#Multiple Packs
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wafflecheesebread · 1 year ago
The Sims 4 Comfort Motive
In The Sims 1 and 2, Sims had a little thing called "Comfort". When they spent too long on their feet or doing strenuous activity, they would eventually decide they have had enough and refuse to do productive tasks that required standing. This made it much harder to grind craftables, grind skills, grind money making, grind collecting...essentially, it forced your sims to take breaks.
Sims 4 decided not to have this, and I'm here to solve that with a FULLY FEATURED BRAND NEW MOTIVE!
The Comfort Motive is a mod weeks in the making. And it is thick. I tried really hard to make this a fully featured "real" motive.
Sims will get progressively worse moodlets letting you know they need to take a break- something they can do in a wide variety of ways including Sitting, Sleeping, Napping, Relaxing, Sunbathing, Riding the Ferris Wheel, Meditating, Bathing- and offering severe consequences if they don't, by locking Sims out of performing THOUSANDS of interactions across EVERY pack- something that I had to curate by hand to ensure it makes sense! Everything a real motive has is here- Reward traits, visual indicators of distress, complaining sims, benefits for maxing it out, consequences for letting it drop, and even a failure state- Sims will automatically stop what they're doing when their comfort is low enough, and then, when it fails completely, will try to find a place to sit nearby! You can read a (somehow even longer) description with all the details on the mod page, including a (slightly outdated as I've made so many updates) video detailing the features.
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 9 months ago
Gabriel: Now I’m not an atheist but… pussy doesn’t exist.
I’ve never seen it. Therefore, it doesn’t exist.
Don’t act like you can prove it does.
V1: Shows you a cat named "pussy cat".
Gabriel or maybe the cat: *Meows*
Gabriel: Holy shit.
No way.
Well I stand corrected.
You know... You could correct me more if you showed me a cock. Please?
Audio Source
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pngblog · 1 month ago
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shadow0-1 · 1 year ago
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Missed me?
Commission by SiMoon
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systastic · 8 months ago
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𝒶𝒷𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒷𝓁𝑜𝑔
hiiii! my name is ana && i run this blog! :3 pleasure to meet you all, meow ~
this blog is for my clawlection of genders, alterpacks, and anything else i find cool both for myself && the rest of my system!
some other sys members may use this blog !! if asked, they will make their own introductions nya ~
different emojis in the tags means that the post is either meant for/created by other alters ~ that includes 🍥 (me!), 💉, 🪼, and 🪻 !!
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#gender hoard is for genders !
#alter hoard or #headmate hoard is for alter packs !
#kitty creations is for packs we’ve made !
#kitty speaks is for anything non-pack or gender related!
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pls interact: systems, mogai & coining blogs, alter pack / headmate creation blogs, cool people!
interact w care: transx/transid, respectful radqueers (please don’t bring discourse onto this blog meow!)
dni: homophobes, racists, pro-contact harmful, gross, && non-con paras, pro-contact MAP/AAM, disrespectful sysmedicalists, violent radqueer, those who use the term “traumascum”, && those who believe systems do not exist / are not real
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𝓇𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝓇𝓊𝓁𝑒𝓈
we do alter packs for other beings too !! feel free to send in an ask ~
will do fictives & factives (as best we can depending on source), sisasystems of up to three alters, sentisystems, headspaces, dissomei, gender coining posts, nonhumans, && just plain ol’ headmates!
do not ask for transIDs/cisIDs in our packs; our system has a rule against using those terms. your request will be ignored if you do!
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𝓇𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝓂
level one: name, age, pronouns, roles, species, gender identity, orientation, source
level two: all of the above + aesthetic, appearance description, personality description, one avatar/pfp (specify if picrew or not!)
level three: all of the above + likes, dislikes, front triggers, sign off
level four: all of the above + small moodboard, thematic songs, kins, any bonus info requested, && typing quirk (if applicable!)
if you do not want something on this list: let us know in your request and we’ll remove it!
for headspace packs: please give a general vibe of the headspace you want and a number of locations you’d like to have within that space!
queue can be found here!
anon list can be found here!
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note: some of these are pro-rq & some are anti-rq, so please check interaction boundaries before giving them a look!!
@eclipian, @roses-bah-garden, @bah-attic, @sewers-headmates, && too many more to name !!
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space-fool · 5 months ago
Stoker keeps having to come up with reasons Mina can’t participate in planning because she would immediately solve problems it will take the rest of the Drac Pack two days to stew over
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rgbfactsdaily · 5 months ago
Proton packs can be set to explode, with multiple ways to do it.
First is a button on the back of the pack. This one produced a very big fiery explosion, but it was hooked up to the Ghost Bomb so that probably amplified the explosion past what it normally would be.
