#Late Night Drives
souplover-69 · 20 days
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driving at night my beloved
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catcoffeen · 2 months
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Eepy in the car🌃💤
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casparscunttt16 · 6 months
Somethin' Stupid | Matt Sturniolo| Sturniolo Triplets.
Summary: In which you and Matt have been dating for 5 months and he says "I love you" for the first time in your relationship, on a late night drive.
Warnings: None, just fluff.
Enjoy loves!
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gif not mine.
The night started out as something uneventful and boring as I sat at my desk typing up my essay which should've been done exactly 3 days ago as it's due tonight at 11:59. The night was quiet, peaceful, and somewhat relaxing. While I typed away, my phone buzzed a few times before I decided to check it. All text messages from Matt.
Matt and I have been dating for about 5 months. These 5 months with him have probably been the best of my life. He never failed to make me laugh and smile, cheer me up. He truly was the sweetest boy alive and best of all he treats me so well. Before I could respond to his text message I was receiving a FaceTime call from him. I smiled and propped my phone up on a random water bottle on my desk. "Hey sweetheart, what are you up to?" He asked with his entire face up in the camera making me giggle. "Finishing up my essay. What's up? Did you need something?" I asked, as I continued typing away. "Are you almost done?" He asked as I heard his car door close.
"Not exactly." I was completely engrossed in finishing my essay before the deadline. "I was thinking we could go on a late night drive and maybe stargaze at a park?" He spoke a bit shyly as he proposed his plan. I looked at him with a big smile plastered to my face. "I would love to." such simple words of agreement made his face light up. "I'll be there in about 15 minutes baby." he replies eagerly.
"Okay see you then, bye Matt." I smiled and hung up. I got up from my desk to change out of my pjs and into something a bit more presentable but nothing special. I put on a hoodie I took from Matt and grey sweatpants with my Birkenstocks. I did some light makeup which was just mascara and concealer with lipgloss.
In 20 minutes I got a text from Matt saying he was outside, just as I was about to walk out there was a knock at my apartment door. I opened the door to Matt obviously. "You look so cute." he smiles looking down at me then placing a gentle kiss on my lips. "Thank you Matty." I interlinked our fingers together, he leads me out the door and down into the parking lot. He walks over to the passenger side, opening the door for me and buckling me in. I smiled at the gesture and adjusted the seat to my liking.
He played some soft background music as he drove us to a park with a big field. He went to his trunk and grabbed blankets and pillows. "Babe do you need help?" I asked and he shook his head no.
He set everything up and patted a spot on the blanket next to him. We laid next to each other staring up at the stars. The music from the car still lightly playing in the background. He glances over at me. "What?" I questioned with a smile. "The moon is beautiful isn't it?" he replies, leaning into me, staring at my lips. "Quit being so cheesy." I rolled my eyes playfully. He pulls me closer, sort of leaning over, on top of me. His presses his lips against mine gently. He wrapped his arms around me lovingly while our lips moved in sync. After a few moments he pulled away and stared somewhat longingly into my eyes. "I love you" he speaks just slightly above a whisper, his tone is soft yet direct as he stares into my eyes. "I love you" I replied softly.
A/n: Leave requests 🤗
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avagloom · 5 months
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saydesole · 3 months
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Drive-In Movie
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vilakei · 1 month
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ㅤㅤ . ◌ “ I don't care where, just far—” …
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ㅤㅤㅤ ▶ Around The Fur . . .
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ㅤㅤㅤ ‟(Away)” ıl
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madvillain-eve · 4 months
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“My thoughts, dreams, plots and my schemes. That’s what’s on my mind when I toss in my sleep…”
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free-my-mindd · 8 months
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Late night drives
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shadowseductress · 21 days
I love driving alone because if the song slaps imma play it 23 times in a row
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mylifeinpixels · 3 months
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I still like to tell myself that it’s you, you’re painting the sky special for me. You can’t tell me you love me, and you can’t wrap your arms around me anymore, but you can paint the sky pinks and oranges so warm and lovely that I know it must be you who created it
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inmyperfectworld · 6 months
Let's take a late night drive and vibe out to some old school R&B. 🖤
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8paqxe · 5 months
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coldfeetrunnynose · 16 days
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mellblogss · 2 months
late night summer drives >>>>
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saydesole · 5 months
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Late night drive with your favorite playlist playing 🖤
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stvrn-zz · 2 months
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warning(s): p in v, oral, cumming, pet names (sweetheart, good girl, baby), sex, cussing
authors note(s): so- this is like my first time so i’m sorry if it’s bad at all! and sorry if it’s short!
chris - orange
matt - blue
“you” - pink
[Late Night Drive] /Matt Sturniolo + Chris Sturniolo\
you were out on a late night night drive, with matt and chris. you then pull into a empty parking lot, you pulled over to just sit in silent and listen to the night noises outside the car.
