#Mott 32
jozor-johai · 4 months
Days, Moons, Snow, and Letters: Proposing an new timeline for the ADWD North
The timeline you think you know around Jon's death is wrong, and this post is to show you why. Every discussion about who really wrote the Pink Letter is missing a crucial detail: Jon dies a month before Tycho Nestoris even reaches the Crofter's Village.
Yes, I am aware this sounds like an unbelievable claim. I would love for someone to convincingly prove me wrong, and if you believe you can, please let me know. However, I am reaching this conclusion using only the facts, which I will break down for you here.
Based on Asha's careful count of the days in The King's Prize and The Sacrifice, Jon's account of the moons from Jon VII onward, and Asha's, Theon's, and Jon's account of the snowstorm around Winterfell, I believe I can convincingly argue that by the time Tycho Nestoris arrives at Stannis' camp at the end of The Sacrifice—before any battle has taken place at all—Jon has already been dead for a month.
Very long (and dry) explanation below the cut. Please enjoy.
At the end, there's a Timeline breakdown illustrating the rough outline by the day, so don't worry if my tally of the weeks starts to get confusing, there is a clarifying list at the end.
The intuitive version—where George is giving us helpful hints
Jon VII, The Prince of Winterfell, and The King’s Prize. 
In The King’s Prize, Stannis’ host sets out from Deepwood Motte. Because this is important for timing everything else, let's call this Day 0.
In Jon VII, during a new moon, Jon receives a letter informing him of this plan ("we march against him")—I believe we can sync these events as occurring roughly contemporary to one another, with Jon VII happening a few days later. For ease later on, let's say Jon VII happens ~0.5 weeks after Asha departs Deepwood; this is ~Day 3.
Very shortly after that is Prince of Winterfell and Jeyne’s marriage: during this chapter, Roose receives word that Stannis has left Deepwood Motte. Allowing for just a bit more wiggle room (for Arnolf Karstark to have received a similar update as Jon did, and then to forward that information to ahead to Roose) we can place Prince of Winterfell fairly soon after Jon VII, itself after The King’s Prize begins. Let's call this ~Day 6.
Theon in Winterfell
Thanks to Asha keeping track of the days to the number, we know that Stannis' host spends at least 34 days on the march (Asha notes that "On the thirty-second day" grain ran out, at least two more days pass—the day "Lord Peasebury turned against the northmen" and "The next day the king's scouts chanced upon an abandoned crofters' village") and then Stannis' camp spends an additional 19 days at the Crofter's Village before Tycho and Theon arrive ("they had been three days from winterfell for nineteen days"). Therefore, we can almost exactly place Theon's arrival at the Crofter's Village no sooner than 53 days from the time they left Deepwood Motte. (It's possible, but not necessary, to insert more days between 32 and the Peasebury day, and we're trying to keep this march as short as possible.)
Therefore, the entirety of Theon’s Winterfell arc occurs during this time, since Prince of Winterfell starts right after the announcement that Stannis has begun to march, and because accounting for a ~3 days' ride between WF and the Village, Theon I occurs ~3 days before The Sacrifice. We can actually reasonably sync these chapters, but for the most part we don’t really have to—Ghost of Winterfell begins four days prior to Theon I, so that only needs to align with Tycho's arrival, and the Turncloak can just happen somewhere in between. But:
The one interesting thing to note is the snow in The Turncloak, when snow begins to fall heavily ("by nightfall snow was coming down so heavily"), and the snowstorm begins. However, it is also in this chapter that two scouts return to inform Roose that Stannis’ host has begun to break apart in the snow and had "slowed to a crawl". Comparing that to Asha's updates, this is at the earliest ~1 week into the march by Asha’s count, or anytime afterward ("fourth day of the march... snow began to fall" + "third day of snow, the king's host had begun to come apart"). So, by the time it starts snowing at Winterfell, or Asha, it's already been snowing a few days, at minimum. Accounting for additional travel time back to Winterfell from wherever Stannis is, and considering that this report comes just as Winterfell is getting snow, that means Stannis’ host got the snow roughly over a week before the snow reached Winterfell.
Almost like the snowstorm is following Stannis there. ;)  
Asha's Days
As for Asha and Jon’s storyline—where it actually matters here—it appears remarkably easy to compare time:
I believe Asha counting the days must be an exercise with narrative importance, and it's incredibly useful. As I said above, we can pin nearly to the day how much time elapsed from the beginning of Stannis’ march from Deepwood Motte until their arrival at the Crofter’s Village (no less than 34 days, cited above) and then add another 19 days at the Crofter’s Village in advance of Tycho’s arrival.
Together, the time from the beginning of The King’s Prize to the end of The Sacrifice is, at minimum, 53 days. Let's say Theon and Asha reunite on Day 53.
TWOW Theon appears to occur just before dawn the next day, and since The Battle at the Crofter’s Village appears to begin immediately after TWOW Theon ends, we’ll say that the Battle, therefore, is Day 54, or 7 weeks and 5 days following Stannis' departure from Deepwood Motte.
Jon's Moons
Meanwhile, every subsequent Jon chapter gives us either a moon phase or an account of days past:
Jon VII occurs during a new moon ("They had no moon to guide them home, and only now and then a patch of stars.") The weather is notably clear, clear enough that it's a plot element: this is the reason for heading to the weirwood grove now. When Jon returns he get the news of Stannis’ departure from Deepwood. We've allowed for some raven time, so we're calling this ~Day 3.
(As an aside, it’s been storming the last seven days, so the latest Mance could have left is a week prior, though obviously since we’re syncing this with Prince of Winterfell, Mance likely left earlier than that.)
Jon VIII occurs just before the half moon, about a week later. A moon "but half-full," to quote the text exactly. This is when Val departs to find Tormund. I interpret "but" to mean just before half-full, so we'll say this is 6 days later: ~Day 9.
Val says she will return on the "first night of the full moon." No one ever says she’s late, and Jon never worries about her being gone too long, so we can assume this is true—Val returns on the first night of the full moon, with Tormund, in Jon X. We can even be generous and say this is ~9 days later, and say Jon X occurs ~Day 18.
Since Val leaves in Jon VIII and returns a week later in Jon X, then Jon IX has just over a week’s period to occur. If we’re being generous, we can say this occurred only a few days after Jon VIII, around the actual half moon. Let's say Jon IX happens ~Day 11.
In Jon IX, Selyse arrives and declares she intends to stay “no more than a few days,” and while this prediction is not a trustworthy source, it might give us some kind of ballpark. Jon also notes the weather is clear in the morning for once, calling it a “respite.” He thinks the snows have "moved off to the south" (to Stannis?) but by the evening, the snow is "coming down more heavily". The next day, Tycho appears to be gone, and Alys arrives. 
So: Tycho appears to leave just over 1 week after Jon VII, when Jon received word that Stannis planned to march on Winterfell. This way, it makes intuitive sense that Jon sent Tycho to Deepwood Motte—barely any time has passed. It seems entirely possible that Stannis had yet to leave, or at least that Tycho could catch up with him on the march. So far, this feels entirely believable and logical.
In Jon X, Alys weds. Flint and Norrey have "hied" (hurried) to Castle Black for the Wedding, which is possible if we've said that Jon IX was ~1 week ago. The snow is still falling "heavily". Jon receives a letter confirming that eleven ships have left Eastwatch for Hardhome (likely a few days prior). Val arrives that night—our full moon, we presume. Again, this is Day ~18.
Jon XI begins the next morning. ("that day" until "finally, as the shadows of the afternoon grew long"). There is no place to fit any time in between here and Jon IX, because this chapter includes Jon showing Val her new quarters ("I've had the top floor made ready for you"). This is ~Day 19.
Also in Jon XI, Jon notes that the snow has finally stopped after two weeks ("a fortnight"). The last time we know the weather was clear for more than a few hours (so clear it was a plot point!) was Jon VII, when Jon went to the weirwood grove. By our count of the moon, Jon VII was two weeks ago, so this lines up exactly.
So: we've said Tycho leaves in Jon IX, which is just over a week since Jon VII. If, at an estimate, we're saying Jon VII probably occurred about a half a week after Stannis actually left, Tycho departed Castle Black 1.5 weeks into Stannis' march. Again—he could catch up here, so makes sense that Jon sends Tycho to Deepwood Motte first.
Meanwhile, thanks to Asha, we know Tycho makes it to Stannis’ camp 7.5 weeks after their departure, on Day 53. If we are roughly syncing the start of The King’s Prize half a week before Jon VII, and seeing Tycho set out from Castle Black only a week later, then Tycho takes ~6 weeks to reach Stannis, and he’s not a teleporting banker at all. ~42 days is plenty of time to reach Deepwood Motte, negotiate the exchange of hostages, travel to Winterfell in the storm, grab Theon, and then make it back to Stannis’ camp. Again, this makes sense.
Jon X—Jon XIII
However, we now run into the problem of how much time has passed since Tycho left.
We said before that Jon X and Jon XI (the next day) occur ~1 week after Tycho departs. Jon XI is ~Day 19.
After that, Jon XII occurs exactly three days following Jon XI—there’s no space to add any extra time here. In Jon XI, Tormund and Jon agree to let the Wildlings through in three days' time, and Jon XII follows that event proceeding as scheduled. We can safely place Jon XII ~1.5 weeks following Tycho’s departure. Jon XII is ~Day 22.
Jon XIII is the only remaining Jon chapter without a moon phase or a clear date. However, there are a number of events that demand it be soon after Jon XII.
First, there's Tormund's return. Back in Jon XII, Jon says Tormund will take men to Oakenshield in “within a day or two.” In Jon XIII, Toregg returns in the morning to announce that Tormund has settled his people at Oakenshield and is returning in the afternoon. Tormund arrives that afternoon.
Then, there's the matter of Hardhome. In Jon XII, he recieves news of the disaster at Hardhome ("Very bad here. Wildlings eating their own dead"). Jon XIII begins with Jon and Selyse discussing Hardhome, seemingly for the first time; Jon later discusses a Hardhome ranging with Marsh and Yarwyck, also for the first time; Melisandre also tries to stop Jon from leaving for Hardhome, also for the first time. Jon XIII occurs as soon as Jon makes the plan to leave for Hardhome. He sounds hurried; he says "they are starving at Hardhome by the thousands," and he makes a plan with Leathers to arrange the meeting in the Shieldhall in time for Tormund's return from Oakenshield—the only thing holding them up from leaving is Tormund's return.
Up to you how long you think Jon would have waited to discuss this—I don't think very long. In order to argue that more time passes between Jon XII and Jon XIII, we need to argue that Jon hears of the starving Wildlings eating their own dead and waits for weeks before acting.
Additionally, Cregan Karstark is taken out of the Ice Cells in Jon XIII after having been imprisoned there sometime before Jon X. Considering Jon X and Jon XII have to be four days apart, that's fine, and we might imagine that Cregan has been there for maybe over a week, or more. However, Jon spent four days in an ice cell in ASOS Jon X and in this time Alliser Thorne threatened that Jon would "die in there." With that comparison, we're limited in the timeline by imagining how much longer than ~1 week we can keep Cregan Karstark alive in the ice cells prior to his release in Jon XIII without him freezing to death first.
Soon after, the Bastard Letter arrives, and Jon is killed.
Personally, I think it’s most likely that Jon XIII occurs only a few days following Jon XII. If I’m feeling generous, I’d say we can put Jon XIII ~1 week following Jon XII, and being generous we’ll say that Jon dies ~2.5 weeks after Tycho departs Castle Black. That is, therefore, 3.5 weeks after Jon first heard word that Stannis was leaving Deepwood Motte, and (we're guessing) ~4 weeks after Stannis actually left.
So Jon dies on ~Day 30. By this count, Jon's dead, and Tycho Nestoris still won’t arrive at the Crofter’s Village for another ~3.5 weeks—he can't come any faster, Asha's been counting.
Next, I'm going to propose (and acknowledge) the ways that other versions of this timeline will fix this problem, though I don't like them exactly. Then, afterwards, I'm going to give a last piece of evidence why I believe in the version of events I've just described.
If you're unintersted in "what-ifs," scroll down to "The Snowstorm"
The Less Intuitive Version—where George sneaks in "The Mystery Month"
Because I'm arguing that Jon appears to die on ~Day 30, and Tycho doesn't even reach Asha until Day 53, in order for us to believe Jon XIII happened after TWOW Theon, we’d need to invent a month to add in to Jon’s storyline. Jon XIII has to occur after Day 60, at minimum.
I call this the “Mystery Month”—is there a missing month in Jon’s storyline, or isn’t there?
There a couple ways to make this happen, and I'll explain why I don't believe them.
