#Merlin is too friendly for his sake
futurepastme · 2 months
George and Merlin being friends
I couldn't resist, direct follow up from Gaius and Merlin have dinner.
I don't care how out of character George is acting, them being silly friends is cute. Maybe too cute.
George deserves to be more than a bad Merlin replacement.
Merlin nodded goodbye and joined George, closing the door behind them.
They followed through Camelot’s hallways silently, walking side by side, neither of them minding to keep a conversation, until they walked past one of the entrances to the servant’s quarters and George kept walking along with Merlin. 
“Are you not done yet, George?”
“Ah, yes, I just need Prince Arthur’s dismissal from the day.”
Merlin spinned around, stopping in front of George with both hands on his shoulders. He could feel him tense up a little, from the surprise or from the touch, Merlin didn’t know.
“You don’t need his dismissal, George, I’ll take over from here.”
George got even more tense, and Merlin decided to let go of him. “I don’t know, Merlin, he really hasn’t dismissed me after asking for you.”
Merlin’s eyebrows went up at the absurdity, but at the same time he offered George a kind smile. “George, you are dismissed. If anyone - even Prince Arthur - has any problem with it in the morning, you come to me and I’ll face the consequences.” George’s eyes grew bigger and he started to shake his head.
“Honestly, George, I can’t believe you’re making me do this.” He filled his lungs with air, straightened his posture, and looked directly at George’s worried eyes. “As the Prince’s manservant I outrank you, - bullshit if you ask me but still true, so - as your superior, I Merlin Hunithson, dismiss you from your duties of the day and give you permission to retire.” He finished with a sly smile.
George’s eyes grew even bigger and his eyebrows raised, but then Merlin could see a small smile trying to escape from the corner of his mouth and his features began to soften.
“In that case,” George made a flourish with his arm and bowed down - a low, waist bending bow that made Merlin freeze with a weird smile. “By your leave, My Lord.”
Merlin stared at him for a moment before letting a small laugh escape. George looked at him smiling as he straightened up, Merlin’s laugh grew and George joined him. Merlin then threw one arm around George’s shoulders and fake dried non-existent tears with the other. “Seriously, though, address me with a title again and I’ll pull your ears with such strength that they’ll end up bigger than mine.” He said in jest, making sure to let it show in his face that he was joking. I mean, he was partially joking, but he hopes George takes the threat a little seriously. 
George lowered his head with a smile and escaped from Merlin’s arms. “Better not risk it then, Merlin it is.”
Merlin stares at this very uncharacteristic secret side of George that he just uncovered and he finds that George is not just a good guy and a great servant, but also quite funny and seemingly great friend material. “Thank you, George, for taking care of Prince Arthur today.”
George smiled, “Just doing my job… Sire!”
“That’s it! Big ears to you!” Merlin raised his hands ominously towards George’s ears and slowly walked forward.
George yelped and ran down the way they came with a little laugh. “Goodnight Merlin, Sir!”
“Night, George!” Merlin yelled back and watched Geroge disappear through the servant’s quarters entrance.
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frost-queen · 4 months
Falling leaves (Reader x Prince Zuko)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic  , @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22 , @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers  , @merlieve   , @queen-of-books  , @glimmering-darling-dolly  ,@denkisclown   , @wildieflower  ,@meyocoko   , @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl , @m-rae23 , @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr  , @swampthing07  , @melsunshine   , @panhoeofmanyfandoms  , @venomsvl , @the-uncoordinated-house-cat ,@rosecentury  ,  @imagines-by-her  ,  @evilcr0ne  , @vviolynn   , @niktwazny303  ,@avada-kedavra-bitch-187  , @markive-m , @sweetheartlizzie07
Summary: Lu Ten and you used to be engaged untill the news fell upon you of his death. After Lu Ten's death, grow Zuko and you closer. Eventually falling for each other, but remaining too guilty in honour of Lu Ten. Yet a simple nudge of Iroh eases Zuko in the right direction.
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Anxiously you were pacing around in your room. Unable to sleep. Barely even attempted to go to bed when you had such a heavy weight on you. Something was occurring. You could sense it. Ever since Lu Ten has been called out to war, you’ve had nothing but restless sleep. Yet this was different. Mostly you could call asleep at some point.
Now you simply couldn’t. Afraid that if you might go to sleep, you might miss something of importance. There hadn’t been recent notes from him for days now as it started to worry you. Pacing around as your thumb rested between your teeth. Trying, hoping there would be news from him.
Yet deep down, you feared that if you might receive news, it wouldn’t be the best news. Your feet having walked countless steps. Simply going back and forth. It had become a routine, you would do mindlessly. Feet never seeming to tire out.
The candles were almost burned out. But a little stomp with the smallest of flames. Their nature light having dimmed the room. Anxiety rose as you so hoped there wouldn’t be any news. Hoping that Lu Ten was alright and would return from war. If not for the sake of you, then for the sake of his father Iroh. Countless more steps you did. Not once tired.
The sound of sudden knock on the door made you stop. Staring still at that cold door. Swallowing nervously, you blinked rapidly to keep your emotions down. – “Yes.” – you spoke watching as the door opened. You had expected an officer, a soldier, anyone but not him. Iroh came in sight as he pushed the door further open. His gaze kept on the ground. It was enough.
You inhaled deep with a shiver, lip trembling. Iroh entered, closing the door behind him. – “Y/n…” – he started unable to lift his gaze up to you. You noticed a piece of parchment in his hand, slightly hidden behind his back. – “I…my son…” – he said finally lifting his gaze up to you. Eyes glossy with hidden tears.
You bowed your head to him, pressing your lips together to silence your cry. Iroh noticed how you haven’t even prepared to go to bed. Still in full attire as if you had been waiting for any news. Iroh moved his hand with the letter in it, trembling to the front. – “My son…” – he repeated too much of a burden to speak the words. You went down on your knees, laying down, bowing the lowest to him. Iroh sniffled touched by your gesture of respect.
“My deepest apologies to you Y/n.” – Iroh spoke as it made you lift your head up. – “You lost a son.” – you replied not wanting him to apologize to you. There was no need for him to apologize to you. Not while he was grieving so much of his son. – “You lost a love.” – he answered, moving his hands togethers to bow at you. Getting up, you walked up to him. Cherishing your hands under his to lift him up.
Make him stand up straight once more. – “I bow to you.” – you friendly scolded him with a saddened smile. Iroh smiled faintly back at you. He then retired to his own quarters to grief for his son whoever he pleased. The moment he left, you felt yourself unbalance. Wobbly on your feet as it made you bump against the cabinet.
Hand brought up to your mouth, to deafen out your sobs. For your fiancé Lu Ten had lost his life in battle. The shock finally entering your body like an explosion. Shaking you to your core as it made every fibre in you tremble. Tremble as you let out a scream of agony. Scream so loud it died out to grasp for air followed by loud sobs and cries.
The very ground from underneath your feet caved away. For that night and many more nights they would be sleepless. The news of Lu Ten’s passing roamed quickly through the palace. The ceremony in honour of Lu Ten came three days later. Giving Iroh the time to grief alone and in silence. Lu Ten’s ceremony was peaceful. Iroh sat down. Three more empty chairs beside him.
You stood upright to his right. Hands folded together. Many of those who came to pay their respects, only had eyes for Iroh and his grief. Bowing to him without a word. You didn’t need the attention as you were but Lu Ten’s to be bride.
Prince Zuko paid his respects to Lu Ten. He then paused in front of his uncle. Bowing to him as well. For a moment he was about to move on, till he decided to stay. Iroh’s gaze slowly going up as he noticed Zuko had lingered. No one else took the time to linger. – “When my studies weren’t going well and father was unhappy.” – Zuko began looking humble at the ground. 
“Lu Ten gave me this.” – Iroh’s gaze went down to Zuko’s hand. Clearly holding something hidden in his palm. – “He won it for finishing first in his officers class. He said it should belong to someone  destined to do great things.” – Zuko continued as Iroh recognized it. – “It gave me strength.” – Zuko spoke with clarity. With a soft breath, he knelt down, taking his uncle’s hand to place the medal in his hand.
Zuko rose once more. – “Lu Ten didn’t needed it.” – he spoke looking back at his uncle. – “Because he was the strongest person I knew.” – Zuko finished with a caring smile. His uncle closed his hand on the medal, blinking a few tears away. Zuko then surprisingly turned to you. Holding his hands together to give you a bow.
It made you blink surprised as he was the first person to acknowledge your pain too. – “He loved you very much Y/n.” – Zuko said to you before coming to sit next to his uncle. Showing his gratitude and support to his uncle in his grieving. After the ceremony, you excused yourself from everyone. Heading up to the balcony. Arms resting on the railing as you let the breeze blow your tears away.
You didn’t notice someone approaching till you felt a presence near you. – “Prince Zuko.” – you said surprised, turning to bow at him. Zuko held his hand up with a sheepish smile. – “Please Y/n.” – he said not wanting you to threat him so stiffly as all the others did. With a simple nod, you accepted it. – “What you did for your uncle was very warmly.” – you told him gazing at the view. Zuko came resting his arms on the railing beside you.
“I am sorry not one of them acknowledged your pain, Y/n.” – Zuko said with sympathy. – “It is quite alright.” – you replied in a soft tone. – “It is not.” – Zuko answered with fierceness. – “You loved Lu Ten. You have every right to be threated with respect.” – you could see that he was getting a bit worked up over it. It made you chuckle a bit.
Zuko curled up a smile as well from seeing you light up. – “Thank you.” – you whispered out, feeling as if your heart was lighter. Zuko moved his hand to his chest, bowing to you. You turned back to the scenery, breathing deep. – “I shall leave you now…” – Zuko began with a gesture, already turning his posture away. – “Please!” – you called out making him stop his action. – “Stay.” – you finished sweetly, not wanting to be alone.
Zuko moved back beside you, remaining quiet as he enjoyed the scenery with you. He stayed with you until it grew too cold. Zuko led you back inside, for you to seek out warmth once more. Zuko bowed his head when he had guided you up to your quarters. You bend through your knees to curtsy at him. Zuko kept smiling at you as you closed the door on him. Surprisingly that night you slept well. The moment your head hit the pillow, you dreamed off.
As the sun rose once more, were you greeted by Prince Zuko once more. Waiting for you in the hallways to join you. Give you comfort and set your mind of your grief. It was nice to share more than tears. Zuko and you started to share small talk. Speak about the most simplest of things to get your minds off it. There was still time for grieving, but there were also moments of joy.
As the leaves changed Zuko and you grew closer to each other. Having spend so many time together it was almost impossible to not share a moment together a day. Zuko was once again waiting for you. – “Y/n there you are!” – he exclaimed, taking your hand to pull you along. – “Zuko do you not have studies?” – you questioned. – “Finished early.” – he breathed out, tugging more on you to hurry up.
You raised your eyebrow questionable up to him. Zuko placed his hand on yours that he was still holding. – “Oh come on Y/n. You know what an excellent student I am.” – he let out, making you laugh loud. Zuko led you outside to the pond. – “You should not neglect your studies. Your sister does not.” – you told him.
Zuko groaned soft. – “Can we please not talk about Azula.” – he answered with a bothered expression. – “Alright.” – you gave in moving your hand up. In the pond was a little family of turtle duck as you awed at them. – “Would you like to feed them?” – Zuko proposed already revealing some bread. You looked at him, how clearly he had foreseen this. Zuko shrugged his shoulders, giving you a piece of bread.
You started breaking it into smaller bits, tossing it into the pond. The turtle ducks swam over to it, nibbling on the bread. One of the little one’s bit at the bread, using a bit too much force as he dipped down, head first in the water. It made you laugh soft at how cute that looked. Hearing you laugh made Zuko smile. You started to throw more bread in the pond as Zuko kept giving you crumbled bread to toss.
 “Neglecting your studies for low life pets?” – A sharp voice came through making you gasp. – “What do you want Azula!” – Zuko said firm standing in front of you. – “Oh zuzu you humour me.” – Azula responded with a sneer. – “Perhaps you should keep feeding stupid ducks, for I’ll be sure to out do you soon enough… oh wait. I already did.” – she finished with a devilish chuckle. Zuko got tense as he wanted to have a go at her, but you stopped him.
Knowing Azula wasn’t worth it. – “Right have our cousin’s hand me down keep you tamed Zuzu.” – Azula mocked making you clench your jaw. – “Do not speak about Y/n like that!” – Zuko called out. It only seemed to amuse Azula more. – “I shall speak to her how I like!” – Azula shouted back, readying herself. Zuko’s eyes widened when he saw his sister create fire. Sending it towards the two of you.
Zuko wrapped his arms around you, pushing you to the side as he dove with you to the ground. Azula’s fire blowing over your heads. Azula laughed manically before taking her leave. – “Are… are you alright Y/n?” – Zuko questioned, lifting his head up as he suddenly noticed how close he was to your face. You nodded with a soft hum staring with wide eyes at him. Zuko’s eyes flicked briefly down to your lips as did yours.
Heart pounding louder as your eyes got drawn to his lips once more. Wondering what it would feel like to kiss them. For over the past few months that you had been spending more with him, you started to fall in love with Zuko. The sound of your heart beating got overwhelming as in this moment you wanted him to kiss you. The thought seemed to have crossed his mind as well. He moved his head a bit down, already tilting it to the side, slowly closing his eyes.
You felt his breath tickle your lips, anticipating the kiss. – “I…I shouldn’t.” – Zuko said pulling himself away. You got up as well, nodding. – “We shouldn’t.” – you responded, feeling guilty. Guilty for betraying Lu Ten. Zuko helped you up to your feet as you didn’t speak a word. Leaving in separate ways, too ashamed for ruining the memory of Lu Ten.
