#My Ideas
Okay, random bullshit thought:
Agatha didn't give her kid up in exchange for the Darkhold, but she has basically conflated her acquisition of the Darkhold with the death of her kid (e.g., from something natural, like SIDS or an undiagnosed/untreated medical issue that meant they were always going to die young, no matter what), and, thus, blames herself for the kid's death - hence the Darkhold in the crib - even though there was never anything she could've done differently to get a different outcome.
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natsuki208 · 18 hours
Attack On Titan - Lost Boys
(you remember the Lost Girls spin-offs with Annie and Mikasa? Well what if there were some for two male characters as well. And who better than Isayama’s two favourites?)
Reiner - Basically what he’s been doing during the four years when he returned to Marley. Sure there was that war against another nation, but outside of that, how did he cope with his split personality and telling the leftover warriors what happened. Which means more Porco and Pieck screentime.
Jean - He’s has a dream of the life he could’ve had if he joined the Military Police. Marco is alive and the two are always together, alongside Annie, Marlowe and Hitch. But over the course of duties, Jean begins to suspect that something isn’t right; he and Marco soon decide that it’s time to wake up.
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sixtysixproblems · 4 months
i want to see Fox have the most chaotic ass relationship with some feral investigative journalists. and it somehow turns into a fix it fic. like this somehow leads to Palpatine getting taken down. how funny would that be.
like. journalists are fucking insane man (i mean this as a compliment), and insane in a way I think fanon Fox would 100% get along with. Like, what Palpatine didn't realize when creating a clone army to kill the jedi, is those clones might be very enthusiastic whistleblowers.
Fox stresses out the journalists by how much he's willing to divulge despite the potential consequences (or, yk, actual consequences cause it's palps), and the journalists stress out Fox bc they're catching up to Padme in number of assassination attempts. meanwhile--
Thorn: how many hours of sleep did you get last night
Journalist: i got like 30 minutes at my desk
Fox: omg twinsies
Thorn: nO
thorn's just. stressed.
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skyblueartt · 4 months
AND ANOTHER THING! I’m imagining William at Charlie’s funeral…he’s standing there, putting on his most convincing act, dressing in his best suit, comforting Henry and hugging him as his friend sobs over his dead daughter’s casket…as if he wasn’t the murderer ahhHHHHHHHH!! Giving a speech during the funeral— “she was such a sweet girl, whoever did this to her must’ve been absolutely sick in the head, I cannot even FATHOM it…one day, justice will be served and they’ll catch the monster who did this.”
Guys I’m going insane
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marvelmaniac715 · 8 days
I probably shouldn’t write for Doctor Who, because this is an overplayed trope, but here’s what I want for a potential multi-season companion. Her name is Callie (short for Calypso, which means ‘she who conceals’ but that’s just a coincidence…) and, personality-wise, she’s practically a stereotypical companion at first. Smart, witty, cheerful, reacts to the TARDIS with a typical “it’s bigger on the inside” but when she says it it’s almost like she’s making fun of the past companions. Her eyes are similar to Clara Oswald’s, she has blonde curls like River Song, which she keeps in two plaits like Yasmin Khan, she smiles like Rose Tyler, and the Doctor has an overwhelming sense of deja vu. She’s not much of a hugger, which the Doctor respects, but the one time she does hug him after a particularly emotional moment, he swears he can hear two heartbeats. That’s not the only thing - her eyes seem kind, but if you really look into them, there’s an iciness there. She’ll often smile to herself, like she’s laughing at a private in joke. She’ll often make herself a soup which smells just like a soup that can only be made with ingredients native to Gallifrey, and during her adventures with the Doctor things go wrong more often. She’ll push the Doctor to be more selfish because “you can’t save everyone”, and she won’t tell him much about her childhood. But then, one day, Callie starts acting even more odd. She responds to a question with “I’ve mastered it”, and the Doctor discovers that her ringtone is Saxon’s theme from when he was Prime Minister (“I was just a kid when Saxon became Prime Minister, that tune’s really nostalgic for me…”), then the truth comes out - Callie never existed; she is in fact the Doctor’s best enemy the Master (but you probably already knew that 😅). Her motivations are quite similar to Missy’s - she wanted her friend back, so she managed to make her newest regeneration a combination of every woman that the Doctor’s loved, and has drawn upon her knowledge of what the Doctor finds most appealing in a friend/romantic partner. When he tries to push her away, she gives him a look of mock-confusion and asks:
“What’s wrong, Doctor? I thought you were going to show me the universe?…”
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random-dragon-exe · 2 months
I kinda hope it's acknowledged in A New Wish that Peri and Jorgen are related.
Like there's a lot of potential with it.