The trouble with slow ravens
Number one, across the board, it feels very tempting to add buffer time by imagining that Stannis left Deepwood Motte even earlier than we estimate—maybe a whole week, or even longer, before Jon hears about it in Jon VII. The main issue with this strategy is that Stannis has to send the letter, so the raven leaves at latest when Stannis does, and so now we're arguing that a raven takes over a week to fly to reach Jon .... which means that now we're also adding additional estimated time for how long it took a raven to deliver the Pink Letter, and everything has to be pushed even earlier.
That is to say: if we said it takes two weeks for word to reach Jon before Jon VII, I would say now the "battle" in the Pink Letter has to happen weeks earlier to account for this extended raven time.
The long wait before Jon XIII
The first, simplest way to add a month, is that we say this: Jon XIII happens a month after Jon XII. It took Jon a month to plan for and to bring up Hardhome to Selyse, Selyse has waited over month to plan her weddings with Gerrick Kingsbloods’ daughters, and Tormund has been at Oakenshield for over a month. The Letter arrives a month after the Wildlings come through, and so long as the King’s Prize also began over a week before Jon gets the Letter about it in Jon VII, we can make this work. Tycho arrives on time, we skip ahead a month before Jon XIII, and then Jon dies after the battle.
Yes, this could be how it happens, No I do not think that it's convincingly possible that Jon XIII happens a month after Jon XII.
If we don't want to try to force in a lot of time between Jon XII and Jon XIII, there are a few other ways to attempt to solve this (though these are still three timelines of entirely my own invention):
Skipping a moon before Jon VIII
We could add a month in between Jon VII and Jon VIII, where Jon VIII is not the waxing half moon following Jon VII’s new moon, but the one after that. We're locked in at the moon cycle, so instead of one week, this has to be a ~5 week gap. The major issue with this is: we’ve lined up Jon VII roughly with the beginning of Stannis’ march, and Tycho still hasn’t arrived at Castle Black yet. If we place Jon IX right after Jon VIII again, we'll add a month to our previous estimate of Jon IX can say that Tycho leaves ~Day 39.
With this timeline, Tycho has ~2 weeks to catch up with Stannis’ host, reaching both Deepwood Motte and Winterfell along the way. This seems unbelievably fast (considering that Deepwood to Winterfell alone was over two weeks in good weather).
The thing is, that doesn’t even matter: since this doesn’t change our earlier estimate of how long Jon has left to live after Tycho’s departure (~2.5 weeks), that still means Jon dies roughly around the same time Tycho arrives.
There's an even bigger logical issue here: in this scenario, that means Jon, who heard five weeks ago that Stannis is marching on Winterfell—which is apparently a two-week march ("fifteen days")—still sent Tycho to Deepwood Motte to catch Stannis. Why would Tycho go to Deepwood first, and not Winterfell, if Jon learned Stannis marched five weeks before Tycho left? It's true that it happened to work out, but Jon wouldn't have known, at this point, how snowed in Stannis is.
The Val takes three weeks version
Alternatively, here everything is spread out more, which is closer in spirit to what the Unofficial Timeline suggests.
We can try to give both Val and Tycho a little more time before Val's return, but we’re always trapped in a moon cycle between Jon VIII and Jon X because otherwise Val’s promise to return at the full moon doesn’t make any sense. The best way to do this is to imagine that Val leaves on a waning half moon, rather than waxing half moon. This means that Val has three weeks to travel, and it also means we have move Jon VIII to three weeks after Jon VII (and therefore ~3 weeks into King’s Prize). Here, Jon VIII is ~Day 24.
(However, this is counterintuitive—it’s more natural to imagine that being shown a half moon following a new moon would mean the waxing half moon. Also, I believe it goes contrary to the actual description: Jon notes the moon was “but half full,” and the “but” makes it seem like it will be half-full soon, not that it just was. Again, we can allow it. This also means that when Val looks at the half-moon and says: look for me at the first week of the full moon, she doesn’t mean next week, she means in ~3 weeks from now—after the moon has gone to new and then back to full again. Once again, this feels very counterintuitive to say, but it will give us more time.)
In this version of events, Tycho and Alys can still arrive as early as right after Jon VIII, and therefore that Tycho left Castle Black ~3 weeks after Jon VII, roughly around ~Day 26. (Once again, this doesn’t make too much intuitive sense to me: why would Jon send Tycho to Deepwood Motte three weeks into a two-week march?) 
This doesn’t change our count of time from Jon X—Jon XIII (a generous ~1.5 weeks) but now we’re saying say that Tycho left Castle Black three weeks prior to Jon X, so this gives us 4.5 weeks between Tycho’s departure and Jon’s death.
This solves the issue of the teleporting banker: Tycho leaves ~3 weeks into Stannis’ march and has ~4.5 weeks to make the trip, so he’s faster than Stannis but not impossibly fast. However, because the moon phases are still locking our ability to only month here for the moon to align, we still have Tycho arriving roughly the same time Jon dies.
Mystery Month+
Since we're trapped into a vague schedule by Jon's noted moon cycles, the only remaining option is to assume that one of the above is true, and that Jon XIII happens at least two weeks after Jon XII. That would also make the timeline work.
However, to me, this all seems highly counterintuitive and unlikely…
And that’s before we factor in the accounts of the weather. 
Yes, I have one more piece of evidence to propose, and although this is a bit more debatable, I believe it corroborates my initial timeline.
The Snowstorm
Asha sets out from Deepwood Motte, and four days later, the snows begin. By a week into the march ("third day of snow"), the host has begun to separate, and slow to a crawl.
Around this time, or a little later, we imagine the Bolton scouts see the Stannis host struggling, and turn home to report back. Several days later, accounting for vague travel time (because Stannis is less than halfway to Winterfell by this point), they report this to Roose, and it begins to snow in Winterfell, too. Let's say, roughly, it begins snowing at Winterfell around ~2 weeks after Stannis departs, maybe adding a couple days. This is when The Turncloak happens—let's say ~Day 16.
Remember what I said about the snow in The Turncloak being interesting?
In Jon VII (at my estimate, ~Day 3) the weather is clear—clear enough that Jon heads north of the Wall. If we're aligning these moments, this seems to be true for Stannis, too.
The first we hear of snows to the south in Jon IX ("moved off to the south"), and in Jon X, we hear that south of Castle Black the "kingsroad was said to be impassable" from snowstorms. In Jon XIII, Yarwyck points out that the Wall is getting snow blown against it because the "wind's from the south". This is three different accounts of harsh weather to the south, and all of this points to this being the storm at Winterfell. 
If we go back to my original timeline, Stannis leaves Deepwood Motte a little before Jon VII, and Jon X occurs two weeks later around ~Day 18. In that timeline, then those reports of impassable snows to the south line up exactly with when the snows appear to have hit Winterfell, from our estimation of the sync between King’s Prize and Turncloak. Snows hit Winterfell roughly ~Day 16, Jon gets reports that the Kingsroad is impassable ~Day 18. That lines up.
According to my proposed timeline, this is still four or five weeks before Tycho Nestoris arrives. A week later, in Jon XIII, when the winds from the south are only getting worse… that fits, because Asha and Theon have another three or four weeks of snow to go. And Jon is dead.
The End
TL;DR: Comparing Jon’s tracking of the moon, Asha’s tracking of the days, and accounts of the snowstorm around Winterfell all lead me to believe that Jon dies four weeks before Tycho Nestoris reaches the Crofter’s Village.
In my proposed timeline: Tycho leaves ~1 week after Stannis does, he takes ~6 weeks to make it to the Crofter’s Village, and Jon’s already been dead for a month. So, there's been a month since. This way, Jon sending Tycho to Deepwood makes sense, and Tycho taking 6 weeks to make the journey makes sense. The accounts of the snowstorms line up.
What doesn't make sense is: the Pink Letter arrives over a month too early to be real.
But what could I possibly be saying? I don't even really know. This is such an unusual conclusion that there is very little theorizing in the fandom about what this would mean.
.... Although, I do have a pet theory for this: it does feed into my desire for the Wildlings to make a surprise appearance in TWOW.
Take this with a grain of salt. BUT. We know from AGOT that it usually takes ~3 weeks to travel from Castle Black to Winterfell. That means that a Wildling host would have a month, or even five weeks, depending on timing, to have marched from Castle Black to Winterfell afterward, and could arrive at Winterfell right on time for Stannis to advance. If that were the case, it could explain why Stannis seems so unhurried at the Crofter's Village. Maybe he's waiting for them to arrive. It could work that way. I'm not getting into any other logistics here, because this is a tall tale to defend.
On the other hand, as much work as this was, I’d love to be proven wrong here! It's all in the name of science, if by science I mean obsessive analysis of fiction. If someone has a detail I’ve missed, please let me know.
Day 0: King's Prize: Stannis Marches. The King's Prize begins.
Day ~3: Jon VII: New moon, word from Stannis.
Day 4: King's Prize: Snow begins for Asha.
Day ~6: Prince of Winterfell. Word from Arnolf that Stannis marches on Winterfell.
Day 7: King's Prize: Stannis' host begins to break apart in the snow.
Day ~9: Jon VIII: ~Half moon, Val departs and will return in ~a week.
Day ~11. Tycho Nestoris arrives and Jon sends him to Deepwood Motte. Jon notes it seems there are snows off to the south.
Day 15: King's Prize: Stannis has moved less than half the distance.
Day ~16. The Turncloak. It begins to snow heavily in Winterfell.
Day ~18. Jon X. Val returns, new moon. It's snowing heavily in Castle Black. Word comes that the Kingsroad south of Castle Black is impassable from heavy snow.
Day ~19. Jon XI. Jon meets with Tormund, shows Val her new quarters. Wildlings cross in three days.
Day 20. King's Prize: Asha loses her ankle chains because her horse dies.
Day ~22. Jon XII. The wildlings cross. Clear in the morning but Tormund notes snow will start again overnight. Tormund plans to go to Oakenshield in a day or two. Word of the Hardhome disaster.
Day 26. King's Prize: Stannis' host runs out of vegetables.
*Day ~30. Jon XIII, by my estimate. Jon plans to leave for Hardhome. Strong winds blowing snow from the south. Tormund returns from Oakenshield. Bastard Letter, Jon dies.
Day 32. King's Prize: Stannis' host runs out of grain.
Day 34. King's Prize: Stannis' host reaches the Crofter's Village.
Day 45. The Karstarks arrive at the Crofter's Village. (The Sacrifice)
Day 47. The Ghost in Winterfell: Ryswell man-at-arms found dead. Snow makes visibility outside Winterfell near-zero.
Day 48. Ghost in Winterfell: Aenys Frey's squire found dead in the morning. Flint crossbowman found dead in the afternoon. Stable collapses at night.
Day 49: Ghost in Winterfell: Yellow Dick found dead in the morning. Visibility so low Theon cannot see "three feet in front of him." Confrontation about whether Theon is the killer.
Day 50: Ghost in Winterfell: Theon stays up all night; just before the dawn the sounds of horns and drums outside wakes everyone Winterfell. Theon is found in the godswood by three of the spearwives and taken to meet Mance in the Burned Tower. Theon I: A raven arrives (from the Karstarks) informing Roose of Stannis' location. Theon and Jeyne escape and are found my Mors.
Day 53: The Sacrifice: Tycho Nestoris arrives with Theon, Jeyne, and the Ironborn from Deepwood Motte.
*Day 60: At minumum, earliest time Jon XIII can occur for the Pink Letter to be accurate.
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chelledoggo · 2 months
i'm taking a day trip on sunday to a lovely lakeside picnic spot (St. Anne's Shrine in Isle La Motte, VT)
i'm so tempted to take my Pomni and Ragatha plushies to take pics of them in pretty spots like they're on a date
worried it'd be weird for a 32 year old woman to be carrying around plushies and taking pics with them :')
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pikahlua · 1 year
MHA Chapter 386 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 避難…そして戦況は…‼︎ ひなん…そしてせんきょうは…‼︎ hinan...soshite senkyou wa...!! The evacuation...and the battle situation...!!
1 17〜32ボックス再稼働を確認! 17〜32ボックスさいかどうをかくにん! 17~32 BOKKUSU saikadou wo kakunin! “Blocks 17-32 restart confirmed!”
2 AFO伊銅市を通過! オール・フォー・ワンい��うしをつうか! OORU FOO WAN idoushi wo tsuuka! “AFO is passing through Idou City!”
3 まだ戦える者は⁉︎ まだたたかえるものは⁉︎ mada tatakaeru mono wa!? “Who can still fight!?”
