Silvy's Artfulness
121K posts
Blog has currently gone The Untamed. Tread with caution. My epic 300k+ Yi City fix-it fic: Heaven Has A Road But No One Walks It Unamed Fanart: #silvydrawstheuntamed Untamed Fanfic: #silvywritestheuntamed Untamed GIFS: #silvygifstheuntamed Meta, asks and other original content: #untamed artfulness Comments, fun tags and asks will always make me create more - or send me a virtual hug through ko-fi! ♥ Please note that this blog may contain NSFW and highly problematique stuff, and that I suck at tagging. I try to tag obvious spoilers, but triggering stuff will likely slip through untagged - if you want to follow me, please be aware of this. I'll hit reblog on pretty much everything I myself liked coming up on my dash, and topics may vary from silly fandom stuff to heated social justice topics. Fandoms you're likely to see on here would be The Untamed, She-ra, Steven Universe, random misc, and my own original storyverse Pangaea. Finally - I love getting messages, so go ahead and ASK/TELL me anything! I can be a slow sloth at replying sometimes, but I don't bite. ♥
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
silvysartfulness · 8 minutes ago
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why does autofill want me to go evil mode
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silvysartfulness · 34 minutes ago
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silvysartfulness · 1 hour ago
I really think that we need to be at peace with the idea of people posting online for attention. Literally every free piece of media from shitposts to art is being made for the very human need for attention and that's healthy and okay. It's not harmful behaviour to make funnyman shitposts for attention. I love my useless internet clout points actually
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silvysartfulness · 1 hour ago
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from this post by @shaharadaganwade, because it made me fuckin cackle. 
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silvysartfulness · 2 hours ago
I do think it's kinda weird that the common response to "polyamorous people are oppressed" is laughter and ridicule. As if the societal status quo doesn't enforce monogamy, as if straying from monogamy isn't punished or treated badly, as if hatred of polyamory isn't always acted out with homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia and racism. I think it's funny that someone will be like "the nuclear family is bad" can see that society forces the concepts of straight/cis good but gay/trans bad, but can't for a second believe monogamy is part of all that. It's just very silly.
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silvysartfulness · 2 hours ago
If you're reading this...
go write three sentences on your current writing project.
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silvysartfulness · 3 hours ago
Video transcript:
Person 1: Did you know that employees are quitting instead of giving up work from home?
Person 2: So, as someone who was not able to work from home–um, I’m in a manufacturing facility, I, that’s not an option for me. I’m in this bitch right now on a Saturday. So, really not an option.
But. I wanna be really clear that we support y'all. The people that can work from home fucking should. Cause it’s better for us too. There’s less traffic, parking’s easier, uh, there’s just, there’s less stress in the whole world which benefits everybody.
People in this plant can work from home. And when they do, I can park outside easier. And I can still get up with them by calling their phones, emailing them or whatever.
This should be normal now. This should be normal. We were told it was the new normal and they tried to take us back. Fuck that shit. Work from if you can and quit if they won’t let you.
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silvysartfulness · 3 hours ago
Sometimes it is your fault.. Sometimes you don’t listen well enough, you’re selfish, you’re rude and you aren’t always right. Sometimes you fucked it up and tbh that’s okay. It happens, learn from it, apologize and keep it moving. Just because you fucked up doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. Don’t dwell on it
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silvysartfulness · 3 hours ago
So last night, I finally typed out a few sentences I’ve been keeping in my head for several years – the ending lines of Heaven Has A Road But No One Walks It. And then I started crying.
I’m honestly still feeling emotional, thinking about it. I first started writing this story in the summer of 2020, almost 5 years ago, while still recovering from the lingering effects of a life-threatening bout of the original covid virus. It was only a month or so after I first watched the Untamed and got utterly swept away.
I have been working on this fic ever since, and it’s been by far one of the most important things in my life for years – I’ve lost two beloved cats during that time, and gone through a lot of really hard times. This fic was always there, an anchor, both a light and burden.
It ended up 471.000 words long. (For reference, that’s about the same length as the official English translation of Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, or just shy of the total wordcount of the LOTR trilogy.)
And it’s done.
