#Mythos kids
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metanoiamorii · 1 year ago
I've done this once or twice now, so I'm willing to give it another shot—
I'm looking to start up a small roleplay group. Ideally, between five and nine individuals. Some need to know things mechanic wise:
The roleplay group will be run like a tabletop roleplay game [ttrpg].
It will be played very similar to Dungeon and Dragons [DnD] or Pathfinder. For those familiar with the system. When I say its similar, it uses the same dice sets, stats, and usage of rolls. But it has its entire own handbook for skills, feats, classes, equipment and the likes. But you don't need any experience if you don't know the other ttrpg systems, as it has its own handbook for you to access.
It will be in text format however, like a roleplay. People will tag each other after their replies. And you'll have access to an entire server with different channel and sections for different places to explore in character.
Every individual/player will have one character (unless they would like to have a second or third, or wish to play what could be classified as an npc).
Now, if it's caught your attention this far. I'll let you know the premise of the game/roleplay:
The player/individual's characters receive a scholarship from an intentional school. It is a full ride for housing, tuition, supplies, and anything else they might need. But there is trickery afoot they have to unravel and navigate.
Things you won't necessarily know in character however: every player/character is a demigod. They have divine blood. And the reason they are brought to the school is for their divine parent to try to reconnect with them.
Other themes that there will be
If you like Percy Jackson, and wanted a ttrpg system for it. Or if you just like mythology in general.
If you like the dark academia aesthetic.
If you like the found family trope.
If you like time traveling, or second experiences.
Now, if you've made it this far, I only have a very few requests I would ask of you:
I know a lot might be interested, but again I will restate: I'm looking for between 6-9 people.
Please be 18+, there will be mature topics discussed.
Be LGBTQ+ friendly
And if you're interested, send me a message and we'll chat. I'll get you the link to the group server on discord, and we'll start making your characters.
Thank you for reading this far. I hope this reaches the right crowd!
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starscream-is-my-wife · 4 months ago
Ok I understand why sparkling ocs are so popular designing one is addicting
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Alt forms/ adult designs under the cut
So when he's littler he can be a Nissan atla, they're pretty cute, but reaching adulthood he'd be a Nissan big thumb, and getting a mod to have a trailer too.
Optimus only has a flat bed so Im doing the old reliable transformer design of putting stuff u don't know how to fit into the back. If he diddnt have a trailer, the bed sides could just be a part of his legs but he modded to have wings so he can get used to the weight distribution easier.
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Big thumbs are 12 feet tall, G1 Optimus is a Freightliner making him also 12 feet, and G1 Ratchet is a Nissan cherry vanette, which are almost 6 feet (5"10 to be exact)
I thought that the big thumb would be a bit smaller then Optimus but damn, Ratchet is gonna have to deal with 2 giant trucks.
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muensterfucker · 1 year ago
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moonilit · 2 years ago
Do you think how Dion attempting to just end the whole world might have made Ultima panic for a sec?
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kindred-spirit-93 · 2 months ago
cassandra & clytemnestra
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class doodles <3
cassandra: super proud of how she turned out!! i love noses so much and ive managed to give her a really glorious one today. she got a few compliments too hehe
clytemnestra: idk how well ive managed to depict it lol but cly is both mourning iphigenia and planning out her vengeance. its going to be a long 10 years but she will have her killers blood.
i still have a long way to go till i finish the iliad so i dont know everyones story yet, i do know however that cly like many before and after her arent often portrayed with the complexities that make them them, that make them human, but instead as paragons or pariahs. and i think theres lots to be said on the matter, but i dont want to get ahead of myself lol. anyway enjoy :D
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mythosaursarecool · 2 months ago
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Speedy travels though crowded ports during war time can be scary when you’re just an itty bitty lil ad’ika. Best stick close to your Buir
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fuedalreesespieces · 3 months ago
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excuse me??????????????????
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king-nyx · 11 months ago
I just found out that apparently there's an interpretation where Zeus straight up kidnaps Artemis and Apollo from Delos to fight Python. It's not a popular one, but it exists and all I can think of is this:
Apollo: I do care about Zeus although he kidnapped me and Artemis.
Dionysus *chokes on wine*: EXCUSE ME??
Apollo: Not the worst thing he's done.