4 各方面に召集を掛けてますがどこも満身創痍で… かくほうめんにしょうしゅうをかけてますがどこもまんしんそういで… kakuhoumen ni shoushuu wo kaketemasu ga doko mo manshin soui de... “We’re asking for some to gather from all directions, but they’re all wounded...”
5 うわああ!!! uwaaa!!! “Waaah!”
6 次は何だ‼︎ つぎはなんだ‼︎ tsugi wa nanda!! "What next?!”
7 まずいです…‼︎ mazui desu...!! “It’s bad...!!”
8 熱が…!群訝の…‼︎ ねつが…!ぐんがの…‼︎ netsu ga...! gunga no...!! “The heat is...! Gunga will...!!”
9 荼毘の熱が…‼︎ だびのねつが…‼︎ Dabi no netsu ga...!! “Dabi’s heat is...!!”
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1 熱が何だ⁉︎報告しろ‼︎ ねつがなんだ⁉︎ほうこくしろ‼︎ netsu ga nanda!? houkoku shiro!! “What about the heat? Report!!”
2 エンデヴァーがやられたのか⁉︎ ENDEVAA ga yarareta no ka!? “Did they get Endeavor!?”
3 いえ! ie! “No!”
4 まだ…‼︎ mada...!! “Not yet...!!”
5 でも… demo... “But...”
6 そうなる…!解析結果が出ました…! そうなる…!かいせきけっかがでました…! sou naru...! kaiseki kekka ga dekimashita...! “That’s what will happen...! The analysis results are out!”
7 荼毘は…確保後からーーーー だびは…かくほごからーーーー Dabi wa...kakuho go kara---- “Dabi...since after we secured him----”
8 内に… うちに… uchi ni... “Inside himself...”
9 留め続けてる…!んです…! とどめつづけてる…!んです…! todome tsudzuketeru...! ndesu...! “he’s continuing to keep it there...! That’s what’s happening...!”
10 "圧縮"して… "あっしゅく"して… “asshuku” shite... “He’s compressing it...”
11 熱エネルギーを留め続けてるんです ねつエネルギーをとどめつづけてるんです netsu ENERUGII wo todome tsudzuketerundesu “and continuously holding his heat energy.”
12 このままだと保って十数分か… このままだともってじゅうすうふんか… kono mama da to motte juusuufun ka... “If he keeps like this for ten minutes or so...”
13 数分か……奴は消滅します…! すうふんか……やつはしょうめつします…! suufun ka......yatsu wa shoumetsu shimasu...! “in a few minutes...he’ll be annihilated...!”
14 そして圧力から解き放たれた熱エネルギーは… そしてあつりょくからときはなたれたねつエネルギーは… soshite atsuryoku kara tokihanatareta netsu ENERUGII wa... “And then the heat energy released from the pressure will...”
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1-2 直径約5kmを瞬時に灼き溶かす規模の超高圧爆発を引き起こす…‼︎ ちょっけいやく5キロメートルをしゅんじにやきとかすきぼのちょうこうあつばくはつをひきおこす…‼︎ chokkeiyaku 5 KIROMEETORU wo shunji ni yaki tokasu kibo no choukouatsu bakuhatsu wo hikiokosu...!! “it will cause an ultra-high pressure explosion on a scale that will melt and burn everything within an approximate 5 kilometer diameter...!!”
3 東の雄英西の士傑… ひがしのゆうえいにしのしけつ… higashi no yuuei nishi no shiketsu... “UA in the east, Shiketsu in the west...”
4 近畿の群訝近くを通るハート… きんきのぐんがちかくをとおるルート… kinki no gunga chikaku wo tooru RUUTO... “The [refugee box] route passes near Gunga in the Kinki region ...”
5 …荼毘はこれを…?いや…そんな事無理だ… …だびはこれを…?いや…そんなことむりだ… ...Dabi wa kore wo...? iya...sonna koto muri da... “...Dabi [knows] this...? No...that sort of thing is impossible...”
6 だが…もしあの時 だが…もしあのとき daga...moshi ano toki “But...maybe at that time”
7 スケプティックから情報を受けていたとしたら… スケプティックからじょうほうをうけていたとしたら… SUKEPUTIKKU kara jouhou wo ukete ita to shitara... “if he received that information from Skeptic...”
8 連絡なさい‼︎ れんらくなさい‼︎ renraku nasai!! “Contact them!!”
9 今すぐ‼︎ いますぐ‼︎ ima sugu!! “Right now!!”
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1 被害予想範囲にまだ ひがいよそうはんいにまだ higai yosou han’i ni mada “Within the expected damage range, there is”
2 止められてる避難ボックスがある‼︎ とめられてるひなんボックスがある‼︎ tomerareteru hinan BOKKUSU ga aru!! “an evacuation box that’s [still] being stopped!!”
3 …!そんなの…いくら地下でも… …!そんなの…いくらちかでも… ...! sonna no...ikura chika demo... “...! That’s...no matter how far underground they are...”
4 緊急ハッチを開けろ‼︎ きんきゅうハッチをあけろ‼︎ kinkyuu HACCHI wo akero!! “Open the emergency hatch!”
5 地上へ出るんだ! ちじょうへでるんだ! chijou e derunda! “Get above ground!”
6 うわあああああ uwaaaaaa “Waaaaaah!”
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1 塚内さん‼︎ つかうちさん‼︎ Tsukauchi-san!! “Mr. Tsukauchi!!”
2 AFO更に加速! オール・フォー・ワンさらにかそく! OORU FOO WAN sara ni kasoku! “All For One is accelerating further!”
3 まもなく"泥ワープ"の推定有効圏内に入ります! まもなく"どろワープ"のすいていゆうこうけんないにはいります! mamonaku “doro WAAPU” no suitei yuukou kennai ni hairimasu! “Shortly he’ll enter the estimated effective range for his mud warp!”
4 "二人の魔王"が揃い立ってしまったら "ふたりのまおう"がそろいたってしまったら “futari no maou” ga soroi tatte shimattara If the two demon kings end up standing together,
5 もう打つ手はーー‼︎ もううつてはーー‼︎ mou utsu te wa--!! we’ll be out of moves--!!
6 増援は……‼︎ ぞうえんは……‼︎ zouen wa......!! “Reinforcements......!!”
7 無理です‼︎万全な者がいたとしても… むりです‼︎ばんぜんなものがいたとしても… muri desu!! banzen na mono ga ita to shitemo... “That’s impossible!! Even if we have surefire people...”
8 間に合うヒーローなんて… まにあうヒーローなんて… ma ni au HIIROO nante... “we don’t have a hero who can make it in time...”
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1 塚内くん つかうちくん Tsukauchi-kun “Tsukauchi-kun.”
2 轟くんまだ"燐"の負荷が……! とどろきくんまだ"りん"のふかが……! Todoroki-kun mada “rin” no fuka ga......! “Todoroki-kun, the burden of Phospor is still......!”
3 大丈夫だっつってんだろ…! だいじょうぶだっつってんだろ…! daijoubu dattsuttendaro...! “Didn’t I tell you I’m fine...!”
4 AFOが緑谷んとこ着いちまうって… オール・フォー・ワンがみどりやんとこついちまうって… OORU FOO WAN ga Midoriya ntoko tsuichimau tte... “What if AFO arrives where Midoriya is like they said...”
5 俺はまだ動ける…‼︎ おれはまだうごける…‼︎ ore wa mada ugokeru...!! “I can still move...!!”
6-7 燈矢の事で頭がいっぱいだろ… あにのことであたまがいっぱいだろ… ani (kanji: Touya) no koto de atama ga ippai daro... “Your head is full [with thoughts of] your brother (read as: Touya), isn’t it...”
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1 ……できることを…やらなきゃ… ......dekiru koto wo...yaranakya... “......I have to do...what I can...”
2 待て‼︎俺を殺すんだろ まて‼︎おれをころすんだろ mate!! ore wo korosundaro Wait!! Aren’t you going to kill me?
3 君がどれ程の思いで きみがどれほどのおもいで kimi ga dore hodo no omoi de “With how many thoughts”
4 立ち向かったか…… たちむかったか…… tachimukatta ka...... “did you stand and face him......?”
5 どれだけ dore dake “How much”
6 悔しいか… くやしいか… kuyashii ka... “are you regretting...?”
7 僕に「なりたいものを見ろ」と ぼくに「なりたいものをみろ」と boku ni 「naritai mono wo miro」 to “You told me, ‘look at the person you want to become,’”
8 言ってくれた優しい君が いってくれたやさしいきみが itte kureta yasashii kimi ga “You, who were kind and told me that,”
9 何でこんな思いをしなきゃいけない なんでこんなおもいをしなきゃいけない nande konna omoi wo shinakya ikenai “why do you have to feel like this?”
10 ーーあーーアーー --a--A-- “--a--A--”
11 ん‼︎つながった‼︎ n!! tsunagatta!! “-eah!! It connected!!”
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1 2人とも‼︎まだ無事だってな⁉︎ 2りとも‼︎まだぶじだってな⁉︎ futari-tomo!! mada buji datte na!? “You two!! Are you still safe!?”
2 オールマイト…⁉︎ OORU MAITO...!? “All Might...!?”
3 時間が惜しい手短に伝えるね! じかんがおしいてみじかにつたえるね! jikan ga oshii temijika ni tsutaeru ne! “Time is scarce, so I’ll briefly explain!”
4 君たちは今すぐ群訝へ走れ‼︎ きみたちはいますぐぐんがへはしれ‼︎ kimi-tachi wa ima sugu gunga e hashire!! “You guys run to Gunga right now!!”
5 荼毘が爆発寸前 だびがばくはつすんぜん Dabi ga bakuhatsu sunzen “Dabi is about to expolde.”
6 範囲内には避難ブロックが停止中 はんいないにはひなんブロックがていしちゅう han’inai ni hinan BUROKKU ga teishichuu “Some evacuation blocks have been stopped within his range.”
7 現在エンデヴァーが荼毘���見てるが げんざいエンデヴァーがだびをみてるが genzai ENDEVAA ga Dabi wo miteru ga “Endeavor in his current state is watching Dabi, but”
8 彼の"個性"では爆発を止められないだろう おれの"こせい"ではばくはつをとめられないだろう ore no “kosei” de wa bakuhatsu wo tomerarenai darou “with his quirk, he probably can’t stop the explosion.”
9 飯田少年 いいだしょうねん Iida-shounen “Young Iida,”
10 君は走れる筈だ きみははしれるはずだ kimi wa hashireru hazu da “you should be able to run.”
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1 轟少年! とどろきしょうねん! Todoroki-shounen! “Young Todoroki!”
2 心と体は一元だ こころとからだはいちげんだ kokoro to karada wa ichigen da “the heart and body are unified.” (Note: He’s talking about a metaphorical heart, or mind, or spirit, that is the equivalent of one’s thoughts and feelings and personality.)
3 悩み進んできた君ならわかると思う なやみすすんできたきみならわかるとおもう nayami susunde kita kimi nara wakaru to omou “I think you understand, as you have progressed from your troubles.”
4 オールマイトでも OORU MAITO demo “Even with All Might,”
5 AFOが…… オール・フォー・ワンが…… OORU FOO WAN ga...... “All For One is......”
6 大丈夫!まだ強力な助っ人は控えてる! だいじょうぶ!まだきょうりょくなすけっとはひかえてる! daijoubu! mada kyouryoku na suketto wa hikaeteru! “It’s okay! There’s still a powerful helper standing by!”
7 迷いを抱いて戦ってもアレには勝てない まよいをいだいてたたかってもアレにはかてない mayoi wo idaite tatakattemo ARE ni wa katenai “Even if you embrace your hesitation and fight, you can’t win against that.”
8 悩んで迷って…そんな少年が心に決めた想いこそ何より尊い なやんでまよって…そんなしょうねんがこころにきめたおもいこそなによりとうとい nayande mayotte...sonna shounen ga kokoro ni kimeta omoi koso nani yori toutoi “You worried and wandered...and the feelings that such a young man decided on in his heart are more precious than anything else.”
9 燈矢を止めて皆を安心させてくれ! とうやをとめてみんなをあんしんさせてくれ! Touya wo tomete minna wo anshin sasetekure! “Stop Touya and put everyone at ease!”
10 君が君である為に きみがきみであるために kimi ga kimi de aru tame ni "Because you are you.”
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1 今 群訝の危機をどうにかできる可能性があるとすれば いま ぐんがのききをどうにかできるかのうせいがあるとすれば ima   gunga no kiki wo dou ni ka dekiru kanousei ga aru to sureba “Now, if we have any chance at doing something about the Gunga crisis,”
2 「エンジン」と 「ENJIN」 to “it’s Engine and”
3 「半冷半燃」 「はんれいはんねん」 「hanrei hannen」 “Half-Cold Half-Hot.”
