#Military Exercises in South America
defensenow · 11 days
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qqueenofhades · 4 months
maybe i'm misunderstanding the concept, but it lately it's felt like Online Leftists™️ have been using homonationalism as a cudgel against lgbt people wanting to go abroad and feel comfortable doing so instead of as idk a way to critique american exceptionalism or whatever
The thing about Online Leftists and American exceptionalism in any capacity is that literally all their ideas and concepts of it are a) gibberish and b) completely contradictory and hypocritical. This is because it is all based on a reactionary Vibes ideology that has to constantly change itself to oppose whatever the Democrats/the US/the West in general is doing and therefore has no actual logical guidelines or consistent internal principles. To wit:
America is the most powerful country in the world, and that influence is always and forever totally evil because (insert terrible shit America has done here, which is then generalized and applied to all time periods and places without context or nuance). Indeed, America is so powerful that no other country or government in the world has actual agency or makes real choices for which they are morally and legally responsible; they're just helpless and manipulated pawns reacting to American/Western imperialism (which is the only kind of imperialism that exists, somehow). As such, nothing they ever do is actually "bad" or worthy of condemnation, because they're just totally victimized by America and everything they do is justified as long as it is anti-America. Hence, Russia genociding the Ukrainians is actually fine and good, the Ukrainians must have deserved it somehow (witness how many of the people currently screaming about Gaza were yelling that Ukraine was totally fine to attack actually!) and America is evil for trying to intervene. Russian propaganda calls America bad, we think America is bad, and therefore Russian propaganda must be correct, we love Russian propaganda a whole lot and have no interest in examining that fact any further. Russia is actually good because it used to be the USSR! Did you know that?
However, Israel genociding Gaza is utterly unforgivable and terrible and anyone who tries to offer any kind of realistic critique or appraisal of what can or can't be done to stop it is a genocide apologist. America should in fact be intervening to the point of invading Israel and/or dismantling the Israeli state, because maximalist American military intervention is Good when we say it is (but the rest of the time it's the most awful evil thing in the world WHY DON'T YOU CARE ABOUT THE GLOBAL SOUTH). America is still the most powerful country in the world and it should be intervening at all times, but actually it shouldn't do that at all because we're totally not the right-wing America First isolationists sent through the rabbit hole. If America does not choose to exercise its almighty godlike power to stop all the evil in the world (but remember, American military intervention of any kind is obviously bad and Ukraine should definitely still be genocided), it is just proving how evil it actually is. Remember, nobody else makes real choices. They're just reacting to America. America is all-powerful and also evil but still should use this evil power for good because it's good if we decide it is.
Voting is meaningless because the parties are the same, but it's powerful enough to produce a president god-king who could just decide to snap his fingers and end all bad things in the world but just doesn't do that (at least if he's a Democrat; we don't really care what a Republican president does). We think this is a good idea, but don't worry, America is still the source of all evil in the world. America should intervene everywhere and nowhere all at once. America should do nothing because everything it does is evil and past redemption and the only solution is The Revolution which destroys society. America is evil because it was founded on the violent oppression and exploitation of minorities, and therefore the solution is to let fascists be elected to punish those minorities even more because they get in the way of our purist thought experiments and their actual lived experiences don't matter when they contradict our Ideology. BUT ACTUALLY IT STILL SHOULD MILITARILY INTERVENE EVERYWHERE WE SAY SO BUT ACTUALLY IT SHOULDN'T EVER GLOBAL SOUTH. (We don't know what the Global South is or any of its issues, politics, problems, identities, languages, postcolonial developments or so forth, but we know that the Cold War happened and it was all America's fault. Have you heard this piece of Russian propaganda about how Joe Biden is the antichrist? SILENCE IS VIOLENCE SO YOU BETTER SHARE IT.)
Likewise, we support LGBTQ rights in theory but we don't think they're ever worth actually voting to protect (remember, voting is meaningless!) if that also contradicts our aim of The Revolution. We love virulently anti-gay groups like the Houthis if they theoretically support our Anti Genocide stance (don't look at Ukraine, that doesn't count) and also hate Jews. Israel is the only country in the world that has LGBTQ rights and also does stupid or awful military things, and therefore it alone is the problem because it's just pretending to be a democracy or have LGBTQ rights (in comparison to the rest of the Middle East) because it's just cynically covering for all its sins, but those sins are actually America, because Israel is just a white settler colonialist outpost of America, so America not stopping what Israel is doing (by being Israel) is bad. Remember, America is the source of all evil in the world and all other countries are its puppets, so it is also Israel, but it should stop being Israel, because it's the only country that ever makes any choices or has agency. We are very smart.
...basically, if your head hurt trying to read that or follow the logic, that's the point. It has to change constantly and contort itself around in order to both oppose those Weak Mainstream Liberals and act like it has the perfect moral high ground in doing so, regardless of what principles it has to change or what hypocrisies it has to embrace. As such, it has been stripped of any authentic critique or ability to say anything about anything, and I suggest we generally stop letting it pretend that it does. That is the only way to rescue western leftism and make it actually 2% of use at opposing fascism, because right now? Nah. Not in the least. It's actively and gleefully enabling fascism, and after so long hearing how us normie Democratic-voting losers were going to be the ones collaborating with fascists, it makes me just a little bit crazy. Good thing we can erase that too.
