crystal.
and besides, think about it.
given Actor's whole goal in all this, as laid out in the Damien Project, do you REALLY think he would write a story in which all problems arise from HIS OWN NEGLIGENCE? NO!
that would make him a villain, and all he ever wants is to be portrayed as the hero, literally for eternity!
but you know what i think he would do? set up a farce for the most troublesome of his "co-stars".
you, the viewer, want genuine choices? you want to have some real control over the story? some responsibility? FINE.
everyone looks to you, but under your leadership everything goes wrong, no matter what. you don't know why, but you're actively villinized and the harder you try to go back and fix things, achieve an "ending" on your own, the more people HATE you. the more the thought that maybe there IS something wrong with you specifically will stick in your mind as a possibility.
all these options, but none of them "right", creating MORE suffering instead of fixing it just to find that ever elusive end.
damien wants control of the narrative? he wants his old friend, you, the District Attorney to be released from his eternal story and given back to him? FINE.
here's his role back in earnest, given the possibility to engage and choose instead of intrude and twist like usual.
(yes, i do think Damien/Engineer is genuinely going down his own hopeless path while we find our own. in one of the descriptions leading to the final "Hold On/Let Go" confrontation, it says "you're not the only one making choices. you're not alone, you never were".)
he is allowed to fight for the safety of others, side by side with his closest companion, just as they did when they were alive.
BUT, the twist is Damien becomes a genuine villain. in his quest to do the altruistic thing and help at all cost, he is personally responsible for the death of LITERALLY EVERYONE EVER.
this is a personal hell for someone like Damien, as seen from WKM, all he ever seemed to want was help others and guide them towards peace.
for his actions/leadership to fail so unthinkably catastrophically, seems like the exact hell a bitter Actor would want to subject his "old friend" to for meddling. :/
Actor sets the stage for a theatrical punishment game. Mayor and Attorney, together again, taking an impossibly long stay in a personally crafted hell for the horrendous crime of ever even thinking they'd be worthy of ✨️staring roles✨️.
Actor turns you two against each other, and once Damien is brough down to the depths of despair and you have finally learned that true responsibility can lead to catastrophic, painful results, we're brought back to our proper places.
you go to a proper ending, with the Engineer role now being played by Actor once and for all, and Damien once again becomes part of Darkiplier, pocketing the warp-crystal to plant on the box in Heist.
Engineer isn't Actor, it's a role he plays when it suits him and his goals, to make his enemies suffer. he's willing to be Damien's understudy, if only for this purpose.
but at the end of the journey, Actor becomes Engineer to take in the fruits of his labor. ..and maybe invite you to a Heist while he's at it.
very long winded """theory""" that is pretty much only insane fanfiction-
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lightningbreath · 6 months
I HATE ganlink and ganzel, but, mostly, I HATE Ganondorf.
I swear, how can there be people who ship a demon who always seeks to FUCK WITH THE LIVES OF THE KINGDOM AND THE PROTAGONISTS and say that "" oh, but he's a victim "", "" oh, it's Hylia's fault""" , "" ain, but look carefully """.
Look, nothing!!! I swear, every time I see fanarts or fanfics or the number of people who support this with the shitty excuse of """ oh, Link/Zelda will show what's good about him"" (that's when it's not a romanticization of rape or abusive relationship). And you know what's the worst, it's the fact that Nintendo's shit makes him ""physically attractive"" since it seems like if you're physically attractive you can do whatever the fuck you want and people not only will forgive you, as he will glorify you.
My God, Ganondorf isn't even a gray villain, with layers, NO!!! He's just the typical shit villain who wants to dominate and kill just because he likes (and no, neither do I). come with Ganondorf from WW, because that was ridiculous, "" oh, I just wanted a better place, I just wanted the wind"" and then he tries to invade a Kingdom that isn't his and condemns the gerudo and Hyrule, he he's just a selfish spoiled brat who tried to play the victim).
And I'm not even going to talk about Ghirahim's ship with Link here because it's ridiculous and disgusting, ""haha, let's ship Link with the guys who screwed up his life for active and passive because GAY SEX, haha""". I hate sidlink and malink, but at least the stories and fanarts are cute, the relationships are healthy and, most importantly, MALON AND SÍDON NEVER TRIED TO FUCK LINK'S LIFE!!!!
I like fanarts that place Ganondorf, Zelda and Link as "unlikely friends" or with Zelda and Link destroying or mocking Ganondorf but that's it, if you want to do a story where he finds the Light, do it. BUT DON'T INVOLVE LINK AND ZELDA IN THIS, THEY HAVE NO RESPONSIBILITY OR DUTY IN """RESCUING GANONDORF"""!!!
All games say that Ganondorf is only king because he is the ''''chosen one''''. If there's anyone who enjoys the '''divine monarchy''' it's this son of a bitch. Another thing, seriously, just because there is a conflict in Gaza (it seems to ignore what Hamas does to its own people) and because he is dark-skinned, he cannot be a villain? Please, it would be a problem if all Gerudos were portrayed as villains.
It makes me sick to see how a part of the fandom always wants to find a way to make Ganondorf a '''gray villain''' when they aren't crying and kicking because Nintendo doesn't justify all his actions as a '''poor thing and as Hyrule is the great hidden evil'''.
And the stupidest thing is why these people ask this, since it seems like they can't ask for more '''complexity''' from Ganondorf without talking about his shitty race, I'll bet my house that if Ganondorf were a white man, clearly heterosexual, no one would say anything about him being a cartoonish villain.
The mistakes of the royal family of Hyrule have never been hidden, some even come to light (the history of the Yiga, the Civil War in Oot), but it seems that these people would only keep quiet if Ganondorf decimated all the Hylians. , because Hylians are evil and how dare you insinuate that a dark-skinned man from the Middle East is a shitty person and a tyrant who uses his people as instruments and blah, blah, blah.
''''Ain, but Ganondorf from Wind Waker'''', the truth is that little happened to him. That little speech of his is the same one in which Hitler told the Jews in the concentration camps that ''''Germany was destroyed by the First War and the Treaty of Versailles was destroying his people and that he only had the noble reason to empower the Germans. and that he only wanted the good of his people.'
Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? Well, that's basically Ganondorf's speech.
And finally: Zelda has imperialist propaganda. Well, what's the problem? It's incredible how foreigners deify the Republic because of course, the only shit is the monarchy.
The monarchy in Latin countries was going well, with its ups and downs like every system of government and then BOOM, France, USA and England start to interfere in the politics of other countries to plunge them into wars and make it '''' democratic republics'''' completely dependent on them, a great plan, and now, the Latinos want to exchange American imperialism for Chinese, remaining slaves but changing owners. I would love imperialism like Zelda's, the races have a lot of autonomy of their own and even in the cruelest moment of the Hylian monarchy, they still managed to be self-sustainable. Ganondorf has always been a tyrant, who put his people in misery to use them as justification for his actions.
You complain about Rauru and the Hylian monarchy, but Ganondorf never wanted what was best for the Gerudo, he never wanted to live in peace with other races, he wanted to INVADE lands that weren't his (it was always implied that Hylians existed before). the Gerudo) if you have someone who is an imperialist who takes advantage of the "divine right of monarchy" that being is Ganondorf. I am very happy when I see the Gerudo prosper without the thorn in the side that is Ganondorf, I am completely in favor of that the '''gerudo men''' no longer exist and they are the incredible Amazonian tribe that they always were.
That's it, I've had this installed in my heart since I joined this fandom and finally, I'm at peace.
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cthulhusstepmom · 1 year
"Simon, come in."
Ghost isn't quite sure why Price had called him to his office. He's been downright docile this past while. Between his new bond with Hugo, his deepening relationship with Soap, and a mild injury to his shoulder, he's been spending most of his time parked on base whittling away the hours before the next mission.
He takes a seat in one of the Captain's mismatched chairs. Price takes a long drag of his cigar and Ghost tilts his chin, responding in kind.
