#My Cup of Tea Maid Cafe
schneiderenjoyer · 7 months
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This game ain't gonna help you beat the lesbian allegations. and why would you
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maycat-19-142 · 1 year
Shoto todoroki x reader festival
A/n: you worked on the raid to save eri with the nighteye agency but you made up your classes because you did them at night earlier in the week.
⚠️: spoilers, fem reader' you are in the band on the clarinet. Kissing
Quirk- magic- basically anything Scarlett which can do you can do.
Non of the characters or quotes are mine they belong to the original creator that said don't steal my work ©️Maycat-19-142 2023
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"It feels like we haven't been here in forever" tyu said as you and the your classmates walked to the dorm building. "Wow this feels weird" you say adjusting you bay strap. You walked up to the blinding and opened the door for your class mates. They went it and you followed after they walked in
"There you are" mineta said as he ran up to your group "we we're all scared" the class said in a gamble of words of worry. "Here is a cake" sato said. One second later torū had you, tyu, and uraraka in a hug what was extremely tight, you were struggling to breathe this uraraka said "that bit tight i can't breathe"
Torū relaxed her arms around you. "Sorry" she mumbled "it is ok" you say patting he arm. You saw todoroki looking down st the floor. You slipped out of the mess and over to him "hey sho" you say
"Hello" he said "are you ok"
"I'm ok sho" you said as he pulled you in by th the waist and put his head on your shoulder "I was worried about you" he said as you put you arms around him "I'm going to bed rhe extra training starts tomorrow" he said before kissing you good night
"I love you" you said calmly before he said it back and walk to the Elevator to head to his dorm. You walked back over the the mess next to kirishima. Then iida jump in front of the group and yelled for them to stop. Iida then walked up to the group including you and yelled "do you have any idea how worried I was for you all if was horrible that if you died." Iida said shaking deku by the shoulders
"I'll go make some tea" momo said running to the kitchen. Sato tried to make dkeua dn kirishima eat some of the cake. Yiu said goodbye and good night to your classmates as you went to your dorm room to get some sleep.
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The next day it was announced that you had rhe school festive coming up. You sat in your seat as kirishima jumped up and objected out of safety but wa stood this was for everyone else.
"You must pick a organization and original program" aizawa said before passing out. Iida went to the front of rhe class to start a brainstorm section some of rhe things said out loud were. "Maid Cafe, mochi shop, arm wrestling, fun house, disco, hero quiz, frog song, petting zoo, soda stall" the soda was fro? Todoroki obviously "fight to the death, dark fest, twinkle extravaganza, a skit," yiu though in a "magic show"
So you had 20 options. A bunch got cute for beings to vague or inappropriate. The magic show was cut for being to vague. "Who said history presentation and study group" torū ask as iida and momo hid their faces.
Iida yelled "be quite" which did not work. Soon the ball went off. "We will pick by tonight" said kirishima.
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That night the other raid team members went to extra classes while yiu had finished them by not sleeping for a few nights. "Where is the raid team" ojiro asked as you walked from the elevator your hair tied up and you were waring pajamas pants and a sweater that was probably shoto's "they are working on extra classes" you said holding a cup of tea.
"What about you [lastname]" tokoyami asked
"I made up my classes already with midnight and mic" you said crossing your legs on the couch next to shoto. "So I was looking over the list and we have put stran on the other students so we should do something to lift there sprints." Iida said
"I agree" momo said "we are training to be heros she we must be aware of what we cause."
"So no food" iida said "what else could we do"
Sero said calmly "a zoo sounds smelly" yiu nodded in agreement
"a skit would be good" jiro said
Mina said "what about a dance party" at that todoroki stood up and walked to the computer with the list of ideas "a dance party would be fun"
He then pulled up a video of Rave and mineta said "I didn't expect that from todoroki, wait are you a raver"
"No I agree that it needs to be fun for the other courses. In order for that we should have some sort of entertainment, I got rhe idea from extra exam training" you mind pictured yiu stoic boyfriend and bakugou at and 80s themed dance party which made yiu laugh a bit.
"Interesting" iida said looking at the laptop with the video "singing an dancing."
Sero pipe in "we don't know how to dance and no one wants to see a crazy routine"
Mina yelled "I can teach yall"
"Hold on we need some amazing jams" mineta yelled. "Jiro can do that" torū said. Everyone's eye went to jiro and she looked shocked
"we can perform live" torū said as jiro said "music is just a hobby"
"Why not use to to make people smile" kota said as jiro looked shocked "after what yall said if I don't do it wouldn't be rocken."
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It was chosen to be a concert. now all was need was for roles to be picked. you walked out of the school building with mina and torū. you heard some of the gen ed kids talk about how the villain attacks and dorms were the hero classes fault. you just ignored them and kept walking to the 1-A dorms.
when you ot to the droms you and you class stated to talk about how you were going to do the concert. "we can do a club song" jiro said then she asked "does anyone play" everyone was silent till you said "I played the Clarinet in middle school."
jiro's head shot up and said "perfect"
then kaminari said "bakugou didn't you say do played the drum as a kid." bakugou looked pissed off and tried to walk away but the class asked to hear him play. so jiro got a drum set and got bakugou to play.
"bakugou has to be the drummer" mina said as the class looked in shock.
Bakugou turned and said "don't you get it we are trying to help the other classes but we caused the stress in the first place so we're just trying to make our selfs feel better"
"That is true did we think it thought" iid said to momo
"You didn't help us pick so you don't get a say" todoroki said to bakugou.
"If we're putting on a show we will have to kill them with the music" bakugou said in a oddly calm tone
"BAKUGOU" the a class cheered
"This is amazing" torū said jumping on jiro". "Yup" jiro said happily. "We'll do our best"
"Now we need the rest of the band" jiro said
"As a part of my classical education I learned how to play the piano" momo said
"Perfect" jiro said
Mina whined "I wanted the girls to get together for a dance number but I think we'll be ok with out momo and [yourname] and you'll be cute on stage"
"Base is my specialty so now we need gathers and vocals" jiro said
"So does that mean every one else will be dancing" ojiro asked
"I doubt this will be enough to get the Audience pumped up" iida said
"In the video I showed it ha-" todoroki was cut off by mina
"Special affects" mjna yelled.
"Yup" you said
"This is what we need" mina said showing a video of a rave "there are sparks and lights and streamers.
"We need and explosion of color" torū said
"We can have uraraka make todoroki and kirishima flout and have kirishima chop away at todorokis ice and have aoyama be a disco ba" mina said happily
"You want mwa to be a disco ball" aoyama said "well I was born do to this"
Then the other raid team members walked in to see the class talking about jobs "hey we're done making up classes" uraraka said looking exhausted
"I see" tyu said as yiu gave her the run down on the jobs
"Bakugou" Kirishima said "on the durms is a little odd"
"YOU GOT A PROBLEM" bakugou yelled at uraraka, tyu, and kirishima who all shock there heads
"Questions, who's singing" tyu asked jiro
"We haven't got that figured out yet" jiro said
"Don't it have to be you" uraraka asked
"I could do it" mineta said
"Just imagine the singing disco ball" aoyama said
"Guy I'm a good singer" Kirishima said
Jiro was handed a mic and sang an amazing piece with high and low notes that blew way you and your class. "Jiro that was amazing" you said as she finished the song
"Jiro is the singer" iida said
"Now guitars" jiro said as kaminari, mineta volunteered to play
"Don't try if you not going to kill it" Bakugou said as kaminari picked up and guitar and played a simple yet amazing song. Rhem tokoyami picked up a guitar and revealed he played for a while before getting stamped by the F cord.
Around 1:00am rhe roles were finalized with the dance, band, and affects teams. "Rest up team tomorrow we start the work iida said as everyone went to bed. You and shoto talk about your roles in rhe festival and you ended up falling asleep together in your dorm room.
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Over the next few weeks you worked on the song 'hero too' the main song of the show. You had just finished the 4 practice play though if the song when kirishima said eri was here. Ran out to see her she looked at yiu and said shyly "I recognize you with the [haircolor] hair"
"Hi eri I'm [yourname]" you said getting down to her level. She waved back as deku and togata took he on a school tour. The. Yiu continued working on the song
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Today was the day of the show. You got in to your band uniform. It was orange t-shirt with a jean mid lingth skirt that went to just over your knees. You were waiting for deku before going on stage. You and todoroki were standing together before the show started. As deku made it to the stage you ran out on stage before you ran out you kissed todoroki on the cheek. You grabbed your clarinet and the song started as bakugou yelled "our sound will kill you"
"Thanks for coming out today" jiro said as the song began. "We hope you enjoy" the beat dropped after a bit in the song. the gym it exploded with music and color. You moved one of your hands to make a bright amount of color with your quirk.
The first song ended as the next one started, yiu played 4 more songs or various levels of power. After the performance you went to the 1-B performance of there play.
After the shows and plays you helped move extra ice and equipment with your quirk making them float. After a while of cleaning up your got to explore the festival with shoto hand in hand
"Hey [nickname]" shoto asked
"Yes" you said Turing your head to him as you walked by the support course's work
"Let's get photos" he pointed to a photo booth. You agreed and stepped in. The fist few photos were simple and just hugs but for the last one he pulled you in for a kiss.