4 君たちだけだ‼︎頼んだぞ‼︎ きみたちだけだ‼︎たのんだぞ‼︎ kimi-tachi dake da!! tanonda zo!! “It’s only you guys!! We’re counting on you!!”
5 …走れって …はしれって ...hashire tte “..He said to run”
6 飯田エンストしたし…… いいだエンストしたし…… IIda ENSUTO shita shi...... “but Iida[′s engine] has stalled......”
7 群訝まで ぐんがまで gunga made “From Gunga,”
8 どんだけ距離あると思ってんだ… どんだけきょりあるとおもってんだ… don dake kyori aru to omottenda... “how far do you think we are...?”
9 雨で脚の熱が良い具合だ走れるよ…… あめであしのねつがいいぐあいだはしれるよ…… ame de ashi no netsu ga ii guai da hashireru yo...... “With the rain, the heat in my legs will be in good condition, so I can run......”
10 走れる はしれる hashireru “I can run,”
11 轟くん…だって俺の脚はね とどろきくん…だっておれのあしはね Todoroki-kun...datte ore no ashi wa ne “Todoroki-kun...because my legs”
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1 迷子を導く為にあるんだから まいごをみちびくためにあるんだから maigo wo michibiku tame ni arunda kara “are for the sake of guiding lost children.”
2 誰が…為にーー… たが…ためにーー… ta ga...tame ni--... “For others’...sake--...”
3 しっかり掴まってろ しっかりつかまってろ shikkari tukamattero “Hold on tightly.”
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1 全速力だ ぜんそくりょくだ zensokuryoku da “This is my full speed.”
2 ホークスによるAFOとの戦闘記録 ホークスによるオール・フォー・ワンとのせんとうきろく HOOKUSU ni yoru OORU FOO WAN to no sentou kiroku From the combat record of AFO from Hawks:
3 若年化に伴い力は増すが じゃくねんかにともないちからはますが jakunenka ni tomonai chikara wa masu ga as his age decreases, his accompanying strength increases.
4 負の感情が抑えられなくなっている ふのかんじょうがおさえられなくなっている fu no kanjou ga osaerarenaku natte iru His negative amotions are going out of control.
5 馬鹿ヤロウ! ばかヤロウ! bakaYAROU! “You idiot!”
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1 これでいいんだよ塚内くん これでいいんだよつかうちくん kore de iinda yo Tsukauchi-kun “It’ll be fine like this, Tsukauchi-kun.”
2 元々私の もともとわたしの motomoto watashi no “Because originally,”
3 戦いだったんだから たたかいだったんだから tatakai dattanda kara this battle was mine.”
4 思い出すよなァ? おもいだすよなァ? omoidasu yo naA? “Do you remember?”
5 長く戦ってきた… ながくたたかってきた… nagaku tatakatte kita... “We’ve been fighting for a long time...”
6 死柄木弔の"憎しみ"が しがらきとむらの"にくしみ"が Shigaraki Tomura no “nikushimi” ga “The influence of Shigaraki’s hatred”
7 本体にまで影響を及ぼしているって? おまえにまでえいきょうをおよぼしているって? omae (kanji: hontai) ni made eikyou wo oyoboshite iru tte? “is affecting your body, didn’t you say?”
8 じゃあ jaa “Then,”
9 無視はできないだろうなぁ むしはできないだろうなぁ mushi wa dekinai darou naa “you can’t ignore it, right?”
10 なんてったって nantetta tte “In the end,”
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1-2 "無個性"なんだぞ!!! "むこせい"なんだぞ!!! “mukosei” nanda zo!!! “You’re quirkless!!!”
3 "個性"がなくてもヒーローは出来ますか⁉︎ "こせい"がなくてもヒーローはできますか⁉︎ “kosei” ga nakutemo HIIROO wa dekimasu ka!? Can I be a hero even if I don’t have a quirk!?
tagline 1 No.386 ナンバー386 NANBAA 386 No. 386
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tagline 1 I AM HERE  堀越耕平 アイ アム ヒア  ほりこしこうへい AI AMU HIA   Horikoshi Kouhei I AM HERE   Kouhei Horikoshi
1 私が わたしが watashi ga “I”
2 来た きた kita “am here.”
tagline 2 ついに来た‼︎ ついにきた‼︎ tsui ni kita!! He’s finally arrived!!
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strictlyfavorites · 1 month
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Lombardi’s is a pizzeria located at 32 Spring Street on the corner of Mott Street in the Nolita neighborhood in the borough of Manhattan, New York City. Opened in 1905, it has been acknowledged by the Pizza Hall of Fame as the first pizzeria in the United States.
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thecomfywriter · 2 months
📽️Clickbait Title Tag Game 📽️
Heyyo! I'm a bit late sorrryyyyy
Anyway! I got tagged in this by a few people. Shoutout to @the-letterbox-archives @the-golden-comet @drchenquill and @theink-stainedfolk. I'm finally on it. And boy oh boy... yall better buckle in for this. I'm going to do ALL my wips. Even the ones that are still in the hiatus drafts
So, without further ado... Let's get into it
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
Throne of Vengeance (ToV):
Volume 1:
getting emotionally attached to a literal mass murderer (oopsies! 🥰)
Volume 2:
watch me enter my villain arc 😀 (these are the consequences of my actions)
Light of the Flame Series (LotF):
accidentally becoming an accomplice to murders i (technically) didn't commit (SOS)
emotionally neglected child goes rogue and conquers an entire enemy territory
spiralling into my ✨insanity era ✨ because a serial killer killed my mother and now i want revenge
oops! i accidentally stole the throne from my older sisters
oh no! the nation i abandoned ended up as a warzone!
literally gambling with the gods to save my best-friend-who-im-totally-not-in-love-with (trust me)
The Chronicles of Elayza (CoE):
STORYTIME! i got drunk and ended up in the middle of a pirate conspiracy
help! i'm stuck in the middle of the monster-ridden ocean (they made me WALK the PLANK)
washing up on an island filled with beautiful women... what could go wrong (spoiler alert: EVERYTHING)
getting eaten by a whale and kidnapped by a bunch of mermen (life hates me)
escape a hospital with me! (i have 32 stab wounds and should be on bed rest)
reuniting with my ex-best friend who stabbed me 32 times (EMOTIONAL)
watch me get an exorcism! (i'm being possessed by the god of chaos)
The Inkarnyus Series (TIS):
i'm technically a tyrant, but i've brainwashed everyone int thinking i'm a good person
help! i've been isekai'd into a literal hellhole nation right before my finals!
my older sister's sexy bodyguard might like me back-- what should i do? 😜
embarrassing myself on live television so no one can foce me to become a princess
so... i'm a princess. now what?
someone pissed me off so not only did i wage war against them, but i... got engaged?
yup. i knew it was too good to be true
waging war on my fiancé because he fumbled the bag
i lost... the battle! but i won the WARRRR, BITCHESSS
all my exes in a ballroom together-- who do i dance with (btw, i'm married)
my sister-in-law might hate me... idk (she tried to kill me 4 times now)
The Adventures of Neha and Serina (AoNaS):
bullying a supervillain and gaslighting a sailor into thinking i'm a mermaid
enacting my plan for reverse-colonization (it actually worked???)
STORYTIME! my sister got abducted by a sadistic octopus! 💀🐙
trying to escape a time loop (HARD MODE)
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
Okay phew! that was long, but fun :)
Bro, i should've been a 2016 youtuber frfr. LOOK AT THOSE TITLES
ANYWAY... Per usual, i'll be tagging the TCW crew and the last 10 people that interacted with my posts. If you want to be added to the TCW tag list, interact with this post here.
TCW Tags List:
@lunaeuphternal @the-golden-comet @renasdoodles
@drchenquill @zackprincebooks @wyked-ao3 @satohqbanana
@toragay-writing @the-letterbox-archives @kind-lion
@mysticstarlightduck @agirlandherquill @storyteller-kara
Last 10 people to interact: *
*i really hope yall are actually writeblrs. something, i can't tell because there is a lot of writing reblogs, but not a lot of wip content??? so ignore this if you're not actually a writer who wants to share their own work! :)
@lortar @willtheweaver @finickyfelix
@saturnshai @waterdeeparchivist @teenageanimepositivitycookie
@iriscottage @sizzlingpaperlover @the-galaxy-aint-green
Happy Writing!
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its-that-gay-fox · 2 months
watching wild blue yonder and i thought i’d share my thoughts (yes i know i’m like half a year behind i procrastinated watching nuwho and then binged it in the past month)
1:18- “odds bodkins, what the devil?” i’m gonna absolutely adore this. also donna and the doctor are so chaotic and confusing for anyone who doesn’t know what’s going on i love them sm
2:02- “you can appreciate the gravity of the situation” the way they smiled and said it in sync and then a fire occurred i fucking love dw and the way they just fucking vanish this is great
6:47- mavity, i am fucking murdered and incinerated. and the doctor being gay about isaac newton and donna being like “mate you were always this way”
12:03- one of my favorite things about david tennant is his inability to sit anywhere properly, no matter the role or if he’s just being a person
18:32- if it looks edible enough to lick, and he doesn’t know what it is is, then the doctor must lick it. law of the universe
22:28- the tardis can’t be the only thing he’s got left though, he’s got donna again. or is he scared that he’ll lose her again so he’s not registering her as something he has left?
31:51- he’s just a lil sad boi with so much trauma and i forgot how much i missed david tennant being the lil sad doctor
33:43- he’s always so sad and he doesn’t know how to cope with his trauma and when he gets sad i get sad and now i wanna cry
40:19- the doctor is so neurodivergent coded and adhd coded like he can’t just ever calm and stop and that’s in all incarnations of the doctor i love that little detail so much
conclusion: so far all of the specials have made me laugh and cry, so 10/10 obviously. and the weird not being able to hold a shape thing was absolutely brilliant. rtd is great. my other review, bernard cribbins and wilfred mott will always have a special place in my heart and anyone who doesn’t like wilf will burn in the deepest pit of hell <3
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companion-showdown · 9 months
What is your favourite impossible Doctor-Companion combinations
this tournament was suggested by @pkmurasaki
Martha Jones with 9 vs Jo Grant with 15
Ace McShane with 12 vs River Song with 13
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Martha Jones with 9 vs Missy with 7
Susan Foreman with 12 vs Jo Grant with 15
Ace McShane with 12 vs Frobisher with 12
Jamie McCrimmon with 8 vs River Song with 13
previous rounds under the cut
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Martha Jones with 9 vs Sarah-Jane Smith with 12 WINNER: Martha & 9
Missy with 7 vs Dodo Chaplet with 11 WINNER: Missy & 7
Susan Foreman with 12 vs Tegan Jovanka with 9 WINNER: Susan & 12
Jack Harkness with 15 vs Jo Grant with 15 WINNER: Jo & 15
Ace McShane with 12 vs Wilfred Mott with 12 WINNER: Ace & 12
Vislor Turlough with 6 vs Frobisher with 12 WINNER: Frobisher & 12
Leela with 9 vs Jamie McCrimmon with 8 WINNER: Jamie & 8
Evelyn Smythe with 12 vs River Song with 13 WINNER: River & 13
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Martha Jones with 9 vs Andy Davidson with 1 WINNER: Martha & 9
Sarah-Jane Smith with 12 vs K9 with 12 WINNER: Sarah-Jane & 12
Missy with 7 vs Yasmin Khan with COFD 13 WINNER: Missy & 7
Dodo Chaplet with 11 vs Koschei with 12 WINNER: Dodo & 11
Susan Foreman with 12 vs Bernice Summerfield with 9 WINNER: Susan & 12
The Ponds with 2 vs Tegan Jovanka with 9 WINNER: Tegan & 9
Jack Harkness with 15 vs John & Gillian Who with 13 WINNER: Jack & 15
Hex Schofield with 13 vs Jo Grant with 15 WINNER: Jo & 15
Ace McShane with 12 vs Kroton with 9 WINNER: Ace & 12
C'rizz with 9 vs Wilfred Mott with 12 WINNER: Wilf & 12
Compassion with The Valeyard vs Vislor Turlough with 6 WINNER: Turlough & 6
Romana I with 12 vs Frobisher with 12 WINNER: Frobisher & 12
Alison Cheney & Shalka!Master with 9 vs Leela with 9 WINNER: Leela & 9
Anji Kapoor with 6 vs Jamie McCrimmon with 8 WINNER: Jamie & 8
Chang Lee with 9 vs Evelyn Smythe with 12 WINNER: Evelyn & 12
The Fam with 5 vs River Song with 13 WINNER: River & 13
ROUND 1: Group Stage
despite over 64 pairings, we have slightly the wrong number for a tournament of 64 so the group stage will bring us down to 32
Group 1:
Bill Potts with 13
Clara Oswald with 13
Donna Noble with 9
Jack Harkness with 15
Martha Jones with 9
Group 2:
Nardole with 10
River Song with 13
Rory Williams with 12
Rose Tyler with 13
Ryan Sinclair with 11
Wilfred Mott with 12
Group 3:
Ace McShane with 12
Barbara Wright with 12
Chang Lee with 12
Dodo Chaplet with 11
Ian Chesterton with 12
Harry Sullivan with 12
Group 4:
Jo Grant with 15
K9 with 12
Kamelion with 12
Leela with 9
Liz Shaw with 15
Mel Bush with 12
Group 5:
Nyssa with 9
Peri Brown with 12
Romana I with 12
Romana II with 12
Sarah-Jane Smith with 12
Susan Foreman with 12
Group 6:
Bernice Summerfield with 9
Charley Pollard with 13
Evelyn Smythe with 12
Fitz Kreiner with 9
Frobisher with 12
Liv Chenka with 13
Group 7:
Alison Cheney and Shalka!Master with 9
Business Woman with 9
C'rizz with 9
Chris Cwej with 8
Compassion with 12
Hex Schofield with 13
Group 8:
Gillian and John Who with 13
Koschei with 12
Kroton with 9
Miranda Dawkins with 9
Ssard with 12
Stacy Townsend with 12
Group 9:
Amy Pond with 6
Dan Lewis with 6
The Fam with 5
Graham O'Brien with 2
Missy with 7
The Ponds with 2
Group 10:
Adric with 8
Jamie McCrimmon with 8
Victoria Waterfield with 8
Vislor Turlough with 6
Zoe Heriot with 3
Group 11:
Susan Who with 1
Andy Davidson with 1
Anji Kapoor with 6
Compassion with The Valeyard
Ly-Chee with 8
Sibling Different with 8
Group 12:
Yasmin Khan with COFD 13
Cinder with The Warrior
Fitz Kreiner with Theta Stigma
Tegan Jovanka with 9
Wolsey with 13
Links to previous tournaments
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Update on the new island again. I finally figured out how to transfer several things from my original island to the new one. And with all of that settled, I finally did a proper villager hunt. I haven’t done one of these in a very, very long time. I believe the last time I did one was with Tiffany a few years back.
