#quaritch 2.0
I see so many people complaining that Quaritch will remain Jake's arch nemesis. However, I love this development. Remember fellow avatar fans, Quaritch 2.0 isn't even Quaritch hes a clone and hes evolving. This evolution has got me pumped. This Quaritch is Na'vi, he got to learn so much from Spider about what it means to connect to the world around you. We saw his conflicting loyalties. Personally, I can't wait to see what he does next.
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cjbolan · 1 year
Finally got to see avatar 2 now it's on disney plus! i love the water tribe, they've got kind of mermaid-ish vibes. aonung is a jerk tho
Same. The water tribe was the best part of the movie! Also love how the movie used a mixture of freediving and CGI, hope the Emily Windsnap movies do the same.
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whxre-bxby · 1 year
“Colonel’s Orders” 
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(oh to be manhandled by Mansk like Tsireya)
Smut with Mansk, Miles, and Lyle
Summary: Quaritch gathers everyone outside for a new type of training session. The recom team don’t know what’s about to happen except for Miles and Lyle. This lesson is meant to increase the team’s hunting skills, however, you and Z-Dog are excluded. We have to pretend to be the prey first, which we think isn’t fair. Eventually, we are persuaded and have a head start before being hunted. 
Warnings: HEAVY SMUT, a little Angst?, predator and prey kink, NON-CON SEX, bad language, tiny bit of voyeurism, breeding kink, degrading 
Word Count: 6803
Colonel's Orders Version 2.0
I was in the break room, getting a drink from the fridge when Lopez walked past, greeting me. 
“Outside in 10. We have training.” he says, about to leave. 
“What? But we finished for today.” I reply and he turns back. 
“Colonel’s orders. Outside in 10, dressed appropriately for training.” he repeated before walking away. I just stare into nothingness for a while, wondering why we suddenly have to gather again when we just ended less than 2 hours ago. It’s not like I could do anything about it so I put the cold drink back and went to my room to go get dressed in Cammie pants and a tank top. 
While leaving my room and walking down the hallway, I met Zdinarsk. She smiled, nodding to me. 
“Do you know what this is about?” I ask and she shakes her head no, shrugging. 
“Maybe the Colonel has some announcement.” 
“Why outside though?” I say, asking myself more than her. She scoffs, wearing the same things I’m wearing and we walk out onto the large concrete jet runway. The sun is beaming down strongly and the warmth of Pandora hits our skin. 
Quite a bit away, we see most of the recom-team already gathered. The Colonel, Lyle, Mansk, Prager, Lopez, Ja, Brown, and Fike are outside, all standing around each other, talking. 
Walker is busy with testing tools in the lab along with Warren and Zhang.
We walk next to each other and I squint, having to look at the ground because the sun was too bright. The wind caressed my face and made my hair flow. It made my hair flow… I forgot to tie it up. Oh no. 
Quaritch got angry about that once, I hoped he wouldn’t mind me running back before we started. 
“Finally, the ladies have decided to show up.” Quaritch loudly announces, grinning while his hands rest on his vest. 
I tilt my head confused. 
“Are we late?” I ask Z-Dog confused,  who is already checking her watch. She shakes her head. 
“We’re two minutes early.” she replies in a sassy tone but still keeping it respectful with our superior. 
“Could have been another two minutes earlier.” he says, before fully turning around to face us. We choose wisely to not reply or fire any comment back. It could cause problems. He seems to be pleased with our silence. 
“Y/N, hope that ponytail ain’t too tight.” Lyle chuckles, noticing my open hair. I glare at him, fully aware of my mistake. I almost always have to have my hair tied back, so it's rare anyone sees me like this. 
I glance at Quaritch who is looking at my hair. 
“I can run back and get it, sir.” I say, taking a step back to be ready to go. 
“That won’t be necessary.” He calmly states, looking from my hair to my eyes, before speaking to the group. 
“You won’t be needing it now. In fact, I think I prefer it like that.” he smirks, and I hear a few chuckles from the men. Z-Dog is just as confused as me. 
“Alright squad, today’s… second session will be a bit different from what we did this mornin’. “ the Colonel starts announcing and everyone quiets down. I quickly scan the team, and notice Lyle grinning to himself. As if he knew about something. Maybe this was some sort of surprise. 
“I discussed this matter with, Corporal Wainfleet here. We decided that this team needs less training as humans and more training as Na’vi. “ he continues. So Lyle does know what’s going on. I glance between him and the Colonel, wondering what they had planned. Maybe we would finally get to train our banshees today. 
Lyle looks up at me and Z-Dog with a shit-eating grin on his face. I exchange judgemental looks with her. We wanted to know why we were dragged out here. 
“If we want to find Sully, we need to be able to hunt Na’vi. I mean hunt like them and hunt them.” he says, his eyes roaming over all his soldiers, to make sure we understand and are listening.
“Which is exactly what we are going to do today.” 
I raise my eyebrows. We were going to look for and hunt down Na’vi people? I didn’t know whether I was excited or terrified. Lyle is grinning again and looking at his buddies. They don’t seem to know all he knows and he signals to them that they’ll know in a second. Mansk is nodding along to what Quaritch says, staying serious while Lyle is acting like a teenager about to do something stupid. Maybe that is an exaggeration. He is standing still, keeping quiet and listening, but his grin is irritating me. 
It doesn’t seem like a good sign. 
“We’re just gonna go into the jungle and find some more blue freaks?” Fike asks, and Quaritch is now grinning too. 
“Not exactly.” Lyle intervenes. “We’re going to practise that here, between us. We’re the only Na’vi for miles.” 
“How?” I blurt out. To be fair, it what his fault for not saying all the information at once. 
“Glad you asked, buttercup.” he smiles, turning to me. I frown at the nickname, straining my ears back. He does that often, to embarrass me in front of others I think, but it’s getting old.
“We’re gonna need two people to be the so-called prey.” he explains, while walking towards me. “The rest of the team will hunt them. As simple as that.” 
“Who’s gonna be the prey? I don’t think anyone wants to volunteer for that one.”  Prager announces after a minute and Lyle chuckles. 
“We’ve already got our prey.” Lyle says, returning his gaze to me and looking me deep in the eyes. 
Finally, I catch on to what he’s saying. I’m about to fire some comments back when Lyle is pulled away by Quaritch. 
“Prey, my ass.” I snap at him, not angry just pissed off. 
I glance between them and I hear Zdinarsk huff beside me in disbelief. 
“No fucking way.” she says, crossing her arms over her chest. 
Mansk and the others understand now too. I hear a few chuckles from them, while I just stare at Lyle and Miles in disbelief. 
“We’re not doing that.” I say, backing up Z-Dog. 
“That’s an order.” Quaritch says, smirking amusedly. 
“Why us? Why can’t one of them go?” I complain. 
“That’s an order.” he repeats himself, underlining every word. I frown, letting my ears droop as my tail flicks behind me in irritation. 
My silence is an answer to him and he returns to explaining. 
“Now, our lovely ladies will get a five-minute head start. Then-”
“Five?!” I accidentally interrupt and he looks at me annoyed. 
“I can make that three.” he threatens and I look down, not saying a word again. He turns back. 
“Using the stronger senses we have in our bodies, it shouldn’t be too hard.” the Colonel continues to explain. The recom-men exchange glances and smirks, some nodding while others nudge each other’s arms. They seem happy. 
Z-Dog and I exchange the hundredth glance for today, not seeming to believe what is happening. 
“Pfft… stronger senses.” I mutter under my breath. I’ll make sure they won’t find me. 
“That’s right Y/N,” the Colonel said. How did he even hear that?
“Some scientists told me that Na’vi get cycles. So-called ‘heat cycles’...” 
My eyes widen. I just keep hearing more and more bad news. 
“And apparently we are approaching our one soon…” Quaritch continues. Wainfleet is still grinning like the bitch he is. 
Everyone is surprised and listening. 
“Durin’ these times, it’s easier for us…” he points at the recom-men who are all gathered together, “to be able to pick up your pretty scent.” he turns to Z-Dog and me, smirking. Zdinarsk is very clearly not impressed, yet she seems almost unfazed by his words. 
On the other hand, I am mindblown and I don’t know whether I’m pissed at Lyle, Miles or the scientists who summoned me into this body. I still can’t decide whether this experience is a curse or a blessing. 
“To make it a tad easier for us, no shirts allowed.” Lyle added and Quaritch didn’t seem to disagree. That was it, that was my final straw. I couldn’t believe it. I snort, clutching my face in my palms while Z-Dog just chews her gum and watches my reaction. 
“This is bullshit.” I say, letting my hands slide from my face. The entire team’s attention is focused on me and I don’t know how to feel about it. 
Quaritch raises his eyebrow at me as if challenging me to continue my petty behaviour. I fall in line under his gaze. 
Z-Dog sighs beside me before peeling her tank top off. I sigh as well. If she’s doing it, I must too. I turn away a little, facing the open runway and pull my tank top over my head, leaving me in a sports bra and cammies, like Z. 
I turn around, arms crossed in front of my chest, holding the shirt. The team was oddly silent. 
It wasn’t the first time we’d been in a sports bra in front of them. During the hot days or really intense training lessons, we would just wear them while the others didn’t even wear a shirt. But it still seemed different because this time it had a different meaning. But training is training, what can one do?
“Drink before you go.” Quaritch ordered, his own arms crossed over his chest, seeming pleased that we followed orders without complaining too much anymore. 
After all, he was our superior, and responsible for us, so making us drink was not uncommon. 
Lyle handed us each a water bottle, from which we took a few gulps. Some water trickled down the side of my mouth and on my chest but I didn’t care. It was too warm to mind that. 
I handed it back to him, sending him a glare just to let him know that I was pissed. 
“Alright, you’re ready.” Quaritch said, but I wasn’t finished just yet. 
“What if I just don’t run?” I ask, more out of curiosity than sass. 
He takes an intimidating step forward. “Then I’ll deal with you right here, in front of everyone.” He stated firmly, staring me down. I looked away again, nodding a little before turning away and standing next to Z-Dog again who was already facing where we have to go. 
I didn’t quite know what he meant by that, I could only assume. And I assumed that he would do something I would not want others to see. 
“Alright, you see the entry in the fence there? That’s where the forest starts. You go through there and then wherever you want after that. We’ll find you.” Quaritch says, pointing to the gate with the opening, separating the forest from the concrete. I huff annoyed facing the direction we were supposed to run in after throwing my shirt at Lyle’s face. It wasn’t far until the fence. I wondered if I would encounter any native creatures, thinking that perhaps I should be armed but then again, none of them ever get close to here. 
“Happy runnin’ ladies. Time starts…now.” Quaritch says and once he finishes Z-Dog is walking away already. I jog up to her and we walk more or less side by side for a while. Then we hear someone yell that if we don’t start running now they will shorten the time. I groan out in frustration, letting my head fall back before picking up my pace and running to the fence, close behind Zdinarsk. 
Before we know it we reach the fence where we slow down and look around before walking into the forest. 
“Is it smart to stick together?” she asks me and I think about it. 
“Probably not. If we’re working as a team here, it makes sense for us to split. That way if they all find one of us, the other is still fine.” I reply, not quite knowing what to expect. 
“Let’s kick their ass. I say we continue for an hour, then we return home.” she says and smiles to herself.
“Heh- imagine if we just ditch the mission while they are still out here.” I chuckle and she joins. 
