#Miku across the world
nocurnalday · 25 days
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Brooklyn Italian Miku
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modeus-the-unbound · 27 days
In all sincerity, I love seeing people draw Hatsune Miku and Goku with their personal culture draped across them. Brazilian Miku, Halal Goku. Both of these characters being welcomed across the globe is nice. It makes me smile.
(Partially from nostalgia, I will admit. Growing up in the 90's DBZ was everywhere and the early 2000's internet belongs to the world's number one princess, Miku. So it's nice to see them still around and popular.)
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rosenbergi · 2 years
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I can’t take the “The World Is Mine” plot point seriously because this is all I can think about-
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im-yotsu · 2 years
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Old trend but idc
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staff · 18 days
Tumblr Tuesday: Many Mikus
"Draw Hatsune Miku from your culture," they said. "Ok," you said, proceeding to create Hatsune Miku from every culture under the sun. From Catalonian to Korean, from Nigerian to Navajo: Please enjoy this staggering abundance of Hatsune Miku fanart inspired by cultures across the world. 39!
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The fact that they kept her available to the public and let her bloom across the world unhindered was such a correct decision it's crazy. She could have been locked in a corporate cage not allowed to add her voice to anybody's music, I literally get sad just thinking about it. Thank god for her creator having some foresight
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jibunbosh · 5 months
Mesmerizer is a satire of TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and the rest of the modern short-form vertical video format
A brief thematic analysis.
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I'm sure there are countless people already interpreting the imagery and details in this wonderful song & MV, like here and here, so I won't spend too much time retreading that ground. Miku and Teto are dancing. Miku gets hypnotized. Teto signals for help, but gets hypnotized at the end as well.
That part is obvious enough, but that's still pretty surface-level. What is this seemingly hyperspatial horror scenario supposed to mean to us?
While checking to see if anyone before me's already come to the same conclusions as I did and if I should bother not writing this text post at all (lol), I came across udin's great analysis video. She comes to the conclusion that the song tackles themes of disillusionment with reality and the ways we indulge in escapism to relieve ourselves of the pains of the world.
I agree with that reading! From practically the very beginning, we have Miku call to us - the viewer - to push away our true feelings. Teto comes in to peddle a solution, inviting us to surrender and empty our minds - in her words, "pretending to know nothing."
You, the viewer, are a critical character in this masquerade. For nearly the entire video, Miku and Teto's eyes are unfailingly trained on you. Or, well... perhaps they can't actually see you, but they can see a camera, or whatever other aperture the point of view is supposed to be from. And they know they're being watched. (Who else would Teto be sending distress signals to?)
Let's put a pin on that for later.
udin notes very early on that Miku and Teto are, conspicuously, kept in vertical frames - very similar to the video formats of TikTok (and Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts, and whatever other clones of the format exist.) You know, just like the animator Caststation's Rabbit Hole fan MV that went viral some months ago.
Hey wouldn't it be crazy if the song's producer, 32ki, released Mesmerizer shorts too haha. Wouldn't that be crazy.
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Wow, wild.
These short-term vertical videos are captivating & alluring. If you're reading this, it's more likely than not that you've also found yourself caught up in them at least once, scrolling through the infinite algorithmic slurry and forgetting about the real-life issues you have at hand. Would you say, then, that you felt hypnotized? Mesmerized, even?
And so these two invite us to join their world and focus on the... uh... rectangle.
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Their dances are repetitive, following the same loop. Their outfits are distinct, but their choreography isn't. They're copying the same formula, repeating it ad nauseam to the best of their ability.
They're doing a fucking TikTok dance.
Back to the pin I told you about earlier, with Miku and Teto looking at a camera.
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Miku sways with the camera, eyes looking directly at it like a swinging pocket watch. She's been looking at it the entire time, after all. We've been seeing her via our screen this entire time, but, again, she doesn't necessarily see us. She's beholden to the camera, which she dances for day after day, caught up in its spell. She's hypnotized by it. Eventually, she breaks.
Teto, on the other hand, resists. For a while, anyway.
Despite her being the one jumping to us with the "solution" at the beginning of the MV, there's very quickly good reason to question how much agency she has in this. She dances for the camera as well, but she doesn't want to. She's signalling for help. She wants out.
Many content creators (as much as I personally loathe the non-specificity and soullessness of the term) have struggled with the adaptation to the short-form video format, and the preference the algorithm has had for these captivating, bite-sized videos. They're catchy, and easily drive up metrics. Practically anyone who's publishing their work via video format online needs to learn to adapt or fall behind, even if that means whittling their content down to fit the frame, the time, and people's shortening attention spans. Sometimes, that means compromising on specificity and completeness... or, in other words, the true representation of a full work.
The song's writer, 32ki, has been releasing songs on YouTube for several years. Their first YouTube Short, however, was posted only a year ago: a short, whittled-down segment of their previous song, CIRCUS PANIC!!!, hoping for it to win the ProsekaNEXT song contest. It was their first song to achieve widespread popularity and hit a million views.