As you exited the booth yiu got the photos. Yiu looked at them and loved them. They were amazing. You saw shoto looking at them then pulling his phone out of it case and putting the photos in the case. He put the case back on and took your hand and continued walking around the festival
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This is part 4 of the series and I love it. This is the shortest of all the parts I think but I love it. Have a good day and night 🌙
Pixie out 🧚‍♀️
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The second occasional sweet pool of the day! Befitting of the overall food theme, I’m posting the cafe menu of the 2009 sweet pool cafe held at CURE MAID CAFE.
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There are five drinks on the menu; two for Sakiyama (one for reason, one for instinct) and the rest are for the other three main boys. Sakiyama, Shironuma and Mita’s are all cold drinks served in a colins glass whilst Okinaga’s is served hot and in what looks to be ceramic coffee cup. Fitting for Okinaga to be the odd one out.
Note: I am an American so I never had any of these since this was region exculsive to Japan. I was also like, 6. So it’s just the menu!
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Sakiyama Youji’s Reason/Rational (¥400/$2.78) (Blue Hawaii + grape jelly)
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Sakiyama Youji’s Instinct (¥400/$2.78) (Pomegranate x ginger ale + grape jelly)
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Shironuma Tetsuo (¥400/$2.78) (Green tea x peach flavour)
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Mita Makoto (¥400/$2.78) (Cola x orange sherbet)
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Okinaga Zenya (¥400/2.78) (Hot nata de coco + berry)
Originating in the Philipines, Nata de coco is fermentended coconut water. It’s usually served cold or in it’s more gelatinous state. I’ve never had it before, but I’m assuming it’s similar to stuff like coffee jelly. 
There are 9 dishes in total, three desert plates and 6 meal plates. They also came as set meals.
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Omu Yakisoba Bread (¥400/$2.78) (Also, as I far as I can tell, this is and another meal item from the menu are not sold as a set meal. I guess because it’s also literally yakisoba bread, lol) It’s based on the Yakisoba bread sold at the school store, aka the thing Shironuma is seen eating a majority of the rooftop cgs.
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Omega Meat Burger (Alone: ¥1500/$10.44. Meal: ¥1700/$11.83) Apparently, it’s just a Big Burger. Which is fiitng, I guess.
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Shironuma’s home-cooked food. (¥400/$2.78) (This is the other meal item I was referring to earlier. Ironically enough, there both food items associated with Shironuma.)
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Kitani’s cooking. (Alone: ¥1100/$7.66. Meal: ¥1200/$8.35) White rice, miso soup and stir-fry minced meat with eggplant. Lovingly prepared for Zenya.
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Sakiyama’s home curry. (Alone: ¥900/$6.26. Meal: ¥1100/$7.66)   Colour of the curry is redder than usual curry. Comes with special seasoning.
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Zenya’s Failure Hamburger steak. (Alone: ¥900/$6.26. Meal: ¥1100/$7.66)   I’m assuming it’s called this because it’s cut up rather than being in the proper fillet form you usually serve hamburger as. Or it’s a jab at Zenya being literally a ‘defective’. 
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Youji-kun hot cake (pan cake) (¥700/$4.87) it’s a hotcake with youji’s face on it. would you eat the youji hotcake
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sweet な台詞ケーキ (literally ‘sweet dialogue/words cake) (¥700/$4.87) So this one’s actually super cool, in my opinion. It’s a standard souffle cheesecake, but as implied with the name, the gimmick is that lines from sweet pool’s script written on it. The one from the product image is, from what I can tell, 「やばいだろ、これ」.
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Makoto’s bad lifestyle habit sundae. (Alone: ¥600/$4.18. Meal: ¥800/$5.57.)
For free, you can also get coasters. The first one is for CURE MAID CAFE, which depicts the boys making food (and Okinaga even has Christie with him!) This event was also held at a crossdressing cafe called Queen Dolce, which is the second set included, which depicts the boys as butlers/waitstaff (a missed chance to depict the boy’s crossdressing, but ohhhhh well).
According to the website, the Queen Dolce was styled like the Cerulean Warbler (that’s the bar Shironuma works at!)
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Also, the coaster arts was used for a pattern design for mug designs! It comes in both purple and turquoise.
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Continued from [x] with @starzfield
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He looked nice when he smiled. She couldn't deny it. But the number of options they had was a bit overwhelming, especially that she was still wondering about him. A vampire.
"Hmmm, I am not sure...perhaps I will go for some tea after all. Jasmine sounds nice, perhaps something with lavender. Or verbena. Something light, fruity. I like that...and I am used to infusions. I do not really like sweet things. So, anything that is not so sweet would be just fine...I'll trust you with the final choice."
This little chit-chat managed to calm her down, although Nunnally was not truly prepared to the reply to her question. She obviously didn't mean he was a man. Why would that be an issue? But it seemed that such an assumption put the man at ease. Was him being a man causing surprise between the human customers? Why would anyone care, male or female? Humans were so odd; Nunnally did not understand them and that was just another example. But it was more concerning that he was avoiding to discuss the REAL topic. Didn't he notice she wasn't a human? Or did he pretend he didn't? Nunnally hesitated internally. Should she simply tell him she knew? That he was a vampire? Well, probably not. So - for the time being - she decided to pretend that was exactly what surprised her.
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"I wouldn't expect that." - she smiled - "This is my first time in the maid cafe ever so everything is rather new. But you can say I am lucky then. To get you as my waiter."
"I apologize..." - she added after a short moment - "...if my question was impolite...I have had no intention to insult you in anyway. I was...just suprised...also by the fact that such places.." - she looked around - "...exist. But I think I like it here." - she decided.
"My name is Nunnally..." - probably another mistake; people don't introduce themselves to waiters, right? But she came as odd already so probably that shouldn't be too much of a problem - "Tell me, are you allowed to join a customer for a cup of tea?" - she smiled again - "Don't worry, if you think I am odd. Many think so. I do not mind."
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mye-chi · 10 months
6 and 29 for the ask game!
oh i didn't expect to recieve any questions but i'm flattered regardless! ૮( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)ა
06. what are your favorite and least favorite skins?
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in no particular order these are my top seven favorite looks!
i think nekoette and dmitri are cute next gen designs without being a complete copy of their parents! i especially adore the white cat ears, light blue hair, and pink clothes that nekoette has, it's very pleasing to the eye.
likewise zoey got such a massive glow-up in s2 oh my goodness. i much prefer this color palette compared to the darker, saturated colors she used to have and the bright pink lips she had (only brendan and ginger laurance pulled off having lips imo). the clothes she wears are very cute too, really fits communicates that she's an elf.
rebirth aphmau my girl, my gal, my beloved!! i just think the markings are just such a great way of elevating her base design and immediately setting her apart from the other characters. equally i also really like the cocomau irene design, trading out the pale blues for a bright purple speaks to me.
i think lo's skin is a bit too pink and his new skin has his eyes way too blue, but as a general skin? prettier than the entire male cast. garroth who? laurance what? don't know them sorry.
i know the blue jacket laurance's skin is just an outfit template but oh my god does he pull it off well. my absolute favorite out of all of his clothes and you can pull that from my cold, dead hands.
AND I DON'T KNOW WHO THE PHEONIX DROP DAYS GIRL IS BUT OH MY GOD??? PRETTIEST DESIGN BY FAR??? when i stumbled across a photo of her my jaw dropped i was so shocked. girl, are you single i'm asking for a friend.
i also really like the kitty cat maid cafe butler uniforms for uhm. no reason. no reason at all!
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...i'm not doing a top seven least favorite looks. these two are such a horrific crimes against fashion that the other mid looks weep in comparison.
they just straight up yoinked brian's skin and gave him four belts in return. what is that horrid chain mail texturing. an entire team of people allowed this look to happen. shame on all of you.
and don't even get me started on laurance. look at this guy. look at what he's wearing. laurance sweetheart honey babe. there's no way cadenza let you leave the house looking like that there's no way.
29. any general unpopular opinions?
oh boy this is long.
too many people are weird about jessica having a self-insert. there's a huge difference between not liking how jess's personal feelings have been a detriment to the series and vehemently saying you hate her for daring to include herself and her interests on her own channel.
"she's such a narcissist for including herself in everything" "why does she project herself so much on aphmau?" "i can't believe she stole her name after a final fantasy character—" personally i think it's based to get a shitton of money from role-playing your overpowered mary sue. cringe culture is dead and no this does not make me a jess supporter for not whining endlessly about the smallest shit. not all criticism is valid and i'm allowed to disagree with it.
also i find it tiresome when people endlessly complain about canon, prop up their rewrite, and said rewrite is just a bunch of bullet points on a google doc. which isn't to say that you aren't allowed to critique jess, i'd be a massive hypocrite if so, but atleast she actually made something. way easier to critique a piece of fiction when it actually exists (and on the same note, most rewrites aren't my cup of tea compared to just rewatching rebirth! which isn't to say that they're bad but i haven't found one that's of the same quality or pursues the same avenues that rebirth does. which, again, not a bad thing and absolutely understandable.)
and also i think it's fucking laughable whenever people rightfully complain about the problematic shit in canon but then keep/add problematic stuff to their rewrites. if i see another "🥺 omg laurance touching his s/o face" post i'm setting myself on fire.