I originally wanted a cranky villager or a snooty villager. I even made a list of who I wanted. So for the cranky villagers, I wanted either Ike, Static, Marlo, Lobo, or Walt. And for the snooty villagers I wanted either Petri, Pecan, Freya, or Vivian. However, things didn’t turn out how I expected.
Here’s what happened.
This is villager hunt #1
1. Bertha
2. Tabby
3. Nan
4. Mathilda
5. Amelia (also money rock island)
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I was really surprised that I ran into money rock island this early.
6. Gruff
7. Quinn
8. Octavian
9. Ione
10. Sly
11. Rodeo
12. Kidd
13. Biff
14. Hornsby
15. Beau
16. Keaton
17. Wade
18. Rocket
19. Soleil
20. Robin
21. Tutu
22. Tank
23. Tia
24. Pekoe
25. Diva
26. Mallary
27. Bree
28. Rolf (He’s a permanent resident on my original island) ((I forgot to take a picture of this 😭))
29. Sprocket 
30. Skye
31. Clay
32. Azalea
33. Fang
34. Fang (again!)
35. Lyman
36. Tipper
37. Bianca
38. Bertha (again)
39. Maelle
40. Frita
41. Hopkins
42. Apollo
43. Patty
44. Beau (again)
45. Tank (again)
46. Olivia
47. Wolfgang
48. Ursula
49. Mott (money rock island again)
50. Hornsby (again)
51. Gladys
52. Vic
53. Daisy - Daisy is one of my dream villagers that I really wanted and I got super excited when I saw her. So I invited her to my island.
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I then skipped to the next day and she is finally here!
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Now here is the thing. I accidentally placed down TWO vacant home lots instead of one before I went villager hunting and the second lot had autofilled. This autofill really took me by surprise and it was a very nice one too.
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Yep, Mac is coming back and I am super happy! (For those who don’t know, Mac was a resident on my original island for quite sometime before he had moved away.) I had really missed him and I can’t wait for him to show up. (But now I have two dogs on the island lol)
I did another villager hunt after I put down another lot. That will be in part 2. So stayed tuned!
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bnhaobservation · 9 months
Keeping up with the Todorokis or, just me observing the Todorokis: Volume 4
So this is nothing else but a collection of information, volume by volume, about what the Todorokis do in the story or which info are revealed about them and so on.
Todoroki Enji: Chap 28 to 31, 34
Todoroki Rei: Chap 31 (Flashback), 34 (mentioned)
Todoroki Shōto: Chap 27 to 32, 34 to 35
027. Earth-Shatteringly Fateful Negotiations (天下分け目の交渉時間 Tenkawakeme no Kōshō Jikan) Shōto
028. Strats, Strats, Strats (策策策 Saku saku saku) Enji - Shōto
029. Unaware (知られてない Shiraretenai) Enji - Shōto
030. Cavalry-Match Finale (騎馬戦決着 Kibasen Ketchaku) Enji - Shōto
031. The Boy Born with Everything (全てを持って生まれた男の子 Subete wo Motte Umareta Otoko no Ko) Enji - Rei (Flashback) - Shōto
032. Smile, Prince of Nonsense Land! (笑え!ナンセンス界のプリンス Warae! NONSENSE-kai no PRINCE) Shōto
033. Shinsō’s Situation (心操くんの事情 Shinsō-kun no Jijō)
034. Victory or Defeat (勝ち負け Kachimake) Enji - Rei (mentioned) - Shōto
035. Battle On, Challengers! (奮え!チャレンジャー Furue! CHALLENGER) Shōto
017. Strategy, Strategy, Strategy (策策策 Saku saku saku) Enji - Shōto
018. Cavalry Battle Finale (騎馬戦決着 Kibasen Ketchaku) Enji - Shōto
019. The Boy Born with Everything (全てを持って生まれた男の子 Subete wo Motte Umareta Otoko no Ko) Enji - Rei (Flashback) - Shōto
020. Victory or Defeat (勝ち負け Kachimake) Enji - Rei (mentioned) - Shōto
021. Battle on, Challengers! (奮え!チャレンジャー Furue! CHALLENGER) Shōto
U.A. SPORT FESTIVAL ARC (Chap 12-21): After ending up second in the Obstacle Course Race, Shōto form a team for the Cavalry Battle choosing as his partners Īda Tenya, Yaoyorozu Momo and Kaminari Denki so as to obtain the most stable formation. Īda will take the lead so they can use his mobility and physicality for defense, Yaoyorozu will take the right and provide an insulator so as to shield them and supplement their movement while Kaminari will guard the left and keep away enemies with his electricity. Shōto will be the rider but, when asked if he’ll hold enemies off with his fire and ice he’ll reply:
‘Sentō ni oite netsu (read: hidari) ha zettai tsukawa nē’ 「戦闘に於いて熱(ひだり)は絶対使わ ねえ」 “In battle I absolutely won’t use the heat (read: [my] left).” [Chap 28]
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This sentence is one of those case in which we see the author writing a kanji ‘netsu’ (熱 “heat”) but giving it a different reading and meaning ‘hidari’ (ひだり) “left”, the kanji telling us the real meaning of Shōto’s words (in fact he uses his left side to fight, just not the heat his left side can create).
As Shōto speaks, he watches his father who’s standing among the public so as to imply that’s in clear defiance to him and to remark they’ve a poor relation.
On a sidenote we can see that Endeavor’s Hero costume, which in chap 1 and 3 was the same and almost the same as the one of his prototype was changed in the chest area (even though the neck is still different) becoming closer to its final stage.
Now, although Shōto was second at the Obstacle Course Race and therefore gained for himself 205 point, the sum of the point of his team make them third with a total of 615 points (team Bakugō is second with 665 points).
Shōto is, of course, planning to target Team Midoriya, who’s in the first place. Once his team find face to face with Midoriya they use Kaminari to shock the other teams aiming at them and then Shōto freezes them and steals their headbands. Tokoyami, from Team Midoriya, tries attacking Team Todorokio but, on Shōto’s prompting, Yaoyorozu stops him. Then, for five minutes, Team Midoriya manages to evade Team Todoroki by keeping distance and positioning in such a way if Shōto were to use his left side to freeze them, he would also freeze Īda.
Endeavor also realizes Team Midoriya’s tactic though he expresses it in different ways in the manga and in the anime.
In the manga he says:
‘Tsukarete njanai ka... Aho’ 「突かれてんじゃないか…阿呆」 “I think you’ve been stabbed… fool.” [Chap 29]
Which likely means in this contest that Midoriya figured out his weak spot and is basically exploiting it as the reading ‘tsukarete’ can also mean he’s being “wearing out” (by the way ‘tsukarete’ has dots above it so as to underline it).
Endeavor here looks amused as he speaks, the corners of his lips up. Either he apprecciates Midoriya’s tactic or he hopes this will pressure Shōto enough to get a reaction out of him.
In the anime instead he goes for
‘Minukareten jane~e ka… Aho me’ 「見抜かれてんじゃねぇか…阿保め」 “I think he can see right through you… aren’t you being a fool?” [Ep 18]
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...but he’s no more smiling which will combine with how later he’ll scold Shōto to give a general impression he’s disappointed of him.
Īda, to help his team, volunteers to move super fast even though this will then stall him, so as to give Shōto a chance to grab Midoriya’s headband. Īda’s plan succeed and Shōto grabs Midoriya’s headband so Team Midoriya now chases them in an attempt to recover it.
Midoriya attacks Shōto with such fierce determination it makes him shudder and pushes him to instinctively try to defend himself with his left side. Midoriya, with his Quirk, still manage to break his defence and steal one headband, thinking it was the one Shōto took from him. Shōto though, not only had hidden the value of the headbands but had switched them so that the one Midoriya stole is a rather low in points one. Shōto instead is still shocked he had subconsciously used his left side.
Midoriya attacks again but while he doesn’t manage to retrieve any headband, taking advantage of the fact Shōto is still shaken, Tokoyami use Dark Shadow to steal the one on Shōto’s head at the last moment.
Team Todorokio still manages to take first place, even though Shōto is clearly disappointed and, along with other three teams, his team will proceed to the final event.
Shōto is upside down because he was determinate not to use his left side but when push came to shove he ended up using it unwillingly, which angers him because he has done just like his old man expected.
‘Ikenē… kore ja… oyaji no omou tōri janē ka…’ 「いけねえ…これじゃ…親父の思う通りじゃねえか…」 “This is wrong...this...isn’t it exactly what my old man is desiring...” [Chap 30]
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During the one hour lunch break Shōto approaches Midoriya.
At the same time All Might approaches Endeavor, who was leaving the stands.
Let’s look at their dialogue first because it’s short and there are some points to ponder. Beware, it spans on two chapters so first we have:
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‘Hisashiburi da na! Ocha shiyo ENDEAVOR!’ 「久し振りだな!お茶しよエンデヴァー! 」 “It’s been a while! Let’s have tea, Endeavor!
‘ALL MIGHT Might…’ 「オールマイト… 」 “All Might…” [Chap 30]
I want to point out how in this chapter, although it’s clear Endeavor isn’t happy to see All Might, the test has him just saying ‘All Might’. Why is this noteworthy?
Because, after this, although Endeavor will say “All Might” again, the text won’t use anymore just the katakana but ‘All Might’ will be just the reading given to these kanji 貴様, which are usually read ‘kisama’ and are a very rude way to say “you”, so rude in many cases, to drive home the point it’s a rude “you” it gets translated as “you, bastard”. And, in fact, in the following chapters Endeavor will call All Might just ‘kisama’ to his face. I speculate in this case we only have the katakana saying “All Might...” not because he’s being temporally mentally polite but because this is placed at the end of chap 30 and Horikoshi didn’t want to spoiler us how terrible is Enji’s relationship with All Might yet... even if the visual already implies he’s not particularly happy to see All Might.
So we move to the next chapter which continue this dialogue:
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‘Chō hisashiburi! 10-Nen mae no taidan furi ka na! ? Mikaketakara aisatsu shi tokou to omotte ne.’ 「超久し振り!10年前の対談振りかな!?見かけたから挨拶しとこうと思ってね」 “It’s been a long time! It’s from the talk/conversation show from 10 years ago, right! ? I saw you and thought I’d say hello.” (1)
‘Sō ka. Nara mō sundarou. Sare. Cha nado jōdan ja nai… Benjo da. Usero!’ 「そうか。ならもう済んだろう。去れ。茶など冗談じゃない…便所だうせろ!」 “I see. Then you’re done. Go away. Don’t joke about us having tea... I’ll go to the restroom. Get lost!” [Chap 31]
At this Endeavor trieds to leave but All Might gets in his way and so the discussion continues.