"There's no easy way to say this son..." He pauses as if he's weighing his words. "I'm glad that you and Soap are getting close. And I support it I do this isn't about that."
He'd be a hypocrite if it was, Ghost thinks, and Nikolai would be inconsolable.
"Guess It's best to just to come out and say it..." Simon tilts his head in question.
"You can't buy sex toys on the company card."
If he'd been drinking anything it would be splattered up the inside of his mask.
"Fucking what??"
"I can see the receipts son and so can the MPO." His Captain's lips are pulled back in an uncomfortable grimace.
"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about cap." He leans back in his chair, arms crossed defiantly. All that shit was on his personal card.
"I'm not judging you or your decisions Simon I just can't justify it as a business expense."
"Can I at least see the receipt? Bit unfair not to show a man what he's accused of innit?"
Solemnly, Price shuffles through a stack of papers on his desk; holding out the printed off the email notification from the military post office when he finds it.
Simon takes the page with no small incredulity, scanning it over with a careful eye.
"Fuck my Pink Princess is here? That was a bitch to get through customs."
If possible, Price's face screws up more.
"I don't want details Simon, just your word that it won't happen again."
"Price it's a Philodendron."
"I'm shocked and appalled that you think I'd know what that is."
Ignoring the complaints of his scandalized Captain, Simon reaches for the small box on the desk, producing a knife to carefully slit the tape. All the while ignoring the increasingly vocal complaints coming from the other side of the desk.
"I don't want to see it son, it's none of my business what you get up to behind closed doors just- the fuck is that?"
"A Pink Princess Philodendron." Simon mutters as he examines the carefully packaged plant.
"...Simon thats a plant."
He grunts.
"Simon that was 150 quid."
He grunts again.
"Simon you used the company card for a £150 pink plant."
"Plus shipping."
"For fucking why??"
"It matches Hugo's coloring."
"Get out of my office."
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k-martins · 5 months
I'm late, but what matters is posting the results, so hello!
Let's move on to placing them:
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RYOMEN "You finally got a role" SUKUNA
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Also known as the one who is intimately aware of our couple's desires, desires and fears (after all, he shared a body with both of them), Sukuna is the main plot device when it comes to bringing Itafushi even closer together. It's thanks to your existence that ITFS started, isn't it? LOL.
He's a threat, he's a calamity, he's a bored old man, but most importantly, he's responsible for the line "congratulations, you've won a role" where he not only recognizes Yuji's new power, but also that our pookie pink haired girl is ready to save her sea urchin. After all, it's quite propitious for Yuji to save his soulmate in the domain called "pure and mutual love" LMAO!!!!
Fortunately, Sukuna comes in last place because he gave several traumas to ITFS, including murder, body snatching, mental and emotional manipulation, violence and a lot of anguish. He's a bad bitch we love to hate!
((I couldn't get any art from them that wasn't a ship T-T ))
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NOBARA "Boys are disgusting" KUGISAKI
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It was a close battle with second place, but I confess that not even Nobara could compete against him T-T. Our beautiful queen full of thorns is the most common third wheel in the canon, being present in moments that helped in the growth of ITFS, such as their conversation after the exchange event (where we see Yuji blush and smile after Megumi praised him hihi) and when our boys take each other's hands as a sign of trust after the fight with Kechizu and Eso. She's also the queen who helps these two idiots notice their feelings in fanfics, so what better than third place for her!!!!
It's a shame we can't see her reaction when she hears the phrase "so start saving me, Itadori", but I bet she would scream something like "get a room, you two, gay idiots!".
Anyway, Nobara, know that you will always be famous and our boys will make you proud as they finish off Sukuna and ride off into the sunset T-T
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Who but the main advocate of love to come second? Yuta has shown himself to be a huge supporter of itfs since his return to the post-Shibuya manga, from helping Yuji deal with his inner demons to agreeing to save him because he was someone important to Megumi (shoot me in the head if Megumi didn't ask Yuta save Yuji when he learned that his senpai would be the executioner).
He also had to watch from a box seat the dramatic ITFS meeting after the horrors in Shibuya, so he knows how serious Megumi and Yuji are about protecting each other. Yuta is also doing everything he can to make these two stay together, not taking long to jump against Sukuna to save Megumi and opening his beautiful domain of PURE AND MUTUAL LOVE!!!! Yes girls, Yuta is the last romantic on earth and he will be the key to our ITAFUSHI coming back to us T-T.
This boy is just not in first place, because first place belongs to him alone.
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SATORU "Personal feelings?" GOJO
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THE HONORABLE!!!! MEGUMI'S FATHER!!! THE MOST ROMANTIC EVER!!!! SATORU GOJO TAKES FIRST PLACE!!!! He was the first to notice ITFS in the SECOND EPISODE and makes a point of always bringing these two boys even closer with his discreet (and some extravagant) plans. An example of this is his readiness to accept saving Yuji because it was a request from his dear son, going against the ENTIRE JUJUTSU WORLD just because he knows what it's like to love someone who is condemned to death (stsg tears run down my eyes).
He also placed the boys next to each other, supported their relationship, blessed them, and was willing to save his son so that none of them would suffer (someone shoot me).
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Official results!
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This is the end, but we'll give some honorable mentions.
- Toji Fushiguro (his VA said that Toji would find Yuji a bit annoying at first, but would soon like him too, which is understandable, since Yuji is fantastic)
- Choso (Anyone who loves Yuji will be loved by Choso)
- Nanami Kento (no explanation, I just feel it)
- Tsumiki Fushiguro (I don't need to see this to know your opinions)
- Aoi Todo (He would always support Yuji, no matter how annoying his crush is)
- Gege Akutami (come on kitty, we all know you secretly love itfs and stsg and are cooking a beautiful and wonderful wedding for them, no need to be shy about it ;) )
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the-owl-tree · 7 months
genuine question bc I haven’t read the books since. Idk a long time, why do ppl hate nightcloud so much?? I have literally only ever heard of her as an afterthought. Like she’s the third choice for crow feather bc he needed to take a mate to not be seen suspicious and just picked her, there’s no love between them, and afaik he basically forced her to raise her son by herself, not counting the moments of attention he DID give which seemed to be overwhelmingly negative and even abusive. Isn’t she allowed to be bitter and that when he’s very clear abt his apathy and even resentment toward her and her son?? Or am I missing some context
People took Crowfeather passing the blame onto Nightcloud for Breezepelt's behavior at face value, despite two arcs worth of books proving that wasn't true at all. I'd argue the writing team ALSO believed this, as with how they characterized her in the subsequent Field Guides. Immediately, Nightcloud's past actions were re-contextualized to be negative, to further push this idea that she was this old coddling bitch mom who didn't let poor Crowfeather be involved with his son (look at the language of the field guides, they genuinely wrote "she should be glad to be alive").
Crowfeather was (and in some circles still is) a pretty popular character, and a lot of people were quick to latch onto the idea that he was blameless. I can't remember if CrowPool was or wasn't a popular ship, I lean towards yes, so take this line with the knowledge my memory is fuzzy, but I'd also argue that Nightcloud being the "replacement" mate was what made people even more hostile to her.
So, what is Nightcloud actually like? I'm only going to cover scenes where Nightcloud is either mentioned or actually appears, so no Outcast, click the first link for a better look at that. I'll only cover Po3 and OoTS for now.
Nightcloud's Appearances in the Power of Three
Our first meeting with her is in The Sight, where ThunderClan intervenes when they're being chased around by a dog. Her first piece of actual dialogue is her defending Breezepaw from Crowfeather, which is not coddling, especially when given the added context in Outcast that Crowfeather is verbally abusive towards his son. She also proceeds to lecture him about his manners towards a ThunderClan cat, so, she's not the one encouraging his rude streak.
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She is then absent for most of the book until the end, when during one of the contests at the Daylight Gathering, Lionpaw and Breezepaw get hurt in a collapsed tunnel incident and she understandably is quite distressed. Then Leafpool drops the "i'd give every drop of my blood for you Crowfeather" line and Nightcloud just tries to divert attention from that, understandably uncomfortable with what's being said.
