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silvysartfulness · 9 months ago
A Canadian oil giant is ripping through Africa's hidden Eden, the Okavango Delta. The Delta, home to Africa's largest remaining herd of elephants faces direct risk. This relentless corporate pillage threatens to obliterate this untouched wilderness, plundering resources and placing the majestic elephants at grave risk. The Namibian Minister of Environment and Tourism can halt the devastation but he’s delaying his decision. With enough international pressure, we can compel him to revoke ReconAfrica's drilling permit. Sign now and take a stand!
To Pohamba Shifeta, Minister of Environment and Tourism in Namibia:
As global citizens, we urgently call on you to revoke the drilling permit that allows ReconAfrica to destroy the wilderness and threaten the local community culture to search for oil. We urge you to stand with the Kavango communities and protect the Okavango Delta!
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jadeseadragon · 15 days ago
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kalooloninthetree · 9 days ago
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eternalistic · 2 years ago
The Earth's rivers are dying – and that means we are too. Experts say that unless we act now, two-thirds of the world’s population may face safe water shortages in the next two years. It will affect billions of us! We need urgent global action to turn this around – and right now, we have a chance to get it! Countries are about to gather for the first UN Water Conference in almost 50 years to consider bold plans to restore the world's dying rivers and secure water as a fundamental human right, not for profit. Insiders say that with enough public pressure, we could win unprecedented protections for rivers and the water they carry. But laggard governments and big corporations will fight back to derail action! So let’s build a tidal wave of public support for Earth’s water and deliver the voices of people everywhere in a resounding roar to save our precious lakes, rivers, and freshwater ecosystems while we still can!
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gobcorend · 1 year ago
"Just like freedom, Truth is not cheap. Yet both are worth more than all the gold in the world. But what is freedom, if there is no truth? And what is truth, if there is no freedom? Both are worth fighting for — because one without the other would be hell."
-- Suzy Kassem in 'Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem'
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rosszulorzott · 11 months ago
"Every mother, sister, and daughter deserves freedom and safety. Access to abortion is not just a right—it's a beacon of freedom.  Yet, in too many places, this freedom is crumbling. In the US but also in European countries like Poland or Hungary, far right leaders are rolling back women's rights, playing political games with our bodies and our future.  Let’s not be naive: where the far-right gains power, they'll stop at nothing to force their archaic views on women. It's time to safeguard women's right to choose. France just enshrined this freedom in its Constitution—now it's Europe's turn. The clock is already ticking before the EU elections in June. A woman's body, a woman's choice—there's no turning back! People from all across Europe"
Across Europe and the world, right-wing forces are eliminating our right to abortion. From Poland to the US and Hungary, women and girls are experiencing an attack on their freedom to make choices about our bodies. But there’s hope: France just enshrined the right to abortion in its constitution. On International Women’s Day, let’s rally together to urge European leaders to safeguard this crucial freedom through EU fundamental law!
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acalmaraalma · 2 years ago
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Não a PL 490, proteger a Amazônia e seus povos originários é proteger não só o Brasil mas a existência humana!
O primeiro deles, da família linguística katukina, os chamados Katukina do Rio Biá, localizados na região do rio Jutaí,no sudoeste do estado do Amazonas, nas Terras Indígenas Paumari do Cuniuá, Paumari do Lago Paricá, Rio Biá e Tapauá.
“Desde os tempos imemoriais, os Yawanawá, o povo da queixada, ocupam as cabeceiras do rio Gregório, afluente do rio Juruá, geograficamente pertencente ao município de Tarauacá, Acre. Sua população atual é de 636 pessoas e pertence ao tronco linguístico Pano. As famílias estão distribuídas nas comunidades Nova Esperança, Mutum, Escondido, Tibúrcio e Matrinxã. As comunidades são formadas pelas famílias Yawanawá, Arara, Kãmãnawa (povo da onça), Iskunawa (povo do japó), Ushunawa (povo da cor branca), Shanenawa (povo do pássaro azul), Rununawa (povo da cobra) e Kaxinawá (povo do morcego).”
Este é dos povos do sol, tentei uma comunicação viável sem muito sucesso, mas senti no coração seu tocar e cantar. Bem cedo ao nascer do sol, eles fazem um tributo ao sol.
São também chamados Katukina dois grupos da família linguística pano, localizados no estado do Acre.
Olá, você pode se juntar a mim nesse apelo? ✊ - https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/po/a_fatal_blow_to_the_amazon_loc/?zCzSBbb
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aktionfsa-blog-blog · 1 month ago
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Kinderrechte müssen weltweit gelten
Petition an das irakische Parlament
Immer wieder wird uns erzählt, dass die USA ihre unzähligen Kriege nur zur Durchsetzung der Menschenrechte führen. Dazu wurden in den Kriegen gegen den Irak 1991 und vor allem 2003 mehr als eine Million Einwohner getötet. Nun müssen wir von Avaaz hören, dass das dortige angeblich demokratisch gewählte Parlament die Legalisierung von Kinderehen für Mädchen im Alter von nur 9 Jahren ebnen will.
Avaaz schreibt uns: Abgeordnete im von Männern dominierten Parlament des Iraks wollen Familienangelegenheiten religiösen Gerichten überlassen, was Mädchen im Alter von nur 9 Jahren zur Heirat zwingen könnte. Irakische Frauen riskieren ihre Freiheit und persönliche Sicherheit, um kleine Mädchen vor diesem Horror zu bewahren. Außerdem wollen die Abgeordneten Frauen ihre Rechte auf Scheidung, Sorgerecht und Erbschaft entziehen.
