#Moore Homestead
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rabbitcruiser · 6 months ago
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Skagway, AK (No. 4)
The Skagway unit includes much of the historic downtown such as buildings owned and restored by NPS and others, some leased even today for ordinary commercial purposes to recreate the city's bustling activity. The visitor center in Skagway is located in railroad depot building at Second and Broadway and is a good place to begin tours either led by a ranger or self-guided. Junior rangers can plan their activities further and earn their badges further up Broadway at the Pantheon Saloon.
White Pass & Yukon Route Railway Broadway Depot. Corner of 2nd Avenue and Broadway. Now serving as the park's Visitors Center and Headquarters, the depot was the first building the railway built for this purpose, completed in December 1898. The structure served this purpose at least until the 1950s. However, together with the adjoining administration building and the railway itself, these were taken over by the U.S. Army Railway Operating Battalion from 1942 to 1946 to supply construction of the Alaska Highway, the first land route to Alaska, then under construction in adjoining British Columbia and Yukon Territory as part of the war effort. It was the only commercial railway in the United States taken over for this purpose. The building was transferred to NPS in 1976 with restoration completed in 1984, returning its appearance to the 1908-1915 time period.
White Pass & Yukon Route Railway Administration Building. 2nd Avenue, east of Broadway. The bottom floor houses the park museum while additional park offices are located upstairs. Located next to the depot, the Daily Alaskan noted during the year of its completion in its May 3, 1900 edition that it the railway's headquarters was "by far the finest wooden structure in the city". As with the depot, it was vacated in 1969, transferred to NPS in 1976, with restoration completed in 1984.
Moore Homestead. Between 5th Avenue and 6th Avenue, east of Broadway. The first homestead in Skagway, which predates the gold rush era.
Source: Wikipedia
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literaryvein-reblogs · 6 months ago
Any related words to "garden" you might know and would like to share? Thank you.
Hi! Here are some related words for you :)
Garden—a plot of ground where herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables are cultivated
Allotment - a small piece of ground in or just outside a town that a person rents for growing vegetables, fruits, or flowers
Arboretum - a large garden where many types of tree are grown, for people to look at and to be studied for scientific purposes
Backyard - a space at the back of a house, usually surrounded by a fence, and covered with grass
Campo - a grassland plain in South America with scattered perennial herbs
Demesne - landed property; estate
Estate - farm, plantation; also: vineyard
Field - an area of cleared enclosed land used for cultivation or pasture
Finca - a rural property, ranch, or farm in Spain or Spanish America
Garth - a small yard or enclosure; close
Grassland - an ecological community in which the characteristic plants are grasses
Greenhouse - a usually permanent climate-controlled structure enclosed (as by glass or multiple layers of plastic) and used usually year-round for the cultivation or protection of tender plants
Greensward - turf that is green with growing grass
Ground - an area used for a particular purpose
Homestead - a tract of land acquired from U.S. public lands by filing a record and living on and cultivating the tract
Hothouse - a greenhouse maintained at a high temperature especially for the culture of tropical plants
Lawn - ground (as around a house or in a garden or park) that is covered with grass and is kept mowed
Lea - grassland, pasture
Meadow - land that is covered or mostly covered with grass
Moor - a boggy area; especially: one that is peaty and dominated by grasses and sedges
Parcel - a tract or plot of land
Park - a piece of ground in or near a city or town kept for ornament and recreation
Pasture - land or a plot of land used for grazing; pastureland; pasturage
Plot - a small area of planted ground
Prairie - a tract of grassland
Savanna - a temperate grassland with scattered trees (such as oaks)
Terrain - a piece of land; ground
Tract - a defined area of land
Turf - grass
Veld - or Veldt; a grassland especially of southern Africa usually with scattered shrubs or trees
Yard - the grounds immediately surrounding a house that are usually covered with grass
Hope this helps! Do tag me, or send me a link to your writing if it does. I'd love to read your work.
Sources: 1 2 ⚜ More: Word Lists
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bonefall · 1 year ago
In BB, a Park cat's name changes over time. Born nameless, the first name they wear is of their mentor; Mentor's (dominant) Paw.
The Wind Runner's name was self-given. Many cats of the River Kingdom yearned for the freeness of the moor just beyond the river, and yet, found themselves embroiled in border dispute over their loose homesteads. She became the authority, uniting them under the Wind Coalition.
Her name refers to how she keeps these winds running. Like a ringleader, she is their arbitrator and their enforcer. In exchange for their services when she demands, the Wind Runner ensures that peace is kept between the smaller territories, and that they come together in times of need.
She is ambitious, calculating, and BRUTAL. A ferocious enemy, and a selfish ally. What she does, she does for herself, her family, and the Wind Coalition in that order.
It is a reputation she's proud of. She WANTS for you to fear her grudges, and stay in her good graces. A truly powerful cat is not one who has to command; they are one for whom others move willingly.
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myhauntedsalem · 11 months ago
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9 Terrifying American Murder Houses
From Amityville Horror to Jeffrey Dahmer’s one-bedroom, these murder houses are home to some truly brutal murders.
When the deal is too good, start asking questions. In 1975, George and Kathy Lutz bought this sprawling Dutch Colonial on the south shore of Long Island at a bargain rate. The reason for the discounted price tag? Just 13 months earlier, previous resident Ronald “Butch” DeFeo slaughtered his parents and four younger siblings while they slept in their beds. It didn’t take long for the weirdness to begin. Demonic voices, oozing walls, cloven hoof prints in the snow. The Lutz family lasted just two months before fleeing 112 Ocean Avenue in the night.