“We’d get in so much tr-” 
“Yeah, Colonel would kill us.” She agrees. 
We walk in silence again, thinking about what he would be yelling. Then I check my watch. 
“They’ll come after us in a minute. We should split now.” I say and she nods in agreement.
“Aight. See ya’.” we bump our fists together before I take a right turn and she goes left. The next time I look over my shoulder, I don’t see her anymore. 
I look at the time again. They must have already left the base. Probably just arrived in the forest right now. 
I push my way through leaves, my ears flicking around, picking up small noises. The forest felt very abandoned. There was almost no noise. 
I went deeper. If they would really follow my scent, I couldn’t have it going in a straight line. I let my feet carry me faster again and I made occasional turns while making sure I was putting enough distance between the base and me. With the new body came a new and better sense of coordination. If I would continue wandering for the next few hours, I still wouldn’t get lost. 
I looked at my watch again only to see it had frozen. ‘Great’ I thought. 
What feels like at least 2 hours have passed and my legs were getting a little tired. The sun was still up, it was only afternoon. I gave up on running. It seemed to me as though they had overestimated their capabilities and would not find me. Maybe I should start turning back? 
I stop for a while, standing completely still, trying to pick up anything. Any noise, sight or smell. But there was nothing. While standing I became aware of an odd feeling in my groin. 
I curse myself. The fucking heat cycle. It didn’t hit me, it slowly developed. I had felt something similar this morning, but it was growing now. 
“My scent is probably stronger now.” I whisper to myself. 
Once the 5 long minutes were over, Mansk had made it his priority to find you. While your aroused scent wasn’t present, your normal one was and that alone drove Mansk feral. He wanted to be the first one to get you. 
Since your scent had a serious effect on Mansk, he was able to recognise it easier and he left the team, going out to hunt you down on his own. 
I keep walking until I feel a different type of strange feeling. I look around myself and stay quiet, but no one is there. Yet, strangely I no longer feel like I am alone. As if I had some company that I didn’t know about. If my feeling was right, it was either a creature, Z-Dog or one of the soldiers. 
Then again, Z went the other way and forest animals don’t come so close to the human’s area, so chances were one of the soldiers was close. I continued walking, looking in front for a while then turning my head, to glance behind me while still moving. I turn around and walk a few steps backwards, not changing the direction I was going in, trying to find any movement between the leaves I just walked by. 
That’s when it happened. Suddenly I felt arms snake around me from behind. One held my arms down and wrapped around my waist while the other pressed someone’s hand over my mouth. I screamed from the sudden surprise but the short loud noise was muffled by the palm. It all happened so quickly, my mind was struggling to keep up. 
I was pulled against someone’s body and I could immediately tell it was one of the recom’s because of the gear they were wearing. They held me close to their body, preventing my struggle and walking a few steps back. 
“Shhh…” the voice cooed. “Stop strugglin’.”
My eyes opened wider. It was Mansk holding me. I let my eyes dart around, trying to find the others but it seemed as though he was alone. I calmed down, no longer trying to escape his grasp. 
Mansk let his hand slip from my mouth but surprised me when he wrapped it around my neck, forcing my gaze up a little. 
“Great, you- got me.” I say, attempting to get out of his embrace. “You can let me go now.” 
“That ain’t happenin’.” he replied, tightening his arm around me. I whine in protest, letting my head drop a little. 
“Can’t let you escape now.” he said and from the way the words left his mouth, I could tell he was grinning. 
His presence affected me. Smelling his musk and being pressed up against his chest had my heart racing and I knew it wouldn’t be long until he would pick up on that.  
“I won’t run away, my leg hurts.” I lie to him, knowing I need to distance myself from him as fast as possible. I wasn’t sure what would happen if he would know what was going on. Quaritch told us all about the heat cycles but I don’t think anyone was expecting it to start today. Maybe it was the fact that this predator-prey game had me feeling some type of way.
To my surprise, he lets me go but doesn’t step away. His arms just fall to his sides and he is examining my every movement. I turn around to properly face him. 
Mansk and I were never really close. The whole team was close but we were never more than that. But it wasn’t awkward between us. Some other atmosphere was created. I would have said I felt sexual tension but that could be just because slowly I was becoming painfully aroused and he happened to be really attractive. 
I took a few steps back, watching him as he watched me.  Something about the way he looked at me had me thinking that he seemed frustrated. Perhaps it was the way his tail was flicking around behind him. 
But without further ado, I needed to save myself and my ego. I was too prideful to give in to my feelings just yet. I couldn’t make it that easy.  
My feet took off, back in the direction I came from and away from Mansk. 
Of course, he was predicting a reaction like that so without hesitation, he was sprinting after me. 
In the next few seconds, I was tackled to the ground, letting out an even louder scream this time. Mansk must have thrown himself at me and I was planted basically face-first in the ground. I was laying stretched out and I felt Mansk on top of me. 
“Nice try.” he chuckled, pulling my arms behind my back. I groaned in frustration, knowing I had no chance to escape him and that time was running out. Mansk cuffed both my wrists together with the elastic red handcuffs we carried around. 
“Really? Handcuffs?” I ask, trying to ridicule his actions as my last resort. 
He turns me over so that my back is laying on the floor and I’m looking up at him. He’s on his knees, with each leg on either side of my thighs. 
“I caught you, sweetheart. I ain’t lettin’ you out’ my sight.” he said, pushing his shades up on his head to get a better look at me. 
I felt how my cheeks heated up and the feeling between my legs was now undeniable. 
“Look at you, all pretty and flustered.” he smirks. His hand cups the side of my face and he runs his thumb over my cheek. 
The sight and the scent of you have him feeling extremely fucking turned on. The whole hunt had him getting worked up and he had been fighting the urge to relieve himself. But it wasn’t something he could do himself. He felt the urge to breed. 
Seeing you under him like this, experiencing your own heat problems had Mansk lose control. Once he picked up the scent of you in the forest, most of his common sense was gone. His mind could only focus on finding you. Now he succeeded and he wasn’t able to hold back. 
Without another thought, he flipped me back around. His hands traced my body, running down my back and back up my hips. He fumbled with my bra, just touching the fabric before he attached his hands to my pants and started tugging them down. With his strength, the belt was useless. He removed my panties in the process too because his fingertips hooked under both waistbands.
Mansk pulled my hips up while my upper body remained pressed into the ground. He was positioned right behind me and I heard him groan a little once my pants were removed. My heavy breathing was accompanied by his. 
His hand wrapped around my nervously swishing tail and he moved it out of the way, while his own tail was revealing his own frustrations. 
Mansk’s urges were getting stronger the more he would try to solve them. He sense how badly I was suffering the heat as well and were both just desperate to solve our problems. I needed him so badly and vice versa. 
I heard him undo his belt hastily while wrapping his other hand around my braid to make sure I can’t escape. Soon enough he let out a sigh of relief and I felt him press his bare crotch against mine. I felt his throbbing dick, pressed up against my pulsating core. The warmth of our bodies was mixing and he couldn’t take it anymore. Mansk was quite literally panting now, his big hands gripping my hips. 
I felt him pull away before moving his hips forward. His dick was perfectly lined up with where I craved him the most and he thrust forward into me, burying himself as deep into me as he could. 
I moaned, arching my back and pressing myself into him more while he bit his lip, letting his head drop back in relief. 
“F-fuck babygirl… so tight f’er me.” he groaned, before pulling out and repeating his actions. 
Mansk then leaned forward, holding himself up with his hands firmly splayed out on the ground on either side of my body. He tucked my waist right below his stomach and continued bucking his hips up into mine. My mind was getting cloudy and I whimpered, the pleasure saving me from the uneasy cravings I felt before. Mansk started to ruthlessly fuck me from behind, but the more he did the more he realised how deep and strong his need to breed was. He needed you to stay in your place beneath him and take it. 
All chances of you leaving were eliminated when he wrapped both his arms around your tilted waist, hugging you while continuing to rut into my almost squelching pussy. My body's noises ignited a fire in him. The harder he fucked me, the louder the noise of skin slapping filled my ears. His head was lolling down and he quickly undid my handcuffs with one swift move. He needed to be closer to me. I pushed my upper body up from the ground, being rocked forward by his thrusts on all fours.
Mansk immediately pressed his chest against my back, one toned arm holding him up while the other hugged me, bringing my entire body closer to him. 
“Mansk-” I whine, feeling the building-up pressure deep inside me. It felt like too much but it was so good. 
“Take it.” he growled into my ear. His fangs were bared and his ears strained back as both of us had our primal sides take over our bodies. Mansk’s head rested in the crook of my neck, his panting breath heating up my already warm skin. 
I started to clench around him, feeling my orgasm approach sooner than expected. He felt the way I squeezed him and it stimulated him more, so he sped up his pace a little. My body was tensing and with a few more thrusts, I came undone around Mansk. 
My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I let out what sounded like another scream, followed by a string of moans calling out Mansk’s name. 
He relentlessly pounded into me and then had his climax take over his body. Mansk was drowning in pleasure and was only acting on his instincts. He needed to keep you in place so he tightened his grip around your body, caging you in, bit down between your shoulder and neck, stilled his hips and released his load deep into you. 
His tense muscles soon relaxed and his arm dropped to the ground to ensure he wouldn’t fall. My legs were shaking and both of us were trying to regain our breath. 
The mating bite he gave me didn’t even hurt in the moment. Once he released, he removed his fangs from my skin, just letting his hot open lips rest on it. 
I let my head drop, releasing a breathy sigh. The fuzziness in my mind was fading away and reality was returning. 
Mansk then slowly lifted himself off my back, pulling out in the process. He rested his hand on my back, while the two of us calmed down. I sat back on my knees, lazily lifting my head and checking our surroundings. 
“Y’ alright?” he asked me, and I heard a hint of worry in his voice. Maybe he thought that he hurt me. 
I nod, smiling. 
“Yeah, great.” 
He smirked, handing me my pants before pulling his ones up and adjusting his belt. 
I sit there for a while, holding the clothes and just trying to focus on clearing my mind. That’s when I pick up a noise. My head turns in the direction of the distant rustling leaves. I wonder whether I’m just hearing things but when I turn back to look at Mansk, who is geared up again I can tell he’s hearing it too. 
Seeing that you haven’t quite recovered yet, Mansk steps forward, feeling the need to protect you. His ears were tipped back but still trained on the approaching noise. He raised his weapon, waiting to see what would come out between the tall grass, huge leaves and trees. 
He stood in front of me as if he were shielding me from what was to come. I watched as well, staying alert in case of any danger. My hands held my clothes over my exposed self, trying to cover up what a few moments earlier I had exposed. 
After a few moments, the noise got so close one could tell it was footsteps by the pace at which the noise was coming in. My eyes widened and I went pale. Mansk wasn’t the only recom hunting me. 
Quickly I stood up, holding the clothes in front of my abdomen, fastening them by wrapping my tail around myself. I stood behind Mansk, peeking past him to see. 
A faint voice was heard and some mumbling until we saw the leaves rustling. Suddenly, Quaritch emerged from the forest with Lyle behind him. 
They looked just as surprised to see us as we were to see them. Well, the two men were following my scent just like Mansk had done, but they were surprised to see Mansk there with me. 
Manks lowered his weapon, wanting to let out a small sigh of relief at the false alarm of danger until he realised that they must be in the same state he was in before. While he still felt protective, he couldn’t prevent anything from happening. Especially because both of them were his superiors. Colonel Quaritch and Corporal Wainfleet. 
