#My fate is entirely dependant on them asking question I happen to know
cripplecryptid · 4 months
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perfectlyoongi · 2 months
SECOND-CHANCE!NAMJOON who asked the stars every night for them to guide you back to him.
SECOND-CHANCE!NAMJOON who was amazed to see you at his door on a saturday morning. you had rang the doorbell without any hope or desire — to tell the truth, you didn’t even know why you were there, why you rang the doorbell, why you waited for Namjoon. but when he opened the door, when you saw Namjoon for the first time after your breakup, you realized — your heart called out for Namjoon. but would that really be the reason? or would you have gone to his house to deliver the shirts you stole from him ages ago? would you have gone to Namjoon’s house just to say goodbye one more time? no, that didn’t make sense, it couldn’t be. Namjoon knew you, he knew you wouldn’t go that far for a second goodbye. so what were you doing there? wait… don’t you say th—
SECOND-CHANCE!NAMJOON who listened to you without uttering a single sound. your every word traveled to Namjoon’s heart, where they basked in a bed of eternal waiting. your every feeling was patiently listened to by Namjoon and weighed on a cosmic scale of opportunities. your every confession was met with pure hope and happiness, as if a new door had been opened for Namjoon’s love. you were in front of him, telling him how much you missed him and how much you needed him. you weren’t looking at Namjoon, but you were there, in front of him, saying how empty your life had become from the moment you separated. that saturday morning, you were there, in front of Namjoon, telling him how wrong it was that you ended your relationship — and Namjoon just listened to you.
SECOND-CHANCE!NAMJOON who waited for you to finish talking to kiss you. when you finished your rehearsed speech, there was a pause. for the first time since you arrived, you were looking at Namjoon waiting for an answer, a reaction, something that would tell you if it was a good idea for you to go see Namjoon. but Namjoon didn’t speak — Namjoon didn’t need to speak. as if begging for air, Namjoon kissed you for the first time in forever. as if searching for the reason for his existence, Namjoon kissed you once again as he had done so many times before. as if giving in to his fate, Namjoon kissed you. “i’ve waited forever for this moment. and i would wait however many eternities it would take to hold you in my arms again.”
SECOND-CHANCE!NAMJOON who asks you two, three times if you’re sure you want to start over. he wanted it, a lot, but Namjoon also wanted you to be happy — and if your happiness came at the cost of his, he wouldn’t mind offering you his happiness on a golden platter. so Namjoon wanted to be sure. would you be ready to start over? should you start over? with each question Namjoon asked, more certainties grew within you. yes, you never forgot Namjoon. yes, you always loved Namjoon. yes, you wanted to date Namjoon again. yes, it was Namjoon. it was always Namjoon like it was always you. and with your certainty and with all of Namjoon’s certainty, it happened. “knowing that your happiness still depends on me makes me feel so good. i know it’s selfish to feel this way, but i was so afraid that you would have found someone else who would make you happy.”
SECOND-CHANCE!NAMJOON who is finally happy. simply that. your return to Namjoon’s life brought pure happiness. that raw, heavy feeling that ran through your entire body and made you move and live; that pure and delicate feeling, which made you see the world in different colors; that feeling he had lost the day he lost you was back. just like you. how was it possible for Namjoon to not just be happy? “my god how i love you. how i missed you so much. how i love you. yes, again. because i always love you.”
SECOND-CHANCE!NAMJOON who promised to give you the entire universe as proof of his eternal love. like an exploding star and a nebula painting the vast nothingness of our universe, Namjoon wanted to shout to the whole world that you were back. Namjoon wanted to make sure your existence was marked in the universe. with your love, Namjoon would build constellations that would forever tell your story. with his love, Namjoon would build a world where the god was only you. pure veneration and devotion was what you deserved. and he insisted on giving you everything, the whole world, the whole universe — everything to make you happy. “and when the day comes when i have to leave, look for me in every creation in the universe, because i am there creating a new galaxy just for you.”
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cdyssey · 5 months
the eldest river in "the impossible astronaut" is always so fucking distressing to me in hindsight. the way she knows what's going to happen at lake silencio, but she can't say anything to the people she loves most. she constantly has to lie, always has to play pretend. spoilers. the fate of the entire universe depends on it.
and the doctor, her doctor, doesn't trust her because of it.
because of all the lies. because of what she has to do to necessarily protect them both.
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how she has to revisit her ugly childhood and fractured youth and watch it from afar, incapable of helping that scared little girl in a spacesuit, the young woman submerged in the water.
and she watches her husband and parents, too—watches them watching her own making—and they don't even know it.
There's this exchange between her and her mother that becomes all the more harrowing when you realizing that she's talking about herself.
River: I know what you're thinking. Amy: No, you don't. River: You're thinking, "If we can find the spaceman in 1969 and neutralize it, then it won't be around in 2011 to kill the Doctor." Amy: Okay, lucky guess. River: It's only because I was thinking it, too.
and then there's the moment where she catches a glimpse of the Silence in the tunnels and all that pain and trauma comes rushing back to her in an sickening instant, and even when they disappear from her memory, that horror still lingers in her body, but she pretends to keep it together anyway for other people's sake anyway.
in those dark tunnels, she only allows herself five minutes to fall apart away from prying eyes.
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and she would have gotten away with it, too, had her father not shown up. he's concerned—even though he doesn't know her very well yet—and he's there, and he's asking all the right questions.
Is she okay? what did she mean when said there's a worse day coming for her?
And River opens up to him in a way that we've rarely seen her do.
River: The trouble is, it's all back-to-front. My past is his future. We're traveling in opposite directions. Every time we meet, I know him more, he knows me less. I live for the days when I see him, but I know that every time I do, he'll be one step further away. And the day is coming when I'll look into that man's eyes, my Doctor, and he won't have the faintest idea who I am. And I think it's going to kill me. 
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fucking gutting.
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Saw the ask about rogues and civilians thinking Red Robin died while he's off on BruceQuest AND discovering he spent years undercover as a sex worker and thus band together to makes entire sections of the city impossible for other Bats to enter
Fuck, how does this affect Red Hood? From Jason's own personal thoughts on Tim and (how much does he learn?) to his reputation
Yeah when Tim's hero reputation is irreparably FUCKED before he does things himself and goes off on BruceQuest, all hell is breaking loose and now a good chunk of Gotham's people and rogues are . . .
As far as they know right after the kid got Smear Campaigned he fucking DIED
Wtf would they even do after that?
Dick-as-Batman is gonna have it horrifically, how are civilians and rogues gonna treat Damian as Robin? Will they try and kidnap Dami to try and save him from Jane Doe's fate?
What does any major character think of this? Individually or collectively?
How does this affect their relationships with each other? Oh God, Alfred; what about him?
During BruceQuest do rogues and civilians alike try to reach out to the third Robin's associates to see if they need help themselves like Cassie
Joker???? What about him and if this is a timeline where Tim was earlier Joker Junior'd? What will he think when news comes out what will he do?
Does Harley decide, after Red Robin returns and it's revealed the kid is alive and well, to go "Joker is objectively 100% awful but he was up to something" and adopt Tim as her own kid of sorts, but without Joker sharing custody and doing it with her owm friends instead like Ivy?
My brains melting, go crazy go stupid
Alright!!! Let's try to answer the questions ^^
For Jason/Red Hood, it depends on how much RH is associated with the Bats. Before the BruceQuest, it might not be well-known that he's allies with the Bats (especially because he's shot at or tried to beat him up). Depending on how public his aggression towards Robin (now RR) was, this might endear him to the areas that are closed off. As far as emotionally, there Jason had to resort to crime and desperate measures just to eat. Dealer's choice on whether he had to resort to selling himself or not. Regardless, I bet Jason throws up repeatedly in horror and distraught after finding out that Tim has been doing that during his time as Robin (not sure when Tim would have started, but at least as young as 15). There's a bit you can explore there with angst and shit (especially since Jason attacked Tim at the age of 15).
I think that maybe Gothamites would believe that Robin has lost his marbles in grief. However, that makes perfect sense due to everything he's been through (as far as what's publicly known of him being a child therapist, Robin, and losing Batman). Despite them thinking it's possible he did lose himself, at least he wasn't putting people in the hospital like Batman did. I think they would be more upset that RR wasn't supported and how hypocritical everyone was.
It's a toss-up on how they would treat Damian. It probably varies between despising the child for taking over R3's place, wanting to protect him, and being indifferent to Batman throwing another child into the line of fire.
Alfred is debatable. How cruel it is to Alfred and how the old man reacts depends entirely on how he acted to Tim during his years of Robin, whether the 16th birthday incident happened, and whether he intervened when Damian said harsh comments to Tim. That would change Alfred's reaction to being either "fuck it's all my fault" or "what more could I have done so this didn't happen?"
Maybe a rogue or two tries to reach out to RR's non-Gothamite associates. I'm curious how Anarky reacts to all of this.
Adding JJ to this AU would be so fucking cruel to Tim, but I'm down for that. That would give him parent issues with 3 sets of parents, but Harley is just a complicated mess of emotions and shit. I think she would take on more of an aunt role to Tim due to the whole JJ incident. There could be some angst there with Tim calling her Aunt Harley
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daylighteclipsed · 11 months
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@generatedreflection Hope you don’t mind if I respond to your tags this way, since my og post is already kind of long! So running on the assumption that KH is a video game, or at least fiction/a story, in-universe and the characters are waking up and changing when they’re not “supposed” to…
I guess it depends on when the initial divergence from fate/the narrative/the program happened and how much it affected. Was Riku supposed to be our player character? If so, did Sora and Riku only swap physical places/external roles, or did their writing or programming adjust their personalities to fit their new places in the story/game so as to keep the narrative from diverging too much? Is this the first run through the story, or have there been multiple past loops we’re not privy to and that the characters don’t consciously remember but which still affect their hearts?
I’m thinking of ReCoded specifically, when Data Sora and Data Riku go on this whole adventure that’s similar to KH1 but different enough to shape them into their own people. Even after they’re reset to follow what’s written in the Journal, we know those memories remain in their hearts and in the hearts of their newfound Disney friends from the ‘real’ world, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy. So data KH1 will never truly reflect KH1 as we know it.
If ReCoded is spelling the big picture out for us, do Sora and Riku only start awakening during the one run of KH1 that we play… or have they been waking up because of one or more resets before that we haven’t seen? Is fate, destiny, the narrative, the program trying really hard to make this story play out the way it’s “supposed” to, but the boys keep swerving, developing more awareness and free will with every reset? Or is this the first run where things are different because of something the Master of Masters most likely set in motion? Or maybe what he set in motion has taken all these resets to come to fruition?
It’s a lot to think about. And I don’t have any answers. Certainly it’s interesting to consider all the different ways the story could go/is maybe “supposed” to go… If Sora and Riku’s roles are supposed to be flipped, with Riku as the champion of light and Sora as the one who falls to darkness… then it’s kind of ironic that they seem to be circling back to that now. Like rather than completely changing or swapping destinies, they just took a detour. They took the long way around, but the road still leads to the same place. Fate is fighting to correct course.
But I also think, you know, Sora could’ve always been meant to be the Hero and embody that archetype even if the Keyblade was not “supposed” to be his. I don’t think the one who wields Kingdom Key Light is synonymous necessarily with the Hero of the story or even the main protagonist. It’s also possible for Riku to pass on the Keyblade to Sora without falling to darkness.
Either way, the idea of Riku giving his crown/destiny to Sora, rewriting the story and essentially acting as the narrative for Sora in this sense, usurping fate, is interesting. Especially when you compare this to Data Riku’s role in ReCoded. He’s the vessel for the Journals, for the entire digital universe they create, and he protects it. He protects Sora’s story, the one we see in the games, which plays out how it does because Riku gives Sora the Keyblade.
The one thing I feel for sure — a lot of this, the story changing and characters waking up/coming alive, comes back to Riku. From what we see of him as a little kid, Riku’s always been more “awake,” it seems, than his peers. Always questioning things and possessing a wisdom beyond his years. It’s like he almost knows (or remembers) things he shouldn’t. As Sora puts it, Riku says “some weird stuff sometimes.” And I think Riku is the one who starts waking Sora up. He encourages Sora to think about things that it doesn’t seem Sora would think about on his own. To ask questions. To see their world differently. And to consider worlds beyond their own.
