#Wind Runner. The.
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bonefall · 1 year ago
In BB, a Park cat's name changes over time. Born nameless, the first name they wear is of their mentor; Mentor's (dominant) Paw.
The Wind Runner's name was self-given. Many cats of the River Kingdom yearned for the freeness of the moor just beyond the river, and yet, found themselves embroiled in border dispute over their loose homesteads. She became the authority, uniting them under the Wind Coalition.
Her name refers to how she keeps these winds running. Like a ringleader, she is their arbitrator and their enforcer. In exchange for their services when she demands, the Wind Runner ensures that peace is kept between the smaller territories, and that they come together in times of need.
She is ambitious, calculating, and BRUTAL. A ferocious enemy, and a selfish ally. What she does, she does for herself, her family, and the Wind Coalition in that order.
It is a reputation she's proud of. She WANTS for you to fear her grudges, and stay in her good graces. A truly powerful cat is not one who has to command; they are one for whom others move willingly.
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anjautembear · 1 month ago
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All I want to do is read some angst or other wholesome stuff AND NOT SMUT. Can I just for once enjoy crying in heartacke and not see a smut warning.
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meldelmew · 9 days ago
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velo-cats · 5 months ago
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sycamorality · 2 months ago
theres not an active mcsr chatters on tumblr i can submit these to so im just posting all my peculiar/funny/silly mcsr chat screenshots here
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skymonsama · 26 days ago
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Wind Runner
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livmightlive · 17 days ago
LU Maze Runner AU
HEEHEE OKAY. Lowkey feeling a little bit old with this one but 👀👀👀 
Maze Runner AU.
Maybe it’s just me but I feel like the Lu boys fit perfectly into this scenario. Like it’s just music to me. 
It’s been a long time since I’ve read the books (lowkey gave up on the movies 😔), so I apologize if things are fuzzy or don’t match the book canon that well. Okay here we go: 
Hyrule would be first in the maze. (I’m going by game release order). Hyrule starts exploring the maze after he gets to know the glade, but a severe accident makes him avoid it. He would be alone all by himself for almost 4 months before he’s joined by Legend. He knows the glade better than anybody. Later he becomes the group’s “med-jack” (basically just medic). He’s 17.
Legend is next. He becomes the first runner in the maze because he made SEVERAL escape attempts before Hyrule begged him to calm down before he got himself killed. He’s really good at drawing maps and becomes the map maker. He’s 18.
Time was a bit of a shock because unlike the other boys he’s an adult (23), tall, and swole. He came 2 months after Legend. The boys are really skittish around him at first, but he’s really good at building. He’s able to reach the high places they can’t so the come around. 
Wind is also a surprise but because he’s young (14). He comes a month after Time. He brings a lot of energy to the group and they grow closer because of it (or at least Legend and Hyrule get a little less codependent and spend more time with other people). He’s very frustrated because he wants to help with running the maze but the others, mostly Time won’t let him. This is around the time that Time (ugh) takes his place as first in command.
Four is the first person to actually take to the maze well. The others are shocked, waiting for his crash out but it doesn’t come. He confides one night that his head doesn’t feel right, like it’s holding too much. The longer he stays the more prone to severe mood shifts. He’s 16 and takes care of building things like tools and handling small mechanisms. He came 2 weeks after Wind, having the shortest amount of time between arrivals.
Twilight is another person who doesn’t take this maze business well. He stalks off immediately into the maze. After going in and out of the maze for days, not listening to the protests of others, he comes back with awful claw marks raked across his face. He’s more inclined for teamwork after that. Wind pulls out his fun side. Twilight has a green thumb and starts domesticating the plants of the glade. He’s 19 and came 1.5 months after Four. 
Sky is a nice addition. He comes 2 months after Twilight He’s the most gentle person to come up so far and is very inclined to teamwork but… Sky is drawn to the maze like a moth to a flame. Somehow he drags a very aggressive bird species from it into the glade and starts farming them. Sky is 18.
Warriors doesn’t take his arrival well, but at this point there’s already 6 people to yell at you to not run into the maze first chance possible so he doesn’t. Warriors is incredibly logical and a great planner. He doesn’t take much time to become a second in command. The whole time he’s in the maze he has a sick feeling that he recognizes it. He’s 21 and had come a month after Sky.
When Wild comes it’s a shock because he comes 5 months after Wars. Wild is the worst case of memory loss they’ve seen. Most people remember weird things like their age or even a name to go by, but Wild has nothing. He learns quick, however, and becomes the groups most fearless runner. He’s 17. Greenie.
