#Modern Newsies
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mouser-is-a-goober · 8 months ago
modern day les jacobs would be a brain rot kid and davey would struggle figuring out what he’s saying
“-100 aura” “les what the fuck are you saying”
(jack would understand what les was saying. he would have to help his boyfriend understand what les was saying)
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metallicmikus · 8 months ago
Modern Newsie headcannons: NYC edition
i know the newsies live in nyc but a lot of the headcannons aren’t about them living in nyc so i came up with some
- Race sleeps a lot on the subway, mostly when he’s with albert cuz he knows albert will get them off at the right place. When they’re standing on the subway, and race is leaning his head on albert’s shoulder, al will keep his arm around Race’s waist so he doesn’t fall. If he’s asleep while they’re sitting down, albert will make sure his head doesn’t hit the wall.
- race and al use one pair of air pods on the subway to listen to the same music
- jack hates the subway (country boy at heart)
- finch will always ask someone if they would get up for crutchie to sit down if they’re are no empty seats
- race just knows the manhattan subway and streets by heart (native new yorker lookin ass)
- david carries hand sanitizer with him for after using the subway cuz you don’t know where everyone’s hands have been (the other newsies catch on cuz it’s smart)
- david is TERRIBLE at navigating the subway system. it’s overwhelming to him. he has cried while trying to figure out where they’re supposed to go when going somewhere new and jack takes over and never lets him navigate again. (unless he really wants to)
- race fanning albert while they wait for the subway (it’s hot as fuck down there)
- i know a very popular hc is that one of the newsies (usually jack) has a van, but realistically, these mfs don’t own cars 😭
- albert and jack will almost always take the stairs over the escalator
- race has fallen asleep alone on the subway and ended up somewhere completely different than where he was headed, which is why he now usually only sleeps if he’s with someone else
- most of the newsies live in lower manhattan (duh), but some of them live uptown north of central park. jack and crutchie live in the bowery with medda. the jacobs live in the lower east side (many jewish families settled there when they moved to nyc). races family lived in east harlem, but they moved to lower manhattan when race was a baby. spot and elmer are roommates (they live in brooklyn)
- race family is the classic italian roman catholic family
- david, sarah, and les are first generation immigrants from poland
- finch has picked up a pigeon off the streets on multiple occasions
- most of the newsies have never really left the city
- you know the newsies are constantly joining broadway lotteries
- race works at the broadway dance center (sky flaherty core)
- albert has no patience for slow walkers, he weaves in between people. he always looks like he’s on a mission.
that’s it for now !!
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bigmack2go · 5 months ago
Hc that every- and i mean EVERY- newsie even jack himself (for some reason)has a post on their instagram profile wearing a cowboy hat, woth the caption “this what kelly feels like?”
For the record, yes this is canon in my au. And yes i found at least one pic of every single actor in newsies wearing one, for my little screenshot thingy-things.
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racetrack-is-back · 8 months ago
modern newsies hcs!!
- albert has pots and faints a LOT because he does nothing to manage it. has lots of bruises/cuts from this.
- davey wears a magen david around his neck. his mom gave it to him on his bar mitzvah day.
- race is a classically trained ballerina.
- kid blink is just constantly getting into fights at school (he wins)
- jack's mom died when he was a kid and after she died, his dad was abusive. jack was emancipated at 15.
- finch has autism. he's hyperfixated on birds and will randomly blurt fun facts.
- crutchie uses forearm crutches.
- spot has a bad knee injury from when he was a little kid and fell down the stairs. often wears a knee brace/knee tape. he doesn't explain it. theories are spread.
- splint is a bit of a ho (very affectionate) and the others don't understand how she gets so many men + women.
- katherine is on the girls' ice hockey team in high school. not only is she jacked but she is also violent when she's challenged.
- sarah is older than davey and jack by three years but only two years older than kath.
- race is abnormally strong, wins every arm wrestle ever. can pick spot up and toss him around like a pizza.
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shiny-peach-water · 4 months ago
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tommy thought it’d be a good idea to break into an “abandoned” farmhouse… (i love doing crossovers of hyperfixiations!!)