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
In America these days, almost any information about North Korea, be it rumor, fake news, or just plain silly, becomes fodder for the mainstream media. [...]
But when it comes to South Korea, which hosts 28,500 American ground troops and the Pentagon’s largest military base outside of North America, U.S. media coverage is, shall we say, highly selective. That was made resoundingly clear on August 14, when Seoul was the scene for the largest public demonstration in decades against the U.S. military presence in South Korea.
Amazingly, not a word about the protest appeared in the U.S. media.
That Saturday, thousands of people chanting “this land is not a U.S. war base” demonstrated against Ulchi Freedom Shield, the first large-scale military exercises between U.S. and South Korean forces since 2017. The protests were organized by the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), South Korea’s second-largest labor federation. They were joined by a range of progressive allies, including People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD), an influential citizen’s group founded in 1994.
“At a time when military tensions on the Korean Peninsula are escalating and there is no clue for inter-Korean dialogue, we are concerned that an aggressive large-scale military exercise will exacerbate the situation,” PSPD declared. “We once again urge the US and ROK governments to suspend the ROK-US joint military exercise and make efforts to create conditions for dialogue.” At the demonstration, protesters took direct aim at the heart of U.S. policy in Korea, with signs that read “No war rehearsal, No U.S.” and “No Korea-U.S.-Japan military cooperation.”
Outside of the Korean press, the only outlets to cover this massive showing against militarism were Iran’s Press TV and China’s CGTN, which provided extensive video of the mobilization. The single print story on the march appeared in Xinhua, China’s daily wire service. Neither the New York Times or the Washington Post, which often set the pace for U.S. press coverage of Asia, deemed the demonstration newsworthy.
23 Aug 22
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gatheringbones · 2 years
[“In the British colonies, men needed to act like men. Gender and sexual ambiguity were therefore frowned upon, as the famous case of Thomasine Hall and a growing list of anti-sodomy laws revealed. Those who bent, broke, or otherwise flouted European gender conventions were viewed with suspicion, at least in British eyes. Native Americans who changed their physical appearance were thus deemed unreliable military allies and trading partners; those who “lurked” along the trading paths or in the backcountry shadows of settler society became a constant source of colonial anxiety.
According to British church and civil authorities, effeminacy in the American colonies—especially in the hotter, more humid regions—could lead boys and men to “indolence,” “cowardice,” “luxury,” and “effeminacy.” Women, too, had to be reminded of the lessons of history’s great civilizations—the Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans—to maintain prescribed feminine standards, lest they slide into robust masculine behaviors unbefitting their gender.
Eighteenth-century moral philosophers had a prescription for these anxieties: mastery of one’s passions. Men could master their passions by exercising rationality and cultivating their intellects. Retaining a rational mindset empowered one to express love “without effeminacy,” and to guard against “a weakness of nature.”
British men needed to know that “if the passions are acted on without restraint” the mind is injured and the body descends into “effeminacy, Sloth, Supineness, the Disorder and Looseness of a thousand Passions.” Stated simply, wise men avoid “excessive venery” if they want to prevent “softness and effeminacy.”
In England, individual mastery over emotions was linked to the class system. For elite men of “good breeding,” emotional control and rationality were markers of status. In North America, Thomas Jefferson strove to define a theory of good breeding that ordered people according to ranks. Other public figures felt that mastery of emotions should apply equally to all American colonists. So argued Sophia Hume in a sermon published in 1752. Following a trip to England, Hume rejoiced at her return to South Carolina. In Britain, she declared, “Vice, Softeness, Effeminacy and Luxury of most Kinds” prevailed. Carolinians—by which she meant Anglo-American settlers—had controlled these “noxious seeds” of sin and were on a path to greatness.
During the latter half of the eighteenth century, a number of political leaders and church ministers in British North America echoed Hume’s optimism. They urged continued vigilance to ensure that Anglo-Americans retained mastery over their passions. British colonists needed to ensure that their “friendships” remained sober, rational, measured. British settlers, like French and Spanish colonizers, monitored friendships. This proved particularly true of British surveillance of friendships among Indigenous men.”]
gregory d. smithers, from reclaiming two spirit: sexuality, spiritual renewal, and sovereignty in native america, 2022
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Trump's campaign speeches on Wednesday
Trump was not in trial on Wednesday, so he made two campaign appearances. He said many things that were incomprehensible, alarming, and ridiculous. Rather than detail everything, let’s focus on one of the most ridiculous statements: He said he would repeal the Inflation Reduction Act. Doing so would
increase the deficit,
eliminate the $35 per month cap on insulin,
deny access to the Affordable Care Act to millions of Americans,
increase the cap for prescription medications under Medicare D from $2,000 per year to $3,500 per year,
eliminate billions in investments in states and local communities for clean energy projects, and
imperil 150,000+ jobs.
Trump is intent on destroying the accomplishments of the Inflation Reduction Act because it authorized money for the IRS to replace staff that will retire or quit over the next decade. With Trump, it’s always about evading or reducing taxes (and Putin).
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
In his rally in Waukesha, WI, Trump explains the decline and fall of Europe and the rise of Russia—because England and France allowed dark-skinned people to swarm London and Paris, whereas Russia is keeping its Central Asian guest workers in place as serfs and sends them to the meat grinder in Ukraine. It's pure racism. And the MAGA crowd loves it. "Look at Paris. Look at London. They're no longer recognizable. I'm going to get myself into a lot of trouble, but you know what? That's the fact, they are no longer recognizable. We can't let that happen here."
