#Moldy puritan
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strawberyaurabya · 7 months ago
Philip Wittebane Doodles: Part 1 🤍
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Heya! Here are some small doodles I did, that I couldn’t get to leave my brain.
Here’s some context!:
1 and 2 are continuations of that “Orthodoxia” post I made, you can go check it out if you’d like!
3 and 4 are that one scene where Lilith punched Pip in the nose. As much as I like his character, he definitely deserved that :3
I’m making more soon, so keep your plate open!! The next ones will be more of the Wittebros content-
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enchantedchocolatebars · 2 years ago
Could you write a story about baby collector and young Philip. As in the one with the beard. Just like, maybe something cute, or, could you maybe give us headcanons?
This is DEFINITELY headcanon worthy. 👶 🌠
Hope u enjoy anon! <3
• Philip's temper got bad when The Collector came out his mirror a baby. He couldn't tell him what he needed to complete his mission as an infant. He groans. Looks like he'll have to be the one to teach him how to talk.
• Baby Collector LOVED tugging HARD on Philip's mustache and beard, which he found greatly annoying... and painful.
• Philip used some cloth as a baby carrier to carry Baby Collector everywhere with him just in case he needed him to get him out of a jam.
• The only way Baby Collector would stop crying is if Philip played a game with him.
• Philip: *Swiftly grabs his dagger from Baby Collector's grasp* That is NOT a toy! >:(
• Baby Collector definitely used his powers to mess with Philip and cause problems on purpose lol.
• Baby Collector: *Trying to pronounce his first word* P...P...P... Pizza bagels!🍕🥯
Philip: ... No. My name is Philip.
Baby Collector: ... *excitably as he points at Philip* Pizza bagels!🍕🥯
Philip: 😑.
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hello-im-not-a-possum · 7 months ago
YK, i'm impressed at owl house for being a family-friendly show that have christian extremist as main villain. I mean belos is a witch hunter from puritan era
I get what you're saying, 'woah, Disney let THAT be a villain??' but I don't think that The Owl House could ever have a better and more fitting main antagonist than him.
Belos is a puritan witch hunter, but do you know what ELSE he is? A foil to Luz, a dark looming shadow of a human being spirited away to the boiling isles just like her, but where Luz was a human who wanted to embrace and be embraced by the Isles (And thus retained her metaphorical humanity as she grew and changed for the better), Belos rejected all of it and in his rejections and attempts to destroy it, became less and less human both physically and spiritually until by the end he's just a sludgy mess that's more likely to be recognized as some sort of moldy animal than anything even remotely human. But Belos isn't a man done dirty by fate, he is a man who spent centuries hand-carving his own demise by endlessly repeating the same sins over and over and over again.
The original murder of his brother might have been in the heat of the moment, but he CHOOSES over and over and over again to kill every single Grimmwalker that "betrays" him, every single time he is offered redemption he throws it back in the offerer's faces up until he begs for it, pleading for Luz's mercy banking on their shared humanity to save him.
But it doesn't matter if this plea is genuine or not because in it he still targets the witches, tries to other them, even if he wanted in the smallest ounce of the sludge he calls a soul to change it's far, FAR too late, and Luz can already tell that they share no humanity, not anymore, possibly not for a very long time.
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spot-the-antisemitism · 2 months ago
Found a pretty classic nazi for yall
Nah classic nazis are short snappy and wrong this guy is delightfully unhinged of long winded mouthful of wrong
does he actually believe it? Is this a bit?
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"blood libel", sure is buddy
"talmud says kill whitey" canard
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school lunches good but sex bad. this is such a odd position puritanical communist hmmm
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the top text was "(((zios))) have been hunting" and then "Our children"
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anti abrahamic faith nazi, a classic way to avoid worshipping Jesus, a jew
ashtoreth is worshipped by a lot of people including JVP and radfem pagans and wiccans but not a lot of neo-nazis. Curious.
I am not suggesting this a JVP false flag to center antisemtism on right wing antisemitism, that would be ridiculous
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you spelled jews three different ways and christians two different ways
Idk man I think you're Occult if you worship ashtoreth
"likud did 7/10" and "bush did 9/11" do pair nicely like moldy cheese and vingarized wine
"Elon Musk is a mossad spy" I will use this a non sequtir insteand "and i'm the queen of sheba"
Luigi magione purely for tag spam
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clearly it worked. I bet they're a bot that likes every post with certian tags. The alternative is that is guy has at least one fan which I will not even consider
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the guy who plageriases from his students and spouts bio essentialist shit like 'our brains are wired for grammar" oh fuck off
trans queen story time. So LGBT is bad to this guy
I bet OP thinks racism and DEI training distracts from class struggle
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black rock mentioned!!!!
"Aipac is the tip of the zio iceberg" lMAO
"tortured by police who hate the constutition" that's just cops man that's not because cops are controlled by Jews
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nudeartpluspoetry · 5 months ago
Northern Hemispheric November
Oh, November-- my bête noire, cabinet of cold rain, sinister capitain of snow, avant garde of Winter, tree-stripper, soil-sealer, gloom-injector, glum puritan.
