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jasab · 1 year ago
A must watch 🙂▶️ The message, wisdom, and the bold yet respectful timbre of Zach's voice are so powerful and mesmerizing; you can clearly see that Jay is somewhat overshadowed by him. A pure bliss if you can spare the time.
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optimisticgalaxydreamland · 14 days ago
Butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid produced by gut bacteria that ferment dietary fiber, helps improve metabolic health by enhancing insulin function, regulating glucose levels and supporting healthy body composition
Unlike most cells that use glucose, colonocytes (the epithelial cells that line your colon) prefer butyrate for energy, converting 70% to 80% through beta-oxidation to maintain gut barrier health
Promoting butyrate production through fiber intake is beneficial, but only if your gut is healthy. If your gut is compromised, starting with dextrose water before transitioning to whole foods is recommended
Lifestyle factors significantly impact butyrate production, with chronic stress, smoking, excessive drinking and antibiotic overuse reducing beneficial gut bacteria and SCFA production
Excessive linoleic acid consumption, common in processed foods and vegetable oils, reduce beneficial gut bacteria, negatively affecting gut and metabolic health
The document "Butyrate - The Metabolic Powerhouse Fueling the Gut and Beyond" by Dr. Joseph Mercola explores the critical role of butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid produced by gut bacteria through the fermentation of dietary fiber. Butyrate is highlighted for its ability to enhance metabolic health by improving insulin sensitivity, regulating glucose levels, and supporting a healthy body composition. Unlike most cells that rely on glucose, colonocytes—the cells lining the colon—prefer butyrate as their primary energy source, utilizing up to 80% of it through beta-oxidation to maintain gut barrier health. This preference underscores butyrate's essential role in sustaining the health and function of the colonic epithelium.
The document emphasizes that while promoting butyrate production through increased fiber intake is generally beneficial, it is effective only if the gut is healthy. For individuals with compromised gut health, starting with dextrose water before transitioning to whole foods is recommended to avoid exacerbating existing issues. Lifestyle factors such as chronic stress, smoking, excessive drinking, and antibiotic overuse can negatively impact beneficial gut bacteria and SCFA production. Additionally, excessive consumption of linoleic acid, commonly found in processed foods and vegetable oils, can reduce beneficial gut bacteria, further compromising gut and metabolic health.
Butyrate's role in strengthening the gut barrier is significant, as it targets tight junctions, the mucus layer, and the production of antimicrobial peptides, thereby preventing inflammation and immune activation. Its anti-inflammatory properties are exerted through various mechanisms, including inhibiting pathobiont growth, increasing mucosal barrier integrity, and modulating immune cells. Beyond its gut-specific benefits, butyrate also plays a role in managing obesity by influencing energy expenditure, enhancing fat oxidation, and modulating appetite-regulating pathways.
The document notes that while dietary fiber is essential for butyrate production, individuals with damaged gut microbiomes may experience adverse effects from high-fiber intake, as it can fuel pathogenic bacteria and produce endotoxins. To benefit from a high-fiber diet, it is crucial to first heal and seal the gut, allowing beneficial bacteria to thrive. This process involves gradually introducing complex carbohydrate sources, such as whole fruits and white rice, after initially using dextrose water to support gut healing. Limiting linoleic acid intake to less than 5 grams per day is also recommended to support butyrate production and overall gut health. Overall, the document underscores the importance of a healthy gut for effective butyrate production and its role in maintaining metabolic and gut health. Key points:
Metabolic Health: Butyrate enhances metabolic health by improving insulin sensitivity, regulating glucose levels, and supporting healthy body composition.
Energy Source for Colonocytes: Unlike most cells that use glucose, colonocytes (cells lining the colon) prefer butyrate for energy, converting 70% to 80% through beta-oxidation to maintain gut barrier health.
Gut Health: Promoting butyrate production through fiber intake is beneficial, but only if the gut is healthy. For compromised guts, starting with dextrose water before transitioning to whole foods is recommended.