Zuko made his way into the palace, sighing deep. – “Nephew!” – Iroh’s stern voice came through, startling Zuko. – “Uncle.” – he spoke surprised. – “Were you just outside with Y/n?” – he asked. – “No…yes… I mean…” – Zuko stuttered out not sure how to respond to this. Zuko exhaled deep. – “I know I spend too much time with her and I am sorry for it uncle. I won’t let it happen again.”
Iroh furrowed his brows.  – “And why would you want to do that?” – he questioned again. – “Because…” – Zuko started trying to make it obvious without hurting his uncle’s feelings. Iroh picked up on it, chuckling deep. – “If you worry about me do not. I see how the two of you are around each other. You smile more nephew. I like to see you more smile.” – Iroh said with a nudge at Zuko.
“I…I don’t understand uncle.” – Zuko responded confused. Iroh chuckled once more, laying a hand on Zuko’s shoulder. – “If you worry about me do not. I would want nothing more than my favourite nephew to be happy with Y/n.” – he teased him. – “I am your only nephew.” – Zuko joked making Iroh laugh loud. – “Go on.” – Iroh gave Zuko another nudge back in the direction of the gardens. Zuko smiled, hugging his uncle before running back outside to look for you.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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suugarbabe · 1 year
OMG congrats for 1k!!!!💚
Since you said would like Enzo requests, and your celebration seems very cute, a Enzo x Nott!Reader with the prompt of Soulmate aus?
Maybe Reader is Theo's younger sister and goes to another school, and knows/has heard of Enzo through Theo, and somehow they become pen-pals? Just writing letters to eachother, very sweet and friendly.
Then Theo invites his slytherin friends home, Enzo and Reader meet and they realize they are soulmates? With a sprinkle of overprotective older brother Theo.🤭💚
I really do love Lorenzo, please guys send me more Enzo recs i need them biblically
Enzo would have met you during summer holiday going into his fifth year, you in your fourth. You were instantly smitten (how could you not be). Being a Nott, you had your boldness to you as well, so you wrote him first.
When the owl dropped the first letter down in front of Enzo, Theo originally thought it was for him, given it was your owl. However, when he saw Lorenzo Berkshire in your loopy handwriting he instantly became angry; over protective.
"Why in the bloody hell did you just get a letter from my sister?" Theo threw the letter at Enzo, who's cheeks instantly flushed, "I-I don't know..." Which was the truth, he had no idea. He made the choice to not open it there, despite Theo's demands that he do.
Enzo instead opened it after everyone else had went to sleep. You were straightforward, flirty, telling Enzo how smart you thought he was, how kind his eyes were, how attractive you found him and how sad you were that you wouldn't be able to see him again until next summer.
He wrote you back, telling you of your beauty, admiring your wit and admitting that he was slightly afraid of Theo given the look he had received when your letter arrived.
But it went on like this, back and forth for weeks on end, Enzo even learning a little Italian to put it in his letters to impress you (and it did). And you found yourself growing fonder and fonder with each letter exchanged.
When Christmas holiday came around, Theo barged in your room, "My friends are coming next week and staying through New Years. Stay away from Enzo."
You scoffed, "Excuse me?"
"You heard me, I know you're his little bloody pen pal or whatever you two call it. He's not allowed in your room and you two are not allowed alone together."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes, "Who do you think you are? My father?"
It was Theo's turn to scoff, "Please, you're lucky it's me and not Papà."
You knew he was right, but you were just as stubborn as him, "I'm not making any promises." Theo stalked out of your room after that.
When the boys arrived, you appeased Theo and kept your distance. For as long as you could, anyway. Enzo had thought maybe he had done something wrong, written something that had upset you in his last letter before he arrived.
So when New Years Eve arrived and he felt himself being pulled from the hall into a room he was sure it was Theo about to beat the shite out of him.
When his back was pushed against the wall and he saw your face instead, he instantly let out a deep sigh, "Merlin's sake, love, I thought you were your brother."
You faked offense, "You expected Theo to bring you in to his room and snog you?"
"No! Wait, what did you say?" Enzo's face went through a few emotions. First shock, then his cheeks flushed and he couldn't help but stutter.
"I said," you took a step closer to him, "I pulled you in here with maybe not the most innocent of intentions."
You wrapped your arms around Enzo's neck, his hands finding solace on your hips nearly on instinct. You stood on your tip toes, lacing your fingers at the base of Enzo's neck and pulling him down slightly.
He responded without hesitation, his lips finding yours like a magnet. You knew in that moment that this one kiss wasn't going to be enough. His lips were too soft, fit yours too perfectly. He hands felt too good on your body and they barely strayed far from your hips.
When you finally pulled back Enzo was chasing your lips, successfully landing one, two, three more pecks on your lips before finally allowing you to speak.
"You should get back," he was saddened by your words, but nodded in understanding. "I know, but right now I feel like I would be okay with Theo being mad at me."
You giggled, thumb lightly tracing his cheek, "Well you know which room is mine, now you can come back after he falls asleep." Enzo held your face in both of his hands, placing one last long, hard kiss to your lips which you took as an acceptance to your plan before leaving you in your room alone, thoughts of later that night dancing in your head.
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wumiings · 1 year
The thing that really gets me about Merlin and Arthur’s dynamic re: being simultaneously friends (implies equality) and master/servant (unequal) is the way they both understand what this means so differently.
Like, Arthur is not deliberately cruel as a person. He sometimes lashes out in anger— particularly to cover hurt, fear, or insecurity— and is not above using his and Merlin’s relative stations to his advantage in the moment. But while this is certainly not okay, it does not characterize most of their interactions.
Most of the time, when Arthur insults Merlin, or roughhouses with him, or assigns him too many chores just to be petty, he clearly seems to think of it as friendly banter/play. And when Merlin insults him right back, or complains without real heat, or half-asses the chores, Arthur takes it as confirmation that they’re on the same page.
Because here’s the thing: when Arthur says, “You’re my servant, so we can’t be friends [paraphrase: but under other circumstances, we might be],” what he means is that they are obviously friends but they’re not allowed to call each other that, or act like it. It’s against the social rules of their environment to acknowledge their friendship.
But that is not what those words mean to Merlin. He does see Arthur as a friend, but not in the sense that they’re just playing along with the roles of servant and master. Because unlike Arthur, there is an inherent threat to Merlin’s safety and well-being implied by any reminder of those roles.
“You’re almost like a friend [except you’re my servant]” doesn’t just mean they can’t use the word. It means “I have power over you, and in moments when it’s inconvenient to treat you as a friend (see: the anger), I can and will use that power to put you back in your place.”
It’s a reminder that Arthur has fired, overworked, struck, imprisoned, threatened with exile, and held a sword to Merlin’s throat before, and so long as Merlin needs to keep his magic a secret for the sake of staying by Arthur’s side, he is powerless to do anything about it. It could happen again.
Merlin insults Arthur because he knows he can get away with it (as long as he stops when more serious threats are invoked). He complains but allows those complaints to be taken as jokes/exaggerations, because he doesn’t expect his hurts to be taken seriously and doesn’t feel comfortable making himself vulnerable to Arthur about how his actions affect him.
The chores situation in particular aggravates me to no end, because Merlin is routinely expected to do things that do not by any means fall under the purview of a personal servant. Why would he be mucking out the stables?? Surely there are stable hands who are paid to do that. And why does he do the laundry himself instead of delivering it to the laundress?
All this in addition to apprenticing with Gaius (or working as a fully qualified physician post-4x08) and going along on patrols/missions/etc. doing what I’m pretty sure would normally be a squire’s duties? As none of the knights seem to have one??
Admittedly, Merlin sometimes insists on going along on missions for Protecting Arthur Reasons, which is not Arthur’s fault, but still. Arthur knows the kind of hours Merlin is putting in. Which makes moments like in 3x01, when he undervalues, belittles, and then intentionally undoes Merlin’s hard work (cleaning the floor) so frustrating to watch.
But again, Arthur is not cruel! I never get the sense that he truly enjoys causing Merlin real emotional distress. The problem is that he consistently underestimates the amount of distress that Merlin is actually in — partly because (as previously stated) Merlin often undersells his own feelings.
TL;DR - Merlin is Arthur’s friend! His only/closest friend!! Arthur looks at Merlin and sees someone brave and loyal and absolutely worth risking his life for. But his privilege blinds him to the ways in which he fails to treat Merlin like a friend should. Outside of life-or-death situations, he doesn’t often behave as though he values Merlin (his time, his effort, his capabilities, or his friendship) particularly much. And that’s a fucking tragedy.
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jecksaa · 1 year
A Ghostly Touch
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It's the last day of Kinkmas and I finally had a bit more inspiration! On the last day i give you Richard Jackdaw Prompt was Spectrophilia. word count - 1.6k Enjoy! and a friendly reminder MDNI, please only read if 18+ as always.
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Richard Jackdaw had roamed these halls for decades, watching students and teachers come and go. None of them had really paid much attention to him, nor had he shown an interest in them. Barely a brain shared between them that they would be able to solve his puzzles, or daring enough for an exciting adventure. Not until she started in her fifth year, she was the first student to talk to him in years. Her ability to solve his puzzles, her adventurous nature and her fighting spirit drew Jackdaw towards her. She had offered to help him, scout his tomb to find the missing pages and in return she helped him ease his mind about his death. Since that day he had found himself following her around the castle, and around the highlands. Jackdaw just wanted to watch her, all the adventures she would go. The ashwinders, poachers and goblins she fought and won against. The towns folk and students she was running errands for, and his personal favourite was watching her run around collecting those stupid blue glowing orbs all because the Caretaker was afraid of Demiguise. But he never interfered with any of her endeavours, just watching from a distance. He wasn’t sure when the watching turned into longing, he wasn’t even aware he could have those feelings being a ghost. But here he was longing for her, she was in her seventh year at Hogwarts. She had grown into quite the lovely young woman, she had adjusted to the wizarding world, but that didn’t mean her adventurous nature had disappeared. He watched her sneak around the castle every other night, whether that be to the kitchen to grab a snack, to another common room to spend time with friends or down into the musty old underground dungeon she liked to hang out in with those two Slytherin boys. Tonight though she had decided to sneak up to the Astronomy Tower, where her own little hidey hole was located. Jackdaw had been into many different variations of the Room of Requirement, but hers was definitely the most unique. Four vivariums full of many different types of beasts that she had rescued, a space too large for one person yet she has filled every corner of it with potion tables, potting stations, and mismatch furniture.
He passed through the castle walls, to his surprise she was no where to be seen. He floated between the rooms she would normally occupy, her cauldrons unattended and her plants unharvested. He checked all four vivariums with no luck. He stood in the middle of the main entrance, maybe he was wrong, maybe she had gone further up to the observation deck instead. As he was about to leave, a slightly ajar door catches his eye, a dim light passing through the crack. This room wasn’t here last time he visited. He drifted towards the room; a soft noise slipped through gap. The sight that befell him was like nothing he had seen before. A small bedroom with a small fireplace, an armchair, a corner bookshelf behind it and in the middle of the room a double wooden bed. And her lying on the bed, legs bent, skirt gather around her hips and her hand between her thighs, the softest mewls falling from her lips. Jackdaw froze at the sight, unsure if he should leave or stay… of course he should leave, this was no place for a ghost… but something in him couldn’t make him look away, she looked wonderful, sounded exquisite. Her sounds began to grow slightly, her breathing beginning to shallow, her chest heaving. Jackdaw wanted to be closer, wanted to see her completely, wanted to witness her reach that peak and fall off the edge. He floated towards her, needing to get her attention without completely startling her, he gave a small cough. She sprung up from the bed, eyes wide and darting towards him. “Merlins sake, Jackdaw…” Her breathing started to even out, her hand retreating from between her thighs, her cheeks a bright shade of pink. “How long… have you been there?” she asked. “Not long, but long enough.” His brow raised at her question; his arms folded in front. “Well… did you need something?” “I just saw you sneaking about, and I wanted to hang out again. It has been a while since we spent time together.” “Oh, it has been a while. I’m sorry I’ve been so busy with studying for NEWT’s, but umm… right now isn’t the best time.” Her skirt had been pulled over her legs, and her arms were wrapped around her knees pulling them into her chest. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.” Jackdaw paused for a moment, he thought to himself that she was the most exciting adventure he had come across in the longest time. “It’s just… it’s been an awfully long time since I’ve… seen that.” If ghosts needed to breath, he would have let out the heaviest sigh. “I was wondering if I could… watch?” “You want to watch… me?” Her eyes were wide again, her breath catching in her throat. Her gaze shifting from his, looking anywhere else but at him. “Sorry, forget I said anything.” He could see her embarrassment settle in. “No, it’s not that… I’ve just never had anyone watch before.” Her eyes slowly drawn back to him. “I guess all you could do is watch…” Her gaze looked over his spectral form.