“why did we pull over?” chris raises his eyebrow and crosses his arm, meanwhile matt seems confused but doesn’t bother to ask about it. “i felt like taking a moment to just sit in silence and listen to the noises of the night!” you say as you turn around and give both a soft smile.
chris groans in annoyance because he doesn’t want to sit and listen to stupid stuff. “chris, don’t be a grump about it.” matt turns toward him and nudge’s him with his elbow. instead of chris trying to come at matt he groans again and rolls his eyes. “can we please do something?” he pleases, hoping to get what he wants.. which was?
“like what chris?” you speak softly to him but have a hint of annoyance in your voice. “hmm..” chris then smirks and look up at you, “how about some fun?” matt then looks at him and chuckles, “really dude?”
chris chuckles as well, “hell yeah! why not?” he smirks at you, hoping you’ll agree.
you sigh, “threesome wise or?” you stare at both of them
“threesome” they both then smirk at you
“alright….” you then climb into the back seat with, you then sit and wait for one of them to make the first move.
soon enough, matt starts to unbuckle his jeans, “pants should be coming off now sweetheart.” he smirks and looks at you and you immediately start to take your sweatpants off, chris though, he plays with your hair with one hand and slides he other hand to your chest, softly fondling your breasts, as chris does so, you let out a small, soft moan.
meanwhile you finish up taking your sweatpants off, as well as your panties.. matt then removes his boxer, let his cock spring free, as you see matt’s dick you start to get wet, fast. you as well start to think that it won’t fit but you are for sure, not a quitter.
matt them wraps your legs, slightly, around his waist, giving him better access to your pussy. he starts off by teasing you, running his tip through your folds. you let out a soft moan as well as having a shiver crawl along your spine. without warning, you feel something slide into your mouth and it takes you a few to register that it was chris’ cock.
soon enough, matt gives a small warning before pushing inside you. your eyes then roll back, due to the pleasure of being fucked in the mouth and pussy. you start to let out muffled moans as you start to bob your head and take chris fully. meanwhile matt sees a bulge in your stomach, soon realizing it’s his dick. he then softly pressed down on your stomach, causing you to choke and moan on chris’ cock.
after a minute or two, matt starts to feel your walls clench around his dick, as well as chris coming close to his release. matt them reach’s his hand forwards and starts to play with your clit, pinching it and twisting it, and as soon as he did that, you were a goner. “you like that baby? you like when i play with your little clit?” you then completely coded matt’s dick in your cum, and soon enough after, matt and chris came at the same time, without warning..
you feel your pussy being completely filled and coded with matt’s hot, sticky release, same with your mouth. except chris makes sure you swallow it all before pulling out of your mouth.
you then let out loud moans that you’ve been holding in. “you enjoy that darling? you’re such a good girl, taking my cock all the way down your throat.” chris smirks and whispers in your ear. you then manage to mumble something out, “y-yes..” matt then pulls out of you, a bit more cum squirting onto your pussy. “you did fucking amazing..” he then slaps your pussy, hard but not to hard.
you all then carefully clean up what you can. “fuck.. that wore me out.” you sigh and look out the front windshield. matt then chuckles “i mean, sure it did but that’s just proof you can take some dick like a pro,” he then looks at chris “matt isn’t wrong.” he shrugs his shoulders with a sly grin on his face.
matt takes a deep breath and sigh, “do you think you can drive back?”
you look at him “maybe but i don’t wanna risk it..” i then lay back.
“aright, i’ll drive us home.” he then climbs over the console and into the drivers seat, getting buckled. “you two, buckle.” you and chris then do what you were asked, getting buckled.
“thanks matt, for driving.” you look at him with a soft smile “yeah, thanks man” chris says after you. matt turns around quickly and gives a smile back, saying he’s welcome.
matt then pulls out of the parking spot and starts to drive down the road and soon enough you lay against the car window and slowly doze off.
my first time so if anyone has tips you can tell me! but love u all!!
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