Remember the FOP episode where Jorgen got sick and it was revealed that Cosmo and Jorgen are cousins? Then in the meantime, Cosmo had to fill in for Jorgen's role?
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Maybe it's just me, but I'd like to see a similar thing happen, but this time, Peri has to fill in for Jorgen, and enforce the rules.
The reason why Jorgen picks Peri would be that he doesn't want a repeat of last time with Cosmo (the rules shattering nearly ended the universe).
So this time, he picks Peri, who he feels is more responsible.
It'd be fun to see Peri kinda lose it and bite off more than he could chew while trying to enforce the rules and take responsibility of the role. But at the same time, he'd totally hide how he really feels so he could make his dad proud (also Jorgen).
I'd like to imagine that this would happen after the battle of the big wand, because of Jorgen assuming that since Dev's memories were wiped and Peri isn't a working fairy godparent, he could do the job.
Idk, this concept just sounds so cool to me and seems like something that could actually happen.
Plus, we could potentially get a full hug between Cosmo, Jorgen, and Peri, just saying.
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sweetchildcloud · 9 months
Pairing Bully!Gojo x nerd reader.
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Cw:Gojo here is possessivejealous,ferocious,violent(at others),very fond of you. Reader was abused by ex,needy for attention,broken,heart broke.
Bit of violence in the first part? (Showing you against the lockers forcefully)
||Don't look at anyone but me|| written by me
About:Gojo is your bully but he also feels something for you and his possessiviness grew when he saw you with another guy.
The reader only responds with cuddles and kisses (which are great weakness for the big bad bully Gojo :3)
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"You heard me - who is it?"
Gojo said angrily, he shoved you up against the locked door and looked deeply into your eyes.
"Don't think I haven't noticed the way you look at him. Don't think I haven't noticed you two hanging out together."
Gojo's face was only inches from yours now - you could smell his breath. He pinned you against the door with his body - his hands wrapped tightly around your wrists and his muscular chest pressed against you.
You blushed as you felt yourself...protected? "it's just a friend, why? are you jealous?" You asked smirking.
Gojo's expression turned into a menacing scowl, and his grip tightened around your wrists. He leaned in uncomfortably closer and you could smell his cologne as he spoke.
"Damn right I'm jealous. You're mine - and I mean *mine*. You got that? No one's going to be coming anywhere near you but me. Grrr"
You blushed at the last part. 'did he just growled? Oh my god' you tought at that fact wich was both cute and hot in wich you couldn't help yourself but kiss his cheek and snuggling your head on his shoulder.
Gojo froze as you kissed his cheek - it was like he didn't know how to react. His scowl faltered and became more of a sly smile.
He wrapped his arms around you tighter and pulled you into a sweet and tender hug. Your chests were pressed against each other, and his nose was buried in your hair.
"Mine" He whispered in your ear.
As you snuggled into Gojo's body, he pulled you closer and placed his hands behind your head. The smell of his cologne was intoxicating.
"Mine." He repeated - this time as a warning to anyone else who might try to take you away from him.
You giggled as his cute and cold behaviour before pepper kiss his cheek and neck.
A shiver went down Gojo's spine as you kissed him on the neck - his grip on you tightened and he tilted his head to give better access.
His breath caught and he let out a soft moan - he seemed surprised at how easily you'd gotten him to give in.
"You're gonna spoil me if you keep this up." Gojo mumbled, as a smile spread across his face.
You gently caressed his cheek feeling how soft and warm they were like mochi
Gojo was putty in your hands - his scowl was gone and now he just looked like a bashful boy being swooned by his crush.
He let out a soft grunt as you caressed his cheek - he was caught completely off guard by your affection.
"You really know how to make a guy swoon, huh?" Gojo whispered, as he rested his head on top of yours.
"I like you so much, don't leave please" you asked scared "don't make myself feeling special and then leave...I wouldn't take it"
Gojo's face softened once more as you begged him not to leave. He wrapped his arms around you tightly and pulled you into his chest, burying your face into his neck.
"I'm not going anywhere" He said confidently, kissing your forehead. "You're mine now. And I'm gonna make sure no one takes you away from me."
Me with Gojo:
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Also if u want more of bully!Gojo ask me.
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whereserpentswalk · 3 months
Imagine what it would be like for a society with 21st century level tech, on an earth that was both flat and infinite. Our society lead us to stop exploring at a certain point. Eventually trade caravans stopped finding new lands to trade with, and colonial empires stopped finding new places to destroy. But in a world like this that just wouldn't happen, first contact situations would be basically indefinite.
Think about what that would do to your sense of place in the world. Around the equivalent of the 1800s we'd probably figure out that there wasn't going to be an end. Some exploration would be haltered by things like massive uninhabitable zones (who knows how climate would work), but a 21st century society would always find ways.