Jackdaw raised his hands, how he wished he could touch her. He looked at them, turning them in front of him, looking through them he could see her settle back down onto the bed, her hands gathered her skirt back around her hips. He shifted to the end of the bed, taking a seat on the bench at the end of the bed, his elbows rested on the bed and his head rested in his hands. He watched her fingers slide between her folds, rubbing small circles into her clit. Her moans were a little louder than before, her legs shook a little with pleasure. His name was a whisper on her lips, he longed to be able to make her scream it himself. He had seen the reactions of the students when other ghosts had passed through them, like they almost felt them. He had always avoided such things, but he moved his hand across the bed to where her foot was, reaching for it. She trembled at the sensation, a soft whimper coming from her. “Can you feel that?” He asked. Her breathing was heavy. “I felt... something…” He shifted himself onto the bed, it didn’t bow at his weightlessness. His hand ran over her bare skin, up her calve and down her thigh. Her eyes shut tightly at the touch; her breath hitched; keen mewls escaping her. Jackdaw couldn’t feel anything, but if she could then just maybe, he could help. “Do you mind if I try something, you just keep going.” Her only response was a firm nod. He smirked at her eagerness. His hand danced over her thigh, moving it slowly down to where her hand was rubbing against herself, his hand joined hers. Her back arched; a sharp breath pulled from her “fu-uck”. “Does that feel good?” Jackdaw asked. “Y-es.” His smirk turned into a smile, pleased with himself he began to follow her movements. Watching their fingers glide over her sensitive clit, the way when she hit a certain spot it would make her moan a little louder. He could see her legs tense a bit, she almost seemed to be holding her breath slightly. His gaze dragged up her body, her free hand was resting inside her unbuttoned shirt, her bottom lip was in-between her teeth. He had never seen anything more beautiful in his afterlife.
His name was on her lips again, almost begging for more, more he could not give. Her fingers began to slide further down, they rubbed against her weeping entrance before they delved in. His ghostly fingers followed hers, he wasn’t sure what her fingers were doing inside, but he tried to mimic as best he could. Slowly rubbing against her walls, at least he hoped that was what he was doing. It was confirmed when her moans started to become desperate, her legs shook harder. “There, right there!” Her voice was begging him. He couldn’t deny her, he moved his fingers quicker, her pleasure was evident and loud. The hand that had been under her shirt was now grabbing at the sheets underneath her. Jackdaw placed his free hand just above her clit, his thumb relaxing on it, slowly rubbing circles. “S-hit, Jackdaw, fuck… please, I want to come.” Another confirmation that she could feel something. Her peak coming in high and fast. “Come then and scream my name when you do.” He was smug, proud even that he could make her like this even in this form. “Jackdaw!” Her body convulsed at the command, her feet firmly pressed into the mattress, her eyes shut tight, her fingers thrusting inside, her slick dripping down her skin. She laid there for a moment, fingers retreating slowly. They glistened in the dim light from the fireplace, he wished he could lick them clean for her. Her legs fell to one side, slightly rolling to her side. Her breathing becoming steady once again. Jackdaw floated over to the side of the bed, resting his arms on the mattress. “Looked like you enjoyed yourself there.” “I did, that felt…” She paused as she thought over her words “different. I’m not quite sure how to explain it, but I definitely felt something… and it was incredible.” Her lip pulled back in-between her teeth. He chuckled at her explanation. They stayed like this for some time, talking over some of the adventures she had been on recently before she drifted off to sleep. He attempted to place a kiss on her forehead before leaving her to rest. The softest smile graced her lips.
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cursedonyx · 1 year
Could you write one where the professors have been drinking. There is an attraction between Aesop and Mirabel that has been growing for some time. With the help of alcohol they pick up the courage to act on it. One of them makes the first move and it goes on from there ... It can be quiet explicit 🫣 (it's of course consensual. No one is too drunk to make things they do not want to)
Thank you :)))
Well, this was fun to write! Hope this is what you wanted, enjoy!
Word count – 3.5k
Warnings – Smut (🔞 MDNI), PiV, Oral F!Receiving, M!Receiving, alcohol, consensual mutual longing fulfilled
The Christmas holidays arrived not a moment too soon, and Aesop Sharp sat comfortably in the company of his fellow professors in the Three Broomsticks, sipping slowly from a tankard of butterbeer, listening as Abraham regaled them all with a hilarious tale about a Hippogriff and a Centaur.
Though it was tradition for the professors to get together at the end of each term to drink away their stress, this year’s gathering was somewhat more forced than those previous.
Some student or three, clearly overtaken with festive joy and embodying the spirit of Peeves, had decided to plant several hundred Dungbombs throughout the entire school and set them off simultaneously. Aesop had a very good idea who the culprits were, though without proof, there was little he could do other than glare at the Sallow twins and their Gaunt friend as they left the castle for Feldcroft, the three of them in fits of laughter.
The stench had permeated the castle, causing a mass evacuation. Only Mr Moon remained behind, armed with the Bubble-Head charm and a mop to clean up the mess. The stampede of students had almost caused injury, and it was fortunate that only a handful of students were staying over the Christmas break. The kindly villagers of Hogsmeade had happily agreed to house the professors and students for the night, and the professors were rooming in the Three Broomsticks.
Aesop glanced across the table, his eyes lighting on the lithe Mirabel Garlick, barely twenty and giggling as Abraham finished his tale with gusto, arms flung wide to emphasise the punchline. Aesop chuckled politely, but if he was being honest with himself, his attention had not been on the Charms Professor at all.
Over and over through the night, his gaze had been drawn to the young Herbology Professor. She had rid herself of her usual green robes and wide-brimmed hat, wearing instead a beautiful little number of peach and cream that complimented her skin and hair beautifully. And Merlin… her hair. Down to her hips and a luscious, almost fiery red, she’d taken it out of her traditional plaits and wound it into an elegant braid that wove around her head, thin tendrils escaping as the night wore on to frame her face prettily.
Aesop caught himself staring and busied himself with his tankard as his fellow professors continued laughing at Abraham’s tale. He shouldn’t feel this way. Mirabel had been his student three years ago, for Merlin’s sake! Even then, her graceful movements and measured, gentle speech had caught his attention, and he’d had to take special care to be as gruff and stoic with her as he was with all his students. Perhaps moreso than usual.
But she wasn’t a student any more. She was a woman, a beautiful, elegant woman, passionate about her subject and fearless in the face of deadly plants. He’d known women like her before when he was an Auror, quietly confident and full of vigour, until the demands of the job left them haggard, insane, injured or dead.
No such dangers presented themselves to a Herbology Professor. Aesop raised his tankard to his lips, irritated to find it empty. He waved to Sirona for a refill, his gaze landing on Mirabel again.
Merlin… she was enchanting. But he was twice her age, scarred and limping, grumpy and irritable. Though their brief conversations over breakfast or in the hallways indicated that they were nothing more than friendly colleagues, he couldn’t help but wonder if such a beauty would ever look at him in any other way than simply contemporaries.
He winced, accepting the tankard Sirona handed him. He shouldn’t think like that. She was too young, too pure, too beautiful for the likes of him. But all the same, images slid into his mind. Images of her amongst her plants, images of her carrying a basket of ingredients to his classroom, images of her doing so wearing absolutely nothing at all.
“Well, this has been delightful as always,” Matilda said, jerking him out of his musings. “However, I feel I must retire, I have a long journey ahead of me tomorrow.”
“Ah, the famous Weasley family Christmas,” Abraham chortled. “Do give Garreth my fond regards, he’s certainly been inventive with his charms this year.”
“Inventive is definitely a word for it,” Aesop muttered, remembering the six melted cauldrons and eighteen explosions the Gryffindor had caused in this term alone.
Matilda chuckled, raising a hand in farewell as she made for the stairs. Beside him, Chiyo Kogawa stretched and yawned.
“It is getting late,” she said. “I don’t really want to be hungover for my flight tomorrow.” With a wave, she rose and followed Matilda.
One by one, the other professors finished their drinks and made their way up to their rooms, until it was only Aesop and Mirabel left. She nursed her gillywater, nibbling her lip, before casting a shy glance his way.
“I suppose we should get to bed too,” she said.
Aesop nodded, trying hard not to picture her lying naked in the long grass of the fields just outside Hogsmeade, her form highlighted in silver moonlight. “I’ll be here a little longer. Don’t stay on my account.”
A smile touched her lips. “I’d like to,” she said. “I have to say, I don’t really want to go up yet. I’ve been enjoying the conversation.”
Aesop tightened his grip on his tankard. Now he wanted to think of a topic, a conversation starter, something that would keep her here with him. But what could he say? What would she find interesting? He barely knew a thing about the young professor, much less anything that would keep her here, sitting opposite him in the dimly lit tavern. As if she’d be interested in an old cripple like him.
Mirabel drained her gillywater and passed him a shy smile, before rising and heading to the bar. Aesop cursed under his breath. He mustn’t think the way he’d been thinking all evening, she was too young, too sweet, too pure for him to do all the things he wanted to. She wouldn’t even be interested. She would be entranced by some young buck her age, someone fresh and eager and wholly inexperienced.
But then… perhaps he’d imagined it, but the way she’d look at him sometimes, the soft, lingering glances she passed him in the Great Hall, the shy smiles she’d gifted him when she brought him ingredients from her greenhouses… perhaps he was reading too much into it. A man his age shouldn’t indulge in fancies of the mind. He should know better.
Mirabel returned with two generous glasses of firewhiskey, grinning a little. Aesop raised a brow as she set them on the table.
“I guessed you might like this,” she said, sliding one over to him, bending over and gifting him a generous glance of her cleavage. She’d guessed right. He was surprised. He was even more surprised when she didn’t take her seat again, but elected to squidge up beside him on the bench, despite there being several empty chairs around the scrubbed wooden table. Aesop’s breath caught as her slender thigh bumped up against his own, and she turned to him.
“Sorry,” she said. “That’s your bad leg, isn’t it? I hope I didn’t hurt you.”
“It’s fine,” he managed. “Thank you for the drink.”
“It’s a favourite of mine,” she said, picking up her whiskey. “I try not to indulge too much, but it’s the holidays. Why not?”
“Why not indeed?” he said. Merlin, she was incredibly close, her leg resting against his, her shoulder rubbing against his arm as she set her glass back on the table. He turned his head, inhaling subtly. Her hair smelled of roses and fresh earth. He caught himself and turned away, busying himself with his drink.
Silence bloomed between them, their hands wrapped around their glasses, a slow tension gathering in the air around them.
“Forgive me,” Mirabel said, her voice so low it was almost lost in the chatter of the pub. “I… I feel like if I don’t say something, I’ll burst.”
Aesop swallowed. “What would you like to talk about? My knowledge of plants is limited to their uses in potions, I’m afraid.”
She loosed a soft laugh. “Not that,” she said. “Not work. Although… I suppose it’s related to work, in a way.”
“Trouble with students?” Aesop said. He felt he knew where the conversation was headed, and a part of him pushed out, eager for it to continue, keen for her to say what he needed to hear. The other, larger part tried to be sensible, telling him not to get his hopes up, to stop mooning after her like a lovestruck diricawl, that it could never happen, it shouldn’t happen, it was impossible-
“I like you,” Mirabel said, softly. “As more than a colleague. More than a friend. I have for a while, now.” She glanced at her glass. “It’s just a shame it’s taken until now for me to find the courage to say it.”
Aesop sat stunned. He’d been right. The glances and smiles and lingering looks hadn’t been his imagination. She liked him. Another vision of her naked before him rose in his mind, only this time, she was writhing under his hands, caught and wailing in ecstasy on his cock. He shook himself. Merlin, she was so young and beautiful, he’d almost forgotten what suppleness a youthful body had…
“Aesop?” she shifted, turning to him. He’d been silent for nearly half a minute. “I… I’m sorry, if I’ve made things awkward, I didn’t mean to. I-I’m sure I can get over this, it’s just a crush, I don’t want to be unprofessional, or-”
Aesop set his glass down on the table with a thunk. His hand moved from the glass to her cheek, turning her face to his. Her darkly green eyes went wide as the pads of his fingers slipped behind her ear, the corner of her jaw, sliding into her hair.
His lips parted, a storm of words fighting to be let free, to stumble over his tongue and entrance her, but they jumbled and jammed behind his teeth, rendering him mute. With nothing else to do, he leaned in and kissed her.
It was soft, it was hesitant, and it was perfect. Her lips were pillowy and firm, curving around his, lighting a fire in his belly that he hadn’t felt since he was her age. But he pulled back, acutely aware of the stubble on his jaw, wishing he’d shaved, cringing inside at how scratchy and uncomfortable it must be for her.
Then her hands were winding into his hair and she was pulling him close again, kissing him passionately. He loosed a soft sigh, his hand dropping to her hip, feeling the soft cotton of her dress, the heat of her skin beneath it as her breath rushed over her lips.
“Oh… Aesop…” she whispered. “I hadn’t dared to hope… I-I’ve liked you for so long…”
He couldn’t speak. If a wand had been held to his throat, he couldn’t conjure a single word to say. He let his actions speak for him, drawing her close to kiss her again, elated by the gentle sigh she released, his hands roving over her back, her hips, her legs, legs that parted as she leaned into him, her hand digging into his hair, his neck, her fingers slipping under his collar.
“N-not here,” she whispered. “Aesop… upstairs, quickly.”
With the speed of a much younger man, he was on his feet, drawing her up, a hand at her waist, drinking in the sight of her flushed skin, her wide, bright eyes, her parted, perfect lips.
“Are you certain?” he asked.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything,” she replied, gazing at him with such longing that he almost bent her over the table right then and there. “Please, Aesop, I want you.”
He set his jaw and took her hand, leading her to the stairs, bounding up them with an energy he didn’t know he could possess. Even his leg didn’t seem to pain him, the only sensation he was aware of being her hand in his, her delicate fingers wrapped around his.
They tumbled into his tiny room, with space enough only for a narrow bed, a wardrobe and a miniscule beside cabinet.
“Mirabel…” he whispered as she wound her arms around his neck, the word a song, a sonnet, a perfect poem he couldn’t have versed without her there before him. “We shouldn’t.”
