#ocb ask
kyuponstories · 4 months
Hey so I'm interested in knowing more about Oh Coffee Boy. Like what's the plotline and how'd you come up with it. (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
YAAAY, an OCB ask!! 🥹❣️I appreciate your interest, love! 💞
This is a bit long, so buckle up lol. 🤠
I came across a post here on Tumblr a few years ago (on an different account). @one-time-i-dreamt, to be exact, where people submit dreams that they've had. I can't find the exact post, but I wrote it down in my notebook to never forget lol:
"I got hired for a job at McDonald's in the next town over, but I took a wrong turn & ended up at a maid cafe themed McDonald's instead. 'The manager was like, 'Well, we can just transfer you to this store since you're here and we're understaffed.' They called up the store I was going to work at without asking if I wanted to transfer."
I thought that'd make a hilarious plot line for a show, and it's like the great Toni Morrison said, "If there's a book you want to read and it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." Even tho this will be an animated series, the point remains!
My goal is to make mainly Black (girl) joy stories where brown & dark-skinned Black girls are the leads in multiple fun genres like rom-com, adventure, fantasy, etc. And because I'm an introvert, most of my MCs end up being so as well. In the beginning, the idea was for a slice of life about an introverted Black girl finally working up the courage to get a job after years of social anxiety (gotta make it hit home a bit lol). Thought it'd be a really cute SOL, but never really added onto it.
Fun fact! My grandmother and brother argue every morning. I kid you not. It's always because my grandmother loves coffee. So he makes her a cup of coffee every morning. The problem? She doesn't always finish it.... usually never. But what she will do is NOT care about it until it gets cooler. And then ask him to heat it up for her multiple times throughout the day! 🙃 So big bro complains about it. When my mom was in the hospital, we told the nurse about how grandma is with coffee. Gave her a good laugh when I put the stubborn woman on speaker so she could hear firsthand how it was the first thing she mentioned. 😂
Now, at some point, we starting calling my brother "coffee boy". My mother rarely drinks coffee, and usually drinks tea. At some point, he basically declared "If I'm coffee boy, then you're tea girl", so now he always makes the two of them coffee when they want it while I'm over their tea lol. The funniest thing about it is that mama rarely wants tea, but grandma always wants coffee. 😭At one point, I started dramatically singing "Oh, coffee boy" like the song "Oh, danny boy". And then it clicked! Like magic! ⭐ The title, the main character, his household. My family thought I was CRAZY when I ran upstairs and started writing it out lol. But yeah, those two are the inspo behind OCB! ☕As well as the dreamer who submitted that dream, of course (s/o to you, whoever you are! ✌🏾)
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Just realized that I've never really made a summary/bio for this show LOL. Basically, Akachi is a guy in his early 20s who lives with his grandparents who he helps manage a barn with. He hates coffee, a drink he's forced to make every morning for his coffee-loving grandmother. Not only is it disgusting (which my brother also thinks lol), but his grandmother never finishes it. When Akachi takes an Uber to show up to his new job in the city, he shows up at the right restaurant, but the wrong location! Before he can object, however, he's transferred to the understaffed MegDonald's branch (spelled intentionally lol). Turns out Akachi is not only a great chef, but a coffee-making expert that has all of their customers coming in for a cup.... much to his dislike. To top it off, his co-workers are incredibly goofy and cosplay every day! Will the boy survive working at this new job?
Thank you for this ask again, really appreciate your interest in Oh, Coffee Boy! 🥰Writing it is so much fun, hope it'll be even more fun to watch! ❣️
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Invisalign teen mckinney
If you are looking for a way to get Invisalign Teen without spending a fortune, you are in luck. This blog post will discuss getting Invisalign Teen at a discounted rate. We will also provide a list of dentists in McKinney who offer Invisalign Teen at a discounted rate.
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1. What is Invisalign Teen?
Invisalign Teen is a type of orthodontic treatment for teenagers. It is a transparent aligner system that is worn over the teeth. The aligners gradually move the teeth into the desired position. Invisalign Teen is an excellent option for teenagers because it is discreet and comfortable.
 2. How much does Invisalign Teen cost?
Invisalign Teen is a transparent braces system that straightens teeth without using metal wires or brackets. It is a popular treatment option for teenagers, as it is nearly invisible and requires less maintenance than traditional braces. The cost of Invisalign Teen varies depending on the location and the specific treatment plan. However, the average price is around $5,000.
 3. How can I get Invisalign Teen at a discounted rate?
Invisalign Teen is a great way to straighten teeth without wearing traditional braces. However, the cost of Invisalign Teen can be prohibitive for some people. Luckily, there are ways to get Invisalign Teen at a discounted rate.
The first way to get a discounted rate on Invisalign Teen is to ask your dentist if they offer a discount for Invisalign Teen. Many dentists offer discounts for Invisalign Teen, so it is worth asking.
Another way to get a discounted rate on Invisalign Teen is to use a dental insurance plan. Many dental insurance plans cover Invisalign Teen, so check with your insurance company.
Finally, you can also get a discounted rate on Invisalign Teen by using a dental discount plan. Dental discount plans offer discounts on Invisalign Teen and other dental services.
If you are looking for a way to get Invisalign Teen at a discounted rate, try one of these methods.