“Well won’t ya look at that,” Quaritch said looking at me. “I was hopin’ to catch you.” 
I don’t think either of them had caught on to what had happened. Lyle only now realised that I was standing behind Mansk. The Colonel observed Mansk, raising an eyebrow at him before Mansk huffed and moved out of the way. 
Miles’ and Lyle’s eyes landed on me and instantly noticed the newly bare skin I was showing. They seemed surprised again. The Colonel raised both his eyebrows, just staring at me pathetically trying to cover myself and he scoffed. 
Lyle was grinning, both of them seeming amused by how I was standing in front of them. Mansk on the other hand was cursing himself for not dressing you when he had the chance. He wasn’t thrilled about the idea of them seeing you like this. At least he got you first. 
That’s when I heard a voice in my ear and realised it was Z-Dog. My ears perked up and I flinched a little. 
‘Y/N?’ she asked and I pressed the call on my throat to reply. 
“Z-Dog? How you doing?” I ask, wondering whether she hasn’t been caught yet. Miles notices what’s happening and presses his own call on his throat, listening to our conversation. 
‘I’m kinda fucked, not gonna lie.’ she replies and I have to suppress a giggle. 
“Same here.” I reply and she starts complaining about this taking too long. Miles dismisses it with a wave of his hand and stops listening. I do too, needing to focus on the situation I was in. 
Quaritch walks past Mansk and towards me, while Lyle follows. He stares me down but not in a hateful way. He’s examining me. My reactions to him. He needs to know how I feel because my scent has had him and Lyle both feeling sexually frustrated over the past hour. 
Lyle passes his fellow soldier. “What? Don’t like sharin’?” he teases Mansk before returning his gaze to me. Mansk grunts, clearly not pleased. 
“I thought you were innocent, princess.” Miles said, putting his finger under my chin and forcing me to meet his eyes. 
I started feeling all flustered and overwhelmed again. If more soldiers would come after Miles and Lyle I would pass out. 
For slight comfort, I curled my tail around my lower thigh. My eyes looked away from Quaritch’s ones and I naturally had my ears tipped back, showing my restless state. 
“I think I prefer you like this, though.” Miles added and Lyle smirked. I looked up at Miles and noticed how his nose twitched. 
He picked up your scent which was 10 times as strong now. He had it flooding his mind with vivid imaginations for the past hour, but never was it this strong. 
I watched how his pupils seemed to dilate and his eyes magically grew darker. Lyle smelled it too, and groaned, adjusting his pants. I glanced down and almost gasped. They seemed to be just as lust-hindered as me. 
While my problem had just been solved by Mansk, seeing them had me feeling aroused all over again. I bit my lip and clenched my legs together and Miles’ eyes shot down, watching my movements. That’s what broke his restraining form. He grabbed my shoulder, angling me to the side so that his hand could grasp my braid. His other hand then went down and he tore the pants that were covering me from my grip. I squeaked at the sudden movements and then felt how Quaritch kicked in the back of my knees, making me fall down to mine with his guidance. 
Lyle chuckled, moving forward to stand in front of me. Quaritch got down on his knees behind me, examining me for a few seconds before his hand reached out for my bra and pulled it up so that my breasts were now bare in front of all of them. My face heated up in embarrassment because I was the only one exposed like this.
He then pushed me further down and I found myself on all fours again. My tail was trying to cover my pussy but it was no use. The Colonel had one hand wrapped around my braid, tugging it back, while the other grabbed my tail and moved it to the side. 
Suddenly, Lyle got down on his knees in front of me and I noticed how strained his pants were from his hard-on. He took over, holding the braid so that Quaritch could focus on my lower half. He held my tail to the side and let his fingers glide through the folds of my pussy. 
Still being a little sensitive from last time, I flinch but it feels so good that a soft moan escapes my lips. 
“Look at you, acting like a bitch in heat.” Miles teases, delivering a harsh spank to my right cheek. I yelp, biting down on my lip and the Lyle cups my face, stroking my cheekbone with his thumb, just staring down at me while his superior continues to tease me. 
I was in fact, a bitch in heat. 
“Don’t worry, baby. We’ll give you what you want.” Quaritch says and I feel a little relieved that the teasing will end. 
The Colonel would have continued but he needed to solve his own cravings and they couldn’t wait any longer. 
Behind me, I once again heard a belt being undone and a zipper opened. Lyle did the same in front of me and I gasped a little when I saw his dick. Holy shit, he was big. 
I felt Miles, push his head against my hot slick skin, rubbing it for a bit before he lined himself up with me. I held my breath, knowing there was almost no time for foreplay because our needs were too strong. One could call the hunt, foreplay.
Quaritch’s hand wrapped around my tail and his other hand gripped my hip and he thrust himself into me swiftly with one move. I was still wet from Mansk so it was easier to fit this time. 
Miles hissed at the feeling and pleasure started clouding his senses too. I moaned, arching my back into Miles and Lyle chuckled. 
“I didn’t think you’d be greedy, Buttercup.” Lyle teased, placing his cock on my parted lips. “You just got fucked and now ya gettin’ it again.” 
I couldn’t even comprehend what he was saying because Quaritch started moving his hips against mine, not being able to stop himself from mindlessly rutting into me.
“Open that pretty lil’ mouth, baby.” Lyle said, grasping my jaw into his hand. I do as he says and look at him through the eyelashes of my half-lidded eyes. Lyle lets my tongue glide over the tip of his dick and he bites down on his bottom lip, tightening his grip on my hair. Then he slowly angles my jaw down and pushes a bit of himself into me, so that his dick presses against the inside of my cheek. I wrap my lips around him, using my tongue to continue to worship his cock. 
Miles grunts, speeding his pace up. “Ya feel so good- fuck, sweet’eart.” he curses, keeping his eyes fixed on where he’s disappearing into me while occasionally glancing at how I’m taking Lyle. 
Lyle holds my head in place and rocks his hips back a forth a bit. I can see how he is fighting the urge to just fuck my face but if I would let him I would most definitely suffocate. Each time he pushes himself down my throat a little more, until I reach my limit and he’s only halfway in. Luckily, Lyle doesn’t seem to care because once he pushed in as far as possible, his head lolled back in bliss. 
Each time Miles hit a specific spot inside me that made me lose my mind, I moaned around Lyle which stimulated him even further. 
“Such a slut for us, huh baby?” Miles said breathily, knowing damn well I couldn’t reply. 
“So good…” Lyle sighed, his eyes watching my lips.
I was being tugged back and forth, and I felt Quaritch’s nails dig into my hip. Their pants and grunts were sending shivers down my body and I felt my legs start to shake. 
“Who’s fucking you this good, sweetheart?” Miles asks, speeding up his ruthless pace. I moan around Lyle in response, squeezing my eyes shut. 
Lyle can’t help himself but push himself a little further into you. It’s been overwhelming from the start and now I can’t restrain a choke, followed by a muffled cough. Quickly, I try to relax my throat and I feel tears stinging in the corners of my eyes. 
I look up pleadingly at Lyle and see how his bottom lip has almost turned white from how hard he is holding it between his teeth. His tail is flicking behind him in satisfaction and his muscles keep flexing. 
I feel Miles’ thrusts go sloppy and he lets go of my hip, his free hand travelling beneath me and almost immediately finding my clit. My eyes shoot open and I whimper. 
He applies pressure to my clit, rubbing it with his middle finger while I can’t stop myself from pressing further into him. 
“That’s it, almost there, baby.” Miles says between clenched teeth, focusing on having me release at the same time as him. 
I hollow my cheeks around Lyle and he groans again, throwing his head back while guiding my head up and down him. The fact that I’m able to take so much of him into my mouth turns him on so much he can’t suppress his climax anymore.
Lyle thrusts forward, holding my mouth firmly close to him while his entire body tenses and he empties himself down my throat. Since he’s so far down, I swallow all of his cum out of reflex. 
Lyle pulls out of me and I manage to finally breathe again. His fingers wipe some spit and cum off my lip as he watches the way my face contorts in pleasure. 
“Sir-” I moan, wanting to let him know I’ll cum soon. Addressing him like that at this moment made his stomach twist in excitement and he continued to pound into me. 
“I know baby, you can let go.” He breathes out, his finger still massaging my clit. He switches his angle again and perfectly hits my G-spot making me cry out. 
I come undone and swear that I can see stars. My mind and vision go blank for a few seconds as I spasm around Quaritch who rides out my high before climaxing. He curses under his breath, both hands gripping my hips as he thrusts himself as deep into me as possible and stills his movements. 
The Colonel’s muscles flex and his head falls back while he releases his cum deep into me, having it mix with Mansk’s. 
Lyle had zipped his pants up again, and was holding my head up with his hand, grinning at the way my eyes rolled to the back of my head. 
I hear a sigh behind me and Miles slowly pulls out and I start losing balance. My body starts tipping to one side but both men hold me steadily again before I can fall. 
“You still with us, Buttercup?” Lyle asks, chuckling when he sees my glossy eyes. I’m completely fucked out and they know it.
I nod, with a small cough and a sniffle. He wipes a few tears away, caressing my cheek again. My bra was adjusted down again and after Miles dressed himself, he helped me back into my underwear and pants. 
Mansk helped me to my feet while the other two adjusted their belts and picked up their weapons. I was leaning against him, my head pressed against his arm while I tried to regain my senses in reality. 
“You doin’ okay, pretty?” Mansk asks, his hand comfortingly rubbing up and down my back. I gently nod, sniffling a little again and rubbing my eye. I was so exhausted. 
“We’re headin’ back. We reassemble the squad and then return to base.” Miles orders and both soldiers nod. He walks up to me, smiling when I look up at him. 
“You did good, sweetheart. Can ya’ manage?” he asks, wondering whether I will be able to walk home. I tiredly nod, and he returns it before leading the way. Mansk guides me, letting me lean on him whenever I have to while Lyle walks at the back, to ensure our safety. 
Even though I was still in a rather scary and unfamiliar environment, to be completely honest, I don’t think I’ve ever felt safer in my entire life.
Colonel's Orders Version 2.0 (Ja and Prager smut)
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cyren-myadd · 20 days
Update on Common Enemy: Avatar fancomic part 2
I'm almost done sketching out the whole thing! I've completed 12/15 so only 3 pages left before I can finally start working on line-art and coloring. I am planning to take a break from drawing once I finish sketching all 15 pages, but I believe I'm on track to finish part 2 and have it posted sometime in mid-July. I'll keep you guys posted as I make progress.
Sometimes when I sketch I get carried away and add unnecessary details that don't fit with the mood of the story. Here are two little "bloopers" that I already know I'm gonna have to cut from the final draft of the comic:
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I should draw Lo'ak more. I love drawing his goofy wide-set eyes lol.
As I've been working on this, I've also discovered there's potential for an interesting dynamic between Lo'ak and Quaritch that I haven't thought about before. As far as Quaritch is concerned, Lo'ak is just Jake Sully 2.0, while Lo'ak himself doesn't believe he's anything like the "legendary Toruk Makto." Lo'ak would be weirded out by Quaritch making some irritated comment of him being "just like your daddy 🙄" because he doesn't think he can live up to Jake. He doesn't realize the reason Jake is so hard on him is 'cause Jake is scared Lo'ak will make similar mistakes that he did because he IS so much like him. And Quaritch on the other hand can see how much Spider cares about Lo'ak and can relate it back to how he and Jake used to have an amicable relationship. Quaritch would be scared of Lo'ak "turning" on Spider the way Jake "turned" on him... especially knowing that the Sullies won't be thrilled when they find out why he's still alive.