[Robert Scott Horton]
In describing his fever dream of autocratic powers, Trump said he would take (or allow) the following actions:
Allow states to monitor the pregnancies of women to ensure they comply with abortion bans (a grotesque violation of liberty, privacy, and dignity).
Fire US attorneys who refuse to prosecute defendants targeted by Trump (a violation of US norms dating to the creation of the Department of Justice).
Initiate mass deportations of alleged illegal immigrants using the US military and local law enforcement (neither of which are authorized to enforce US immigration law).
Pardon insurrectionists who attacked the Capitol on January 6.
Prosecute President Biden (for unspecified and non-existent crimes).
Deploy the National Guard to cities and states across America—likely those with predominately Democratic populations (presumably under the Insurrection Act, a deployment would violate the terms of the Act and implementing regulations).
Withhold funds from states in the exercise of his personal discretion (a violation of the Impoundment Control Act of 1974).
Abandon NATO and South Asian allies if he feels the countries are not paying enough for their own defense.
Shutter the White House pandemic-preparedness office.
Fire tens (hundreds?) of thousands of civil servants and replace them with Trump acolytes with dubious qualifications (other than loyalty to Trump).
Most readers of this newsletter understand the seriousness of Trump's threats and are working tirelessly to prevent a second Trump term. But tens of millions of Americans seem oblivious or apathetic in the face of an imminent and dire threat.
If elected, will Trump succeed in achieving any of his stated goals? No—not if Democrats continue their resistance in the courts, in Congress, in state legislatures, and in the hearts and minds of most Americans.
However, whether Trump succeeds in achieving his stated objectives is beside the point. He will attempt to do so—and his attempts will tear at the fabric of democracy and destroy legal norms that have served as the bedrock of our republic since its founding.
To be clear, I am not attempting to frighten readers of this newsletter. To the contrary, I believe that we can and will defeat Trump—or outlast him, whatever it takes. But the interview confirms that we are not frantic alarmists exaggerating the threat posed by Trump.
No, far from it.
When we challenge the milquetoast, both-siderism reporting of the media or the normalization of Trump by spineless politicians, we are not overreacting. We are sounding the alarm in a responsible, necessary way. For reasons that defy comprehension, our warnings have been unheeded—often dismissed, minimized, or patronized.
We must redouble our efforts. Commit the above list to memory. Copy the URL so you can forward this newsletter or the Time Magazine article to friends, colleagues, and complete strangers who doubt that Trump is a danger to democracy. Pick two or three issues and be prepared to discuss them when the moment arises. We have been warned—and we must act accordingly.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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luulapants · 1 year
On Hardship
Let’s start with a thought exercise: how would you describe the difference between discomfort and pain? Where is the line?
I took a call with a family fleeing Florida because anti-trans laws and increasing local hostility meant they were no longer safe. We were struggling to find a short-term living arrangement they could afford.
“What if someone in our church fostered your cat for a couple months?” I suggested. “Just until you find somewhere permanent.”
“No,” they said immediately. “No, we can’t do that.”
I knew a yoga instructor who used the mantra, “Be comfortable with being uncomfortable,” while advising students to stop if they felt pain. “The body knows if something is wrong,” she said. “An injury, that’s pain. But you can’t make progress if you’re 100% comfortable.” Her issue was that many people aren’t attuned enough with their bodies to tell the difference.
We got an SOS from a reverend in Florida, getting multiple calls a day from trans folks trying to get out. “I can’t keep up,” she said, “It’s a full time job.”
My friend worked for several years with refugee populations in South Asia, Eastern Europe, East Africa, and the Middle East. Many refugees came from comfortable, even affluent lives. They held advanced degrees, worked good jobs, lived in nice homes. There are struggles to adjust, but once someone enters a refugee program, my friend describes a sort of resignation to hardship: not that it will be forever, but accepting they’ll be uncomfortable for a while.
“We have housing for trans people struggling with homelessness,” a local resource center told me. “We don’t have anything that the folks you’re working with would be satisfied with.”
I grew up in my dad’s wilderness survival school. You could drop me in any forest in North America with nothing but a knife and seasonal clothes, and I’d probably be able to survive indefinitely. That’s how I was trained. During shelter building classes, students would ask, “Won’t there be insects in it?”
“Yes,” the instructor would agree. “Almost certainly.”
“I’m over-stressed,” I told my therapist last week. “I finish my real full-time job, then I’m on the phone trying to find money to break a trans person’s lease.”
My stress-induced parasomnia is back. My house is a mess. I’ve had some infected wound or another for three weeks straight. I expected my therapist to tell me I need to step back, as she usually would when I’ve taken on too much, to tell me I need to prioritize my mental health and prevent burnout.
“If I don’t do this,” I told her, “I don’t think anyone else is going to. I have to.”
To my great surprise, she said, “You’re right. You do.”
Consider a boomer litany against snowflake millennials: “This generation could never storm the beaches of Normandy!” Ignoring that both of our generations were conned into horrendous wars. Everyone my age knows at least one guy from their hometown that went bugnuts in Afghanistan. Americans know how to go to war. It’s within our national image, something people choose to do.