The shorts, however, aren't the "true" versions of the song. The full song just won't fit.
We're being mesmerized as consumers of this endless stream of content, rather than appreciators of music and art. However, that relationship isn't completely symmetrical across the plane that is the 4th wall. Miku and Teto are trapped not by their attention spans, but by a compulsion to project their "truthful acting" and peddle that window into a colorful, problem-free world.
We, as the collective audience, need not dwell on any one thing for too long - we need only swipe, and move on to the next video. However, Miku and Teto are trapped behind the screen for eternity, day after day.
They're the only characters we get to see, of course. There's no evil 3rd voice synth character that's plotting to keep them trapped in there. We can't put a face to whatever force is hypnotizing them and trapping them behind the screen. It's faceless - like the inscrutable algorithms of YouTube recommendations or the TikTok For You page, or the impersonal corporations that develop & maintain those aforementioned apps. Miku and Teto's likenesses, on the other hand, are being exploited and extracted from for their entertainment value, being strung along by that metaphorical hypnotizing force like puppets on a string.
Many people, represented by Miku, enjoy their success on such platforms. It's freeing and liberating to throw oneself wholeheartedly into such an endeavor, of course! Others, represented by Teto, harbor their doubts of the emotional veracity of such a medium, but know they have little choice lest they face destruction... perhaps not literally as a person, but as an idea.
Wouldn't it be easier just to let oneself be swept away by it and give in?
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lagomoz · 11 months
List of true Project Sekai facts for non-fans
(technically spoilers but out of context and funny. please add on)
-a character can see ghosts. this is never elaborated on
-all main characters can teleport to a separate dimension based on their psyches and also hatsune miku is in there
-a girl imagines her female friend kissing her and gets so flustered those around her are concerned
-a song very explicitly about having sex with men, originally sung by all women, is covered by all men
-actually correct me if I'm wrong I can't think of a single love song that is covered by an m/f pairing
-a character causes explosions at school near daily
-a character is sad her friends don't go to the same school as her so her solution is to sprint across the entire city and break into their school to hang out. she does this frequently
-a group gets stranded on a deserted island
-hatsune miku stops a suicide attempt
-a highschooler makes a borderline if not outright sapient robotic replica of his childhood friend. nobody considers this a particularly world shattering achievement of ai
-the robot was created to help with social anxiety/stage fright
-the robot has rocket launchers
-the robot has a job as a theme park performer and gets a salary
-a characters family member is dead and it takes her three years to find out
-a character has a body guard dressed in a full mascot costume at all times follow her around
-a character got into fights with professional wrestlers on tv as a middle schooler/high schooler (not sure the exact age)
-there's official sonic collaboration costumes
-fuck is said three times and it's all by members of the theme park troupe that performs for children
-catgirl hatsune miku almost impales a man without realizing it
-sometimes miku is a catgirl
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project-sekai-facts · 2 months
What do you think the World Link of the Virtual Singers will be like? Will it be like those 2 events, i forgot their name (Cherry blossom Sekai thing and Resonate your song in this Sekai?) or will it be a completely different thing?
something i find interesting is how they've been spoonfeeding us the whole concept of WLEs since 2nd anniversary and it went under all our noses. Like. Sakura Across SEKAI is the virtual singers trying to find a tree that will bloom in the sekais, and eventually they get sent to the tree sekai. Like no shit the anniversary was called Journey to Bloom. And then the new buds growing in the sekai like they were not lying about pre-3rd anniversary being the jorney to bloom.
Resonate Throughout SEKAI introduced the concept of an expansion to the tree sekai, no shit the anniversary was called brand new world and now there's new parts of all the sekai too. Oh and also Resonate introduced some lore concepts that are used in the bloomfes card stories. Right back to journey to bloom. Bloom is a very important arc word don't forget it.
Yeah anyway I think this is gonna be the tree sekai's yearly appearance. Technically it already has its sekai expansion last year but i mean it's kinda left vague as to if it's the same place so there's room to work. and it's still a fragment sekai too, maybe this event it'll become a proper sekai? Oh and yeah the saplings + blocked off areas in each sekai 100% are linked to tree sekai. All the sekai are gonna connect at some point (probably not this event?) but we knew this it was foreshadowed in miku's first fes story (also they're literally called World Link events, or World Bloom if you go by their name in the game data. They're telling it to our faces again)
Idk if it'll be the default vsingers or the starters, but considering the order the event is running in i think it'll be starters. I think at the very least the starters might get to meet properly, since they didn't get to do that in sakura across sekai. The individual chapters I reckon could follow a similar concept to Resonate, with the sekailoids meeting the default cryptonloids, except the interactions will get to be longer and more fleshed out here due to the event pacing.
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lovotomii · 27 days
the Brazilian Miku spin-off arts are funny in a way. for all the other nations across the world you have these elegant folk costumes they're putting Miku in, then as soon as you get to the UK and USA, it's all sports wear
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mrcatfishing · 23 days
please dont use AI to make miku cosplaying as a culture you dont belong to. incredibly disrespectful to not even do the work yourself to represent natives respectfully and accurately. offloading that to a machine is disrespectful and appropriative.
