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doorsblacksea · 4 months ago
Why now is the time to invest in the future of the Black Sea
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Jack McConnell
On the day of the launch of the Black Sea Special Interest Group, its chair Lord McConnell sets out the Group's mission and its ambition to take the Black Sea from recovery to prosperity.
The devastating war in Ukraine has focused global attention on the Black Sea region, bringing this distinct part of the world into the spotlight. Lives and livelihoods have been shattered not only in Ukraine; the conflict’s impact is felt in the neighbouring countries and communities around the Black Sea coast.
International efforts rightly focus on bringing about peace and alleviating suffering in Ukraine, while planning to support the nation’s recovery is underway. This is an opportunity to consider the wider economic potential of the region, and how novel technologies and innovations can transform the fortunes of communities around the Black Sea, from Bulgaria, Romania, and Moldova to Ukraine, Georgia, and Turkey.
It’s critical that we get this right. Three decades ago, the Black Sea was facing ecological collapse, a legacy of overfishing and pollution. Its fragile recovery is now threatened by climate change and the shocks to its ecosystem from war, such as the destruction of Ukraine’s Kakhovka dam. Harnessed sensitively and responsibly, the Black Sea can be a source of enduring prosperity for its coastal communities, reaping the benefits of emerging opportunities.
That’s why I am pleased to chair the DOORS Black Sea Special Interest Group, an international team of statespeople, scientists and entrepreneurs working to develop and champion prospects for investment across this region. Launched today, International Black Sea Action Day, the Group is utilising the latest academic research from a consortium of higher education institutions throughout the region and elsewhere, including the University of Stirling where I am Chancellor, to catalyse sustainable development opportunities for the 16 million people who inhabit the Black Sea coast.
On a recent visit to businesses in the region, I saw first-hand the ingenuity of its entrepreneurs who are working creatively and collaboratively to capitalise on its significant potential. Prospects for development include renewables and aquaculture, supporting prosperity, food security and energy security. Sustainable tourism can bring curious yet responsible visitors, travelling to enjoy the region’s nature, culture and rich history, from Jason and the Argonauts to Florence Nightingale.  
It's clear that this remarkable region has the potential not just to recover, but to flourish. We know what that prosperity can look like, but we need companies and governments across the world to take notice of this immense potential and to appreciate the returns that investment can offer - not just for businesses and investors, but for real people in real places. Investment on and around the Black Sea can pay dividends across many areas, supporting a region that’s greener, safer, peaceful and more secure. If we can seize these prospects, the region and its people can place their hopes in a future no longer characterised by destruction and hardship, but by partnership and prosperity. It’s time to work together to make that vision a reality.  
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bluegrowth-blog · 6 years ago
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@fabiotorro Diretor Executivo da @startupangra, amigo, Embaixador Horário da @bluegrowthsolutions #bluegrowthstyle #bluegrowth #blueeconomy #sustainability #environment #waterquality #water #ocean (em Angra do Heroísmo) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByNZwvLjdC3/?igshid=qofls2u3u2r9
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michaeljrea · 4 years ago
Opening €9m ‘DOORS’ on the Black Sea
Now that we are fully up and running I'd like to share a huge project I'm delighted to be a part of for the next 4 years. DOORS is a new €9m EU research project that will link science, policy and industry for crucial Black Sea regeneration. 
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I'll be the WP lead for Communication and Dissemination, so making short films, documentaries, running social media, news and much much more! A big shout out to Fiona Rennie from unavoided.com who has already designed a killer logo and will be working on the forthcoming website and visual identity material too.
The Black Sea is considered to be the most polluted in the world and we have a huge task ahead of us. Led by GeoEcoMar from Romania, DOORS will bring together expertise and technology from 37 institutions from the Black Sea region and other European countries to address the human and climate change impacts on damaged ecosystems.
DOORS will develop a common framework of scientific methods for gathering data. The project will provide a system that will bring together information from in-situ measurements, research cruises, satellite observation, modelling and data integration capabilities. This system will allow partners to better understand the complex marine processes that happen across the Black Sea.
By providing mechanisms for business to link with research, DOORS will create new job opportunities for emerging Blue Growth economies through new synergies and mentoring schemes; the first of its kind to be setup in the Black Sea. Key initiatives that engage schools, universities and general citizens of the region will promote behaviour change and celebrate best practice, influencing future policy, and the health of Black Sea communities.
