#Movie analysis
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cemeterycrawlerhurghh · 3 days ago
The color grading of the movies too! The outfits (especially the dwarves) had such beautiful colors but after post production and everything all the colors were so dull and murky.
LOTR Legolas VS. The Hobbit Legolas
Ok. so. I know i wasn't the only person who, when watching the hobbit, was very put off by Legolas' appearance. Elves are supposed to be eternally youthful and beautiful! So how, and why, does Legolas look so much different than he does in the original trilogy?
To me, it's not a matter of Orlando Bloom being 10 years older, because he still looks amazing (and always will that man is gorgeous), but it is infact a matter of COSTUME DESIGN.
Now you may be wondering, “Costume design? But the same people worked on both trilogies, it can't possibly be that different.” and you’d be right. The big details are consistent, with all the races of middle earth, across the Peter Jackson films. But it is the little details that sell something, and they were kind of botched in the Hobbit, specifically with the return of Orlando Bloom's Legolas
Lets start with a quick spot the difference:
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whats stands out to the viewer immediately? the hair, for one, and then the eyes.
In the LOTR trilogy, the hair is much looser, and therefore, more free. it creates a sense of youth in a character that, because though he has a fair face, he is probably 2,000+ years old. There are multiple instances in which Legolas, and his compatriots, are in battle, and his hair gets fussy and frizzy and tangles. it's not perfectly done. He hasn't combed it 500 times until there aren't any bumps left. Because that's not realistic, and it's not his character.
The flyaways are what sell his youth, the messy little ear braids, random hairs flung over his shoulder, knots and waves from movement. Even when little baby hairs around the face fall down, all of this makes a character seem younger. and all of this was removed from the Hobbit version of Legolas.
His hair is combed back perfectly. It looks like he's put hairspray in it. His braids are tight, perfect, and lack any of the original fluidity. His hair doesn't have a single knot, even once he's done flipping and killing spiders and jumping over dwarves. This makes his character seem years, decades, or centuries older and more experienced than he was in the Lord of the Rings, which takes place like 80 years later!
The wigs, though they were beautiful, were not properly styled in order to retain the familiarity of the character we all know and love from the original trilogy. That's not the worst offense though. that goes to the eyes.
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The costume department really failed here. In comparison with Lee Pace (Thranduil), Orlando Bloom's contacts were abysmal. I'm not sure what the aim was, but if it was to launch Legolas 10 miles behind the enemy lines of the Uncanny Valley, they succeeded.
I'm truly not sure why they didn't just keep his original brown eyes, since it is very difficult to get contacts to look right on such dark eyes, but I would have paid to be in the room when they made the decision to put this image out into the universe. The eyes are just so piercing that every time his character came on screen, it was one of the inly things i could focus on. its especially jarring because THRANDUIL'S CONTACTS LOOK FINE.
It just makes the character seem so plastic, and so much older and less kind than he was. but honestly, the hobbit kind of served as a character assassination for Legolas anyways. I have opinions on how he should have been portrayed, but that's a separate post.
Honestly, I'm just not sure what there is left to say here. everything that could be said about the eyes has been said, and we were universally creeped out by it, me thinks. so that's my excuse to move on the the actual OUTFIIIIIIITTTTSSSSSS but only quickly.
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So technically, I'm nitpicking, but these things are important in my opinion! So I'll just make a little list to make it easier to explain and quicker because everyones exhausted at this point.
the clothes are too tight, and too restricting for a "warrior"
the cut in unflattering and cuts him straight across the body, which does nothing for him and makes him look frumpy? somehow?
they're also too clean. He's a warrior, not a councilman.
The collar of most of the clothing in the hobbit is too high and mature, and also restricts movement.
all of the restricted movement makes the character seem stockier and less agile than we know, and see, him to be.
Basically, he looks like he's wearing a costume. (P.S. it shouldn't look like that)
and also, NONE OF THE AFOREMENTIONED PROBLEMS are helped by the fact that the editing and quality of these movies makes even phenomenal costume designs, like that of the dwarves and of bilbo, look so, soooooo costumey. And also the makeup department is its own can of worms, mostly with everyone having zero flush, but oh well.
anyways. That's just me.
feel free to add anything i missed, or disagree, by all means! to me, i just found not only the character's demolished personality and strange appearance a little too much to be able to look past it and truly enjoy his presence in the movies, but i still love the movies.
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katerinaaqu · 2 days ago
I am sorry but I have to say this because this detail in Cacoyannis' Iphigenia (1977) is just so heartbreaking! And it is the story involving little Orestes:
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Look at this cute baby who was absent from the chaos for most part (forgotten before the importance of other characters of the drama) and he has to occupy himself.
Baby Orestes who has no toys to play with for the expedition would be an occasion of marriage, only plays by stacking helmets on the ground or around. Just a baby in a military camp that all he can do is to play with the very war equipment for the upcoming bloody war. Just a baby barely taller than these helmets he is stacking playing all alone.