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One of the scenes that's commonly used as "evidence" that Nightcloud stopped Crowfeather from bonding with Breezepelt is this one:
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No hissing or swatting. She just doesn't let him help, and considering we now know Crowfeather has been absent from the beginning and isn't above hitting and screaming at his kid, I think it's understandable that she arguably isn't going to stop just so he can help. But that's my interpretation, I think this scene in itself proves nothing of the sort either way and people were reaching when trying to use it as evidence.
Nightcloud's remaining appearances in The Sight is her watching over Breezepaw and Lionpaw as they recover:
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That is the entirety of her appearance in The Sight. Onto Dark River! Where her first mention is Leafpool identifying her and Jaypaw sensing some jealousy from Leafpool, as the patrol is going to check in on WindClan and get information because of uh scents. you know usual warriors border bullshit. We then get Jaypaw noticing her breath, and finally him sensing jealousy from Nightcloud (that she does not act on). This is the entirety of her appearance in Dark River:
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Cue Leafpool being polite to Crowfeather, and Crowfeather waving as many red flags as he possible can.
And onto the infamous Outcast! Where Nightcloud has *drumroll* one fucking appearance.
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She also has one appearance in Eclipse where she's part of the patrol that attacks Lionpaw, but I'm not even going to mention it it's quite literally just him going "Nightcloud!" before the scene shifts to his and Heatherpaw's conflict. She is entirely absent in Long Shadows, there is no appearance of her beyond allegiances.
And finally in Sunrise, she is entirely absent until near the ending. She's first mentioned by Crowfeather when Jayfeather asks him if he knew the truth, then noticed at a gathering by Hollyleaf:
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When the secret is revealed, Nightcloud stands with Crowfeather. No hissing or hitting or turning on him, here is the entirery of her appearance when Hollyleaf reveals everything:
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This is it. This is the entirety of Nightcloud involvement in the story, she is barely mentioned and she is barely a character. Her appearances are dwarfed by Crowfeather and Breezepelt, and she is literally just a normal mom character throughout.
Nightcloud's Appearances in Omen of the Stars
Nightcloud is absent throughout the entirety of the Fourth Apprentice. She is only mentioned in the allegiances. She has one appearance in Fading Echoes:
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Then there's Night Whispers, where her first appearance is her arguing with Crowfeather while Flametail goes "yikes!":
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Her other appearance is the infamous grabbing scene that people latched onto as proof that Nightcloud was an abusive monster who was hurting poor Crowfeather and was forcing him to not bond with his son. Breezepelt and Lionblaze get into a border dispute and it escalates into a fight:
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Leafpool intervenes and asks Crowfeather why he's not doing shit, he then proceeds to throw up multiple red flags in front of her and does the red flag dance:
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We finally get Nightcloud where she comes in and pulls Crowfeather away from Leafpool. Despite using her claws, presumably because she does not have fucking THUMBS to grab onto him, no blood is drawn. She just pulls him away in an already emotionally charged and over dramatic situation. This is not comparable to Crowfeather's abuse of his son and with everything else I've presented, her grabbing him is not indicative of their relationship, ESPECIALLY given the circumstances of the action:
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Her last appearance is her talking about shredding RC cats, it's not relevant but uh it's there. That the entirety of her appearances within the book.
She has no appearances in Sign of the Moon. She then has a two appearances in The Forgotten Warrior where she is hostile to Hollyleaf (which feels understandable to me considering what Hollyleaf did):
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She has one onscreen appearance in The Last Hope where she defends Jayfeather from the Dark Forest attack with some other WindClan cats:
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Her only other mention is Crowfeather blaming her for Breezepelt's behavior:
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In canon, this never happens. We never see Nightcloud encourage Breezepelt to hate Crowfeather, but we instead see Crowfeather spending an entire book abusing Breezepaw when Nightcloud is away. This is bullshit, but the fandom took this as truth and immediately turned on Nightcloud despite no actual evidence.
There are three takeaways from this:
Crowfeather blaming Nightcloud is....false. It's false. We see no canon evidence of this, and in fact the books tell us another narrative.
Nightcloud is barely a character. She has so few actual appearances that calling her "complex" is a lie, she is a narrative tool that moreso supports Crowfeather and Breezepelt's conflict than any story of her own.
Even if Nightcloud did do all that offscreen, Crowfeather STILL abused his child and that is directly tied to Breezepelt's motivations within Omen of the Stars. Nightcloud's behavior does NOT negate the harm that Crowfeather did to his own son.
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blue-sadie · 1 year
Fuck Him Out
Aonung x Nerd Reader
Series Masterlist
Prt 5 of the Fucking The Nerd Series
Summary: taking up your brothers offer leads you to be in the arms of your childhood best friend.
Warning: breast slapping, aged up characters Car
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Yn/3rd person pov
"Hey I'm in the parking lot where are you" I murmured into my phone "I had a meeting come up but there is a surprise" he giggled like a girl before hanging up.
"Son of a bitch" I cussed stuffing my phone onto my pocket "now the yn I remember does not swear" I jumped turning to the voice and my mouth dropped "aonung" I screamed jumping into his arms.
His arms held me tightly as he swung me around "dam I've missed you so much" he chuckled and set me down.
"I've missed you too" I smiled "so what have you been up to" I asked grabbing my luggage as he lead me to the car.
"Not much really mostly just school and such, but what about you" he said and stopped at his car my mouth hung open "no way you still have this thing" I squealed.
It was his dad's old car and when we were younger he used to take us for icecream and make us listen to his cringy music.
"Yea he gave it to me for my 18th" he grinned grabbing my bag and shoving it into the trunck "come on I'll take you home" he whispered as he passed me and opened the door for me.
"Thank you" I smiled hopping and buckling up "now what have you been up to" he grinned getting in as well "you been seeing someone" he teased.
I looked away from him I was to soon to tell him about the whole situation "no but school as well you know how my mom is" I said and we justed started chatting back and forth.
After 20 minutes we arrived at our house his being next to my brother's and parked in his driveway "hey my mom kinda heard you were back and invited you to dinner" he nervously smiled and rubbed the back of his head.
"Sure of course just need to check in with the old man" I smiled getting out and he did the same "catch ya later" I waved walking over to my brother's house and took out my phone as I got to the door.
"Hey where's the key" I texted and got a quick reply 'in our favorite spot' he replied with a laughing emoji I sighed.
I had to drag one of his small benches he had on the porch over to a specific corner which had a little gnome which was hollow, he said it our favorite spot because he would always hide my small things inside and I could never reach it.
"Haha very funny" I muttered sarcastically and took out the key and went to unlock the door, as I entered the house I marveled at it it was the exact same.
"You never liked the change" I murmured to myself looking at all the different photos and trinkets that lined the wall as I slowly made my way up to my childhood room.
I plopped myself and my bag down on the bed and took out my phone staring at the empty notifications normally by now I would at least have one text from lo'ak but nothing.
I bit my lip he isn't worth it if he believes her more then me it's his loose, I muted his contact this holiday I can just breath.
"Hey bro can I go over to aonungs tonight" I typed and sent it and I put my phone down to quickly go shower and get dressed.
The shower was brisk but dam did it help my sore shoulders, I dried myself probably when I got out and picked a simple outfit.
When I walked back into the room I glanced out the window as something caught my attention my eyes widened as I stared straight into aonungs room and he was shirtless.
I bit my lip harshly fuck he got hot I continued to stare as he picked out a shirt it was only when a ding echoed through the room i looked away I grabbed my phone.
"Yea just be sure to use protection" I huffed, he and a few of my other family members shipped me and aonung together since we were like 7.
I sent him a quick middle finger before grabbing some of my things to go over "phone, jacket" i checked off my mental list and headed out over to aonungs.
"Hey ronal" i smiled as she opened the door and pulled me into her arms "i missed you so much" she murmured as she pulled back and welcomed me inside "I've made your favorite" she sung sweetly as she lead me to the lounge.