I want the work we do in communications to be relevant not just for scientists and academics but anyone interested in learning about ocean literacy and contributing to a better planet. We'll try to explain things in ways anyone can understand. 
You can follow us @doorsblacksea on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram if you want to know more!
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aboutnetgreece · 5 years ago
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Στο πλαίσιο του ευρωπαϊκού έργου GRESS του προγράμματος INTERREG EUROPE, συμμετείχαμε στην έρευνα επιχειρήσεων για την πράσινη και γαλάζια οικονομία.
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sailbiz · 5 years ago
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travellingnews · 5 years ago
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Είσαι Startuper; Πάρε μέρος στο μεγαλύτερο marine challenge competition! BLUEGROWTH goes NATIONAL!! Είσαι η καλύτερη startup στη γαλάζια οικονομία; Πάρε μέρος στο μεγαλύτερο marine challenge competition!
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thevoyagervoice-blog · 6 years ago
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48hrs of coaching in the joy of cocreation @ Blue Hackathon 2018 ⏳ starring you... go for it! 🌎📍🌏 #thevoyagervoice #voyagervoice #perspectives #bluegrowth #bluehackathon #universityoftheaegean #hackathon #weareeverywhere #innovation #proudofyoungtalent #setsail #yourdreamscometrue #lifeinspired #newroutes #followyourpassion #your #world #sophisticated #travelmap (à Evgenidio Foundation) https://www.instagram.com/p/BruVeIZAl-H/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=q6we36mclhof
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manuelamaiafagundes · 5 years ago
Ilha da Madeira .. Portugal ...
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soccomcsantos · 4 years ago
Soc. Com C. Santos leva caravana “She’s Mercedes – Liderança no Feminino” à descoberta da da Rota da EN2
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Três dias. Uma estrada. Oito Mercedes-Benz e…  nove mulheres! Bem-vindo(a) à iniciativa “She’s Mercedes”, lançada pela publicação “Liderança no Feminino” e acolhida, de braços abertos, durante três dias, pela Sociedade Comercial C. Santos. Uma aventura para mais tarde recordar…
“EN2… aí vamos nós!”. O “slogan” podia fazer parte de qualquer campanha turística de incentivo à aventura, mas, neste caso, representava o entusiasmo de nove personalidades femininas do mundo dos negócios e espetáculo, que entre 18 e 20 de setembro, percorreram o interior do país pela mais famosa estrada de Portugal do momento.
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De Chaves até Faro, o grupo feminino - que contou com nomes como as fadistas Katia Guerreiro e Joana Pessoa, mas também personalidades do universo empresarial como Aida Chamiça (Executive Coaching na ICP Portugal), Patrícia Gonçalves (Membro da Comissão Executiva do Grupo Monte), Custódia Rebocho (Presidente da Bluegrowth), Sofia Tavares (Ceo da Be Present), Ana Paula Cecília (Ceo da Ultraprint e Diretora da Revista Intergráficas), Rita Veloso (Vogal do Centro Hospitalar da Póvoa de Varzim e Vila do Conde e Young Executive Leader International Hospital Federation) e Sandra Arouca (Diretora da revista Liderança no Feminino) – viveu uma experiência inesquecível em ambiente descontraído, mas com toda a segurança, que o momento também exigia.  
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Ao volante de modelos Mercedes-Benz - Classe A 180 d, Classe A 200 Limousine, Classe B 180 d, CLA 180 d Shooting Brake, GLA 180, GLB 180 d, GLC ou GLE - capazes de proporcionar diferentes, mas sempre envolventes, experiências de condução, os elementos da caravana “She’s Mercedes” arrancaram na sexta-feira da sede da Sociedade Comercial C. Santos, na Maia, em direção a Chaves, ponto de partida simbólico da EN2, com dose q.b. de entusiasmo e, claro, com o espírito de aventura aguçado…
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Com sensivelmente 145 quilómetros “extra” Nacional 2 percorridos, não faltaram oportunidades para a família “She’s Mercedes – Liderança no Feminino” se inteirar antecipadamente, do elevado nível de conforto proporcionado no habitáculo de cada Mercedes-Benz, bem como do superior nível de sofisticação a bordo, cortesia da simpática “Mercedes”, a prestável e solicita assistente pessoal de bordo do sistema de infoentretenimento MBUX, sempre pronta para esclarecer dúvidas de condutoras e passageiras.