I want to start off with a clear statement of my views, and then follow up with my thoughts on the Cascadian Miku post.
1. I do not think cultural appropriation is appropriate, and I would not ever attempt to pass off my work as being made by or made in the style of Indigenous artists. The image itself is an ai image in the style of a digital painting, and no Indigenous art was appropriated in its creation.
2. This post is not a place to argue over AI image generation and its place in art.
When I first saw the Brazilian miku / mikus of the world posts circulating, I looked for a miku that represented the part of the world I live in. While many Canadian mikus have been drawn, at that point there were none representing coast salish cultures that I could find.
Seeing a gap that intrigued me, I decided to attempt to fill it using the tools at my disposal. So I generated a few dozen iterations, trying to capture the style of clothing traditionally worn by the WSANEC people, and admittedly failing to do so.
Despite the lack of accuracy, I thought it still captured a sense of the people of this land, of my friends and colleagues from all across BC, and so instead of labeling it as 'indigenous miku' or 'coast salish miku' I chose 'Cascadian miku'.
I don't think the image is of Hatsune Miku cosplaying a culture I don't belong to, just as much as the original image has her cosplaying as a Brazilian, or this wonderful piece by Doddsmountain is her cosplaying as We Wai Kai.
I do regret the post, as I did not want it to become my most popular work, but I also do not want to hide/delete the post now that it's out there.
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nekoooooo-p · 3 months
Demo: Yandere Hatsune Miku Headcanons
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art by: yanderous on Tumblr
CW: internet stalking; (a little) gaslighting
This is a demo, which may become a full-fledged large text, written and with a plot. Keyword MAY-..it all depends on you guys, you just have to ask me!
This is just an attempt to distract from the Phosphophyllite headcanons, since there is text there for five seconds of free fast scrolling down... and that's not all...That's why I'm stupidly tired of this and I desperately need a distraction HAHAHA
Based (mostly) on real events :)
× You don't know each other.
× Do you know why?
× Because she's just a robot.
× Vocal synthesizer without identity.
× All that is known about her is known from fans and her design.
× Empty.
× ...
× She is loved.
× She's popular.
× And you also see her on community pages, like drawings, listen to music, and perhaps try to do something creative yourself.
× Of course, you didn't know just Miku.
× You knew other Vocaloids too. Rin, Len, Luka, Meiko, Gumi, Flower, Fukase - there were a lot of them, you didn’t know them all, but you heard about many.
× You began to notice that many people had a favorite. And you also decided to choose your favorite Vocaloid.
× The simplest and quite normal choice was Miku.
× But you decided to take someone else as your favorite, because loving Miku is banal.
× The choice has been made.
× . . .
× It doesn’t matter who you chose, but you dreamed about them
× You dreamed of them fighting with Miku.
× In an old school building, two people were strangling each other. Two vocal synthesizers. ×
× It seems that the thin fingers of the long-haired girl with ponytails were squeezing someone else’s throat an order of magnitude stro
× You woke up.
× The dream was strange, but in the end it was just a dream - you struggled with yourself for a long time, trying to choose one of the two - and you didn’t choose Miku. That's why you dreamed about some bullshit.
× ...
× Overall, no big deal.
× It is vital for you to finish the project, but instead you are interested in reading some article on the Internet.
× You read the article with curiosity and look at the comments.
× People share opinions there - nothing unusual....
× ...Until you suddenly see Miku in the book cover photo.
× You stare at this in surprise - the article was not about Vocaloids at all, just like the comment itself with the photo.
× You take a screenshot with a laugh, close the article and finally remember about the project. Haha, it was funny, Miku reminded you of your studies.
× You jokingly thank the non-existent character out loud and take out your notebooks.
× As it turned out, you had something to thank Miku for - you were called in during class and asked to answer with almost no preparation.
× Of course, such coincidences make you even a little scared - but only if they are repeated often. So it was just really funny now.
× You told your friends about this coincidence, you laughed together and celebrated the excellent completion of the project.
× It's funny, but one day you again came across a funny coincidence - the author of your favorite fanfic not from the Vocaloid fandom suddenly added Miku to the plot as a reference and a side character.
× Oh , how small the world is!
× The dream repeated itself.
× You began to have trouble sleeping - your dreams became strange and distorted. Once you even dreamed of some outright nonsense with Miku figurines.
× You were in your own room, scrolling through the marketplace. And saw strange, unfinished figures there.
× M i k u. ×
× At one point, one of the figures independently adds itself to the basket and you laugh. For some reason.
× Suddenly the second figure does the same.
× . . .
× Then the third. Then the fourth.
× This caused bewilderment, laughter and showed only the absurdity of a strange situation.
× And then you suddenly looked at the floor behind the phone... and saw there a whole bunch of scary, unfinished, broken, mangled toys and Hatsune Miku figurines.