Imagine living comfortably in a 21st century world and finding out about new first contacts, new contents, new cultures, new species, every day. There would be entire places, entire human civilizations, that you only learn exist as an adult. It would certainly change politics a lot (there are always new threats, and always new players on the board, and imperialism might be way worse of the wrong regime is doing the exploration). There would be an entire branch of anthropologist that exists to find new cultures. Scifi and fantasy would make up weird things that exist in hidden corners of the world.
There's no big thesis to this. Just thing it's an interesting normalweird worldbuilding concept. Could be very lighthearted. Could be very very dark.
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flightyquinn · 6 months
thinking about how cursed objects work in most fantasy RPGs.
typically, they wind up just kind of being a big middle finger from the game master - a kind of "whelp, you should have been more paranoid, so now you get hosed" sort of deal. which includes the somewhat game-y trope of objects that you can't get rid of. it's kind of an un-fun mechanic, when you think about it, which is why in most games I've been a part of cursed items often don't see much play, unless it's as a "punishment", or part of a story arc.
...which naturally leads me to think about how to do it better. in the past, I've tried using a curse as a kind of limiter. restrictions or drawbacks to a mostly functional item that is still worth using despite being "cursed". that's good, but it doesn't let you draw on truly nasty curses, because the item needs to be worth using, but also still needs to be balanced.
so, I'm drawing from a lot of sources here, like the cursed shield in Final Fantasy VI, and especially the comics by @foldingfittedsheets, where curses exist to (literally) teach the recipient a lesson
what about cursed items that have a way to overcome their curse?
it's actually a fairly common trope in classical literature / fairy tales. every curse has a way to be broken. yet in D&D and Pathfinder, most often the only way to break a curse is to find someone with the specific curse-breaking spell.
so, give each cursed item a condition. perhaps a weapon that fuels a person's anger and causes them to fly into a blind rage in battle waits for them to sincerely forgive a hated enemy. perhaps boots that slow the wearer are actually making them heavy with the weight of past transgressions and a sufficient act of atonement will free them. maybe the perpetually bloody doll that gives its bearer horrible nightmares simply waits for someone to be motivated to action by them, either to right some past wrong, or generally bring a certain number of murderers to proper justice.
...maybe a Bag of Devouring. which is technically actually a creature, not a cursed item (but usually classified with them), can be befriended by figuring out a treat it likes, and will not only carry things for the player if fed and cared for, but even cough up a few things that previous bearers had stuffed inside.
the specifics aren't too important, but the idea is that any item with a curse on it has a reason for that curse, and a way to break it. the players can drop the item at any time, sell it off, give it to someone they hate, whatever, but if they put in the time and energy to actually breaking the curse, it becomes better than it was before, sometimes simply losing a drawback, or sometimes gaining new powers.
for an example, let's look at how that doll idea from earlier could work in D&D 5e;
while the party has the doll in their possession, they will all be afflicted by horrible nightmares, seeing themselves as children being attacked by a group of eight bandits with indistinct features. the details of the dreams change each night, and the players awaken before learning their ultimate fate, but the general gist is always that they are completely helpless, and subjected to harm.
after a long rest, have them roll a Wisdom or Charisma save (challenging DC, but not too difficult), or take a small amount of psychic damage.
if the players bring murderers to justice - meaning deliver them to the proper authorities and see them punished for their crimes - the content of the dreams starts to change. one bandit gets caught or killed by the end of the dream for each real world criminal successfully punished, possibly hinting to the players what they need to do. once eight murderers in total have had their sentences enacted, the next morning the doll will be in pristine condition with a serene expression, emitting a faint glow. thereafter, any player may attune to the doll to gain the ability to cast the Guidance cantrip without components (as thought the doll's ability to project what it wants the players to do into their mind was turned to their benefit.
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ginnyluna · 5 months
Thinking about the parallels between Solangelo and Patrochilles (specifically The Song of Achilles's version), because turns out it's so much more interesting than i first thought it'd be. Cause at first glance, we obviously think Will = Achilles (gold and sunshine aesthetic, extremely lovable, charismatic, optimistic, trusting, admired) and Nico = Patroclus (darker aesthetic, soft, sensitive, shy, abandoned and rejected backstory, very strong emotions). And it does fit pretty well, at least for their personalities and physical characteristics.
But thematically, it's the complete opposite, which is what makes it so interesting for me. Will is the one (like Patroclus) who chooses to heal instead of fighting, who desperatly wants to save EVERYONE, who needs to learn to take care of himself before taking care of anybody else. Meanwhile, Nico is the one (like Achilles) who is this insanely powerful, mythical fighter who could absolutly destroy anything or anyone in his path, who always only rely on instincts (even though they have been wrong many times before and he should really learn to listen to other people's inputs), who doesn't always think of the consequences his actions might bring, and who would and actually has gone berserk from despair over the death of a loved one.