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Secondly is a button on the thrower handle. The thrower button has a safety covering it that you flip up (the yellow switch that they usually use to activate their throwers), and an extra button to arm it (the red button) before you can start the self destruct (the black and yellow button). The other two methods don’t seem to have any sort of safety. We don't see this method blow up, but as the destruct sequence is initiating, it produces sparks from the throwers.
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Or thirdly a switch on the side of the pack. They don't really show this one well, the vampire that sets this one off is touching the trap when they say he flips the switch, maybe something with the red part next to the trap? This produced a decent sized explosion for being just one pack, and not amplified like the packs that self destructed with the bomb attached were.
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The two buttons each take around two minutes before the pack explodes, with the switch it’s about ten seconds. (The Boogeyman Cometh, Ragnarok and Roll, and No One Comes to Lupusville)
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chronicallyleggless · 17 days ago
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‘This ___ is from the moon’ userboxes! (Pack)
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wafflecheesebread · 1 year ago
No Food Descriptions
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meangreennunseen · 1 month ago
I know we love to talk about our OC kids of Primarchs, but I think we all need to talk about Primarch partners more too.
Yeah that kid you have made? Amazing, now tell me about the other half who made them or raised them if it exists.
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modifiedyincision · 2 months ago
im having a lot of fun playing wolfquest in an evil way. 45 wolf kills under my belt. Multiple packs ended thanks to me. This green bitch has a quarter of the map, and picks off lone hexes of my territory while I deal with the other side of the map. Well, joke's on them! I'm moving north to eat the territory they aren't occupied with. Their time is coming.
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free-willowmates · 30 days ago
mollusk / octopus or eye based alts to system? tysm!
this is such a cool prompt thenk u!!!
mollusk and octopus alternatives to "system:"
ex, instead of "in my system" you'd say "in my ocean"
eye alternatives to "system:"
gander (this one does double-duty because i am pretty sure that "gander" also means a group of geese so idk if you like geese that's cool)
choroid (this is the layer of blood vessels between your retina and sclera!)
ex, instead of "in my system" you'd say "in my ring"
tagginggggggggggg @plurality-faq , @plural-words , @plural-terms
@ref-lang should i tag u in posts like this? if not do you know a better blog lol
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reallyunluckyrunaway · 11 months ago
Remember that "if straights had to come out" scene in Love, Simon?
Misha must've seen it, because he really said: "Bet".
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pinkyjulien · 11 months ago
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━━━ La Poubelle du RVT0N 🦝 ━━━
🥖 The Frenchiest Fry 🥖
Bonjour 😌 Aujourd'hui, je vous présente un LOT de mods 🥖
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Un ensemble AXL comprenant Quatre (4) vêtements;
Une marinière bien confortable
Un pantalon taille haute
Un petit foulard
Une paire de chaussures (et sa paire de chaussettes assorties!)
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Vous prendriez bien quelques petits accessoires avec ceci?
Une baguette bien croustillante
Un croissant tout aussi délicieux
Un béret pour compléter le look
Une fausse moustache pour passer inaperçu
Et bien sur, la Dame de Fer elle même!
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Nos adorable petites baguettes, Aurore et Aymeric, se sont aussi prêtés au jeu! Un grand merci à Halkuonn pour avoir réussi à les convaincre 💖
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Si ce n'est pas déjà le cas, mettez à jour votre module vocale avec ce pack de traduction Française! Disponible pour tout type d'équipement~ 📡
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💖 Un GRAND merci à Halkuonn, LarRackell, Lucky38 et Lokiina pour le soutien, pour les photos et pour avoir testé les mods!
🥖 Je vous souhaite à tous de passer une merveilleuse journée, et surtout, restez prudent aujourd'hui! 😌🤞
━━━ Sur Nexus ━━━
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sophieinwonderland · 5 months ago
do you do like alter headmate packages/give ideas for headmates? if you do are you open for them currently? if not do you know any other blogs that do that are active!
I don't. Sorry. And really, of the headmate packs I've seen, I doubt most would even be that helpful. It looks like the majority are focused less on giving traits that would realistically help form the basis for a headmate's personality, and more on just slapping a bunch of random TransIDs and pronouns onto it. I also find that a lot of the traits I tend to see on these blogs might be actually harmful to the system in some way, because the people who are making the packs are more focused on creating something for the creation's sake rather than trying to make sure it's safe for people to use.
Instead, I think it would really just be better to make your own. I would advise using this as a basis.
But I'd also advise skipping over the "flaws" because while great for a fictional character, aren't so great for a foundation for a tulpa. A headmate will naturally develop flaws over time. And some of their positive traits could be taken to an extreme and become flawed from outset. I just don't see a reason to give them flaws from the outset specifically to be flaws. It should be understood that any headmate you make will be flawed without intentionally designing them to be flawed.
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chronicallyleggless · 1 month ago
Organizer (system role) mixed bag! (Pack)
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