ranageee · 8 months
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unknown-urll · 1 year
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I redid some drawings of Mr.Black that I saw on Doug's old Facebook live, they are very old drawings so I wanted to redo them.
There's a bunch of Gear and Catscratch comics and drawings in there, but it's in really bad quality 💀
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ilaliya · 9 months
fuck it. i'm making a white russian
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allmyandroids · 5 months
argh i need more mr black content...what is life without mr carbon black...
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veeaziel · 1 year
watching todays mando like:
JACK BLACK!??!??!?!!?!?!
and like grogu with lizzo is something i never knew i needed
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icescoupsss · 2 years
Listen i didnt really Karina the first season but this season 🥲 i love her 😩🧍🏽
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I'm on episode 17 right now but I legit thought Ryan was going to confess his love for Karina. And the whole Thomas and Subaru episode 😭😩
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littleliterarylesbian · 6 months
Dear, James -4
| part 1 part 2 part 3
Harry has seen his Papa in many states before, whether he remembers them or not is different, but he knows he was there.
He has never seen Papa as angry as he is now, clutching at the front door, rage rolling off him in the form of magic, causing the ceramic key and trinket holder near the door to crack and the wood under his feet to splinter. He can see how Papa is clutching at the door so hard his fingers turn white as he peaks into the front hallway.
Papa told him to stay in the kitchen, to continue eating, but he didn't listen, shoveling in the last of his cereal so it didn't get soggy in the milk before he carefully walked to the front door. Harry can't see who's past the door, Papa has the door mostly closed and his body in the opening. He wants to know so badly, he itches for it, but Papa always said that curiosity isn't a good thing. But Papa is also very angry right now, and maybe Harry can get a kick in before he's sent to his room...
"I heard of what happened... Mr.Black" The voice of the stranger paused between the words oddly, and Harry watched as the wood on the door started to peel from where his Papa was gripping it.
"Sadly I still insist, you have the wrong house. Please get off my property." Harry can see how Papa's jaw clenches, and well, Papa is wrong, he is a Mr.Black, and he did also get fired from his job recently. It was upsetting, but as Papa said, they still had enough money so that Harry could have seven children and those seven could have seven children each and they'd still be comfortable for life and then some.
He doesn't want to have seven kids though, but that's not important.
"I don't believe I am ever wrong," The voice said, and Harry wrinkled his nose. Apparently Papa has the same reaction because when he opened his mouth to speak, the stranger spoke again.
Harry is glad they have magic, as the ceramic piece by the door finally shattered, keys and rings and one of his mini plastic dinosaur from several years ago that he keeps forgetting about scattering along the surface of the hall table.
"You're son is very like you, despite appearances." Shit. Caught. He tried to shuffle back to where he wouldn't be seen, but Papa turned his head too quickly, a glare being pinned on him, and Harry couldn't help to shuffle in place before rushing up to his parent's side, holding the back of Papa's shirt. He's been caught already, why not ride it out?
"Get off of my property." Harry nods enthusiastically, frowning at the old man in front of him because his Papa is right and the man needs to go.
Though the stanger's beard is very long, it's funny, the grey compared to the colorful... something or other that the man is wearing. He still isn't welcome hear though.
"I have a job opening for you, Mr.Black." The man says and Papa rolls his eyes, groaning, giving up all pretenses of pretending. Harry would have kept with it though, if he was Papa, just until the man gave up.
"Oh? What a coincidence. I just get fired from my job as an astronomy professor and suddenly you're here, telling me you can solve my problems." Harry has to fight down a smile at his Papa's tone. So sassy.
The stranger raises an eyebrow, and Harry can feel the anger flare again, so he tries his best, leaning against Papa and he thinks it works. He can't feel it much anymore, but Papa is still so angry.
"I wouldn't know what you are implying Mr. Black."
"Really." Papa doesn't ask a question, keeping his glare and, personally, is Harry was in the strangers position he would have already been sent up to his room.
"I believe it would be best to talk about inside however." The stranger smiles and Harry can't point it out, he's never been too good at that, but it doesn't feel like a nice smile. Harry doesn't know how that's possible.
"How about you go and suck the dick of the lover you left rotting in prison again." Harry should tell Papa to put a coin in the swear jar, but he holds it in. It can be excused just this once he thinks. Papa deserves a swear once in the while.
The stranger doesn't say anything, just staring and staring until finally Papa bites out a "Fine." and lets the man in.
Harry would have just shut the door on the man, but oh well.
The stranger walks in like he knows where to go already, and after a few seconds Harry is surprised that the man does, walking right past them and going to the sitting room. Papa sighs and turns to Harry.
"I thought I told you to stay in the kitchen."
Harry shrugs, "You were taking too long."
Papa sighs and rolls his eyes, but still kisses the top of Harry's head as he passes while Harry hangs back, looking at what Papa will have to fix later, because despite Harry having a wand already and knowing how to use it, Papa says it's just for emergencies, and a few peeled pieces of wood, a cracked photo frame, and a broken ceramic is probably not an emergency. He bites his lip, but still turns to follow the older two into the sitting room.
When he gets there, Papa is on one side while the stranger is on the other. There's almost like an invisible line across the room and Harry doesn't hesitate before standing next to Papa.
"Did you get the letters?"
"Harry isn't going to Hogwarts."
The man raises an eyebrow as Harry looks up to his parent with a puzzled expression. He knew he wasn't going to Hogwarts, that's not what he's confused about, he already has most of his stuff for Beauxbatons anyways. What he doesn't understand is why the man is bringing it up.
"We need an astronomy professor, and with your recent gap of employment, I thought we could come to a conclusion Mr.Black."
"I'm perfectly fine where I am."
It's silent for a second before the stranger sighs, shaking his head, "I heard that another Mr.Black and a certain Mr.Potter are quite distraught as of late."
Harry watches as Papa stands up straighter, and he can't help the uncomfortable bubbly feeling in his stomach because Papa clearly doesn't like this man, and suddenly he's bringing up people who Harry knows he's related too. They've always been sensitive subjects when it come to his parent.
He looks down and tugs an arm away from being crossed against his chest and holds that hand. He thinks some moral support could help, but Papa still crumbles the same, letting his other arm drop and pushing his shoulders back as he stares at the man.
"What about them?"
Harry knows that his papa still cares about his brother and his ex, but Harry doesn't. He's never even met them for Merlin's sake, they never even bothered to visit or see either of them despite how lonely Papa has been.
Yes, they still have Aunt Pandora and her wife Aunt Lily, along with their daughter who is Harry's best friend, but Harry knows that Papa still misses them, from how he gets caught staring at the letter writing supplies late at night, how even after all this time Papa will stare at a photo album that Harry once managed to sneak a peak into only to see the so called family that left the both of them to fend for themselves. And Aunt Pandora. She was also in the photobook.
The stranger purses his lips, and Harry squeezes on his Papa's hand. "It seems they recently got a letter that was quite disturbing. Left them both in shambles, my dear boy."
Papa wrinkles his nose, but apparently let's whatever comment he had saved up go.
"A letter from the name Regulus Black."