Such a great foreshadowing of his fate! The tragic descent of that child to a series of murder and madness. This child that was so "unimportant" within this drama and tragedy is always there at the background. Watching and barely understanding. He is there at the corner lost in the hut's dull colors wearing also shades of gray. If you don't look you might not notice. He has become one with the equipment he is playing with! The way he also runs to his father when he comes in...
He is mostly a silent character. An observer! Too small! Too innocent for this world or war and men. The way he also walks among everyone when they are all still in horror and anticipation breaks my heart!
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Everyone knows what's up. The army is roaring in triumph. The family is silent in horror and yet little Orestes is running among them. He is the only one to do so. He doesn't say a word as if he is afraid of this silence and yet he does not understand what is going on. And he is unimportant. Unnoticed among these adults who have other occupations right now...
Look how small and alone he looks!
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Just a baby in this world of soldiers kings and queens...running in this empty and dry field... and the news of Iphigenia being located and being brought is silent. No one needs to say a word. Agamemnon is desperate. Clytemnestra collapses. And yet Orestes can barely understand what is going on. He is staring with those innocent eyes to the scene that is unwrapping before him. At the upcoming doom of his own sister:
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I just cannot with the amazing actor who managed to capture that moment! And it keeps escalating! Iphigenia is brought by a soldier and Orestes can only stare from his hiding spot:
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The way his little soul can sense the heavy atmosphere and the sorrow and yet his innocence won't let him understand what is going on...why is this happening? They had started the trip so that his sister could get married and his father could gain glory at war. Why was this happening now? Why is everyone so grim? Why is his sister brought there like this?
And he DOES sense everything! He might not understand everything but he senses the pain! Iphigenia yells at her father once and he runs to his mother for protection. She yells twice and then he runs to his sister!
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Just look at how he looks at her! With that look of "are you alright? What's the matter?"
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The way that he expresses his emotions, his confused and yet strong emotions, just shows the deep scar within his soul! He is just a baby in this drama! And then we have the begging scene which just destroyed me:
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Orestes is made to kneel with his sister on the ground and beg for her life. Orestes still cannot comprehend. His innocence showing! He is hopping on his little knees, looking at his little hands...following the lead without knowing why and how important this feels. He only senses the sadness and the desperation without understanding where it comes from! And finally we have Agamemnon half-losing it in sorrow and desperation! He wails and cries and yells and Orestes is now held by a servant as if to be protected by this sudden violence that broke the silence of the previous scenes! And he still stares before the most beloved people he has; his mother father and sister being in this chaos!
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Cacoyannis basically masterfully with the existence of silent little Orestes hopping around, being a child within this world of war and violence seems to be preparing us for the Oresteia! The way Orestes was unconsciously scarred and marked forever! The way his family's tragedy and the sprouting of hate in his mother's heart; the beginning of his own torment! By bringing the power of the silent character!
Also amazing job by little Giorgos Vourvahakis (Γιώργος Βουρβαχάκης) barely 5 years old when this movie was made bringing little Orestes to life!
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gah-lore-ious · 2 months ago
nobody asked for this post BUT has anybody talked about the beautiful metaphor of all the call and response choreography in the Wicked movie??? how the dancing shows the influence that characters have over each other. cuz im about to.
okay okay look at this. everybody at shiz copies Galinda during "what is this feeling"
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okay standard expected yeah but THEN we get to "dancing through life" (AKA everybody's horny for Jonathan Bailey) and Fiyero has to "corrupt his fellow classmates"
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WATCH them follow along! watch them LEARN the dance as his influence spreads over them. BUT not just them! because for the first time in her life, Galinda is NOT the center of attention. she's nor in command of the crowd and she JOINS IT. SHE JOINS THE CROWD.
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now of course she eventually finds her way to the center, she finds a place of influence in the dance because that's who she is. When Glinda isn't in control, she joins the influence to take control of it.
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but you know who isn't dancing? you know who's the one person refusing that call? of course you do you watched the movie too.
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and yes. I know, those of us that are familiar with musical theater probably already saw all of this. but shhhh this is fun to talk about anyways. AND we're getting to the fun part. that's right... it's the
🧊🐟✨️ozdust ballroom✨️🐠🧊
now THIS is what's special about the call and response aspect of the choreography. THIS is the part that makes all of us cry whether or not we consciously realize it.
because whereas Glinda is able to FIND her place of control in the influence, Elphaba doesn't have that ability. she's NEVER had that. she can't join a crowd because she's different and she sticks out no matter what.
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Elphaba has to do her own thing. She always has to go it alone. that's why this dance is so strange and so beautiful!! because it's so uniquely her! and THATS why the call and response motif of the choreography makes this moment so sad. because it's not just Elphie not caring what anyone thinks.
it's a desperate call for anyone, ANYONE to respond to her.
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And Galinda sees her. FINALLY, a response. finally, Elphaba has broken through that wall. for the first time in her life, she's reached out a hand, and someone else took it.