It’s finished. I did it. I hauled that insane, gargantuan beast all the way across the finish line.
When I first came up with the outlines of the idea, I was 100% certain I’d never write it down. I hadn’t written fanfic in many years, my brain is chronically damaged from consecutive autistic burnouts to the point of diagnosed clinical disability, and I struggle a lot with fatigue and concentration and memory issues. The idea of writing anything, let alone something of that scope and needing that much research seemed impossible to the point of laughable.
But a friend and writer I really looked up to told me she’d love to read it. So I figured I could at least try to start, see how it went.
I, uh. Didn’t think it’d get quite this long.
I am actually very proud of what I have accomplished! It’ll be a long while yet before I can post all the last 5 chapters – they need beta and edits, illustrations, and getting translated into Russian by my friend in Ukraine. It may be months yet.
But it’s done.
And I could never have done without all the people cheering me on along the way – the friends I made in this fandom, and old friends who decided to come along on this journey with me. Every single person ever commenting, or sending me asks, or drawing me art, or writing nice things in the reblog tags here on tumblr. I am beyond grateful to you all!
Heaven Has A Road is done.
This journey is over. But it’s not really the end.
Just another new beginning.
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silvysartfulness · 4 hours ago
there is something to be said for going to zoos and aquariums on weekdays to avoid school-aged crowds but going to the aviary on a weekend is fun because going into big greenhouses and watching toddlers who just learned to walk encounter loose tropical animals taller than they are is part of the overall experience for me.
to me a three year old is just as much an entertaining and strange beast as an egret. and here they can interact directly. incredible.
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silvysartfulness · 4 hours ago
Pros of re-reading your own fic
a good time;
Has exactly the tropes you like and the characterization you want to read;
Gratification: yes you did finish a thing and yes you did do good;
just a very fun time all around.
Cons of re-reading your own fic:
Is that another TYpO
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silvysartfulness · 5 hours ago
Hey hey, as a librarian, can I just say don’t pace yourself at the library. I get a lot of customers saying “oh I shouldn’t get too many books out at once” but like you should!!!! Max out your card, take everything we have on a subject you’re interested in, make a book fort in your home. We love that shit! It doesn’t matter if you read them or not; just take them for an adventure and bring them back whenever they’re due!
For public libraries, one of the ways we secure funding year to year is lending. Governments don’t want to fund more books if they’re not being used and the way we measure use is by issues. Regardless of whether you read it or not, whether you have it for a day or a month, if you issue it to your library card, we get the stats! It makes the library look good!
Help your local library; get books out even if you know you can’t read them all!
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silvysartfulness · 7 hours ago
1. More children are surviving today than ever before.
Close to 8 million more children in the world survive to see their fifth birthday than in 1990 — a 60 percent decline in annual under-five child mortality. 
UNICEF and partners have contributed to this remarkable achievement through proven, sustainable solutions for improving maternal and child health care services and strengthening disease prevention — and delivering those solutions at scale...
2. Vaccines have saved 154 million lives in the last 50 years.
As the world’s largest vaccine supplier, UNICEF procures and distributes enough vaccines annually to immunize 45 percent of the world's children. In 2023, UNICEF supplied 2.8 billion vaccine doses to 105 countries, up from just over 2 billion to 102 countries in 2020. Through widespread immunizations, polio is on the brink of eradication.
3. Safe water is available to over 2.1 billion more people compared to 20 years ago.
Consistent access to a sufficient supply of safe water for drinking, cooking and personal hygiene is the foundation for child survival, healthier lives, stronger economies and more sustainable societies. With support from UNICEF and partners, more than a quarter of the world's population gained access to safe and clean drinking water in the past two decades.
UNICEF-supported programs help ensure access to safe water for 35 million people around the world every year. UNICEF also leads coordinated emergency response efforts related to safe water access in roughly 85 percent of countries affected by crises. In 2023, over 42 million people in 73 countries were reached with emergency water services, helping to prevent outbreaks of cholera and other waterborne diseases.
To help build community resilience to climate shocks, UNICEF has also supported the installation of more than 8,900 solar-powered water systems in 56 countries — an important climate adaption measure that also reduces the use of fossil fuels.