× You back away - and the figures keep growing and growing in geometric progression.
× You are afraid that now they will fill the entire room, and you will suffocate in this huge pile of plastic - but as soon as your back hits an obstacle, you wake up.
× And what was that?
× Nothing changes in your life - everything is quite as usual, the same communication, the same activities, the same living space, the same environment. Everything is calm and as usual.
× You don't pay attention to the little things.
× You see Miku a lot of places - on other people’s badges, notepads, many people ask if you know her, ask you to tell her, you see her periodically in advertisements...And this is provided that Miku and Vocaloids, in principle, were not so popular in your circle!
× Sekai must have made Vocaloids more famous and that's why you started bumping into Miku so often.
× ..but why Miku?
× After all, during all the time you saw something definitely related to Sekai only a couple of times, while Miku in her various manifestations almost always. You even bothered to meet a cosplayer who wanted to cosplay as Miku.
× You communicated actively for some time, but then something went wrong and you quarreled.
× ...By the way, when you almost stopped communicating, you later found out that he refused to cosplay Miku for some reason.
× An interesting coincidence.
× Somehow there are a ton of them, don’t you think?
× One day you saw a badge with Miku on the bag of one person, with whom you later had to get to know each other better due to certain circumstances. You talked for a couple of hours out of necessity and you complimented their badge.
"What are you talking about? I've never had a badge with Hatsune Miku..."
× The confused face of your interlocutor unsettled you.
× But...but you saw!
× what the heck?
× And this happened several times. You even thought that you had problems with vision or memory...
× The frequency of appearances of the Vocaloid girl in your life reached the point of absurdity. After all, in addition to appearing in your feed and advertising, she was also in your real life - acquaintances, conversations, badges, other merch, unusual projects of classmates and even in fucking magazines.
× You bumped into her absolutely everywhere.
× And then at some point you decided to download Vocaloid.
× You found your favorite producer who used your favorite vocaloid, you listened to the music of this producer, and finally you wanted to make covers or songs yourself.
× You were looking for a pirated version because you didn’t have money, although you were ashamed, in a sense, to download a pirated version.
× The voice bank you found in the public domain was... Miku's voice bank!
× In general, you weren’t against it - you liked Miku, but she was somewhere in second or third place on the list of favorites.
× When you started making covers using her bank, a question arose - why do many people say that Miku is difficult for a beginner? You were great at tuning her voice. And people liked your covers.
× ...
× ....by the way, it’s strange that you no longer come across Miku anywhere other than your feed.
End of demo.
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pjsk-story-summaries · 6 months
Keep it Steady, Let's Aim for the Stars! Event Summary (WxS World Link)
TL;DR: Wonderlands x Showtime and the Virtual Singers encounter a strange, bustling new harbor area in the Wonderland SEKAI. While exploring, they find a map to a place called Star Island. However, a gust of wind blows the map away, only to be caught in the wings of a giant Phoenix. The group decides to chase after the Phoenix to recover the map.
While asking around the harbor for information, Rui, Rin, and Miku encounter a group of lonely zombie plushies. The rest of the plushies were scared of them due to their off-putting nature and tendency to bite as a greeting. Rui recognized himself in the way the plushies had convinced themselves that they were better on their own since nobody would understand them anyways, and vows to help them. With the help of the other Virutal Singers and his troupe, they put on a modified version of the Potato Ghost story to show the other plushies the zombies just wanted to be friends. As a reward, they learn that someone who knows about the Phoenix lives nearby.
Unfortunately, a large river blocks their path forward. Turtle plushies ferry others to the other bank, but at the moment, they're all too busy to take them. Nene and Luka come across an anxious turtle who dreams to one day ferry others across the river but is too scared to get in. Nene recognizes that fear, and with a little encouragement, tells the turtle about her own experience. She'd messed up before and was too scared to step on stage, but even so, she'd never stopped dreaming. Things are still scary, but the most important things are to find the courage to take the first step, friends to push you along, and the will to keep going. Moved by Nene's words, the turtle plushie manages to face their fear and enters the water. Thankful, they decide to take the rest of the group across the river.
Once across, they arrive at the house of Leon, a stuffed lion who's long studied the Phoenix. He tells them all about the Phoenix, as well as his dream to one day fly alongside Phoenix. He knows his dream is impossible, though. Emu, remembering how she had once felt in regards to the Wonder Stage and Phoenix Wonderland, cheers Leon up. As long as you hold your dream close and keep friends by your side, there's no problem you can't find a way to solve! Her words motivate Leon to not give up. The gang all follow him to the place Phoenix is most commonly seen.