"hey tonowari how are you" i murmured sitting on one of the couches "im doing well thank you for asking no-" he was interrupted by tsireya's squealing as she tackled me onto the couch.
"Yn" she yelled squeezing me tightly "your suffocating me" i coughed playfully and panted heavily when she let go "so dramatic" she laughed sitting beside me.
"hey yn" aonung smiled as he walked down the stairs "hey why don't we settle at the dinning room table while i bring the food out" ronal ushered all of us into the dinning room.
"Ma'lady" aonung murmured as he pushed my chair in and sat beside me, i started catching up with the rest of the family as we ate "oh my gosh i remember that" i laughed when me and aonung started bringing up past memories.
"Ok i can you see two wanna catch up more so you guys can go up stairs" tonowari smiled and gestured up stairs "come on yn" aonung pulled me from the seat and up the stairs to his room.
"Dam i forgot how cool your room was" i whispered and flopped onto his bed and watched as he closed the door "so your gonna tell me whats bothering you" he growled and sat beside me.
"nothing is the matter" i huffed rolling my eyes "yes there is now tell me" he said and pulled me up into his arms "what is troubling you" he asked i sighed heavily "i lied when i said there was no man" i whispered.
"Then why aren't you spending the holiday with him" he murmured softly rubbing his hands up and down my arms in a comforting manner "he... kinda ended things with me" I whispered my voice cracking slightly.
Aonung listened carefully as I told him about the situation "he doesn't deserve you if he listened to that bitch, you hadn't even talked to her yet" he hissed.
He started whispering comforting words as we sat up against the headboard my head leaning on his chest "I thought he changed" I sniffled.
"Sometimes people can't or just don't want to" he tried to reason but deep down aonung wanted to kill lo'ak for making his best friend cry.
I pulled away and turned to him "what happens if I never find someone" I cried he smiled sadly at me "their are plenty of fish in the sea yn" he murmured.
It got quiet between us as we just stared into each other's eyes I could feel my feelings for aonung resurfacing he was always there for me when other's weren't.
"C-can I kiss you" I blurted out glancing between his lips and eyes he nodded eagerly and brought his hands to my cheeks as our lips touched.
"I wanted this for so long" he murmured against my lips, he slowly moved on top of me as we moved to lay down.
He moved his lips to my neck "fuck aonung" I whined as I ran my hands through his hair, he groaned into my skin as he grinded his body into me.
I pulled his hair to bring his lips back to mine "dam yn" he growled and started to let his hands wonder as ours lips molded together.
"Can I take these off" he asked pulling back "only if I can take yours off as well" I bite my lip, he groaned out before we started pulling off eachothers clothes our has grazing eachothers skin.
"Fuck your better then I imagined" he smirked and pulled me into another kiss and moved us so I was on top.
"I want you to ride me" he growled as his hands gripped my ass, we both moaned as I sunk back onto his cock and slowly started to bounce on his dick.
"Fuck you tits" he muttered and moved his hands to squeeze my breasts I bit my lip trying to suppress my moans what happens if tsireya walks in or worse ronal.
Aonung slapped my breasts bringing me out my daze "don't you fucking dare suppress those beautiful moans" he growled before starting to thrust up against me.
I put my hands on his chest to support myself so I could bounce faster fuck his cock felt so good, my moans fultered for a moment as I felt a knot to form in my stomach.
"Fuck baby are you gonna cum" he groaned and moved one of his hands from my breasts to my clit only increasing the pleasure "a-aonung" I moaned as my breathe became uneven and my body started to shudder.
"S-shit" I cried as I clenched around as I cam making him cum as well, I collapsed onto his chest and smiled as he wrapped his arms around me.
"You deserve everything the world has to offer"
@avatar4eva @lik0 @greekgods15 @sweetirilly
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The beauty🌹 of Shadamy
Isn't it just wonderful how my dear Amy Rose gets paired romantically with every Sonic Rival in the fandom? Even Blaze! And fortunately not much with Jet 😂😂 My favorite one obviously is Shadamy, followed by Surgamy and finally with Metal Sonic but seriously, to me nothing beats THE Shadamy❤🖤🩷.
So the BEST thing about this ship to me is that it was born out of a single interaction 😆 and I don't mean the moment she colorblinded mistook him for Sonic and hugged him nooooope I mean the moment she reminded him about Maria Robotnik's 🥺 true wish by giving him a similar speech of hope and second chances and after that he said: I have to fufill my promise for Maria... And you... Me after seeing that👇👇
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(Funny this gif, casually she was also fangirling about a... SHAMY 🤣🤣 only the ones who know the show will get it)
Seriously, is fascinating how popular this ship became of that single interaction that led fans to write a HUGE amount of fanfiction of them and is always so romantic or so passionate or so angsty God I never get tired of it, one of my favorite portrayals of Shadamy is when Shadow is kind of a emo simp towards her, like he is simply adoring her even when she only looks at Sonic who is not looking at her 😭... Ah drama. 😂 I remember a few stories back when I was a pre teen... Like "el blog de Amy Rose" That's the only written fanfic name I remember and it was a total soap opera, a total and absolute telenovela full of all kinds of drama like Silver was their son and Sonic and Shadow were lost brothers 😂. Then I remember I few comics like Ternion that was an insanely passionate and angsty story with an excellent art that to contribute to my torture it was never finished... And boy I know the author had a secret smut chapter that she never posted anywhere... We know it exists because there were a few hot scenes in a video... 😭 but never happened the story didn't even reach half of what I think it was going to be🥲. In Chaos universe there's a double story in one Sonic and Amy had a daughter named Sonia but in an alternative universe we have María Rose who is Shadow and Amy's daughter... Is another tragedy were Amy is dead in both universes 😭 and of course I'm totally biased with Maria Rose's universe because the way her dad remember Amy's just hits different, seriously is way more enjoyably painful 🥲 and then the most current comics I'm addicted to of course IDOL AMY portrayed Shadow exactly how I said I like him the most 🥺 and the last one I saw is one apocalyptic where obviously Shadow survives and mourns a dead Amy: Future's Shadow... Girl this hedgehog can't catch a break they like to see him suffer 🥲🥲🥲
Now let's focus in the official interactions:
The Archie comics before the reboot kinda mistreated Amy portraying her in an annoying way most of the time just like in some games... And I wasn't a fan of a certain interaction she had with Shadow... (Those issues had a bitchy evil Rouge portrayal that I didn't like one bit🤬) I mean shadow actually kicks her in the stomach and hits her with her own hammer and... That just felt so wrong, you see I can't picture an scenario where Shadow would lay a hand on Amy in such a way as he did in those comics but I had a little comfort in this interaction at least 👇👇
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She puts her faith on him when he doesn't have much faith on himself and that is something she also did in the games, like in Shadow the hedgehog own game. Then there was a reboot and we got better interactions, here we have Amy teasing him and he pouting adorably (and finally they dropped the Rouge is a bitch portrayal thank you😤)
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We also see that they can make a good team
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Hey Shadow how it feels to be hammered by her? 🤭😇, then we had the marvelous IDW reboot but we still don't have proper interactions (and this is the best Rouge💜)
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Though honesty? This look like a romance novel scene... You know, with the bad boy being stubborn with the kind sweet girl 😂. Well Sonic IDW is still ongoing so we'll see if we get something more juicy... But I think I will be happy if they simply team up in a fight again.
And now let's talk about Twitter... Well, well, well have you noticed this tiny details in Sonic's Twitter takeovers? Someone asked "Shadow, will you marry me? " And they made Amy voice be the one reading that question 🧐, not only that the things Shadow described about what he wants in a partner for marriage were things that Amy totally would do perfectly (and to add some spice they made Sonic voice sound kind of upset to tease us with some sonadow too😂😂) and then the most precious and hilarious thing... SHADOW AND AMY ARE BOTH SWIFTIES 😆😆
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And look! He got her ticket's 😭😭 and they went together!!! 😭😭😭(that's a DATE) and then in another Twitter takeover she tells about how they had fun and got shirts and then Sonic got jealous 😭😭😭 KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and look what SEGA IS DOING 👇👇👇
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Pop Star Amy and Rock Star Shadow I can't... 😭😭 and paladin Amy and knight Shadow AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THEY MATCH!!!!!