...also i don't like younger dante hcs after someone tried arguing that he's canonically a child to defend putting him in a grooming subplot (no the fuck he isn't). i think the idea is nice and has a lot of potential but i'm probably never going to pursue the idea myself or interact with it from now on.
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laces-and-pearls · 2 years
What am I searching for in a relationship, you'd ask?
Well, first of all, respect.
I want to respect my partner, and I want to be respected in return.
I want us to be equals not in our roles but in how we both are living, breathing human being with feelings, emotions, dreams and desires.
I want to support and to be supported.
I know I am capable of opening the door and pulling the chair out myself, and maybe I could even scratch some money from my earnings to pay for myself in a cafe, but I still would love it if my partner did that for me.
I know he is able to cook himself something for lunch, but I wouldn't mind fixing him something nice with a lovely cup of tea on top or wash and steam his shirt before going out.
Like...I love traditional gender roles, and if I ever become a mother I certainly wouldn't want to work no matter how much the society and the crisis pushes me. But I don't want to be a doormat, you know? So many posts here on Tumblr paint traditionalism in these ugly colours where wife is just a maid, a servant and a s*x worker just because she doesn't earn money.
Unfortunately, it's not only on Tumblr. In my real life, I work with families where women don't work, and I can't say how many times I've seen those women humiliated and broken simply because they can't work to support themselves while taking care of their children and husbands.
And it's so scary. So extremely scary, I can't tell you.
So...I'm not sure what the aim of this post is. I'm sad and scared about the huge chasm that lies between women and men, and how much we came to disrespect and demean each other. I wish it was different! And that's why I'll try to be understanding of every man if they are understanding in return.
Have I mentioned I was salty this morning? I don't even know why, probably because I've had little sleep because...work.
Okay. Time to start my day properly. I hope everyone who reads this post is loved and appreciated! And I hope men and women come to understand and respect each other.
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kyuponstories · 4 months
Hey so I'm interested in knowing more about Oh Coffee Boy. Like what's the plotline and how'd you come up with it. (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
YAAAY, an OCB ask!! 🥹❣️I appreciate your interest, love! 💞
This is a bit long, so buckle up lol. 🤠
I came across a post here on Tumblr a few years ago (on an different account). @one-time-i-dreamt, to be exact, where people submit dreams that they've had. I can't find the exact post, but I wrote it down in my notebook to never forget lol:
"I got hired for a job at McDonald's in the next town over, but I took a wrong turn & ended up at a maid cafe themed McDonald's instead. 'The manager was like, 'Well, we can just transfer you to this store since you're here and we're understaffed.' They called up the store I was going to work at without asking if I wanted to transfer."
I thought that'd make a hilarious plot line for a show, and it's like the great Toni Morrison said, "If there's a book you want to read and it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." Even tho this will be an animated series, the point remains!
My goal is to make mainly Black (girl) joy stories where brown & dark-skinned Black girls are the leads in multiple fun genres like rom-com, adventure, fantasy, etc. And because I'm an introvert, most of my MCs end up being so as well. In the beginning, the idea was for a slice of life about an introverted Black girl finally working up the courage to get a job after years of social anxiety (gotta make it hit home a bit lol). Thought it'd be a really cute SOL, but never really added onto it.
Fun fact! My grandmother and brother argue every morning. I kid you not. It's always because my grandmother loves coffee. So he makes her a cup of coffee every morning. The problem? She doesn't always finish it.... usually never. But what she will do is NOT care about it until it gets cooler. And then ask him to heat it up for her multiple times throughout the day! 🙃 So big bro complains about it. When my mom was in the hospital, we told the nurse about how grandma is with coffee. Gave her a good laugh when I put the stubborn woman on speaker so she could hear firsthand how it was the first thing she mentioned. 😂
Now, at some point, we starting calling my brother "coffee boy". My mother rarely drinks coffee, and usually drinks tea. At some point, he basically declared "If I'm coffee boy, then you're tea girl", so now he always makes the two of them coffee when they want it while I'm over their tea lol. The funniest thing about it is that mama rarely wants tea, but grandma always wants coffee. 😭At one point, I started dramatically singing "Oh, coffee boy" like the song "Oh, danny boy". And then it clicked! Like magic! ⭐ The title, the main character, his household. My family thought I was CRAZY when I ran upstairs and started writing it out lol. But yeah, those two are the inspo behind OCB! ☕As well as the dreamer who submitted that dream, of course (s/o to you, whoever you are! ✌🏾)
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Just realized that I've never really made a summary/bio for this show LOL. Basically, Akachi is a guy in his early 20s who lives with his grandparents who he helps manage a barn with. He hates coffee, a drink he's forced to make every morning for his coffee-loving grandmother. Not only is it disgusting (which my brother also thinks lol), but his grandmother never finishes it. When Akachi takes an Uber to show up to his new job in the city, he shows up at the right restaurant, but the wrong location! Before he can object, however, he's transferred to the understaffed MegDonald's branch (spelled intentionally lol). Turns out Akachi is not only a great chef, but a coffee-making expert that has all of their customers coming in for a cup.... much to his dislike. To top it off, his co-workers are incredibly goofy and cosplay every day! Will the boy survive working at this new job?
Thank you for this ask again, really appreciate your interest in Oh, Coffee Boy! 🥰Writing it is so much fun, hope it'll be even more fun to watch! ❣️
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a-lee-en · 2 years
Idk if I've ever actually made this post but: I'm kind of creating a self indulgent project revolving around a tickling theme park. Here are some ideas I've had for attractions/areas:
A tickling fun house where park guests are tickled as they go through. There can be different fun houses with different themes, including a haunted house.
Piggybacking off the previous idea, an escape room where penalties for solving a puzzle incorrectly is tickles, or if it's multiple people one person is tickled why another solves puzzles. Additionally, guests can be tickled in order to receive hints if they get stuck.
Not exactly my cup of tea, but I'm sure people would enjoy public stockades like the ones you see at Renaissance fairs. Maybe even a medieval-style dungeon for those who want more privacy.
A tickle spa for relaxation.
Potentially different kinds of cafes where people can dine, but some cafes are styled like maid cafes where you can pay to tickle someone or additionally a host club style cafe where you can be tickled
Shoutout to @achilleean for this idea: tickle kidnapping service.
If you have any other ideas feel free to add on to this post or send them in!
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milo-my-beloved · 2 years
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things we don't say
A continuation of the some other life 'verse.
Playlist 🎵 Buy me a cup of tea ☕
Chapter Seven: The Night We Met
"How was your weekend?" Nikolai asks as soon as Inej steps through the door of The Little Palace on Monday morning.
"Oh, you know." She shrugs, tying her apron around her waist. "I planned and successfully pulled off a heist, performed with my ex-boyfriend to a room full of the richest people in Kerch, was maid of honour at a wedding, and threw an upstanding mercher out of my friend's house."
Nikolai stares at her for a few seconds. "Not much, then. Zoya, honey, come and listen to the list of crimes your best barista has committed over the weekend, so I don't gaslight myself into believing his conversation never happened."
Zoya raises an eyebrow. "Please, describe how your life is more interesting than mine."
Inej curses the fact it's Nina's day off, but tells them anyway. She tries to focus on Wylan and Jesper — their wedding was the reason behind the heist, anyway — but she can't miss Zoya's incredulous expression and Nikolai's smirk every time she mentions Kaz.
"You still never told us why you broke up," says Zoya, turning on the coffee machine.
Inej sighs, leaning against the counter. There are never any customers this early in the morning. "It's not for me to say."
"Mysterious," Nikolai says. "Or are you holding out on us because you think there's a chance at rekindling the romance, perhaps?"
She smiles. She's waited for Kaz to call for two months, and a part of her would love for them to go back to what they were. But if he doesn't want to open up to her, she won't hold her breath.
"I certainly hope so," that familiar rock-salt rasp says from behind her.
Inej spins around, glad that her bronze skin disguises her blush. How long has Kaz been standing behind her? Nikolai and Zoya must have seen him walk up to the counter and not warned her, the traitors.
Zoya hands him a black coffee. "Two sugars. Take your break, Inej."
Continue reading under the cut // Continue reading on AO3.
"I feel like I'm being ganged up on," she mutters, but she follows Kaz over to a table hidden in the corner of the cafe.
He takes a sip of his drink instead of jumping straight into whatever he wants to say. It must be hot enough to burn his tongue, but he doesn't flinch.
"Is this about Jesper and Wylan?" she asks. If she doesn't prod him for answers, her break will be over by the time he explains why he's sought her out.
"No, they're fine. From what Matthias said, they're... enthusiastically celebrating their new marriage."
Inej laughs. "Poor Matthias. I bet he's regretting his choice of roommate already."