In 1928, John Blymire was convinced a reclusive neighbor named Nelson Rehmeyer had put a hex upon him. Believing the only way to break the curse was to track down Rehmeyer’s spell book and set it ablaze, Blymire rallied two buddies for a late-night visit. While the gang never found the book, they did find Rehmeyer whom they murdered and mutilated before setting his body on fire. In 2007, an effort was made to open the Hex House to the public, but the plan was eventually scrapped.
On a cool summer night in 1912 someone broke into this peaceful Iowa homestead and bludgeoned all six family members plus two houseguests with an axe. The horrific scene was discovered the following morning by a concerned neighbor. Numerous suspects were named in the case including a traveling minister and State Senator Frank F. Jones. Nevertheless, the murder remains unsolved.
German entrepreneur Balthasar Kreischer built this sprawling mansion in 1885 as a symbol of his success in the brick making business. The good times were short-lived. By 1894, his company had crumbled and his youngest son had shot himself in the head. The decaying mansion sat empty for years until its groundskeeper used the property for a mob hit in 2005. Joseph Young strangled and stabbed his target before finally drowning the man in a garden pool. Young then hacked up the body and burned it in the mansion’s incinerator.
On August 4, 1892 Andrew Borden was thrashed with a hatchet while he dozed on the couch of his parlor. Andrew’s second wife Abby met an equally grisly end in the upstairs bedroom. While everyone in Fall River suspected daughter Lizzie of the crime, the local judge remained unconvinced. She was tried and acquitted of the murder one year later. Oddly, the home is now a successful bed & breakfast.
In 1969, members of the Manson Family shocked the nation when they broke into this L.A. estate and slaughtered Sharon Tate along with four other victims. The murderers wrote pig in blood across the front door. Numerous residents have since called 10050 Cielo Drive home including musician Trent Reznor, who recorded THE DOWNWARD SPIRAL there. In 1994, the original structure was razed and replaced with a new mansion, currently occupied by the creator of FULL HOUSE.
Cannibal killer Jeffrey Dahmer lured numerous victims to his nondescript one-bedroom, where he drugged and dismembered them in a brutal campaign of murder. Severed limbs were packed in the freezer for future consumption; torsos were dumped in a vat of acid. Police finally arrested Dahmer in 1991 after one of his prisoners managed to escape. The entire apartment building was torn down shortly thereafter.
It’s always good to know your neighbors especially if you suspect them of murder. John Wayne Gacy buried dozens of bodies in the basement and backyard of his suburban home while neighbors casually went about their day. When Gacy’s wife complained of a putrid smell, Gacy blamed it on dead mice. By the time police nabbed the infamous killer clown and excavated his 8213 Summerdale Ave property, they uncovered 29 bodies.
In the late 1830s, plantation owner Jean LePrete leased his French Quarter Greek Revival to a mysterious man from Turkey. The renter, known only as The Sultan had more than a few roommates. He arrived with a massive entourage of eunuchs and concubines. The house quickly became known for its lavish parties, with music and revelry carrying on into the night. One morning, a passerby noticed 1240 Burgundy was eerily quiet. Then he spotted blood seeping out of the door. When authorities entered, they found everyone inside had been murdered and dismembered. As for The Sultan? He was buried alive in the courtyard. To this day, the case remains unsolved.
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darkmaga-returns · 2 months ago
Right now, the Collapse Life team is living out of suitcases and collapsible crates. All the accumulated items of our lives — the things we’ve collected in the 25 years we’ve spent building memories and preparing for an uncertain future — are currently locked away in a series of climate-controlled storage units. These sanitized, fluorescent-lit closets have become the last refuge for the objects we used to call home. Meanwhile, we’re in housing limbo, living out of the back of a car… well, that’s a bit dramatic — the dogs take up the back of the car, so we tend to all find refuge at the very pet-friendly, very appreciated La Quinta hotels out there in America. But that doesn’t stop us from wondering where we’ll end up next.
It’s unsettling, to say the least. Seeing our possessions stacked and hidden away, inaccessible yet still hauntingly present, is a visceral reminder of just how much control “stuff” can exert. And the irony isn’t lost on us: we write about collapse, about homesteading, about letting go of the consumerist treadmill, and living more simply and sustainably — and yet here we are, surrounded by the ghosts of what we’ve accumulated. Some of those ghosts are heirlooms passed on to us to guard for a future generation we were unable to provide, some of them are strays from previous lives in different parts of the world, and some of them are just plain practical, burdensome reminders of our mooring to Babylon, like old tax files.
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izakvoros · 11 months ago
where: the shipyard with: @gabe-moore 𓇼 - - - - - - - - 🩸 - - - - - - - - 𓇼 𓇼 - - - - - - - - 🩸 - - - - - - - - 𓇼 Izak noticed the ugly beast prowling around and under his yacht a few days ago. It had skin the color of algae and an alien turtle-like face, and the creature offended Izak so much that he had taken up throwing his empty bottles or rocks at it like a child would a neighbor's foul dog. He had to give it credit, though. It was quick, darting back into the waters and then re-emerging to stare at the vampire with a nasty look.
He would call it names, landing on vandamál skrímslis, or deformed brute in his mothertongue. It didn't seem to recognize the word, but it could decipher his tone. The vandamál skrímslis would hiss back at him, a gargled sound that reminded him of drowning victims.
