#Minister of Tourism and Environment
kyreniacommentator · 3 months
Beach Cleaning and our young people are working so hard
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newsbites · 1 year
News from Belize, 31 May
Jaelyn Crawford, a senior at Belize High School, has been offered one million dollars’ worth of scholarships from 18 international universities.
2. Belize City Council is satisfied with the "beautification" of Holy Emmanuel Street that is underway.
it’s not only Belize City Council did it it’s an entire collaboration effort to really benefit the residents of the city and we are not finished there because we have the beautification component to it which we’ll plant some palm trees, we’ll put some benches, we plan to have a bus stop. We did two bridges for the kids who had to go all the way around the catch the bus so we did that but we also have to put in place garbage bins and garbage bins that are not moveable and so that we want to encourage the residents in that area to keep the area clean.
3. Preparations for hurricane season are underway in Belize City.
4. Prime Minister John Briceno met with Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Tourism, Ahmed Al Khateeb, who is currently in Belize.
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silvysartfulness · 5 months
A Canadian oil giant is ripping through Africa's hidden Eden, the Okavango Delta. The Delta, home to Africa's largest remaining herd of elephants faces direct risk. This relentless corporate pillage threatens to obliterate this untouched wilderness, plundering resources and placing the majestic elephants at grave risk. The Namibian Minister of Environment and Tourism can halt the devastation but he’s delaying his decision. With enough international pressure, we can compel him to revoke ReconAfrica's drilling permit. Sign now and take a stand!
To Pohamba Shifeta, Minister of Environment and Tourism in Namibia:
As global citizens, we urgently call on you to revoke the drilling permit that allows ReconAfrica to destroy the wilderness and threaten the local community culture to search for oil. We urge you to stand with the Kavango communities and protect the Okavango Delta!
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reasonsforhope · 2 years
"One of the last wild rivers in Europe, home to more than 1,000 animal and plant species, has been declared a national park by the Albanian government, making the Vjosa the first of its kind on the continent.
The Vjosa River flows 168 miles (270kms) from the Pindus mountains in Greece through narrow canyons, plains and forests in Albania to the Adriatic coast. Free from dams or other artificial barriers, it is rich in aquatic species and supports myriad wildlife, including otters, the endangered Egyptian vulture and the critically endangered Balkan lynx, of which only 15 are estimated to remain in Albania.
For years, the Vjosa’s fragile ecosystem has been under threat: at one point as many as 45 hydropower plants were planned across the region.
But on Wednesday, after an almost decade-long campaign by environmental NGOs, Vjosa was declared the first wild river national park in Europe. Environmentalists described it as a historic decision that has placed the tiny Balkan nation at the forefront of river protection...
A Model for Conservation
Mirela Kumbaro Furxhi, Albania’s tourism and environment minister, said the creation of the park was part of the country’s evolution and continuing emancipation three decades on from communist rule.
“Vjosa is a symbol of human history and also a very important part of the history of our country,” she said. “Maybe Albania does not have the power to change the world, but it can create successful models of protecting biodiversity and natural assets, and we are proud to announce the creation of this first national park on one of the last wild rivers in Europe.”
The country, which attracted 7.5 million visitors last year, more than twice its 2.8m population, hopes to regenerate villages in the Vjosa region through ecotourism.
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Details of the National Park
... The 12,727 hectare (31,500 acre) park aims to ensure the Vjosa and its unique ecosystems are safeguarded. It has been given IUCN category II park status, a high level of protection similar to that of a wilderness. The categorisation covers “large-scale ecological processes”, species and ecosystems, crucial to ensuring dams and gravel extraction are banned. It is expected to be operational in 2024...
The park will encompass the 118 miles of the Vjosa in Albania, three main tributaries, and some land, including areas at risk of flooding. Phase II will add other tributaries. Unlike the IUCN’s Wilderness Protected Areas, which limit the number of visitors, it will allow recreational tourism and some other activities such as local fishing, particularly for 60,000 residents in the catchment.
The Albanian government is starting a joint process with the Greek authorities to create the Aoos-Vjosa transboundary park, aiming to protect the entire river across both countries, who agreed in January to sign a memorandum of understanding specifying the next actions.
Wild Rivers in Europe
Europe has the most obstructed river landscape in the world, with barriers such as dams, weirs and fords, estimated to number more than a million, according to a 2020 EU study in 28 countries. Such fragmenting of rivers affects their ability to support life.
Ulrich Eichelmann, a conservationist and founder of Riverwatch and part of the Save the Blue Heart of Europe campaign, said: “Most people in central Europe have never ever seen a wild, living river, free from the impacts of human interference, that isn’t diverted or dammed or built up with embankments and where biodiversity is low as a result. But here, you have a wild river, full of complexity and without interference.”"
-via The Guardian (US), 3/15/23
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rjzimmerman · 5 months
Excerpt from this story from The Revelator:
In South Africa, an insatiable desire for lions — whether to view the big cats in captivity, interact with cubs, hunt them for sport, or trade in their body parts — has created an explosion in their captive populations. Approximately 8,000-10,000 lions are now kept in captivity across the country, compared to the estimated 3,490 wild lions across our reserves and national parks. Activists and the media have given extensive attention to this cruel, inhumane industry, but significantly less is known about the other exotic cat species bred, kept, traded, and even hunted for this burgeoning industry built on greed and cruelty.