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‘Tsurenai koto iu na yo ̄!!’ 「つれないこと言うなよーー!!」 “Don’t say such cold things!”
‘Gutsu…’ 「ぐっ…」 “Gah…”
‘Kimi no musuko-san Shōto shōnen, chikara no hanbun mo tsukawazu subarashī seisekida. Kyōiku ga ī no kana?’ 「君の息子さん焦凍少年、力の半分も使わず素晴らしい成績だ。教育が良いのかな?」 “Your son, young Shōto, is getting a wonderful result without even using half of his power. I wonder if he’s getting a good training?’’ (2)
‘Nani ga ītai’ 「何が言いたい」 “What do you want to say?”
‘Iya MAJI de kikitakute sa. Jidai wo sodateru HOW TO tte no wo’ 「いやマジで聞きたくてさ。次代を育てるハウツーってのを」 “No, I seriously want to hear about it. How to raise the next generation.”
‘…? Kisama ni ore ga oshieru to omou ka? Aikawarazu sono akkerakan to shita taido ga shakunisawaru….’ 「……?貴様に俺が教えると思うか?相変わらずそのあっけらかんとした態度が癪に障る…」 “...? Do you think I’m going to teach you? As usual that careless attitude grates on my nerves...”
‘Gomen…’ 「ごめん…」 “Sorry…”
‘Kore dake oboe toke. ARE ha… izure kisama wo mo koeru HERO ni suru. Sō surubeku… tsukutta ko da’ 「これだけ覚えとけ。アレは…いずれ貴様をも越えるヒーローにする。そうするべく………つくった仔だ」 “Just remember this. That one we're talking about… I’ll make him a hero that will surpass you someday. In order to do that… I had/trained/created that child.” (3)
‘…Nani wo…’ 「………何を…」 “…What…”
‘Ima ha kudaran hankōki daga kanarazu koeru zo… koe saseru…!’ 「今は下らん反抗期だが必ず越えるぞ……越えさせる…!」 “Now he’s in a foolish rebellious age, but he’ll definitely surpass you...I’ll make him surpass you...!” (4) [Chap 31]
Okay, so this dialogue deserves some notes:
(1) Here in English manga there’s a slight mistranslation here as it says that the last time they spoke was 10 years ago. Actually 10 years ago they had a ‘taidan furi’ (対談振り) where ‘taidan’ (対談) means “a discussion between two people which is usually set up as a special occasion and whose topic is set in advance”... while ‘furi’ (振り) is “show”. So basically, 10 years ago they didn’t have a casual chat or one due to work or something but merely ended up together in some sort of talk show / combined interview and were made to talk. The anime makes it even more obvious because in it the sentence is:
‘10-Nen mae, media de taidan shite irai ka na! ?’ 「10年前、メディアで対談して以来かな!?」 “I think it’s been since we had a conversation with the media 10 years ago!?”
The mistake in the English translation gets even more misleading because 10 years ago is also the time in which Rei was hospitalized and Tōya died, so, since Rei’s hospitalization will come up short after in the story, one might think the two were connected and that Enji and All Might talked due to it... instead no, it was just due to them being in a talk show... which makes me wonder if Horikoshi changed his character as we saw Endeavor on TV in chap 1 as well, but later on, in chap 187, Natsuo will say he doesn’t appear on Talk shows.
Something else of note is that this also clashes with the continuity of “Vigilantes” as, in chap 122, All Might and Endeavor will cooperate to stop a Villain attack. Since “Vigilantes” takes place AFTER All Might and All for One’s big fight that injured both, it can’t be more than 6 years at the very best but, much likely, it’s less as this takes place at the end of “Vigilantes”. It’s true they didn’t really talk but still, they met. Though, of course, one can discharge the “Vigilantes” continuity as not canon compliant.
(2) While Endeavor is rude with All Might, All Might, to talk with him, uses a more polite ‘kimi’ (君) which is the “you” you use in a friendly way towards someone of equal or lower status... however, since it’s also often associated nowadays with the way older male supervisors address their subordinates, it could result in sounding condescending or snobbish. I’m pretty sure All Might is just trying to be friendly but polite, in fact when he refers to Enji’s son he calls him ‘kimi no musuko-san’ (君の息子さん) adding the ‘-san’ to ‘musuko’, even if, when he calls Shōto, he does in the same way he calls all the boys, using ‘Shōto shōnen’ (焦凍少年) where ‘shōnen‘ means “boy” but in the English manga is usually translated as “young”.
(3) So... Endeavor refers to Shōto as ‘アレ‘ (ARE) which in the past I saw creating a bit of a discussion as, according to some, it’s used just for things. However ‘アレ‘ can be used to refer to people that both you and the person(s) you are talking to know (have already met) but don't want to mention. It has an ‘you know who I mean’ feeling and it’s used to omit a detail, avoid repetition, or because you want to avoid direct mention (because it’s embarrassing, it’s something you shouldn’t talk about, can’t remember what it’s called or too lazy to try and mention it). The fact that it’s written in katakana instead than in hiragana (あれ can also be used) gives it a tone of mild condescension or an attempt at talking behind someone’s back. Long story short it’s possible to use it for people. In addition to this in the Japanese text there are dots over each character so as to underline them so picture him as underlining ‘are’ so I guess he’s just remarking how the person they’re talking about (aka Shōto) will surpass All Might. But there’s something else in that sentence that’s worth talking. Enji calls Shōto ‘ko’ which means “child” but the kanji he uses is not the usual one for “child” (子) but this one (仔) which means “young animal/cub” or “young plant/seedling”. I couldn’t find any source saying this could be an endearing way to refer to a human child and Enji’s expression doesn’t seem to imply he’s trying to be endearing... but my knowledge of Japanese isn’t good enough so I might be wrong. Still it can be that Enji is using such word because Horikoshi wants us to get the idea Enji is basically talking of how Shōto was breed and raised for the purpose of defeating All Might, as if he were some sort of racehorse.
Last but not least, Endeavor uses ‘tsukutta’ (つくった), which the English version translates as “(That’s the only reason) I created (that child)”. It’s not a wrong translation since Endeavor did a Quirk marriage to create Shōto’s Quirk, but ‘tsukutta’ can be translated as “(That’s the only reason) I trained (that child)” which would also fit as Endeavor and All Might are talking about how to raise the new generations and Endeavor trained Shōto and with a more general “(That’s the only reason) I had (that child)”. Do your pick.
(4) Endeavor doesn’t call Shōto a brat but says he’s in a “foolish rebellious age” (下らん反抗期 ‘kudaran hankōki’). Basically he sees Shōto as acting in such way just because he’s a teen and not because he has legitimate grievances.
Anyway, in the end Endeavor leaves.
And now back to Shōto and Midoriya we go. Narratively, their dialogue starts before the one between Enji and All Might, is interrupted by their dialogue and then continues.
Midoriya notices Shōto is different from Bakugō, giving off a colder sort of intimidation air.
Shōto explains Midoriya overwhelmed him to the point he ended up on breaking his own pledge.
‘Keosareta jibun (read: temē) seiyaku o yabutchimau hodo ni yo.’ 「気圧された 自分(てめえ)誓約を破っちまう程によ」 “I felt pressured by your nature (read: you) so much that I broke my vow to a degree.” [Chap 31]
So, if Endeavor uses ‘kisama’ with All Might, Shōto here uses ‘temē’ (てめえ) with Midoriya, which is also a very rude way to say “you” used usually when the speaker is very angry and that’s often translated as “you, son of a bitch” (it’s worth to remember he used ‘omae’ (おまえ) which yes, means always “you” but it’s not rude, more like casual, when he challenged Midoriya, so here he’s trying to be more rude). Later though he’ll go back to ‘omae’ so we can guess here Shōto has just temporally lost it and is very upset.
The interesting part is that ‘temē’ is how we’re supposed to read ‘jibun’ (自分) which is a way to refer to oneself, used to refer to a person basic personality or nature, especially considered in terms of what that person is really like as a person. Basically here he’s already hinting than Midoriya is more than met the eye.
Anyway Midoriya understands when he says he broke his pledge he’s talking about how he didn’t use his left side, which would have been to his advantage to use.
Shōto goes on claiming no one else but him felt the pressure when Midoriya attacked him, the same pressure All Might gave off.
‘Īda mo Kaminari mo Yaoyorozu mo Tokoyami mo Uraraka mo… kanji tenakatta. Saigo no bamen ano ba de ore dake ga keosareta’ 「飯田も上鳴も八百万も常闇も麗日も…感じてなかった。最後の場面あの場で俺だけが気圧された」 “Īda, Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, Tokoyami, Uraraka... they didn’t feel it. In the final scene, I was the only one who felt pressured in that situation.” ‘Honki no ALL MIGHT wo midika de keiken shita ore dake.’ 「本気のオールマイトを身近で経験した俺だけ」 “I’m the only one who has experienced the real All Might up close.” [Chap 31]
Midoriya asks him what he’s meaning, so Shōto goes on.
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‘Omae ni dōyō no nanika wo kanji tatte kotoda.NaA……’ 「おまえに同様の何かを感じたってことだ。なア……」 “It means I felt something similar in you. Hey...” ‘ALL MIGHT no kakushigo ka nanka ka?’ 「オールマイトの隠し子か何かか?」 “Are you All Might’s hidden child or something?” [Chap 31]
Figuring out this was what Shōto meant in the past, when he said All Might had his eyes on him, Midoriya denies it heatedly and messily.
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‘……”Sonna n jyanakute”-tte iikata ha… Sukunakutomo nanikashira ienai tsunagari ga aru tte kotoda na’ 『……「そんなんじゃなくて」って言い方は少なくとも何かしら言えない繋がりがあるってことだな』 “... ‘It’s not like that,’ you said, this way of talking means… there is at least some kind of connection that you can’t say, that’s what it means.” ‘Ore no oyaji ha ENDEAVOR, shitterudaro. Mannen No. 2 no HERO da’ 「俺の親父はエンデヴァー知ってるだろ。万年No.2のヒーローだ」 “My father is Endeavor, as you know. He is the eternal No. 2 Hero.” ‘Omae ga No. 1 HERO no nanika wo motterunara ore ha…… naosara katanakya ikenē’ 「おまえがNo.1ヒーローの何かを持ってるなら俺は……尚更勝たなきゃいけねえ」 “If you have something/some connection with the No. 1 hero, I… have to win even more.” [Chap 31]
Here it’s actually the point in which the discussion switched back to All Might and Endeavor, but as we already covered that one, we move back to Shōto and Midoriya’s discussion.
‘Oyaji ha kiwamete jōshō shikō no tsuyoi yatsuda.’ 「親父は極めて上昇志向の強い奴だ」 “My father is a guy with an extremely strong desire to rise.” (1) ‘HERO to shite hachiku no ikioi de na wo hasetaga… soredakeni ikeru densetsu ALL MIGHT ga mezawari de shikatanakatta rashī’ 「ヒーローとして破竹の勢いで名を馳せたが…それだけに生ける伝説オールマイトが目障りで仕方なかったらしい」 “With irresistible impetus he made a name for himself as a hero, but... because of this he can’t help but find the the living legend, All Might, an eyesore.” (2) (3) ‘Jibun de ha ALL MIGHT wo koe rarenē oyaji ha tsugi no saku ni deta.’ 「自分ではオールマイトを超えられねえ親父は次の策に出た」 “Unable to surpass All Might on his own/by himself, my father came up with the next plan.” [Chap 31]
(1) ‘Jōshō shikō’ (上昇志向) can be translated with “desire for improvement (in social standing)”/”Desire to rise”/”ambition” which is the translation followed by the anime subbers, while the manga prefers to go for saying he only thinks of becoming stronger. Since they’re talking of how Enji is Number Two while All might is Number 1, desire to rise (in rank) seems to me a more fitting translation, though of course Enji thinks if he’ll rise in strength he’ll rise in rank so the manga translation kind of get the concept across as well.
(2) ‘Hachikunoikioi’ (破竹の勢い) literally means “with the force of a broken bamboo” and it’s a way to say to imply “great vigor/impetus/energy” that’s tied to how splitting bamboo goes all down the stick. I think the idea is that Shōto is also trying to deliver Enji gave it all to get to that place, that he was kind on an irresistible Tsunami, something against which others couldn’t oppose, as other translations can be “irresistible force” and “unopposed”.