I think he’s why Sora’s first line in the series is about awakening. “I’ve been having these weird thoughts lately. Like — Is any of this for real or not?” And I think Riku’s why Sora’s able to connect with and awaken/bring to life so many characters in the story. That might even be canon, actually, if Riku encouraging Sora to open his heart to Ventus when they’re little kids is what teaches Sora how to... By empowering Sora, Riku is the catalyst for a ripple effect of change that defies destiny and universal law. And it culminates in his KH3 sacrifice which allows Sora to rewrite how the Book of Prophecies ends.
I think that’s what Riku has always represented: Awakening. Truth. The outside world — whether that means adulthood, reality, new perspectives, or lands yet untraveled. He makes the darkness conscious by bringing it to light. Especially for Sora. Riku quite literally wakes Sora up after CoM and in DDD, and his light pulls forgotten/repressed memories up from the depths. Riku’s often associated with the sun — the kind of bright, harsh light that hurts to look at. That makes it hard, if not impossible, to fall back asleep.
Riku’s the sudden light in your eyes that has you groaning and rolling away when someone has to get you out of bed in the morning lol He’s the rude awakening. The truth is often not pleasant or easy. It often hurts. But inevitably, it becomes known. Inevitably, the sun rises and illuminates the dark. Dawn breaks, and the day and all its challenges must be faced. No slacking off. Chop, chop. It’s time to wake up, Sora. Destati!
Even Data Riku in ReCoded is the one who lifts the curtain for Data Sora and ‘reveals the matrix’ so to speak. “It’s time for you to learn the truth.” Riku offers the truth, perhaps quite literally sometimes if that’s what his iconic outstretched hand gesture represents — and it definitely seems to given how KH3’s tutorial/awakening parallels Sora’s dream in the KH1 opening. But it’s up to Sora to accept the truth. To face it. To take Riku’s hand and awaken. It’s Sora’s choice.
Anyway. Whether Riku is “supposed” to be the Hero or was always meant to be the Rival, he’s not supposed to love Sora as much as he does, and certainly not in the romantic way the games suggest he does… I understand your hesitation about gay intent in KH… But it really feels like the “missing”/unspoken piece here that makes so many people scratch their heads over Riku’s character arc. For Sora, it’s less clear (especially in English), but I do think Riku is in love with him. And I truly believe so much of “destiny” changing and characters awakening, Sora awakening, comes back to that.
Destiny in this case would be the typical formula of Disney fairy tales and the expectations of our heteronormative society. And awakening would be developing awareness of these limitations and smashing them… Perhaps reflected through Riku and Sora exposing the flaws in the Light and Dark binary that’s dictated Keyblade society and caused many of the problems their generation has to contend with.
Perhaps the door to the light, to truth, to awakening IS the closet door, then (insert joke here about Riku literally being the gay awakening)… But it’s a lot of other things as well. Awakening is discovering any truth. Every truth. It’s knowledge of the systems that limit and control you, of any unseen force that holds you back. It’s power to see through illusions and lies, distortions and distractions. It’s free will and independent thought. It’s self-actualization and true freedom. After all, you cannot break free of chains you don’t know are there.
That certainly makes the Master of Masters an interesting fellow… It seems like he wants change. He wants the characters to deviate from the script, to awaken, to develop free will… But at the same time, he’s pulling all the strings. He’s the eye always watching them... Does he truly want freedom, or does he want to be the one who decides what freedom looks like?
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mask131 · 3 months
If Middle-earth is Earth in the past, is there any possibility for the magic to return? The magical creatures are probably all dead, but I assume the more spiritual beings like the Maiar and the Valar should still be around, right?
Asked this to a couple of friends that are Tolkien fans and they couldn't answer me.
Now I am NOT at all a Tolkien expert. I will try my best to answer you but I can't recommend you enough to go check actual lore-wise people for Tolkien... I know there are a handful of Youtube channels dedicated to explaining little tidbits of lore and answering specific questions about Tolkien's works. "In Deep Geek" or "Nerd of the Rings" are good starting places for casual Youtube videos about Tolkien lore, to listen in some spare time or just as background.
Now it depends what you mean by "magic" but, taking into account the whole "Middle-Earth is just prehistoric Earth/England's mythology" angle, in this sense, yes you are right about the point.
Most of the fabulous and fantastical creatures of legends and myth are dead or gone, and it is the whole point of Tolkien's work. The Lord of the Ring is literaly the tale of how an entire Age ended. It is something that begins quite early in The Hobbit, with the death of what was the last great dragon, but one doesn't get the full scope until we reach The Lord of the Rings, and by the end of it we are hit with everything. The Elves are fading away, the Wizards have all broken off in various ways, Sauron and his underlings are no more, the rings of power have no power anymore, the Ents are doomed to extinction, even some of the last descendants of the eldritch horrors like the Balrog or Shelob are dead. The great wonders of Middle-Earth are gone, beautiful or horrible, and it is sad and an end - but also a new beginning for a new age. And in this sense, yes, magic is technically gone or going away by the end of the Lord of the Rings.
But, as you pointed out, it doesn't mean "magic" is still disappeared forever, because in the Tolkien universe, magic IS the world. As you said, indeed, the Valar/Maiar are still around, and will always be there until the end of time. They are just out of reach and out of sight: this is one of the big themes of the Silmarillion, since it is the book where we go from "The gods walk the same earth we walk today" to "The gods are nowhere to be seen and work in mysterious ways". The whole point is that the Valar slowly retracted themselves from the universe, isolating themselves in the West, acting less and less in mortals affairs, imposing indirect means of interacting with fate and events rather than direct action... And it is part of the entire aesthetic of Tolkien's Legendarium: the regression of magic is constant, and while the world described in The Lord of the Rings seems like the "magical world" we today lost, when one reads the Silmarillion you realize LotR's Middle-Earth was actually a pretty drab and mundane world compared to the earlier Ages of the World. It is just that the very passing of Ages means that less and less magic and wonders happen - it is the Tolkien's way.
But they are not gone. There is still of this "magic" left around, it is just out of reach, hard to spot, not usually seen - and you have to know what you are looking for. Just like the Valar, who will always be there, but mortals cannot reach them, nobody remembers them, and they don't interact with us anymore. I think it was in The Hobbit that Tolkien literaly began by saying that some Hobbits still lived around England, though they hide away from humans and thus one would need tough chance to ever find them. It was just a "child's story" narrative device, but it still set the tone for the idea that there are remnants of LotR's Middle-Earth in our day and age (well more like in the 19th/early 20th century England), the same way Middle-Earth had by the time of LotR remnants of the first ages of the world (Shelob reminding of the distant threat of Ungoliant, or Galadriel's vial containing a last piece of primordial light).
Plus, you have to remember Tom Bombadil. The guy is definitively still around. And that's his role. When did he get there, we will never know, because he was never born - but he was there at some point, and he was there long before everybody else, and he will be there long after everybody else, and he'll still be around probably until the end of the world. As I said in my previous post, many people dismiss Tom Bombadil in LotR because yes, he provides nothing to the plot - but they miss his importance, that he is here as a symbolic and almost metaphysical character, as a tool not just to worldbuild but also to show the whole idea of this world. Yes the elves and dwarves and orcs are gone, and there are no more great wizards or terrible dark lords... but there will always be somewhere this weird singing guy who is definitively not human and nobody knows where he comes from, with his nature-spirit of a wife, and his grumpy murderous neighbor Old Willow. And I think it is quite important to understand Tolkien's whole approach to the "fading of magic". Tolkien's world is one of constant "degradation" (to the point he even stopped writing his story about a Fourth Age because he realized it would be much too bleak and dark even for him), but it is also one that is tied to his production for children and an interest in fairytale and children stories, and as such it also teaches to go search the real magic today not in immense dragons, or powerful elf-queens, or cursed antique jewels, but rather in a few Hobbits living their life hidden in some shire, or in an excentric Tom Bombadil deep within beautiful old woods.
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nientedenada · 1 year
Mages Guild Morass: A Mix-Up over Vanus Galerion's Final Fate
Also posted on r/teslore. A couple months ago, my friend @akaviri-dovah asked a question about Vanus Galerion's timeline.
Ok so I’m reading up on Vanus uesp page again and apparently there was a point wherein he abandoned his guild and left Tamriel?? […] "Over time, Galerion grew bitterly disillusioned with the contrived hierarchies and sinister political environment that the Mages Guild had become. He grew regretful for establishing the guild in the first place, as it had become monster of its own, and was too late for him to fix. After denouncing the guild, Galerion elected to leave Tamriel entirely to travel to other lands. For many years Galerion wandered around Nirn. Eventually, after long his abandonment of the Mages Guild, Galerion claimed that he had found the virtue of magic in his solitary travels." [This description] probably wouldn’t line up with how he still managed to gather so many mages and Lamp Knights (guild specific) in his battle against Manni right?
This question completely confuddled me at first, because it turned out I didn't know my Vanus Galerion lore very well at all. But now I know a lot more and I am here to share a very niche lore puzzle with you all.
I think we're all aware that when the devs imported lore books into ESO, they didn't always make certain the books' contents fit into the previously established timeline. Sometimes that can be explained by Hermaeus Mora moving books about through time, but often books are edited for ESO but some detail is overlooked. This is what appears to have happened with Vanus Galerion.
Origin of the Mages Guild, written by Ted Peterson, has been in every big TES game since Daggerfall except Skyrim. It’s been edited for different games, but the last paragraph is the same in all versions.
One need not be a member of the Mages Guild to know that this carefully contrived hierarchy is often nothing more than a chimera. As Vanus Galerion himself said bitterly, leaving Tamriel to travel to other lands, "The Guild has become nothing more than an intricate morass of political infighting."
In Daggerfall and Morrowind, that is the last heard of Vanus Galerion. This version is backed up by a role-playing thread from 2001 in which Ted Peterson, posting as Tedders, has an exchange with Vanus Galerion (also played by himself)
Tedders: Thank Mara for Vanus Galerion for freeing the Old Ways and founding the Mages Guild. Vanus Galerion: For many long years I did regret that very deed, as it seems I created just another monster of sinister politics. The virtue of magic I found in my solitary travels, many years after I abandoned the Mages Guild and ventured on my own. Tedders: Poor Trechtus. It's too late now.
Oblivion, though, adds a new version of Vanus Galerion’s fate. In Mannimarco, King of Worms, it’s explained that Vanus never did peace out on the Mages Guild. He actually died leading Mages Guild Lamp Knights against Mannimarco.
They say Galerion left the Guild, calling it 'a morass,' But untruth is a powerful stream, polluting the river of time. Galerion beheld Mannimarco's rise through powers sublime, To his mages and Lamp Knights, 'Before my last breath, Face I must the tyranny of worms, and kill at last, undeath.' He led them north to cursed lands, to a mountain pass.
(Short interlude: this is not quite as bad as Mannimarco's own poetry, but it ain't good)
In this text, Vanus Galerion is killed in the fight against Mannimarco
A thousand good and evil perished then, history confirms. Among, alas, Vanus Galerion, he who showed the way,
This version is supported by Mannimarco’s claim in Oblivion that he had Galerion’s corpse in his possession.
I must say, I expected Arch-Mage Traven, rather than his star pupil. I am disappointed to see that he could not face me himself. I have met so many of his predecessors over the years. I developed a particular fondness for Galerion, ill-preserved though he may be.
So, depending on whose version you believe, Vanus either left the guild calling it a morass or led the guild in a final battle against Mannimarco.
In comes ESO to complicate matters.
The ESO Devs did not include Mannimarco, King of Worms in the game, since Vanus Galerion is still alive in ESO. But they didn’t ignore the text. A lot of the details of Vanus and Mannimarco’s early life from Mannimarco King of Worms are fleshed out in the Summerset expansion via. Vanus’ ESO autobiography: Artaeum Lost, as well as in ESO flashbacks to their time with the Psijics.
However, base game ESO stumbled with their version of Origin of the Mages Guild, which still ends
One need not be a member of the Mages Guild to know that this carefully contrived hierarchy is often nothing more than a chimera. As Vanus Galerion himself said bitterly, leaving Tamriel to travel to other lands, "The Guild has become nothing more than an intricate morass of political infighting."