 4. Dentists in McKinney who offer Invisalign Teen
Dentists in McKinney who offer Invisalign Teen are experienced in helping young people get the straight teeth they need. Invisalign Teen is an excellent option for teenagers because it is discreet and comfortable. If you are interested in Invisalign Teen, ask your dentist about it.
 5. Conclusion
In conclusion, this study has shown a significant relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and job satisfaction. Furthermore, the study's results indicated a positive relationship between OCB and job satisfaction. These findings suggest that organizations should consider implementing programs encouraging OCB to increase job satisfaction and employee productivity.
Thanks for reading! This blog post was helpful. If you are interested in getting Invisalign Teen, check out the list of dentists in McKinney who offer Invisalign Teen at a discounted rate.
 If you want to know more about Invisalign teen McKinney and also for any other query please contact us on the information given below:
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alyciaweliza · 2 years
What is Blunt and How to Smoke the Blunt- a Beginners Guide
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Each cannabis user has a favorite method of consuming the weed. Some really like to smoke joints, while others select orally consumed products like tinctures or edibles. Others favor concentrates like dabs and vape pens. There are advantages and drawbacks to each method of cannabis consumption, and finding the one that's appropriate for you is important. One of the most popular methods is smoking blunts.
Blunts are a particular favorite of social smokers (the people who smoke occasionally in gatherings), and they've been popularized through several channels of pop culture, including famous musicians like Snoop Dogg. So what are blunts, and do they represent a higher risk for the health of the smoker than different types of cannabis? Provided that this is true, is it really worth the risk, and what are a few alternatives to consider? We should investigate a portion of these inquiries in more depth.
What is a Blunt?
A cigar with the two ends cut off is thought of as a "blunt" to make it thin for casual use. At the end of the day, a cigar with no tobacco and a high concentration of marijuana is a blunt.
"Blunt" comes from the marijuana cigarette itself; it was originally called "a rolled spliff" prior to being rearranged to simply "blunt." Curiously, the French word "blonde" for carrot is where "blunt" originates.
What is a Spliff?
A spliff is made by blending ground cannabis flower with free tobacco. This combination of cannabis and tobacco is rolled in a rolling paper (e.g., raw, OCB, and so on). These papers, frequently made from non-wood fibers like hemp, flax, or rice, typically come in packs of 32 and range from a white tone to a light earthy tone. From an external perspective, they may appear similar to a joint, yet whereas a joint just contains unadulterated cannabis flower, a spliff also contains tobacco.
Stoner Etiquettes to Keep in Mind
In the event that you are new to smoking weed, there are a couple of etiquette tips that you might need to follow.
Stoners are generally a laid-back bunch, and there is some resentment about assuming that because of your break etiquette, you'll be kicked out of the gathering or something.
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All in all, what are some fundamental stoner rules to keep in mind while you're smoking a blunt with others?
By and large, on the off chance that you don't have weed to contribute to the blend, you are essentially expected to buy the blunt wrap itself.
One of the greatest stoner etiquette rules is "rollers rights,"  which implies that whoever rolled it is preferred choice to light it.
On the off chance that you have not contributed any weed to the blunt, generally, the people who contributed will go a couple of turns without including you. If you didn't contribute, don't ask to participate, because genuine stoners will give you a few hits one way or another, just not usually on the first two or three turns. Individuals who consistently contribute receive what they require.
If a blunt comes to you and it has canoed, which implies that it has consumed a lot quicker on one side than the other, you need to ring it, which implies taking some spit and making a ring around the front, determined to dial back the part that is consuming quicker, to indeed make it even.
What Does it Mean When You Drop the Blunt?
Simply take a gander at the various implications related to the expression "dropping the blunts." Play
Dropping the blunt refers to smoking in pivot or passing your joint to someone else. Dropping the blunt is an indication of extraordinary ungainliness, or perhaps of being really prepared. In another manner, when a joint maneuvers starting with one companion's hands and then onto the next, it drops the blunt.
The expression is frequently used as a code for being sly or simply not being direct with someone. Saying, "I dropped him the blunt," for example, implies that I told him straight up that things wouldn't work out.
The expression can mean a few things while alluding to dropping a blunt. It can likewise be applied to legitimate stoner behavior. Regularly, holding the blunt with two hands is expected to cause it to drop. This is tantamount to batting your companion's hand when they act improperly. Be that as it may, dropping a blunt in a dimly lit vehicle isn't the correct thing to do.
It's best to inquire if you're unsure whether dropping the blunt is appropriate. For starters, it does not imply that you cause a commotion. If you're going to grunt marijuana to a friend, make sure your mouth is free of garbage first. Maintain a tight grip on your lips while you're doing it.
Regardless of which social shows you attend, you should not smoke marijuana if another person does not require it.
All things being equal, they ought to give it to a capable individual who can successfully smoke it more. What's more, on the off chance that you're a novice, cease from mentioning a subsequent hit. Try not to smoke marijuana on the off chance that you could do without it, except if you are constrained to do so.
Keep in mind that dropping the blunt may have adverse consequences as well. Dropping the blunt can have a number of negative consequences, including deterioration in air quality, the spread of infectious contaminants, and an increased risk of mishaps.
Final Thoughts
The techniques for consuming cannabis are broad and evolving, and there are upsides and downsides to each form of use. In the event that you're searching for the best choice, you'll need to avoid smoking or vaping completely. In the event that you're searching for a moderately clean smoke, vapes, joints, or pipes are the best methods.