(3) ‘Mezawari’ (目障り) literally means something that’s “an hindrance to the eye” therefore an “eyesore/unpleasant sight” but also something that’s “obstructing a view” so yes, it also implies All Might is in Enji’s path.
Midoriya interrupts Shōto to asks him why he’s telling him all that.
‘Kosei kon. Shitteru yo na.’ 「個性婚知ってるよな」 “Quirk marriage. Do you know about it?” ‘“Chōjō” ga okite kara dai ni ~ daisan sedai-kan de mondai ni natta yatsu…’ 「 “超常”が起きてから第二~第三世代間で問題になったやつ…」 “After the ‘paranormal’ happened, between the second and third generation they became a problem...” ‘Jishin no “kosei” wo yori kyōka shite tsuga seru tame dake ni haigūsha wo erabi…… kekkon wo shiiru. Rinri-kan no ketsuraku shita zenjidaiteki hassō’ 「自身の”個性”をより強化して継がせる為だけに配偶者を選び…… 結婚を強いる。 倫理観の欠落した前時代的発想」 “In order to pass in inheritance a further strengthened version your ‘Quirk’ choose a spouse… and get her married to you by force. Old-fashioned way of thinking which lacks in ethics.” ‘Jisseki to kane dake ha aru otoko da… Oyaji ha haha no shinzoku wo marumekomi haha no “kosei” wo teniireta.’ 「実績と金だけはある男だ…親父は母の親族を丸め込み母の”個性”を手に入れた」 “He’s a man with archievents and money...My father persuaded my mother’s relatives and obtained my mother’s ‘Quirk’.” (1) ‘Ore wo ALL MIGHT ijō no HERO ni sodate ageru koto de jishin no yokkyū wo mitasōtte kotta’ 「俺をオールマイト以上のヒーローに育て上げることで自身の欲求を満たそうってこった」 “Through raising me to be a hero greater than All Might he wanted to fulfill his own desires.” [Chap 31]
(1) ‘Marumekomi’ (丸め込み) literally “rounding included” means “to talk someone into doing what you want”, “to persuade him” but also “to manipulate”, “to swindle”. I’ll say Shōto is giving a definitive negative connotation to how Enji managed to win Rei from his parents... even though the story later on will show Enji didn’t really have to put much effort into it. They were eager to sell Rei off to him. I find also interesting how Shōto refers to them as ‘haha no shinzoku’ (母の親族 “mother’s relatives”) were Tōya will talk of ‘obā-chan-tachi’ (おばあちゃん達 “Grandmother and the others”). We know Rei’s mother was still alive when Shōto was a kid but as he talks with them so distantly I wonder if this means differently from Tōya he wasn’t close to his maternal grandparents.
A break here to go back to how, so far, Shōto’s past matches with the one of his prototype. Shōto was planned to have birth due to Quirk marriage so that Enji could pass him a stronger version of his Quirk... but that’s all that was left from the original idea that also saw Shōto growing to hate Rei and seek for his father’s love by becoming more powerful than him.
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Horikoshi basically reversed his original idea. So let’s continue and see how canon Shōto now is.
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‘Uttōshī…! Sonna kuzu no dōgu ni ha naranē’ 「うっとうしい…!そんな屑の道具にはならねえ」 “That’s annoying...! I won’t become a tool for such a piece of trash.” (1) ‘Kioku no naka no haha ha itsumo naiteru… “Omae no hidarigawa ga minikui” to haha ha ore ni nieyu wo abiseta.’ 「記憶の中の母はいつも泣いてる…「おまえの左側が醜い」と母は俺に煮え湯を浴びせた」 “In my memories, my mother is always crying... ‘Your left side is ugly,’ my mother said, hurling boiling hot water to me.” (2) ‘Zatto hanashita ga ore ga omae ni tsukkakan no ha mikaesu tameda. KUSO oyaji no “kosei” nanza nakutatte… iya… tsukawazu “ichiban ni naru” koto de yatsu wo kanzen hitei suru’ 「ざっと話したが俺がおまえにつっかかんのは見返す為だ。クソ親父の”個性”なんざなくたって…いや…使わず”一番になる”ことで奴を完全否定する」 “To put it simply, the reason why I’m colliding with you is to triumph over him. Without using my shitty father’s ‘Quirk’... no... By “getting first place” without using it, I’ll completely repudiate him.” [Chap 31]
(1) ‘Kuzu’ (屑) means “waste/scrap/garbage”. Just by Shōto calling Enji this way and saying he won’t become his “tool” (道具 ‘Dōgu’) we clearly get he’s not really courting his affection as he was meant to do in the prototype version.
(2) ‘Minikui’ (醜い) means “ugly/unattractive/unsightly/unseemly”. We don’t have yet Shōto’s opinion on Rei, beyond that she kept on crying, nor any mention about Enji abusing her. There’s to wonder if the new plan was for both parents to hate him and then it was changed, though since he doesn’t seem to have problems using Rei’s Quirk, it might also be Horikoshi had decided already for her being loved by Shōto.
Going on with the story, Bakugō overheard their conversation. Midoriya realizes how different they are. Meanwhile Shōto starts to leave.
‘Ienēnara betsuni ī omae ga. ALL MIGHT no nandearō to. Ore ha migi dake de omae no ue ni iku. Jikan tora seta na’ 「言えねえなら別にいい。おまえがオールマイトの何であろうと俺は右だけでおまえの上に行く。時間とらせたな」 “If you can’t tell me it’s fine. No matter what you are to All Might I’ll win over you with my right hand only. Sorry for taking your time.” [Chap 31]
Midoriya thinks such a backstory would make Shōto the main character if they were in a comic book... and wonders what he can tell to him. Ultimately he stops Shōto and tells him that he had always been supported by others and that’s what also happened during the Cavalry Battle. That he wants to become All Might and therefore he won’t lose because that’s how he’ll repay the people who had helped him and therefore he’s going to beat Shōto.
Next up is the “one-on-one earnest/serious battles” (一対一のガチバトラ ‘Ichitaiichi no GACHI BATTLE’ where ‘GACHI’ is an abbreviation for the sumo term ‘GACHINKO’ (ガチンコ) which means a “serious fight”).
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Before the fight Shōto spends some time alone, to prepare himself.
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Midoriya is in the first match, against Shinsō Hitoshi. The one of the two who were to win would then fight with the winner of the second match. Midoriya comes out as the winner.
Shōto is in the second match, his first adversary is Sero Hanta.
As he’s moving toward the arena, so as to start his fight, he finds Endeavor, leaning against a wall, arms crossed, on his path. By now, Endeavor’s costume is the one which will stay as the definitive one until he’ll change it once he’ll become Number 1.
The two exchange a brief and unfriendly dialogue, with Endeavor scolding Shōto and Shōto remarking he’ll win his own way.
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‘…Jamada’ 「………邪魔だ」 “…You’re in my way.”
‘Shūtai bakari da na Shōto’ 「醜態ばかりだな焦凍」 “That was a disgraceful behavior, Shōto.” (1) ‘Hidari no “chikara” wo tsukaeba, shōgaibutsukyōsō mo gibasen mo attō dekita HAZU daro’ 「左の”力”を使えば障害物競走も騎馬戦も圧倒出来たハズだろ」 “If you had used the ‘power’ of your left side, you would have surely been able to dominate both the obstacle course and the cavalry battle.” ‘Ii kagen kodomo jimita hankō wo yamero. Omae ni ha ALL MIGHT wo koeru to iu gimu ga arunda zo’ 「良い加減子どもじみた反抗をやめろ。おまえにはオールマイトを超えるという義務があるんだぞ」 “Quit your irresponsible childish rebellion. You have a duty that’s called ‘surpass All Might’.”(2) ‘Wakatteru no ka? Nī-san-ra to ha chigau. Omae ha saikō kessaku nanda zo!’ 「わかってるのか?兄さんらとは違う お前は最高傑作なんだぞ!」 “Do you understand? You’re different from your older brother and your other siblings. You are (my) greatest masterpiece!” (3)
‘Sore shika ienē no ka, temeE ha… Okāsan no chikara dake de kachi agaru. Tatakai de temeE no chikara ha tsukawanē’ 「それしか言えねえのかてめェは…お母さんの力だけで勝ち上がる 戦いで てめェの力は使わねぇ」 “That’s all you can say? You are... I will win with my mother’s power alone. In battle I won’t use your power.” (4)
‘Gakusei no uchi (read: ‘ima’) ha tsūyō shita to shite mo sugu genkai ga kuru zo’ 「学生のうち(いま)は通用したとしてもすぐ限界が来るぞ」  “Among students (read: ‘now’) it might work, but you will soon reach your limit.” (5) [Chap 34]
(1) ‘Shūtai’ (醜態) means “shameful sight/disgraceful behavior” and it’s used for something that you feel bad just looking at it and it probably feels bad too.
(2) We can see to talk with Shōto Enji uses ‘omae’ (おまえ), the casual way of “you” which is much better than the ‘kisama’ he uses with All Might.
(3) Enji uses ‘Nī-san-ra’ (兄さんら) to talk about Shōto’s siblings. Literally it means “your older brother and the others” where ‘-ra’ is a very casual way to make a plural, and the fact he uses “your older brother and the others” implies Shōto is the younger among more children, the oldest being a male. Enji also calls Shōto ‘saikō kessaku’ (最高傑作) which is usually translated just “masterpiece” but actually means “greatest masterpiece”.
(4) If Enji uses ‘omae’ Shōto instead uses again ‘temē’ (てめえ) the very rude way to say “you” used usually when the speaker is very angry and that’s often translated as “you, son of a bitch”. Twice.
(5) We’ve a new case in which the kanji say something, in this case ‘Gakusei no uchi’ (学生のうち “among students”) but the reading says something else, in this case ‘ima’ (いま “now”) likely because Enji wants to imply that’s not ‘right now, against Sero,’ but it’s as long as he stays in high school.
What’s noteworthy about this dialogue?
In the next volume we’ll learn Enji forced Shōto to go through an hellish (read: abusive) training and beat Rei who tried to protect her child, leading her to madness. Here however, even though Shōto disappointed him and he’s extremely disrespectful and they’re alone he doesn’t threaten nor beat him. There’s to wonder if Horikoshi hadn’t yet planned that part of Enji and Shōto’s past, or if in original he planned for Enji to stop his physically abusive behavior sooner. Well, we’ll never know.
Back to the story Sero throws a surprise attack at Shōto and ties him with his tape but Shōto is still furious so answers to his attack with an overwhelming amount of ice that immobilizes Sero and destroys the tape he had used to tie Shōto. Shōto apologizes, admitting he went overboard because he was angry.
‘Sumanē… yari sugida. IRAtsuite da’ 「すまねえ…やりすぎだ。イラついてだ」 “Sorry… I went overboard. I was irritated.” [Chap 34]
Midoriya notices that, despite having just won, as Shōto desforst Seto, something about him seems really sad.
The battles continues, we can see Shōto seems to be watching the match that’s about to start between Uraraka Ochako and Bakugō Katsuki which is the final battle before the quarter finals will start.
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Shōto was born 15 years ago on January 11.
Enji and Rei had a Quirk marriage, Enji persuading Rei’s parents to let her marry him.
10 years ago Endeavor took part to a "conversation session" (対談振 ‘taidan fu’) with All Might and the media.
Shōto remembers Rei always crying and, one day, she lost it and threw boiling water at him, scarring him permanently.
When Shōto was young Rei was often crying. In the end she told him she couldn’t stand to his left side and threw scalding water at him, scarring his face.
March: U.A. entrance test for recommended students.
April’s second week: Todoroki Shōto enters U.A. High school.
April: Quirk test. Todoroki Shōto places second.
April: Battle Trial: Todoroki Shōto, who is in Team B and paired up with Shōji Mezō play the role of the Heroes against Team I formed by Ojiro Mashirao and Hagakure Tōru and defeat them easily.
April: Rescue training. During it Villains lead by Shigaraki Tomura attack class A. Kurogiri causes Todoroki Shōto to end up in the landline zone where the boy defeats all the Villains who try to come at it and, once done, reaches All Might and helps him by freezing the Nomu against which All Might was fighting.
May (either the 3 or the 5 as sport festivals are usually held on a national holiday): U.A. Sport festival. Shōto takes part to it. Enji watches it.
Todoroki Enji is shown in his Hero costume.
Todoroki Rei is shown in jeans and T-shirt.
Todoroki Shōto is shown in his gym suit.
Todoroki Shōto is among the students depicted on the cover.