When you bring this book into ESO, you get the implication that Vanus got into a snit at the Mages Guild, left Tamriel to travel other lands, AND THEN came back from abroad for the events of ESO where he’s very involved in Mages Guild business again.
So to sum it up
Version 1: Daggerfall to Morrowind: Vanus is said to have called the guild a morass and left Tamriel at some unspecified date. That is the last mention of him.
Version 2: Oblivion to Skyrim: It's suggested that story is untrue and he actually died leading the Mages guild in a fight against Mannimarco but many believe he instead left Tamriel after calling the Guild a morass.
Version 3: ESO: Doesn't go into Vanus' death because it's not happened yet but keeps details from that Oblivion/Skyrim Version about his earlier life with Mannimarco. ESO devs miss the detail of the morass line referring to Vanus Galerion's permanent disappearance in both Versions 1 and 2.
I think if we go with Version 3, which is the most up-to-date, we would conclude that he did get into an earlier snit with his subordinates, went globetrotting, and then came back to guide the Mages Guild. Centuries later, someone misattributed the morass remark from the earlier situation to the latter disappearance.
Or you could go with time-travelling books.
Or you could just shrug your shoulders and ignore the obvious developer error and continue with the timeline established by the previous games.
UESP has cobbled all these sources into one timeline: ESO Events -> Morass Remark and Exit from Mages Guild -> Leading the Mages Guild against Mannimarco/ Death. But unless we go with the time-travelling books theory, this doesn’t seem possible.
End of Morass Gate.
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maruiin · 10 months
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Part 1
Part 2
The air was frosty, puffs of steam escaping from our mouths with each deep exhale. I walked behind Jesper, Kaz, and Inej, looking around cautiously. Until we got away from here, we needed to be very careful. Ahead, as agreed, there was a carriage with horses harnessed. Jesper did an excellent job, unlike the rest of us.
The Sun Summoner slipped from our grasp; we didn't even spend a minute near her. Now, I was sure that none of us had a further plan. Right now, I think we'll head to the city and decide our next move there. Perhaps we'll still have a chance to catch the Summoner, get a million kruge, return to Ketterdam, and continue living a normal life.
Up ahead, the guys are arguing about something, mostly Kaz and Jesper. As we approach the carriage, I look around once again. While Jesper, followed by Inej and Kaz, climb onto the driver's seat, I peer into the darkness, checking if anyone is following us. Getting caught now, when we're almost free from the guards, would be foolish.
"Grace, come on, take a seat," Jesper teases, saying those words with a playful tone because he finds something amusing. I turn my head towards them, inspecting the horses, the carriage, and my friends who have already settled in and are waiting for me.
Yes, I've become quite suspicious. Just ten minutes ago, I killed a person, and even the fact that I saved Inej from her personal sin and Kaz from death doesn't calm me down in the slightest. Now, I sense treachery everywhere, as if there's a threat behind every corner, a Grisha or a soldier. I place my right foot on the step, balance my left foot on the edge near Kaz, and pull myself up using my arms on the roof. I sit next to Inej, tucking my left leg under me and letting my right leg hang down from my side.
Throughout all this, I avoid looking at anyone, keeping my gaze down. I feel Inej glancing at me anxiously, torn between the impulse to take my hand, which I'm currently gripping the edge of the carriage roof between Jesper and Kaz, or to leave things as they are and maybe talk about it later in private. She knows I won't pour my heart out in front of the guys, especially not in front of Brekker. Not my style.
Still, she chooses the second option, leaving me with a genuinely encouraging smile when I look at her. Yes, Inej, you're one of the few who understands me. Jesper is still chatting away to Kaz, until Kaz asks him about the whereabouts of the Sun Summoner. Jesper smiles, as if the fate of the entire world depends on him right now, and releases the horses. The carriage jolts, so I grip the edge of the roof tighter.
Dawn was approaching. Maybe another half hour or so, and the sun would start rising above the horizon, painting the sky in shades of pink, filling the darkness of the night with light. We continue to roll through the streets of Os Alta, checking for any pursuit. Tails are unnecessary now, and changing clothes would be a good idea; dressed as guards, we might raise too many questions.
"Jesper, turn down a less crowded street, we need to change clothes before sunrise attracts attention."
Jesper nods and turns onto another, less bustling street. We tried to head to the outskirts of the city, again, not to raise suspicions from the residents or the guards, since some of them have seen us. We pull under a bridge, and Jesper stops the horses.
"Alright, you guys go first," Inej says, "stuff inside." She pats the roof of the dark carriage. Kaz and Jesper jump down first, getting inside the carriage. Inej and I slowly descend from the roof, stretching our limbs.
I wrap myself in the coat that was part of the guard uniform and exhale with relief. We escaped. Inej approaches me slowly, touching my shoulder. It happens so unexpectedly that I flinch.
"Don't you want to talk about it?" Inej never insisted, not even now, but there was an underlying plea in her voice, like saying, "It'll be easier if you tell." I sigh deeply a few times, swallowing the lump in my throat, and rub my fingertips together. I've always done this when nervous.
- "And what do you want to hear?" I ask quietly because I don't want anyone to hear me at all. After all, I know that Kaz is listening in on us. Inej presses her plump lips together, rubbing my shoulder in support. - "I killed a person, Inej... I never imagined anything like this, never played out in my head how something like this could happen."
Inej listens, nodding humbly at certain moments, and I continue speaking just as softly, not breaking the tone.
- "And I absolutely can't understand myself. At times, I tremble as if with a fever. I remember his body, that dagger sticking out of his head, and a wave of panic engulfs me. But there comes a moment when I don't... I can't..." I pause, interrupting my rapid mumbling, something resembling a confession, and I raise my eyes to Inej. - "I can't imagine what it would be like if you did it... I can't imagine if Grisha had reached Kaz and killed him. And in those moments, I realize that I did everything right, that I wouldn't have done it differently, it wouldn't have worked out differently. And it becomes even scarier from that..."
Tears well up in strong and brave Inej's eyes, I see how much it hurts her to listen to this, but she swallows the lump of tears and says:
- "Why didn't you let me do it?"
- "You yourself said it was a sin..." I smile at the corner of my lips and watch as Suli's face relaxes. - "And I couldn't let you do it."
She smiles, a small tear running down her cheek, which Gafa couldn't hold back. Without thinking about anything or anyone, she turns me completely toward her and hugs me, holding me tightly against her body.
How weak I feel. I'm sure Inej would have held herself together, not showing her emotions, not showing how much she's suffering from what she's done. She would have swallowed it and perhaps forgotten over time, continuing to live on and instilling her faith in everyone. Unfortunately, I'm not Inej...
- "You know what your problem is, Grace?" Inej asks, pulling away from me but not letting go of my shoulders. Our height difference is noticeable now. Not much, but I'm about five centimeters taller than Inej. - "You're afraid that we'll look at you differently. You're afraid that I or Jesper or Kaz will look at you as a killer, accuse you of it. Deep down, you think that our attitude toward you will change, but it won't. It will never be like that."
Inej speaks in a full voice, not afraid to be heard, but apparently, that's so I'll literally ingrain her words into my head.
- "Thank you, Inej..." I whisper words of gratitude to the Suli who looks at my eyes, now full of tears, with a smile. Our brave Suli certainly knows how to move me.
Jesper jumps out of the carriage first, and then Kaz follows, seemingly limping even more on his right leg. I wipe away the tears so the guys won't see. Otherwise, I'd endure a month of Jesper's jokes about women's tears. But even for that, I adore him.
- "Your turn," the sharpshooter rushes to inform us. All this time, he kept looking back, staring at the large chest for belongings attached to the back of the carriage. But I decide not to ask him about it. Who knows, maybe he just imagined it, so I jump ahead of Inej into the carriage, closing the door.
For a few minutes, we don't get out of the carriage, adjusting our clothes and rearranging our weapons. Inej mostly has knives, both long and short, for close and ranged combat, each with its name. I, on the other hand, stick with the usual: a pistol, bullets, and two daggers. One was given to Inej, the other gifted by Kaz.
The spot where Brekker's gift used to rest was now empty.
We jump out of the carriage and approach the guys who are discussing something.
- "We need to find some tavern, stay there for a while, and come up with a plan for our next actions," Kaz says, inspecting Inej and me for readiness, pausing his gaze on my hand that now rests on my thigh with an empty sheath for the dagger. Kaz doesn't reveal anything; he doesn't even frown. He just raises his eyes to me, and we exchange glances.
- "We passed a tavern not far from here; I think we could stop there," Jesper suggested. In the meantime, I shift my gaze from Kaz to Wylan, as I can't withstand the intensity of his penetrating eyes. At another time, sure, we might have even competed in staring contests, but right now, I'm just a couple of steps away from remembering my recent conversation with Inej and bursting into tears again.
- "I think that's a good idea," Inej agrees, already turning towards the carriage.
- "Agreed," I nod approvingly because I don't see any other options. We all head towards the carriage, and then I notice once again how Jesper keeps looking in the direction of the chest. - "Jesper, what are you peering at over there?" He only grins slyly, looking first at me, then at Kaz and Inej, and then shifting his gaze back to the chest.
- "Oh, just making sure we don't lose anyone else's belongings along the way," we all look at him in surprise, I even raise an eyebrow in confusion, - "you never know, maybe the cargo is too valuable."
- "You can check it yourself later." Kaz scowls, responding to Jesper's words with a grim expression.
- "Of course, we will make sure to check..."
I can only smile, shaking my head from side to side. It's always fun with Jesper around; if it weren't for him, I can't imagine how our heists would go without his presence and his sense of fun for everyone.
And above the rooftops, the sun of a new day was already shining brightly.
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getvalentined · 8 months
Has anyone asked about Seem for the character ask game?
🎟️ SEXUALITY HEADCANON: Seem is completely and totally pansexual. Sex and gender don't matter to her at all.
⚧️ GENDER HEADCANON: This depends on which version of her I'm working with, but generally I read Seem as some flavor of nonbinary. The devs refer to her with she/her pronouns, while the only pronoun ever used for her in-game is they, which is pretty distinct—particularly for a game that came out in 2004.
💕 A SHIP: Jak/Seem is my #1 top favorite pairing in the entire series. The progression of their canonical relationship is one of my favorite things, because it takes the entire game to get to the point where they admit any kind of reliance on one another, and at that point they're so comfortable with each other that neither of them question the other—I don't think it's much of a jump to assume that could develop into something other than a platonic relationship with more time.
🖇️ A BROTP: In canon, Seem+Daxter for sure. The idea of the two of them taking turns dragging Jak away from his more self-destructive behaviors, conspiring with each other to make sure he eats and sleeps and slows down is one of my favorite things. In a different world, I love love love the idea of Seem and Gol Acheron getting to know each other. I've RP'd and plotted out multiple AUs with this concept, generally resulting in Gol referring to Seem as "the little Light Sage." She's studied his research for her entire life, so she has a healthy dose of respect for him, megalomania notwithstanding.
🚫 A NOTP: Would you believe people used to ship Seem with Veger? Not like...a lot. But it happened. That one gets a yikes from me.
💭 A RANDOM HEADCANON: Seem is Onin's granddaughter; Onin was the leader of the Order when Praxis had the Precursor monks banished from Haven following the fall of the holy district, but she apostatized in order to be allowed to stay and continue to provide guidance to city leadership—because that's what she was supposed to do, Onin is omnipresent in time due to overexposure to light eco in early adulthood, so this wasn't an act of selfishness but an acceptance of fate. (Y'know Everything Everywhere All At Once? Onin is kinda like that, but it's less of a constant jumble.) Seem was obviously very young at the time, but given that her mother died in the aforementioned destruction of the Sacred Site, that made her the next in line to become High Priest; regardless of her age and inexperience, not to mention the fresh trauma of her mother's death, Onin allowed Seem to be thrown into the wasteland to die along with everyone else. The fact that she not only survived but thrived, reuniting with Damas and reclaiming the Order's oldest temple, is irrelevant to Seem with regard to her feelings on the situation. She's never forgiven Onin for this, and she never will.