As might be expected, there is a reasonable set of stoner etiquette and phrasing to learn if you intend to be a genuine stoner, one who is acknowledged as a feature of the gathering!
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mellowoutpal · 5 years
Okay so... new verse idea!
During the Burnett arc, when Manolo becomes aware that Burnett may in fact actually be a cop, instead of trying a loyalty test (or alternatively, after he failed the loyalty test by shooting Rico but having it not be fatal/Hagovich seeing Rico alive), he confronts him about this directly. Naturally, this results in Sonny getting his memories back (as they begin to come back fairly quickly once he sees Rico and gets identified as Crockett), much to his delight, and then sudden dismay.
As Manolo says, “this man has gotten very close to me. He’s in a position to inflict great damage”. Because of this, he immediately gets kidnapped and held against his will by Manolo and his goons, as he is too much of a liability to let go, yet, they are avoiding killing him as he has proved useful...
...for now.
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Ask OCB!Frisk and OCB!Chara
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Hey Lieutenant, you've got any place to go for Christmas? Tubbs quizzes curiously.
Just past the window, as the sky turned a drowsy purple, Christmas lights began winking around the palm trees and a curious rendition of “Let It Snow” chimed in because screw Miami, it’s December 22nd. Castillo remained in his seat eating what was left of his limp sandwich while the team started filing out. Tubbs stuck by, though.
If she ever sat on the table rattling a snow globe to her ear, it wouldn’t surprise him. 
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“Someone needs to keep an eye on Lombard. Tie up loose ends,” he finally said after a drawn-out silence. He continued chewing and stared into the void at the far end of the room. Then, “Crockett’s off… I want you in.”
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detectiverickitubbs · 2 years
Late Night Drives
          @honorhearted​ continued from X
Sarcasm ran headily in the OCB. Detectives like her, like Crockett, Lar, Stan, and Tallmadge all learned how to readily apply it as a coping mechanism. So when it is spouted off in her direction, Tubbs dignifies his commentary with a half-laugh.
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“After the rough night you’ve had? It seems like a requirement.” Tubbs remarks. Perhaps, she is just too accustomed to Crockett and his coping method for they had unwittingly rubbed off on the former New Yorker (with or without her full knowledge of them having done so).
Drifting dark eyes float about the squad room before finally turning upon Tallmadge. “Asking you to lighten up would be like asking Mean Joe Greene of the Pittsburgh Steelers to dance ballet.” She quips back, implying such a feat would be damn-near impossible. While she was not a fan of the Steel curtain, the reputation of toughness preceded the hulking football player. 
Her own smile mirrors his. “Is that your way of issuing an invitation? Cause it sounds like you’re most definitely asking me to come along.....” She returns. 
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mmishz · 3 years
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Following President Eisenhower's September 25, 1957 order to the CIA to overthrow the Sukarno government, Soviet intelligence learned of the plans almost instantly, publicizing the "American Plot to Overthrow Sukarno" three days later in an Indian newspaper, Blitz, which Soviet intelligence controlled. Despite Soviet awareness, the CIA began planning the coup, and set up operational bases primarily in the Philippines. In the United States, at an OCB (Operations Coordination Board) Luncheon on January 8, 1958, the memorandum for the record states: "Mr. Dulles gave a brief report on the latest developments in Indonesia. He referred particularly to indications that the Bandung Council proposes to establish a Free Government of Indonesia, and said that while he believes a move of this sort would be premature, there is little we can or should do to try and stop it. It was agreed it would be unwise to supply arms so long as the possibility exists that the government might become communist dominated."
Rebel Colonel Maludin Simbolon (from Sumatra) issued an ultimatum on behalf of the provincial government, the Banteng Council, calling for the formation of a new central government. On 15 February the Banteng Council became part of the broader Indonesian Revolutionary Government (PRRI or "Government of the Revolutionary Republic of Indonesia") which included rebels led by other dissident colonels in East and South Sumatra as well as in North Sulawesi. Sukarno aggressively opposed the rebels; he asked his loyal army commander, General Abdul Haris Nasution, to crush the rebel forces. On that date troops loyal to Sukarno were transported to Sumatra and began the attack. The rebel headquarters are in the southern coastal city of Padang.
Then the delivery of weapons carried out by sea in the form of light weapons, hand grenades, ammunition, and multi-crew weapons. Greater CIA support is seen with the dispatch of the planes that make up the Permesta air force called the Forces Revolutionary Air (AUREV). The planes sent were 15 Douglas A-26 Invader bombers and fighters North American P-51 Mustang. Not only planes were sent, but also pilots, mechanics, aircraft armaments, and spare parts.
Weapons also come from Taiwan, but the difference is that Permesta has to pay to get these weapons. First post in the form of 100 rifles and three M20 non-elastic rifles imported by PBY Catalina aircraft. Then Taiwan sent a ship containing weapons that can be used by soldiers as many as several battalions, field weapons, and anti-plane. In addition, the agreement with Taiwan includes two Beech C-45 transport aircraft accompanied by three chartered pilots.
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captbenscn · 3 years
The Storm Approaches
[Text: Unknown Number]
Dinner soon? 😘
Olivia stared down at the message for a good few minutes at least, eyes narrowed, teeth biting the inside of her bottom lip, in deep thought. Unknown number. Asking her to dinner? Perhaps it was some sort of joke - someone playing a prank on the Captain. The first names that came to mind were Freddie and Jet. Perhaps she got ahold of his phone, like she sometimes does, but why hide his number? Unless Elliot was in on it, too, trying to keep her guessing. But even that didn’t sound right. It didn’t feel right, so that was crossed off of her list. 