"I actually..." He trails off, staring into his coffee like it might hold the answers to life. "I wanted to tell you what my nightmare was about."
Inej sits up straighter. "You don't have to. You don't owe me the truth if you don't want to tell it."
His eyes meet hers, and she realises they're the same colour as the coffee. "I know. But I want to be that better man you spoke of, if you'll let me."
She smiles, tilting her head to one side. "I'd like that."
He takes a deep breath, steeling himself for whatever memory he is about to dredge up. "There was an accident, when I was a child." He looks like he's fighting every word that leaves his mouth. "My — my brother took me on a cruise. We weren't going far, just from Lij to Ketterdam. But on the way, he got seasick."
Inej's heart sinks.
"He had to stand at the back of the boat so he could vomit into the water. I laughed at him for being so green. And when we were nearly there, when Fifth Harbour was just in sight... he fell in."
She reaches a hand across the table, waiting for Kaz's silent permission before squeezing his gloved fingers.
"I'm not sure what happened. I think he hit his head on the way down. But I leapt in after him, and the boat never noticed two missing boys. I nearly didn't make it to the harbour, but when I got to Ketterdam, Jordie was dead."
"Kaz..." Inej trails off, not sure what words could ease such a loss. "I'm so sorry that you both went through that."
He shakes his head, taking a shaky breath through his mouth. "I've never told anyone before."
She squeezes his hand tighter. "Thank you for trusting me," she says, and she really means it. "How does it feel?"
"Painful. Raw." He places his other hand on top of hers, brushing his thumb over her hand absentmindedly. "But... good."
"Good," Inej echoes.
He lets go to take another sip of his coffee, looking down at it again. "I might need something stronger than this to drink, though."
She grins. "Nikolai owes me an afternoon off. How about we go and get spectacularly drunk?"
He smiles, and it feels like the beginning of a new chapter. "That's the best idea I've heard all week."
The first stop on their quest to get as drunk as possible is the tiny (overpriced) shop on campus, and then back to Inej's flat to drink the cider they bought.
She doesn't bother getting changed, and makes sure she doesn't bring anything important with her that isn't a necessity. Inej isn't much of a drinker, but she's had to pick Jesper up from enough parties to know that drunk people are incapable of keeping track of their belongings.
Once they've finished their drinks and Kaz has beaten her at three rounds of Uno, they walk into the center of Ketterdam with another bottle of cider each. It's only fifteen minutes away, which is a blessing because the buses in this city never show up when they're supposed to.
The weather is pleasant for this time of year, and the fruity taste of the cider reminds Inej of her mother's autumn apple pies.
They have dinner in a pub in town — a burger for Kaz, and a waffle for Inej — and then they make their way to the same shady club that they went to on the night they met.
Inej buys them both two rounds of drinks so she doesn't have to keep getting up to walk to the bar and then sits next to Kaz in the same booth where he broke a creep's hand with his cane the last time they were here. They sip their drinks in peace — gin and tonic for Inej and a vodka lemonade for Kaz — giggling about the quality of dancing and the choice of music. They only leave when a bouncer recognises them and threatens to throw them out.
When the night air hits her, Inej feels like she could fly. She throws her arms out and runs down the hill of a cobbled street in a decidedly wonky line, laughing to herself and grinning up at Kaz.
"Where to now?" she asks once he's caught up.
His eyes light up with the wicked sparkle she's missed so much. "How about we find ourselves a house party?"
There's no shortage of parties in Ketterdam, especially not in the Barrel. Inej has never had much of a reason to stray this far from the university, but Kaz assures her he knows where he's going, so she's happy to follow him to their next destination.
It ends up being one of the narrow houses perched on the canal. For a Monday night, the house is packed, and as soon as Inej walks through the front door, she knows she isn't going to make it to her 9am lecture tomorrow.
They drink unnaturally flavoured punch from a bowl, and then Kaz pours himself a whiskey and Inej grabs a can of gin and tonic and they make their way into the garden.
"I'm sorry," Inej says as soon as they sit down on the unmowed grass. They aren't the only people outside, but she doubts the two women arguing at the bottom of the garden care about their conversation.
"About what?" asks Kaz. He stretches out his bad leg, laying his cane next to him. She can just see the crow's beak peeking through the long grass, and it makes her smile.
She's replayed that night over and over a million times in her head, wondering what would have happened if she had stayed. The guilt kept her up at night, and now she knows the truth, she only feels worse about pressuring Kaz to tell her about his past.
"Don't apologise for that." Kaz takes a sip of his drink. "You were right to go."
She leans back on her hands, looking up at him.
"It was the push I needed," he admits. "You were right. I needed to tell someone. And losing you is the only thing worse than facing my demons."
"Still," she says.
"If you're insisting on apologising for that, then I'd like to say sorry for telling you to leave in the middle of the night."
She smiles up at the moon. "If you insist."
It's a clear night, and the wind is blowing the cool water from the canal at the bottom of the garden up to them. She shivers and edges closer to Kaz. Without saying a word, he shrugs off his blazer and wraps it tight around her shoulders.
"I missed you," she admits, burying her nose in the collar of his jacket and laying her head on his shoulder.
"I missed you too."
The two women's argument steadily increases in volume. They're both slurring their words, and are only a few steps away from the water, so Inej really hopes they can both swim.
She turns her gaze back up to the stars. She can't tell whether the alcohol is making her confident, or if the words are just long overdue, but she says them anyway.
"I think I love you."
He doesn't speak for a minute, but she doesn't risk turning to see his reaction in case she breaks the spell.
Eventually, he says, "You think?"
"I know," she quietly corrects.
"Well, in that case," he says, turning to look down at her so their faces are only a few inches away. "I know I love you too."
She closes the distance between them, Kaz's blazer slipping off one of her shoulders as she lifts her arm to wrap it around his neck.
They're rudely interrupted by a loud splash, and they break away to find one of the women flailing about in the canal.
Both of them burst out laughing at the same time, and it takes a while for them to calm down, especially when the woman squelches past them with a glare.
"What time is it?" Inej asks, when she's able to talk again.
"Time to go home," Kaz suggests. "I'll call a cab."
"Wait," she interrupts, a ridiculous revenge plot forming in her mind. "Let's call Jesper instead."
Maybe his last call was the one that got her and Kaz together, but she's still salty about being woken up at 2am.
"I'll call Jesper," Kaz says. She can only describe the grin on his face as evil, and it makes her desperate to kiss him again. "And you can call Wylan."
Laughing, they take turn making the calls. When both Jesper and Wylan have promised that they're on their way, they lie back on the grass, still giggling as they wait for their ride.
Inej wakes up the next morning with her stomach rolling and stars exploding behind her eyes. She sits up slowly, Kaz's limp hand sliding off her and onto the mattress.
She rubs her eyes, trying to remember what happened last night. They went out, but how did they get home? She doesn't remember much after leaving the club, if she's honest.
Luckily, there's an orange square taped to Kaz's forehead. She leans closer to read it, not wanting to wake him up by accidentally shaving his eyebrows off.
Congratulations for sorting out your shit, Jesper's handwriting reads.
Inej smiles. There's still a million things left for both of them to say, but this time, she won't be letting Kaz go so easily.
She kisses him on the forehead, and then slips out of bed silently. Before they can face their future, she needs two things: breakfast, and a glass of water.
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This was my first convention ever! Personally, I didn’t really enjoy the experience at swapcon. It wasn’t the convention itself or anything. My social anxiety and going solo had made my experience less enjoyable. If I had gone in with my friends, then I would be less anxious and be able to enjoy the convention more. Moving along, I went Sunday morning for like 2 hours.  
One of the first things that I went to was the vendor booths. I wanted to see the different types of fandom merchandise. There was a booth that sold furries things, like tails and ears. That was not my cup of tea. There was a Pokemon focus table but it didn’t only sell pokemon merchandise. I was attempted to buy some small naruto figurines but the price was worth it. Most of the vendors displayed jewelry, pins, and stickers that were based on anime, memes, and cute items. The only thing that I bought was some stickers of the Supernatural character, Dean Winchester, from the small obsession booth. Honestly, I was surprised to find supernatural merchandise here. Next, I went to the art room. This is where independent artists made fan art through pins, jewelry, keychains, t-shirts, prints, and posters based on anime or moe elements. This definitely reminds me of the otaku culture of buying and selling fan derivatives. I found it interesting that some art displayed the usage of that database of moe elements, not artists based their art on anime characters. I knew that some had spent a lot of money to obtain these fan derivatives like what we saw in Genshiken representation of the Otaku at conventions. 
One of the ways that Otaku is able to make fiction their own was in the form of cosplay. On way to the convention, I saw many in cosplay. Most of the cosplay I did not recognize. I saw a lot of elves and furries. It was fun to see a group of friends planning a group cosplay. One of the group cosplay that I recognize was team rocket, Jessie and James. Only if they had a third friend that could’ve cosplayed Meowth. I saw the commitment in the elaborate cosplay that enter the contest. They had handmade costumes and accessories that put some online stores to shame. I saw a couple of cosplayers that were very uncomfortable shoes that cause them to limp when walking. However, they didn’t care about the pain and cared more about the cosplay. This had remind me of the episode in Genshiken when Madarame had hurt his wrist and refused to acknowledge the pain until he had his doujinshi. I am shocked and impressed by their dedication to their cosplaying. 