I don't have the time to explore that in this comic, but maybe I could write something about it one day 🤔
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lost-girl-2021 · 1 year
Avatar AU
I have this kinda funny headcanon that if Quaritch raised Spider, he'd end up with a bit of a Southern accent. And with great accents, come great moments.
Spider (as a kid or teen) calling Quaritch "Paw"
"Hey, Paw!" "Paw, look, I caught a fish!"
I like the idea that Spider is basically Country kid 2.0. Like, he runs around barefoot, he comes home with various animals he's befriended/caught. I just have this image of little Spider in, like, homemade overalls, holding up a baby viperwolf or something and grinning like he just caught the biggest fish at the derby.
Definitely has the outdoor kid bravery. Like, yes, he is going to poke that weird-looking squirmy thing with a stick. Yes, he is going to brandish the pocket knife he got for his tenth birthday like it's a machete.
I also like the idea of him speaking Na'vi with a twang or translating sayings he learned from his dad. Half of which are just things Quaritch made up, but Spider is convinced they're common earth phrases.
Tells someone that they're "so broke they can't pay attention" once and made a lab guy cry. Quaritch was very amused, especially considering Spider was seven at the time.
Idk, I just think it'd be so funny and lowkey adorable.
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bobhoskins · 2 years
the quaritch fuckers vs quaritch dislikers war has not kicked off yet we all just agreeing quaritch 2.0 is hot it is a time of peace and prosperity for now…………
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Any flashback snippets from the early days of the kidnapping? This part interests me the most at this moment 😅
Oh I’ve got plenty. I’ve basically been writing a Cabin 2.0 that I’ll break up among the different endings as flashbacks. I plan on posting everything in order on here though at some point, maybe when Cabin finally drops, maybe before if I just feel like sharing because it’s not like it’s a spoiler, it’s just an expansion of what I’ve already published.
Anyway enjoy!
“What are you doing,” Spider shreked, rearing away from the touch.
Quaritch sighed, “well you can’t eat layin’ down.”
Horror flooded Spider as he realized what was about to happen. “You're not going to uncuff me?”
“Nope.” Quaritch took his opportunity to grab Spider again, this time succeeding in lifting up the stunned boy, propping him up with pillows. Then Quaritch took a fork in hand, skewered a roasted carrot and held it to Spider’s lips, “Alright now, open up.” Spider clamped his mouth shut, shaking his head. No way in hell was he about to endure this humiliation. He’d rather starve than be fed by this monster. “Miles,” Quaritch said with authority, “We can do this the easy way or the hard way. And you sure won’t like the hard way. Now be a good boy and eat your dinner.”
Spider wanted to mock the condescending bastard. He wanted to scream in his face. Instead he turned away, pointedly staring out the window instead. Quaritch sighed, “I am not leaving until this plate is cleared, y’a hear me. Now you face me and eat your dinner.”
“You’ll leave if I eat?”
The disappointment radiated off the man, “yes.”
“For the whole night? You’ll completely leave me alone, no sitting there, staring at me like a creeper.”
Quaritch sighed again, “If that’s what’ll get you to eat son then yes. I will leave you ‘till mornin’.”
“I’m a lot of things but a liar isn’t one of them.”
“You’ve murdered and kidnapped but you draw the line at lying?”
“Are you gonna face me or do I need to come over to that side?” Spider turned his head, glaring daggers at his kidnapper. He didn’t want to take anything from this demon. But he couldn’t stand the thought of Quaritch being around him any longer. Couldn’t take another hour of the man staring at him like a coveted prize. Spider needed to be alone so he could think and process everything. And he needed that more than he feared humiliation. His glare never wavered as he slowly opened his mouth just wide enough for the fork to pass through. “There y’a go,” Quaritch praised while he watched Spider chew. “That’s my good boy.” He speared a bite of chicken. Spider took it easily. The process was agonizingly slow, every morsel another taste of shame that only added to the last until internally, he was a complete wreck of utter embarrassment.
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daze-stole-ur-milk · 2 years
You know, if Quaritch had stayed dead for Avatar 2 Jake would be dead. and not just him either.
So here's a list of people who'd be dead if Quaritch hadn't gotten Cloned Ex Machina.
1. Jake Sully.
Wainfleet (A soldier who got Clone Ex Machina) would’ve killed him If Quaritch hadn’t stoped him. Saying that if they killed Jake at the time the Metkayina would attack.
2 The Sully Kids
A couple of them would probably die cause who needs hostages to negotiate with if the target is dead. Some of them will probably be saved by the Tulkun. But some won't
3. Neytiri
She’d might die in an attempt to either save her kids and Jake. Or avenge them.
4. The ocean tribes
Let’s be real here the only reason none of the ocean tribe members got killed was because Spider guilt tripped Quaritch into making a compromise. A shitty compromise since so many tribes lost their home, but at least with Quaritch they were alive.
5. The Omatikaya
Without Quaritch to stop them they would’ve gotten the Omatikaya’s location from Spider eventually. Then we’ve have a destruction of hometree 2.0 (with caves instead of trees.)
6. The Metkayina
They’d attack when Jake gets killed. And a lot of them will die without Jake telling them to go into the water to avoid bullets.
7. Spider
I'm putting him separately from the Sully kids cause I think they'd try to keep him alive and with them just for the Pr. Cause like, they are killing a bunch of people to take their land. But with him they could probably spin as "necessary evil" to rescue a child who got kidnaped or something. Still, he might die tho. He'd definitely try to defend the Sullys, and that might get him killed.
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ao3gobi17 · 9 months
I'm curious,
Is there a reason that you made Quaritch spiders step dad instead of his bio dad like in the movie? Or is that a spoiler?
It's because Quaritch 2.0 in the movie isn't exactly Spider's bio dad! He has the memories, but that big blue recom body didn't make Spider... so I thought it kind of fitted well with a stepdad who raised him as a modern parallel :) He is his dad, but he also isn't his dad technically.
I think it also adds an extra layer because in Custody (and by a certain point in the movie too) Q loves Spider and views him as his own even though he doesn't 'have to.' <3
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recom-week · 1 year
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For those of you who follow us on here, we have a secret 8th prompt!!
HORROR : Existential - Eldritch - Cosmic
Pick your poison and go wild! Of course you can submit on your own time, or simply share sketches or drabbles. We know it's been a long week, but some of you clearly love a challenge!
Here are suggestions for those of you uncertain about where to take any of those themes :
Recoms are rife with existential horror! What if Quaritch and Lyle are given 2.0 versions of all their recoms? And again? Like a time loop? What if they have edited memories? Discover other clones of themselves, awake or not?
And MANY things can happen in space! What about waking up in a derelict ship, still in the tube? What if Eywa fights back with a virus that affects recoms who make tsaheylu? What if Pandora has critters that live very high in the atmosphere and squeeze in the cargo door?
What about a recom having to connect to Eywa to go find the stolen mind of their friend, like Orpheus and Eurydice, except Eywa's network is the afterlife? (Can't imagine Q would find a warm welcome there). What if she can create endless iterations a la matrix?
Anyway, inspire yourself from these examples or fly with your own! The Pandoran night is not very dark, but definitely full of terrors!
Have fun with that last impromptu-prompt and don't fret if you don't have the spoons for it! We love you, this event has been awesome!
Stay tuned tomorrow rather late for our team's message, and don't forget that we TOTALLY ACCEPT LATE ENTRIES!!!
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Hear me out... Epic you did it again.
Athena: General Ardmar and the RDA[I hope I spelt her name right]
Odysseus: obviously Recom Quaritch
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newhologram · 2 years
James Cameron thinking we'd all be focused on Grace 2.0 but everyone's frothing at the mouth over Blue Quaritch. Waiting for the fandom to completely wreck that man's Na'vi hole 💙
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whxre-bxby · 1 year
“Colonel’s Orders” Version 2.0
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(smut with Ja/Alexander and Prager) continuation and a different version of the first chapter. 
WARNINGS: SMUT, FLUFF, predator-prey, hunting, bad language
Click here for Masterlist
"Colonel's Orders" 1 (Mansk, Lyle, Quaritch)
Word count: 9332
(Re-pasted first part of story)
I was in the break room, getting a drink from the fridge when Lopez walked past, greeting me. 
“Outside in 10. We have training.” he says, about to leave. 
“What? But we finished for today.” I reply and he turns back. 
“Colonel’s orders. Outside in 10, dressed appropriately for training.” he repeated before walking away. I just stare into nothingness for a while, wondering why we suddenly have to gather again when we just ended less than 2 hours ago. It’s not like I could do anything about it so I put the cold drink back and went to my room to go get dressed in Cammie pants and a tank top. 
While leaving my room and walking down the hallway, I met Zdinarsk. She smiled, nodding to me. 
“Do you know what this is about?” I ask and she shakes her head no, shrugging. 
“Maybe the Colonel has some announcement.” 
“Why outside though?” I say, asking myself more than her. She scoffs, wearing the same things I’m wearing and we walk out onto the large concrete jet runway. The sun is beaming down strongly and the warmth of Pandora hits our skin. 
Quite a bit away, we see most of the recom-team already gathered. The Colonel, Lyle, Mansk, Prager, Lopez, and Fike are outside, all standing around each other, talking. 
Walker is busy with testing tools in the lab along with, Brown, Warren, Zhang, and Alexander. 
We walk next to each other and I squint, having to look at the ground because the sun was too bright. The wind caressed my face and made my hair flow. It made my hair flow… I forgot to tie it up. Oh no. 
Quaritch got angry about that once, I hoped he wouldn’t mind me running back before we started. 
“Finally, the ladies have decided to show up.” Quaritch loudly announces, grinning while his hands rest on his vest. 
I tilt my head confused. 
“Are we late?” I ask Z-Dog confused,  who is already checking her watch. She shakes her head. 
“We’re two minutes early.” she replies in a sassy tone but still keeping it respectful with our superior. 
“Could have been another two minutes earlier.” he says, before fully turning around to face us. We choose wisely to not reply or fire any comment back. It could cause problems. He seems to be pleased with our silence. 
“Y/N, hope that ponytail ain’t too tight.” Lyle chuckles, noticing my open hair. I glare at him, fully aware of my mistake. I almost always have to have my hair tied back, so it's rare anyone sees me like this. 
I glance at Quaritch who is looking at my hair. 
“I can run back and get it, sir.” I say, taking a step back to be ready to go. 
“That won’t be necessary.” He calmly states, looking from my hair to my eyes, before speaking to the group. 
“You won’t be needing it now. In fact, I think I prefer it like that.” he smirks, and I hear a few chuckles from the men. Z-Dog is just as confused as me. 
“Alright squad, today’s… second session will be a bit different from what we did this mornin’. “ the Colonel starts announcing and everyone quiets down. I quickly scan the team, and notice Lyle grinning to himself. As if he knew about something. Maybe this was some sort of surprise. 
“I discussed this matter with, Corporal Wainfleet here. We decided that this team needs less training as humans and more training as Na’vi. “ he continues. So Lyle does know what’s going on. I glance between him and the Colonel, wondering what they had planned. Maybe we would finally get to train our banshees today. 