But, I contend, we don’t know how to be refugees, a status of circumstance. It isn’t participation-trophy-induced entitlement. We were trained not to think of ourselves that way. “The Refugee” is an othered, foreign entity: dirty-faced, usually nonwhite, speaking a foreign tongue. Refugee-ism is something that America does to others, not something we can be. There is comfort guaranteed in American identity. Our military recruits must be indoctrinated out of the expectation of comfort because the rest of us are indoctrinated into it.
I don’t know how to feel about the family that won’t let their cat be fostered. I don’t blame them. I certainly wouldn’t tell them off for not being willing to have their comfort taken by bigots. But they scare the shit out of me. The resignation my friend described in refugees, I haven’t seen it yet. These folks know they’re fleeing, but I don’t think they know they’re refugees. The few volunteers on my team, I don’t think they get it yet either, that this warrants hardship.
Eventually, I think, the realization will come. When? When arrests begin? Deaths? We’ll know when we have refugees saying, “Give me a room, a basement, anything,” when we have volunteers saying, “I can do a midnight pickup then go to work the next day - it’ll suck, but it has to happen.” I don’t want these things to happen. We don’t deserve the hardship, but being willing to endure it is not the same as saying it’s okay. We have to learn the line between discomfort and pain, hardship and death.
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usafphantom2 · 8 months
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Lockheed Martin leaves the partnership with Airbus tanker aircraft
Airbus said it is still in the competition.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/24/2023 - 16:00 in Military
The American conglomerate Lockheed Martin is not competing with Airbus for a new order for U.S. Air Force (USAF) tankers.
Airbus and Lockheed Martin jointly developed the LMXT, an improved and "American" variant of the Airbus A330 MRTT. The duo hoped to surpass Boeing, which builds the KC-46A for USAF.
The news of Lockheed Martin's departure from the partnership was first released by Reuters on Monday and later confirmed by the American company to other media outlets.
Earlier this year, the U.S. announced that it intended to accelerate the availability of a new generation of tanker aircraft, known as the NGAS (next generation refueling aircraft) project. Lockheed Martin now says it wants to invest energy in this project, instead of offering LMXT.
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The US is replacing hundreds of KC-135 tanker planes and the contract for the first 179 aircraft went to Boeing in 2011. This was preceded by a long competitive battle and a legal battle. Without a major American partner, Airbus' chances with LMXT decreased even more. Airbus and Lockheed Martin wanted to build the LMXT tanker in the U.S. and equip it with American GE engines.
An Airbus spokesman said that the company “continues to be committed to providing the U.S. Air Force and our fighters with the most modern and capable tanker on the market, and will formally respond” to the request for recapitalization of the KC-135 for information. “The A330 US-MRTT is a reliable choice for the U.S. Air Force: an option that will offer accessibility, proven performance and unparalleled capabilities,” he added.
Tags: A330 MRTTairbusMilitary AviationKC-XLockheed MartinUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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obmessed · 1 year
What do you think if Piri decided to ware his military uniform or general suit in one of world meeting what would the other think since he ware Most of the time a sailor suit.( Give me there reaction especially the country that with him when there was war)
Well that's gonna trigger the world, because they associated a military suited Piri with his 2p counterpart. Since Piri is a pacifistic guy , he refuses to have war as the answer but deep down he knows it can't be helped at times. He knows he has to go through all that suffering at one point, so he just switches with his 2p counterpart and have him fight in wars.
So the first time he walked in the meeting room, he got jumped on because everyone thought 2Piri replaced him again (it happened during Martial Law). It took some explaining that this is his new years resolution, where he promised himself that he's gonna try to take things more seriously and his first step is wearing his military uniform.
As for the nations he had past wars with, it depends on what kind of uniform he's wearing. Obviously he's wearing the modern version of his uniform so it barely gives anyone any bad memories. Plus he knows he can't wear his old uniforms, because 1. Their soo old fashioned and 2. he doesn't want resurface any bad memories.
I mean Alfred already can't watch Goyo without bleeding out, him wearing Heneral Luna's uniform would be like trying to squeeze the blood out of his lungs at that point.
And Kiku already refuses to take hikes with him in his mountains due to the trauma of being ambushed and raided by the ROTC guerillas. If he dressed like them again Japan would have a heart attack.
America is used to seeing him in that uniform because they have joint military exercises with one another, along with Japan sometimes.
But even with the modern uniform it does still trigger some nations, like China. He gets Korean war flashbacks, since during that time Piri most notably fought him the most. That time he soloed him when he tried to push the Western allies back for North Korea and manage to beat him despite his strength in numbers. Or that other time he ambushed him to take a strategic area away from him in order for the democratic allies to have it for themselves.
And speaking of cold wars, Vietnam! His fellow ASEAN member, first time he walked in with that uniform she was surprised by what he's wearing. During her war, she did saw him in that uniform, but the memory of him being a doctor for the South Vietnamese overpowers the memory of him being her dangerous enemy. Besides, she was more scared about the Koreans rather than the Filipinos.
But most of the time, the countries avoid him due to him now strikingly resembling his 2p counterpart. Needless to say he stopped wearing the uniform in the next meeting because people weren't willing to talk to him and actively avoiding him.
Germany: What happened to your military uniform?
Philippines: Everyone kept treating me like an outlaw, honestly screw you guys! I try to be a serious and formal country and this is what I get? Forget it then
Was this what it's like to be Russia? If so, then consider Piri having a new found respect for the nation. He doesn't approve of what he's doing now, but him being able to live through this treatment is respectable.