🗣️GENERAL OPINION: Favorite character in the whole series. I named a cat after her. I love her more than I can express.
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saltymongoose · 2 years
🔞 [THE KISS] 🔞 - How They React to a Vampire!Player's Bite ft. The Main 4
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I'm so glad to finally be posting this, sorry for the long the wait. 😅 You guys know the deal, minors do not interact in any way, heed the tags and TWs. Other than this, enjoy! <3
(TW: !Minors Do Not Interact!, Extremely Suggestive Content, Yandere, Obsessive Behavior, Biting, Descriptions of Blood, Reader is a sadist again lol) [Part 1 - WORLD WITHOUT LOGOS] ←
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As it turns out, your vessels were more than happy to accommodate you in every way possible, and this includes your dependence on vitae - blood.
You'd be lying if you said you didn't expect a positive, if not outright excited reaction to the idea of you feeding on them. (After spending so much time around them, their amusing amount of possessiveness over you wasn't something you could ignore.) However, their complete lack of regard for their own safety was still something you found concerning. Especially when you let them know that you took more than just blood from your vessels.
You let them in on this when you were trying to warn them: “Well, besides the fact that you might die, another effect of a mortal getting fed on by a Vampire is that said Vampire can get your soul, or part of it,” you had said flatly. A look at their stunned and weirdly awe-filled expressions was enough to prompt you to continue before they asked any questions.
"Most kindred don’t have the ability to do that, but I do. It’s one of the things that makes me so powerful if I go overboard with the feeding. If I drain you dry, your entire soul is mine, period. I already know you’re going to ask, but even if I don’t kill you by feeding, and the loss of that part of your soul won’t have much of an effect if any, it’s still important. If I get your blood in my mouth and I swallow it, a part of who you are will belong entirely to me. Forever."
You thought that would be a deal breaker for them. Surely giving up something so important to a monster like yourself wouldn't be desirable in any way, right? Wrong. Which you admit you honestly should've expected.
On the contrary, the thought of you legitimately owning part of their souls was actually exciting to them. Even the more level-headed grunts of your troupe couldn’t help the flush that overtook their faces as they silently mused on how wonderful it’d be to have such a thing happen; to be yours in the most literal sense possible and have the essence of their existence belong to you (as it should). They even thought it sounded romantic, really. Your fated partner having a part of your very being integrated into theirs, so that you’ll never truly be away from them (even in death).
Your vessels were touched by how much you cared about their safety, but that didn’t stop how tantalizing being bitten by you appeared to be. They want you to own them. So no, of course they wouldn’t dare let anyone else have the privilege of receiving “The Kiss” from you (as your kind called it). And you weren't the type to look a gift horse in the mouth (blood from the willing always tasted far better anyway), so you accepted their little proposal, to their absolute delight.
Hank has zero hesitancy whatsoever in regard to you biting him, having wanted to bear your mark from the moment you first met. In his eyes, your relationship was one of ownership already; he was your vessel and you were his Player. (The only one he’d allow to control his every movement without question, the individual who he respected and loved enough to give himself to completely.) Being bitten by you would serve to make your claim on him open and obvious, so the fact that you would be bound together through his soul afterward was just a bonus if anything.
Perhaps this is what makes him so incredibly impatient whenever it’s his turn to receive The Kiss from you. His trembling and rushed movements are symptoms of the excitement he feels at getting closer to being marked by you. You can feel it especially well when he's yanked you into his lap, pressing you so tightly together that you have to bend backward to look him in the face. He beats you to it when you try to undo his coat and bandages, nearly ripping the offending cloth away before leaning into your shorter form. (You give him a look when he turns his head to bare his neck to you. It hasn't even been five minutes since you started.) Honestly, it seems like Hank is on the verge of somehow forcing your teeth into his neck himself most of the time.
Biting Hank also comes with an additional stipulation. With most of your vessels, you do a quick bite - one that you can cover up and heal quickly. Thing is, Hank doesn't want you to pierce him with just your canines. Instead, he prefers for all of your teeth to penetrate his skin; the full mark of your bite left indented in his flesh is what he truly needs. You’re fine with it, of course, even if it’s a bit unorthodox for vessels you actually mean to keep alive.
Hank is surprisingly noisy when you feed on him. His breaths grow more and more labored when your maw's sharpened razors begin to stab into him, sinking into his skin easily as you squeeze your jaws down and sending an odd jolt of heat to his lower body. Another harsh nudge of your teeth further into his neck is met with a low groan from him, the noise muffled from behind his mask.
(He's never felt anything like it. The sharp sting blooms into an intoxicating mixture of pain and overwhelming pleasure, only made better by the way he can feel your lips pulling into a smile when he pants.
The haze from your bite clouds his mind until he’s lost in the euphoric feeling of you finally showing him everything you try to hide: The animalistic nature of your hunger that he only sees in fights, the cruel, amused laughs you make when another moan or whine leaves his mouth, and how you nip playfully, painfully, at his bite to elicit more noises from him. It’s overwhelming in the best of ways…but it’s still never enough.)
The slow draw of his blood from you sucking at his wounds makes him want more of something, igniting an urge for him to completely surrender everything to you. It's something you realize early on, with how you're able to read your vessel's minds like this.
He tries to satiate that incessant need by leaning further into your form to try and catch your fangs deeper into his skin, attempting to silently persuade you into making this even bloodier than it began. Perhaps even trying to force you further into his lap, caging you tighter to him in the hopes that the closeness of you pressed against every part of him would somehow stop that hunger for more of whatever you can give him. It doesn't work, though, and you can tell from the way his hips shift underneath you, and the tightening grip that threatens to force the tips of his claws into you that he's getting frustrated with it. (He can’t even explain why he feels so discontent; this is what he wanted, but it still aches. He has to have more, he needs it-)
However amusing (or perhaps even cute) you find his uncharacteristically desperate movements and noises to be, you acknowledge that you probably should give him some small kindness to alleviate that pull you know he’s feeling. Considering how you can't drain him dry, your chosen remedy is simple. Bite him again. The sudden burst of pain is enough to pull a choked moan from him, his purrs rumbling even louder as you tear another deep mark into his flesh. And then you do it again. And again.
You aren't really sure why it works, but you can tell from how the tension in him seems to be winding tight and how his body is starting to tremble that it’s at least a suitable distraction. This, and the fact that the only thing you can read from his mind is a hazy sense of happiness and adoration (odd, considering what you were. If you happened to be more careful in pulling your teeth from him after that, and soothing the wounds with your tongue, then it was purely coincidental.)
Of course, it’s not like Hank always stands perfectly still when you do this. He’s obedient to a fault, especially to you, but you honestly can’t expect him to just sit there and take it when you’re moving around in his lap and marking him repeatedly like that. So when you inevitably end up pinned somewhere with Hank’s panting form looming above you, blood dripping down onto you from the collar of bites you've left on him, you suppose you only have yourself to blame. Tempting the beast, and all that.
Either way, you've probably been full for a few minutes and the extra bites are always more for his benefit than anything. It won’t fully sate that deep-seated need he has for more from you. Nothing will, until you do more to claim him as your kind would.
But watching him almost frantically pull his mask down before slamming his mouth against yours in a bloody kiss, and feeling the way his weight rests on you heavily to seek out more contact tells you that this has been at least somewhat satisfying for him. Although, you'd be a fool to assume he'd calm down quickly from this high you've given him and let you go just because you think you're finished. (If he croaks from blood loss, he figures Doc can just bring him back again. Right?)
- [2BDAMNED] -
2BDamned tries to approach you biting him in a clinical, professional manner, he really does. He insists on doing it in a sterile environment, even taking a shower beforehand so he’s completely clean for you. He sits at his desk and has his tablet in front of him in case he needs to record information on anything odd he’s feeling. He wants to treat these occasions as research in addition to something just to feed you. However, he never actually fulfills that objective, no matter how many times you do this.
Doc tries to ask you questions about the process while you stand over him, lifting his jaw and tilting his head to the side to get a better view of his neck. You find it really funny since it’s obvious he’s trying to get himself together. The cracks in his composure start to show when you bring your face closer to his, and he stumbles over a few words. That’s nothing compared to how he gets when you respond to his inquiries, though, lips and the edge of a sharp canine ghosting over his skin.
(“We’re lucky I’m not from one of the more…picky clans. Some of us can only drink from really specific types of humans, and I’d probably starve if I was restricted by that,” you muse quietly, paying no mind to how your lips press slightly to his throat on some of your words. What you do notice is how 2B’s breath hitches from it. You tilt your head and breathe out a silent chuckle. You can’t even tell if he got anything you just said. “What, no questions?” He flinches a bit. So he wasn't focusing on what you were saying. How interesting.)
His hold on his composure only slips further once you bite him. The press of your teeth is met with a sharp inhale, and he tenses up when they pierce his skin. You won’t hear any obvious noises from him, at least nothing he doesn’t attempt to muffle. With your hearing though, it isn’t difficult to pinpoint the little gasps he tries to hide when you nudge your sharp fangs a little deeper into his flesh, nor is it hard to tell that he's fighting to keep his breath stable.
He’ll try to continue asking questions, only to fade off in the middle of them, completely losing his train of thought as you drink from him. In Doc's defense, having you so close and sucking at his neck is enough to stop him from thinking; his head feels fuzzy, and he isn’t sure if that distinct warmth he feels building in him is from your vampirism or your traits as the Player. He can admit to himself that it feels...good. Too good, actually. It's enough to make him achingly self-aware of his own reactions, and to compel him to at least try not to act so “out of line” with you there.
(You're someone he considers a sort of superior; your status as his Player demands the utmost respect; even if you're biting his neck and draining his blood, he has to keep some level of decorum with regard to that. It's difficult, with how a large part of him wants to just give in to the feeling of you, but he tries to manage it.)
Sometimes you might try to get him to let go of this facade he's so desperate to hold onto. (You don't want him worrying about something like this since it really doesn't matter to you, and the experience would be so much better for him if he just relaxed for a change.) This could mean letting your tongue linger for a bit longer as you lick up his blood, or nibbling at the edges of the wound harshly so the bruise of it'll stay for a while longer.
Does it work 100% of the time? No. But it's a convenient challenge to focus on when you're ensuring your focus doesn't fall entirely into draining him. Though if you want a guaranteed way to break Doc, you found that outright telling him how good you think he tastes works exceedingly well. It's enough to make him choke back a small moan, so you consider it a success. The blush you see sweeping across his skin, even visible on his jaw and neck, makes it even better.
2BDamned knows that you do this just to make his attempt at a professional demeanor slip. It's obvious from how he can feel you grin once you manage to get something substantial out of him, which causes his face to burn hotter. He doesn't know what to do with the knowledge that you seem genuinely pleased when this happens, and embarrassingly enough, he can even feel himself beginning to purr when it does. He stiffens when he feels the rumbles starting to build up; it's like that animalistic part of him is satisfied by how happy you are when his instincts begin to break through. (They are an important part of him, even if he keeps it hidden most of the time.)
2B also tends to go far longer than the others do with letting you feed. He’ll allow you to drink from him for a concerning amount of time before doing anything to try and alert you, whether it be outright telling you that he can’t go on further or tapping you to signal that something’s changed in his condition. Even if he's starting to feel exhausted, he doesn't feel the need to stop you. Not with his claws digging painfully into the palms of his hands as he fights the urge to make more noises (he'd die of mortification if he lets another loud whine slip from him again). Not even when he shifts back into his seat to stop from squirming too much at the euphoric feeling of you draining him. The motivation just isn't there.
He'd never openly admit it, but he feels far too good to. (And it's not like he can think of a pragmatic way to do it with his head so foggy.) It's probably because of your abilities, but he also concludes it's also connected to how he's essentially being marked by you. Claimed as yours in the way that grunts have always staked such importance on. He likes it, to put it simply. It's fulfilling, and he relishes in the event as much as he can. Of course, you receiving part of his soul along with his blood was not something he initially expected, but with Nevada's poor excuse of an afterlife, he thinks it's the best option. He wants to give all that he was to you, and you spending so much time marking him worked perfectly with that. Even if it makes him weak, why would he ask you to quit when the positives so obviously outweighed the negatives?