I decided to go to the maid cafe because, in high school animes, they had an episode that had a maid cafe theme for their school festival. I gotta say the people that dressed in maid and butler costumes were really dedicated. Near the end of the event, the maids put on a dance performance. It was a good performance. I overheard one of the maids saying to one of their friends that she put a lot of effort into making her maid costume. 
I saw a lot of otaku culture at this convention through the repossession of fiction through cosplaying and fan derivatives. I saw the dedication of the cosplayers. They made elaborate costumes and cosplayed through the pain. 
Hopefully, I can experience more of the otaku culture at a bigger anime convention that I planned to attend with my sister.
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These are the stickers that I decide to buy at the small obsession booth!
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Do you have a favorite type of maid? 💖 Leave a comment and let us know who are your faves! Did you also know you can request a specific type when you come to visit? 😊
Shout out to the lovely maids who illustrated this! They were inspired by the artist OtakuPup.
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spicy-doodles · 5 years
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I had so much fun with this commission!! Thank you https://www.facebook.com/emily.weech for ordering with me!!
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moemoemammon · 3 years
may i request hcs for a poly mc?
Poly!MC with the Demon Brothers!
(GN!MC as always✌️)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
He will never get over the fact that he's got to share you with his annoying ass brothers. But as the most patient(?) of the seven, he's learned to compromise
And by 'compromise' I mean literally making a schedule for how much time everyone gets with you, to avoid unnecessary fights. They all get you for an entire day, on a respective day of the week in chronological order. (Lucifer on Sunday, Mammon Monday, etc)
Though... we all know he abuses the system by making excuses like "MC, I need you in my office for a moment. I'd like to discuss your grades." and "Come with me for a moment, MC. I'd like you to explain something to me."
Basically he fools everyone by making it sound like you're in trouble, when he literally just wants to hang out with you some more. Maybe he can convince you that all you really need is him..? Jk he respects your decision even if it eats him alive because why his brothers of all people-
"As much as I don't understand your choice, I've lived with those six long enough to know how to deal with them. That being said... I also know how to keep them at bay. We'll have plenty of time to ourselves, hm?"
The only brother that can see through Lucifer's ruse, but he can't say anything about it because... come on, it's Lucifer we're talking about.
But that's not stopping him from arguing about that dumb schedule! Why's he got to wait until MONDAY, which is a SCHOOL DAY, just to hang out with you?? Why does he have to go second when he was your FIRST???
Keeps trying to convince you to skip classes with him so you can sneak away and spend the day together. Nobody's got to know, okay?
The whole once-a-week thing teaches Mammon the importance of time management, so he's making the most of the time he's got when you're all his. He's taking you on all sorts of dates and there's no way he'll take no for an answer, got it??
"Oi! What did I tell ya about makin' those goo goo eyes at Levi, huh?! Only look at ME like that, understand? Just you wait, I'll take ya on a date so great, you'll only be able to think about THE Great Mammon! ....Huh? Y-yeah, I want ya to hold my hand."
Tuesday has officially become his favorite day, for reasons that have nothing to do with the upcoming Ruri-chan themed maid cafe event going on soon-
Tuesday's actually used to be his raid days, when he’d get online with his rpg buddies and do dungeon runs until dawn. But now? He's sacrificed all of that just so he can take the time to enjoy being with you
He may not know much about traditional dating, but don't underestimate the power of an otaku with centuries of dating sim knowledge under his belt-! He'll show you so much moe, your head will pop!!
Just be patient with him, okay? He's seriously trying to be romantic here, even if the thought of holding your hand is enough to make his palms sweaty. But he's not passing up an entire day filled with MC-! Not even his inferiority complex will get in his way!
"Eheheh... I've spent all night coming up with the perfect plan of action! First! We're going to have a TSL marathon of all your favorite episodes! Second! We'll speedrun that game you wanted to play, because I bought it! Third! We'll make a TSL-themed dinner to enjoy in my room! Then, we- ..Huh? What do you mean there won't be enough time? S-seriously?!"
Wednesday... well, that's right in the middle of the week, so it gives him plenty of time to carefully plan what he wants to do with you when it's his turn to have you. (He also does everything in his power to ruin Lucifer's dates oop-)
We all know Satan's gonna write a whole ass dating journal filled with all sorts of romantic ideas he wants to try out on you.
It's a literal date planner, and he's got things meticulously scheduled just to ensure he makes the most out of your day. You'll have to tell him that you prefer to go with the flow, or he might get a little overzealous-
But having a chance to settle down and realize that it's alright to relax once in a while is a relief. He can't help but feel annoyed when he sees you with the others, and it makes him want to cram even more of himself into your thoughts, so a breather is definitely needed.
"You know, I've been reading more books of the romance genre lately, and it's been giving me ideas for how to spend my time with you. I know you said I shouldn't take live advice from a novel, but... when I read the stories, I can't help but picture the two of us. Shall we read some of them together?"
Thursday?? Why couldn't he have a weekend??? Everyone knows there's nothing fun happening on a Thursday night... That being said, Asmo has to get creative!
He's no stranger to improvised romance, so this boy pulls out all the stops and always delivers?? Somehow???? He can plan the perfect date in under thirty minutes-
And the time away from you makes him realize that he actually has to consider the depth of those dates. He finds he's not satisfied with cheap, devilgrammable dates anymore. He wants substance!
So he's taken to staying home with you, carefully and quietly getting to know you, and sharing himself with you. He loves it best when the date leaves him craving more and thinking of nothing but your smile. He hopes you can say the same, too.
"...Aaand that's how you do a cross stitch! Levi taught me that one, and it's saved my life a dozen times! It was a great idea that we should make matching wallets, huh? I'm just FULL of ideas like that! Go ahead and praise me all you want~!❤️"
Madame Screams does a discount on their sweets every other Friday, when they rotate their stock. He couldn't be happier! Though, he’d be fine with any day of the week tbh-
That doesn't mean he doesn't value his time with you, though. It being close to the weekend means he gets to stay up late with you, the two of you sneaking into the kitchen at night to smuggle away a mountain of snacks
Or he'll take you out into the mountains for a picnic, hoping the view of the surrounding scenery and your face will curb his appetite.
He couldn't be happier to have you for an entire day. A whole day, where hunger is just an afterthought and all he cares about is making you laugh... It makes him happy. He's starting to love Fridays even more now.
"Are you sure you're not tired? We've been hiking for a while....Here, hop on my back. I don't mind it. It's nice when I get to be close to you like this....Hm? My face is red? I think it's the heat.. maybe."
Saturday, huh? Perfect. He preps for the weekend by sleeping as much as possible on Friday, so he can stay up all Saturday with you.
And when night falls? That's when his plan really comes into play. He spends the entire day doing the things you want to do, making sure you're thoroughly worn out so when it's time for bed, he has no problem coaxing you into bed with him.
And he's exhausted at that point so once he wraps his arms around you and falls asleep, there's no escape. The longer you're stuck there, the less time he spends glaring at Lucifer for stealing you on Monday.
But really.. the highlight of it all is the big, goofy grin on your face when he watches you indulge in the things you love. Even if it might not be his cup of tea, he's just happy that you're happy. And if he can keep you away from Lucifer, it's a win win.
"If you keep smiling like that, it'll make it even harder to give you away tomorrow. But you know.. we could just run away for a day or two. We could go camping somewhere, and stare up at the stars all night long. It'll be our secret."
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aphroxditus · 3 years
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ʜᴀɪᴋʏᴜᴜ ʙᴏʏs ʀᴇᴀᴄᴛɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴏʀᴋɪɴɢ ɪɴ ᴀ ᴍᴀɪᴅ ᴄᴀғᴇ (ᴘᴀʀᴛ 2)
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ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇs: ɪᴡᴀɪᴢᴜᴍɪ ʜᴀᴊɪᴍᴇ | ᴋᴜʀᴏᴏ ᴛᴇᴛᴜsᴜʀᴏ
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ɪᴡᴀɪᴢᴜᴍɪ ʜᴀᴊɪᴍᴇ
Y/n, the employee in the maid cafe known for her clumsiness and Iwaizumi always came by, knowing which days she’d be in just for a small peak of her ass from her small skirt when she trips. It flies up, letting Iwaizumi catch a glimpse of the colour panties she’d wear that day. Small smirks would creep up his mouth as she’d fall right in front of him, face flushing, burning up.
Today was a busy day, which meant more mistakes would be made as she rushed through the cafe with drinks. Iwaizumi was stood by the door, leaning against the doorframe.
“Y/n! Customer at the door! Assist them to a table”, a woman yelled.
“Huh?”, y/n whipped her head around and saw Iwaizumi at the door, chuckling to himself. “Oh.”