Yes, Solangelo parallels Patrochilles, but it's not necessarily how you think, and that just opened up a whole bunch of new story possibilities in my mind...
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liv45no · 5 months
the boys: alright we really gotta go now-
Caleb, pulling out feathers and putting on music: whaaaat noooo stayyyyy
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Alex: this is my man
the man in question:
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the boys apologizing to Julie like
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any of the tracks coming on
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Alex explaining why he cried for 25 years:
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the absolute flabbergasting shocking out of pocket ending:
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Luke: “this is an interesting little relationship you and I have”
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Alex and Willie (interacting)
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Flynn: I think you’re joining her band
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Julie whenever the boys appear out of fucking nowhere
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(in honor of recent season 2 rumors🤭🤭)
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justali-anne · 19 days
Fun idea: To keep with the Skelebros' mysterious yet goofy nature, I'll assign the headcanon that they basically have cartoon logic on their side. It lines up with their weird physics breaking/fourth wall smashing abilities anyway, so what's the fuss?
Here are some examples:
Both of them have hammerspace, so they often pull random crap out of their backsides like it's completely normal.
We already know Sans can use offscreen teleportation and Papyrus can "jump" over things.
Both of them have gravity manipulation, so sure they must often use it on themselves too, right? Imagine Sans walking off a cliff like Wile E Coyote and just... walking on air.
If the situation is FUNNY, the two can get hit and crushed by anything and be completely fine (yes, that includes Mr. 1 HP), but if the situation is NOT funny, or moreso, if they're confronted by a human, they can be hurt and killed, obviously. Rule of Funny, basically.
Bursting out in little songs isn't that uncommon for them, and neither is changing the environment around them to match the song. Papyrus having Disney Princess vibes has taken over my mind for this one.
Why can they do this? Well, there's the "sciencey, playing with magic stuff" idea I proposed in another post, but then again, there are so many theories. Then again, I guess it's all just bullshit. Yup. It's just Skelebro bullshit. No more questions.
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icarusredwings · 23 days
It's 3 am but I couldn't get him out of my head. I think I have a problem.
KidWade WIP ft. Fluffy the Wolverine
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That's it. That's the post. (Or is it?)
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yingandzhan · 7 months
I felt inspired.
LWJ... Is that you? 🤔
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Saw this on Facebook and instantly thought of LWJ doing this after moving house and noticing a tired, worryingly skinny fox trying to get comfortable under a peony shrub in his new garden.
Foxxian can't believe his luck! The next night he visits he finds a plush, comfy basket and snuggly blankets that smell like sandalwood nestled in amongst the shelter of the pink peonies. The night after that, there is fruit and vegetables (green ones he refuses to eat - he's hungry, but he's not THAT hungry). The night after that he arrives to find meat, actually MEAT and it's not raw, it's been cooked. It's so tender and tasty and foxxian can't gobble it down fast enough before he falls asleep all cosy in his heavenly scented bed, curled up amongst the layers of soft blankets.
Just as his sharp eyes slowly began to close, his belly full and his mind drifting off to the land of nod, he could have sworn he saw a beautiful man approaching him, hand lowered to show he meant no harm.
Long fingers messaged that spot between his pointed ears on the top of his head, the one that he never knew could feel so good to have stroked. He can no longer resist the temptation of sleep, too relaxed to care that someone knelt beside him, smelling just as intoxicating as his new favourite place to sleep.
Before he drifts off into an amazing, warm and comforting dream, he thought he heard the man speak. A deep, alluring voice that made his heart soar.
"Wei Ying..." the handsome man all but whispered.
This voice. This scent. This blurry outline of a lithe, beautiful man. So familiar... So comforting...
His last hazy thought drifted through his mind like a rolling cloud in a clear blue sky... Lan Zhan?
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wanderingmind867 · 17 days
Hera should really have had a handmaiden or something at camp half-blood. With how often Hera gets a bad name, Hera really needs someone at camp to demonstrate the good side of her. Because just like all the gods, she's multifaceted. I personally don't always like Hera (she reminds me of my cruel and judgemental maternal grandmother, who stopped talking to us after badmouthing my dad and calling him a failure of a father and husband), but I recognise she can't always be like that. She's surely got a softer side. If she represents motherhood, surely she represents all forms of motherhood too (including the positive examples)? Idk, but I feel like a handmaiden would help us remember that she's got a good side and a bad side.
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shurickstar · 4 months
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I drew this a long time ago, but I want to draw it in a new style~❤️💛💙
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