Perhaps they simply messaged the wrong number, a simple mistake, one that even Olivia Benson has made before. But again, it was the blocked number that stumped the Captain and the emoji after it that made her a little... uneasy. Maybe someone was messing with her, but not as a joke. Not in a way to make her laugh. But rather, to freak her out. To make her uneasy. To grab her attention. That’s what her gut was telling her. 
But who? And why? 
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That was a loaded question, she knew, because Olivia Benson had made a lot of enemies during her years here at the SVU. Some that were in prison, some that managed to escape going, and some that were already out, having already served their time. Even family members of said criminals were possible... but with everything going on, and the reason for Noah’s protective detail, one name does come to mind…
“Cap, you good over there?”
It was Fin’s voice that broke Olivia from her thoughts, her attention snapping back to where it had been prior to receiving the message. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m good. Uh, sorry. Go ahead, Carisi.” She says, giving him an apologetic smile as she’s pocketing her phone. It can wait until later...
And when later does come - mid afternoon - Olivia is gathering her things and heading out of her office. “I’ll be back in about an hour or so.” She tells her Detectives and Amanda is the first to express concern with her sense of hurry.
“Everything alright?” 
“Yeah. Just heading over to the OCB for a bit. Late lunch.” Which isn’t a lie. It’s where she IS going, but not necessarily for lunch. She had been going for lunch a little bit more lately with Elliot given their new... direction with their relationship, but today wasn’t for that reason.
Fin and Amanda exchange looks as though not fully believing her, but neither question it any further. “Tell El I said hi.” Fin speaks up as Olivia starts to walk away and she looks over his shoulder, giving him a smile and nod before she’s heading into the elevator, out the building and into her car.
It’s not too long of a drive to the OCB - traffic being the worst as always - and once she’s there, she’s heading inside, eyes searching for the young girl, whom she -thankfully - finds sat at her desk, in front of the several computers, and a tablet in her hand. Freddie is at his own desk, but she doesn’t see Elliot or Ayanna anywhere which, to be honest, is fine, because she wants to make sure this is nothing to worry about. She doesn’t want to tell Elliot unless she absolutely has to, she doesn’t want to worry him. But even then, she’ll still tell him - no secrets. And that’s why she’s here, to see if the number can be uncovered or tracked. Because if there’s anyone that can, it’s Jet. 
“Hey.” The Captain greets the two of them when they see her approaching.
“Hey, Captain.” Freddie greets before he’s looking over his shoulder. “Uh, Stabler’s out in the field. Not sure when he’ll be back.” 
“That’s fine. I, uh, I’m actually not here to see him.” She ignores the look of surprise on his face and then she’s looking down at Jet, eyes conveying a slight urgency. “Do you have a few minutes?” 
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tiggyarts · 3 years
Hi! OC ask for Kieran Amell
What demon would your OC be most susceptible to and how would the demon best tempt/manipulate them?
What relationship/s have had the most influence on them?
Companion they are closest to, and why?
Opinion on the Chantry?
What are your OC’s gestures like? Vigorous? Weak? Controlled? Compulsive? Energetic? Sluggish?
What about their voice? Pitch? Strength? Tempo and rhythm of speech? Pronunciation? Accent?
(Hope that's not too many)
(I am always down to ramble about any of my OCs so ask away ❤️)
What demon would your OCbe most susceptible to and how would demon best tempt/manipulate them?
I answered that one here.
What relationship/s have had the most influence on them and why?
Morrigan, funnily enough. She taught him to be more open about his magic, and taught him more spells. She also was first one to figure out he's a blood mage, and didn't condemn him, but encouraged his persuit in using it for healing.
Companions they are closest to, and why?
In order: Alistair, because fellow Grey Warden and boyfriend, Morrigan because she gets him as a mage who earns for knowledge, Leliana because she's like a sister he never had. Obligatory dog, because pet lol
Opinion on Chantry?
Religion wise he's agnostic, but he doesn't really care what others believe as long as they don't shove down his throat. That being said, be doesn't like the Chantry in particular because of how it treats mages. Mages can do so much more to help people whether with healing or other beneficial magic, but instead they're locked up in a tower and constantly supervised. If Maker didn't want people to be mages he wouldn't make them, is his thought, so he feels Chantry is painting mages in bad light and is too restrictive to those who want to help.
Doesn't like it, is the tldr lol
What are your OC's gestures like? Vigorous? Weak? Controlled? Compulsive? Energetic? Sluggish?
He can be animated when he wants to be, especially when casting, but he's generally pretty collected, default go to idle, if you will, is crossed arms.
What about their voice? Pitch? Strength? Tempo and rhythm of speech? Pronunciation? Accent?