After a bit of waiting, Phoenix flies down to greet them. Phoenix agrees to carry Leon, on the condition that they catch Phoenix flying in the sky first. Rui modifies Robonene to be able to leap high in the air, but she only has three chances and requires someone else to throw a net up. Tsukasa and Leon volunteer. The first two attempts fail, and Leon begins to doubt himself. Tsukasa, reminded of his own feelings of inadequacy, teaches Leon to turn those feelings into fuel. On the third and final attempt, though Phoenix dodges the net, Tsukasa leaps up and just barely grazes Phoenix. Though they failed their mission, Phoenix, impressed by their tenacity, promises to let Leon ride on Phoenix's back if they do manage to catch Phoenix one day. Phoenix also returns the map as a reward for their efforts.
Back at the harbor, the group inspects the map. They realize the different islands represent the shows they've done, and the various unmarked ones places they have yet to see. Tsukasa also comes to realize that the ship represents his evolving dream to "Aim for stardom, and together with my friends, we will embark on our journey of growth to many places". They try to sail towards Star Island, but the currents push them back. One day, once they've become true stars, they'll be able to sail there.
A plant bud blooms in the harbor.
Fan Translation (source: WxS translation team) / Second Focus Song (Tetrad that Illuminates the World) 3DMV / 2DMV
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Opening: The Virtual Singers had called Wonderlands x Showtime (and Nenerobo) to the strange new harbor town Rin and Len had found in the SEKAI. KAITO theorizes that Tsukasa's evolving feelings may have manifested this place, but none of them know what those feelings might be. They decide to explore and learn more. Len realizes they can board the ship on the harbor, and Emu finds a strange map inside. Upon inspection, they learn there are many islands scattered about, leading to a grand one called Star Island. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blows the map away. A grand Phoenix swoops down, and the map gets caught within the Phoenix's wings. The troupe decide to chase after the Phoenix and reclaim the map.
Rui Chapter 1: They start by talking to many plushies around the harbor town; however, none of them have seen the Phoenix. When talking to the innkeeper, Rui, Miku, and Rin learn the wide variety of plushies are visitors from the various islands. They come across a group of run down zombie plushies off on their own. The rest of the plushies are scared of them, since they have "twisted personalities" and bite when approached. The innkeeper tells the three that those zombies mean no harm; it's just how they greet people.
Rui decides to approach the zombies, letting them bite him and him biting back. The zombies don't trust Rui, however; they fear he's just pretending to be their friend to get what he wants, since everyone else is scared of them. They know they won't ever fit in with the others. Rui realizes they're just like he was back then.
Rui Chapter 2: Rui explains how he had given up on ever trying to fit in, since he thought nothing would ever change. However after meeting Tsukasa, Emu, Nene, and the others, he realized just how much he truly wanted to perform with others. He's changed since then; he even fought for his selfish wish to stay together as a troupe. Miku tells him his dream isn't selfish at all. Rui decides to help the zombies get along with the others, since he knows they don't actually want to be alone like they say they do.
He gathers the zombies, as well as the rest of his troupe, and puts on a modified version of the Potato Ghost play from "It's On! Wonder Halloween!". The show helps the other plushies realize the zombies were just trying to be friends, and that there truly isn't anything to be scared of. Rui reflects on the power of shows and how they truly can connect others. With that, the zombies reveal that someone who knows about the Phoenix lives nearby.
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Nene Chapter 1: A large river blocks the path between them and the one who knows about the Phoenix. Turtle plushies often ferry others to the other side, but they're all currently busy. They split up to go try and find an available one. Nene and Luka stumble upon a shy turtle who's dream is to ferry others, but after a storm flooded the area, it's now too scared to swim. Nene understands what it feels like to be terrified, but still unable to give up dreaming. Luka urges Nene to talk to the turtle.
Nene Chapter 2: Nene approaches the other turtle, and with reassurance from Luka, explains how she dreams of being a world-renowned actor, but after she'd forgotten her lines as a kid, became too scared to stand on stage again. She's still scared of a lot of things, especially the future, but she knows it's important to find the courage to move forward anyways. (It helps to have friends alongside you to give a push). The most important thing is the courage to take the first step.
Moved by Nene's words, the turtle successfully gets into the river. They then happily swim with Nene around the bay before taking the rest of Wonderlands x Showtime to the other side of the river. Nene reflects on how the future will be scary, but as long as she keeps moving forward with courage, she'll be alright.
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Emu Chapter 1: The gang arrives at the house and greet the one who knows about Phoenix, a stuffed lion named Leon. Emu explains their situation, and Leon agrees to help! He's been researching the Phoenix, who's revealed to hail from Star Island, for a long time now. Leon's dream is to fly alongside the Phoenix one day, but he knows it's impossible. Everyone around him says so. That statement reminded Emu of the time she'd felt the same, when Shosuke told her her dream to save Phoenix Wonderland's image was impossible.
Emu Chapter 2: Emu reassures Leon that it's important to have dreams, no matter how impossible they may seem. As long as you hold your dreams close, you'll find a way to make them reality! She knows what it's like to not be able to achieve your dreams, her friends gave her the courage to not give up and worked together to make them come true. It's all about working together!