For instance, in 2022 the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment confirmed that at least 70 captive facilities kept 463 tigers across South Africa. Yes, tigers — the same endangered Asian big cats subject to intense conservation efforts, with a wild population estimated at just 5,500 animals.
Those of us working against this captive trade suspect the actual number of tigers in the country is much higher, as the department does not require captive facilities to register the big cats. The data provided by provincial authorities is only as accurate as the information provided by willing facilities.
And tigers are just one element of this industry. Across the country approximately 400 captive facilities keep indigenous and exotic cats of multiple species for tourism activities, breeding, trading in live animals and their body parts, and hunting.
Tigers bred in South Africa don’t always stay here. From 2012 to 2022[1], South Africa exported a minimum of 397 live tigers and 101 tiger body parts and hunting trophies, according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species trade database.[2] And that’s just the so-called legal trade.
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Brazil to Bring at Least 12 Ministers to COP28 and Have a 400 m2 Booth
The country's space at the climate conference in Dubai will host over 120 events
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In addition to an extensive delegation composed of congressmen, members of civil society, businesspeople, and researchers, the top echelon of the federal government is expected to have a massive presence at COP28, the UN (United Nations) climate conference beginning this Thursday (30) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
At least 12 ministers are expected to participate: Marina Silva (Environment), Mauro Vieira (Foreign Affairs), Fernando Haddad (Finance), Alexandre Silveira (Mines and Energy), Rui Costa (Chief of Staff), Sônia Guajajara (Indigenous Peoples), Luciana Santos (Science, Technology, and Innovation), Carlos Fávaro (Agriculture and Livestock), Paulo Teixeira (Agrarian Development and Family Agriculture), Jader Filho (Cities), Celso Sabino (Tourism), and Cida Gonçalves (Women).
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jordanianroyals · 2 years
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22 February 2023: Crown Prince Hussein highlighted the important role of Al Hussein bin Abdullah II Award for Voluntary Service in promoting volunteerism and positivity.
During a meeting with the award’s board of trustees, he called for enhancing the sense of civic duty among various generations, to ensure the success of the three modernisation tracks.
His Royal Highness commended the efforts of staff working on the award, noting the high number of applicants and stressing the need to maintain the award’s high standards. (Source: Petra)
Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh, who chairs the award’s board of trustees, gave a briefing on the award’s progress since it was launched in 2021 on the occasion of International Volunteer Day, highlighting the importance of promoting the values of volunteerism.
Youth Minister Mohammad Salameh Al Nabulsi, who is the deputy head of the award’s board, said the award received thousands of applications from young men and women, and will be granted to the best voluntary initiatives.
Launched by the Crown Prince, the award covers voluntary initiatives in the fields of social issues, education, art, culture, the environment, training, sports, health, tourism, entrepreneurship, and innovation.
Director of the Office of the Crown Prince Zaid Baqain attended the meeting.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
he candidate for Prime Minister of "We Continue the Change-Democratic Bulgaria" (WCC-DB) Acad. Nikolay Denkov returned to President Rumen Radev the completed second exploratory mandate to form a government.
Nikolay Denkov and the candidate for Prime Minister of GERB-SDS, Mariya Gabriel, will be Prime Ministers on a rotating basis - during the first nine months of the administration, Acad. Denkov will be Prime Minister, and Gabriel - Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs. After that, again for nine months, the Prime Minister will be Mariya Gabriel, and Acad. Nikolay Denkov will be the Deputy Prime Minister.
On Friday, "We Continue the Change-Democratic Bulgaria" and GERB-SDS officially presented the names of the ministers in the draft cabinet for the second term.
The proposed Council of Ministers is composed of:
Nikolay Denkov - rotating prime minister for the first nine months
Mariya Gabriel – Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, rotating Prime Minister for the second nine months
Asen Vassilev – Minister of Finance
Kalin Stoyanov - Minister of Internal Affairs
Todor Tagarev - Minister of Defense
Julian Popov - Minister of Environment and Water and Chairman of the Advisory Council for the European Green Deal
Rumen Radev - Minister of Energy
Andrey Tsekov - Minister of Regional Development and Public Works
Kiril Vatev - Minister of Agriculture and Food
Bogdan Bogdanov - Minister of Economy and Industry
Milena Stoycheva - Minister of Innovation and Growth
Ivanka Shalapatova - Minister of Labor and Social Policy
Atanas Slavov - Minister of Justice
Prof. Galin Tsokov - Minister of Education and Science
Krastyu Krastev – Minister of Culture
Georgi Gvozdeikov - Minister of Transport and Communications
Prof. Hristo Hinkov - Minister of Health
Zaritsa Dinkova - Minister of Tourism
Alexander Yolovski - Minister of e-Government
Dimitar Iliev - Minister of Youth and Sports
On May 29, President Rumen Radev handed over the second exploratory mandate for forming a government to the WCC-DB candidate for Prime Minister Acad. Nikolay Denkov. Then the head of state called on WCC-DB to reconsider the expediency of this mandate, which, according to him, has already been discredited. A few days later in Ankara, where he attended the inauguration ceremony of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Rumen Radev expressed hope that the next regular government would follow the course set by the caretaker cabinet.
Nikolay Denkov: We all need to calm the situation down so that people know that the cabinet, the National Assembly and the presidential institution work together
"I think we all need to calm the situation so that people know that the cabinet, the National Assembly and the presidential institution are working together so that the country can develop for the benefit of people and businesses". This was said by the Prime Minister candidate from "We Continue the Change-Democratic Bulgaria" Nikolay Denkov.