"That's not new." Papa sounds bored, but Harry can tell by the sudden slight squeeze on Harry's hand.
"Ah, my boy, but it is. See, apparently they miss you. I've seen them for years, and despite everything now is the time they seem quite torn up."
Papa lets out a breath of air and Harry watches as his free hand clenches. He's almost tempted to reach over and hold that one too, but then he wouldn't be able to frown at the stranger. Somethings are a higher priority then helping his papa. Like discomforting this random old guy. He doesn't seem to be fazed, but Harry swears it's working.
"If they regretted it, a letter would have sufficed instead of you coming here."
"They believe it's been too late for far too long. I thought I'd go out of my way."
"I'm still not taking your shitty job, I'm fine right here. I can find another if needed."
The stranger walks closer, "Can you truly, Mr.Black?" The way he says it means something that Harry either doesn't know or hasn't caught onto yet, but one look at his parent and it seems like he's the only one, face paler then normal, eyes slightly wide as he stares as the other man. A noise of confusion escapes him and Papa's head shoots down, looking at him for a second before turning back.
"I can, I know I can."
The stranger smiles a little, like something Papa said was funny, and now the weird feeling in Harry's gut traveled up to his chest. What does the man mean? Why is he hurting Papa in their own home? Sure it might not be physically, but that's not the only way someone can hurt. He knows that, so why doesn't the stranger? Is it because that is what he is? Nothing but a stranger?
Papa's jaw clenches and his eye twitches in a way Harry doesn't think he's seen before, "What did you do?" The stranger doesn't answer though, smiling the same weird smile as he has in the past before speaking himself, already moving out of the room.
"I'm sure you'll make the right choice my boy."
Papa is still standing there as the front door shuts and Harry finally asks the question that has been on his mind since he saw the man.
"Who was that?"
| part 1 part 2 part 3
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Pumpkin's Father And Your Lover
Pairing :- Sirius Black x reader
Word count:- 2.7k
Summary:- Sirius and you find a kitten, apparently she is a matchmaker
Warnings:- swearing, some sexual tension, i think that's all?? Tell me if you find more
A/N:- Hello everyone! Yes, I have started writing again after one and half years and you can guess i am really rusty so be kind please. Also, I am opening my requests, if you want to, drop in some, characters can be either marauders, except peter, billy Russo, tasm!Peter Parker or aleksander morozova. Thank you! Likes, comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated!
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The Great Hall echoed the chatters of students from all the houses. Some hushed whispers and some loud laughs, some bright smiling faces and some silent tear stained faces.
Your body shook with giggles induced by a certain sarcastic prefect from Gryffindor, you were met with a nudge on the knee from the victim of the remark who was pretending to give you a glare.
You just grinned at him and got one in the reply.
You still didn't believe how the cliché meeting with the raven haired boy had turned into this, this beautiful friendship.
When in your fifth year you met this gorgeous owner of the gorgeous eyes, you never would have guessed where it'd take you.
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"Mr.Black that's enough!"
"But it wasn't me, professor! I swear it wasn't me this time!"
You had to bite your lip to stop yourself from bursting into a fit of giggles. Your benchmate, or to be precise, Remus Lupin, the embodiment of a disciplined, sweet, honest guy had been flying paper planes from the last ten minutes of the transfiguration class, making them land beside the professor's desk.
Oh and if that wasn't enough, they were charmed as when they landed, the paper shredded into fragments while in the voice of the victim, Sirius Black, a very bad redemption of ' D'yer Mak'er ' would sound out in the class.
Somehow, one day Remus Lupin sat next to you, a trade of your giggles and his witty remarks was made and now both of you were benchmates.
"Well then who was it?" Mcgonagall asked.
"I don't know, professor! Obviously someone who hates you! And you know that can't be me, I love you with my whole heart!" You snorted behind your hand at his imitation of puppy dog eyes. He was definitely good at it.
"One more time Mr.Black, and you would be serving a week's detention."
"But professor —"
"Everyone back to work!" And with that, the students went back to work while you were still giggling with the sandy haired boy next to you.
"I can't believe you are so cruel to him, he is your friend!" You asked in fake shock and a grin on your face.
"Well that's what he gets for stealing my chocolates." The boy snorted.
"I knew it!"You both were startled by the sudden voice from behind you.
Sirius was standing behind you both glaring at you two.
"Mr.Black, why are you shouting in the class?" Professor asked furiously.
"Professor, it was Remus who was doing it all! I just heard him saying that!"
Remus and you both turned back towards the professor, with guilty looks on your face and accepting the accusations.
Mcgonagall looked disappointed but just shook her head.
"Mr.Lupin, I would expect better from you, but that would be wrong since you are part of this baboon group."
"Professor!" Four different voices shouted at the same time.
"Professor, we are 'The Marauders'." Peter said, puffing out his chest, followed by the other three.
Mcgonagall just shook her head and said,
"Alright, Mr.Lupin, shift back to your place with Ms.Evans and Mr.Black you take Mr.Lupin's previous place."
"But—but why?" Sirius shouted, his eyes wide.
"Well because I said so." Mcgonagall set him with a look that said no more arguments.
He sighed then said,
"But no detention for these two." You stared at him wide eyed.
"Considering their previous records, no."
You smirked looked back at him with a look that said,
'suck it'
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That was your first interaction with him and many more after that which lead you two here right now, near the lake sitting under a tree. Well you were sitting and he was lying next to you.
"Do you think the merpeople in the lake would be offended if we gave them fish food? Or if we give them our food."
"What I think is that Sirius, why are you thinking that, of all the things you can think of you thought to think about that thing."
"You hurt my brain."
"Surprised you have one."
He glared at you while you just grinned at him.
He closed his eyes and you were suddenly hit by the realisation how beautiful the boy next to you was.
It would be so easy to fall in love with him. Sirius was, if not the most, one of the most beautiful guys you have met.He was charming, he was beautiful and most of all, he was caring, in his own way. You were jealous of the girls who could touch him in a way that you could never, girls who had the opportunity to look in those eyes and get lost in the cosmos held behind them, girls who could hear his raspy voice, the breathy whispers that escaped him the haze of pleasure.
You closed your eyes and tried to shake off the image in your head. Your palms were suddenly getting sweaty and you felt suffocated.
A small mewl sounded near you. Shaking you out of the daze he put you in, and hadn't even done anything yet. Sirius sat up and looked around, like you, to find the source of voice.
Looking around, your eyes found a pair of big brown eyes staring at you and mewling. Standing up, cautiously you made your way towards the feline and bent to scoop her in your arms. The little kitten was calm, nuzzled her head in your arms making you coo at her.
Sirius, surprised by the sudden change in your demeanour, stood up and made his way towards you, kneeling beside looking at the small animal in your arms.
The ginger white fur poked out of you embrace and a soft expression masked your features as you gently caressed the fur.