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Of course he’s also among the characters depicted among the ones starring in the volume.
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The volume title “The Boy Born with Everything” (全てを持って生まれた男の子 Subete wo Motte Umareta Otoko no Ko) is a reference to him and he can be seen in a tiny image in the content page.
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“The Boy Born with Everything” (全てを持って生まれた男の子 Subete wo Motte Umareta Otoko no Ko) is also the title of chapter 31 (as well as of episode 19).
He also appears in the color cover for chap 29...
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...on the cover for chap 31 which shows his U.A. file...
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...and on the cover of chap 34.
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Enji appears in the assistant introduction page.
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theperezhilton · 2 months
I don't drink often, but... https://www.tiktok.com/@perezhilton2024/video/7395240353370017054
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one-album-wonders · 1 year
Seeding for the Bracket Stage
The Bracket is set! 128 UK artists and bands will compete in a knockout challenge to determine the ultimate UK Rock Superstar! The first polls go live Monday, June 5th at noon EST.
1 David Bowie 2 Fleetwood Mac 3 Kate Bush 4 The Kinks 5 Pink Floyd 6 George Michael 7 Depeche Mode 8 Pulp 9 The Clash 10 Queen 11 Radiohead 12 Electric Light Orchestra 13 Elton John 14 The Beatles 15 The Smiths 16 Tears for Fears 17 The Pretenders 18 Franz Ferdinand 19 Bauhaus 20 The Who 21 Elvis Costello & The Attractions 22 The Moody Blues 23 The Cure 24 Eurythmics 25 The Hollies 26 T. Rex 27 George Harrison 28 Sex Pistols 29 Muse 30 The Police 31 Genesis 32 Motörhead 33 The Bee Gees 34 Blur 35 Placebo 36 Joy Division 37 Yes 38 Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam) 39 Rolling Stones 40 Gorillaz 41 Peter Gabriel 42 The Animals 43 John Lennon 44 Def Leppard 45 Black Sabbath 46 Paul McCartney 47 The Zombies 48 Led Zeppelin 49 Judas Priest 50 Adam and the Ants 51 Wham! 52 Dusty Springfield 53 Cardiacs 54 Arctic Monkeys 55 The Specials 56 Duran Duran 57 Mott the Hoople 58 Dire Straits 59 Oasis 60 New Order 61 Jeff Beck 62 Black Midi 63 XTC 64 Buzzcocks 65 The Yardbirds 66 Amy Winehouse 67 King Crimson 68 Florence + The Machine 69 Robert Plant 70 Davy Jones 71 The Stone Roses 72 Phil Collins 73 Echo & the Bunnymen 74 Killing Joke 75 Suede 76 Van Morrison 77 Pet Shop Boys 78 Siouxsie and the Banshees 79 The Jam 80 The Stranglers 81 Marc Bolan 82 Dexys Midnight Runners 83 Billy Idol 84 Jethro Tull 85 Roxy Music 86 Syd Barrett 87 Bananarama 88 Squeeze 89 CHVRCHES 90 The Jesus and Mary Chain 91 Elvis Costello 92 My Bloody Valentine 93 Gerry Rafferty 94 Sleep Token 95 Donovan 96 Supergrass 97 Ringo Starr 98 Rod Stewart 99 Ozzy Osbourne 100 Roger Waters 101 Sisters Of Mercy 102 The Wombats 103 Wings 104 The Sweet 105 Simple Minds 106 Joe Cocker 107 Iron Maiden 108 Modern English 109 The Ting Tings 110 Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark 111 Van der Graaf Generator 112 X-Ray Spex 113 Soft Machine 114 Deep Purple 115 Gary Numan 116 The Pogues 117 Stereolab 118 Jarvis Cocker 119 Manic Street Preachers 120 Herman's Hermits 121 Happy Mondays 122 Bloc Party 123 Cream 124 The Cocteau Twins 125 Erasure 126 Talk Talk 127 The Slits 128 The xx
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rickchung · 7 months
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The Lobby Lounge & RawBar x Fairmont Pacific Rim x Coal Harbour.
Mott 32's Lunar New Year dim sum menu.
"Winter Jasmine": Michters bourbon, jasmine tea, yuzu, ginger, and lime leaf.
King prawn har gow (shrimp dumplings).
Crab meat dumplings with scallops, flying fish roe, and egg white.
Crispy vegetable spring rolls.
Black cod dumplings with celery and miso.
Wild mushroom dumplings with water chestnut.
Signature crispy sugar-coated BBQ Iberico pork bun.
Signature Applewood roasted Peking duck with pancakes, cucumber, and hoisin sauce.
Black truffle siu mai (pork dumplings) with soft quail egg and Iberico pork.
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tanuki1029 · 8 months
The most stand out in yer face fatphobic moments in Dungeon Meshi occur in chapter 32 and chapter 97. Just really had me as a fat reader myself sit back and go 'why did you need to do that?' when I was reading it. Seen a handful of other people (other fat readers mostly) pick up the thing in chapter 97 and say something about it but by and large the fandom seems to belive that there's no way that the manga about having a good relationship with food and being healthy can be fatphobic which is... not how that works. I just think folks going into it would want a heads up about it
Yeah, absolutely! Especially because, like, "having a good relationship with food and being healthy" is the motte to fatphobia's bailey (or the other way around, not sure off the top of my head which is which). It's like every piece of media about food has to have a caveat or some moment to assure readers that it's definitely fine to hate fat people.
I honestly really appreciate the heads up. Even if it's disappointing, it's better to be disappointed ahead of time. Wish people were more normal about when fat people point stuff like this out, but that would require they see us as people.
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pumpkinmagekupo · 2 years
A Lonely Star
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So finally making a little Mizuki post. Stuff is subject to change. It may not be canon accurate.
And a reminder likes/follows come from my main: hanajimasama
Master list is now here: MasterlistKupo
Name: Mizuki Motte (now de Borel)
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Main job: BLM
Other canon jobs: RPR/BLU/ AST (in the later part of Heavensward)
Crafting/gathering: BTN/ALC/WVR
Age: 32 (as of Heavensward. Keeping track of time is hard.)
Chocobo: Iskander
Long post
The past: in summary.
The Steppe:
Mizuki was born on the Azim Steppe to the Arulaq tribe. She's the oldest of four. As per their tribes traditions, the eldest of the family would become a reaper to protect their tribe and guide their spirits when they died. Mizuki didn't want this. She skipped her training to explore the Steppe. Which got her into a lot of trouble.
She has a chance meeting with a dragon that spurs her desire to learn magick.
Eventually she is forced to partner with a great spirit (voidsent) and that year on her thirteenth summer. She takes part in the Nadaam and the influx of loud shouts/screams, fighting, sent Mizuki into a melt down and she unleashes a powerful spell that silences the Steppe and claims victory for her tribe: the only time they would.
An argument occurred with her father and he told her to get out. She is picked up by chance by Camélia a great sage who took her under her wing.
She meets Y'shtola during her 13-14th year (need to figure out how old she was during the Calamity) She is then taken to Sharlayan during the panic of the summoning of Bahamut.
The Sharlayan Years: 14/15? - 20/21? <due to change
Mizuki spends all of her years studying. She's very quiet and withdrawn during this time. Mizuki takes an interest in botany during a trip to Labyrinthos. Which links to her learning alchemy. If she couldn't learn the healing craft of her master, perhaps this would be just as good! She could help people this way. (it didn't help)
She joined the Studium choir, in hopes it would make Camélia proud.
Mizuki works herself into the ground: a lot. She is at the top of her classes and publishes several theses. One Camélia hates the most is: about how Mandragora can help keep the land healthy (will think of a good title)
another was: the origin of magick.
The early years of adventuring/ARR
Mizuki teams up with Cyneweard and Ghyslain two wildwood Elezen. They sought treasure and status. Mizuki was fresh out of Sharlayan and they thought having a renowned scholar of Sharlayan would help them. It did not. A few months in Cyneweard dies in a dungeon.
Mizuki gives up adventuring for now. Goes to Ul'dah and further studies at the thaumaturge guild and picks up Blue Magick which helps earn her some extra gil. She makes a name for herself within the guilds and a few years past she finds herself being swept up into the Scion business. Y'shtola is overjoyed to see her again.
I will add more!
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december 2022
1. madelline - d e a d 2. carlie hanson - illusion 3. torine - see u in hell 4. kailee morgue - sellout 5. carr - xl t 6. fletcher - suckerpunch 7. avril lavigne - mercury in retrograde 8. raissa - hearteater 9. raffaella - grown up 10. izzy camina - alprazalam 11. tatiana hazel - downer 12. aviva - children in the dark 13. sophia bel - you're not real you're just a ghost 14. cib - mott st 15. dee holt - sober 16. emei - end of an era 17. ayleen valentine - why do i do that 18. zolita - ruin my life 19. corook - smoothie 20. sophie cates - basement party 21. nina cobham - what is this? 22. spill tab - crème brûlée! 23. raissa - things are changing 24. ayelle - girlfriend 25. yuna - can't get over you 26. jaz karis - side of you 27. tiger goods - so far 28. nas - reminisce 29. dagr - texas 30. phem - never goes down like that (ft. ezekiel) 31. piri - unlock it 32. pinkpantheress - do you miss me? 33. thaiboy digital - 3 star reunite 34. senses - noise reduction 35. ky vöss - vendetta 36. brothertiger - dancer on the water 37. morabeza tobacco - saturnus 38. overcoats - horsegirl 39. why bonnie - 90 in november 40. rosie thomas - we should be together 41. cavetown - worm food 42. deer scout - synesthesia 43. phoebe bridgers - so much wine 44. shannen moser - dendochronology 45. mint green - against the grain 46. sadurn - moses kill 47. bridal party - pool 48. skullcrusher - pass through me 49. pinegrove - iodine 50. jeff rosenstock - hey babe 51. ryann - spilling 52. ghost orchard - soot 53. lutalo - call it in 54. elvis depressedly - in that sound 55. fraternal twin - words 56. katie dey - sharp teeth 57. spool - somewhere 58. nnamdï - dibs 59. pohgoh - now i know 60. subsonic eye - aquarius 61. sydney sprague - think nothing 62. fousheé - simmer down 63. alex lahey - shit talkin' 64. the sound of animals fighting - apeshit 65. totorro - au milieu de la foule 66. envy - zanshin 67. babymetal - monochrome 68. circa survive - buzzhenge
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nonoprojects · 1 month
The Standard, Bangkok Mahanakhon
Overview: The Standard Bangkok Mahanakhon offers a vibrant and eclectic urban experience in the city's tallest skyscraper, perfect for travelers who thrive in energetic, modern environments.
Best Suited For: Caters to adventurous travelers who thrive in vibrant, urban environments. With its bold design, lively atmosphere, and prime location in the city's heart, it's an excellent choice for young professionals, creatives, and those looking to experience Bangkok's energetic nightlife and cutting-edge style.
Amenities Highlight: Quirky, vibrant rooms, Bangkok's highest rooftop bar, a great pool to lounge by, and top-tier dining options like Ojo and Mott 32.
Location Snapshot: Situated in the Mahanakhon Tower in Bangkok's CBD, it offers easy city access and is close to trendy cafes, restaurants, and the Chong Nonsi BTS station.
The Standard Bangkok Mahanakhon redefines the luxury hotel experience with its bold, eclectic design and vibrant atmosphere. This boutique hotel is situated in Bangkok's tallest skyscraper and offers adventurous travelers a modern, cosmopolitan retreat. Opened in July 2022, The Standard quickly became a hotspot, attracting fashionistas, creatives, and socialites with its lively ambiance, art-studded corners, and dynamic events like DJ sets and Drag Queen Bingo.
The hotel's rooms, from cozy studios to expansive suites, are designed with quirky, vibrant décor, including orb lamps and wavy sofas. Some rooms feature small balconies, walk-in showers, and spacious whirlpool tubs. Guests enjoy access to four restaurants, a whimsical tea room, and the highest rooftop bar in Bangkok, Skybeach, which offers stunning city views perfect for sunset drinks.
Located in Bangkok's CBD on Sathorn Road, the hotel is close to trendy cafes, top restaurants, and the Chong Nonsi BTS station, providing easy access to the city's attractions. Guests receive complimentary tickets to the glass-bottomed SkyWalk atop the Mahanakhon Tower, offering breathtaking views of the city below.
Service at The Standard is top-notch. It caters primarily to adults, with thoughtful touches for families. The hotel also ensures accessibility with wheelchair-friendly rooms and dining areas. With its unique design, top-tier dining options, and vibrant atmosphere, The Standard Bangkok Mahanakhon offers a stylish urban sanctuary in the heart of Thailand's capital.
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