Rushing to the door, she slipped on a tea spillage, making her fly forwards, in front of him, face down. Her skirt flung up, fully exposing her ass.
“Ah today you’re wearing red I see, princess”, he bent over and cupped her chin, making her look up at him. Her eyes were wide with innocence, not knowing he could see her ass on display. “Daddy knows you’re a slut for him but you can’t keep acting innocent like that… it’s so deceiving.”
“W-what?”, y/n stood up and brushed her skimpy skirt down, hiding her skin and panties.
“Oh my dumb, dumb slut”, he slurred into her ear.
“Iwaizumi~ People are looking”, she whimpered, feeling conscious as people looked around.
“Let them. You’ve shown me your pretty ass multiple times”. What difference does it make if others see you a bit embarrassed?”
“Iwai-eek”, he squeezed her ass before she could finish her sentence.
Small moans were elicited from her and Iwaizumi grunted at her pretty sounds. He embraced her, trying to make it look less suspicious and his hand cupped her pussy, pushing it up.
“Such a dumb slut. I’m surprised you don’t know how much you’ve flashed your tits and ass at me.”
“Iwaizumi- ah~”, she moaned softly.
“Mmmmm, that’s daddy to you, understand?”
“Y-yes daddy”, she whimpered as she attempted to rub herself on his cupped hand.
“Want daddy to fuck this cute little cunt?”, he whispered into her ear, in a low tone of voice, deep and sultry.
Nodding, she whimpered, wanting more friction by the second. Iwaizumo smiled and motioned her to step outside. She followed after him, entering the dark night, leaving the bright cafe alone. Her heart beat fast as he led her to his car.
“You’re gonna ride daddy like the cock hungry slut you are yeah? This is what you wanted right?”
Nodding, she watched him slip into his seat and pull his sweatpants and boxers down, letting y/n see his erect length.
“All for you”, he smirked, his head thrown back.
Y/n climbed in and he shut the door. He riled her skirt up but yet again… What was there to rile up? It was already so skimpy and short that it would make little to no difference. He slipped her red panties off and hung them on the gearstick. Cupping her ass, he bit his bottom lip as he waited for her to come down on his length.
Her for eyes were wide with innocence, seeming totally deceiving. How could someone as cute and pure looking as her be such a dirty slut for him. Multiple times she’d bend over right in front of him to pick up a utensil that slipped from her hands. Multiple times she’d flash her tits from her dress when she placed something down, allowing Iwaizumi to get a peak from under her dress’s lacy top.
Y/n lined her entrance to his rip and slowly sunk in but hit the realisation he was big. Too big.
A slap met her ass and she yelped.
“That’s it”, he slurred into her ear.
“Yo-You’re too big- How will I- fuck!”
Iwaizumi bucked his hips into her, making her cry out.
“Fuck! Hajime!”, she yelled, tears pricking in the corner of her eyes.
“Fucking hell, how many times do I need to tell you?”, he slapped her ass harshly, leaving a red mark on it. His other hand was wrapped around her neck, squeezing the sides tightly.
“Ride my cock, princess. Cmon”, he teased, watching her struggling to take him length in.
“Yes daddy”, she moaned, hips rocking back and forth, her head thrown back with the pleasure of being filled up so good.
“That’s it, princess. You belong to daddy isn’t that right?”
“Y-yes daddy! O-Only you”, she blurted out, eyes rolling back.
Squirming, she felt herself clenched when she rocked her hips back and forth. Small whimpers escaped her mouth but Iwaizumi was enjoying the show before him. The slutty employee that belonged to him.
“Fuck~”, he groaned, feeling his high coming. “Daddy’s gonna cum in this cute cunt of yours yeah? Give you a baby yeah?”
“Yes please- Please daddy”, she picked up her pace and bounced on his length, feeling his tip hit her cervix.
Iwaizumi grabbed her hips tightly and pulled her down, not allowing her to move back up. He was deep inside her. His cum ran into her, filling her up, painting her inside white. Throwing his head back, his jawline was in perfect view, his gold chain glinted in the warm light from the lamppost. Y/n clenched around him harshly, milking him and he grunted, feeling his cock tight in her cunt.
Falling forward, she buried her face into the crook of Iwaizumi’s neck.
“Always knew you wanted to belong to me princess”, he slurred into her ear, his voice raspy and sultry.
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ᴋᴜʀᴏᴏ ᴛᴇᴛsᴜʀᴏ
Running across the cafe, y/n stopped at a table, where he was sitting with a few friends.
“Sir~”, she panted, placing the tray on the table then bent over, panting. “Here. Is. The. Food.”
“You didn’t need to belt it down the cafe sweetheart”, he chuckled in that low voice that always gave her butterflies.
Tilting his head, his eyes were half lidded staring at her.
“I-ah, I’m sorry sir”, she said feeling awkward.
“Call me Kuroo.”
Nodding, y/n’s face was burning.
“Come have a little sit with us. This cafe seems pretty empty. I don’t think anyone needs your help right now.” He leaned towards her then whispered into her ear. “Except my cock of course~ Have a seat”, he patted his lap.
Gulping, y/n nodded, watching Kuroo pull his chair back, letting her sit right on his lap. Getting comfortable, she wriggled her ass around, making Kuroo grunt. Y/n felt her face burn up and she2as embarrassed to be sitting on Kuroo’s lap. Eyes were glued onto her from his friends, preying on her. She felt so vulnerable.
Something poked against her ass and she wriggled around, feeling uncomfortable.
“Fuck~ You move around a lot don’t you princess?”, Kuroo grunted, feeling his pants get tighter by the second.
Eyes widening, y/n realised that it was his cock.
“K-Kuroo, what-”
“Shhhhh”, he moved her back and forth on his lap, letting her grind against his cock that continuously rubbed against her ass. Small breathy moans escaped her mouth.
“Fuck~ Kuroo”, she hissed. “People will see.”
“Let them”, he held her hips down and moved them back and forth, letting her feel how hard he was. She could feel a damp spot spread in her panties. Fuck.
Kuroo cupped her cunt from the front and continued talking as if nothing was wrong. He felt her damp panties and he pursed his lips, controlling himself from dragging her to the bathroom and fucking her.
“Kuroo~ Please”, she whined into his ear, squirming in his lap.
“Fuck- I can’t do this anymore”, he grunted. Clearing his throat, he turned to his friends. “I’ll go pay then go to the toilet. Be right back.”
Y/n got up and Kuroo did so too. Grabbing her wrist, he led her to a little corridor and slammed her up against the wall, kissing her with passion and he was being harsh, knocking the air out her lungs. Adrenaline rushed through her veins as she kissed him back. Lacing her fingers into his obsidian locks, her arms were thrown around his neck. Shoving his tongue in, y/n moaned softly and let him taste her. He pulled away from the kiss, a saliva strand forming from both their mouths. Heavy breathing could be heard as both their breaths were fanning the others face with warm air.
“You taste so fucking good princess. Can’t wait to fuck this pussy”, he said in a low raspy voice into her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.
She could smell his strong mint-like cologne assaulting her nose. His leg was shoved in between hers, pushing up against her cunt, her skimpy skirt riling up.
“You talk to much, sir~”, y/n slurred into his ear. “Why don’t you just fuck me in that bathroom over there, huh?”, her eyes were locked onto the boys bathroom. “There are cubicles, don’t worry.”
Kuroo’s mouth dropped.
“Oh? You want to live a bit dangerous don’t you? Gotta stay silent though baby, alright?”
“Mmmm, only with you, baby~”
“Fuck- I thought you’d be a bit sheepish but I like my girls horny anyway so…”
Grabbing her wrist, he led her into the - thankfully - empty bathroom. Sneaking into a cubicle, he locked it and quickly took his pants and boxers off while y/n bit her bottom lip, seeing his length. Her breath hitched, knowing that it’ll be deep inside her soon.
“Fuck me sir”, she said in a breathy voice.
Turning her around, he unzipped her dress, letting it pool down. He paused his lips, seeing her only in a black bra and panties. She slipped her panties off, leaving her only with one piece of clothing. He pushed her against the cubicle door and kissed her, tapping on her thigh. Throwing her legs around his wrist, he pushed her up against the door to keep her in place. Looking down, he lined himself up with her cunt, legs spread out for him. Smirking, he stared up at her then back down. Y/n raised her brow then realised. Fuck.
Ramming into her, she cried out, feeling his cock’s tip hit her cervix. He thrusted in and out, each time when he drilled in, he made y/n hit the door.
“Anyone could walk in anytime and hear how much of a dirty slut you are~”, he slurred into her ear.
That’s what makes it exciting.
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kozumebunny · 3 years
Obey Me Brothers + the maid dress
maid dress headcanons go brr
>he's like... a little shit about it
>type to bend over and tease if you're into pegging
>or on the flip side he will tease you, calling you mistress, giving you what you want without asking for it
>he makes you feel like you're in charge. service dom mode.