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and i just think that's beautiful. 🥺
i definitely have more to say about this but for now I will end it here anyways thanks for coming to my OZTEDtalk.
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michaelinprogress · 1 year ago
I’ve seen a few people talk about the importance of the axe, but I wanted to put my take on it out there too.
Lisa watched her mom get axe murdered, and then her life was uprooted. She had nobody there for her (except taffy but she was misguided). And this person comes along, one who knows her better than anyone, and uses an axe to kill someone right in front of her.
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Only this time, the axe is used to protect her. Something that destroyed her entire life is now being wielded by the one person she’s beginning to trust and feel seen and heard by.
And I don’t think it’s wrong for her to be thrilled and morbidly infatuated by this!!! Reclaiming and healing from trauma isn’t always pretty like everyone wants it to be, especially for young women and girls.
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The axe becomes something to protect her and get revenge on those who hurt her. People who were supposed to be good to her, that she THOUGHT were good to her, but betrayed her.
The axe is something that she now wields.
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She gets to reclaim it. She gets to trust someone again. She gets to feel loved, seen, and heard.
This movie is about reclaiming trauma as much as it is about a zombie love story!!!
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iwasbored777 · 2 months ago
I've been dying to talk about these two scenes cuz when they show Shadow's powers when GUN finds him he's not nearly as powerful as he'll be later in the movie.
The first scene was before he met Maria, the second one is after he loved her and lost her and after he was locked up for 50 years thinking about how GUN treated them. They already said that Shadow's power "went far beyond any living creature" when they found him but the pain they caused him unleashed even stronger powers that he probably didn't even know he had.
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And, look, (I have to mention this too) I understand that commander Walters didn't want anyone to get hurt but I HATE these lines I hate them so much:
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He said that Shadow was "too valuable to destroy" not "we couldn't kill him he was just a kid". It's like Shadow wasn't a living being. Walters had some sympathy for Shadow but Shadow was still a possession to GUN. He was trying so hard to not become what they turned him into, until he realized that they'll never give him a chance. And he was awake when they did this to him. I can't even imagine how terrifying this must've been.
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giveamadeuschohisownmovie · 8 months ago
Not gonna lie, watching “Twisters” has helped me understand the appeal of those cheesy romance novels with the hot models on the covers. Because the movie felt like it was written by an author of those kinds of novels.
Think about it. The plot is about this down-on-her-luck city girl (not really city, but that’s a minor point) who is feeling lost, partly because her boyfriend died in a tragic accident. So, to help her get out of her funk, she accepts an offer from her friend to go back home in rural Oklahoma.
While there, she meets a rough-and-tough, handsome country boy who comes off as a bit arrogant at first. But then she gets to know him and learns he’s actually good at heart, humble, loves dogs, helps people in need, and is genuinely just a goofy nerd about his hobby. The country boy is also intelligent since he has a college degree, he respects the protagonist’s intelligence, and he spends the 2nd half of the movie making sure she achieves her goals. He’s basically her number one fan throughout the whole movie, telling her she’s great and that he’s in awe of her work. And then, our protagonist makes the country boy chase after her, which he happily does.
I’m like…did the screenwriters read a bunch of romance novels as their inspiration?
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nectarinesinthesun444 · 1 month ago
Also I’m thinking about the fact that in all honesty unless Neil cut contact and actually ran away, he had no other choice than to die that night. Think about it - military school to years of medical school and likely Vietnam. Keep in mind Neil said he doesn’t come from a rich family like Charlie’s, so he, like Meeks probably would have been drafted and imagine how fucking painful that would’ve been. No freedom for probably a decade or more. His 20s would’ve sucked. He felt extreme impending doom and believe me, I know exactly how impending doom feels, but in this day and age we have resources, suicide prevention services, crisis hotlines, etc etc etc and he had nothing. It totally makes sense why he did what he did. He wanted to spend his last day on earth doing the thing that brought him the most joy, and he spent the last months of his life (even if he didn’t know they were the last months of his life) with the people he loved the absolute most, his found family. And he met the incredible person that is Todd Anderson. He had a good time despite the chronicles that led to his death.
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an-theduckin · 1 year ago
"You know, I'm one sixteenth Banana leaf, and we go through a lot of struggles."
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In the first episode when Argos says this, we just treat it as a joke. We just think he's being ignorant and annoying.
But what if he wasn't actually being ignorant?
In Argos deals with death episode, we find out that Argos lived with his great great grandpa and he had no other family relatives, and his grandad was a banana leaf. Now in the void ppl are usually racist to banana leafs, so maybe that's the reason his grandad didn't have a lot of friends (Quote from Argos, "It's just sad..he didn't have any friends. I'm gonna be the only one at his funeral"). And also, in the Argos birthday episode, we find out that Argos never had any friends. This might be because ppl didn't wanna be friends with him cuz his grandad is a banana leaf. Which means that this quote is actually true, he did go through a lot of struggles with loneliness throughout his childhood because he's one sixteenth banana leaf. Now he did worded it weird, like people treat him badly just cuz he's one sixteenth banana leaf and not cuz of his banana leaf grandad, but can we really blame him for it? That man has never had a friend before and the only person he talked to is like small talk with random ppl he work for and also his grandad. Me personally I think this was just him trying to be empathetic and helpful, and not realise that saying that is actually pretty annoying.