He kissed her fiercely, his words contrasting sharply with his exploring hands, feeling each tender curve of her figure, flying over her hips, her back, and Merlin, her breasts. Small and perfect, barely fitting in his hands. He tightened the curve of his palms, and she moaned softly.
Aesop shivered, his lips insistent against hers as she melted under his touch, and he didn’t think he could stop if he tried. All the same, he tried to resist, tried to remind himself of her inexperience, her youth. All was lost as he was captivated by her beauty, her grace, her elegance, and her complete and total need for him.
Her hands were in his hair again, kissing him with a near desperation, pressing her body against his.
“I want to,” she almost whined. “Aesop, please, I’ve wanted you for so long.”
With a low growl, he walked her back to the bed, his hands catching her as her knees hit the mattress and she lost her balance with a squeak, clutching his shoulders. He laid her down, climbing atop her, staring down at her stunning form, breathless and needy beneath him. Her hands rose, scrabbling at his shirt collar, his waistcoat, his suit jacket. He shed these last two and tossed them aside, unable to keep his hands off her for more than a moment.
She whimpered softly as he brushed his hands over her breasts again, her hair coming loose from its braid, her nipples stiffening even through the cotton. Giving himself over to temptation, Aesop took hold of the boddice of her dress and tore it apart, revealing the perfect rosebuds to the cold winter air, flushed and red at their tips. He didn’t wait, but bent his head to her breasts, taking each of the soft peaks into his mouth, winding his tongue around them as her back arched, a symphony of eager sounds rising from her throat.
He fought a low groan as she gasped and writhed under him, trying to ignore the insistent hardness growing in his trousers, begging to be attended to as she whined and bucked under him, her hands in his hair again, holding him against her breasts. But that wasn’t all he wanted from her. If this was going to happen, if he was going to cross the boundary between colleagues that should never be crossed, he shouldn’t just dip his feet in the water. He should throw himself body and soul over the threshold, and damn the consequences.
He raised his head, finding her lips again and pressing his chest to hers, kissing her desperately as her legs fell apart, her hips tucking up to him as she fought with his shirt buttons.
“Aesop… Aesop… please, I need you…”
The words were music, a spell, a captivation. He tore his shirt from his frame, and her hands fell to his chest, digging into his flesh as she explored over the dark hair spreading over his muscle, flickering over his nipples and dipping down to his stomach, losing some definition with his age, but tensing all the same.
Merlin, what was he doing? Kissing an eager young woman that wanted him, some scarred and limping ex-Auror, as if she truly wanted what he was giving her, and not acting out of some cruel joke. He gritted his teeth as her hand found its way into his trousers, gracing along his length and sending sharp lines of fire over his back. His hips flexed instinctively, pushing into her hand as his breath rushed over her neck, and he bit at her soft skin, drawing it into his mouth and sucking hard enough to leave a mark. Mirabel gasped, her grip tightening on his cock as he slavered over her neck.
It wasn’t enough. He had to show her he was better than any of those inept louts that might seek her affection. He tugged at the skirt of her dress, drawing it up over her hips, revealing slender, pale legs, perfectly shaped, encased in luscious, white stockings that almost sent him into a stupor.
Growling under his breath, Aesop took hold of her white, cotton underwear and pulled it down, revealing velvety folds almost hidden by soft brown curls, darker than her long plaits, but hiding a fire nonetheless. Mirabel gasped and whimpered, pushing her hips up.
“Aesop, please…” she whined. “Please, touch me, I need it, I need you.”
He was only too happy to oblige her. He’d fantasised about it for most of the last calendar year after all. He brushed his fingers over the silken folds, gently pushing them back to expose her clit, already engorged and begging for attention. No young wizard, wet behind he ears and thinking with his cock could do this for her. He dipped his fingers over the slick at her entrance and drew it over her nub, easing the soft swirls his fingers made against her.
And Merlin, the sounds she made as he pleased her. Mirabel threw her head back to the pillow, her mouth agape as she gasped and moaned, and Aesop allowed himself a small grin. She hadn’t seen anything yet.
He lowered his head between her quivering thighs as he slid two fingers into her dripping entrance, sealing his lips against her clit as he curled his fingers up, pressing against the place he knew would give her the most pleasure.
Mirabel almost screamed, her hips jerking up to meet him as Aesop thrust his fingers inside her, his tongue working over her clit, captured and held prisoner between his lips.
“Aesop… Aesop… Aesop!” she gasped, her voice rising in pitch and urgency as she rutted against his lips and fingers, her delicate hands gripping fistfuls of the bedsheets, and his name on her lips lit the fiercest fire in his chest, his own need for her almost overwhelming until she howled, her whole body tensing under his ministrations, clenching around his fingers.
She fell back, gasping as he rose to her, his stubble slick with her pleasure as she kissed him.
“Let me…” she panted, a hand braced against his chest, turning him, lying him down. “Please, let me.”
A sudden nervousness rose in him as she laid him down, her bright eyes clouded with lingering bliss. Her hands fumbled at his belt, and he was reminded of her youth, her inexperience, her…
Aesop gasped as she drew his cock out and dived down, wrapping her plump lips around the head of him. Merlin, she’d either sucked a thousand cocks or read enough books to give her the same experience, for each movement against him was glory personified, each swipe of her tongue a jolt of electricity, each gentle suck and breath enough to drive every coherent thought from his head. He sank back to the pillow, his eyes rolling back, his hand finding the silken strands of her glorious hair as she drew sounds he never knew he could make from his throat.
He tightened his fingers in her hair, drawing her back up to his face, his cock sliding from her lips with a gentle pop. He kissed her ferociously, winding his arms around her, turning so she was on her back, pushing her beautiful legs apart. He had to fuck her. He had to make her his, now. Nothing could stop him, not fire, not snow, not even Merlin himself.
He tucked an arm under her head, gracing her with eager, passionate kisses as he aligned himself.
“Are you sure?” he whispered.
“Merlin, yes,” Mirabel whined. “Aesop, I need you.”
He didn’t dare stop to think. He slammed his hips forward, entering a heaven of fire and sodden satin that sent his mind scattering to a place he had no hope of pulling it back from. Aesop thrust into her, encouraged by her soft yelps and exclamations, taking care to angle up, hitting every core inside her as his own pleasure built, each pump of his cock sending thrills rushing over his stomach and chest, drawing together and condensing in his balls as he slapped them against her perfect arse.
His orgasm was sudden and intense, driving the breath from him as Mirabel wailed and writhed under him, her hips slamming up to meet him as she tightened around his cock, increasing his pleasure as they came together, his face in her hair, her nails digging into his back.
He shuddered and crumpled atop her, trying to control his breathing as Mirabel whimpered and gasped in his ear, her arms locked around him.
“Aesop… oh, Aesop, that was…” she let loose a soft laugh. “Oh, Merlin, that was everything I ever hoped it would be.”
He raised his head, grinning a little as he graced her soft lips with a gentle kiss.
“That was only the beginning,” he murmured. “We have the rest of the year yet, my dear.”
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blue-razzslushie · 3 months
My Hogwarts Legacy AU: Part 2, Sebastian Sallow
Soooo y'all already know I made a vote thing, and the goal was to figure out who to start off with to further go. . . Into depth about their relationship with my MC, Rory. Unfortunately for me, Y'all made it a tie between Sebastian and Ominis (thanks A LOT GUYS 😔). So I spun a wheel and Sebastian won, So I'll start off with him 💥
First Impression:
☆First thought? He thought they looked like someone he would want to be in cahoots with.
☆That Scar on their face? Bloody Brilliant!!
☆They even managed to best him in a duel as a first timer! Color him impressed!
☆Maybe they might be the perfect person for a rather disclosed Dueling accosiation if ya know ya know. . .
☆LowKey wasn't a big fan of him first time round, too cocky for their taste
☆It honestly felt good to take him down a peg in dueling
☆Being invited to a secret dueling accosiation wasn't expected but, They do like the adrenaline when dueling. . .perhaps they'll give it a shot
Overall Dynamic/Relationship:
☆They give Hermione and Harry ngl, Smart and Smartass.
☆Rory would def be less friendly/trustful with Seb then someone like Natty. As much as they appreciate the things he's done, he isn't exactly what they would call immediately trustworthy. Takes longer then the other cast to gain their trust
☆Sebastian (in my au) also doesn't seem to know when to quit. Pushing Rory's buttons to get a reaction which can lead from a smack on the back of the head, or maybe his hair or school robes catching aflame
☆Despite their clear misunderstandings, and ups and downs, they are good friends. What can you say, Beating up Goblins and discovering the mysteries of a Tryptic can do that to people. They would do that comical thing where they argue while fighting back to back or something 😭
In the Shadow Questline:
☆I am way to lazy to explain every aspect of the whole dart arts Sebastian Questline thing, so I'm keeping it to the main points
☆During the whole Scriptorium quest, Rory did learn Crucio. At the time, they thought it was logical to learn it, giving their. . .current situation. However, they allowed Sebastian to cast the curse on them.
☆But besides Crucio, Rory was againdt learning the other curses.
☆Rory would definitely be more adamant and pushy with Sebastian to listen to them and Ominis then the way they speak in game. I always found it odd how the MC doesn't explain the deal they made with Ominis when finding the relic
☆Rory would 100% be like. "After this no more, or i will SMITE YOU."
☆just like in game, Sebastian doesn't listen. Yada yada bushit he ends up killing his Uncle, now here's where it gets juicy!
☆Despite growing a emotional bond with Sebastian, Rory thought the right thing to do was to tell the headmaster about what happened. They tried to stop him, even if they didn't like his Uncle in the slightest, he didn't deserve death
☆However, (in my AU) Ominis was the one to persuade Rory against it. Saying Anne should make that decision, after a bit Rory agreed. Doesn't mean they'll leave Seb without SOME kind of reproduction.
☆After that, Rory didn't speak to Seb that much. They were still kind of pissed at him for not listening like a MOONMIND.
☆It wasn't until they got a verbal apology that they sort of relented, promising that they are still pissed. And he did still have Hell to pay, but went back to speaking to him more again hooray!!
After Storyline/Future:
☆After the Battle of Hogwarts, Seb was. . .worried to say the least. One of his best friends was stuck in the hospital wing for a week for Merlin's sake!
☆As soon as student visitors were allowed in, he was one of the first to visit
☆Merlin they looked, sort of different. They always had that certain. . .spark in their eyes which could only be described as pure Perseverance and Determination. But that spark seemed to have dimmed a bit
☆They still acted like themself, making a snarky comment to him every so often. He stayed and got informed about what happened below the school, what happened to Fig. He ofc vowed to be there if they needed it
☆Once they were out of the hospital wing, he tried his best to push their buttons less. They had clearly been through enough already
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vii-is-free · 4 months
Leona Plays HL: Defense Against Dark Arts Class Edition
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Bad news bears, HL isn’t on sale at the moment so instead of not as bad PS4 graphics, you’re still stuck with the terrible switch graphics.
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But you know what? Yall’s yassification of Sebastian on here and TikTok has NOT gone unnoticed and, let me say with my chest that the only Sebastian for me is the one that looks like a potato (sometimes)!
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Actually he looks pretty normal in this shot but I KNOW yall know what I’m talking about.
So I’m omw to my first Hogwarts class and who do I see congregating outside the classroom than these three
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I kind of like the idea of Ominis being friendly with Leander while Sebastian just SUFFERS through it for the sake of his BFF. Seriously, I stood with them for a good while and the boy didn’t say a word.
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Also, why in Merlin’s name is Leander so butt ass ugly?! Is he this fug on the PC or is it just a switch thing?
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Watching him get owned by both Sebastian AND Professor Hecat was pretty great. And of course I whipped Sallow’s potato ass in the duel.
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Speaking of down bad, anyone see the TTPD set online? Talk about 200mg of Zoloft hell. And I’m sorry, there’s something really weird and disturbing about the crowd actually screaming MORE! As she is broken pieces shattered on the floor, or whatever the hell she’s saying.
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Like…she really made a song about how miserable and heartbroken and depressed she is while she swallowed her pain and performed the Eras tour flawlessly WHILE SHE IS ON THE ERAS TOUR and is CURRENTLY PERFORMING SAID SONG ON THE ERAS TOUR AND ALL THE SWIFTIES THERE ARE UNIRONICALLY CHANTING MORE AT HER I HATE THIS FUCKING ALBUM
*ahem* sorry I’m still too terrified to complain about this album outside of my gaming recap 💀 Stay tuned next time for Charms and Hogsmeade!
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yellowmagicalgirl · 1 year
Have the origin of my fic Things that Won't Last! (I'm still archiving old AU's)
So, Douxie and Krel get off on the wrong foot. Douxie cuts in line, and he isn't able to make it up by freeing Krel from the ice bc in this AU it was Zoe who helped to make the time trap. Afterwards, Krel is a little rude to Douxie for the cutting in line incident, and Douxie is rude right back because his grief over Merlin is impacting his ability to be polite to people who aren't polite back. Their friends try to get the two of them to maybe be a little nicer to e/o but eventually give up. Besides, it's not like Douxie and Krel's snark is actually hurting anyone, it's just annoying to deal w/the two of them.
It goes on like this for years until the Arcane Order kidnaps Douxie and Krel. (They also knock out Claire in the process, and by the time she wakes up Douxie and Krel have been so thoroughly hidden away that she can't find them).
In the mean time, Bellroc and Skrael forcibly merge Krel w/Gaylen's core. They also try to steal Douxie's magic from him, but all they can manage is to mess w/his connection to it. It still hurts, of course, and makes Douxie feel empty, but it doesn't completely break him. What does break Douxie is when Krel comes to kill him. His steps are jaunty, and his eyes, the tips of his hair, wings glow a sickly gold, the same gold of Morgana and the Green Knight. Douxie doesn't have the magical strength to fight back, so he pleads with Krel for a few short moments before shaking his head.