He was jealous. He was jealous of the feline and how it had taken her so little time to take you away from him. But at the same time he was thankful. He was thankful because sitting there, kneeling beside you he could see the sunlight reflecting from your hair, the soft tug upwards of your lips, the pretty smile he longed to watch at every waking moment, the soft gentle eyes he would love to get lost in and never to find a way out of. It was maddening how much he adored you. He adored you more than he could feel, you made his heart feel full, and yet always light like it was filled with nothing but love for you. You made him feel drunk on the oldest wine, always in that daze, but he had never tasted one.
It would be so easy right now. So easy to learn forward and brush his lips to your cheek, so easy to tangle his fingers in your hair, so easy just to close his eyes and get lost in the dream in which you were his.
He snapped out his daze when you called his name.
"Siri, look, she's so cute, isn't she?" A soft smile plastered on your face, you looked at him and he wished that you would always look at him like that. He raised his hand to brush it against the fur of the kitten, who raised her head from your arms and nuzzled it around his fingers.
Choked on emotions a raspy hum sounded out of him.
The kitten now had her whole attention on him. Before either of you could comprehend what was happening, she jumped out of your arms, towards him.
Acting on instinct, Sirius caught her mid air and brought her to his chest while both of you stared at her, wide eyed and with wild expression, she just mewled and snuggled close to him.
"Merlin, she nearly gave me a heart attack." Sirius breathed out.
Now that you were out of shock of the stunt the little creature pulled, you watched as Sirius pulled her closer to his chest and how he ran his fingers to her fur.
"Aw, look at that. The bad boy, player Sirius Black turning soft for a small kitten." You cooed, pinching his cheek.
A warmth spread over Sirius at your gesture but quickly recovered and countered back,
"I am not getting soft."
"You are."
"Ha! Gotcha ya."
He scowled but you saw a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.
"Very mature darling, very mature."
"Learnt from you, darling boy."
Sirius was sure if you called him that one more time he was going to combust. He swallowed the lump of emotions and took a shaky breath, calming himself down.
Merlin, what have you done to him.
"Oh, is that so?" He raised a brow at you, a smirk adorning his face now. There he was. The cocky Sirius Black you knew. And you also knew nothing good came out when his voice changed to that tone.
He slowly set down the kitten from his arms to the ground beside him, who quietly obeyed and sat there without much fuss and meowed at him.
"You want to take it back, love?"
Fuck. Why is that so hot?
"What do you mean, Siri?"
Oh he is dead. But so are you.
And then, hell broke loose. His fingers worked around your ribs, making you giggle uncontrollably. He kept working his fingers around you and then one moment he was sitting beside you, the other, you were splayed over the grass and his body hovering over yours with his hands now splayed along your sides.
As your giggles died, you opened your eyes only to be met with silver ones, staring back at you. Your breath hitched and maybe his did too. The intensity by which his eyes bore into your, taking in all your features at once. His eyes stopped at one point and you knew what was going through his mind.
If you just leaned enough…
You both broke out of trance when a mewl from beside you erupted making you both look at the feline who probably didn't like the lack of attention. It made you both giggle but something changed in the air, and you both knew it.
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"I can't believe you are taking her as a pet."
"Well believe it, because I am." You countered back.
A tsk sound from your left and you looked at the bespectacled boy next to you and frowned.
"What?" You asked, irritation evident in your voice.
"You are hurting our dear Sirius." James said, shaking his head in mock disappointment. You raised your brow in question
"You are breaking his heart." Remus joined in.
"You should know better." Peter contributed.
"What is that supposed to mean?" You asked Remus, only acceptable one to give the answer.
"A cat for a dog, really?"
That made all the occupants of the group laugh out loud. Your voices echoing over the great hall, making everyone dining in, give you an odd look.
"Shut it, Lupin." The victim grumbled from your other side.
"Aw, don't be mad Siri, Pumpkin loves you." You cooed, pinching his cheek.
You could feel the heat rise on his cheek but chose to not comment on it.
"Pumpkin? Really? That's the best you could come up with?"
"Well, then you should have suggested me names, when I asked you."
Before the argument could get more heated, Lily butted in and asked a real question.
"How did you get the permission to keep her?"
You shrugged your shoulders and looked at Sirius's side.
"He asked for permission, ask him."
Sirius looked a bit hesitant and then said,
"I…have my ways."
Unbeknownst to you the other three marauders shooted smirks towards him which he countered by a subtle gesture.
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"You went through all that, just for a cat."
"Not for a cat, wormtail, for the love of his life." James replied back in a sing-song voice earning a smack on his head by the raven haired boy.
In the secrecy of the dorm now, Sirius told the marauders about how he got the permission to keep the cat.
"You went to Minnie, begged on knees to her, then to Dumbledore and did the same for that cat. Wow, Padfoot you must really love that cat." Remus teased the boy earning a kick on his shin.
Sirius grumbled something under his breath, making all the marauders give him a questioning look. When he noticed, a blush crept up his neck and he repeated his words, much more coherently.
"Not a cat, 's Pumpkin."
A loud laughter echoed from the boys dormitory.
Whilst downstairs, Pumpkin was getting restless and was trying to scratch every object in sight.
"Oh my, what are you doing?" You exclaimed taking her away from the table which had a scratch mark on one of its legs.
You were getting irritated by her behaviour and were about to ask Lily what to do when the feline ran out your arms towards the boys dormitory stairs.
Wide eyed you quickly ran, following her.
In the seventh year boys dormitory, a panicked Peter was looking at James being pinned down by a furious Sirius, sitting next to an amused Remus. All that brawl being started by a simple comment such as
"You are worse than me with Lily." By the pinned down boy.
That was the scene you walked in on. Pumpkin supposedly wanted to see Sirius and somehow knew where to go, leading you to walk in that scene.
"What the hell?" Your surprised words apparently broke them out of trance, making them look at you.
You scooped Pumpkin in your arms, who was still restless, and looked at all of them, James and Sirius now returning to sit on the floor.
"Why was James being pinned down by you, Sirius? Am I missing something?" You asked, looking wide eyed at them.
It was James who spoke, panic evident in his eyes,
"What — no—what are you saying— no, shit, I was just teasing him about his feeling for you—"
Everyone fell silent after that except your kitten. Everyone stared wide-eyed at James, while some had amusement in their eyes (Remus, Peter) some had horror (Sirius, You).
Oh. Oh.
You knew that feelings were mutual. You just wanted confirmation. You knew he would never say anything, you knew because of his past, he was scared, he had told you, had broken in your arms. So you will have to, no matter how much it scares you.
Moving towards where he was sitting, you kneeled in front of him, Pumpkin slipping out your arms towards his lap.
From the corner of your eye, you saw the other leave the room.
He was not looking at you, but his fingers had absent mindedly started running through the kitten's fur.
It was now or never.
Gathering all you courage, you asked,
"Is it—was it true—what James said?" He was still not looking at you, but you could see his shoulder tensing and for a moment you were scared. You were scared that maybe you were wrong. But then he nodded his head. It was barely a movement but it was.
Relief flooded through you and you took a shaky breath. Oh how many times had you dreamed about this moment. Your happiness was unexplainable at that moment. It was much more thrilling to know that he felt the same rather than an instinct.
You lifted your hand, touching his cheek, making him look at you.
