#Fnaf headcanons
yanderestarangel · 8 months
★ TW: afab anatomy, pet names, degradation, dom!mike, v!sex, rough sex, blowjob, overstimulation, little praise.
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★ A/N: some people asked me in inbox if I watched the fnaf movie and the answer is: yes! I watched it with my boyfriend and it was a lot of fun, so I decided to write something about Mike yey >ㅅ<
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✧ 𑂴 🫧 Mike is a stressed man, with all the pressure of taking care of his sister, the nightmares and a bad job - which can consume a lot of his energy - he will just want to be in your arms at the end of the day and preferably, between your legs.
✧ 𑂴 🫧 Mike will arrive home tired, with a smell like men's cologne faint from the hours he spent at work, and a thin layer of sweat covering his face and back, while he desperately looked for you in every corner of the house, shouting your name. Schmidt won't even give you time to ration, as he lifts you onto the nearest firm surface and spreads your thighs - if you were wearing any shorts, he would desperately tear them off while he glues his face to your pussy, lubricating it with saliva and making circular movements with his tongue on your clit, enjoying every moan you made, every time you ran your fingers through his hair - pulling him even closer - Schmidt would moan against your sensitive flesh, looking you in the eyes before continuing to pleasure you.
✧ 𑂴 🫧 Mike will fuck you all over the house when Abby is out or at school - kitchen, living room, balcony or anywhere that is empty enough - covering your mouth with his hand, while he shoves his thick, pulsing length into you , without any protection. He's the type of man who likes to spill every drop of his seed into your womb, painting your spongy walls pearly white, while grunting and praising you, telling you how good your pussy is for his dick, he likes to call you a "hungry little slut" with each hot jet that comes out of him, while he smiles and growls when he sees your expression of lust.
✧ 𑂴 🫧 Mike will leave you breathless, pushing you against the cold bathroom sink as he forces you to look in the mirror, you can see the dark circles under his eyes, his naked body against yours, how his cock slides against your wetness easily as he grabs your chin with his fingers - putting enough force to turn the tips white - He would see every reaction, every moan or scream that came out of you through reflection, roughly grabbing your hip with his other hand. His balls would already be wet from your juices with his, while the sounds of skin against skin could be heard echoing out of the room. "-Yes...Ah- Fucking hell my darling, your pussy swallowing my dick... just like that, keep it up please." he moaned hoarsely, as he looked at the sight of your wetness swallowing and repelling his shaft, with each rough thrust he made. "-You're such a good little thing for me, I'm going to give you every last drop of cum, right?"
✧ 𑂴 🫧 Mike will make you get ready for him, putting on your best clothes, putting on perfume and makeup for him, just for him to fuck you doggystyle on the bed, pulling your hair to expose your neck while deeply marking your soft skin with his teeth - From the intensity of his hips, you could tell how angry he was at everything and everyone that night - you could hear him grunting and grumbling about some pay cut or how he didn't get a promotion to improve your life. He will take out all his anger on your pussy, leaving you a mess, your makeup was smudged, your clothes were messy or even torn in some corner of the room, you were at his mercy, while his fingers roughly rubbed over and over again on your clit - making a delicious combo with each violent thrust deep into your core. He will degrade you while fucking all your tight holes. "-You're my favorite slut." "-You asked for this didn't you? You're a needy whore for my dick- Mmm-" "-You're a cumdump for me, needy and a quivering mess for my dick."
✧ 𑂴 🫧 Mike will love putting you between his legs, your knees hurt from the weight and hardness of the floor. His dick pulsed as you forced yourself to swallow everything, looking at him relaxing with each provocative yet relaxing and hot movement, while the head of his dick beat rhythmically in your throat. The wet sounds and muffled moans about his member made him grunt, throwing his head back, grabbing your head with his left hand while his right hand held the side of the chair, he was going to encourage you to go deeper. "-Please baby, be a good boy/girl and make me cum... Swallow it all for me ok?"
✧ 𑂴 🫧 Mike loves lying in bed completely naked, with his cock exposed to you, while watching you rub your pussy over him, he would be sleepy and tired, but the sight of you rubbing your wet pussy over him, looking for a release for everyone Your repressed lust was enough for him to stay awake for up to a few hours, resting his hands on your hips and squeezing the soft flesh of your ass as he moved down. Their eyes would be seeing the cum leaking from the tip of his dick, his crotch totally dirty, as he smiled at you, closing his eyes. "-Keep having fun baby... I'm here for you."