"There's nothing I can do to reason with you, is there? I know you hate me, but please just make it fast for the sake of our friends."
Douxie closes his eyes and waits for a blow that doesn't come. He opens his eyes, and watches as a neon red and electric purple light burns off the gold.
"Speak for yourself. I… I never hated you," Krel says before he takes Douxie's hand. And they run, and then Krel flies the two of them away from the base until they awkwardly crash-land in an empty field. Douxie is too tired to say the instinctual biting words at Krel. They find out they're slightly closer to Arcadia Oaks than NYC, so they decide to start a roadtrip together.
(They for some reason can't pick up burner phones, and of course between Gaylen's core and Douxie's new Magical Trauma™️ Claire can't portal to them.)
They decide not to kill themselves by renting a car and driving w/o stops aside from switching off drivers, so instead they have to stay at a lot of motels that, coincidentally, only have rooms with one bed! Technically, said beds are big enough that Douxie and Krel can go to opposite sides of the bed, but more than once Douxie wakes up to find Krel clinging to him. Maybe an excuse could be made for how Krel has wings he didn't have before and sure, one of them is stretched out behind him, but the other is protectively laid over the two of them.
Douxie doesn't say anything because even though Krel gets on Douxie's nerves during every waking moment (or at least he did before their capture) he's always found Krel attractive… and Douxie knows he ruined anything they could've had
Both of them silently agree to be nicer to each other, and yet they also both are unnerved by how nice their companion is being. And yet, when their conversations don't devolve into biting snark too, they find they like each other as friendly acquaintances. (They both consider themselves too far gone for more.)
After multiple close calls in fights (and multiple times of listening to Douxie cry himself to sleep, not reaching out bc Krel knows that Douxie dislikes him for no reason and yet once he's asleep Krel reaches out to comfort and hold Douxie) Krel ends up tinkering w/some Akiridion technology he had on him when captured and attaches it to Douxie's staff, and this amplifies what magic Douxie can summon. Douxie thanks Krel, and it's probably the first time he's ever given such a genuine unguarded smile to Krel.
"I never thought Akiridion technology and magic could have ever been so compatible." I never allowed myself to wonder if we could've been so compatible.
And then, sometime after this, the softness couldn't last. Krel is lamenting the changes brought about after having been merged w/Gayen's core, and Douxie tries to make a soft comment about how not everything's changed, but. Douxie is tired. It's far too easy to make an assholish comment about how thankfully Krel's still slightly shorter than Douxie. He's found that he really likes Krel, though, and internally he's screaming because he doesn't want to go back to how they were.
On instinct, Krel snarks back that Douxie should wipe the smirk off his face, or Krel would remove it for him. He doesn't want to go back to their rivalry either. Douxie asks just how Krel would remove said smirk.
And finally, the tension that's built between them for years finally breaks when Krel kisses Douxie, and Douxie kisses Krel back before Krel can apologize for overstepping. This time, when they fall asleep Krel is already holding onto Douxie.
(When they get back to Arcadia Oaks and their friends, said friends are thankful that the two of them are alive but also very confused by the way they're holding hands)
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fizzyfizu · 6 months
Accursed in the Lake’s Depths
Chapter 4.1 : Navigate Through Hogwarts
Harry J. Potter / reader
MASTERLIST : The Archives.. ⊲ previous ༄.˚₊ 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 ₊˚.༄ next ⊳
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      10 minutes in and you were already regretting joining the three of them on their walk to the great hall.  It had nothing to do with them as people of course, in fact their company was much enjoyed by you!  But also in the midst of getting to know Ron and Hermione’s names, and savouring your newfound freedom, you forgot about how you were still in your uniform from..give or take, 50 years ago!  How pleasant.  And it reeked of the smell of lake water too; the Black Lake didn’t exactly smell the greatest.  You still had an appetite, yes, but you also valued your comfort (you kept getting stared at, and needless to say it was not at all pleasant.)
      By the time you rocked up the courage to speak up about excusing yourself for a moment, you found yourself in front of the all too familiar great hall.  And wow was it magnificent; you’ve been here plenty in the past but it feels as if you're a first year once again.  Despite this you had first of all: a long overdue change of clothes (and a shower to be frank), and secondly: a very important meeting to attend.  You can wait until later to reminisce about the past, but your other plans?  They simply could not wait.  And so wait they did not, “Hey–uhm, sorry but would you all mind if I excused myself for a while?”
      Hermione instantly responded, which you were eternally grateful for. “Oh of course not—if you need to find us in the future you can ask for us in the gryffindor common room, or maybe the great hall, and I’m regularly in the library myself; don't know about what those two” She gestured to Ron and Harry, “get off to while i'm in there though.” “What's that supposed to mean?” Ron had taken offence to her statement, but you think it's just in a friendly manner, it didn't take much to realise that their banter was mostly just for fun and games.  “Hm..nothing.  It means nothing!” Hermione playfully had her chin in the air, faced away from us, and started to make her way into the great hall.  Hermione wouldn’t say it to any of their faces, but that girl..Fawley..she found herself increasingly more interested and suspicious of her.
      “That little..” After calming himself slightly, he turned his head away from Hermione and on to you.  “Right then, we’ll see you later then yeah?  After lunch we’ll all probably be in class, so have fun tryna find us then.” He looked to Harry after he spoke, he had an expectant look on his face; waiting for Harry to say his goodbyes so they could find Hermione in the great hall together.  Harry got the cue: “Yeah, what Ron said, hope to see you soon Y/N.” he offered you a small smile right after.  Right after, they then turned around, and made their way into the great hall.  You also just realised that Harry was still in his champion robes, but that's besides the point.  Now that you were left alone, you could feel yourself relax slightly.  Now here comes the biggest challenge..just how well do you remember the layout of Hogwarts?
      Not very well you’ve noticed.  And running into Peeves wasn't the best case scenario right now, not when he keeps trying to hit you with water balloons, Helga how long has he been doing that?  You could vividly remember getting drenched in water even back then; you kinda miss it.  But anyways, you end up, for a lack of a better term, bumping into the Fat Friar.  Who right now, was your saving grace.  You asked for directions on where Dumbledore’s office was and how to get there, and thankfully he offered to lead you there himself.
      Finally!  You made it to his office after running up a few flights of stairs, then taking your time with the last few, for obvious reasons.  Anddd..!  For goodness sake, you forgot about asking for the password..Merlin.  You don't know any of the previous passwords, so you can't even look for a pattern..could you knock?  But on what?  Maybe the gargoyle speaks!  Wouldn't hurt.. “Good..evening–uhm–dear Helga what has my life come to..” Nothing.  It just stood there, as still as..stone; how great!  “Professor Dumbledore..if you could hear me..please-” Suddenly the gargoyle started to turn and rise, and it was revealed that the floor tiles were actually stone steps that made up a spiral staircase.  Huh, maybe he could hear you.  Anyways, you quickly stepped onto one of the stairs as it moved upwards, and soon enough you found yourself facing a large, wooden door, with two fires lit either side of it.  Making use of the metal knocker on the door, you knocked; and loudly at that, that metal was heavy!
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A/N: was gonna fit the whole of chapter 4 into 1 post but it looked wayy too long
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incendio22 · 2 years
Pt 2 Chapter 27: Fears And Dreams
Sebastian's state had been critical for days and I had barely left his side in the Hospital Wing. He couldn't get any words out, so I just sat there and spoke to him constantly so he knew I'd be there. He had been hit by a goblin sword in the back, lost a lot of blood and some of the damages seemed to be irreversible, Nurse Blainey had explained. If it wasn't for Poppy's essence of dittany, he wouldn't have survived.
''He's a strong one,'' Nurse Blainey says over my shoulder in a friendly tone.
''How much longer will he be like this?'' I ask in a serious tone.
''If we're lucky, just another day or two,'' she says calmly. ''But if we're unlucky, it might be longer.''
She gives me a considerate smile and looks at Sebastian.
''I believe you have visitors, Mr Sallow,'' she says and smiles at him.
I had spent many days talking to Nurse Blainey. She was kind and clever, as well as a good listener. But what I like most about her is that even if Sebastian didn't speak, she always spoke to him and didn't care about the fact that he didn't respond. I see Ominis and Imelda walking over to his bed, where I'm sitting and holding his hand. They both have some gifts in their hands, Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans and some chocolate frogs. Both of them had come here every day since he was put here.
''Hi,'' I say to them in a soft voice.
''Any improvements?'' Ominis asks carefully.
''No, not really,'' I tell them in a disappointed voice.
Sebastian seems to be half awake, glancing at us all.
''Hi, love,'' I say to him and kiss his forehead and squeeze his hand. He looks at me, his eyes look tired but they look kind. It feels almost as if he's saying that he loves me with them, but I might as well just be my imagination.
''People are talking about you,'' Imelda says in a serious tone and looks at me. ''After what that goblin said. That thing about how they came here because of you.''
''Are the teachers saying anything?'' I ask in a low voice.
''No, not very much I'm afraid,'' Ominis says in a sympathetic voice.
''For Merlin's sake...'' I mumble.
''Hey, it's going to be alright,'' Ominis tries to comfort me.
I stand up and start wandering around Sebastian's bed. He doesn't take his eyes away from me.
''I don't know what to do,'' I admit. ''I have no clue and this is getting way bigger than I ever thought.''
''I know,'' Imelda says in a warm tone. ''But you have us. We will fight with you.''
''She's right,'' Ominis agrees.
''That's not the thing,'' I say to them. ''The problem is that the goblins attacked the school because they wanted me. The entire school shouldn't have to be dragged into my problems.''
''After you protected Hogwarts two years ago, I think everyone would gladly fight to protect you. And the school,'' Ominis says kindly. Imelda nods in agreement.
I walk out into the corridor to calm myself down. Tears are streaming down my cheeks and I wipe them away with the Slytherin robe. The heart pin feels cold against my skin and I look at it, feeling a bit easier. But it's not enough to stop myself from crying. Why did I have to be the one with this power? Why couldn't I just be a regular student? Because of this, I now have to carry what feels like the weight of the world on my back. Ominis and Imelda leaves, but before they go they both give me a comforting hug.
''Thank you,'' I whisper with their arms around me.
''Anytime'' Ominis replies before they leave.
I go and sit back down next to Sebastian.
''Hi, new girl,'' he says in a low, raspy voice. I need to stop my jaw from dropping to the floor.
''Sebastian?'' I say with joy combined with confusion.
''I'm alive,'' his voice is clearly strained.
''You are,'' I say with happiness as I kiss his forehead. ''You are.''
Nurse Blainey comes running and smiles as she overhears us talking.
''Mr Sallow!'' she bursts out and hands him a glass of water.
He carefully takes a sip and looks at the two of us with a slight smile.
''Do you remember anything?'' I ask carefully, remembering all too well what it felt like when we realized that Ominis had lost his.
''Vaguely,'' he admits and looks down in his lap. ''I remember fighting and then the worst pain I have ever felt. And I remember some things from here, too.''
''That's very good,'' Nurse Blainey says with a smile. ''Better than we expected.''
''My back is still in a lot of pain, though,'' Sebastian complains. ''What happened to me?''
''You were hit by a sword,'' I explain. ''We both got hurt, but Nurse Blainey fixed me within the blink of an eye.''
''Hm,'' Sebastian mutters. ''What a shame. The best duellers at school getting beaten up at the same time.''
''Not the time,'' I tell him and roll my eyes jokingly at him.
When Sebastian falls asleep, I sit next to him. Nurse Blainey comes to check on him, but she stays with me for a moment.
''You need some rest too, Y/n,'' she looks concerned and is very aware of how little I have slept the last few days.
''I know, I just struggle to,'' I say in a trembling voice. ''I've been having trouble sleeping for a long time. This isn't making it any easier.''
''I can give you something for that if you make a promise,'' Nurse Blainey gives me a serious look.
''That depends on the promise,'' I say as I shrug my shoulders.
''That you talk to someone about your problems,'' her eyes are looking into mine. ''You said before that you talk to Sebastian, but he's your boyfriend. Your lover. Come and see me every now and then and talk it out.''
I hesitate before I reply. ''Fine,'' I say and force a smile. I know her intentions are nothing but good hearted, but I don't like the thought of talking it out.
She soon returns with a glass filled with a pitch black liquid. I sweep it and soon enough I'm asleep.
After a long night of sleep I wake up feeling rested and full of energy. I see Sebastian awake in his bed, sitting up and having breakfast. He gives me a sincere look and smiles.
''Care to join me?'' he asks and crosses his legs to make some space for me in his bed. I walk over to him and sit on the other end of the bed, crossing my legs just like him. He offers me a sip of his glass of pumpkin juice.
''Thank you,'' I tell him in a sincere tone. ''How is your back?''
''I've had better days, that's for sure,'' he says and nods as if he's disappointed. ''You know, I'll probably get a massive scar all over my back.''
''Really?'' I ask. The thought hadn't even crossed my mind before.
''Mhm,'' he says with his mouth full of bread. ''It goes all over my back. I think it sounds rather cool to have a scar all over my back. That I've been through things, you know.''
''I suppose so,'' I tell him, feeling a wave of guilt crashing over me. This wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for me. ''I'm glad you're feeling better.''
''As am I,'' he says with a smile. ''And that you're feeling better. Don't forget about yourself, silly.''