Lifestyle Factors: Chronic stress, smoking, excessive drinking, and antibiotic overuse can reduce beneficial gut bacteria and SCFA production.
Linoleic Acid: Excessive consumption of linoleic acid, common in processed foods, can reduce beneficial gut bacteria, negatively affecting gut and metabolic health.
Gut Barrier Function: Butyrate strengthens the gut barrier by targeting tight junctions, the mucus layer, and the production of antimicrobial peptides, thereby preventing inflammation and immune activation.
Anti-Inflammatory Action: Butyrate exerts anti-inflammatory effects by inhibiting pathobiont growth, increasing mucosal barrier integrity, and modulating immune cells.
Obesity Management: Butyrate fights obesity by influencing energy expenditure, enhancing fat oxidation, and modulating appetite-regulating pathways.
Dietary Fiber: While dietary fiber is essential for butyrate production, a healthy gut microbiome is necessary to reap its benefits. High-fiber intake can exacerbate issues in individuals with damaged microbiomes.
Gut Healing: For those with compromised gut health, starting with dextrose water and gradually transitioning to whole fruits and other complex carb sources is recommended.
Linoleic Acid Limitation: Limiting linoleic acid intake to less than 5 grams a day is advised to support butyrate production and overall gut health.
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my-pdiet · 26 days ago
🧪🚨 ¿Beber solo jugos puede dañar tu salud en solo 3 días? Un estudio lo revela
Si pensabas que una dieta detox con jugos era la clave para desintoxicar tu cuerpo y mejorar tu salud… ¡piénsalo de nuevo! Un estudio de la Universidad Northwestern acaba de demostrar que tomar solo jugos por tres días puede alterar tu microbioma y provocar inflamación y deterioro cognitivo. 😱🥤
📉 ¿Qué encontraron los investigadores? 🔬 Un aumento de bacterias perjudiciales en el intestino y la boca. 🥗 La falta de fibra en los jugos promueve la inflamación y la permeabilidad intestinal. 🧠 Cambios en el microbioma que pueden afectar el metabolismo, la inmunidad y la salud mental.
💡 ¿La solución? 🍏 Come frutas y verduras enteras para conservar la fibra. 🥤 Si bebes jugos, acompáñalos con alimentos sólidos para equilibrar su efecto. 🍓 Mejor elige batidos (smoothies) que mantienen la fibra y protegen tu microbiota.
🔍 La ciencia nos recuerda que la mejor alimentación es la que respeta las necesidades de nuestro cuerpo. No te dejes engañar por las modas. 😉
💬 ¿Has probado alguna vez una dieta solo de jugos? ¿Cómo fue tu experiencia? ¡Déjalo en los comentarios! 👇
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mediosdigitalesdelsur · 2 months ago
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otrocorte · 6 months ago
¡Un MINI ecosistema en tu ombligo! 🦠🌍 😮 ¡Increíble pero cierto! Tu ombligo alberga un mini ecosistema con bacterias únicas que viven ahí. 🌱🔬 En este video, exploramos cómo un simple ombligo puede ser hogar de tantas formas de vida. ¡Te sorprenderás con lo que encontrarás! Aprende sobre la ciencia detrás de este fenómeno y cómo cada ombligo es diferente. 🧬✨
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saudeessencial · 6 months ago
Benefícios dos Superalimentos: Fortaleça seu Sistema Imunológico e Combata Doenças
Você já ouviu falar dos superalimentos? Se ainda não, prepare-se para uma verdadeira revolução na sua dieta! Os superalimentos estão dominando o mundo da saúde e nutrição, e não é por acaso. Esses ingredientes naturais são verdadeiros concentrados de nutrientes essenciais, capazes de transformar sua saúde, aumentar sua energia e até melhorar o seu humor. Quer saber mais? Continue lendo e descubra…
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egvyume · 7 months ago
Fresh Hair Treatment y Fresh Shampoo: el combo perfecto para evitar el encrespamiento