Lyle looks up at me and Z-Dog with a shit-eating grin on his face. I exchange judgemental looks with her. We wanted to know why we were dragged out here. 
“If we want to find Sully, we need to be able to hunt Na’vi. I mean hunt like them and hunt them.” he says, his eyes roaming over all his soldiers, to make sure we understand and are listening.
“Which is exactly what we are going to do today.” 
I raise my eyebrows. We were going to look for and hunt down Na’vi people? I didn’t know whether I was excited or terrified. Lyle is grinning again and looking at his buddies. They don’t seem to know all he knows and he signals to them that they’ll know in a second. Mansk is nodding along to what Quaritch says, staying serious while Lyle is acting like a teenager about to do something stupid. Maybe that is an exaggeration. He is standing still, keeping quiet and listening, but his grin is irritating me. 
It doesn’t seem like a good sign. 
“We’re just gonna go into the jungle and find some more blue freaks?” Fike asks, and Quaritch is now grinning too. 
“Not exactly.” Lyle intervenes. “We’re going to practise that here, between us. We’re the only Na’vi for miles.” 
“How?” I blurt out. To be fair, it what his fault for not saying all the information at once. 
“Glad you asked, buttercup.” he smiles, turning to me. I frown at the nickname, straining my ears back. He does that often, to embarrass me in front of others I think, but it’s getting old.
“We’re gonna need two people to be the so-called prey.” he explains, while walking towards me. “The rest of the team will hunt them. As simple as that.” 
“Who’s gonna be the prey? I don’t think anyone wants to volunteer for that one.”  Prager announces after a minute and Lyle chuckles. 
“We’ve already got our prey.” Lyle says, returning his gaze to me and looking me deep in the eyes. 
Finally, I catch on to what he’s saying. I’m about to fire some comments back when Lyle is pulled away by Quaritch. 
“Prey, my ass.” I snap at him, not angry just pissed off. 
I glance between them and I hear Zdinrask huff beside me in disbelief. 
“No fucking way.” she says, crossing her arms over her chest. 
Mansk and the others understand now too. I hear a few chuckles from them, while I just stare at Lyle and Miles in disbelief. 
“We’re not doing that.” I say, backing up Z-Dog. 
“That’s an order.” Quaritch says, smirking amusedly. 
“Why us? Why can’t one of them go?” I complain. 
“That’s an order.” he repeats himself, underlining every word. I frown, letting my ears droop as my tail flicks behind me in irritation. 
My silence is an answer to him and he returns to explaining. 
“Now, our lovely ladies will get a five-minute head start. Then-”
“Five?!” I accidentally interrupt and he looks at me annoyed. 
“I can make that three.” he threatens and I look down, not saying a word again. He turns back. 
“Using the stronger senses we have in our bodies, it shouldn’t be too hard.” the Colonel continues to explain. The recom-men exchange glances and smirks, some nodding while others nudge each other’s arms. They seem happy. 
Z-Dog and I exchange the hundredth glance for today, not seeming to believe what is happening. 
“Pfft… stronger senses.” I mutter under my breath. I’ll make sure they won’t find me. 
“That’s right Y/N,” the Colonel said. How did he even hear that?
“Some scientists told me that Na’vi get cycles. So-called ‘heat cycles’...” 
My eyes widen. I just keep hearing more and more bad news. 
“And apparently we are approaching our one soon…” Quaritch continues. Wainfleet is still grinning like the bitch he is. 
Everyone is surprised and listening. 
“Durin’ these times, it’s easier for us…” he points at the recom-men who are all gathered together, “to be able to pick up your pretty scent.” he turns to Z-Dog and me, smirking. Zdinarsk is very clearly not impressed, yet she seems almost unfazed by his words. 
On the other hand, I am mindblown and I don’t know whether I’m pissed at Lyle, Miles or the scientists who summoned me into this body. I still can’t decide whether this experience is a curse or a blessing. 
“To make it a tad easier for us, no shirts allowed.” Lyle added and Quaritch didn’t seem to disagree. That was it, that was my final straw. I couldn’t believe it. I snort, clutching my face in my palms while Z-Dog just chews her gum and watches my reaction. 
“This is bullshit.” I say, letting my hands slide from my face. The entire team’s attention is focused on me and I don’t know how to feel about it. 
Quaritch raises his eyebrow at me as if challenging me to continue my petty behaviour. I fall in line under his gaze. 
Z-Dog sighs beside me before peeling her tank top off. I sigh as well. If she’s doing it, I must too. I turn away a little, facing the open runway and pull my tank top over my head, leaving me in a sports bra and cammies, like Z. 
I turn around, arms crossed in front of my chest, holding the shirt. The team was oddly silent. 
It wasn’t the first time we’d been in a sports bra in front of them. During the hot days or really intense training lessons, we would just wear them while the others didn’t even wear a shirt. But it still seemed different because this time it had a different meaning. But training is training, what can one do?
“Drink before you go.” Quaritch ordered, his own arms crossed over his chest, seeming pleased that we followed orders without complaining too much anymore. 
After all, he was our superior, and responsible for us, so making us drink was not uncommon. 
Lyle handed us each a water bottle, from which we took a few gulps. Some water trickled down the side of my mouth and on my chest but I didn’t care. It was too warm to mind that. 
I handed it back to him, sending him a glare just to let him know that I was pissed. 
“Alright, you’re ready.” Quaritch said, but I wasn’t finished just yet. 
“What if I just don’t run?” I ask, more out of curiosity than sass. 
He takes an intimidating step forward. “Then I’ll deal with you right here, in front of everyone.” He stated firmly, staring me down. I looked away again, nodding a little before turning away and standing next to Z-Dog again who was already facing where we have to go. 
I didn’t quite know what he meant by that, I could only assume. And I assumed that he would do something I would not want others to see. 
“Alright, you see the entry in the fence there? That’s where the forest starts. You go through there and then wherever you want after that. We’ll find you.” Quaritch says, pointing to the gate with the opening, separating the forest from the concrete. I huff annoyed facing the direction we were supposed to run in after throwing my shirt at Lyle’s face. It wasn’t far until the fence. I wondered if I would encounter any native creatures, thinking that perhaps I should be armed but then again, none of them ever get close to here. 
“Happy runnin’ ladies. Time starts…now.” Quaritch says and once he finishes Z-Dog is walking away already. I jog up to her and we walk more or less side by side for a while. Then we hear someone yell that if we don’t start running now they will shorten the time. I groan out in frustration, letting my head fall back before picking up my pace and running to the fence, close behind Zdinarsk. 
Before we know it we reach the fence where we slow down and look around before walking into the forest. 
“Is it smart to stick together?” she asks me and I think about it. 
“Probably not. If we’re working as a team here, it makes sense for us to split. That way if they all find one of us, the other is still fine.” I reply, not quite knowing what to expect. 
“Let’s kick their ass. I say we continue for an hour, then we return home.” she says and smiles to herself.
“Heh- imagine if we just ditch the mission while they are still out here.” I chuckle and she joins. 
“We’d get in so much tr-” 
“Yeah, Colonel would kill us.” She agrees. 
We walk in silence again, thinking about what he would be yelling. Then I check my watch. 
“They’ll come after us in a minute. We should split now.” I say and she nods in agreement.
“Aight. See ya’.” we bump our fists together before I take a right turn and she goes left. The next time I look over my shoulder, I don’t see her anymore. 
I look at the time again. They must have already left the base. Probably just arrived in the forest right now. 
I push my way through leaves, my ears flicking around, picking up small noises. The forest felt very abandoned. There was almost no noise. 
I went deeper. If they would really follow my scent, I couldn’t have it going in a straight line. I let my feet carry me faster again and I made occasional turns while making sure I was putting enough distance between the base and me. With the new body came a new and better sense of coordination. If I would continue wandering for the next few hours, I still wouldn’t get lost. 
What feels like at least 2 hours have passed and my legs were getting a little tired. The sun was still up, it was only afternoon. I gave up on running. It seemed to me as though they had overestimated their capabilities and would not find me. Maybe I should start turning back? 
I stop for a while, standing completely still, trying to pick up anything. Any noise, sight or smell. But there was nothing. While standing I became aware of an odd feeling in my groin. 
I curse myself. The fucking heat cycle. It didn’t hit me, it slowly developed. I had felt something similar this morning, but it was growing now.
………………………………….……… (new part now)
I huff out in annoyance. This was usually the time I would be doing my self-care routine. I could have been running a bath right now, or reading a book in peace. But instead, I’m out in the godforsaken deadly forest, pretending to be prey. 
I might even become actual prey to some pandorian creature because I wasn’t allowed to take any weapons with me. I’m all alone, in my pants and a sports bra. 
That thought makes me roll my eyes again. Like taking my shirt off would actually help them find me. 
Then I remembered the look on some soldiers' faces. Quaritch was normal, always managing to keep his professional stance. Lyle on the other hand didn’t even try hiding his shit-eating grin. The man was happy that he got to tell us what to do. Especially when it came to removing clothes. 
Before turning away from Lyle, I had noticed Prager and Ja’s eyes lingering on me. It surprised me that they were looking at me and not Z-Dog. I always thought of her as being the hottie in our squad. 
I shouldn’t read too deeply into it though. It was probably because she wears it more often. Zdinarsk happens to be more confident about herself. Confident as in not caring what she has on. Not confident like Lyle as in stripping at every opportunity he gets. 
I look behind me and nothing is unusual. Time goes quickly and the next time I look at my watch, they have been ‘hunting’ for almost 45 minutes. I scoff. Soon I get to go back. 
I’m getting tired too. My legs were already dead from this morning’s training and now this. I was going to need to go back soon otherwise I would get lost. Luckily the sun was still shining through the crowns of the leaves in the trees. 
While walking I started noticing a weird warmth building up in my abdomen and soon it spread to between my legs. Usually, I would have said I was horny but this felt almost too intense for that. Still, I tried ignoring it. Hopefully, it would go away. 
After another ten minutes, I started feeling tired and was no longer paying attention to my surroundings. That was a mistake because not far from me I heard a noise similar to someone reloading their gun. 
I freeze and my ears perk up. My body stills and I hold my breath. Nothing happens. 
Then, I hear it again. This time, it seems even closer. I turn around and notice my heartbeat pounding in my chest, neck and ears. It sounds mechanical and no doubt belongs to a soldier. 
That’s all it takes for me to turn back around in the direction I was originally going in and take off. My tired legs no longer felt tired and my rational thoughts were muffled by the instinct to run and escape. 
I sprint through the forest, occasionally looking behind me while pushing large leaves out of my way. 
A fallen tree nears and I think nothing of it, planning to jump over it the way I leapt over the past 2 logs. However, between a branch, there was a long rope it stretched around. I in the heat of the moment didn’t see it. When I jumped, I didn’t jump high enough and my left ankle got caught. 
The rope tangled and trapped my foot to the log. I screamed as I fell to the ground and tried getting up but the more I pulled against the rope the more it tightened. 
I cried out and panicked, knowing damn well this wasn’t some native creature's trap. My hands were clawing at the rope trying to undo it or push it down but it was wrapped too tight already and I was stuck. 
My ears tipped back and my tail stilled as I tried not to make any more noise. Maybe they wouldn’t know I’ve been caught. 
Then, I froze. Examining the knots on the trap I realised who must have done it. One specific recom soldier had once shown me how to set up traps and one looked just like this. 