"What we expect is that you issue a decree, it will be voted on in the National Assembly, if it gathers a majority, and then we will smoothly transfer power, as required by the Constitution", Denkov pointed out
"As soon as possible, I will issue a decree to submit your proposal to the National Assembly, where it will be voted on by the people's elected representatives," said the Head of State, Rumen Radev.
"Bulgaria needs institutions and politicians who are actually led by the Bulgarian people, who work for security, justice and against corruption, as expected by all respectable Bulgarian citizens. To strengthen the sovereignty of the country and work to deepen our European integration", said Radev.
"In the shortest possible time, a normal budget should be created, without this absurd deficit, and it should reflect the current situation". This is what the nominee for Prime Minister told journalists after returning the completed second mandate to form a government.
If today the president issues a decree to form a government, I will call a meeting of the parliament tomorrow, said Rosen Zhelyazkov
"If the president issues a decree today, I will call a meeting tomorrow". This was stated by the speaker of the National Assembly, Rosen Zhelyazkov, to journalists on the sidelines of the parliament.
"The procedure is simple - the candidate for prime minister is introduced, and he presents the candidates for ministers and the structure of the cabinet", Zhelyazkov said. According to him, the prime minister-candidate can make a political address and declaration or present the cabinet's priorities, after which there is an opportunity for a debate and the votes are held - for the prime minister, for the structure of the cabinet and for the staff, specified Zhelyazkov.
When asked if he is optimistic that the regular cabinet will be supported in the plenary hall, the speaker of the National Assembly said that it has a declared political majority. Zhelyazkov expressed hope that the future regular government will be more successful than the last one in the past two years.
"I think that we have been waiting for a regular government for a long time, so the convening of an extraordinary meeting is justified", Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Nikola Minchev also commented to journalists on the sidelines of the parliament.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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The debate about race following the killing of George Floyd has reverberated across the Atlantic Ocean, spurring the tourism minister of Ghana to appeal to its diaspora, including in the U.S., to "leave where you are not wanted," and return home.
A ceremony marking the death of Floyd was held at the W. E. B. Du Bois Memorial Centre for Pan-African Culture in the capital Accra during which Barbara Oteng Gyasi made the plea that her country is open to those fleeing racial tensions.
"We gather in solidarity with brothers and sisters to change the status quo. Racism must end. We pray and hope that George Floyd's death will not be in vain but will bring an end to prejudice and racial discrimination across the world," Oteng Gyasi said, according to Ghana Web.
"We continue to open our arms and invite all our brothers and sisters home. Ghana is your home. Africa is your home. We have our arms wide open ready to welcome you home.
"Please take advantage, come home, build a life in Ghana. You do not have to stay where you are not wanted forever, you have a choice and Africa is waiting for you," Oteng Gyasi added after a wreath-laying ceremony last Friday.
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The economy got a boost as people flocked to the country for a number of cultural events, such as the music festival AfroChella, to mark the anniversary.
The government in Accra is building on that momentum with another initiative called "Beyond the Return" which aims to encourage investment in Ghana.
"We feel that given the wealth that African Americans and black Americans have, given that spending power, travel budgets of blacks in America, we felt that it's about time that we start that conversation that, instead of moving to any other destination, come back to where you came from," Akwasi Agyeman, CEO of Ghana's Tourism Authority, told NBC this week.
There was a sartorial and cultural connection between the heart of U.S. politics and Ghana this week as Democrats proposed legislation to reform the police in the wake of Floyd's death.
Lawmakers including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wore scarves made from a cloth of colorful geometric Ghanaian designs called kente which had been given to them by the Congressional Black Caucus.
"The significance of the kente cloth is our African heritage and for those of you without that heritage who are acting in solidarity," Karen Bass, chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus, said, according to the BBC.
Meanwhile, the appeal by the Ghanaian government to its diaspora from across the Atlantic Ocean is likely to get stronger.
Lakeshia Marie Ford started coming to Ghana in 2008 as part of a study abroad program through her alma mater, Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia. She has lived in the country permanently for five years and is founder of the Accra-based public relations company Ford Communications.
"In terms of identity, I felt freer in Ghana. As a Jamaican-American woman, there were so many cultural similarities," she told Newsweek.
"Having that foundation as a 20-something year old allowed me to pay attention to the environment and look at how I can add value to the space, as opposed to fighting racism, as I would probably be doing in the United States."
Attracted by a fast-pace emerging economy, she said that people can bring to life dynamic ideas a lot quicker in Ghana than in the United States.
"An emerging market needs a range of skills," she said, which meant, "you can find a space for yourself regardless of the level you are at, and still make an impact."
"Africa has always been the future, and our predecessors know that well. For my generation, if we in fact answer the call to explore achieving our dreams in Africa, specifically Ghana in this case, Ghana will experience a brain gain.
"Having black people in the diaspora come to Ghana is the dream. I think it's important to also develop structures and capacities in the country to support the call.
"That effort could also include socially sensitizing Ghanaian citizens so that everyone is radically focused on the bigger picture of the commonality between Africans and African diasporans and the effort to achieve true sustainable socio-economic development for Ghana and black people who would be new residents," Ford told Newsweek.
Before you embark to West Africa looking for a new home, a lil advice:
study the area you are interested in returning to
do your dna testing with a dna test agency that has African Aliels such as https://africanancestry.com/
SAVE SAVE SAVE - money shrinks when you travel so take as much as you can because you don't know what may catch your eye
Make a few friends in your chosen destination and learn more about the local culture so that when you visit you're more aware of your surroundings and possibilities - this helps you to not be a victim. travel scams in Africa do happen just like everywhere else.