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 2 years ago
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getting the newsies and delancey’s to interact in ways that are a) funny b) make sense and c) don’t contradict canon too much (for my autistic sanity) is an interesting game
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shsl-fander · 9 months ago
Happy pride month to modern au Jack Kelly and Davey Jacobs
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my-father-runs-the-trib · 30 days ago
My name is Darcy Reid
I’m 19 years old as of this month (Feb 22)
I live in an apartment in upper Manhattan
I am the son of Whitelaw Reid
I also work for the Tribune
Gay (Makes my father furious but oh well)
Also dating Bill Hearst
Bestfriends with @kathrineppulitzer
Modern rp account, ask to join through @mr-erster-carona
Blue for ooc
@mr-erster-carona - RACE
@go-west-young-man - JACK
@most-auspicious-manner -DAVID
@think-about-seizing-the-day - SARAH
@table-the-palaver - LES
@youll-steal-anudda - ALBERT
@you-already-live-on-the-street - JOJO
@last-in-line-for-the-tub-tonight - BUTTONS
@one-for-all-and-all-for-one - ELMER
@hey-look-its-bathtime-at-the-zoo - SPECS
@pastramie-n-rye - HENRY
@where-for-art-thou - ROMEO
@stillgot-myshirt-on - TOMMY BOY (ran by me)
@mo-delancey - MORRIS
@a-smilethatspreadslikebutt3r - CRUTCHIE
@king-a-brooklyn - SPOT
@slingshot-man - FINCH
@kathrineppulitzer - KATHRINE
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sinkjustlikeastone · 8 months ago
OKAY I decided I need to describe in detail my modern newsies appearances so here’s for Race
Race is tall and almost unhealthily skinny
His hair is natural brown but he dyes it ALL THE TIME and when it’s not a bright color it’s dyed blonde
Race does makeup okay. Like. Not full face crazy but some winged eyeliner and maybe some super colorful eye shadow on occasion
and like. One cuff on his left ear
he wears cropped shirts, and jeans with so many holes they barely count as jeans
high top converse and docs (projecting)
I don’t think I stressed enough how skinny he is y’all like a medium sized shirt hangs off of his frame like it’s just been hung on. A stick or smth
Edit- ALSO tattoos. Many. He def has something to mark the important events and people in his life. There’s one for Albert, one for Jack, one for Medda, and bonus- he has one for Jacks little brother who died, because they were pals (Jack is like three years older than race and race is like 3 years older than Michael. To me. Idk how canon says it shal be but)
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somedayonbroadway · 6 months ago
I know it’s not on the list but I really enjoyed the High School Musical Newsies AU and was wondering if I could request a sequel? I love all your fics btw 💖💖💖
High School Musical 2
Jack Kelly — Troy Bolton
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Katherine Plumber — Gabriella Montez
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Sarah Jacobs — Sharpay Evans
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David Jacobs — Ryan Evans
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Spot Conlon — Chad Danforth
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Racetrack Higgins — Taylor McKessie
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Crutchie Morris — Kelsie Nielsen
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Hi Anon! Four years later, but yes you can absolutely request a sequel. lol, this fic is so interesting and fun for me.
So, after the events of the first movie, which you can find linked here, the wildcats are set to enjoy their summer vacation. Jack and Katherine are dating, Jack and Race are safe with Medda and Jack is looking for a summer job.
He is trying to get to college, he wants to go for art, and wants to save up his own money, despite Medda promising to help him out. Sarah overhears him telling Race about applying to local ice cream shops and she takes it upon herself to get her parent’s resort to reach out to him with a summer job for him. However, as Jack does accept the job, Sarah is unaware that Jack also recommended his girlfriend, Katherine, to be a lifeguard at the pool and all the other kids from the school apply for other jobs as well, getting hired as kitchen staff.
Sarah is upset at this and David begs her to keep a cool head because he enjoys having all of his new friends at the resort. He has become very close with Jack and Race and some of the others and Sarah, still wanting to date Jack, does not listen and tries to get the manager of the resort to make their jobs awful and drive the wildcats to quit, while giving Jack luxury items and passes to their resort. Jack is a bit put off by this.
See Jack is experiencing a lot of PTSD from staying with Snyder and realizes during these times where the manager of the resort, Obadiah Weisel, is alone with him, that he feels like he can’t breathe. He struggles to remain calm with things like glass breaking and being late to work. Race notices this, as he too is working in the kitchen, and he tells Katherine who calms Jack by making him a picnic and taking him out by the lake to have a nice romantic date together. Sarah sees them, however and turns on the sprinklers to try and ruin the moment, but it doesn’t work. Jack actually has a very good time and they dance in the sprinklers together.
Later that day, Sarah insists that Crutchie writes new music for a show to put on for the resort's gala that they have once a year. Crutchie hesitantly does so, writing a duet he assumes will be for Jack and Katherine, but Sarah steals the music away from him the moment it’s done and devises a plan to get Jack to agree to sing it with her instead.
As Sarah knows David is close with Jack, she tricks him into spying on Jack to get information on when Jack and Kath are having their next date and arranges for Jack to be at dinner with her and her family, as her father is a art enthusiast, very well known in the art community, and offers to write Jack a letter of rec, upon Sarah’s insistence, as long as he has dinner with them. Jack does and Race and Spot end up serving them, which makes Jack very uncomfortable. He tries to help them but Sarah treats them like absolute garbage to try and look better in front of her parents, whom she is relentlessly trying to impress. But she eventually trips Race which sends Jack to lash out in an almost violent way as he is remembering Race being hurt when they were younger. Everyone at the table is stunned and Jack rushes off, humiliated.
Spot nearly quits but Race insists he’s fine and they hang out by the lake while their friends finish serving the Jacobs dinner. Race opens up to Spot about how different his brother is acting and how scary he gets sometimes because of what he’s been through and Spot can only comfort him by saying Jack is still working through the trauma of everything Snyder did to him and to give him time.