Before I can come to a conclusion, I hear leaves rustling behind me and then someone chuckles. I whip my upper body around and meet Ja’s eyes. Fuck. I scramble to my feet and try to run, hoping it would tear, but the rope tightens even more and I’m back on the ground. I turn around, leaning on my elbows as I look up at Ja. 
He’s just standing there, examining me. The man seems pleased. 
“Come back, I got her.” he says while pressing the call on his throat. 
“Noo.” I whine and complain, still trying to tug my ankle away from the rope. He watches me with amusement as I try to figure out his trap. 
Seconds later, the leaves on the other side rustle and Prager emerges, almost instantly noticing me stretched out on the grass. 
“Nice catch.” He grins at Ja and they high-five each other before turning to me. Prager must have purposefully made the noise that caused me to run. Damn, they had it planned out. 
I have given up. I glare up at them and huff. The exaggerated exhale moves the hair in my face out of my way. My tail thuds against the ground, showing them my annoyance. 
“That’s not fair. Colonel didn’t say you can use traps.” I complain and Ja’s smirk intensifies. 
“He didn’t say we can’t use ‘em either.” he replied, walking over to me and removing the trap from the log, holding the rope attached to my foot in his hand. 
“Are you not going to undo it? It’s starting to fuckin’ hurt.” I say, giving him attitude. I didn’t want to be caught. I wanted to return to base victorious. 
Little did I know, that was never on the menu. Once Prager and Ja heard the rules of the ‘game’, they exchanged looks and made up their minds. They weren’t going home until they caught you. Only they could catch you and they had to find you first. 
“How about you stop runnin’ your dirty mouth and ask me nicely.” Ja says, stopping his actions and looking at me. His words surprise me. He was usually polite and sweet. Can’t say it didn’t start stirring excitement in me though.
I raise an eyebrow while Prager chuckles. He can’t be serious. 
“You better listen, princess. Or do you want the others to find you like this?” Prager adds and I glance up at him before returning my gaze to my slowly becoming strangled ankle. The rope is digging into my skin and it’s starting to really hurt. 
And I really didn’t want the entire team to see me fall for such a small trap.
I sigh, accepting defeat again. “Can you please help me?” I ask nicely, adding an innocent tone to it and looking at Ja pleadingly. His ears perk up at my words and he just stares at me in silence for a few seconds before snapping out of it. 
“Damn baby, you do that again and we’ll both be done for.” He chuckles, looking away quickly. I tilt my head to the side, pretending to wonder what he meant. I could think of one meaning and it worsened the heat between my legs. 
He pulls out a pocket knife and starts to cut open the ropes. I notice how he fully concentrates on the blade as if he really doesn’t want to accidentally cut my skin. 
Zdinarsk would slice through it once and not look again if she accidentally cut me. We were good friends, but minor wounds meant nothing to her. A scratch really wasn’t anything big anyway.
I decide to play with him. My leg has been still this entire time, so when I think the time is right I suddenly flinch. 
Ja is startled and pulls the knife away looking up at me with wide eyes before checking for a wound. I lean back, fully laying on the ground and laughing. 
“Cut it out.” he snarls, getting back to it. This time, he firmly holds my leg in place. “I could have hurt you.” 
“So what?” I chuckle, looking back at him. He doesn’t answer me, instead, Ja just shoots me a glare. 
I sigh, laying back down and throwing my hands over my face. Finally, I got to relax. 
“Ugh, you guys I’m so tired. That took longer than expected.” I say, smiling to myself. 
Prager scoffs. “We found you first. And you fell right into the trap.” he mocks me. I unfold my arms and glare up at him. 
“Great, mission accomplished. Let’s go back.” I say but they don’t answer. I notice their tails acting up, showing forms of excitement. What had them feeling so happy?
Ja finally finishes opening the ropes and sees the red marks on my skin. I sit up, pulling my leg to me and rubbing the area. He’s putting his knife back into his holster and I suddenly realise I’m not being held down anymore. I know I won’t get far unless I’m really lucky. But there is still a chance of me making it back alone before they do. It’s not over yet. 
The next second, I scramble to my feet and start running in the opposite direction. 
Little did I know, Prager was eyeing me while Ja was busy. He was expecting that from me and he got it. I didn’t get far at all. After three long strides, I was tackled back to the ground. I yelped, falling into the grass again. Prager held me down and reached for my hands. He pulled them behind my back and held them there with one of his hands while his knee rested on my lower back, keeping me firmly pressed down. 
“Dammit.” I mumble, lifting my head and looking back at Prager. 
“Nice try, sweetheart. Unfortunately, we’re not gonna let that happen.” Prager spoke, looking up at Ja who was now holding the ropes. “Not with you lookin’ this good.” he joked and Ja smirked, exhaling through his nose. 
I frown because they were confusing me. The team never paid as much attention to me as they did to Z-Dog or Walker. Why suddenly now?
“Yeah right. I’m covered in dirt.” I snarl, getting annoyed again. 
Prager lets out a small ‘mhm’ while Ja comes around and kneels beside me. I start to struggle beneath Prager and manage to pull one arm from his grasp. I try to lift myself off the ground with my free hand but I can’t compete with the weight on my back. 
Ja chuckles and I want to slap myself when I feel how his noise makes my stomach twist in excitement. This isn’t fair. My body is broken. 
“If you keep strugglin’ we’re gonna have to tie you down.” Ja says, his voice seeming more positive than the threat of words he just let out. 
I whine out in frustration, letting myself drop and rest on the ground. My ears are strained back and my tail is flicking in irritation, occasionally caressing Prager’s thigh. 
Suddenly, to my relief, Prager stands up and I’m helped up by Ja. He’s holding my upper arm, just to make sure I don’t bolt again. I look down and see the dirt on my sports bra and some loose grass stuck to my skin. Prager stands next to me and then without hesitation, Ja starts brushing the dirt off. All of it. Meaning he started with my stomach before pushing some hair over my shoulder and swiping away the dirt on my sports bra with two quick movements. 
I freeze and my body tenses when he does this. I watched his hand and flinched a little. The sensitivity of my nipples surprised me and I was scared they would see them through the fabric if I stood in front of them for too long. 
Ja retreated his hand and looked up at me. 
“That hurt?” Prager asks, probably wondering if I’m injured.
I swallow nervously, looking down and shaking my head no. They keep looking at me without saying a word and I feel my cheeks start to burn. I’m afraid they will notice my state.
“Let’s go back.” I mumble before stepping away from both of them and leading the way. Ja lets his hand fall from my arm. They were going to keep a close eye on me, but I didn’t have the strength to attempt to run away again. 
Prager and Ja exchanged looks before following after me, holding their weapons ready because they knew I didn’t have one for protection. 
Let’s just say, the walk didn’t last long at all. 
After a few minutes, I felt the warm heat between my legs become an almost burning sensation. I noticed my skin became warm and my cheeks never stopped blushing. A sweat bead formed on my forehead which I swiped away. My breathing got heavier too and I had to concentrate on not breaking out in a pant. What the fuck was this? Nothing like this ever happened before. I knew it was because of my new body and I assumed this is what going into a type of heat felt like. But my cycle wasn’t meant to start yet. Maybe it was Ja and Prager’s presence that had me so worked up. 
Eventually, I started to slow down and they overtook me. Both men lead the way now and I was thanking whoever was watching over us that they didn’t stop and check on me. My behaviour was embarrassing. We worked together. Why couldn’t I just stay professional like them? They were acting normal. 
That my friends was a lie I didn’t know about. I looked up to see Prager and Ja walking with guns in their hands, looking around and making sure there is no danger. This is how they acted on a normal mission. What I hadn’t noticed due to my current desperate state was how their eyes would linger on me a little too long and how they had to fight off the need to touch and be close to me. 
Being human made it easier for everyone to work with each other and never have to go through this. The human body was different to the Na’vi body, not just by looks but by nature and senses. 
Since the Deja blue team woke up as recoms, needs started building up and they were much more difficult to deal with than regular horniness. It became almost painful. 
I cursed myself and wished I could feel normal again. But it was too much. Usually, I could resist and fight off anything including headaches, period cramps, injuries like scratches etc. I could even hold back tears for as long as a few days. But this was a whole new level of intensity. 
I stopped walking, bending over and leaning my arms on my knees. One of my arms wrapped itself around my waist for some sense of comfort while I closed my eyes, panting and concentrated on pushing this feeling away. My body felt like I had just been laying in the sun for a few hours and my knees felt weak. 
I knew they would notice that I wasn’t behind them and they would see me like this, but with the way I was feeling now, I couldn’t care less. Sure, I would prefer to be alone to hide but I just needed to focus on feeling okay again. 
After a few seconds, Ja didn’t hear your uneven, lazy footsteps anymore. He glanced over his shoulder to make sure you were still there but he noticed your figure much further away than anticipated. His body came to a halt and turned around to face you.
Prager saw Ja turning around from the corner of his eye and stopped, following his eyes to you. 
They just watched you for a while, seeing the way your chest was heaving as if you had been running and the way you struggled to stand on one spot without tipping to one side. The way your tail flicked uncontrollably didn’t go unnoticed either. 
I kept slowly falling over to one side, unable to keep still. I felt oddly dizzy. 
Quickly, I glanced up, hoping both soldiers had gone past the leaves but no. Their eyes were already fixed on me. 
I scoffed, in an attempt to suppress what was happening and took a few unbalanced steps back. I waved my arm in the air as if I were pushing myself away from them and looked back down, clutching my face in my hands. 
I let my palms slide down my hot face and almost tumbled backwards again. Covering my eyes was not a good idea. 
“What the fuck.” I whisper to myself, wanting to scream and oddly even cry? I didn’t understand anything. 
Prager and Ja exchanged eye contact again, questioning their hypothesis. Prager had a smirk on his lips while Ja tried at least suppressing his grin by biting his lip. Ja let his head drop and he shook it still smiling, not believing this was happening to him and his friend. 
Then he took a breath and started making his way over to you. Prager followed, neither of their eyes leaving you. They were analysing every single movement. That included the way your ears twitched in their direction when you picked up their footsteps. 
I hear them approaching me and it makes me nervous. Suddenly, their presence intimidates me. Usually, I would joke around with them and often make fun of them. Now, I felt like they had the authority of someone even higher than fucking Quaritch. 
“No.” I breathe out, the noise barely audible. I press the back of my hand against my mouth, to stop them from seeing my bared fangs. Somehow, my mouth started salivating intensely and my hot breath was condensing against the skin of my hand. I pull it away, turning away from them but they see the thin string of saliva snap, that connected my lips and hand. 
“What’s wrong, babygirl?” Ja asks in a teasing manner. I can fucking hear the grin on his face with the way he says those words. I want to glare at him but I know it won’t work. 
“I would roll my eyes so hard right now.” I mumble, refusing to face them. 
They scoff behind me while I try to release the tension in my jaw by opening my mouth and biting down on my teeth. 
I feel a hand creep up on my shoulder and I’m not sure who it belongs to but it really doesn’t matter. I slap it away before returning both hands to cover my face. 
“How do you feel?” Prager asks. I consider answering his question because I can tell he isn’t holding back laughter like Ja was. 
“Too much…” I mumble, groaning into my palms and letting my head drop back in frustration. 