I have more, but this would be a little too long if I wrote all the lore I have building >_<. I have a rough plot in mind and lore for them in the maze if anyone wants to hear about it 
Please lmk what you think and any theories you might have!
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midzukishino · 10 months ago
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My cards for the series "winter is…" and "spring is…" (like "love is…") For the vk wc group
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vogels · 4 months ago
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moth flight and the broken strings of fate - (5 year redraw)
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"Secrets of the Clans", icons
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everybody-loves-purdy · 9 months ago
With a bit of inference, Moth Flight’s Vision is an accidental tragedy about generational trauma.
Moth Flight’s Vision is a book which tries to justify the medicine cat abstinence rule, and it fails at this. This is mainly due to the exceptional circumstances Moth Flight was in when she gave up her kits. And obviously you have the fact she was a very young mother with four children in a time before a nursery system and when Moth Flight herself was also navigating being the first ever medicine cat. But I want to bring up another aspect of Moth Flight’s Vision that heavily influences our titular character’s decision to give up her children and bar all medicine cats from ever having mates or kits: Trauma.
And I want to stress that at no point so I think the Erins wanted to make this a story about trauma. But boy did they accidentally make a pretty compelling story about generational trauma. You need to squint a little though but trust me, it’s there. Accidentally put in the narrative like some of the best stuff in warrior cats often is.
So the trauma I am referring two comes from two cats in her life, her mother Wind Runner/ Windstar and her mate Micah.
So if we start with the former, Wind Runner at the start of Moth Flight’s Vision is very critical of Moth Flight. She has no patience for Moth Flight getting distracted and her lack of hunting skill, and voices how she dislikes Moth Flight’s lack of prey contribution to the clan, and frequently insults her and makes snide remarks to her. Such as you can see in just this one example.
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All this leaves Moth Flight feeling inferior and feeling like she is wrong.
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All this cumulates in an argument in which Wind Runner lists how irresponsible she believes Moth Flight to be tells Moth Flight she is a danger to her clan. And Moth Flight believes her, and runs away.
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Now after this once Moth Flight returns as a medicine cat we don’t really get anything like this from Wind Runner again but the damage is done. Now here’s where the inference has to start coming in a bit. Who wouldn’t be left with a complex after this? Who wouldn’t be left with the need to prove themselves however they can? Moth Flight certainly sets out to please Wind Runner and prove she can be useful to her clan in the early part of the book when she’s receiving this abuse. So why would it just evaporate later when she actually finds something she’s good at and can be of great use to her clan doing? Just put a pin in that for a moment.
Also while we’re talking about Wind Runner; Moth Flight has a conversation with her dead siblings about how she wishes she could please Wind Runmer, which leads to her dead siblings saying that the reason Wind Runner is so harsh towards Moth Flight is because of the trauma she experienced when she lost her kits. Wind Runner’s trauma is ultimately what is causing her to inflict trauma onto Moth Flight.
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And now we move onto the second inflicter of trauma in Moth Flight’s life: Micah. Don’t worry, unlike Wind Runner, Micah didn’t inflict any trauma on Moth Flight through his own actions. Unless you count dying in a tragic accident right in front of Moth Flight. In which case yeah, his actions did inflict trauma on her. At least it was an accident.
Micah’s death deeply traumatises Moth Flight. She cannot bear to be in WindClan due to it, she lives in ShadowClan for a moon, avoiding going home due to her grief, and then only travels back once she realises she is pregnant, and decides she wants to be with kin.
The stage is set. The Erins have a young cat set up about to have four kittens that she’s going to give away and change the medicine cat code forever. What they do not realise is that the trauma they have influenced on this character can most definitely be inferred to have an effect on her actions surrounding her children from this point forward, ultimately being perceived as a large push as to why she gives them up.
The book wants us to believe that she gives up her kittens because it is just inherently impossible to be a medicine cat and have mates and children. Which isn’t true as cats such as Leafpool and Yellowfang have since proven wrong. And obviously there are the exceptional circumstances Moth Flight herself has been subjected to during this period. But her trauma can also be perceived to pay a huge part in her feeling like she cannot balance her duties and her children.
To start off with. The first moon of her kits life is fine. Moth Flight steps back from medicine cat duties and lets the very knowledgeable Reed Tail take primary healer duties for the clan. The book skips over the first moon with her kits and therefore we can assume nothing important happens, and no issues come from Moth Flight raising her kits for this first moon. Moth Flight does reflect that how she did on occasion try and do checkups but her kits always called her away. And here, while Moth Flight is reflecting on this, we get this paragraph:
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So here we learn two things:
She feels ready to stop having Reed Tail help her when her kits are a moon and a half (6 weeks) old.