Check all the Visa Requirements, make sure your passport is valid for at least a year post travel to prevent any problems with visas.
Check with your local Travel Health Clinic to be sure of what meds you may need before departure, as well as what you may need to take with you in case of need. Lariam is a common med that is used for Malaria and usually taken as it's more difficult to get once you are there
Take a copy of all your travel documents, on your phone; as well as photocopies; and email a safety copy in the event of need
Don't Use Air BnB because they are horrible and poorly managed in Africa. stick to a traditional hotel for both comfort and safety.
Plan your trip knowing it will be wonderful and you will be making the journey of a lifetime. Travel with a heart full of gratitude and wonder because You are Going Home, hopefully.
Questions on Travel to the Tropics or Africa - Hit Me Up and I'll give you my experience and help with your planning. Just message me here on Tumblr and I'll hit you right back
Remember This is The mindset of an explorer so get out there and find yourself an adventure
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crazynewsindia · 2 years
2023 CM press on for early Forest approvals
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SHIMLA 27th February, 2023       Discusses State's issues with Union E&F Minister Chief Minister, Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu in a meeting with Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Bhupender Yadav in New Delhi today advocated for early forest clearances for escalating various ongoing development projects in Himachal Pradesh. Sh. Sukhu urged the Union Minister to ensure early forest approvals in a time bound manner for construction of heliports, green corridors as mandated by the State Government for making Himachal as 'Green Energy State' by the year 2025 and other major ongoing projects. The tough geological conditions of Himachal Pradesh, necessitate to construct heliports, not only to facilitate the tourists visiting the State, but also cater to the emergency needs during natural calamities or otherwise. A decision should be taken without delay regarding the necessary forest clearances pending for the construction of the heliports, he urged the Union Minister. The state government is promoting e-vehicles in Himachal Pradesh and developing necessary infrastructure for the same by constructing adequate number of e-charging stations for electrical vehicles. Besides, green corridors would also be constructed on both sides of all National and state highways in the state. In order to speed up the process, various approvals regarding forest land should be accorded in time to achieve the target, said the Chief Minister. Delay in forest clearances creates unnecessary delay in the construction of development projects, especially educational institutions, roads and bridges and ropeways etc. He urged that these approvals should be given as soon as possible. The Chief Minister advocated that the State forest officers of the state should work in unison with the central level forest officers and should take up the cases pending with the Ministry so that approvals can be received in time. Detailed discussions were also held regarding the state's water reservoirs, wild life sanctuaries and eco-tourism guidelines and other important topics including Parivesh Portal, National Transit Pass System, School Nursery Scheme, City Forest Scheme, Davanal (Forest fires) during the summer season in the state. The Chief Minister invited Union Forest, Environment and Climate Change Minister Bhupender Yadav to visit Himachal. The Union Minister assured all possible help to the state. Central Forest Secretary, Leena Nandan, other senior officers of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Political Advisor to Chief Minister Sunil Sharma, Principal Resident Commissioner, Sushil Kumar Singla, Resident Commissioner, Meera Mohanty, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests V.K. Tiwari, Chief Conservator Wildlife, Rajeev Kumar, Nodal Officer for Forest Conservation Act, Harshvardhan Kathuria and other senior officers were present in the meeting.   Read the full article
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kyreniacommentator · 2 years
The Use of Most Plastic Bags to Be Banned in the TRNC
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Nigerian Newspapers: Top Stories For Today (16/09/24) - Information Today Internet https://www.merchant-business.com/nigerian-newspapers-top-stories-for-today-16-09-24/?feed_id=201198&_unique_id=66e7e20cd85c2 #GLOBAL - BLOGGER BLOGGER Read the full details on our digital edition when you join our WhatsApp Communities here.Here are the major headlines for today:Finally, NNPCL Trucks Load First Set Of Petrol At Dangote Refinery… Dangote Denies Selling PMS At N898 Per Litre To NNPCL… Assures Nigerians Of Quality Product, End To Fuel Scarcity‘Naira May Rebound On Back Of FG’s $900m Domestic Dollar Bond’NSDC Boss Declares 2025 As Year Of Acceleration For Sugar Project DevelopmentEdo Decides: AA Guber Candidate, Okojie, Steps Down From Race, Backs OkpebholoIndustrial Fishing Sector: Nigeria Hits Milestone With 23 Trawlers Achieving Compliance For Turtle Excluder DevicesMaulud: Pray For Nigeria, Seek Divine Intervention, Speaker Abbas Urges MuslimsGov Mbah Gives Security Agencies 48-Hours To Produce OMMATA Chairman’s KillersAlake Begins Distribution Of FG’s Rice To 1,200 Elderly Persons In EkitiEid-el-Mawlid: Makinde Felicitates Muslims, Calls For More PrayersFlood: Nigeria Receives 50 Tonnes Of Relief Materials From UAEFrom UAEGod Remains My Greatest Source Of Strength, Says FubaraNDLEA Arrests Auto Parts Dealer, Business Woman Over UK-Bound Opioids, Cocaine In CustardStop Arresting, Intimidating Activists, Face Real Issues Affecting Nigerians, Ajadi Counsels FGObaseki Has Performed Poorly, Won’t Be Allowed To Choose His Successor – Adams‘Obaseki And His Candidate Are Lawless, Threat To Survival Of Our Democracy’[EDITORIAL] The Compressed Natural Gas OptionOne Trillion Dollar Economy By 2030?Green Technology: Whither Africa?How Gov. Fubara’s Policy Interventions Are Fast-Tracking Development In RiversNigeria’s Creative Economy To Grow By 400% By 2027- MusawaTD Africa Combats Insecurity With Price Slash On Ring Security SolutionsWhen Consumer Protection Regulation Meets Religious BeliefOverview Of Markets In The Week Ended Sept 13The First Hand Held Mobile Device For Collating Transport Data In Nigeria Was Introduced By Our Organisation – SonaikeNigeria’s Inaugural Dollar Bond As Catalyst For Economic Development – AnalystsNigerian Leaders Abdicate Their Roles, Condemn Millions To Death By StarvationColeman MD Tutors LCCI Entrepreneurs On Sustaining Businesses In Nigeria Amid Economic DownturnBullish Outing On NGX Amid Expectation Of Economic Data Ahead Of CBN Policy Meeting… Market Update For The Week Ended September 13 And Outlook For September 16-20Okoye: A Catalyst For Youth Empowerment At NECAFor Borno, This Flood Is One Disaster Too ManyAkwaaba Organisers Commend Interior, Tourism MinistersCreate Ondo State Ministry Of Blue Economy, OAUSTECH VC Advises ODSGEdo Decides: RPIND Endorses OkpebholoStop Wasting Resources On Foreign Trips, Address Insecurity, Oyo APC Tells MakindeSEC Assures Of Adequate Regulation To Grow Digital Assets IndustryMaiduguri Flood: Environment Minister Assures Of FG’s SupportASUU Mobilises Support For Over 200 Victimised MembersAdeyanju Calls For Probe Of Bayelsa’s N45bn Secretariat ContractEdo Guber: CSOs’ Situation Room Trains Observers, Engages Security AgenciesNCoS Releases Details Of 281 Inmates Missing After Maiduguri FloodAtiku Donates N100m To Assist Maiduguri Flood Victims, Pays VisitEdo Govt Accuses APC Of Plan To Veil Thugs In Police Uniforms To Disrupt Guber Poll2025 AFCON Qualifiers: Rwanda Coach Tips Nigeria To Top Group DGabriel’s Header Hands Arsenal Win Over Spurs In North London DerbyNPFL: Rivers United Deserve To Beat Heartland — FinidiDevalue N, Remove Subsidy And ‘Kill’ NigeriansNigeria And The Scramble For Africa 2.0More stories here as it breaks – independent.ngTo access the ePaperSubscribe to our ePaper https://app.thenewspaperstand.com/publication/independent-newspapers),FOR RETURNING USERS:CLICK THE LINK ABOVE AND LOGIN WITH YOUR EMAIL AND PASSWORD.Make payment.Gain access to the ePaper.
FOR NEW USERS:CLICK THE LINK ABOVE AND SIGN UP. A box will pop up showing you space for email and password.Follow the on-screen promptGain access to the ePaper“Read the full details on our digital edition when you join our WhatsApp Communities here. Here are the major headlines for today: Finally, NNPCL Trucks Load First Set Of Petrol…”Source Link: https://independent.ng/nigerian-newspapers-top-stories-for-today-16-09-24/ Read the full details on our digital edition when you join our WhatsApp Communities here. Here are the major headlines for today: Finally, NNPCL Trucks Load First Set Of Petrol At Dangote Refinery… Dangote Denies Selling PMS At N898 Per Litre To NNPCL… Assures Nigerians Of Quality Product, End To Fuel Scarcity ‘Naira May Rebound … Read More
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bravecompanynews · 9 days
Nigerian Newspapers: Top Stories For Today (16/09/24) - Information Today Internet - #GLOBAL https://www.merchant-business.com/nigerian-newspapers-top-stories-for-today-16-09-24/?feed_id=201197&_unique_id=66e7e20be06cf Read the full details on our digital edition when you join our WhatsApp Communities here.Here are the major headlines for today:Finally, NNPCL Trucks Load First Set Of Petrol At Dangote Refinery… Dangote Denies Selling PMS At N898 Per Litre To NNPCL… Assures Nigerians Of Quality Product, End To Fuel Scarcity‘Naira May Rebound On Back Of FG’s $900m Domestic Dollar Bond’NSDC Boss Declares 2025 As Year Of Acceleration For Sugar Project DevelopmentEdo Decides: AA Guber Candidate, Okojie, Steps Down From Race, Backs OkpebholoIndustrial Fishing Sector: Nigeria Hits Milestone With 23 Trawlers Achieving Compliance For Turtle Excluder DevicesMaulud: Pray For Nigeria, Seek Divine Intervention, Speaker Abbas Urges MuslimsGov Mbah Gives Security Agencies 48-Hours To Produce OMMATA Chairman’s KillersAlake Begins Distribution Of FG’s Rice To 1,200 Elderly Persons In EkitiEid-el-Mawlid: Makinde Felicitates Muslims, Calls For More