"Then, Mr.Black, would you do me an honour of sharing custody of Pumpkin with me? Would you do me an honour of being Pumpkin's father?"
You saw the flicker of emotion in his eyes and the way they lit up at your words. Setting Pumpkin at side, he took your face in his hands and kissed you. And it was nowhere near your imagination, it felt well beyond and you couldn't be more happy.
You both didn't stop until a mewl sounded from beside you, making you both huff out a laugh when the small feline crawled between you two.
You looked up at Sirius who just smile and said,
"I would love to be Pumpkin's father and your lover."
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bvbygrl-writes · 14 days
Season of The Witch (2)
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Pairing: Jacob Black x Witch!Reader x Edward Cullen
Word Count: 2k
Summary: (Y/N) (L/n) is 19 and still trying to figure out the world. She isn't sure of a lot of things but she is sure of one: she's gonna have her cake and eat it too.
A/N: Look at me, posting consistently! don't get used to it. Anyways, enjoy chapter 2! Edward will be introduced either in the next chapter or chapter 4.
Warnings: N/A but it will be 18+ at some point most likely. Minors and blanks dni. Also I didn't edit any of it so ignore any typos.
Chatter from below and music from your speaker filled your room as you flopped back onto your bed after a well deserved shower. With Jacob, as you now knew him to be, coming in and out of your room earlier with your furniture, you didn’t want to risk any more magic related injuries as you did earlier, leading to you having to manually unpack the rest of your knick knacks. But in the process, you sweated a fair amount but as you looked around your room, it was well worth it. 
Your mind drifted back to the symbol on his arm earlier, trying to place where exactly you had seen it. Jumping from your nest of blankets, you glanced over the plethora of books on the shelves, skimming the titles carefully.
Occult runes & symbols. Snatching the book from the shelf, you hopped back onto your bed, flipping through the pages quickly, mind fixated on the symbol from earlier until finally you landed on it. “The Quilete people, like many indigenous tribes, have a rich and fruitful history. Legend says that some of them have the spirit of the wolf within and the ability to shapeshift into the aforementioned animal. In addition to having warmer body heat, they also have enhanced speed, super strength, and pack connection.” you read out loud to yourself. Gliding your finger across the page, you continued to read on the history and associations with them. However, the sound of your door opening caused you to whip your head up, slamming the book shut.
“Your parents wanted me to tell you dinner is ready. Me, my dad, and the Swans will be joining you for dinner, hope you don’t mind.” Jacob said, now wearing a shirt much to your disappointment. Gulping, you nod, watching as he tries to look at the cover of your book. You spread your hands across it, hiding as much of it as you could. “Aren’t you a little old for a diary?” You scoff at his words, tossing the book behind your pillows.
“It’s not a diary. Plus, there’s nothing wrong with a little healthy journaling.” You retort, hopping up from your bed as you smooth out the wrinkles in your long skirt, centering your necklace on your chest. Glancing at the mirror on the wall, you fix your hair before walking over to him, shoving your finger into his chest. “You should try it sometimes.”
“Whatever you say. You look nice, by the way.” you look up at him, mouth gaping some. Your eyes remain locked for what feels like forever before you brush by him, looking down the hall towards the stairs.
“Thanks.” You can’t even see him but you can feel that cocky smirk he seems to be wearing since you met him.
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As you approach the table, Jacob pulls out your chair for you before making his way to the otherside, sitting next to an unfamiliar girl. She’s about your age with dark brown hair and a set of eyes to match it. She’s wearing a striped top that hugs her form nicely. You watch as she looks up at Jacob, saying something to him that you can’t quite make out which causes him to laugh. You roll your eyes internally, glaring holes into the side of her face. ‘Of course a guy that hot has a girlfriend. Dream on, (Y/n/n)’ you think to yourself as you finally take your seat. Sat beside your left is Charlie, Mr.Black on your right, your parents on the ends of the table, Jacob is across from you, and the girl you don’t know to his left.
“(Y/n/n), this is Bella, Charlie’s daughter! I’m sure you girls will get along great.” Your mom says, causing the girl, Bella, to look at you. You wave at her awkwardly as she smiles. She seems nice enough. “I hope everyone is hungry! I made quite a lot so feel free to help yourselves to whatever you’d like. I’ve got dessert in the kitchen!” She squeals out excitedly, motioning to the feast on the table. There’s a colorful salad, a basket of garlic bread, two lasagnas, and a pitcher of different drinks all arranged beautifully on the table. Your stomach groans with a hunger you didn’t even know you had.
As everyone eats, you observe Jacob and Bella carefully. You watch as he whispers something to her, causing her face to blush pink, swishing her hair over her shoulder coyly. You stab at your lasagna aggressively, shoving the fork in your mouth. There’s no reason for you to feel this way, you’ve barely known the guy for a day. But still, you always had an active imagination and the moment you had a crush, it was turned to one thousand. Watching on, your envy grew more and more until Bella’s cup fell over, with a bang, spilling all over her shirt and lap. Your eyes widened as silence fell upon the table as Bella stood up, attempting to wipe the mess from the table.
“I am so sorry! I-I don’t even know how that happened, I was nowhere near my cup.” Bella stammered out. Your eyes flickered over to your mom who was already looking at you. Judging by her face, she was not very happy with you. Even though it wasn’t purposeful, you still felt awful.
“It’s okay, dear don’t worry about it! This table is a little off balance, we’ve been meaning to fix it for a while.” Your mother assured her, covering for you with ease. You hopped up from the table as well, running over to help her clean up the mess. “(Y/n) why don’t you take Bella upstairs and give her something to change into?” She suggested, nodding her head towards the stairs.
“O-okay.” you stuttered out. You didn’t trust yourself to say something not so incriminating. You grab Bella’s arm, leading her up the stairs towards your room. As you shut the door behind you, you rush to your dresser pulling out a t-shirt and jeans before handing it to her.
“Thanks.” she says with a half smile before beginning to undress. You turn around towards your balcony, giving her a bit of privacy. You hear her sigh as she unzips her jeans. “God, that was so embarrassing.”
“No problem. And don’t even worry about it. I’m a total klutz myself. Granted, I’ve never done something like that in front of a guy I was dating.” You shrug. As you hear her rezip herself into the new jeans you turn around. She gives you a puzzled look, tilting her head.
“You mean Jacob?” she questions. Unsure of how to respond, you give her a hesitant nod. She chuckles. “You’ve got the wrong idea. Jacob is just a friend. A close one, sure, but nothing more than that” she pauses for a moment, as if she can’t decide if she wants to tell you something before she speaks again. “I’m into girls.” she says a bit quieter. You celebrate a bit inside.
“Interesting.” you respond. She looks at you, taking in your expression. It looks as if a lightbulb has turned on in her head. She raises a brow, giggling some.
“He is single, by the way. Plus from the sounds of it, he’s taken quite a liking to you already. I wouldn’t worry about it too much.” you go to argue but render it useless. With the way you’re fidgeting with your hands and biting at your lip, you know there’s nothing you could rebuttal with.
“I-I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks, Bella.” she nods before heading towards your bedroom door, shutting it softly on her way out.