Voice is like the hardest thing for me with OCs in general, but I kind of imagined Kieran having an English accent, with a youthful voice. He's pretty friendly, unless given reason not to be, and can be exciteable, bit that's all I got in the department XD
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kyuponstories · 6 months
Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday! Do your characters have any particularly interesting fashion choices? What are they and why?👔🥻👘👗👚🛍
My first ask on this account?? 🥹
It's a little tough to think about this w/ the OCB characters, because they're gonna mainly be cosplaying throughout the series. So they're "normal" fashion won't even be seen, really. 😅 But if I really think about it:
- Kiki is a complete pastel alt girl. More pastel (mainly pink) than alt as she'll wear anything bright & loud w/ color. A striped pink & white t-shirt and a black high-waist skirt w/ suspenders. Throw in a choker and some bright stockings too! It just matches w/ her cheery personality, and puts more emphasis on her sweetness.
- La'Rae is like dark academia but edgy. If cosplaying wasn't a huge part of the restaurant norm, I could see her in a crop top (somewhat covered by a flannel), ripped jeans, and fishnet gloves just to match the required hair net. 🤭 I always imagine La'Rae in soft hues of orange, brown, burgundy, and black. And with a long coat for some reason lol. Sorry if that explains nothing LOOL
These are bound to change since I'm in the early phase of writing only. Every other character's style is either unknown or most likely not considered interesting...? 😅 Jay is white academia w/ denim.... Idk how else to explain that lol. Akachi is extra casual - graphic tees & polo shirts. Kay looks completely alt, but all I know is he's always only in black 99% of the time. Idk about Youngheun, Kodak, and Dahye at all yet. 🥲
Thank you for asking me this, it was fun! ☺️💗💗
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yoonpobs · 3 years
back-burner!oc gaslighting herself into thinking yoongi doesn't like her and likes her sister,,,, who needs enemies when you have yourself 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻
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starker-stories · 5 years
First, before you read, run and see the fabulous moodboard that starker-sorbet made for me, for this story. Run! It’s beautiful.
Story also on AO3.
Tags: Offscreen Steve Rogers, Alternate Universe - Mob, Mob Boss Tony Stark, Alternate Universe - Noir, Dark!Tony, dark!Peter, Alternate Universe - No Powers, modern day noir, Film Noir, The Maltese Falcon
Gunsel is dated slang for a gay man (usually a bottom) with an older gay man (usually the top). Another definition is a gun-carrying criminal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Peter was new to being included in Tony Stark’s business. He and Tony had been together for a year, but only a couple of months after that Peter requested to be brought in on things.
He wasn’t innocent. Everyone knew who Tony Stark was. He ran everything underhanded and illegal in the North East. So when Tony asked him out on a date after a chance encounter, he had a quick decision to make. There wasn’t really any doubt what his answer would be. Tony’s world fascinated Peter. It was a complicated puzzle and he liked the idea of working on it. It would take time for Tony to trust him. But in that time? It would be fun.
After a year, Peter grew restless and Tony grew tired of lying about the details of his business. Only, Tony’s trusted inner circle had been less than thrilled to have the boss’ boy toy in on things. Even once Peter had proven himself and taken care of some difficult ‘business’ on his own, they still doubted he was anything but a pretty face to keep the boss happy in the bedroom.
Peter stood straight and quiet beside Tony, who lounged casually in a big, tall leather chair near the center of the room. Peter listened, but didn’t interrupt. Even though he knew everything Tony did, knew all the details of his business, he was still considered new and was trying to work his way into the inner circle’s good graces.
“We need a fall guy,” Bucky said, pacing the room, settling at last in one of the chairs in front of Tony’s desk. “The NYPD aren’t the only ones looking into this. The FBI’s gotten interested. If the police solve it, the FBI loses interest. So we need someone the police can blame for those three murders.”
“Three?” Natasha said. “There were only two.”
“My partner on the deal,” Tony smirked, “turned up in the East River last night.”
“Okay, three,” Natasha said. “What difference does it make how many there are? Bucky has a point. We’ve done well in staying off the OCB’s radar. We want to stay that way. Someone has to take the blame. We have to give the police something so the FBI marks the case closed.”
Tony scoffed. “You can’t expect me to think that you, of all people, are afraid of the police or the FBI.” He paused. “Or that you’re not able to handle…”
“I’m very able to handle either of them,” she said, irritated by Tony’s insinuation.
“I’m in this up to my neck, dammit,” Bucky interrupted. “Two of them are directly traceable by someone good — and you know Rogers is good — back to me.” He was angry at Tony’s nonchalant confidence that he and his organization were untouchable. He’d never taken such a tone with the boss before. But desperation can make a man stormy. “I’ve got to find somebody to put this on. If I don’t, I’ll be the one Rogers hones in on.”
Barnes stood up from his chair and paced like a caged tiger in front of Tony’s desk. He stopped at the far corner of it. Bucky fixed his eyes on Peter. “Let’s give him the gunsel. He actually did shoot one of them when you sent him out with me to work on the problem.” He gave Peter a once over. “He’s made for the part. Look at him. Inexperienced, clumsy. Say he was trying to work his way out of your bed and into the organization by killing three of your enemies. Let’s give him to the NYPD.”
Tony leaned onto the arm of his chair, inclined towards Peter, and laughed. Low pitched and uncharacteristically loud. He paused for breath and continued his mirth. “Buck, there’s no telling what solution you’ll come up with, except it’s going to be dramatic.”
Bucky misinterpreted Tony’s meaning. “It’s our best option, boss. There isn’t anything about him and the story that Rogers won’t eat with a spoon. The chance at getting your latest boy? A blundering climber getting above himself? It’s custom made.”