But as the days wore on, it was apparent that the creature had made the yacht hull its homestead, and Izak quickly grew bored of it. What fun was it to torment something that had no will to fight him? Of course it recognized him as a superior, and anything living would always choose its life over risking death. Despite this, it was becoming bothersome, as the vampire rented out his yacht for parties or to pathetic social media whores who wanted to fake their followers into thinking they made it. He would have left it be if it wasn't for the fact that he knew of the escaped creatures and how they tended to feast on unsuspecting humans, and he didn't need the police to sniff around his boat should the vandamál skrímslis decide to take its vengeance out on lesser lifeforms.
So, Izak did the responsible thing and called in to have the thing captured. Interestingly enough, he was expecting to be met with one of Elijah's coven members or even one of the handy, altruistic deities to meet him, but when Izak saw that it was the human cop he liked to check in on every now and again, he was rightly chuffed. "Evening, officer," he said, dropping his dying cigarette and crushing it under his toes. "My yacht and I are in dire need of rescuing."
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kdo-three · 1 year ago
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Sonic Youth - Hallowe'en (1984) Kim Gordon / Thurston Moore / Lee Ranaldo / Bob Bert from: “Bad Moon Rising” (CD) (CD Bonus Track)
Noise Rock | No Wave | Experimental Rock
JukeHostUK (left click = play) (320kbps)
Personnel: Kim Gordon: Vocals / Bass Guitar Thurston Moore: Guitar Lee Ranaldo: Guitar Bob Bert: Drums
Produced by Sonic Youth | Martin Bisi | John Erskine
Recorded: @ The Before Christ Studios in Brooklyn, New York USA during September - December of 1984
Released: in March of 1985 Blast First Records (UK) Homestead Records (US)
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dknuth · 9 months ago
The Moors
I didn't have a good idea what the moors are like. All I knew was from old Sherlock Holmes stories and films, and the scenes on the moors were always at night. So we stayed three nights in Pickering on the south side of the moors. I noticed there were few towns in the central portion.
We took it easy here. After this, we will join a Hadrian's Wall tour, and I expect we will be out fairly early in the mornings, so this was Cathie's last chance to sleep in on the trip.
We drove to Goathland for lunch at the Homestead, a small restaurant focused on local produce. As we approached the tops of the moors, we could see why they were so empty.
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All of the dark areas are thick heather and other shrubs. They would be tough to walk through and of little use for grazing. Apparently, the soil is acidic and poor, so little else grows there.
As we approached Goathland we spotted a steam train. It was a Sunday afternoon of a holiday weekend and the local railroad was running special tourist steam trains.
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The local station in Goathland is perfect for a steam train stop. In fact it was used in the Harry Potter movies.
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On Monday we drove to Bridlington on the east coast. Along the way, we tried to visit the ruins of a medieval village, but the road that Google Maps sent us down was closed to traffic, and it was raining, so we skipped it.
No sooner than we decided to skip it than the clouds broke.
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It is really amazing how quickly the weather changes here. From raining from just cloudy to partially cloudy to pretty sunny. But never totally clear skies.
Our other stop was in the village of Rudston which has the largest standing stone in Great Britain.
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It's believed to date from about 2,000 BCE, the late Neolithic.
Bridlington was busy! It was a holiday Monday, and the town center parking lot was full! We found a spot near the harbor and a seafood restaurant. We had some tremendous curried shrimp that was reasonably spicy, much more than we get in Capitol Lakes. I also had a big bowl of mussels that were good.
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It was right a low tide and the harbor was dry.
Brits seem to be big on dogs. Most people have dogs everywhere we've been. Hotels, casual restaurants, and pubs all advertise that they are dog-friendly and often have water bowls on the floor for them. This is so different than at home. At Cap Lakes, we even have people who are very anti-dog and complain about them being on the property.
The seafood restaurant even had a dog menu and special dog foods.
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After lunch, we went to the RSPB reserve at Bempton Cliffs. (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, I had to look it up.) It's a great spot for seabirds as the cliffs have lots of ledges, nooks, and crannies in which to nest. Unfortunately, I didn't have binoculars or my camera with the zoom lens. My vision is poor for seeing small things at a distance, so I really couldn't see them very well. Nor could my iPhone take quality photos. So I enjoyed the overall views.
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While the gannets are pretty clear in that photo, the guillemots on the rock face are hard to see, as they were for me.
One gannet sat on the clifftop near the walkway and conveniently posed for me. A very thoughtful bird.
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They keep the meadows wild for all the birds that nest in them. That also provides a carpet of wildflowers.
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Then, it was back to Pickering and The White Swan to pack up for the drive back to York and the train to Newcastle to begin our Hadrian's Wall tour. (That's officially Newcastle upon Tyne.)
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thenukacolachallenge · 1 year ago
I've been so incredibly curious about Cash Black! If you're taking asks for the OC details game --
🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
aaaa thank you! i have Cash in both the Mortal Kombat universe and in Fallout: New Vegas, for these asks i'll do FNV Cash!
"🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?"
so Cash is naturally a fidgeter! i headcanon she has adhd(bc i have it lol), so she's always fiddling with something between her fingers when she's trying to concentrate - usually a cigarette, but also lighters, bullets, small guns, even cutlery when she's eating!
one of her other biggest quirks is living to get on people's nerves. she loves to try the patience of people around her, and will push buttons for fun. she especially likes to practice harmonica around the campfire when Boone is trying to sleep. she will let ED-E chase Arcade around(in my headcanon, ED-E just wants to be friends with Arcade the way he is with Cash lol; this was inspired by one playthrough where i watched Arcade run from ED-E on the roller coaster tracks in Primm lmao), she likes to get huggy when she's drunk to her entire crew(they travel as a caravan-style group in my headcanon), and she especially loves to fuck with stuffy NCR high-ranks like Cassandra Moore and Thomas Hildern. she's the human embodiment of annoyance when she finds it funny lmao.
"🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?"
Cash was born in rural post-War Nevada! her first few years were out on a remote homestead with her birth parents. she ended up orphaned through circumstance and was found wandering the desert by her adoptive father, Richard "Pops" Black, a caravan guard. for the rest of her childhood and teen years, she traveled between the Nevada trade routes and the Big Circle in NCR territory with her Pops, and many other routes after his passing, her brief stint in the Scorpions gang, and her time as a courier pre-Benny. She's most comfortable out in the Mojave where she grew up, and after the events of FNV, she tends to stick close to the Mojave, as she considers the roads out there her home.
thanks so much for asking about Cash! i love her so much and im currently learning how to setup mods on PC so i can finally do a proper Cash Black FNV playthrough the way i've always wanted it to go!!! i have a post that goes into more detail of her life and choices during the course of the game here, and of course i have my "fnv cash" tag full of specific info about her story as well as memes that remind me of her! and of course her masterlist, if you wanna learn about her in MKverse! thank you so much for the asks :D
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dystini · 2 years ago
Indycar Driver Lore
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Indycar Driver Lore Masterlist
George Dario Marino Franchitti
Birthdate: May 19, 1973 Hometown: Bathgate, West Lothian, Scotland Residence: Scotland Height/Weight: 5′ 9″/172lbs
Rookie Year: 1997 (CART)
Team: Ganassi (advisor)
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Follow him on: Instagram Twitter
Career Stats
CART 1997 Hogan Racing - 22nd Overall 1998 Team Green - 3rd Overall 1999 Team Green - 2nd Overall (lost the title on a tiebreaker) 2000 Team Green - 13th Overall 2001 Team Green - 7th Overall 2002 Team Green - 4th Overall
Indycar 2002 Team Green (Indy 500 only) - 44th Overall 2003 3 races with Andretti Green Racing - 25th Overall 2004 Andretti Green Racing - 6th Overall 2005 Andretti Green Racing - 4th Overall 2006 Andretti Green Racing - 8th Overall 2007 Andretti Green Racing - 1st Overall 2008 Chip Ganassi Racing (Only competed in an exhibition race) 2009 Chip Ganassi Racing - 1st Overall 2010 Chip Ganassi Racing - 1st Overall 2011 Chip Ganassi Racing - 1st Overall 2012 Chip Ganassi Racing - 7th Overall 2013 Chip Ganassi Racing - 10th Overall
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Sprint Cup 2008 Chip Ganassi Racing - 49th Overall (partial season)
Nationwide Series 2007 Chip Ganassi Racing - 95th Overall (partial season) 2008 Chip Ganassi Racing - 35th Overall (partial season)
appointed Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) in 2014
is lefthanded
currently serves as advisor/diver coach for Chip Ganassi Racing
started go-kart racing at age 10
won more than 100 races and 20 Scottish, British and World karting titles
raced in British F3 in 1994
made a cameo appearance as a racing driver in the 2001 film Driven
appeared on the US television shows Late Show with David Letterman and The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson three times each in the late 2000s and early 2010s
voiced a Scottish news anchor and a male tourist in the 2013 animated film Turbo, for which he provided technical consultation
served as a television co-commentator and driver pundit on Formula E's world feed since its inaugural season in 2014
is a member of the "Brat Pack", an international group of CART drivers composed of Dario, Tony Kanaan, Greg Moore and Max Papis, who shared a desire for enjoyment, attending all-night parties, discussing life and staying in close contact with one another
Prior to the 2000 CART season, Franchitti was hospitalised after a crash during pre-season testing at Homestead–Miami Speedway; part of the car's suspension hit his head, and he sustained displaced fractures in his left hip and pelvis, and multiple minor brain contusions
sustained an anterior stable compression fracture of the lumbar vertebrae in an motorbike accident during a trip to West Lothian in April, 2003
requiring season-ending keyhole surgery to strengthen his back, missing the second half of the 2003 season
had a minor left-ankle fracture in 2008, after a crash in a NASCAR Nationwide race
Before the season-ending 2011 IZOD IndyCar World Championship at Las Vegas Motor Speedway, Franchitti led Will Power in the championship standings by 18 points. The race was abandoned following a 15-car accident on the 11th lap that involved Power and caused Wheldon's death, meaning Franchitti won his fourth championship win; his third in succession.