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neostellarjpg · 4 months ago
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random classpects from stuff i like
media in order: 17776, princess tutu, everything everywhere all at once, sonny boy, outer wilds
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girlishwhimsies · 2 months ago
guys when did dally come to tulsa? i’m curious to see what people think.
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possiblyawesometmblr · 4 months ago
If your characters were in Percy Jackson what cabin would they be from?
rubs hands together. hell yes
arisanna: i think a toss up between athena and hecate. i think ari is obviously pretty heavily associated with knowledge, and you could argue that the vexed side is a good match for the battle strategy side of things, but there's something about the hecate Vibes that make me go hmm. there's potential here
sylph: hermes kid all the way. lil trickster hummingbird out here CONSTANTLY stealing from the camp store and getting away with it. and definitely totally hates the aphrodite cabin and one member in particular mhm mhm
owen: nemesis. i will not be explaining this one further.
rowan: apollo. let's not fucking kid ourselves here. sometimes the basic bitch answer is the basic bitch answer because it's CORRECT
mal: another hermes kid. i'm picturing him and sylph teaming up to get very, very good at pickpocketing. unfortunately for sylph mal would....not exactly possess their disdain for the aphrodite cabin
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metalljellyphish · 12 days ago
My biggest brain blast idea of late is the concept of Kenny having multiple tattoos but they are in fact marks from an eldritch ritual in an attempt to gain some autonomy over his curse. It allows him a more convenient way of reviving (and completely undoing the strain on his poor mother) but every death the marks slowly grow and maybe one day will completely consume him.
Bonus points; Karen and Kevin also have matching marks, albeit much smaller, because they had helped Kenny in completing the ritual.
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you are pitting Jesus and Santa Claus against each other. I am acknowledging Santa as both a mythic symbol of Christ and a cultural legend based upon a real man whose faithfulness to Christ was used by God to grant common grace not just to the people of Myra but throughout the entire world. we are not the same.
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fate-defiant · 1 year ago
The tthing is. As much as I wish to say they would not fucking have kids - Duck absolutely would fucking have kids and Fakir, though he most definitely shouldnt, would also fucking have kids, especially if it was with her. So we remain instead with a fucking Situation.
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gruvu · 10 months ago
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Wadirus gave me a chance to redesign his sea monster design, mostly cause I totally forgot about him entirely.
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hercarisntyours · 20 days ago
orphydice is devestating so here's an essay and also why you should vote for them in the @tragic-ships-tournament
"All I've ever known" is a song about the two love birds on their wedding night.
Eurydice was always alone, out in the cold by herself,. Surviving by herself, no commitment other than to her self. All she's ever known was the world outside, no warmth no compassion. The she found it, all of the stuff she had never experienced in Orpheus. Warmth, compassion, commitment, love, and a home. Eurydice had spent so much time alone, she didn't even know what being lonely was - until she met Orpheus. She had only known how to hold her own, her her self to keep herself warm. Now she holds Orpheus, and Orpheus' hold of her keeps her warm. Being in Orpheus' arms and sunlight makes her forget the trial of living for moments.
Orpheus had experienced the world in opposition to Eurydice, Orpheus knew more comfort than pain. Then he saw Eurydice alone, against the sky, against the world, and all he wanted to do was hold her tight.
"I knew you before we met, and I don't even know you yet. All I know's you're someone I have always known." Orpheus's declaration to Eurydice, they're both soulmates. Cosmic Lovers, as Anaïs Mitchell likes to call them. A relation to how often real life lovers feel as if they've known their love all their life - even though it's only been only a fraction of time. These lyrics are an allude to the fact that their story is a time loop. He feels as if he already knows Eurydice, because he does. He's known her, and he will know her. They're cursed to fall in love with each other for all of eternity. Forever cursed to be soulmates. To be two sides of the same coin, and then for that coin to be melted down. Perpetuity.
"I'm gonna hold you forever. The wind will never change on us. Long as we stay with each other." The vows that Orpheus says to Eurydice at the end of the song. Then they both vow, "Then it will always be like this".
This, as I am certain we are all aware, is true, for the time being. There's a storm coming on and sadly neither can escape it. Eurydice getting the forefront of it. She goes out searching for food while Orpheus works on his miracle song.