Tony’s look turned cold as he stared at his right-hand man. “Even if I considered it, Peter is more than just a climber.” Tony flung the word back at Barnes. “If I did what you propose, what do you think would keep Peter from telling Rogers every last detail, details that none of you know, about my business.”
“Let him talk. Rogers will never believe that one of your bedwarmers knows about your business. No one will do anything about what he says.”
Tony’s laugh was harsher. He tapped Peter on the side of his leg and looked up at him. “What do you think of this idea? Funny, huh?”
Peter stared at Bucky. “Yeah. Funny,” he said, deadpan.
Tony stood and walked over to Natasha. “What do you think, Nat? That a good solution?”
“Not at all,” Natasha said, shooting a sidelong glance at Bucky. “It’s too much exposure. Even if Rogers bought the story Barnes thinks Peter’s going to tell, which Peter won’t, the story he does tell will be the end of you.” She nodded to Bucky. “And will do absolutely nothing to harm anyone else. Peter’s loyal… to you.” She nodded to Tony.
“I’m loyal,” Bucky argued. “But the kid’s not going to be missed. You’ll replace him within the week.”
“I thought you were more observant than that,” Tony said, moving in front of Barnes. “You’ve known me for a very long time. When have I ever brought one of my bedwarmers,” Tony spat the word in disgust, “into the business? When have I sent one of them out to do work? Expected one of them to be able to handle said work? And to not be disappointed by their results?”
Bucky’s breath quickened. “Never.” He shook his head slightly. “I got…”
“You fucking panicked,” Tony yelled. “You’ve been jumpy ever since Rogers joined the FBI. I’ve worked with you for years. I trust you more than anyone except Peter. What is it about this one? We’ve handled worse than an eager beaver transfer from NYPD. Why’s he got you jumpy?”
Bucky closed his eyes and let out a heavy breath. “He’s my ex.”
Tony stared straight at Bucky, scanning his face for any sign of a lie. “When?”
“Before this. Before us,” Barnes said hurriedly. “We grew up together. We had a thing. Teenagers, y’know? It was over long before I came into the life.”
“All right.” Tony turned around, pacing, keeping his back to Barnes. “I’m going to overlook the fact that you failed to tell me this important bit of information. But your childhood sweetheart is going to be taken care of.” Tony paused. “By you and Peter.”
Tony said back down in his chair and looked up at Peter. “If he hesitates at all, kill them both.”
Peter looked coldly at Bucky. Then he beamed at Tony. “Whatever you say, boss.”
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mellowoutpal · 6 years
❌Would they ever cheat on their partner? , 💋Are they more sensual or sexual? , 💕Are they open to threesomes or a polyamorous relationship?
My muse in a relationship ?s (always accepting)
❌- Would they ever cheat on their partner?
Absolutely not, unless completely necessary to maintain a cover, which would hardly ever happen and might not be the most consensual thing in the world on his part. He’s firmly against cheating and is very, very loyal to those he loves.
💋 - Are they more sensual or sexual?
Definitely more sensual! He’s very much into romance and, while sex is nice and fun, it’s not the end-all and be-all for him. He’d definitely prefer to be lovey-dovey with his partner more than anything else, which is usually how you can tell whether or not he’s really interested in someone, instead of just getting involved because of work.
💕Are they open to threesomes or a polyamorous relationship?
Polyamorous relationships absolutely, specifically quads and triads (where all three or four people are dating each other, are equal in the relationship, are actively involved, and it’s fully consensual). While it’s not his default, and he’d be a little hesitant about it at first because he’s uncomfortable enough with his own sexuality, much less adding this into the mix, once he got used to it he would definitely love it. I actually have a couple poly ships for him already, though I need to make up the tags! Threesomes are a little bit less of a definite yes: obviously when he’s involved in a poly ship they’re fine, but they’re not a kink of his at all, and he probably wouldn’t actively seek one out.
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katalina27ua · 5 years
Слава Силе))
Ура, кто-то уже это сделал)) Все упоминания Санни в других арках))
1. PROFITT: Several references here. First, during INDEPENDENT OPERATOR Vinnie shows Roger a newspaper article describing Vinnie as "one of Steelgrave's close associates." Then later when Susan first meets Vinnie she questions him saying, "Things didn't work out too well for Sonny Steelgrave. And for a guy who was supposed to be keeping him healthy, I think you had a spectacular failure." Vinnie answers, "Sonny lived for danger and in the end, the Feds had to take him. We were driving straight for a brick wall and Sonny never once took his foot off the gas." NOT FOR NOTHING is a huge reference to Sonny since it's Aldo Baglia taking revenge on Vinnie for betraying Sonny by not telling him about Patrice's planned hit. In THE SQUEEZE Michael Brod apologizes for not seeing past Vinnie's "Atlantic City reputation."
2. WHITE SUPREMACY: GOING HOME opens with an extended flashback sequence in which Sonny plays a prominent part and Vinnie talks about how he "turned friendship and loyalty into an obscene joke." Then Vinnie goes back to his mother's house and after a lot of pacing and hand wringing, he stops, says, "Get out of my head" and cranks his stereo up as though he's trying to block out memories. Considering none of the opening sequence shows Mel, Susan, or Roger, but all the references are about STEELGRAVE, it seems obvious to me just who Vinnie wants out of his head. And later in the same episode Daryl talks about Vinnie talking down a mob king pin. Again a reference to Sonny. Finally, while talking to Pete Vinnie says the neighbors all think he's Mafioso, something he wouldn't have been if Sonny hadn't had him made.