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After the fiasco that had taken place earlier, you thought it’d be best if you stayed up in your room until the guest left. Even though no one knew it was you, you did and that was enough to riddle you with embarrassment. For the past hour, you just replayed the scene over and over in your head, staring at the ceiling as if it would offer you any form of comfort. You were so in your head that you didn’t even notice the sound of the door opening.
“Didn’t want you to miss dessert.” you rolled your head to the side to see Jacob, a few cookies on the plate in his hands. He closed the door, getting closer and closer until he crawled in next to you onto your bed, setting the plate down in between you two. Sitting up, you smiled at him before grabbing one, biting into it with a content moan. 
“Thanks. Look at you, being nice to me.” you joke. He laughs, scooting a bit closer to you. His eyes flicker from yours to your lips. Your body tenses as he moves his hand to your face. He holds it there for a bit before swiping the corner of your lip.
“Had a bit of chocolate on your face.” before you could respond, he licks the chocolate from his thumb, eyes not leaving yours for a second. “Delicious.” he mutters. You inch your free hand closer to his on the bed, his warm hands soothing the natural coldness to yours. He moves his hand on top of yours, his large hand engulfing yours.
“You do this with all your Dad’s friends' daughters?” you ask. He shakes his head, his eyes flickering down to the bed before looking back up at you.
“No, just you.” your insides feel like mush. In your old state, boys never really paid you any mind. They were too focused on every other girl. Even the guy who asked you to prom ended up ditching you halfway through for a girl from his theater group. It was rare for you to even speak to a guy, let alone be holding hands with one on your bed. You could feel your heart practically beating out of your chest.
A rare moment of boldness came over you as you moved closer, throwing your legs over his lap, laying your head on his shoulder. You gasped as he moved his hand from yours to your waist, his warmth encasing you in the most comforting way. The two of you just sat there for a moment, the cookies growing cold and forgotten as you enjoyed each other's presence.
“Are you doing anything tomorrow?” he spoke, his voice vibrating in his chest. You glanced up at him, noticing him already looking down at you.
“Not that I know of. I’m pretty much done unpacking.” you responded. His hand glided over your head, gently massaging your scalp.
“How about I come get you? I can take you on a ride on my bike, show you around town a bit.” he throws out there. You feel that mushy feeling in your gut again.
“I’d love to.” you reach into the pocket of his jeans, grabbing his phone as you create a new contact, adding your name and number before sticking it back in place. “Text me. Or if not, you know where to find me.”
“Sounds like a plan.” he says, a genuine smile on his face. You smile back at him, nuzzling your face deeper into his chest. His head rests on top of yours, the two of you staying like that until a howl is heard in the distance. Jacob’s body tenses under you as he clears his throat. “I need to get going. Text you later?” you try your best not to frown, nodding at his words. ‘Must be his pack.’ you think to yourself. He sighs deeply, reluctantly removing himself from you as he makes his way towards your bedroom door, quickly running out. 
The door doesn’t stay closed for long though as your mom opens it, wiggling her eyebrows at you. “Had fun? You must’ve because everyone else has been gone for hours!” you grab a pillow, shoving it over your face.
“Mom, please!” you huff out but, she ignores your plea, hopping onto your bed, your body bouncing from the movements.
“He seems like a really sweet boy, honey. I like him for you! I know you’re an adult but, you’re really growing up now. Soon you’ll be getting married, having babies, and-”
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cherryslyce · 1 year
The Avarice Files (I) | Regulus Black
Series Synopsis: Boundless uncertainty ensues when you’re tasked to complete a mission requiring time travel for the Ministry. The best part? Your partner, acclaimed hero of the Great Wizarding War, Regulus Black, a man who was supposed to be long dead. 
Part II / Series Masterlist
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Pairing: Regulus Black x GN!Reader
Notes: Not canon compliant. The synopsis has been edited to be more succinct!
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Soft clicks emit throughout the sterile hallway, bouncing from the glossy black tiles and toward the arching ceiling as you pace toward the imposing steel doors. The two guards stationed on either side of the thick barrier give you a nod of acknowledgment as you feel your new badge pulse in your pocket, the intangible magic colliding with the intricate mechanisms of the doors. 
The stirring of gears and locks echo between the three of you until both slabs of steel soundlessly swing open, immediately gracing you with a gust of cool air. The outstretch of navy carpet swirls across your vision as the pitch-black ceiling and walls siphon away any excess color. To your right, a large succession of trimless mirrors reflects the beams of white light on the ceiling, lining the walls up until the large desk rooted at the extremity of the room. 
“Welcome, Agent.”
The rumbling voice snaps you from your reverie as your eyes fall upon the stern face of your new boss, his staggering figure nearly washed away by the layers of black robes adorning him. 
“Unspeakable Gawdry,” you greet with a level tone, inclining your head to the side as you briskly make your way to him. “I’m afraid that it's now, former agent, sir.” 
Your light correction fails to faze him as his mouth remains in a firm line, gloved hands splaying themselves across his speckless desk as he moves to sit down on his leather chair. “Actually, agent, I believe such a title will be suitable for your duties here.”  
“Sir?” You trail off, standing across from him as your fingers itch to fiddle with your holstered wand. 
“Now, you didn’t think someone of your caliber would be a mere office assistant, did you? Your skillset on the field is the reason why I accepted you to be my new assistant, Agent.” Gawdry continues, pulling out one of his drawers without looking away. “It’s those skills that I intend to put to use.” 
Before you’re able to respond, the man slides a clipped folder toward you, eyebrows raising as he gestures for you to read through it. 
Tentatively grasping at the folder, you flip through the countless pages with a frown. 
Daily Prophet: Defected Death Eater Dies!
— September 8, 1979
Second son of Walburga and Orion Black and Heir of the Noble House of Black, Regulus Black, has unexpectedly died. Just two weeks since the fall of You-Know-Who, reports from Albus Dumbledore himself confirm the young Black’s prior involvement with aiding the Light side against Death Eater forces. The Hogwarts headmaster conveyed that the young Black’s help was integral to the armistice and defeat of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.  
Young Regulus Black, described as a profound force in the classroom by Potions Professor, Horace Slughorn, is said to have fallen into critical condition shortly after his defection. Before succumbing to his fate, the young wizard outlined crucial information that was imperative to concluding the miasma of carnage. 
“It is truly a deep tragedy to watch such a bright mind gradually wither away. With Mr.Black’s death, we must be vigilant in our future struggles against great darkness.” – Albus Dumbledore 
“The loss of such a capable wizard… It is unforgivable. Really, the loss of so many courageous wizards and witches, it is an insurmountable grief for many years to come.” – Minister Mangum
Dear readers, in times of celebration for the new era, we must also keep our fallen in our hearts. The fate of the House of Black remains uncertain, but Regulus Black’s tremendous sacrifice must not be forgotten. 
(Turn to page 5 for exclusive interviews with Arnold Vall)
You heave out a small sigh at the flimsy clipping, remembering the day you read the very same article at your dinner table. However, it is not the aged Daily Prophet snippet that renders you speechless, but the stack of papers underneath it– papers you recognize from the Auror Department: an agent’s composite mission profile. 