PrayersFlood: Nigeria Receives 50 Tonnes Of Relief Materials From UAEFrom UAEGod Remains My Greatest Source Of Strength, Says FubaraNDLEA Arrests Auto Parts Dealer, Business Woman Over UK-Bound Opioids, Cocaine In CustardStop Arresting, Intimidating Activists, Face Real Issues Affecting Nigerians, Ajadi Counsels FGObaseki Has Performed Poorly, Won’t Be Allowed To Choose His Successor – Adams‘Obaseki And His Candidate Are Lawless, Threat To Survival Of Our Democracy’[EDITORIAL] The Compressed Natural Gas OptionOne Trillion Dollar Economy By 2030?Green Technology: Whither Africa?How Gov. Fubara’s Policy Interventions Are Fast-Tracking Development In RiversNigeria’s Creative Economy To Grow By 400% By 2027- MusawaTD Africa Combats Insecurity With Price Slash On Ring Security SolutionsWhen Consumer Protection Regulation Meets Religious BeliefOverview Of Markets In The Week Ended Sept 13The First Hand Held Mobile Device For Collating Transport Data In Nigeria Was Introduced By Our Organisation – SonaikeNigeria’s Inaugural Dollar Bond As Catalyst For Economic Development – AnalystsNigerian Leaders Abdicate Their Roles, Condemn Millions To Death By StarvationColeman MD Tutors LCCI Entrepreneurs On Sustaining Businesses In Nigeria Amid Economic DownturnBullish Outing On NGX Amid Expectation Of Economic Data Ahead Of CBN Policy Meeting… Market Update For The Week Ended September 13 And Outlook For September 16-20Okoye: A Catalyst For Youth Empowerment At NECAFor Borno, This Flood Is One Disaster Too ManyAkwaaba Organisers Commend Interior, Tourism MinistersCreate Ondo State Ministry Of Blue Economy, OAUSTECH VC Advises ODSGEdo Decides: RPIND Endorses OkpebholoStop Wasting Resources On Foreign Trips, Address Insecurity, Oyo APC Tells MakindeSEC Assures Of Adequate Regulation To Grow Digital Assets IndustryMaiduguri Flood: Environment Minister Assures Of FG’s SupportASUU Mobilises Support For Over 200 Victimised MembersAdeyanju Calls For Probe Of Bayelsa’s N45bn Secretariat ContractEdo Guber: CSOs’ Situation Room Trains Observers, Engages Security AgenciesNCoS Releases Details Of 281 Inmates Missing After Maiduguri FloodAtiku Donates N100m To Assist Maiduguri Flood Victims, Pays VisitEdo Govt Accuses APC Of Plan To Veil Thugs In Police Uniforms To Disrupt Guber Poll2025 AFCON Qualifiers: Rwanda Coach Tips Nigeria To Top Group DGabriel’s Header Hands Arsenal Win Over Spurs In North London DerbyNPFL: Rivers United Deserve To Beat Heartland — FinidiDevalue N, Remove Subsidy And ‘Kill’ NigeriansNigeria And The Scramble For Africa 2.0More stories here as it breaks – independent.ngTo access the ePaperSubscribe to our ePaper https://app.thenewspaperstand.com/publication/independent-newspapers),FOR RETURNING USERS:CLICK THE LINK ABOVE AND LOGIN WITH YOUR EMAIL AND PASSWORD.Make payment.Gain access to the ePaper.FOR NEW USERS:CLICK THE LINK ABOVE AND SIGN UP.
A box will pop up showing you space for email and password.Follow the on-screen promptGain access to the ePaper“Read the full details on our digital edition when you join our WhatsApp Communities here. Here are the major headlines for today: Finally, NNPCL Trucks Load First Set Of Petrol…”Source Link: https://independent.ng/nigerian-newspapers-top-stories-for-today-16-09-24/ BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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boldcompanynews · 9 days
Nigerian Newspapers: Top Stories For Today (16/09/24) - Information Today Internet - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/nigerian-newspapers-top-stories-for-today-16-09-24/?feed_id=201196&_unique_id=66e7e20b18340 Read the full details on our digital edition when you join our WhatsApp Communities here.Here are the major headlines for today:Finally, NNPCL Trucks Load First Set Of Petrol At Dangote Refinery… Dangote Denies Selling PMS At N898 Per Litre To NNPCL… Assures Nigerians Of Quality Product, End To Fuel Scarcity‘Naira May Rebound On Back Of FG’s $900m Domestic Dollar Bond’NSDC Boss Declares 2025 As Year Of Acceleration For Sugar Project DevelopmentEdo Decides: AA Guber Candidate, Okojie, Steps Down From Race, Backs OkpebholoIndustrial Fishing Sector: Nigeria Hits Milestone With 23 Trawlers Achieving Compliance For Turtle Excluder DevicesMaulud: Pray For Nigeria, Seek Divine Intervention, Speaker Abbas Urges MuslimsGov Mbah Gives Security Agencies 48-Hours To Produce OMMATA Chairman’s KillersAlake Begins Distribution Of FG’s Rice To 1,200 Elderly Persons In EkitiEid-el-Mawlid: Makinde Felicitates Muslims, Calls For More PrayersFlood: Nigeria Receives 50 Tonnes Of Relief Materials From UAEFrom UAEGod Remains My Greatest Source Of Strength, Says FubaraNDLEA Arrests Auto Parts Dealer, Business Woman Over UK-Bound Opioids, Cocaine In CustardStop Arresting, Intimidating Activists, Face Real Issues Affecting Nigerians, Ajadi Counsels FGObaseki Has Performed Poorly, Won’t Be Allowed To Choose His Successor – Adams‘Obaseki And His Candidate Are Lawless, Threat To Survival Of Our Democracy’[EDITORIAL] The Compressed Natural Gas OptionOne Trillion Dollar Economy By 2030?Green Technology: Whither Africa?How Gov. Fubara’s Policy Interventions Are Fast-Tracking Development In RiversNigeria’s