3. RAG TRADE: In 7TH AVENUE FREEZEOUT Johnny Coke Bottles asks Vinnie if he's that guy who was in Atlantic City "with that clown Steelgrave...the one that played a Christmas tree." IMO, Johnny was a clown himself, but nevertheless it's another mention for Sonny.
4. DEAD DOG: The references to Sonny in this arc are more indirect but they're still there because of the frequent mentions of Vinnie's high level *mob connections* which are a direct result of his time as Sonny's second in command. In DEAD DOG LIVES Vinnie tells Bobby Travis, "I have connections that reach far beyond this business." Of course we know that Vinnie means the OCB, but clearly he wants Bobby to think his connections are of the bent-nose variety. In IT COMES OUT HERE Johnny Medley says to Vinnie, "You're this big mobster right so I'm supposed to be afraid." Again this indicates the amount of notoriety Vinnie gained by being so closely associated with well known Mafia boss Sonny. The episode ends with Frank and Lifeguard telling Vinnie that US Attorney Walter Sawyer has provided Vinnie's cover file to Winston Newquay; a file which would state that Vinnie functioned as Sonny's underboss. In THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY Vinnie agains trades upon his mob reputation when he threatens to put out a contract on Winston. Not exactly an idle threat coming from someone the New Jersey papers described as Sonny's "triggerman and underworld enforcer." Congressional Aide Phillip Kenderson is arrested for obtaining Vinnie's classified files for Winston. Among other things, these files would have prominently mentioned one Sonny Steelgrave.
5. MAFIA: During A RIGHTFUL PLACE as Vinnie is riding around with Albert Cerrico he tells him how Paul Patrice tried to use him. "Patrice saw a guy stumble and he tried to grind him into the dirt by turning my friendship against this man. And Patrice now...he's buried in the pine barrens and nobody cares." Even without hearing his name, there's no question Vinnie is talking about Sonny. Later when Vinnie tries to force his way on to the Commission, Joey Grossett starts insulting Vinnie and calls him "a south Jersey junketeer." Last time I looked at a map, Atlantic City is in southern New Jersey. So again we have a reference to Sonny since AC was his fiefdom.
6: WASHINGTON DC: This is a really subtle one and easily missed. In DAY ONE as Vinnie is walking out to the balcony with Katherine he quickly remarks to Frank, "Breathe deep the gathering gloom." This is the first line to the epilogue of "Nights in White Satin" from NO ONE GETS OUT OF HERE ALIVE. Of course Vinnie is half joking when he says it, but it's interesting that the lyrics of that particular song are so vivid in his memory that he can quote them just like that.
7: LYNCHBORO: This one is clear since during Stem's suicide in HIS MASTER'S VOICE we see Vinnie flashing back to Sonny's similar death. And during Vinnie's confession to Father Pat in SANCTUARY Vinnie admits to haunted by the faces of every single man he's killed, "They all sit on my soul. They're like little soldiers and they have these mirrored faces and they're muttering existential crap at me. They say I am you and you are me." This is a clear reference to the theatre sequence at the end of NO ONE GETS OUT OF HERE ALIVE since Vinnie obviously felt responsible in large part for Sonny's death. The intense degree with which Vinnie identified with Sonny is also indicated by Vinnie using the term "mirrored faces". Sonny was also the only one of his opponents that he engaged in a lengthy philosophical debate.
Еще хочу добавить, что в той же серии из ответа Винни на вопрос священника: "Ты служитель закона?" очевидно, насколько Винни уже далек от того момента в "NO ONE GETS OUT OF HERE ALIVE", когда он говорил Санни "It's about law, man!" (и это очевидная отсылка к тому диалогу)
Плюс есть еще куча упоминаний Санни в сериях, не являющихся частями арок:
LAST RITES FOR LUCCI: вся серия пестрит упоминаниями о Санни, хотя его имя ни разу не называют. STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN: Фрэнк боится, что деньги, которые ему дал Винни, - это деньги Санни, о чем прямо спрашивает Винни. WHITE NOISE: тут даже говорить ничего не надо)) HOW WILL THEY REMEMBER ME?: напрямую Санни не упоминается, но в этой серии Винни внезапно узнает, что Санни в NO ONE GETS OUT OF HERE ALIVE был прав в своих подозрениях по поводу отца Винни) THE REUNION: все думают, что Винни гангстер, потому что работал на Санни. TO DIE IN BETTENDORF: во-первых, серия про Сидни) Во-вторых, МакПайк упоминает Санни.
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hqinfinity · 6 years
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in the beginning, thirteen constellations watched over the world from the skies: aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, ophiucius, sagittarius capricorn, aquarius and pisces. humans looked to these stars --- the zodiac --- for guidance. humans believed in the stars, relied on them, sought them. however, over time, humankind has turned away from nature and towards themselves more and more. overtime, the constellations have dimmed.
as more clouds covered the sun and the stars, the constellations began to grow weaker. confident and comfortable, they thought nothing of their powers fading. it was only after the sudden disappearance of ophiucius, who had so little believers and had grown so weak, that aries stepped up and banded the remaining zodiac together.
to rally the remaining constellations to regain their power and control, aries proposed a competition: at the beginning of every century, the zodiac are to assume human forms, turn from stardust into skin, descend to earth, and reclaim the faith of the people through any way they can. whomever claims the most number of believers will have the most humans born under his sign, and therefore be the most powerful until the next competition. because of this granted rise in power, the winner is also exempt from the next competition, and will, instead, take charge and facilitate (this includes making sure everyone is participating and overseeing the book of records, which automatically tallies the competitors’ scores.)
this effort has proven successful as it has been seen across time --- taking on the face of famous astrologers, alchemists, cosmologists, and fortune tellers.  today, it’s on magazines, newspapers and snapchat stories: daily horoscopes, What Do The Stars Say About Your Future?