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norastarighet · 5 months
Bendy is coming to the big screen! >:)
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twinktor-frankenstein · 8 months
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I hc that Ness does the same thing MatPat does when he's frustrated at a video game where he makes weird whining noises and climbs all over the place/hj
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skyblueartt · 1 month
AND ANOTHER THING! I’m imagining William at Charlie’s funeral…he’s standing there, putting on his most convincing act, dressing in his best suit, comforting Henry and hugging him as his friend sobs over his dead daughter’s casket…as if he wasn’t the murderer ahhHHHHHHHH!! Giving a speech during the funeral— “she was such a sweet girl, whoever did this to her must’ve been absolutely sick in the head, I cannot even FATHOM it…one day, justice will be served and they’ll catch the monster who did this.”
Guys I’m going insane
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0xywave · 8 months
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my fnaf movie hcs btw. if you even care
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bunnybunbun0 · 8 months
Mikey is sooo the type of boyfriend to hold your hands while he fucks you.
You don´t even care on how roughly your back is pressed against the wall of a random storage room of fazbear´s,or about how his hard on is pressed insistently against your hip,not that you can when his mouth is so busy giving atention to your neck.
The open mouthed kisses on your neck were gentle,like the soothing feeling of his hand always gripping your delicate one. The grip suddenly gets tighter when the kisses that were taking gasps out of you turns into possessive bites,the both of you having the amazing feeling that youre being marked.
The only moment your eyes shot open is when his hand left yours,but only for a split second to grab your waist and pull you into his lap while he sits on a chair in the corner. You fail to stifle a needy whimper when he roughly presses your drenched pussy against his boner. His smirk shows you he didnt missed it.
"Youre liking this arent you?" His lips are toying with the lobe of your ear "Naughty girl" His low guttural chuckle ignites something in you.
"Please mikey..." Boy,he swears he will never get tired of his name coming out your pretty lips with a beg.
"Relax princess,ill give you just what you need."
And the last thing you recall befre being ravashed and getting absolutely cock drunk is his hands once more holding yours tenderly.
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toraochi · 8 months
william afton and henry emily having a breeding kink with their s/o - nsfw headcannon. I'm back ig
warning: breeding, swearing, name callings and minors dni
notes: thank you for liking my content!! you asked and I shall delivered, encore !!!
William Afton
he was crazy, crazy stuffing you full of his semen inside you. heck even thinking about it makes him go feral all of the sudden.
as much as he enjoys killing kids while stuffing them in a suit, he likes to also stuff kids inside you too.
he can't stop thinking about creaming in your little pussy that he loves so damn much, god he couldn't resist
this man is a creep. would literally hump dry ur panties because he can't cum inside you rn.
after he came home to you, he immediately slammed your body into the wall and started snaking his hands into your thighs, wanting that stupid fucking panties be off and have his way to you.
mating press. no buts. he will fold you in two as keep pounding in your sweet pussy because he loves how his cock is just fits perfectly.
he also likes to cum inside, he ain't like the mess after all
"You take me so well, I'll make you a bitch in no time."
Henry Emily
this guy. this guy is a busy man.
but you know one thing he won't be forgetting is how your cunt hugs his member so perfectly.
he found out that he had a breeding kink after you ride him and you refuse to let him pull out.
gosh seeing his cock creamed while still inside you still reminds him of this day.
he was hard, so fucking hard in his pants .
he called for you, leaving the animatronic that he was trying to fix in the past 4 hours in his basement, your twins are probably sleeping now
you came for his call, just for him to grope your sweet juicy breast, still producing milk until this day.
he started pinching your nipples as little dribble of milk spurs out. he wants to lick it.
he didn't even touch you yet you're so wet. he proceed to grind on your ass, wanting to have a release after a long day's work
his cock just melts inside your sweet velvet cunt as he whines on how he is gonna add another angel to the family
"let me make you pregnant mama, let me breed you and stuff you with my cum oh god-"
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em0tionl0rd · 7 months
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A full page of Springtrap's "Anatomy" doodles for all you springlock enjoyers out there.
Initially I just wanted to draw a ref for myself, so I traced Springtrap's outline off of my laptop screen (twice) and drew over them. This was mostly done to 'get a feel' for the character since I wanted to get better at drawing them. Then I went ham adding details inspired by lore, springlock videos, and fan theories, along with some of my own ideas. I looked up multiple references for the endoskeleton too. Nakey Springtrap is funny.
Eventually I want to draw each layer properly in better detail, with in-depth descriptions, and do a better job of making sense of the springlock mechanism. Consider this a rough draft.
I went through and tidied up each and every letter and did my best to recreate the background from the preview. Also I inverted the colors and went with a blueprint style to mask the creepiness of the original, which can be seen below. vvv
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duccusstuff702 · 11 months
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I believe you yall understand what I'm trynna say :p
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missingkeyy · 11 months
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I'm going to explode with this dlc, Jesus..