Regulus Arcturus Black (b.1961 – )
“Death’s Herald”  
Service: 1980 – Present
Status: Active 
Completed Assignments: 501
01.25.80 - 02.29.80: Recovery of Helena’s Trove. Calais, France. 
03.02.80 - 03.05.80: Rescue of Auror Tinsley. Birmingham, England. 
03.08.80 - 03.24.80: Capture of Antonin Dolohov & Augustus Rookwood. 
03.30.80 - 04.16.80: Capture & disposal of [redacted]. 
04.22.80 - 04.23.80: Disposal of Reginold Flint. 
04.26.80 - 04.29.80: Disposal of Pyrites Ingrim II. 
05.02.80 - 05.02.80: Disposal of Leon Wilkes. 
05.06.80 - 05.07.80: Disposal of [redacted] Org. 
05.11.80 - 05.14.80: Disposal of Henry Binns
07.15.90 - Pending: Retrieval of [redacted] 
Your eyes are practically bulging from their sockets as you peer up, the fine text of dates and the slew of disposal, disposal, disposal causing your eyes to dry. “Sir? I don’t understand… Regulus is–” 
“Alive and well, Agent.” He softly cuts you off, licking his lips as he awaits your onslaught of curiosity. 
Alive and well and the bloody Death Herald. The hottest topic of debate amongst all ranks of Aurors in your former department. Elusive, unforgiving—and apparently, actually a real person. 
You nearly huff out a disbelieving laugh, slowly shutting the folder in your hands as you persevere in your denial, “How is that possible?” 
“Agent Black was immediately enrolled into the Ministry’s witness protection program for high-profile individuals after his… death as per the request of Albus Dumbledore. He has been handling a number of top Auror missions since.” Gawdry explains, hands clasping together as his words slice through the air with a suffocating revelation. 
“Disposal missions.” Killing people. Though, you eschewed the unambiguous words, not eager to ruffle your boss’ feathers so early into your career. 
Gawdry cracks a wry smile at your comment— as if reading your mind, and hums in confirmation. “Ten years of it. An adept adversary, I pity anyone who finds themself at the end of his wand. He’s the Ministry’s greatest weapon. Such information is highly classified, only high ranking officials and leaders are aware of this fact, so it would be unwise for you to break your code of silence on this, Agent.” 
“Sure, right, no problem. And these redacted parts?” You cough out, a migraine beginning to bloom across your temples. 
The man clicks his tongue and leans back in his chair, “Above your pay grade, Agent.” 
“Right.” Your dejectedness weighs on your shoulders as you will your eyes to stay locked on him. 
He raises a finger and clears his throat, “With the exception of the last one.” 
Before you can press further, a familiar jingle of clicking locks reverberates across the room. Turning around, you narrow your eyes as a tall figure begins to strut into the room without a word. You swallow harshly as you survey the approaching individual, taking note of their dark hooded cloak and fitted apparel. A field agent. Clothes for mobility. Agile, controlled movements. Tense, cautious posture. It was all a dead giveaway—it was like looking at a reflection of yourself, really. 
As the person grows closer to you, you blink rapidly as you realize they’re wearing a mask that enshrouds their entire face. The white face covering is streaked with grey lines, enhancing the expressionless slant of its lips. A warm prickle on the back of your neck draws your attention away from the ivory ridges and toward the blazing green eyes that were now locked on your gobsmacked face. 
“Great timing, Agent Black.” Gawdry rises from his seat and nods toward the newcomer, ignoring your ticked jaw as you silently look back to him for an explanation. 
Your shoulders stiffen as Agent Black halts beside you, an aura of indifference radiating from him. You’re suddenly conscious of the way his body heat emanates toward you, how he vaguely nods at Gawdry’s words, and how he seems to be assessing you from the corner of his eye as well. 
The infamous Death Herald was beside you, and he also happened to be Regulus bloody Black. The very same Regulus who you silently mourned all those years ago, the Regulus Black who you admired from afar during your school days—
“As I was saying before, there is a new assignment. One that you will both complete together.” Gawdry’s eyes are dim, a few stress lines clinging to his forehead as he shuffles out a thick packet. 
Regulus crosses his arms and clears his throat, “It requires two of us? I am capable of doing it alone.” 
—the same Regulus that you wanted to hex at that very moment.
Your eyebrows fly into your hairline as you muffle a scoff, slightly tilting your head toward him as you bite out an acerbic retort. “Apparently not, seeing as we’re both standing here.” 
Regulus merely glances at you before peering at Gawdry for an answer, intent on dismissing your irritation. Your boss appraises you with clear amusement before his stern mask falls back into place as he swiftly slides the packet toward you both, “We are aware of your competence, Agent Black. However, your partner here is trained specifically for retrieval and infiltration assignments.” Gawdry pauses and glances at you, “As well as issues involving our time space.”
If you weren’t still reeling from your previous bristling thoughts, you would have preened a bit at your boss’ words, flattered that he seemed to be backing you. Though, this only encouraged the tiny pride-gremlin in your chest— because take that Black! You’re completely out of your depth at the Department of Mysteries.
You step forward first and pull the hefty envelope toward you, wasting no time in undoing the string tie. “No use dawdling.” You mutter, feeling two pairs of eyes burning into your head. 
As you reach inside the packet and grasp at the stack of papers, your eyebrows furrow once you realize there are three separate folders inside. Bringing the first folder under the light, you nearly roll your eyes as you practically feel Regulus craning to read it, stubbornly refusing to move closer to you. 
You wordlessly maneuver the contents in between you both, opting to return your attention to Gawdry as Regulus softly tugs out one of the folders from your hand. “A time travel assignment, boss?” 
Gawdry nods and cracks his knuckles, “An assignment our Department has been piecing together for years. A few spins of a time turner, in-and-out with the relics. Our recon crew finally cracked down on most of the significant information, so we’ve assigned the best of the best to complete it.” 
“Are you buttering us up because we’re marching toward imminent doom?” You ask, tone inflated with amusement. 
Regulus remains silent, but lifts his head up imperceptibly to look at Gawdry. The older man glances between you both before humming, “It is an urgent assignment and undoubtedly, a risky one.” 
“Well, interfering with time is never a simple matter.” You answer plainly, hands moving to hug the remaining two folders to your chest. 
“When do we start?” Regulus’ steely voice takes you by surprise, the rough tone still foreign to your ears. 
Gawdry leans back and fixes him with an unwavering stare, “Preferably now. It is a time sensitive case, so I expect you both to work together seamlessly.” 
Forbearance embraces you tightly as you nod, already mentally outlining how to work around Regulus’ one-note, detached attitude on the field. Despite that, you had to give him credit, a decade of solitude and bloodshed was bound to foster such apathy, and you weren’t sure you could survive what he did. 
Regulus spins on his heel without a word, beginning to make his way toward the towering doors as you remain rooted to your spot. Gawdry’s eyes remain on Regulus’ retreating figure as he acknowledges you, “Yes, Agent?” 
“Is this going to be a fixed partnership?” Your fingers twitch in anticipation as you hear the doors click shut behind you. 