2019 marks the start of another competition. the zodiacs have descended --- this century’s competition taking place in seoul, south korea. assuming the form of local residents residing in one apartment building, the zodiacs have set out to compete.
they’re the friendly fortune teller on the sidewalk, the face reader in the mall, the astrologist on your tv screen, that one friend who won’t shut up about zodiac signs, the girlfriend asking you what time you were born. they’re everywhere, hidden in plain sight, walking among everyday humans --- trying to reclaim as many believers as they can.
this au’s focus is to play up the traits of the signs! (it’s advisable that you google what a birth chart is before reading on.)
the zodiac as humans are all heavily influenced by their sign. think of it this way: the average human has different signs in his birth chart, but gemini as a human will have solely gemini for all placements of his chart.
as humans, the zodiac’s powers are muted. however, they all possess the ability to influence the luck of those under their sign. (for example, virgo can subtly influence the luck of a human with a virgo sign; the more virgo is in the human’s birth chart, the more easily virgo can influence his luck.)
in addition, each zodiac has another power which comes from their sign and is unique to them. this power, too, is muted, and is not wildly supernatural enough that it is noticeable (nothing wild like fire manipulation, teleportation or flight; these abilities are mostly psychic) --- however, it is significantly enhanced compared to an average human’s ability. (for example, taurus might be very charming, the gemini twins might have a slight telepathy, cancer might have the uncanny ability to make someone feel safe, virgo might be incredibly eloquent, pisces might be able to heal slightly quicker than the average human, etc.)
the zodiacs’ mission is to get as many people to believe in their existence and influence again as possible. they tend to get very creative --- it’s up to the player to decide what their character’s age, background, etc. is.
with that said, refer to the list below for character traits that your chosen zodiac must possess:
aquarius — friendly, creative, aloof, unpredictable
pisces — imaginative, compassionate, escapist, pessimistic
aries — passionate, courageous, impulsive, confrontational
taurus — patient, independent, stubborn, lazy
gemini — soft-spoken, intelligent, inconsistent, anxious (the gemini twins work towards one score, however, their score is cut in half to keep things fair)
cancer — faithful, protective, clingy, moody
leo — energetic, loyal, possessive, arrogant
virgo — reliable, perfectionist, judgmental, overcritical
libra — charming, just, indecisive, superficial
scorpio — intuitive, ambitious, jealous, resentful
sagittarius — straightforward, generous, tactless, impatient
capricorn — practical, disciplined, pessimistic, stubborn
the zodiacs live together in a nondescript, four-story apartment building in hongdae. 
first floor: lobby, the facilitator’s office, the facilitator’s apartment (a fully spacious one-bedroom apartment with one big bathroom, a walk-in closet and a kitchenette), and the shared kitchen. there is a small garden and a pool in the back.
second floor: 3 single rooms (each with one bathroom and no kitchen.)
third floor: 2 shared rooms (a shared room accommodates two people; has one bathroom and a kitchenette.)
fourth floor: penthouse accommodating five people (three single rooms and one shared room, two bathrooms and a fully functioning kitchen.)
room assignments are based on placements in the last competition --- the winner gets the facilitator’s apartment, those who come last have to deal with tight single-bedrooms, while the top five get to share the penthouse. however, there are no rules against trading rooms among competitors. (ooc, rooms and placements from the last competition will be assigned randomly.)
in-game, it is already march; the zodiacs have been in seoul for two months (january and february) and will stay for another ten months. ooc, this au will be open from jan. 19 - feb. 21. unless extensions are announced, you are free to continue threads but are no longer allowed to start new ones after feb. 21.
tag any posts relating to this universe: “#zodiacs!au”.
reply to this post with your chosen zodiac once you have been contacted by the main. (if you will be using a non-default fc, include the name and occupation of your faceclaim; for example: mark lee, nct: leo). note! gemini are twins; two slots are open for gemini, and the players can choose to have the same faceclaim for gemini.
the focus of the au is the relationship between the characters, not the competition itself. there will be a winning zodiac declared at the end of the au, but it will only be randomly generated. whether your zodiac is in it to win, just coasting by, or barely participating is up to you! just remember that the zodiac who comes last is always the weakest in terms of power.
wait to be assigned your character’s room number before posting an official character blurb (OCB).
you are free to format your ocb any way you want and to include any information you want, but your ocb must contain the following information:
character name (must be different from faceclaim’s name)
biography/background (this can include their feelings about the state o the zodiac, about being a zodiac, and even the background they’ve invented for their current human form)
performance in the previous competition (1919 in Russia) (their placement in the last competition will be determined randomly; this part can include their feelings about their placement in the last competition, etc.)
state whether or not your character is eligible to win (some zodiacs are more/less competitive than others, after all)
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