>only two ways of getting him into the maid dress, if he loses a bet or if he's doing it of his own volition to tease you
>he's the avatar of pride. expect submission issues
>will paint your nails and massage your hand and look in your eyes then kiss ur knuckles
>will pamper you as a way to get you to relax
>his maid dress is honestly one of those skimpy ones
>short skirt with like a little lacy lingerie one piece underneath
>like it'll have a corset and a sweetheart top, with mesh cutouts
>bikini bottom cut between his legs so his thighs and everything else is just. o u t
>the skirt is something on top of the lingerie, and he has a little short maid jacket over top, with puffy frill shoulders, stops just below his pecs
>also has a little ribbon tied choker
>I know his color is red, but I feel like for Lucifer in the maid dress where you are in control, baby pink may be more his color here, just for a softer appeal
>does it most likely as a stunt to hog your attention
>is the type to purposefully lose a bet that doesn't involve money just to be at your beck and call for a day
>is a tsundere about it
>i mean what did you expect??
>unironically burns coffee if you ask him to make it
>can't even cook so really you're just going to have him go buy food
>now his maid dress is just a shitty little thing off amazon
>doesn't even wear the petticoat under it
>it's got little frilly ruffled wrist cuffs, thigh highs, a basic frilly dress with an empire waistline and a square neck
>really basic
>you're lucky if mammon even decides to wear the thigh highs
>oh please you don't even ask him to wear it
>Levi isn't used to getting so much attention and affection so whether it be a joke about wanting a gamer boy in the maid dress or you telling him jokingly to put on the maid dress
> Z O O M he will go do it
>he's also like "oh you are such a perfect lover for me... I will show my obedience and loyalty through the maid master dynamic! its perfect!"
>PLEASE he is like a romance anime protag
>clueless in a slightly funny way
>has used pickup lines from otome games
>has promised to marry you on the moon where stinky mammon can't get to you <3
>he gets a maid dress from an anime
>high quality one
>may even get a wig to full on cosplay the character
>wants you to match with him
>would take you out to walk around Shibuya
>oh he would love to have people taking pics and videos of you both as you walk by
>wears a maid dress at the maid dress cafe
>meta much?
>you can either ask him to wear it or wear one yourself and he will still take initiative to wear it
>oh its full on crossdressing with the outfit he has picked out
>its got the frills lace. all dainty and delicate. highlight of his day is when he wakes you up in the maid get up and pampers you while getting you ready for RAD
>no he won't wear it at school. not allowed </3
>Lucifer is asmophobic
>oh please he won't put the kitty stuff on himself
>you have to do it for him
>just call him over and put the collar, ears, and tail for him
>"you're my kitty for today! so answer when I call you kitty okay?"
>oh please he will be so flustered in horny
>don't be mean to him he's got such low self esteem :(
>he won't let anyone else see him in the maid dress
>if you try to coax him out you lose maid dress privileges immediately and possibly forever
>no photos or videos either
>wears a very delicate and formal looking maid dress
>like it's very long, maybe about knee length, dress
>it's got a very victorian lolita era feel to it? it still has a lower neckline but it has the big chunky buttons on the bodice part, and the ruffled booby area thing going on
>he can cook and make tea. it feels more like having a very refined nanny than a maid. on top of everything before you even have to ask for it
>like a super maid
>he'd really flex his cooking and coffee/tea making skills for you right here tbh
>"oh this? it's nothing. :) I mean I'm such a good maid aren't I?"
>praise him
>please let this be a little confident boost for him
>no cause he will have to ask for help on the maid dress
>may or may not feel like that him being a buff 6 foot tall demon will detract from the attractiveness lying in the "femboy" aspect
>"I'm not small like these guys are though"
>he will still wear it for you regardless
>probably has Levi and Belphegor help him pick one out
>you have to ask him to wear one he won't just show up wearing one out of the blue
>probably gets one that is sleeveless to show off his muscular arms
>a mini frilly skirt thing going on so you can see the muscular thighs
>but then it has a high neck, and it's form fitting up there, very bland so you can see everything
>very very nice
>just surprises you with it one day in bed
>it's like a pair of pajamas
>very comfy and sleepable
>comfy and simple
>minimal with maybe like little ribbons sewn along it
>baby blue color for him or pastel purple
>little ribbon details to make him softer
>carries a pillow with him everywhere still but like he falls asleep in the middle of tasks???
>falls asleep while waiting for something during dinner or waiting for your coffee to be done?
>bare minimum. lean cuisine dinners dumped out onto a glass dinner plate. "look what I made you!" lying ass. Keurig cup coffee. liar
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luvluvnitrodynamite · 3 years
random dates with jujutsu kaisen characters
ft. itadori yuuji, fushiguro megumi, kugisaki nobara, zenin maki, inumaki toge, nanami kento, and gojou satoru
g/n!reader (except maybe for maki but that's more personal pref)
itadori yuuji - "hey!-", you were essentially muted as itadori plops a strawberry in your mouth. you bite down, wrinkling your nose up at him in fake upset. he just smiles and laugh, as you drop the pout and laugh with him. you two were on a picnic, drinking lemonade and watching the hours melt away into the sunny sky. currently, you two were demolishing a carton of strawberries, the green tops abandoned on a plate next to you. you swallowed, relishing the sweetness lingering on your tongue.
taking one last berry, itadori reclined and sprawled on the blanket while putting his hands behind his head. you laid down on the blanket next to him, placing your head on his chest. he glanced down at you and took one of your hands in his, his thumb starting to trace gentle circles on your palm. with your free hand, you pointed up to the clouds in the sky. "that one looks like a bus," you suggested. "mmm, i think it looks like a log," he responds. "that one looks like a cat." "i think it looks like a log." "ok, that one looks like a tree." "mmmmmmm i think it looks like a log," he says again. "yuuji, you think all of them look like logs," you say. you can feel his laugh bubbling in his chest as he says, "because all of them do look like logs." he points up at the sky at different clouds, "that one does....and that one does....i think these are actually all logs in disguise." you playfully swat his hand and turn your head up at him, saying, "you need to use your imagination a bit. if you're only looking for logs, all you're going to find is logs."
instead of responding, itadori shifts forward and captures your mouth in soft kiss. you respond, pushing your lips against his in a sweet dance. his tongue finds its way into your mouth, deepening the kiss. his hand has slipped out of yours and now is on the small of your back, pushing you closer into him. he smiles into the kiss, pausing. "what?" you ask, temporarily affixing your head above his. "nothing," he responds, "i just hope we can stay like this for a little while longer."
fushiguro megumi - he's is nursing a cup of black tea in a porcelain cup and saucer, while he chews on a black ballpoint pen. fushiguro is in a cafe across the street, but you can see him through the window. as you walk in, the bell above the door jingles and he glances up at you. he smiles and clears a pile of papers, making room for you at the table. you sit down across from him, noticing that he's already ordered a cup of tea and a croissant for you.
"hey 'gumi. what'cha up to?" you ask, lifting the cup to your lips. "working on this latest batch, but it's tough. did you bring your stuff?" he asks. you pull out a small notebook, untying the ribbon that holds the pages shut. "of course i did, i want your feedback on my latest poems," you respond. "this is the most recent one i wrote." in the garden of my mind/you sink my heart into my soul/blooming into something unknown/glassy eyes speaking of that garden untold is what you hand to him. he furrows his brow as he reads over the lines, once, twice, three....ohmygod how many times is he going to read it? is it bad??? you catch your lip between your teeth as you wait for his critiques, anxiously tapping your fingers against the table. finally, he looks up to you. "i like the use of garden as a metaphor, but i think you could expand on it more. it's a short poem so i know you don't have much room, but i'm really fixed on this idea of a garden. what grows there? who takes care of it?" he questions. his brows is still furrowed and you can practically see the wheels turning behind his poofy hair.
you smile over at him saying, "well, megumi i think you already know the answer to your questions." he blushes and looks out the window. the wheels are turning in his head again, but for a different reason. you know fushiguro isn't exactly the greatest with his feelings, so you give him a minute. he still gets flustered when you even allude to loving him, it's so removed from his own view of himself that he needs to take a minute to process. in the meantime, you rip off a fluffy piece of croissant and feel the buttery layers melt on your tongue. you look out the window, quietly drifting off to another world. "did you want to read my poem?" he asks, snapping you back to reality. you nod, picking up the piece of paper he passes you. your eyes focus on the first line: i love you.
kugisaki nobara - you love nobara, you honestly do, but sometimes you forget about that when she gets in a yelling match with the man at the ice cream truck. you're pulling your hat over your head, hoping to spontaneously melt into a puddle while the two of them go back and forth. "i don't know what you want me to say! i'm sorry i gave the wrong flavor to them, but i can't change it," the vendor says exasperatedly. nobara wrinkles up her nose in disgust at the vendor, retorting, "this business is absolutely shameful. i come all the way here for ice cream, and you can't even properly fulfill my order. what if i reported you to the better business bureau? hmmm? would you be a bit more cooperative then?"