This means it typically falls on you to stop this, which you do with little fanfare. You may or may not press a little kiss on his jaw to soothe him after working over the wound with your tongue (just so it heals up all nicely, an effect of your saliva), earning another pleased sigh from him, but you hold off on a lot of what you could do. You figure with how Doc is, the nicest thing is to let him try to regain his composure. Even if it takes a lot, with how boneless he looks under you and how red he is, even with all that blood loss. You can tell his heart is beating unnaturally fast, but you're blind to how he's looking at you in an almost lovesick daze. You smile at him and he shifts in his seat. You still have his blood on your lips.
At this moment, he usually wonders if it's disappointment he feels at you not continuing and doing more with him. It only takes receiving your Kiss a few times to realize that this is entirely correct, and a couple more for him to start formulating ways to get you to stay.
For someone who faces the chance of getting grievously injured nearly every day, Sanford is surprisingly nervous leading up to your bite. He doesn’t talk that much or shift around a lot, instead just fidgeting a little with his hands and stiffening up when you come closer. It’s almost like he’s trying to mentally prepare himself for it, which you can understand. Being bitten by you is incredibly overwhelming, even for other vampires.
You’re more gentle with Sanford from the get-go since you don’t want to take him off guard too much or make him uncomfortable. The added gentleness is obvious from how you softly rest your hands on him and slowly work him through some of the steps you’re doing, even outright telling him when you're about to bite him. You're careful in a way you rarely show to others, and it makes his heart start to beat faster before your lips even touch him.
Sanford is incredibly restrained whenever you officially start one of these encounters. The nervousness shows, but he tries to steel his facial expression to keep it down, biting back a noise when you finally cut into him with your teeth. He can feel your hands moving, fingers tracing comforting circles as you tighten your jaws to pull blood from him, and he shifts slightly, turning his head to both bare his neck more to you and hide his flustered expression. You haven’t even really begun draining him, but he’s already getting overwhelmed. 
(A reaction he blames on how grunts are. It’s only natural to get flustered if someone you like romantically incidentally claims you with a piercing bite, especially when it’s in such a visible spot. He knows you're aware of this too, which only makes the reaction worse. Is it really so outlandish to assume that you welcome this idea of officially staking a claim on him, since you showed zero hesitance to continue after being informed? He hopes not.)
The grunts have always felt very warm to you due to your vampirism, but you’re a little shocked by just how hot he feels. If it were Deimos, you could blame it on pyrokinesis, but with Sanford it's more worrying. You were relieved to find that it was simply his blush that made him like this. It seems this flusters him more than you initially thought it would. (How odd it is, that he’s able to get so red when you’ve started draining him of his blood.)
To your joy, you can actually feel him relax into your grip when you gingerly remove your teeth, even if he tenses up the slightest bit when you run your tongue over the opening you made, testing to see if the bite was deep enough. Honestly, Sanford thought it’d be painful at first, maybe with some numbness mixed in. But when your lips seal onto his neck and you suck at his split skin, he realized that it’s the exact opposite. The feeling of your mouth on him, pressing roughly onto his flesh as you tongue at the cuts where his life essence spills from is one that makes heat curl in his gut.
Despite how hard Sanford tries to remain quiet, not wanting to be inappropriate when you’re only doing this for food, he can’t stop noises that leave his throat; little cut-off moans and deeper groans, even a few breathy whines and gasps. He's purring too of course, the rumbling echoes in your ears while you busy yourself with pulling blood from his body.
It's shameful for him since he worries he's putting you off by acting this way, but he just can't stop it. It feels so good, to have you leaving a mark on his flesh and pressed so close to him. The painful sting of the wound only elevates the sensation, and the tension in him winds tighter every time your sharp teeth graze him. He has to do something with this weird longing he feels, whether it be making noises or subconsciously reaching up to rest his hands on you to ground himself. You let him pull you closer with no complaint.
You really don't care about how he acts, of course; it's a completely natural reaction to what you're doing. The biggest reaction you'll give is a chuckle when he gives a particularly loud moan, or a small exhale in amusement when you notice how his hips jolt when your thighs brush his. Seems noises aren't all you can get from him if the way he seems to seek contact with all of you is any sign.
Shame can wait until after you're finished, when the high of having you biting him and sucking his blood has faded away. At the moment, he's too lost to the heat from your actions and the hazy, painful pleasure of your Kiss. It's paired with an odd duality from you; the gentleness you show in all aspects except for the way you nip at his skin and suck harshly, as though you want the "hickey" you leave to last for days afterward. He can't tell if he feels lightheaded from blood loss or just being overwhelmed by your actions, but either way, he wants more.
(Or perhaps he just wants you to desire more from him. He knows you already get a part of his soul from this, but he still aches for you to take him completely. He knows that it's probably an irrational thought, since this is probably just a side effect of losing a part of himself, but the overwhelming need is still there.)
However, Sanford at least has the sense to stop instead of insisting you go on. You don't often push him too far, but if he ever feels like he's starting to get too weak, he'll tell you as best he can manage. (Or maybe just nudge you pointedly if he can’t muster the words, which happens.) You're quick to pull away as soon as you notice, taking a quick glance over him to check for any serious signs of blood loss. It’s nothing too bad but you still agree that you should stop, so you give him a soft look before slowly returning to the wound to close it. He shudders when he feels your cold tongue swiping over him, and you pause for a moment to make sure he’s alright before continuing. You’re honestly really sweet to him when you end your “sessions”; you even whisper a small thank you to him after you’re completely finished, sometimes accompanying it with a soft peck to his cheek.
Sanford questions if he’s more embarrassed by his reaction to your bite, or at how something so simple and innocent almost makes him just as flustered. In any case, it’ll provide him enough motivation to ask you to stay, at least for a little while. He’d like the company while he recovers, he reasons, and you accept the proposal every time. It’s a good way to monitor him (plus it’s just nice to cuddle into Sanford's side while he rests, not gonna lie). If Sanford happens to play up his condition a little more to get you to remain with him for another hour or five, then the others will just have to put up with it. (Forever would be better, he'd muse to himself as he tightens his arms around you...Maybe becoming a Vampire wasn't such a bad idea after all.)
- [DEIMOS] -
If there’s one word you would use to describe how Deimos acts when you bite him, it’s restless. His clawed fingers tap repeatedly on your waist and thigh as you loom over him, and he squirms with anticipation when you bring your face closer to his skin and your hands move up to pull his coat off his shoulders. No matter how you try to ease him into it, whether by doing it when you’re already cuddling him or during your other more comfortably intimate moments, he just doesn’t stop fidgeting.
(If you were someone with less experience (or maybe if Deimos had been anyone else), you might’ve been annoyed. But you were in no rush, and truthfully, you found it to be a little endearing.)
This doesn’t stop when you actually bite him, either. He might pause and hold his breath when your lips brush his skin, swallowing roughly when you stop over a spot you like, but this halts the moment your teeth actually pierce him. A loud cry will leave his lips before teetering off into an airy whine, his legs knocking into yours as his hips jolt under yours, forcing you to rebalance yourself as you instinctually clamp your jaws down a bit tighter. Something you’d do as a warning for your more expendable sources of blood, but the pain just forces another raspy moan from him.
Deimos is one of the quickest to fully lose himself to the sensations of you biting him, his mind going fuzzy and thoughts spiraling until the only thing that’s tethering him to the moment is you. Maybe it’s something about you being a vampire, or that it’s you who’s doing it to him, but the only thing he can focus on is your lips pressing roughly to his skin as you suck his blood into your mouth, your hands cradling him so carefully, and the weight of you over his body.
Deimos is probably one of the most vocal vessels you’ve had the pleasure of drinking from as well. His whines, raspy moans, and ardent praises fill your ears when you suck at his wounds, lapping his life essence up with restrained delight. During those few seconds where you have to pull your lips away to reorient yourself (mainly to stop from getting too into it and draining him dry), he whimpers little pleas for you to come back.
(“Fuck-wait, nonono, don’t stop, please.” He begs, trying to hold you tighter when he feels you wrench your mouth away from him with a wet squelch. No, you can’t leave him like this, you wouldn’t- You just laugh and hold him tighter, pressing a few bloody kisses to his jaw in a move that makes him blush a deeper shade of red, if that’s even possible.)
If it weren’t for the fact that everybody knows what you’re doing, you might’ve considered using your abilities to stop him from being so loud. You happen to find it extremely amusing (and perhaps a little cute) though, and the self-satisfaction of reducing him to such a messy state is enough to stop you from even dwelling on the idea. Come to think of it, messy really is the perfect adjective to describe the state you reduce him to when you drink.
Especially with how his noises rise slightly in pitch with each rough suck to his wound and his clawed fingertips scratch at your skin, hips bucking up while he squirms underneath your form like he’s trying to seek out friction from you. The only intelligible words from him are little praises, curses, and begs, intermittent with panting, moans, and raspy purrs. It’s so funny, just how little inhibition he has with acting this way around you. Not that you blame him that much; it’s normal, and he just can’t help himself.
(This won’t stop him from being mortified by his behavior afterward. Even if you’re okay with it, since it’s pretty natural for those you feed on, you still shouldn’t be seeing him like this when the situation shouldn’t call for it. It just isn’t proper. Then again…what if you like it?)
Sometimes, if you’re feeling particularly generous, you’ll brace a hand on his chin, tilting his head down as you remove your bloodied mouth from his neck and allowing him to regain at least some of his composure. It doesn’t work a good majority of the time, since he typically just whines out a complaint and arches his back as a way to try and return that closeness you had before. You still ask questions about how he is to try and bring him back to the moment (“Dei, you feeling alright? Lightheaded? Dizzy?”), because you're responsible enough to make sure he isn’t too out of it. A sly grin spreads across your face when you lean closer and delicately wipe the drool from his lips with your thumb, gauging his facial expression as you wait for some semblance of a response. (Again, very messy.)
Occasionally you don’t get one though, because even if he’s suffering from the effects of blood loss, most of the time he won’t even acknowledge it. This is partly due to how your abilities work to dampen that realization (something you try to lessen by stopping for those few minutes), but more importantly because he just really wants your mouth back on him. Even if he’s starting to feel a slight weakness creeping up on him and his pulse is rising dangerously high, the sensation of your lips on his jugular and your tongue lapping at his wounds fills him with an odd, stirring warmth that’s just too good.
You’d say that Deimos is lucky you have a lot of self-control for a vampire, otherwise you think you'd completely devour him. His blood is almost addictive; thicker than the others is due to the nicotine he consumes, and almost sticky. It’s like syrup to you. The reactions you get out of him just make the idea more tempting, especially since you can tell that he seems to desperately need more contact with you, to press together and have you swallow him whole so you'll never be apart. But you can't do that.
By the time you’re finished with him, he looks utterly debauched. Purring and in a strange trance as he looks at your blood-coated lips, another desperate noise leaving him when you lean back further. It'll take him a while to recuperate and get back to "normal" after this, so you keep an eye on him for the time being. It's not like it's difficult to justify when he hasn't actually let you go yet.
A small thought comes to Deimos' mind when you start to clean him up, gently swiping the residual blood away from his skin with your tongue, your saliva working quickly to heal up his wounds. Maybe he can get you to leave the bite next time? Or better yet, make it permanent?
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matan4il · 11 months
Good morning, sweet Alice. I want to write and comment every day! But my mood fluctuates from anger, sadness, rage, and disappointment that sometimes it's hard to find the right words or tones. Especially because it can feel petty in regards to what you are actually living through.
So I thought you know what I couldn't share anything new with you. Why don't I tell you a story back??
This has been an interesting few weeks in my corner of CA for how many people are actually paying attention now. I don't think Iran expected Hamas to succeed this far and now........ it's fucking out there. In ways that show their evil to normies that can't be ignored. In reference, especially about the baby in the over.
I had one friend call me to ask, what exactly is Hamas and for once listen to me about the answer.
I had a younger family member remove their palestine river to the sea post from a year ago and actually call me. To ask questions.
On a sad note, I have one friend whose little sister is leaving her college and coming home at the end of the semester. We can't be there to help her, but we have been door dashing and locals checking in on her. She's terrified to leave her dorm. With that, though, it's actually opening people's eyes to the leftist extremist on college campuses. At least she can come home and be safe with friends and family. She's not the only one!!