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I'm telling you... Sonic team is indulging us with oficial Sonamy but they are also shamelessly teasing us with SHADAMY (and sonadow juju)
And seriously fellow comic artists, feel free to keep drawing Shadamy comics forever... We don't get tired... 😇 and SEGA... Don't be shy... We conform with little teasing details you don't have to confirm or deny anything but for future games... A little Shadamy won't hurt 🥺🙏, we want Shadamy in games too! IDW that goes for you too... If you are teasing Sonamy and Sonadow you can tease Shadamy too! (And Knouge too! 😫)
And all this reminds me that we should demand SEGA to reboot the Sonic Adventure games with new modern animation and also so it's playable in modern consoles! I want to play it with the Nintendo Switch!! 😤😤😤
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beevean · 6 months
Rewatching NFCV with @woodchipp and @the-crow-binary has been miserable so far.
Not because of them, of course: we all need each other to bear the Peak. but holy shit I forgot how mindnumbingly boring the show is. it's way worse at a second watch because now I know how much it falls apart! We're only at S2E3 as of this post!
S1 is the best season, and even that is largely forgettable, especially S1E3 which wastes 22 minutes of my life to say "here's the bishop. he's proof that CHURCH BAD". But S1E1 may be the best or second best episode of the whole show thanks to Dracula and his performance... and isn't that sad, that the show peaks at the very beginning? The rest of the show is just... Trevor doing his stuff (while the framing mostly makes fun of him), talking, some fighting, and CHURCH BAD. As positives, I still like Trevor's mini-arc in this season, and the vague effort to be faithful to CV3 (Sypha being petrified by a cyclops, falling down a chasm to find Alucard).
S2 is terrible. Yes we're still less than halfway through. I already hate everything.
I hate Alucard becoming a legend to the point that the Wallachians name his Alucard (as in, Dracula's opposite) after only a year - why couldn't he name himself Alucard? Why complicate matters so much? Isaac calling him Alucard, and Dracula recognizing the name, makes absolutely no sense: how do they know about it? Dracula lost contact with his son one year ago and I doubt Wallachian human legends have reached him. And Isaac was in the Sahara until sometime after Lisa died!
I hate Alucard himself. He's a cunt. He does nothing but insult Trevor and the Belmonts without provocation, and it's not funny banter, he's mean! He's genuinely cruel! He hears that Trevor lost his family at 12, and he can only say "lol and lmao I had more of a childhood than you. anyway they were mentally ill and child killers, they sacrificed chickens and hoarded dead cats". And this piece of shit is the most popular character of the show??? he's not even pretty what are y'all seeing 😭
(it's also weird how he's all angsting about killing his vampire father, but he hates the Belmont for being vampire hunters. bro. bro you're also about to hunt a vampire. why are you defending a race of monsters so staunchly. not even a hint of, I don't know, a Belmont hurting him when he was a child because he was confused for a full vampire? Remember that logically, a vampire child is a child turned into a vampire, we have no other indication that dhampirs are running all around the world. I know that in the games he seems fully on board with "vampires bad and me bad for being half vampire", but you have the chance of making it better and you squander it?)
Sypha is also ruder than I remembered. I think she suddenly became more cheerful in S3 and that's why I liked her, but also girl, you keep criticizing Trevor for being rude and not consoling you, but you look at him with a perpetual resting bitch face and insult the Morning Star calling it an "ugly thing"? Why does Trevor even bother with the likes of you? How is Trephacard the most popular ship in the franchise?
I hate Isaac. Oh, I gave him the benefit of the doubt back then, because I really wanted to understand why he became the fan favorite. But now? No, I'm sorry, he's overrated as fuck. He's so damn pretentious, his speech about how he wants a pure world without love is terrible from the lens of him being a Muslim who is devoted to the Devil, and his backstory is so tryhard and historically inaccurate that I almost prefer Hector's past being exposed through voiceover.
Oh, and Hector, I hate his scenes. Because he's actually treated with dignity. He's fine! I actually like the guy! I like the scene where he rebukes Godbrand (who as a character only exists to attract infodumps and to question Dracula) because "I have to work" - he sounds actually proud of his role, if not even competent, perish the thought. Also by reading the scripts online I forgot that he was the one who yelled "you do not question my loyalty!". Which I like a lot? I can hear the real Hector protesting like that out of pride, even if in private he would admit that he disagrees with the bloodshed. And the scene where he soothes the newborn Night Creature... yeah, this character used to be written with respect, and knowing how he gets tortured and disrespected and used for rape apologism by a sex pest hurts even more. Also, in retrospect, the scene where he stares at the fire while reminiscing about the day he set fire on his own childhood home doesn't go anywhere, even as the finale of S3 echoes it :^)
And Dracula, oh my poor man Dracula. He's already being presented as an ineffectual depressed old man spending his time staring at a fireplace, who can't even command his presence in the war room, who allows Carmilla to insult him and Lisa in front of everyone - it's so embarrassing how he gets the Red Eyes of Fury and then he simply... lets her go after he gets the flimsy explanation of "yeah I humiliated you because everyone is asking themselves the same question. I wanted to help <3" girl (Dracula), she's a mere regional ruler, as she herself said??? why do you need her so much that you allow her to do this shit??????? oh but then you posture to godbrand, he gets to be threatened because... he's not relevant to the plot i guess. fucking pathetic. what have they done to my man.
(and I hate Carmilla. but that has never changed. annoying smug ass #girlboss with the charisma of spoiled seafood. her way of manipulating Hector isn't even manipulation, it's just her telling him very plainly what she wants him to do. She and Lenore utterly suck at their job, and they only get their way because muh plot)
And then there's the infodumping. Oh my god these people won't shut the fuck up. Godbrand is like "why should we listen to two humans?" and Dracula dumps twice that he trusts Hector and Isaac for their human nature (which, again, it's a decent reasoning, but it goes on and on and even they should know, I get it). Alucard dumps about the apocalyptic scenario where Dracula wins and rules over a world without humans... but he only describes it as we look into his ugly face, instead of doing something more creative like actually showing what would happen. Hector gets this random flashback-through-sound, shoved there as if Ellis didn't know where to put it in the script; later on he explains to Carmilla the origin of Night Creatures, as if ever remotely matters. Isaac dumps about his jihadist philosophy about how by killing humans he and Dracula will create a pure world. Carmilla randomly reveals her Tragic Backstory after kicking Godbrand down the stairs, another scene I can't stand because it's all about what a #queen she is and how she's better than Dracula. At one point they seriously discuss about the myth of vampires unable to cross running water, which is a moot point anyway because Carmilla resorts to using a zombie bishop to bless the river!! No I will never let it go!!!
(also I love that in the one occasion where Alucard has the chance of describing his childhood, he retells the tale of Lisa meeting Dracula, something we've already seen and he was also obviously told about, not something he experienced himself. They couldn't even come up with another anedocte to actually tell us what kind of mother Lisa used to be. so lazy)
This show is half people sitting in a circle and talking, and half average fight scenes. Yeah at this point not even those impress me anymore. I'm serious when I say that Knuckles' fight scene in Divergence, also animated by Powerhouse Animation Studios, is of a better quality than what the show has offered.
And this is why I'm so reluctant to watch Nocturne. If the best seasons of this highly acclaimed show are so painful to sit through, how are we going to survive a sequel series that not even the fans liked it as much?
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midgardian-witch · 5 months
Love Lost
Marc died and with him Jake. But then they didn't. What is a heartbroken mercenary to do when their love is married to someone else?