Moth Flight does not want to let go of her kits for any amount of time. She equates Slate saying that she can leave the kits for short periods to them not having a mother figure in their lives. And she thinks her kits can only receive adequate love from her.
So with point 1, Moth Flight’s kittens are still little babies. And she feels that she should go back to being a full time medicine cat when they’re still that young despite having Reed Tail to hold the fort, and dismissing him as her helper entirely after this point. And here I’m going to bring back the idea of inference. I feel that this could stem from Wind Runner’s abuse at the start of the book. Wind Runner left her daughter feeling so compelled to be useful to her clan that she’s throwing herself back into her work far too early in order to keep her mother happy and be of use to the clan in the only way Moth Flight feels she can be. Is any of this written in the book? Hell no. But I feel that you can absolutely infer that Moth Flight’s drive to get back to work so soon is due to the lasting trauma and insecurities her mother had imposed on her.
Point 2 is a lot to unpack and here, and this is a point that comes up again, how Moth Flight feels compelled to take care of her kits personally rather than hand them off to babysitters due to their lack of a living father.
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So if we use some of that inference here, we can infer that Micah’s death has left Moth Flight insecure about leaving her children alone. She feels that she is the only one who can properly take care of them in her clan. And, undoubtedly by accident, this idea comes back. There are two incidents with her leaving her kits to be babysat and irresponsible babysitting causes the kits to get hurt. The first is where she goes to a gathering and Rocky encourages three of the kits to climb a rock but tells the fourth she’s not ready. So the very next day she climbs the rock. She falls, she gets hurt. And not once does Moth Flight get angry at Rocky for encouraging her children to climb a big rock, oh no, she blames herself.
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There isn’t one second where she thinks about how it’s Rocky’s fault this situation arose. She entirely blames herself for it, and the situation is never even discussed with Rocky.
And then something similar happens later on. Storm Pelt is supposed to be watching the kits while Moth Flight goes to RiverClan. And then all four kits end up following her and one of them falls in the river. She doesn’t blame Storm Pelt for any of this. She doesn’t have a single word of blame to say to him about him allowing all four of her children to follow her to RiverClan. And from that we can infer (even though again, the book doesn’t say) she feels the blame lies with herself. This inference can be strengthened given that this is the incident which causes her to feel she should give up her kits.
On top of her feeling wholly responsible for her kits at all times no matter who is looking after them, the main other way they distract her from her medicine cat duties is when she suddenly becomes paranoid that some horrible tragedy has befallen them while she isn’t watching them. And I think all of this paranoia and heightened sense of responsibility regarding her kits all comes down to Micah.
He died traumatically in front of her eyes. She feels extra protective of her children because they no longer have a father. And we can infer that her paranoia of them meeting a gruesome fate has come from her witnessing the painful death of her beloved Micah.
And where does this leave us? All this trauma stemming from both her mother and beloved? Well, Moth Flight decrees that medicine cats must not have mates or kits. She then inflicts trauma onto her own children by separating them and forcing them all to live apart. The trauma that Wind Runner and Moth Flight experienced can now be inferred to have trickled down to both Moth Flight’s kits, and many, many medicine cats for decades to come. The book wants you to believe this is because kits can distract from medicine cat duties, that they can pull a medicine cat away from important duties. But that only happens in Moth Flight’s Vision due to poor babysitters or mainly Moth Flight becoming paranoid that her kits are going to die horribly like their father once they’re out of her sight.
Is this all a stretch? Absolutely. I have no doubt this was absolutely not the intention of the Erins at all. But in the words of Todd Chavez:
Isn’t the point of art less what people put into it and more of what people get out of it?
And thats what I get out of Moth Flight’s Vision. A story about how tragic trauma can be, not only for an individual, but also for others if it becomes generational.
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shreksstepfather · 8 days ago
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Some leaders!