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7smiles · 11 months ago
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The way Alex lacks emotional attachment to everything and only kissed Eric as a last hurrah + experimental thing is going to kill me. Because if he cared about Eric the way Eric cared about him, he wouldnt have gunned him down mid sentence. He wouldnt have dragged his friend into this.
Alex being a truly evil person is so fascinating to me because when you watch Zero Day, you get so much introspection to Andre and Cal's emotional capacity. Alex's emotional capacity is exempt from this film because he doesn't have any at all. He has flat affect up until he smiles when telling Eric his laid out plan for their destruction.
I see people complain about Alex not having enough substance as a character, but Gus Van Sant did such a wonderful job at showing us who exactly Alex is with SO little framing. Alex is privileged, we see this in his home, his freedom, his lax parents, his ability to afford weapons- You're told this through his piano, and the cost that comes with his piano lessons. You get all of this information in very little time and not a lot of it is explained to you, Alex's character simply doesn't require monologuing.
Despite Alex's privilege, he is still troubled at school. I do think Alex is pure evil because of how he killed Eric, but there are other things i think about when diving into Alex's character. Eric's death aside, I'd like to note that I read Alex as autistic. He's visibly easily targeted, naive, his speech patterns are not like any of the "normal" characters, he gets very upset when things dont go his way (Piano scene). He has that scene in the lunch room where he seems very overstimulated, and as i mentioned before, he has flat affect. Not only that, but Alex holds a childish naivety to him- He believes that the only way to move on from his highschool torment is to kill his peers. He does not realize that things will get better, he doesnt know that there is life beyond Highschool- We have already established that he is very well off and set up for the future. I dont think autism makes his behavior okay at all, but it explains so much and this is very applicable to real life shooters as well.
Alex doesn't care, he does things for himself. I dont think he's a narcissist, but I do think he is delusional or something similar. The only time he mentions unsettlement is when he quotes "So foul and fair a day I have not seen," but I dont think it counts- He most likely only quoted this as a jab at Macbeth being a required class text + found it ironically funny that he was causing carnage and yet it was a victory for him.
Anyway, if you got this far, thanks for reading. Alex's character is painfully human and his behaviors are so interesting to read into.
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aqvilegias · 20 days ago
i think i might write something more on this once things settle down a bit, but i am so devastated to see how much people are misinterpreting anora, a film which is inherently about class struggle, about how no matter how much you fight for someone you want to keep in your life for whatever reason, it's no use if there is no actual understanding and respect between the two of you, and ultimately, how the right person can come along when you least expect them to. it is a beautiful film full of subtleties with an incredible exploration of human wants, needs, imperfections and disillusionment, and it deserved every award it got - it will forever have my love
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 4 months ago
Wicked the movie thoughts - spoiler version
I went to see Wicked today! If you want to read a spoiler free edition of what I thought you can do that here but otherwise below the cut I am going to talk in a lot of detail about the show and share my thoughts - they're overwhelmingly positive!! I loved this movie, I love this musical, and I have a lot of thoughts to discuss, I'm welcoming conversations about things I say or about stuff I didn't say but that you want to talk about let's absolutely chat, and this is all the way through going to contain spoilers for the plot but also for specific details, scenes, acting, etc, of the new movie so be warned if you don't want to read that
First of all, the genuine love and care that was put into the show and that can be seen not only in the acting but in the set, the music, in every aspect the care and the adoration for the theatre production was so clear, it was so lovingly crafted from the word go. I also felt like not only Wicked the musical but also Oz, in the original Wizard of Oz novel, in the Wicked novel, in the world and in everything that Gregory Maguire brought to the world, and so on and so forth was being treated with such care and being genuinely revered whilst also balancing well enough that I didn't feel like I was only ever seeing rehashes of existing material or a carbon copy of the past
Even as I was watching and thinking this, and thinking how well they had captured the feeling of watching something on stage, I was still wondering how they were possibly going to execute the Emerald City and the One Short Day performance because it's so iconic and so distinct in the musical but genuinely I was so impressed with the success of that scene. It both captured the essence of One Short Day on stage and added something new to it without taking anything away from the original and they deserve so much praise for that. I'm going to talk a little bit about the nail salon scene later when I discuss propaganda in Wicked (this is gonna be a looooooong post y'all buckle up) but other than that for One Short Day I just need to address, because how could I not, IDINA MENZEL AND KRISTEN CHENOWORTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't know they were going to be there!!!!!!!!!! I was losing my goddamn mind you guys omg
I was genuinely astonished. Like I'd seen them doing press and stuff but I assumed that was just because their names are so synonymous with Wicked I didn't realise they were actually going to be there!!