A continuation of All That Matters
tags: Break Up | Fake Character Death | Blood and Violence | Minor Character Death | Crimes & Criminals | Lovers To Enemies (and later back to Lovers but not in this part) | Angst and Feels | Heartbreak | Emotional Manipulation | gender-neutral Reader
ships: Jake Lockley/gn!Reader (former), eventual MK System/Reader/Layla (in future installments), Raul Bushman & Reader
word count: 1.7k
AN: So I didn't think I was going to post this ever but after @strangerhands's amazing response to reading this I decided to publish it after all. This might become a longer series with no regular updates planned (yet) so bare with me.
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Bushman had arrived back with not even a handful of mercenaries. You saw them being welcomed back by those that were told to stay behind, just like yourself. You craned your neck, not even trying to be subtle, but the one person you were looking for was nowhere to be seen. 
Blocking your vision, the leader of your mercenary group stepped in front of you. Your gaze travels up towards his face, a sad smile on his lips. 
His words are all but a blur in your memory. 
"I know you two were close," he said, his blood-soaked hand laying heavy on your shoulder. "Spector was a good man."
The tears in your eyes blurred your vision, Bushman's voice in your ear turned to garbled static. You're sure your whole body was shaking, heart racing so fast you could hear the blood pumping through your veins.
"It's always sad to lose a good man."
You could feel his arms wrap around you, holding you through the tremors of the reality you've had to face. Stomach churning, bile rising in your throat - you felt sick. Sick with the dread of what had happened. Sick with the feeling of Bushman's arms caging you in like you're a frightened animal. 
Back then you felt like it. 
You just couldn’t believe it. It had to be a dream - a nightmare. This couldn’t be happening. 
But it did. 
Marc Spector was dead. 
His corpse rotting in the desert sands. 
And with him: Jake Lockley. 
Bushman took you to his personal tent, trying to calm you down with soft words and a lot of booze. Later he told you the story, his story, of what had happened. 
That you believed that son of a bitch for even one minute still makes you feel ashamed.
Bushman helped you through the first days, weeks, months of grief. You had always felt something was wrong with him. The way he treated you, trained you. He told you then he wanted you to be his second-in-command. A loyal mercenary to help him when push came to shove. 
But you were stuck in this miasma of sadness and grief, unable to breathe. 
That was before he showed you the pictures. 
You saw Bushman looming over his desk, bits and pieces of paper strewn about the surface. As you approached slowly you couldn’t quite make out what he was looking at. They seemed to be photos: cheery, smiling faces looking at the camera, a kaleidoscope of colors and people. 
Until your eyes zeroed in on one picture, one familiar face. 
"I am so sorry, my friend" He said as he saw realization dawn on you. 
These were wedding photos. And the groom, a huge smile on his face, was Marc. 
Instead of elation, of the weight of grief finally lifting off of you, you felt your stomach sink. Looking at Marc's face, his very alive face, pushed the air out of your lungs. You felt like you were drowning, throat closing off and choking on the wave of emotion that hit you. 
His wife looked beautiful. Even through the picture she seemed like a kind and strong person. Someone amazing and skilled. Someone Marc could fall in love with. 
You always knew you weren't the right person for Marc. He had made it clear. You could deal with that. You were happy for him! After all: to love is to let go. And yet. 
"It's cruel, isn't it?" 
It took all your willpower to tear your gaze away from that picture, from the happy couple, towards Bushman's face. Your brows knit together in confusion before he continued. "You two were so close. To not even try and find you? Or send a message telling you he's ok? That must sting."
It did. But not because of what Bushman was impling, not because of Marc. 
You have me, mi vida. I will never lie to you. I will never hurt you. And I will never leave you.
But he did. He left you. Without a good-bye. Without an explanation. Without a sign of life. 
Jake had lied to you and he had left you. 
And that's what pushed you over the edge. Blood boiling, you didn't realize what happened until you saw your hand clenched around the hunting knife you keep strapped to your boot, the blade buried in the damned wedding photo, right between Marc's eyes. You had never felt rage like that. 
Bushman's low chuckle carries over the blood pumping in your ears. "That's it. That's the spirit!" He praised you on your outburst, congratulating you on leaving the small, sad shell of yourself you had become behind. 
You should have seen how delusional he had become far earlier but you were distracted. That distraction was over now, miles away, alive and married to someone else. 
Bushman prefered you angry, a well-trained attack dog for him to control. His personal bodyguard. His second-in-command. And that's what you became. You trained, you fought, you killed. When Bushman dealt with other things you were in charge and you were damn good at it. But once he had you in the place he wanted you to be, things changed. 
He became obsessed with Egyptology, the Ennead, and the countless relics still left to be unearthed. Not in the way an archeologist had an interest in the past but in the way a madman was lusting after power beyond the mortal world. 
He told you about his theories one night. 
"That's how your disloyal boytoy survived," You didn't even flinch at the mention of Marc, of Jake, anymore. "There was this temple or something there. One of the gods must have helped him," he murmured before he took another swig from his flask. The stench of cheap alcohol made your nose twitch. "That's the only way that bastard could have survived the amount of bullets I put in him."
You always knew deep down that his story, the one he told you when they returned to camp, dripping in blood and gold, was a lie. Now you had proof. 
Bushman's delusions had cost him the loyalty of his mercenaries, the one thing he so valued. Instead they looked up to the one person that would actually lead them, the one that was capable of making actual plans and successfully bringing everyone back alive: you. 
That fool should have never underestimated you. He wanted an attack dog, instead he made you something worse: his successor. 
As he was writhing in your grip, your hunting knife slicing through his throat with ease, you already knew none of the others would miss him. Your mentor, your leader, the man that tried to kill the person you loved, choking on his own blood, gurgling and wheezing until the last spark of life left him - that sound would stay with you forever. You don't forget the people you kill easily. You're not a monster after all. 
Mercenary work didn't feel right anymore after that. Too many bad memories. The other people that used to work for Bushmen, your people now, were easily convinced to switch their line of work according to your plans. What you had planned wasn't honest work, neither was being a mercenary, but there was a lot of money to be made from crime. Never do what you're good at for free and being a crime boss paid handsomely. You found a new base of operations, some place far away from the desert sands. Quite the opposite of the dry heat and endless sunshine. 
London was dreary to say the least. You're still not sure if you enjoy the rain most of the time, especially now that the novelty of it has run out. 
You're sitting in your office watching the rain drops slide down the window plane when there is a knock at the door. There is no rest for the wicked, you think as you call out for whoever was outside to enter. You see David, your second-in-command, step in, a tall man, one of the local criminals you had adopted into your ranks when you first arrived here. His worried look makes your stomach clench. 
"What happened?" you ask in a stern voice, already dreading the answer yet not wanting to give anything away. 
"I'm sorry, Boss. I have bad news. From what I understood from the group we sent on that Gloucester job-," he stops himself shaking his head in disbelief, "They were attacked. That's what Jimmy told me at least. Some guy in a white cape and a lady with golden wings. The others are still getting medical attention or didn't make it."
You blink at him, both of you sharing the same disbelieving look. "You're kidding me." He shakes his head. "I would never make jokes about that, Boss. I didn't believe it either but why would someone lie about that?" In a world with actual sorcerers, norse deities, WW2 soldiers surviving being frozen alive and billionaires in supersuits? It's a reasonable lie to pick. Your people were loyal though and while prone to lying if necessary, they never did so to you. 
"I really had hoped that this whole superhero vigilante business would stay in the US but of course not," you sigh and roll your eyes, "Just our luck." David chuckles in response and the corners of your mouth twitch into a smile. 
"So we got some guys in spandex trying to play hero," you repeat, "So how do we deal with that? Do we know anything about these people?" He shakes his head and steps forward to take a seat in front of your desk. 
"No, Boss. We just know that they are very strong, inhumanly strong."
"So Mr. White and his mysterious partner, possibly both with superhuman abilities," you think out loud so David can follow your thought process more easily. "We are going to need better weapons." David flinches when he hears your words. You look at him expectantly before he explains: "Our people had guns but apparently they didn't do anything." You frown, not liking what you're hearing. “That will be an issue. And there is nothing else we know about those guys? I'd rather not have to try and steal from Stark or some wizard to get rid of our little problem here.”