“That remains to be seen. There is a lot on the line so I’ll be direct, Agent,” Gawdry pauses before finally looking at you, “this was supposed to be a solo assignment, but at the insistence of Head Auror Chao, I accepted her request to let Agent Black tag along.” 
“You mean that this was originally my assignment?” You gape in surprise, barely processing that your former boss was single handedly responsible for Regulus’ presence. 
“Yes. It is quite beneficial for me, don’t misconstrue. Such a case rightfully belongs to the Department of Mysteries, but without a qualified Unspeakable to carry out the brief…” Gawdry explains, nodding as your eyes light up in realization. 
“Then it would have been given to the Auror Department.” You finish with a hum, shuffling your weight to one foot, “So my unceremonious decision to transfer to the Department of Mysteries gave you a window of opportunity.” 
Gawdry nods again, and a sharp grin tugs at his mouth, “Precisely. You can imagine how unhappy Auror Chao was at the loss of such an adept field agent and an extraordinary case all in one go.” 
“That checks out. So, Agent Black is collateral.” You conclude, all semblance of firm professionalism flying out of the window. 
Gawdry does not deign you with an answer, but he shoots a pointed look at the doors with a good natured eyebrow raise, prompting you to swiftly depart from the cold room with a pleased grin. As you pace out of the office, you’re left to toy with your thoughts, still conflicted on how you would have to adapt to Regulus’ methods amidst such a precarious mission. 
Stepping away from the threshold of Gawdry’s office, you squint as your eyes adjust to the lifeless tiles of the hallway. Before you’re able to wander further, you’re stopped in your tracks at the sight of Regulus’ motionless figure ways off from you, his stormy eyes greeting you with glimmering impassivity. 
“Ah. You waited.” You sputter out quietly, striding towards him as he pivots and begins to walk away. 
Your eyes linger on the taut muscles of his shoulders, vaguely visible under the cloth of cloak as he continues walking. Awkward tension settles in the air as you take the lead toward the Atrium of Artifacts, not knowing how to breach conversation as you make way to retrieve a time turner. 
Clearing your throat lightly, you bite your cheek as you finally break the silence. “Oh, we went to school together. I don’t know if you remember, I was a year under you.” 
“I remember.” The answer is immediate and nearly robotic, a clear sign that he was either uncaring for pleasantries or inclined to work in silence. 
“Ah. Well, I’m glad that you’re okay.” I even lit a bloody candle for you. 
Regulus hums out lightly before swiftly segwaying back into work, “I read the brief. We’re retrieving lost files.” 
“Files?” You intone faintly, sifting through your memories for any information on file relics. 
As you round the corner towards the distribution center for time turners, Regulus throws you a small glance and continues, “1958. Clyde Rosier’s Estate.” 
“1958… Rosier? Evan’s father?” You mumble, remembering the blonde boy that often paraded around the halls with the other older Slytherins, most meeting the same untimely fate as him. 
Regulus is decisively mute about your revelation, possibly reminiscing on similar memories of the boy. You were quite positive that they were familiar with each other some eons ago, having been in Voldemort’s inner circle for a brief time together. 
Before you have time to stew further on your thoughts, you’re both crossing into the large hall of artifacts. The atrium stretches skyhigh, evaporating into a blanket of darkness that accompanies the biting chill permeating across the room. Suppressing a shiver, you survey the dark perimeter, appreciating the bulbs of floating lights at the heart of the room, the cluster of orbs pulsing with enough glow to dimly light up the surroundings. 
“Merlin, is the whole department cloaked in darkness? I don’t think I’ll ever get used to not being able to see 20 feet ahead of me.” You mumble, eyes darting toward an approaching figure wading through the shadows of the room. 
Regulus lets out a small huff, and you’re almost certain that it was one of amusement and not exasperation, but the cloaked Unspeakable approaching you leaves little time to ruminate on it. 
“Yes?” The raspy voice coils through the air. 
Fishing out your new badge, you quickly flash it to the Unspeakable with a dry smile, “We need a time turner, and perhaps a bag with an extension charm.” It is silent for a few moments before you clear your throat, “Please.” 
The cloaked figure gives a small nod before slinking away, leaving you and Regulus to observe the lusterless environment. 
“Have you ever worked with a partner on your assignments?” You ask, nerves buzzing like static as you drum your fingers against the folders in your hands. 
Regulus’ head tilts toward you, “No.” The hushed answer seems definitive, and just as you’re about to clamber back into your shell, his voice rings out again, “You?” 
“Ah, me neither.” You admit a bit sheepishly, yet still satisfied that he didn’t completely dismiss you. 
The air seems a bit warmer than before, driving you to face forward and continue waiting for the Unspeakable to reappear. 
As if summoned, a faint rustle emits near you before you see the cloaked figure trudge toward you, arms full of parchment and a woven bag. Furrowing your eyebrows, you step forward and reach over to assist them, slowly unfurling the parchment and raising it up to the light. 
Regulus steps forward to read it with you, clearly uncertain of the rules in your Department. 
‘TERMS OF USE: Time Turner.
As per regulations and codes of The Department of Mysteries, this contract constitutes a legally binding agreement. Rights and access to a Time Turner may only be permitted through signature, if you disagree with any of the terms listed in this contract, you are not permitted to use a Time Turner. By signing this document, you and any party involved hereby agree to the terms and conditions listed below. 
Rights to a Time Turner do not extend to distribution, abuse, or irresponsible handling of the object. Destruction or loss of property may be punishable by law or reasonable fine. The Department of Mysteries is not liable for subsequent injury or death as a result of Time Turner use.’ 
“Sign it.” Regulus’ flat words tear through your concentration, and you can feel his figure looming behind you, a flicker of impatience evidently buzzing through his veins. 
Clicking your tongue, you accept the quill that the Unspeakable passes to you, shaking your head all the while. “Don’t tell me you sign every document you get without reading it.” 
You quickly scribble your signature on the paper, admiring the neat streaks as you await Regulus’ response to your quip. When he remains silent, you quickly snap your head around and fix him with a disbelieving frown. “Merlin. Okay, I’m in charge of all the legal stuff from this day onward.” 
After you get sorted with the contracts and take the mandatory oath for the loan, you’re both sent off with a new bag and a polished time turner. Holding the chain up in the air, you fawn over the powerful object in your hands, quelling the adrenaline that was jittering around your nerves. 
“Okay. Date, please.” You hum, shooting Regulus a confident smile. 
His eyes flicker from you to the folder in his hand as he monotonously recites the information to you, “June 18th, 1958.” 
Handing part of the chain to him, you quickly throw it over your neck and steady your finger against the small knob of the charm. “Like Gawdry said, in and out. Simple.” Twisting the ringlets of the device, you watch in fascination as it begins to steadily spin on its own accord, a heavy pressure of magic blanketing you both in the process. 
And before you can blink again, you and Regulus are being thrown through the reel of time. 