Moved by Emu's words, Leon decides to ask the others to help him fly with the Phoenix. Len suggests that he tries asking to fly on the back of the Phoenix. The group all follows Leon to a place where the Phoenix is most likely to be. While leaving, Len comments on Emu's ability to make everyone smile, and how she'll be able to spread that all across the world now.
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Tsukasa Chapter 1: While waiting for the Phoenix, Tsukasa realizes he and Leon have similar dreams of chasing the impossible. Suddenly, the Phoenix arrives, so Tsukasa yells for Phoenix to come down. Leon explains his dream to Phoenix, but Phoenix refuses. Tsukasa refuses to leave, however. Phoenix decides to comply, but only if they manage to catch Phoenix flying in the sky. Len suggests using a net, like the one they'd used to catch Lion Dance Robot. Rui decides to modify Robonene so that she can leap up great distances, almost as if she were flying. However, she's limited to three jumps, and she can't throw the net herself. Leon volunteers to throw the net, so Tsukasa decides to go with him.
Tsukasa Chapter 2: After a bit of practice, Leon and Tsukasa are ready to go. On their first attempt, the wind blows the net off course. On the second, Leon throws too early and the net misses. Leon apologizes and begins to doubt himself. Tsukasa knows what it's like to want something so desperately but not be close enough to grasp it, remembering back to his feelings over Rio. He knows dreams aren't things to be extinguished so easily. Take that pain, embrace it, and turn it into the fuel to chase them! No matter what happens, the others will be there for them.
Motivated once again, Nenerobo leaps with Leon and Tsukasa for the final attempt. They get close, but Phoenix dodges the net. With one last ditch effort, Tsukasa jumps out of Nenerobo's arms and just barelt touches Phoenix before falling back to the ground. Emu notices one of Phoenix's feathers stuck to his back. Phoenix flies down to great them. Though the others didn't manage to capture Phoenix, Phoenix is impressed by their tenacity. If they manage to one day catch Phoenix, Phoenix promises to let them fly on Phoenix's back. Before flying off, Phoenix returns the map as a reward for the touch. Both Tsukasa and Leon resolve to keep chasing their dreams.
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Closing: The group inspects the map further, realizing some islands are marked with references to shows they'd done in the past, while others remain unmarked. KAITO guesses that the ship has gone on it's own journey towards Star Island, just like the others have been chasing stardom. Tsukasa realizes that his feelings have evolved to take the form of "Aim for stardom, and together with my friends, we will embark on our journey of growth to many places".
Emu decides to try sailing the ship to Star Island. Together with the help of the harbor's plushies, they push the ship out to the water. However, the currents keep pushing them back to the harbor. Though they can't go yet, Miku is certain they'll be able to make it someday. Tsukasa dubs the ship, "Pegasus Special Deluxe Wonder" as he asks the others to continue moving forward towards their dreams.
A plant bud blooms near the ship.
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[Note: Since multiple translators worked on this event, there are variances in how the new characters are translated. Specifically, Phoenix is referred to with both he and she pronouns by other characters, and Leon is also called Rion. I avoided pronoun use for Phoenix and used the localized Leon since it looks closest to "lion". When this event runs on the EN server, I will update this with their official naming conventions.]
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tewwor · 15 days
 🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒  🍒 
send🍒 for nice words >:) ( accepting ) — whoever sent this, ilu
anon, you're so goated 4 this. gotta crack my hand knuckles and brain knuckles for this because WHEW....... i do have that many folks i'd love to yap about in no particular order. also, this is so long — that's my only warning ❤️️
🍒 @desalvar idc if we've only written 1 thing together. i don't care if we haven't chatted an exuberant amount. i'm here to say i love nik sm and i love how passionate you are about him. those hcs i see floating around? eat them up instantly. i cannot wait to yap and explore more no matter how long it takes!!!!!!
🍒 @interxstitial YAINT SLICK. I SAW THAT OTHER ASK SO I MUST PUT YOU ON BLAST about how much i've come to cherish you. fr fr i haven't hehe'd haha'd with a relatively newish mutual this fast in a Long time. but you take the cake. the entire bakery, even. the way you just... okay, look, i said it literally when i first imed you, but your verses are so CHEFS KISS GOOD. THE WAY YOU WRITE IS SO INCREDIBLY GOOD. JIWON AS A ENTIRE CHARACTER IS SO SENSATIONAL.
you're so silly, he's so silly, we're all so silly together. the marked literally became a whole ass community because of your enthusiasm. it genuinely encouraged me to not hold back and continue to yap about all of their stupid nuanced dynamics. and the way we have soooooo many threads together, but they all feel different? juniper's just babey!!!! he's the marked's babey!!!!! don't even get me started on ravi.... i did not think anyone would pick him up by the scruff and hang onto that bro frat man bro. hes so ridiculous but you RAN WITH IT AND WE KEPT SPRINTING. you're amazing, i'm so so happy i followed you all those months ago ❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️
🍒 @gollldrush okay, not going to lie. you're currently an inspiration for my writing. there, i said it. you're so well-rounded with so many genres — like how can you write the most visceral angst, fluff, action, and eerily atmospheric threads? hello? i'm knocking on your blog door, teach me?????? i absolutely adore leo and ellory both SO much. but the way you write rilen specifically has me fascinated.