“Well, we have their names if they are who I think they are.”
“Out with it then!”
“They call themselves Moon Knight and the Scarlet Scarab.”
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amitiel-truth · 1 year
Ten Babies Part 2 (Vash the Stampede x Reader)
Note: This is my SECOND time writing here, please don't look too much into the details, I made some up, these ideas were prompted from my chat with Vash at Character.AI, lore dump will probably be here (doing the josei format up this bitch).
Warning: ⚠️Smut⚠️
Summary: Was it really a one night stand, Mr. Stampede?
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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stiring awake, Vash sits up from the softest bed he ever laid on as e looked around, the room he resides in looks more luxurious than the one he was given, but it's personalized, trinkets strewn about tables and nightstands, with it's own personal desk with what seem like important documents.
Vash notices that his naked, with an 'eep' he began dressing himself up from the clothes he discarded the night before, looking around for his red coat, but concludes it to be gone, and noticed someone humming.
Walking over to the window, it turned out to be a veranda over-looking the city, and noticed (Y/N), looking at the city, wearing his coat.
"Ms.(Y/N)-" Vash abruptly stopped himself as (Y/N), she's completely naked and only wearing his red coat, making him blush.
"Good Morning, Mr. Stampede." (Y/N) greeted, smiling at the blonde before turning back to the city, Vash realizes that the Mansion isn't on a hill, but on a cliff, overlooking the city that's located on a meteor crater.
"Welcome...to Febrari."
Febrari, a hidden city in Noman's Land that not many know, it's residents are decedents of SEED Ship 14 after 'The Great Fall', the ship specializes in agriculture and has been developing plant matter after departure from Earth.
Head Scientist, Agriculture, Biochemist, and Engineer, Erich Hem Loverose, did try to make contact with the other SEED ships, but an encounter deterred him, using the geological location that SEED ship 14 fell onto, natural walls that surround the area, SEED ship 14 went zero contact for the last century.
"I haven't been completely honest with you, Mr. Stampede." (Y/N) confessed, turning to look at him.
"My name's (Y/N), (Y/N) Loverose." she reveals, smiling at him, her hands in his coat pockets.
"It's quite alright." Vash sweat drops, laughing nervously, suddenly remembering what she said before she fell asleep
"Give me Ten Babies..."
'I don't even know if PLANT DNA is compatible with Human DNA.' Vash thought, turning to the woman who's looking at her city fondly.
"About-" Before he could even start, a knock resided on the door.
"Ms.(Y/N)! Mr. George Jr. from the Water Distribution Sector wishes to speak with you." Aileen said through the door, as (Y/N) shouted that she'll get ready.
"We have only just woken up and I already have a meeting." (Y/N) mutters, a hand on her forehead as she pulled Vash through her room and onto the door.
"Let's talk again later, Mr. Stampede." (Y/N) teases as she removed his coat and placed it over her shoulder, rendering her completely naked, flustering the male before being pushed out of the room.
"There's running water in your bathroom, feel free to get ready!" (Y/N) yells over the door before fading away, Vash still blushing hard from what just happened, then shakes out of his stupor as he processes what he said.
"Running water..." Vash mutters before rushing to his room and heading to the bathroom, turning on the tap, and watching water falling through it.
"Woah..." Vash mutters as he runs his hand through it.
"Just what is this place..."
(Y/N) talks with a young man on her porch under the shade of her home, wearing a white sleeveless dress with an accordion piece and plain piece that shapes her figure, dangling fake pearls on her ears, and a golden stars necklace wrapped around her neck, 'laughing' along with the man.
While out of earshot, Vash peeks through a window, looking at the scene before him.
"Who's that?."
"George Shepard Jr., son of the Water Distribution Department Head of Febrari, also one of the most eligible bachelors around here." Aileen informed Vash, jumping in surprise as he turned to look at the woman.
"Water Distribution? I haven't heard of that term before? In fact, it's so scarce to get as much as a drop here in Noman's Land." Vash replies, surprise that there's such a thing as departments for it.
"We're lucky enough to have landed with our ship fully intact, in fact, we haven't had a singled deceased PLANT for the past century." Aileen reveals, surprising Vash even more.
"Not a single one?! In this place? how is that even possible?!" Vash asks, still in shock.
"Because of the Loverose's" Aileen reveals, turning to look at something, turns out they're in the living room, with a mural of the first generation of the Loverose's hung above the fireplace.
"They took care of everything for us, especially Mr. Hem, with his knowledge and guidance, he built a system and developed plants for food that would survive the harsh climate of this planet, it is still under progress but under our current condition, they still work." Aileen informs him, staring at the Mural of a family with a Man in his mid-thirties wearing glasses with (y/hc) slick-back hair with serious eyes, holding a little boy in his arms and a young woman who looks exactly like (Y/N) but with blue eyes and blonde hair(A/N: sorry if you're blonde and have blue eyes), holding an umbrella made out of metal, smiling at the camera with her arm over the man's shoulder.
"and all of that knowledge is passed down to (Y/N), a very sought-after bachelorette, coming from wealth and status." all their attention turned to the woman who continued discussing matters with the young woman.
"I understand you still think that you're a fling, but know this, I watch Ms. (Y/N) grow up from a newborn into the young woman you see today, and not once have I seen her act with this kind of behavior towards a man, if you're uncomfortable at the situation, leave if you like, it's alright to not reciprocate her feelings." Aileen advises as she turns to go to the kitchen.
"Are you sure? I don't want to leave a woman with a broken heart!"
"She's a strong woman, she can take anything you throw at her and she'll stand back up, she'll be fine...unless, your feeling something else, Mr. Stampede?." Aileen pokes as Vash blushes, turning to look back at the two on the porch as (Y/N) turns her body 'bashfully', something inside Vash stirs as he continued to watch the two.
"One night stand my ass."
After breakfast, (Y/N) invites Vash to see the city.
"I'm needed to see the progress of our other plants like cabbages and such." (Y/N) informs him, walking out of the mansion holding a very long umbrella.
"What's a cabbage?." Vash asks following her as they approached two Thomas Handlers.
"Your about to find out." (Y/N) chuckles as she opens the umbrella as they get under the three suns, a Handler approached her, handing her usual bird and riding it, placing the umbrella at the custom holder, protecting her from the heat.
"Let's get going." (Y/N) nods her head to the other bird, as Vash blushes and goes to the Handler who gave him the reins and rides it.
"Let's go!" (Y/N) squeals as she snapped the reins, making the Thomas, run with Vash panicking and running after her.
The two Handlers could only look at each other blankly.
"Ms. (Y/N)! Slow down!" Vash yells, matching the Lady's speed who continued laughing.
"Come on! I'll race you there!" (Y/N) challenges as she snaps the reins once again, showing a path as they race through it.
Vash hears (Y/N) laugh once again, turning to look at her he observes as she squeals, her hair gliding through the air as she looks so carefree. Vash turns away, blushing.
Reaching the town entrance, Vash won the race, and they come to a stop.
"Ah! You won! Guess I need to get you something for getting first place." (Y/N) stated, softly shaping the reins on her Thomas as they start to walk as Vash rushes to follow her.
"You don't need to get me anything, really!" Vash insisted, already heavily in debt to the woman.
"It's alright, really, Aileen already ask me to get some things from this store anyways." (Y/N) persist as they continued on their journey, noticing people calling out to her, smiling up to her as she smiles back, waving at them, making Vash pull up his hood to avoid being recognizable.
"You do know your red coat itself gives you away, right?" (Y/N) points out, smiling at the PLANT.
"Maybe they'll think I'm someone imitating me?." Vash tries to defend himself.
"Now who would be able to imitate your handsome self?." (Y/N) flirts making the man hide further into his hood, blushing.
"We're here." (Y/N) stops, and an unfamiliar smell wafts through the air, it smells homely and something fresh from the oven.