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Após a receção na Câmara Municipal de Chaves e visita ao Museu Contemporâneo Nadir Afonso com aprazível receção de vinhos e iguarias da região, houve ainda ocasião para fazer a primeira viagem histórica, concentrada nas Termas Romanas e na Ponte pedonal de Trajano. O dia terminou com o jantar na típica Taberna Benito, num ambiente com animada confraternização, antes do merecido repouso no Casas Novas Countryside Hotel Spa & Events.
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Um dia em cheio que serviu de “prólogo” para o verdadeiro arranque desta aventura marcado para o “Km 0” da EN2, na manhã seguinte.
Dia 2 – Chaves-Viseu-Évora
A manhã “acordou” com o céu encoberto, mas nem isso travou o ânimo e a motivação da “equipa” feminina “She’s Mercedes” para iniciar, a partir do “Km 0”, a rota da Estrada Nacional 2.
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Uma visita à Associação de municípios da rota da N2, em Santa Marta de Penaguião, cumpridos os primeiros quilómetros da viagem, deu às participantes uma ideia mais precisa do desafio que tinham pela frente…
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Quilómetros e mais quilómetros, mas sempre em boa companhia e com boa-disposição! E quando assim é… as curvas até parecem custar menos, até porque as confortáveis suspensões Mercedes-Benz são sempre um aliado de peso contra o cansaço!
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Uma prova de vinhos com degustação no Solar do Vinho do Dão, em Viseu, serviu para conhecer melhor a história da tão importante Região Demarcada dos Vinhos do Dão, mas também para retemperar as forças ao almoço, antes do regresso à estrada, rumo ao Alentejo. A chegada a Montemor-o-Novo marcou mais uma etapa relevante da viagem e para melhor assinalá-la, nada tão memorável como participar numa vindima organizada pela CVR Vinhos do Alentejo, neste caso, na Quinta da Plansel.
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Por entre sorrisos de diversão e com mais ou menos uvas no habitáculo dos oito Mercedes-Benz, tudo rolou sobre rodas até à próxima paragem, em Évora. Um pequeno desvio da rota principal da EN2, é certo, mas plenamente justificado pelo inolvidável jantar no pitoresco Restaurante Vinho e Noz, verdadeiro símbolo da gastronomia alentejana. 
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Contudo, à noite o espaço transformou-se em muito mais do que isso, tornando-se o palco perfeito para uma inesperada, mas muito aclamada atuação das divas do fado, Katia Guerreiro e Joana Pessoa, que deram outro “colorido” à animada noite, antes dos merecidos momentos de relax do final do dia já no M’ar De Ar Hotels.
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Dia 3 – Évora-Faro
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 Com mais de 225 km de itinerário para cumprir na última etapa, a caravana feminina cedo se fez à estrada, colocando à prova mais uma vez o dinamismo, a segurança e o conforto dos oito Mercedes-Benz, sempre prontos a “colecionar” quilómetros.  
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Ferreira do Alentejo, marcou a primeira pausa do dia e teve direito a mais um carimbo no “Passaporte da Nacional 2”. Mas foi a breve visita cultural à atual Biblioteca Municipal, edificada num típico palacete urbano oitocentista, outrora edifício da Câmara Municipal que espicaçou a curiosidade das presentes, satisfazendo a sua inata sede de conhecimento. Curiosidade satisfeita e a lição de cultura bem recebida, impôs-se o regresso ao asfalto. O pretexto perfeito para fazer mais experiências com sistema DYNAMIC SELECT dos Mercedes-Benz, desta feita para perceber quão eficaz pode tornar a condução em modo “Sport”, nas curvas até ao Algarve.