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libertariantaoist · 1 year
Here is your daily roundup of today's news:
News Roundup 5/17/2023
by Kyle Anzalone
US News
The far-reaching effects of America’s War on Terror may have contributed to the deaths of some 4.5 million people, according to new research by Brown University’s ‘Costs of War’ project. While many of the fatalities were the direct result of violent conflict, indirect causes such as economic collapse and food insecurity have taken a far greater toll. The Institute
The leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) will adopt a prohibition on restarting oil imports from Russia, according to the Financial Times. The “highly symbolic” ban falls well short of the total export embargo proposed by Washington. The Institute
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said Tuesday that Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky have agreed to host a delegation of African leaders to discuss a potential peace plan for the conflict in Ukraine. AWC
Germany on Saturday announced its largest package of military aid for Kyiv worth $2.95 billion, Berlin’s largest since Russia invaded Ukraine last year. AWC
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited Britain Monday and secured pledges for more military equipment from London, including air defense missiles and long-range attack drones. AWC
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has privately plotted major attacks inside Russia while pledging publicly that his forces won’t use Western-provided arms to target Russian territory, The Washington Post reported on Saturday. AWC
The Washington Post deleted a portion of an interview with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, where he accused the paper of helping Russia by posing a question about information contained in leaked classified documents. AWC
The Russian Defense Ministry on Saturday said Ukrainian forces have already used British-provided long-range Storm Shadow missiles in attacks on the Russian-controlled Donbas city of Luhansk. AWC
The last massive aid package Congress authorized for Ukraine has about $6 billion left, which is expected to be used up by mid-summer, POLITICO reported Monday. AWC
Warsaw received its first shipment of US-made High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS), manufactured by Lockheed Martin, and announced plans to deploy the launchers near the country’s shared border with Russia’s Kaliningrad enclave. The Institute
Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of the Russian mercenary group Wagner, dismissed claims made by The Washington Post that he offered Ukraine Russian troop positions in exchange for a Ukrainian withdrawal from Bakhmut, calling the report “laughable.” AWC
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization conducted war games aimed at tracking and eliminating submarines. The 12-nation exercises were the alliance’s largest ever military drills simulating underwater warfare. The Institute
Russia’s military said Tuesday that it hit a US-made Patriot air defense system in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv with a hypersonic missile, which was later confirmed by a US official. AWC
Kiev officially joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s Cyber Defense Center on Tuesday. Ukraine’s flag was raised at the headquarters of NATO’s Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE) in Tallinn, according to a Ukrainian Foreign Ministry statement. The Institute
On Monday, the CIA published a video on YouTube and Telegram urging Russians to contact the agency in an effort to recruit intelligence assets inside Russia. AWC
A high-level Chinese envoy is set to begin a trip that will bring him to Russia, Ukraine, and several other European countries as Beijing hopes to broker a ceasefire to bring an end to the fighting in Ukraine. AWC
Beijing says on 1/5/2021 the US conducted an antisubmarine operation about 100 miles from Hong Kong. When Chinese forces attempted to seize some American equipment, Washington destroyed it. SCMP
On Tuesday, China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) responded to US plans to provide Taiwan with $500 million in unprecedented military aid and reports that said hundreds of US troops have been deployed to the island, warning it will “firmly crush attempts at external interference.” AWC
A US envoy said Monday that the US and the Federated States of Micronesia have agreed to extend a strategic pact that will allow the US to maintain military access to the Pacific Island nation. AWC
President Biden has canceled planned visits to Papua New Guinea and Australia to focus on the debt ceiling debate that’s ongoing in Washington, The Associated Press reported on Tuesday. AWC
Middle East
European countries are pressing Biden to resume talks with Iran about reviving the nuclear agreement. WSJ
The US military says it’s looking into reports that it killed a civilian in a recent airstrike it launched in northwest Syria. AWC
The Cradle reported on Tuesday that the US and Syria have been engaged in secret, direct negotiations in the Omani capital of Muscat. AWC
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itsmarjudgelove · 2 years
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1185-1333 — Kamakura Government
The most important feature of the medieval period is that the samurai (warrior-administrators) replaced the court government in managing local government.
Because the court government had no police force, bands of samurai gained power when the Heian government neglected the administration of the provinces. Samurai strength rested on strong group loyalty and discipline. These bands managed large areas of rice land in eastern Japan, around modern Tôkyô.
In 1185 a new government was founded by the Minamoto family in Kamakura, south of modern Tôkyô. In 1192 Minamoto Yoritomo was given the title 'shôgun' to signify his military control over the country. While it followed the laws of the Heian government, the Kamakura government was run by a network of samurai throughout the country, pledged to keep the peace. Since they exercised real power on the spot, they were able to take over land from rich aristocratic land proprietors and thus caused the Heian government in Kyôto to become even weaker. Gradually the samurai took the lead in developing the law of the nation.