“Too much of what?” he continues to push it while I try to stumble away from them. As soon as I stretch my leg to take a step and start tilting forward, a hand from behind me tugs me right back by my pants. I look back, seeing the arm lead to Ja and he pulled me even closer than I was before. His finger held me by one of my belt loops and I huffed out a sigh. 
“Of everything!” I whine, feeling my eyes become all glossy. “It fucking- hurts…” I add, letting my hands fall from my face again while focusing on taking deep, steady breaths. 
Suddenly, someone grabs my shoulder and I’ve spun around swiftly. I almost lose balance but the hand steadies me. Prager has me facing both of them now and I see their ears perk in interest and their tails stop moving when they see how flushed I must look. 
“Aww, look at how flustered she is.” Ja coos, moving towards me and cupping my cheek while running his thumb over my burning skin. My eyes flutter closed at the contact. I don’t even notice my reaction because I can’t think staright, but they sure do. 
I feel a little ridiculed so I avert my gaze away from them and onto the forest floor. My hands are holding eachother, my knuckles almost going white and one of my feet is placed on top of the other. 
“So pretty…” he mumbles, moving his hand so that his thumb is under my chin and he is pushing my head up again. 
My eyes shoot to his, going wide and my ears focus forwards. I wasn’t used to being called that and by the way it made butterflies erupt in my stomach, I knew the aftermath of this won’t be good. 
Prager chuckles. “I think she liked that.” he says. Once again, I feel small. They’re talking about me while I’m there as if I meant less than them. But for whatever fucked up reason, my body responded positively to the treatment. 
“That right? You like being called that, baby?” Ja asks, standing fully in front of me now. I can’t respond, I just stare into his eyes. He’s pretty. 
I press my lips together when he calls me baby and then my eyes flicker between him and Prager. 
I feel the heat between my legs again and try to discreetly rub my thighs together but both of their eyes shoot down to see the desperate action. 
“It hurts, huh?” Prager asks, then looking up and smiling at me. 
“I can’t- deal…” I start saying with a whine which is about to break out into a sob. My voice cracks a little and I’m breathing even heavier. 
“Shhh.” Ja coos softly again, pressing his thumb over my closed lips. “Do you want us to help you, pretty girl?” he then asks and my lips part while I exhale a shaky breath as a reaction to the name. Ja smirks, tilting his head to the side and admiring how I look. 
“You can’t.” I whimper. “I don’t even know what’s happening I-” 
I’m cut off when Ja takes a step even closer, his face just inches from mine. 
“Don’t worry ‘bout it, baby. We know how to help you.” he says, and this time he isn’t smiling. He isn’t angry or anything either. He’s genuine. 
My hot breath fans against the side of his hand as I stare at them. 
“That okay with you?” Ja asks, gazing deep into my eyes. 
“You can trust us, angel. We promise to make you feel good.” Prager added. He was right, I could trust them. And feeling good sounded like the best thing in the world right now. Definitely compared to the dreadful frustration I was filled with. 
You are a close friend of theirs, they care a lot about you. Well, we’ll see about friends after this. It was their priority to ensure that you were comfortable with this. Not just this, but comfortable with them. They needed to know that you trusted them enough and wanted them to be the ones to see you in such a vulnerable state. 
Neither one of the soldiers was expecting you to say yes. If they had to be honest, you would only say yes in their wildest most unrealistic dreams. 
Ja and Prager were awaiting an answer that would set their minds straight again and that would have them return to going back to base. 
I swallow nervously, my tail wrapping around me as I consider their offer. Then I look at both of them and slowly nod my head in Ja’s hand. 
“Okay.” I whisper, releasing another shaky breath. Prager had already looked back, expecting to turn around but once his ears captured my words, his attention was all mine. 
Ja just stared at me, repeating the words in his head. 
They looked at each other and grinned before their gaze returned to me. 
“Let us take care of it, baby.” Ja said, before moving his hand to the back of my neck and pulling me to him while he took a step forward. I was pressed up against his chest, my skin tingling at the contact. 
He pulled my face to him and I closed my eyes once his lips were softly pressed against mine. 
The softness and gentleness were gone too quickly. He deepened the kiss, wrapping one arm around my waist and pressing his abdomen to mine. I gasped at his large hand holding my hip and he used the opportunity to press his tongue past the boundary of my lips. I accepted, feeling only needier for his touch the more he gave to me. 
Finally, he pulled away and I gasped for air. Prager had removed his vest and weapons already, standing upright again in just his tank top and cammies. And his headband of course. 
His muscles flexed and shone in the golden sun of the late afternoon and I just stared at his torso. He saw my eyes checking him out and smiled. 
Ja was quickly removing his accessories and peeled his tank top off as well. I watch him and then notice Prager does the same.
I realised I was standing and watching like an idiot. The feeling of burning skin returned and suddenly, everything I had on felt like it was too much. 
All three of us were quickly stripping until we were only in underwear. I struggled with my belt but finally managed to push my pants down and kick my shoes off. When I looked up, they were both staring. 
“Fuck, baby. You look gorgeous.” Ja almost whimpers, kicking his cammies to the side. 
“Angel from fuckin’ heaven.” Prager adds, taking me by the hand and pulling me flush against his chest. I yelp a little but almost instantly being silenced when he has his turn kissing. He’s a little more impatient than Ja and holds me to him tighter. I kiss him back, mirroring his frustration and twirling my hands around his neck and in his bandana. 
I felt him smile into the kiss. The bandana was something I would always tease him about and here I was, twirling it around my fingers while kissing him. 
I felt another hot body press up against me, from behind this time. I knew it was Ja and I relaxed a little. As much as I could relax with the tension I felt. 
Both his arms hugged my waist and I felt him press his hard-on against my ass. I feel his hot breath fan over my craned-up neck as I try and reach Prager’s lips without having to stand on my toes. 
His hot, wet lips come in contact with the skin on my neck and kiss it softly before nipping at it. 
I let out a soft moan which is muffled by Prager but he felt it and it drives him wild. 
Ja presses his face into the crook of my neck and inhales deeply, sighing and relaxing against me. 
“You smell so good.” he mumbles into me. 
Prager pulls away, gently caressing my cheek before leaning down and doing the same. I freeze as both men bury their faces in each side of my neck. 
Ja groans and Prager curses beneath his breath. 
“I can’t wait much longer.” Prager mumbles, his face still leaning against my skin. I assume his words are directed at Ja.
The other soldier nods, pulling away. 
“You still okay with this?” Ja asks me, patiently waiting for my answer as I turn around and nod. 
“Yes.” I breathe out. My glossy eyes and flustered state confirm my words and he doesn’t have to ask again. 
He smiles, giving me a small nod. He pulls me to him, pecking my cheek before his hands wander along my body. Prager stands behind me now, and I feel him fumble with the material of my sports bra. 
It needs to go, I feel to warm. I feel his fingers slip underneath it and I raise my arms. He gently pulls it over my head, making sure not to nudge my face in the process. When I lower my arms I could swear that Ja’s pupils just doubled in size. 
His lips were slightly parted and he stared at my bare chest. 
“Look at how pretty you are.” Prager praised me, peering down at my breasts from over my shoulder. I smile to myself, blushing. One can’t see the blush from how rosy my cheeks have been this entire time. 
This new amount of attention has me feeling fuzzy and I try to cover myself a little, feeling shy which was completely unlike me. 
Ja’s eyes snap up from my chest to my face. 
“Don’t hide, baby, you’re so beautiful. C’mon. Let’s see ‘em.” Ja encourages me, gently nudging my hands down, still giving me the option to resist. I let them fall to my sides and he smiles. 
“See. You’re too pretty to hide.” 
His hands caress my chest before he starts groping my breasts. I arch my back into his touch when he plays with my nipples and bite my lip. It’s so sensitive that it feels so much better than when I do it. 
Prager is grinding himself into my ass, groaning lowly while watching the action on my body. 
His fingers than curl around the waistband of my panties and when I don’t protest, he pulls them down, letting them drop down my legs. I step out of them and kick them to the side.
“Holy fuck…” Ja groans out, seeing how shiny my wetness made my pussy. 
“Please…” I whine, begging them to touch me. My words dress Ja’s face in a proud smirk while Prager has a shit-eating grin on his face. 
Then, their characters seem to switch. 
“What do you want, baby?” Ja asks me, knowing the answer.
“You know what I mean, Alex.” I reply, purposefully not calling him Ja, just to get him a little irritated.
“Come on, don’t tease.” Prager says, but Ja shrugs it off. 
“I just want to hear the words come out of your pretty mouth. Then, we’ll give you what you want.”
“You need it just as much as me.” I state, not wanting to seem like the only desperate bitch here. I glance down at his piercing erection and his ears flatten in slight defeat. 
“Just say it.” Ja growls and I smirk. 
“I want you both to fuck me until I feel better.”  I reply and Ja is happy again. 
“That’s fuckin’ right.” he snarls, kissing my neck and slapping my thigh before turning me around. 
Ja presses his clothed erection against my bare heat and pushes my upper body forward, while we’re standing. I lean down, obeying and Prager holds me. 
Behind me, Ja gently taps the insides of my ankles, nudging my legs further apart. 
I raise my tail, arching my back and presenting my pussy on full display. An audible groan is heard behind me before I feel his fingers glide through my folds. 
I grip Prager’s arm to keep me grounded as Ja covers the tips of his fingers in my slick and shows it to Prager. 
“Good thing we got her first.” he said and Prager agreed. Then Ja removed his underwear and glided the head of his dick between my folds.
I shiver in anticipation, biting down on my lip as I glance over my shoulder. 
Slowly, Ja starts entering me, pushing past my lips and all the way in until he bottoms out. 
“Oh- fuck.” I curse, not expecting everything to be so sensitive and reactive. 
He stills behind me, relishing in the moment. He hasn’t felt so good in a long time and the way you were squeezing him had him over the moon. 
After a few moments, he started to pull out and when he thrust back in I cried out, feeling overly sensitive inside. 
I clutched onto Prager, who had one hand under my arm and one resting on my head while I leaned my face into his middle. His touch was comforting. 
Soon enough, Ja couldn’t hold back. He started thrusting at a specific pace with long, aimed strokes. 
“God damn, babygirl. Ya feel so good.” he moaned, clenching his teeth together and occasionally letting his head fall back. Ja had his ears tipped back and fangs bared while gritting his teeth. The building-up tension needed to be released. 
I became a whimpering mess, the oversensitivity making me feel close already. 
“You’re doing so well, angel.” Prager praised me and I quieted down. 
“Take it.” Ja growled and soon, I started pressing my hips against his with rhythm. Both of Ja’s hands were now digging into the skin of my hips as he fucked himself into me. 
“I’m gonna- shit I’m gonna cum.” I moan, crying out when he almost knocks the air out of me with an extra harsh thrust. 
“Go ahead.” Ja answers, sounding breathless. His thighs slapped against the back of mine as he started to relentlessly rut into me from behind. 
Prager adjusted his stance so he was able to stably support me while I was being tugged back and forth by his friend. 
My legs started to shake and with a few more thrusts, I came around Ja’s dick. I moaned incoherent words into Prager’s abs, my nails dug into his arms and waist while my back arched back into Ja, making my pussy more accessible to him. 
He rode out my high and soon after me, Ja was cumming. He delivered a harsh slap to my ass and I flinched. Then his hips stilled with his cock as deep inside me as possible and I felt him release into me. The warmth filled my tummy and I was gasping for air. 