4. The number of children with stunted growth due to malnutrition has declined by 40 percent since 2000.
For more than two decades, UNICEF has been the world’s largest procurer of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF), procuring up to 80 percent of global demand, ensuring children suffering from severe malnutrition can be treated successfully.
5. Over 68 million child marriages have been averted in the last 25 years, giving girls their childhoods back.
In the late 1990s, 1 in 4 young women aged 20 to 24 were married as children. Today, it's 1 in 5. UNICEF has played an important role in global efforts to end child marriage, supporting 35 countries in implementing action plans, and working at the community level and across the health, education and other sectors to increase knowledge and change attitudes around the practice.
In 2023, UNICEF reached 11 million adolescent girls with prevention and care interventions empowering them to delay marriage and choose their own futures. 
6. Fewer kids are out of school.
The world stands on the cusp of realizing primary education as a basic right of every child. A world where more children learn is a world that is healthier, more prosperous and more resilient.
In the early 1950s, roughly half of all primary school-aged children were out of school. Now it's less than 10 percent. And every year, 23 million more girls are completing secondary school compared to a decade ago...
7. The world is on track to eliminate open defecation by 2030.
In the last two decades, 2.5 billion people have gained access to safely managed sanitation, while the number of people practicing open defecation has also declined by two-thirds — from 1.3 billion in 2000 to 419 million in 2022 — putting the world on track to eliminate the practice entirely. 
Ending open defecation drastically lowers the risks of diseases and malnutrition among children in low-income and lower-middle-income countries. Child deaths from diarrhea — a leading killer of young children — have already decreased by 60 percent...
8. Birth registration rates are way up.
Today, 77 percent of children under 5 are registered, up from 60 percent in the early 2000s — a major leap towards ensuring every child has a legal identity and can access health, education and other essential services...
Countries that prioritize birth registration see rapid progress. In Côte d’Ivoire, birth registration prevalence rose steadily from 65 percent in 2012 to 96 percent by 2021, proving that change at scale is possible.
9. A future free from HIV seems possible, one baby at a time.
An estimated 1.9 million deaths and 4 million HIV infections have been averted among pregnant women and children in the past 25 years...
10. In times of crisis and emergency, UNICEF is there — helping to save more children's lives than any other humanitarian organization.
[Note: Okay, I think they're cheating listing this one, but the article header said 10 things, so if I included only 9 it would be weird. Obviously this is an article from UNICEF, but UNICEF's data, reporting, and statistics are considered to be of high quality.]
-via UNICEF, February 25, 2025
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silvysartfulness · 7 hours ago
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My friend requested xuexiao in a bathtub and I’m more than happy to deliver
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silvysartfulness · 7 hours ago
I think one of the kindest things you can do for people with various mental health struggles is just... let people back into your life after they've been absent for a while.
Making friends as an adult is so fucking hard already and isolating yourself from other people is a very common symptom of depression, anxiety, burnout, ocd, trauma, grief, etc. Which means that someone will do the hard work of recovery/healing and resurface back into a world where their previous friends have written them off because they stopped showing up.
So if you know someone where you're like "yeah we could have been better friends but they fell off the map a bit" and that person suddenly reaches out, or starts showing up to events even though you kind of forgot they were still in the group chat... well they may have been Going Through It and you don't actually have to punish them for their absence you can just be glad that they're back.
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silvysartfulness · 7 hours ago
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I needed this drag. Let’s change guys and not look back
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silvysartfulness · 8 hours ago
obsessed with how fixable society is, on a structural level.
obsessed with how all you need to do is throw money at public education and eliminate most standardized testing and you will start getting smarter, more engaged, kinder adults. obsessed with how giving people safe housing, reliable access to good food, and decent wages dramatically reduces drug overdoses and gun violence. obsessed with how much people actually want to get together and fix infrastructure, invent new ways of helping each other, and create global ways of living sustainably once you give them livable pay to do so. obsessed with how tracking diseases, developing medicines, and improving public health becomes so much easier when you just make healthcare free at point of use.
obsessed with how easy it all becomes, if we can just figure out how to wrench the wealth out of the hands of the hoarders.
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