suffered a concussion and two spinal fractures, plus a fractured right ankle in the second to last race of the 2013 season
retired from competitive driving in 2013 after doctors advised him his most recent injuries and those from previous accidents put him at risk of permanent paralysis and brain damage in the event of another major crash
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Iconic/memorable moments
Shopping at Target with Dario Franchitti and Scott Dixon IndyCar: Scott Dixon, "We got hosed again" by Will Power IndyCar Dario Franchitti and Scott Dixon Interview (part 2) RACER: Franchitti, Kanaan, Dixon Prank 20yr old Teammate Dario Franchitti and Scott Dixon, part 1 Dario Franchitti and Scott Dixon, part 2 3 motorsport legends compete at Goodwood Revival! | Goodwood Revival Special IndyCar drivers Scott Dixon, Dario Franchitti robbed at Indy Taco Bell RACER: Dario Franchitti ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Thank You Dario Dario Franchitti: A hacksaw to Tony Kanaan’s bike Dario Franchitti: People think I have OCD Dario Franchitti: Royal Automobile Club Talk Show in association with Motor Sport Dario Franchitti: Regrets NASCAR move? Behind the Bricks: Dario Franchitti, Part 1 Behind the Bricks: Dario Franchitti Part 2 Dario Franchitti: Five weeks of my memory lost in crash Dario Franchitti: Devastated by Dan Wheldon's death Dan Wheldon Memorial Service, Part 3
Dario Franchitti Press Conference 11 in 11 with Dario Franchitti Dario Franchitti gets pied 2012 Indianapolis 500 Finish - Dario Franchitti Wins (Interviews Included) RACER: Robin Miller Dario Franchitti and Tony Kanaan IMS Tire Test 2013 Dario Franchitti Press Conference Drivers React to Wheldon's Death Road to the Championship: Close Competition 2011 Indycar Toronto - Will Power and Dario Franchitti controversial incident Dario Franchitti is 2010 Champion Dario Franchitti Indy Means Everything Concussions in Racing: A Case Study - Dario Franchitti & Dr. Stephen Olvey Dario Franchitti: Garage full of Ferraris, Porsches Dario Franchitti: Lack of recognition in Europe is disgraceful Dinner with Racers Episode 59: Dario Franchitti Greg Moore At 20, with Dario Franchitti, Paul Tracy, Max Papis, Mike Zizzo, and Marshall Pruett. Dario Franchitti - McLaren AUTOSPORT BRDC Award winner 1992 Remembering Greg Moore: Champ Car’s Brat Pack having the time of their lives Dario and Greg Moore and Seibkins in Elkhart Lake
Dario Franchitti book Romance of Racing (out of print, can be found used, although not cheaply. Try your library)
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The "Brat Pack" Max Papis, Tony Kanaan, Dario Franchitti, Greg Moore
Dario is now a senior member of the paddock, an advisor for Ganassi and coach, often more like a father/uncle figure, to their new young drivers. But in his youth in the 1990’s he was a wild child, a member of Cart’s “Brat Pack”, prone to staying up all night partying yet still winning races. He almost won the championship in 1999 but lost in the finale only to be told after the race that his best friend, and fellow member of the “Brat Pack”, Greg Moore had died.
He made the switch to IRL which became Indycar, in 2003, although injuries and recovering from those injuries kept him out of the car most of that year. He recovered and then began the epic prank era at Andretti Green races with his teammates on the way to his first Indy 500 win and his first Indycar championship in 2007. He decided to give NASCAR a try in 2008.
(We don’t talk about the NASCAR year)
He came back at Ganassi in 2009 and proceeded to win three championships in a row (and two more Indy 500s) while becoming the elder statesman of the series. But all of this success was not without sorrow and near disaster. The loss of Dan Wheldon hit him hard. He and his former teammate were still close friends. Another crash and the subsequent injures forced him into retirement in late 2013
He is a prime example of why we don't leave decisions on their fitness to race up to the drivers anymore, suffering more than his fair share of injuries in his career (see list above) and continuing to race when he definitely should not have.. One might call it a lack of survival instinct, which to be honest, most drivers lack, but Dario lacks it to an alarming degree. He is at risk of permanent paralysis and brain damage in the event of another major crash, yet still races vintage/historic cars on occasion, particularly at Goodwood.
I would be remiss not to mention his Scottish accent, thick dark hair that is silvering at the temples and still fit physique. He’s lost none of the charm of his youth and perhaps gained more now at the age of 50.
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Fanfic Lore
Paired/grouped with the “Brat Pack” Originally comprised of Dario, Tony Kanaan, Greg Moore and Max Papis. Various later iterations included Scott Dixon, Bryan Herta, Dan Wheldon and sometimes Marco Andretti.