Oh, November, neither enemy nor friend, just a doom-inducer, a sour neighbor, a moldy blanket, a day-cutter, a sun-shrouder: you are a head-cold kind of month.
Hans Ostrom 2024
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This post confuses me so much, because I’ve literally never seen anybody wrongly accuse a mainstream comics writer of being an [insert shitty thing here] because they didn’t like their work. I do very much wonder what prompted this.
I have seen people point elements of writers’ works that could rightfully be called shitty for whatever reason, or point out shitty things that person has done in real life. Oftentimes the person being called out is disliked by the poster, but I’ve seen just as many people criticize writers they love. Hell I myself have criticized some of my favorite writers of all time (like Claremont and Simonson) for writing works with elements of sexism/rapeculture/homophobia/racism/pedophilia etc. And considering how art reflects the artist, yeah I think it’s perfectly valid to speculate an artist who consistently writes certain things with seemingly very little awareness on how shitty they are may agree with the shitty things they’re writing. Also sometimes we know when people have done shitty things in real life because it was like, news.
Comics are a messy, messy industry with a long and messy history. I think it’s our duty as critical consumers and intelligent people to call out nasty things when we see them. I’d argue that’s precisely what “criticizing bad writing” is.
I think your confusion perhaps lies in confusing critical media analysis with moral Puritanism. When I or any other blogger say that a certain writer has written some shitty things, or even that a certain writer is a shitty person, I’m not saying “and therefore nothing they have done nothing of value whatsoever and you should never read anything they write and you should certainly never like any of it because if you do you’re a bad person too.” I’m saying “so next time you read this author’s work, think more critically about the narrative they’ve constructed. And if they really suck, maybe also find ways to engage with their works that won’t directly put money in their pockets.” If you believe that any Problematic work should never be engaged with, that’s on you and I highly recommend rethinking that worldview.
Also I don’t feel actually have access to my local skinheads and MAGAhats, and I certainly don’t have access to Trump and Lady Moldy-Butt (whoever she is) so I think I will have to satisfy my urges for moral crusade by pointing out the biases in 50 year old comics, thank you very much.
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strawberyaurabya · 7 months ago
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Oopsie… I realized that when I posted those doodles yesterday, I forgot to put up this small comic along with it-
It’s the scene in “Elsewhere and Elsewhen”, when Lilith and Luz learn about Philip’s true intentions. For some strange reason, it really spooked me out, hearing his eerily calm voice saying “I needed a sacrifice”. You could definitely tell it was Belos from that point onwards. This ended up being my favorite scene overall in the episode, so I made it into a lil piece. Sorry if I got too lazy with shading…
The Wittebro doodles are cooking, so they’ll still need some time <3. But they’ll be there in a few weeks tops!
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enchantedchocolatebars · 2 years ago
Philip Wittebane's Nightly Nourishment (A cute crack fic with zero context that's hilarious and weirdly wholesome in some parts)
Camila's eyes were heavy with weariness as she trudged up a set of stairs in her nightclothes, carrying a Bible and a steaming cup of tea.
A massive yawn was released from her lips.
Once upstairs, she turns to enter a room.
Inside the room, Philip was laying on a bed.
The old man appeared to be awaiting her arrival.
Taking a seat on a stool beside the bed, she sighed.
"Comfy?" She asked the former emperor in an annoyed tone.
"Very," Philip politely replies with a calm smile. "Would you mind tucking me in?"
The request earns him a groan as Camila arranges the covers around him.
"Thank you," he tells her, his smile still present.
Camila holds out the tea cup toward him. "Here," she mutters, expecting him to take it.
Philip silently stares at the steaming cup for a bit before looking up.
He forms a frown at Camila, brows furrowing in disapproval.
She knows how this goes.🤨
A second groan is given as Camila pulls out a silver spoon and dips it into the black tea.
Scooping a spoonful, she gently blows the steam away, lowering the spoon to Philip's lips.
He slowly sips the liquid, letting out a satisfied sigh.
Much better.😌
"I'm full," he simply states as he sees Camila going to scoop up a second spoonful.
Frustrated, she huffs, setting the tea down before picking up the Bible.
"Ah, just as I requested," Philip hums, pleased to see Camila with the holy scripture.
"You can never go wrong with the word of God, I always say," he chuckles.
Camila rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah."
Flipping through the ancient text, she stops at a certain page and begins to read.
This was music to Philip's ears as he shut his eyes. "You know, Camila," The Puritan began, "Back at the castle, before bed, I'd order one of the coven scouts to massage my feet," He admits with a soft sigh.
Those scouts were deeply scarred for life.
They needed SO MUCH soap and therapy.
"How it relaxed me so. I was wondering if--"
"Goodnight, Philip." Camila leaves the room, shutting the door.
She knew EXACTLY what Philip was trying to get her to do, and she was QUICK to curb stomp the super gross suggestion. 🤢 🦶
She had her limits.