During these hunts, Eurydice ends up meeting Hades - the King of the Underworld who is looking for a canary. He sees Eurydice is weak and in suffering so he makes her an offer unbeatable; a warm place to lay, a transaction. In return for her. In return for Eurydice to work in his factory, in Hadestown. She'd never go hungry again, she'd never be tired. Hades let Eurydice rest on this offer, to which, she went back to Orpheus with intent to ask him. Orpheus was too busy working on his song to notice her calls. Orpheus believed he could change the world with his song, and he did, but before that he lost his world.
Upon the surface Eurydice only knew suffering and doubt, down below on the metal sheeves of Hadestown, she only knew suffering and doubt. It's written in the stars for her to never be at true peace, the only time during her time loop she knows peace, is in the arms of Orpheus.
Eurydice takes Hades' job offer, and thus signs her life away. Sleeping was better than being a wake in pain for her.
'Wait for me' is pinnacle, the heart. It's Orpheus plight and fight for Eurydice. He finds out she's dead, she's dead and he never got to say goodbye; because he wasn't listening. Orpheus was full of grief and mixed emotions. Mad at himself for not listening, mad at the world for causing this. Causing the death of Eurydice. Orpheus was so distraught at this loss, that he denied the fact that Eurydice was gone and he was determined to bring her back to him. He begged her to wait for him, promising that he'll get her back. If that isn't love ??? Orpheus trekked through the River Styx, made stones weep and part for him. His love for Eurydice inspired INNANIMATE objects into giving him a chance to battle fate and the stars. All for Eurydice.
'epic iii' tells the story of hades and persephone, and while this post is propaganda for orphydice, it's mandatory to talk about it. epic iii is Orpheus singing about how to opposite (Hades and Persephone) came to be, just like Eurydice and him, to Hades in a plea and act of begging to get Eurydice back. Orpheus' put himself in Hades' shoes in order to ask that Hades step into his and to see Orpheus' devotion for Eurydice. A lot of epic iii uses recycled lines from 'All I've ever known'.
"I know how it was because he was like me, a man in love with a woman", a line where Orpheus' identifies with Hades, in hopes of reaching him. It works.
Hades allows Orpheus and Eurydice to go. But on one condition, a test. In order for both of them to walk out of Hadestown alive, Orpheus must walk in front, and Eurydice in back. If Orpheus looked back to see if Eurydice truly was there, she'd go right back to Hadestown, and Orpheus would reach the surface without the one who travelled so far to bring back.
'Doubt comes in' is quite possible one of, if not the most important orphydice song after wait for me. It's the song where Orpheus truly starts to question everything, question the Gods, question fate, question himself, but most importantly question Eurydice. He's filled with doubt that Eurydice is really there. If she's truly following right behind him. Orpheus wonders if a cruel trick is being played on him via the Gods. Why would Eurydice follow him back, into the cold and dark again, when she could stay in the warmth of a factory. Eurydice calls out to him, but he doesn't hear; too wrapped up in his own thoughts, doubt and fear, again.
"And the darkest hour of the darkest nights, comes right before the spring" - lyrics Eurydice sings to Orpheus, reassurance that they'll leave the cave together, that they'll survive the darkness and walk into light together. Orpheus turns as she repeats this stanza. Orpheus realises she was right behind him all along. Eurydice smiles at him as she fades back into the electric city.
Orpheus walks the surface alone after, struck with grief. His second chance gone. Down below in Hadestown, they all raise cups for him.
bro like imagine being really cold then some oldie in silver invites you into his tavern for warmth and then you find the love of your life there and you guys really get a long and he's a poet who's working on a song which is like magic because flowers start blooming. and then you have to go out and look for food because otherwise you'll starve but it was fruitless in both ways because 1. no food achieved and 2. you fucking die because this silver fox offers you a job in the hottest new factory in town. and then you work there and then suddenly you love your poet shows up to take you home ?? then you not allowed but then poet boy's little ditty works and now you can go home but only if he walks in front of you and you can never look at each other because if you do you die again. then this boy looks whether by accident or not and you and now you're dead again. but boom it turns out you live in a time loop so your forever cursed to live this out, forever cursed to suffer and to love. insane like, imagine. tragic. devestating. calamitous.
Hadestown a story of grief, 'Wait for me' being denial, 'If it's true' being anger, 'Chant (reprise)' and 'epic iii' collectively being bargaining, 'doubt comes in' being depression and finally, 'road to hell (reprise) and 'We raise our cups' being acceptance.
anywayss here's link <3 vote for them please i will give free robux (i will not)
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