paired with Will Power during the height of their rivalry though they’ve became very good friends since Dario was forced to retire
sometimes used as supportive dad figure for younger drivers (sometimes as more of a “Daddy”)
Dario and TK
More Dario and TK
Even more Dario and TK
Brat Pack
Dario and Dixon
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palilalia · 1 year ago
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“Recorded in Miami 1989-1991”
BUY LP — tinyurl.com/59f39x2x "I was hanging out with Bill Orcutt at the 930 Club nearly 30 years ago, watching a famous post-rock band (who shall remain nameless, but whose moniker contained two- and-a-half times more articles and conjunctions than nouns) when he said: "This band is like my band in college -- all major 7th and 9h chords." I relate this to emphasize that in the case of Bill Orcutt and Harry Pussy, the seemingly untutored ooze of "Please Don't Come Back From the Moon" and "Girl With Frog" had its genesis in something far more Apollonian than is usually understood. It's debatable whether or not Watt, the duo of Orcutt and drummer Tim Koffley featured on Recorded in Miami, is the above- referenced grad-school band. Watt is not resplendent with jazz chords, but it's certainly more tutored, offering a mannered link between the contemporaneous Thunders-esque punk of Orcutt's Trash Monkeys and Harry Pussy's mayhem. The continuity with Harry Pussy is more than temporal -- Recorded in Miami is Orcutt’s first use of the four string guitar, and Harry Pussy claimed the same amp and drum kit. The resemblance more or less ends there. To further put Recorded in Miami -- made on Orcutt's Walkman, Rat Bastard's North Miami studio, and South Miami’s Natural Sound (total bill $289) -- into context, consider the fecundity of the underground music world as the '80s rolled into the '90s. It's hard to relate to those who missed it, but it was a time when post-hardcore hadn't quite given way to the bloat of grunge, when the Minutemen held sway (for the moment) over Led Zeppelin. The indie world was ruled by an ever-propagating compost heap of jagged guitar bands like TFUL282, Truman's Water, and (to crank it back a couple years) Phantom Tollbooth. And in some ways (although Orcutt swears Watt's prime influences were James Blood Ulmer and Fred Frith's Massacre), this record seems very much cut from that decade-ending cloth, seemingly only one vocal overdub away from a Homestead catalog number. Track after track (mostly titled after episodes of Art Clokey's slyly Buddhist TV masterwork, Gumby), Recorded in Miami's tracks spill over with right angles, rockist tropes, and verse/ chorus structures, from the Minutemen-oid funk of "Band Contest" to the stroked Moore-Ranaldoisms of "The Young and the Decoding." Yet Orcutt's fretboard-spanning angular melodic runs are right up front in the latter, and the final two tracks introduce a bit of the explosive chaos that would follow when Adris finally claimed the drum kit. Consider "Wattstock," where Koffley forms the bedrock for an extended Orcutt hotbox of instantly-composed harmolodics. Or "God Are You There, It's Me, Watt," where we can hear the spontaneous vocal bursts (the only vocals on the album) that would re-emerge on Orcutt's early solo records. Watt began to crumble when Koffley, as drummers will do, yearned for rhythmic grids of increasing complexity, while Orcutt instead wanted to "smoke more pot and improvise." For a few records with Harry Pussy, Orcutt would get his wish (though some of the structuralism of Watt would creep into later records). But we shouldn't regard Recorded in Miami as mere transitional scraps of juvenalia, or stunt-rock delivered for the mere thrill of pulling it off. Rather, it's an early, major piece of the unfolding and complex puzzle of Orcutt's music. A foundation. And without the earth beneath our feet, how can we ever reach the sky?" -- TOM CARTER 
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bonefall · 1 year ago
could fern leaf be a former park cat or something that clear sky sends to spy on tall shadow & then defects? or, since she’s important to the rescue of star flower in the books, maybe she could be involved with one-eye somehow…? even though star flower is totally different now, so she doesn’t really Need rescuing from any situation she’s in that you’ve talked about so far. guess it depends on which aspects of the character best serve the story, and whether she would work better as part of DOTC proper or thunder’s SE
i also genuinely can’t remember if bb!clear sky’s original M.O. for his group is Tribe Cats Only, or if he is willing to take in anyone who kisses his ass enough. could make sense if fern leaf (or more accurately, any tom willing to vouch for her) appeals to clear sky enough. hell, maybe she could be a mole on one-eye’s behalf instead?
(Follow up ask to this post)
The new rub to the formation of the groups in BB is that there is two distinct cultures in the forest: Park Cats and Tribe Cats. They're divided by a language barrier, with the Park Cats speaking Parkmew and the Tribe cats speaking what we now call Old Tribemew.
So Clear Sky doesn't have the same "options" like canon. These ""rogues"" don't speak his language and he simply would not learn even if the chance was offered to him. It doesn't even really cross his mind that these are full people to reach out to; in his mind they're intruders. The flavor of bigotry in the modern era hasn't quite evolved yet, so he has the most straightforward kind of xenophobia you can imagine.
He only starts changing his mind after the First Battle, after his revelation, when he's back on his bullshit in Thunderstar's Justice. In my head it's kind of like... a mockery of Thunder Storm's way of life, that allowed him to live in defiance of him for so long. "See, now I do what you do. Since Gray Wing approved of you so much." kinda thing
There's two park cat groups; The River Kingdom, and The Wind Coalition.
The first conflict the Sun Trail Pioneers run into is with WindCo up on the moor, who chases them down into the forest! The Park cats who lived in the forest weren't united, just various individuals that had little "homestead" territories.
The conflicts with them start after the Shadow/Sky split that follows the death of Jagged Peak. Shadow's Clan moved eastward into the caves at Snakerocks, where no one bothered them, but Sky's Clan started getting hostile towards the little homesteads and pushing cats westward, back to the River Kingdom.
SO with that recap out of the way...
I have two and a half-ish cats already that I'm heavily interested in using to turn on Clear Sky for Thunder's Clan. So I'm not sure how to slot Fern Leaf in there.
1: Snake. Snake is the only cat in-canon who said that maybe Clear Sky shouldn't be their leader after letting One Eye into the Clan against all warnings, and then he gets DOGPILED for it, and the very next book shoves him into the arms of Slash to undermine the fact that they accidentally gave him a good fucking point.
I'm RIDICULOUSLY fond of him because of this. I love him out of spite. I've spoken before about how I plan for him to be a Tribe-descended cat, and a lot of that is because I want to keep his goon roles serving Clear Sky. One of which is that he is going to badly injure Sunlit Frost in the First Battle.
So thinking about it... it makes the most sense for Snake to turn on Clear Sky in Thunderstar's Justice. Still unsure when. But if I have any roles where a cat needs to get help, stop a battle, or call Clear Sky out for making a really bad decision, it's gotta be him.
I'll keep him in my hand for a while; this feels like a piece that will fall into place.