People are finally asking questions and paying attention. I think it will get uglier before it's better. But it's a loud disingenuous loud. There is push back finally. People can not comprehend the evil acts that Hamas executed. And they won't be shamed into moral equivalency it.
I hope you're all staying safe!!! Thank you for always updating us!!!
My darling friend! *hugs*
Thank you so much for this. For all of it. Your words are always kind and meaningful, and simply knowing that you wanna write daily is so beautiful, I feel blessed that you found my blog, and I got to meet you! I felt that way even before this massacre, and I feel that even more since... <333
IDK what Hamas and Iran expected. The amount of ammunition and weapons that Hamas brought with them was meant to allow them to hold entire town hostage for way longer than the 24-36 or so hours that they did (depending on which town we're talking about). I heard estimates ranging from several days to a month. Either way, they came prepared for longer than they lasted. So, did they manage more than they expected, 'coz at first they did get to kill so many defenseless civilians with no interference, as they managed to neutralize the security forces? Or did they succeed less than expected, since they lost control of Israeli towns faster than they intended? I don't know.
I do believe that Hamas (and maybe Iran as well) expected Israel to strike back, but without taking down Hamas, which is what happened in previous cases. In 2014, they kidnapped and murdered three Jewish teenagers. But for a while, the fate of those boys was unknown. The Hamas launched rockets at Israel for arresting their terrorists as Israeli security forces tried to find out what happened to the kidnapped boys. Then, by the time the bodies were recovered, dumped in a field, Hamas used the terror tunnels that they secretly built into Israeli territory in order to kidnap and kill Israelis. I'll never forget the tunnel they dug into a kindergarten. They only managed to kidnap the bodies of two Israeli soldiers. No living hostages. Maybe they thought that if they got away with that whole sequence of events, they'd get away with this, too. Maybe they really believed Israel didn't take down Hamas back then because we're cowards, not because of the cost in human life to both sides.
But as for the west's reaction, I find it incredibly reassuring to hear from you that some people have not become SO radicalized, that the massacre of Israelis is something they can justify, ignore or deny. That's comforting, but IDK how representative it is. Because I don't remember people being this bold in their antisemitism in the past, either. I don't remember that people just flat out said that Jews deserve to die for something we are not. I do not remember Jewish students being this scared on college campuses or in their own homes before this false narrative that casts Jews as colonizers of their own native land. And while I'm glad that there are people waking up, I think others are sinking even deeper into the pool of Kool Aid. I've seen people who I hadn't seen posting against Israel before doing just that, and I have seen people shamelessly denying the atrocities of the massacre... And I have no way of knowing what's happening more, people being shaken out of their apathy to the well being of Israeli Jews, or people even further de-humanizing us.
I'm so grateful for your dose of optimism! I am very much embracing it to my heart, and keeping it close to me, and I will pray with all my might that at the end of the day, people are kind, and they do recognize the reality of the threat that Israel is facing. I'm even more grateful to you for speaking up, and educating others, making sure to pass on our voices to those we can't reach. What you're doing is truly essential, and I wish I had a way to show you just how thankful I am.
Sending you all my endless love, always! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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the-bloody-sadist · 11 months
Hi! It's been a while and I realized I didn't follow you on my other account. I hope you've been well. I have some questions relating to my writing project that I want your insight on.
Do you think a character that is human experimented on could have their curiosity sparked by the experiments and pursue knowledge in that area? I don't want it to just look like "the torture was good actually".
How would you go about adding stakes in a story where the main characters are basically immortal?
Is it possible to instill negative traits into a story in a way that still feels intentional? For example, looping to my second question, I want to have the feeling of "these monster attacks and exploding orphanages are getting boring and it's boring because the villains wont die", but without outright chasing the reader away.
Thank you for your time and I hope you have a good day! 🐋
Hi Lil Whale!!! Good to see you again!! Here's some answers for your questions:
Absolutely. If you think about it in terms of trauma, a good deal of trauma survivors will repeat certain behaviors of the trauma they suffered, as a means of controlling the circumstances around what happened to them. This is a coping method as well as a possible self-destructive behavior, depending on how it's used, so going into the experiments after surviving being experimented on could offer the victim a chance to process what happened, nail down the details of what was done to them so they can have closure, and continue in the field as someone who experiments instead of getting experimented on. Or, perhaps, they're also getting experimented on, or experimenting on theirselves, which is just another way to put themselves in control of the abuse they didn't have control over in the past. If they define how much is enough, what they'll do to themselves, and so on, it can lend a feeling of overcoming that past abuse. Now they're in charge, and now the person in their past cannot hurt them.
This is not as tough a concept as it might initially seem! When stakes are not based on life or death, there are plenty of other (and imo infinitely better) stakes you can raise. First off, though, you can always create a method in which immortals CAN be killed, still. Lots of good stories about immortal characters do this! Take Heaven Official's Blessing, for example - all of the characters are either gods or ghosts, but there are still methods to disperse their remaining souls. For instance, the ashes that remain of a ghost's dead body are forged into items that the ghosts hide. If these ashes are found and destroyed, that destroys the ghost for good. For the gods, who are humans that have ascended into immortal beings, their bodies are technically still alive, they just regenerate. Because of this, the main character suffered a worse fate more than once because he CAN'T die, which I believe is far more powerful than death stakes. Because he couldn't die, a mob stabbed him with swords over and over. Because he couldn't die, he tried to commit suicide and could not after his parents' deaths. Because he couldn't die, he was locked up in a coffin where he survived for ages. This is infinitely more terrifying in my opinion than simply dying. Other than this, you can also give the characters strong emotional stakes. Friends, someone they love, etc., and losing these friends by betrayal or other circumstances out of their control. I'm not sure how much help you would need on that subject though, so I'm assuming you were going for my first answer on the immortality stakes!
I'm not entirely sure if I have the right idea on what you're asking on this one, but I THINK I do, so I'll try!! If you mean that you want the readers to know you ALSO think it's boring to have the villains not die and keep returning to bomb orphanages, you must mean that you'd be doing that to build up to a better thing that's not boring. That's absolutely doable, and it won't scare the reader away as long as you hint at that growing thing, not spend TOO much time on the boring things, and make it clear through your writing voice that you're fed up with the villains not dying, too. I hope that makes sense. It's a bit of a nuanced thing and easier done than said for me, but as long as you have the subtle promise of something on the horizon creating tension in the readers, you'll be able to keep them. That's literally ALL it takes, if your writing is good enough!
Thank you for the ask, and I hope you have a great day too! <3
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timidloner · 2 years
dear author, i, rambling anon, is back from war uni and the amount of new info i have missed is a lot but all of it is just incredible??? ICB OUR BIG MURDEROUS TEDDY BEAR HAS A NAME NOW?? Joren my beloved heart eyes!! the reblog "they’re horrors to YOU, however i’m turned on by them" is so real my mc is going to be so morally torn between being scared and horny and THE BIG SCARY DUDE ARCHETYPE YES as a big jason fan im so excited for his first appearance in game especially considering my mc is basically a lean little guy™ so the size difference is going to be so insane, will we be able to canonically touch joren's chest very important question please no because even in a emotional moment where joren could place the mc's hand on his chest to have them feel his heart while saying something insane (positive) like "you are the most beautiful fate" because he thinks theyre soulmates (WHICH IS SO GOOD PLEASE YOUR MIND IM SHAKING THE FACT HES NOT A CAGEY YANDERE BUT HES A DEVOTED KIND TOO WOOO) but the entire time the mc is like tiddy *sweating*
Rambling!! I'm so glad to have you back from the front lines (hope uni is going well <3).
Yup, our big meow meow finally has a name, he's more ready than ever to terrorize people, shake some core beliefs, and deliver romance! And OMG, of course we both like Jason, that's a man you can take back home to the family!!
Depending on your choices, your little guy™ is going to get the scare of his life in Chapter 1 >:) Some MCs will get a little tiny bit roughened up, but it's all with love from me!! hehe >:)
That scene is peak comedy. And you know what??? I have to add the option to "look him in the eyes, look him in the eyes, look... look at his chest" at some point.
Ohh, maybe when Joren dresses up for a religious event, since MC asked him to participate or something, the first tunic MC lends him is a bit small... and it makes his chest stand out. MC has that moment of total panic and I can even add some religious guilt!
It has to happen. MC needs to sweat. And, of course, you'll able to touch his chest, I'll probably write a whole scene about it since tiddies are my weakness, ahaha.
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kudzucataclysm · 2 years
owowowo got tagged in a Writer Tag game thing by @vacantgodling :D i tag whoever sees this or whoever wants to do it :D
it'll all be under the cut huehue
Do you write in order?
FUCK NO LOL. i just jot down the most important scenes first, or at least the scenes in my mind that stand out the most. Then i just…tend to fill in the blanks…but sometimes i try to work backwards! Like figuring out the ending first sometimes helps me in terms of structure and pacing
Do you start with something in particular?
HRRRRM well, it depends on the story i suppose…i usually like to start with either the inciting incident or like…not a prologue exactly but a bit where the story is set up asking a QUESTION narratively so to speak. the 2nd one tends to be hard for me to do cuz i have to make it interesting enough to keep people reading…
in the case of SE, the inciting incident happened decades beforehand, and the story itself is like…the consequences manifesting!! after being held off for so long if that makes sense
How fully formed does your writing come out first try?
usually 40% of the time. i write down what happens beat for beat then i usually have to hit my head against the wall to come up with cohesive sentences and prose…which doesnt work anymore now vv’ i have to get back into reading books tbh
How many drafts do you go through?
ive never had a fully formed draft in my life so i wouldnt know
Tell me about your process
the characters tend to come first. they just kinda show up expecting to be put somewhere, but first i just kinda let them run around a bit on their own. i let them develop a base personality, then introduce more characters to flesh them out.
the world comes into existence at roughly the same time as the characters do- not fully fleshed out, it DOES in fact, start out as a vibe. bits and pieces abt what it looks like, which leads to ‘WHY does it look like that? what happened?’ which leads into more questions obviously, but the nitty gritty details of the setting dont really come into fruition until i get the inklings of a plot
the plot, while secondary, is actually very important to me. i truly hate the “no plot just vibes” aspect of a lot of writing communities these days for some reason (not being mean just. i dont like it…) so i usually have a plot surrounding the characters in some way- there isnt “OOOH the fate of the wooorld!!” sort of thing. the plot doesnt come first to me, but that doesnt mean that its not equally as important. ‘The Thing’ is happening and what the characters want, and how they react to Thing is usually how i let the plot drive itself. which can obviously be chaotic…and thats why the last year or so of me working on SE has been equally as chaotic, but its been simmering down recently to the point where i really SHOULD be starting to script things…. if that makes sense at all
throughout the entire process theres usually a ton of research into a shitload of different topics. what-ifs and what not- “oh what if THIS thing happened? what if this historic event went differently? what if robots were meat? what if the earth got cracked open? everything is ‘WHAT IF’ or ‘HOW WOULD’, and then the story is just me exploring the answers to those questions :D
the steps arent usually in any particular order and i tend to bounce around a lot, but to sum it all up i develop stories by consistently going 'this would be sick as shit if [x] was a thing/happened'
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villains4hire · 2 years
Betilla, The Great Fairy (Rayman)
1. So you don't really need to know the lore of Rayman other than these following things: it is some funny little weird guy that goes on adventures in a european-esque fantasy, that also can have sci-fi elements considering Rayman 2? Pretty much anything can happen from fighting some techno-advanced pirate to being in a candy land still shot at with guns as in Rayman 1 and can have dark undertones considering Rayman 2 has literal slaves in it that you free. It's like if it was a European Mario Series that wasn't afraid to tackle some darker themes occasionally, but be whacky and not over the top. Just nothing disgusting such as bodily humor is all I ask from the games, as it doesn't bother me as much anymore, it's just annoying and a mood-killer.