The Mongol invasions, the only military invasion of Japan before World War II, occurred during this period. Khubilai, Great Khan of the Mongols, invaded China and in 1263 became Emperor of China. He pressed his conquest on to Japan. In 1274 and 1281 Mongols and Chinese led great expeditions across the seas to southwest Japan. Samurai in Kyûshû were greatly outnumbered and technically disadvantaged. In 1274, a great storm arose that destroyed or set to sea the whole invasion fleet. In 1281, after 50 days of fierce struggle, the Japanese were again saved by a great storm. These storms became known as kamikaze, divine winds. (More than 650 years later, during the second invasion of Japan, by America, the suicide pilots protecting the islands were called kamikaze, too). The Mongolian attempts to invade Japan united the Japanese against an outside force for the first time in history. Shintô priests, involving the country's deities for protection, were richly rewarded.
1336-1573 — Ashikaga Government
In 1333, the Kamakura shogunate lost control of the country to a rival samurai family, the Ashikaga family. The Ashikaga shogunate moved the capital back to Kyôto, but was not able to assert as much control over the various provinces as the Kamakura government had. In the surrounding countryside, daimyô (provincial barons) ruled the people, and often fought against one other over territorial claims. The daimyô built bureaucratic governments in each province and attempted to bring all elements of society under their military rule. Local rule was more developed that before, but the central government represented by the shôgun was weak.
1600-1868 — Tokugawa Government
In 1600, one of the powerful military families, the Tokugawa, was able to gain military control over all the local daimyô. The Tokugawa created a much stronger bureaucratic military government in Edo, now named Tôkyô. It controlled — either directly or indirectly — all elements of society, such as the agrarian and commercial sectors.
The government legally differentiated four classes of society — samurai, farmers, artisans, and merchants. Since it was concerned with a possible samurai rebellion (it had taken away the weapons of all other classes), the Tokugawa government made the daimyô live part of the time in Edo, the new military capital, and leave their families in Edo as hostages whenever they returned to their domains. Edo became a giant urban center because so many people came to make a living by supplying the huge samurai population. By 1700 there were about one million people living in Edo. In time, the Edo merchants supplying the military became richer than the samurai, many of whom lived in poverty. When Commodore Perry came to Japan from the United States in 1853 seeking commercial relations, many groups in society were ready for changes in the old legal and economic systems. Japan's feudal period ended shortly thereafter with the Meiji Restoration in 1868.
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sjsuraj · 23 hours
Guardians of the Sky: Steering the Future of Missiles and Defense Systems
Missiles and Missile Defense Systems Market was valued at US$ 40.87 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach US$ 56.86 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 4.42% from 2024 to 2031.
This comprehensive research study on the global Missiles and Missile Defense Systems market gives detailed insights into the sector, offering a detailed analysis of market trends, prominent drivers, and future growth prospects. In order to make wise business decisions, it gives readers an extensive understanding of the market environment. Furthermore, the report covers several aspects, such as estimated market sizing, strategies employed by leading companies, restraining factors, and challenges faced by market participants.
Request our market overview sample now:
Market Forecast and Trends
The report's precise market forecasts and identification of emerging trends will allow readers to foresee the industry’s future and outline their tactics for the following years accordingly. Understanding market trends can help in gaining a competitive edge and staying ahead in a fast-paced business environment.
Regional and Segment Analysis
The study on the global Missiles and Missile Defense Systems market will aid industry participants find high-growth regions and profitable market segments through region-specific and segment-by-segment analysis. This information helps in implementing better marketing strategies and product lineups to meet the preferences and needs of various target audiences. The major regions covered in this comprehensive analysis include North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa.
Investment and Expansion Opportunities
The research report supports strategic decision-making by revealing prospective areas for investment and business growth in the global Missiles and Missile Defense Systems market. This report is a great tool for finding markets that are foreseen to grow substantially for aiding readers who want to expand into new and untapped markets or launch new products.
Competitive Analysis
The research report comprises an in-depth competitive analysis, which profiles major market competitors and evaluates their tactics, weaknesses, and market shares. These key players employ top business strategies, such as partnerships, alliances, mergers, acquisitions, product innovations, and product development, to establish a competitive advantage. Industry participants may use this information to measure their business against rivals and develop winning strategies for distinguishing themselves in the market.
Why Buy This Report?
Obtain an in-depth understanding of market trends and growth catalysts.
Utilize precise market forecasts for informed decision-making.
Outperform competitors through extensive competitive analysis.
Identify and leverage profitable regional and segment prospects.
Strategically plan investments and expansions in the global Missiles and Missile Defense Systems market
The key players in the Missiles and Missile Defense Systems Market are:
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Raytheon Technologies Corporation
Northrop Grumman
BAE Systems
MetalTek International
General Dynamics Corporation
The global Missiles and Missile Defense Systems Market is segmented as:
By Type
Missile Defense System
Surface-To-Air Missiles
Air-To-Surface Missiles
Air-to-Air Missiles
Anti-Ship Missiles
By Application
Simulation Exercises
By Region
North America
Rest of Europe
South Korea
Rest of Asia-Pacific
Middle East & Africa
North Africa
South Africa
Rest of Middle East & Africa
Latin America
Rest of Latin America.
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South Korean Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul has reported the signing of a new agreement between Russia and North Korea due to increased security cooperation between his country, Japan and the United States. According to ParasToday report, America, Japan and South Korea are going to organize new exercises in the summer season of the ongoing year.
The US has attempted to present a threat and challenge in East Asia by blaming North Korea extensively. This claim has been made when it has been said to be the root cause of increase in tension between North Korea, America and its backward areas.