I'm also unsure of what family he's going into. I keep waffling on it. I'm leaning towards the Claw family and possibly the son of Fox, since he's going to be living a bit longer. He's going to be about the same age as Thunder Storm, maybe a bit older.
2: Red Claw Since Acorn Fur is now Acorn Swoop, and she's not nonsensically going to go join the guy who killed both of her parents because it would be too sad to go home where they're not alive, her love interest has to end up in Thunder's Clan.
I'm already pretty committed to making Petal into Petal Claw and Fox into Fox Claw, so it follows that Red Claw would be in the family. Thinking about it, maybe Red should be the son of Fox instead...
Especially because he could defect earlier. Moth Flight's Vision is totally overhauled anyway and I'm planning to shift a lot of the original plot to something for another character anyway...
Plus, enemies-to-lovers is fun and I haven't really had a chance to do it yet. Acorn Swoop is absolutely the kind of punk who would nab one of her worst enemy's best soldiers, and the type of nerd who would frame it like her biggest catch yet.
And most relevantly... this is leaving Fern Leaf's backstory up in the air. Him leading a dog pack into the heart of camp and getting Beech and Frog killed is what kicked off the Bunny Bones plot of the original MFV that I like so much, and I feel like it's an important part of Fern Leaf.
So not only am I here planning Red Claw as a high priority for being someone to turn against Clear Sky, but also, he complicates Fern Leaf a bit.
Maybe I should step back a bit on the two and start from scratch with them, and replace their backstories with new ones that preserve the "emotional core." I'll have to think about it.
That 1/2 Cat: Alder or Birch The kits that are stolen from Misty, that queen who was murdered by Clear Sky and whose kits are given to Petal. In BB, that's something I want to examine for how fucked up it is. It becomes the basis of Kit Stealing later, an awful practice that the Clans will struggle with for many generations.
These ones are SUPER important, but I say 1/2 because it doesn't have to be Thunder's Clan they turn for. But I do want one of them to eventually learn their origin, and end up finding their family in River Kingdom or the Wind Coalition.
I mention them because I keep going back and forth on if they're going to get combined with other characters. Basically imagine me next to a big conspiracy chart and I'm connecting a big red line between possible plot threads back to Fern Leaf. Maybe her? Maybe she can be one of the stolen kits?
I could even make it so Birch is actually an older sibling, or a half-sibling, or one from the same litter who was saved... maybe even end up making it a litter of 4. Slots in well with her canon story, too, where she mentions her mother abandoned her.
The truth can be that it was a lie. Her mother didn't abandon her. One of them was murdered and the other was chased off.
And, of course, I could save her to be a "One Eye Cultist." None of my drafts so far have brought in any extra followers of One Eye who will follow him from place-to-place besides Star Flower herself. I would like to add some, and that's a fine place for Fern Leaf, but somehow I feel like I can do her better.
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poorlylaidplans · 2 months ago
Yeah, it's a bit hipocritical to make bigoted generalisations about England while ignoring the dustbowl, homesteading, or the massive deforestation of the North East.
Also it isn't only England, all of IONA (islands of the north atlantic, including Iceland here) has had land clearances and ecological change due to human habitation.
You know because feudalism, people did what they had to in order to survive. A feudalism that survives to this day in the UK and results in things like grouse moors, which most of us dislike anyway.
I support rewilding Britain but blaming English people for the actions of past people, aristocrats and the government doesn't actually help anything.
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Actually your society is the freaks for shooting everything that moves and burning half your "nature reserves" every year so that upperclass dandies can eat leaded pheasant. North Americans are the well adjusted ones here, your country has become a desolate suburban lawn in island form
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windsorbay · 1 month ago
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FULL NAME: Dubheasa O'Brien, though she's known exclusively as Dove.
GENDER: Cis woman
AGE + BIRTHDAY: 39 + December 29, 1985
LENGTH OF TIME IN WINDSOR BAY: Born and raised. She lived in San Francisco from the ages of 18 to 26, and County Wexford in Ireland from 26 to 30, but returned shortly before her 31th birthday, when her grandfather fell ill. She's been here ever since.
HOUSING: Farmlands. The O'Brien family homestead. A fine three-storey farmhouse, it was originally built at the turn of the 20th century by Dove's great-great-grandparents, and has been lived in (at least briefly) by almost every living O'Brien family member.
OCCUPATION: Involved with the family brewery. As she is the eldest child of the eldest child and so on and so forth, it's expected of her to take on the overall management of the business. While her father is the CEO still of the O'Brien Brewing Company, Dove is currently in charge of the day-to-day running of the Windsor Bay Brewery, and manages to give a couple guided tours a week, which is always a hit with those who visit.
What’s it like, living in Windsor Bay? Did you ever picture yourself settling down here or did you always know this would be your home?
That stumps her for a moment until she's able to gather her thoughts and feelings about her hometown, the mess that they are. "I never had anything against Windsor Bay. I had a good childhood, a good upbringing. It's a nice town, one that I'm honoured to say my ancestors had a hand in founding, but I always thought that my life would follow a different path. I was happy in San Francisco, and I thought Enniscorthy would be where we settled for good. But everything happens for a reason, right?" She tries to sound convincing, for whose sake she's trying is anybody's guess.
What’s your family like? Are you still close, or have you blocked all their numbers?
"I wish I could block their numbers sometimes. My brothers text me with the most inane shit sometimes, my dad has been insufferable since he figured out FaceTime, and don't get me started on my sister's podcasts of voice messages–" No really, don't. "But I wouldn't trade them for anything." Granted, her answer might change in an hour's time. "And though I adore my daughter, and I'd do anything for her, and all the other sentimental crap that we mothers come out with about our kids, I could really do without the millions of GIFs that she sends me at all hours on the day."