I really enjoyed the small stage production about the Wise Ones and the Grimmerie it was brilliant in concept and execution for worldbuilding and lore but KRISTEN AND IDINA OMG wonderful oh my gosh. Now was it on the nose? Absolutely. But I don't think that it felt forced, I thought that if you didn't know who they were then even when Chenoworth was singing to Grande and Menzel was singing to Eviro then it still wouldn't have felt strange or out of place, but of course I'm looking at it through the lens of a fan receiving fan service so generally speaking even though I know it's fanservice I'm still going to enjoy it and it's possible that through another's eyes it would feel different. I thought it was brilliant though and nothing will take that away from me
I think it's fair to say that the pacing of Wicked is kind of messed up and I have heard concern that because of that the act 2 movie will struggle; pacing of act 2 does get messy, but I cannot fault them in any way for splitting it into two movies ok because this was spectacular and I would not want to cut a single thing from it so yeah that's kind of all my thoughts on that point; I think that even if act 2 is harder to bring to screen that it can still be done in a high quality and successful way and especially after watching part 1 today I absolutely trust that this production can do that
I'm gonna now hop right back to No-One Mourns the Wicked (the pacing of this post is gonna be worse than the pacing of wicked). I was slightly concerned that Ariana Grande's intense recognisable-ness was going to take something away from the show because it would be hard to see the character she was playing rather than just Ariana Grande singing, if that makes sense, but from as early as No-One Mourns the Wicked my concerns were alleviated. Glinda is not an easy character to play, in my opinion, and she's not an easy character to play because she acts incredibly melodramatic in everything she does whilst her genuine emotions are incredibly subtle. What I saw in both Grande and Erivo was how fantastic their micro-expressions are and how much they can tell the audience with one or two features, often the eyes, alone. In No-One Mourns the Wicked , Galinda genuinely believes and will presumably continue to believe for the rest of her life that Elphaba is dead. And throughout her performance of the song, I more than once found it visibly notable that Glinda was on the verge of tears. She was smiling, she was singing, she was moving gracefully with her typical accentuated and dramatic movements, but the pain in her eyes was remarkable. This was a woman who believed that the only person she had ever had a genuine emotional connection with was dead, a woman who had lost not only someone she had manufactured a relationship with (Fiyero) and convinced herself that she was happy with what she knew was a false pretence of love to receive from, but also the only person in the world who had ever shown her real love and was finally being confronted by the fullest extent of the choices she had made but having to keep everything light and cheerful because of those very choices. Did that make sense? I hope I'm not just spouting nonsense. One of the most emphasised moments of this for me was when this massive effigy of Elphaba and one of the munchkinland residents hands Glinda the torch to light it; there's this blink and you miss it moment where Glinda looks at the torch, at the effigy, then back to the man who held it out to her, who's watching her expectantly, before she turns and tosses it on with a sense of urgency. Not only is this alone powerful, but I also think it's powerful that she throws the torch instead of standing at the effigy and taking care to set it alight firstly because she may not be able to bring herself to do so but also in a way that may be reflective of their relationship and the story: Glinda does not outrightly attack or harm Elphaba but she makes the choices that she makes, she throws her torch and whatever burns will burn.
I also felt that she captured the comedic elements of Glinda fantastically, with one of my favourite moments being when she melodramatically collapses kneeling in front of the bed as though she is sobbing into the quilt but just sits there perfectly still and the camera just stares at her for a few moments before she peeks up over her shoulder to see if Elphie's looking. The difference we can see between these two sides of Glinda's character was very well executed and I think we also see something of her more vulnerable side in some of these comedic moments, because ultimately she does (I'm going to talk about this later) feel unloved because of how shallow all of her relationships are and even in melodramatic, foolish or naive moments like the throwing herself on the duvet cover she is actively seeking attention because she equates attention to love - she so desperately claws her way to attention and popularity because she feels unloved and she thinks that this is love, so when it doesn't give her the feeling she was searching for she becomes convinced that it was because she doesn't have enough of it yet and she needs more. I thought that she was incredibly well captured and presented from all angles with her very many layers being well laid out.
Again with the insane jumping around but let's just dive headfirst into a couple of little details that I noticed whilst I'm thinking about them - during the Wizard and I when Elphaba is imagining her success and her dream she runs through a cornfield!! As though she is running towards Fiyero!!! I loved it. Like it's so tiny, but I love it. Another tiny one - loved the silver shoes for Nessa as a hark to the original book wherein the magic slippers were silver, but then in Popular when Glinda is going through her wardrobe and pulling out all these different options she gives Elphaba a pair of ruby red slippers and then decides against them and throws them away again!! Loved it as a teeny little reference. I also really lovedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd and this one is more meaningful to the story but when Elphie has her magic outburst at Shiz right at the start where she sends Nessa into the air and stuff gets thrown everywhere, there's a statue on the wall of the Wizard that gets smashed. When it smashes, it's briefly visible that beneath the statue the wall was originally painted with a mural of animal scholars!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVED this detail, I was BUZZING. Like you saw it long enough to see what it was, there were three animals with a bear in the middle and I think the bear was wearing maroon robes and they were all clearly scholars
My personal theories on this is that either they were highly valued intellectual alumni of Shiz or that they founded the school, however there mya be lore standing on them that I am unaware of I started reading the book a long time ago and never finished it (I really want to read it but I haven't got around to it yet. I read enough to know what happened to Dr Dillimond in the book but I don't remember a lot after that)
Speaking of Dr Dillimond, I'm not sure if I just missed a detail or something implicit but I wasn't sure that they gave any real explanation as to why the poppies didn't knock Fiyero out????