also, not to mention, it's a field day to chat with you in the best way possible. you're SO nice and you, too, have contributed greatly to the inner dynamics of the marked. i can't wait to see what other shenanigans we come up in the future ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
🍒 @justsurvival KEVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gosh. DARN. sorry if this comes across as too much, but i was so incredibly excited to see you back. would also like to thank the stars for aligning, because i literally got flashbacks to hatsune miku ORYN THE OTHER DAY OUT OF NOWHERE? the picture... haunts me....... anyways. you're a phenomenal writer across the board. you're so fun to chat with and your creativity's off the fucking charts. when i said i couldn't pick who to write a starter for, i meant it. the concepts are all so GOOD it amkes me ( wails on the floor )
🍒 @cordoliae vic, this is my official appreciate blog post tweet story. i cannot for the life of me... even begin to explain / do justice to how wonderful you are. like, as a person AND a writer — i am bowing down at the steepest degree. your writing is TOP TIER and it has influenced my writing so, so much. a lot of the prosier things i type has 10000% been from our earlier threads where mister no-good chanyeol plonked himself in baby jail to bother THE love his life 💗
also, idk if i've ever told you this but i got into botw because of you. like off to the sidelines, i got that game to relive some nostalgia and try to understand that world more and got dunked into getting lost in everything for an eternity. i would also like to POINT OUT that your understanding of ANY canon you write floors me. vincenzo? that's quite literally him pulled from the kdrama itself. BONGGIL? THAT'S HIM DIRECTLY FROM THE SCREEN ITSELF — ACTUALLY? I would like to also point out how ecstatic i was when you reached out about mutually loving exh.uma. i quite literally haven't tunneled that fast before, and while my focus is severally scattered right now — the best shamans are still in my brain. also, you're one of the 3 people that got me into op, so thank you sm for that ♡♡
🍒 @huntershowl ( kicks thru the wall big bird style ). raine... you.. i cannot describe everything i adore about you, but i sure can try. let's get the obvious out of the way, alright? seph, the creature that you are........ fantastic.. feral..... so for real with the cards you've been dealt............. i want to dub you and seph as THE ones that got me to progress jie so much. also litho HELLO? NOT TO DRAG THAT BEATEN HORSE BACK IN but i'm so serious when i say this, he's like so close to being a single ship with seph. highkey the reason why he only crawls out of his stupid cave when seph's around. it still might end up happening, but either way — the influence and sheer devotion and love he has for seph clocks me over the head every single time.
NOW FOR THE NEWERISH DEVELOPMENT. i might not be immersed in jj.k and only have a pinky toe dipped into wb / bn.ha BUT i know you're taking everything and everyone by storm. anytime i see one of your posts about anxiety ( which is so totally understandable ), i'd like to try and reassure you that there's an entire group of folks that love and adore your version of canons and ocs. and if anyone else tries to muck around like a fucking buffoon, i'll send a mathematical plague upon them i s2g
🍒 @xinxiins this is my confession.... not featuring usher, hi, it's just me. i'm clearing out the entire room to say that you have reconnected jie with his culture and i am so forever grateful for that. his slice of life verse version is currently hibernating, but i Did Not Forget about our yapping and immersion in a community he so desperately wanted to be a part of. and as someone that's also struggled with that connection, i thank you so so so SO much from the bottom of my heart. it's truly so incredibly special to have experienced that, and i hope to continue that in the future!!!!!!!!!!!! ALSO, YOUR WRITING IS BREATHTAKING. I FEEL LIKE THAT'S A GIVEN BUT I HAVE TO SAY IT ANYWAYS. AND YOU'RE A GEM TO TALK TO ❣❣❣❣❣❣❣
🍒 @fangmother don't mind me scooting on by, but hi, yes, hello. i know we recently started to interact, but a) love the way you write b) love the lore you have surrounding rainer b.1) i was so immersed reading up on her bio / verses — like, truly, thank you for the meal c) cannot wait to explore more dynamics because already, i'm buckled up for more replies and will eventually reach out just to yap yap yap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
🍒 @miidnighters brodie.... 100 golden stars for you. just.. gosh..... i can say with full confidence, i will never tire of your characters ever. i don't care if we have a million dynamics with the x amount of characters i have. i still want more!!!!!!!!! you're so talented. honestly very inspirational. idr if i told you this before, but you are also 100000% part of the reason why i got so involved with the marked. OH? ALSO? LETS NOT FORGET HARBORVIEW TOO? before the marked consumed me BUT HELLO???? FLYNN IS HARBORVIEW'S COLLECTIVE GROWN MAN BUT ALSO BABEY. ahem, anyways, i've learned so many new things about my own characters because of our interactions. and i always, always wish the best for you / am so grateful we're pals.