Later that day we get discharged from the hospital wing and we leave for the common room together. Sebastian takes my hand as we walk through the castle and I notice a lot of people looking at us. He doesn't seem to care about them. It's like he's a new man compared to a year ago, when he hated when people saw us acting like a couple together in public. I see some Hufflepuff girls whispering and I just ignore them, only thinking about how I'm being fortunate enough to hold his hand and call him mine. I squeeze his hand firmly and he squeezes it back.
''I love you,'' I tell him in a low voice as we walk.
''I love you more,'' he replies and draws our hands to his mouth and kisses my hand softly before letting it go.
The thought of losing him hurts me more than anything else, which is why the last days have been particularly difficult for me. And I'm afraid of what I would do if I lost him because I am genuinely convinced that if the world would rob me of him, it truly is a world worthy of destruction. I quickly push the thought away, feeling rather afraid of myself and my own  thoughts.
''Sebastian,'' I begin, carefully looking at him then glancing around to see that we're alone.
''Yes, darling?'' he smiles at me.
''When you were slipping into the paths of dark magic two years ago, what went on inside of your head?'' I ask in a low voice, avoiding looking into his eyes.
''Why are you asking me this?'' he stops walking and puts his hand on my arm, looking concerned.
''I'm just curious,'' I tell him.
''I know you're not just curious, silly,'' he says, still looking concerned. ''But I'm glad you're talking about what's on your mind. Let's head somewhere we can be alone.''
Instead of going to the Undercroft, where we spend an almost unhealthy amount of time, we go to his room of requirement. It hasn't changed a bit since the last time I was here. Even the couch where we once sat when he told me I had to stop calling him my friend is still standing there. We walk over to it and sit down and I immediately rest my head on his chest, feeling the warmth of his body.
''Love,'' I can feel his breath on my ear as he speaks in a soft, low voice. ''Why is dark magic on your mind?''
''I don't know,'' I tell him in a low voice, beginning to fumble with one of his hands. ''It's just been a lot going on and I... Well, I just can't help myself but think about it sometimes.''
He gently grabs my hand, probably in order to stop me from fumbling with his hand.
''You don't need dark magic to get whatever it is you want,'' he says in a soft voice.
''Maybe not,'' I hesitate, but decide to be honest about why I have been thinking about dark magic. ''The last few days, I've been terrified of losing you. And I just couldn't help myself but thinking that if I lose you, I would actually destroy the world.''
''Now, why would you do that?'' he asks softly in a curious voice.
''Because if the world would take you away from me, this world is nothing but cruel and pure evil,'' I say in a determined voice.
He strokes my thumb with his thumb and strokes my hair with his other hand, kissing my head.
''No, love,'' he says in a soft voice. ''This world can be ugly, but the fact that it brought the two of us together is the ultimate proof of its beauty. And for that I am eternally grateful.''
''But,'' I begin, but Sebastian interrupts me.
''I know, because I've had the very same thought,'' his voice is still soft and almost gives me goosebumps. ''But I want you to think about it. This very world brought the two of us together, and for that I could never hate it.''
When he puts it like that, with his own words, I can't do anything but agree with him. There is something to it. I have been so blinded because of my fear of losing him that I keep forgetting the part where this very universe brought the two of us together. And for that I have no choice but to feel gratitude.
''Thank you,'' I tell him in a low voice. ''I think I needed to hear that.''
''Anything, love,'' he says softly. ''I'm glad you're talking to me about this because I wish I would have talked to someone. And didn't understand myself until after I destroyed myself. It was in the process of picking up the pieces of what used to be me I managed to. I just want you to be able to understand yourself without having to break yourself apart.''
''When did you get so clever?'' I ask him jokingly, but genuinely wondering. He has matured so much and never had I ever before felt like I had so much to learn from him.
''I learned the hard way, I guess,'' he says in a low voice. ''But I'm glad if it can help you, so you don't have to walk in my footsteps.''
I turn around and look into his eyes. They look sincere, but his face looks a bit exhausted. I put my hand on his cheek, tracing the pattern of his freckles with my thumb. He takes my hand and places his lips on my thumb and carefully kisses it. I feel a rush of excitement running through my body and lean in for a kiss. We kiss softly for a moment, then he places his hand on my cheek.
''I love you so much, Y/n,'' he says without taking his eyes away from mine for even a second.
''I love you more,'' I tell him with a smile.
''That's impossible,'' he says smirking.
We lie on the sofa until our eyes can't stay open any longer. We talk, kiss and laugh. His presence is so soothing and brings me so much comfort. And in moments like these, I feel nothing but pure happiness. And for the second night in a row I sleep completely undisturbed.
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alohaemora · 2 years
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Not sure what to do with yourself during these strange few days between Christmas and New Year's? Are you a fan of Next Gen Harry Potter fanfic?
Relive the holiday spirit with thirteen days' worth of fun, festive Next Gen goodness — seasonal one-shots for each of the thirteen Weasley-Potter grandkids (including Teddy, of course). All chapters feature artwork by the lovely, talented @thecatisdrawing. 🎄 ❄️ ❤️
⬇️ Chapter Breakdown Below the Cut ⬇️
Day 1: Victoire
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Genre: Romance/Family Song Prompt: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas Snippet: Victoire turned to smile down at her own mug of cocoa. It was bright yellow and ceramic, clearly homemade, uneven and chipped in a few places—one of the mugs Teddy had nicked from his grandmother's kitchen, when he and Victoire had first moved to Islington all those years ago. Painted untidily across the surface, in purple capital letters, was the word 'DORA.'
For a long moment, she gazed down at the mug, gently tracing her fingers over the messy handwriting. She could picture it vividly—a little girl with bright purple hair, perhaps as small as Isaac, her face scrunched up in concentration as she smeared letters on clay with a too-big paintbrush. Victoire pressed her lips together against the lump that emerged in her throat. She knew, in her mind, that they had lived—she had seen the photos, the Order of Merlin medals, the gravestone in Hogsmeade, and she'd heard the nostalgic stories from her parents, aunts, and uncles—but to Victoire, they had always felt most real when she tried to picture the mundane parts of their lives. The life they could have lived.
It probably would have been a lot like hers.
Day 2: James Sirius
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Genre: Romance Song Prompt: Cold December Night Snippet: "I've got a date."
Somehow, that got her attention. She didn't look up from her report, but she briefly stilled, her quill pausing over her parchment.
"My cousin Louis sorted it," James continued in a rush, eager to capitalize on the short moment of her awareness he'd snagged. "His wife heard I was single again for the holidays and took pity on me. She's set me up with one of her old school friends from Beauxbat—"
"I should send this poor girl a letter," Alice cut in sardonically. "Warn her what she's gotten herself into."
He waggled his eyebrows at her. "You're just jealous you won't have me here in the office all month."
"You know, I am jealous. Jealous that she hasn't met you yet."
Day 3: Dominique
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Genre: Romance/Family Song Prompt: What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? Snippet: She swallowed, averting her gaze from Victoire's. Inexplicably, her thoughts drifted to Malcolm—to his easy smiles at press conferences, his teasing winks and his large hands ruffling her sweaty hair after matches, his friendly nods as he bought her and her teammates drinks at after-parties. She thought of the way her stomach erupted in knots every time he caught her eye, of the white-hot pulsing in her gut when he laughed at her sarcastic jokes—and she thought about how he never seemed to experience even an ounce of the upheaval that overwhelmed her when they were together. Not once had his relaxed grin faltered.
"I just…it's not like that, Vic," Dominique said finally, despising how small her voice sounded. "It's never been anything but bloke-y between us—I mean, for fuck's sake, he asked me to help him find a birthday present for that Ballycastle Beater he was dating last year," she added witheringly.
"He was dating a Ballycastle Beater?" Victoire asked with interest. "Ooh, was it that one Aunt Angelina always complains about—Violet? No, Vivi—"
"Vic! Focus!"
Day 4: Roxanne
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Genre: Romance Song Prompt: All I Want for Christmas Is You Snippet: "I just don't know why…you want to marry me," she said at last; the words left an odd taste in her mouth, and Roxanne realized, faintly, that it was the first time she'd said them aloud. She clenched her jaw to keep her tone steady. "I don't understand why you want to sacrifice all these things that—that you probably never imagined a relationship without—all these things that, if you'd had drinks with a different girl in Hogsmeade…you'd probably have by now."
Henry's eyes were wide. "Roxanne, I don't—I have never once—"
"If you'd gone to Hogsmeade with Cecilia Hyslop, you might already be married! You might be buying a house in Maida Vale and having twins in three months!" she cried, her voice cracking. "Why can't you just admit it?"
"Because I don't imagine my life with Cecilia Hyslop!" Henry said loudly. "I never fucking have!"
They were both breathing hard. They looked at each other a second longer; then, in unison, they lunged forward and kissed fiercely.
Day 5: Albus Severus
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Genre: Romance/Family Song Prompt: (There's No Place Like) Home for the Holidays Snippet: "My parents might never forgive me if I take your dad's name," he said dryly, glancing past Emily at Zacharias's table. "Difficult as I've made things on Dad over the years, I think I'll draw the line at that."
Emily pressed her lips together against her amusement. "Fair enough."
Albus shook his head, tangling his fingers in Emily's long, dark hair. For a few moments, they sat in contented silence, and he found himself basking, as he always did, in the quiet ease. Everything with Emily had been like that, from the beginning, uncomplicated in a way nothing else had ever felt to him.
Dad had told him once, during one of their Mind Healing sessions, that things had felt like that with Mum, too, back when they were at Hogwarts together. After all the times in his moody teenage years that Albus had wished he could be less like his father, he was nothing but grateful now that this was something they shared.
Day 6: Molly II
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Genre: Romance Song Prompt: Last Christmas Snippet: The shop assistant smiled bemusedly, but he leaned down and heaved the enormous gramophone into his arms again. "Will you be wanting some music as well?"
"No need," Molly said quickly, walking behind him to the clerk's counter. "I'm sure my aunt has something I can borrow for Christmas. But, er—thanks—" she glanced at his name tag, "—Desmond." Frowning thoughtfully, she cocked her head to the side. "Irish name, isn't it?"
Desmond set the gramophone down on the counter. "Dunno," he shrugged. "Cardiff, born and raised." As he said it, the lilt in his accent became more pronounced. "My mam just liked the name—from that beetles song."
Beetles song…Molly stared at Desmond, her mind so blank that she couldn't have rubbed two thoughts together if she tried.
Fuck. If this was an official work call, she would have been out a job before Christmas.
Day 7: Lucy
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Genre: Romance/Family/Friendship Song Prompt: Please Come Home for Christmas Snippet: "Three years…" Lucy crossed her arms. "It doesn't seem like much now," she said quietly, "but what if he gets—bored?"
Molly frowned. "Has he given you that impression?"
"Well, no, but—"
"Has it seemed like he's looking elsewhere? Keeping his options open?" Molly asked, sounding angry.
"What? No—!"
"Has he been acting shifty? Working late? Throwing out his post? Cutting his hair differently?"
"No—fucking hell, Mol! Of course not…" Lucy trailed off, eyeing Molly with disbelief. "How the hell do you know so much about it?"
Molly snorted, but Lucy thought she saw her sister's expression shutter for a brief second. "I read too many of Mum's sappy Enchanted Encounters novels when I was a teenager—those books always expected you to be shocked the protagonist was about to uncover a shitty boyfriend in the second chapter instead of a surprise proposal."
Day 8: Lily Luna
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Genre: Romance/Family Song Prompt: Angels Among Us Snippet: Lily took her husband's hand and together, they made their way into the cottage's cozy sitting room, where Dad had already lit a fire in the fireplace and was now settling into his armchair. Heart racing a little, Lily took a seat on the sofa opposite her father. She felt Jax squeeze her fingers.
"So," Dad smiled across the coffee table at her. "To what do we owe the pleasure?"
"Well…" Lily said slowly, exchanging a half-glance with Jax. "We have some news."
Lily jumped.
Mum had appeared in the sitting room doorway, and there was an expression of mingled hope and fear on her freckled face that was painfully familiar—it was an expression that Lily too had worn, off and on, for the past two years.
Day 9: Hugo
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Genre: Romance Song Prompt: Blue Christmas Snippet: "They're all happy and coupled up," Hugo continued bitterly, swilling his drink in his glass. "They don't need me ruining the vibe."
"Hmm," Edgar said slowly. "You know, you sound like a bit of an idiot."
It took a few moments for the words, spoken so plainly, to permeate the hazy curtain of firewhisky around Hugo's brain. At last, he spluttered, sitting upright and gaping at the barman. "Excuse me?"
Edgar was unfazed. Bracing his tattooed arms on the counter, he leaned across the bar toward Hugo. "I bet your family would love to have you, even with all your whinging. Any of 'em reach out?"
Hugo felt his ears burn with heat, and he glowered at the man, opening his mouth angrily—but no words came out. Oh, they had reached out. Of course they had—one could expect nothing less from his enormous, noisy, nosy family. His mum, Rose, and Lily wrote every day, and Roxy and Henry had started popping by his office in Diagon Alley during lunch, as though they could irritate him into coming to their place for Christmas.
Day 10: Freddie
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Genre: Friendship/Family Song Prompt: Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Snippet: Every year, for as long as he could remember, Freddie Weasley had spent the evening of the twenty-third of December at Oliver and Katie Wood's cozy cottage in Inverness. His parents called it the annual reunion of the best Gryffindor Quidditch team ever. Freddie preferred to call it an excuse for his parents and their friends to unblushingly work their way through twelve bottles of wine.