yeah, it's been going on like this for a few minutes. you think you're going to evaporate into thin air when you realize the arguing has stopped and nobara is on her way back. and...omg...she's holding a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone!! you immediately perk up. "you got it!" you exclaim, quickly taking the cone from her. you take a bite (do you bite ice cream???? lick??? v unsure), and faux-swoon at how good it is. forgetting your previous embarrassment, you swiftly press a kiss to nobara's lips as a thank-you. "thank you nobara, this was so sweet of you!" her face deeply reddens, every ounce of toughness from the earlier altercation dissipated. she tosses her hair, trying to play it off. "oh, you know, it wasn't difficult. you just had to ask nicely." you smile at her, suddenly wanting to pay her back for the embarrassment she dealt you before.
before she can react, you quickly leave a flurry of kisses all over her face. you zing from her cheeks to her nose to her lips to her forehead and back around so fast it makes her dizzy. if you thought she was red before, she's somehow gone an even deeper shade of brick. now she's the one pulling her hat down over her head. "y/n!! cut it out, we're in public!" she hisses at you, but there's no real venom behind it. "sorry, i couldn't help it. you just looked too pretty to resist," you say, and start walking toward the city. even through the brim of her hat, nobara can see you walking away. before catching up, she's rooted in place wondering how on earth she got so lucky.
zenin maki - "y/n, i look stupid. can i take this off?" you smile at her, only your head sticking out from your door. "nope!!," you gleefully respond. maki stands outside your room with an annoyed look and crossed arms, wearing the maid outfit you dropped off at her house this morning. you quickly close the door and speedily drag your socks up your thighs and tuck the matching headband into your hair. admiring yourself in the mirror one last time, you opened the door and shyly step out in your own maid outfit. "how do i look?," you say, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear.
maki.pdf has crashed. her eyes flick up and down your body, a slight blush forming on her pearlescent cheeks. you note her silence and flounce over to her. tucking your hands behind your back and rocking on your heels, you lean forward. "maaaaaaaaki," you languish in her name, dragging out the syllables. "cat got your tongue?" she snaps back to the real world, a coy smile on her lips. she moves swiftly, and before you know it she's pressed up against you with a hand on your lower back and the other hand tilting your chin up at her. "of course not, darling, but i wouldn't mind getting yours," she says, gently stroking her thumb over your lips. you momentarily flush, a pretty pink haze spreading over your face. you wiggle out of her hold and kiss the tip of her nose, before dashing down the hallway.
confused, maki watches as you return with...a broom. "c'mon! maids clean, don't they?" you say as you hand her the broom. maki bemusedly watches as you pull out a rag and a can of pledge. "y/n. you called me here, with a maid outfit, so we could clean your house?" she ask. "yep!". oh my. maki watches as you spray chemicals over the table, then polish it clean with the rag. fuck it, she starts sweeping your hallway. "am i even going to get anything out of this?", whining, she stops sweeping. you pause and smile. "of course maki. after all, i have to pay you for your services." maki smirks at you, resting her hands and head on top of the broom. "oh? and what would that be?" she says, raising her eyebrows. "anything you want." maki's smirk deepens, and she goes back to sweeping. "and if i want you?" you too go back to your cleaning. "well, in that case, i suppose you have to do a really good job of cleaning."
your house has never looked cleaner.
inumaki toge - you dip your paintbrush into the water, swirling it around and making sure it was clean before dipping it into bubblegum-colored paint. inumaki sits on the other side of you, though part of him is obscured by his easel. you would have asked him to move a few hours ago, but luckily you were almost done painting him. the sun was starting to set, so the colors of the setting were changing a bit but you were sure inumaki wouldn't care too much if you took some artistic liberties. you added the pink streaks in the clouds, trying to fluff them up as much as possible and make them look sweet. you frowned as you went a bit too far, having to clean your paintbrush and then touch up the painting with white.
finally, a few more mistakes and fixes later, you think you're satisfied with your work. it was a portrait of inumaki, sitting on his artist's stool with the blue sky and green hill in the background. a few hours ago it would have been an almost perfect rendering of the scene, save for the fact that you decided to paint him without his trademark collar over his face. you happened to love the seal on his face and tongue, but his covering of it made him more insecure about it as time went on. as he got used to seeing his face without it, he wondered if it would just be better if he didn't have a seal on his face at all. now he barely pulls down his collar, only ever to shout out cursed speech commands. "toge can we see each others' paintings now?" you ask. "okaka!" he responds. you sigh and say, "okay, let me know when you're done." you continue to add a few more cursory details until you hear "takana!" from the other easel. you poke your head around, asking, "do you want me to go first?" inumaki nods, and gets up.
you hold your breath as he walks over to survey your work. you feel him stop behind you and just...stare. no tsunamayo, no sujiko, not even an okaka. "what do you think?" you ask. he says nothing, and just points to his painted mouth. you look at him and feel a little bit crushed; he doesn't look angry or anything, but rather a little deflated. "are you upset i painted the curse seal?" you ask him. he responds with a slightly desolate "okaka" and your chest clutches a little bit. you wanted to show him how pretty he was with the seal, but you supposed you would have to go a bit further. "toge can you come a little closer?" he complies and moves right next to you. you quickly jump off the stool and clasp his face in your hands. slowly, you pull down his collar, revealing the seal. you hold his gaze for a moment longer, and then gently press kisses along the surface of the curse. you make sure to touch every angle, feeling the heat of his skin rise each new time your lips touch the curse. you pull your head back and say, "i think the curse seal is pretty. the way it curves along your cheek is just gorgeous, it's such a rich shade of black, and it looks the best when i see you smile. but most of all, you make it look pretty. i like the curse seal because it's a part of you." inumaki softly smiles when he hears this, and just wraps you up into a hug. you two stay like that for a minute or two, interrupted only by "can i see your painting of me now?" "shake."
nanami kento - you two are at home in the kitchen. normally you both take turns cooking and cleaning, but tonight you decided to make dinner together. nanami is cutting up vegetables for your curry, while you focus on cooking the chicken in the sauce. soft music plays while a delicious aroma fills the room. nanami finishes cutting up the vegetables, neatly zooshing them into the pan with the knife. you add coconut milk and spices, stirring as the sizzling gets loud, and then gently recedes into a soft bubbling. you watch the pan carefully as nanami shifts behind you, wrapping his arms around your front. his face rests on your shoulder as you both watch the pan bubble away.
he gently bites your ear, asking, "how was your day?". your hand comes up to rest on his cheek, sighing contently. "fine. i was a bit busy, but nothing out of the ordinary. how was yours?". nanami sighs, the air lusciously dancing around your ear. "mmmmmm...annoying. or, more aptly, gojou was." you laugh, imaging all the ways the he could have been a nuisance. "is that so?," you say. "yes, but i don't want to dwell on it. work is work, and i'd rather focus on my time outside of it," nanami says. "like focusing on you," he breathes into your ear. he gently spins you around so that you're facing him, and pulls you closer to his body. he wraps his arms around your back, and you wrap your arms around his neck. you two begin to softly dance to the music, not even moving from the spot you're currently in. it's not perfect dancing by any standards; in fact, you think you're off-beat. still, with nanami humming in your ear and such a comforting aura surrounding you, you don't really think it matters.
gojou satoru - for once, you two aren't running around and acting crazy. instead, you've just woken up to rain pattering on the window and cloudy skies overhead. gojou is still asleep in bed, blindfold slipped over his face with his closed eyes revealed to the world. you smile, enjoying the sight. it's not often you two get time to just be together, with gojou being gone all the time, his students needing his attention, and your own life and responsibilities. you slip out of the room and into the kitchen, cutting up fruit and making coffee. you bring it back into the room, the smell waking up your drowsy boyfriend. crystalline eyes look up at you, filled with love and adoration. you sit on the bed as he sits up, passing him a plate and a mug.
"hey, i just had the craziest dream," he says, mouth full of raspberries. "oh? would you like to tell me about it?," you respond, sipping your coffee. gojou smirks at you. "well, normally i would say to never tell a bad dream before breakfast because that's the surest way to make it come true, but i don't believe in that, and anyways i could kick the dream curse's ass if it came to it. so, itadori is a woman, and sukuna keeps taking over to play with boobs, right?". he rambles on, and you think he's actually making some of this up on the fly, but it's entertaining and you don't want to interrupt him. he tells you the whole story, and by the end you've both finished your breakfast. you're still laughing at the part where inumaki is left at the alter by nobara chasing after maki, when he picks up your plate and mug and places it on the little table beside the bed.
"satoru, what are you-," you're interrupted as he swiftly pulls you into his lap, your back flush against his chest. confused, he hands you the book on the side table while he picks up a stack of reports. he opens them and starts reading, while you look at him in confusion. he apprehensively pauses and looks at you. "we don't get to have a lot of quiet time like this," he hesitantly explains, "so i thought we could just do something with each other, even if it's just reading. i have to read these reports and you wanted to finish that book anyway, so i thought we could start like this." he smiles down at you, and it's like he shoots warmth straight into your chest and fans it out to the tips of your fingers, toes, and eyelashes. you ghost his cheek with a kiss and burrow into his chest. "of course, 'toru. this is absolutely perfect." you feel his chest skip a beat through your skin, and try to hid your smile. you open your book while he resumes his reports, and bask in the comfort of shared love.
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