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As passagens por Castro Verde e Almodôvar marcaram o adeus ao Alentejo de planícies de perder a vista, que tão fidedignamente retratam a desertificação do interior do país, mas não fizeram esmorecer o entusiasmo da equipa “She’s Mercedes – Liderança no Feminino”, já com Faro “à vista”, após a passagem pelo Ameixial e S. Brás de Alportel…
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A chegada à icónica rotunda de calçada portuguesa, que marca o quilómetro 738 e final da Estrada Nacional nº 2 é feita com um enorme sorriso coletivo de satisfação em modo de… “Missão Cumprida”, tendo, inclusive, a honra solene de ser presenciada pelo Presidente da Câmara de Faro e Vereador. A foto da praxe não podia faltar, imortalizando o momento que dificilmente se apagará da memória das nove anfitriãs que deram vida a esta iniciativa.
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Mas a história não termina aqui. Já depois do almoço final no Restaurante “Cidade Velha”, por uma vez o asfalto foi trocado pelo mar, com um barco a render os imperturbáveis Mercedes-Benz, para que a “família” feminina se deslocasse à Ilha Deserta. Que melhor cenário, afinal, do que um verdadeiro paraíso de beleza natural e biodiversidade para finalizar três dias de memoráveis aventuras, convívio e conhecimento?!
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Tempo ainda para uma visita ao Museu Municipal de Faro para admirar o Mosaico do Deus Oceanus – Tesouro Nacional de Portugal e para a equipa da Sociedade Comercial C. Santos (constituída por Guida Araújo, Ana Bolina com a vídeo reportagem assinada pela empresa “Luís Lima Production”) entregar às empreendedoras uma pequena recordação de pens usb, em formato das chaves dos próprios Mercedes-Benz que conduziram nesta autêntica maratona de quilómetros e de sadio convívio.
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Três dias onde as estrelas Mercedes-Benz brilharam ao mais alto nível e onde a expressão “Entusiasmo súbito”, manifestada tantas vezes no calor das emoções, em tom de “grito de guerra”, aumentou a cumplicidade do grupo “She’s Mercedes – Liderança no Feminino”, tornando a viagem ainda mais inesquecível.
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breizh-viking · 8 years ago
La levée de fonds – Économie – LeTelegramme.fr @West_Web_Valley @energiency… https://breizhviking.wordpress.com/2017/01/26/la-levee-de-fonds-economie-letelegramme-fr-west_web_valley-energiency-httpwww-letelegramme-freconomiela-levee-de-fonds-25-01-2017-11375130-php-2 …
Breizhviking.com sorties loisirs et divertissements en Bretagne et Normandie Breizhviking.com économie, gastronomie, terroir Bretagne et Normandie
Continuer à lire La levée de fonds – Économie – LeTelegramme.fr @West_Web_Valley @energiency… https://breizhviking.wordpress.com/2017/01/26/la-levee-de-fonds-economie-letelegramme-fr-west_web_valley-energiency-httpwww-letelegramme-freconomiela-levee-de-fonds-25-01-2017-11375130-php-2 … sur Breizhviking.com.
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doorsblacksea · 4 months ago
Black Sea development group to drive regeneration in coastal communities
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An international group which aims to drive regeneration of communities on the coast of the Black Sea has been launched.
War-torn Ukraine is among the countries that will benefit from sustainable economic development sparked by the group.
The DOORS Black Sea Special Interest Group, co-ordinated by the University of Stirling, was launched today, October 31, which has been designated International Black Sea Action Day.
This year is the 28th anniversary of the signing of the Black Sea Strategic Action Plan, which aims to improve the lives of the 16 million people from six countries who live near the Sea’s shore.
The DOORS Black Sea Special Interest Group will consider innovative and emerging opportunities for investment in the blue economy in Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova, Romania, Turkey, and Ukraine.
The blue economy is the sustainable use of ocean, sea, and coastal resources for economic prosperity, improved livelihoods, and jobs while preserving the health of marine ecosystems.
The DOORS Black Sea Special Interest Group brings together carefully selected entrepreneurs, researchers, and global statespeople to champion the distinct opportunities in this unique part of the world. Chaired by UK Parliamentarian, former First Minister of Scotland and University of Stirling Chancellor Lord Jack McConnell, membership includes former Bulgarian Foreign Minister Nadezhda Neynsky, former NATO Secretary General Lord George Robertson, and Galina Teleucă, Deputy Mayor of Jurilovca, Romania, a coastal community that has witnessed exemplary investment in blue economy infrastructure.
The themes being explored by the group include renewable energy, sustainable tourism, and aquaculture (fish and seafood farming). Innovative new technologies which can unlock an ability to understand the region’s environment in new ways are also being considered.