"Wait right here." (Y/N) orders as she got down with her umbrella, and walks into the store filled with bread and pastries Vash had never seen before, watching her converse with a few people around her area before walking back to him with bags on her arms.
"I bet you haven't had these for a long while." she guesses, holding up a bag of a certain baked pastry.
"Doughnuts...." He mutters, taking the bag before digging in.
"I'm glad you like it" (Y/N) laughs as she walks back to her Thomas, places back her umbrella, and mounts the bird, continuing on their leisure phase, eating their own pastries.
While stuffing his face, Vash looks around, noticing how peaceful the place is, occasionally there's someone greeting (Y/N).
"You're really well known in this town."
"Well, I did grow up here and came from a very prominent family, would be pretty hard to not be known." (Y/N) replies, waving among the people.
"But how come I haven't seen your parents?." Vash pokes, as she stiffens, keeping her face facing forward
"Oh...uh, they died a few years back, peacefully, might I add." She confirms, keeping herself facing forward.
"Oh, I-I'm sorry for prying-"
"No! It's quite alright, it happened a long time ago anyway." She remarks, but still kept her composure and still faced forward.
silence enveloped the two, occasionally greeting anyone who greets (Y/N) first, before reaching their destination, the area is set up with hundreds of greenhouses.
"Ms. Loverose, welcome to the Farming Sector." a young man greets, taking (Y/N)'s hand and kissing the back of it, right in front of Vash, who glares at the action.
"Oh, Jaime, still sweet as ever." (Y/N) 'swoons'.
"And who might this be?." He asks, turning to the red-hooded man, raising an eyebrow.
"Ah, I'm-"
"He's my guard for the day." (Y/N) cuts him off, unmounting the bird with her umbrella with Vash following after.
"Shall I also accompany you inside as well Ms.-"
"It's quite alright, we can look around ourselves." She cuts him off walking to the plastic tarps.
"Understood" Jaimie grumbles as he glares at the blonde who can't help but smile.
(Y/N) mentions to follow her through the tarp and walks in, with Vash cautiously approaching the plastic, before walking in.
Cold air greeted the man, looking around in wonder at the nostalgic temperature, then noticing the leafy green bulbs before him, all in line planted to the ground.
(Y/N) smiles as she looks around, wiping the back of her hand on her dress as she looks around proudly.
"Back on earth, there used to be different climate zones around the globe, and each of them has the perfect temperature for plants, but it's hard to grow anything here on Noman's Land with the three suns and all, and the best that we could do is to mimic their climate and modify the plants to adapt to the planet's soil, though they are mixed with soil back from earth, but atleast they worked" She explains as she knelt down to one cabbage, her umbrella providing shade as she stroked one of them, glistening with water.
"It's not much, but at least it's enough to sustain us." (Y/N) smiles as Vash knelt down beside her, staring in wonder.
"Can you really eat it?." Vash leans down to take a bite as (Y/N) covers his mouth, chuckling at her.
"You need to cook it first before eating it! Unless you want a weird tingling sensation in your mouth" She laughs as she hugs her umbrella handle closer to her, bringing it between her legs, giggling uncontrollably as Vash backs away flustered, embarrassed as (Y/N) remembered something.
"There was a belief about planting back on Earth, when you sing to a plant they'll grow healthy and bountiful. Do you think that'll work here?." (Y/N), asks as she leans closer to the plant and clears her throat.
"Can we just be honest?" (Y/N) starts as Vash watches in amusement.
"These are the requirements If you think you can be my one and only true love You must promise to love me" (Y/N) continues as she closes her eyes, not noticing Vash's PLANT marks are showing, as he began to panic.
"And damn it, if you fuck me over I will rip your fuckin' face apart" Vash was so distraught that his PLANT markings instantly disappeared.
(Y/N) stops, opening her eyes as she looks at Vash sheepishly.
"I don't think plants would like to grow up to that, sorry, just thought of that off the top of my head." she apologizes and stands up, walking to the middle of the field, spinning her umbrella as Vash follows after her.
"Speaking of Love, have you over been in a relationship before?." Vash asks as she looks up thinking.
"I've had a few boyfriends before, but they were never serious, It's just a way to rebel at my parents back then, besides they could never handle me being too much of a woman." (Y/N) smiles in thought.
"Is that so? then what about those guys who's been all around you lately? are they also your past boyfriends?."
"Oh no! No no no! I don't even get near them as a child for how snobbish they acted, they do their jobs perfectly but don't have the right head on their shoulders in treating the common folk." (Y/N) denies, holding up a hand her lips in a tight frown.
"Althouuuuuuugh...If it's okay for them to have 10 children, I don't see why not." (Y/N) blushes, a hand on her cheek, swooning, as Vash watches her. thoughts running through his mind, the thought of her having children with another man...stirs something inside of him.
Vash suddenly pushed (Y/N) behind some tall cabbages, her umbrella flying up in the air, her white dress getting dirty in the process.
"Vash! What are you-" (Y/N) cuts herself off when Vash suddenly pins her to the ground, stunning the girl.
Her umbrella falls beside them facing the entrance, effectively hiding the two, they continue to stare at each other, as Vash slowly leans down to the girl, initiating a kiss, as (Y/N) got out of her stupor and followed him after, holding onto the back of his coat.
Vash hiked up her dress, revealing a pair of red lace panties, biting his lip at the sight as he pushed the lower side of it to the side, slipping one of his fingers in.
(Y/N) gasps as she held onto Vash tighter, biting his neck through his turtle neck, Vash quicken his pace and slid another finger in, prompting the girl to roll her eyes in pleasure, realizing she already cum.
wordlessly, Vash lifted his finger covered in (Y/N)'s slick, making sure she was watching as he sucked on his fingers, making her moan as she bit into her thumb.
After Vash finished cleaning his fingers, he proceeded with pulling down his pants, his cock slapping onto his stomach upon release as (Y/N) watches in anticipation.
lining it up, he looks back at (Y/N) for confirmation, who wrapped her legs around his waist and pulls him in, both moaning in synch at the sudden intrusion, Vash slowly started thrusting his hips onto her, grounding himself onto her as (Y/N) pulled him to her gasp and moan directly onto his ear, egging the PLANT more as he increases his speed.
The girl went crossed-eyed as she held onto Vash tighter, and with a last few thrusts, he spurts his seed inside of her, making sure to ground himself to her as he bit her neck, forcing (Y/N) to follow after, mixing along with his.
The two pants as Vash lifted himself from her shoulder, being face to face with her, as (Y/N) wrapped her arms around Vash's neck and pull him down, pulling him into a rough and passionate kiss, her fingers running through his hair as Vash hugged her tightly.
"Ms. Loverose! Are you there?." The man from before, Jaimie, call out as they both sat up, thankfully being fully hidden by the girl's large umbrella.
"Micheal from the Waste Department wants to talk to you, about the production of fertilizer for the Farming Sector." Jaimie added as they two hurriedly fixed themselves up, brushing away dirt that had gotten onto their skin and hair but (Y/N) her ruined dress and bite mark on her neck.
"Did something happen there? do you need help?." Jaimie asks, getting closer as the umbrella shuffles and two figures burst out from behind.
"WE'RE FINE! COMPLETELY FINE!" (Y/N) confirms, laughing nervously with Vash behind her.
"I just...fell onto the dirt and Vash helped me get back up!"
"Then why are you wearing his coat?." Jaimie points out, as it's true, (Y/N) is wearing Vash's red coat which almost swallows her.
"My dress got dirty and Vash lend me his coat so I won't look like a mess." she smiles nervously, with Vash nodding alongside her, holding her umbrella, as Jaimie observes the two.
"Well, either way, Micheal does still want to talk to you..." Jaimie continues as he leads them back to the entrance.
Vash observes (Y/N) and noticed that there was a wobble on her step, she kept her legs close as much as possible and pulled the collar around her neck, Vash smiles in triumph
Chapter 1 basically:
video choreography by @chokem3choso and video format by @thefinalwitness from TikTok
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