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velo-cats · 5 months ago
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diaswarriorcats · 2 months ago
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bufomancer · 1 month ago
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assorted tall rat techniques
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livmightlive · 5 days ago
Maze Runner AU backstories
alright! Here are the backstories to the main guys in my maze runner AU! This is before they’re put in the maze. I’m sorry it’s so long, I was gonna write even more but I think that would turn it into a behemoth 😭
here’s a short chart of everyone’s ages and age that they entered HYLIA
Age lineup 
First is age taken. Second is their current age. The timeline in years is also included (being the year of the age they were taken. They all enter the maze in year XX86)
Warriors:   0yo* - 21yo  XX65
Time:        11yo - 23yo  XX74
Legend:    7yo - 18yo   XX75
Hyrule:      9yo - 17yo   XX78
Four*:        8yo - 16yo   XX78
Sky:          12yo - 19yo  XX79
Twilight:    13yo - 19yo  XX80
Wild:         11yo - 17yo  XX80
Wind:        10yo - 14yo  XX82
and here’s the backstories!
Warriors: Warriors was raised in HYLIA. His parents worked there and had him tested shortly after he was born for resistances to gloom and mind control technology. He tests very well, sliding into that <1% of the population that has significant resistance to the building apocalypse. He won’t know this until he’s an adult, but his resistances aren’t natural. He’s one of the first to be the product of genetic engineering, also one of the only successful cases. From a young age he’s trained in leadership classes and in other courses. When he’s 9 he’s told that a new program will run soon with other children like him and that it’s his responsibility to lead and represent them. The first kid in the program is time, who’s just a little bit older than Wars is. He doesn’t really care about how bossy Wars is, he kind of just goes along with whatever he wants. Wars is secretly happy to have a friend who isn’t Artemis, another kid like him who will lead any girls who enter HYLIA. Things are good until LEGEND comes along. Legend is the first person he meets who opposes HYLIA and isn’t there by choice. So he tries to steer him in the right direction but it goes poorly. It’s not much better when Hyrule comes along bc Legend immediately attaches himself to the kid. It goes on like that, and after a while Warriors finds that he’s not actually friends with any of the other boys except for Time and maybe Wind but that’s embarrassing bc Wind is a child. HYLIA uses Wars as the golden child of the group which he takes a lot of pride in. Deep down he really wishes they didn’t so that maybe he could join in on the easy comradery that the other boys have. When HYLIA tells Wars about the maze he agrees that it’s for the best. There is (seemingly) no other way to grab such important, and life saving data, as this. Hyrule being sent in first is kind of a traumatizing event for everybody but he doesn’t let it shake his resolve. After watching the maze for months, he finds himself questioning HYLIA’s methods. As soon as he voices his concerns, he’s sent into the maze.
Time: (I wanna thank @pepperpuppy417 for this one, a suggestion of theirs really helped!) Time grew up in a foster home out in the boonies of Hyrule. He grew up very happy in the countryside of Hyrule and lived in nature. Unfortunately when he was a kid the cult released a new variant of the gloom in the forest by the small town he lived in. This variant had the ability to spread not just to Hylians, but to flora and fauna as well. Soon his entire village gets sick, him included. When the Hylian royal army comes he overhears some dignitaries talking about burning down the entire village and forest deeming it a lost cause. He tells his foster father who tells him to run, so he does. He escapes the army but he bumps into a stranger right away. He’s too sick to run by this point, but the stranger treats his gloom sickness and miraculously he makes a recovery. He starts traveling with this stranger for two years. He never gets any name to call him except for Fierce. Their time starts coming to an end when Fierce starts dying due to a brain tumor. He asks if he can give Time a gift. A selfish one. Time accepts and Fierce implants a microchip into the top of his spine. He tells Time that when he needs to use it, he’ll know. Time doesn’t know what this means for a long time. He and Fierce get apprehended by Hyrulean guards. They find that Time has significant resistance to both gloom and mind controlling tech. He’s surprised because he didn’t used to be but says nothing. He’s sent to HYLIA and never sees Fierce again. He doesn’t trust them from the get go but goes with it. He likes Warriors, despite thinking he’s a bit brainwashed, but he senses a very earnest, kind person in him. Even if he’s neurotic. He becomes a bit of a big brother to all of the other boys in his ward. Time is always calm, he has a lot of humility. Time is biding his time, waiting for revenge, for his time. (Geez how many times can I say time??) Everyone is surprised when he reacts poorly to the idea of the maze. He’s been very compliant with Hylia up until now. He starts getting more and more vocal about how it isn’t right. They send him in shortly after Legend. 