The group will develop a portfolio of investment opportunities to be published in spring 2025, connecting promising business prospects and budding entrepreneurs with investors.
Special Interest Group Chair Lord McConnell said: “The Black Sea and its coast is a remarkable region of Europe with a distinct history, but an even more promising future. There is definite, untapped potential to develop the region’s economic prospects sustainably, building a thriving blue economy that can benefit both people and planet.
“Our selected themes of renewables, tourism, and aquaculture not only offer the promise of increased employment and investment but can help to support the region’s transition to a greener future through energy security, food security, and a celebration of its shared past. By forging meaningful and transformative connections between innovators, entrepreneurs and investors, the DOORS research project will seize these exciting opportunities, helping to transform that vision of a prosperous, sustainable future into a reality.” 
The DOORS Black Sea Special Interest Group has been formed as part of Developing Optimal and Open Research Support for the Black Sea (DOORS), a €9 million EU-funded research project, linking science, policy, and industry for critical Black Sea regeneration. DOORS involves the University of Stirling alongside 34 partners from the Black Sea states and elsewhere in Europe.
Professor Adrian Stănică, Director of Romania’s National Institute for Research and Development on Marine Geology and Geo-ecology (GeoEcoMar) and DOORS Project Coordinator, said: “For more than three years, the DOORS project has been working to generate deeper knowledge and understanding of processes and dynamics of the Black Sea’s ecosystems, and the thresholds that we need to respect to have a healthy and productive sea. Our combined focus on research, innovation and engagement is helping to harmonise understanding and build collective action to drive real, sustainable change.
“Through the Special Interest Group, we’re bringing together these latest insights and data, with exciting new ideas and ambitions that can support both ecological recovery, and economic growth”. 
Professor Andrew Tyler, Scotland Hydro Nation Chair at the University of Stirling and Special Interest Group Member, said: “Within living memory, the Black Sea was facing ecological collapse, impacted by decades of pollution, overfishing, and the introduction of alien species. The Sea's fragile recovery is now threatened by new challenges, from conflict to climate change.
“New technologies are enabling more sophisticated, joined-up approaches to understanding the Black Sea, its environment, and our interaction with its ecosystems. This enhanced understanding can help foster intelligent new approaches to economic development, supporting new businesses and enabling more effective regulation.”
A thriving blue economy can also support stability in the region, where the ongoing war in Ukraine is having a marked impact on welfare and wellbeing. The Group hopes that its work can underpin the vital work of economic recovery in the region, both in Ukraine and further afield.
Nadezhda Neynsky, Former Bulgarian Minister for Foreign Affairs and member of the Special Interest Group, said: “War in the Black Sea region is having a catastrophic impact. We have all seen the human tragedy inflicted through Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The environmental impacts of the war, and its impact on livelihoods throughout the region, will also cast a long shadow. Now is the time to plan for the future, to invest in security through prosperity and partnership, and to foster new opportunities for the region’s people, businesses, and communities.”
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mkulimaforum · 5 years ago
❗️⏰ Last day, last chance! Please note, the #H2020SC2 calls for proposals will be closed today - January 22, 17:00 CET. Do not forget to submit your #H2020 proposal! 🧡 Sustainable #FoodSecurity 💙 #BlueGrowth 🤎 #Rural Renaissance 💚 Food & #NaturalResources Good luck! 🍀🤞🏻 pic.twitter.com/g3fuUwkQ6p
— NCP-BioHorizon (@ncp_biohorizon) January 22, 2020
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blogecossistemadigital · 6 years ago
OffGridBox reforça o investimento da Bluegrowth na economia social
A nova linha de negócio da consultora tecnológica Bluegrowth, nos domínios da Economia Social, foi erguida através de um acordo empresarial internacional, no qual empresas americanas, italianas e portuguesas assumiram um compromisso perante os 2.1 Biliões de pessoas que em todo o Mundo se vêm privados do acesso a água potável.
O post OffGridBox reforça o investimento da Bluegrowth na economia social aparece primeiro no Ecossistema Digital.
from Ecossistema Digital https://ift.tt/2XQ5PHe via IFTTT
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sailbiz · 5 years ago
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tourism-news · 7 years ago
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Το «BlueGrowth» φέρνει ανάπτυξη
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