2. I rp Betilla as a combo of Rayman 1 and Rayman Origins in terms of design, look below. She is not going to look anything like Rayman 1 or Origins just to clarify other than combined. On that note, I keep her status from Rayman as not a great fairy, THE Great Fairy as a cosmic defender of the glade, but I am still okay with the other Nymphs existing from Origins, just don't call her that or she will probably ruin your day. She’s a storyteller and narrator that narrates a character's adventure (or to mess with them) and goes with them and creates endings to that journey or something major if plotted for people as a guide. Then with a few talking quirks such as 'hay' tacked on among a few rarer others or cursing in 'fae' sometimes and is all around usually jerky, playful and tends to poke and prod people. You are free to attack her but not without consequence, though I won't have her do like what I explain next. It'd be more comical, fun hi-jinx even with probably evil characters at first. Just don't expect her to get hit right away or at all depending on your character's skillset if say just an average human. I will say that she does have fae weaknesses which I do headcanon Mr Dark exploited since Mr Dark was more tactical, mysterious and smart with how he attacked her in canon, along with ambushing her in the first place for how I have it. Since I will say if you're writing a big bad, trapping Betilla is probably the first step to any villain thing.
3. This character is rped as an actual fae and as such does not feel entirely like a human in terms of emotions, as remember, fae for some are considered akin to demons even in european-esque mythos even if she is friendly and can cry very rarely. I am willing to do tragic ends or bad endings for characters using this character, so long as your character is 'evil' or unrepentant or has done heinous crimes, albeit I am fine with tragic endings for good characters so long as we discuss what happens. Regardless if 'evil', she will deal all the crimes that the character has done back to them for their ending as their narrator and do them herself, yes, everything that means so long as it harms the character in question, but that will not be rped out other than her maybe throwing your character around or beating them up before we time skip to avoid anything graphic. No extreme gore, but losing a limb with little detail is fine, and especially not weird stuff or on-screen implications, as I'm not here to rp some potentially creepy fetish you have. I just like fae, dark folktale endings in classic European literature and how demented they can be, but more or less I'm keeping anything that involves any form of torture or worse fates than death fade to black. Despite what I'm willing to rp otherwise on other characters, it isn't exactly fitting to the setting of Rayman. This is plot only for this side of the character, as she wouldn't show this side normally to someone she cares about, and really only to literally the worst of people who want to destroy everything or ruin countless lives or worse to people. On that note, I won't have her get 'too' inappropriate on my blog, but you're free to flirt with her or 'try'. Anything SUPER down bad if I deem it fit will be on the sideblog rather strictly.
4. This character can work with even villains and is intended to be a companion of sorts as a powerful bystander bound by cosmic rules. Granted, Rayman in terms of raw power as you can read in her characterization drabble is far more powerful in terms of fighting prowess and potential, but not utility comparatively, as that's just not Betilla's function in the universe, as to note, as I do use the original trailer origins concept, just the concept that Betilla created him. Not what Rayman did to her like five seconds afterward as Origins kinda suffers from horny-brain in terms of design.
5. This character has two voices, a narrator voice which sounds like in your ear like a whisper on the wind and done by ->Bloodborne's 'Doll' for her German Voice actress named Lara Trautmann<- in terms of tone and voice. The other her ->Rayman Origins Voice, Gabrielle Shrager<- in a more casual yet personal, less formal tone and voice done in person you can find in timestamps on the vods (Make me aware if they get taken down). These are separated by italics for her narrator voice and then her casual voice is just normal text and your character won't be aware of where the narrator voice is coming from, seemingly only they are able to hear it unless she does it in front of them if deciding to move her mouth while doing it.
6. This character has no allowed canon family other than her creations or made family. Rayman is the only person I would consider her son, but I am open to her creating your 'character' for an AU for something familial or reviving them otherwise regardless if instead evil or not, look below. If you are a Rayman rper and have a problem Betilla being your Rayman’s mom/creator? Let me know and we can probably work something out.
7. I will not rp with certain fandoms using this character based on themes, but do talk to me. We could maybe work something out, just DBZ is a little dumb for power-scaling or anything like it.
8. This character advances your own if allowed and chosen to be a hero or at least a protag in their journey together. They develop side by side even if she has a static set of powers? Her new ones will reflect how to better synergize with yours, I will only use this verse to verse so she doesn't end up with a stupid amount of powers, and I highly SUGGEST these types of powers are mostly mechanical like a game to game scenario so we advance horizontally than say upward like DBZ and just raise numbers and write ourselves into a corner for advancement.
9. Considering the powers and endings this character provides? I am okay with ‘evil’ ships with her, but it has to be consenting in every context since she’d have them fae bound. Nothing weird other than just bullying or beating them up if they deserve it in a not too gorey fashion. I’ve had a few weird requests with mind control/mind control-like powers before so I’m just gonna put this here.
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-Redesign I had done.
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A few main face references. Do I want them to die: Fine with it, but they don't die easily. Her powers and potential I consider comparable to Rayman and other Protags, just in a different, more supportive way even if normal people don't really stand a chance against her. I expect your character if a supernatural fighter comparable to Powered Up Rayman, Super Sonic or a Super Star'd Mario to be able to take her on, but a struggle nonetheless. I would be fine with it if she won? But it really depends as we’d need a good reason for her to win such a direct fight like that. Will I have/get icons: I have more than I expected, honestly. Tag: thems the rules! | Age: As old as the first plant or vegetation life on any planet in her universe, even if not self-aware just yet as a primordial fae essence of lum energy. Sex: AMAB by human standards Gender: Trans Female by human standards, but is fine with any pronouns such as she/he. Does not care but is fem-presenting. Race: Fae, but their ascendant additional race and also title is 'The Great Fairy'. Think kind of like a Force of Nature, Titan or Mother Nature incarnated into a fae form. Granted, while she is 'The Great Fairy', there are other incarnations of nature such as the Nymphs from Origins that I accept, but refuse Betilla’s rework into one. Sexuality: If she likes you that way, so good luck with that. Personality traits: Really sweet, but can be jerky in a playful way. Tends to mess with people. Manipulative for your own benefit. Likes to lie jokingly or outright. Has a quirk of saying 'hay' tacked onto or mingled into words in her sentences, then adding 'kah'ta' to her more powerful spells. Will say damn or hell sometimes rarely, any more than that and it's the fae language. Likes to adventure, likes fighting. Responsibly irresponsible. Likes jokes of mostly any kind and getting under peoples' skin. Motherly somewhat but not quite, it depends on whom though. Extremely loyal if she never intends to betray you from the start. Extremely loving deep down, past what most humans feel. Nearly perpetually smiles but has other expressions. Feels little to no fear. Depending on whom, she can be extremely sadistic, though is purely reserved for the worst of people. Speaks in two voices, rarely speaks directly using her narrator voice in person unless being formal with a hero, granted she can very much talk to you in a whisper, but also with her casual in person voice at the same time. Yet tends to break into her casual speech more often than not as it’s not a big deal to reveal to someone, she tends to just do it to mess with people past anything formal with the narrator voice, however. Doesn't mind dying exactly, but it will annoy her. Can be absolutely merciless, cruel or even incredibly monstrous when dealing judgment to those who deserve it that most normal 'human' or 'human-like' beings couldn’t stomach. Keeps secrets rather well. Can be flirty but it can easily turn into a mocking you kind of way. Has high standards for her partners. Is a bit strange or goofy at times. Likes animals. Protects the forest from corruption, but does not interfere otherwise unless absolute destruction of the forest is taking place. Nature is unmoving and indifferent is why she often does nothing in response, she knows whatever being that lives on the planet she is? Will face an end befitting of them one day depending on what they’ve done. Mental traits: Is not affected by fear entities due to her mental state and is rather inhuman in perception but still has some semblance of humanity. Deceptively intelligent. Physical traits: 1'0 to 10'0 in terms of feet tall depending on if she shrinks or enlarges herself or not. Human looking eyes, but with green pupils with reddish, but white pale skin, freckles and red/red bark hair. Wears a leaf cloak mixed with vines and a few twigs here and there in it with maybe a few leaves or twigs in her silky hair. Her hat instead of pointy, droops a touch at a certain point in the middle, two lum orbs a slight way from the tip, then a star at the end, all hovering and following her, but subtly bobbing. Her eyes glow green whenever using magic, along with her pupils yellow and star-like albeit not in shape, merely in brightness and color. Rather expressive and can make unnatural expressions compared to a human to near cartoonish, has a large mouth, deceptively sharp teeth under the fae veil. Can purr akin to a giant-sized cat that’s just an internal rumble but otherwise does not usually, although likes to lounge in the air like one. She’s got a thicker body than she is in canon for either games, and has a reasonable cleavage and feet size proportionally along with waist to match her hips, so it’s there, but not crazily so. Notably when hovering, however, her feet meld into her body and become pointed at the ends like that of a pointed, sharp cone, which yes, she can impale people like that or simply shift to. Powers: 1. Ascended Fae Mind and Body: Betilla has canonically shown that even the likes of Mr Dark or otherwise cannot corrupt or control her. She has a complicated soul even if she does have one, so forms of soul-stealing, mind control or corruption simply do not work on her. She can however, be trapped through certain methods of capturing fae and has certain weaknesses that can be exploited if a character like Mr Dark who researches their targets before attacking. You need to talk to me though before we decide on what they would and wouldn't know, however. Along with this? She has seamless, limited size control and can move incredibly fast with her wings almost like a blur, then on foot but not like 'The Flash' from DC or something and while she could wrestle using a combo of plant and earth magic with creatures such as a giant, large dragon or otherwise? I consider Rayman in terms of lore still vastly stronger in terms of raw power, so again, I expect characters like Rayman to be able to outgun her, or eventually outgun her. 2. Power and Item Bestowal: Betilla can teach and help someone learn any technique, power, or ability (Within Reason) to someone else even if she can't use it, but is confined to a strict series of cosmic rules that must be followed, in order to earn such powers for the person receiving them- such as it has to make sense in a way for your character that we both agree on? I’m not gonna complicate it or try to be a stickler too much, but I don’t expect Kirby for example to be using ‘Naruto/DBZ’ powers in terms of theming. She cannot give powers unless you deserve them, even if she would have to let you literally die even if she wanted to save you, that goes also in giving them items she is aware of. Now, they could use some artifacts that she’s left around in order to summon her to help persistently rather than sometimes, or when she feels like it. But she can’t really tell you where they are exactly unless you have a certain artifact, then her little lum spheres and star hovering near her hat will start humming louder the closer you are. Betilla leaves these artifacts around herself, this includes ‘1-ups’ otherwise known as life artifacts, to which if your character dies while having one? She will teleport you both out, the artifact breaks and then they revive.
3. Thems the rules!: This character is limited in how much help they can provide at any given time unless using certain artifacts to have her tap in to help fight so to say. Eventually, if your character gets or is powerful enough from the start, she CAN help persistently if she wants to. Just if she wants to. Some things have persistent cooldowns from her to help with though, it depends. 4. Support Magic/Star Magic: Has various ‘Buff’ or Healing Spells involving Astral Magic: rather self-explanatory, just cosmically aesthetic as a nod to her Rayman 1 appearance, though has other forms of magic such as teleportation or transportation on the back of the star floating near her hat for example that will enlarge. Granted, she will only use these on occasion or when you use an artifact you find. All your standard support-type spells such as shields, moving faster, better attacks, etc. But depending, such as Shantae? She could buff certain aspects of her forms for example or make someone move at supersonic speeds such as a Vampire or something for a limited time.
5. Plant and Earth Magic: I think this is pretty self-explanatory. Vines, Man-Eating Plant Traps, Thorns, Bramble. Then moving Rock, Shards of Rock etc. 6. Immortal: otherwise Mr Dark would’ve just outright killed her instead of trapping her, knowing she’d just reincarnate. Even if the planet she’s on for example just explodes or is completely corrupted? It’d basically just kick her off the planet and to the nearest next one or otherwise in terms of multiverse, dimension, etc. Which I am down with, if you got a big bad you want me to interact with and like and I like you? We could maybe work something out of her getting booted off an au of her planet. Though we’d have to agree what direction to go in the future.