Hyrule: Was found as a homeless child in a “cult town”. Cult towns are towns with a lot of the mind controlling technology around so that everyone in it is at the whims and wills of the cult. Hyrule, and Dawn and Aurora, were kids in that town that somehow didn’t get affected by the technologies. When the kingdom of Hyrule was finally able to overthrow that town, they sent Hyrule, and the girls, to HYLIA. He has the best resistance to the mind control out of anybody in the chain, but he has no resistance to the gloom. He and Legend have been like brothers since meeting. Legend took Hyrule under his wing because he wasn’t allowed to stay in the girls wing with people he already knew. He’s super grateful to Legend and looks up to him. Hyrule considers Wild to be his best friend. Hyrule was one of the people trusted to keep an eye on Wild when he was introduced to the group bc they knew any lingering effects of the mind control wouldn’t hurt him. Hyrule is sent into the maze first due to his high marks in survival courses, good attitude in high stress scenarios, and because they were slightly okay with him dying. They sent a person with the very good odds of being able to survive alone but also a person who wouldn’t be a total loss if they were to die. His lack of resistance to gloom is what sealed his fate. They’ll be able to go full out with the mind controlling technology when it’s just Hyrule in there but many of the others have good resistance to it as well. What Hyrule doesn’t have is gloom resistance, something they also really want to look into. It was between him and Wild. He, and the chain, were only told a day before he would be sent in. Legend freaked out so badly that he had to be sedated. He wasn’t able to say goodbye before Hyrule was sent in. 
Legend: Legend grew up with his uncle away from his father due to family drama surrounding Legend’s birth. (His father cheated on his wife and Legend was born out of it.) Legend’s uncle contracts the gloom and sends him to his father before he dies. Legend's father freaks out bc Legend has to be infected after living with somebody who had the gloom for months. Miraculously he doesn’t, so they have him tested and he’s just about immune. His sister is as well. Legend's family sends him and his sister to HYLIA where they both grow extremely resentful of their family and of HYLIA. Legend hated those early days. The only other people were Wars and Time and they wouldn’t spend much time with him. He and Wars also constantly butted heads. He was so lonely. When Hyrule comes, Legend attaches himself to him and makes sure Hyrule isn’t alone like he was. Legend is horrified when Hyrule is going to be sent into that place alone so he protests. Too hard. He wakes up in the med wing horrified when he realizes they didn’t let him say goodbye. He’s constantly monitoring Hyrule. You can’t pull him from the screen. When Hyrule gets hurt, Legend begs to be sent in. It takes two weeks but they finally relent and then Legend is officially the second person to be let in.
(The Four): So I decided to split Four into the colors, I feel like the maze needed more people bc it was kinda sparse and then I realized that Four can literally be 4 people. So Vio, Red, Green, and Blue are all half brothers. Their father, a captain to the royal guard, had a four month break one year and in that time he decided to have a bit of a ho phase. Later that winter a woman appeared at his house and begged him to take custody of their child. He agreed, being more well off than her and welcomed Vio into his home. To his shock, the same thing happens 3 MORE TIMES THAT WINTER. Obviously he gets dna tests and yup. All four are his. His father helps raise them, honestly does most of the job since the captain is very busy with work. The colors live very happily with their grandfather until a mind control machine is dropped into their village.. everyone in the town but the boys get messed up from it, going fits or dissociative states. He sends the colors to live with their father again. The captain is shocked that none of the boys are hurt. They get tested and lo and behold, they have a good amount of resistance to the mind control machines. Their father sends them to Hylia thinking it will be a really good opportunity for them to get better schooling. The colors do pretty well, they all have each other at the end of the day. The one issue is that they get RELENTLESSLY bullied by another kid named Shadow. Shadow got in just before they did and is of a similar age. Eventually Vio befriends him and they all find out that he’s just insecure yadda-yadda. Shadow is a weird case because he has no resistance to gloom or mind control, but was infected by gloom until he reached a stage 3 state and somehow recovered which was thought to be impossible. He’s involved in different testings than the chain. The colors and shadow all grow really close, Vio and him even becoming boyfriends. When they get sent to the maze, Shadow copes poorly.