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TAGLIST: @tomo-tofu @night-fall-moon @darkenwolfie @eliz-eia @justkiyomi @idkwimdahyd @googie-jeon @littleshadow17 @doux-ange @moni-cah @valsarchives
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pixie-of-south · 7 months
My favorite baby Harry in fics is
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Just Anya! Harry who exposes his bumbling fool of a dad infront of his favorite teacher Mr.Black at daycare and goes about his day like 😇
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cuverale · 1 year
Hii, could we get a part two of the social media au with regulus black and y/n? The first one was so cutee!
a/n: hi! thank you for your kind words! hope you like it.
Part 1
What if marauders had social media? (Part 2)
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liked by regulusblack, evanrosier, siriusblack and 980,284 others
yourusername Regulus in his natural habitat
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regulusblack “Yes love, of course I’m studying right now. What else would I do?”
yourusername taking pictures of you is more interesting and you can’t blame me for that mister
siriusblack you can come at my dorm after that hun :3
regulusblack didn’t I told you to fuck off?
siriusblack don’t be jealous baby brother she is just my friend
regulusblack this is y/n. Sirius stop it I can’t stop him! What did I told you???
siriusblack have fun dealing with him :)
jamespotter you should take a picture of me like this it looks cool
yourusername well you need to come study for that, or pretend at least
remuslupin what did you two study? I can help if you want
regulusblack she didn’t. i did
yourusername hey! I did some studying ofc! And thank you for the offer Rem!
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liked by pandoralovegood, jamespotter, remuslupin and 979,958 others
regulusblack mon coeur bat pour toi mon rayon de soleil.
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yourusername you’re my whole world ♥️
*liked by regulusblack
jamespotter not everyone here knows french romeo
remuslupin he said “my heart beats for you my ray of sunshine”
siriusblack never in a million years I would think that you would be this romantic
pandoralovegood my babies ✨
yourusername love you dora! 💖
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liked by jamespotter, yourusername, remuslupin and 859,498 others
siriusblack they’re trying to be sirius for once
tagged: yourusername, jamespotter, remuslupin
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regulusblack you mean serious*??
yourusername nope, he meant sirius my love, that’s how he talks
siriusblack how are we even related
regulusblack I’m questioning the same thing trust me
jamespotter guess who won 😏
remuslupin me?
yourusername duh
jamespotter nope, you cheated
remuslupin you know what I’m not even gonna argue about it
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liked by regulusblack, yourusername, evanrosier and 848,799 others
pandoralovegood hanging out with my fav couple 🥰
tagged: regulusblack, yourusername
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yourusername awwww 🥺
yourusername send this to me rn!!!!
pandoralovegood okie dokie 👀💕
regulusblack when did you take this?
pandoralovegood you were too busy to notice 🤭
bartycrouchjr we should go out together sometime
evanrosier If Mr.Black accepts to leave his girlfriend alone for once (she can come tho)
regulusblack you’re just jealous
pandoralovegood agreed!
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yourusername’s story
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siriuslygay1981 · 7 months
"I caught you forgetting me"
as a small writing prompt featuring the black brothers.
Regulus looked over at Sirius who had his arm around James as they walked, he was going to do this today he decided. Sirius doesn't even glance at him as the two...brothers shoved each other around and laughed, regulus only lets it hurt for a moment. The disdain he feels at the word isn't as all consuming anymore. He knows Sirius sees James as a brother, he did save sirius so regulus had decided he wouldn't fight Sirius on the subject. He had come to terms with James stepping in when regulus couldn't, taking Sirius in when he needed. His eyes followed the group of boys as they passed through the great hall. They're so full of life , so full of love...regulus tries picturing himself beside the two but it only lasts for a second, he couldnt get ahead of himself. Even as he thought that he felt a small feeling of excitement to be back with his brother...if he could just talk to him.
Regulus would've missed the next sentence if it weren't for the fact that he decided today was the day he would make things better with Sirius. Today he would be brave...for himself and for his brother. Today...if his brother asked he would say yes...he would leave behind his whole life. He felt his weak courage squirm in him as he stepped forward his mouth opening to call out to him.
"Where is your brother Mr.black?" Regulus paused, his eyes snapping to sirius. He knew he'd regret it and he felt his anxiety rise, he'd say James is right here first, which is going to hurt...a lot but then he will glance towards regulus. Or proclaim he has no other brother. Or maybe even say to ask one of Regulus' friends. Maybe it would've hurt less if he said that.
Sirius looked confused his eyes sliding over to James before coming back to McGonagall. It was instinctive... Regulus felt his hope, his courage vanish in the twelve seconds it took for Sirius to realize what he did. What he forgot. Who he forgot.
Regulus could feel his lungs seize up, his stomach dropped and a cold feeling dripped down his chest. His throat felt tight as sirius' eyes widened, his face paling. Remus and Peter have gone quiet in shock while james' face was blank as he realized the same as the others. Sirius had forgotten all about regulus. Sirius....Sirius Sirius sirius Sirius black forgot about his poor baby brother.
Regulus remembered Sirius, he remembered, he held him close every f-king second. He remembered him and regulus felt mortified. He was wrong...he was wrongwrongwrong. Sirius asked regulus to come out of obligation, he didn't want regulus to say yes. He must've felt relieved when regulus declined. Maybe he wasn't faking animosity towards regulus as regulus had been doing towards Sirius. Maybe he was glad to be rid of regulus. Regulus' mouth shut silently his posture went rigid even as his heart cracked and his body went numb.
His brother had forgotten he still had a younger brother. Someone with the same blood, someone he spent years raising. Sirius had replaced him with James fucking potter. And- and before it was fine because regulus was going to reclaim that spot. He was going to be with Sirius again and sure James was an undesired extra but he'd deal. But...but but but he was too late.
Regulus...regulus didn't feel too good. He turned around and quickly started walking, he barely made it to the next corner before throwing up. Brave wasn't...brave did no one any good he decided. He pushed himself off the wall and onto his unsteady legs, all the memories of his brother once bright and loving now sucking the life out of him. Weighing him down as he stumbled towards the black lake. The water would feel good on his burning skin.
He thought the same as he stumbled towards the edge of the rocks and gratefully chugged down water. He fell in...no he was pulled in razor sharp claws pulling at his skin and yanking him down.
Sirius forgot me...and he won't remember me but Sirius will always be the one person I could never forget. Sirius will always be my big brother. Always be my protector
Where has he been?
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unknown-urll · 1 month
I just found out that Mr.Blik/Mr.Black is Breezepelt from a different universe 😭 They look so much alike, personality and characteristics aaaaa
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I think I crossed the line thinking about that tbh but anyway
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charlybird · 5 months
Would you consider drawing a little more Mr.Black x Mr.White sometime? :( they're so underrated and you draw them in such soft scenes I've fallen in love with them, love your Bill x Alden lots too!!! Thank you for drawing rdr2 stuff!!!
ah I want to draw them so bad. Unfortunately I have about 50+ RDR ideas every day and no motivation for any of it. So it's not that I haven't kept drawing them because I don't want to :(( I'm just completely drained. If I ever get back into a good drawing routine, or just get rid of some of these ideas in my head then yeah absolutely. But thank you though :')
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merrill11 · 6 months
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Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken
ph. Mr.Black
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