Every year, the little gathering played out in exactly the same way. Dad and Lee would start the evening off by testing a new joke shop product on someone—usually Uncle Harry. ("Don't worry, Harry, it won't kill you," Dad would say. "And even if it did, you'd just come back," Lee would add.)
It would take four glasses of wine, precisely, to reduce Mum, Alicia, Katie, and Auntie Ginny to a group of gossipy schoolgirls. The four women would spend the rest of the night giggling furiously whenever their husbands so much as looked their way.
And every, single year, at some point during the night—usually the halfway point, once he'd imbibed enough alcohol—Oliver became very emotional over his last Quidditch match at Hogwarts. He'd spend at least fifteen minutes sobbing into Uncle Harry's collar.
Day 11: Louis
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Genre: Romance Song Prompt: Noël à Paris Snippet: "Vairy funny," she muttered, a small flush rising up her cheekbones as she brushed a curl of sweaty red hair back from his forehead. "You 'ave a fever—I do not know if you should see your family tonight."
"I'm not," he whispered gruffly. His eyes fluttered at the feel of her fingers stroking gently through his hair. "My parents and sisters are in Marseilles for Réveillon."
"You did not go with zem?"
"I'm on deadline."
"Why not your grandparents' 'ouse in England, zen?"
"I'm on deadline," he repeated.
"Zat is starting to sound like an excuse."
"It sounds better than 'I'm pining alone because the girl I fancy has ignored half a dozen of my letters,' doesn't it?"
Day 12: Rose
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Genre: Romance/Family Song Prompt: I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus Snippet: "Hey," Rose said quietly, reaching out and taking his hand. "Where's this coming from? We're hardly ancient, Scorpius—we're wizards. We've got decades ahead of us."
Scorpius's jaw clenched. Rose peered at him closely, pressing her lips together against the sudden tightness in her throat.
They did not speak often of his mother. Her untimely death had devastated Scorpius—and his father—so thoroughly that Rose could not bear the pain it caused him to remember the many things he had loved about her. Albus had met her a few times, had been there for Scorpius in the very worst days of their third year, but Rose had learned of Astoria mostly in bits and bobs, in odds and ends of old, fond memories—and it had become clear to her, over the years, that the joyful, persistent, fiercely loving man she'd married was every bit Astoria's son.
She was certain that Astoria had loved Christmas, too. That she had roused her grouchy husband in the middle of the night to help her wrap presents for their son. That she had dreamed of many Christmases she'd never made it to.
That Malfoy Manor had become a much quieter place in her absence.
Day 13: Teddy
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Genre: Romance Song Prompt: This Christmas Snippet: It took Teddy a good five minutes to realize that the pounding racket in his head was not, in fact, his brain attempting to escape his skull. Rather, it was coming from outside the comfort and security of his closed eyeballs—from the front door of his flat, to be exact. By the time he had come to his senses enough to recognize the sound for what it was, his best friend Travis had begun adding to the din by banging on the wall that separated Teddy's bedroom from their flat's shared bathroom.
"Get the bloody door, Lupin, or I'll bring my hangover into your room!"
Normally, Teddy might have argued. But after seven years of friendship, Teddy knew not to take Travis's threats—or nausea-filled hangovers—lightly. With a long, loud groan, Teddy slowly dragged himself out of his quilts and began staggering down the flat's dark hallway, grumbling under his breath all the while.
"Fucking hell…Boxing Day…some of us like a lie-in…"
Running a hand through his disheveled green hair, Teddy pulled open the front door. His jaw dropped.
"Vic?" he gasped. "I—I thought you were in France!"
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astaldis · 6 days
Issue no 32 - Kneeling: Prison Blues
Ups, whumpee has to do an awful lot of kneeling in this fic 🙈 (and these here are only some examples).
Fandom: The Witcher (TV)
Whumpee: Cahir
Whumper: Emhyr var Emreis
Caretaker: Assire var Anahid, Jaskier
Characters: Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach, Geralt of Rivia, Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, Jaskier, Emhyr var Emreis, Assire var Anahid, Merlin (the cat), Menno Coehoorn, Vilgefortz of Roggeveen
Relationships: Cahir/Emhyr
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: GDoV, Rape/Non-Con, torture, Dead Dove Do Not Eat!
Words: 32,676; Chapters: 14/14
Written pre-season 3, compliant with seasons 1+2
Excerpt from Chapter 3: ... and Punishment
"Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach. My once most trusted commander. What a pity it has come to that." Emhyr's voice is almost gentle as he looks at the badly bruised prisoner who is standing, back to the far wall and barefoot, in the dimly-lit dungeon cell. They have, of course, not only stripped him of his weapons, but also of his armour and most of his clothes, leaving the prisoner in only a thin, black shirt and pants which are, by now, bloodstained and dirty.
"On your knees, traitor!" he then barks, the sudden shift in tone lending even more bite to the Emperor's harsh command. 
Having expected the guards to come back for another round of beating when the door creaked open, not Emhyr var Emreis himself to enter his cell, Cahir unelegantly falls to his knees in front of his Emperor after the initial shock of surprise. This then is surely it, the final verdict he has been waiting for for nearly three weeks of imprisonment. And daily physical abuse. As the Emperor rules, no, has to rule Nilfgaard with an iron fist, most likely the end. Another execution, and what are the odds of escaping a second time?
Excerpt from Chapter 4: A Weird Visit
"You look - dreadful. But alive, as I promised," the Emperor drawls. Cahir's eyes fly open in a strange mixture of shock and hope. He has no idea at all anymore of what to expect of the White Flame. More punishment and torture? Or was that it and he will be pardoned, released on probation, perhaps? Admittedly, this sounds too good to be true, so it probably will not happen any time soon. But while there is life, there is hope, isn't that how the saying goes? And he is alive after all, like Emhyr promised.
The Emperor keeps eying him up with an inscrutable, dark gaze as Cahir kneels down before him. He must look dreadful, indeed. And smell awful, too, of dried blood and sweat and unwash. At least he did not piss or shit his pants during the torture, nor afterwards. He would have died of shame if he had.
"I know this is going to be a rather, let's say, one-sided conversation, obviously. But don't worry, you are not expected to say anything," the Emperor says eventually in an almost friendly, conversational tone of voice. "Just the occasional nod or shaking of the head will suffice. Actually, a nice change from those tedious conversations at court. Perhaps I should have a few more tongues removed just to stop the constant complaints and ridiculous requests those courtiers bore me with each and every day." He pauses as if seriously contemplating the idea. Maybe he is.
"You probably think you have it bad at the moment," he then goes on. "I admit, your circumstances are not exactly - delightful." He looks around the prison cell meaningfully. "Surely a far cry from what you were used to here in the palace. But," he starts pacing up and down in front of the still kneeling prisoner, "try being an Emperor. Imagine the permanent fear of one of your most trusted advisors turning against you, betraying you for the sake of their own agenda. The possibility of one of your allegedly most loyal nobel families secretly plotting your demise to replace you. The perhaps not utterly unfounded suspicion that your most devoted mistress is spying on you, selling your secrets to the enemy or trying to murder you in your sleep. The not totally far-fetched fear that your most talented mage might decide to curse you into an abominable monster. And, let's not forget," his voice lowers into a dangerous growl, "imagine your favourite commander lying to you - well, you'd know this one, Cahir, wouldn't you?"
Cahir stares up at Emhyr in confusion. Is the Emperor really implying that he has it worse than his prisoner?
Excerpt from Chapter 7: A Welcome Surprise
As it soon turns out, the water is not intended for the dungeon floor, nor its walls, but for the prisoner. The guards grab Cahir by his shoulders and make him kneel in front of one of the buckets. His heart starts to race wildly. They are not going to water torture him, are they? Before he can think of any reason at all why they would do that, the guards dunk his head into the bucket. Cahir struggles, panicking. To his very surprise, though, the guards let go of him almost immediately. He comes up and gulps in as much air as he can, fully expecting his head to be forced under water again right away. However, it does not happen. Confused, he looks up, only now realising that the water dripping from his face and hair onto his soaked shirt is pleasantly warm. Curious. 
When the guards do not repeat the treatment, but step away from the bucket instead, making room for the elderly servant, it finally dawns on Cahir that this is not meant as torture. A correct conjecture as the woman produces a bar of hard soap from the basket and starts rubbing it into the prisoner's dripping wet hair with deft fingers. It is not exactly the fragrance of violets and roses that starts filling the dungeon air but something more basic with a tinge of ammonia and ash. However, it smells, and feels, nicely clean.
Excerpt from Chapter 8: Ruin
"You look much better. The haircut is definitely an improvement. As well as the fresh clothes. Black does suit you," the Emperor says appraisingly when he comes to visit the prisoner late in the evening that day. Thoroughly enjoying the feeling of being clean for once, Cahir was, for the lack of a blanket, already half asleep in his new shirt and pants when the door creaked open, and thought he was dreaming at first. But he was not. The Emperor is here in his cell. And he is, once again, kneeling before him with trepidation, not having a clue about what to expect of the visit. More punishment? Absolution and release? Just another, rather one-sided, chat? Anything is possible. Which is quite unsettling. 
"Let's see if the food and exercise are doing you good, too," Emhyr continues. "Take off your shirt."
Cahir does as he is ordered. 
"Hmm, far better, indeed. Lean, but wiry." Emhyr reaches down to the kneeling prisoner and clutches Cahir's upper arm with one hand, feeling his biceps. "And muscular enough. The push-ups are paying off, I guess." Then, this time with the slightly callused inside of his thumb, he traces down one of the fresh scars that runs from Cahir's shoulder to his wrist, giving the young knight goosebumps all over. "Healed nicely, too. Not painful anymore, I hope?" Cahir shakes his head, surprised at the question. Is the White Flame concerned about him after all?
"Good. I trust you still remember the lesson, though?" 
The lesson. Cahir swallows visibly at the memory. Of course, he remembers, how could he forget? Bowing his head and looking down at the stone floor, he nods.
"What are you waiting for then?" The Emperor suddenly barks at him. "Strip!"
Excerpt from Chapter 14: ... and out of the woods?
"Wait, Geralt. There is no need, I assure you. This will only get embarrassing - for everybody."
"I need to see for myself before I believe it," the Witcher retorts, shrugs off the vampire's hand and sets off further into the woods careful not to make any noise. Which he, being an experienced monster hunter, accomplishes with ease. As does - being an experienced hunter of all kinds of non-monstery creatures - Milva the archer, who follows the Witcher's lead, whether mostly out of curiosity or concern, she does not know for sure herself. Naturally, as there should always be a voice of reason and logic, Regis is right behind her. Being a more than four hundred-year-old higher vampire, he is making no sound at all.
What the trio finds in the dim light of dusk is this: 
The Nilfgaardian warrior who utterly fearlessly led an entire army into battle just a few days ago - admittedly, it was a very small and insignificant battle no history book would ever mention and only a ragtag guerrilla army but nevertheless, they won against the superior Imperial forces, even if the victory was achieved only, but permissibly, by quickly retreating from the battleground - this fierce warrior is kneeling on the forest floor sobbing his heart out onto the bard's shoulder while the bard, who is likewise kneeling, is holding the crying knight in a tight embrace, murmuring words of comfort in his ear and patting him soothingly on the back. A scene as heartbreakingly cute as disturbing. And a situation that ought not be disturbed. Under no circumstances and definitely not by a grumpy old, paranoid Witcher who expected to find something totally different. Fortunately, said Witcher has sense enough to sense this all on his own and without Regis admonishing him or Milva poking him in the ribs. Which they do anyways. Before they leave again as quickly and quietly as they have come.
Only a faint scent of woodworm, basil, sage, aniseed and cinnamon keeps lingering between the silent trees. Then it, too, vanishes without a trace.
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heart-sized · 1 year
Rewatching Goblet of Fire and I saw Snape moping in the corner of the Yule Ball. Made me sad for some reason, he needs a dance partner :(
Soooo I deliver!- Reader is a student he tutors (in 7th year ofc), and Harry asked her to be his dance partner for the Yule ball! We all know how that fiasco ended... Lets say reader goes outside and finds Severus there. Mutual pining, a few jokes, they end the night happy and dancing under the stars? I think thats a recipe for a happy potions master~
recipe for a happy potions master — s. snape
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★⺌◞ : severus snape x f! student reader
plot : you ditch yule ball to have your own ball with your professor outside
cw : reader is of age! fluff, dancing under the moon. none that i know of! ooc snape also?
a/n : sorry it took me a lot of time hehe writer's block is a bitch. also i purposefully made sev not react in an angry jealous way bc i doubt he'd vocally show his jealousy since they aren't in a relationship yet! hope you understand my pov omg ♡
masterlist // sev masterlist
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you tried not to groan as your date, harry, offered you his hand again. now, now, you weren't a bad person and no, you didn't dislike dancing either. but truth to be told, you were awfully bored now. 
the yule ball was as grand as your seniors had told you. your date, however was ... not so grand. not that there could anything be wrong with him. of course not! he was the boy who lived, for merlin's sake! maybe you were the problem. maybe it's because your eyes kept on searching for someone else. someone who most certainly couldn't be your date. 
finally. your eyes landed on him. there was he. in a secluded corner, a permanent scowl on his face. professor snape had taken no efforts in dressing up for the ball and somehow, it made him even a lot more desirable. 
your eyes swept over him as you offered your hand to harry, almost feeling bad for not paying enough attention to him. professor snape’s eyes met yours. your eyes were on his. oh, but his eyes were fixed on harry’s hand wrapped around your waist. 
you watched him excusing himself away and you knew you couldn't let him get away. it was your last ball here. what were you even doing? you should spend it with the one who you want, rather than the one you're forced to be. 