On Fiyero: Johnathon Bailey understands Fiyero so well and it was brilliant. His performance very much took in the different layers of the character and the split between what he presents to the world and the intensity of the emotions he hides. Fiyero experiences emotion so intensely and feels such an intense response to others' emotions as well, and I think that you could really tell that whilst not feeling like anything was being taken away from the charismatic charming persona that you knew he was putting on. One of my favourite moments between him and Elphaba in this was when she siad something along the lines of 'you aren't as shallow and self-loving as I thought' and he replies something along the lines of 'how dare you? I genuinely love myself and I am deeply shallow' and I love this not only because his humour is enjoyable and his defence mechanisms are interesting but also because she immediately breaks through and says no, you're unhappy.
I promised thoughts on Dancing Through Life so whilst we're on Fiyero -> I don't at all intend to say that Bailey isn't a good singer because he is, I just thought that to some degree his voice didn't stand out from the chorus' voices in the same way that Erivo's and Grande's do and so the song did necessarily have the same bite to it as some of the others did/ That isn't to say that it wasn't a fantastic scene, because it was, and I loved the choreography and I was obsessed with the spinning bookshelves and all of it, the bringing the beat of the song in through the movement of the books was brilliant, and again he is a good singer and I think that having the actor's own voice in the movie is almost always the right decision
Okay I am going to make a post on its own about this as well because this is really long and I am so deeply obsessed with this I want to give it a chance to get proper discussion but one of my favourite propaganda-related details of this movie was Elphaba's nails. Yes, you read that right. Her nails.
In all of the imagery and posters of the 'Wicked Witch of the West' she is very often leaning forwards with her hands strangely position in the foreground and then her face behind them so your focus is drawn very quickly to the hands. In these images, her nails are always presented as extravagantly long, sharp, and claw-like. So in a world where animals are discriminated against and being used as the common enemy long before Elphaba is used as that enemy it's so fascinating that the dehumanisation of Elphaba has emphasis on her hands appearing strange or 'unnatural' and it makes me think of the line in Something Bad 'It's enough to give pause to anyone with paws' because that's where the emphasis on this distinction lies with no-one but humans having limbs that resemble hands - having Elphaba presented effectively as though she has claws in a world where animals are discriminated against and actively silenced, especially since she advocated against that silencing. And something I really enjoyed after having noticed the long nails in the posters during No-One Mourns the Wicked is that throughout the movie Elphaba has unapologetically long, beautiful nails that in a truly wonderful subtle aspect of Erivo's acting we get the sense she cares about even though they are never discussed. When she and Glinda go to the Emerald City we see this montage of their day during One Short Day and one of the things they do is go to a nail salon and we see Elphaba excitedly showing off to Glinda her long pretty nails that she loves so much and that make her feel pretty. Again this is such a massive testament to Erivo's acting skills because there's no dialogue about it but we know that she is so excited and we know that this is one of very few times that Elphie has felt pretty, she loves her nails. And they get used so horrifyingly against her. The nail salon is such a brief, subtle moment but it's so very well executed. There's also an earlier scene where she's alone with Madame Morrible practicing magic and when she reaches out to make the hand movements the camera cuts to show the shadow of her hand and it creates this emphasis on the length of her nails and how because of the shape of her hand midway through the movement the image looks like a claw or like a very stereotypical evil witch hands sort of thing. I also think that this moment is particularly powerful bc she's alone with Morrible and everything that Elphie does under Morrible's instruction is perfectly natural but what is seen on Morrible's stationary on the desk below her is representative of the propaganda that Morrible will turn the actions that she forced Elphaba to do into.
Also more propaganda stuff I could talk about the use of the word 'witch' for all goddamn eternity so I'm not going to hark on about it now but I will say that a piece of media like this one cannot be created today without acknowledgemnt of the difference between the word 'wtich' and the word 'wizard' and how they are presented, and I think that this was really interestingly handled in the word 'witch' not being said in the prequel aspect of it until Morrible labels her 'this Wicked Witch'.