7. Story Teller and Narrator: this is a plot only power, I don’t expect everyone to want to do this with her, you need to TELL ME that’s what you want with her. At the end of a WANTED journey with her, your character will get a true wish and face the ending they deserve, I presume for any ‘good/neutral’ character we can just give them what they want within reason, though I am open to unintentional tragedy regardless for the character- as thems the rules if they don’t read the fine print enough. Then if it’s a bad ending? We will discuss it ooc as I will probably give some idea of what happens, but nothing too over the top dark will be described. I prefer to leave it to imagination and we can talk how to keep going as, she can form bonds with evil people like this, but tends to ‘fae own’ them or ‘fae bound’ to just toy with or entertain herself with even if she does care about them, albeit can give mercy to someone depending on what they did previously. And for them to keep being companions if the character in question hates Betilla? She could literally just mind-break them into accepting her as a permanent part of their existence if you’re down with that, as we can keep their dynamic and how they feel. But otherwise can get close. She won’t work with evil characters she doesn’t have bound from the start and once you do? There’s no real way out of it unless it’s a really specific kind of character, of course, you’d have to present and ask me to do this to your character even if they’re ‘horrible’ because yeah. I don’t want to upset people with this and don’t come to me trying to ‘surprise me’ with a fae contract/soul taken being somehow broken/returned without a really good reason, that’s plotted only, but I will still use the narrator and story-teller part still just for rp for funsies rather than the wish part.
8. Character Creation and Revival: this is a plot only power, as she can revive technically any character she wishes within reason, I’m gonna say something like Cthulhu-Esque or a Robot without a soul is a no-go. Granted, she has to follow certain rules and wouldn’t revive someone like Mr Dark other than to keep them on a leash they wouldn’t be able to break free from her with. If you agree to this, you need to understand that she CAN and WILL abuse your character if they’re one of the worst. And Betilla is in no actual danger and can basically physically or mentally torture or even kill or keep them from dying when ‘breaking them’ at will. Now, even if a character that was ‘good/neutral or evil but hasn’t done super, SUPER messed up stuff as we can talk about the latter,’ disobeyed her? She would not use this type of control over them even if they fought her or even killed her whether intentional or not out of her own alien morality. Then as for character creation? She can ‘create’ your character if you want an AU for your character and a mom-like dynamic like she has with Rayman. She could technically kill your character as a note if she’s created them, but is only really allowed as bound by cosmic rules that she only can if you’re ‘corrupted’, not just ‘evil’. You’d have to go as far as wanting to destroy everything or otherwise and could even ‘kill her’ if you wanted, but it wouldn’t make sense for her to create an evil or murderous being, so yeah. One is to keep it open for shipping/familial/platonic with reviving, the other is very much familial and kept that way for creation. 
9. Grows in Powers with your Character: this is a plot only power, Betilla will develop and advance specific powers she will only use with your character. Whether it’s a specific buff or power that synchronizes with yours? Or some kind of ‘ultimate ability’ to help fight, protect, or aid otherwise? It is for you, and YOU alone though sometimes things might be similar depending on archetypes, characters, etc. This is similar to how her power bestowal functions in terms of growth that your character pretty much has to earn it, along with her liking yours enough. Which can happen even if she say ‘hates’ some evil person she’s revived to be cannon fodder for her. Motivations: To keep balance within her universe and do her part. Have fun, be loved, protect who and what she cares about. Backstory:
There is no real backstory for her other than me taking the concepts below: Her being the tutorial, guide and move teacher in Rayman 1. Her creating Rayman in the original Rayman Origins Concept. In Rayman 1 she had a star-like aesthetic and was similar to Rayman in terms of design. In Rayman Origins she has a ‘horny-brained’ but intended to be a forest-like character but with a new personality.
Both personalities and forms of looks are used along with a more inline Rayman 1 aesthetic that I like, but she has all her limbs etc. ->The End<- Her characterization and to give some examples of how it’d be like to interact with her.
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drawpleasexd · 2 years
Izumi playing a dangerous game against her free will
“Let’s play a game, shall we?” said the person who had tied Izumi Midoriya to this chair in her room, only she didn’t know if the man was talking about physical games or mental ones…
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Izumi sat on an uncomfortable wooden stool as far away from him as possible. He rested atop one of several small tables positioned at intervals along the wall. She watched him intently but kept herself calm enough not to seem nervous—or rather, too relaxed for it to be obvious that Izumi was scared out of her wits. He looked like he might have been in his thirties when they’d first met twelve years ago, though now Izumi knew better than to judge by appearances alone. The way the man moved told another tale entirely, so much more subtle and refined compared to how he used to move before. It wasn’t just that he seemed younger now, either; other things about him made her think back to their time together all those years ago. Things being different colours such as his dark black eyes becoming luminous red and his raven hair into pure white snow, but still having short hair, wearing suits instead of plain clothes, his speaking voice sounds differently from light-hearted joy change to sadistic deep tone... and yet somehow everything else remained the same.
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She remembered the day she’d first seen him after moving into the apartment building where she lived today. There had been something off-putting about that guy then, even without knowing who he was. Now, however, she understood why people called him ‘All For One.’ There were probably many reasons beyond the few Izumi could see right away. But most importantly, she couldn’t help thinking that if anyone would understand her predicament, it wouldn’t be someone who acted as insincerely as him.
“What do you want?” asked Izumi, keeping her voice low despite feeling the need to shout. “Why am I here? Why did you bring me here?”
“I brought you here because there are some questions I wish to ask,” replied All For One calmly. His tone sounded almost bored, but his expression was something else she thought he looked amused, perhaps enjoying himself slightly. Perhaps he was satisfied watching her squirm under questioning, or maybe the man simply liked seeing others suffer. Whatever the case, she felt no sympathy for him whatsoever.
“You’re going to kill me, aren’t you?” said Izumi flatly. She already knew that answer. That’s why she was sitting in this chair with a knife held against her throat. If he wanted, All For One could end her life any time he wished. He hadn’t done so yet, though, and Izumi supposed that meant the man didn’t intend to. Not immediately, anyway.
“And you’ll use my body as bait, won’t you? To lure out the heroes from hiding, yes?”
“That depends on your answers.”
She scoffed at his response. “You don’t give up easily, do you?”
“No,” he answered simply.
“So what happens if I refuse to cooperate?”
“Then you will die.”
“How can you be sure?”
“Because that is part of the game we are playing. You cannot win unless you play along, and once you’ve played, there’s nothing left to lose except your life.”
“But why must I do it?”
“Because otherwise, you’ll never find out why your parents were murdered. Your parents died trying to protect you, and you have survived on your own since then. So tell me—why did they try so hard to hide, but got killed in the end? What makes them special?”
“I don’t know!!” she shouted angrily, tears welling in her eyes. “It doesn’t matter how many times they hide or I survive; none of it means anything if I don’t know what the point was all along! Why do my parents have to die and I’m still alive?! Is it just because fate is cruel?!”
It was too painful to talk about. Izumi’s parents have sacrificed everything for her sake, but her daughter grows up into a vigilante. How could such unfair deaths ever be justified? Even worse than that, though, were the implications behind his words…
“Why are you doing this?” asked Izumi quietly after several moments passed. Her voice was calm now, but her mind raced as she tried to think of ways around All For One’s question. “Why does it even matter?”
“Because I want to know,” replied the man simply, looking away from Izumi for the first time since someone had tied her down. The way he spoke made her wonder whether he might care about an answer or not... but then again, maybe that was exactly why All For One had brought her here today. He needed someone to ask these questions to get the answers he sought.
“What do you mean by ‘know’?” she pressed further. “You already know something. Why else would you bother asking?”
All For One turned back towards Izumi with a smile, one that seemed more genuine this time. If only their conversation were as simple as playing games together, she thought, while rolling her eyes at herself internally. The momentary feeling didn’t last long before another wave of fear began to take over. Memories that reminded me that life wasn’t simply filled with happy thoughts and dreams anymore. Dark forces were trying to control those bright things which remained within reach for people like Izumi. People were no longer able to see beyond how good they wished things could be. She knew well enough that existed due to her personal experiences during her childhood years. So much pain lay ahead in the future.
Izumi felt tears forming in her eyes as the past came flooding back without warning. Keeping up appearances for others would always prove useless, but sometimes showing weakness to the person being questioned could help gain a better understanding of what they’re thinking.
She watched All For One closely, yet wondered if he noticed that Izumi would reacquire his full attention after noticing her earlier distress about his questioning methods. At times, it forced her to realize most conversations between two adults rarely went as planned or smoothly laid out. It took far too many aspects involved in any given situation to understand completely. All For One had likely anticipated her response from an early point in time. The meeting was only supposed to have lasted several hours before ending terribly. “You don’t want to tell me,” said Izumi flatly, looking away and staring downwards rather than facing him directly; hiding behind silence would work best here.
“How do you know my parents’ death? You must’ve known them somehow.”
“I have my source. A friend of mine told me. I’m sorry to hear about your loss.” His voice sounded sincere, almost gentle. It made her wonder whether she’d imagined that insincerity in his tone before.
“And what will you accomplish by me giving in your curiosity?” she asked, glancing back at the man in front of her.
“Pieces of information and pure pleasure to watch people squirm under pressure.” He smiled widely, like a Cheshire cat, while saying these words. The expression looked disturbing on the man who had previously appeared so innocent.
“Pleasure for whom, exactly?” she replied. “For me, it hurts! What makes us special anyway? Why does everything happen to us?! Is life just full of tragedy?!”
“That’s right—life isn’t fair,” agreed All For One with another smile as he continued speaking calmly despite her anger towards him, growing stronger by the second. “But that doesn’t mean we can give up trying to make things better for ourselves and others around us.”
“So, what is your plan?” pressed Izumi, feeling more desperate now than ever before in her entire life. Her throat tightened painfully enough to cause pain; however, she refused to let herself cry out loud until All For One answered the question himself. If he didn’t answer soon, then it would be too late, no matter how much longer she waited. Izumi wanted answers badly enough to risk dying today if necessary.
“What do you think?” asked the man finally after a long pause filled only by heavy breathing coming from both of them. “Do you feel like living anymore, or are you ready to die already?”
“I’ll never be able to find peace unless I know why my parents died!” she shouted angrily, tears streaming down her face once again while glaring at All For One in desperation. “Why did they have to go through such suffering when all they tried to protect was me? Wasn’t that worth something? Don’t tell me anything about nothing matters because I won’t believe you! So please...”
“Then show me your resolve,” interrupted the man simply, cutting off Izumi mid-sentence and making her eyes widen slightly before narrowing them against him. “Are you willing to do whatever it takes to live, or will you choose death instead?”
She felt her breath catch in her chest as she stared into his bright, ruby eyes. Izumi knew this wasn’t some game or test; she could see that now. This man had killed many lives cold-blooded over the years and wouldn’t hesitate to kill her too if given half a chance. He might even enjoy doing so.
“Please don’t ask me that!” she cried, shaking her head furiously. “I refuse! I’m not going to play along with your sick games!”
“Izumi…” he began quietly, reaching forward slowly before stopping himself halfway. His hand stopped inches away from touching Izumi, where it lay tied down on top of her stomach near her side. She watched him closely as he took several deep breaths, visibly calming himself.
“I can’t help but wonder,” said All For One eventually after taking another moment to collect himself, “if you’re capable of killing someone as yourself.”
“What?” she asked in shock, looking up at the man with wide eyes before quickly glancing back downwards towards her own hands. “You want me to kill myself? Why would you say something like that?” Her voice cracked despite trying very hard not to show it since crying earlier hadn’t been an option. After twelve long years, telling herself ‘don’t think about the past’ was still difficult. Today seemed harder than any other day, perhaps because of the sense of finality set in far sooner after sitting here. It made Izumi realize how much more time needed to pass by each second until the realization hit home completely.
“Because you’ve seen such terrible things already,” replied the man as calmly as ever, staring down at his right fist clenched tightly in front of him while standing beside her, who could barely move due to having no leverage against her bonds. He held something that looked similar to a small remote control between his fingers. It turned out to be some kind of gun-like device, pointed directly toward Izumi’s face. She felt scared enough about not only dying now or later, or perhaps even soon afterwards. Could death come so suddenly, one way or another? Is life truly over once dead?! Thoughts rushed through her mind faster than a river’s current flowing too fast to survive upon impact against its waterfall-like cascading rocks and rapids along the path leading into oblivion below. The fall could hurtle anyone under or off of their feet during these dangerous moments;
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