“i will be back!” you muttered softly, exiting from the hall, trying to guess where the professor would go. 
and you found him. he was outside, leaning against the tree. tiptoeing towards him, you grinned. “professor”
“miss l/n” he spoke, without lifting his head up. 
“you can call me by my first name, sir,” you sat down beside him with a smile, “it's the ball night.”
he jerked his head up, staring in your eyes, almost longing. “right, y/n. what are you doing here? your date must be looking for you.”
“well, i wanted to spend my time with you,” you teased, “of course, if you don't mind”
“of course, y/n. since you insist on being on a first name basis, you can call me severus for the night.”
you stared at him from under your eyelashes. you doubted he would be that friendly with you if he knew your true intentions. not that you could help it. all those tutoring sessions with him .. you had always been attracted towards intelligent men. and your professor was one of the most intelligent men ever with looks to kill. it was inevitable of you to fall for him. 
unbeknownst to you, severus had taken an admiration for you too. it was not hard for him to do so. you ... you were just you. kind, smart, sneaky, shrewd, intelligent and selfish. a lethal combination. and as much as he'd like to deny, a little selfish part of him was happy that you left potter for him. not that he was jealous of that dunderhead anyway! 
“severus” you tasted his name on your lips, “your name is beautiful.”
“you are a dunderhead,” he shrugged but there was a fond smile on his face and he couldn't deny it. 
you tried your best not to blush. “you didn't bring a date tonight.” thank god he didn't. you were relieved. because you sure as hell would have been burning in envy if you had seen him with a woman clinging on his arms. 
“she never asked.”
you took a moment to carefully stare at the man. was he ... was he waiting for a woman he adored to ask him out? no. no. no. no. this can't be happening. 
there was a twinkle in his eyes. “oh, don't you know, miss l/n? instead, she asked a silly boy. imagine choosing a dunderhead over me.”
you could feel flames on your face. “i ... prof—i mean, severus, are you talking about—?”
you nodded, a blush forming on your face. 
“yes, y/n. i am talking about you. what do you think? i wouldn't notice your endless gazes during those tutoring sessions?”
“uh, well” you actually stammered. you hadn't expected him to notice. “i didn't know you were so perceptive.”
and before you could stop yourself, your hand rested on his hands on their own. those sneaky hands of yours! as if they had a brain of their own! he flinched slightly. 
“y/n, we ... we shouldn't”
“we are doing nothing wrong, severus” you squeezed his palm softly, “we are just being friendly”
“friendly?” his eyebrows raised, “so, you'd do this for any of your friends?”
“would i?” you smirked
“answer me, y/n!”
“oh, the sweet charms of love!” you mock scoffed, “no, severus. i wouldn't do this for merely any of my friends. but for you? yes.”
“you are a dunderhead girl with a devious mind, l/n!” his fingers grazed over your fingers. 
“thank you, sir” you grinned, squeezing his fingers back. “let's dance!”
“w—with me?”
did he just stutter? you couldn't resist smiling. merlin, he was so cute for a supposed grump. 
“yes, severus!” your lips curved downwards, “it's my last year here and i want my last dance to be with you.”
he stood up, asking for your hand, his hair shone under the moonlight. he looked like someone out of your dream. “may i?”
“y—yes” for once, all the teasing was gone from your voice. you felt all shy and flustered as you offered him your hand, gasping when his hand touched your waist. this ... this was what you were lacking! the chemistry was chemistrifying at its best. 
“don't look at the ground, y/n,” he touched your chin, making you look upward, “look at me when we dance.”
and you did as he swept you around. his movements were swift and full of grace, making sure he didn't hurt you either. as if you were a porcelain doll. and for once, you didn't hate it. you adored how he was being so careful with you. 
“it's hard not to look at you, anyway. you—you are like the moon, illuminating and i can't help but gaze at you lovingly.”
his gaze softened but he didn't say anything. not that he needed to. the emotions, the feelings behind his eyes. those were enough. enough for you. 
“why are you looking at me like that?” his soft gaze was fixed on you, leaving you flustered. no one had ever looked at you like that. 
“you are the most deviously stunning girl i have ever seen,” he confessed. “i can't stop looking at you. not now. not ever.”
and you could swear the night went still as you stood on your toes to kiss his nose. “i can't help but like you, sev.”
he froze for a second, only to break into a smile. a genuine smile. not the sarcastic smile you'd see on his face. he bent down so that you two were on the same level, rubbing his forehead against yours. “i feel the same way, my y/n.”
and that's how you found the recipe of making the potions master happy.
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ᝬ ˙.໑ ╱ © seducity 2023 — all rights reserved. property of suzu
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you cant tell me that merlin hasnt learnt how to use a sword after 10 years of following arthur and the knights around and watching them training.
you also cant tell me that arthur didnt personally decide to train merlin after he realized that the fool was going to follow him everywhere, head first into danger.
and you also don't dare telling me that gwaine, protective gwaine, the one that calls himself merlin's best friend (there is a bet going on about who is merlin's best friend, I'm pretty much sure, and merlin knows about this and just messes around with the knights for fun), didnt march straight to merlin, grabbed his arm, took him to the training grounds and shoved a sword to him because 'i won't have you dying for princess' sake, he already believes himself important enough'.
and you just TRY telling me that everyone else didnt jump on this train and started giving merlin tips or used him as a sparring partner as an excuse to teach him some swordfighting, and this goes on for years, and it becomes something natural and familiar between the inner circle of the knights, and then word spreads also outside of it and all the other knights, especially the new ones, are way too confused about who exactly this boy, this servant, is.
you shouldn't even open your mouth against me about how one day merlin is sparring against leon and they are just chattering and doing light footwork until things get animated and it turns into a real (even if friendly) fight and, under everyone's unbelievable eyes, merlin disarms leon, first knight leon, the second best after arthur. and merlin just shrugs this off, fawning over leon because 'you're not hurt are you??' and. leon just laughs. he completely cracks down and start laughing and gwaine swears under his breath and arthur is still looking at merlin like he has grown a second head (and, maybe, there's also some pride there. and something else we wont name) and percival whispers 'has leon been possessed?'
and youd be wrong if you think that, after that day, arthur doesnt call merlin into his chambers one evening and makes him sit at his table and there is a sword on it. and arthur tells merlin to pick it up, to tell him how does the blade feels in his hands, and merlin is like, 'sire, have you forgotten how to use a sword?' but arthur just ignores him and tells him to try it. and merlin does it, and tells him, a bit begrudgingly, that it's the best sword he has ever had his hands on, it flows perfectly, no hitch at all. and it is. it's beautiful and the hilt just fits perfectly in his palm, the engraved lines of a dragon pressing against his skin, the blade thin and light like air, almost bending at merlin's will. arthur nodding at this with something in his eyes.
and you cant change my mind that, when merlin goes to give the sword back to arthur, arthur just steps forwards and fasten its sheat at merlin's waist, ignoring the confusion on his servant's face (and if the tips of his ears are red, he doesnt say anything). 'you keep it,' arthur just says, brushing his hands against merlin's for a second, before clearing his throat and turning away.
you wont make me think that merlin didnt just stare at his king, at arthur, and then at his new acquired weapon, and then smirked (or tried to, it probably was a softer smile than he had intended), and said 'of course, my lord'.
and if, when in thoughts or anxious, merlin's fingers naturally touch the hilt of the sword, and if, when worried and agitated, arthur takes it upon himself to personally check that his manservant always has the sword he gifted him on his body, well. that's between them, and none is the wiser.
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curseofaphrodite · 3 years
Words Unsaid Regulus Black x reader
Summary: Jealous Reg, angst to fluff, happy ending! Requested by anon |  masterlist
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The bottle pointed at Regulus. Your heart dropped the same moment his eyes sparkled.
Uh oh.
To understand your reactions, we have to go far back when the night started and the Halloween party wasn’t in full swing yet. Before the booze arrived, and before the marauders decided to play spin the bottle, Regulus Black was brooding in the corner with only Evan Rosier for company.
He looked around the party with no enthusiasm. His eyes wandered to the marauders, and on seeing the one he wanted to see was yet to be arrived, he looked back to his glass.
"Looking for me?" you said from behind, and Regulus jumped at your voice.
It was Halloween after all, so you were dressed up a pirate. He couldn't help but admire how beautiful you looked. He didn't miss how the dagger by your side looked real enough too. 
He almost smiled. Almost.
“Seems like you think about me too much, L/N.” He remembered to keep his voice friendly enough. 
There was thin line between playful bantering and cruel words, so Reg always tread carefully. He would never want to intentionally hurt you. He just wants to keep talking to you, because while you’re annoying, you were also fun, and he adored that slight frown you’ll have when he calls you love. He also adored calling you love, but you don’t have to know that.
Rosier looked like he’d be literally anywhere else but here.
You ignored his reply and let out a gasp when you saw Remus. While everyone else was dressed up, he was simply in a suit, and he looked amazing. Regulus frowned as you hugged Lupin and made your way to the marauders with him.
“Do you think they’re hooking up?” Rosier asked with a sly smile.
“I don’t care,” Regulus muttered and went to get another glass of pumpkin juice. 
Throughout the night, it looked like he did care. He hated the way Remus made you laugh, the way the two of you danced, and the way you stuck together every time he laid his eyes on you. It irritated him to no end.
See, you were naturally friendly with everyone. You were fun and loud with all the marauders except Lupin. He was not as talkative or extroverted like James or Sirius, so instead of pulling him to do random pranks, you always sat down to  talk with him. You were softer to Remus because he was so kind and the thought of playfully provoking him like you did with everyone else was a thought which never passed through your mind. 
All Regulus saw was how the two of you came together, how well you were treating each other and he went to the conclusion that yup, you were dating.
Something inside him snapped, and no that's not his sanity, because that was already snapped. 
When he finally spotted you alone, he came behind you and tapped you on the shoulder.
“Want to dance?” he asked, his eyes betraying no actual feelings.
“You want to dance?” you asked, pointing.
“With me?”
“With like holding hands and stuff?”
“For Merlin’s sake.” Ignoring all the sudden glares on him, mostly by Slytherins, he grabbed your hands softly and dragged you to the dance floor, while your mouth stayed open all the while.
Soft music was already blasting through the speakers, and with the rest of the couples swaying to music, no one gave a second glance to you. For the first time in forever, it was just the two of you looking at each other, and there wasn't any irritated look in his eyes. He was staring at you endearingly, and you felt the need to speak.
“You dance uhm, well.” You started, realizing your voice no longer sounded confident. Suddenly you were just a teenager whose heart was going rapid fast under the glance of the person you secretly liked.
“I really wish I could say the same to you,” he laughed softly, pulling you closer.
“People might say you like me, you know,” you taunted and he cleared his throat.
“Or maybe they’ll say you like me,”
“You’re the one who asked me to dance.” You pressed on, suddenly curious. “Besides, what made you suddenly so interested anyway?”
Against his better instincts, his eyes met Lupin’s and following his glance, you figured it out quick enough.
“You’re jealous.” There was nothing but wonder in your voice and he shook his head.
“I'm not, why would I be jealous?”
“You are! You think I like Lupin!” 
He blushed and let go of your hand, furious at how obvious he made it seen. He certainly wasn't going to verbally agree to it, but it didn't matter anyway. You knew it, he knew it.
Regulus being Regulus walked off before you could ask more. How he wished you'd follow him and tell him you liked him too! Or most importantly, he wished the situation would be reversed and you were the one who was jealous of someone he’s with, just so he could gloat.
He hated feeling weak, and he looked for an opportunity all night to rectify his mistake, and this was presented to him in a golden plate when the marauders decided to play a weird combination of spin the bottle and truth or dare.
“Truth or dare, Y/N?” Lily asked and you pretended to think.
“Truth!” You weren't dumb enough to choose dare in front of this many people, especially if it had something to do with embarrassing yourself.
“I got one!” Sirius gasped. “Last week, your class did the amortentia potion! What did you smell in it? You never told me.”
“I- I don’t know,” it was your turn to accidently look at someone, and you felt a flutter in your stomach when you saw Regulus staring back with an amused smile. 
“Give me another question!” You said without thinking.
“Ha!” James put down a bottle on the table. “Failure to answer a question results in this, you knew that!”
“Fine!” It was better than admitting you liked Regulus.
Or not so much, because of course, the bottle pointed at him.
“Okay, this is not fair.” You said accusingly. “James made it enchanted or something so it’d point at Regulus.”
“Why him?” Sirius wiggled his eyebrow.
“Yeah, why me?” Regulus sounded way too happy. Him admitting to being jealous was something that stayed between the two of you. This was in front of everyone, and he was enjoying it too much.
“Because uh- I don’t know, ask James.”
“Maybe you fancy me, L/N.” Reg shrugged and you resisted the urge to stab him in the foot.
“Let’s just get this over with, please,” Marlene yelled. “Kiss him! Kiss him! Kiss him!”
You didn’t have to protest any longer because Regulus was already leaning over the table.
“What are you doing?” You hissed. He stole a glance at your lips, before blinking innocently.
“I’m playing the game,” he whispered and crashed his lips against yours.
There was nothing gentle or sweet about it, he was just kissing you in a way that said he always wanted to - full of passion and hunger. Maybe a bit possessive too. His mind wasn’t blank the same way yours were. He thought of everything he saw tonight, Lupin and you, Lupin, you, Lupin, you.
He pressed his lips deeper, replacing those words with mine, mine, just mine. 
When the two of you finally broke apart, everyone had their mouths open. Regulus looked at Lupin smugly and then at you. 
“Okay, fine, maybe I was jealous,” he said with a shrug.
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