Creative Economy To Grow By 400% By 2027- MusawaTD Africa Combats Insecurity With Price Slash On Ring Security SolutionsWhen Consumer Protection Regulation Meets Religious BeliefOverview Of Markets In The Week Ended Sept 13The First Hand Held Mobile Device For Collating Transport Data In Nigeria Was Introduced By Our Organisation – SonaikeNigeria’s Inaugural Dollar Bond As Catalyst For Economic Development – AnalystsNigerian Leaders Abdicate Their Roles, Condemn Millions To Death By StarvationColeman MD Tutors LCCI Entrepreneurs On Sustaining Businesses In Nigeria Amid Economic DownturnBullish Outing On NGX Amid Expectation Of Economic Data Ahead Of CBN Policy Meeting… Market Update For The Week Ended September 13 And Outlook For September 16-20Okoye: A Catalyst For Youth Empowerment At NECAFor Borno, This Flood Is One Disaster Too ManyAkwaaba Organisers Commend Interior, Tourism MinistersCreate Ondo State Ministry Of Blue Economy, OAUSTECH VC Advises ODSGEdo Decides: RPIND Endorses OkpebholoStop Wasting Resources On Foreign Trips, Address Insecurity, Oyo APC Tells MakindeSEC Assures Of Adequate Regulation To Grow Digital Assets IndustryMaiduguri Flood: Environment Minister Assures Of FG’s SupportASUU Mobilises Support For Over 200 Victimised MembersAdeyanju Calls For Probe Of Bayelsa’s N45bn Secretariat ContractEdo Guber: CSOs’ Situation Room Trains Observers, Engages Security AgenciesNCoS Releases Details Of 281 Inmates Missing After Maiduguri FloodAtiku Donates N100m To Assist Maiduguri Flood Victims, Pays VisitEdo Govt Accuses APC Of Plan To Veil Thugs In Police Uniforms To Disrupt Guber Poll2025 AFCON Qualifiers: Rwanda Coach Tips Nigeria To Top Group DGabriel’s Header Hands Arsenal Win Over Spurs In North London DerbyNPFL: Rivers United Deserve To Beat Heartland — FinidiDevalue N, Remove Subsidy And ‘Kill’ NigeriansNigeria And The Scramble For Africa 2.0More stories here as it breaks – independent.ngTo access the ePaperSubscribe to our ePaper https://app.thenewspaperstand.com/publication/independent-newspapers),FOR RETURNING USERS:CLICK THE LINK ABOVE AND LOGIN WITH YOUR EMAIL AND PASSWORD.Make payment.Gain access to the ePaper.FOR NEW USERS:CLICK THE LINK ABOVE AND SIGN UP.
A box will pop up showing you space for email and password.Follow the on-screen promptGain access to the ePaper“Read the full details on our digital edition when you join our WhatsApp Communities here. Here are the major headlines for today: Finally, NNPCL Trucks Load First Set Of Petrol…”Source Link: https://independent.ng/nigerian-newspapers-top-stories-for-today-16-09-24/ #GLOBAL - BLOGGER Read the full detai... BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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rjzimmerman · 5 days
I hate humans........
Excerpt from this story from The Guardian:
Zimbabwe will cull 200 elephants as it faces an unprecedented drought that has led to food shortages, a move that tackle a ballooning population of the animals, the country’s wildlife authority has said.
Zimbabwe had “more elephants than it needed”, the environment minister said in parliament on Wednesday, adding that the government had instructed the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Authority (ZimParks) to begin the culling process.
The 200 elephants would be hunted in areas where they had clashed with humans, including Hwange, home of Zimbabwe’s largest natural reserve, said the director general of ZimParks, Fulton Mangwanya.
Zimbabwe’s environment minister, Sithembiso Nyoni, told Voice of America: “We are having a discussion with ZimParks and some communities to do like what Namibia has done, so that we can cull the elephants and mobilise the women to maybe dry the meat, package it, and ensure that it gets to some communities that need the protein.”
Zimbabwe is home to an estimated 100,000 elephants – the second-biggest population in the world after Botswana.
Due to conservation efforts, Hwange is home to 65,000 of the animals, more than four times its capacity, according to ZimParks. Zimbabwe last culled elephants in 1988.
Neighbouring Namibia said this month that it had already killed 160 wildlife animals in a planned cull of more than 700, including 83 elephants, to cope with its worst drought in decades.
Zimbabwe and Namibia are among a swathe of countries in southern Africa that have declared a state of emergency because of drought.
About 42% of Zimbabweans live in poverty, according to UN estimates, and authorities say about 6 million will require food assistance during the November to March lean season, when food is scarcest.
The move to hunt the elephants for food was criticised by some, not least because the animals are a major draw for tourists.
“Government must have more sustainable eco-friendly methods to dealing with drought without affecting tourism,” said Farai Maguwu, director of the nonprofit Centre for Natural Resource Governance.
“They risk turning away tourists on ethical grounds. The elephants are more profitable alive than dead,” he said.
“We have shown that we are poor custodians of natural resources and our appetite for ill-gotten wealth knows no bounds, so this must be stopped because it is unethical.”