Okay I think this is going to be what I finish off with but if you know this account you know that I LOVE a parallel and I was obsessed with the parallel drawn between family dynamics in Elphie's relationship with Nessa and her father, and then with the family that she's looking for and briefly thinks she could find with Morrible, the wizard, and Glinda. Yeoh said in an interview that Morrible's betrayal is realising that the mother figure isn't who you thought she was. Madame Morrible becomes Elphaba's maternal figure, and to her living memory realistically her only maternal figure, from very early on and this maternal view of her that we have through Elphaba's eyes is very much existent by the time we reach Sentimental Man, wherein the idea of the Wizard being able to offer her some kind of paternal love, that she has never felt because her relationship with her father is so fraught, is brought forth. Sentimental Man was very well performed in my opinion, it was the right decision to keep it low and subtle and close because it created this very specific closeness between Elphie and the Wizard and we felt what she felt, which was the exact manipulation that the Wizard wanted her to feel. When Madame Morrible enters the scene we then have both of these parental-style figures present telling Elphaba how precious she is, how amazing she is, how much they believe in her - essentially all these different things that she has been denied her entire life. What I find particularly fascinating about this is that what gets created here is exactly Elphaba's existing family dynamic - because Glinda is there too. This is what Elphaba always wanted - a motherly figure, a fatherly figure, and a sisterly figure - but it still comes at the expense of the sister. Glinda is being actively diminished and put down whilst Elphaba is raised and complimented for the purpose of manipulation and to be used for their purposes rather than existing for herself, just as her father diminishes and hurts her whilst complimenting and idolising Nessa but also manipulating her & never allowing her to live her own life. There's a moment where they're all stood around the grimmerie to get the four of them in shot with Elphie looking over the book, Morrible encouragingly at her side, the Wizard watching on from behind, and Glinda leaning over Elphie's other side to try and squeeze herself into the picture and I think that this still alone captures the entire thing so very well.
In a way, this is why Glinda turned round - without Elphie there, she gets love. When Elphaba had parental figures over her and no Nessa present to be better than her, she felt loved; when Glinda has parental figures over her and no Elphaba present to be better than her, she feels loved. The fundamental difference between them in the moment of choice is arguably that Elphaba's love for others, primarily Nessa, will always be stronger than her need for love from others, whereas Glinda's need for love from others will always be stronger than her love for others, primarily Elphaba.
In this moment, Glinda's warped distinction between love and popularity, as I discussed it earlier, is finally put to direct test and even though she loves Elphie and is loved by her in a way that she has arguably never been loved (we saw just how shallow her relationship with her parents was upon the arrival at Shiz. It's as shallow as her friendships at Shiz and romance with Fiyero.) she chooses popularity because she has somehow convinced herself that superficial love from many is better than genuine love from few. Elphaba's love for Glinda is probably the most genuine affection she's experienced in her entire life - but it doesn't come from authority. Elphaba's love isn't coming from someone who can raise Glina up or give her advantages and ultimately she is always seeking the approval of authority, possibly because she felt like she never received it from the authority that was her parents when she was a child, and she finds that feeling in Morrible and the Wizard, and arguably in the power that Fiyero's family could give her as well.
Okay super quick additions that i just remembered:
I loved loved loved the addition of her falling from the palace and seeing young Elphaba in the reflection and once again so freaking much could be said about the strength of Erivo's acting here it was truly beautiful and I found it like genuinely nerve-wracking even though I knew she obvs had to make it and the song wasn't over yk but yeah it was fantastic
When Elphaba's running from the soldiers & the flying monkeys just after the monkeys have been told to attack her and Glinda is chasing after her. They go through a narrow corridor of the palace lined by windows, and the wall are made of green brick. The sunset beyond casts pink light through every window. Every window is pink, all the walls are green. Elphaba is running and Glinda is following, trying to tell her to come back to the Wizard. As they run the flying monkeys start smashing the windows, so for every pace that they take THE PINK SHATTERS AND ONLY THE GREEN IS LEFT BEHIND. They are running towards Defying Gravity and for every step closer to it they become the less intertwined the colours are. The pink shatters and the green is left behind. It was visual poetry.
Okay I hope that this insane rambling made sense, I was partially transcribing this from voicenotes I sent to my friends when I got back after the movie and they actually got more than this so apologies to them and thank you for indulging me, and thank you to anyone who has bothered to read this lol I hope it was interesting - overall, excellent movie and I loved it!! Already can't wait for part 2
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sugashook · 5 months ago
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hes teaching wade how to be a hero by just being himself. and wade is like wow you're the best
when wade had nothing he was mostly focused on himself, not fixing anything, other people had to fix things for him a lil bit, or people got hurt because of him when they didn't have to.
logan has nothing, but he carefully listened to wade and saw wade and understood him.
but unlike the last movie he has to die fr like he used up cable's time travel for himself, he got vanessa in danger twice. he got the x force killed. he kinda stole cables family time from him.
but logan literally doesnt even have anything to sacrifice for, or to fight for, just like wade! and he's at peace with that and still so selfless. BUT logan has a higher purpose that is loving and taking care of mutants. wade has wade at number 1 kinda and saves people along the way (even if it is heroic it's everyone else hurt in the end except him)
now wade will manage to die, but without even anything waiting for him on the other side, he stopped being selfish. logan would have the x men waiting in heaven but wade would have no one. that's pretty scary....that's sacrifice and nobody would be hurt. :-)
wades hero wolverine kinda came to be his hero finally and show him temperance and love. BUT THEN wade showed wolverine love and temperance making the even greater sacrifice. becoming a true hero like wolverine!!
cassandra missed charles to teach her as her other half. and wade missed logan as his other half.
wade was like HELP THEM I CANT DO IT YOU DO IT. and then logan taught him how!!