Earlier, the assistant to the head of China's Central Military Commission had described America as the biggest challenge to the peace and security of the region and had said that Washington is trying to create a new NATO like NATO in the region of Asia and the Pacific Ocean so that He could retain his dominance in this area.
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zvaigzdelasas · 10 months
As the three countries boost their military ties, one question Yoon is facing is whether South Korea could be implicated in a potential conflict between China and Taiwan. On Monday, Yoon gave a briefing where, without naming a country, he said the three leaders had agreed to "support the maritime security of countries in the Indo-Pacific region to ensure freedom of navigation and trade."  Critics of Yoon are now saying that the agreement worsens national security by raising the risk that Seoul could get pulled into a war over Taiwan, while also jeopardizing ties with China, South Korea's largest trading partner. The left-wing Kyunghyang newspaper wrote an editorial decrying the agreement, saying that it could pull South Korea into matters in which it is otherwise uninvolved. "In the event of a conflict or crisis in America's broad area of influence in the Indo-Pacific region, there is a high possibility of the U.S. demanding a joint response under the trilateral agreement with South Korea and Japan," the editorial said.
To implement this agreement, the role of the Korean military would have to be expanded in the mid- to long-term from its current focus on countering the [DPRK] to responding to various threats in the Indo-Pacific region. To enable not only “consultation” about these threats but also joint action down the road, the three countries also agreed to “hold annual, named, multi-domain trilateral exercises on a regular basis.”
Two changes are expected in the short term. First, Japan would have more input in the event of a war on the Korean Peninsula. Japan’s role in such a scenario would be to provide rear support (including logistics support) for US reinforcements dispatched to defend the Korean Peninsula under Japan’s Act on Measures to Ensure the Peace and Security of Japan in Perilous Situations in Areas Surrounding Japan of 1999 (renamed the Law Concerning Measures to Ensure Peace and Security of Japan in Situations that Will Have an Important Influence on Japan's Peace and Security in 2016). In that eventuality, any military communication between South Korea and the US would have had to go through the US.
But the consultation to which the three countries have now agreed makes it possible for Japan to directly make various demands of Korea. Japan could ask Korea to allow the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) to enter Korean territory to rescue Japanese citizens. It could also remain in close communication while using its enemy base strike capability (also called “counterstrike capability”) to launch direct attacks on North Korea. Furthermore, the US and Japan could ask Korea to allow rear support units in the JSDF to operate in Korean sovereign territory, rather than only in open waters in the East Sea (known to Japan as the Sea of Japan), to enable smoother missions. [...]
While the US is not treaty-bound to defend Taiwan, US President Joe Biden has said on four separate occasions since his inauguration in January 2021 that he would defend against an invasion by mainland China. That’s because allowing China to overrun Taiwan unmolested would spell the end of American hegemony in the Western Pacific, a hegemony the US has maintained since the end of World War II, more than seven decades ago.
There’s also a growing sense inside Japan that a war against Taiwan should be regarded as a war against Japan and that the JSDF should respond aggressively. The late Shinzo Abe, former prime minister of Japan, said as much in several interviews with the press. And current Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida raised eyebrows when he said in the House of Representatives in April that if the US asked Japan to deploy the JSDF to defend Taiwan, Japan would “make a decision based on the specific and individual [situation] in accordance with the Constitution, international law and domestic law.”
Various war simulations run by leading American think tanks have concluded that the US-Japan alliance would be able to prevent a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, if barely, on the assumption that both the US and Japan were fully committed to the war. Given these considerations, Japan has revised three documents related to national security last December and decided to increase its defense budget to 2% of gross domestic product within five years.
If a war were to break out in Taiwan under these grim circumstances, it goes without saying that the US and Japan would use the consultation framework to request a “measured response” from Korea. Along with announcing the redeployment of US Forces Korea, the US could pressure Korea to join Japan in making a direct “military contribution” to peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region.
While Korea would not be obligated under treaty to comply with any such requests, its refusal would surely cause serious harm to its alliance relationship with the US.
Japanese newspaper the Asahi Shimbun reported Monday that Korean government officials are whispering about this amounting to Korea “crossing the Rubicon” in its relationship with China.
22 Aug 23
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imarcmarketreport · 4 months
Smoke Grenade Market Trends, Growth, Analysis and Forecast 2024-2032
IMARC Group's report titled "Smoke Grenade Market Report by Product (Burst Smoke Grenade, Wire Pull Smoke Grenade, Micro Smoke Grenade, and Others), Application (Signaling, Screening and Obscuring, Riot Control, and Others), End User (Military and Defense, Law Enforcement, and Others), and Region 2024-2032", offers a comprehensive analysis of the industry, which comprises insights on the global smoke grenade market trends. The global market size reached US$ 511.3 Million in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 795.6 Million by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 4.9% during 2024-2032.
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For an in-depth analysis, you can refer sample copy of the report: https://www.imarcgroup.com/smoke-grenade-market/requestsample
Factors Affecting the Growth of the Smoke Grenade Industry:
Military and Defense Applications:
The rising adoption of smoke grenades in military and defense applications is propelling the growth of the market. In addition, smoke grenades are essential tools for modern armed forces, offering tactical advantages in combat situations. These devices provide instant smoke screens that obscure enemy visibility, allowing troops to maneuver safely and create diversionary tactics. Besides this, the increasing need for enhanced battlefield survivability is bolstering the market growth. Furthermore, key players are developing advanced smoke grenade systems to maintain a competitive edge in warfare, which is impelling the market growth.