🍒 @catfcng going to be so fr, idk most of the fandoms you run with but i want to ( eventually )!!!!!!!!!! there's just something so captivating with the way you write and bring attention to your characters in the best way possible. also? your blog's entire aesthetic is So Good. i hope to write more with you and will always cheer loudly from the sidelines !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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verygoodestboy · 21 days
this isn’t a fully formed thought at the moment but if you say you “hate all americans and american things, EXCEPT minorities” you’re tokenizing us (minorities). we’re still americans, we still do all the things you hate like having regional cultures that differ across states, and eating burgers, and not knowing everything that’s going on in the rest of the world.
the international miku trend is fun and silly and a way for people to show off things they like about the place that they’re from! its a cute celebration of the full diversity of the world! it’s political only in the ways that all things are political because we live in a global society, but by and large, these drawings aren’t political action.
you refusing to enjoy or engage with white american mikus from florida or san diego, and actively calling their existence a drain on the art trend exclusively BECAUSE they’re american, while saying you “love Black miku only🥰” isn’t making you a Good Person. and you certainly aren’t winning any Black people brownie points.
i guess what i’m saying is stop using non white and minority americans to justify the hatred for the american government you keep deflecting onto white americans. not because white americans have “never done anything wrong uwu” but because they’re people like you are and people are not wholly good or wholly bad and discounting an entire group of people out of hand as BadTM is, at the very least, extremely unproductive
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ebi-noodle-doodles · 8 months
Had a 💡 moment.
Currently traveling and I badly want a fighting game with vocaloid/megpoid/utauloid characters in my head. I’m eager to learn game dev/ coding for this specific idea. I’m madly in love with
I designed Catsune/Nyatsune Miku with hair paws/claws. I also just came up with
Nyatsune Miku- Hair paws/claws. Her basic attacks are ofc her hair punch, spam and you get a hair stand oraoraoraoraora! Her hair grab and 👋 slap. Popipo vegetable juice riding it and running across the screen, leek helicopter (levanpolka). World is mine, love is war, brs and other that i could think of as song finishers
Luka Megurine - Ofc, tentacle hair. Octopus Luka. Her attacks are giant baseball throw of tako luka with a giant tuna, giant tuna smash, fresh catch, & hair grab. Some ideas for her finishing songs are JBF, Night fever, World dance hall, enbizaka, Magnet
Meiko- fox, cus it just seem fitting and she ate. Basic attacks are her sake, swinging her microphone stand, maybe a drunken fist style? Top of my head for a song finisher is conchita, will do more research since I forgor the others
Kaito- Wolf? cus Im basic. His attacks are ice cream/popsicle related! Freezes the enemy. Slaps them with giant popsicle & basic attack with his long scarf. Id like to add stuff like if he wins against a gakupo enemy madness of duke plays lol bunch of song finishers in my head cant remember titles-
Rin and Len- still not sure if otter or fennec. But Lens design would focus on his banana hair, he takes it out like my nendoroid and he throws it like a boomerang, he spamms and regrows his banana hair and ofc rin on her ribbon, ofc theres a theme here and its gonna be a huge ribbon, thinking if she uses each as shureken to mirror len’s banana boomerang throw! Also thinking if she could fly like Tails with it- 🚁 Too tired to list the songs but ofc ill include the daughter of evil series on everyone
Gumi- Rabbit. I love love love LOVE gumi and I remember her being 🥕 so a rabbit/bunny seems fitting! Giant carrot ofc, carrot attacks, her harvesting and pulling out the carrot only to bonk the enemy with it. Some songs that have two voice banks singing it would appear in their song finishers like Matryoshka!
Gakupo- Tiger? Lion? Still not sure but one of the finisher songs is def gonna be Madness of Duke- where if you finish of the enemy *you win* signs appear and him and the “ladies” are all lined up in the bg? Cant explain it properly but ye. Dancing samurai, go google it are on top of my head
This idea is heavily inspired by Super Gem fighter 😭 I love that game so much I want something similar except in the consecutive acts where like you change “outfits/designs” in Super Gem fighter (SGF) in this game you do it also with Song references changing outfits/designs/ base on that songs mv and each phase of the attack is a different song reference where if you finish of an enemy in that phase of the attack you finish them of with the song and stay on that costume/outfit/design and have like a finishing move or moment i.e Len vs Rin Daughter of evil and Servant of evil, Rin(Player1) finishes off Len(enemy/player2) and winning the game, Rin crying after-
Ofc theres secret characters. Top of my head rn is BRS. Not sure if Teto should be a secret character. Maybe her old design and then her new one is included since you know her being official! Additional characters/content would be Kaii Yuki, Vflower, SeeU, Iroha, Lily, IA and more. Theres so much still on my head and I want to make it happen 😭😭😭😭
Just blabbering my thoughts if anyones gonna even read hahah! Its really cold from where i am rn 🦭 This sparks inspo when I get home
Also this is a pixel base! Gotta love them classics
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