Good for her.👏 👏 👏
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let-us-cultivate-our-garden · 5 months ago
For those who need context: someone made a post complaining about why, oh why can't Belos fans talk about how he's a metaphor for all the evils in this world and not about how he was an abandoned child who struggled to fit in?
You can do both, Sharon.
And stop policing how people engage in fandom. Exploring the empty spaces in a text is foundational to fandom and you do it all the time, Sharon, so stop being a massive hypocrite and let people enjoy the moldy Puritan.
Not wittober art, but just reminding about basic internet etiquette bc it seems some mfs forgot
stop posting hate under the wittober tag if you don't like the event
i personally think people who hates something and then continues to actively engage on it are massive losers
it is very mind-boggling to actively engage on something that you don't like
Let people enjoy in their own sub-fandom space when they're just minding their own business holy shit
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flowercape · 2 years ago
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belos brainrot
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tarotbones · 2 years ago
♱ Click for higher quality ♱
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I am obsessed with this crusty moldy bread Puritan man and i can't stop drawing him.
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drachenfalter · 2 years ago
Did they really just say that the Wittebros arrived in Gravesfield in 1613?! Because historically and canonically, that makes no sense.
Okay, so those first towns, those puritan settlements, were founded in the 1630s, including Gravesfield, which was founded in 1635, over twenty years later!
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Before 1613, the only people living in Connecticut were Native Americans. And I think it's pretty clear that the Gravesfield the Wittebros entered is meant to be a European Settlement.
Even further, the first Europeans arrived around 1614 were Dutch, not Puritan. Which means the Wittebanes would be most likely Dutch as well.
Coincidentally or not, the last Witch Trial in the Netherlands also happened in 1613, so I almost wonder if that is the reason for this impossible date.
Anyway, where are all the Dutch Belos edits, guys? Are you gonna put this moldy old man into clogs, or do I have to do it myself?
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lezbianz · 5 years ago
god can you imagine being a puritan bitch in the seventeenth century…like imagine it’s the seventeenth century your life already sucks you’re probably gonna die of tuberculosis before age 30 if you’re lucky and one day some douche comes up to you like “hey i have this cool new religion” and you’re like “what is it” because you’re dying for some new entertainment and it’s illegal to gossip and this seems interesting at least and he’s like “it’s like catholicism except you can’t be horny for any of the saints and they don’t give you free booze at church” and you’re like “what the hell that sounds awful” but your husband who you hate because you’re a lesbian and you were forced to marry him because it’s the seventeenth century is like “sounds great i’m in” so then you have to move to the netherlands because your dumbass husband thinks the renaissance paintings of jesus are too sexy or whatever and at first in the netherlands you’re like “okay this is fine i guess” because you think your life can’t get any worse and at least they’re for freedom of religion which doesn’t really help you because you hate puritanism but then all of a sudden everyone’s like “shit guys we gotta go” and you’re like “where” and they’re like “virginia” and you’re like “okay sure why not” because your life literally can’t get worse at this point and so you go to virginia but then your ship fucks off to the north and you land in massachusetts in the winter and you have to live in a moldy ass boat for a few months because it’s massachusetts in the winter and no one knows how to survive because again it’s MASSACHUSETTS in the WINTER and no one will even let you drink…i think i’d kill myself
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star-anise · 6 years ago
This dude* just replied to my post about masculinity through the ages/the Puritans dressed badly, to refute my IMPUGNING Western manhood and especially to assert that “[Western m]en are more colourful as a group now than at any other time in history.”
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The only genuinely colourful images in his post were a) A Hawaiian shirt, which is Westerners appropriating and jazzing up an Indigenous Polynesian textile tradition as an excuse to wear colour, and b) A cowboy wearing a Stars and Stripes shirt, which is that colourful because it’s based on the traditional Medieval heraldry of the Washington family.
He then goes on to claim that in the Middle Ages, people were too busy starving to wear anything colourful.
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(The Stars&Stripes cowboy shirt is technically against the Flag Code but wtfever, it’s in keeping with medieval sensibility. If you wanna talk to me about cowboy culture, medieval peasant traditions, and the links between them, I would be DELIGHTED, see also, lapsed cowgirl, frustrated medievalist, but that’s its own thing.)
In ACTUAL FACT, the best-known medieval colour palettes today are:
1. The Stars and Stripes/modern national flags 2. Hogwarts Houses 3. CHRISTMAS COLOURS
And YES, medieval peasants wore colourful clothing, because they had control over what they wore, had access to cheap and plentiful natural dyes, and didn’t actually live on moldy bread. 
You must know this ^ much about the Middle Ages to debate with me on this subject.
*Don’t look for him, don’t fight him, he’s blocked
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strawberyaurabya · 7 months ago
“Praise be the Heavens! Praise me, I’m the Lord!”
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“A throne built on lies, and a reign of deception”
Hello there again! I drew this piece on my tiny, tiny phone a while ago. It’s a little rough and ready, but I was still testing the waters with my art style; I suppose I’ll forgive myself for that.
It’s also a remake of an old, horrid piece I did a year ago… TW for terrible hair rendering under the cut!
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cheappromdressessale2020 · 5 years ago
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