Law Enforcement:
Law enforcement agencies are increasingly adopting smoke grenades, especially in riot control and hostage rescue situations. They provide a non-lethal means of controlling crowds and detaining suspects while minimizing risks to both officers and civilians. In line with this, smoke grenades can disorient criminals and create cover during high-stress operations, enhancing the effectiveness of law enforcement efforts. Furthermore, the rising reliance on smoke grenades by police, special weapons and tactics (SWAT) teams, and other law enforcement entities to maintain enhanced safety is supporting the growth of the market.
Rising Focus on Training and Simulation:
The increasing focus on training and simulation activities is impelling the market growth. In addition, realistic training is crucial to prepare personnel for high-pressure scenarios. Besides this, smoke grenades play a pivotal role in creating authentic training environments, allowing trainees to experience smoke-filled and chaotic situations safely. These training exercises help personnel develop critical skills, adapt to adverse conditions, and make informed decisions under stress. Furthermore, the growing demand for smoke grenades that replicate real-world scenarios is positively influencing the market.
Leading Companies Operating in the Global Smoke Grenade Industry:
3rd Light Ltd.
Centanex Ltd.
Combined Systems Inc.
Daekwang Chemical Co. Ltd.
Defense Technology LLC (Safariland LLC)
Nammo AS
Nonlethal Technologies Inc.
Rheinmetall AG, Sport Smoke LLC
Smoke Grenade Market Report Segmentation:
By Product:
Burst Smoke Grenade
Wire Pull Smoke Grenade
Micro Smoke Grenade
Burst smoke grenade represents the largest segment as it is designed for rapid activation.   
By Application:
Screening and Obscuring
Riot Control
Signaling holds the biggest market share due to the rising focus on emergency situations.  
By End User:
Military and Defense
Law Enforcement
Military and defense account for the largest market share on account of the increasing geopolitical tensions.      
Regional Insights:
North America (United States, Canada)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, Others)
Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, Others)
Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Others)
Middle East and Africa
North America enjoys the leading position in the smoke grenade market, which can be attributed to the rising investments in advanced equipment and technology.        
Global Smoke Grenade Market Trends:
The increasing demand for smoke grenades in the entertainment industry for special events is bolstering the growth of the market. In addition, smoke grenades are used for visual effects and dramatic purposes in concerts, sports events, and filmmaking. They create captivating visuals, enhance performances, and add excitement to various productions.
Apart from this, the growing development of eco-friendly smoke grenades that have minimal impact on the environment due to the rising awareness among individuals about environmental concerns is offering a positive market outlook.
About Us:
IMARC Group is a leading market research company that offers management strategy and market research worldwide. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses.
IMARCs information products include major market, scientific, economic and technological developments for business leaders in pharmaceutical, industrial, and high technology organizations. Market forecasts and industry analysis for biotechnology, advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, travel and tourism, nanotechnology and novel processing methods are at the top of the companys expertise.
Our offerings include comprehensive market intelligence in the form of research reports, production cost reports, feasibility studies, and consulting services. Our team, which includes experienced researchers and analysts from various industries, is dedicated to providing high-quality data and insights to our clientele, ranging from small and medium businesses to Fortune 1000 corporations.
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"No drama" Biden
May 10, 2024
President Biden traveled from Washington to California on Thursday. It was a quiet day following several quiet weeks filled with normal campaign appearances and two major interviews (Howard Stern and Erin Burnett).  Except for President Biden’s announcement of a potential change in US policy regarding the war in Gaza, Biden’s appearances over the last few weeks have been routine, disciplined, and on-message.
President Biden’s lack of drama is notable even if deemed unnewsworthy by major media. Stability, normalcy, and predictability are virtues in the person who leads the world’s only superpower and seeks to manage the world’s largest economy.
By comparison, over the same period, Trump's campaign appearances and interviews have yielded the following promises and threats (to name only a few):
·       Allow states to monitor the pregnancies of women to ensure they comply with abortion bans
·       Fire US attorneys who refuse to prosecute defendants targeted by Trump
·       Initiate mass deportations of alleged illegal immigrants using the US military and local law enforcement
·       Pardon insurrectionists who attacked the Capitol on January 6
·       Prosecute President Biden (for unspecified and non-existent crimes).
·       Deploy the National Guard to cities and states across America—presumably under the Insurrection Act, a deployment would violate the terms of the Act and implementing regulations
·       Withhold appropriated funds from states in the exercise of his personal discretion
·       Abandon NATO and South Asian allies if he feels the countries are not paying enough for their own defense.
·       Fire tens of thousands of civil servants and replace them with Trump acolytes whose only qualification is loyalty.
We take for granted the normalcy and absence of drama in President Biden’s governance. Biden does not treat foreign and domestic policy as props to focus attention on a monstrous ego. He does not stumble into self-generated crises. He does not openly fantasize about assuming dictatorial powers. He does not issue insults and slurs with abandon—which he then refuses to retract because of boundless pride.
So, Thursday was a quiet day for President Biden. We should not take such days for granted but rather welcome them as a sign of what life is like in a functioning democracy with a mature and experienced leader. It can continue to be so. We need only re-elect President Biden.
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debtloanpayoff · 4 months
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