Top five songs currently on your Spotify?
"Eh-h-h," A verbal stall as she taps and scrolls away at her phone, brows furrowing in concentration until she finds what she's looking for. "Bewitched by Laufey," Note the correct pronunciation, thank you very much–she's no fake fan, "Where Do You Go To (My Lovely) by Peter Sarstedt, Alone Again (Naturally) by Gilbert O'Sullivan, Wasteland, Baby! by Hozier, and–" She pauses, and those who are as perceptive as Dove herself will note a slight redness spreading in her cheeks, "Well Below the Valley by Christy Moore." None can accuse her of not having a diverse taste in music, anyway.
Would you say you’re easy to get along/work with? Why or why not?
"Easy to get along with, maybe–probably. But easy to work with, god no." Well, at least she's self-aware. "I don't like doing things half-assed, I don't suffer fools gladly, and I don't always trust people to be able to do things the way I want them done. I'm working on it, trust me." Whether she's progressing or not has yet to be seen.
It’s the little things in life; tell me three things that bring you a great deal of joy or put a smile on your face.
"I'll get the sickeningly cheese thing out of the way first: Emer, especially when she's enthusiastic about something or concentrating really hard. Her tongue sticks out and there's a little crease in between her eyebrows, and she looks just like her dad." Fondness fills both her voice and her features, as though proving it to be a genuine answer. "Second would have to be any of the classic Old Hollywood movies, and I'm talking the real classics. Fred and Ginger, Hepburn and Tracy, Bogart and Bacall." Memories of Friday movie nights with her grandparents come flooding back and her smile twitches some more. "And there's nothing quite like a damn good homemade peanut butter milkshake."
— + Conscientious, independent, observant — - Inflexible, caustic, unforgiving.
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uncleweed · 2 months ago
Poet/Performer, Collaborations with Walter “Wolfman” Washington, Johnny Vidacovich, Earl Turbinton, James Andrews, Kidd Jordan, Carlo Ditta, Rockin’ Jake, Coco Robicheaux, Andre Wiliams, New Orleans Juice, North Mississippi All Stars, Archie Shepp, Ed Sanders, Bala Tounkare, David Amram, Wayne Kramer, Charles Moore, Daniel Carter, Dee Pop, Calvin Weston, Elliott Levin, Ed Moss & the Society Jazz Orchestra, Jimmie Lee Robinson, James Montgomery, Devil Gods, T.J. Wheeler & The Smokers, Johnnie Bassett & the Blues Insurgents, Bennie Smith, Steve Mackay, Black Mike Henderson, Howling Diablos, Jeff “Baby” Grand, Mick Vranich, Mark Ritsema, Michael Ray & the Cosmic Krewe, Marion Brown, Corey Harris, Eluard Burt, Tim Green, Kermit Ruffins, Willie King, James McCarty, Phil Hale, Thornetta Davis, Lyman Woodard, Harmonica Shah, Kudzu Kings, Afrosippi and others
Poet/Performer, Detroit Artists Workshop 50th Anniversary Concert, Scarab Club, Detroit with the Blues Scholars;
An Evening with John Sinclair, University of Michigan—Flint College;
Barclays Center, Brooklyn with Rodriquez;
Lowell Celebrates Kerouac, Lowell MA with David Amram;
Neal Cassidy Birthday Party, Denver with Tom Worrell;
Sun Ra 100 Concert, Royal Festival Hall, London with Founder Effect;
Double Decker Festival, Oxford MS with Eric Deaton;
Hempstalk Festival, Portland OR;
Mike Kelley’s Mobile Homestead Opening, MOCAD, Detroit;
Viper Madness, Akhnaton, Amsterdam;
Freeing John Sinclair, The Ark, Ann Arbor with Wayne Kramer & the Blues Scholars;
Maine Harvest Ball, Starks, ME with Portland Art Quartet;
Canary Wharf Festival, London with Founder Effect;
Detroit Boom Boom Exhibit, Lille, France
Poet In Residence, New Orleans Institute for the Imagination
CD, Mohawk with Steve The Fly, Iron Man Records
Author, It’s All Good—A John Sinclair Reader, Horner Press
Poet/Performer, It’s All Good—A John Sinclair Reader, CD-Baby Album
Poet/Performer, Keeping The Blues Alive with Adventures in Bluesland, Worldwide Vibe Records
Poet/Performer, Viperism, CD-Baby Album
Poet/Performer, Conspiracy Theory, CD-Baby Album
Poet/Performer Fattening Frogs For Snakes (Volumes 1-2-3-4), CD-Baby
Panelist, Detroit Artists Workshop Exhibit, Horse Hospital, London
Poet/Performer,Vinyl LP Mobile Homeland, Jett Plastic Recordings, Funky D Records
Poet/Performer, Vinyl LP Beatnik Youth Ambient Iron Man Records
Poet/Performer, CD Beatnik Youth, Iron Man Records
Timeline Assembled by John Sinclair @ Bristol UK, May 16-18, 2016 and amended by Iron Man Records Feb 2018.
You can order JOHN SINCLAIR CDs, Vinyl, Books and T-shirts here on Bandcamp.
You can buy Books and Music by John Sinclair in the Iron Man Shop here
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nazmulbd00m-blog · 2 months ago
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