Ja had his hands leaning on my back while he regained his composure. Breathlessly, he pulled his slowly softening dick out and watched as my overflowed pussy started leaking his cum down my thighs. 
“Well ain’t that a pretty sight.” he mumbled, swiping his hand over his forehead. 
Prager gently let go of my head and I stood up straight while holding onto him. I felt his cum dribble out of me. Both Prager and I looked between my legs while Ja was smirking, seeming very proud of his work. 
I turn around to Ja while Prager bends me over to examine me from behind. 
“Fuckin’ hell. You’re right.” he agreed with Ja’s previous comment. His fingertips slid through the slick and he groped my ass. 
Ja came up to the front of me and gently wrapped his hand around my braid. 
“You clean me up and I promise to make it up to you on another day.” he said and my eyes widened. I accepted, leaning down while holding on to his hips and licking him clean. I was gentle, knowing he was just as sensitive as I was now. 
When I licked his tip he flinched a little and I grinned up at him. 
“God I can’t get enough of you.” he returned the grin, looking down at me and seeing I licked him clean. “Such a good girl.” 
Prager pulled my waist up and I stood straight again. He grabbed my hand and guided me down on the ground with him. I happily agreed because my wobbly knees were no longer trustworthy. 
I noticed his underwear was already gone and licked my lips, smiling devilishly at him when I saw how hard he was. 
“Come on baby, I need this just as much as you did.” he says, almost pleading so that I don’t leave him like that. 
“I’m not done yet.” I whisper and his eyes widen. I straddle his waist and his hands immediately rest on my hips. 
Letting myself sink down a little, I grind my hips down against his, covering his throbbing cock in Ja’s and my cum. 
He shivers, his grip on my hips tightening and a moan escapes his throat. 
I smirk, feeling a little more confident now. 
To help the poor soldier out, I reach down in between our bodies and line him up with my entrance. He lets out a shaky breath before I steadily start to sink down on him. 
Prager’s eyes close and his mouth hangs open a little. He mutters another curse under his breath as I press our foreheads together. 
I feel like I’m a little more in control of my body again, so I set the pace, rolling my hips back and forth on him. 
He bites his lip, opening his eyes to see my movements. 
“Feel good?” I ask and he looks up at me, almost desperately.
“Fuck yeah.” he breathes out heavily and I smirk. One of his hands comes up to massage my breasts while the other steadily supports my movements on my hip. 
I speed up a little, holding on to his broad shoulders and running my palms along his strong back. Prager is in bliss, his eyes half-lidded and ears drooped. I glance up at Ja, grinning while he is watching and he returns my gaze with a smirk. He was getting dressed but got seemingly distracted.
It feels good and I start to feel a pressure in my lower stomach build-up, but for it to ever be released I need to change it up. 
I pause and move up so that Prager’s dick just barely stays inside me. He looks up, seeming worried I would stop. I chuckle at his reaction, giving him a reassuring kiss as I place my feet on either side of his hips and lower myself down again. 
Prager whimpers, his head lolling back while I clutch onto his shoulders again. 
I look between us and notice a small bulge in my stomach every time I sink down. I take one of his hands and place it on my abdomen. 
He follows my hands with his gaze. 
“Do you feel how deep you are inside me?” I ask and he nods, seeming unable to form a proper answer. 
“Shit, feels so good.” he groans, starting to push my hips down with force. 
Soon enough, my legs got tired but that didn’t stop shit from happening. Prager took over, lifting my waist and pounding it back down on him with his hands as if I weighed nothing. I watched his muscles flex and I arched my back, letting him use me to his liking. 
He became more sloppy and uneven with his movements and I could tell he was close when his dick twitched. 
“Y/N, I’m close…” he breathed out and I nodded, closing my eyes. 
“Me too.” I whisper, trying to breathe while being fucked mercilessly by his hands and dick. “Just keep going.” I encourage him and he nods, a few beads of sweat forming on his forehead. 
With the next few thrusts, I’m surprised I’m cumming again just through penetration. Maybe the Na’vi body really was something else, perhaps even better than the human body. 
This time, my legs were a trembling mess, my eyes rolled to the back of my head and my nails dug into Prager’s back. He continued fucking me and then came aswell. He tried to ride out his orgasm but soon stiled like Ja, to ensure he could fill me up with enough of his cum. Prager bit down on my neck, not too harshly but enough to make my eyes open widely.
Another bonus of the Na’vi body. No protected sex. I couldn’t get pregnant as long as we didn’t form tsaheylu so it was great.
My pussy throbbed and I was completely fucked out. My legs gave out and I fell forwards on my knees, my chest pressing against Prager’s bare chest. I wrapped my arms around him, resting my head on his shoulder and he did the same as we regained our breath. 
“Well ain’t that sweet.” I heard Ja tease from my right. I look up at him, sending him a playful glare which made him laugh. 
Prager wrapped his hands around my waist, genuinely holding me to him for a while until he felt my heartbeat calm down. 
“You’re amazing.” he whispers and I giggle, kissing his cheek before slowly getting off of his lap. Ja helps me to my feet while Prager stands up and gets dressed. 
“Where’s my underwear?” I ask, looking around when Ja only hands me my cammies. When I look back up at him, he’s grinning. That answers my question. I look down and see it hanging from his pocket. He pulls it out and cleans my thighs with it before tucking it back into his pants. 
“Really?” I ask and he nods.
“Yeah, I’ll give ‘em back in a week in exchange for some new ones.” he smirks and I chuckle. 
I’m helped back into my clothes by Ja who is preventing me from tipping over to one side again and once Prager is done he helps me put my sports bra on again. 
“Thanks.” I say to them and they smile.
“Anythin’ for you, angel.” Ja grins, picking up his weapons and throwing some over to Prager. Once they are geared up we start to return back to base. The sun was starting to set. 
Both men walk on either side of me, supporting me when I needed it. It was really sweet actually. I was significantly less angry at Quaritch for making us do this exercise.
Tag list:
(there will be no version 3 or anything else to this specific fic. I'm gonna write part 2 for "this is what you came for soon".)
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the-blu-of-the-robo · 10 months
Gif Navigator
Hellooo everyone, I thought I'd finally create a gif navigator! I hope y'all are doing good btw. Let me know if I missed anything or have any suggestions!
Quaritch + Quaritch 2 + Quaritch 3
Lyle Wainfleet + Lyle Wainfleet 2 + Lyle Wainfleet 3
Walker + Walker 2
Fike + Fike 2.0 + Fike 3.0
Unicron (ROTB)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie
Mansk Ball (Art)
Recom Balls
Warren's Tattoos
Lopez Face Tat
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tripleskxawng · 1 year
Tumblr media
miles quaritch 2.0 the 51 year old minor trying to take a depression bath: is this body truly mine? do my memories belong to me if i didn't live them? god is real and i made an enemy out of her before my own conception. am i doomed by the narrative or am i just spiraling. am i an absent father if my own son chronologically precedes me. why does jake sully live in my head rent free
my oc who cant read the room: bro wtf your tail is so little LOL what is it even for
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freshairforrabbits · 9 months
🍉 - What will your OC take to the grave?
For your southern gothic avatar au. Any of the characters :)
Oh thank you so much for asking this, now this is a juicy one indeed 😈❤️
Discussions of Abuse, Grooming, Rape, Incest, your classic Southern Gothic themes below:
I feel like Circled Me (Southern Gothic AU) Spider is super obvious for this one, at first he was going to take what Jake did to him to the grave, but that changed by the end of the story. However, his dad's betrayal on top of that? Oh, he's taking that shit ALL the way to the grave, the only way Kiri or anyone else is finding out is if his dad or Jake slips the fuck up or connects the dots. The guilt, shame, and everything is far too great and the risk that something worse will happen (at least that's how Spider feels) is way to great now, no, even if he makes it out of that house four years down the line at eighteen, he's not telling a soul until it's pried the fuck out of him. A much lighter thing he'd take to the grave though probably something like the time he dunked Jake's toothbrush in the toilet because he pissed him off doing some stupid thing or other. I like to think they had a pretty intense rivalry that swung back and forth between being a bit Too Close, Too Touchy, at least on Jake's part, but in Spider's mind he was slotting in to the role of "mom" in a way, to being at each other's throats until Daddy could come and break up the fight. Spider has probably also done some shit fueled by straight up short minded teenage brain stuff where he's stolen one of Jake's hoodies, or maybe even used Jake's toothbrush to actually brush his teeth with when Jake's not home, to probably rifling through Jake's shit and finding questionable porno mags and borderline snuff photos he takes with him places that Spider will never tell anyone about. Unfortunately, Jake is very fucking perceptive and even sets a lot of things up so many things Spider would take to the grave (including every embarrassing little thing, even the time Spider accidentally pissed the sleeping bag on a camping trip and tried to blame it on water seeping in through the tent's floor due to some conveniently timed downpouring thunderstorm) yeah, Jake knows all that stuff. And that means Spider's dad knows too 😌
Circled Me! Quaritch is definitely just taking the fact he'd be balls deep in a man (Jake, both Jake's in this case) and still call someone faggot in the most derogatory, nasty manner because 2010s homophobia in the US was built different. Like homophobic homosexual level stuff which is fucking amusing. He's probably inclined to take the incest to the grave as well considering I love when a rapist in a story is super sad and pathetic about the abuse they're commiting, like yeah, you guilty guilty motherfucker keep up that cycle of repression and projection loser man. I think on a lighter note for him he'd also take to the grave that he cried the first day Spider went to kindergarten or some shit, whereas Spider didn't even glance back at all.
And Circled Me! Recom Jake? Jesus, he's taking a LOT of shit to the grave, but molesting Spider isn't necessarily one of them. If it wouldn't get him promptly shot or thrown in a prison cell, he'd smear it in the face of every person he ever meets, he'd have Spider on his arm like a true childbride, matching gold rings and everything. In fact, it'd probably be his entire childhood that he'll never ever tell anyone about, and never go to therapy about, and never break the cycle from. Like the weird fucking shit with his name being Jacob just like his older brother, but born years apart, Mom calling him Jack, Dad calling him Jake, Dad constantly telling him about Tommy, treating Jacob 2.0 like a twin copy and saying Tommy was/is his brother, right? He's just like Jake, right? He is Jake, just better, more obedient, so unbelievably good for him and good for the whole family-- and well, what better way to get a little prepubescent replacement for the other kid that's gotten too old than to just have another and raise him just like the first Jake Sully. In other words, the web of abuse in the Sully family is extensive and fucked. It's filled with Dads having another kid later on when they're no longer interested in their original target cause they're too old once they hit puberty, learning the ugly fucking truth of a legacy of pure shit and predation. So, they have another. And groom them up just Right. He'd also take some stupider stuff to the grave like the amount of weird things he's stolen from Spider's room and stashed in a shoebox Joe Goldberg-style. Like hair clippings and weird shit. I like to think he has funnier things he'll take to the grave, especially considering he's gotten into a lot of stupid situations in this verse, but there's so many possibilities that I can't even begin to think of them. Just think funny, super embarrassing sex things and you'll be there.
Circled Me! Parker is taking what he saw in that kitchen to the grave, in fact, he's taking the whole Socorro family to the grave, once he bounces and gets a new job in a few years, he's gonna act like he never even knew them.
I am already rambling so much and could probably get into the others but >:)) I will leave that up to people's imaginations
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