Serie trucos sin trato Y no lo digo por decir; ésta es una combinación que le va de lujo a mi pelo. Y no, no va por ahí, así que no imagines, y mira, mira 👀 👇 View this post on Instagram A post shared by Elisa Guirado | Cosmetica natural | embajadora Ringana (@elisa_healthyharmony) Hace un mes, empecé una serie mensual de pequeños trucos que te ayuden a ahorrar tiempo, dinero, etc. Este tipo…
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beautyscenario · 1 year ago
Microbiota: ne parliamo con l'esperta Maria Rescigno
Ho scoperto la prof.ssa Maria Rescigno per caso. Tre anni fa avevo letto un articolo sul microbioma che mi aveva molto incuriosito, facendo una ricerca su libri inerenti all’argomento il suo “Microbiota, arma segreta del sistema immunitario” fu il primo ad attrarre la mia attenzione. Ho iniziato ad appassionarmi al tema leggendo altri libri, tra cui anche il suo “Microbiota geniale”, uscito mesi…
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immunobiz · 1 year ago
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gt-bones · 1 year ago
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lospeakerscorner · 1 year ago
Conteniamo moltitudini di microbioma
Cos’è il microbioma? Quali sono i benefici che questo microrganismo apporta alla salute e all’Ambiente? Quale il suo scopo nella produzione alimentare? di Stanislao Scognamiglio  PORTICI | CITTÀ METROPOLITANA DI NAPOLI – Nel bene confiscato Villa Fernandes in via Armando Diaz martedì 14 novembre, con inizio alle ore 17.30, il Portici Science Cafè inaugura il suo X ciclo di incontri i di…
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cerebrodigital · 2 years ago
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pier-carlo-universe · 2 months ago
Sarà possibile guarire dall'autismo? La ricerca e le prospettive future
Ad oggi, non esistono farmaci in grado di "guarire" dall'autismo, in quanto l'autismo non è una malattia, ma una condizione neurologica e neurodivergente caratterizzata da un diverso modo di percepire e interagire con il mondo
Ad oggi, non esistono farmaci in grado di “guarire” dall’autismo, in quanto l’autismo non è una malattia, ma una condizione neurologica e neurodivergente caratterizzata da un diverso modo di percepire e interagire con il mondo. L’autismo rientra nello spettro dei disturbi del neuro-sviluppo (Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico, o DSA) e si manifesta con caratteristiche uniche in ogni individuo, che…
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my-pdiet · 8 months ago
Potencia tu Salud Intestinal
¡Transforma tu salud intestinal con cacahuetes y especias! 🌿
Cacahuetes: Comer una onza diaria (28g) aumenta las bacterias buenas (Ruminococcaceae) 🥜👍.
Especias: Añadir especias como canela, jengibre, cúrcuma y más, mejora la diversidad bacteriana 🌶️✨.
Beneficios: Mejora el metabolismo hepático y la función inmunológica 💪. Fácil de implementar: Pequeños cambios en tu dieta diaria pueden marcar una gran diferencia 🍽️.
Investigación: Estudios de Penn State respaldan estos beneficios científicos 🧪📚. ¡Incorpora estos ingredientes y disfruta de una mejor salud intestinal hoy mismo! 🥗🚀
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nutriologocesar · 10 months ago
Echa un vistazo a esta entrada… "Relajación y Microbioma: Descifrando su Influencia en la Salud Materna e Infantil".
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egvyume · 9 months ago
Cómo evitar la sequedad e irritación de tu cuero cabelludo
🌸Bienvenid@🌸 Toda mi vida he tenido problemas con mi pelo: seco en puntas y medios, y graso en las raíces. Siguiendo el consejo de mi dermatóloga, usaba champús para piel grasa: algo que agravó el problema y me regaló una psoriasis capilar (como tener pica pica en la cabeza, ¡uff!). Finalmente, cambié de enfoque y poco a poco todo mejoró (esa es una historia para otro día), hasta llegar a…
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