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Nigerian Newspapers: Top Stories For Today (16/09/24) - Information Today Internet - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/nigerian-newspapers-top-stories-for-today-16-09-24/?feed_id=201195&_unique_id=66e7e20a1f9d3 Read the full details on our digital edition when you join our WhatsApp Communities here.Here are the major headlines for today:Finally, NNPCL Trucks Load First Set Of Petrol At Dangote Refinery… Dangote Denies Selling PMS At N898 Per Litre To NNPCL… Assures Nigerians Of Quality Product, End To Fuel Scarcity‘Naira May Rebound On Back Of FG’s $900m Domestic Dollar Bond’NSDC Boss Declares 2025 As Year Of Acceleration For Sugar Project DevelopmentEdo Decides: AA Guber Candidate, Okojie, Steps Down From Race, Backs OkpebholoIndustrial Fishing Sector: Nigeria Hits Milestone With 23 Trawlers Achieving Compliance For Turtle Excluder DevicesMaulud: Pray For Nigeria, Seek Divine Intervention, Speaker Abbas Urges MuslimsGov Mbah Gives Security Agencies 48-Hours To Produce OMMATA Chairman’s KillersAlake Begins Distribution Of FG’s Rice To 1,200 Elderly Persons In EkitiEid-el-Mawlid: Makinde Felicitates Muslims, Calls For More PrayersFlood: Nigeria Receives 50 Tonnes Of Relief Materials From UAEFrom UAEGod Remains My Greatest Source Of Strength, Says FubaraNDLEA Arrests Auto Parts Dealer, Business Woman Over UK-Bound Opioids, Cocaine In CustardStop Arresting, Intimidating Activists, Face Real Issues Affecting Nigerians, Ajadi Counsels FGObaseki Has Performed Poorly, Won’t Be Allowed To Choose His Successor – Adams‘Obaseki And His Candidate Are Lawless, Threat To Survival Of Our Democracy’[EDITORIAL] The Compressed Natural Gas OptionOne Trillion Dollar Economy By 2030?Green Technology: Whither Africa?How Gov. Fubara’s Policy Interventions Are Fast-Tracking Development In RiversNigeria’s Creative Economy To Grow By 400% By 2027- MusawaTD Africa Combats Insecurity With Price Slash On Ring Security SolutionsWhen Consumer Protection Regulation Meets Religious BeliefOverview Of Markets In The Week Ended Sept 13The First Hand Held Mobile Device For Collating Transport Data In Nigeria Was Introduced By Our Organisation – SonaikeNigeria’s Inaugural Dollar Bond As Catalyst For Economic Development – AnalystsNigerian Leaders Abdicate Their Roles, Condemn Millions To Death By StarvationColeman MD Tutors LCCI Entrepreneurs On Sustaining Businesses In Nigeria Amid Economic DownturnBullish Outing On NGX Amid Expectation Of Economic Data Ahead Of CBN Policy Meeting… Market Update For The Week Ended September 13 And Outlook For September 16-20Okoye: A Catalyst For Youth Empowerment At NECAFor Borno, This Flood Is One Disaster Too ManyAkwaaba Organisers Commend Interior, Tourism MinistersCreate Ondo State Ministry Of Blue Economy, OAUSTECH VC Advises ODSGEdo Decides: RPIND Endorses OkpebholoStop Wasting Resources On Foreign Trips, Address Insecurity, Oyo APC Tells MakindeSEC Assures Of Adequate Regulation To Grow Digital Assets IndustryMaiduguri Flood: Environment Minister Assures Of FG’s SupportASUU Mobilises Support For Over 200 Victimised MembersAdeyanju Calls For Probe Of Bayelsa’s N45bn Secretariat ContractEdo Guber: CSOs’ Situation Room Trains Observers, Engages Security AgenciesNCoS Releases Details Of 281 Inmates Missing After Maiduguri FloodAtiku Donates N100m To Assist Maiduguri Flood Victims, Pays VisitEdo Govt Accuses APC Of Plan To Veil Thugs In Police Uniforms To Disrupt Guber Poll2025 AFCON Qualifiers: Rwanda Coach Tips Nigeria To Top Group DGabriel’s Header Hands Arsenal Win Over Spurs In North London DerbyNPFL: Rivers United Deserve To Beat Heartland — FinidiDevalue N, Remove Subsidy And ‘Kill’ NigeriansNigeria And The Scramble For Africa 2.0More stories here as it breaks – independent.ngTo access the ePaperSubscribe to our ePaper https://app.thenewspaperstand.com/publication/independent-newspapers),FOR RETURNING USERS:CLICK THE LINK ABOVE AND LOGIN WITH YOUR EMAIL AND PASSWORD.Make payment.Gain access to the ePaper.FOR NEW USERS:CLICK THE LINK ABOVE AND SIGN UP.
A box will pop up showing you space for email and password.Follow the on-screen promptGain access to the ePaper“Read the full details on our digital edition when you join our WhatsApp Communities here. Here are the major headlines for today: Finally, NNPCL Trucks Load First Set Of Petrol…”Source Link: https://independent.ng/nigerian-newspapers-top-stories-for-today-16-09-24/ BLOGGER - #GLOBAL Read the full details on our digital edition when you join our WhatsApp Communities here. Here are the major headlines for today: Finally, NNPCL Trucks Load First Set Of Petrol At Dangote Refinery… Dangote Denies Selling PMS At N898 Per Litre To NNPCL… Assures Nigerians Of Quality Product, End To Fuel Scarcity ‘Naira May Rebound … Read More
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