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carrion-corvus · 1 year
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poindexters-labratory · 11 months
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kamuucab · 7 months
If you blow a kiss at Sun he’s gonna grab it, press a hand to his chest and gasp like he’s touched by the gesture, then throw it over his shoulder and walk away.
If you blow a kiss at Moon they’re gonna grab it, pause for a second, and then pretend to ravenously eat it (chewing sounds included).
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demonicchicken1121 · 8 months
I think it would be really nice if the citizens of Hurricane were generally chill with Mike. Like at first they’re all freaking the hell out and hiding from him like at the end of Sister Location, but after a while, it’s just kind of a normal part of everyone’s life. Newcomers and tourists constantly ask about him, and the locals are just like: “yeah that’s just mike. He looks like a Halloween decoration and smells like death, but he’s chill. He’s always working at a Freddy Fazbears location or a haunted house and has attended every hurricane pride event since 1992. Some people think he’s that Afton boy who killed his brother back in ‘83, but no one really knows. He has Halloween decorations and Pride flags in his yard year round. Do not bother him or bombard him with questions. He is aware that he looks like that. Everyone is aware he looks like that. Don’t be an annoying cryptid hunter and let him exist. he won’t hurt you, but he’s clearly been through some shit and likes to keep to himself. Don’t question it. He’s Just Like That.”
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fivemonsturzzzwowz · 8 months
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call mike schmidt nightmare foxy the way hes in that closet
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scaredofbrits · 3 months
having the afton men as your bosses
william afton & micheal afton hcs
nsfw headcannons will be colored red.
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william afton ✦
• he was a very serious man, to say the least. he didnt want any of his workers to see him act like a goof.
• "none of you will be prepared for the real world if you cannot behave correctly at your job."
• but then you came along. and every bit of respect he had for his reputation was shattered. not with other people, of course, but with you.
• instead of seeing william as your tough boss, you saw him as your literal reason to wake up everyday.
• and to him, you were his pretty little assistant. his good girl, even.
• sometimes, he'd give you extra work just to see you everyday.
• and other times, that work would lead to staying at the job extra late.
• once you would finish all that hard extra work, he'd reward you in various ways.
• "you did such a good job for me." he'd grin as he fingered you with all his power and speed.
• "my slutty little assistant fucking herself on my fingers.."
• his praise and degrading could drive anyone crazy for more.
• when you two would have sex during work hours, he'd tease you about noise the whole time.
• "shhhh, you don't want all your friends to know how cock thirsty you are.." and he'd cover your mouth.
• he made more than sure to fuck you so rough that your moans were extremely loud, and youd leave his office embarrassed.
• but what you didnt know was that the walls were soundproof. he just liked fucking around with you.
• nothing surprised him more than seeing your whore side for the first time. and oh did he love seeing it.
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micheal afton ✦
• he was super sweet to all of his workers. bringing gifts, joking around, and being kind overall was his specialty.
• "how did you all sleep today?" he'd say over the intercom with genuine curiosity.
• once you had become his assistant, he could not resist you. a different side of him came along. a more needy one.
• he was always buying you gorgeous flowers every single day. and even though you were his assistant, he demanded nothing from you.
• and since he was an amazing conversation starter, you'd usually be found sitting on top of his desk talking to him.
• when your shift was over, he'd always say "time goes by so fast, doesnt it?" and that was his trick to make you stay.
• "a few more minutes, please? i'll do anything, gorgeous, please." was his other go to.
• he loved seeing you on top of his desk like you owned it. and he also loved seeing you mess around with his name plate on the desk. just fidgeting with it.
• and he wished youd fidget with him. just use him and treat him like your little fuck toy.
• one time, you wore a skirt to work. and of course that pervert kept sneaking glances at your revealed thighs and panties. those sights made his cock throb.
• and when he got horny? oh you were in for it. so much begging. "touch me please please please. look at how hard i am baby, please."
• "its okay if you dont wanna touch me, i'll touch myself and you can watch. tell me thats okay mommy. please."
• it was definitely hard to say no, especially with those puppy eyes he'd give. he acted like you getting rid of his boner was the best thing to ever happen to him.
• and when youd suck him off occasionally, he would absolutely lose it. he loved your mouth so much and he felt the need to repay you the same way.
• if you pleased him a certain way, he'd try his hardest to make it up to you the same way. suck him off? he'll eat you out. hand job? you get fingered.
• at the end of the day, all he wanted to do was be a good boy for his gorgeous girl. sometimes flowers didnt feel like enough to please you, so he had to try other ways.
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