Meanwhile, Jack rushes to his date with Katherine where they go night swimming and have a romantic moment before being caught by security, nearly getting Katherine fired. Jack insists it won’t happen again and that it was all his idea and that if anyone should be fired, it should be him, but Sarah instead insists that Weisel promote Jack, which makes Jack even more uncomfortable because it means spending more time with Sarah. To try and mend what happened at dinner, Sarah apologizes by setting up a chance for Jack to play football with Columbia University for an afternoon, though he was supposed to play baseball with Race, Spot and the others. Jack is hesitant to go, but Race insists he go because he thinks it’ll make Jack a little bit happier and then he invites David to play in his place, noting David seems a little more down than usual as Sarah seems to be ignoring him completely.
Katherine is starting to get concerned for Jack, but Race insists he needs space, as it’s only been a few months since Snyder’s house and he’s still coping with the abuse. Katherine agrees and goes to watch the baseball game.
David, who’s not really a baseball player, gets pointers from Spot on how to play the game, making Race a little bit jealous. David and Spot end up going head to head a lot, becoming very good friends and David teaches Spot how to dance a little bit on the field, amusing the rest of the wildcats.
David then invites the rest of the wildcats to put a song together for the gala and they all agree, except for Race, whom they notice is missing. They go to search for him and David finds him curled up by the pool, hiding from everyone else because he’s feeling isolated and alone and wants his brother back and the two of them bond over their sibling dramas.
The next day, Jack goes back into work and feels anxiety about people being mad at him and not wanting him around, though that simply is not true. Him and Race get into a very public argument and Race runs off, accidentally tripping over an exposed root on a trail and falling down into the lake, though he cannot swim.
Jack had been out after him, feeling guilty and manages to jump in after him, pulling him to shore and Race just cries and admits he wants to go home.
Sarah, having seen this and knowing that David is trying to get the wildcats to sing at the gala, bans every kitchen staff member from participating because of this incident, stating that everyone is getting too emotional and harsh about it and Katherine quits, having had enough, despite Jack asking her to stay.
Jack, having had enough of Sarah’s treatment, resigns from his promotion and works with the kitchen staff again, telling Sarah he is now barred from performing too unless she allows them to perform together. Race, knowing Jack is still struggling, manages to convince Katherine to come back for one night to sing with Jack and mend their relationship.
Jack learns a brand new song moments before going on stage and David informs Sarah she won’t be performing with him, which angers Sarah before she breaks down, knowing her behavior towards her friends and brother has been anything but okay.
Jack goes out to sing and is surprised by Katherine joining him and the wildcats get to sing on stage together once again. And as the fireworks close out the night, Jack and Katherine dance together, sharing a kiss and Jack brings his friends in for a group hug, thanking them for sticking with him despite everything, especially his brother.
And that’s that.
The next day, Spot teaches Race how to swim and David makes sure Race knows how much Spot adores him as they all go out for a pool party.
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askthemodernnewsies · 5 months ago
The Modern Newsies
((Hello! My name is Blizzard, and this is an ask blog for my modern Newsies AU that I've been fleshing out for a while now! Feel free to ask any of the characters anything, or roleplay with your own blogs!
Phrase asks like this:
(For [Character Name(s)]) [Question]
Note: Please do not make your asks any more mature than an over 15 rating. The characters are mostly teens, after all!
Short character info below the cut!
((Anything OOC will begin with two open parentheses. Feel free to ask OOC questions about this AU! Jack Kelly: 17 years old, he/him, bisexual, artist, boyfriend to David Jacobs, Ex-Boyfriend turned best friend to Katherine Pulitzer. Jack's text will look like this
David Jacobs: 17 years old, he/him, gay, academic, boyfriend to Jack Kelly, brother to Les and Sarah Jacobs. Davey's text will look like this
Katherine Pulitzer: 17 years old, she/her, pansexual, writer/journalist, Ex-Girlfriend turned best friend to Jack Kelly, Daughter to principal Joseph Pulitzer. Katherine's text will look like this
Racetrack Higgins: 16 years old, he/they, gay, barista, boyfriend to Spot Conlon, Ex-Boyfriend to Romeo DeJesus, original (and despised) name is Antonio. Race's text will look like this
Spot Conlon: 16 years old, he/him, gay, football player, boyfriend to Racetrack Higgins, lives with Racetrack due to abusive homophobic parents. Spot's text will look like this
More!!! If you target an ask towards a character not on this list, I'll add it immediately before answering!
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mouser-is-a-goober · 7 months ago
modern newsies AU where davey writes books and jack illustrates for them
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joeythefrog · 1 year ago
if the modern Race isn't wearing a gummy watch and giggling delightedly whenever someone asks him the time then I don't want it
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bigmack2go · 26 days ago
This is modern medda btw. Just to let ya knwo
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newsies-rp · 1 year ago
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we are so fun and cool oooo
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fandom-server-blog · 12 days ago
Newsies Modern Au!
This is a modern au, nothing much more!
Roles taken:
Micheal (I guess?? He’s dead I don’t really know but @scottyzoomz claimed him)
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