Sky: I feel bad. For Sky I’ve had the most trouble with his backstory, (dw, I’ve got plans for him when he’s actually in the maze), so I apologize to his fans. Sky grew up pretty upper class basically in the royal family being born to a very high ranking royal guard. He was being trained to be Sun’s personal guard. When they’re both 12 they go through regular preteen checkups and the royal family is incredibly relieved that the heiress and her guard have substantial resistances to both gloom and the mind controlling technology that’s terrorizing Hyrule. To further keep them safe from an increasingly angry public and worsening political atmosphere they’re both sent to Hylia where they can get fantastic educations while keeping them out of the public eye. Sky keeps quiet about where he’s come from because he quickly realizes that a lot of these kids are not as fortunate as he is. He also quickly realizes that he’s treated a little bit differently than the rest of the kids. Some of them get physical training, a lot of them choose self defense courses. Sky does too, wanting to keep on top of his training. He quickly realizes that while their trainers are okay with occasionally injuring say Time or Hyrule, or honestly any of the other boys and girls, he’s never come out with anything worse than a bruise. He makes the choice to be the nice kid, the one who won’t start beef or trouble because this place is VERY troubling. Before he can really figure out what’s wrong and how he can fix it, the maze is launched and that solidifies his worries. This place isn’t what it says it is. They tolerate it when he’s caught sending messages to the royal family about his worries but they swiftly react when they find out he’s been trying to send messages to outside friends as well. They send Sun into the maze which basically sends Sky into a rage nobody ever predicted possible from the gentle guy. They sedate him and when he next wakes, it’s in the maze.
Twilight and Wild: These two have a story that is too intertwined to not tell together. They both grew up in the same orphanage. They had always been closer with each other over the other children and considered themselves to be brothers. The cult launches a mind control machine in their town and it lands on the outskirts. It doesn’t immediately plunge the town into a subservient dissociative state but everyone starts suffering from severe migraines and some start to struggle with seizures. Nobody can move it because the waves get stronger the closer one moves towards it. Wild doesn’t like what the technology is doing, he thinks it’s mean. Twilight listens to him complain about it but he tries to tell him that the Hyrule Royal Guard will send somebody to deal with it soon. Nobody comes and people start dying or dipping into the aforementioned dissociative states. Twilight wakes up to find Wild gone. Twi is panicked and runs after Wild to find him heading towards the mind controller. Wild manages to destroy it by the time Twilight catches up. He finds Wild unconscious bleeding from his nose and mouth, barely alive. Twilight doesn’t notice that he himself only has a small headache from standing so close to the machine. He drags him back to town desperately trying to find help. Wild wakes up, but it’s with little cognitive function. He can’t eat by himself, he can’t bathe himself, he can’t speak. Twilight is devastated, feeling deeply as if he failed to protect him. Only after the mind controller is destroyed does the government send anybody to the town. Twilight immediately hates them. He hates that he ever thought they could help. To his horror, he realizes that they might be able to now. He swallows his pride and asks one, who he doesn’t realize is a HYLIA representative, if they can fix his brother. They listen to his story and test Twilight to see if he’s mind control resistant. He is. They agree to help him if he agrees to join their program. Of course he does. While they fix Wild they discover that he’s incredibly resistant to gloom. It’s probably the reason they let him live. When Wild wakes up from surgery he can’t remember anything. Not even Twilight. Twilight is willing to rebuild his relationship with Wild, but there’s a deep anger boiling within him. He doesn’t think Wild’s loss of memory was a side effect. When the maze is proposed Wild is one of the first people willing to go in. Twilight does everything in his power to stop this.
Wind: Wind and his little sister are raised in a small beach town that’s pretty protected from the rest of Hyrule. Things are peaceful for a long time until, of course, they’re not. The gloom has spread to the waters near his small fishing town and people start getting sick fast. His grandmother becomes very ill from the gloom and it turns from her looking out for Wind and Aryll to them looking out for her. Wind, despite barely being 10, knows he has to do something and fast. Regular people can barely survive the gloom. A woman of her age makes the odds so much worse. He sets out to find somebody who can work and finds a government camp nearby who are probably there to stop the gloom from spreading into major waterways. He begs for an antidote and they take interest. Wind and Aryll have been closely exposed to their infected grandmother for days, maybe weeks, and show no signs themselves. They agree to help but will need a favor in return. They treat granny and tell Wind and Aryll there’s a place they can go where they can help everyone. Granny greatly encourages them, she believes it will be safer for them there rather than out here. So Wind and Aryll go to HYLIA, the last people to arrive. The older kids dote on them, even though Wind doesn’t think he needs it. He and Aryll also, unfortunately, kind of become a mechanism of control for the “rowdy” older kids. When something goes wrong or somebody acts up, HYLIA is not afraid to put either Wind or Aryll in the way. When the maze opens and many people begin voicing their discontent, Wind is sent in as a message to the other boys.
anywho!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LMK ANY THOUGHTS! I have a lot more info in my head but I think it would be confusing or too complicated to write it all out 😭 so if you wanna know more about anything or anyone pls know I am always so so happy to chat!!!
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