Schon zweimal hat massiver Widerstand Versuche gestoppt, den seit langem bestehenden Schutz für Mädchen und Frauen abzuschaffen. Frauen im Irak gingen diesen Sommer auf die Straßen, um die Abgeordneten aufzufordern, die Hände von dem Gesetz zu lassen, welches ihre Rechte schützt und Kinderehen derzeit verbietet. Sie sind vor Gericht gezogen. Sie kämpfen weiter trotz Bedrohungen, Einschüchterung und widriger Umstände.
Massive Proteste gab es im Land gegen die Bestrebungen der Parlamentarier. Lokale Aktivistinnen sagen, dass die Mobilisierung der weltweiten öffentlichen Meinung und der Druck auf die Regierung vor wichtigen Wahlen auch jetzt einen Unterschied machen können. Wir müssen dieses Gesetz stoppen, bevor es zur Abstimmung kommt.
Mehr dazu und Petition unterzeichnen bei https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/de/iraq_child_marriage_loc/ und https://www.diepresse.com/19061836/wenn-neunjaehrige-verheiratet-werden-ein-gesetzesentwurf-spaltet-den-irak
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3EC Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/9011-20241228-kinderrechte-muessen-weltweit-gelten.html
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thiagodragon · 4 months ago
URGENT- official recognition of Palestine is one of the last chances for sustained peace in the region.
With the UN General Assembly underway, Avaaz is calling on the last recalcitrant leaders - with an appeal already signed by 1.5 million people worldwide.
Let's sign together! 
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tracyorama · 5 months ago
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redmambajatiri · 5 months ago
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Emergency in Sudan
Help Somalia get clean water
More information ↴
Horn of Africa droughts: how a network of groundwater bores can help-study (The Conversation)
War and Climate change are overwhelming Somalia (The Economist)
Durdur Water Enterprise Bringing Water to Somali community(Adeso Africa)
Africa’s cholera crisis worsens amid extreme weather events (Al Jazeera)
‘I poison my children in order to survive’: The terrible toll of Somalia’s drought (The New Humanitarian)
Stop Maasai erasure
More information ↴
Tanzanian government faces backlash over Maasai voters’ exclusion (DownToEarth)
Tanzanian wants to evict Maasai for wildlife- but they’re fighting back (Al Jazeera)
Tanzania: plans for Maasai removal putting people at risk (DW)
Native Americans
Urge canada to recognize rights of Southeast Alaskan Tribes
End the racist violence
more information ↴
Street beatings, stabbing and mosques under siege: the horrifying racist attacks carried out by far-right mobs (independent)
Rioters set up ‘race checkpoint’ to ask drivers if they’re white and English(Metro)
Clean-up in Liverpool after rioters set library on fire (ITV)
Far-right rioters attack asylum seeker hotels in UK’s Rotherham, Tamworth(Al Jazeera)
‘Stop the boats’: How the language of division fuelled the race riots (Independent)
Middle East
STOP European arms exports to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates!
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jadeseadragon · 1 month ago
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kalooloninthetree · 8 days ago
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eternalistic · 7 months ago
Just a few days ago, Iceland issued millionaire whale hunter Kristjan Loftsson a licence to murder 128 vulnerable fin whales.
Fin whales are awe-inspiring -- capable of communicating through song, feeling love, and experiencing deep emotional suffering. Loftsson often kills them pregnant, and a study found that these majestic giants can take up to 2 hours to die after being harpooned.
We can still stop this cruelty and protect the second largest mammal on earth – not just this season but for good – by helping change the law and making this Iceland’s last licence.
The Icelandic government is under pressure. The key minister admitted she doesn’t agree with whaling but says the law forced her to grant the licence. Brave lawmakers plan to try to repeal that law.
We can help, like we did before: Let’s make this a PR nightmare for the Icelandic government, and build a 2 million-strong call to put whalers like Kristjan Loftsson out of business forever. Time is ticking – add your name and share with everyone you know!
(2,013,949 have signed.)
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randomfandomisuppose · 6 months ago
If you live in Europe please take a moment to sign this petition. It’s a petition against the removal of certain protections for wolves. Even if you are not European please reblog this. As of today (15 August 2024) they already have 99,374 out of 100,000 signatures.
The following is translated from Dutch:
“To all environmental ministers of the European member states.
We are very concerned about the mass elimination of wolves in Europe. We urge you to keep the current protected status of the wolf and to make preventitive measures that protect cattle from attacks a priority.”
What follows next is the translated version of the context provided for this cause:
“Wolf hunting is back.
Het is een project dat met topprioriteit op het bureau van Ursula von der Leyen ligt. Als we niet snel zijn, zullen in heel Europa honderden wolven worden doodgeschoten.
It is a project that is on Ursula von der Leyen's desk with top priority. If we do not act quickly, hundreds of wolves will be shot across Europe.
Wolves have been hunted for centuries to the brink of extinction, but strict conservation policies have allowed the wolf population to recover -- with a positive impact on animal populations and biodiversity.
Now old fears and misconceptions are resurfacing and the European Commission wants to weaken their protection without reliable scientific evidence, despite effective alternatives for livestock protection.
But nothing has been decided yet!
The European member states will vote in a few weeks. According to insiders, it will be exciting and President von der Leyen is exerting great pressure to get the proposal through. That is why dozens of environmental organizations are now mobilizing people across Europe -- join them and share this with your friends: we must live in harmony with the wolves instead of killing them!”
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janebdean-blog · 10 months ago
#BanOctopusFarming #Octopus
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