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encantobrainrot365 · 8 months ago
Julieta Madrigal
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Ok, I was inspired by a previous post to write a character analysis of Julieta.
So, the deal with Julieta is that she’s not exactly the golden child, at least not at first. It’s more like she’s the Good Girl of the family. The one that Alma doesn’t have to worry about because she’s so mature for her age. She’s quiet, humble, and kind. The one who may have been overlooked in favor of her louder and more boisterous siblings.
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She can heal people with the food she makes and the love she carries for everyone in the Encanto. So therefore, no, she’s not the golden child, she’s the Caretaker.
The extra set of hands Alma needed when things were too much for her. If Alma was feeling down or depressed, or too busy, and Julieta’s siblings were anxious or upset, Julieta would take care of it. No need to bother their mother unless it’s an emergency, right?
It’s been said she was born to be a mother and that’s because she’s been mothering her family and half the town since she was five. Those are the sort of expectations she carries around.
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I think that’s what allows her to relate to her older daughters and sobrinos who fill a similar role of support within the family. She’s the healer, the caretaker.
She lends a listening ear; she tries to make you smile with food and words of affirmation; she shoulders the family’s burdens; she sees their hurt and tries her best to lighten the load.
She was probably the one Alma was eager to marry off first, because she would make such a good mom and matriarch to the family, kind of like Isabela. So good for the Encanto.
But instead of marrying the perfect guy, like Isa planned to, she married the perfect guy for her, Agustin.
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I also think she blames herself for Bruno leaving. He was obviously hurting and she feels she failed him because she couldn’t fix it.
That’s why she parents Mirabel the way she does. She sees a lot of her brother in her daughter and that’s why she tells Mirabel not lose her way in this family the same way her brother did.
She always tries to reassure her daughter that she is perfect, that she’s enough, just the way she is. She doesn’t have to try so hard. She showers them all, with unconditional love and affection. (Something Alma wasn’t very good at doing that much growing up.)
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And as great as those things are it wasn’t always what her kids needed. She’s a caretaker, but she’s also very passive. Unlike her siblings, she’s the “unproblematic” one. “Señorita Perfecta” in that she avoids making waves and causing conflict. She tries to be a good daughter, and not give her mother a hard time. That’s what I think she has someone like Agustin for. A husband who stands by her and will firmly stand up for his family, and always support them, no matter what. And that’s exactly what he does. So yeah, I think she’s an amazing mom, and a great role model with her own flaws and problems just like everyone else.
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killrisma · 2 years ago
Okay so I watched the Barbie movie today and just WOW! There is so much to unpack, every choice felt intentional and it was just altogether wonderful. But one thing I wanted to touch on was Allan and how I think he represented growing up queer, especially for trans & non-binary youth.
Allan was always out of place and uncomfortable in every scene he was in, he didn’t fit in with the Kens or the Barbies, he was just Allan. Allan was the only Allan that existed, he even questions why he’s the only one in his opening scene. Another thing I noticed is that they paralleled a lot of Kens pining for Barbie back onto Allan with his longing glances and attempts to get Kens attention. He also doesn’t fit when the Kens create their whole “Kendom” patriarchy. Even though he should be benefiting from it, he’s not, because even though he’s not Barbie, he’s also not Ken.
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iwasbored777 · 1 month ago
If there wasn't for Maria Shadow would never get to admire the stars and if there wasn't for Sonic Shadow would never get to admire the sunrise
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When Shadow landed on Earth GUN captured him and held him in a secret facility and they only took him out of the pod when they wanted to do experiments on him. He never saw more of the Earth because they didn't let him out.
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Thanks to Maria he got to be a kid sometimes and if she didn't sneak out with him to look at the stars he wouldn't know how beautiful the Earth is. If she wasn't his friend he would never know how good humans can be.
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When Sonic spared his life (I'm not sure if Shadow would exactly die because he survived a space explosion but either way Sonic was forgiving and willing to give him a chance), Shadow not only got a chance to admire the stars again but also the sunrise, for the first time. He was reminded of how beautiful the world is and that there is so much more than what he saw. And it wasn't just the stars that made him remember Maria but also Sonic's kindness.
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Shadow was able to see a fragment of the world's beauty because both Maria and Sonic were good, he saw that the world is way more than what Gerald said it was, that there is beauty and kindness and love and that it's worth saving.
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(that reflection of the Earth in his eyes tho... the CGI/animation in this movie is BEAUTIFUL)
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